Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 13, 1897, Image 4

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    W W 11 c.
The Dingley Late Compared
With the Wilson Act
Continued from firnt page.
rial aau4aaw4 e mW au
tarUklsaaadtnai l.lWlhof as
lock 1 tblnkna to
lla,ajrepti ulnar latala aad
Iwoda. Wtlarsat or blank, print
ad lrmm mob, Iiac, alainmlun
mr etitar naUruO, 1( pnoud la
law lhaa eight rolora ibrotue
printing to be counted aa two
eoluraA but au( lavlnd.lia' labaU
prtutad ia arbol or lu part la
bros at aualal leaf atta fn
If Iriaid tn srbol In brons-. .. lAa our
Ifprlbtad ia airfhl or uura eoi-
ra. but sot li..i.l.i.i imuim
In wh.,1 cr part tuft, mi. M Sua
If prlntad la wbola or la part la
belal laf We Us
Hooka fur ohlldran'a w, with
iilamlaatad lltbirapliio
print, aotaicaadioy tiuaocaa.
and panudtcala printed la
whal or part by llthug raptil
prouaaaor daruratad br band.. Ic lb Fraa
Wrttliia;. not, lattar, haodiuada,
drawing, ladgar. bund, record,
tablat aad typaarritar paper
alichlu( not lea than 10 lb
and ao mura than 14 lb to th
, fclb
A 10 p 0 a
16 lb to. ... .....
:::r.v.T.'.'.' as
klloi Dot
Waltftilnff mora than
. . . ti. r-K vu. ?rr.
But If any rack papar la rnlad,
bordered, amboaaad. prlntad or
daooratad In any manner It
aliai! par In addition to the
foregoing rate. 10 pe 80 po
Papar banginga and paper for
acraaita and all othar papar not
provldad for ua 80 p e
Jatquard, dsalgna of ona line pa
par or dratKiiarut on Jacquard
carda or parta, fiiiiaiird nr un-
tllilahcd Upe 20 pe
Booka of all klnda, luoludiu
blankbnuka and pamphlet,
and engravings bound and un
bound, photographs, etchings,
map, chart, music In booka or
abaata and printed matter, all
auch not provided for . So p e S6 p e
Photograph, autograph and
ecrap albuiiia, wboUyor partly
manufactured ttpo 30 pa
All fancy boiaa of paper, or In
which paper ta chief value, or
If covered with aurfaca coated
paper "tope 80 p e
Plat ing carda In pattfce not ei
. eroding M carda and at a like
rue for any number In eiceaa. 10c pk lue aV
A 2" p o 80 if o
Manufacture of paper or In
which paper iechief value, not
provided for 86 po tDpc
KHKOI'LI M. Haadrtaa.
Beada of all kiuda not threaded
or atrung 85 pa 80 po
Fabrica, neta or nettlnga, lacea,
galluona, wearing apparel and
article not provided for whol
If or In part of beade or apan-
glaa made of glaaa or paata. gel
atln, metal or other material,
but Dot coiupoard In part of
wool 40 pe 88 pa
Braid, plait, lacea and willow
aheeta or aiiuaraa mmpoaad
wholly of atraw, chip, glaaa.
paint leaf, willow, oalar or rat.
laaaultable fur making or or
Bamanllng hat, bouneta or
hood a, not bleached, dyad or
alalned IS pa Frea
If bleached, dyed or atalnad Supe Fro
Hata, bonnet and hooda com-
poaed of atraw, chip, grasa,
palm leaf, willow, oalar or rat
tan, whether wholly or partly
manufactured, but not trim
BMl....r. Xpe Free
If trimmed W p e Fro
But the tarma "grans' and
"atraw' ahall be understood
to mean thee substances In
tbalr natural form and strue-
tu re and not th eeparated
fiber thereof
Brushes, broom and feather
dusters, hair pencil. In quill
or other wlae 40 pe flSpe
Brlatlea, sorted, bunched or pre
pared 7He lb TWe lb
Trouaera buckle, wholly or
partly of Iron or ateeU or
parte, valued at mora than IV)
per li) c 1(0 SB p o
A IS pe
Valued, at mora than IMS and not
mora than too HO
86 po
Button and Button Form
Button form, laating. mohair.
Feather and down of all klnda,
including blrdakin or parte
thereof, with th feather on,
erode or not dreeaed, colored
or otherwtee advanced or man
ufactured in any manner not
provided or
When dreeaed, colored or onhnr-
lip Kpe
wlaa advanced or manufac
tured in any manner, includ
ing qutlta of duwn, and other
manufacture of down and
also dreuaed and finished bird - '
suitable for millinery orna
ment and artificial or orna
mental feather, fruit a, grain,
laavea, flower and a tenia or
part thereof, of whatever ma
larial oompoeed, not provided
for 0pe 88 p
Furs, dreaand on th aklna, but
not made np Into article, and
fur not on th akin, prepared
for hattera' une, including fur
aklna oarroted
Fane of all klnda, except com
mon palin leaf fan
Gun wax la of all deacripttt in. . . ,
Hair, human, If clean or drawn,
but not manufactured
Hair, curlrd, aunabla tor bedaor
aope 80pe
SOpe aOpe
klpa 10 p e
SD p c 80 p
maltrreeee, and hair.
10 pc
10 pc
Haircloth, or crinoline cloth.. 10c a yd
Haircloth, known aa "lialr art-
tllig," and hair preaa cloth . . . JUc a yd PJc
llata, bun neta or hooda for nien'a,
wmnen'a, boya or children'
wear, trimmed or nntiimmed.
