H1LLSI30KO lDEEK!fc.iW. . lered iu in isaiiornna al H !boro.ortcu MlMerlptlon, lo kliun, pt(MI 1 H It. I CUOMO KUHUHHIMI ., Hr-p1U. l. M COtULT, aVllUar f'KlUAY, NOVKMbKK 5, 1817. iuiii t h u tit to luy some nr ehips which KiikIihIi tlriiin Hre (tin. liHlflK for I'ldli, lltlt Uot iM-illg Hl.'i lit iity epol ruth the purchase wys not ellW-twh The Tomahawk, aw,eltly paper published in I'ortlainl and of uiui-r-tHin political sentiments, In its l-t issue esous the dishonest policy oi liHlimiHl repudiation. When the p , m r tlrst appeared it claimed to I demorralir, then for a Vw weeks i: Hpartd to 1st gold democrat, al t favored the Heating of Hon. II. V. C-orlarit as V. H. Senator. This last flop douhtlesa ia the true sentiment -of iU editor. A Ht'ttleiueut of the tiresome sen! nK controversy miglit lie effected l.y prohibiting the killing ot seals h together. With the wonilerful iety and ahtiudiincH of clothing in tenuis, a few seal-skm sacquea won' i not Ih' seriously missed, and the inoval of the Htrain Umjii the gmt matter of the drain of the worM -statesman, to Hay nothing of tl" rttuilitu mililifi a.'finlil n nn 1 e furllm Ima All.unv lt..ru 1,1 Th-,! Ih JiiHt what the United States, Kusism : and Japan propone to do. Ki-Miuister Taylor, who was our representative at the Spanish Court has touched the pride of the Dons in a iiiHgaximi article which he has pro pared from material found in the Hpechea of Hparlsli statesmen and in the utterances of Hpanish newsjiajK'n. charging Spanish corruption and gen eral national rottenness. The Mad rid government fears that Taylor's article will injuriously effect Spanish interests in America. In reality the Spaniards wem to desire to pose tor something they are not. The coroner's Jury at Oregon City censured the (ten. Klectric Co. for the Coffer dam accident last week in that "the company ventured too far in weakening the dam liefore shutting oir the water at the head gates." The jury was a unit in blam ing the company and some favored holding individual employes respoti Hihle. Just what effect that particu lar form of verdict will have i r how the corporation can be punished is not plain. I'erhaps the jury had in mind the awarding damages to the families of the dead men. A man found a certilled check for JO,(MH on the streets of New York and returned it to the owner who up on demand rewarded the linder h giving It i ii i I0 for his trouble. The tinder of the check considered thi.- ainount was a small sum in consider-. ation of his "honesty" and there an any number of people who w ill think likewise. Hut the truth Is. an hon- est man would not have sought an reward nor expected any. To U honest for the sake of reward is not to Is' honest at all. A person who finds lost property and keeps it is a thief. lvist ( regonian. II makes little difference whethei silver coinage was a direct issue thi year or not, the small dcmncratii successes will be claimed in the inter est of fret) silver and another supreme effort by sound money men will have to 1st made in 'US and l'.MiO. One or two facts from the recent election should he noted. The republica: parly is the only organized body el voters that stands for sound moiie.v , and second sound money candidate cannot be chosen for ottii-e in tlo states where there are divisions i the ranks of its advocates. Soui: . money needs all the totes on one li ly shivt that can lie mustered. Organization has won another v--tory over the majority. Van Wyck Tammany's candidate is mayor New York. Last year the Tammany organization s ood for free silver. This year free silver was not affirm sl, neither Mas il condemned, henn It is fair to suppose that Tammany is yet for fne silver esecially since the Tiger is a fierce opponent of tic republican party which stands for Miund money. It may be said tha: Tammany is not a majority of tie sound money men of New York. That matters not. Its orgaui.ttion wins victories wli-'n its opponents divide into factious an I fritter away j-s voles. The L iw movement was a most ill advised thing. It propon ed to create in a few weeks, a new- party in a municipality where there j commission charges that the latter al are hundreds of thousands of voters, , lege the proceeds of tlie fruit failed and that, too, in opposition lo a com pact org Miizalion already existinc which stands for sound money and jfoo.1 irovcriiiiK'nt. Low ni nii'n' natiil Hfler which hii matiii;"r pi.i vmiI fuiion with the r M J a..- :-i, tint demanilitl lliat tlu-ir own ii-n.n-nalioti la' mii ptctl. Hail tin' coiitiiitfriit tfotie into the rt pnliln-an J orcaniJition it.