Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 08, 1897, Image 3

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(J t lo the MuuiiUitnl.il.'
Co. rr Hle loxt Mini all
kin Ih i,i
1 h - n:j
T.ie ip'ir of the Kv'.in-,'cHi'u;
churcii i.-.-iiiy hi- puipti, m;u
morning ni l evening, next Sum! iy.
To curt- a eo'd in mi" tny. Tulle
l.axittive liroiim i itiiiit Talilel-.
All ilruifK'-H' rcfuml tin- money if it
hiU to cure.
Schulineri.-h 4 Son will linve h
tock of flow, Hi', H.rint mid Vf
loolh hxrro, nI-mi drills Hi M.t-"nic
tiiilif.,"i'f 'mid AVatiihijioii Mi. Call
on them hikI !! rif-.
Mr. t'oininh picked "l chnin
Irtil .Mono) y iiiori.inir U-tweeu hit
home mi l ill' or... Th.-o-Aricr cmii
hvf it ty wiliin r ' i1'" "tH-e iidi
liliintC owncp-hipand tiyin clmr-
,Vni. Moiir iimkm ImmiIh at his
nt'o on S.-coiid nlnl, Ili'lHtM.ro, for
fi.fii per I'Hir, W"J Jl'.?:
h ml Ki vi 'i-cci'ti'l " 'hi li-TiTi. JUT rc'i.i i r
iri). Il' ue "' Hrt-ifrHl' l k
ulii' h iihMim him Kuiirmilee his
K mud trip ticket to tin- Mute fair
Hi Halem will he oil wile Kt the llill
tM.ro Mlrtiion U-twii n Kept. ilH hihI
Oct. H, ImiIIi (liii- inclwh (I . for tl 95.
The M'turn ticket w in (,M,' "
tnoii till Oct. IJ. A one dollar mm-
Iihk lieen made for the manufacturer
exhibition tr'xxl to return Ht Hiiy lime
U-fore (M, 3 Tills liit't r HcKei win
Ik- Hold on bihI lifter the 22d instiint.
Mrs. M. i. Ilrown is prt psn il to
teach h thorough course In innlrii
menial mu-ic piano, oruun mid hr
,i,v,ri rn K Htu'leiun in regular
conservatory work ho I hey can pus
examination ineny rtsiiitnizeil school
of music mid tfradu ileln aahnrt time.
HSH-iiil cure jjiven lo U kIiiikts, iiy
IfivinK daily attention to their work.
The v.ry I-.! and newest method.
Mason' technic useil as a tmsis.
The M. 1'. ConiiBiiy yesterday took
th Vmiu'mini t ) excursion tickets
oh Hale. It is estimated that the trav
el the past season wan not more than
a third of what It was In 1MI0. The
visitor were diverted to other places
the past ytar and some did not go
The Hhasta Mpecial train that has
Itecn running Iietween I'orlliind ami
Han Francisco every rive- days has
In-en taken off hut the low rates t.f
til) and 5 applies to the daily trains
im-Iwccii those el lea. The trains
leaves Cortland every evenininir at J
Horse Htolen Dtpple brown mure
Morgan stiM-k, about it years oui,
weight U'OO pounds, White on nose,
very broad in Itody, heavy, rather
fl it-ficilH.1 on fore fi-et, also an old
naddleand briille, lila'ral reward for
any Inforintiion leading to recovery
of same. Addresa: A. V. Muw k,
Aurora Oregon. -"-21
Th Hoiithern I'a. illc O.mpany do-
ulrinir lo isiniriliiite to tll MIHS-SS f
the annual slate fair to le held al
Halem, Hopt. Ullth to Oct. Mh, has dc
ridiNl to aell tickets from all stations
on Its lilies In Oregon at on" f;'r for
round trip. Those who had not in
tended to go may ehinge their
minds now that I ho company thus
liberally extends conseasioiis.
Mr. James II. Hewed has returned
from Halem where he saw a Hue rep
resentation of Oreg' farmers and
farm products. The hop market was
studied but Just at this time there are
few new deals trans icting. O -liters
are busy gathering t igeihcr and ship
ping hops bought on old contracts
while growers manifest no disposi
tion to sell. They are looking for
something better than 15 cents.
Now that Mr. 8prclt.ers laundry
Inclosed, HdlslMiro people have Ik en
at a loss to know where they could
get linen washed. The problem
though has la-en satisluctorily solved.
The Troy l.uindry, Cortland, his
appointed Mr. V. lloscow to be its
agent with a depot tit II. Wehrung A
Hon.'a alore. Moiled linen may be
left there at any time before Tue-day
noon of each week. The ch-anned
garmei t will be returned H.iturd iy
morning. The charge are the 1 rt
land price which Mre the same hs
those of the HpreiUer laundry. Tin
Cortland rule for payment, cash on
delivery, will la- adhern-d to.
William Kidg.-wa.v aged about '22
year was arrested Wednesday mom
ing last by Constable Hislui iiid on
the complaint of his father Henry
Hldgway iharging the young man
with threatening to do txxlily harm.
The two men have la-en quarreling
for several week. Henry threatened
to have the Imy pulled for shooting
bird out of season whereupon the
youngster advised Ills father toenga.'i
Id eut'lii at the same time lor he
would ni-e l it. There was more lan
guage of the same nature. The ex
amination in JiMice I licks' court
was act for Wedni sday afterni on
hut at that hour the stale's witne s
es had not apH-ari(l and the exami
nation was eoniiimid till Thuisdny
aftertKMin when the del.ndant was
put under f500 tKitid to keep the
O. II. K-lmonson who wa born
Mv 2-1, 1K, die.1 at the poor farm
lasi'Monday morning. II" ha I been
ailing for some time but the attend
ing physician thought there was no
Immediate danger, though he knew
that his remedies could not restore
the old man's youth. O-i Monday
morning Hupt. Haxton had a tl re
built In his mom at which lime he
seemed a well a he had been for
several week. After the fin.- had
wartuwl the ro m mowhai hdn on
son c impl lined that lie i-ould not
breathe easily, that the room was t.
close. Ttie su.a rintendi'nt o-ned a
window at the head of the l'''l
bed. The frh air gave relit r. .Mr.
