Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 05, 1897, Image 1

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aa.oot a.o i a.ooi
i.oo tt.ooi a.ooi
. Independent and Oregonian
Twr-ca DoUm-Hi
Independent and Oregonian
f Two DolliTa: j
No. 24.
Vol. VXV.
8TAIK Iff ll KUH.
Oovornor Wax P. Lord
Hooreiary u( HUM . . . Harriaon It. k mould
1 rauaurer plelliu Metaobaa
fetapt. Publie luatruotlow i. M. Irwin
r.u Printer W. ri. Leeds
Cl.aa. k. Wolverton
H. H. Bean
r. A. Moor
Judge Fifth District T. A. Molina
Attorney Fifth District . . . . T J. Ueeion
Coiuuiuwloner "
tieeordex , .... ...
I raun r
School nii'perintendent
' 'on Mwr .... ...... -.
...,K. P. Coruallu
. . 1). H. ItMiaouer
T. U. Todd
I. A. I ! (-
..W 1). Bradford
tt. L. McOorniiek
... . A. B. adv
Oeorg H. Wiloox
. .. Aumin I r.nJ
. ... UK. WilkM
'.!.. Large
Hubert A. Miller
W iu. tiai.owuy..,
.. W. N. Bnrrell. Mil for
Tuos. Tucker
. J. M. Oreear
... W. II. Wehrung
t. U. Htanley
K. II. lirecr
rioard of Trunteae
i. P. I'UllHIl
. . . .Benton lio mar
F. O. M itchvl
I'reasnrer .
laatioe of
W. T. Lane
W I. Smith
1. P. H.cka
Peaoa I
I be a-.aila oloe at tba HilliU.ro Poet
.tttloe, daily: ... . ,
Oleum, WMt Union, Bethany and Cedar
Mill, at 11:20 a. in.
Ooing Hontti, 8:30 a' m.
Ooing iu Portland and way-oflloea, M a
iM . .Fill 1 n m.
For r'niiiiitn and IJiornl. WodnMdajri
and HHtnrdaya at 1U::I a. u.
CtONOKKOATIONAli Dill lli;n, oorner
J Main and Fifth ttrneta. Freaohiuu
iry Mtbatb, moruinc and TenintJ. rtab,
tatb aohfMrf at IU o'oi.wk a. m. Fray"
jiMitinK Tbnrmlay eveiillig. . I, a. v. r.
4nnUay at 6:80 p. ui. All rytwa will Im
.hurt, brluli', intretinie and hl(lul
Kvoryoiia ror llBlly wi mna.
Vj Kf tta and Kir Freacbinu ewry Hunday
.viiiiiu at 8 n. iu.; ooiia nunuay
at 11 a. m.i Hundy aobnol at 10 a, in,
pranr niwtinii evwry Wednesday aTfoiiiK
toaobera niwtimi every ttuuday ereuiun,
H. A. Decli, paatur.
I IHWT Christian t'lmrcb, K. Ij. Bhflley
r ,.t,. Baaitline and 1 bird. Preaobiim
..... u.,n.l .t 11 a. m. and IM p.
H.m.lnvMnhool. 10 a. m. Prayer meeting,
Ihnraday.HigO p. ni. V. V. B. 0 K.. Hun
day, 7:110 p. m. .
1. K. 01'ne raator.
ill I'M
r.eaobiUK every Sabbath morning and
BVttuliiH Hb-airi :iioki every oi....u
10 4. L-iaifi MK,nnR tvery Hnnday al
. ui,.r. l nrnvar lueetiuii every
l'hnradav evenino. I,eadra' and hteward'a
meetinti tba aenond Tneeday evening or eaon
A. . I. W.
VI.. nieota every brat and tbird
v.,.,.,, ...,;.w in Him month.
P. H. BAUGHMAN, Kxooider.
llauRhlera ef Krlrrkah.
M, I. O. O. uieeta in Odd t'eiluai
Hall every BalurdHy vmiuih.
r. f ii.
U U,l,rIHKO UllANUK, NO. 7, meet.
2nd aud 4tb Haturday of eaob niontb
Kknj. honorikLU, Maafer,
Arnii iMBail, 8ee.
I. w. o.
MONTKZl'M A UllHiB, NO. 50, meeU
Wedueaday eveniUK at 8 o'oiook.in l.O.
' V. Hall. Viiuiore made w-lomna.
D. M.0. OiULT, Hvo'y.
. V . V.
ME KT8 very Hunday eveninn at J o'clock
in tne t'bnatian ehnrob. oa arc
ordially invited to atti-udita ineetinna.
KKA AIAM8, I'rea t.
Iirnrr-e of Hoiioi.
1 W.. nie-i n Odd Hoa' hail rn
brat and Ihud Kn.lav nine
ni onlb. M. M. I'i'lenirr, I . of H.
Mra. Kelt Biwn, Ke.onler.
lUllihoii Mislrra.
1lllKNU lA 1KM l'l.K NO. H, R. I,
niietivvry 2nd and 41 Ii Kni.ay meat'li
month at 7 :30 o'cl. k n I. .,'
Man. M'SIK rl ANLKV.
Mm. M. A. I loin a, M. K. V.
M. ol It. and C.
k. or r.
1 mcwU in Midline Hall on Monday
vonmu of each week. Hojonrnin brethren
elmed to hidtfe "'" w A , , 0 a
I. A. Um, K. of It. 8. '
A. '. and A. M.
'IM'AMTV I.OIMJK NO. 6, A. t. A A. Sil.,
1 nuieta every Hatnrdxy niht on or after
nil moon of eaoh month.
W. 1. Wl01, W. W.
K,('llntl.l, Secretary.
O. E. .
flMlAUATlN OHAPTKB, N0.31.0. K.8.
1 meem at Maaonio I nnpie on ine Slid
tlaara 1'aonaiTi, Serreiary.
w. c. t. r.
Mii.i.snoiui, w.o. r. r. mv:T in
tii I'onirienatmniti 1'hurrli on the
Friday in en h inontl al II oVlock P.
K. 0. T. .
1 MOLA TKN f, S. I. K. O. I. M.,
V meet in IMd FVUowa' Hall, on ei-c
nd fourth Thuraday eveninxa
if ea h
nonth. t ,
Him tou How ma,
K. K.
I. O. O. F., meeta on tiral and
bird Tai'odava of eaoh month.
l, M. V Un, frini.
e. KiJisoJi rotr, so. , . a. k.
the lirland third Seiurdaya of each
mn.h, atl:o'no'k. I'. M.
