HILLSBORO IXDEPEMJca 1 FKIDAY, JULY '2-1, IS07. LOCAL AND GliXKRAL. Consult ilb Dr. r.n n U t (it-Dial work. Qht your ihiiiIiuk twine" ot fck-lml-merit-h A Hurt. " Minify to until in xtim ti nun. JtMiim 1-2 SiiulK liul., HiiUlxin, On-gnii. Hchuliiif rit-n A J in )lx)rn machines. St- ir iii if you waul a liimlt-r Call on Huuijilifvyii for liarn on gtjtjil ruvrly, atxo luniM to rvnt ami Ilnyf, the j.-Wvl', makes a xjntial ty ol Hi e Mini ii iniiiii-Hi l wati-li ri . louring-. Fur otic iiki r uprilil inn, allium! new. Ki;ijuir ut C il. Kuch'e onHt Market, llilinlmro. Mb Merile llid.trts, of JlttrM urg Linn c im y Ih vi-itmif her uuc-le, Mr, Luke Sewart, or tin city. I want to rent a t wo-wmIiiI hxck, two horxe ami harness fur three Uio. iiin. Aiirena (iv-v.) k."A.Holil-rid-e, llillitHiro. Dr. C.'ll. llro n will I in Hiilx lioro altout llm I -''li hint. Tlitee wll'.li'K Urxl cihxxiIi Mai work hIiouIiI tall ai early as niis-iiile. Tho 8. 1. Co. havt on sal roiiiid trip tii-kMn from Hillxhorn to Ya iiinim irooii for return till Oiioler 10t ti. Tiih .rii in tu.HO. The first leoorttfl wheel ylelil of the 18U7 harvest is that of Frjar'a in Yamhill Couuly" lliat weaxureti a5 buxhels ier ar from the machine. The Wumcu a lu t Chi of Fill wl Umve entertained the Hill-burn W. H. C. and (Jen. lUiiioui lit at dinner yesterday. All tlie vereruos with their wives were out of town. Mr. Jfne Ltinikin is in Portland thin week an a delegate to the (Jrxnd Lmlite, A. O. U. W. Ilia wife is a ilelexnie to the Di'tfrew of Honor, A. O. IT. W. which I tili in sen alou. There la a waxns' neat under the eil(ri) of the aide wiilk on Meridian direct beyond the rt. P. Co'a. track. Frequentern of that part of town can know the lae.i when Ihey ntamuovcr it and tarry a moment. Clearance Sale Bryan-Li Idlaw Co. Caxli Wore commenclnir Monday. Look out for harifitiiiH, everything reduced, must have money, conic early and (fel your iim:iianeH before atock la broken. Thexe giKMln iuut k- Coniilaiiit Is made Ihat someo the saw iiiilUofthecoiinly are nliowiiiif Hawduat to tt't Into Ihe streams. There ia a aevere penalty altuijied to nuc-h netfliifi'iice and null men will do well to turn the dust onto dry land. v . On and after May 27th the steam ers of the O. U.-A. N. Co. which leaven Port la nil for Hun Franclaco every Ave days will carry paxsentrera for I0 eaMu and 15 steerage. J. I. Knight Hillahoro couiinunicatea the particular. - VVni. Mohr inakea Iwiots at hia shi.p on Second street, lliilalairo, for ii.60 a?r pair, sewed shoe for and (five apeclal attention to repair ing. He uaea only Aral-grade tock which euahlea him to guarantee hia work. lie-u 41 if El. N-lit-iltVilin lh ti'iitii pi..jtx.-lor who died alone at iiU cahiii wuoe miintha au waf ad mitted to profile io tld county on VVediieluy lrnit. He beiiea.lh io hin wif- nil hit peraoual aud real inierty In Aleniada and Santa CU' ' cnuiKion. Califoruia, alno 15 one- thousand dollar Uulvernity of Ariio na lain'l and all other properties which (ieceaaed owued at the time of hin demo ix rnonai or real wherever -iiuiO-l. To hia brother Jay L. Sell' ilf iliu ax tru-t-e he jrnve f 15,000 1UiIiMh pfc Innurin -e p. ili -y and cue iiMney f r U. S. txin0, (uit pecilniK) iu hamla of J hn Sprk- hank, Jr. Thir; to pay debts, balance (fo tbln wife Mary t.. lie had no children but ahould any one at hin own exix-ime. atablUh to he naiiHlHCtioii of hin exeutor to tw child of hin, then to each auch he willed $."xl. Thi pirar.iph din-c-linij where h!a iua ; J.. .(.!! tlnirieil in in O.erte wurib: "It in my winh if i.iivi iii-nt, to be burbil in the (far!) f a proxiector, my old pick and can teen with me, on top of the irranite hilia alajut three imlea wenterly from the cliy of Tomiintoije, Arizona, and a monument auch aa proMpectora build when liM-a'linr a mininir claim, built over my Krave, nud no other monument or .ti.l-h ere!''