Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, July 30, 1897, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, JULY 30, 107.
Oft your biiitliii); twine ol K. hn.
nit-rii-ii A Hon.
JSt hulunTiLii tV a-i. i! uu for
tkirua on O t(Jii)i- mai liiiifri.
li'-ru in lliii-K'T , Jul' ! h to
lxl U trtint r ami a i.n u U.1U.'.!.) r.
Moni'V li man in ruin-t to feu it
Hihiiiis 1-- JSIiulw li.'l., iiill.slMUO
ii I'nii.
t liuiiiit rii' i it .'xii m.i1 O-Uiini'
Hi 1M1 1 in--. !.. 1 if j uu -'.V:u: i.
CuU lluinpurfy for Iohim on
i;t:ti jnoirwiy, aimi laruin iu rent aim
hi! 0'll. 1
IVal ((UMliiy K'"uint) liu,Krtfd ami
ii 111H1U0 nli r Junl mriveil al Hie
lliliniioro rti.irnwi'y.
Fin ruiKi, t in kiiivt n, iM. ipMir
Hi Hit! l'miruiury 1 In uj tur casu
large kluik tu ltd In 111.
I waist ri::it a-jTViivicUii i.nck,
lj norum anil harms lor thru
uniiilim. Audri-wi (1U.V.) K. A. Uultl-
I'lilfcVt-, a.IiiiniX'i
Tim S. 1. Co. have on al round
trip lickfi Irmii lliilsboro to Ya
qtnuiid noo-l lor li'lurn till Oi.IiiIm i
loiti. I li rice is Hi.liO.
Ue are I10W oIlerinK hi Uih 1'liar
iLiury for Hie mm 'M nays nil ilrun
gima BUi.ilrieM, t.iunlite, n)nji.yt'.s,
aoS jm tIuiikh Hint luilul article Ml
greatly mluiiii rut 8.
LmI Friil iy wctiiug a crowd 01
youiirf iBipii niM iil a very iit'u.-aul
xurjiriiH) K'li'r"if Imuoro riuliH-j
Walker at t lid reaiUuiicu of liM pur
e 11 lit. SJitliiey U now In UU tweuly
tinrii year.
lit'iitH'tt at 1 lie (ilioioraoh tfult'ry
U making; dome f xoeeiliujfly tint
jiiuiuiea uow liy the AriMioilaiiiio
lrM't. NuthinK more oiauiilul or
artistic Ih.ui tlitMO now pictures I1.1
tlLll HllUtVU.
Win. Muhr uiukt-a Ixiots ut hi
lu on tk-ttmil Bin.el, Ili'lalioro, l r
5.6i per iiuir, aewcil aiiom lor $,
mid jrivt-a niwittl Hiit-uiioii to repair
ing, iio urn only liml-grado stock
VYIiti.'ll ennliles lain to Kuaraiileri Iiih
On and Blur May 27m the steam
emoftheO. It. A. N. Co. which
leave Porllauil lr 8tii FrrtiiilHCO
very ttve days will rarry atfiii;er
for 10 calilii and o m-t raK. J. !
Knight liilislHiro ioiiiiiiuuicmUh the
The Sliaula riie ial train that huH
Imi u ruuiumc lii-tweeli 1'orlland and
Ban Fraiici'o every live dayr, lias
tM-en taken oir hut (he low raiea ol
$10 aud (5 hiiIum to the daily train
Utiweeu ilioae t l im. I he traiim
leaven 1'orllaud every eveiiinins l 0
Win. Ueim.111 at Ina machine nhop
la puliliirf furm fiiKlim iu repair lor
the threaihiiikf period. As Bleaui
machinery la more xmii-raliy u-d on
the arm, the n eerily lor it kimmI
repair shop in (ell. I'll In
we have at llillnhoro and lure
el ouli lor all ordinary niueiiiuen.
Why auller with coujcIih, chUIh and
la grippe when laxative liromo (ul
lilue will cure you 111 one day. lot
Hot pnnlUL-o the niikfii'H in Hie head
like fUlplMle of ipiiuine. i'ut up in
tahleU (xiuvi nieni lor taking. Ou.ir
iiliietil to eure or money relundiil.
l'rice 26 cU. For nalo ly tlie lx-lt-t.
The CouiityCourt vl.-ited the Yam
hill tvuuty J ill hwt l utsduy and
fouud ll ktood Hhd coiuplel" priaoii.
The utilquilOUH aifillt was there
ready tow ll carbon ited iron Jud lur
uilure hut the county court did 1101
Imy. The tMUuiy Jul qm-M-lion
will come up at the August lerm
of Court wnlcli will meet next Wed
nesday .
IVinyon.eire'ili enirt (.tenoitrapher
prM-trate4 a fair guy on a Clondyke
prni(Moior. llai.ipMM.M he meet,
In IS'JS, a relumed mini r. Of thin
aruoiirtiit lieenipnrei Did yui meet
'Our llrow u' on the Yukon? l you
know himV" "OH, We," airok
Inn hi Htmiirtch, "had him for our
ChrialuiH dimier."
At the Cjiireati nial church next
Siiiul.iy, the piitor will HM ik from
Jinhiia 7:12, tikinif tlierefr-'in Hie
timely tiii'iim "II hh4 (r Failure
nd Itiwonn for S niti-i-A'icliMil and
M'Mlern." I'll'' topic of Hie even
liikf'a diacour- will Ui aunouii(Vii
from the pulpit In the iinrnint(. Al
other m'rviii' .w mu d.
The CorvalllK O.a-iie luit week
puhliidiel an elirht nfc'e edition.
The exira lour pMirea were printed
on ft.ie lunik piux r and illustrated
with wine exit lleiit half tone cut.
The arlli'le nn dem-rlpiivo of liiilou
count v, i! hin'ory hii1 remro'.
The linvhann il hikI literary work i
excellent mid the people of Corvalli
and the county outfiil to Ih lil ini
pufhamT-i of the edition.