-i niiiiila-n wotilil hav bt fti ntile to have slmpe.1 tht xilii-y of tin-cainpaiK'ti. The result wotilil have Ina-ti quite il liferent. True the opixmition wa-i equally diviihtl hut the HtiK'i-1 of IVaih h'tit a ht-lplnjf hand. It inort- than proltftMe how- ver that the lw nnitw unip will not aee their blunder and w ill do the same thing again in four years. VuJ'J-.Aa AS It lilt: KtA'CHLl- LAS J'.iJC J . in lie interest of a kouikI financial -yslein and tiiiKiuently the we are of slate, It is absolutely essential hat republican candidate tie elected text June. There are individuals Alio have voted and worked with the democratic party all their live (hit are sound money advia-nti-s, but hey are iu a hois-le-s minority. In Ic -d they will not votewiih thedeiu n ratic party as it is now organized S iund money has no auppoiters ii the populist ranks, wherefore then is no party except lh repuolican that is pli-ded to maintain a dollar -Mirth at all limes and in all plaivs loo cents. Or. gnu must tie ke iioong the states luteil for soum money. No vote should l alienated There are those, however, who ai Iherwise, They are enemies ol Mitchell and although they killed I iu last winter, the couti'lue to kill 1 1 in over again. They continue to insert fiat Mitchell's old fr.ends, and in his lifetime he had friends, wii .in in it the republican party to the dvocacy of free silver. They assert hat la-fore June, 18!i they toyed .vtth, freesilver. Hut these assertion; re not true. Oregon refused to for- nutate platforms iu advance of the .tliotml conventions but contented liemselves with the M inncHpolis ,-lalform of 1HU2. In that wisdom ass shown. Washington was going :-i lie smart. Kirly in IS'.Iti an ad sauced gold platform was adopted, thereupon the Htate went populist 1 1 is not true that the in e silver aeii timent in the republic an party made d difficult to carry Oi.j ui for Me 'n,,,y. Had Oregon I T olllated t republican platform similar to that if Washington there was great langer that the state could have been carried by the poi i ulists. fhere was wisdom displayed in abiding by the platfoim of the national convention. The St. 1iuis national convention in IS'.Iti formulated the republican idea on finance. It opposed the Bry an democracy and hence, if for no other reason, stands lor sound mon ey. Sound money is the policy of the republican party and every one who votes the ticket espouses sound money. There are no silver republi cans. The sound money issue Is a fixed policy of the party and ought not to be questioned. Our congres sional delegation were elected as re publicans. They accept theSt. Lou is i la' form us an unalterable ex pression of political principal and to Hssert anything else is an act of folly. In January, IMMJ Mitchell in voting against the senate amendment to tin Dinghy emergency tariff bill threw free silver overboard, but Mitchell Is dead and there is no use to discuss his acts. Tongue always was tor sound money and is now, ho wa and is McKride, so is Kllis, more so than Northrtip who tried to defeat him and throw the election lo the populists. The great question in American politics to day is sound money, but sound money is not an issue in thr republican party and any man or my paper w ho attempts to make It "lie is a ;disorganizer, and, as fiirac his or its influence gia-s, exerts it in ' he cause of flat money. The Ixiik- I'KMiK.NT thinks there is no donbl .-bout carrying Oregon for the re publican ticket but we cannot afloid o throw away votes by poor party uianagemeiil. We want every vole possible. Washington county, the home of Congressman Tongue, gave McKinley and sound money 51!) u.ajority. That cin be done again, i-ut only as republicans standing on l tie St. L iUis platform. na n t.KuMKiis tii h ui.koahs. How IttMiton count' fruit growers I. ive suffered Ihe past season is shown i the following statement fioin Ihe ( orvallis Times. Il i- evident that - toe one has been killitu: geese. Il is safe to say that growers will lind d more economical to let their fruit rot on the ground nex- year, anil -nice they are not lacking in tinan ci ul shrewdness the ground under the its-swill iH-come iiiuli . However it would seem that Ihe tr:iisportalioii companies ought not lo lie blamed for the condition of a I fairs. They did Ihe work they agreed to do, and fertile stipulated prii-e. They earned their money. As much hou ver cinnot tie siid of the "Fruit I'uions." They, to put it most mildly, seem to have mis uanaged the business. They have lieen swift to charge commissions but laggards in (counting for consignments. yiie Times says: "There Is no change in the situa tion o the Hon ton county fruitgrow ers who shipped grien prunes ca-t and in consequence received from the Milroad companies extravagant claims for Ihe balance of freight and to pay. None of the fruit mh-ii Ii tv paid all or any portion of the claim-, and no w r. has 1 -.1 fi " i 1 1 'In1 traii-ipot a I. i I that tin- lai'i r 1 , . ! hut cii: rt Hi 1-,: -'of .tru fn iuhl t . ... i:.m' -la! niiiiiiiet 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 M-vi';l to am i-haroa t'Kl )Tro.-rt nr. pay i- not known, hut it Hppnmi'ht t'l we to fl.iHMi, mill whi-n the hill are nil in it iimv even pv thai tiaun-, The i-lttiiu riti-t Keconlt r (lalHtly alone nyKTiyiite more I'l in J.'xl, ami his total liipint'nti wire tait Mill more llian a car ami a half of fruit K. 1'. Slit'.i;rti'n N another Ktitr-rer nut hitherto repiirtetl. Hi toa j shipment!" were 1 KH i-Mle of Italians, .mid the freight bills egaii st liiiu call for him lo 'ti up 'i "it i-') in cash ben I ilea the plums the transportation people got. S'ill another U K. K. Caldwell, reiding acrms the Willam ette. On shipments of his iu two cam, one of which was 2-0 crates and the other not learned, the extra charg es aggregate a few cents lew tliati !'