Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, September 17, 1897, Image 2

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i iImi4 U the poatnOleaat HiliaborQ.O
l.f-UHlKo Kl'bt.lr.l.INli CO., rl-1U'f
I). M. C. UVl'LT. Ml'J-.T
t ru iAL r Armor vim tin
The owl miner of Pen nay Ivan 1
' are. hldiug behind pettletaaH. Tht
suiSa i rrtfiui" lite mua'i'iiji it
they ougbt.
I. n u-l- . jm
The tin (.often ekln auilien ,'ruahed
in under the lower ralea of the Wll
boo IdW, will have beeo exbaualeu
by next year; ud the true capac-itier
of the !) tariff law fairly tested, ll
wtmM be wtlt euough to twin
Juilfueiil uulil tl.en.
One ruii of lue rvi ut l-'n-i'-ti
""aniiy eVoTuliona conclusively .tovt-t
lliul a auix-eanful army uiut liavt
meu well led. Alter nil it W train
' ed miud aud a brave apirit that U to
Kail t victory iu the future a iu the
j.at. Uuua will be au acljuuct but
they uiuat be rightly pointed Mud Ml
the proper time aud plai.
To be compelled to wake excuse,
(for liuley bill) every three mouth
during the next three yeara would
lttouiu very mouoiouous alitf a
while. ioe the New berg Indepen
dent terve uotice that the pnaeul
tariff law ia ouly temporary aud that
tariff (juenliou id to be the iaaue in
1UUU? it no, republicaua accept the
K. M. C, wf Eight Mile, ask a
(juealiou iu theeighl mile currespou
Ueuce to this effect: What tauseo
the raise iu wheat value, foreign lie
maud or republicanism? To tut
farmer who is now prosieriug it
makes no differeuce what did it. li
does seem that the raise in values oi
all product aud the increase ol
busiueea everywhere was not at
all dependent upon Ur. ISryaua elec
tion. Uazelte.
Vov remember w hat Deb of the
social democracy said la hi tit. Louis
resolulioua touching "the right of the
people to keep and bear arm" which
"may not be infringed," and how
much 1 sought to be made of It.
W ell w hy did not the agitator quote
the whole urticle; it I abort. "A
well regulated militia being necessary
to the security of a free state, the
right of the people to keep and bear
arm thull not be infringed."
The hanging of those seven men in
Indiana this week by a masked vio
lence committee Is a worse tiling
than ha happened in the wild and
wooly wext in years. The seven
bung coiuiomd gang perfectly re
sembling what we had In this coun
try two or three year ago. We got
rid of our irnng by the ordinary pro
cesses of the court. We have none
of the approbrium of vlglieuce com
mittees hnnging over our county.
The appointment ot Mr. Oeer to
the Oregon City land office Is quite
satisfactory to those who understand
the situation. This Is the first time
that Mr. Ger ha been recognized at
the hands of any delegation In con
ftvftt and is a graceful aprecltition l
hi service. The ciilicisni of the
appointment appiars to come from
tlioee who Ihetrsilves when tii-'iih-utlng
the plums of (.dice have entire
ly Ignored the claim of Mr. Geer
The importations of wool In June
1807 amounted to over $5,000,000 In
value against less than $o00,000 in
June 1896. This waa one of the
many Incident iu which the Import
ers atrugglcd In the closing month of
the Wilson tariff to get even with the
fanners for voting to take'that meas
ure off the statute books. Now hav
ing read the above statement will the
voter turn to the fourth page, read
the platform of the national democ
racy and then think.
The unfortunate shooting of 60
miners near llszletnn Pa., on tlx
10th has called more men from the
mines than all the inarching onliinw
had been able to Influence. At last
report 11,000 diggers had Joined the
Idle throng. The encounter on Fri
day last only emphasizes the Ispk
PEXUKJit "a contention that control
of the mob especially In the mining
r)tlns hmiM he turned over at oner
to the regular army. The trouble at
Hazleton was the strikers believed
that the deputies would not shoot
and that they could club them a lit
tle when the law i.ftVew would run.
Sheriff Martin was not built thai
way. He ui to have clearly sten
his duty and had nerve enough to do
It. He made one mistake though
when he rdredhl men to shoot
into the air. That only made th
strikers more certain that they wen
uol to be fired Into. At first few
shots to kill would have controlled
toe throng. Four or live men 4jsl
to be sacrificed. It were better thai
many than twenty. Ot course at
this distance we cannot certainly
Judge of the conditions but it looks
like the governor made a mistake in
ending the i.ational guard to the dis
turbed district, lie ought to have
aid to 8'ieri J Martin: "You seem !
be able to coi.trol the mob. Go for
ward and complete the Job." The
people w ho make up a mob ought to
be convinced that a fb.rin and h
deputies will hoot as well a the
blue coals, and that they cannot saf
ly piy l,h ,h ourt -,uVv
h'J.u , .t'A' A .-I X 1 11 1 Xi Kit.
Therv ia a much Klondyk litera
ture w ritten as ever, and the fact are
na difficult to Bod a the gold itself.