Including bodlen, hnotla, pla
teau forma or ahaiiea for hat
or bunnata, rompoaad wholly
or In chief value of fur of the
rabbit, braver or other anl
mala, valued at not mora than
tuprrdoa (dot m pe
Valued at morn than 16 per do.
and not mora than 1 10 par
Kti pe
811 po
Valned at more than $10 and not
mora than S'Ju per do
Valued at mora than 8-Tl per
Indurated filler war and mania
rat'tureeof woiHlor oilier pulp,
aud not provided for 8fpe fOpe
Jewelry and I'wloua Htouea -Article
known aa Jewelry, and
parte, Hulalit-d or atitinlKhed,
not providetl for, iticluilluidpre-
rloua nloue aet. pearla art and
rama In fratnea SOpe Kpo
lilamonda and other prrctoue
atones advance! In condition of
value from a natural state of
cleaving, aplittitig. cutting or
other proceaa and nt art. W pe 85 pe
Imitations of dtamouda aud
other precloua atonea. com
pueed o( glaa or p-te, not ax
ceedlng an Inch In diinennHiiai
not engraved, palntetl or ol her
wise ornamented or decorated
and ntd mounted or aet Slip 10 pe
Pearla In their natural slate, not
atrouaor set lOpe lOpe
1 saltier and Manufaclurea
Ut.li nt eattl. raw or nnrnL
dry. eelted or pickled Wpa Free
Band or belting leather, sola
leather, dreeaed upper and all
othar last her. calfsklna, tan
ned or drraerd. kangaroo,
sheep and goat -.kins (including
lamb and kid ekiuei, drraerd
and finished, chamoiaand oth
m .sinaand bonkblndera' calf
skin, all not provided for 80 p e i
Rkitia for morocco, tanned, but
untiulal.ed 10pe Wpa
Bklna dressed as sunle or with
xtertor gram surface rs
huwmI. known aa bum' ha. or
othrrwtee, par do, aklna 160 80 pe
Patent, iapanurd. arnihd or
enamrlrd leal bar. weighing not
everlvlbtwr do, htdaa JVIbA
n pe
81' .
Weighing oral 10 ana not ever x
lb per doe. -
81' pe
Weigh 14 ever 86 lb per do.
Pianoforte leather and acttna
Httber m
tihf ahisi lacae, flalabad or
annnlaliad. fc gr 30 p
pr m
fiuaUaAAommtAtOt loatiief. pe pe
lxaiii i -ui lu luiut lur lutvu-v-Im
iiitt-el tM. t civ---i M
l.liUJeU:tUrtOX UrtkllmT
GUettnk. nljuiiy or in ,-urt ut
Wnt.- r, lit- -t-.tKl U ttiUg UitMM
ui wUttft iru.iai u luii j
lili-41, KUUlaMt Mtte (Ol Jat.WP
origin. &oi tvr 14 iuclic tu
WutfiU. Mr Utti. pAirm..... ..
Owr 14 UicLew fruU uoi uvor 1?
Ovtr t; iw'tiM.
lUvu'a g ltj fiolavh. acltiuMckM
Woumu'i or L-LilJrto'vgUr flit
Mi, Uuub or icw Aui uvr U
lituliC-a in Wbtftl.
Ovr UtUid Bolor 17 iiK;!.. .
Over 17 liicti
Men'i UuUb. Uiubor Lrp
Woouft'sur rbiitirjit' if.ac du
Uk, gjt, kid or uilitsr leaiiitur
thfcu ut hvmit urltfiii, Dul ovr
U IucUm iu iriigila
Over U aud u9T 17 Ibc tMr In
Over 17 ibi-bt ..
Men' tf.-o tiiiUhrd, ktil, guU
or othttr .Mbthrr tbitu of aluiwp
origin ;
Wouiptt nr ul --
fatu ruortjd, by vLLcvr
ftanMi kuuwa, uot ovwr 17 lucbM
la Irngib
Ovr il luchra
Ma'o Bliii origm, with
trUr aurfai. ruiivd
Wumca'i or cbiMrtrn'i. kid. goal
or oilier leather tbau ol abeep
origin, with exterior grata ur-fai-a
removed, uot over U
locbee in length
Over 14 and not over 17 iocbe .
Over 17 iachee
Men's goat, kid or other leather
than of sheep origin, with ex
terior surface iiiHvtiL .... . .
V3-'aSUaVrtal. ta fofruuTng. on
leather gloves, when lined, per
doa. pairs.
On all plus or prtx seam gloves
Oloree, stretched, with nure
than 3 single alrands
On all with wrist openiiigi,wlth
out fasteners, a reduction of
ftc dos.
Otove trunks, with or without
tle usual accompanvlng
pieces, shall pay 75 per cent
of the duly f ruvided for the
glovfa In the fnhriration of
which thtry are miaul
Harnees, aaddlee and saddlery,
or parts of either in avia or in
ia.ru, finished or unlininhed. . .
Manufactures of amber, aabes-
$4 'ft
I'.'.SO ftl.75
.ju a4.;A
is l.
$3.74 1
$1 ftl
45p p0
tus, bladders, cork, caivut or
whlpgut or worntgut, siar,
wax, or ol which theae sub
stances, or either of the in, is a
component material of chief
value, not provided for 2ft po
Manufacture of bone, chip,
frastt, horn, India rubber, palm
leaf, straw, weeds or wnaie-
boue, not provided for
Manufactures of leather, tin
lahed or uni1niahd, manufac
tures of fir, gelatin, gut ta
percha. human hair. Ivory
vegetable Ivory, mother of
pearl and ahell, papirr mache
and vulcanized India rubber,
known aa hard ru hber. not Mie
e tally provided fur, aud shell,
engraved, cut, ornamented or
otherw.ee manufactured
Masks composed of paper or
Matting made of cocoa liber or
3ft pa aria.