. One freight bill rendered by the trausMirtatioo companies lllu-tra'e-tlie shameless way 1 it which the Iruil men have beeu muicttsl. It was lull reudered to F. P. Sheasgri en uud tlie statement of ttie sale and expens es is as follows: ""."J crates of liadsn prunes, sold at 3') cents s-r crte,l. 70." The charges a oust the J.'.i crates are, "loading, .."is; freigiit re liigerati'iig and icing, (15 I'l; cim- oiission, .70; total, IHI.7I," hiihuce due the dealers, which Mr. Shea ,'reen is requested to remit in cash, H.tll. At this rale, if Mr. Slieasrt-cn sticks to the prune business and con tinues to ship green he must soon he !! line very wealthy. The growers as yet have taken no step iu the mailer. They are mere ly wailing to see what will turn up. All of them will probably act in ton i-ert if Ihe transportation p opie con i inue lo press the collection of their laims. The growers are ad vised on ill side lo resist payment, but wheth er or not the matter will come to that past remains to (,-,. ... THE tiltt.lTN tS LVt klMi. The Chicago Journal writing on he influence of Ihe New York Sun says : 'the hull's condemnation never harmed any i n. ; its coioineiidalion never belli tited any one. (l.-ueral Irani and i resident Hays si nd as high in ihe opinion of their country men today as if The Sun had never existed, though it abused them un mercifully. For twelve years The Sun, speaking as the leading extsi- nent of democracy, persecuted Oro ver Cleveland with venomous ma! tgnity, and during those twelve years Urover Cleveland was three times nominated for the presidency by democratic-conventions. Kt-forin- rs like Ilr. I'arkhurst are invariably vilified in The Sun hut their reputa tion is in no wise affected. Tam many and all its shady characters have been landed and supported, but no one has thought the latter of them on that account. The gratification of tierch and unreasoning prejudices in the exercise ot splendid literary gifl.- resulled iu a readablecynicism which 'aused cop!e to lurn to the editorial page of The Sun tlie moment they ink up Ihe paper, but it was an ex pensive amusement for Mr. Dana. The history of his .socullcd allar ego r the last twenty years is a history f defeats. It ceased to have any political power, and it is currently -ported now that its financial losses i ve been so severe that the control will pass out of the I)ana family. Why this lack of influence? There must lie something moie than a pub lic utterance Ihat convinces and con vinces and controls men. The sub ject must be worthy of respect or de serving of condemnation liefore the editorials even of a great paper can hve influence, but when the subject is deserving, the wider that fact can lie known the greater hold on the people Is obtained. The Journal is then said to have influence. There must be right thinking and devotion lo right principle. A H AItMNW TO IIEI,11ILICAS. The Oreoninn late y has been t-lasa-Ing every politician in the Mate a ver repuhlican who i- not Ixiwitnf down to it and abusing the conn-Hs-ional delegation. The Albany Her ald noticiinf the )re(fitiiau has thia just reply: The statement that "the ilt'leiratioti in congress 4 merely the repri senta tivenof this (-liver) faction," which is attempting "to convert the repuhli can party of the stale into a silver party," is pure fabrication. The (), egotiian has time and timeHgain pub lished the views of Senator Mcliride and ('tiiigresHinan Tongue on this question, ami lliat journal knows they are in accord with ihe republican party, in favor of sound money, and the people of Oregon know il. The Ortgou delegation have ex pressed themselves in no uncertain manner upon this question ami tni shameful att.ick inmle in the interest of a g ang of ili-a pointed ottli-e set k ers in I' .rtlMiid will Ih r -sented by Ihe people of Oregon. Who U It thai have "worked lo get her and f.edded together." Lei the actual fads in the last -lotorio.i- legislative tits -o say w ho. Th i erowd of politii-Hl highwayinen, who are now radui'ing sound, honest mon elected h Ihe liu-jnrily of the o(,le of Oregon to represt.nl them in en,,. grtrs, tins.- Portland busies of notor ious repijiHlion were the li-ri t iii fellows w ho "work ami U-d.hsi" vnih Ihe liryanite highwayinen in a r.-m-111011 ciol-e. I'he-se fai ls re nil rt.t: io 1111 iimry, an. I tlie is-onle i:imi.,i u- it. 1 mini or t n 1,: , t,v vtil,,.. Illeii s .,1 .uch g' Hii ' I iiei,,. 1 he l. g.in iteleg ,;,.. in eniigre-s III n-tu-ing 10 Is- i, i to l.y tlu-se 1'onlati.l l,o--. 10 imixii.g reisioi inenilations f r fibril p.itiiiii have done llie state an t.xvlient -r- viir, an I ihi-y will h,. upliei.l by a grip fill people. Ii i. a long ,., toward purifv ing the dirty pelitiml khiI w hich lias U-coine mi i.olor ious in I'. rtland. Jehn 11 Mcly-an, late dcinot-ratit caiitlidate for govt riier of ttn.. j. Ih in,, ur,ed for the fr.. silver ,,resi- dt-iitiHl lioiiiiiiuliou in I'.Mhi. II HI'S EW KILI H. Mar-h .l Hi u.i-o the u.i-.s . r io Weyler an I a pt; ll-l ii-ln t il ill ( U U has reached Havana and relievtd i.i-pr-decwMir. The populace cheeri tl, and the lieu man was received nh that xycophaiil Joy that was said to belong to We ler alone It is only auotla-r liiusira ton of the f e t tuai it Is the oltiee ami not the uisn wl,. i nfiiss Itie rao n.