Mueh d -tl-. on the itihr ol th
writer vision. All verbiage brush
ed away It appear that Uawson I
'he only town of Klondyke. It U
MM mile iuland. There are two
Maya of reaching it, one by th Yu
kon river from the mouth to Liaweon
1000 milea and the other over th
mountain by a pa.'k trail and dowii
traitchm of the Yukon by cam
tRW mile. These river are o-l)
iliout 4 or i uiouth iu tl. yar.
Small Hleamboata may navigate the
Yukon. Ihi 1 Jhe 'U-'a -t-lrre
'or pack train even, hence the trans
portation problem is a worieooe than
tiraut aolvei at Cliattaiioogit. It b
net a question of gold but oue of food
nupply. There is fotaj tliere now hut
(lie best authorities predict a famine
m mid-winter.
Another alarming fsct I reported.
An epidemic of typhoid fever ha
irokeii out. Iu a new place remote
'tv!A .-.'r'rr.ftiltin fffiil 'wfierS lhe"Vip-'
ilaliou ia densely parked the Condi
lions are favorable for tbt) spread of
the contagion. t
Without dould the gouernuieni
Aill have to orgsnud a relief ex pe
tition before spring and it will be ex
la-nsive. The camps on the coatt
will not be so unfortunately situated
dnce they can be reached easily by
ea. The advice early given to slay
it home lilt rehruiiry or Marcti was
Eugene Deb I brave at conveu
ions; audi ao much employed at
those assemblage that he cannot find
time to taj with the men at such
place a Haaeltou. This is the way
lie aud hi associate talk and write
resolution. Braucb No. 2. Social
.leiuocrocy at Chicago passed this
"The blood of the idle aud useless
riatM.-racy I the niosl convenient
mediciue for nourishing the tree ot
liberty. 'An eye for an eye, a tooth
lor a tooth.' For every miner killed
aud wouuded a millionaire should be
treated iu the same way. The mil
liouaire class is responsible for the
daughter of Sept 10, aud we regard
the torch as the most successful
weaion to wield against them."
Fitzgerald Murphey, president of
branch No. 2 madea speech' lu which
he said :
"The miner should carry arms
and use them, too. For the time has
come to meet force with force. 1
should have told them to aboot to
kill. 1 would kill 20 millionaire
Strong condemnatory resolutions
were also passed by branch No. 1,
and some fiery speeches were made.
Quinn said:
"1 will not carry a musket: I will
carry a torch and knife, and I will
carry both as far as I can."
Leroy M. Goodwin, E- V. Delis'
righihand man, a director of the na
tional board of the social democracy,
in a speech naid;
'I would attack property with a
torch; I would destroy their palacee;
let us rebel when men are shot
down as they were in Pennsyl
vania." Will this variety of democracy at
tract well dispossed American citizens
to it organization?
The C'hicsgo Uecord h.is had a pos
tal favii gs bank bill drawn which
m ill be presented at the next session
of coiigrtas. The bill seems to be
meritorious. Two objections may la?
urged, which if answered favorably
for the bill ought to remove all nppo
lition. The first urged is its pater
nalism. This is answered by point
ing to the success of the post office
department lu carrying letters aud
in the money order business especial
ly the Utter which invaded the do
main of banking. The second op
poae the establishment of a savings
hank system for the reason the nat
ional debt is neither large nor er
maiient hence will not serve a a bas
is for the investment of deposited
luutls. I he text of the (till answers
the last objection by providing that
the deposits over aud atsive what
-nail tie ueeuieu necessary lor a re-
erve for withdrawals chill he in
vestetl in u. "V securities as tar a
they will go. When that source of
investment Is exhausted then certain
classes of state and muiii 'ipal bonds
may be u-ed. The smallest deposits
taken is one miliar, out alamos as
mall as five cents are provi led
which may tie attach) d to a prepared
card until one dollars worth of
-tamps have been u-d whn thee ml
may be deKsiiei and the amount
represented draw interest. The rte
f interest allowed is 2 per cent, 'I he
postal savings scheme is mm partisan
out an economic proposition and
night to recive support I rum every
The news reports that have Isen
sent over the country during the past
week leave little doubt but that
English capitalists are toying with
I lie Panama canal scheme. The
original Intention to excavate a level
canal from ocean to ocean has been
alMUidoned and plan fur a series of
links have been substituted. The
locks Is the idea of the late Fretu h
reorganization. A lot of money has
tcn sa-ut on Panama and it is not
it all strung that the Frenchmen
ish to get some of it tstck and It i
also to be expected that the E'igli'h
want to control the waterways and
cripple the American Nimragu
The Insurgents Improcing
Their Condition
ludUa lulsiar a HUtarbaaea 1a
Cvutrai bu
WasiiixoTO-V, .Sept. II. Genera"
ljtn ha returned home from Havana
ut will sy nothing for puldteation
till he maes his w ritten and vertwil
irieuils state that he will present ti
uresident that ih te-yen!" ar- m:
oil top and will certainly nchive
iheir own ralvatiou without assis.
Geiieral Lee lielieve Spain lia
lost the isiaud ta'yond recovery.
