HiLLSBORO IXDEPEXDE.V1 iiuirsxl la the paeustne t Hillsboro, Orsgow aaiasarlpUua. la 4 vases, paf jsav II a. I LorJOMO fUBUHHlKU IXX. Iroprurtoi UK C.UAUI.T, Editor. OffHIAt. rAMH or THK ITl fr'iUDAY, HKI'TKMBEK 3, 1HS7 A facte! ioiw exchan.e reinarki thitt Audree should hav Uken a cm instead of a pigeon. 'Ihe tut woulu tiMVf whih wrk . What U free mm.-Ii? The utter anvtM nf ln-l "J Hover'.so at Bt Louis probably cannot b aaid to l trea.imble aince tMi-ordiiiff to the U. 8. constitution war uiunt be levied b a vitiscn atfaiiwt the government oi ail aud comfort ge given to out t iii inic., but it wn wdilioo anil will probably lead to the 1inj of lift'. It im doubtful if any ; jtther. (givep.-. VueilTwouTtl ilejiiiit uth public ut- tfratict-tt. A churl conversation had Itl weather forwiwiiT Pague yeterd afltruooti wmvpyM the prediction thai we will probably have hhowery wi-aiht-r till Sundny next. After tliut dear wheather I expected. The condition producing thia damp xpell 8 re entirely local, and they are un prccedcnled. Nothing licrt loforeot)-m-rvcd approaches) what Im now on u. Mr. 1'agUH ttiinki that foul weather cannot vex un next week which opin ion we all heartily hope will he veri Wed. Im-Im declared in hla Ht. Iui veech : "Thia movement has at tained tremendous lmetUH, aud will go ahead with a rusn. When the people tire ready and that day i not far off, my friend there will I a spontaneous uprising, the HUprenie court w ill m aboilirthed and concrete-iHMperm-d." In this eonnectian It Is ertineut to enquire what Mr. JJeba propom shall take the place of the two branches of government which he proline to abolish. There would tie but one, the executive left. Doe he exect that a government by a dictator Hhall be orgaui.ed? Hamilton then Secretary of Treaa ury reported to the house of repre sentative April 28th 1791, hi views relative to the eetabliHhment ot a mint, in the report occure this paragraph which in the light of thexe time weiii truly prophetic: "As long a gold, either from It intrinsic auperiority a a metal, from it rarity or from the prejudice of niandkind, retain so considerable a pre-eminence in value over silver, a it has hitherto had, a natural consequence of thl seems to be that it condition will be more stationary. The revolu tions, therefore, which may take place in the comparative value or gold' or silver, will be changes in the state of the latter, rather than in that of the former." The tendency of the time i to use machinery of greater capacity. Thus In firming big threasher driven by larger powt r is what ha been bought While hucIi machine do splendid work they cost more and the rtwult Is fewer machine are bought and the work of threshing grain i confined to a few large companies. The time was when a threshing outfit exclusive of horse cot no more than six or seven hundred dollar. There were many machine then and it was no uncommon thing to see four or five gang of men in a many fields at one glance. Now a threshing outfit costs over two thousand dollar. There are fewer men who can get an outfit, In an ordinary season the big ma' chines can do the work, but ruin a now there are not thresher enough, Government by Injunction. No one here seem to know just what it mean as used by agitator I Mis. Out in this wild and wooly west we have thought that when a proprietor had a piece of proierty, that wa about to be injured and rendered worthies by t-ome one from whom no damages could lie collected, he has a right to ask the court to interfere and forbid the trespasser to proceed. Now If lliglow A Co. propose to dam Dairy creek so as to raise the water to heiirht often feet all the farmers above would be Injured and all the damage that could be collected from the big milling company would not recompense them for the Injury to their lands. Hence the law rinit the court to enjoin the mill company from doing the injurious act. The sinking coal miners were entering upon the premise of the mine own er and by entreaties, threats and in timidations causing the miner who were otherw ise satisfied w ith their conditions, to quit work. This rend ered the mine worthless. Hither than take the matter In their owu hands, the proprietors asked the court to interfere. They did so, an investigation disclosed the fact that the miners were unlaw fully interfer ing with the right of other, where fore the court commanded the min er to refrain from doing the acts complained of. True the proceeding was exparte but it could lie naught