., -AtJiJ none of my Iricidn wear crepe. Un der no circunmldiicen do 1 want to Iim iiriei t: any ;t:i t. ry t,t vj- Vxrd." He app tinted hin wife, Mary h. Schln'iliu and hin brother, C. L Scin-iffe lin to H-rve anexm utora with ool Ixiudn. Hia wife declines I rvc. The property of lheealate i Ih in county eonainta of 65'l acres of laud near Ceiilerviile, and personal proia-riy, t'ie whole valutnl at about J.0,Oi)U. t'lU'RT HOl'HK Xr. PROBATE IWCBT. Estate Chan. T Seep, deed. Semi annual report filed and name approv. led. Con- EsUte Wilson Bowlby, deel tinued to Auif 4th. Estate U 11 Hiddink, deed. . Will proven In open court and the eatate admitted to prolaite under such will. Jane li Hiddink appointed executrix to Nerve without bonds. Toe ap praiser are A A Button Arthur Knox aud C J Mendenhall. Estate Martiu Maiming, deoeaaed. Letters of Anton Pfanner revokeil and J W Shute appointed iu his Rttatu Wro J Vh?f, di cd. John J Kur.itli appoiuted mliniiiintrator with iHiodn tixed at ti'm. EstalH Chris Htoller, Insane.. Or dered liial the property ol n I estate he sold at private sale and that the truardiau make report to the Court within four mouths from the date of order. Estate Ed L Schciff-lln deceased. Will d detsHxei ailmittis to prolaite, C L 8 heiffelin apixiiiiied executor to nerve without txiudn. The apprala mare Srtio'l M xiii, Anion Mi-Cordy auil Vin-l ' r'-va C'r.' riKITIT OHJKT. The pastor of the Congregational chuch wid prencli next Sunday at 1 a. in. from the text Luke x:.'J7 th theme being "the highway of lit'eanti Ihe altitude of the church:" iu the evening the subject will lie "are Ih emotions alone safe aud niittli'ieni guides in lilt?" The other aer vices will lie held at Ihe unual place and h-iur. J. F. S -hiK-h hascomuu ni-ed a fort clonureault againnt Anton l'laiincr S. Hughes A A lliiiman, assignee an I Claim J.-nie to recovt r -la7 33 xecured by miirlgage ou laud in sec tion 119 T 2 N It 3 W. Jeahie is iu clilihd among the defendanla for tin reason lie holds a bond for a deed to a portion of the mortgaged laud. Mrs. J. W. Klar and Mrs. Oco. Seward t f Hil siairo Montgomery couuly. III., are guests at L. W WimmI's. Mm. Klar is the daughter of Mr. Wood's sister and Mm. Se ward is a near neighbor. The ladiei- attended the C. K. Convention in San Francimti ant. speak highly of their entertainment on this coast. Fred Vcrhauwhede and Mrs. Hat tie Lvle charged with adultery wen arretted yesterday and taken before J. P. 1 licks. The examination was set lor tomorrow Saturday, Verbau- whude enve honils and is out. The woman went to Jnil. This haa beeu thistle week. Every where wilting .thistles are to be seen, yet there are more that should be cut. Now la a gixxJ time to lay them low since he seeds are not grown, yet the plant ia so far matured that it Will not sprout again this year. Union scrvicea of the Christian churches of Farmlngton, llillshoro and Fori-st Orove churches will be held at Ihe Ulll-boro church on next Sunday. There will be three meet ings, aim at 11 o'clock a. in. another st 2:30 o'clock p. in. and tlie third at p. m. ' The Shanta Special train that has been running between Portland and Han Francisco every live days, has been taken off but the low rales of I0 and $5 applies to the daily trains between those cl les. The trains leaves Portlund every eveninini; at li o'clock. Why suffer with coughs, colds and la grippe when Laxative Bromo Qui nine will cure you In one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head like sulphate of quinine. Put up In tablets convenient for taking. Guar anties! to cure or money refunded. Price 25 rts. For sale by the 1MU. The county court is debating the question of building a county J dl. The jiidgn and coiipnisaoiiern will go to Yamhill county on luesdiy next to see Hie Yamhill J dl. The court has two n ans, one to build a Jail and tho nthpr io combine th prison and m. Illnrs resilience, is much needed, and something will probably Isj done this season. Jan. Lamkiu made quicK work on the nsil of the Craud.ti block. Single handod he put on the tin in two and a half (lavs. In the lob there was nearlv four thousand square feet One hundred Hounds of solder was used. (leo. It. Hagley, of the law Arm ol Biigley A Brown lis. resigned the di'puiy district attorneyship. 'A. T. Bagley has Ixs-n apKinted iu hit stead. II. T. Bigley's ollk-e is risnu 13 Morgan-B it ley Olock. John Mi Nainsira and Mrs. Hattie Lyleare under arrest charged with adultery. The examination will oc cur this forenoon in Justice Smiths ii urt. The parties wait in Jail uutill that time arrives. Shiloh's Consuiiiptiou Cure cures when others fail. It ia the leading Cough Cure, and no home should ta wltliotit it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. SoUl by Hills tairo Pharmacy. For Constipation take Karl's Clover It sit Tea. theirreat BUsH Purifter. cures jleiidHche, Nervousness, Erup tions on the fiiw, aud makes llieneau clear as a liell. Sold by ttillstsiro Pharmac. Hurl's Clover Itst Tea, for Con- stina ion. It's the Best and If alter u-ing It you don't say so, return the package and get your money. Hold by Hillsboro