Under the circumstances, the insur
geut would refuse autonomy w ithout
limitation, and they have a tread vj
w A-.-T.? -rTr.i- x..-;lt...i.:: i
raeucaiiy aeiiiveu meir iiiiir-jwn
deuce. He will iuform the presideut
that the Insurgent have 1 a.p:uvd the
rainy aeasou to equip themselves
better than ever Is-fore, and that
Spain, on the other hand, has suffered
greatly from disease and through
fraud in the commissary and the lack
of clothe and fixsj suitable for the
Max Skbamtiax, Sept. 13. -Minis
ter Taylor tiajk hi leave ot the
Spanish Court. The queen wa most
General Woodford, the new minis
ter wa received and some formal
discourse with the membtr of the
New YovK.Sept. It. A company
of sharp shooter have enlisted for
service in Cuba.
Key West, Sept. 14. The insur
gent have met with great success in
rainy season campaign. The Span
ish desiring to organise a column of
l.MKJ men for pursuit could not do so
because of much sickness among the
New Orleans, Sept. H The
yellow fever, in spite of paecantiotip,
is spreading, and an epidemic
Loxdox, Sept. M The disturb
ances on the Indian froutier In Ceu
tral Asia are still alarmihg. The
recent nucces of the British arms
ha not awed the native tribes, and
the fighting in that quarter promises
to be stubUrn.
New York Sept. 14. Seth Low
ha been eudorsed by the King's
county republicans for mayor. The
republican city convention i to be
held this week.
Provioence, R. I., Sept. 14. Dr.
Andrews, the silver presldcuce has
withdrawn his resignation of the
presidency of Brown university.
New Yokk, Sept. 14. A special
to the Journal and Advertiser from
Washington says:
It i now evident that the govern
ment I getting ready to deal with
Spain vigorously. The board of
officers of the naval intelligence
bureau ha had a conference a to the
scheme of naval operations to be ad
opted in case of war with Spain. A
plau which was worked out In detail
some time ago was discussed, and
after a few alterations to bring it up
to date, it wa.1 adopted.
At the first sign of actual war the
powerful North Atlantic squadron
will rendezvous within striking dis
tance of Havana, while the four
naval reserve ships of the American
line, the Paris, New York, St. Louis
and St. Paul, will receive Iheir ar
maments as cruisers and will prisjeed
to Spain to watch the operations of
l lie Spanish fli'et, track it and warn
the American navel commanders lu
advance of it movements.
Madrid, Sept.lt Senor Sdgasta,
lilsTal leader, in an Interview on the
subject of the Cuban insurrection,
sty the uprising instead of dying out
is spreading considerably. In addi
tion Senor Sagasta says the situttion
In the Philippine Islsmls is serious.
He also asserts the Carlist propag
anda in Spain cannot la viewed with
indifference, and expresses the he.
lief that a reconciliation ta-tween the
Mili:ical parlies in Spain Is linposd
ble as lot.g as the conservatives are iu
Ike Ht Ware.
Chicago, Sept. 15. Illinois, Indi
sna ami Iowa, are parched Until
last evening Kunni was iu the same
cotiililion, but lain mine. Weathel
men say that fail showers are due in
other states in a few days. In South
ern Illinois the teui)ierature has nv r
aged 81 degree fir 12 dny. North
em Iiioiois aii'i Chicago I. as reutliol
an unusually hot srisl for st late in
Ihe season.
Can is lieing ilestroytsl iu all Ihe
Egyptian country sml nosueh nsurd
has been HiHtle in be.. I anil tlroul'i
sinee Septemla-r, ISiH. The Snug.
mon, Mickinaw ami Vennilh in riv
ers are nearly dry, anl the cattle on
a thouand hills ait living for want
of wa'er.
In Indiana no drop of moisinre has
fallen for two nii'll'hs, the corn Is be
ll g burnt-1 lo death, the pts'ure are
as inllammable as swtler, ami prnl-
rie fires are raging. All over North
ern ami Eastern Indiana prayer for
raiu are being I'OYred lo all the
loa li had au average of I" ar
o il.-L-ri e-. fr 10 d.iys, and nev r
'fury l M, llierv l en auch Kufferilig i
8- pte.uia r. Publ'e hataarecleo
in many towns workmen are for d
to qui' toil and prayers fur raiu are
going U ii eviry hand. In Onio
also pu iic mhi sils were cod dur
ing j'vi. rlny owing tit the extreme
ly hot weaiUi r.
Mil hi ; to, is , is w aiming thest.ulh
and ale! ii.g evt ry iiew-pa. r and
weaiber l u In. ( ih promise ol
a do tiM-air Formers' an- unxious
fruit ru-ers re Uiiua-t, ami ihe
siiplf of the ei in s iliMt.urngtd. Two
deulhs ami vi r..l pioiraiiit re
rs-f-.rfttl-ifltir.-y iWlire" re-nfi'ol tlieex
oesslve liea'. I lie. i. -mi are Solomon
Aiuler.wMi atid J hti Mclirwle.
It I urn-em iliai lite promiie ul r
putiiictn in burnt Mbu-e li.Urviev
a pears in the Or, g.Miiau of the 15th
i G v. L id hi.i.Mli. It is a littl
unexpected thai he --hold so tlt-aiiy
-ee tl:e ilu'y of Hie Ur,gou t oi.giB
sii.ual tit li gaiiixi lotaid Mr. Gttr
.'tli-it-.- v-- t-.t'ittar-sTfiT'T."
re,ust-i t a,p lint hnu to le
sUpt rinlt l ib 0- i ftlie relorm sclnaj.
or ol toe peillienllal y al asnlaiyi l
1600. tie was uied to do so by a.
iea.il a pari l the reeut coiigit.
loual di legal iou liui 'to no avail.