wise. For the miner were clearly engaged in act without a shadow of rights attached. Deb propones to abolish the courts, that 1 he promis es to nullify the law. What kind of society will exist without the mean of controlling the vicious ele ment. It i sssllile that some Judge may have taken an extreme view of the situation but i not Debs him elf an extremist? BEET SCO AX AAD HIE fAXSI. Th Hcientlflc American discussing the relation of tbe beet sugar farm to th factory say "it it well to sound a note of w aruiug ilu rtfereuce to one or two elementary facts, the neglect if which may bring much loss aud disappointment to the well meaning but misguided husbaudmau in view of tbe widespread attention which is now certain to be given to the culti vation of the sugar beet. "In the first place it must be re membered that there tire mauy lo calities which are quite unsuited to -Hj'ur beet culture that these may tie- in cur di-ri-H which arwl hin the vugir oeit, and are, generally speak ing, well adapted to !! crop. 1 a therefore deiraite mat the farmer should make several test within different pari of hi farm Is fore he commit himself to the haztrl of a full crop. It will not l necessary to plant any considerable area; small, detached patches will give hi in suf ficient s-ciuien to determine the value id,oijVJ.'i; fl". to ??' tf 'itm it ha been proved that hi laud is suitable, the next step 1 to ascertain the cost of delivering the teets to the nearest factory, and whether it is such as to allow beet farming to In carried on at a profit. "A there are ouly a few hicalitiee in the United State whre beet sugar factories exist, it will be neces sary to creel factories to receive and work up the crops, and is in making Che selucliou of sues that the greatest forethought and care must be exer cised. The factory must be centrally located with regard to the beet-growing district, and at the same time it must, if possible, bo situated upon a railroad or have coone.-tiou through it own private side tract. If the enterprise i to compete successfully ith others, it should have the var ious materials, such as limestone, fuel ami water, within reacn, aim, of course, the nearer the factory i to the lusrket, the larger the net pro fit which will accrue to the farmer from the crop. It will he evident, from hi recent description of manu facture, that it requires a plentiful supply of water, fuel aud limestone. If any or all of these have to be brought from a considerable distance it can be seen that the profit of the undertaking will be seriously reduc ed. The necessity of rail connection i further evident when we bear in mind the large amount of residue in the shape of filtered cossettes.- This 1 a valuable feed for cattle, and with reasonah'e transportation afforded It could be disposed of at profitable price in the outlaying country. "When it has been proved that the Kill i suitable, that the materials of manufacture are near at hand, and that a market can be depended upon any agricultural district may lay out it beet farm and build its own factory with a certain assurance that it will prove a profitable, and, what is better, a permanently profitable, investment both for capital and labor." (Studying the above It will be no ticed that we at Ilillsboro ' .ve all the condition necessary to the suc cessful building of a sugar beet in dustry except the one item of lime. Wood, water, beets, market both for sugar and byproduct are so conven ient that it Is thought the one thing of lime can be imported so as to make industry a success. W. J. HKYA AMI THE 1' It ESS. It wa asserted last fall when it suited Mr. Bryan's purpose that he had severed his connection with the the Omaha World-IIcarald news paper but the following correspon dence, hardly two month old, Is without doubt a true statment of the fact that the late presidential candi date was, has been, and is as much responsible for the utterance of the World-Herald a though he sat In the editorial o dices of his paper The following paragraph i taken f -on) the news reMirt of the New York World : Has Kkancisco, Aug. 24. Wil liam Jennings Bryan not ouly used a pas from Sacramento to Portland during hi recent visit to thl coast, b It he received from the Southern Pacific a pas from Ogden toHaufrau cisco. Thi i shown by the follow ing letter from Mr. Iiryan to W. W Koote, who obtain for him the Sacra mento psss: "Please get me transportation from Sacramento to Portland; with stop over privileges, and give it