p e
25 po
rattan, per square yard so
Mats made of cocoa flter or rat
tan, per square foot M
Muaical instrtimei.tM, or parts
thereof, pianoforte iv tious aad
parts thereof, st rings ror mu
sical Instruinentanotutherwiaa
numerated, caaes for musical
Inatruntenta. pitch pipea, tun
ing forka, tuning hammers and
metronome), at rings for mu
aical lnatruments, wholly or
oartlr of ateel nr other metal. 45 p 0
SR p e
a pc
;( p c
10 p c
25 pe
10 pe
10 po
Paintings In oil, water, .astW,
pen drawings, statuary, not
provided for
Statuary Includes such as Is cut
or otherw.ua wrought by hand
from a solid mans or from
metal and Is the professional
production of a statuary or
sculptor only
Peat moss $1 Ion
Pencils, paper or wood, tilled
with lead or other material,
and pencils of lead 4.V grs
S po
Slate pencils, covered with wood IV. p c
Other slate pencils r '
Pencil leads, not In wotMl iu p c
Photographic dry plates and
fl mS.aa. PO
Common tobacco pipes and pips
bow la of clav. valued at not
more than V per grow IV grs
Other tobacco pipes and pi'
bow la of clay
fiikr A
asp o
Other plie8 and pli-a bowls of
whatever ntmixiKM, ana au
smoken-i articles not provided
for, IncliKling ciiranttte luniks
and ctivern. pnii lies for to
bacco and cigarette paiierinsll
flOpo flOpe
Plow, ttMJth and di-k harmws
harveitert, r-nt"rM, ifrirul
tnral dn.ls and planter., mow
ers, lid. rnKt-n, ciiliivut ira,
thrahii)g mm l.mesHiid cotton
ous Plush, black, known as hatters.
of silk, or 11 Ik and cotton, aa is
n mm I for men's hats
10 po
4ft pc
Vmbrtfllas, paranols and aun-
shadt'S covered wun material
niliHi than naner
Btick) for umhrellas, etc., and
walking caiiea, nnialied or un-
10 p e
an p c
lu pe
Waste not provided for
Acids. A men lc or ai-wMilona, ben sole, car
bolic, fluoric, hydrochloric or muriatic; nitric,
oxnlln, phonphoric, phthalic, picric or nitro
picric; pruwic, ailtclc and vnierianio.
Aconite; acorna, raw, drhd or undried, but
itnground; agatc-i, uninnuriicturd ; albumen
not inveciallv provided for ; alisaren, natural
or artificial, and dyes dcrlvt-d from allsarln or
from Hnthract'n; ainier snd atntieroid, un
man ufactured or crude gum : ambergris, and
aualine salt a.
Any animal tim-orted siveclally for breeding
punMM ahall ' admitted frie, provirtea tnat
no such auiinnl whall Ive admitted free u nines
pure bred of s rco,fnl3scd linwl, and duly reg
tiitereil In the l.k of record eatablishcd fr
that hrved. Ihmi.nttc animals strayed, or
driven Into a forvign country for t.-mporary
naatnrsre, may, wit h th'-ir Increaae, tie return
ed within six month, fnw.
AntmslahrouKht into the I nttcd Htat-w tem
porarily for a period not ex -ctnling tx month)
for the purpe of exhibition or competition
for prise offcnd by any agriculturnl or rac
ing awMM'iatton ; teama of animala. Including
th-ir rmrnewe and tackle and the w iron or
other vehicles sw-tuaUy owmil by pen-na emi
grating from foreign countries to the I'niied
Utatee wilh their families, snd tn actual nae
for the pnrtMMn of nnch emigration, and wild
anltnnU Intemhtl fr exhibition in rMMibviea!
colleetiona fur 'i-ntiflc and educational pur
poma and not fr Male or profit.
Annotto, roucott. nn-oe or Orleans and all ex
tra t a of; antimony ore, crude sulphite of;
apatite; nrrow rMt in its natural ntateand
not manufactured ; nncnlc ami sulphide of, nr
ori-inient: arwrnnte of aniline; art eilnr-a
tionsl stops, nmitifl of glnsi and metal and
valued at not more than A cenir per groas.
Article? in a enide tirtte iwil in dyeing or
tanning not ieilly providetl for In this act.
Articlea the growth, produce and mannfne-
tnreof the Tnitetl Hi h tea, when returned after
having It-en ex port! w it hout having I wen
ailvmiced in value or impn-ved incnmlitum by
any prweas of manufacture or other menns
casks, barrels, carboy, bag and other veela
of American manufatnre exported titled with
American product, or export t-d empty and re
turned nllcd with foreign products. Inclining
ehooks and staves when returned as larrels or
hoxea; also quicksilver flsnka or bottle, nf
either domestic tr ftrlgn maiinfncttir, which
shall have been actually extorted from the
United Htates, but the exemption of hairs from
duty shall apply only to snob domestic bags as
may be imported by the exporter thereof, sjd
If sny such articlea are subject to internal tax
at the time of exportat ion, mich tax ahall be
proved tf have ieen -ail before exportation
and not refunded. And provided tluit when
manufacturetl tol"acc which hss been exprt
ed without pavment of 1ntrnal revenue tax
ahall be reinitHriett It shall be retained In the
eutttodr of the collector tif cnttiia nntll in
ternal revenue stsmfai tn ivavment of the le
gal duties ahall be placed thereon. AoUwtn
nnmanufactnred : sme. wood snd lye tit auo
beet root ashes: aafetida.
Balm of tvileail; bark, cinchona or other
from whieh quinine may be extracted ; baryta.
aarbonate of, or witherill snd beeswax.
All binding twine manufactured from New
Zealand hemp, istle or Tamplco fller, ai-ail
grass, nr sunn, or a mixture of any two or
more of them, of single ply and measuring m
exceeding rtW feet tti the pound. Prviill that
articlea mentioned tn this paragraph If Im
rMnd from a conntrv which lays an import
dutv on like article imptirted frtn the 1'nited
Prates shall be mb)ect to a dnty of one-half of
1 cent per ponnd.