- 'o ei.iliu-lasii , There wilt ii .t Ih much of a t "-niige iu policy. 'The war Mill la- pio-.su.-et as vigorously a the ai-ini.v of the t;ocriiiii.iii will permit. 1' n I he airing of I he prisons will per untied slid liny may l a hide .--s crow iii d. H .oii o'-. (Miin y may be .. .i l.r. . Iron, Ihe loll.,, lily pr l-ialll- nil. in w Inch he has made lo Ihe n- haoilaiHs of t'u I -a : "1 am again among you w im ihkI will and a slins ri- ilesire lo -erve die lienerd w el la re nod lo tslai.ili a lasting p-ace. 1 Mill fi How a Or. wo po.icv in , y endeavor lo restore lia ti rnily among all of Cu a's inh I i laiits. 1 am Hincere in my intention to iiiHiigurate a new tfovi mmeiit po ic, Ihe ol j ct of which M ill lie lo se cure and piescrve peace. "I hope ihi ip ! --lutcand o. brace Ihe S, sni-.li tl .g, tbruMing a-nle all pojodiccH and disi-Mrilinv alliance with iho-e who are hi hi hoik me country Mini oi hiii. '('t iiieuey avails all M lm ol.sei v. tlie laws, but hottever r-gr. tuoli-it may Is- 1 slmli njiorousl lild tln ce who obslnmlely or ungratefully ism. tiioie to cairy on Mar." The following proclainaiion has ben Issued by Marshal Blanco to the armed forces of the island: 'I desire to express inv admiration for you who in two years of bard campaigning have always hrnv ly fought the infamous revolution. 'Th a I soon expect to suppress through your heroic efforts, and with Ihe eon currence of the m hole country, which win uuricsiiatlngiy Hide with us lo tight the victims of hallucinations, who aspire only to m hat must bring their complete dis-ruetion, and which tiers as the only compensation treas on to the history f Iheir race or the sale of their country to foreigners. "Let there he war, therefore, on the stubborn enemies of tlie Spanish people and protection for those w ho seek the clemency of Spain; and let this war, which dishonors us and is making us penniless be vigorously proatcuted." THE U K (SKA I,. The convention now about to ad turn in Washington participated in by the United State-, Japan and Itus- sia has reached a conclusion in the matter of the seal beard of Alaska. It is expected that a treaty or con vention between the United States, Japan and Hus-ia will be formerly signed and executed at the (state de partment during the present week, carrying out the proposition before Ihe Keliring nea conference for a sus pension of pelagic sealing. The pres ent understanding is that the signing of this document will occur within the next tew days. It will represent the completed efforts of the confer euce, and, w ith the signing concluded, Ihe conferaiice will adjourn. The terms of the treaty or conven tion w ill follow the lilies of the prop oiilion considered by tlie conference and referred with favorable recom mendation to the authorities at .St. Petersburg and Tokio. The essen tial feature of Ihe treaty or eonven. tion ia for the suspens of pelagic aeal ing tor such a time as will permit the seal heards to revive. The period of this suspension is not disclosed. One reMirt is that it will be for one year, subject to extention. Another is Ihat it will cover a term of years. The conference resumed Its session at the stale department, but no of licial statement was made as to w hat had been done or the plans In view. The attitude w hich (Jreat Britain will assume toward Ihe proposed treaty which is to take its place is awaited with interest. Thu far the British authorities have not lieen In formed as to wnat the conference pro-poM-s doing. At the same time the British extort, Profea-or IVArcy Thompson, has had several long talks with Mr. Foster and Mr. Hamlin, and these have tieen of snch a satis f iclory nature that it ia now believed thai an amiinhle understanding will he reached by all parties concerned, If Canada shows a ilisposition to as sent to the agrnment. But Canada still stands in the way, and the con tinued absence of the Canadian ex perl, Mr. Macnun, is regarded in the light of a diplomatic discourtesy, not only to tne United Stales, hut also the British government. The foreign olliee named him, w ith Prof. Thump. son, as an expert to come to Wash inglon. Prof. Thompson came at once, but Mr. Macoun has rriiiaiind away. The Ottawa government has sent no explanation of this action, and it is apparently oblivious to all inquiries. The New York citizens' movement proposed to purly the po. of Miitn-a. Itistt ad of i U-m.ii.g out the spring al ready turn, slung r asonaHy puie water by r. moving a few brick hals that marred Ihe U-aiity of the fount. am a new well t m begun out in hii unproiiii ing stnd.v deceit. Ihe tig -rjuniied on the .Mnk and wiih his paws pu-lie, ,,f itMe a uid on 1.0W, the chief engineer, and Ihe with a breath completed the job so Ihat I ie reformers are tinned ls-otalli llie-anil Ih-ir own shovels had raisxi. The mniiiiK iro uiwn ih. L'diUiI Sim ltusi . Js,,M s to be !n.