J, I', Hu k. II, U Lvke, V V.
r,. Ktl'tKI') 0. 4..W R.
it I Hilmhoro, on the lai. Ind 3d. Fridat
ol.eaoli month al 2 I', ni.
Mra. lr rea.
H a.Uriba Oaxlile, Heo,
UILLfcliOttO, UttfcuON.
Orrica: Morgan Block,
UUnt, "
Orrira: Central Hloom, Uoonia M.d 7.
uiMToa , w. D. inn a.
Notary Fnblio.
Mil Til at BOnjlAS,
Orrica: homua 6 and T. Moruaa bluok.
C. E. KIM1T,
Koom : No. S, Portland Havino Bank
Buildin, Heoond and WaabinKton r. tree la.
j. a. aaowa.
. a. aui.T
Keai'leiit atront tor Knynl Inin-ance Co.
Koona: 1, 2. and S, Khuie Huil.linjr.
Deputy District Attorney for Waahil'B
on Oxuiily. .
ovrtia: Koom No. 13, Morgan and
ilatle, li.ork.
S. T. LISKLATtR, H. H. C. M.
Orrica: at realdenoe, eaat of court
llouae. where be will be found at all uouia
when not viaitiuR patienta.
Orriua D Unmnioi i ooruer Third
and Main rltreeta. Urho bonra, euw to n
a. oi 1 to 6 and 7 to p. m. leiephon to
reaidenoe from Brook A Hela' DrtuMtore at
all houra. All oalla promptly attended,
ni(ht or day.
W. I). VXJOll, M. D.,
Orrica: in Chenette How. Kii'Ui
loruer Ftrat and Main atreeta.
r. A. BAILET, M. U.
Ovrioai in Pharmaoy. Union Blook. Calto
attended to, niuht or day. Keatdeuoe, B. W.
Cor. Uaaa Liu and Heoond treeta.
K. MX0M,
I - now making teeth for f.VOO and f 7.'
our t i Deal ol ni alio
Will oouioar with aeta ooetinR 26. Iwlb
extracted without pain, t illiuRa at tne
loweat prioea. All wora warranieu.
Orrtrai thro doora north ol trio
itore. OfBoa honra f mm a, m. to 4 p.m.
A. II. BAILEY, l. I. H.
Kooma 1 and 2. Moruan Bailey Bio. k.
Ageu for Bar !.ock Type Writar.
oora of Poatotttee.
Til OH. II. Ill Mm KEYS.
Lesal pawn drawn and lxam on It. al
Katate nwotiated. HnionMa attended lo
with promptneM and dt pin'h
Oriiri: In Hir.t, .ipiMit lourt
All kinda of retMirins on Hteam EniMnea
and Boiler. Mill Work. ThreahinR Machine
Mnwera, Feed ruttera. newina Maehinea
Waahina Maehinea, Wringers, Pnmpa,
ttcal.w, Heiaaora eronnd. Onn and l.orka
amithina. Hawa gronna and Hied: and have
a lame number of areond band ensinea and
hoilera for aale. All work warranted.
r. CHA9. E CEICCff,
alter Augii.i 3d lo nrartire h i pr feion
and wnl M fnnn.l al tl rv-i'lene of Dr
Wm. r.eiirrr. Hpe'ial aner.t o.i t ad to
M -.lir'i and Hurmea' lMeraaa ol
and rinMrMi and ail t'hnmie IMa--.
wbolMeaM u4 Vltcia.
Absolutely Pure
hovm. mi PcyTwm to , hi w vam.
We will give a fr tii-ket to
Frtliiiil and return to anyone
from WaHhingtiin (bounty w in
make a iurchaw of a xuit
ofHlriotly tailor iiimiIh cIhIIich
from ut aiiiounliiiK to 10.110
or over.-
We make: all our clothe
to your meuMurpaml KUHranli-e
them utr Icily hanil made ty
eziierieoml white lalior only,
Hiiita. Ktiuraiit.viiiK pov tit, tl and upwunl
I rouaoni " ft
121 Glh., near WaHlilnoton,
'I he most Difiicult
IMiotOM to Take
are those of children. Yet
WE have no difficulty iu se
curing splendid likenesses
Guess it's because we have
had so much experience.
C4T Ask to see our "ARIS-
TO PLATINO'S" $4 doz,
Nearly like steel engravings,
Exquisitely finished.
E. D. Bennett, the Photo
grapher, Hillsboro Oregon
firs. H. P. Brouin ...
Teacher of PIANO, ORGAN
Work pursued as in regular
conservatory course.
Also thorough course taught
STUDIO. Room 7. over HillsWo
Crenp (nlckl Cured.
Mountain (lien, Ark. Our chil
Iren were luflerlng with croup when
we received bottle of Cliamlierlain'a
Cough Remedy. It afforded almost
instant relief F. A. Thornton. This
celebrated remedy is for sale by the
Delta drug store.
aal Tekarra KeM Kawk. uar i.ifr Aj.
To quit tolavco eaKily and forever. I o.aff
Detle. lull of life. Burve and rnror, take No To-
Bar, the iron.lrr wnrkfr, thnt rriabpa mcaU mea
atron. All dnmiriata. UK- or II. Cure guaran
teed llonklet and surople free. A.UIrea.
Sterling Kcmedy l, Chicaito or New-York.
Mo-To-ttae for ritty (rata
Cuarantwd wlabcro hahit cure, niakea wonk
menetrong-. blood purs. 60c,t. All druyii
To fare roaattpallon tare,.
TakeCaat-areta t'andv I'atl.arilc tir or 43c
JC.CC. fall u cure, druwd" rrfund money,
kiinrai. tour nowele With I aw. rata.
ra.i.i- I'athnrttc, cure eonanpaoon forever.
IOi."V. 1 C-C fa.t.drugKiairefiind money
TV, fu- ? -
Ii n
i n
h m
M ' S S. -votaeav
Mlll-.ltlrl HXt.V..
IrellHqaecit Taxr for the yrnr
tjHlinHrl from fourth hi;'.
MeFarland, C Lt .V. luk U Went
lo'liand Hei'hta 3 70
Ja. F rian. F I Lot Hi b 12 Weal
P .rlland ll'ltitl 5 Til
cure Wl
Mcl.l. Mall Ii0. . Wk 4, Xar-
lor a a.lti runm "ivtr .......