to Pull man conductor on to-night's train for Portland. I will call for it at Sicra- niento. "I want it on advertising account of Omaha World-Herald; paper tele' graphed for It. I obtained ticket from Ogden to Sacramento on that telegram. V. J. BUY AX." In reply to this letter William II. Mills, of the S ut hern Pacific, sent to Mr. Bryan this lettei: "Inclicssl please find transmuta tion from San Francisco to Portland, on account of advertising in the Omaha World-Herald. Omah World Hcrald is charged on ledger account of advertising department with tl. Trusting thi will be satijfactory, I remain, yours truly, "WILLIAM II. MILLS." The treasure ship "Portland" from Alaska that wa to increase the world' circulation by two or three millions wa in fact somewhat lean when she sailed into Seattle last Sunday. It is now known that barely f ljo.oou was brought out of Klondike. , COAL STRIKE IS ENDED The Miners Agree to go to Work at 64 Cents LtHOK t'OXVETIOX 1IU01 KEl Bo Bib wa tkrewa as Prn.lu.-Bt raarc t aterrrd the graaaiU-ef the Palace f MaoVlrln. t'oi.CSBi s, O., Aug. 31. TIm coal strike is considered settled here. The plan is to r"nin at tit cents and work pending arbitration. The direct parties In the conference adjustment are President Balchford, of the miners, and the ex-cuiive committee of the ois-rators. A num ber of the latter were iu the city to day, aud the result is that a de cision may tie looked for at any moment. V-JiWiS; tttfg." 1 he" 'ta'ooc con vHiition that hs lieeu in session for two.dsy (xtjoorfed to meet again in Chicago three weeks hence. The closing hour of the convention was marked by windy talk bordering on insurrectionary utterance. One par agraph of Sovereign's harangue read-: "It is titue to bring the miner and courts face to face in thi matter, and force an issue. Fill up the jails with violaters of li junctions and w hen the men whostarlt-d this movement are incarcerated, thousand of other w ill he found to take their places. Tbe laboring people can vote for ) ear but nothing can be accomplished. Let u reorganize this government. Let us stand up and assert ourselves. Behind these injunction stand gal ling guns and Winchesters but we fesr them not. Let u hold up the flag aud tear down the courts. We stand ou our dignity and will have our liberty from thi time on." llebs wa another impassioned siieaker. He iterated: "It i quite evident the delegate to thi conven lion recognize the fact that civil lib' ertv is dead in America. I have said and say again, for the last time I have apMMled to the court for justice and shall appeal to them no more, The American Hallway Union ex pended 145,000 to have the question of civil right tested In the supreme court of the Uuited States, ouly to be told that we have no rights, that capital I bound to reieet. Shall we apical to the supreme court again? Xo! We appeal to this convention and the couutry for an uprising of all the common people in every walk of life to beat hack the courts and re enthrone the rights of the American lieople. Labor day is near. What shall we do? The resolutions presented by the committee is in these words: We have met to counsel together, and have come to the following con clusions: "That, whereas, The present strike of the coal miners ha again demonstrated the fact that our so called freedom is hut a stupendous sham while hundred of thousands of men, women and children are starv ing iu hovels and on the public high ways; and "Whereas, Appeal to congress aud the courts for relief are fruitless, si uce the legislative, a well a the executive and judicial power are un der the control of the capitalists class so that while cattle and swine have the right to the public highways, Americans, so-called free men. have not : and "Whereas, Our capitalistic class i armed and ha not only the police men, marshals, sheriff and deputies hut also the regular militia In order to enforce government by Injunction suppressing lawful assemblage free ssrh aad the right to the public highway, while on the other hand the laboring men of the country are unarmed and defenseless, therefore Hesolved, That we hereby set apart Friday the 3d of September next, a a 'Good Friday' for I he cause of suffering labor in America and contribute the i anting of that day to the support of our struggling brothers, the miners, and appeal ti every union man and every friend of labor throughout the United States to do likewise. "Hesolvtd, That if the Mrike of miners is not settled by the 