-d tody, Nov. 5th. iood roisoiiad. FEARFUL RESULT 07 mPSQFZRLY TREATING AFI ADSGESS. Mrs. L E. Browning, of Pueblo, Painfully Afflicted frcm a Complica tion of Diseases Her Remarkable Fortitude. From th cyuUiln, JSttbla, CW. Th hurry al bimtle of tli hou-ite ! eitrrmrlj wi-ariiir upon Ilia tlrlKut orvNiiiMiu of wniuitutiuoil. iter intruiM rar Brttiicu iu otlMlen-r .lia uiiUrrmkn. lempu b.-r eulitiitly Iu go tiyulid lier trehtftli. Read Ilia tory of a l ..l..rJo ouiho a tol.t to our reMrter : M l-.ii.-lit veura ." . i.l ih. '-mi liusLaud di.l. ami 1 uaa It'll with llirr rliililren to i-n- i. mul rdtn-Mt. Atiout two yeara airo I waa very tick with blood poiaoniiur. eauae.1 bv an abai-eM ttiat had not ret-rired proper treaiinent. The diaeitae for a tiina aetileU in my ttiroat, raua iiilt me intense nguny. 1 hen inttamiiiamry rlieiinialiniD tl in. For lour niouilia and a half I waa a irisoner iu my room, iii.wt ol tlia time conuned to my bid. My hamli were wollrii an that I muld not I. ci inywlf, and the awellina in mv fiet and anklea would have niaile walking impowible if 1 ' uaa oeeii atroun enouKn. "One day, after eouiiderabl treatment, bit pliyiii-ian brought me a Ixn of pilla. "You need a louic," he aaid, "and anme thinR that will act nt once, and tl.n ia the bent medicine I know of fur that purpoe." "Pilla," I eicluiiiit-d in aurprise aa he opened the Ixii and ahoweit me tlie little I ink gloLea. These are lr. Williaina' Pink 'ilia for Pale People." Ye.," he replied, " but you need nol be alarmed, tin y are not physic;, and uiy word for it. they'll do you fool. iselore 1 hut lieen tukini them (week I I ".' i-real imnrnvrnirut In my eon waa aone. I c:!i-a. ...I.... uiy i iitiiiiiniUi frrew atrouirer eai-h day and now am iu the teat of heulth. The lady waa Mra. t. E. Tirowuiug.of tl5i Eaat 4th St., Purlilo, Colorado. Sotting Out in Lrife! ir ' n t I-.., i i-e fi tut vk ll'. 'i I . ; i t-.:i rw : 1 mm m SCKULMERICH & SON, HILLS150R0. OREGO.M. mmfnmnmmnfmfffmfmmmmK HAVE YOU USED ! BUTTER PARCHMENT? 3 . All gilt edged butter put on the mar ket by creanieiies is wrapped in paper. The product of the private daily would reach its market in much bettet condi- . tiou if wrapped in Butter Parchment than it does when wrapped in cloth. Parchment is not only better than cloth but cheaper. Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard, from 'which 27 sheets can be cut 27 Parch ment wrappers cost 2 cents. 5Q0 Sheets 8x11, 500 Sheets, 8x13, The standard size for 2-pouud rolls is 8xli inches; 2-pound blocks are wrapped in the 8x13 size. One reason why paper has not been generally used heretotore, farmers could not get. it at the gene tal Mt te It is now kept at the Independent of fice cut to any size wanted. fiuiiuiiuaaiaiuiimiiuuaiuuiium is the uKourr onitr, ok iiik I Mtat ol (hexon, lor Wash. locum i utility. Km rov lent Wilson, i mini i o. i v. Oim t'lm.ldirk Wilsmi, P.-lend.iiit. ) l.i Onii uiiauil en mion. ueienuuni Hbi.ve named : In Ilia name of ilia 8' t - if Ore. on, yoii are lieretiy reipnre 1 tt ni pear and ulnaer ttie conij. limit hie I aara ii"t yuu ia tlie at owe entiiieil suit on or I eter-- itie lin' lay of tlie next rauu ar larin "I i-i I (' inn foil. iwinu tlie axiram. il ol am sm ee-Mv.-weeks' iihli. anon ot tins .iiiniiiu.i. t -wit, oil or Ii o.e Mumlav.N'iveniber li2nl lsi-7, ami il y-u lull to -o ne"-nr ami ans ae! lor w.iiii tliereof the p. ami. It will a -ply lo the C un lor Hie rel.ei p ave I t.-r in ih- e n piiont, to-w t, lor a ! ore tli. .olv iu tne noiets ul ni.itriinoiiv, t-XMtni liei w n 1 1 1 n n t i tl and tlie le en. I. int. an. I th: t el n. I'll nae I lie- me and ruto.v of Daniel I'avn n Wilsen, n iinnnr rliild ot pla nlitl a:ol d :eo l.inl, and lor I .e i-.at. an- iii.nur. no n: -a ii'i-- a.m. Tina -o iti in- n - I. ile i nii -tl vtl i v Pll' lliao in ll ereoi in 1 lie HllNnor-- l-l le- tH-iiiletit tii- ienit to ilia rder ol It in I I.oiii I. .V M Hri.l. J iiX J ot sill. I L part, ma.le tWioiier .iili, l-to l-.'iui.ii, l;ri-nniiL'ti .V Inr ji-.i'ii Aitoii.i y tor l'.iobutt. r-ncln-r" imrli-rlf n mi ll ni i ii. N' nin i:is iikkki'.y i;ivi: ruvr lor t lie put p-i-e t.t iniikl nir an exami nation ( all .. roii- h lio mav otter t Ii. iii--el. ii- ean.li.l.it ..r 1-aeii. is ot ll,. sehiM .1- III I III-eon til V, tlieeoillity si-I.m. stlperillteli.lat'l rlie'eot' ill l"l-l a pill. In eain i nal t "II al 1 or--t I i ro e t -.-l.-' in 1 1 lief :i I one 'e. 4-k p III on N... o. tiie seioii.l Vilni-I.-O ol I he leoiit Ii, ale I l-olltillllliiL- lliroiiuii I i i. I, iv Applieanls ..r -talc p.ii.i is may pr.-etil thein-eltra on llinr-.lav n. II. tor stale -. 