Ir. liitiley haaolwervtil wnu' rul
on w heal of the plain, thonuh a
yet It l not had. Wear. Ii!vlii
dry weather thi we. k which it I
l.. ....-I uill grrmt the uroWth of Hie
funuut though it hal.it hive not
been well studied In Orrf.n and wo
cannot certainly tell what tli. e.i 1
will he. Ku'iuiry f"' !s",1 rurda
tin nml lndtil the wliolt river lu
not revealed the pre-seiu-e of tlie red
There areall wirl of ruiuora touch
Inirlho' wh huve Hie Cloudy ke
goldrl.-hl fever, "ever.il well known
in thi cnun-v are it n'K. Anmrni
them are J. J. Mors in who ha In
pajaaKe emt-ne.1 on the Kld. r, mid
will Mil l y, the :!iih. O W.
Will will lo p " ''ike thr.-e
tnuleM with him. ILmIiu prep .-..
to solve the trituporl.'iiioii pr..t.u 111.
L) 'lciVmlh w one th itit f
rta'rtlinf, hut he will now content
hiiuelf till!p'ii'-
Uuv Milipuirh iiorf Ju-lue
0. riiel.u yesterday on a ch.ue pre
fernM hy hi (ut'er, T.J. MHIiMiiith
l lew in If. iii.Hdien.f of psreulal
u horny. Ouy I nearly 14 rar ol
aw"', d the H.y who wa l-i JH re
cently chitmnl 'lh aulin.rf
Chinee ktur liter. The cvid.'iice ye
IrriUy uh'Hntu!' l ih- afhu tti ..1
In thcomplaiutit't I JudxeC rneiiu
1, M.len order e.imii'i him 1 to
tl.e reform .fetoltill here.ch. the
aeof2ly.Hr..r until hn reform,
ati.tn .hall eulitle him lu the opinion
vf Ui achoot oUkUUj, to hialiUerty.
( IlitlljtliM rt'l a yolil.fcf SI'HTlIp
Ha mi I A'lieit lli ..'land loiinuig aU)Ul
fSherwiMKl l-eam anerd at hi
mother, entenii hr dutllltijf any
rnahhe up In r furniture jfenerully.
Fur thi act ol rowd) lf-in he wa ar-
1 il and bound over to await the
-ntruitiinMHrfi.y,; IUj-44HI
mit1 tret Uiiiil-tineH uni wait teuipnrat
i'y coiifine.l In the tShertvood town
prison. The room w.t a wixalen
-truetar', Moor and all. It. el nut w hen
il .lie, whieh waa irumt of the time,
tured a rile of I oil fr.xn hi
'a ii 1.11 th- H .:ir. T!iU tie et on
.lie mi. I a he took care hot to ue tK)
much oil, the tl.idie wi coutrolahle.
Thu nlowly lnirtiiti and wmimt olf
ll.'i i-iiam-d wml, he nude a hole, in
.he tl Mir and then oil -red Uu bail
whieti the Buthoritii- were forced to
44t-l. fti'ienrt' Kr1fiit, th'iuh tie
hint never bad the eu-tody of thir
marl A 'ex, kept a Hharp lookout for
him and la t S iturday trot word from
hi atfent that hi priaoner wa in
hand. ' IlieUti l will attend court uext
Tim two en- of the Htale v. John
Mi Nmnura and the Lyle wou.an, aud
lale v. the Frenchman and the name
woman have la-en examined aud
ili-p"d of ly baiiihiii) the woman
ami lierhuand. The tlrxt ca
iiV?ided iieeaue Lyle wa o ignor
ant that he did not know what he
wa aeanof to when H.r!:s'Je-TOns
plaint. The parlie to the aecoud
compiiilnt were held, hut the Lyle
woman who could not lurnHh (tail
wa ei ven her clmit-e, jnil or hanUh
menu h-lie went. Complaint Wai-
made i.'! i nit Lyle himselt, eharifliiii
peijiiry, hut while the court thought
he 1 guilty, tiiere were aoine double
about wen ring KUlIicieut evldeni-e ti
convict wi he w dimnlsKeil. It Is to
he hiied that we are rid of a had
Mr. C. Koch met wilu a paimul
accident, not to apply a more aeriou
name, lat TueHilay evening. (She
had driven her hoi -le and buigy from
t'oithtnd and w m enti rlnir Uillsboro
Jiit iM'yond Judge Ilumphreyfl resi
dence when Homething on or by the
fence frightened the horse o that he
g ive a vicious plunge Htdewlso. Hav
ing a Ann griiHp on thu rein, Mrs,
Koch wa pulled over the dash hoard
and In front of the huggv, though
she waa dragged a few rials Injure
she dropped to the ground. Heriou
OruiHiK on the ImnI.v ami lace will
keep her confined for a t i uih though
it is I bought no permanent injury
will follow. The horse went to hi
xlable without breakage to wagon or
Mr. (leo. .Sauud.ra living near
Laurel during the pat $ear ha
played to bad fortune. L'ist fall a
member of his family came down
with typhoid fever. When that one
was convalescent another was taken
flown and on till seven caes were
developed. When spring cam" the
(li-ense seemed to let go, but this
week another chllil woke up ailing
and it i greatly feired that the same
experience of last year is to Ihj re
pealed. The board of examining nurgeons
for the bureau of Miion located at
ilillHir organi.d July 2tiih. Dr.
W. I). Wood was chosen president,
Dr. J. T. Tamelsie, secretary and Dr.
W. O. Cole, treasurer. The board
will hold meeting 011 the second ami
foiirlh Tliursdayaol each month un-
le otherwls" onlerefl by the depart
ment at Washington. The meeting
i.laee Is in Dr. Wood's olHce on Main
street between First and Hecoud
Hunters and iruuiier must not for-
g.'t the time when they may hIkhiI
groiie hikI pheasants. The law of
1H!I. iniikt s Ihe clo-n-il season mr tnai
kind of game from the 15'h day uf
Novemls r to the 1st ilsy of Sepb m
Iwr fnllowine. It is reoorted that
some pot hauler one flay this Wfiek
killed sixty or more birds near Green
ville. It would be a good U.iys work
toruu thoHe fellows In.
