Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, March 12, 1897, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1897.
All douieritictf at reduced price al
Sthuluierich A Son'.
Mr. Milne has a lot nf tare seed for
sale. Apply at hi mill.
A new line of parasol and um
brella at Hchulinerivh A Koin. -
Word comes from J. I. Knight that
he U worying his rheuwatim.
lrws trimming, lace and ein
broideries at Hehulmerlch A Kou'm.
(Wil on 'ifuiiipnreyii for loan on
good property, alaio farm to rent and
to ttt'll.
Money to lotto
Koumn 1-2 Shuto
in duiiih to Huit.
Hid., Hillsboro
K. C. lielchiuan Esq., U
con lined
to hi room this week
of rheumatism.
an attack
Wanted, for cash, 600 to 1,000 acre
of plow land, must be cheap. Ad
drew. D. K. llusch Hylvan pout olllce.
Representative J. if. Kruno, who
eon traded typiioid fever ai (Saiein
laud month, died and was burled t It it
Parents desiring to send their chil
dren to a private aciiooi will pieax
notify Mrs. M. M. I'ittenjrer or Mm.
I) J. Elliott before March IDth.
Widow Mauzey started for her old
home at Culllacothe, Mo., this week
where (the will visit for some month
and poHnibly take up her permanent
resl deuce.
' With every two-dollar purchase of
dry or furnishing goods, boot ann
slioea we will give a 25-eent book
from a choice of the best authors.
Hchulmerich A Hon.
Three Inches of liht snow lay on
the sidewalk yeiterday morning, but
(he noon sun frlirhtened it. The
snow auualls of the past week have
not hurt the fruit proseot.
The drifts in the Tualatin below
Hare's mill are a source of annoyance
to the farmers having bottom lands.
It now looks as If a united elTort to
clear out the darning olwt ructions
will have to be made.
Hon. H. 8. Hudson who spent sev
eral weeks In a wrestle with typhoid
fever has so far recovered that he ha
come home. He Is as thin as a board
but with proper feeding he can le
brought to himself again.
Wm. Mohr makes boots at hi
ahop on Second street, lllUshnro, for
5.60 per pair, sewed shoes for ",
and gives special attention to repair.
Ing. He uses only first-grade stock
which enables him to guarantee his
work. r
Money to loan upon Improved
farms. Long time, low rate ot in
terest, with interest payable once a
year. If you have such security
and need money, write to or call up
on f has. Henry. No. 206 Stark Kt.,
Portland, Oregon.
The cheap rates ot 112 cabin and
6 steerage, including meals and
berth, are still In effect on the O. It.
A N. Go's steamers, from Portland to
Han Francisco. Steamers leave Port
land every five days. For further
particulars see J. I. Knight, Hills
Ixiro. The present term of the public
school will close on Friday of next
week. A program of exercises will
be published Inter. A term of
private school will be taught by Mrs.
M. M. Piltenger and Mrs. Dora J.
Elliott, though there will be a week's
vacation between the terms.
Sehulmerleh A Hon have received
fioui the factory tbelr spring and
animar line of dry goods, furnish
ing goods and notionsthe latest
style and design to be bud and they
will sell them cheaper than you can
get them at any pUw on the eosst.
Come anl be comrlnml.
Why suffer with coughs, colds and
In grippe when Laxative Hromo Qui
nine will cure you In one day. Does
not produce the ringing In the head
like sulphate of quinine. Put up in
tablet convenient for taking. Guar
anteed to cure or money refunded.
Price 25 cU. For sale by the DelU.
The 8. P. Company has not taken
off the flying train between Portland
and San Francisco, nor have the
standard rates been established. In
cluding berths, I he tickets for Pull
man standard aleepeia are 121 and
for Pullman tourist sleepers f 14. A
train starts every five days, leaving
Portland at 10 p. m. The next trains
leave Portland Friday, March
2and Wednesday March 17th.
Congressman T. H. Tongue left
for Washington City last Fri
day afternotn. He was accom
panied lo the station by a large com
pany of his neighbors and by the
H lllsboro lUed and Cornet baud. A
fpncral tmrtlnir hand-shake empna
sized the resistt and esteem felt for
..nr n..ii7hlKir. and the last sound
r.pr.1 as the train fulled away from
the denot was the sweet strains of
music executed by the band ami the
hearty cheers of got speed iroin an
admiring constituency. Mr. Tongue
left Portland the same evening over
the Southern Pacific road. He ex
txtcted to sIod one day In New
Orleans, and to reach Washington,
Saturday, the 13th Inst.
On Tuesday evening last the F.x.
Com. of Hilsboro board of trade Dr. J.
P. Tameisie. R. K. Hryan and D. M.
C. tlault. went to Portland to attend
the monthly meeting of the Manu
facturers Association. It was expect
ed that the subject of flax growltg
would come up and the Committee
above mentioned desire to get facts
touching the industry. Other busi
ness crowded the flax out so that it
is made the subject for a special nwet
ing which was to be held last even
ing. Although the Hlllsboro
delegation did not get the data
they expected, yet the visit
was not without profit since ac
quaintances were begun that w ill put
us in touch with the active men of
the city. They are glad to be assist
ed In experiments w hich can only be
tlone by our farmers while the man
ufacturers have contact with men
seeking Investments. Just now the
association is wrestling w ith a woolen
mill project which bid fair to mat
erialize and be located at Portland.