When G iv. Lira wa maugurai
ed Mr. Get-r was an u pin ant fr the
poalliou ol auperiuleuiieut of the pel
Herniary or iti reform school baviug
a salary of 118,000 aud 15,000 re
spectively. He got neither ol tiit ne
posilious uotw ith-'laudiug the gentle
men who are now so anxious lor hi
substantial recoguiliou had it iu then
power to do something handsome.
Austria I abaul lo prefer a claim
for indemnity against the fulled
State lor the shooting of the coal
sinkers. If those digger yet alive
are still euiject of Austria would it
not be a good plau to deport them or
exact a boud from Austria guaran
teeing their good behavior?
The cloudy appearauoa above the
manufacturing toWli uoticed Iheat
day i uot the smoke of battle Out
to toe "luvaalou of Ihe enemy'
country" which Mr. Uryau began
just a year igo. Heppuer Gazelle.
The Gulf state would give a large
sum of money could they buy the
Vool i ighl we are having. Jack
Frost always doe up yellow Jack
wlieu they meet.
A. hot wave rolls over the Mis -
sippi slates. The public schiHils iu
some localities had to be dismissed.
B F Purdy plaiutltf v M II Low-
cry defendeut. Judgment for plain-
litf by default, and attached properly
ordered sold and proceeds applied ou
the Judgment.
Gu Clappa of Beaver ton wa
brought lielore the court ou com
plaint of insanity. From the testi
mony of witnessess and the certificate
of Dr J P Tameisle Ihe court found
the patient of sound mind whereup
on he was discharged.
Adam K sif was examined on com
plaint of insanity. The testimony of
witnesses ami Ihe certificate of Dr t
A Bailey susiained the charge where
upou the p.itient whs committed to
the asylnm at Salem for treatment.
Estate Drlii M Clark deceased. Or
dered that L K Adams, administra
tor retain .W.20 for fee and costs,
aud that he distribute Ui 36 to Ida
E Weltser aud 42 36 to Lydia Mor
gan, she h tvlug already received f.itj
from said estate. Ihe heir will tile
a bond iu the sum of 41)0 for Ihe
payment of any claims against said
estate now ui paid. The administra
tor will pay It Hamilton surety 8 80
Lstate A M Park hurst deceased.
Inventory of proarly tiled
Estate Win Guuther deceased.
Semi-annual account tiled.
Estate Henry Schna'der deceased.
A petition is tiled asking that the in
ventory aud appraisment la? disap-
proved, ordered that the administra
tor he untitled and Monday Sept 27
set for hearing the same.
Estate Wm J W hile deceased. In
ventory filed showing the value of
the estate by appraisement to be
Stale v Gus Wachline. Charged
with the larcuy of a horse. Since the
defendant Is already under arrest on
au indictment this case waacomiaed
till Oct. 301 h next.
Clearing Tualatin, Ord.-red that
when the Tualaiion river from the
mouth of Dairy cresk to Si-holl
bridge be cleared and cleaued of all
ilrMt, timls-r and brush, the ctiiiitnia
siouers court will inspect the same
Htid when accepted draw a warrant
in favor of the petitioner for the
sum of 250.
Itesignation of S. Burns, J. Pof
Mouiitaiu precinet accepted.
Husmus Jorgenson, supervior of
ltoadtiisirhtNo.il resigneil. The
resignalion laaicepied and F Welsen-Itet-ch
lteHirts of J. A. Imhrie, Clerk and
EC McCormick. Recorder, filled and
M iry Walker granted relief 5 00 1
rent I was ailov etl to E twin lse, G
i: itiouns n report of relief
Count 1 1 tee of J B Mathews Pist
No. G. A. K.
Ihe Mils for building Fan no bridge
were :
J C Johnson 71
J W ti'MMiin tift
The roi.lraet was awarded to J W
(ii" si in tor (iW,
Witrraiil for HH in favor i f T C
Jiiiitimn isiritrti-' -r on Schamburg
lindge drawn in .,rl ment.
J K (illl. Ut.oi.lli tlenl to lot
3ti. blis k 1. we.i P .r land Highls
Mib te evei'.dto st iiuiilon his
I'Svne nl ol Isxes and noltles.
lolll.lj Jail. The l llll.s i d SlSt'i-
tl .i'ioii- ..i I he enmity ju utunitlrsl
liy mi Int. c1 tut re iippiovtd.
M ARK I AG E l.ll KNsp.
Lneii-e lo hI were duly Is-ued
S pieuil t r 1 1, lo ljtHrtn. r Bade,
aael 34 nt A-'ine II K' lm sgul 32
year-. S. pidi.her 14. to William
S,,iol-s sire. lit anl Mary Donl ou
serag'd 13 je-irs. Sept. 'l.'i'h, Jot o
E l.a-i.eli ags 22 year and 1.0 I
Dow us aged 22 yi ai.
can f?n
Flarencs Startfvanf, of Grindstone blind, Ssvsd frcm
ea Uniinciy Detta Her
lm -OnTKtBU
Ammm th TSfHmatHl ItliuMta tm an rrJltd
Oriwisn-n. It U in milra lot if utd Uuc
wtile. Tlx tulutliiuyii of I tut ulautt ara a
weU-iiifrrpid flua ot upU wha devot
thrir mtftw tit hirmiiif autl qjrrjlnc fur
a lirrliliond. la th koai of on of thr
i-listlrra rrU Florrae J. hiurvlint th
7i' ;::..! If. KiUnliVsnL 6u k4roirk
aU rrMar ntvtutJy.