M. Uwl, John Lota 3, 4, blk I til
M'lod. I-aii Lot 2 I lk 4 tiaMoii
Mclai, F f n t, wiw V, a H o
at no
3 II
3 1'7
9 05
w t 22 t 1 r 3 w, lal aciva
MrLa.iyai.o, M a, n Hv.ua Vi eo
2 I 1 a r 2 , SO acn-a ... ..
Mead, M M Lot 14 b.k S Tnorn'a
add llilia.-.r.
tleid, J . P Lot 12 Boharl'a tan.
,1 ri.t.H, 10 arre
M.-irr. f 'aroline a i of nW of a w S a
ol a w '.4- 24 I 2 r 2 w, IU0 ac
rca M. iM. r, John-Ut 13. 14, 15, ll, 17
1,1 k 23 WiTt Portland llci;hta
M.-n liunt'a National Bank, LoU I, 2
1,1k. ;l Forret Orove
M.-rrntiu, ti n w ol n e eu 25t
2 n r3 w. 40 aiTi'it
M. j . r. laaac w of aec 10 t 2 n r 2
w, ltkiwrr
Miller, lli n II firav Irak Annex lot
h i.art of Iota 4, . 7, M22 a aa ni-oni-.hI
in vol 43 paa-e 32 recorda of dit-da
Waaliiinrt.oi I'oimtv. O"","'!!
Miller, It.VW II -Their iiitrreat iuaec
21 1 1 a r 2 w and eve 2S t 1 a r2 w an
riiHinle.! vol page sa and 2S putfe
273, un.1 to paKc333, 44 lae 3KI and
4ii pate.'Hi2 na.-or.la of ueeda Waali-i:.-Iuii
coiintv. oreiroii, ami their
7 ft ".
4 00
13 73
3 50
21 .")
u 40
II 00
int. reat in the J M KiU-lirr donation
No ."mt 1 r 2w ua rwor.le.1 vol
paxe I in recorua ol neetia i aanmii
Lin .Hiuutv. Oreir.n.3. wrea
18 02
Mouiitain I'a kit K Asaoeiation-Their
intereat in ii e 'i o n e t wc 1 t 1
a r I w, 31 acn-a aa reeonl.-d vol 20
lAm-211 rei'onlao deeda WaaliniK
toii couiitv,in-K.iii
Miirten, 11 I. Ilia interi-at in the W
ii tiiliaon donation Xo."i3 t 1 a r 3w,
lOOui-rea aa rwonti .l in vol 42 patfe
lit) reeonla of d-.l Vuliiii(5tou
Nalli.tt, C F lJt 10 Mk 13 Hyde
Xi. liola. A S Lot 9 blk 3 Tliorne'a
a id lli'Mjoro
Xol.hu, Flora Lota 17. IS, 27,28, 20 l.lk
III West Portland Height
Xoland. Martha M Her internal In K
Walker donation No t 1 1 n r 3 w,
i of an acre aa n-conled vol 3:1 patte
10 13
3 20
5 50
SO recor.la of doetia W uahmirUJii
ci.imty, Oregon
Xorteii.'Marv 1 -Her intercut in A
13 25
Hart donation Xo t 1 ar I w,20'i
wea aa recorded vol 28 pairv to nt!
orila of deeda of WaahiiiKtoii coun-
tv trrefon
13 50
Xo'rth W'eat Portland Huburhan K K
I'.. I iila I to 87 ini'luaive. Cellar
lalewo27.4..l acr.-a 142 Of.
Xelnon, Johii a Jo ne '4 of u w
a e , of 11 w M of fee 30 t 1 a r 2 w,
IX) aerea . .
7 40
Oaka, Chriaty Oniatce) 11 of tw
air ;a 1 1 a r w, a. aerea
7 10
Ontniaii, L hi 1'ndividcd V, intercat
in a of a e aec 34 1 2 11 r 4 w, to
Ochle, Charlea (lieira ofV Ixjta 30,81,
311. Ochle'a add t'orneliua, 32' ui'rea
7 3!
Owi-na, P L e of 11 e H ol a e X aeo
4 t 2 a r I w,i aerea
a 50
Owena. illiain M M e H O u e h
mt; 10 1 1 11 r 4 w 40 aerea
Palmer, A Inn 1-oia 0 to 21 in-
cluaive, blk 7 Weat Portland Place
Patterson, HolaTt A 11 ekl) n w t,
and w S ul a e o 11 w M ec 1:1 1 1
a r 4 w 110 aerea
4 Ul
3 '.)
0 4.
I'lllleraon ,V Mcleod Their iiilcrt-xt
in a w H of w aec 3 t 1 ll rl w
.Kiiicrcana rworded vol 35 pae 4IM
rccorda ol'ilwda.WualiiiiKt"1! conn-
tv, On'if.m
iitronc, Ixin-iixo Ix.ta 12, 13 14, 15,
0 05
III, 17, IS III, 2U,.tecie ami iiciiv-
erton, 3.' ucrea
41 7
Pntrone, Iaiitiizo Ilia intci-eat in a
-wHolawiai2t tSarlw aaare- -
corded vol 30 pane 421 recorda o
-d.aMla WaaliuiKtoii count. , Oregon.
Ilia intercat in 11 w M o lie H ecc
'JH 1 2 a r I w, 1 1 ucrea aa recorded vol
31 ni.i! 157 rccorda o. deeda Wttah-
hiKton county, Ireiron . . . . , 21 45
Piivne, W 11 IajI 4 blk 5 n do
S 77
4 35
Pell.y.H J lx)ts 1 and A blk 11 and
Inta 7 8 blk 13 Weat Portland
IVnlold, Henry w M ' X '
itK aec 23 t 2 n r 5 w, 120 ucrea, 11 e
or tie sec 20 t X 11 ra w.suae
i'M..a . .
IS 4'
Peteraon, II M M r a M o n w H of
BeWB'-iulaw 01 ae h aecooio
11 r 4 w. 40 ucrea
7 00
Piano MuniifucturiiiR Coinpuii ne
o acc 2ii t 3 n r4 w, imj ucrea ...