The committee's report on Tueai lay
evening wa very satisfactory and a
factory for making cloth together
with wool scourlag mill la in sight.
Prof. Shaw, chemist of the ex( ri
metitul station at O. A. C. Cor.allis,
was in Hillsboro Monday lat. In
the evening he addressed the Hoard
of Trade and Its Invited friends on
the subject of sugar-U-et culture.
Prof. Khaw, nti-iwed what had been
done and what can bo exacted of
Ix-ets proerly grown in Oregon.
We can have the beet, and sufficient
ly rich In hugar, to le profitably
manufactured. The only hinilcrau
ces to a successful factory will be
the aggregation of capital, the water
supply, lime supply and fuel supply.
Is HillrtlMro haudicapSil by lack of
water? The experience of the Hills
boro I Jght ami Water Company hhiji
to indicate that we can havo all the
pure water needed. We have wood
though it will require a hundred
cord par day through the beet caui-pftiS-B.
rr.-1 fsttLbcJ tf.Vug-u
cheeper than the standard price, to
even up on the co-t of lime, for 3)
tons of lime will be requlri-d (-r day
in the factory that works up U(0 tons
of beets. In short, it requires a ton
of lime to make a ton of dry granu
lated riigur. This lime is brought
direct from the quarry and burned at
the sugar factory. It thus seems that
a sugar factory furnishes much work
for laborer. The experimental sta
tion tiiis yeur will ..make exhaustive
rc.i. ur.!i iti a'A i!ie counties of (lie
state where there is any probability
of establishing a factory. .In Wa-.li-iiK'i
c.iuuly, cultivation ot licet
will lie undertaken under the diroct
instructions of the O. A. C, exerl
mental station. At Hillsboro the
experiments will be made through
the Hillsboro lioard of Trade, but
on plans approved by the Aglicul
tural College. Already has an order
for standard seed lieen placed and
Is expected lo arrive within a week
from this date. This seed will Is
distributed to farmers who are will
ing to make out a tenth of an acre ol
land, give if thorough cultivation
In the fall the Hoard will want to
know the yield and will want a fair
sample of Iss'ls for analysis. Print
sl Instructions will go with the seed
distributed. No wed will lie sent
out to be planted on heaverdam land
I.arge watery heels are of no value,
since water can lie otitained in thi
damp climate cheaper than by get
ting it out of beets. Heed will be
furnished, th nigh, for our wheat
lands and the hill lands. The distri
buting depot will probably be at the
liryau-I.aidlaw store, Hlllsboro.
Mrs. Sloan at Forest Grove, exhi
bits table, bed and toilet linen that
was made by her mother-in-law sev
enty-tlve years ago, beforo her mar
riai:e with Mr. Sloan, our Chester
Sloan. The elder Mrs. Sloan's maid
en name was Melinda Gould. As
was the custom of all thrifty girls in
those days, Miss Gould spun her own
thread and wove the cloth that is t
dav exhibited with pardonable van
ity by her daughter. The tablecloth
is woven in a beautiful design and
the towel is exquisite. The sheet is
of course woven plain. All these
pieces are bleached and as white as
snow. Mrs. Iemirt Humphrey,
with her step son. Dr. T. C. Hum
phries at the corner of Fast Ankney
and Fifteenth streets. Portland, has a
piece of linen that was woven in 1799
by her mother, Mrs. Hebe Andrews,
Mrs. lxniira Humphrey remembers
when there was in her home not a
single yard of cotton fabric. All was
linen or woolen. Mie remembers that
the llax was in March of each year,
broken, scutched and hackled by
father and brothers and turnet over
to the girls to be spun and woven for
the family wear the coarser parts
for the boys pantaloons tow breech
es, and the finer for shirts and ladies'
draperies. Mrs. Humphrey remem
bers how she welcomed me introduc
tion Of Cotton fabrics, but the rejoic
ing was short-lived, and she now
knows that the linen of her girlhood
days was infinitely to be preferred to
the cotton goods ol to (lay.
Herbert II inclev of Progress was
arrested and examined yesterday l
fore Ksouire Hicks on a charge ol
illoirttl votinir at a school election
The testimony for the state showed
that the young man was past 21 years
of age but that he had no property
on which he pays a tax. The defense
introduced testimony to show that
ho has some personal prterty a
horse and buiriry but relied mainly
on having the school election law de
clared unconstitutional, 'iheneicnsc
holds that the stateconstitution fixes
the qualification of electors, and that
the additional property qualification
fixed by statue Is not constitutional.
The questions raised are important
and their settlement have been de
sired by other districts as well. It b
understood that there is no ill will
felt toward anyone connected with
this action but that it will be made a
lest case and if the state wins, others
in the same district will tie arrested
on a like cfiarge. iieienutini inng
lev was held to answer at the next
term of the Circuit Court in tlyJ sum
of flOO. llonds were promptly
Prof. Llovd now in the chair of
biology in pacific Cniversity. has re
signed his position, to take a like
station in the New' York Teachers'
College. This calling for the West
Is a crmplimetit lo the trustees of P.
I'. who jia ve made such a choice of
profcsKors that eastern institutions
give a big salary to get them away
fro iii us. Prof. Lloyd's suc
cessor has not yet been chosen, but
his place will be fitted before the
next school year begins.
