r 1 a. 00 1 2.0 I S2.00I t.OO 2.001 Sf.OOl Mt0 v THK 1 InrlonanrionF nnH f)rcrii-n!nn 0 Independent and Oregonian Vol. YXV. HILLSIJOSO. WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 181)7. nil H Two Dollara, F Two DoU. J GENERAL 1H ItECTORV. MTA 1 IS omcKIUi. Ooveroor Wm. P. Lord Himuy of HUM ...Harrison ti. kiueititi treasurer ."biilip Metaoban Sipi. Fublie InatraotWB U. M. Irwis M Printer W. H. Leetta Ciies. H. Wolverton U. h. Hean f. A. Uaan iudue Fi'tli DislrVH T. A. Metiride Attorney Fiftb Diatnc T" J. lleeit.n COlNIi i.HCEtlH. lodge..... Commissioner ' ' ' Clerk Sheriff Keeordef Ireasurtr Aaseseor.... Sohooi Superintendent Surveyor 'ortmer .... ...... - ....H. V. Cornelius U. B. lleasoner .... T. U. iudd I. A. llllblir . .W D. Bradford K. L. Mctionuiok it. H. t wly Oeorge 11. WilooX . . Auxin rii.4 ... L. K. Wilkes C. 1.. Large OUEOON CITY LAND OrTlCB. Keberl A. Miller Win. tial.owny.., Keglatet Leouver CI IV OFFICEU8. I ..W . N. Barrett, Mayor ... . Thou. Tucker J. M. Orcein kutrd of Troeteea W. II. WliruiiK . J. 11. Stanley It. H. Ureer ....I. F. Taniieaie iieoorder . treasurer Marshal Justice of Peaoe J .Betllon iioftiuall . .. V. O. Mitchel W.T. Lane W D. Smith i. P. H.ck. POST Or KICK INFOUM ATION. Ilia e-.ails oloae at tbe Hillaboro Post . ftttm,. dailet lileueue, Weal Union, lietbanjr and Cedar Mill, at ll:'4U a. in. Iliilnii Hinlh. Ml m. tioiUM to fortlaud and vay-offloea, a. a. Mil 4 n. m. Kir KaruiinRton and lnrel, Wednesdays and Batardaya at 1U: a. hi. CUUKCH AND HtKUKTY MOT1CKH. CONOKKQATIONAL CHCKCH, oorner Maiu and fifth atreeta. I'renolimti tT..rjr Hitbbatb, morniuii and eveniuff. Hab, faatb aobool at 10 o'oliwk a. ta. Frayer ueetina 1 LnrmlaT aveuiua. Y. F. H. C. K. 4,miM mt K M n. iu. All arioea will be -in.rt brlirhi. inlereittinir and heliilul. Krervona onnlially ei me. EVAN P.HUiHKUr, MVANOELICAI. CHCUCH. Oorner Va Kiftb and If'ir TreacbinR every Monday oveniuH at M p. ui. aeoona ounuay t It a. m.i Hundav aohool at 10 a. ni. prayer meetina avery Wedneaday evening; inaaliera meetina every ounuaj Ii. A. DecU, paatur. I? 1KHT Chriatian Cbnrob, K. Ii. Hbellev r Daator. liuaeline and 1 bird. FreaobuiR Mntiftne at 11a. ui. and I'JM p. HnndayHobiwI, 10 a. m. Frnyer nieetiiiH, rhnradnv.M:O0 D, ni. I . r. b. u. .. onn- day, 7.-00 p. ui. a it r'HIilidll 1. K. ( line rastor. At aFr-eitotiiiiK every Habbath morninKand veuina Hnbatii ariiool every nauoain a Id a. a l.aue ineetioa every nuuaay ai :ui m iMnieral nraver meetiuu every fbimdnv eveninu. lieadera aud Htevard't tueetina the aenoud Toeaday evening, of eaon juontb a. . u. n. f II.I.MIUIUO LOIKiK NO. 61. A. O. 0. I 1 W.. meeta every brat and tbird a,.l -wjtnincr m the month. JOb. klilMCMAN, M. W P. II. BAUQHMAN. Keoorder. DauRhtera ef Kebekah. HI1.LHKOUO ltbBKKAIl tOlKIK NO 64, 1. 1. t. V., meeta in Odd ellov. Uall every Bamrdny evening. HAHAll WILUAMS, N. O. P. ef H. I IILI.HIIOKO UHANUK, NO. 73, nieeu 1 X 2nd and 4th rtaturdaya of eaon montn. ltNj. txjuoriaui, juaaer, AMMta iMnaia, Heo. 1. 4. u. r. IONTEZCMA LODOK, NO. BO, meeta .1 1 Wmlnnadav evenmsa at o'olook.in I.O. I t . Hall, viaitoraoiaiieweioiinia. HICIIAkli HKMInll. N. (I. V. P. a. C. MK.KT8 very Hnudny eveninu at 7 o'elnek in tne Chriatian ohorob. Von are .ordially invited to attendita meeting. I EIA A I'AMH, 1'rea't. Drfrree ef Hetto!. ri' I1I1R DKOKKK OK HOSOK, A. O. II. 1 W., nieein n tKM Felloaa' hail every brat and luird rriuav ev.ninir 'i ' tnnnth. M. M. Pinenaer, C. of 11. Mrs. Belle Brown, Ke. order. Kathbono Mater. alKKNICIA TK.MI'I.K NO. U. R. a. 1 meets every 2nd and 4i Ii Kriday In each month at 7:i " niiH'K n 1. in u. r. 11 uu Maa. M'MK W I A NI.KY. Mas. M. A. Ilniiaa, M. K. C M. td K. and C. K. ef P. I1U1ENIS M)IK.K, NO. 34, K. OF P., 1 meeta in M 11 111 if Hall on Mnndnv venirts of each week, rejourning brethren .eloomed to lodse meetinir. J. M. WALL, 0.0. I.. A. 1-onn, K. of K. A H. A. P. and &. M. I'll A I IT Y LOIH1K NO. 6, A. t. & A. M meeta every Hatnrday nitiht on or after nil inoon of eaon uioutn. W. D. WtH), W. M. K. CatHDALI-, Hecrelary. O. E. S. Mill ALATIN CHATTER. NO.Sl.O. K.8. I meeta at Maaomo leniple on ifae 2nd ind 4th Tuea,lav 01 ea n montn, Maa. W. l. HAKE, W. M. dura CaoaxiTB, Seoreiary. W. t'. T. I'. I I II.I.SKOIU). W.O.T. IT. MEETS IN I 1 the Conare-taiional Church on the 1111 Kriday lu eaeli inontli at 3 o'clock H, K. 0. T. M VIOLA TKNT, NO. K K. O. T. M., meets in Odd fellows' Hail, on see- nd fourth Thuieilay eveninvs of each nontlt. U A. LONG, Hibtok Bowbar, Com. R. K. Uf Aanl.iu ir.i c.rttiA.n 1 m av 1 no. . 