Saxon left the room for 0e
minute and on returning noted that
K Imonson wa resting easy, and a
h mii'lNMil, as.-e.. After giving
some final louche toward arranging
the furniture in the room he thought
lo arrouse the old man Mid take or
der for hi further comfort. A rt
put hi hand on him he realiied that
the spark of life had gone. U. II.
Kdmouon, at the age of l7 years i
month aud 2 days, wa dead.
The tiinn wa, wtl0ll theevaMrtora
' mystery for drying fruit
liut no Hinder inn pto!.t drier Wild
er unload their expensive pKmU oo
inti lliein horticulturists, it j now
kliOWu it.tt to .sUves,fu!y ,ry frujt
or vegetable ,1P os-rator ha only
lo iuu kly extrnct th- moisture- wat
er iron, the green 'roil frohly pluck
in iroiu Ui uce or vine. Only wat
'r h vipnrized, notl.lrg .si? i,
en or ti.k ii avt.y. : rapid mat be
tl e evnpor.itii.n th(tt no i-hi-riitful
ciiHinres of thy Hilars or acid.i of
loe rrillt nil take plu-e. At all t'-rn-icrjture
of tue ir evaporati-m
takt place till the air is aaiuraled,
but in low teiiiH-rature lliesaluration
is soon r.-Mi h. d.liut a cold saturated air
is not s tiur ili-d when nist d to high
teniM-r.iture aud hot air is a rapid
evapora'or. In this fact Urn the intel
ligent fruit drier have room to perfivt
his trade. He must have au appar
atus for applying to his rreeu fruit a
'"piom tmih of hot air. That Is the
" i"' i. Lvaporate rapidly so there
! not opportunity for fermentation.
L!- hoi air and plenty of t hjt t!'Jt
so Hot that it will Imke the prune,
linked apples are g-ssl but not so,
prunes. I'tiH dryer must be so ar-
range then that there may la- a free
"-s-aie of moisture ladcued air. The
furnace room must have draft so that
irenti air can go in to tm warmisl and
ready to lake itie place of vthat has
oneoirior nature abhors a vacuum.
The teioperatu re of the dryiuir closet
.fvi "i'o'is;o".' It ought not lo be
ibovc the l.itier. Then if the opera
or knows whin ins fruit has those
i leiueiils in it that makes it the most
desirable, not too green or too riia,
and is careful wiih his manipulations
l here Is no reason m by he should not
he utile to put a first grade p'roduct
on the market. II. Ii. Luce hssjust
completed a simple and ( heap evapo
rator that S4S.-UM to meet all the re
ipiircmc ut for a high grade product.
His plant is iiuilt for 112 tray which
will hold between 511 and 00 bushels
of green fruit. His furnace rootu is
warmed by an ordiuar,' hop stove
and hi fruit iscor.tinually surround
ed by hot air winch alter bathing the
green fruit till the point of saturat
ion is approached may filter into an
exit Hue through which it escape
iroin lis prison. This exit flue is pro
vided w ilu dauiers so that the warm
air tun be directed to any part of the
evaporating closet. Thi closet is so
arranged mat it is of esy access
from the lobby of the dryer. Mr.
Luce is very careful in handling his
fruit and hi product i correspond
ingly excellent. He does not gather
his prunes till they are thoroughly
ripe. He then washes them and cam
folly picks out all defective individ
uals liut he does n it dip in lye or
prick the skin, nor doe he use a sul
phur bleach. When evaporation
ha proceeded far enough the tray I
eniiilied into an insect proof bin
where it remain till packed for mar
ket. The Hre in the fit ranee never
cools, hut day and night the hot dry
air is pour-d on the trays of green
fruit. After the drying has been
coinoleted anot iter search is made
for bad fruit which is easily found if
it had before been skipa-d. The
culls go on the (vim post heap. The
product of a tray of French prunes is
about ten pounds. Italians win
yield from 8 to 9 siuuds. And thus
the different fruits vary. Mr. Luce's
dryer is pal tented after Henry Dosch's
which is the result of 10 year exa-r-ienee.
Tilis one here is lariro enough
lor hi owh orchard and some for the
neighlKirs. liiiildiug, furnace, trays,
all complete cost alsiut 1200.
The music and art rooms of M. C.
Itrown, over the Hillshoro Charmacy
are now well Hlted lor her work.
Her art work in oil, dm r oil, crayon,
India ink and posted, is an evidence
of talent and constitute aud exhibi
tion of which Hillshoro should be
proud. She ha received a new
piano thi week which she has plac
ed in lor art studio, where hereafter
she will receive her music pupil tlio
not on the same days of the wt t-k set
aside for painting. The new instru
ment 1 a miignilicent one. The tone
is rich and full and the touch is all
that can lie desired. Mrs. lirown se
ll cted It out of tifty aud after that
called In her father whoso critical
taste confirmed her own choice. Mr.
Urown ha a wonderful control over
her piano at one plai-c bringing out
sweet soft tones, and again the full
strong notes of triumph or I he dis
cordant angle of strife and disorder.
Thus equipped Justice will ceriainly
tie done to her music pupil of whom
she ha already a goodly number.
Her room are pleasant indeed and
no once mid a k for a more pleasant
place lo tnkn instruction. Mr,
lirown desirve the sui-crss which
her etl'oris and cxM-nse merit. Such
opportunities are seldom found out
side conservatories.