20th of September and an announcement made to that effect hy the cresidetit of the United Mine-Worker a ifcn eral ixin vent ion tie held at Chicago, September 27, by rrpreseutativi of all unions, sections, branchi, lodge and kindred organization of tailor ing men and friends of their cause for ttte purpose of considering further measure iu the interests of the strik ing miners and labor in general. "Hesolved, That public ownership of all railroad is one of the most nec essary reforms of our body pnliiic. "Hesolved, Thai we consider the pror use of the ballot an the lest and safest itiesns for the amelioration of hardship under which the tailoring class suffer. "Hesolved, Th.U we nrnt em phatically protest Mgiinst govern ment by injunction, in which the people are totally disarmed can long remain a free nation and therefore we urge Usni all liberty-loving citi xens to remember and obey amend ment 2 of the constitution of the United States which read as follows: The right of the iple to keep and liear arms shall not he Infringed.' " tiold aad (sold. Sax FRAStis4t, S-pt. 1. The KveniiiK Bulletin print a letter Irnm it official correspondent al Khud'k The prospect lor suffering there ti ls wln'er i sickening. Men and m n snd men six hundred mile from tleir l a f supplies aud no transporta tion lines established exia pt the back of men. These two or Ihre paragraphs are Hue iu the picture. "Dau son is merely a collection of log huts, Mb sum and a mss of ten's, about Bis J in nuiniier. When tbe loog night coiiie and the via goes down to B-'i degree tielow x n, there will be iuteuse -uhVrilig heie, and 1 shudder to think, of the ruit. 'Provisioi are going to 1 very -ans', and there is little reason to doulit l hat the entire town Will huve Iiiko en short ratiois timing ihe winter, and that scurvy will ls r un paut. - rh-o'd lit i win go don th tne river for Sn Frncissi and Scut tle wid am anil to alsul $J,IMNi,tNiO. There is a lot "f gold that will re main lu camp, ( r H I nssl as an equivalent of money snd is leyal ten der at 17 per ounce. OflhettnoO or 4000 iiiliaMlauii-, only a couple ot .b.ijn.'.irei! a'.-V '-;'- :aV -J.-iv s'rike. Tbeie is plenty of work a f.om 15 to fjo per day, anil many men have paid 2 50 tr day or less for living, and saved the balance. "Hesirts of other strike are con stantly received here, and many are authentic, so lar as Stewart nd pel- ly rivers are concerned, but nothing like so rich ' as the Kloiidyke In s bceu reported." I'Afis, Auir. 31. -On the enterance of Pres. Faure to the grounds of the palace Mai.eleine on hi return from St. Petersburg Hussia. a Imiihii was exploded Fortunalely no one wa injured. The police regard the ex plosion a the act of anarchits, ami an attempt on the life of the presi dent. Japan and the Sealiutr Question. Victoria, H. C. Sept. 1. Japan ese paier state that a commissioner i to lie sent by the Japanese govern nient to the Washington sealing con ference thi fall, and that he will be Instructed to side with (he United State a to remedial measure for the preservation of seal aud sea ot ters. St. IxiLIM, Sept. 1. Eugene V. Delis spoke for an hour touinht to 500 ieople assembled at National hall, under the auspices of the social democracy. It was a red-hot, revo- lutionary talk, in which the news papers, corportations, capitalists, court and the whole system of gov ernment wa arraigned, condemned and ridiculed. Pittsiicku, Sept. 1. The coal miner strike seem on the eve of set tling. The miner go back at a stip ulated price which i to be Anally ad justed by arbitration. It begin to be seen that the Ding ley bill will do for sugar just what republican claim will result from adopting the protective tariff system. The sugar trust i not nearly a well satisfied with the schedule as the en emies of the bill would have us be lieve, but there i such a protection to the sugar beet Industry that there I every prospect that capital will take hold of the ma'ter and making it profit, will sign I he death warrant ofthesugar trust. The BUgar beet induftry 1 one that cannot exist ex cept a small, coiiitiaratively, enter prise but there will be many of them and quite widely scattered so that it will lie a difficult to combine them Into a trust a it I to organize far mer. The rain that naa already fallen has nut damaged anythin(f, but danger lies In that which we fear may come. Should this nhowery wetUher continue fur ten days, much ruin would bo ruined. Thia year the crop was spring wiwn and