Pharmacy. We are now offering at the Phar macy for the next 30 days all drug gists sundries, brushes, sjsniges, bosim, periumes and toilet articles at greatly reduced rat s. Catarrh Cured. A clear head and nw.'et breath secured with Shiloh's Catarrh Kemeily, sold on a guaran tee. Nasal Injector free. Sold by Hiilsla.ro pharmacy. Why let hop lice aud other ?wts de-troy your pnsltict w hen you can get tlie genuine Whale Oil soap ai the Hillsboro Pharmacy, warranted to give satisfaction. There are a great many w atchmak ers who can repair a watch properly, hut don't lafauso it takes consider able time to do It thoroughly. There are many others who can't do it right no matter how hard they try, and one doe tle watch about as much gtxxl as the other. There Is still another class(aiid lloyt, the Jew i..p urunts von to set him in this class) who know how and do work conclentiously. lion. W. X. Birrett and fuinllj Anew s'ructure'g arteil yesterday for a camp ground on Neliirts Biy. in rome ibr I i o by Shi rnUn aud Grande Hound Yamhill county the The contract for repairing Tuals-tin bridge was let to J. W. Gissllu for ;:( the contractor to give a ram i for tdAOtl. The bond has reeii tiled and npproveil. Ht'p h' cough I Take warning. It may lead to coi sumption. A 2.V tsittle of Shiloh's Cure may ave your life. "Sold by Hillsboro Phar macy. II Wehruug and family went to Thousands of Chrlsllai.En,l.sivorers'Ya,,tiinna Bay last S.tunlay where . . u uill niM-ii'l lhilllllllK'r. are Still lintltieg innran v.-. ."" The tasiole of AHihu.V hae had jss' ial oprtunltiv, for exhibiting hoe nihility. A eoii'ity exhibit of fruits and pralu. ts Is maintained at the station when- trains stop for dinner. Besides small baskets if fruits and hunches of fl ers are frc. ly distri butisl to pa-eeiigcm who curry them along with pleasant memories. The board oi director- this week paid the Interest and M on the principal of the note against the dis trict held at the tN.nk. There is some delinquent lax to come in e which wbl enable the board o pay the re mainlngllOO. That done and the ii terest account i prtimsi enough to buy chalk. There is about .im0 dollars of interest f.on I tie Irrt-lnc blewhis.1 rund that should beh. re this time have been .(portli m il. 1 hi Vill help District No. 7 to M me Bryan A d n had a beautiful win dow this week. The exhibit of groceries was well inid. Fine rssors, pix ket knives, scissors at the Pharmacy cheap for cah large stock to select from. The J iniomof the Chn-tian church will seive is caeaiil at Ihe ban I cei. C rt, on Saturday eve. B.-st quality uenuiiie imported aud e. m-stic cutlery Just arrived at the Aili"lsro Phsrmacv.i Ths brick woik on toe Schubner ih hui'dinir w ill is- isinipb ted to tnorr iw or Monday. for Si bulmerlch A Sou are agents fxtnts ontMsirne machines. Sheriff Bradford wants 50 cords of fir wood. " hia call. 7iie July ienu of ihe cin uit court conveiii d on Monday list, present Judge McBride, District Attorney Cleeton, Clerk J. A. !mbii by J. W. Morgan and W. D. Bradford nlieiitT. J. li. Stanley was appointed bailiff. Curl WintZ'ngerode v John Long Dismissed for want of prosecution. Kate Bruggcr v J C Hare el al. Plaintiff allowed 15 days In which to amend complaint. M A Danks v F J Williams con stable. Defendant allowed 40 days iu which to tile hill of exceptions. Firxt National Bank of Hillsboro v Aniauila Hbermau, - continued for the term. Peter Wkandr v Philip Grim et ux. Injunction modified so as to allow defendenht to cut auch wish! as he may need. II M Timiiils v Leaner Gray. Fore closure sale continued. Peter Nelson v Elizata-th J Conk lin et al. Decree of foreclosure allowed. McArthur v Farnhatn. Sale of realty conflnued. Anton Planner v E Abbott. Set tled and dismissed. Kirst National bank of Hdlshorn v CECIin. Juilgmen1 for plaintiff by default for tlh attorneys fee. Cuene v vv Porter. Judgtueut for plaintiff on stipulation. Amanda Bennett v Am re Bennett suit for . divorce. Default entered and referred toC E Kuiiyou to take and report testiuiony. Schoin-lil v Moola-ry. JudgmeDt for plaintiff by default. Louisa J Smith v Jim Klineinau. Judgment for plaintiff by default. W W I'unliii v Jan Steel adtn. Leave granted to tile an umeuded complaint. Elizabeth C Mills v Eugene D White foreclosure sale continued. State v Valentine Bauer. D smis- sed by consent of the District Attor ney. Carrol Jameson v II E Maiming et al. Foreclosure sale confirmed. G Kirkwixxl iWU Vail. Sale con firmed. Kenyon Cran Jail vC II