1 1 itieale I he mil r--- tl 1 1 1 lueti t i.i-i- ts-rieias' ol 'J-.'tnoiiths t- M " : stat.. illpl a : Itionl hs e t l-eri. las- an-1 i ait-1 Illation ill hook kiepillif ph-lell k'e--i.a-liliy mill fs nnposil ion lee Isi.oi; stal lih ii.oina 4 "i inotit hs i xii rieiiee ati.l t-iaini-liation in alk-ehra. Km:li-li lit- ratnre n.i aroii -s ti.H.I la and ireneriil lii-tory tee f . i ati'li'lates t'or roiinty is-ttitu-iites tor tlitrii ir-a-le inli-t l-e al lea-t III ears ol ni'i for .s.i-oii.1 arade IT years uiel lor tirM ra-ie . is w ars. f'ale.1 this I'stlnlav of -ft"U-r. Is!i7. i AififlN I II. V HI. County srlnsil auperiiiteiiilt-iit ot W ash iugtoii eon n iv, tiri'im. i-.'4 "1 eonai.ler Dr. Williama Pink rill for Pile People," ih f.Hinuued, " tha Ut Ionic I have ever kuowu." "A frieiid nut l.aiK ags waa telling ma of her uioiher wlio im ai a critical iienod in lor I lite. Mia bail lieen ul.jecl to territ.le lauit- iiiu Rtieila, Hhii tlie wli.ile taruiv would mk over lirr. lr. W illiitim' Piuk Pill tier. I'r. illiituii' 1'iuk 1'illa have li.-t w.iri.g- iAli, but iiii-n her mm h lr-in.Hi thai .he ia able to Uka up lite a dutle. auttin. "1 reeouimended the pill, aim to a young lade wlnwe pale face niaile one pity her. Mi looked aa il there ma.u'1 a drop of blood in her body. Mie waa ao weak that alia waa not able to alien. I arhool, but after taking lr. Williaina' Pink Pilla for awhile the l.aa iron back to ai-hool, and, with her r..y cheeka and bright eyea, ah look like an other irirl. (Sivued) "Mrs. L. E. It row nino." SiilM-ribed and aworu to beior tue tbia tiHUUayof Mar, A. 1)., !Nl'7. liKoKoK W. lil I I., Xotary Fuhlif. Tr. Williaina' Pink Pilla for Pale !'-.. 1. 1 eouiain, iu a eondemusl form, all the ele menia neeesaury to give new lite and riehuesa to the blood and restore ahuttered nervet. They are au initailinir Kss'itie for aueh (ii. raci. 3a lis-iimotor ataxia, tiartia mralyhia, St. Vitua' dunee, aeiatioa, neuraliria, rheuma tism, nervous heada.-he, the after ellts-t of la pr'Tpe. palpiiation of the heart, pale and sal low complexions, all forma of weakmsa either in mule or female, fir V mti! Piuk t'llttare sol. I by all dealers, or will lie aeni rsait pant on receipt ot price, so cents hoi, or .n boxes for $2.50 (thev are nerer old In bulk or by the lOul by addreMinj.' Ilr. Yi uiiaaia aieaiciue Co., -beutctady, A. I. Aa well aa in the thirk of the battle, ia a time when a man aliould tie careful about neat and correct dressing, first impressions are half the victory. Who haa a better chance, even in looking for a aituation, than the young man whoiae attire ia aneviilenceof taste, thrift and judgment? Young men who wish to prosper should order their Sulla and 1 x AI. BORN & CO., v v. k u . vim.v ... ........ o JVov over 40 yrt. at the head of the Custom Trad. All agea can be suited. Style, tit and workmanship are guaranteed. The world's best looms supply the material. Tat Ben is always The Most Economical. W notirtt siLicTEa riTTaaas iu uauaa aua. CALL UM AM) SEE PATTERNS 55 cts. 60 cts Ml Kit I PPM nam:. IY VIKIIK OK AN EXKi I' llil IJ issued . ut nl the Circuit Court ol t ie Mate ol U.eoii. lor Wa , i.L i..n l o n.n , in lav.ir ol ( I. . Hlnn-v and iiKainn Hen K I'.itton and Mary K. Ru ion. lor ihe sum ot f M coals, and lor lie Uir'her siiin ot tHi7.j)ii II. 8. (told o un aiil iiitena- itiLT'-nu ai tha rata ot H . er reni per nn il'M tro n the Willi d iv o: Ju.v ls'il and I r mr eosli and expon-cs of sale and oi a a ro. Now, tlicre-on-, hy virtue and in pfrsii in iv ol ni -l jie iiiih nl, and lor ae.nt o .udii-.e I pets. in.ti property, I did t, , . I. nay ol in till er ll!l,, rluly It ry on ail tin-in rest ol the ah. ve name I delemi. a t n t lie heri'in-ifter de-cnheit real pro. pi rty, i wii, oi .-Saturday, the LU h day ol .Noveiniier sir7, utthe eolith in-or nl the oirt It use. ii 11 list. or. i, Wa-hniui t'4iiinty, llreim, at he liour ot 10 n'e.oek a in o: i-aui dny. s .1 at puh.i.i auetion to thr lilif.n at ti..der lor easli the loilowYine describe 1 r--l pr.iperti- lowit: HPlf-ll'imi. nt li .rtli east corner of aer. tion Hi' I "ill t W, Will. Mer.. Iheiiee riiiiii.nii a onit ihe W..a tne tie Mend nn t. tne sout ii . si . ..mi r.il K. rnhrook tli.n. e ri.i.n tit' due .pl to center ol eountv ron t then. rutini.iwT north to the noriii si le of S, I il.s te-ry road Iheiiee r II ti 1 1 1 Tl -111 U llortlie.iaierlv direction niolltr Ih-' c unity road lo here the One ol s-.e!i'ie lit crosses sitl.l i noils Ferry roa I thence rip inni! west , the pmce ol h.- onniiiir i cuiitaiiiin.r la acre, mure or les-,aso coin ! me-ieitiir -it I he flir I heast C irner ol seel ton . U 1 1 K I W V li. MHrruniiit, then.. a .in ti 40 eii iius i t -,e ipiirter .ection I po-l Hi-me a.-si 2utn eh ilna lo a post ; thetiee nor o 4" rliiiins 10 a cross in a .ik tiien, e e 1st 2-i.ft eliains I. He- pnm ol , c itniiicn. eiii .nt c ml it iinir s:l 1: ros :i,,,r ; o les, ee..pitn2 :t in -r a sod t.i . , I '"'ler d.e.1 d it .1 Ii o. 17, !t, iw . a res 'o il to II. I . 11 i ner ..-. I I i d M iv 11 t-l.'., ami 1. aer-s -,i ,) p, M ,. , I- u,,, ,' .lee i in W . I.V.-I K- I l i-y ii. t- l", ,,, H I I -ll'l y 1 Jr.- -.n, rt s .11-1 y i" n me I "ii ii , an i lor th the herel in- II . X . ii ... ,, .,,( Said p oi e ly I Ii so.l -ii j , , rp. teniin ; n a- ..-- s' ltnieo l-... ti, Wo.es, ii, y II ,. , ,,. 4 li',,. ,, W. 1. 1' ft I ' F I: II, S'or;tfol Klrni-I in t'oiinti, r tue oi On-irin. VI i'i .-sni- ii ,v o in ti in, A t int. y lor l'.aintilf. KcarrapvEL Baking lowclci AIolu1lx Pui PACIFiC UNlVERfciTY THREE COLLLGE CObhhtb CLASSICAL, The Acadernij prepares for College and nire.s a thorough English Education, the best pre paration for teaching or business. All ex- ntpvp renj !otr.