1. O. o, r.. meeta oa brat and bird Taeadavaof eaoh month. D. M. C. 0i'i, rWihe. JE. KASHO I'OIST, NU. , . A. R. MKKT8 IN ODI FEI LiV II AI L ON the llr-k and thlrl frionlays of each m..n h. all : o'cioek. I'. M. J. I'. Uicka. H. U Locke. V. tdlntant r.. RAXH0 COKPtf SO. 47.;W R. C. MKKTjl IN npn KKI.LOWS IUI.L lldishorn. oa (he l.i. tnd 3-1. Fridays I 01 each manm at p. m. Mr. Crandall, I'n M s.Ortba Oerlile, H, PliOF ESKION A L l'KIS TIIOVAM H. Ttl K ttorney-at-law, HILLMtOWJ, OHEOOM. Orritia: Morgan Bloae. v. . uum, . " BtKKETT ADAMS 1 Ti RN EYS-AT-LA V, HILiBOHO,OKKOON ovrHB: Central Blooa, tbxmi aitd J. atxT'iK aowMAi v. o. aauTB. Notar; Foblia, NWITH UOWaAN, ATTORNEYS-AT LAW. Hll.Lll)ltO, OKtOON. )rriua: ttuotua and 7. MorKas Monk. t. K. KIM1T, YTTt,,lNKY-AT-LAW, FUUTLANU. OHKXK.N Uooai : No. S. Portland Harinira Bank Buildins, rWeund and Waabiuutou titraeta. , a. aauWH. ". atuLkT. UAIil.l Y BROWN, YTTORNEYS-AT-LAW, HII.I.fSHOKO, OKKUUN. Kent. lent atr-nt for Uuyal lnU'ance Co. Knona: 1,3, and S, Hhuta Huilding. H. T. BAWI.EY, A TTOKNKY AND iV tXlUNCKLOK AT-LAW, U1LLSHOKO OHEOUN. Deputy Dntrlot Attorney for Waahlrg- ioii t) in my. crrit-a: khiiu no. ij, morgan iu Uailey b.oik. 8. T. LI Sit LATE U, M. U. V. . piIYSICIAN ANUHUlUiEWXN, UIL1L8BOUO, OUKUON. Ilnini: at reaidenoe. eait of court Honae. where be will be found at all home when not viaitiua patieota. J. P. TAM1ESIE, M. D., C P. It. R. HUlMJEOiN, Oe .. UllJjBUuatii, ubbiwhi Orrioa and KxamaMoa: oorner Tbird and -tain Htreeta. Otboe bourn, natu 10 it a. ni., 1 to 0 aud ? to B p. ta. teiepuoue h reaidenoa from Bnwk A Mela' DrutfHtore at all boura. All otilla promptly kiwuueu. iiutbt or day. W. II. HOOD, M. D., IJHYSICIAN AND HUKUKtJlN, A UILL8UOKO, OUEOON. Orriua: In Chenette How. Kamo .wruer i irat aud Main atreeta. K. A. UAlLET, M. D. lIIY8I( IAN,8UKOrX)lN AKV l AtXXlUCHEUR. UILLMBOltO, OBEOON. Orricai in Vbarmaoy, Cnion llloek. Call uttended to. niubt or day. Keeiuenoe, B. vr. Cor. Uaaa Line and Heoond atreeta. K. NIXOJi, lENTIST, iJ KOl'.tHl OltUVK, uuiuun aklne teeth for I.V00 and S'.la per avt 1 beat of eiatenal and wot at anip Will eoniiiara with aeta ooatino (26. 'leetb I .wlrntl withont cam. l llliuita at tnt otiori . 1. All won warranto-. three doors north of Brtoa dnre. OWoe boors from l a, m. to 4 p. A. II. BAILEY, II. II. H. DENTIST, UILLHHOIUJ, OKEOON, Rooms 1 and S, Moruan A Bailey Blo k niLkEM IlltlW. liSTRAtri'OlW AND SURVEYORS. II1LLHHOKO, OUEOON, Alien for Bar l-ck Type Writer, of PoatoiBoe. Two doors T1I0S. II. Ml .UrilKEYS. CONVEYANCING AMI V AHSTItAlTING OF TITLES. HIIJJUlMIUO, OUEOON. Legal papers drawn and loans on Ileal Fatate nc-otmted. Hnsinei attended to witb promptness and di-paioh Ovrirs: k'sa M'revt, tpMite Couri Honae. t:m. kemson. pilAlTICAL MACHINIST rilLLHIMIHO OHF.OON. All kinds of repairina on Hteam Engines and Boilers, Mill Work, I hreahing Machines Mowers, Feed Cotters, Mewing Machine Waabinir Machines. Wnnirer. Pnmns. Heahw. Soisaora wmnnd. Onn and Locks smithins, rlaws grnana and filed: and have a larse Bomber of seeond-band enfrinea and boilers for sale. All work warranted. Dr. CH A9. E CEICER. .WILL BE IN FOKEST OKOVK after A iBUl 3d to practice his nfesion andwil I found at ti e re-idence of In Wm, Oeixcr. 8ret Ial a.lei-t.on pa d to M licnl and Surmcai Dlreae ol Wnnier an-l tti.litriB an-l all Chronic !ie--se. THE RECORDS SHOW CURBS OF Rheumatism y tmc use or ST. Jacobs on. or eMMenio cana .ca m or CD-fttoocrt mtoAataiaroaty casta, r crvt oliilinni ana esUciaeia. FOtYOin Absolutely Pur ovm. nwa pamarn co , new vom, DO YOU.WANT A FREE TICKET TO PORTLAXD? we will give free ticket to I'orllHnil ntiil return to aiiynnt from WsMhiiiKton (iiunly who irmketi a uri'haH of a null oftttrlflly tailor miule cIoIIhh from UK ainnutltillK to f Jtl.OO or over. We makel all our clolht to your mraMurp am guarantee them alrictly hand niniln by experieiKttl white labor only. Huita. friiarantyliiK gixxl lit, I1H and upwurd Trouaera ' ' 6 " IM TOUTED AND DOMESTIC UNIQUE TAILORING CO.. 124 Gth., near '.Vahiii(ton, IOKTLAND - OREGON, The most Dillicult Photos t Take are those of children. Yet WE,have'no'difliculty in se curing splendid likenesses. Guess it's because we have had so much experience. far Ask to see our "ARIS TO PLATINO'S" $4 doz Nearly like steel engravings, Exquisitely finished. E. D. Bennett, the Photo grapher, Hillsboro Oregon IIrs. IW. P. Bfouid ... Teacher of PIANO, ORGAN and HARMONY. Woik pursued as in regular conservatory course. Also -thorough course taught in ART, PENCIL, CHAR COAL,, INDIA INK. CRAY ON, and OIL PAINTING. STUDIO, Room 7, over Hillslwro Pharmacy. ('reap (nlrkljr Cared. Mountain Glen. Ark. Our chil- Iren were suffering with croup when we received bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It afforded almost inntant relief E. A. Thornton. This I . 1 , . 1 I eeiet.ntieu remwiy i tor naie i.y inr Delta drug store. BrtarateToar Howels With raaeareta, Canny Cathartic, cure ronstl itlnn forever. Oe,iKic. IfC. C C fail, druKKlsta refund money. Ml Takaere Hflt aae KaeAe toar lift iwij. To quit Uitiacco easily and forever, tie m&ir ""c. lull of life, nerve and vigor, tuke No 1 o- tian, uie ono,ir- worker, tnat niuKra wan mea strmia. All drusff ista, too or f I , Cureruaraa teed Hnoklet ami sum plo free. Allures. Slerlina; Kenedy to , Cnlcaco or New York T Car CmMtlpatlnn forever. Take Casrareta CanrtT t'atharllr lllp or 9a. if C C. C fall to cure, drugs-ists refund money. r.tiicte tnnr Bowels With raaeareta. Can- Cnthnrtle. cure eonstlnatton forever. 