Bella, broken snd bell metal, broken snd fit
only to be mannfactured, binls, stuffed, n-t
suitable for millinery ornaments; bmis and
land and wat-r fowls; bismuth; blad lers sad
all tntecumenta and tnteetinea of animals and
fish sound, crude or salted fr pre-rvation
only, and on mann fact nred. nl specully pro
Veasd fur; bkiod, tined, ittH vrwvtilsd for; bolt
ing t-l..h etim.iuM-d of silk. impurtMl expr
ly for milling puri --. and m penuauen ly
lArkwd a at to im iutai 1 fur any other ue ;
b-tsMM, oru.in. or uut Lurm-d. aU ini, ground,
t-aar.l or otherWM dmuu: r uid, and h urn
do! or apiuial oarbua, aad bu ah. Si only
fi frtitiung parpoaws; b-joka, engraving,
mapa. chairtM. etc, uup-rtd for the ue of the
1'ur.ul msus or of the I. rry of o-agr-.
huok. map. muic. erigraringa. pbot(grauht.
tch:nga, bound or unijouml, aud ciiarta wuieh
atiaU Uatre Uwa printed mre nun S) years at
the dte if impnaiioa, aid atl h Orographic
charts and puMiotiona taeoad for thir aukr
tteritjera oreacheingHS y si w-tmilc and tiwrary
aM uttlona or aca.iemut. -r pubUtwtion of
lAtUvidtuia fr gratuitous private circulai i,
aad publM du'UtDrnu imsuiaI by foreign guv
ernwenU; bot lts and pamphWta prlutt-.i ex
elaaiveij in Wuguag othr than Engiih; also
booka and b.um in raised, print ud ex
datively by !ba blind; buoks. map, musk-,
photograph, etchings, lithographie prima,
and ch-irl ptM:iMiy iiuporteil, not more tlian
two opi la aiy one in vow, in good faith,
fr th oae or by order of any eueiety or inti
tutpin tnoorptirated or sataMuiiod solely ftrf
religloo, pillUaS'l'hUr!, edueatiouml. sewn
title, or literary purp, or for the mour
agemnt of thu fl:v art, or for tbe aaa or by
order of any colhge, a'-lctny, hod or aem
Inary of Uernn;f in the I'l'' v r uj
State or public l;orry and r t fr U, -h
jeot to such regulations s the se-retary of th
treasury ahall prearrfbe; hooka. Uirrita, usu
al and rtMot:abie furniture, aad aituibtr houe
hold effect of nereona or families fiou for
eign countries, if actually used abnd by
ttiem not lea than one year, and not intended
for any other person or persona, nor for sale.
Brass, old brass, clipping from braa or
Dutch metal, all the forjg.mg. fit nly f ra
manufa.'ture; bnud paste : brasilian pebbhs
tin wrought or unmanuiactured: lrv(ia, te
block or slabs; bristle, crude, not sorted
bunched or prapared; broom corn; butlioa
gold or stiver; Burgundy pitch; cadmium;
calamine; camphor, crude castor or cvto
raura ; oatgut. whir.u.t. ,.vf. j;vzuvitm
'iVilt.ial'iurvxl '"cerium, chalk, tsrude, not
ground, precipitated or otherwise mauufae
tured; chromaie of iron or chromic ore; civet,
crude; oommon blue clay in caka, suitable for
the manufacture of crucible.
Coal, anthracite, riot provided for, and coal
tores of American venaeU, but none ahull be
nuloaded; coal tar, crude; pitch of ool tar
and products of ooal tar known aa dead or
evv-osote oil, beniol. tduol, nafmtnaltsa, xylcl,
pilMuoi ana cresol.
Cobalt and cobalt ore;cocculuslndicus; coch
ineal; cocoa, or cacna, crude and liber, leaves
and shells of: cortex; coins, gold, silver and
copper; coir and co:r am; copper in piaiea,
bars. Ingots or pigs and other forms not manu
factured or specially provided for; o d copper,
fit only for manufacture, clipping from new
Copper and all composition mctnl of which
copper la a component material of chief value,
Hot specially provided for in this act; oopper,
regulua of, and black or onarae copper and
cupper cement: coral, marine, uncut and un
manufactured; cork wood or cork bark, un
manufactured; cotton aud cotton wasts or
Cryolite or kryollih; cudbear; cnrling stone,
or quoits, and curling atone handles; curry and
curry powder; cutch; cuttlefish bone.
Dandelion room, raw, dried, or u mined, but
Wig round.
Diamonds and other precious stones, rough or
uncut, and not advanced in condition or value
from their natural stale by cleaving, splitting,
cutting or other process, including miners',
glaciers and engravers diamonds, not set, and
diamond dual oi bort; dlvi divi; dragon's blood.
Drugs, such as barks, beans, berries, balsams,
buds, bulbs and bulbous roots, excrescences,
such as nutgalls, fruit, flowers, dried fibers
and dried insects, grains, gums and gum resin,
herbs, leaves, lichen, moe, nuU, roots and
tenia, spices, vegetables, seeds, aromatic and
seeds of morbid growl h, weeds and woods used
expressly for dyeing any of the foregoing
which are got edible aud ar in a crude state,
aud not advanced in value or condition by re
fining or grinding or by other process, and not
specially provided for.
Eggs of bmis, (Wh and Insects, not Including
eggs of game birds or eggs of birds not used for
food, the importation of which is prohibited,
except specimens for ar ten tine collections; no
fish roe preserved for food purpose.; emery
ore, ergot, fans; common palm leaf, plain and
not ornamented, and palm leaf In Its natural
etate, not colored, or otherwise advanced tn
manufacture; felt, adhenive, for sheathing
vesaels, and fibrin In all forms.
Fish, fresh, fmxen or packed In lea, caught
In the great lakes or other fresh waters by
citizens of the I ui ted Htntea; Ashkina; flint,
flints and flint stones, unground; ftamils; fruits,
or berries, green, ripe or dried, and fruits In
brine, not providetl for; fruit plants, tropical
and semitroplcal, for the purpose of prop na
tion or cultivation; furs, undresaed; fur skins
of all klnda, not dreeaed in any manner; gam
Glass enamel, white, for watch and
clock dials; glass plutes or disks, rough
cut or unwrought. for use In the msnu
fuftiire of onttcal Instruments, spectacl. a
and eyeglasses, and suitable only for such
use; providetl. nowever, mat aucn uimkb
exceeding eiirht Inches in diameter may
be polished sufficiently to eniible the char
acter of the glass to be determined.