hence It Is late. The rutting has been com- pletetl but Ilia bundles yet stnnd in the Held, anil there in where farmers iiittke a mistake. There was time for stacking most of the grain that ia now nut, and in stacks it would stand much rain. Of Course this stacking Would increase the cost of harvesting yet it is better to do that than to risk losing by rain. The state supreme court in the cel ebrated Joht.athan Tice case from Multnomah county decides that no orders of a court made on Sunday ar- legal. Tice hail been tried In the circuit court and the matter sub mitted to a jury. The jury could not agree on a verdict and was; discharge ed on a Sunday. The Supreme court hold that such an order cannot lie made on that day. Thin ruling prac tically acquit Th-e. The Hawaiian legirhMure has been called in extra session aa report staten for the purpone of considering thu annexation treaty. TAKIXG CHAXCE3 Josh Rilling once Raid "If I win called upon to wean over the Ixxlv of a ded mewl, I would shed udteura over liia hed." Josh didn't take any chances, even though every appearance indicate.! that he waa ilesjl lie'd keep away from hi heel, No man ought to take any chance when there is a certainty to be had. IX BUYIXG V'Miraool (or this fall and winter take no chances hut buy from a reliable house. e know we give more lor the money than other care to offer, t onie and see our good and Iw convinced. Schulmericb & Son. A 7oin ilGarcfa, SETEB1L TEARS 110 IJWDSJF D0LU5S EIPEHCED. Aa Eipirt Aicount.it aad lookkiipir of Detroit Treubttd wits HMidiUrj Scrofula la Its Worst Firm-Spindi a Small Fortuna Staking ta Find a Curt. Jamas It. Wsllan. ths well knows ex pert aorauuUwt aud Duo keeper, of Detroit, Mica., Uwly hsii remarkable experience, iih! a reporter emlhsl al hi pretty uone biitu 8trerl. to iiitrrvtew bub rrwliiig it. II ftiuuil lira. Wallace in tue miiil of houae eieauinn, aud after the rettee wA ( iijeet ol Bis vit Mr. Wallare aaid : "You had better are Mr. Wallace at lu office of C A. llaberkont A Co., table aienut'ectury on Orchard Citreet, Bud he vill tell 7011 of this experience z&j. u weiu-riuaB 1." A visit wm BaUe to tne omce 01 in buoy concern where Mr. Wallace a area. " I am," aa. 1 II r. Wallace. "let B vuuiik man. atili I have uaVred untold agonic and htrture. I waa bora with tliat seiul nereticarv aieeae Iuiowb aa scrofula, aad what 1 suffered can wot be well described. The Bret physicians that treated me saia b ooustilutioual blond disorder and by constant treatment aud diet it mlpht be cured. The blood purifiers and spnuf re al stiies I used only units the eruptions more fearful tooKiiiff siirni ana was in iwl- re pulsive. Ou my limbs were Is r ire ulcers which were very painful, and from which there waa a eunuuual discharge. In three 1 . 1 1 ariprtl Aver fttui) in medicine and medical services and grew worse instead of better. I tried the ruentcai twins, ana in IMM went to Medicine Lake, vtasmngron, but was not tienefited. I then tried some proprietary medicine, but did not receiv any benefit. 'One day in the Ml of IMS while reading the paper 1 noticed an article about T. Wil liams' Pink Pills tor Pale People, but did not rlv it much attention. That afternoon while moving some honks I broke an nicer me lee anil near v fainted, the pain mane ma sick and I had to Mop work. While aiU t-w Portland. Oregon gv-- A. P. Armstrong, I.L.B., Principal. J. A. WESCO, Penman & Secretary. THE BUSY WORLD OF BUSINESS give profitable employment to hundreds of our graduates, and will to thousauds more. Semi for our catalogue. Learn what and km we teach. Verily, A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS Tbe Classes of TbgSistgrs of Mercy He m tied SEPT. 21,1897. TERMS: Board and Tuition, per month, from $S.oo to $15.00 in Advance. For Full Particulars Apply to THE SISTERS, Cedar Mills, Oregon.. Of Course You Scold when your dinner is late. Any man doe. Hut did you know that old kitchen clock of yours won't regulate household duties any longer? Be a man once. Get a clock that will keep correct time. We can sell you it fair one at el. -5, and a good one (guaranteed) at $4.50. 