10c. :, O.C. ta. I. druggiata refund money. OABTOIIIA. rfM- r U M ty wrsstta, m i 444 OABTOniA. n.fe- - .. Bail. STN' C, , -nfiea. OABTOTIZA. nail. Ttr t - . a "SI' Sf. WIMGmt - r- vnsiiat, MIIKKIFF'N NAI.Ia leellsTieaiieait Taxr fr I he j ertr tjntinuel from fourth pig?-. McFarland. C Lite 35 blk 12 West I'o t and Heights 9 70 Mi F r'an.t. F C Lot 33 bik 12 West I'.irtland lNishta ft 70 - a ho Dcwyiirs, it CURCS. 2 M. Ij-o.1. MaUl I.ot 2. J. blk i. Xar l.ir au'lil Korwt tirove St l. 1 .,.1 J,,liu- IjiU I). 4. I.Ik t (ma- ... 5 1 MrUtxI. I.UHK-Ut 2 I lk llitMull. .. 1 U Mclud. 1' f ii V oi a i h oi n w '.4 arc 2J 1 1 r 3 w, lW ai-rtit. M. l.aiiini', M e. ii Ka,a J& I I r 2 , Ml acre. l t Ural. M M l..t U b,k Ili .rn add Hin""r. Mr:; !, 1 v F L.x 12 Bnharl'e ami. . vl.i hi, 10 ai're Meier, Caroline a !, of u V, of a w a U of a w So arc 2t t t r 2 w, louaf- 7 ft 4 00 n-H 13 Mliur. John-1aIh IS.It, l.i. In, 17 hlkai Wrnt I'orllaml HeiKliU . ... M. f h.nit'n Nuliunul liunk,- IaiU I, t S M blk roni.1 drove Mrrrutiu, U u w ! ol n e V, arc 25 1 2 n rS w, -HI acrtu Mever. Iau. a w fi of f Hi I 2 n r 2 ti 41' w lillmrfM . II Un Miller, lien II Jnv Ck Annex lot h part of lota t, H, 7, H22 a ua reeonl eil in rol ta pnue itis nvurila of tli-eda WualiiiiKlou Cuiintv, tireuon M illi-r, .V V H - I'tieir iHtemetibatu 21 1 1 a r 2 w and ewe 2H t 1 a r2 w a revordiil vol 'Ke X3 and 2N i(fe 27.1, and 4i uu;t't.J, 44 pune ;IHI and 4ti puifc .'rj nnvrila of tleeda Waali ini;lon foiinly, Oregon, and their intenvt in the J.MKileliev donntion Nii 'mt I r 2w aa nvonleil vol V pane I7 n-ooriU of deeda NVaBhiiiK- toii coiiulv, Ort'ifon.ajarn-a Mountain I 'a 111 K AaauriutiinVflieir 18 02 intenvt ill n e V, o n e " 1 ' 1 a r 1 w. ;H, ai'rea ua rworiliil vol 'Si iaK'2ll riionlao deeda Vlini( t. in I'oiinlv, Ori gin Murli n, II Hi inlerent in the W O liilmon donulion Nn.iltl urDw, 1U0 aerea an reeonled in vol 42 ii?e ll'J reconla of deeila Wunhingtou ronntv, Ori'iron Nullott, C V Ixt l! blk 13 llydu 9 4.' 1!) 1. I'ark 3 77 Nii holn, A -Ixt blk a riiome'a 3 2b 5 50 Xolil.-a, Flora l-ota 17, IH, 27,2, 21blk HI Went I'orl IiiikI Heighta . Solanil, Murllin M Her iutereat in E Wulker donulion No tm 1 1 n r 3 w, of un m re ua rH-orled vol 33 pnire i reeorila of deeila Vunliiiiloii eoiintv. On-iron 13 2ft Norien, Mury 1 Her interext in A W Hurt ilonution Ml t t ar i w, -v'-, ueiieaua nt-orilel vol 2H page 411 rec ords of deeda of Wuxliinulou coun ty Oniron 15 North Weat rortliind Huluirbun 11 K Co Lota 1 to 87 inrhmive, t (slur llule ai-c 27,4.'il ucree 142 ft' Nelaoii, John s J o n e of n w l4 neViulu w1 ol arc 30 1 1 s r 2 w, W acres 7 40 ' luka. CliriatvftruMttft n 'A of SW X 3.tUr5,w acres 7 lu Oulinun. I. K I inliviiicd M uitereat in s S of s e aec 34 1 2 n r 4 w, 40 acres 5 2." Oehle, Chnrles ( heirs of) Lola .'10, 31, 33, Oehle's add Corneliua, 2J acres 7 37 OweiiM, I' L e ol n e ki tif se It acc 4 t 2 s r 1 w,20 acrea 0 .'ill Owens, William M Ne V o n e sec lilt 1 n r 4 W 40 acres 4 Ui Puliner, Alice Lola 9 to 21 in clusive, blk 7 V est I'ortluud I'luce S IA) I'litliTHou, HoU-rt A n e H u n w uml w i ol a e p n w X aec in 1 1 a r 4 w liO acres 0 4.) raltenioiitt McLeod Their inten-st in s w Ii of s w H sec 8 t 1 n r4 w 30 acres as m-onliil vol 3 puge 4i0 records ol'deeds.W'utiliingtoii coun tv, On-gon 6 K Put rone, Lorenzo Ixits 12, 13, 14, ., HI, 17, 18 111, 20, Steel's add lleuv erton, 35 ucres 41 77, Putrone, lirenso Ilia interest in s w M ol s w H set: 21 t 2 s r 1 w its re corded vol 3)1 puire 421 records o ileeda Wiutliington count, , Oregon. Ilia intereet in n w o ntk ' 2H 1 2 a r 1 v, 11 ueres as recorded vol HI page 1.17 records o, deeds W'ali ington county, Oregon " 21 I'avne, W 1 1 -Lot 4 blk & II. do Park 8 I'ellcy, 8 J I-ots I and A blk II uml lota 7 8 blk 13 Weat Portland Heights 4 55 Peul'old, Henry w i and s e H of s e It sec 23 1 2 n r 5 w, 120 ucrea.'n e St oi n e K sec 20 t 2 u r & w, 40 ac- cses 13 4' Peterson, U M Mrs s 4 o nwKol s e W sVt ol s w W ol so K sec 33 t 8 n r 4 w, 40 acres 7 00 'luno MuuuluctumtK Coinpun n o Wo sec 2 1 3 n r 4 w. IK) ucres . . 10 Ml Polimever, llenr . Ixjts I"), 18 blk 13 llvde I'ark 4 04 Pope. J V Lots 9.10 blk West I'ort luud Place 4 30 Portland Pressed llrick Co llicir in- U n-st in c o n w sec 32 t 2 s r 1 w, 34 ucres us recorded vol 20 page K3und 3'J4, iuhI vol 28 uigc4t rec ords of deeds Washington county, t Ireiron 95 Prouly, John A a w M of sec 30 1 1 n r 0 w, liioacres II 50 Puller, W O Undivided H interest in n e H of n e of wc 20 1 1 r 4 w; I liilivuliil iuu-rest in w of s w it ol sec 1 1 s r 4 w ; Undivid ed !, interest in s e of sue 20 t 1 a r 4 w. 0 ucres.n w It of sec litis r 5w. lOOucrea . 