Grasses and Fibers. Istle or tamplco
fiber, jute. Jute butts, mnilu. sisal grass,
sunn and all other textile grasses or
fibrous vegetable substances not manu
factured or dressed in any manner and
not specially provided for in this act.
Gold beaters' molds and gold beaters
kins; grease and oils (excepting fish oils)
such as are commonly use! in so.ipmua
Ing or In wire drawing or for stuthng or
dressing leather, and which are fit only
for such uaea, und not specially provided
for In this act.
Guano, manures and ail substances used
only for manure; gutta percha. crude.
Hair of horse, cattle and other animals.
cleaned or uncleaned. drawn or undrawn.
but unmanufactured, not specially pro
vided for In this act, and human hutr,
raw, uncleaned and not drawn; hide cut
tings, raw, with or without hair, und all
other glue stock; hide rope, hones and
whetstones; hoofs, unmanufactured; hop
roots for cultivation: horns and parts of,
unmanufactured. Including horn strips
and tips.
Ice; India rubber, crude, and milk of.
and old scrap or refuse India rubber which
has been worn out by use and ia tit only
for remnnufacture; indigo, ludine. crude;
Inecac. Iridium, ivory tusks in their nat
ural state or cut vertically across the
grain only wi
th the bark left intact, and
vegetable Ivorv tn the natural state.
Jalap. Jet. unmanufactured; joss stick
or Joes light: Junk. old.
Kelp; kltserite, kyanlte or cyanlte and
I.ac dye. crude, seed, button, stick and
hell; lac spirits: lactarene; lava, unman
ufactured; leeches, lemon Juice, lime Juice
and sour orange Juice: licorice root, un
ground; lifeboats and life saving appara
tus specially imported by soeletles incor
porated or established to encourage the
saving of human life; lime, citrate of;
ltthogrnuhlc stones. n-t engraved, litmus,
prepared or not prepared; lodcstones.
Madder and munjoet or Indian madder,
ground or prepared, and all extracts of it;
magnetite, crude or calcined, not purified;
magnesium not made up In articles, man
na, manuscripts.
Marrow, crude; marshmallow or althea
root, leaves or flowers, natural or unman
ufactured: medals of gold, silver or cop-
Ker and other metallic articles actually
ex towed as trophies or ptixes and re
ceived and accepted as honorary distinc
tions: meerschaum, crude or unmanufac
tured. Minerals, cmde or not advanced (n value
or condition by refining or grinding or
by other process of manufacture, not so
cially provided for in this act: mineral
salts obtained by evaporation from min
eral waters, when accompanied by a duly
authenticated certilUaie and satisfactory
proof showing thnt they are in no way
artificially prepared and are only the
product of a designated mineral spring.
Models of Invention and of other im
provements In the arts. Iniudlng patterns
for machinery, but no article shall be
deemed model or pattern which can be
fitted for use otherwise.
Most. seaweeds and vegetable sub
stances, crude or unmanufactured, not
otherwise specially provided for In this
act: musk, crude. In natural pods; myro
bnlans, needles, hand sewing and darn
ing Newspapers and periodicals; but the
term "periodicals" as herein used shall be
understood to embrace only unbound or
paper covered publ feat Ion lsued within
six months of the time of entry, contain
ing current literature of the day and is
eued regularly at stated periods, as week
ly. montMy or quarterly.
Prasll nuts, cream nuts, palm nuts and
palm nut kernels; cocoanuts In the shell
and broken cm-oanut meat or copra, not
shredded. detecated or prepared in any
fnannei. mix vomica; oakum; oil cake.
Mis. Almond, amber, crude and recti
fied ambergris, anise or sntse d. ani
line, aspic or spike lavender, bergamot,
cajeput. caraway, cassia, cinnamon, ce
dt At. chamomile, cttronell or lemon
Irrass. civet, cocoa nut. fennel. Ichthyol,
asmlne or Jaslmlne Juglandtum. Juniper,
..vender, lemon, limes, mace, neroli or
orgnge flower, enfh-urage grease, nut oil
or oil rf nuts not otherwise specially pro
vided for in this act. orange oil. olive oil
for manufacturing or mchanlcal pur
poses nt only for such use and valued at
not more than f cents per gallon, ottar of
roses, palm, rosemary or ant hoes, sesame
or sesamum seed or bean, thyme, oris
num. red or white; valerian, snd also
spermaceti, whale and other fWh oils of
American fisheries, and all fish and other
products of such flherb'S , petroleum,
crude or refined, provided that If ih-r be
Imported Into the I'ntted Btat-s crude pe
troleum or the products of crude p.tr
leum produced in sny country which Im
poses a duty on petroleum or its prodm t
ex ported from the I'nited Htat - s there
hall tn su h cases be levied paid and col
lected a duty upon said crude petroleum
or its product so trnnorTe.t -ual o the
dutv imposed by such country.
Orange snd b m n p-l. not preserved
rand led or otherwise prermred. orcnil or
orchil Ibuiid ores of gold silver or nickel
and nl kd matter; tweeptnss of gold and
sliver, oemlum
Psllsdium, pstr stock, crude, of every
descrtpt ton. In lud.ng ait grasses. flhra.
I rags (other than w.om. wmm. including
i Jut wsste. shavings clippings, old pap-r,
i fop ends, wast rope an J w-tste bagalng.
Including old gunnv el-nn and old aunny
l bags, fit onlv to be converted Into pap-r
Paraffin; parchment and vellum, pearl,
Ussiaftd .aSlaVUlaatei U, &MsV
lshed or otherwise Manufactured or
vauc4 ia veuue irom toe naiarai stats
Fsrsonat effects, not merchandise, of c it-Is-of
th I'niied States dying tn for
eign countries: pwter and Liitanni
m-tatl. old and fit only to he raman ufac
tured. philosophical and ec lent If. a apparatus,
ttteiiana, instruments and preparations.