A ftve-year-oU son of Mr. Herman
who lives on the Cloninger place,
Northwest of town, received an un
usual wound a few days ago. The
lad had an arui-full of kindling wood
which he was carrying in the house
Thus burdened he tripped and fell
on one slicks wmcQ struck miner
the chin and penetrated ladiind the
jawlxme as far as the root of his
tongue. lr. F. A. Uatley dressed
the wound and at latent adt ice the
buy was doing well.
Sheriff Hradford, since he com
mence! collecting taxes, has received
only about tiOiK). However, as the
Sth of April approaches the receipts
w ill tie greater. The 5th of April is
singled out because it is the date
when taxes become delinquent.
We buy direct from first party,
and sell dirret to consumers, you pay
no middlemen w hen you buy from
Schulmerich A Son.
Summer dress goods in Percale,
Mechleus, Plissel, Zisc.iy suitings
and other late styles at Schulmerich
A Son's.
Uiblsins, all
widths, 5 and
Schufroerieh A
styles, color and
10 cents ht yard, at
' t'ost-mspterai'hulinisrii'h yesterday
paid Mastofll"0 money orders amount-
ing to $101.70.
Ilev. F P. Hughes will occupy'
hU pulpit next Sund.iy morning and
evening. At 11 a. in. the holy com
munion of the Lord's Supper will be
adiiiiiiUtensI, preceded by the ad-mis-i'in
of new membership In the
church. Tho topic of the evening
add re will be "The Two Reckon
iugs" Mith. l:2l 30.
It will lie remembered that a
"loch Medal" of gold wa offered to
the scholar in the public chool wno
should write tho hct esay on apple
trrowinir in Oregon. The pri.n was
won by Hattie George, of Middleton,
this county. The esay is written as
an allegory and will lie puniistieu
next week so that our other school
boys and girls can compare it with
their oa a work.
1210 in a cinv.is shot sack iast eve
ning, out of which ho paid a small
bill, returning the wu-k to his pocket
as lie siippo'd. but it must have
missed the pocket and slipped be
tween his overalls and pantahmns, for
when ho went to his room at the
hotel hi money was gone. His dili
gent search since has Mt been re
warded. The money is gone.
Mr. J. H. Ilinehnrt and wife, jot
Ur.i.:. ...u.il j , fe i.-iteii iili M".
and Mrs. H. L. Hryan. Mr. Rine
hart is one of the Oregon pioneers, Is
.uiV'el,- iiileienM-u III l.llllMlllf Wu
mil Uiilt. wild is president of the
Farmer!,' and Traders' National Hank
of La Grande. Oregon. He attended
the lecture of Prof. Shaw Monday
eveninir on sutrar-lss-t culture anc
says that Hie matter Is receiving
much attention in Union county
where there is every probability o.
securing the location of a sugar beet
Hon. II. W. Corbet l, last week
Pledged tIO.000 toward the Pearson
endowment fund of the college at
Foret Grov:i. It will be remembered
that Dr. Pearson gave f,0,0u0 to the
endowment fund of that school, con
ditioued that it is matched by 100,
000 raised from other sources. This
matchinir sum has all been raised
now except flS.imO and President
McClelland Is much cheered that the
end is now in sight. The president
expected to start for Uoston by yes
terday's train, but if he could nut get
off so soon then he expeTted to go
next Monday. The matter of secur
ing this $150,000 endowment has been
on hand for some time, but tiiere is
no occasion for Impatience, since we
of Oregon are further nlong than any
of several other colleges that are
working out a like proposition. The
bequest of Senator Corbett Is In ad
dition to a more liberal one than he
has in mind, and which will be made
It tit IMK kKT.
The list of causes to be adjudicated
ac the next term of the circuit court
which is lo conveno next Monday
morning is given herewith :
State v Jos Dillery; appeal from
Justice court.
State v It urisrtinger; held for lar
ceny first charge.
State v R Cris-iihger; held for lar
ceny second charge.
State v Jeaney Parrott; held fo
v Charles Parrott; held for
57ti. Gilbert Hlair v Preston
Richardson; action for money.
G07. Kstate of I) M HaOley; as
signment proceeding.
7!M. r G Olsen v Peter I arlson el
at: foreclosure of mechanic's lien.
795. C John Olsen v Peter Carl.-
son et al; same as above,
S07. M W Patton, administrator,
et al v Talbot Miller et al; for money
8411. Arata Honahno A to
Pietro Ambrozl; for money.
K(U. Peter liegalono v Mary
Hedges: appeal from justice court.
874. Henrietta Meyer v Fred
Meyer; for possession of really and
900. l-.state of Kirhard Morton
insolvent; assignment proceedings.
911. Hradley & Metcalf Co v 'I
R Cornelius; for money.
92:1. Kstate of Donald McPher
son," insolvent; assignment proceed
9J7. John P Hoffman v P M
Kd wards et al; foreclosure.
91(1. Kstate of T R Curnelius, in
solvent; assignment proceedings.
900. Kstate of M A Powell, Insol
vent; assignment prix-ccilings.
M!2. Kstate of S 1) Powell, Insol
vent; assignment proceeding.
9S5. Kstate of Annie Wilkes,
deceased; Appeal from county court.
90S. James M Smith v Win and
Alice Vaughn; confirmation
1011. Kstate of Charles (Jollins,
insolvent; assignment proceedings.
1020. Kstate of N A Harrett, In
solvent; assignment proceedings.
10:I1. Ktate of in 1 banners, in
solvent; assignment proceeding.
104S. i-.ugene o w nue v uicnard
Morton et al; foreclosure.