12 05 I'ullen, (ieorgu His interest in sec 14 1 1 n r 4 w, 10 ucres us recrded in vol V imire 322 records of deeils W usliinirlon county, Oregon .. 5 18 Itaines, Jusht O His intesest in the l Allen donation o 4i lllirin, 52 acn-s as rei'oriletl in vol 30 fiuge 175 records of deeds, less tract sold to Henry Hamilton and E A Hyde records ol deeds ill Wusliington couiitn. llri'-Fon . . . . i!u,lllllH'H;.n A" , u,u 12, 13 blk 3 Tliorue's add llillslioro 13 25 Kusiuiissen J P Mrs IaiIs 1, 4 blk 15 II pile Park . . . 4 04 liuvinouil, J N -l.otst, .') Iilk 4 Mouth I'ark add rorcsr lirove 7 90 Reeves, 11 s ol s e we 13 1 3 n r 4 w. n V, ol n e see 24 t A n r 4 w. W0 acres 10 Kciilt. Annie-Ixda3. 4, 12.13 I.Ik I) lot 1,1 k 10 West rurtland lleiglils .. 6 50 Iteitlcr, Jeremiah Firwoud Farm w i of lot 13 1 1 n r.Hw.Ot acres 4 OU Ileidi-I. Josepli n j of sec 0 t 1 1 r S 3-U acres 17 B0 4 00 Reynolds, F T-ne li of n w !' sec 20 1 3 n r 3 w, 40 acres Itidgwny, II c !, of n e i n ofse st 4 t z s ra w, i.m ncrc 13 Kl Kiggs, Theoilon'l heirs of) Their int erest ins 't ol s w sec 23 1 2 s r 1 w. lucres as rworded vol O puge f2l ncords of deeds Wusliington coiinlv. tin foil 13 f Uola rts, A I In-irs of)-e Vj of n (; of s e Ii sec .it 1 1 1 r I w. 20 acres S !-'. Rode .1 Minligim s oi s w of s e and part ol s e of s e 1-4 si-c 12 1 1 r S w l:t acres aa recvrdeil vol O iiage.'Miiirccor'la of di-etls Washing ton count v. Oreiron 9 SO 5 10 Roilgers. I iinothy- Ixits 23,24, blk 2 ttcst rortlaml llelvlits Rossls-rg, Max His interest ill s ol s w 1 4 sec 10 1 I s r 4 w, ,0 v, acres as recorded vol 3 page 78 records of ili-eils Washington county, Oregon. II is interest in Martin donulion No 52 t I s r 4 w. 71 acn-s as record ed vol 38 page 78 records of deeila Wa-hiiik:ton couiitv. Orciron IH 10 Kurker, V II Tmct in M Mooredon No 41 1 1 s r 2 w us recorded in vol W page 4J!I ri-conls of deeils W asliinu- toli count v Creiroil 18 50 Rule, II M-s e I. sec 712 nr ' w It.) scns s w t-. of n e l n 1 ol s w n w i ol s e sec 20 1 1 n r ., w. luo acres ; s H ol n w ' , sec :I0 t 2 n r ft w, acres : it'i ol n e n e of s e H sec i'."! 1 1 n r rt w, ho acn-s ; n e of n e 'i sec :4 1 2 s r 2 w, n w n ol n w sei- 3 t 2 s r 2 w.sti acres is interest in n w of n e sec 14 t 1 B r 1 w, 10 acres aa recorded vol 43 paire l.sj rcconls of di-eds A ashiugton count , On-gon Rns, Ira -1 Ait i til kH W est Portland I'luce Robinson, Thomas II n Vofn e M o n w V; sec 3t 1 1 s r 2 w. 20 acn-s . . Ueidt. William tta 19, 20. 21 blk A lots 1.1, 15, 111, 31. 32, av:W hlk 7 ..t 34. 3.. i. blk 11. lots rt. 7, A. lit, 17, IS blk 1. lot 10 blk 20, lots 6. 6 blk 2 Snlinir. I E His interest in A ll.tr--r ilonution No 51 1 I s r 3 w as do-scriU-d in vol 40 page 7 reconls o deeils Washington county, Un-gon, "i"-., scree 39 40 4 05 4 8.1 ai 10 'i " 11 SuAon 25 62) Sargciit K C u w w oi sec 22 Mb 1 4 u r 4 w, liM acn-s lu 5uge, rni:i.HTi-l, r lliteteM iu II o s e siv o l 2 s r 3 w.ju acres 8 ts liuiiig Julius- the Ouk biio div lot i 2 ucres tS. liiinur.lt leuiiis Their iuturi-el'i'ii n of n e i, aec 2i t i s r 2 w as re ror.i..J oi .15 pue is.u rtsmils of deeds Washington county, tingoii, so acn-s ,i -Sliaier, lAuis Lota 31, 32 I.Ik 17 I "est I'ortluud HcikIuh t HO nuue, iiermuii-Ia.Is I, 2,3, blk 1 i-t I'ortluud Heights S 10 nclilewe, liottleib a e of II l; II e ' of s w i, lots .', 3 sec is t 3 u r 3 r, 144 at res a 15 niiiiui, ,ugust--e y. ol 1'i t 2 II r 5 W. 8 acrea 7 :'J oKgiu, t; is ilia intesest in a w .l ol u w and part of n w ol a w sit 2.1 1 I s r 4 w as recorili-d vol 31 iage 212 ni-ord. ol deeils Win.li iitgtou county, tin-gou, ih'- acres. lot 1 sec I., t I II r i It 1 SK-oiliu, 11 i-ltreusti-el ler iilcn-sL an Hi li Kit liurdaou don No .18 t I s r I w us reconled vol 3s. mgu 42H n-c-wnls ol deeds W ashington count v. Oregon, 3 . acrea It 4J. 'urs, j .u n w W ol s w W sec 33 t 2 B r 1 w, 41 uc res 10 ttt --leinuiisu, Mm His interest in I. Hull iloii No 43 I I s r Iw us record cil vol .l" page. It records of deeds Wusliington county, tisegon I.', aiTes Ii Seward, W II a e ol's w li s w .' ol s e '.. si-c 14 t .- a r 3 w. h i ucres 7 lu ocyinour, r His interest in e S of s w W sec 31 t I u r I w us n-corded in vol 43 puge u0 n-conls of deeds in Wusliington county, llregoti, 15 ucres 1 Ti onuw lima M n e W sec 7 t 3 n r 5 w. 10 acsea II .vi fiiHW,, t f. His interest in w H of r w sec 31 1 1 s r t w us recorded vol 4 i pugo 28!l jeconls of deeds W a.-lilll-'tiin colilitv. ncn-s . 7 311 Sliuiiullun, 1 lol a2 ulk 2i W est I'oriluiid liciuhls . I Sheppuid, J A J, of n w M e U of s w l-4 sec 2ii t 8 n r 4 w. luo ucres . 