DcLaney. Sale cnnlitned. Mary E Birdsell v Leaner Gray. Sale continued. Fred Vol land v II Gunther. Judg ment for plaintiff on default. Ihos Dobson v Estate l ilden Beau. champ, deceased. Geo H Bagley ap IKiinted guardian ad litem for Byrens heirs. Scott v Young. Dismissed. S Hughs A Son v Turuer et al. Sale continued. Ewlng v Bunnell. Decree for fore closure on default. Mary A Walker v L V Walker. Decree for divorce and care of minor hildren. Charles A Cook v Amelia Co k. Suit for divorce, default entered and ase referred to C E Hunyon to take testimony. James M Smith v Alfred rUvM et 1. Demurrer over ruled and decree allowed as prayed lor, ond f 150 attor ney fee. Grai-e A Wood v W II Itu "k-r et al decree of foreclosure allowed. Alary A Barrett v John Scideic. J M Wall appointed guardian ad-lit- em. Mitchell, Lewis A Slaver Co v Scheiffelin. Judgement for Plaintiff by default. Liconard v Yost. Slier Iff to execute deed. A M Hlatt v A O Cox et at. Order tor Sheriffs deed. P L Willis Portland Pre-sed Brick Co. Sale conflrtned. DeLashment v Browne et al. De murrer overruled and defendant Brune allowed 30 days to answer. Hillsboro Light and Water Co. v J Tamelsie. Coinmin-don Issued to ohn A Cook, Clerk of Circuit Court of Cook County III., to fade deposi tion of EC Hughes ami transmit same to this Court. J K Hazeltlne v Bellingher A Kancs. Judgment by default for ilaiutiff aud attached property to be sold. Jas linger v A C Hall. Clerk ti-siiuiony submitted and cause sub mitted to the Court. Caroline Ifandleman v John Hau- lleman. liefault and decree for llvoree allowed M T Cox v Sarah S Knighton et al. L K Adams appointed guardian ad item. B sird of tand Commissioners v T Vincent et al. Decree of foreejos- utv allowed. Hatiah Lardner v Peter Hponuer. Foreclosure sale continued. J hn A-plnwall v Mather. Sale coiilirmed. Gove Xeckltx. Sale confirmed. Kate Brugger v J C Har et al de fault taken against Ellen L Jackson. tames of Robert Imbrie and Peter Orossen stricken from the complaint anl the case Is dismissed a to them. J F Dysle v Earnest Hentschel. Decree of foreclosure taken. Marion Brower v Geo W Brower. Cost remitted by order of th- Court. Jacob Brugger v I B Kverson. Foreclosure sale coiilirmed. Oregon Mortgage Co. Limited v D Merrill et al. Judgment by de fault for plaintiff Continental National hank of Bos- on v First National bank Htllshori. 'artie allowed 60 days to file briefs. Anna B Peterson v rranklin I eterson. D'fault entered and de cree for divorce taken. Portland Trust Co v A L Mclvod et al. Hi-fault an to McLeisI and MaiTum and judgment rendered for f:l,n)2 W and attorneys fee. Geo W Patterson F S McLeod. Foreclnre sale confirmed. Sarah C Miller v Julius M Miller, Default and decree for divorce. Moore, Ireland A Co V lienj West on trial. MAKRIAGK UrrSSK Licence to wed were Issued Jane 20th to Andrew D. Allen aged Z year and Esther Martin aged 27 years. ti E siiait REEr rBotPEfrn. Th isiard of lrad committee have examined several of its exierlioenlal siesr oeet plaots all of w hich show xp! lid growth, C. Bhe-e near Farntiiigton who planted Ihe French variety on pmrio land got a gixsl stand and baa Ihe narst fven growth of any yet visited; he haa bil lowed Prof. Nhiw's Inslruetiens -to a 1 -tti r and s.iy he is his-i.ig the su gar into them. Sample were brought iu by the isiinml tee from the plats of P. II. B iiiubiilxn, Frank Doughty J. W. Masters, Gmj. Billb'gs, F. M llidel and D M. C. (iault, for sise Gault, Tucker, and Billings have the arifext, for sugar test on natural soil Diughly, Bhese, Hid. l and Withy- isimtiHei-m to HCil III colillitlOJI ami .roppecta so far. There are liitmv other plHts not yet visited by Ihe coinmPlee some of which may :t'-c U tin siiuwiirg than Bby "yei seen. THE VT vora ran VMrrAt TIMS. The Winner of one of those $ too prizes got her yellow tickets in this way: I. By using the tea herself. 2. Ly asking some friends who use the tea to give her their tickets. 3. By inducing some? friends to try the tea and give her their tickets. One of her friends kept a boarding house, and sent her lets of tickets. Haven't you some friend who keeps a boarding house or a restaunint, or who has in fluence in some hospital or other public institution ? They need good tea there. Rule of contest in large advertisement about first and middle of the mouth. A A 77' x. r. HUDMa list or uuhm sow ux tdk Market. - S. I. 