- Beard 2nd reerca at the Ladies' Hall $3 to $4 per nreek, inclui1iti,i electric liht and heat THE COLLEGE DORMITORY Under experienced management, trill fur nish rooms and board at cost on the. club plan, not to exceed If 1.60. For full particulars, address PRESIDEXT McCLELLAM). Forest (irore, Oregon Hillsboro Pharmacy Pure fresh drills, Hrushes. Paints, Oils, Sponges and all Druggist, Sundries, Fine first class cutlery a sjiecialty. rxtru tare iu ( uuipou nil Iiik l'r-nrliitiiMiK.''-7s !ai I ' M UO.. I UK CI K' I I I i ul K 1, tl ' 'I UK h . e ol Oii-kiiii, lor W .i-ii.iiKieu K ij in S. Hull, f laintill, ii. V. Alarsh, aa udinitlistrHlor of .ai- eiure o Mu-liael r.-n ile.eas - I, Christ in n W ten, C. 1', Wren, N-llu Kevnolda, K ny V ren, Mary 'r.i'ii, billy M. Moon, Kiiituii V'i s..ii, l.ulu K. Wi.hanis u mid nll.l Wren D len.laiea I" C. I). Wren a-ul Mary Newell, of the ahnve n .ineil .elen mi s; 111 (be n. i tne oi I he H'.it ol O eiron, you ii. I ea. ii nl you an. I er- I, r.ipured to apprur an. I answer the complain! lilrd 'Kaiii! you in iheahove eiiioied ami I-y Mond , the I day ol Noveuiner, 1KSI7, i he siinie tieinu the urst day ol die next rcg ilar term ol tins I 'otirt next lo.iowi ti the expiration ol the aix wtea' pub ien tion ot ttii.s uniiiioua preo'ined hv uider ol ttie Court; and d you lull to ao appear and answer, tor want theieol the plaintlll w ill aiip.y to the C uirt lor iho reneld. -mantled in the couipiiiiui, to-wit: thata decree lie en sr d in.-aii.st voti an1 ea. h ol said delelidailla reillirillK y u and eaetl ot satu Uelulnlanla lur tlielnae'vea uuU said Marsh mm . dtiiinisl ator ol the eMate ot Micliai-1 Wren, dei-ease.!, lor and in etitiif of said estate to ea-'i'tite und del ver ti the planum a deed wi ll Ihe usual waranty to Ihe reel em ale desirili. .1 in the ooiiiplainl Herein and ihat il raid deiendaiits Iml l.i i-xeeute suid deed .siii-hdeeree ataiidtor and in plui-e of ttie a one the a ltd real estute is hiiuated in WiisbiiiKion l ounty, Oregon old neuiK more particularly deair l.ed a follows to-w it :lieoiK the south liltyiieres ol the loliowiiig deaiiihed tract of land: he Kiiininii 18.SU alia. West t tlie sotuh-ea.si orner ol ihe donat ion land ciuini ol .M u-li-iel Wren mid wile, in town. 1 N. ol II 8 W.W ill. -Mer. in sal i C um ly and Mate, no iliiiiniK tin nee Weal l.i ij ( hs. . l.i. me Nor h (A27 clis., ilien.. i:., .i i-ti. and Hi. in e 8 iuiIi U.VJ7 ' h ei . e ot ne.riiiiii:ir. coniaiiiin . o ,.er . In addlll-ill to said s- i.lu u Iv in les said d cree will a-no upon same eondlliotia in- lude a strip ol luml 30 h et wide exu-n.l- ti K troin a poin t on ilie C.nin i road ut tlie north. ml i orner ol th.- mo.i II, J acre tract aoutherly aluiitf t he eastern boiiu- tary ot aaid one hundred acre tract o the sai l south titty ac ea and that the plaintlll have such other and further relief as. the court may deem lil.t and eipiita.iie. this aummotia is aerveil upon voti bv pu jnca:ion by o derol Hon. T. A. Me lt tue, juiIrii ol aaul court, m-id. a i i uaiH l (.haiiilif ,a. m Astoria Oregon the 7lh lay ot October Is:i7. W. N. HAKKKTT, 2"-2 Aitornev lur I'luiotitf. .o(i e of NhI of It-al IVoimt- tj ly Ailniinintrntor nt I'rivHte Male. NOTICK li UEKKHY (iiVKN. THAT liy virtue ol tlie aui lioi ity of n-i oi- i'-r oi b i.e niu.ie ua-the Conn-v t; mrt ol he Stute of Oie;.iii, lor Washiuartoii 'otiiity in the tnatier ol ilm ..iuih ..i John V. Miipn nirion ileoeased. and dated Sepieinber iJ, lsi(7, tlie undersigned will ifnm and atter Saturday the iuth day ol oven:ter IS'.tai proi-ee.1 to M -11 at nrivul,. sale the loliow uiK-iiescritied real prots-riv siiuaie in vt asiiuit't in t ounty Oregon nnil moie pariuuiarlv des-nbed aa follows t. -wit : C'oinmeneinir at a point in tlie Townsh r, line between township, o e (I) and two 2) south ol ratine three west Win Mer said point beiiiu (i.ijli cha west of h.eaiiii h west corner ot tne south ea-t uiiart. r of s. ei.on ,ii in tow iisinp i s. un h oi nnu'e west iiioresiiiu, ihotiee north east 4H .VI na to a point on iheea-t line ut sH.d rouih r.im i(iiuiii'iui bh ii ii, aaul last tnei: II .lieu I ol.it tieltiff e.2l chs south of the norinea"! corner ot sai l sout lie. isl -iiiart. r lience south ill. ill cha to the soutiiea-t corner i.f said southeast ouarier theme asl y ens, tlieni-e smith 22.!l."i eh. tin , west on Jolin Ml Ker a In ei.tm i ll. t.i a eori.er on A. Il l 's east hue th. nee imr Ii .US ehs on llu.'s e ist I. lie lo the loelli e isl co-iier ol sad A. 1 1 ill's dotial ion lau.l laini, then - e west ;tj . ch thence not lit I.H7 . lis tin nee e li p place o in - 1 in(i Com. mow ikUi acres more or ss. Ais i a tract cuimii u.-inir t the N V orner nl the A. in -an III. .oil wi .. i h. C. riinnuia: th. nre west on the norii. lo ""''I . lain, L'7 IM , ha. In a i .i.i tl...... aonih 7.1 i ha, lo ana; ih.-me east 21 a ell. to a l ost; ihenee llorll, 7 L'l . II-. lo tlie place of Iwa-oiniiiir, onta nn.n -j, aen a. Also I t tin -ea i.l M -c. Il n T 'JS I! VI- .lll. .lli-r . HS lies etiiiied ui on , I, ,1 toe I. H tfovernuiiit anrvev. 