9 4n ncticilile, Mat a U ol n e V and a i ol s w k sec 3i t 2 ll o 5 w. Il acre. 1 1 -JL stiipley, Miuervu Her interest in u e i-4 ol ll w 'i ol sec 32 t 2 s r i w us reeonliil vol 31 page 2 si records of deeds Washington county, Oregon, 1 ucre 4 On Mgler, Lucy l-ots I und 2 blk 2 Fuir- view add Hillslsiro 25 25 miiiiiioiis, V Lots 4,i, tr lilk 11. f-ini- luons uild llillslioro n w yA ol u e '. sec 2 t 2 n r a , 4U ucres 12 7! Smith, Isuuc N n e sec .Si t 3 ll r 2 w, Ilk' acres 9 on Binitli, Abuer I. s U ol n u Ki n U of ', si-c- 34 t i n r - w, Hi'.l ucri s 13 AO Winitli, Nellie h Her interest lu A C l.asoi n don No 57 t 1 s r i w us re corded vol 44 puge i'4l records of tleeils Wusliington county, On-gou 20 acres 13 71 Hinith, 1 H w i ol n (Itvuli w sec 4 t 2 a r 3 w, ll i ol n e lots 3, 4, 5, II, sec 5 t 2 s r 3 w, 22 ucres, nek sec 2- t 1 s r 4 w, ltkl acrea 33 NU Muith, Nelly h Her interest in w J oi u w 4 sec t 1 i n w ui reconl ed vol 4- puge 17 record of deeils Wusliington county, Oregon 40 ucres 11 inith, W W His interest ill P D r-hucklcl'ord don No 01 t 1 n r 1 w aa recordiil vol 1 page 113 records of deeils Wosliington county, Oregon, 6 acres 5 05 nntli, 1 II ti Hton-y J L Interest iu n e t sec isJ I 2 n r 4 w, 80 ulires 7 So inith, W F n e 'i ol's w l w V oi e b c v, ol s e i sec u tint a .11 U.....U U IM1 neiliiig, M P Piirt of lots 3 anil 4 blk 33 Fureat Orove . 3 85 rorciiseii, tieorge Lot Ul)lk!l.l West i'ortluud Heights ... 2 71 .Sorensen, tn-oigc- Lot 15 and south 2 acres of lot 4n duty Oak us reconl ed vol 30 puge 2 .i; roords of th-cds Wusliington county Oregon 7 ucres 4 73 SK-nccr, P I. iTis internet ill P L 8H-nter don N'o 49 t I r I w us recorded vol X page 479 except tract as n-conleil iu vol 30 page 108 n-conls of d-eds Wusli ington county, Oregon, i'4 ucres 00 2 flpitijenlierger, Juo ImI 24 blk 11 est 1 oiiiunil Heights t ill ppurling, O W Lot 3 blk 0 riniiey's udd Hillslsiro 8 0. Ht.iuln-iscr, ike Lot 2-' blk 6 llydu Park 8 77 btepheus, I.uluin n S of lots 1 anil 2 blk 1 Cloutli I'ark udd Forest Orove 4 U Stevens, C J s of s w of n e Jj sec 25 1 1 a r 2 w, 20 acres A 50 Stephens, W B Ilis interest ill a w of n w and part of n w of a w sec 0 t I a r 1 w as nt-onled vol Ki page 370 records of deeils Washington county, Oregon, 30 ncn-s 15 ; Sloltc, C FO His interest lu A J Mas ter's don No 40 t I s r 2w us record ed vol 88 page 14k records of detils Wusliington county, Oregon, 0 uc res 4 7! Stott, 8 H . R-IajIs 1, 9, 3, 4, sec 8 t 2 s r 8 w their interest in Oeo Stew art don N'o 50 1 2 s r 3 w us reconled in vol W pngetu n-conls of deeds Washington county, Oregon, 159 acres 17 53 Struyer, F J Lot 6 hlk 9 West ort- unit i'luce 3 ft') Stmt ton. II C His inten-st liiarV ol ll e sec 1 t I a r I w as rec onled Vol 3S page 29 records of deeds Washington county, tin-iron. IMi acres 13 13 Stuart, John C Lot 9 blk 32 West Portland Hcntlils ... 4 70 Stiihr, rred A s w U sec 29 t I li r 5 w, I0J acn-s .. 9 50 Sullen M E Ixjt I t blk 13 Hytle Purk 3 62 Suiiilt, OC His interest in a e Ki of s e see 20 1 1 s r 2 w us reeonliil vol 43 page 335 n-conls of doeils Wusliington count v. lreiron.14 acres 6 Sutherland, John a e of s w V. sec 1 1 1 2 n r 3 w. 4o acres A 00 Hweek, John! heirs ol I blk 3 s, 4 s, 4 n, w and n e 8 n Tuahitin ... 10 l Sweek, .Maria Her interest n mv 2.J t 2 s r 1 w. A2Vt acres 14 72 lunim. I arl-lit 12 blk 21t West I'ortluud Hi m its . 4 70 I ualatin Acuileiiiy and Pacific I m- versity- a w ol n w sec 21 1 2 n r 5 w. Their interest iu Win Stokes tlon N'o 01 t 1 n r A w as rescordi-d vol 43 puge 273 n-conls of deeds Washington county, Oregon, A acn-s n v, long, 11 A 1 C Their interest iu n I'ointer tlon No t 1 s r I w as recorded vol 34 page 314 rcconls of deeds vVashingtoii county, tlreir. in n aert-B Ift fa 1 ro.it ner, John s w of s w sec JK t I s r 4 w. 4 i acres At Tualatin City, R K Co Their inten-s- est in sec -4 t i s r i w as recorded in vol pug-t 5"2 records of di-eds of deeds Washington county, Ore gon, 133 acres 20 23 in ker, lieo w oil w V, -c 15 t 1 art w, i acres . n ucker. Win His interest in n U of li e sec 21 t I s r 1 w us recorded vol li pave 194 reconls of di-eds Washington county, On-gon. His interest in e ol s w , and part of w S of s e W sec 10 t I s r I w as re conled vol it page 194 nt-onls of tleeils W ashiugton county, Oregon S3 acn-s 8 ys.ni, l( 11 -Ilis interest in a e U sec illir:w,n, Bites . zt Kl ein-n, Adi-lia M- l.'s.xjisi feet iu lot gblkai lon-st lln,ve as reconletl vol ( puge 214 reconls of deeds Washington county, Oregon 8 05 nice, J Ji.-l.ots 1, 3 blk 9 West Portland Place 1 Ml ogil. r ntx s e 'i ol s e U sec 21 t 2 s r 2 w. to acres fl .V) allace Mav O Ixjts 5. H blk t (in-toii t Sy Waliler I. P 1, W S ol n w y, sec 19 t z s r a w, a acres 10 50 arner, AJ-. ivt lav", 24 hlk 22 Wrsi,4'-k te8 c i uit fur iI iiiihhm. ILV ErntMt li s- kio in v t'lm k- till IS CO ! i m jir, for.s n is iv i suit fur lis) n iifos. TiMl.ttnt Mill it, v W J Tay- b.f. ....... f . ... ...I. J- I..I... IT... ' 1 ' no .l-il lilir 1 l.-lt', liu-s- for d-ft. 1 7 Tualatin Mill en v V J Tsy- or, r-trerl04ur. M ;h ta'c's 'i t; II n- ton r-MTdeft. lliil L Rynolds V Johustoo ol a w 'i sec 1 1, t 2 ll r 4 w aa re- corded vol 43 iagc 3 3 record of ii dis-tls, 1A ashiugton county Or, Iti1 a.