'rx. milra from UrM nvlll. Yam bill roUH'v. Orrg m: 13 i-r cieunel in er lHUei nil mn!1: bAi.anee asv fixinJ. Oiix itiuuMSil brrm (rail In An lncd, runninc ait rite. A ncsxt pr- ion 01 iuu i. r.Tor b Hioui iiaa, uiuay lo xctiool, cburon suit poxiodli', Cticap iiona anJ nam. I ni t uOeru Trrj cbran or man or 1M1I ira la Inr aome cvm im.lDMa. rlakx'Tatiil cwatM-lionarr rt- ixrru. 5. t. i l acr f luilaa from UilUboro, TV rric 11,100. it clean d. Se. S. l r. S buildiaga. I ' aim about 18 Bills from Hu., 1 jJ bom, it) acira Bratb land, aasr siaxnrn; buUuix rood linibvr; do tea prove raia. Prica (tiStJ; caav terma. IF YOU WANT TO HIRE A GOOD LIVERY TEAM OO TO THE 4 Cily Livery Stable Where you f find Hie Best Teams that ran be had IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS. Good Teams, Good Buggies and Good Drivers. 6cond and Washington 8t. A ii t-tf rn iMiiM'r ninkin the foi lowlnir aiialMii of tint vot in th Mi nxt4 on lhn n w ttiritf hill. It i nrohuhle that the vote on th con niittfva rept.rt will not ililf -r idh ti-rlaly from the vote M'iw Huimiixr IzHd: Tlilrty-ltrht votes were i-ast in th- Senate on Wednt-lny lor the Ding ley tariff bill and 28 vote were caul airbill! it. Sixteen Semtlors wete piired. Seven SenatorM, all of them ixiulintn or nilverlten, diil not vote, Actually, therefore, Ibe vole on thf InritT bill in the senate waa an follow on Wednesday : For 46 Aifaiust 36 Nut voting Vacancy 1 Total 0 Korty-lx i-i a ninjoriiy of the tn ate. Xlils It how tlie xtattn which HUpiiorte-l ami the atattm which op- atood Iu re al lust year' pitm-d tho tariff bill Hpcct to the total vote eli rt ion: For. Connecticut 174,3rK) Illinois I,00,8ti9 Iowa 521,547 Maine 118,693 Man-achusette 40l,6fi8 Michigan 544,492 Minnesola 811,637 Montana .' 53,217 New Hampshire 83,670 Ohio : 1,014,202 On-tron 97,337 Pen nsy I van ia ...1,19 6,255 Rhode Island 53,785 Vermont 63,828 Wyoming 2,8(!3 Total 5,774,343 Against. Alabama 195,427 Arkansas 149,897 Delaware 31,460 Florida 46,461 Georgia v. 163.061 Mississippi..... 60,667 Misaotyl 674,019 South Carolina ' 68,907 South Dakota 82,950 Tennessee :.. . 821.998 Texas 544,786 Utah 96,124 Virginia 294,664 Total 2,738,965 With Senator Murphy paired againut the bill, Senator Piatt cast the vote of the empire state lo Itu favor. With New York's vote added the stales supporting in the senate the tariff bill adopted on Wednesday represent a total vote of 7,820,000, against a total vote cast at last yrai's election of 2,700,000, in states record ed In opposition. Such In detail ia the analysis of the vote, and It Is to be added In addition that of the twenty-four senators having the longest terms to serve, seventeen were recorded in favor of the bill on Wednesday and ouly seven against it. IX OUTFIT fiK THE iLdSDIkE. CASTOR IA For Infant and Children. aaiia xn r- km Born, at Oleucue July, 21 to J. C, Bills and wife, rag, Born July 18th to Charles arable, aim wile, a nnuithter. Representative from Ihe Hillsboro and Forest Urove Christian Endeavor societies met at the Tualatin Plains Freshvtcrion church last Wednesday evening lo encourage the organiza tion of a Christian Endeavor sis-let ie there. A large number of pledges were taken which insures a strong S'M-lety at that church. Great enthu siasm was manifested. acrea in Sisrrow Co. Un-tun, I luuva ir.in L. onion. ItU a.raa in jilivation; boima, uarii suit ail iuona j-n-j, n us-ir f-r Vri..iu...t Vaiikjr Ixr'ni. Se. 5. I i'.fi cr". rich and amoolb larniin 1 JJ lamt la llix Hi banii ' eottn li'H waah., ininruvaiueuta; to irai lur ltilboro rrODitrjr. iiry, .raiia 5. . The following claims were allowed at the special session of the County rouri neitt last Saturday: T rt Todd. D B lteasoner.... T C Johnsiii II A Ruble D H Smith J P Tamelsie.... W T lUytner... F A Bailey J A Chapman... N S Nelson To'al 4 80 . 9 00 . 69 00 . 2 00 . 2 00 . 2 00 . 2 00 . 6 00 . 2 00 . 2 00 199 80 WHO'S AKKAIUI The ; assistant secretary of our American Navy has beeu recently telling not only the young men at our Naval Academy at Annapolis, hut through the newspapers all the nation of the world, that the Amer ican people proiose to enforce this loctrine. (Monroe doctrine.) How well prepared are we to en force It? There is probably no other large nation In the world so unprepared for war as we are at. the present time, with our two enormous sea-coast separated by a continent, ami in this condition it is a hum I red limes more foolish for us lo threaten other great nations infinitely stronger than we are In both military and naval pow er than It was for Greece to threaten Turkey. Geo. T. Angel, in Dumb Animals. Seeing that the transportation of the Christian Endeavorers across the continent the first week in July de monstrated that we can with our five railroad lines mass an army of 100,. 