1 Inapi Ai.o tot I in block IJ in the town ..I O. stun, Oreiri.n. S HI real estate will b. so 'I tn pan-, a Pi -uii .iirci,n.-r-. 1 he term- ol sale h... . , ,.l. , h,i n lay of sale, an. I n, one y. ar wl I, inter- est a- 8 tier ei nl, . rtlre-l by a moru-au Oil lie prenua -s a Id. Mud sale i.l ... ilbjiCI li Ihe coiihriliutloli ot the Count v Uirt. K its w ill l.e re,-., v.. I ,.. .... H ll.horo. 1. 1 ir .ii. H . .. i nn- i. . , su7. K. I.. nAi'l'IMI rt)N .i on n str.i or estate J mil W 21-2.1. am nui.in, le. ased. VITH K Mill ' Itl.U 1 10 I. .sn m m r t Ork.i.h I itv iu. .November Is'iT I- IIKi:i:i!Y i.l VKN. I HA I IllW lll-llltllll d s,.f,,.p , ... ,,.. N'nTIi K I the lol .1 ic- t Ins i i ti-tit i.,,i to make lii,,. I .., . ort ol di-claim, and that said pr.K.t made U-I.,re the liivisier am, ... ' at i ir-ifoii I n v. ,n em. ill William It. Inu.i iN..ni ii r. "im mr tne r. ot -N V, S of ..c 11, -i, N , in, T 1 X It , w E W .ol .., "' ' the following Kim, .roe,is continuous r, ..,,i,.,lr). cilltniitiot, of. said laud l!ol-rt I. .-in, ,..., ,,f !,,,, llt , , A lain Miiip-..h, " I'elerJ. I. UIH I Krank Hinvholer ' " I HAS. II MimiKCs 24-i SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY FALL Tt.HM BEH1SS SEFTEMEER 15, 1SH7. UNION BLOCK MAIN 8TRtT, Ir.lF. A. ink), Fup Is Your JJiisIih'sn D Then this is the time to improve It. lam t wait until 'i.,,iuctlllrilf turns hi,," I nit turn it u,, vours,.f Keini-nilit-r this the iitViis,. ,,j Hilvertisini; is to l.rinK I,iimi,.s,s 1 he w ise luisiiu-MH n,.ln j a,Vl.r. tise us iini,-li ii not more in dull wasoiis us in husv seas.ins. A K's"! and tiiiie-lioniir,-.) av of advert isiritt is through the llll.l.NMiiKi, 1mKI-KMKNT. Win . er you willit to Ket out eo m.M liirikf neat to sen. I through the mails or "oinethiiitt eheiip to throw iir.uiii.l come iinti see us. ' If You Wore Ho Yes, if yon were the creditor ami saw the men-hunt aittiiii; idly in ins hIioii iiociiinulatiiiij more dust, cohwelis and out ol Btyle kiniiIs than cash, vmi w..ul, prolHihly feel like u.skint;, Why don't you Wake Up use the advertising culoriiiis n( the lln.i.aiioKo I nuki-kmo vr and exchange v.mr stia k for Wal tender? Vhat Bay ymi. Kiisli Work is a Jifulileiii in iiuiHt job ollii ca. Not ho with the Hi. i sm, no iv-dki-knoknt Printer). We have a liirue force of men nt work all the time add can "nir-li" a job for you without auv troiil.le. Mien you want work done quickly nive the IIii i siuiko In. UKi-iMia'NT Joh Otlioe a trial. Ar Yo(i riCisical? If so send in yur Mul,H ri),ti.,ii to the NATIONAL HONK and .MUSIC 40 ITKXAL This is a iiionthly trolti-n up in the Is-Ht iiH.sjlile Htv'e, Km h issue ciinlaiiiH 17 j.;u; es of vocal ami m-i , unieiital innsii- of the latest ami lu st coiijMisitiiiiis. Siilisrri,llos Only $i per year. The lllllsie you jret in tin- 1 iiiimls-rs wouH cost you aUuit OiMHI ut usual retail rates. Send III cents lor sample copy. Clllt'Afif, HOOK AMI M.ws to. Hi Mali.ish Atr t lileiiKO af - .otirc.it Final Nrtt lenient. VOTU'E IS HKKKHY lilVKN. Til A T 11 the uiidersi i d A-lliili-ialr.-.tri ot lieetale i. J lines N.Kerr. II.,,,,.,! has hied Ihe tin I aceotim in tl, at, r .,...1 esiiiie III the C. llltll i'i ii i ' r in il.u i .,! ..i iireKoii, a. nati.n I .ounty hi.. I tint tl.e Hon. II. I'. Cornelius, J ii, e ot .m l i m et the an tn f.,t lie rn-.nN 1.H l7 it Ilincl.uk . in ol s da-. A I t. i . in lite Lied are hereby uotiii..d lob- m I a-.. i ear in ,i, court n' said .In- ami h a "id mske .il.leeiio , ii t,.v have an, ., Hie allowance ut said nci u-it , , . 'KC! I.I.I i. KKI:i,s, AdmitMstra.r x , ,,. ,.,.. , , J:, ,,. f""n l- o- and. W'h h . r, 1SSI7. -"l-"t M'-niiih., in i he cirici i r 1 1 u' H r if 1 .tH'sul Oii'iinit, lur V, t,,i,ln.,, I II V. -iiiii- H. K. Noble, v Marv Joriri hs... , -on, her lio-I.Hli t, nam. Win. h i. i I'll,. i, tut. 1 .1 n K. .1 or.i-n. ( I Hil l M. Hay- r , llete d oits. J u ui I j inn r. Jo T M ltv ..irL.etl , son, delendinn III I lie liafii,. ,, You nr.. hereliv i the Stite of O'. "'I'lir l to appear lilt I --1 Hi nsl y ,11 1 U III J'l the th I ol answer Ilia coinp ur ao e enl, tied .nil,- VI ....I da ol .Sov. iiii.er t -!i7. . u. .inn" l,e,u liro day o! the Xovem.er If. IT ,.... .. e-Mllt m-tt I'lilowm.f the exturatn tlie s. I week. , unlicat iit this sniiitn.. .re.0rie l.y , r.l, , ,, ,.,., y,, , tail so ui ai-eir ami atis.e. tne plain'.'! will app'y to the ,,,,,-t ,,r ,,,, teii,.t j,.. man. led m ihe .,, p . t,)Al. . ror jiidtfrio nl the "ion of tilo, Illfillll.l iletenilan'S l..r I -d p'l'lclp I id the note ..... n, i lie . o II p lint with interest on at s e r ie- p-r aniiinn iroin M i 'M"r.ili,t.i,r.),Bt,i ! (,.r ,,,,, and dishurstuenis. For the lor. ei.i-nie of a in rtir ie i lei and itp:v,..e.l r,v M ,ry i ..,.,,-,, and on M ,v 2d l!,l, to.ec.re ail no e. .. th.,,,uteai i - ,,f ti, ,., ,,, , ,., "l""' '"-''If 2 -onii. r,,,'. J -s, . isiiineton t o inty Or-ifon a i I tor me s . ,,( property In.-reon a. cnr i- ......... ...iiii.i, . , l pi I .in nt. "nuitiion. I. p ihllshed ta.r.,, I., n . ..i.ler o. Il m, r. M(.r,.,V ,., aid Court, dated Hep I onU.r 1 1V,T io i.tur Kit HA 111 W. Mom Aii I' E, Attorney lor 1'laiulilf 1 2i