-rea U -ilia. us, I ho. -Lots 8, 9, 12 blk 8 liiie Park .. . . iliain.ittc li.ul Fi-tutc Co -IaiU 3, 4, 5. ti, 7, a, 9, In, blk I Cornelius or Lot 4, ;, 7, 8, block -1 ornelius OJ 4 30 1.2,3,4,5,0, 7, S.WblkA lo 0 1. 2,3, 4. A, 4. 5, 0, 7, 3, 4, A, 1,2, 3,4,5, ( 1, 2, 3, 4, .', s 1. 2, 3 1, .', 3, 9 0, 7, 8, 9, 10 blk HI' " 11" 12 i " 13 " " 14 " " IA" 7, 9, 10 " 18 ' " 19 " . II. . ' 24 " 1,2, 3,4, H,7 3, 4, ft, 0, 7, a, 9, lo 0, 7, 8, 9, 10 20 ' 0, 7, 8, 9 " 28 ' , 7, 8, 9, 10 " 29 ' 1,2,3, 4,6,0,7, 8, ,M"30' 1, 2,3,4,5, 0, 7,8, 9, 10 " 31 I, 2, 3, 4, ft, 0, 7, 8,u,l'l " . ' 1, 2, 3, 4' 5, , 7, s, 9, 10 " 33 ' I, 3- 3, 8, 7, 8, 9, 111 " 34 " " 35 " " .Hit ' ' 38 39" 41 All 4.' " '4.1" -44- t-, 48" 47" l-ots 8, 9, Kl All l ots 1, 2, 3, A, 6, 7, 8 All IK ' 80 00 W isdoin, J W S e V.' of s w W acc 4 tZHI W All Mi-rea ll! T4I W isurt, Peter Lot 23 blk 12 West I ortland lleli-lits 4 70 Witch Hazel hi.a-k Farm All of B stcwurt dou No 44 I lar2w 285i acres 101 00 Witienbejg, 1I-S e K sec ;k 1 3 u r 3 IU . acres Ill Ml ithuiii. A A Ilis Interest In ll w '. ol li e sit- 13 1 1 ll r 5 w aa record ed in vol.37 puge 32 recorda of di-eds vtusliiugtou county Oregon -19 acrea A 92 Wolf Sam'l His interest in Jno Har din don No 110 t I n r 4 ' as recorded in vol 3" page 20 rcconls of deeds Washington countv Oreirou U acre 10 .'18 N oiner Newton N e of n e u e l l oi ii w 1-4 s a ol n w 1-1 ol u e l-t see 18 t 2 B r 2 w l ii acres 10 10 Woiuer D J ilis interest in B w 1-4 ol's e 1-4 sec 7 t 2 s r 2 w as record ed in vol 34 page 107 reconls ofdi-eds Wusliington county Oreogu. n 4 of n w 1-4 of n e 1-4 sec 18 t 2 s r 2 w 30 acres 11 32 Wood. .Mary Her Interest in a w 1-4 of sec 13 1 1 s r I w as n -co riled in vol 34 puge 48i records of deeds W'usu- iiiKloii countv. On-iron 4 acrea 10 48 Wright, Adelaide M Tract in M Mooredon No 27 puge 24) records deeds Vi usliington county, Oregon, 4 of uu acre 4 7A .imiiierinuu. E n e 1-4 sec 25 1 3 n r 4 w. I'iO acres 10 80 .iinmerinun, L- Ills interest in W h Hull don No 44 t 1 s r lw as reconl ed ill vol 20 page 219 reconls of deeds Washington county, Oregon. 20 acres 13 98 Said property will be sold subject to re m .iion, a. per s alute ol Uieon. l i!-i , Ins 20, ilnr ol Oct. 1N'7. W. D. BRADFORD. nert ill Wa.-shiOKtou County. Ores-oil i'. c-ouituo tax collector. KIL1IVV I EVER AMI FEVER. TVI'IIUII) The L'luUville Courier Journul has MHninv-8tiratiiiir the death losses from twodeatliy fevers to this effect : he New Orleans Times-Demo erst, which out;lit to know something bout yellow fever, has lieen investl- ifHllos; the truth of a recent tleelara- ion by the Courier-Journal to the ef fect that while the iieonle of this (Hiunlry are thrown Into panics by yellow fever and take extraordinary steps to stamp It out, they have much more to fear from typhoid fover.from which they suffer many more deaths and atrslnHt which they take fsr less precaution. "The.Times-Demwrat's Invention lions convince it that this is true. It finds som rornilHirative figures in a recent reiort of the Philadelphia wa ter-works as to the advantages of profierly filtered water and illustrat ing the greater prevalence of typhoid fever in this country than in Europe, where some sanitary protection against It Is attempted. "Thus the. death rate from typhoid In lh i I st lei ph in Is 10 times as great as at The Ilsgue, and the total death from typhoid in Philadelphia for one yi-ar are as many as the total deaths from yellow fever In the entire Unit etl States for the last 18 years. The city freest from typhoid fever is The Ilsgue, In Holland, which uses wnter filtensl from sand dune. The average aunuid death rate there from typhoid fever In the Hve years. IS!) ill, Inclusive, is 4.9 ier IISI,(H)0 if population. It-it Icrditin, with lent h rate of 5.2, is second fin the list. Oilier IniiMirtsnt cities rank in comparative immunity from typhoid ss follows: Drvsilcn, 4; It. -rim, 8; Amsterdam, 10; London, lit; Edin burgh H; Brooklyn (N. Y) Hi; New York, 17; New Orleans, III; II tm- mrg, 21; Paris, 2"i; MilWHUgi-e, 2S; Ibasttm, :i0; 1 M roil, 31; Buffalo, :15; Providence, !!li; Ssn Francisco, 3S; MintiesiKilis, 4n; Ilultimore, 41; Ne wark, 42; St. Louis, 43; Philadelphia, ii thetlve years covered by sta tistics Philadt Ipliia had 213 typhoid leathstoeach HMl.lMHl of Its popula tion, while The llagu in the same peril m I hud but 24 and Rotterdam, 2ri, ml all the other cities using filtered water a rate nearly as low. The Phil- delphia typhoid tli-alh tale means about 2,130 deaths from typhoid, and as only 6 per cent, on the av rage of vtihoid cases are fatal, It Is esltmat eil that the e must hsveb-en between 40,inni aud 50.INHI typnoitl cases In that tit, in 18!M) 'ill, inclusive. "Supi that those 2,400 deaths from typhoid and 40,1100 cases in 'hilitdelphia