Polimeyer, Henr Lota 15, 18 blk 13
10 50
Hyde Park
4 04
4 30
Pope, J V Lota 0,10 blk eat Port
ia, i.l Place
Portlund Preaaed Brick Co Their in
terna ill e S o Ii w H Bee Ht t 2 a r I
v. , 34 aer.-a aa n'conle.1 vol 20 page
UKHuiui :t28, and vol 28 page 44 n-c-ordn
of, lectin Waaliington county,
t Ireiron 05
Prouty, John A-a w of ace 30 1 1 n
r tl w, 100 aerea
Puller, V C 1'ndividcd M inU'reat
11 50
ill 11 e H ol n e H 01 acc auiri
w; I'ndiviilcd Vj intercat in w of
v oI'iot 1 1 a r 4 w; I ndivid
eil W intercat in a e of aec 20 t 1 a
r 4 w, .") ncrea.n w M ol aec 14 1 1
r 3 w. 100 aerea
12 05
'ullen, tn-orgc Ilia intercat in aec
14 t 1 11 r4 w, 10 aerea ua recrded in
vol V page 322 rccorda of deeda
Waal. iinrton county. Oregon ..
5 IS
Kainea, JuaperO Hib inteacat in the
l Allen dolliltlon .o l . 1 11 rt w,
52 acn-a aa rc-onled ill vol 80 page
175 rccorda of deeda, leaa tract aold
to Henry Hamilton and K A Hyde
ntonia of deeda in Washington
coiuiti.. tlngin . .. -
8 03
itiiBiniiaacii A Co Ixita 12, 13 blk 8
'l'l.r..,a uilil II .Ilala.ro. . .
13 23
Hu-.ii.ubbcii J P M re Lota 1, 4 blk Ij
II ,.le Park
4 04
7 00
Itaviuond. J X Ixita 4. 5 blk 4 South
Park add rorcal tlrovo
Itccrea, 1 1 1 1 a 1 , ot a e V a.a- 13 1 3 11
r 1 w. n ol n e . zi 1 a n r
Itxi ir,.a
10 75
R. idt, Annie-Iota 3, 4, 12,13 l.lk U lot
1,1 k iiet tori mini iiciguia ...
5 50
4 00
Heittcr, Jcn iiiiah-rirw.ajil rami w
, of lot 13 I I 11 r 3 w, HH acrva
Keidel. Joacpll II !llllllll 3
w. :t'JI acn-a .
17 00
Heviiolda, F T-ne H of 11 w S aec 20
1 3 11 r 3 w. 411 ai-n-a
4 00
iiidgwuv. 11 -e S ol 11 e 11 ol ae
S a-c 4 t 2 a r3 w. l. aen-a
ItiL.L-a. Tl.e.alor.tlieira of) Their int
13 83
er, at III l a r 1
w. Klaen-a aa recorded vol O page
1121 rccorda of di-cda Washington
.-iui.LV I IrrlMtll
15 52
liola-rta, A theiraofr-e '4 ol n cv, ol
a e . a.r tl 1 1 r 1 w, w cn-a
8 i'5
9 50
3 10
Kmle .V Miidigan d "ti of e
y, and part of a e ' ol a e 1-4 aec VI
X 1 r b w l:l,i acre a rcconli-d vol O
pagcXin-corda of dceila Waaliing
tin, ei.il.tlc. Iln-tft.ll
Rodger. Tiinothy- Ix.ta 22, 23,21, blk
2 eat fortlaml llclgtu
Ronala-rg. Max Hi intcn-at In S
of a v. 1 , Hi t 1 a r 4 w, ,o acn-a
aa nti.pl.il vol 3s page's ni-orda of
.i.-.ila Wahingtoii eoiinty.llnvoti.
Ilia intcn-at in X Martin donation
Xo 52 t 1 a r 4 w, 71 acre a n-cord-
,al vol i,a i.iuro 7s nvorda of nia-.ta
l'.iwlt,,vi,,.i eoiii.tv. ln..ll
is ifn
Hnck-r. Vy H-Tra-tiii M M.ajre.lon
'.i 41 t I a r 2 w ua nvonlot III vol V,
page 420 nt-orda of deed Waahing
t.iurotintv Drcgon
18 50
Ki.ilc, II M -a e j aec 7 t 2 n r '! w
l.m aerea a w t ol n e n ol w
1,. n w of a e aec 20t 1 11 r 5 w.
l.m ucn-; of 11 w i aec .10 I 2 11
rlw.niirnn; a e H of n e 1 , n e 1 ,
of a e i aec 25 t 2 n r H w. so cn-a ;
n e of 11 e acc M t 2 a r 2 w. n w
Ii of 11 w '., . 3,'. t 2 a r 2 w.auacrc
Ilia intcn-st in n w i of n e i aec
It t I a r I w, 10 acn- a reconle.1
vol 41 page 150 ro-onla of derila
Washington count , tlnvn ...39 40
l!n-. Ira Lot2tlk il Porttaml
R,tinon, Tlionina II n ofn e H
o n w 1, acc 1 1 a r i w. acre .
llei.lt, W iliiam-lit lit, 20. 21 t.lkS
lota I I. 15, Hi. 31, .12, i..1rt hlk 7
hue 15, lit. hlk . lotM. . Mk
4 65
4 SI
II. Iota . 7, . Id, 17, is nix ,
lot :i hlk 20, lota 5, H blk
10 S
11 90
Saliug. I K Ilia lnten-at in A Har
o.t donation Xo.il t 1 r 3 W aa de-
.-riUil in vol 40 page 7 reeonla o'
I d.iila Wi
l 75 acre.
1 aahingtoii coiimy,"n-gon,
23 53
elarg.-iu K r 11 w !i4 o' acc 22
1 1 11 r 4 w, loo a.-r.-a 10
buiage, F rain, a- iler niter, l in u
',,0 e s - lo I ' r .1 .jo acn-a J 70
8. huing Jliiilla- Kic 1 mk auo div ,,
1 z-acn-a 5 ;ai
rHIiineur A: Iciiiiib 1 heir liikrr.1 in
11 s ol ii e .t- it 1 a r 2 a re
con hil vol : pui-i- isj rci ordaot
deetia Wal.ii4.luii count v, Un-gou.
no aerea , , . pi 4,
W lianr. 11 ilia Lots 81, 32 hlk I
est Portland 11. iglita 4 tU
ro-naue. llerinaii - l.ol. I, 2, 3, hlk 1
Weal Portland Heights & 10
SchicvuN liotileili s c 1, of 11 w 1,, 11 e
of aw lota J, i sec in t 3 11 r .1
w, 144 ai res . 8 15
fk-hliiidt, August -e of a w !i acc
Hi t 2 u r i w, 8 uer. . . . . 7 5,1
ricoggill, C Si-Ilia iuli-aeat in a w 1;
ol u w I. and part of 11 w ol a w
i aec 25 t 1 r 4 w as ri-conli-d vol
31 page 212 reeonla of d.-ctls Wasli
iiiKtoii couiily, tiregon, is1, acn-a,
lot I see 15 t I ll r 2 w, 2'j acres . 3 45
Scoilin, H L( ireust. t -Her interest
111 O lilcharl..n il -ii. V j .y 5. ,1
w aa naonlcl vol :is page 4-Jri ree
onla of dec la -i a Uiugtoii coin.lv.