Fano liros' mar Crogreis, this
rotiuty, r.iisisl 10,0(10 bushels of on
ions this year on lti acres of I md.
This immense crop is housed and in
the Is-st of shape. No one put on
ions in the market in liellcr shae
than these growers. They do noth
ing else toil raise onion and at that
industry none can compete. Their
laud i in excellent condition, two
men with wheel lea cultivate the
Held. A I present prices their beaver
dam Is a real Klotidyke.
Next (Sunday, Oetola r 10, ltev.
Holdridge w ill ill lic.ite the Forest
P ile Presbyterian church in Scoggin
Valley. The building is a neat
structure that bus la en completed
only a few d iy at a cost of fl.onn.
All this sutu ha Is en paid in and
the church will be d.slicated free ol
any debt. The congregation that
worships there is alive and active in
Christian work.
IJryu Wcyr college, one of the first
schools of the nation off-rafour schol
arship to graduates of preparatory
schools passing the best examinations.
Two of these go to fn-slimeu coming
from east of Ohio and the other two
from the territory west of Ohio. This
year tioth Ine western scholarships
were won by graduah- cf the Port
land, Oregon, academy.
IU-v. Dicrdorff who was pastor of
the Tualatin Plain Pr shyterian
chun h for several years but w ho
now is at Klamalh Falls is with his
wile visiting Mends in this county
lor a few week.
Mr. W. F Klineman, law student
with Mcs-rs lUgl.-y A lirown, I in
Salem this wis k taking hi examina
tion Is lorelhe supn-me ctairt for ad
mission to the bar.
Goto U. V- Hryan A Son. Cash
St re for groceries, largest slink,
best goods, low-st price. Oar motto
I live and let live.
Just received, another shipment of
children and boy ''l I1"
lower than ever. K'. F. Uryan A Son
Cash Store.
Mr. Anna Lk, of Ooldendaie Is
in Hillshoro lor a few days, tfu
Mrs. Ali.riug.
Oo to l'attersou' furniture 8 ton
for easy chairs, couches and louu.'e
at reduced price.
George Ireland has i. ne.i a p tia:
shop ou Main bt.next to Jud-.'e Ari h
bold' hardware alore.
Mr. Ueorge Morgan claiuis th
largettt potatoes raised in the omtity.
No one yet dispute his claim.
Kcmenihcr the llillstrn Chami
acy i the last place f-.r school sup
plus of every kind, and cheasr than
at any other house.
The H. P. On. have ou sn(j round
trip tn keis iroiu Hillsts-ro to Ya-
quiuiia good for return 1 1 1 OcloUr
10th. I oe price is ;.no.
At the HilisiMiro I'harms'-v. iuke
a note of it you get what you call
for.no cheap a lu le hov d off to you
and reeotini-efidt-t! ::." Jit &J g.xi
Stop that cough! Take warning,
may h-nd lo coisuuiotioh. A ;
bottle of Hhiloh s t ure m iy save
your life. Hold by Hillslx.ro I'lmr
All s rsons i inlt-1 -test to i he firm ol
II. Ue irung Jt H: .s, eliher iiy note
or account e rt -j.vii'.e-V s ";m::
uiediale s-I ileioeni. Cie.tse read
aud herd.
Several of our i iliifii went to Sal
em to attend the state fair this week
Among the numlier were Congrcs
man Tongue, Jas. II. Hewell, It -cord
er McCormlck and VV. II. Wetirung.
Catarrh Cured. A clear head ami
sweet breath secured wi'h Sniloh'n
Catarrh Uemedy, sold on a guaran
tie. Nasal Injector free. Sold by
Hillshori Charmacy.
Karl' Clover Hoot Tea, for Con
siiiiaiion. It's the li"t and if tiller
using it you don't say so, return tin
package and get your money. Hold
by HiilHboro Pharmacy.
For (Joust I pat ion take Karl's Clovei
It-jol Tea, the great Mluid i'liritlcr
cure Headache, Nervousness, Krup
lions on the face, anil .makes the head
clear a a Itell. Hold by Hillshoro
Hhiloh' Consumption Cure cure-
when others fail, ll is the leading
Cough Cure, suit no home should he
williout it. Pleasant to take and
goes right to the spot. Sold by Hills
horo Charmacy.
Work on thejiil is progressing sat
isfactorily. J. Anderson the contract
or doing the brick work will la
through next week. Ha has done n
excellent Job of concrete work.
Itiley Cave ha least d the build
ing on Main Si. .recently occupied by
Mr. Landrock for a shoe shop. Mr.
Cave I making some change and
will move hi blacksmith shop there.
Wednesday last was a nrord break
er ii the Clerk's olllcc in the matter
ol fees. The sum of $1)2.75 was paid
over the counter that day, almost
twice a much a ha been received
in a single day heretofore.
County Clerk J. A. Iiubrie went
to Corvallis last Monday with his
brother Hal ph who start in thi fall
for a four year course of study in the
state schiMi'. Mr. Imbrie returned
Mr. Bender show a n-d apple
which was sold to him for a "Canada
red" that is beautiful to look at. Tin
flavor has not yet been tested as It Is
a winter variety and lhe-e are the
first that hi tree have borne
On and after May 27th the steam
ers of the O. U. &. N. Co. w hich
leaves Portland for Sail Francisco
every Ave day will carry passcnrci
for $10 cabin and 5 steerage. J. I.
Knight Hillslxiro communicate the
The Climax Mill have just put In
machinery for making the celebrated
wholewheat flour, which they sell lo
customer al uie same price as orui-
nary flour. Try it It i unsurpass
ed fir breakfast biscuit. Put up iu
10 pound sack.