Including boitlf and box containing tn
earn, sp-xdaily imparled in good taitu for
th us or by tn rdr of auy society or
Institution incorporsti-d or establish -d
aoii-ly for religious, philosophical. du
Itonal. aclnt;nv or liirry surposvs or
for th eocourugfment of the dn ana or
fjr the use or by th order of any college,
academy, school or Seminary of learning
In the I'nlled States, or any state or pub
4.0 library, and mi for sale.
Phosphates crude; pallia, tree, shnjbs.
route, reed canes and sds imported by
ne department of agriculture or the Coll
ad Sttlis boianic gdrdeii.
Claim in ingots. Iwrs, sheet and srlrs;
platinum, unmanufactured, and vases, re
torts and oii.r apparatus, vesaels and
part thereof compoMfd of platinum, for
t fiend- al uses piumluca, potash, crude,
or "biack tit'." crrunat of potash,
crude or rn-rd. hydrate if or causuc
potaah. not Including rhned In sticks or
roils, nltrats of potaah or saltpeter, crude,
sulphate of potaah, crude or refined, x - 3
r .:'-. ...... ikuiki. imnlsmenta. tnstrti
mei;t and tools of trad-, occupation or
t-nipioynient in the actual possession st
the time of persons emigrating to the
I'mted Htais. but this rve-mption shall
not be construed t Include machinery or
other articles imported for us in any
manufacturing establishment or for any
other oerson or persons or for sale, nor
shall it be construed to Include theatrical
sc.-nery. properties or apparel, but sucn
articles brought by proprietors or man
agers of theatrical exhibitions arriving
from abroad fur temporary use by them
In such exhibitions, and not for any other
person and not for sale, and which have
b-en usfd by them abroad, shall be ad
mitted free of duty.
..nlnlu unlf.Kataa nt n f '1 HfL
mrr-,9yvr.;s'ir Ti;iiHiV"bSrV,' rags not
otherwise prov.dert lor.
Regalia and ff ms. statuary and speci
mens or casta of sculpture Imported In
good faith for use of seieiitirlc and liter
ary societies and educational organisa
tions. Rennets, raw or prepared; sarTron and
Sairluwer. and extracts of, and saffron
cake; sago, crude: salacen; salep; sau-sag--
bolosrna : an. se. trv,
furiiimcm, ullllo wer. coriander, cotton,
cinnamon, fennel, fenugreek, hemp, hor
hounl. mangel wurs 1, mustard, rape, St.
John a bread or bean, luicar beet, sor
ghum or sugar cane for seed; bulbs and
bulbous roots, not edible and not other
wise orovidt d f jr. all Mowers and irrass
seeds: all the foregoing not specially pro
vide d for in this act.
Sheep dip. not Including compounds or
preparations that can be used for other
puritoses; shotgun barrels in single' tubes,
forged, rough bord; shrimps and other
Shellfish; silk, raw or as reeled from the
oocoon, but not doubled, twisted or ad
vanced in manufacture in any way; silk
cmoons and silk waste: silkworms' eggs.
Skeletons and oiher preparations of anal
omv; skins of all kinds, raw (except sheep
skins with the wool on, and hides not
specially provided for in this act, soda,
nitrate of, or cubic nllrste.
Hpeclmens of natural history, botany
and mineralogy, when Imported for sci
entific public collections and not for sale.
Hnlces. 4'assla. cassia vera and cassia
buds; cinnamon and chips of: cloves and
clove stems; mace; nutmegs; pepper,
black or white, and pimento; all the fore
going when unground; ginger root, un
ground and not preserved or candied.
Spunk; spurs and stilts used in the man
ufacture of earih- n. porcelain and stun"
ware: stamps; foreign postage or revenue
stamps, canceled or uncanceled; stone and
sand: burst one In blocks, rough or un
manufactured, cliff stone, unmanufac
tured; rotten stone, trlpoll snd sand. crude
or manufactured, not otherwise provided
for tn this act; storm or styrax; strontia
oxide of, and protoxide of strontlan. and
strontlanite or mineral carbonate of stron
tia: sulphur, lac or precipitated, and sul
phur or brimstone crude in bulk; sulphur
ore, as pyrites or sulphuret of Iron In its
natural state, containing in excess of .
per cent of sulphur, and sulphur not oth
erwise provided for.
Sulphuric acid which at the temperature
of 60 degrees Fahrenheit does not exceed
the specific gravity of one and three hun
dred and eighty thousandths, for use in
manufacturing superphosphate of lfme or
artificial msnures of any kind, or for any
agricultural purposes: provided that upon
all sulphuric acid Imported from any
country, whether Independent or a de
pendency, which impose a duty upon
sulphuric acid imported Into such country
from the United States there shall be
levied and collected a duty of one-fourth
of one cent per pound.
Tamarinds; tapioca, cassava or cassady;
tar and pitch of wood; tea and tea
plants: teeth, natural or unmanufactured:
terra alba nor made from gypsum or plas
ter rock; terra iaponlca; tin ore. casslter
Ite or black oxide of tin. and tin In bars,
blocks, pigs or grain or granulated: to
bacco stems: tumeric: turpentine. Venice;
tufpentine. spirits of: turtles; types, old
and fit only to be remanufactured; vac
cine virus, valonia. verdigris or subsce
tste of copper; wax, vegetable or mineral;
wafers, unleavened or unedlble. for orna
mental use or for covering or holding
pharmaceutical preparations.
Wesring apparel, articles of personal
adornnrnnt, toilet articles and similar per
sonal effects of persons arriving In th'
United States, but this exemption shall
ontv include such articles as actually ac
company and are In the use of and as arc
necessary and appropriate for the wear
snd use of such persons for the Imme
diate purposes of the Journey and present
comfort and convenience, and shall not
be held to applv to merchandise or arti
cles Intended for other persons or for
sale; provided that in case of residents of
the United States returning from abroad
all wearing apparel and other person.il
effects taken by them out of the United
States to foreign countries shall be ad
mitted free of dutv without regard te
their value upon their Identity being e
tnbllshed. under appropriate rules and
regulations to be pr- scribed by the secre
tary of the treasury, but no more than
flirt In value of articles purchased abroad
bv sn-h residents of the United Stat, s
shall be admitted free of duty upon their
Whalebone, unmanufactured.