Oregon, 3 a. ri 11 4
fears, J M n w ulir: w-c 33
t i a r I v., 4 J acn-a . 10 1(1
(K-m:i:-.;,a, Mm -lis interest 111 I.
Hall don Xo 43 t I a r Iw aa record
ed vol .15 page 0 recunla of dev. I a
V asliiiiirtuu county, ti.-i'on ti1.
ucrea . . 12 50
newar.1, II s e t ol a K w
01 s e ( lit a r 3 w, S aerea 7 lo
(Seymour, K-llia interest in e ot'a
w ai-c .11 I I 11 r 1 w aa ni oideil in
vol 4.1 page lio n-cords of tl.i-.la in
Wushingiou county, Oregon, 15
acn-a ... 7 72
Shaw IhiiaM-ue acc 7 t 3 11 r ft
W, Iti 1 uesca 11 50
Miuw,, W h Ilia intercat in w Vj of
r w ns 3n t I a r I w ua ni-onletl
vol 4 page ISO jeconla of deed
WashingOiii count v, 2 aerea .7 30
Shaimhan. W T oi Si hlk 2i West
Portlaii.) Heights 470
Sheppai.l, J A u V, of 11 w j.. e S of
a aec 2'i t 3 11 r 4 w. l-ai hi res . 0 40
Sell, lid.-. Mat a U of 11 e and a .i
ol a w '.i ai-c .15 I 2 11 o 5 w. In, aerea 1 I 20
Shipley, Miucrvu Her interest 111 11
c v, of 11 w 1 4 of aec 32 I 2 a r was
n-eorded vol .11 page 2 ai rccorda of
deeda Washington county, tir.-go 11,
I acre ' 4 00
Siglcr, Lucy Lota 1 and 2 l.lk 2 Fair-
vii-w adit ililisisiro .. 2.12a
Simmons, W I... Is I,'., l.lk 1; Sim
mons' add Hillsbonj 11 w , ol 11 e
, ae 2 t 2 11 r 5 , 40 ucrea 12 75
Smith, lauac X 11 e i aec , t 3 11 r 2
tk aelea 0 0(1
Smith, Aimer L a of 11 e 11
ol a c y. aec M t 1 11 r w, Hsi acn-a 13 AO
Siuilh, Nellie K-ll.-r inh n-st in A C
Ijisseu don No 5. t 1 a r 1 aa re
corded vol 44 page 11 rccorda of
ilce.ls Washington county, Oregon
20 acres 13 71
Smith, T H H ol 11 w w of
v. '., acc 4 t 2 a r3 v,, 11 y, ol 11 e 4
lota ,t, 4, 5, ti, sec .1 t a r 3 w, 22 ,
aerea, 11 e V4 aec 2.' I 1 a r 4 w, 10d
aerea !KI 5I
Smith, Nelly K Her int. -rest in w
ol 11 w sit- 2i t 1 a r ! vi iia n-eord-ed
vol 41 page 17 reeonla of deisla
Wushingiou county, Oregon to
ncn-a 1 1 75
Smith, W W Ilia interest in P 1
Shackle ford don NuOl t 1 11 r 1 w aa
nt:onie. vol 1 pae 113 n-cortla ol"
ilciala N oshiitgt,.ii county, Oregon,
ii aerea ft 05
Smith, T 11 A Storey J 1. !. interest
in 11 e '4 aec 3 I 2 n r 4 w, 8) ul.nai 7 60
Smith, W F 11 e !j ofa w '4 w U ol
e V. a e of s e a-c 0 t 2 11 r 5
. Hid acres . . -m.. HI
Sne.'rlng, M f- I'nrt Tf t.its"3uut t I.Ik
8J Forest drove . 3 S5
Son-nsen, (ii org. Lot L. blk 3,1 West -
Portland il. -mills 2 1 1
Sorcnscn, t.corge- Lot 15 antl south -
2 acres ol lot 40 l.oi.v Oakas n-cord-ed
vol 80 imgc 2 11 re.ai-.ls of di-cda
Washington county Oregon 7 acre 4 75
bpencer, P l-llis niierost 111
1' L. ppeniH-r .ton io vi 1 1 1
r 1 w ua recorded vol X page 470
except tract aa reconle.1 in vol 311
page ills n-conla of il-H-da Wash
niglon county, Oregon, i ai res 00 2
Spitzenbcrgcr, Jno Lot 21 hlk ll
M est rortiund iiciguia 1 10
Spurling, ti W Lot3 hlk B Finney'
udil llillslM.ro 8 0J
Sleinheiaer, Ike Lot 22 hlk ii Hytlu
Park I
Stephen, Lillian n of lota I ami
i l.lk 1 bouiii I'ura u.iii roresi
(irove 4 lo
tftcvena, (J J a ofw of 11 e J-i
aec 2 t 1 r 2 w, 20 ucri-a . . n a
Slephcna, W B His interest in w
01 11 w .4 and pari 01 11 w 01
w yi aec 0 t I r 1 w aa recorded
vol 42 page 370 record of. deeda.