I). McCaiuirtii en mrfiHl hi mind at
11 o'clock vesterday morning and
st tried on tl'.e 1:20 p. m. train for
Clondyke. lie by buying a ticket
from another party got passugn on
the Elder that nail this evening.
Dive has spent one season in Alaska
hence this trip will not lie an entirely
new cxcrieinv.
Judge McUrtdo who yesterday
finished the July equity term of the
Circuit court w nl in a few d iys with
hi foully and some Iriend, iHVUpy
hi summer camp in the Ctsrarte
mountaii.s alanit eight miles from
the snow line of Mt. Ht. Ileilens, In
Washington, lie plans to be in the
mountains, six weeks.
I. art's I'n.ver It, ml la is a tileas-
autltxative. K'gulales the laiwh's
puritic the b.i I, uiears me com
plexion. Ky to make and pleaanl
to lake. S."?. Mohl by HillstK.ro
DyM'pia cur.sl. sinioh's Vita-ltK.-r
liiim.fl'Htely relieves sour utom
a.'l., coming up of f'd distress ami
Is tne great kidney an I liver rem
edy. Sold by the HiiMxiro Tharm-
Lilies, lako the best. If you are
tnaibied wilh contipHtion, adlow
skin, and a tinl fis ling tske Karl's
Clover Tea. It i pie iint to take.
Sild 'y IlilMbuio I'harmacy.
U.. Haunt from Wiley A Den
tils' stable ha returned Irom tlie
ci.ntwlier.' he had g ne In taki
Hon. W.N Birrettaud family foi
their summer outing.
W e are now nlT -ring at the Phar
macy f..r the next thirty day all
druggi1' sundries briH'n'S, sponges,
soaps, perlumcsi and toilet article at
greatly nsluced rates.
Cure thai cauli with Siuloh'a cure.
The bo! cough cure. Relieve croup
promptly, t t ie million tsittle old
last ear. 4i doses f..r 2V. Sold by
llill-ls.ro Pharmacy.
Re not de.f I veil. A i-ough, hoarse-111-.S
or croup are not to l trifli!
with. A d.seiii time of Slilloh's
cure will save much tutle. Sold hy
llillsls.ro PhsriHary.
Th" taiiiily "f tne late Cipt. Geo.
Alnwortli,of Portland, areenditig
the summer in llillslmro, Ihe guests
of Dr. Link later.
S. nator tl VvTl'iiiTrTsou and fno
ilv and 1. A. Wehrung and luiinly
have g ee ! N-w P..rt, LIi.o-Ih
i.smi.tv f..r ihe summer.
- - -
Treasurer Cady make another
call for wsrra it thl week. He
want th.we cndorJ up to I'. lt.
The flog ilas of summer are upon
us, but they are not uuiudur-bin.
jftmm it Lratiii a'" Iwtatf 1 1( Uie
Ogri iMU(iial chuh recede
tlurfrfiiMMlsala dioi ,WAl,lt
the beautiful lawn a,..CivU.rMerr
man a home thleveej)5.-j ji J j
Th AnieriinTVrKinlt 'ai -ti.
cciveil ouMii'eilijesday cvtmlDlf ot tills
week coutaililng a full . text- tlif?
tariir iii II which was sigued-.ty the
i.reslilent at i:3f o'clock p. nt. last
saturliy.- The, act wt fn,. fe imnii.
t .t.vt used in a uewnt,per. i.tli
would fill alaiuTT!tict4ioins of-tJie
I N HhPKXDEXT.' Q;le ttf ' th". t
law coi ' had by placiji'nrrd' rs
with Wilbur8. Wakemtin,
American Protective TariiT League,
ia." West aid at reel. New York.
It would la iniMMsible to crowd
,rtfi pt'ti'jrf 4r.i5 u
i 11- -. -
was eujoyeil by the young pefiple of
ilillslsir last Wislnes'iay at sous
Spring. It la-ino the oceasiou of
the firt annual picnic of the mem-
bera oft hell. A. A. O. given for
themselves and lady friends. Thors?
present were: Mi-a Kstella Boscfiw,
Mable Mon-laiid, Coi slam'H Smith,
Alice Moreland, E'oily Essner, Wil
ma Waggeiier, Mary Eigleton,
Messrs. Dorr Waggner, Fred Battler,
Fred VrKinan, Geo. .Merryman,
Willie Siegrieet, Frank Stewsrt and
eiiaporous Miss Lura ' W ajfouer"' iiriff
Mrs. O.iver Gitea.
" HiuhI 'rloLRE btS.
M.Mire Irelaad A Co v UenJ T West
Judgment for plaintiff, ilewl from
defeudent West t) his son held to be
a mortgage, stay of execution for 30
duvs allowed.
iloueyman Dellart 4 Co v B.s.
Foreclosure auit, d.s?ree for plaintiff.
The German Loan ASivlngs Co v
W E Lewis et al. Decree of fore
closure. The German Loan 4 8vings Co v
Francis Mai lieu. Decree of fore
cloaure. Choa A Cook V Amelia Cook, De
cree of divorce granted.
Scholfleld v Moobray. Judgment
for pldintiff for 1260 and 10ati.ru-
lee and 110 coats.
Ablaitt and Ria.' jwtitioners iu es:
of Anton Pfanner. Ordered that pe
litioners claim for $120 lie paid as a
preferred claim.
Olds v Tyson. Decree for plain
lirf. A W Lanstleld petition In estate of
Anton Planuer. Claim allowed.
John Milne petition in N A Itir
rett estate. Ordered that assignee
pay claim amountinir to $ a
prayed for.
Italston v Hamilton. Foreclosure
proceedings, decree of foreclosure al
lowed and Judgment against defend
ant Hamilton for any deficiency.
Petition of J L Gregg In estate ol
Anton Pfanner allowed.
Uaber v Catching. Hale of real es
tate conhrmed.
Hyde v Marr. Sale continued.
Cox v Lafferty. Sale confirmed.
Lndess v Latham. D'-erce grant
ed and an Injunction allowed restrain
ing defendout from disposing of real
Showers v Griffin. Order granted
allowing service to be made hy pub
lication of summons.