1IOYT, the jeweler. SHEKIFF'S SALE. BY Villi I OF AN EXECUTION, ilerree uii'i order o. s tie, iasoeil out 01 ilie Dirritii Court "l l lie Huite ol Oregon tor Washington County, in tavor ot William f. Lor. J, (iovener ot the Slate ol Oregon, 11, 11. Hmcald. (secretary ol Stale, for Oregon, ami Plnl H'tsohnn, 8ta' Treasurer ot Oreuon, and together ezolHeio constitutinx the boar. I of Com- missionees tor tito sa ol Hi'bool and University lands, snd tor Ihe Investment it the rumis arisln Ihereiroin. for th Hiateol O eiOM.and again! T. T. Vincent, Alice A. lucent, llmhard Kreb-. .Miiry blretis, Cnns. Krebs, Earnest S hiinar, Knnlie Tennis, iteo. J. Liit und Auifiist Lis l for th sum of $51 25 costs, and tor the lunlier snin ol el, itS-l U. . nld coin, with interest thereon at ihe lat ol 8 tier cent per annum Iroin th 10 h line of June, ISil, alia in luriner sum oi i srilil in terest thereon al the ra e ol 8 tier cetu tier aunum Iri'm the AHh "lav ol July, 1SH7, nltorni-jr lees, anil lor Ihe costs and expeu aes ot sate and of said writ: . Now. thereiore, by virtu and in pursu ance nfsuid jui'Kin. nt, decree and order of sale, I will oi Monuay tne 41 n any 01 lift, 1S!I7. at the south door ol the Court Houe in liulshoro, Washington County, On ion, at Ihe hour if l'l n'o ' a, in,, ot said day, -ll at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash, the loilowing- .leseritied r-l orotierty, 10-wit: All of that piece, parcel and tract of land, lying, being and aitaate within Washington County, Oregon, and being ;uor particularly known, designated and described as ail of th N'orth-enst ouarler of si-ciion 2h. I'ownahiu 1 south. Hinge 2 west, Wili. Her, and i-ontaining ono hiio irei and s.x y aires to satisfy the hereinbef ri nam d sums, and for th cfrti- mid ex na-a ff ud Bile. Said pr.'ieny will b sold subject to re leiiuition as Dr statui 01 Oregon. Wi'nrm my hand tiiia 31st day of Augusl. 17. w d. hkahfohp. Slier ft of Wxshington County, Sin of Oreg.n. THUH.H.TONUCE, Attorney for 1'iaintift. 1.51 The Blue and the Gray. Ejta inn rad women nro npt to fefl a little li'iri, V7non t'.ie criy i a'rr, b--?: i to Bhow. It's ..' n.ituntl f'M-iu ;: la t::o r.i rmal cotid.t'.nn : tlua .-ei gr.i.7 h. ir- lic-Io :? t t i.vm:cel mie. . - . i i j e j. )- i ,Vfl i) uuailil'-- or w.Kiir.n, w o tl vt- t ":c tl'irie of h:. .. t hi h. u' fitm grT r' i'e j Lct9(.r.-5 ; joitii'.inu When t'-o h-ir f i ' s r- ne'l to rfrt t- I -i ' '- of tho Loir l ) reotorH'i "d r i -ii C) Ayer's Hair Vigor. Ayer's Csiehook. "s alofy of rates told hy the eared." las psges. free. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. n ting in the chair I again noticed the Dr. Willi. Pink Pills articl in the news- nanr which was lavine ou the floor, 1 read ft carefully ami immediately decided to give 111 pill B trial, as Uic account ahich 1 read had been of B case similar la mine. 1 sent the effi.e p w j-raua nuupl drug store for a box aud look some that afternoon. 1 continued their use aud before 1 had used one box I noticed an improvement. 1 grew better rapidly an all - Meads not'.c.J i'..m iiuproveuieuC and after taking eight boxea there was not a sore on my person. "I am covered with scars from th alcer but since that time 1 have sot sera a single judication of the old trouble. I contiuued the use of the pills loug after I wa cured as I wanted to get my system rid of lb at awful discus. " It I onlv had bought Pr. William' Pink Pills f l'ale People at th atari 1 would b thoussnds of dollars ahead aud bad nv vears of health and happiness instead ol torture. To-dav I feeJJiVe.ij.ef- .wi gJIti uy"uocfur"auyi 1 am uurely rid of uy old tmubls." (Siiraed) Jaatra h.yviiuci, DRTitoiT, Mich., May 7, 1S97. h'ourv Public In snd for Wayn County. Michigan, personslly ap peared James II. W'sllsce. who being duly sworn, deposed and as id thst he had read th foregoing statement and that th sam waa trus. Robert E. Hfil, J.. Hotaty iJlie. WiTiF CoincrT. Mich. , Pr. Williams' Pink Pills for Psle People are sold bv all dealers, or will t sent post paid on receipt of price, fill cents a box or six boxes fur e2..i (they are never sold in bulk or bv the H), by addressing Dr. Wil liam' Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y. Nil Kit IFF'! N.tLK. I)V Villi I E OK AS EXECUTION 13 deeree and urder ol sale, issued 0111 ui ihe Circuit Cour of the Slate id Oregoi tor Wnshiiigton Comily, in favor o J. II. EaIuk, nd against Char es B. lluii- iieil and Liit-inda J. ilunuell lor the aun m $16 - , and tr the further sum ot 1Hi7 10 U. S. sold coin, with interesi tuenon at Hie rate if 8 per cpnt nerannum from the 27' h day of March 1-W7, and the further i:ra nt rJU,mi Attorneys teen, with interest hereon hi ti e rate ot 8 tier rem per annum from the !tl n day of J ul v lftt? and fur the cost and expenses ol aalx anil ol said writ. Now. therefore, hy virtue and in pursu unce 01 suid iudgnienl. deeree 'ind nrdei ol sale, I alll, on Monday, the 13ih day ol September. 