Washington county, Oregon, 3d
10 .1
Stolte. C K His intcn-at in A J Mas
tcr's don No 41. t I r 2w aa record
ed vol 3 page 141 record of deeda
Washington county. Oregon. 0 ac
n-a 4 75
Stott. 8 It A K-Lots I, 2, 8, 4, aec 8 t
2 a r 3 w their intercat 111 lieo Mew
art don Xo-Vi t 2 a r 3 w aa recorded
in vol W page 4u reeonla of dei-da
Mushingtou county, Oregon, 159
aerea 17 53
St raver. F J Lot blk 9 West Port
land I'laee J eo
Slratton, II C Ilia interest in e V
ol 11 e 1.. aec 1 t 1 s r I w aa rn-onlcl
vol 3 page 29 rn-orda of di-cd
nshingioii county, Oregon, 134
acre 13 13
Stuart, John ('-Lot 9 hlk 32 Weat
drtland Height 4 70
Stulir, Fred A w l sec 29 t I u r 5
lit . acn-a .ri
Sullen M K- Lot I I hlk 13 Hyde Park 3 52
Suutlt, O C Ills intercat in a e Kl ol
a e ',, aec '.'Ii t I a r 2 w as recorded
vol 43 .nge 3.15 n-conla of doeda
Washington county.Orcgon, 14 aerea 6 5ft
Motherland, John e U of a w aec
i; t 2 11 r 3 w. 4"ili res ft 00
Swet k, Jo Inn heirs ol hlk I , 4 , 4
w S and 11 e 3 11 1 uulatin . 10 0 1
Sweek, Maria Her interest iu ae i
an- 23 t 2 a r I w. 52 S aerea 14 2
Taiiim. ( arl-l.t 12 hlk 23 West
Portland Height 4 lO
Tualatin Academy and Pacific I'ni-
vcraity - a w of 11 w i acc 21 t 2 11
r 5 w. Their intercat in Win Stokes
1h.11 Xo 01 t 1 n r ii w na reaconh-d
vol 4:1 page 273 records of deeds
Washington county, Oregon, 5
acrca ' ft 25
Toug, H . I' C -Their intereat in
n l ointcr don Xo 1.2 t I a r I w as
recorded vol 31 page 314 n-conla of
d.iila it aahingtoii county, Oregon
u.-rea . . , 10 1 4
Treiutner, John a w W of a w i aec
28 t 1 r 4 w. 1 . aerea 8 45
Tualatin City, II E Co Their inten-s-est
in sec :4 t 2 a r I w aa recorded
in vol pag-. 5J r.i-ords of di-cda
of deeds w ashingtoii county, Ore
gon. 133 acre ! 20 23
Tucker, (teo w of w V. aec 15 t 1
r 4 w, wi ncn-a . ... 8 75
Tucker, Wm Ilia intereat in n i of
11 e i,4 acc 21 t I a r I w na recorded
vol ii page 101 n-eonls of .hula
Wasliingi.nl county, Oregon. Hia
interest in e of a w and part of
w Uoliei acc HI 1 1 a r I aa re
conle.1 vol O page IIM n-cor.ls of
deeda v asliingtoii county, Oregon
S3 acre " .32 8.
Tvaon, K H Hia inl.-r.-sl in e acc
30 t 2 a r 2 w, s, a. tea
Veti.-n, Aii. lia M- I.V.jJKi f.i-t in lot
2 hlk 3d Fir.-l I. rove aa n-corded
vol a page 214 r.io..la of ihula
Washington coiintv, Oregon 8 0".
Vince, J F. Una l', 3 hlk 9 Weat
Portland Plai-e 4 f0
Vonil, Fritx a itj of e ! , aec 21 1 2
a r 2 w. p. in n- 8 VI
Wallace Mav O U.t- 5, hlk I (iaston 4 89
Wahler I. P F. W 1 ol n w aec 19 t
2 a r 2 w, Jj aerea 10 50
Warner. Alex. U.taiT. 2s hlk 22 Weat
Portland Heights 4 90
Walls, Flon-nee L. W 01 n e H
see 13, t 3 n r 1 w. m m-n-a 8 n
Waierinai-her. II His intereat in e '4
of e V, ec 2i t 1 a r 2 w as reconl.il
vol 31, paga I Ci. reeonla of deed
Washington I ounty, Oregon, 2"
acn- tf OH
W heeler, I) R Ut 9 W heel.-r'a ub- .
diviaiou 4 4i
Whit, J J Lota I, 2, 1, I, ft, , l.lk
Hv.le Park ft 12
, WUauu, Uarry A Hia interest in n w
'4 of w ti ace 1 1, 1 2 11 r 4 w aa re
corded vol 43 page 3 3 reeonl of
.i.iila, Masluugluii county Or, Oil.
aerea tf
V illiauis, Tboa-Lola 8, !, 12 hlk 8
Hide Park 4
l illam.ttte K. ul Estate l o Lota .'k 4,
.", ii, 7, , 0, Ul, hlk 1 t ortieluia Or
1.1,1s I, ri, 7, 8, block 3 I ortieliu
" 1 , 2, 3, 4, 3, tf, 7, , V blk ft '
"10 8 "
" 1,2,3,4,5, blk 10"
" 4, H, 7. " 11"
" 3. 4, ft, " 12 "
" 1,2,3,1,5,8,7, "13"
" 1,2, 3,4, 5, ,, 10 " 14"
" 1,2,3 "15"
" 1, ., 3, 18 "
" 8, 7, 8, , 10 " l "
' 1,2,3,4, -L,7,8,a, 10, "24 "
" 3, 4, ft, 0, 7, 8, !, 1 J ' 2'i "
" 0, 7, 8, 0, Id ' 20 "
"0,7,8,0 "28"
" ri, 7, 8, 0,10 "20" '
" 1,2,3, 4, 3, 8,7, 8, 9,10 "30"
" 1, 2,3,4,5,0, 7, 8, 9, HI" 31"
" 1, 2, 8, 4, A, 0. 7. .,lo " ,f "
2,8, 4'5,t,7,8,9, 10 "83"
1, 3- 3, 8, 7, 8, 9, 10
'34 '
" 3rt '
,. a7 .,
- --
' 43 "
U.ls 8, a. Id
l-ota 1, 2, 3. 5, 0, 7, 8
"48" 80 80
Wisdom. J W X eW of w acc 4
1 2 a r 1 w 40 acre 12 AO
W isurt. Peter lA.t 23 blk 12 Weat
Portland Heights 4 70
Witch Hael Slock Farm All of II
Stewart don No 14 t I a r 2 w 28A.
nerea . ..101 06
Wiltenhejg. H H e 1a aec 30 t 3 11 r 8 -
w Hi . acn-a 10 60
V) ithuiu, A A Ilia intercat ill n w 1 ,
of 11 e 14 an. 13 1 1 11 r 5 w aa record
ed in vol 37 page 32i n-corda of
.hi-. Is Waaliinglou county Oregon
10 aerea ft 92
Wolf Sam'l Ilia inter-cat in Jno Har
din don Xo lio t 1 11 r 4 w aa recorded
in vol 3a iiage 20 nionla of deeda
Washington county Oregon H ucre 10 38
oiiicr .New ton N e V, 01 11 e v 11 e
1-1 of 11 w 1-4 a M of 11 w l-l of 11 1-4
ace 18 t 2 r 2 w In. aerea HI 10
Winner, 1) J Ilia inu-reat ill w 1-4
ofa e 1-4 aec 7t2ar2waa record
ed 111 vol 34 page 307 reeonla of deeda
W asliingtoii county oreogti u of
11 w 1-4 of n e 1-4 acc Is t 2 r 2 w
Moucn-a 11 32
Wood. Mary Her intercat in w 1-4
of aec 13 1 1 a r 1 w aa m-onled in vol
ii4 page 18 reeonla of deeda Wuah-
ingtoii coiintv. Oregon 4 aerea 10 48
Wright, Adelaide M Tract ill M
Moore don Xo 27 page 241 record
deeda Washington county. Ongon.