Ladd v Cornelius. Sheriff ordered
to execute deed.
Shute v Parent. D.murrer over
ruled, plaintiff allowed IU days to
amend complaint, defendant allowed
20 days to answer, no attorney fee
is allowed.
Petition ofCoffln in estate Anton
Pfanner offset allowed.
Gamier v Wheeler. Default of
David Wheeler heretofore entered Is
set aside.
fualatln Mill Co v Taylor. Plain
tiff allowed 80 days to reply.
CI1H8 Collins assignment. Assignee
allowed thirty days to Ole list of
Blainey v Patton. Demurrer over
ruled ami defendant allowed till the
2Sth to plead, no answer la-lug Pled
the plaintiff took a default and decree
of foreclosure.
Nowak v Prlckett. Motion to
strike out part of answer allowed and
HI day to answer.
Powers v Powers. Decree of di
vorce allowed.
Estate of BeAiichamp Insolvent.
Order allowing claims.
DeLashinutt v Browne. D 'fenilent
Sliifll.'beam granted 20 d.iy In
which to file an amended answer,
Tic other ilefen lant t i tlie answer
within thirty days thereafter.
Henry Brauer v Minnie Kushnal
et al. Order for deed as per com
plaint. Sarah Jeffcott v Anuie M Hart.
Sale confirmed.
Miller v Hackney. Sale confirm
ed. Cox v Nighton. Decree of fore
closure allowed.
Estate N A Barrett Insolvent. Bar
rett A Adams attorneys allowed their
fee or ll'S.
Hyde V Thatcher. Sheriff deed
Hyde A Hamilton v Patterson.
Sheriffs deed ordered.
Snow et al v Munroe et al. De
murrer of defendant austaiued in
Stephens v Itollmnn. Sale con
firmed. Tongue v McIonald. Judgment
for plaintiff.
Snow et al v Munnw et al. Ie
murrer to the filarial defence an
tainedand defendent allowed 30 day
to answer.
Jackson v Zimmerman. Defend
ant motion to dismiss the apM'al al
io Wed.
Shute v Parent. Ordered that the
defendent be enjoined from remov
ing permanent improvements from
the premises.
The court ailjourned for the term.
Estate Alltcrt Wilcox, iln-d. The
st.sud semi-annual report liled and
Estate Wm J White, deed. Bond
of J J Kuraili admit istrator with G
W Patterson and Jacob Wim-r
sureties filed and approved. The ap
prater areS A Klink, David Purser
and G W Stltt.
Portland, Or., July 26, 1897.
Weather. Normal summer condi
tions have prevailed during the past
week. The mean temperature aver
aged 60, w hich I 1 wanner than
the preeeeding week. The day tem
peratures averaged 7S and the tiighl
ii Tlie highest tcnisTature dur
ing the week was 8G and tlie low
est Ml. No raip fell during the
week. The cloudiness was slighlly
iu excess of Ihe normal amount.
It'll'. Ideal weather Conditio;!
have prevailed for all crop djmu
the week, except for hopa. The hop
lice develop and flourish during per
iods of moderately warm weal tier
Pha emi.m..it atmiwpherr, and
t . ,..r.,V.t l,.k. .Uoixi
' jV-irenei-aily H Vtr AtuJri jjNitii:
1 i.r erouih. fiut flis Mlsi Ire
mnuerou-; Uy'irario weather win
ct.ll t!' ravafctsof Ihe lice. Not
Wirhsta Mling th IKej tU tVP pro-
pr x is ptMetJea1' Hashed and
UUi',"lui"wfeIyJiou-er. Ttiejiay cr.p
r--s'Hi, faoiiu mvry nu tw --
'ilTOllly. Tne tH-.c'4iU crop f Waif i
auJ clover is is itir than was- fcXM-cl-cd.'
Fad ti' l hsrw ciin liiuif,
an 1 thu fttrmeri ar- all w H siU-iied
w t!i e i.tal.s k. '1 nrtshit g- will
1 ot U-tfVefer .a wn-k if neis'v CI hi
r" luri.iu imor and' will be. ready
to cut witliiii- ten ..' Spring Miw n
wheat and 8!tfhjw Uig-il. T.
fa" larger than
11-UMl. aiai niiwl exis tlenl . pruef-ts
re reported for it. Flax for D'jer
is turning y.ll.w and emit low's' to
..ff. r ex. . II. ut .i..ssris. Tho 'ic
cess of ihe growth of tlix for tl r 1 1
Oregon is HS-ured. Sngr beeissowti
in M ly lire llircc. iiiei.es in diameter;
they, too, pr itn.se to I most auccesa
lul. The fruit pio-jieels isilitilllK- gKsl.
Hale's Hrly a lies will be ripe to
ship this week from thu southern
counties. Several varieties of applet.
.tivJ A'."'-b.-'!h.vjJs iti. .".'p.. very
plentitul. Biack tierritsi continue to
ne uuu-ually prolific. Potaloea con-tina-'
t r-porleil from all bs.tir
as Is-i'ig an In.iuerise crop. All gar
den product is doing remarkably
well. A year of plenty Is assured,
tor all crops are excellent.
The weather conditions today are
fa vo rut ile for continued fair weather
with increasing cloudiness Wednes
day. Cooler weather is probable
Wednesday, Thin lay and Friday,
to be then followed by clear and
warmer weather.
The warm weather which we are
having of lale is ripening grain verj
fast. Fall grain i nearly all har
vested. Geo. Alher of the firm Albew,
S hneid. r Co., nf Portland, was oui
buying liny and Rrain lt week. He
contracted several thousand bushels
in this neighborhood.
Herman Kiiiinia purchased two
head of 4-yearsild horsea at McKay's
sale in Hillshoro last Saturday.
Miss Lizzie Puvogel was the lucky
ersuu who won the bicycle that wa
rallied off by Mr. Hauganu last
Win. Wilklus 1 back from Califor
nia after an ahseneenf nine months.
He says California Is all right but
there is no place like home.