had Is en cases of yel iw fever. What an evacuation of the city there would have been; what a panic would have stampeded the siple; what heroic measures would have been taken to destroy disease! e Courier-Jnurnal doe, not ob- the fight nisdi against ycJIow .Ut it d'W deplore such U0 lible fear of it, and itd--sin- yi, f. t tin re are ft her uioredestruet r. a:., ... M ki.,k ... Aih.i.ni. I -ectetl wnicli sntHlltl Is? ftnigtit f y igorouftly." In the liiflil of I lit above when we examine our erudition iu Hillsboro Wi) note how fortunate we are. Our water U the Altered supply so highly commended since it ooiues from a dtep welt and iM'rcolates tliruutfhl tulles of sand which excludes surface drainage. Not a ease of typhoid Is on record where water from the eity mains has beeu exclusively used. 1MHMKIAL EDIIATIOM IS OIK 1'ITtLIC M II00LS. There is a widespread complaint, and in the main a just one, that the ideals in our public school system are almost wholly literary, and only to the very sllgiiest exteut industrial In their tendencies. In spite of the fact that fully nine-teutbs of the children in the public schools are destined to Is laborers with their hands, the pub lie school course provides but little it any manual training, ami lays but little strtss uon the dignity and im pnrtanceot manual labor. If a bo, negins work with the spade or saw after having completed the public school course, theie Is a feeling of dis- apsintment on the part of his friends Who seem to Ihiuk that his educa tion was designed wholly to tit him for other callings in life. It is ex pected that he shall la doctor or lawyer, a slorekee'r, ir civil engin eer, or, at the very least, a clerk iu store, if the course in the public sclusil frankly recognized the fac that the great nuijority of children will be obliged to labor in somo way with their hands, and If the effort were made to develop in them a love of labor and resect for It in every honest form, public education woult more nearly meet the actual require inents of our people and build a sure foundation for national prosperity Industrial education in the public schools need not be elaborately sys teruatic, nor attended with a very great expenditure, or money or equipment. The spirit which grows out of training iu manual w ork is of really greater value than any skill which may be incidentally acquired It is of more imsirtance that the boys and girls should learn to lisik for ward to doing work, and to resjiect honorable labor of all kinds, than that they should become siecially skilled workmen. In our district schools simple provisions might Is made for various kinds of common latior, under the supervision of the teacher, and a skil ful teacher would soon learn how to mske this work interesting as well as valuable. The careof the school grounds, lieautify ing the yard and building, simple work with the ordinary tools found In every farmer's workshop, plain cutting and sewing and many other simple and useful kinds of work could easily be given in any country school. In the graded schools of the towng anil villages, a more complete system of manual training; could be introduced with little expense and with no great expenditure of time. The whole Ideal of the sehtsil might liecome much more largely industri al. It is not claimed ol course that the very best development of mind and hpart Is not the due of every boy and girl whether destined for man ual labor or that of a literary nature; but a much greater emphasis laid on the industrial side of education need by no means interfere with the very best development on the intelectusl side. Already a great many gtss schools have introduced manual train Ing with marked success. The Idea remains to be more fully developed so that the common school every where may train its children lo the best kind of citizenship, which I selfrcNpecting and Industrious In the humblest walks of life as well as lu the highest. How to ( are Billions Colic. I suffered for weeks wilh colic am lains in my stomach caused by til iotisnesa and had to take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rome- ly which cured me. I have since recommended it to a good many peo- pie. Mrs. F. Buller, Fairhaven, Conn. Persons who are subject to bilious colic can ward off the attack by tsk ing this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by the Del ta Drug Store. The three-year-old Iwiy of J. A. Johnson, of Lynn Center, III., Is sub ject to attacks of croup. Mr. John son says he is satisfied that the time ly use of Chamberlin's Cough Reme dy, during a severe attack, saved his little boy's life. He is In the drug business, a member of the firm ef Johnson Bros., of that plai-ejand they handles great many patent medicines for throat ami lung diseases. He had ail these to chose from, and skill ed physicians ready to respond to his call, but selected this remedy for Use In his own family at a time