Wood. Lobs ami round unmanufactured
timber. Including pu'p wood, firewood,
handle bolts, shingle bolts, gun blocks for
gun stocks, rough hewn or sawed or
planed on one side, hop poles, fenceposts.
ship timber and ship planking; all the
foregoing not specially provided for In
this act.
Woods. Cedar, lignum vltae. lsncewood,
ebony, box. granadilla. mahogany, rose
wood, satlnwood and all forma of cabinet
woods in the log, rough or hewn only:
brier root or brier wood and similar wood
unmanufactured or not further advanced
than cut Into blocks suitable for the ar
ticles Into which they are intended to be
converted ; bamboo, ratlin, reeds. India
tnslaccfc Joints and sticks of partridge,
hair wood, pimento, orange, myrtle and
other woods not specially provided for in
this act in the rough or not further ad
vanced than cut into lengths suitable for
sticks for umbrellas, parasols, sunshades,
whips, fishing rods or walking canes.
Works of art. drawings, engravings,
photographic pictures snd philosophical
snd scientific apparatus brought by pro
fessional artists, lecturers or scientists
arriving from abroad for uae by them
temporarily for exhibition and in Illus
tration, romotlon and encouragement if
art, science or Industry In the L'nlitJ
Urates, and not for sale, shall be admitted
free of duty.
Works of art. collections In illustration
of the progress of the arts, sciences or
manufactures, photographs, works in terra
cotta. patian. pottery or porcelain, antlo-tiittt-s
and artistic copies thereof in metal
or other material, imported in good fauh
for permanent exhibition at a fixed place
bv any state or by any society or insti
tution established for the encouragement
of the arts, sciences or education or for s
municipal corporation, snd all like arti
cles Imported In good faith by any society
nr assin tatlon or for a municipal corpora
tion for the purpose of erecting a public
monument and not Intended for sale nor
f r any other purpose than herein ex-
Works of art. the production of Ameri
can artists residing temporarily abroad,
or other works of art. Including pictorial
paintings on glass. Imported expressly for
presentation to a national institution or
to anv state or municipal corporation or
Incorporated rligous society, college or
vher public Institution, except stained or
painted window glass or stained or paint
ed glass windows.
Yarns, xaffer.
Th administrative features of the bill
remain substantially the same as im tA
Wilson law.
A aeotioa at quality.
A cU-rpynmn with a view to In'
trixluclnif mor hymn bonks into the
church, left the clerk a notice to give
out after the nermnn, The olerk had
aim a notice to (five out with refer
ence to the baptism nf infanta.
At the i'liHe of the wrmira the
clerk ar(e and Rnnouncetl : "All
ho-ie who have chililren whom they
wish to have baptised, pleaae semi
their DHiue-i at once to the clerk Of
the church."
The cl rirymnn, who was deaf, .,
mimed tht the clerk w w giving oil 1
tiie hymn txvik notice, and liauie
dlately arwe an I -ii l : ' A id I should
aay, for the beneflt of th'sse wlio hava
not any, that they my be obtained
at the vetry any day, from three to
four 0 cl s-k; th or lmry l:tle oni
for twen'y-nv-' cent each; special
jonesi with rl backs, ten cent additional."
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of PITCHER'S CASTORIA." the same
that has borne and does not" on
bear the facsimile signature (f Ouyff-dcJtUc wrapper.
This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,- which has been
used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you km n!nays bought "?f cr. the
and has ihe signature of OSyfj'McX wrap
per. 1V0 one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept Vie Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is
March 8, 1897. Q&. d.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute, which some druggist ..mgyofFer. .you.
. hea-3e--h-rirak'es "a' 'tew" more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even he does not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
WAorcTCB or
Impori and dealer in
Amelcao and Scotch Gnnlti Monuments.
Malm Nt. P0KTI.A. OR.
Everybody aj 80.
rojb-areta Canilv Cathartic, the most woo.
derful medical iliscovervof the aire, pleas
ant and retrealiinir to the tame, act freutly
and positively on kiilueva. liver and bowels,
cleansiuaT the entire aval. m. dUpel colds,
cure heailaohe, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness, flease ony ana iry a mi
of C. C. O. toMlav; 10, ar, SO cents. 8uiu and
guaranteed to cure by all druggist.
It's merely a Jproblem in economy
without the usual risk. The,
new list of 1897
brings "a wheel people know and
trust" to a proper popular esti
mate of good Bicycle value.
107 Slxlh St., Tortland, sell them. Secondhand
wheels "awfully cheap." Live agents wanted.
BRANCH EM: Spokane, Tacoma and eattIe, Washington.
"im 1
slasaalll-trW. As. KT KI.KW K -Ht
A reduction In the tariff on coal by
the Wilson bill was followed by a re
duction of the duty, that act cut
down the coal tariff 35 cents per ton(
which is a little more than President
Rxtchfnr.1 tlaims as havinar taken
place in 18M In the reduction of
wsfjea. If 3.) cents ttductioii in tariff
cut down 25 or 30 cents per Ion,
would the removal of the entire duty
a. ..-.re.1 Uv Mr. Hrvan In his speach
in CniwrtiM of Jui.e 1;1, 181M leave
the miners any employment at
It is a low down thlnft on the part
of the KH-at buslnejw Anns of the east
to have ordered their western repre
sentatives to resume the making of
loans on farm property at low rates
of interest, Just as the pops and
aimrcrats irx preptrinif to make
scarcity of money the chief cry t
their f.tll campaig-n.
Ask your physician, your drujnrist
and your friends aisut Shiloh's Cure
for Consumption They will recom
uit'iid it. Fur sale by the llta Drug
Lc I
J. M0KTHK0P, a Proprietor
Coraor8eoond...and...Wariuirton Street
accomodation for th convenience
ol guests.
Charges Reasonable
Bdaeat Too Rowels With ruranU.
Canrtf Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
tOc, c. If C. C. C. tall, druggist refund money.