J. W. Cason theO. H. A N. brake-
man who fought the train robbers in
the Portland hold up last week is an
uncle to Mr. Luke Stewart of Hills
boro. In that affair he exhibited
great presence of mind and bravery
of the Hrt order.
The Tualatin Plain Pnsbytcriaii
church ha called ltev. 8. A. Georg?
rert-ntly of Independence to belt
pastor. The call ha In en accepted
Mr. George I a K-holarly man and a
fluent s-hkeraud the church I for
tunate in securing him.
The public M-hiad opened for study
last Monday. The enrolment yester
day, th fourth day, was 253 names.
A year ago at th same ilate the en
rolment was 2UH. The Forest Grove
school opened the sanei day with an
enrollment of 211 which i larger
than a jear ago.
In the Oregnuian of Monday i an
account of the Jewish "Yum Kipper"
or Day of Atonement. Thi was oh.
served in the Jewish Synagogu,
Portland, Tuesday of thU week. Mr.
Hughes will make it the theme ol
his discourse at the Congregational
church, next Sunday in- ruing taking
for his text, Lev. lt:2V-oO. In the
evening the subject of the sermon
will he "Son of Ood I John 111 :2."
Olher services will be iu the usual
II. Crawford, of the firm of Craw
ford Bros , spinners ot linen Ihresds,
who- manufactory I near Glasgow,
Scotland, wa in Portland Tuesday
last. Hi aeostors several genera
tion tack established the first fcloiy
in the world where flax wa spun by
machinery, and their descendant
have continued the busini ever
sun -p. Hie onjeci oi mi, i riwiorn s
visit t Oregon is to examine I he tl ix
products! In thi section and s-c r
lain Jof what quality It I. He ha
seen a numncr oi sampii since nis
arrival, and pronounces Ir'all right."
He went to Sal- in W tslne-sl.iy, In
company with w.j. iioneyman, m
make more extendi a mvrstiga
lion of the flax displayid at the fair
there. He says, If roerly hiiidl.d,
On-gon flax w ill la? supi-nor to H-is
sian, and can compete with luti-h
and Irish flax. Kverything, however
de-uds Usiu the retting. Mr. Craw
ford a opinion will carry great wi-t.-t l
as pr-bai ly no one In the world Is
tietlcr qu.tlintsi a ajungeoi nax. Ail
Interested in fiil culture in this state
will be i!eas to learn that hi opin
ion in n-ganl to Oregon flax is so fav
"ia-iu.lt I 'ls tpuru liymvn'i gentla
We uliu inipmve his g-il-len houra
l'.y f -t (jxjienenca know
That uurriagc, rightly uii-lersfoo-l,
l.ivrs t the U-llUcr ud tllO g'l"d
A piri H.- U-Ijw."
.M -i l -s jiihi ly did uature aiuile
on ilieiiupiial Wetlncs'lay night of
O'le of nur I'-velv young ladle aud
one ol i'oi Hand's is-pular young men.
Altera g-ldeu Oclola-r tay ot UU
rivalled hiilendor. the night showu
out Willi lie- Kale rilvery lay of the
iihsiii. At 8 p. iu. I he invited coiu
pauy h.id assembleil at the C-ongre-gational
church lo witness the ma
riage of Mi Louis Tucker and Mr.
Charles A. F.Uell. Everything that
a cultivated lastn aud an ahuudaine
of joyous and wdllig l.eip couid do
to decorate the altar Willi sweet and
fragrant flowers, was d-.ne. Mo-i
iov-iy and charming was the appear
ance ol I lie prtN-essiou as u movsi
down the aisles, to ilieirin of the
icd ling march, and Umui the:ll
irlu where the ceremony was con-suriiab-d.
Fiiai came the usneis,
lA-oiiv t v), aopii'l raaks near
the altar lo let the bridesmaids pass
through filiowed by Hi bride aud
maid ol honor, the former to take
her place by the sid of the waiting
tirid gr-sim.
They stood Ulldera hug? .wishbone I
,ni.WYU7u"oiTiVihe7rJiT'ri' to' tiie vi-T
lou of the audience gartasj iu swih-i
and oilorous tlowers. It was cerlaiu
ly agractful sight upon wnich tin
exptH-tanl guests gazed, Hie high
conlracliiig parties fronting the
othi-iating clergymen, It -v. K P.
Hiij'tM s, ue ui.i'd of honor and the
best man a little liehjn l and to one
side, and ou the left of the bride tile
hridi sumid and on the right of the
bridegroom the ushers. Iu clear,
firm tones were uttered the responses
fiat enabled the minister to pro
nounce them "lawfully married, man
and wile." Ami llieu, lo Ih-ts-auti-hil
strains of music, bi gn tint return
procession, led by the hippy couple
aud followed by the maid of honor
and the best man, with the brides
maids and usher bringing up the
rear. "
The bride was most Im-o minyly
apparelled iu soil, white cashmere,
with a veil of fulla held by orange
bl.H-s.iins, while the maid of honor,
Miss Lucy Humphreys, wore a fasci
nating pale blue cashmere. The
bridesmaids, Mis Uuth Hare. ML-s
Grace Pis', Mis Grace Boscow and
Miss Till ie Sicgriest, were appropri
a'ely garbed In lovely creations
w hite Swiss. I hey all carried Ihiu
quets of i-xiiuisit flouer-i. The hist
man was Mr. George A Bsse, Port
laud, ami the ushers Were Wtsley
Boscow, Johu G ties, Frank Mitchell
and Arthur Hhute.
After several hour of enjoyable
time spent iu the home of the bride's
parent inspecting the many valua
ble presents, doing lost ire to thi
elegant repast, and wishing Mr. and
.Mr LI well Joy, they were finally
ustiereil, Htnid a shower of rice toil
old slippers, into the waiting can iage
to I a- driven to Portland, their fu'ur
home. Weal wish them Joy, peace
and prosperity.