000 men on the Coast in 8 days when It will take Japan 30 days to bring an invading detachment of 20,000. there seems to be little occusiou for alarm. No necessity for tommenc lug to shake In our fusils now. - A urn Just otitalile oil 7 llmlta; about 7 1 V arrva of iln ia high ground, Una lur liuiiilinir ulirbt and Ilia beat of Iruit land. S acrva beavenlaiu. A Una little airram runa acroaa una corner, lad by numerous Mrinic aome of which are on thia tract. Nona of thu la yet In cultivation, bulla all aiailiail and eredad also fenced. Tub nould ba made a model suburban noma. I'hi. .'n. I - .... n.. - 1 1 u 1 I- -..I. ...... foaming tiia clearing of II), about fl4ou.00 nut 1 am authorise.!, lor a abort 1101a, lo sen 11 lor vary muon lesa. p HAVE YOU USED 1 1 BUTTER PARCHMENT? 1 Se. 7. Q and una half a.-ras o land In baart of U Hillsboro. AH plane 1. Tula ia a real snap. Se. 8. O Fine ' nilding .in hi, would make good Home . ry cuaap aim on easy terma Re. . W and onihalf srrs. Inslda lllv liniila i) lair tiouia, good hearing orchard of a mint 1SU tree, spriht-s, sic. Thia aouid na vikhI sua tor rrramery, be.nv close to railroad track. I have aurprlsa for you In ill price of this propeity. If you am longing for real soil "simp, than ion't fail to invexilgaie this. S: 10. rprn lotiin On tar of Hilliboro on -at Inch I era a aril !inthrd A room house barn a d otuer out buiulinsa. Fruit Ireee and sbrubrry. Very desirenbla properly and we are going to let aome one have lor about hall Ha actual Value. fWO takes it. K. 11. A nice and prolitnMe buslneaa for aula. In good toa n. Invoice shout $1100. fart cash, naiiance time. . All gilt-edged butter put on the mar ket by creatueiiea is wrapped in paper. The product of the private daily would reach its market in much bettei condi- . tion if wrapped in Butter Parchment than it does when wrapped iu cloth. Parchment is net only better than cloth, but cheaper. . Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard, from which 27 sheets can be cut 27 Parch ment wrappers cost 3 cents. 500 Sheets, 8x11, 500 Sheets. 8x13, 55 cts 60 cts The standard ?ize for 2-pouud rolls is 8xii inches; 2-pound blocks are wrapped in the 8x13 size. One reason w hy paper has not been generally used heretoiore, farmer could not get it at the general store It is now kept at the Independent of fice cut to any size wanted. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuiuuuumiuu THE DELTA DRUG STOKE MAIS HTKEET, HII.LHBOKO, OKKUOS ... G So. It Wait Dr. A. E Halter May. Buffalo, N. Y. U.'iit: From mv oersonal knowledge, gitned In oliserving the effect of your .Shiloh's Cure ih casee of advanced Coniuiup- tion, 1 am prepared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought lo my attention. It has certainly saved many from consumption. Sold by Hillstxiro Pharmacy. - Stlre mt KxerntrU. Miners who have returned from the Clontlyke furnished to the Seat lie Post-Intelligencer the list below as including supplies necessary for a man to take to the Yukon: Provisions Bacon, 200 pound?; flour, 8(H) pounds; corn meal, 200 pound."; rice 60 pounds; coffee, par- cliel, 75 xiiin'ls; tea, 40 pnuods sugar, 75 fiounilx; Ixtans, 150 ounds condensed milk, I ease; as-ortruent of evaixirated vegetables and meats. Clothing Twoeuits of corduroy; Ihree pairs rulilsr txxits, three pairs heavy shoes; two dogen heavy wisilen sis?ks, one-half dor.en heavy woolen ml Its," three pairs woolen gloves, three suits heasy underwear, two suits ma'-kinaw; two hats, four heavy wtHiteti shirts, one heavy coat, three pairs of heavy woolen blank ets. The outfit will cost about 1175.00. Tfrtii-port.it ion, via steamer, to Clon dyke, 1 1 10; or, via Juneau and Dyea, 110. If by the latter route, the car riiige from salt water to Like Lloiler man, a distance of 31 miles, say one and one-half Ion", at 15 cents per pound, f 150." IVwt at Luke Linder man ftXi; miscellaneous, &'. Total 1750. Omservntively, thst U a fair estl. mate of the reipiirment ol a m in who expects to remain in the Yukon! for 13 months. There are several In cidental exKnsea that might Ins In curred, or the amount of the sup plies uiiftht to curtailed to a alight ei taut. N THE COUNTY COURT, OF THE State ol Oregon, lor Washington County. In iba mailer of the stale of I U. H. Hldile k dxcensed.t NUriCE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT uii.ieraitfneil haa been tti ins sootc . til 1 11I O on arrio i.lrd axeruiril ol ibe slate of O. II. li diiink drcenard. K.i ix-rs .nahsi g naune skhI .