Ia aa Imprvietr with a rportr Mr. Star
Atvaal Mil : " Florvnr iu ulan tick la
Ftbruarr. ISM. sub rUt (Trr anH w lot
adiil cslM a nhviifiaa. After two
wit th fever uMJnl liut Florono iu
loft with wrr weak bfk. 8vero paiiu
wr enninilljr in lh bark and Mnniwck.
Th diffii'uli; leeiueil to baffl th flbnsof
th ph.Tii(4u.
" Finally at th ond of four Bwnth of
troauarut, w hand our paOut oomploUlj
Josh Killing once mid:
"It I wux called upon to
weup over th IhxIv of a ded
mewl, I would shed mi tear
over hit hed." Josh didn't
takt) any chances, even
though every appearance
indicated that he wa dead,
HeM keep away from hi
heels. No man ought to
take any chance when
ther It a certainty to be
Your goo. 1 for this fall and
winter take no chance but
buy from a reliable house,
We know we give more for
the money than other care
to offer. Come and see our
goo. la and be convinced.
Schulmerich & Son.
Grass & Clover Seeds
A full stock at
Hardtirpes Prices
169, 171 Second St.,
Adniiiiitratr' ttir
VT,ri K is HUtEI.Y
11 the in r
. J'Hy 1M7 .(
lit) c-aif ot W
and ha (i it
in r mitt ttt
nc ti t to f r
lu me ai iu y if
west nl i luni.
(M)uniy O e'u .
'le I win ft (b 19 i Uu .
intt i. a i tii.ii.Hif mo- cf
itin J White d.tPdvJ,
t R Kit. ;i, A i prnuh imv
nt stil t Htm herrliy
it the ;im a ith lu jiro x
IiIhim i mi 4 DurtU-
v Htt bUiiK Wttshmteioii
vitlnu hitL nioiiihs Ironi
the d ie Im reot
A.lniini-irntor .i tn r.iMtw ol
Will 1 11 tn i Vltit JcuaeJ.
Tl nndrraltnt ili fell al fulilie auc
tion ht li4 larni atlioiimi; ihe lair around
n; ol Hi iaiNiro, It:h, th l ow it
iTiDe.! iierannm irfMtrty on 8tiur.lir
OctntK-rjl. Hi:lobek'in ronititijr ft 10
o'c .m k a. m.
4 aillchr, natl; frenfc ar a
til head fm rattle teer aa4 hrif
rr, li j ran aid.
amhrr f fall bl4 Jertej ad
1 pore bloatl HoUteln ball 4 Iran.
Jerarjr 4
Hlxtj brad f Rrrkhiro hofr ra
alatlBR f k)N, fattralnv hor, huat
and ne fall hloodfd lit raahlre lHar.
Harr). plea, rad rart, rnoner
aatt ha r-rake.
NaiNlirr of niare, i k beram.
. I
aacoos hark, bn(le aud barae- ' -
r rrbiaa klHil. VIltTt'K OF AN EXECTTION,
Milk caan, farm Implraitnt aad t tlerm and or.lrr of tale, leaned out
rr praprrtf . ie Circuit Court, of the Htat ol Oregon
A I ol ihia prop, r y o ill to wuhoat "h'0" '.1 .IVV'JiV!'
rre. PoaitUeiy no I J-bidding. fc?,.an. lHari and t oinp.nT, a pr.vat
hi.. .ll he .micked d'.n lathe b.i.1"1'"" "J"J
B r n ihe l.i.he.t bonn-tiil. b d. "' of 'm? r J ",! J"'
T rin" ol 8.I.: ill ..in ..I 10 end '"' of ,4l4:fhi .. if n 71 ."
le.-. e . in hand, over $10 . credit id h'r"n ' J ? . 7"i
month, will he ixr,n ..nr. hater n " 1 rom'J .'..n Ll i ' T I
,,ro d tiole, inlerr.1 .. 8 rer rent lor in. ro- an.1 toa ot aale.n l
h"p'"c irneiiu. " BAIL5?.7h,.rVJ'or.1 b, irt.,e and in ,,nr-
A"r"' . 17 Wle, I ill on Manila? tbei7ih da .d
Put a pill in the pulpit if you want practical
preaching for the physical man ; then put the
pill in the pillory if it does not practise what it
preaches. There's a whole gospel in Ayer's
Sugar Coated Pills ; a " gospel of sweetness
and light." People used to value their physic,
as they did their religion, by its bitterness.
The more bitter the dose the better the doctor.
We've got OTer that. We take "sugar in ours"
gospel or physio now-a-daye. It's possible to
please and to purge at the same time. There
may be power in a pleasant pill. That Is the
gospel of
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
More pill pertlcl.r la Ayer'a Carebook. loo pairs.
Beat Ir... J. C. Ay.r Co., tetr.ll, Mala.
Dargerous Preslcas:n!.