1KW7. at tlie south door ot th Court House, in lil.ltboro, Washington CuitiHV. Oregon, at ttie hour ol lu o'clock a m, of said d ly, sell at public suction to th hiirliest tiidiler tor cash, tne toliowln described real property, owit: A ttart of ttie donation land rlaim oi John L, Hirkiin and Martha Hioklin his wife, and bounded by a Mie drawn as lo tows: tiegmning where the division line between the North and Mouth ba yes ol said claim in-erferr the Weal line of the treorg- Kn-hnr ''m donation land claim: thenee running South 45 degrees West. W i- n ui tie to the West Hoe 01 the Northeast nnarterot ih" HooMiwest quar'-, of tee. lihenee Norib 82 linliis to the aioresaid d'V s on line thne Kast on said line to t o D see ol beginning, containing 11 bout 8) ai res ot land all silo ile in Waslnnuton l oiintv, Oregon, to ai isly the hereinlielme named euius, und for llie costs and ex penses ot saiil sate. Said property 11 tH9 som sunjeci to re leinption as er siatute of Ori'gon. Witness my hand this Uth day of Augua , 18U7. W. V. HKADHHIU. Slier tf of WashingtoD County, Oregon. R. C. Wright. Attorney lor I laintltl. lu HHKHIVV'H HALK. Hy VIUTCK OF AN EXECUTION decree anil order of Bale, issued out ol the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Waahingion County, in favor ot O. W. i'aiierson snd against i. E. Young and J. urn P. Motitmiin for the sum ot I7.S0 cost and lor the luriner sum of flOO U 8 gold enin with interest 1'iereon at the rate ot 10 per cent per annum from the 17. n day ot August lh!'7 and lor th costs and ex pense of sal and of said writ. No, there! ire, by virtu and in persu am e ol said judgment, and for want ol siillicient iiers iiiBi prone-ly I did on Ihe Is d .y of Sepleiulier 18!7 levy on ali the int real id John P Molirman in th here inalter described real property audi will, on M nday, the 4;u day of Oeto ler, 1-U7, at tue south door of the Court House, id Hillshoio, Wastiington County, Oregon, at the hour of It) o'clock a. nt. ol said day. sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder lor cash, the following de- seriheil real Kronen v, town: Lots IS. , 7, and 8 in block I. in the t io ol HuKM'kviue now known at Sherwood. Ail eiiuste ia Wash.ngton Connie Oregon in sHt.afy the hereii.betorw nameil sums. in I lor tbtf cost and expenses ot aid sule. Said property will tie sold subject to re demption as per siatui of O-egon. Witness my hand tuis 2d day of Sept. imtr W. D. ItKAOKOHI). Hlier.ff ol Washington County, State of Oregon. 1'-1H Bngiey A Ilrown. Attori.ey for Piatntilf. WsnlPil- SO.sMMr Ilanhrlit of Ont. I will pay Ihe highest market price for 50.H00 hiisbels miliiug Bis aenverea si my nidi in llillsb ro. JOHN MILNK. August T,. 17. lft-l ,1 - .8.A'fi SsVsjE- . ...i i- B mo i.e. u t.-s i.-.i t.o . t)jrun w tro i .- :r.:.tti r vt fact, r s .f npi, ot of it ii tvI iter-d by ..'-.-. l.-.tk cf enre. it:. fnv tl ere'a no I ): o normal color ' ii. hj the utto of THE LEADING T XX H1XLSEORO Oer-ft! e?r-e iiu.eC eti'Dt iii'l I'sitislaLiiiK pharmacist i Th Millelioro Pbantnu v orders its .Iruir from ibe mmn reliable atinifrtiirert onlv. and is lliorotiirhlv supplied with everv rwiui.ite nw f.ir p..-'T cuti.ua lug a uisi-ciaM pr rii.tiou Im-uicn. The niost-Bi proved lalesl reuiodu are omtiu ially of rutsliiine and pliarniacy ailvanif. Being pharmacv ailvatuf. Being chasing its supplies, owing to iu business rule of Ukmg ir ...te .nan.iiiiu. .- .cu. the best hoiuii. th rotail price are consequent lv lower tl...ii this of n.tad disumg drug stores. All the leading article. of DRUllUISTS' SI N1KIK. inclii.ling lh 1 INr.hT PKKKUM Kf , TOll-KT A KTH'1-KS, BKL'MIKS, hl oMiKS, tit., are on displ A Urge Bud exi-ellent aworlinent of SPECTACLE an.' KYK-.KASSr xlau on baud. n . . , PATKXT M e"l'Ji:i V Ktf ,r',! 4-th 9f t.trr.t;.