1000. John Harrison v Joseph
Gaston et al; foreclosure,
1002. Pauline liall v S A Dial
and W L Dial : foreclosure.
ln95. Mary M Shepard v Abuer
Frame et al; foreclosure.
1I0 H t lining and Sons v IIP
Ford; replevin.
llos. Assignment of l-oret Grove
Door ami Lumber Company; Insol
UJS. M J Salomons v K H Mai-
litz; confirmation.
1129. Assignment of Kowlby A
Stinchcombe; insolvent.
1130. W T Hunnell v ("has B
Bunnell; equity.
1133. llanna I. Scnrnn, guardian
I W Haird; equity.
1139. Carl V Wint.ingerode v
hn liong et al; to quiet title.
1115. George Good admr. v W E
Heaiichamp et ux; foreclosure.
1 Iti2. Miss A K Hell v Alex Chal
mers et al; for money.
1173. J J Morgan v EC Hughes
et al; for an accounting.
1 17t. J W Shute v Anna 11 Mays et
al; foreclosure.
1191. John Johnson v J W Kld
riilge wf et al, foreclosure.
1192. C F Plyrupton v Eugene 1)
White et al; foreclosure.
119t. K G Cooley v Ieaner Gray
et al; fo set aside conveyance,
1211. Thos H Tongue v C J Mac
Ifcuigall; appeal from County Court.
1221. Kaiie Hrugger v JC Hare
et al; injunction.
12 14. G Melvin Thorn v Alice M
Thorn; divorce.
1237. K A Eddy v Herman
Sudan; forri 1 -ure.
1239. Sm-i., lltit.-chu A Wi.oJard
Co. v F It ihlnon et al; for money.
1210. Snell, lleitsehu A Woodsrd
Co v F M Robinson et al; action for
1J.. HWH -ssnvN A Barrett
et al; for money.
12"7. John Northrop v ?t
etal; appeal from Justice O
1260. Margaret Miller v W W
Annans; appeal from Justice Court.
1270. Tersa Caatantloe GlnstJ
Castaiitine; divorce.
172. First Nat. Bank v Fred
Patterson et al; for money.
1273. Albert Smith v G E Court
ney; foreclosure of Mechanics Lien.
1274. Joh a Aspin wall v Jacob R
Foster; continuation.
1271. Renj Hirdsell v Lener Gray
et'al; ;forlonero.
1283. George Robinson y W N
Fowler etal; confirmation.
124. I'nion Saving and Loan
Asstx'iation v J R Miller et al: ron
flniHlion. 1280. The Dundee Mtg A Trust
Investment Co v R Williams etal;
7289. Oliver P Newton v A 8
Nichols et al, foreclosure.
i i i. ' T&ri Sno w and 'H' if Huston
v Edith Munroe et al; equity.
1292. German Savings A Loan
Society v Wm Eisen et al; con
firmation. ' -
1293. T O Newman v John H
Dolstroro; action for damages.
1294. Tho Csborne v J P Younp;
for money.
1595. Mary M Hughe v Nellie
Vanderzmder; appeal from county
1290. L P Jackson v Amanda
Zimmerman; In re-estate of Louis
Roy, deceased, appeal from county
1299. M A Danks et al; v F J
Williams constable damages.
1301. First Nat Hank of Hillsboro
v Amanda J Sherman et al; for
monev -
1302. O W Patterson v F 8 Me
Leod et al; confirmation.
1303. John Dennis v J J Morgin
et al: action for money.
1304. Continental Nat Hank of
Boston v First Nat Bank of Hills
boro for money.
1300. Emma Marks v Robert W
Marks divorce.
1308. Assignment of 11 Bigharu
1309. Joseph Dillery v John Ber
wick Replevin.
1311. Assignment of Boosix Heltz
hausen: insolvent.
1315. Lucy L Woodard v W E
Bowlhy et al; confirmation.
1321. Frank F Winters v Q 1
Hedrlck and Isabel Hedrick; action
for motiey.
1323. lena Bruchler v R M Jasp
erson et al; foreclosure.
1325. Louise Anlker v John Anl-
ker; confirmation.
1320. P L Willis v Portland
Pressed Brick Co; foreclosure.
1327. K E Randall v Chris Peter
son et al; foreclosure.
1333. T W Thompson v The
estate of E Weber et al; confirma
tion. 1335. 8 Hughes A Son v Henry
Turner et al; foreclosure.
1330. Peter Wlkander v Phillip
Grim A Lizzie Grim foreclosure.
1337. M L Gove v R A J Neck
ritz et ux; foreclosure.
1338. August Schafer v Samuel
Stein et ux; to set aside conveyance.
1339. Simon Bachman v Geo T
Lcdford et al; foreclosure.
1340. Frank C Baker v The Bay
City Co Operative Co et al; confirma
tion. 1341. Russell A Co v J F Wilcox
et al; action for money.
1342. W T Bunnell, admr, v A
N Davies; action for money.
1343. T W Thompson v K I ward
Griebler et al; confirmation.
1340. Elizabeth C Mills v Eugene
D White et al. foreclosure.
1347. II M Timun v Leaner Gray
et al; foreclosure.
1318. Thomas Tucker v Oscar
Thayer; suit for possession of realty
and for damages.
1353. Estate of Samuel C
Ritchey; apieal from county court.
1357. Frank C Baker v F A Olds
et al; foreclosure.
1358. G W Patterson v John
Northrop et al; foreclosure.
1359. Mary M Heal v James
Harper et al; confirmation.