Mr. 11. Siemon of Portland has
been visiting her brother John Kam
11 a lust week.
Hop-growers are iirnund engaging
pickers, but they are not offering a
very good price.
Mr. and Mr. E. L.M Cormick and
Calvin Jack of Hillshoro were visit
ing at Andy Jack's l ist Sunday.
Frank and John Simp.1011 gave a
very pleasant dance at their home
last Saturday veiling. Those pres
ent were: Mr. and .Mrs. Simpson,
Mrs. T. O. Bowlov, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Stewart, Misses ilettie ami Bessie
Simpson Liz.ie Puvogel, Annie Bei
tha and Amanda It'hse, Messrs.
Frank and John Simpson, Churhf
Johnson, It. Uowlby and U. Pieper.
A party ofcrahflshers were out from
Portland last Sunday. A some of
our young men were on the way to
Sunday school, they were attracted
bv the ladies who were tishing around
the bridge and lailed to reach their
destination. "
II00I utv.
Mr. N. P. Atterbury of Sherwood
died on tlie 17lh Inst. The funera
look place Sunday nt the Pleasaut
Hill lemet.iry and was largely at ten-
ded. He leaves a wife and eight
children. "
Mr. Matt. B iker, more familliarl'y
known as Uncle Matt., while working
in the garden .Moml iy at the home of
his nephew, Cliai. Biker, was struck
with a paraletic stroke, one half of
Ihe entire isidy being badly affected.
At latest accounts he was slowly Im
proving. Mr Amel Yeager had tha misfor
tune to get his right leg considerably
crushed while riding oil the cou .de
lug pub's of a wagon through stump
patch. Mr. Yeager is able to be
Mr. Cliitter is erecting a new resi
dence. Mr. Fred Swarts has his new barn
about compleled and material for a
J. W. Graham, of Graham's Ferry,
1 able to be around after his recent
Mrs Clara Lamb, of Portland, is
home again.
Mr. M. C. Graham and daughter
were guests at M. C. Young's this
Mi-s Effie Cain fran is a guest at
Bish Si ely 's.
Mr. F. F. Seely and family visited
the C'liauinqu at Gladstoue Pari
this week.
President McKinlej will show the
country that he is n jt help eas. lie
Miked for a money comuiision, as
Secretary O.ige explained in his But
ton sptech, which would la-tween
now a. al D'-cembcr report a currency
reform bill that would meet the
wihes of hi sound money is nstilu
innls of the country. But the sen
ate refused to pa-s the lions.- bill. It
i not likely the president will revive
the project of having a monetary
reform meiiure framed and recoro
manded hy a commission. It is now
planned that an administration plan
shall he f irmulated during the sum-
i nier and autumn and sjbmitted to
congress when It convenes in I-ceiii-
la r. S i the tifv silver S"ntor gain
ed not In i g hy olge,-ting. They looe
by not hiving a commisioD IsTor
which they ran lay their cmreiiey
si hetiii-. flic president i in earnest
alH.ut thi matter and if he cannot
reach tr."end by one way he will
chooe auother.
i nt .HiKktrs.
Wh-i V'i WaV, .. 71; Vll. 75,
V o'lr -.i r.i'ies, "S'A CO r bsl.
I. il l.i.e, i' ...ic. I" f 3'&&;
H r ,..,, ,y, Hj fiJfri; Cur.
I ll DO to HI tX
lltitll, KtioS, PCCLTRY.
K , as si It d. !.
t le- n oil, 7- I-, s.i t perin ssat
Cm. :k. n ijui.x, l&o4.U.; Xarttfi.
II'-, ll.ilt roil, if p u ,.l; 1). I' !. II
iei I ul f i Ji a ; tinm-ii is) 4 J au par
i t n.
i.a fr Fnrr Cnsaierj, UiJIO sad
D.rj. 'rifni yt rub.
waste stamps. Save up
your Sckfflutfs St-s yellow
tea-tickets, and send sever. 1
guesses for that missin
word in one envelope.
Scu'IfiKiT's Best nionev
back tea, at your grocer's
r... t. ....la:..,., .j . .
(muunucu in lar,
advertisement about Ui first aud niiodi
S.. MavMinu Al6
For Infants and CluWsn.
lrsJri'.l -Svi-r!,-;- -
Gents: I was dreadfully nervoi'H
and for rell-f trdr yur K::r!' CJif.t V
Risit Ten. it qutted my nervis and
-itrengthentsl my whole nervous sys
tem. I was troubled with co'iatina
lion, kidney and Is.wel trouble.
Your tea soon cieaused my system so
thoroughly that I rapid I v regained
health and strength. Mrs. n. A.
Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by
Hillshoro Pharmacy.
In a paer on 'The Mmleru Amer
ican Mood" (in Harper's for July),
William Deau Howell call attention
to the potent influence on our natural
thought and lifo exerted hy woman.
He says -.
"Shall I go a little farther and say
that this American world of thought
and feeling shows Ihe effect, beyond
any other world, of honor paid to
woman? It is uot for uolhlng that
we have privileged womeu socially
and morally beyond any other peo
ple; if we have made them free, they
have used their freedom to make the
the whole national life the puerest
and best of any that has ever been.
Our women arej iu lage degree the
keepers of our conscience; they influ
ence men here as women Influence
men uowhere else on earth, and they
qualify all our feeling and thinking,
all are doing and Is ing. If our liter
ature at its laist and our art at its
heat, has a grace which is above all
the American thing in literature and
art, it Is bet'4Ue the grace of the
moral world where our women rule
had imparted itself to the intellectual
world where meu work. YYheu it
shall touch the material world to
something nf .its own fineness, and
redeem the gross business world from
the low Ideals which govern it,
then Indeed we shall have the millen
nium In plain sight."
The London Standard has been
manifesting great concern for the
welfare of the United States aud la
menting that disaster is to come to
us on the enactment of the Dingley
tariff bill. At the same time that
purly disinterested J mrnal laments
that the commercial rus riimcy of
England is to lie maintained at our
exM?nse and that she is to reap more
advantages than harm when our uew
revenue system is to be iuforced.