when his chiltl's life was in danger, Iss-ause he knew it to ln?sus-rior to any o her, ami famous the country over for Its cures of croup. Mr. Johnson says this Is the be.tt Helling rough medicine they handle, ami that it gives splen did satisfaction In all ca-s. Sold by the Delta Drug Store. OVER THE STATE. Ileppnerls to have a uew pakr, The Times, conducted by E. M. Shutt late of the Antelosa Herald, su-jud-ed. Z. llouser, the recently appolhtcd V. S. Marshal for the Dist. of Oregon will lake vtlK-e ab ut the 1st of De cember. The Silverton Apsal says that trib utary to Silverton are 3000 bails of hops that, at a conservative estimate, are worth 7S,no0. One hundred and eighty-three pu pils are now enrolled In the Lske vlew school, which Is Just one less than there were at any time during the last term, ll Is thought that the 200 mark will Iw reached before the end of the term. There was recently 'shipped Into Klamath county from the Altmo Hereford cattle farm, in California, a bunch of flnecatlleas follows, Hery- fortl Bros., 12 bulls and 18 heifers; II. R. Heryrortl, 1 bull id 15 heif. ers; Warner Valley Kts k Company, 2 bulls and 4 heifers; Morris Wing Held, 1 bull. The prices ranged from HM to lo0 a head. Track lay ing on the Goble road was completed Thursday to a x!nt a quar ter of a mile beyond Eldridge'a sint, lmt 19 miles from Astoria, and the lorce will now go back on the line, surfacing and ballasting, so the ma lerlal trains ; can lie run over the track. In a week or 111 days the force will go ahead tracklsying again. They exs?et to reach Clifton in about two weeks, says the Astorian. The Klamath reservation Indians. of the Klamath agency division, tin- bsiied threshing last Monday. Tho crop yielded il43 buahels-wlieat.faWI; oats, 8393; rye, 14PJ; Iwrley, 77. The total yield of grain for any half dou- en previous years put together would probably not equal this season's yield alone. The Indians are dellglded with the result of their lalsors, "alTtl highly appreciate the encouragement given them by their farmer, George num. ir the weather continues good, they will seed quite anptcreage io wneat this fall. At the Oregon agricultural Volitiro is a queer fish, recently captured at raquma, and presented by Dr. M. M. Davis to the. museum. The llsh is known as a squid. It la 31 liiciica long, has two large eyes, and protrud ing from its head are numerous long, nmy tentacles. The gills are in the back, and are protected by a loose blanket of flesh, wh ch Is fastened to each side of the iHsly. Professor Cordley says that they are rare on his coast, but near China and Japan they are morejplentlfnl, and are us ed there by the natives as an article of diet. A Eastern fishermen use the smaller species as bait. Three of Heppner's young lady teachers, who reside in the Hallis-k prois-rty, near the Christian Church, n what their admiring friends have denominated "The Angela' Rest ' were the recipient of a "cat parly" on last Wednesday evening, reports the Oaactte. The Idea of giving them this party arose over a request made their friends to bring them a fine house cat in order to rid the "ranch" f those deadly enemies of female Ind, the mice. By a prearranged plan some fifteen friends, young la- les and gentlemen, met at M. II. Galloway's gallery on the evening mentioned, each with a precious tab by. There were old cats, young cats; gray cats and black cats; cats with color and some none at all, all des tined for "The Angela' Rest." It was an unique party, somewhat of a sur prise one may guess, but thorough ly enjoyed. B. S.Cook, president of the Ore gon Land Company, has just return ed from Scott's Mills, In Marion coun ty, about 20 miles northeast of Salem, where for some time mst bs-al par ties have been drilling for cos I that is supMised to underlie that section. A hnnd-drill Is oiicrated, and at a depth of 280 feet a vein of what Is thought tots a good quality of lignite coal was discovered. The vein Is four feet and nine inches thick, the walls ts'ing seven feet apart There Is a comiMMitioii of slate next the walls on either sides of the ostl. Mr. Osik brought with him samples of the coal and these are ls-ing analyzed and tested here. The assay promises to he highly satisfactory to the pros pectors, who were so encouraged by their find that they continued the work of drilling, and have now at tained a depth of 348 feet. With the exception of about 70 feet of slate, the drills have passed through solid ns k, and are now in sandstone. No vein of water has been encountered since the first surface veins were iassetl. "The worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," wriies W. H. Nor ton, of Sutter Creek, Cal. "This cold left me with a cough and I was ex pectorating all the time. The reme dy cured me, and I want all of my friends when troubled with a cough or cold lo use it, for it will do them gssl." Sold by the Delta Drug Store. V J J