Ati HI 1 1 LI I It A I. tit I.I. Kt. K.
TheOregou agricultural college is
now under full sway with President
u ill 11 iioidii g 1 tie nin . it has in
attendance ot over 8tlu siudi tits from
all over the state. The college la
general never was stronger, the facul
ty are men and women of the strong
est character and mind to lie found
any win re.
aq electrician is soon lo arrive
froiu Cornnell w hichrill add greatly
to the mechanical course.
Tliis year exited to find O. A. C.
in the oratori- al contest, for there is
not a Itf-lter instructor in ttie slate
thau Prof. Crawford, who is develop
ing some tine talent.
the foot hall team Is expected to
lie the la-st ever seen at O. A. C,
Coach Blows, son of President lilosa,
is doing splendid work.
The experiment station Is busy at
present with sugar-beet analysis, but
if you have any, send Home samples,
and sis-the result. When you have
done thi and have any mineral wat
er 011 your place send it up also, per
https you have something valuable.
Kstate William Kassebaum de
ceased. Testimony ot S B Huston
the second subscribing witness to the
will to Ken; will admitted to probate.
Chris Schudler appointed executor to
serve without bonds and Peter Merit z
Carsleu Hansen and Thomas Miller
appointed appraisers.
Kstate James Itamsey deceased.
Unit rid that upon the tiling of a re
ceipt from Parvilla Thnruhorg for
$1000 and a ns-eipt from O C Thorn
burg for $.".117 17, this estate will la
closed of rei-ord, ordered further that
the claim held by the estate against
A'lton Planner insolvent for (210 4:1
is- declared the proja-rty of the exe
culor herein, the same ha la-en
fully settled by said executor.
F.siate James .Smith deceased. Fi
nal account Hied and Monday Nov 8
set lor its examination.
KstaleTL MrKldowny tit-ceased.
Filial account allowed and estate
closed of record.
Kstate Henry Schroder deceased
Ordertd that certain p rsonal pioper
iy dcscrilM-d hi the pelnion la erased
from the Inventory and declared to
ta-long to M Peters.
Kstate G H Hiddink deeesHial.
Certain personal properly set off to
the widow. The remainder will be
sold at public auction.
Ktaie Alex McDonald deceas-d.
Kstate admitted to probate. Francis
A Ucnnctt appointed administrator
with ImiiiiIs fixed at 14,1100, the ap
praisers sre A J 11 iy tie aid, I-m
Scans and I K Purdin.
Kstate Si nth K Patterson dis-eased.
Aduiinislralrix allowed to sell per
sonal property.
It II Waller v John Schmidt el al.
Ordered that a wHrrant Issue for the
arri-st of G.itlieb Arnold one of the
defendants and that he he brought
into court to show cause why his
proarty should not I? applied to the
payment of the judgment hi-reln; the
sheriff could not find the defendant
iu thi county.
Th'is Itaycraft wa admitted to la?
a citizen of the I'nited Stale.
MAKKIAliK I.I-l-.Nt'K.
Lisence tWsl were issued Oct. 4
b Walter W Sear aged 2o and laiura
H lliker ageil 21; Oct C, Charles A
Klwell aged 31, and Iuis Tucker
pgisl 2"; Oi-t 7, to Andrew Olean aged
37 and Anna Ncllsen agi-d So; Nor
man J Meyer aged 24 and Kugenla
Tompkins aged 20 year.
It is news to you, pcrh:ins, that baking powder can
be bad lor tiic iaiJcs. Good baking powder, how
ever, is not bad for the inside.
True, it cots more than baking powder at 25 e'ents
or 30 cents a pound; but it docs better work, and
more work for .the money, than "cheap" baking pow
der does, and it does no harm.
Of the riht-price baking powders Schilling's test
is the liest your money buck if you don't like it at
vour trroi rr'-i
Free Excursion!
In order to enable our numerous friends
and customers to pay us a visit and examine
our NEW STORE with its entirely
NEW STOCK we have concluded to
give them an opportunity of dolus? so
Everyone visiting our store from Wash
ington County who makes a purchase of us
amounting to ten dollars or over and pre
senting a cop of add will have the
amount of his or her rail road fare to Port
land refunded by us.
To assure those who are not acquain
ted with our house, we beg leave to say
that we have but
ami that is the lowest. All our goods are
marked in plain llgures. Our stock is en
tirely new and has been carefully selected
by our Mr. Hen Selling and we sell only at
r tt
BEX SELLING, Manager. Till III) AM) O AK.
Work for the public does not Ixg
in Congressman Tongue' otllco. In
a single mail received thi week he
w.is not i lied thst pension had tfn
allowed hs fillows to old soldiers
wh e claim Iihvc been long pend
ing, one for w'lx yeurs: Hichel M.
li ving, eastern portion of Washing
ton countv, rc-cive H 00 -r month
si, t-t! July 8, 180'), and the remain
der of I he pension due her husband
William S. Hehlltle, Middlelnn, Ore.
receive 12 per iiniii'h since Oct. 2tS,
1M2, the buck pay for thi pension
ill amount to over 17(10. I-aac tl
Thompson of Linn county, ni-elves
f8 per month since April 2!, 18!H,M e
li.ick pay In thi amount to mIkiuI
limn Wilbur F. Cogswell, Port
land, Ore. has had his pension
creased lo .V per month.
1 It I'.ASl I! Klt'S It K 10 nr.
The county lieastirer submit his
w-nii-Hiiniml report of dite .September
;jl, 18II7.