Clayton, .Y. T.
prnotratnl. At thi L'm w rallod a oml-
brnt phT.lclao, Uo.tTra wilh lh diair
xmi of our ph.TUrfcp. fl pmcrihrd a
conn of trraiuitul and followed it tank
fully for thrr nontho, bat inouaj of ia
pr.i itiir. Flriic tmilrd.
" Mr ofmj aiio.vho rotklod hi tn.
. vtl-5irriii; w; ativiori oa to uaa Dr.
Willinma' fmk I'll! K.r Palo Peoplo, and I
purrhvd a Ni of tli pill and bwa to
jrivo Oirin lo l luftaM. Tt rs ia C:-t..,
iswt. Alter uung tli pill a abort tiai wa
eouldsM aa iuiprovtmrnt, HerMrandh lie
can lo return aud her appetite waa restored.
When alia had taken on hoi til pain la
her back and toniaoh osaaed and bar r
cover aeenie.1 orrtaia.
"We eamrlr purrhow! a aeccsid bos at
pill and watched with delight ihechanre tut
the better that waa beiiiK wna(ht daily.
Floreut- Anally became strong- enooijh to
walk a linle. She rained In Iteah and
strength ranidlv. Bt tha tima ako had naed
three boiee of th pilleahe. .., S'ij-ir.ni.'.T.!
rz-.z; 'ooniiuaau ine ireatuient uallta
another box, the fourth, to preTent the poo
ihilitr of a recurrence of the dilFrulty.
We cannot praiao ttst highly the vain
of Dr. Willlama fnik Hi la. I am pouuv
that without their aae our child would have
been confirmed Invalid."
Subscribed and awora to before ai this
sixth day of April. 1W7.
II W. Morsf. ,Vo,.r, PuhHa.
Dr. WlUlama' Pink Piila for Pale People
are sold by wl dealer, or will be arm post paid
on receipt of price, SO rent a box. or six boxes,
lor fci.Sii (they ar nerer sold In bulk or by
the lim) be adilreaalng Dr. WilUaJua' Meuida
Co., Sobeawudy, . Y.
4i nt iiut'lf y w J h imvjr, mM
d.Mer t.tua tiit- 15 il.ty of 8 mI iii'mt 187.
uUactteii u ilia tvitam chulUt in irtipi:
iu nit, exv-iaetl ii it' deuv-f roil tiv K J l.voii
tilirtk!ftjt r t ' VVJ Vau H-Niuyver mr.a
K r. ...i-.l U e h tluy t.l Mnrib 1'94 In
it U tlif ii:t. incut tit th uill ol $.i.V-Mt.
on t(i pront rt y hf rin:ttu'r tU'scriiefvi, 1
lis e tttk0it nis-ex-toti ol by vittii"ttt imiiI
tiHirtkfue aiul -ai i rftjn t, and 1 w ill :
tUf gtiuoii iiuiUling nl K J Lf"iM on Mdiu
Mrwi in Hiiltor.t W .tali in :ton Cunty.
Urn K .it tin :tlU i:iy ? I UV Ol tCtolj
lt97, at tba hour ot tan t.'ci ck a m ot a il
tiuy .. a 1 ol tha her-il itr U onlf.
Hrtoual prri?rtv to tha h ghai h.tlttvrfor
caaii in hand, town :
All or i ho it-aae liohl inlerat ol K J
Lyons ol in ant to ItuCf-illo ina drairib-
ml rail irtiiertv: Cniniaiunm Ht thr
nurihe.iat c rnvi of lot uoiuiHr two (2) i
lilot K i.uiii mr rtatit (S, in the tou
Htllaooro Waaliitiiruiu County Orotrott and
runmnn thence aoULh to the a Utiten-tt cor
ner ol aaul lot l'.Ktftfi thence a eat 33 fret
Ihtnire north lifb Vel, tlienct' east Bt far:
to the plait of bet? mitnp, and the alo n
MumltiikT M?ren er. oiei amI als the aa
."on liiiiift!! an l firanure in .ud al-on
ouildtiiK d(-r:ba J m fliow h-ar tr'ft-
41; wh k-v k.. aea V;wtne irlaaaea 105
niie secre ar ; mi lare oak Hqu r Cast-;
One oa ' w -ar; cic larff- Imnt ar; one
eiuali ro t bar; one email sb w rasa, one
bruii d o. re ( mi puce o. rublier mm
unif, one .ur;r oak ler chett with pump
una appun ia:i''et. me i r:a ciot-K. ou
eiw trie i ttil icator, int nak bir at; re a. one
niali mirror, one W D Wuahtre A Co'
l i'li aiieraat, two lnr(e painntiia,
-)' Brunawifk p 1 table, one billiard
table, ith cues and cue-racks and bi.
ttaid counter with one p hi hiil rack, tuui
cant tab.e. 86 b tr-room 0'iaira, one iara
beaildK atovd with water tank and plie.
i z cord of four loot iak wood, one nickle
in ihe ahit machine, uvs Katieait r tampv.