1300. II M Timms v Albert
Brandt et al; acti in for money.
1301. Estate of W E Beauchamp
et al, insolvent; assignment proceed
1303. First National Bank of
Hillsbcro v Ole Oleson et al; suit to
set aside deed.
1301. Jacob Hrugger v Isaac B
Everson et al; foreclosure.
1305. Anton Pfanner v T C Me
Namer et al; action for money.
1300. Everding A Farrell v Em
ma Hackney et al; connrmation.
1307. Emma J Marriner v Mary
C lhivia et al; confirmation.
1308. W O Donaldson v Albert A
Witham et al; foreclosure.
1309. Charlotte M Miller v James
Hackney; foreclosure.
1370. K A Hyde v C v Cblpman
et al; foreclosure.
1371. William I l-ord et al y
William Hoener et al; foreclosure.
1373. Kobert Maciuaw v r M
Harteretal: foreclosureof Mechan
ics Lien.
1374. The State of Oregon ex rel..
M L Pipes, James McCain and 8 B
Huston v John Ditchburn; disbar
1375. Earnest Detashmutt et al
v R S Browne; to set aside convey
1377. Hannah Lard tier v P L
Spencer et al; foreclosure,
1378. Jacob Hrugger v U W 1II11.
braad et a I; foreclosure.
1379. G Kirk wood v Willis U
Vail et al; foreclosure.
13S0. J E Showers v II L Griffin
et al; foreclosure.
1381, Cnarles Schamburg et v H
Kuhne; action for money.
1382. II McArthur v H
Fsrnham et al; action for money.
1383. Wm P l-ord et al v Alex
Chalmers et ux; foreclosure.
1384. Wm P Lord et si y T T
Vincenl et al; foreclosure.
138.1. K trandall V C H DeLaney
et ux foreclosure.
180. Almira Spark v James
Alexander et al; foreclosure.
1387. Clarissa McNutt v R J
Pomeroy; action for money.
138. (1 11 Haber v James K
Catching et al; foreclosure.
189. Mary A Walker v I, V
Walker; divorce.
1390. Sarah Jefcott v Annie M
Hart et al; foreclosure.
1391. Clarissa McNutt v Rebecca J
Pomeroy; suit to set aside deed.
1392. Peter Nelson v Elizabeth J
Conklin et al; foreclosure.
1393. M M Block v Washington
County action tor money.
u u otas et al it ti
Tyson et ar; suit to set aside mort
gage Ac.
Tot Infant and CMldran,
Mr. Graeer: there arc
thousands of people who
want good tea ( many don't
drink tea now, because it
hasbcen cither costly or bad )
and here is Schilling's Best
good tea at a fair price.
Don't you want to sell
lots of such tea. and money
back it if your customers
don't like it
ASckilliu k CoaiMi,r
Fnana CIS
PKoBATK lllt'RT.
Est Henry Schroeder, deed. Will
admitted to Probate and Frederick
Windier appoiuted executor to serve
without bonds. The appraisers are
Albert Malloy, George Papeuberg
and Oliver P Scharp.
Guardianship Neil J Brown minors
Report tiled showing $59.05 cash on
Est Thus Best Insane. Guardian
having tiled all vouchers and prop-
oeiy auL-uuuied for ail property that
came into his custody he is discharg
ed and this estate is closed of record.
Eif Michael Wren, deed. Admin
1st rafor's bond tiled . and annroved.
Inventory of property Hied, showing
property valued at f3,8 18.70. Per
soual property was set off to the wid
ow to the value of 1142. The re
mainder of the personal property
will be sold at public auction to the
highest bidder on eight months time
ou secured notes drawing 8 per cent
Est B II Catching, Deed. Final
settlement continued to Monday
March 15th.
Est Win Mauzey, deed. The ex
ecu tor filed the receipt of Martha
Mauzey for the sum of $3000 being in
full of the amount devised in the will
of deed, , Lo said Martha Mauzey,
Est Laurels K Larsen, deed, lie-
port tiled showing 1133.91 receipts
and 1109 84 disbursmeuts since last
Est J D Howell, deed. Ordered that
a monthly stipend of $50 be paid to
tne widow until the further order of
ttie court. - '
Fred Mat was March Oth admltt
ed to citizeus'lilp.
The resignation of J. A. Chapman,
J. P., In West Ltedar Creek accepted
and J. E. Young appointed in his
Clerk ordered to draw a duplicate
warrant in favor of E F McNelly
for $47.20 instead of warrant No. 740
D B Reasoner appointed a com
misslouer to buy six dump road
Taxes of Elizilieth Hackney et al
Ordered that tho county make a quit
claim deed to lot 30 and N 1 of lot 34
In Garden Home heretofore sold to
the county for taxes when said petit
loners pay taxes and forfeitures.
Reports of J A Imbrie, E L Mc-
Cotiuick and W D Bradford examin
ed and approved.
Roads No 353 and 35 1 established.
Balance of tax assessed against Sar
ah S Henderson remitted.
Francisco family aided to the
amount of $5 per month.
.Bridge lumber allowed toChas E
Young not to exceed 800 ft.
Petition of N Hansen for lumber
Application for bridge lumber al
towed for David Wenger to the
amout of 1500 feet.
Road 355. L E Wilkes appointed
surveyor and Robt Mulloy, John
Will and Charles Mathles appointed
viewers to meet at the commence
ment of the road on March 10th to
view and survey tho same.