Cushon hand last r. pori...l7.f.2s 12
lie!eivel since last report... IU O-i'J
Total WV "0
This ha Ns-n transfi rn-l to the
dim-rent funds and paid as follow
County fund
8.8.-3 92
On hand
7,C7 18
880 74
. Hi, 071 1.1
.. I 1,057 fill
...I 3,013 3
(Volition School fund..
On hand
Schl districts
2.124 24
1,721 69
On hand
402 M
l.2K 90
1,207 27
79 63
87 70
On hand
Kxeesn fund....
On hand
87 70
108 00
108 00
County intitute.
Dmbiirsement ...
On hand
2"il 0-1
f3 f5
i)n hand.
2nl 10
10 II
On hand.
10 14
1,791 32
1,791 32
On hnd
Disburse d....
..:io.")88 io
. 2." ,900 61
,. 4181 49
What Ir. A. K aller Saj.
Ilil-FAtxi, X. Y. Oeiils: From
my js-rsonal knowledg-, g.iinid In
olis. rving the effect of yonr Miiloh's
Cure it-asc of Hdvamisl Consump
tion, Tain prepared to -ay it i the
most remarkable Remedy that has
ever la-en brought to my attention.
It ha certainly saved many from
consumption. .Sold by Hiloro
Call on Hum idi revs for hmn on
good prorty, also farms to rent and
lo sell.
TKE V tltKtlS.
Wheat Hitvaiin d two cent III Port
land lasi W due-day. The Hillsl'o
ro market sympathise with the
great -eoter.
Wh.-io W:i Walut, 77 Va'luy
io , I i io-sieni t '(akl, vr luisliel.'
F'on- lst lfalle, $4 ?r t-'-r bbl.
(nis- whlip, iiiDio.'. 30(12; RreySO,
i prr
H iv- Tun.iiliy. $12 to !'.. 5(1; Clnver I0
l irriKK. Eii8 POL'I.TKY.
E l'", 1 !i ' I' llelen.
li:i.-eut - ll. W M r loin; m'x-'
) i t d- l ii 1 nrki-y. live, hW iS
Iii-r It,; H'li'kg i'hifi u-l per dnaii ; tine.,-
on t r Kmcy Creinnory, 4'iftS.VJ
D ury.XM VI p-r roll.
VEtiE f A UI.KS.
t.ttiit...s i.tirtaiilet.
445 cent pt-r
Where -s. In view of the lo the
Tiit' itm Orange tots sustained by thi
1 1 " is- of our worthy brother, Oeo.
('. 1 .v. and of the still heavier ls
siis .uned by tho-e who were nean-st
and ileirest to him. Therelore, he
R -solved, That It I a ju-t tribute
to the me nory of the departed to i y
it-it -i ,, -i -lling hi removal from
our nodst we mourn for one who was
i- - way, worthy of our re-tt
and i . ii I.
R. - cd, That weaineerely con
dole w ith the family of the diee.iM d
on the d spens.tiion with which it
Ims ,lca td Divine Providence to af
llict I'lein, and commend them f r
eonMi'ation (o Ilim who order all
thin-. . for the het.
R ulved, That thi heartfelt tes
timonal of our syuiathy la? spread
ii.)tiiier( irds of Tualatin (Jrange
ami a coi.y he tranHmitteJ to the fam
ily of our dei -a- ed brother, and lo
itie III' 'SI.'IKO iNliKI'KNDKNT and
.NiTthwt.it Pacific Farmer, for publi-
c ! .on.
J. L. Kruse,
Klla Seedling,
, Com.
Sarah Larson
Drjil letter I'st.
The follow ing i a lit of letter re
maining uni-alled for In the postotfii-e
at HillslM.ro, Oct. 2, 1H9:
Mrs Im B Irvine. Kugene tiautn r,
C W I. i-ghron, Minnie Amelia We le'.
All letter not caiusi ror iy ki.
Ifi, will lie aent to the Dead Letter
OtJice. One cent will be charge! lor
each letter called for.
IhMtructive forewt fires are racing
in ManitohH, Canada. Wild animal
re driven from their lair and seek
ing mfety in the o-n country
Severn! people have already been
burned to death. X-t auch destruct
ive fl re hv ever N-fore devatalii
that coiimry.
For Infant and Children.
Where you will ttnd the Hcst Teams that can be lnl
tiood Teanix, (iootl ns:;ies and Hood Drivers.
Secnnrl and Wnahlngton 8t.
. All gilt-elged butter put ou the mar
ket by crcaiuetk-a is wrapped in paj.-r.
The product of the private daily would
reach its raarVct iu much beitei cotuti-
. tiou if wrapped in Rutter Parchment
than it does when wrapped in cloth.
Patchtneut is not only better than cloth,
hut cheaper.
. Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard, from
which 27 sheets can lie cut- 27 Parch
ment wrapjH.-rs cost 3J4 cents.
500 Sheets, 8x11,
500 Sheets. 8x13,
MAIN SI Hi t;!, Iltl
We voish to call
complete, line
supplies consisting of talbots, paper, ink, pens,
slates, pencils, rules, sponges, books, bags, straps, etc.
KKAIj ritoi'nt i V.