10 snii-'ooni, on t'litem cork puller toaat
tcfy lie -mm oi $3,V wt;h tntereat there
on lrom JiiU- H, HiM at the rate of 7 ntr
Ctnt pvr aiinutn and the aum of $f5 nt
torneya ftes anl the coit and exifn-ea ot
WitnK my hand thla 15th day ol S'it
vmlirlHV7. 17-21
8lentri( W. Mli. i. mon County, Oregon
HarfU'V A Urown,
A ..'rnya lor Mrtairee.
.Writ'K TO t-OlTKACTOIt.
f-it'd rrui'O-Hia lire wanted for t !
in u il.inir '. t'l, lo!L'iiii iu trriui tn
i eu-d hi iih coniriii'iiit.i o a oontirv
jnil f ir Wath naion ronniy, Oreron.
Krirkt Hftr thounand. or all needed,
Suinilei to arriiinpanr bid.
Hue aaunt nix a unit rea DOsnett or
all required.
liiirtT-nre Barrett Korna nartxir
r an Joan lime, or amount seeded.
Corrairati'd Irou for reiiing.
Wnttera d Mutter Work.
Itekt uuulllt re-ilipped tia for rotif
ah aad altinon. etc.
l umber and timber for rooDur
Onient for flootliiir and fouudatlon.
I'ipea I'luiiililiiir aud labor.
All labor necetsarj.
I'lma n l a -l iln atlcini may be ren at
ihi t'u rk'a ' ttli-e in Hiii'.iNtri) on and altr
W.' i.i-idi.r 8 ii'embrr 8. Iftf7, and arerili
catinna i i In uiuiied alter aam dnte upon
reiiit. Hit i oiHnml and con
ir. t anrde) on September 1H, 18M7 at
'I oVmrk a tiie county c.iurtM rHint hi
KnliKri. C'iinniiaionert' court reaerve
ihe ntrlit lo r-Ji-rt n or ail bid".
IVp.irnie o d may n. made on inbor and
mil rtd.
C'ou ii I y JuiiK'
Ditrd Aim 24 1-47. 14 17
ruliiih l hr urdi-r of the Otimmittiuii
era'rourlo W .auinxt.m roo IT,
Veteran .4lten(ien!
A. erao A-t-ocftumi wui hidd t lit-ir
..iiij.nniiua oi--'tin fat BTert'n October
14 ia it. HotlMne liu.ine i.t lie traua.
.in. d inr ii) an rnpurl.iir:e tb it deniaiiue
In I at en : . a .,
K W. M. XlTf, II. F. OORI'OS,
and Light.
Careful euiwreiaion b ea pvrit-ntl htri-itw t A--nrIf tli-fi:ij li ottii.
priml and junnaaliin trtt:i.e - - " "
The HilUboro rhnn onl.-r iu driiK from Ihe iiua'l rflialilr uixiiiirai-liiim
nulr, ami ia ih,.iii)(lily u'(ilivl with rtf reqilikite n.veaar.T for prnrlv Nin.1ii.-t-in'
iiMir'rr -rir:; u !.u.a.ra The it'riflttT ;:r t-Ti-r watt-lil'.il Iliai liir
iniMit-a'ptrrl laiot renif.lit art- futuiirially la'iliK id-u ! lh attak an lli aiieiicf.
of nitHii.-iiM- and (iharmai-f ailvaiKV. bViu-V"1-" f lM' 'diar a.lVBiitag.-a in mr
cliai.iii ha aii.ili.ti, ow ing to ita tillnint rule of Ukinjc Ir.i.lr i . -ti ti t- for Hli fr..n
the lirst honaea. Hi rv'ail Jrii- ar umar.iifiil Ijr lower ll..in ihot of moot ilisniii
ilrun aUirr.
All the Irttding article of URUtitilSTs' iCM)Klfc, iut liiiliiia thtt KISKM
PKKKL'M K, Tltll.KT AKT1CL.KS, KKLMlEfi, rlVMiK, KTl'., at uu diafla
A laric and vnvlUnt rtiiiot of SPKCTAI LKS n.' KYK-41.AnSK
a! an n hand.
PATENT MEIUCIN ES ofall wigolar Ji.tt !.i '.v.."!'! ... ..
. ..... ,T,e"Hiin 'V 1 N KS and LIQUORS li1 in raool nu-lriit .'ii 'r ri(.u. o
Union Block. .... Hillsboro. Oregon
The Academy prepares for College and gices
a thorough English Education, the best pre
paration for teaching or business. All ex
penses eery lour. Board and rooms at the
Ladies' Hall $3 to $4 per week, including
electric light and heat.
Under experienced management, trill fur
nish rooms and board at cost on the club
plan, notto exceed $1.60.
For full particulars, address
Forest Groce, Oregon
If you do write us
alogue mid Prices.
Ve ca ii
on jour
save j'ou nuniev
The most Di III cult
Photos 1 1 Take
are those of children. Yet
WE have no difficulty in se
curing splendid likenesses.
Guess it's because we have
had so much experience.
CTAsk to see our "ARIS
Nearly like steel engraving.
Exquisitely finished.
iv D. Bennett, the Photo
grajlier. Uilli-boro Oregon
Is Your Itusiness Dull.'
Then this in the time to improve
it. Don't wait until "noun-lliing
turni np." but turn it up yourself.
ni'inemiier tnw tlie piirtaMe of
HdvertiHinK ia to I. ring lni.iiiiHag.
The wise luiiu-n man will mlvcr
tiw aa much il not more in dull
rum ma aa in buy eaaona.