1 in
WW ar rii-.hai raa eaa aalaral rrwilis. haa.
.. l aK-aee, .n.lreal. as., ar w Wa in
Adntlnlstrfttor'a Male.
whereas thi- Couniy Court of Wash
ington County, Oregon, did on Jun '-'1,
lie.tj duiy make and enter an order anili
online and directing me a administrator
of the estate of
Walter S. Ljoa
deseased, to sell the real estate belonging
to said e.tAte at private .ale. Sow, there
fore notice Is herebv riven ihat from and
after Julv ll 17, 1 will proceed to ll at
private aale th following-ie-rrib ! ral
estate beioneins to aaid estaie, lo-iit:
The northes-t W of aectmn .HA, t I n r ft w.
In Wshinton C .tinty Oregon, an eon
taining 14) acres. Terms fit sai, caah ia
band at th time of as'".
. W. MAK-H.
Administrator of the eetate i.f Waller
8. Lyon, deceased.
alter Ahbi1 3d to prsrtti his profe""i '
andwi.l le found st th re-He'" e l Ir.
Wm. f.-K-cr. hpe.-isl snentK'ii t sid to
al-IIC:! snil mjrzicai I'l'S--- .'turn
ami Children and so nronie u aea.ea.
Te Care C.tlpatUa Sora.r
Take Cssearet Csndv rtbrtic Ine orffc
il & C- C 1U te cars, drui ttt uad bumi.
l iiii
S iaaaaaaatV
If you ar.
Do ot Kcwr
Three Important) Points
)-rt flo i St. Paul, lcii4j the
line to that point will atlord yon the
Tery bt errio.
HernA thKjEsc beyond Su I
Paul rcaj lis Miwxioain l-iiirl
because that luw make clow connections
with all the trana-continental line enter
ng th Union Dciot there, and it or
vice i nrst-i'Uaa In every particular.
Tfclra For information, rail 00 your
neiKhbor and friend th nearest ticket
irent and auk for a ticket reading vi
the Wisconsin Central lines, or addraaa
JA...CP.'MiV- .-Ear.'Sa-rt-.rM"
" lien. Pat. Agt., General Agent,
Milwaukee, U i. 2-to Stark St,
41 Portt-nd, Or.
Exraaaa Tuixa Liiti Fobtlshd Dii.t
I I Nortt
oav e al I IjV runuuia 1 " -
7:4ft am I Ar Bap Franoiseo Lv HiWrn
Above trains (ton at all station between
Portland and Suiem, Turner, Marlon,
Jetler.on, Albany. Tangent, Shedda, Hal
ey, ilarnaburg, funotlon City, Eutren
Cottage Grove. Drain, Oakland, and all
nation from Hoaeburg to Aahland,
8:30 M
Lv Portland Ar I :Wf u
Ar KosebnrB Lv 7:.tQ
CARS 05 R01TE.
.. AMD
8eeud('laM Sleeplus Car
Attach id to All TaaoooB Taams.
West Side Division.
Hall Train Daily (Exoept 8anday).
730 at
12:15 rat
Lv Portland Ar
Lv Hillsboro Lv
Ar CorvKilH l.v
S M) F
4 2r
1 :IV. F It
jAt Albany and lorwiiiiH conneet
w, Ui trains ot ine trgon Central A Kaat
rn Ry.
Express Train Daily, (Kxmui runday .
Mold inn ville
7:18 a k
6:10 Fat
7:30 Fat
Direct connection at Ban Krnmi'ro
with Occidental 1 nd Orients ami i'.i. 111
Mail steamsliln lines lir J A KAN AM)
CHINA. Mailing dales on ai t .ioni ''.
Kates and ticaets tn Knaii m pom - 11ml
Europe. Also JAPAN, IHiNA, Ji"NO
LULU and Al'HTK A LI A can be ol 1.1,11. d
Irom A. H. l'enee. Ticket Airent Hiii-cop ,
C. It. Ai AUK H AM .
R. KOKHLEK, lieu, K, A I .Ag't
Manager. Hortlant, a4-t
Having pnroliased Mr. Anderson
intere in this line, I hereby announce
that I am prepared to execute all commie-
ions entrusted to me. Regular trips to
Portland are made on
Xondays, Heduesdaji A t'rldajt
Retnmina on the davs following, ripecial
attention given to the execution of .mall
order. Leave orders
The regular subscription
price of Thk
Independent is $1.50
And the regular subscriptioii
priceofthe Weekly
Oregonian is $1.50.
Anv one subscribing Kit.Th-
and paying one year in ad
vance can get loth Thh
and Wehkly
All old subs-rilers paving
their subscriptions for one
year in advance will lt en
titled to the same offer.
A Knli itook of
Oonatantljr ot. band
Orders Solloltexl.
JAS. H. SEWELL. Hillsboro, Oregon.
a. TO a.
laort.iern Ry.
St. Paul
Short Line
Kansas Citt)
ror full Detail, rail on 0. K k . Ajreut
J. I. hM.IIT, lllllslwre, Oi.,
Or Address, H. II. Hl'KLKl KT,
tienM I'uss. Aiteut.
Cortland, a . Orefroa
Vlce-rreolil. nt.
A4a . o vcAna
W, KcanMca.
AnyntMitatvTtrtff nkMch nn1 ditrrii't(tn mar
juir-kir 4MMn.ii. frM, wt.t hr an tn?i.tMni
DrottHblr titnThla. rotnmtiiiw-attotia tii. tlT
oonlntUL, OI'1tl aencf friw.-tinii .afiiLa
In Amrtr4V Vj hnwm m Wafthmiitun .
faint tABn thruua Munu lo regwiv
pei4l Duiloa In th
WawttfuItT 1llntrftM. Iart rlmiUtlon nt
any scientlflr i..(irtjJ, w-'li!T,lrtTit..tii a yar
aisix moitina. r-tititn cpiP arm ai
11 vM fATBNTn aDi rre. Adar
SSt Braaflwav, Mew rk.
' R-I-P-A-N-S
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.