of an acre 4 75
iiiinierinaii. K n 1-4 sec 25 t 3 n r
4 w. H.0 acre . .. 10 60
Zimmerman, L Ilia interest iu V
Hall dou No 41 t 1 r Iw a record
ed ill vol 21 page 219 records of
deeds Washington county, Oregon,
ucrea 13 98
Said property will be aoltl aubject tot
leiii .11. .... a. per s-niute of U.egon.
li ned .tut 20, day ol Oet. 1S"7.
W. D. BKAimiKD.
8i.er'l M Wa-b ngton County, Oregon
:-olIlcio 1, ix Collector.
A few weeks Huo "the editor was
taken with a very severe cyl.l thai
i-iiii.-i tl Ii i ui lo be in a most miserable
fiiniliiiou. It was undoubtedly a bad
i-H-e of la grippe and recognizing itar
iiuiiKerous lie tMk iiuuiediate 8teu to
1 ring ataout a 8aedy cure. From the
advertisement ofCtmtnlierliii'B Cough
Remedy and the many giMgJ recotu
iiiendittions included therein, we con
eluded to make a Orst trial of the
medicine. To nay that it was satis
factory in lis results, is putting it
very mildly, indeed. It acted like
magic and the result was a speedy and
oeruianent cure. We have no hes
itancy in recommending this excel
lent Cough Remedy to anyone afflict
ed with a cough or cold in any form.
The Runner of Liberty Liberty
town, Maryland. The So and 60 cent
sizes for sale by the Delta Drug Store
Those wh i lielieve chronic diarrho-
et to l Incurable should read what
Mr. P. E. Urisham, of Oaars Mills,
has to say on the subject, vi.
"I have been a sufferer from chronic
(liarrhispa ever since the war and have
tried all kinds of medicines for it At
last I found a remedy that effected a
cure and that was Chamberlain's Col
ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy."
This medicine ran always be deiei.d
ed upon for colic, cholera morbiis.dys
enttry and diarrhoea. It is pleasant
to take and never fails to effect a cure.
The 25 and .10 cent size for sale by
the Delta Drug Store.
The straightforward, Businesslike
manner in which the administration
has handled the Union Pacific fore
closure sale cannot but he applauded
by the whole country. The reorga
nization committee which had exis
ted to bid In the property for 1 5,(HM),-
inn), having made that offer to the
Cleveland administration, was met
with a Arm reply (hat the sale would
he ojien to the highest bidder and
the road would tie sold for all it
u onld bring. All the talk of a dial
to swindle the governmtnt out of
several million dl!ar was shown to
tie idle t ilk. This action by the Me
Kiitley administration resulted in
bringing forward other bidders, and
forced the reorganisation committee
to come forward and agree to pay
Ihe full amount of the government's
claim against Ihe Union Pacific
amounting to .-H,()7.i,l8S, including
principal and Interest. It was forced
to do this or lose the road. Thus
the government has saved over 113,
(XNI.INNI by the wise action of the pres
ent administration. It would seem
to a man of average perception that
thin country is not so badly dominat
ed by corrsirations and monopolies as
theUixeyib-s would have It appear.
Washington Paper.
On every hand there are signs of
regniiied pria-perily in (Jilliam coun
ty, nys the Fossil Journal. iVa'al
men-bants are selling more g.KaJs
than usual, the sch.ail att ndanee is
much larger than in former year,
and old subscribers are paying up
better than usual.
Writing on "How I do aiy tricks,"
in theNovemlier Li. lies' Home Jour
nal, magician Harry Kella'r explains
howjo accomplish the dilllcult fete
of blowing a piece of cork into a bot
tle a trick that will defy every one
who diam not know the only way by
which it may be done. "Ask some
one," Mr. Keil ir directs, "if he thinks
he can blow a small bit of cork,
which you have placed in the mouth
of a Is d lie, so tb tl it will go into the
buttle. Lay the bottle on Ihe table
upon its side, and place the bit ol
cork about an inch or less inside the
opeu end He will blow uutil he
gets red in the face, and the cork
will invariable come out of the bot
tlejnslead of going Into it. Simple
reason for iT toT ttrt? direction ol
the air, forced by the one blowing,
brings it against the bottom ol the
bottle. The air compresses withi
the bottle's walls and must find out
let therefore is turned and forced
out at the only vent the bottle has
necessarily blowing the cork On l
with it. Hut take a common lemon
ade straw, place the end ol it ueai
the cork in the bottle neck, blow
very gently and the cork rolls in.
To show how sheep are regarded
as money makers in Kasteru Oregor
and especially in Oil, lain county.
these paragraphs are cli.eil trout
the Fossil Journal: Mrs. Kale Rus-
e I ami her husband, from Matuey
flat, were in Fossil Thursday, trying
to buy 400 iambs, but could find no
sheep men who would sell, even at
the tempting price, 1.80, which they
offered. A month aico they could
have secured plenty of lambs at tt.5,
and a year ago at 75 cents. Mr. and
Mrs. Russell purchased 450 head ol
lambs last week from Jeff Hayes, at
Lone Rock, at tl 05 per head, and
had almtwt closed m trado with Alex
tiaruie ior o.iu iambs at fl.vr tier
head, when Alex hacked out.
Kelsay Hroe., L. C. and Gillia,
sold their sheep, excepting the lambs,
last week to Hon. Roht. Mays nd
son, the price being 2.25 for year
lings and t2 50 for all over that age,
meson will run the sheep on the
Mays ranch, near Antelope. Oillls
has traded his interest in the lambs
lo his brother, L. C, for a ranch al
Kent and 80 tons of hay. The lambs
are being ranged near Fossil.
Retlie A Patterson, while driving
home the three thousand Intuits they
purchased lieyond the river, lost 400
head of them in the timber, about
three weeks ago; 270 head were found
a day or two afterwards, by W. W.