A K'""! iind time-lioiiored way
of a.lvertii-iiiii ia through the
UiLl.aHoRo Im'Ipkniifvt. Wheth
er you want to pet t ut aomething
neat to send through the mail or
aoiiiethiiiK cheap to throw around,
come ami eo ua.
if You Were He
Yes, if you were the creditor
and aj,w the merchant sitting
iilly in hi. shop acctimulHtinji
more iluit, voliwe I anil out-ol-atyle
pinals than cah. vou would
ppilHl.v f.-el like arkinir, W hy
ill. II t V"U
Wake Up
nee the n.v rtiin column of
ti.e llii.i.aiuiii.i )xiKi'r!miRT
ami ei 'l.anue your sto-k tor
li'tial temler? VVIiHtsayyon.
Itush Work
is a prohlein in moat joli otTices.
Not so with the liii.i aHi.no I
DKi'iMiKNT I'rintery. te have
a larite fun-e of men, at work nil
the time alul ran "rush" a j-d
for you without any trouhle.
When y.ui want work dune
quickly i;ive the II11.I.SB0B0 I a
iKPBMnair Job Olli trial.
.-WILL KKI.N r"ullii,t i.ltliVK
t -r A ig'it 3d .i ,iv I r in. pr.,f..
a "I .1 lie f.tnii'i at I' r-1 le. e -1 )r
Witt, (iclrr. Hp, ial stei on ni ,
M.tlir.il ami Hnrdtlcai I'la. ae a nl W imen
and UliildreB and a4 CUr unic fiaaeea.
15, 1897.
Do YOU need an
or in fact any new Machinery?
rortland, Oregon.
NiYf no
IS THK I IHt fir Otil'K T. OF THR
L 8 ai ol or.K'in. I,.i W.l..n..
J. K. Ijliuwera,
II. I.. tirllHu. J on a lir inn, y l.
ii'iinn, J. .(in t.r IU ,, IriHilorel
.riinn. Mare rli.1,1 A title I.i.r.
ee.inian ao 1 llaiay At.
Ueieii'lama I
. j. inn uriinn, ineailore Onttln ami
Mary r oll, ati .ve loimeil UeleiKiants,
In Hie name or State ul Oremin, ou
anil eai li ol you are h reby nqiirn a,.
s-ar ami nimaer the .on.lai 1 j
.itfiiin-i y.ui in ti. ia,ve entit.ed Court
anil raiie on f,r Iteinrt- the tirat duv 01 1 lie
term ol miiil t' uri nrtl f..l owuir the ei.
1 1 r a 1 1011 ..I , x ..t I'lilmcaii. n f Una
;-uiimi.in., a 1, 1 1' I, .lav u. lie the a I tlav
..t Noreaiiier, i7, 1111. 1 f , u fan ao tn an
rr ami in r . .I I oiii.laii'l, lor aant
Ihrreol tne Pialnnll aili lake )u lirlnriit
an. I decn-f Kanil yon l..r in- .nm i).00
ith llit. f al iherioii Ironi ihr II u U.tv ol
Frhrunry Iwal .11 the r.ieol lo per cent.
Ir aiin:iin am! i..r 1 lie -uiu ol f aiOi 11 1
1'iriiev'a ).. h-r-in, anl the con a ami
illKliurain. nl- ot thi. ami a 11. 1 f.,r the tore
closure ul Hint certain niorpaie on tha
real properly l. -rr b il aa iwinir part ol
t ifl. L. t of John lln't an Jane liuu
lo i e. and more parliru ar y ileacriiaHl
aal.ilio-, lo-wit licuiiiniiig at p .lot
on Ihe f.uih bouiciar, il.ie ol aald I U
C. .Iii,.t..,,,ln B-iV ,,,, 2 78 ,.,,,,
Iron, ihe .011 tn w--t . orn. r nl i.1 ci,m.
ami riinnma nieiic aoiitn r-2 eaai on
theaouih houn I rv line 01 .U Cain, 15
nhaoia loaaf.n.in Ihe enter i lh rol.
thence north lir-!' ea-l , i0 .
.t tlinic.- nor I. apt iV W ln.i , ha to a
po I, -I..-, ce ...ill 1, ,", 1. 1 chain. 1.1 ihe pl .ee
ol hi a'iiininir ciiii aiiima live acra 1 .ml
mo,, or !.,. ... . ,., pr 1 a y l,.. i
liie..iiiiv ol W..i.i,. ., m ,f o,.
""" - -.ira.p.te K b-
ruirv Htn 14M ,n l .lire i..tf the sale ol
in (.nl 11. r.u -. , ,.r..,,. n- a .1 K.e a
P1"'1 1 . r,i- a ,er....f (., f'e
..yineiit ..1 a l jn g, 111. n.ie esi . 11 J
a . lo if. e' . .01.1 . a
vrt m h : . ,1,1. .,, itf)
";m, , ul, p,, ..... , , ,,,.,, ,
o-.l rli.er. lo , , . , j. ,y ,r ,,.,
t iie l coil.l on 1. aln .l.v ol J.i.y
'. A.HftiWKU.
A 1
Mil - .. ,
'."I I-!.?
L0( Ii
Kepairntf yo to
Main Street, Hillafcor