Report of D C Stewart, supervisor
of district No 20 filed his account ol
$130. Allowed.
J B McNew allowed -1000 feet of
lumber for district No 18.
8 W Seelye allowed 3000 feet of
lumber for district No 3.
J A Thornaurg, Greenville, ap
pointed supervisor of road district
No 83, Instead of r 8 Hradley, re
Lloense to wed was Issued March
11th to James J Pal ton aged 33
years and Josephine N Helsler aged
22 years. ;
The following is an abstract of Hit
warrants drawn at the March term
of the County Court for the expenses
of Fehruary, 1890:
Assessing A Col revenue $ uu oo
Hritlges A roads
, 232 25
17 80
County Ctiurt....
County Clerk...
; 250 00
County Treasurer 60 00
County School Supt and As
sistants ,
Circuit Court ,
Court House A Jail
FueL Light and Janitor
lo3 frO
tlfl 00
61 95
7 00
Jurors in J Court
Jaupers and Prisoners....
Itecorder of Conveyances
Stationery., -,
State Cases and Witnesses...
.119 85
175 00
111 05
275 00
124 30
IritllgerrV 70
Total amount drawn. .....$2190 25
Da4 Letter UaU
The followlnjf is a list of letters re
maining uncalled for In the postnftlce
at Hillsboro, March C, 1897:
Mr. Henry Miller,
Mrs. Emma Thomas,
Mrs. A. C. Wallace.
All letters not called for by March
lioto will be sent tn the I lead Letter
Office. One cent will be charged for
each letter railed for.
Hchool beptn at the Witch Hsael
school last Monday with Mr, Jesse
Shelly, of Hillsboro, as teacher.
Messrs. Sam and Julius Sorenson
have rented sixty five acres of Van
Iel,sshmutt's farm which they in
tend to put in wheat and oats.
Mr, Thomas Walsh, of Portland,
Is visting Mrs. J. II. F.llerann, of
Iieedvllle. .
Mr. Harry Miller, who works at
the (Ity A Suburban lar Shops In
Portland, made a flying visit to his
parenta, who reside on the John
son farm In Iieedvllle.
Mr. Halderrnaa is moving on Mrs.
M. Grow' place, southwest of Reed
T Fx change.
X boiiitirst corner on Third. birt.
i'urllaod. Orrgou. fur an Improved, unm
Cumbered farm. A'Mra-a
I'jrtlnnJ, t)re(!-in.
Treasurer 'a Not lee.
tt Couutv warrant cuiioru.l prior
lo April IS. lSHS, are no r 1ri-ui!)l al
tli ollii of Iba County treaaurvr. in lite
city of Hillabjrn, Ceuntv ol Witilitngton.
and louireat il rea oil Ilia aniue ulier
March sth ls7.
lie ted al Hillaboio, On-iron, tlii-.V-of
March. Ii7. A. H. I'.VliY.
il-42 Count Traurer.
i. in pureuanoa of
pureuanoa ot an onlt-r et tee
County Court of the Slate of Oregon, tor
aabington ujantv mail ana entered on
the 2.1b day of leb.-uarr A. 1). iv;, in the
matter of Iba aetata ol Sarah J. Mj.I, de
ceased, the andaraifned was author led
nd directed to eel I al private eaie cerium
real estate belonging to aloreHiod eatato
nd In aaid. order and hereimtfter
partlca'arly described, I all on
an f attar Monday, tne 5 h ol . Apr::.
127, offer at prvute sale, at niv it
bee, in U haboro, ail ol the irt.-ro.t .f
afureeaid Sarah J. Mil I, ileeeaied, m the
time ol bei death or since acquired by her
eat at In eh f-.owiv;.- t!-,v:.-r:!;t .1 ici
estate, ti-wit hituuto In Wunlonitt.ni
County, Oregon, and being art ol the
donation land claim of A.J. lla-iteuaad
rlara M.!iia, uHtiiiii tuna:
Commencing at a point n 1 3"' 4:1.2-
che i nd 4 11 cha e from the tv corner oi
the n said don land clu in ttietice n
12 12chaina thence e to a line tit raiiroati
Ibunie a 81" -!' e tn the n c mer ol
!a".d- !k'.---neTT .y II-.m-'.! irrii'.iii cnn
thence a 1" M' w .:(0 rh to n line c
Jamea KfiiiiiiBseti laud in .0d cluir
tnence area eriy un mjiiI n line i. jioiies
H:umuaaen ind to the pUce ot ht-KiiiU'bK,
ooutainlog in! acrea.
1 arms of aaie: Odd coin; onc-lia f ol
perchaaa price In band on diiy of ri'e
tbe balanoe not to ex-.eed ix inontbs
time; lor deferred payment urclm-er iv
ing note with morgan on pieii-ea nold
tnterent at the rate of S per rout par an
num irom nine ol ante. I urjuaser .o lie .ti
expense ot deed and marten?.
TltOS. I. Ill Mt'HHKYS,
Execator of tlielHut Wei and lesoiincni
i srah J. Mull, deceased. 41 4
March lo, 1S-J7.