To this the Chronicle remarks; "If
the Standard really ladleves this,
what In the world is it fussing about?
If England is satisfied, there is every
reason for keeping quiet. In the
meantime it may not he amiss to
suggot to the Standard th it its pre
diction that we shall he nfllic'cd with
further deficits, gold shipu.L.its and
a fatiguing succession of strikes and
panics does not convey tlie idea of
good natured acceplatice of n Is-nefil,
but Indicate extreme disruntle
ment. It also betrayes Ignorance of
facts. Ther never was a tUflcit
while we had good, stiff protective
tariff, that experience came under the
Wilson-Gorman free trade bill. When
protection flourished our complaint
was plethora of money in the treas
ury. Mr. Cleveland usea to can it a
"dangerous surplus." Gold ship
ments were common enough during
the protection era, but they bothered
nobody. It was only when we were
flooded with English goods that had
to be paid for with gold that such
shipment caused trouble."
Repairing go to
Main Street, Hillsfcoro.
fera'nl M'N ar inviifl no to ! ir.lay
no n J u T M 1 1 ' t'irti h i .V '-'-.
l'Wt lir -.-i. ni i'i i ' Mm H 'i in 11 -
boro. Vvit must isu rat of
vrvfn timber an 1 -na-t ! ..iinl,
W. ii. 13RADORI
8'ierilT nf Waaliin.Kin lu. h'ala nt Or
(in. l'l
Treirer"j ttlce.
a I I'unn , vt airali a en.l r
to Ds-. 1. Ktt. irj no cmp-iim I- "I
th ,'ftW of iliCriint tn-aauri-r. In t"
.!T ! Hil tb r C i'i. IT l Wa-l.int .n
and lnt-fst a nt ili noif ilur
An, to.
L 4 Hi 11-boro, Or nn.li'.iS d'T
orju.jrUt7. A. H. r.l. Y,
Coo tr Traarr.
DoSaIm Powder
Si. I.
"s. orrM. mil from SioMtntrttl. Ym-
I lul. toaniy, iir''on : la srs u arcsl
4il .irrtu m!iy(1 . tt'l vfdi-u ; bai.au vmsv
i-iis-j. tl i itiousaeil brsrim trail trM.
AU iHin-ed, lunninc ur Ao A it&'xi Mr-
...n ol fa. i rivr b'UIoin land. Huidv
la m-Iiu:, cbureli uii MMt.)itif, IJrirap
ti. Usv 1J l.Mra. Tloa la ullomii vwrf CUra,
fur rab nr ou.l trmd for aoai roisl
luiiii,n. bait.ry aud ewntwitioDary l. w-
I f.T.-vi.
il l. a I ol tlna la itpntiln br-
'5', it-;! ii; i,:..i:iiii Hil iU,.UU0- I
,frfi l.mi IS idI'm frutn Hu.
lor... SO arie brusli lanJ. av
... rv ; bai.n'i axMsl nuitMr; no lApra
i.i n;,. lru HJ6H, uruia.
So. 4.
QOA sr in ilirn Cv Uron. .1
O'wu' uiima irum l,rx.bion. ttiO ai rr.
in i j .tumion; uou, oarn aal a.l sniHb
ta.nu, to ini.lv tor Wiilauiaii V allay l.-roi.
5s, 6.
1 acri'a, rich d tmootb faroilnn
lUU lauil io lli ''ii. bend" country.
Kasi. ra Waah., no imirovinnu; totraaa.
lor H.ilsuoro Proutrit.
-t f cri just out. Ida city limit ; about 7
1 VJ iirres ut thia it lilgti vrouiiil, tin foi
iimi'linx aiKbt and Hi baa I of Irult land.
Saoro beaT-rilMiii. A tin littl ttiwam
runa acroaa on cornt-r, ld by nnmarom
snriuKa a ime of which ara on tbia tract.
Nona of tbia is yet la cultivation, bat la al.
aiashed and iiil atao fncod. Tni.
could 1 1 mnd a inoUal aaburbaa horur.
Tbis coata tli owuxr allrea.ly In cah,(noi
counllnK tn clenrii'K of it), about fl4U).0l.1
but I aiu authorlMiil, Inr abort tltu, Ii
al it (or ery much iaa.
Ji. 7.
) nnuLon balf acroa of land la haart of
J lililaborv. Ail plana I. Tbia la a raal
a. ap.
.la. 8.
trrn, all lenrcl, alaabad and awdad.
0 Fin Hiildiiitf IkIh, would malt food
lioma . Vary cbrau and on taay tfrina
f and one-half acre, insida city liniita, a
O lair house, good bearing orchard ol
about 15U triH i, aprinua, tc. Tbia would
iw a eond an for a creamery, bain, cloa
lo railroad truck. I have a lurpria lor
vu In ill pric ol ihla propel ty. It you
are lookinii lor a real aoll "anap," tben
ilon'l fail to iDVcatiiiat thia.
So. 10.
'p.i lota in Onter of Hillaborooa whioh
I ar a wall lini-hed 8 room houa barn
a d oilier out l.ulldiniia. Fruit traea and
shrubery. Very deaircabl property and
w ar Koina to let a im on bare tor
about halt tta actual rnlu. (630 takaa It,
No. 11.
Vnlre and profitable bualntaa for aal.
In K"od town. Invoices about $1100.
Part caah, ballunc lini.
No. 11
room house, in Hillaboro, In trood re
pair. 4 blocki from buaineva eeater.
( tctrio liKht and water mainra on thu
aircat) on lam lot ail planted to Irult
aud anruubvry. Uarn ana oiner outuuua
inga. Wi'l aeil on aay pay want.
So. 18.
Will trnde th triur t'acia laat abo.adea
nrlbed lor a nood uaprovrd tarm In
the Willamette Valiry,
Xo. 14.
ood 4 room house, good woodahead,
I I... . n II , , ..... fr.. .... P. in
tt'U.OO, 1100.00 eaah. Ballanca on time.
0. 1&.