Kennedy, w ho turned them into Jim
Hunt's band, and notiticd the own
ers of his And. Two weeks after the
heep were lost, Mr. Patterson came
upon their tracks in the mountains
near the head ol Sarvice creek, and,
following up the trail, he soon found
the LIO head of missing lambs. Had
I he coyotes f .Mowed their usual cus
tom, they wo ild Iwve killed the en-
lire band of .-ilmyed l;tiulis;lut strange
lo relate, not one was killed, Injured
or cut off from the ilock,hy the wiltl
beasts that alsiuud in the hills.
Henry Semmens, who discovered a
conglomerate deposit of low-grade ore
in the coast mountains west of Mc
initio ville last year recently returned
from England, where he placed u li
on the market there a considerable
portion of the mining pro?rty in
which he is interested in the slate of
Washirgton. Since his return be lias
visited Yamhill county twice, and in
now in the mountains near Jones'
mill, the scene of his discoveries ol
last year. He has assays now which
show 7 and fS to the ton. In the
last three weeks he has traced the
lode from the Willamina to Jones'
mill, antl has lis-ate.1 several claims
near the Patterson ranch, west of Me
Minnville. He is ascontldent as ever
(hat Ibisw mountains are fillet! with
ore, carrying gold and silver in quan
tities su flit-lent to make thorn one 1 1
be greatest mining net-lions of tin
country. It is a verified fact thai
samples brought out have a sayid as
high as $18 per ton, while oihers
picked at random along the wails of
small tunnel made last year to a
depth of 40 feet have asayeil Irom 8(
cents to $1 50. In formation the I'
ll jn tloes not differ from that of Ross
land, the country rock and sulphates
being the same. .
Samples of the ore were recently
shown to experienced mining men In
Baker City, and they expressed Ihe
opiulon that the mountains should be
thoroughly prospected. To them it
looked like a highly mineralized cap
ping of a large deis-nit of concentrat
ing ore. This is also in part the opin
ion of Mr. Semmens. Mr. Semmens
is not deterred by the conclusions of
scientists that gold in paying quanti
ties is not found iu the Ctsjnt moun
tains. Ta Car Cna.ttpMt.nn f orever.
T laneareU I'aadv llitharlie II; or
11 U Cu tail w can, drutg,l refund
Items of Interest From All
Parts of the State.
A Itt-Sear.olil girl Kearaeil frnn the
yale Fatal Accident In
king' t'vautj.
Seventy-five mortgages were re
leased in Umatilla couuty, Or., dur
ing the month or September, and the
Pendleton Tribune says that all the
mortgages in the country will im sat
itfied during the next month at that
It waa reported Jo tialetn Friday
tliut the surveying party now out in
the Cascade mountains, back of the
Santiam country, operating under
Slate Senator Alonzo Oesner, of Mar
ion county, had made a rich find of
gold Inuring ijusrlx.
Carload after carload of flue, large,
sound, red apples the kind that gave
( rcgon its enviable reputation for the
produclion of the tiitest apples in the
world are being shipiied from Cm.s
smnty, says the Myrtle Point Enter
prise. A trainload of 17 cars of stin k was
-thiplied from The Ddlbw, Friday.
There were 15 cars of hiep shipiied
by Otto Rohler, of Chicago, aud two
cars ol horses shipieti by A.,F. Shane,
of St. Louis, Mo. The sheep will bo
stopped at Columbus, Neb. to feed-
Three families of Norwegians ar
rived in Oqullle a few days ago, ad
ding to the population, somewhat.
One family brought nine children
with them, while the two others re
ported 24 children the grand total
for the three families tvlng 3.1 chil
dren." ;
Half dollar pieces, of the 181)7 coin,
aud from first hands, are quitt plen
tiful in Coquille, due iu most part .o
tfie Coquille Dairymen's Union, that
recently settled with the patrons for
ihe September product, all in such
money. Over 2000 constituted the
payroll for the mouth meutioned.
An artesian well has been bored at
Vale, Union couuty which spouts hot
water. This is to be piped into resi
dences and offices and used for boat
ing instead of wis si and coal. Fuel
is a scarce article at Vale and the in
habitants are much elated that hot
water has been struck.
The Myrtle Point Enterprise says
that George O uer in has $700 In gold,
which represents about two-thirds of
the output of the O uer in Itros.' plac
er mine, on the south fork of the
Hikes river for the summer season. In
the collection was contained many
nuggels ranging in value from $1 to
13. On the 10 inst. the boys took
out half a pound of gold dust.
The semiannual reports of the
county clerk, sheriff and treasurer of
Wasco county show that on Sept. :ii)
the total Indebtedness of the county
was 11)7,504.01; total resources, 25,- '
970.50; net liabilities, 81,077.21. The
total amount of warrants drawn for
the six mouths ending Sept. :S0 was
18,127.07, which shows the expens
es of the county to be about :io,(MM) a
A Hi-year-old girl giving the name
of Pearl Boyd, has been rescued from
a gypsy family in North Salem, anil
is being cared for by women of the
Christian Temrance Union. One
if the gypsy family, giving the name
of Oeorge Butler, and claiming to lie
a brother of the girl, was arrested and
placed In the city Jail to await exam
ination as to his sanity. The girl de
nies belonging to the Butler family,
and claims to have been alslucUil by
them in the east. The truthfulness
if her story will be investigated.
The syndicate which has under
consideration the building of a rail-
wnl from Eureka, Cal., to Southern
Oregon, has submitted a iiroisnition
to the citizens of Josephine county
for the construction of the road to
Grant's Pass. They want the t-oi.ln
to guarantee bonds to the amount of
7518) for each mile constructed in
that county. At Ihe completion of
each 10 miles the company will draw
Ihe sum pledged, and turn over
bonds In a like amount. The first-
mortgage bonds will be limited to
2),fNN) lo the mile, which is the es
timated cost of building and equip-
A fatal accident haps-ned In the 1 1.
clnlly of Kings valley last week, in
which El Shylhe lost his life. It ap
pear that Shythe, with a numls r of
others was working in a logging
camp. A tramway was used in put
ting logs in Ihe river, a stationary en
gine and a long wire cable being em
ployed in dragging them to the Imnk.
A heavy load wis being moved, and
Shythe stood on the tramway, along
side of the cable. The cable sudden
ly broke and flew bark with tremen
dous violence. It struck the young
man, knocking him into the air a
distance of 15 feet. He was picked
up dead by his comrad, who went
al once to his assistance.