1.1 by virtu ot an cxecutm
and order of aula, iastiej out of the Circiui
Court of the Mlate ol() eRon, f.ir Washing-
:on County, on the pltb day ol rt-lirunry
lSi7, in a suit wherein O iver I' Newtet
a plaintiff and A 8 N'ichnN, tieo. 1-:
Courtney, The l"t Nntinnnl Hunk of ltilln
hoM, Oregon, W H llnrirove, A'ter
Snildt. O P Juhnaon, J C llure, M E lliir
phv, B V Durphy, H II McCarthy and J
c liargroye, were detundt-ota, and to me
aa Sheriff of Wnshinnton Cjunty, (Iregnn
directcu, I havo this day evied iii mn um
111 eell at public auction lo Hie h ylicat
biddar at the aouth door of the Court
House in Hillsboro, Wellington County
Oregon, on Harnrdey, the 1 !tli tiny o
March, IStIT, at the liotlr of lu u'clotlt it
the forenoon of said day, for cash in hunil
to satisfy said ax-srutton, decree anil oidci
ol aale all of the lollowing dcM-nl.e,l real
property lying, being and situut w ithin
Washington County Oregon, ami more
particularly described as lollows, to-wit:
Hetngall ot that part of the donntion
land rlaim nl W T flnrues iu suction 17 T 1
8. It 2 W. Will Mer, not heretofore cm
eyed to .M C it 11 K Mteeplen, nnd I ein
11 of said U L C situut on the N able ol
the Tualatin river. Together with all nl
the right, till. Interest and enttitn of tin
above named pluintitt and dclondnnts and
each of them in and to tho :ime.
And I will alao sell at add tune and nt
a:d place by virtue of stid ex-cniion, oi
ilr antl decre, at public auction, to the
bigbeat bidder for cnh in hand, and nt p
aratelv. the dwelling house and the barn
constructed and being upon the pretntwi-s
anove uescrtoeii. (tie purchaser ol enci
of suid buildings to remove the same with
in AO (I lya lr m the dnte of anid sale, iiml
said sale to be made frohject to continua
tion by the Circuit Court of the htate oi
Oregon, lor Washington county.
w. u. mi A ii runt).
Sheriirof Washington County, Oicitoii
Tboa. ft. Tongue.
Attylorrn. .IS-4
dear and order ot sule baued
out of the Clrilnt Court of ihr
Htute of Oregon, for Waaliingtun Couniv,
In lavor of r rank C. linker and against ihr
bay City Cj Uperulive Coni auy; M. I!,
1'etteys and John H Jucloon forth sum
of f 1W.73, coats, and for the luriher sum ol
$i:tsu.u7 U. H. gold coin, with interest
thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per nr
nnm, from tbe 27th day of January, ls!i7,
and for tbe furtbor sum of attorneys
tees, and for the cons and expenses nl
il and of said wm :
Now. therelore. by virtue and in pursu
ance of said Judgment, dcre-i and order ol
sale, I will, on M miny the :'.2d dav
of March IHU7, at the aonth door
of the Court House, in tlilinborn,
Washington County, tlregnn, a' the hour
ol It) o'clocc a in, of aaid d y, m1I hi pulnic
auction to tbe highest oulder for cuili, ihe
fotlowing-dorlbed real properly lowit :
commencing at in in. tv, coiner ol the
D. L. I. of Charles McKay and w f . in sec
tion all. (6) T I N K2 W of the Will. Mer.
in Wat-hington County Utala of Oregon.
thence 87' W It IH chain, tnence N .'is V
S.H7chs, thence Ni'i":W 1.4.richs, thence
N 84" K 0.2o 01 r. thence 3 77" lit)' K f,..V(rh
lo the place of beginning containing li'A
acres mors or lesa. save and and excei t a
tract sold out of tbe above land to J. I!.
Mays by H. K. Krance and recorued on
page 1M7 in book 34, recorda ol deeds el
Washington county, Oregon nlso another
tract aold and oonveyed to J It .Muvs out
of the above described tract of laud by W
It Haubeand WC rorthiuan and Mary
Kortbman and recorded on pnge 414 vim-
ume3U records of d da ot Wakhiugti u
County Oregon, all sltua'etn Waahinuton
Oountv Oregon to satiety the hereinbefore
name f sums and for the costs and expen
ses oi an in sate.
8al-l p-.operty will b aold subject to re
demption as per statin of Oregon,
Witness my ha. il this tilth dny of Feb.
1897. VV. D. Ii( ADKiiKH.
Mh'rifl for Washington County, IStn'e
of Oregon.
Harrett Adams,
Att'ya lor plaintiff. 4.1
1 8-st.
tub ciRcriT col kt. ok thk
of Oregon, toi Wanhlngioii
William P. Lord, Governor of the
Htate of Oregon, 11, K. Kinca'd,
tweretary ol Htate, for Oregon,
and fhil Metsohan, (State '1 rem.
urer of Oregon, and together ci
ottlcio constituting the board of
Commissions lor ih sale ol
Hchool and I'nlversity lands,
and for tbe Investment of the
Kunds arising therelroni
William Hoener, ilertha Hoener
snd Henry Matte. Defenilsnts.
To William Hoener and Bertha Hoener,
Fart of tbe above named detenilnn'a:
n tbe name of the Hint ot Oreg in. you
and eaob of you, are hereby riUlred to
apt sar and answer the complaint tiled
againat you in the above entitled suit by
Monday, the today ol March, IW7, wbich
a the first day of the term following the
expiration of th time persrrihed it, the
order for ths publication ot this summons.
And if you fail so to answer, for want
thereof, th plaintiffs will apply to the
court for th relief prayed lor and de
manded In their complaint, to-wit :
That the plaintiff recover oft ami
from the defendant, William Hoener, the
sum of fdttOin 1.8 gold coin, with inter
est Ibereon since January Z'. l-'i'i. at the
rate of S per cent, per annum, and the
sum of 176 attorney fees, and the costs
and disbursement of this suit.