IF you wlah to Into a good, aubataa
tiAt buatnesa In a ao..d town tn lb
Willnmeti Valler, then don't tall to in-
1 - . V. . .T .... Mnl.a nt
about tV O0 worth nt hardware, tin war,
loola, griwern-a, proviaiona, dec., and ia
just tb p.ac slirr i.n could probtnbl
mid a lull line ol implement ana term
innrhinery, a there ia nothing of tb kin. I
iu tne t wu. Will tell on eaar peyminia,
or noirht conaulir a trade for a good, im
proved Urm ia the Willamette Valley.
The above i only a partial liat of prop
erty I have on n.y booka.
Hbouid you tun to una wnat you want,
writ me or call, and you w ll vr likely
lind what you want. F. M. H El DEL,
illilaboro, Oregon.
Hata ol Oregon, toi Waahingujn
l inn iv.
J E. Sh.iwera, Plaintiff,
B. U Orifflfi. J.nn Or ffla. M L.
O iil.n, Joh i Ifr.tnn, Tbeador
Orlt&n. Miry ri.'l.l. A I'll link.
Elian W. Lilian aa l Daiay Ar.
noil, Deiandanta.
To J hn Oriilln, Tbeador Orittln and
Ma-y F old, ab ive nan.ed delendanta.
In the name 01 be 8tate ot Oregon, you
and each ol vou are h rely required tu a
pear and amwer tbe romplai t II ed
: guinat you in l be attov entitled 0"Url
and . l on or ttef.jr th lint day ol th
t m ol aai 1 0 ur neit foi. owing tb ex
t nation ol z week pub.icaooa af tbia
.Sui,mi,.n, wlnrii ilar l.l be th fo I dr
of S irr-nl-r, lsi7, and if you fad a., to ap
pear and anw-r ani I com plaint, tor want
thereof the Plaintuf will lake Jieiement
and decree atrain.t you for b ama $0.i
ttu inter-at ihereoo Irom tu It u dar ol
February Itei at the ruaof IU p--r een..
per enn'im and lor th uro ol i-kuiXi at
ornev'a bern, an I th cos. aai
disliiiramenu ol tbia auil and for th tor
eioaure ot that certain no r ga. on tbe
r il pro.erty ecnb-d being part ol
1 1 U. U 01 of John Ha I an Jan Unit
bia ait, aud more parncu a'-iy dcrind
as follows, t.-ar i t : B ximiiiig at a poiat
on the aoutb boun iarv line oi aHid U. L.
C. diatani aoulu "0 iV 12.73 chain,
from tn eoutu west irorner ol said .a:m,
and running ihane aoata 89 1 ' nn
tu eouib hoan lsrv line of .aid eiaira IS
chain to a i- nein t if center of tb roel,
tunr north XY aat 3'bai a to
poet ti anc aor b S.P tb' W inju iba lo a
CO t, i banc outn 4UI chaina lo th ptc
of b mining eontaifilug bve aere ol land
more or leaa. the asi l pr .party beti g In
tne c-iuniy of Wsabma oit, Siate of O e
aon which aid mor'ga.e iara date Feb
rusry 14tn Ism aad air, ilng the eel el
tli' a dm ri g gsl prop rty a id Hit ap.
pl.rat.onof th' p-ieela thereof to tuo
psyiueatol aaid judgment, interval and
atl.j :-e a te and iwl
feriic . ( lam.noai in tbia ull la aaxie
ttisin y.,u b p'lb.iva l'.n pursuant to
order tner, for ill f tnide by the auove
entil ed court on Ins JH-tt day of Jaiy
Att-.rne lav p aini.d.
Dated II lUaoro Ja y l'7. lo-U
, , j, a jell .,'l m-T
GO TO TIXKe- :: v.
rt-i'if ."ia vr; irr
... .. ' ".-lft l-;!cw".'t ft .'. g .t-g-e
t ' . ;L. ,;.. .r, , ,i''
Where you vtll Hiid Hie Yct Teams that cau bp Iiail
, . i ,t' "il sj l-i. t' J j ; all" a
l niLLsnono. " -
'-'I I' l-T "e.a'-'i' l"e ,; H'.l4 I
' a 3M". el i,l .!:: -ij OH. f
., . . " r'" v n ! - : ... ;
" e , ti m r ' ' of J t . ' l" , I
.., . , - - ! i t:i
-: .r ' Hi:t .,;l,-
Good Teams (Jootl KuIex ami ttood Drivr..
... ' .'-iiU. -M-i I"
Second and
All gilt-eil;eil
kct by creatuciies is wrapped in paper i .
Tbe product of the private daily would
reach its market in much bettei condi-
. tion if wrapped in Butter Parchment
than it dues when wrapped in cloth.
Parchment is not only better than cloth,
but cheaper.
. Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard, from
which 27 sheets cau be cut 37 Parch
ment wrappers cost 3 cents.
500 Sheets, 8x1 1,
500 Sheets. 8x13,
The standard ize for a-pouud rolls is
8xii inches; 2-pound block are
wrapped in the 8x13 size.
One reason why paper has uot been'
generally used beretoiore, farmers
could not get it at the general store
It is now kept at the Independent of
fice cut to any size wanted.
Pnhp.nh Mp.Hirinp.s
i.:f r c
nnicius, ruuuiiiKiy,
' to Quality and Accuracy in Dispensing.
dex'iee and order of aule, lanued out
01 the Circuit Court ui the mate ot Oregon
fur Waablngtun Cuiinly in fnvnr ul lirai A
Wood and aif .ln-1 W ii Kucker el hi lor
lb auin ol 118 80 cual. and lor I lie lurtlier
earn of (1.210 U. B. K"ld ruin, witb inter
est Ibereou at lue fnle ol lu per cnt per
anuumlrumtnaiu.il any 01 July, wi.
and for tbe emu and expeuaea ul aie
and of aaid wru:
Now. tburetoro by virtue and in pursu
ance of aaid jii'lvuieiil decree and or li-r uf
aale. 1 will, un Monday, tlie trl day of
Auguat 17. al me a un b duor t I lie t i un
Uuu-e. lu rii.iati'.r.i, Witsbiuirioii county.