TOTICK IS 11 Kit Kit V UIVKN lilAi
XN tit' uniif riniK-tt, 111 p irtiUKitoe ol un
order oi the iotiuiy Court ot ih rH;itu oi
Oregon, lor WHniinl'Mi Joiinty, iu ide
aud ei iTttl un tin- .'lti i y ol June, 1MJ7,
In ihc amtier ul th eai -tte o I'. O. J.irtt
si(t, ilevt-asel, wtU ne'l at public hu- lkhi
ttt uie until 11 door ol Ui ijourt lloune
in li iini urn, W .i-luiiluii i- uuiy
Dreuoit. tin hitiurlH' tuo u ' duy oi ()-L
toUr. 157, u e hour ut lit o'cum k it.
in. to the titKi't'sl buMur mi ol t.. lieie-
IwillolUr lor saie ft r si cite lotionig
triioi of iiti to wit ;
buiiiii it pari ol Ihe iionathtn l.m.l
clitnii o Wiilium Uiirrm nntl wil iu town
ship 1 uiiu 2 orlu ol K l n k 2 W--t ol ilu
W tiiuinuv Mf riouin , untl ouuinlvd hihJ
panit uiriy um;rib-tl tiia-:
CoiiiiiK nctiiK ut u (lonu on tbo 8 line ol
lori.iiti liotiniion L.niU 1 iailnvnttul point
twuiK M tUyrtes K. ttu l 2 H oiihiiis
iroiu the b W. i-orner ol vaiti ci.omi thence
on nul H. line S. 5 tit K"" " H 7," elm n
loftBiaKe; iiietue N. I ai'ue VV. Ki iV
i haiiiH ta iub m 'I'm oi buid Liia ion
Lund Ciuuu; thum-e N. t?ri NV. 7
Oumiutf tht'iite 8. 2 decrees K. b3 oh.ilni
to the piaee ol b Riiiiiin, i-oniUiutUK 7jd
Aud if iie-Mirv I in then idler for ale
ttifioilowliitf de. cnlM diiut it iowu:
Ctminienc.utf tt the u rtltHHHii corner ol
the iioiiuiloii mud ctuim ol Jt'iiu It Jiit k.
son and ite in net' ti tut ii, tu a ii 2 ii Tin
raiiKe 2 hihI runinx hutn t el 4U
elittinfl ill e life u. it 211 n.tu.a ti.erte et
tehitin th-nee N 2 Wi en.-i 10 chttiii)
Houiii 2 ehHiiia tht nc eutd l.'eha u ihenct
noriii oiiuuii to die pi u-e ol ueiu-tliik',
mid routHiiiiiiK 11 ai res iiff or i nil I
WhmIiiiikIoii J'unty Uit tion. Hi'd pr. in-
iwi b-ioiiKflttf tne t-uUtle ot U, Jack
uu deceatl ut ttm tune ol his le ttn uuU
wid at aid mile ted ail the riji lit, title anO
mierc al :hul the e.-lte -.1 li, (. J-irkun
bits by operation ol l.i or olhcriad ut-
ju.reJ utner t'mti or iu ani tion io mat
toe MHid II. O. J tu i:i li 1 i toe lime oi
hu death, upon me lo.toin l-nu am
conditioni, lo-wu;
One liiird ol the i-urclidve price (iinli in
hati'J at the nine ot ne; one llurd in one
year, und tin- reiimimiiK Hur l in l wo years
Iroin th iiate oi nine.
iW erred u&v nieiiti to he ir interel,al the
raie ol 6 per cent per .inirnn mil to lie ne-
Uied by hrxl luortacaKe upon t: prt intwei
I i.a trHiiater to be at the exp line of ur-
Wiiiie-ii my hanl hereto n ( Ht 11m b ro
on ihiD 'im duyot ttepteiiilx r I "''7. I
Kte Utorol the I mt M 1 1 a't I ieti i.'Q 1
of V. ii. J U'Kmmi, Ot-t't-a-e-l. l' M j
Aivuiieya ior eniuie.
titate ol (r-Koti, tor W.iih-itgio Com.
L. IVert irriinei, i .anuin.i
.. ..
Asm E.Orime 0 femlHD',)
f i lwh . ijriiues the tfovt oiim
deten ia t :
In the natue ot the Male of Ore
n, ' o i j
are hen bv reiuire t to MM-e.tr :n thel
eniitu d o;i t, in tlie ilxtv-j bd i t
and nnKr ib Mnn a n Hirfin 1. d
acainsi yo-i t T MMd.iy in. 2'1. dt.j ii
the n x r K lr terni oi tii i. url io -
inn lite ei irnt"U 1 th. Iini pre -rite I
lor the pu.i uat on r; this miiihih) t-. A ,(
f yon t ii. - to an swr, ;q u w.i ii ti-r.
of the pi on' it ut apiiy to tb 1' un for
the relief le n ande I in r np i.rit l -m
it : Tiint l he mti rimre i.d m ir . iae e n
trar i w it in I t f-fi -.on Hn 1 1 1.
pln.n tl be d Vfrl. I tmt pi iln'.tt b
a ardfd itv ci- t-d . ot tne mi ior e .i.-l ot
pim-itiif end ft d n -ha io-In - m i
rao'fort an I .roin. -n mrc tta"id
iiume-iient' in tl i 'ii!, mi l I n n i o i -
r a id I'lrmer feiiei aa to Hie o'lrt niu
;ear i tiuitiii'l-.
bis uinrn in l M-nre-l
ni-ou Toil U
pn b nit ion t'T rt ie of uti ordr iii'tl ht
H . T. A Mdirid-. J i de ol t e Kit h
Jo I e it Uist n t ol O e.'-oi i d tt" l a
Chern'rem at A-t r . l);rf'n, ou O t.
2i 2i Attorneys lor F m If.
55 cts
60 cts
The standard size for 2-pouud rolls is
8xli inches; 2-pound blocks are
wrapei!-in the 8x13 size.
One reason why paper has uot been
generally used heretoiore, tanners
could not get it at the general store
It is now kept at the Independent of
fice cut to any size wanted.
IMtlHtO, OltH.ON
ijiur attention to our i;
of School Books. rf
DrariiHK in ii not be Cured
l.y lottt applications, a- lliey c iniiot reach
t e 4 eined porluin oi the enr. Tin re in
onl o e way lo cure dealuee,. tin 1 thiit le
oy i.iiiHlilutional reinedies, UeHlnee ie
mued by an inllumed roiid tin id the
iiiueoui tiuiiiK ol ol (lie EuHiiioiiiitii lube.