That the premises derrib d In sairf
oomplaint, aituate in Washington County
Oregon and known and deeerined a. nil o'
the west nail of tne aorwieaM qnar:er of
section ii, town 1 soutn range .1 w. at Will
Mer containing t acres, lie mil in the
manner provided by law, and thnt the
proceeds of said sale be applied to the p .y
nient to plaintiff of the several sums
above named, and tbat such oilier and
further decre b mad as may be equit
able. This mrarnone Is published aeaiB't vou
by ' rder of the Circuit I ou't ot the Htate
of Oregon, for Washington Cmntv, rn-itt
aid nir! on lb 21n4 day ofjvu.rr,
17. ?Ki 4
IHOS. H.TONOtE, Ally for p amtitf.
Will find tbat tbe Indhpkndhnt OiB
... bas a Cne stock of ...
Suitable for Supervisors use, put vp in
books of 50 and too Receipts
Ami read this carefully if yoti want to keeps
Jewelry Store in yourCity, 1 callutten
tion Hiiuin of the people of IlilUlmro ami
vicinity lor the last time to call snJ aee my
New lloliihiv Ciixxls, alm to lluy Watches,
KitigM, (Tiiiitis, Scarf and Hreat Pins, Sleev
Htnl Collar iltittous, Silk Watch Oanls and
Vi-at ( huins, all Mini's of Optical Goods,
lirawlcta, Oper.t (iluinea, Silver. War, te.
Kins maitu to' order if ordered in time.
All Watches. and Repairing left over three
months nnixt he called for lielore liecemW-r
...tli or will be sold for the charges. Htf
tuenilier your liien.ls with (.liristuias
I'ii-iciiU. Yours Truly,
S $$NI
Cily Livery Stable
Where you will find the Host Teams that can be had
(Hood Teams, (Jood Bus;s;ics and
Second and
. All gilt-edged butter put ou the mar
ket by crenineiies is wrapped ia paper.
The product of the private daity would
reach its mniket in uiuch bettei eotidi-
. tion if wrapped in Hutter Parchment
than it does when wrapped iu cloth.
Parchment is not only better than cloth,
but cheaper.
. Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard, from
which 27 sheets can be cut- 27 Parch
ment wrappers cost cent.
500 Sheets, 8x1 1,
500 Sheets. 8x13,
The standard size for 2-pouud rolls is
8xfi inches; 2 pound blocks are
wrapped in the 8x13 size.
One reason why paper has not been
generally used heretofore, farmers
could not get it at the general store.
It is now kept at the Independent of
fice cut to any size wanted.
v-"V .
dlrortly and h .-lir-'.-t lv, lijr people wlm can nut do thir owu flfurfrifeT, write their owi
let t4 ra, ur k tlifir iwn IhhiiVh; and who do uot know whtu ljuln and legal paper
which ttn y miMt h irnl!e cvrry dujr ar rtad out t'orr:tljr. thM thlnir. and
tuuch niftp, wf t M-)i thoritwjhly.
lltindn'dA of our irrudiiati ii art In fl pnHUm, and there will be openlnra for
bundrtxU rmtro wlif n tlim't linpric. Aoir It Hit time to prepare fur theiu. benldf a
bUHtnena iMlticat n U worth all It rmt. f-tr iow oirn u. Hnd for tmr uataiotfoe, U
luarti vhnt and fcir wu ti'iw U. Mntl'l fn - to any addree,
Portland Business College,
A. s. Armstrong. Prln. Portland. OfegOn. J. A. W.sto, aecrefar.
iiow'.h this;
(,tr- r fin irnn.lrr.l Dollars Karl
f..r snT r.p nf ainrrh thai cannot b
rure-1 lr Hull's t'aMrrli Ciir.
K. J. Hr.SKY (!il., Tr.Ir-fo, n.
W, th nn'iT erti, linr known K. J.
Chrv f"r lli lint ll yr't an'i t ive
him irlr 1 li'-noralM hi ail Cosiness
trnn.nr-tinri anl tinsnrlnllv atil 1 1 i-arr
r'it .niv oMi'-:it fml mu-le l-T Ihir firm
net ,v Irtnx. hn e.sl firnpi s'a.
T' r.n, r). ai'l ing. K nnan i MaiTin,
Whnlai I'tuir O.
tl nl's t'a't.i'li Curt; is talrn intrnfil! r.
srtintr .1. t y u;-'ri a:.'l niuruus t-irlil'- a
r-f th ystin. f'stitn-mta i arnt In
H il.'s Kamilr IMls ar fli best. I
.Vtf illl ol
VI m-
Good Drivers.
Washington 8t.
55 cts
60 cts
s are lost
I. XORTHROP, . Proprietor
Oornar fload . and.. WaatunkB Htreeta
riK9Tf'L.8.-i tab t.u, and am,
IY arronxidaitvaa fur Ihe ioarrnlet
of rocts.
WChargfti EeaaonabU
CHS. E.CtCEff.
n . ..
afir Angusl M to prarlie his prrfesi..M
and still I fotinrf at Ih residence of f)r
Wm. rivr. Kpawial al'nion fa t l
Me Ural aa4 Surtiral Iilsas. of W... ,
i r ('Inlrlrea an4 all Chronic DiesM.ss,