Oreirou, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m,, ol
aaid day, Mil at punuc i.uctmn to tu n.(rn
t bidder fo rau, lb tulioiii$-d'crib-ed
real iroerty town:
Bains all ol the ereat one-qunrtrr of a I
ami each ot Iota outuuere I am and aeveu
in hluck numbered one. of and In tne.oan
of Hulaboro all aiiuate iu V aabiniiton
County, Slate ol Oreu.m, to aaliaiy
tbe hareiniiefora named nuius.
an . for tb coal and iiiiii of aaid
Ha d property will be auld aulijett to re
demption aa per alatule ol On n.
wlloea my nana una ziid uay ol JUiy
W. V. BKAUrOllU,
Blieriff of Waahinrflun Couoty, tfreenn.
t 13
& B Huaton,
Attorney lor piaintm.
Ststa ol Oregon, lor Maabingion
In ihe matter of the estate
of rtioniHa i Kiei dec.aed
roJeeaiel'. iarofia. a ni nor, l Par-
anns, br faihar and H, H. Humphreys,
guar lian a-ntern of a.wi Jeaa C. i'.ira.dia
ami to ail peraona In eresteil in sanl e tate
Y'ou are hereby c.ie l nnd r. nulred loai.-
re.-ir In th Coniitv Court nf uiv rjtaie ol
Oregon, lor ttie County of Washington at
tne f otirl KiKim tnereoi, at tuna oro, in
the Onunty of Waabmet n on M-mdnv,
in VAh day ty Aueu-t, JrV7 at 10 .'elm k in
in lorenisiii ol .uat a y, men ani mere
tnahoiv raua if any eia , why an order
ol aai ol the following described real pro
perty, situat in n ui.inirion County Ore
gon, and i acriocd aa follow .uait:
Beainaing t a point nirn t. anUiM)
cbafrom the N W ro-m-r .f the donation
landciaim of io-hu Ilick-nn and aiie in
aeoikon II, T I H K i W M W I an.eite M-r-
bitan, and raiinmg tliet oe ifv 41 K 4 14
eha la the renter of ttie l.oun-y rovi.
thence JI IF 11 h. In aaid center ot i.ouniy
road II eha then.-e N r 42' K In d cen
ter t 9u eh to a pot : Inrni e H" K
.IS ch to .eriion lli.e letaeen n u .n-
U 14 T 1 H K 4 W, ttieoee 8 on -aid -eriion
line Mb rha ll.en. e n 74U" 4 UK
b to center of right of way 01 0-- -". i A
California rai.ro., thence r 21' 4i' W ia
aaia center H.li7rhe 'henre W to the el
line of Joanna Ihrk o- a donat on land
claim tbea N 23 '' W on said east I ne
to lb place ol hejnmi'ig 'at ti.n nt fit It
acre uf land .nor or ie-. .hon.d not tie
ml aa t ravesJ tur In t n- it iion of O.
W. Reed adioinistraior ol the estate of;
ThomaaJ Keed deceased bled herein. I
WlINk.rU. the Hon. 11. V C-.r lelius 1
Jdf 'het einlr art of the Cia e of
Oregon. C anlv ul W 1..111. toa witn l.'i"
heal aaid (V,nrt atfite I thia 14tb day of .
aly, A. if. 17.
A 11. at: 1. a. imi.fw. 1
Ut iHaai.) C.rk
Ifl 411 I til
Wanhlntfton 8t.
.' .t-slll
-I .
rv .l
Jr. I--
eiiiill I
i t I A'
butter put oa thfl ijaarj
55 cts
60 cts
Chp.mipnla Pinp. Trilp
r . 1 r I,r
in urtsat. vuneiij.
Beware af Ointments for Catarrh that
I'antaln Jferrnrj,
Aa mercury will aurely destroy tha aena
ol amell and aoinpletely derange tha
whole ayairni alien entering it tbronKb
the niuioua aurfaee. Such ariici
should never be used eicept on preaenp
tlona Irom retilltahie physicieiia, aa the
lauiHge tuey il do I. ten loJd o tha
irood you can Haibly derive from them.
Hail 'a Catarrh Cure, manufacturrd by F.
i. Cheney A Co., Toleilo, O., contain no
iinriurv, and ia laken Internnliv, acl ng
directly upon the blood and inuc u- aur
fBis'a ol the avaiein. In l uying Htn'i
Catarrh Cure be aure you get the genuine.
It la Inken Internally, and ma.le in Toleilo,
Ohio, by F. J. Chemiy A Co. Tealiiuoniala
Hold bv Drovgiat. pric 76c. per botli.
Haifa Family Filla ara tn beat.
Ih Your Huslness Dull?
Tlien thia ia the time to improve
it. Don't wait nntil 'VimethinK
turn tip," but turn it up yourat-lt.
Hi-memlier Una tlie purismi; of
advertiiring ia to tiring tuiHinea
Tha wiaei tuieinesa nmn m ill nlver
tiea aa much if not mure in dull
fs'ueoiia aa in busy atiiHons.
A it'fl and time-lionrer way
of ad vert in in f in thronirli tlie
liiLi.aaoHo Inukpr.aDkXT. Wiieth
er you want to get out nonietliiriff
neat to aen'l throtiirli the muila or
aotnetiiing chwip to throw around,
come and atse ul.
If You AVcrc He
Yea, if yon were tlie creditor
and saw the men liant aitting
idly in bin ahop aixtimulatina
more dtiat, cobwetia and out-of-etyle
g'sla than caah. vou woul'l
prrjllly fel like a kin?, Why
don't you
Wake Up
use the advertising column ot
the HiLbanoao Iabkrr.itifE!T
and eirliane ronr etork for
legal tender What aay you.
ICiisti Work
i a prohlem in nrt job otTtr.eJ.
Not eo with the HiLmrK.ao I
(.iPEKDairT I'rintery. W hay
a large force id men at work all
the time ahd ran rurh" a jolV
for you without any troul lej
When you want work dona
quickly give the liitLtnoao III '
ucraauaaT Job Otlica a trial.