W hen ihi tube iiiilmn.-d you buy a
ruiiiblmK xouiid or imp-ifect hearing nnd
heu u i cMiitrely cioHtd tle.ifiiens m the
result and unless thi mil iiinit oii r.iu he
t . km out und ll lube runoied to it
normal i o idiMoo liuai ui will he destroy
ei loiever ; nine raeeou! ol ten arecuutied
by aurrnu, which m nothing but an In
llitnied ei-n litlon of the muruui HarlttceH
We will KiveOne Hundred oiltir lor
any cane ol d.-ainetoj (ciel by ctitttrrti)
mil (annul be ruiel ny Hull Cularrli
ure. H md lor circular t, Iree.
K. J. OiKNN Y A CO., J'nipe., Tvledo, O,
Kold bv IrrutfKittiti nt7-r cents. .
rial.'g Kainily are tne beet.
Tii k ciuuuir couur of thk
htile ol Otfg-iujor Washington C utl-
i he American Morttifre Company)
i notniatio, i.iuiuea I t oorp ra-
Inn ), I'lMintill,
Jmm.b li'tiisun and Mary Cliohmn,
ii in wile: t. M, tl.ir.ur an-l --1 1 uf
r, h. wte; Wiluaiu K Youn and
Kobcrt Maokiiiaw,
1' -ienda'ilH. J
To F, M. HirW and Handbill
wne, deleudants aoove lot men:
lit I lie name ot I he Male om OrPK0i You
ind ew ti ol you are bert-ny uotihed nnd
retpitred to appear lu Ibu aioye eitnleo
Cou rl on or bcloi i he IitmI ilay ot I he
.irillerm of Court, io-wh : the Fourth
.Vtuiititiy ol Novi inner, i-eia November
-2'i'l, lH!-7, io i:ike si lAtr to p u.nt U
com pt hi ii i In d li- t he above eiiiiin-d iumi
ttnd if ou lad so to it) enr and ai ewr,
laintiif a ui apply l tne Court for (he re
lief titftniindid in raid e mpla ui.
The rene. d m:ind d in eaid couii laint,
. uiis.stis ill the lorec os.i tf id a c rtntii
fnoriuK;1 eie- u ed iy Je e H itmoo nud
Mary . II duoiijiii wne,iu Jo v. r d p u.n
(dl. Hi.') mortrai.e tears dale ol tei ru-
iry 1. I!, and wim ivimi to se. nrj the
i hiiii ii ol tilt; Minn ol Ih'een liuiidie l
( l.XHJ dollar ami iutenni al the rate ol
uiKi'l I er c ut per annuui irom .a'et no
LoidiitK to ihe lernid ot a certain uitnci-
pal not a id certain lu.erent uolei iei:iiel
in a od in t K xa
hdi'i iinriitiKe in on the following de
tcni'ed real proerty, ituate in the. Coun
ty ol WtiohiiiKton and Haie ol ) to-
i it :
Lots loiirm, bvrf), -U ('i). m- vnll).
rmhiC), twe.v (12) and tuinee (11), Hu -
tUKlOth.itl limns, llU.te hi W h
iiKiuii C lUfity.iu tin- tt.uie ot Of eguii.Lon
t.tin.nu leTeiiif ncre.
hid iiioritae in re -.orded in the rec
anin oi W emitigiofi i on it T, iire'on, in
liiok 'M ol M inuei at paire S2
1 lie re. ei deuiaudetl inclu i u pracer
lor ii .gemaiit afain-l stud iu r y ig r m
loe aunt ol filt'M-n hun'lre li :P)) doiiu
tot.e ner Willi interest ih. roii al the rale
fit' hi i-r cent p-r annum, suite Fehru-
a y l- 1h6. all in tin- Cniied hi.t-s lm.i i
o a. t.a in the .uriher miiiii ol I en lu in
i l'odars th Hinouut ol tax m
-? n-fcaid real projn y p.ii-l ny pit u
tllf. w th eitfhi p r ent pr aim tun n.ler-
r-i tii'Tenn iinitj Ono ter'du, 17, ;tn I in
i luriio-r film ot ot.e hiindr. d a.i 1 Id y
( IV') do us en a reus natoe m orm
e1 lie fin end lor the cot nnd 1 'ur-e
i ii en. ol his Kfi.l, and lor a d- re hii
1 nf ra d morifi i. e, tot'ther nil the i in
o-iiit ol a iid ta ics,ntt'irne',- a and e. t
iisiiffi "ii umii :f - id inil no. iy
and r tin h at ucb real t r e y ( so d
to t ay e i m .i.M.- i. i. iMi.-d nut
that t t , tircha er av iu h he ;( it lo
' p i--r i on ot n i re po;Mrrty iu I th it
i v u an I t-ch t.f you, slid a h and nt
,il I de.eii'lunt an 1 al. rioi c tiintmr
QidiTjQU or any ol watu i ; ti t imi- i
j mIio ly linrreJ nnd lor- o-d id a I ntrni,
i Tit -ti d interrn: in and to or l.i-u utou
a'd re-1 pr ppy o any .rt lhreoi,
I nis uiniii'ins ia pubiislie t pur-u-iut to
mi order ot Alfred F. fear. Jr. Jiilf of
t he C.rruit C 'Urt rH the f't" d 0. e....n,
ior Mn inomnii ouuty, tlep-trinieni Nn 2,
maoV upon the Jixtb day of O lot er. I'7,
in the aiMii from VSIi nton i u nity
1 the Jn 1 of i hen wiv en i'it-d J!-ii r r.
(jfcoh, OkMioKY A I t' M W Y,
Aib.r i)B for I'Uinntl. M &