-.ic a. - '" " ' The finest WINKS and I.IIJI'UKM THE HILLSBORO PHARMACV, Union Block, PACIFIC UNIVERSITY - - - THREE COLLEGE COURSES CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY Hi The Academy prepares for Collefle and gices a thorough English Education, the best pre paration for teaching or business. All ex penses rerij loto. Board and rooms at the Ladies' Hall $3 to $4 per tceeh, including electric light and heat. THE COLLEGE fiORMITORY Under experienced management, tcill fur nish rooms and board at cost on the club plan, notto exceed $1.50. For full particulars, address president McClelland, Forest Groce, Oregon If you do write 11 for Cat alogue ami Prices. We can save you money on your purchases. A. If. AYE KILL, Manager. The most DilHcult Photos t Take are those of children. Yet WE have no difficulty in se cu .ng splendid likenesses. Guess it's because we have had so much experience, rar Ask to see our "AVIS TO PLATINO S" $4 doz. Nearly like steel engravings. Exquisitely finished. , E. I). Dennett, the Thoto grapher, Hillsboro Oregon Is Your Kusiuess Dull; Then tliU in the time to improve it. lsui't wait until "sunietliiiig turns tip," luit turn it up younwll. Kemeiiilier thin the iursio of ailvertiniiix ia to liritig lniHint-ssv. The vi iw lui'iiieHS nmn will tulver tiite as much if not more in ilull neiiwiiia as in Ihihv Kesoiis. A gisal ami timt'-hoiiiireil Way of alvt-rtiHiii)( ih tlirougli the illl.l.HHOKO lNllltl'KNIlKNT. Whl-t ti er you want to n't out sniiifthing neat to wml through the nuiils or Koinetliing cheap to throw arotiml, come iirnl m-e us. If You Were Ile Yen, if yon were the creditor ami saw the men hunt sitting illy in liia pimp accumulating moreilUHt, coliwel ami out of style gial than rash, voti would prulialily fi-el like unking, W hy ilon't you Wake Up nee the advertising column of the lliil.sBOKii Iniiki-kniiknt and exchange votir wtis k for legal teniler? VV hat nay you. Kuh Work is prohh-in in most oli oflice. Not no with the Him.sroko 1i hkpksjiikmt 1'rintery. We have a large force of men at work all the time ah! can "rush" a job for you without any trouUe. When you want work done quickly give the Hillsboro In dm'Rndknt Job (Jllice a trial. OABTOniA. He ra: atfistsr I DE-G HOUSE 13 PHARMACY (...iiiaoei Accurate utaiiesisinic hv r-li pri.l.rieUr ui ver watchliil mat uie ling ail.list to ill n-cd nf p ul the slis k as tli ieuoes sshI dI . uuar anvHiitas m pur suppneu in "' en.... . inew-riplii n Hillsboro, Oregon FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 15, 1S97. Do YOU need an ENGINE. THRESHER, HORSE POWER, cr in fact any new. Machineiy? I. is RUSSELL & CO. Portland, Oregon. IN THE CIKfUir COURT. OK THE 1 Hiiiim 1 llll IV. Origoo, tui Washingion J. K Mlioweis, I'laiiilitr. 1 v. II. I., (initio, Jain -8 tlr (tin. M I.. U lttin, Joliti lir Itin, I tiemtore V OrlfHii. Mary r loiil. A I. lie I),.k. r.icen vyee .mini an I Daisy Ar- iKil'l, IleienilaniB. j To Jihn On ill ii, Theadore On 111 n i Mary K oil. alhive iiiin.eil tieli-iiitants. ml in tlie Ditine ol he ritat ol llregon, you ami each ol you are h-retiy tiquired to sf puar ami answer the ronilrii'l tiled .ig.iinsi y.,ii in the above entil ed O.iirt .mil tatise on or tiet'ore the lirst day ol ihe term ol said C nrt next fit owing the pi i irauon ! six weeks iiii,ii'nli. n of tins ilniMion., sini'h day will he th day ol Noveanlier, lff.17, und ii you faij so to at pear and answ. r suid cooiplaint, lor want tliereul' the 1'iHinnlI will UHe judirmelit and decree sgainsl you for he sum UO.IO with inter st i hereon trom Ihe 14 Ii Uav ol Fetiruary 11 hi the r iteol lo per cent, ner aiiii'.iiu mid tur the Mini ol j.sioi nt lornnv's t.-es b r in, snd the rosis and disliursiuents ! this suit ami fur the lure closure of that certain nior gace on the real riitieriy le,'r bi-d ns being jmrt of tne II. I.. II. (if John Itu t an June liutt hie wi:e, and more fiartirular.y described as follows, towit : lleirinoiiig at s p lut on tiie south boundary line o1 iid 1. I., C distant aotitn MC 25' rait Vl.'.'A chains troni Ihe south west corner of said oiaim, und running thence south -' 2 ' easl on ihe son h bound tv lin ol said ciulin M 5 ohains to a si .ne in th enter ol th roail, them e north ly :) east ." :t2 i h in s to a "M thenc- nor h mr a.V W lojtii i hs to a pj I. iliei c south A ill chains to the place oi Ix-gl'in tiif cont.iiniiiB live acres ol 1 ind rnor. or less. tli . iid pr . ty beii g in the county ol W ishingiou, State of O e von which said mor ga.e iears date K b ruary Htli la'.M und direeiing the snl of the and in rtg ig. d propi-riv ai d the a ploa io i id Ho- p oceeds thereof to t .e pnyiiientot said jil"gm -nt, interest nud silo; nei n i.a Hlt, ,.,(, Hert ue f summons m this suit is mad upon you ht p ihu. a ion pur-usnt to an order then tor d,i y inmln i,y the ateiv entitled court on tl. Will day ol July WI7. ' c. a. ? howe km. Att 'rnev or puniitl. Da i eft Hillsboro July 2 1H7. IO-IM n.ot'K iinti .IKWKMSY Repairing flo to BOOTH. Main Street, Hillsboro. E. S. F0K Of FINK