-I ania .isn- eru bereliy nquired to nresent the "nirilu v V rillil t me oniirnnnro at home hi Hi X on Or. anthn a z months itnir hereof. Iiau-d Ju,y 19, X-91. JANEJ. HIDDINK. Executrix. K. J. Wrndxnhiill, Attorney lor rxecutrlx. W-l hi run vooi imyitki). of a., xd hi. I. are Invited an tn 8tunlay no-ilt Juiy 31 1 ft, lo lurnini jn cords, four loot II r smiJ, at na i .iuri noiim iu iiiii. boru. Wood must hae bren cet out green Umber an I mii-l he sou ml. W. i. lSKtDFOItl) B irriir of Wsshinioii Co. Smte ol Orr. go n. ' " THI MARKET. HHRTLA5D VjCOTATIO?rt. Wheal Walla Walla. 6T0t; Valley, Tl. Fiour best grade-, Ui -t I P" -f.aia arhiie. eiiolan. &&!: grry 37(T.'; Hay T moihy, fit 10 13 W; Clover. Ill fill to f 13 aO. BUTTER. EQ'iS. KiCLTRY. Kts, 14 per dotn. Cbickena old, M Ml to I ) per dotxn ; r..i..x.n. oniif. UHHt&: Turkeys. liie. HMtlt rent, per p.unil; Dncka ti X at t DO p-r doa a ; Uxexe ti WH pmt .1 m . Hn t- Fanry Oreamxry, xaei sin D.iiry,o4:l pr mil. VEOEfABI.K!. Potatoes nrhg.nkx. V. centa per sack ; m, 80 t. . The above quoUtlons are current la thallillsboro markeis. room house, in Hillsboro, in good re- oair. 4 blocka from hnsineaa eeater, (meetrie light and water mainee on Ibis alrexl) one large lot all planted to Iruit and shrubbery. Barn and other outbuild- inxs. Wi'i sail on easy pay menu. Re. IS. irill trade Ihe four tracts laat above dea lt cribed for a eood improved farm to. Wiilaiuetie Valley, Ke. 14. good woodahead, $200.00, 1100.00 eaali. Ball an oa on time. eood 4 room house. xV large lot in Hillahoro for sale. Price . 15. IF you wish to grt into a good, snbeten tiai businma In a gool low a In the Willamette V iilev. then don't tall to in- Vrsiignie thia. The alock eonaiau ot about f-IOUO worth of hardware, tinware, tools, groceries, provisions, Ac, and ia jiixt the place where one could prohtablv .nil a lull line Ol inipivmrni. anu wra nmchinery, as there la nolhiug of the kind in tue I wn. Will sell on eaay payments, or might conaldir a trade for a good, Im- proved larm ia the Willamette vauey. The elxre ia only partial Hal of prop- erw I have on my hooka. Should you fail to una woei you want, write me or call, and you will ver likely nnd what you want. F. M. HEIUEL, nuiaooro, vregon. Ih Your Business Dull? Then this is the time to improve it. Don't wait until "something turns op," but turn it np yourself. Kememlier this the purpose ol advertising is to bring business. The wise bunineas man will allver tiae aa much if not more in dull seasons as in busy seasons. A good ami time-honored way of advertising is through the Hillsboro 1 s dspesdbht. Wheth er you want to get out something neat to send through the mails or something cheap to throw around, come and see us. If You Were He Yes, if you were the creditor ami saw the merchant sitting idly in his shop accumulating more dust, cobwebs and out-of-atyle goods than cash, vou would prolstbly (eel like asking, Why don't you Wake Up uee the advertising columns of tlie Hills so ao IDrrDS!T and exchange your stork for legal tender? What say you. FOR J3 XZSeyy E. S. CLOCK and J E WE LH Y Repairing go to BOOTH. aaiftttro. UilUboro. Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Fine Toilet Articles, Perfumery, in Great Variety. PECIAL ATTENTION ' to Quality and Accuracy in Dispensing. TELEPHONE FROM STORE TO OFFICE. MHERIFF'M HAL IS BY VIRTUS OF AM EXECUTION, deciee and oriler of eaix, iaiued out i lha Circuit Court ol the Mate ot On-gon for Washington Ooiinly in lavorot lira, a A Wood aud ag'iinxt W it ttuuker et ais lor the sum of 118 8U coats, and lor lha turlher so in ol 11,210 (J. 8. gold coin, with inter est thereon at ib- late ol IU per cent per annum Irom the lU.b duy ol July, in'.tl, and for Ihe eoata and expeusea of sale and of aaid writ; Mow. tbereforu by virtue and In pursu ance im aaid judgment decree and or.ler ol sale, I will, on jionday, ihe &rd day ol Auguat lsvf, al the aun a.ior ol ma l...uri Hull i. iu Hiliaboro, Wanhinglon County, Oregon, at the hour ol 10 o'clock a. m., ot said day, aali al public u union tot lis high sat bidder fo cam, the Ibliowiiig-dt-scrib-ed real ro;e.-ty town: Being all of the west one-quarter of all aud each ol lots nuiooere.l six and erven In block numuered one, of aud in tne town ol Hillsboro ail ailuala in Washington County, Sale ol Oregon, to aalisly the hereinbefore named sums. an . for Ihe costs ana expenses oi eaia sale. .... Ha d property will be sold suojecl to re demption aa per statute ol Oreg n. Witness my nana in is im any oi juiy U7. W. J. PKAUIUKIl, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. H 13 i B. Huaton, Attorney lor piaintin. CITATIOX. IS Tl Bin THK COl NT Y COt'BT Or THK nte of Oregon, lor Washington County, In ihe matter of tlie ealate( of Thomsa i Heed deceased ro Jeasie C. far.ons, a minor, c rar- son., her father and 8. H. Humphrey. guardian nUitsmuf sanljeaaie V. rnrions and to all persons interested in said estate Oreetine: . IN THK MXI or lllri Dl A l fi ur OKEOO. You are herebv Cited and rxqutrwl to ap pear in the County Court of ma tit at of Oregon, for the Count v ol a.innaton at the Court Koom therxot, at Hills rn. In the County ol waamnst-n on .wonoay, tne loth day ol Augu-t, 1MU7 at 10..'clork in the loren.xin ol .hat d iy, then and there Lnahaw cause if anr e's . why an order ol aale ol Ihe following described real pro perly, situate in Wsslitngton county l rra- gon, na 1 scrlixu aa lonowa 'own: Beginning t a point 8 W 4V K and 1 ml eha from lae N W eornrr of the donation land e'.nim of jonhha I hen -on ana "lie in seetlon XI, T I tl R I W of Wiiiamxtte Mar- Milan, and running I lie nee vf tl' r. sit chain Ihe center of the Cnuniy rowt, thence S 22 U H m asm center ol i .ounty road II cha theme N 211 42' 8 in sa'd cen ter 6 Ass ens to a poet ; thence 71V K 9.1U rhs to .ectinn line between section L! A M T I B K 4 . thence o on sain e- lion line I.IM cha I hence rt 74 V, a. I V 2 cha to center of right of way oi Oweon A California raUroad, thence It 21" f W In said center lS.U7chs ihenre W to the so. I line of Joabua Dirk one donat on land claim thence 23 . W on aaid ra-t line lo the place ol neilnning rot tun ng nil acres of land more or lex, shoejld not be made aa praved hxr ia Ihe pet tion of O. W. Reed ailmlnlatrator ot the estate of Thomas J. Reed dxeeasrd, filed herein. Wl.NF.iH, the Hon. B. P. Or-ello-Initeaof ibe Coon tv Coart of Ihe Hiaie of wasron. O ante ol Wtemnirtna Willi the ea! e aaid Court silt xel this 14th day of Jeiy. A. K. ISB7. Atlewt: J. A. Iml.rte. ( U ' (.BeaL) Clerk. Beware efOlataieBts for t'atarra tliat CeaUla Sercarj, As niereury will surely destroy the sense of ameii and eoinpietely derange the whole system when enlerlne it through the mucoua surfaces. Burh articles xhouid n-ver be usi-dexnspt on prracrin lions from reputable physicians, aa the damage tney will do ix ten tmd io the irixxl you ran possioly derive Irom them. II ill's flttinrrh I'nre, ninniifiicttired by J. t beney A Co., Toiedo, O., contains no mcriury, and Is taken internallr, acting ill reel I y Uxin the biood and muc. u- sur-lac-a of the ayatem. In huying Hail's Caiiirrli Cure be sure you gel the genuine. It Is taken Internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.J. Chenny Co. Testimonials tree. Hold by flruggiste. price 76c. per bottle. Haifa Family fills are tne beau ArfeiMlatrter' Mule. Vol ICR 18 1.1 whereas ihxUuuniy Court ul HEREBY GIVEN THAT Wxxli. mirion bounty, Oregon, did on June 21, IS!7 duly make and eater an order auih oniing and directins me aa sdminiatraior of tne estate ot Walter H. I.yea 'trars-e l, lo sell the mil estate be.oneing in said estate at private .ale. Now, I heri tor notice fa tiered" given that Irom and slier July 20 187, I will proc-ail to sell at i rivntesi e the lo'lowine-Ix-crihed real estate lieinneinv to said estate, to-wlt: 1 hx nnriho.t ( i,i sei'linn .1ft. 1 1 n r 5 w, in Wxshtnirtoii 0 untv Oreiron. ant con- taming UN) acrea. t erms of sale, cash ia hand al the lime of sale. U. W, MARSH. Administrator of the eelale of Walter H. Lyon, deoeaaed. AdMlNistratrix. .tlre. Nor ICR IS HEHKHY OlVEV, THAT the oa lersi ne l waa aiipomUxl on tiirlSldnyof June, 17, hv ihe Honor able County Coorlol the Hints ol Ore son, for Washington Counte, administra tes ol the estate ot Peler kifidt,d'faeed aat has been diiy qtaalhed aa such. Alt persons navintf r.iaime agoinst sani esiare are hereby required to present the aame a nil proper vouchers in me al ajgv real dxuee al Klnton. Wlslilnrt m Cmntr Or n. or at Ihe -a ottt -e of C E, Kindt in ihe Commercial block rortiaml Irrrg.a ariih'n ax n onihs irom the naie hereof. Oaled at Hiiixbjro. Oregon this 23d day Junx ls!a FHEItK KriDT, Admini-trstrig ol tne evtaU ol Peter Kindt, deceased. C K. Kindt, attv f r estate. - DolraJntj EVrvw-cfev Aboltrtejr Pur.