HILLSBORO INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY, JANUARY -,22 IS97 LOCAL AND GENERAL. Call on Humphrey fur loans on gmni property, also farms to reut and lo et'll. Miutf tn loan in kuitm In an It Room 1-2 Hhuto Bldjr., Hillsboro Oregou. Wanted, for canti, 600 to 1,000 ai-ri of ilow land, uiunt lie cheap. Ad dans D. K. lluach Hylvaa pout oliice. O. N. Halo, west of town la buxy with hi frrutiw. He U removing the Htumpe and roots from a dve acre lot which will be added to hia tillable Holds thin Hprlng. It in found on digging Into the po tato tteltla that the frost of last Nov ember did much damage to the crop. From a half to two third of the i tiitoes were fro zed. President Thos. McClelland of Pa-i-lfle University has returned from the Kant. He hopes now to tie able to remain at borne at least till the M'hool year chimw In June. There la no place in town where ran Jies can be had equal to thine at Hrock's. He does not have a inou oply, but has the gootl taste to cater to his atrons no as one else in doing. Wm, Mnkt .wikes bnoe t h! hIui on Hecond street, HIHhImo, fir 5.50 per pair, aewed shoes fir 5, and gives siiecial attention to n-pair-ing. He uses only fint-grade stock which enables him to guarantee his work. The heavy rain, Tuewlay afternoon and night was followed by a ehlnook wind which brought balm to the cli mate. The breesse was a melter to to the plains of Eastern Oregon when leaguos of grazing laud have tieen bared for range stock. The cheap rates ot 912 cabin and $i steerage, Including meals and berth, are still in etfect on the O. It. & N. (Jo's steamers, from Portland to Han Francisco. Steamer leave Port land every live days. For further particulars see J. I. Knight, Hills boro. The R lgistrar of Amherat College writes that ono of the Forest Grove hoys has taken the highest rank In chemistry of any man in that insti tution. The olllcial takes occasion to remark that it speaks well for the department of chemistry at Forest Grove. The personal property belonging to the estate of Wm. Mauzey, de ceased, will be sold at private sale. Those desiring to purchase can obtain particulars by ;eniulrlngr of J. A. Imbrie, executors, at the county clerk's office or on the farm, six miles northeast of Uillslioro. Next Sunday morning, at the Con gregational church, services will he held at 11 o'clock, the subject of dis cussion being "The Modes of Men and their effect on character." Hun day school at 11 o'clock a. m., Chris tain Kndeavor at 6:30 p. m. and the reading continued of the serial story 'In His name." Why suffer with coughs, colds and la gripie when Laxative Rrouio Qui nine will cure you In one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head like sulphate of quinine. Put up In , tablets convenient for taking. Guar-1 an teed to cure or money refunded. Price 25 cU. For sale by the Delta. Hpoclal Sale for renewing stock before holidays-Till Nov. 28th I will offer a discount of 20 per cent for amounts of one dollar and upwards on clocks, watches, Jewelery, music and opt icle goods. Also I am pre pared to make and fit all kinds of rings and sets to order. Work done promptly. Wood taken In trade, Yours truly, L. V. Berckmoes. Jeweler, Hlllsbore Oregon. The H. P. Company has not taken off the flying train between Portland ml Han Francisco, nor have the standard rates been established. In cluding bertha, the tickets for Pull man standard sleepers are $21 and for Pullman tourist HloeKrs $M. A train starts every five days, leaving Portland at 10 p. m. The next trams leave Portland Sunday, January 17. Representative Hudson is not silently sitting in his chair at Salem, as the following paragraph from a paiier of that place testilles: "Mr. Hudson, the bright young republl dan from Washington county, raised a cheer yesterday morning by declar ing that he did not lay all the blame for delay and filibustering upon the shoulders of the populist and demo cratic members, but it must be shared by the republicans who are assisting them in It. He called upon the five members of the Multnomah delega tion who have stayed out to account for themselves.,, F.verltt, of tho Delta had a hearty laugh this week, Indeed he yet enjoys great merriment and this is what provokes it. He was behind his pre scription cae when two boys Idled up to a counter. They saw no one and evidently thought the drug store was taking care of Itself. It was, too, but they did not Just then rea ize u i.-.. ,.!i aour the urchinastealth- Ily slip several sample packages of l ascureis intu men i" - i.....iaia m kind of candy whose medicinal use Is for the cure of constipation. uy "emsi-ivw, thsesanie boys were delighted with the pleasant awe of their "And i...',k.,.,.i "Oh. dear" and that is what makes Miles laugh and .i... i nn the stomach wttn r'C. V Thev "found" too 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 imiiMot much. II. 8. Shuster photographer here In . . .. . rriati.l in Portland on Wednesday charged with sweat- Ing goll coins, ins , new double eagles in uiiro muri... . poaililv attacks firoltl. Thus a Ihln shaving of the precious metal wasdisolved and held in solu- i... The mi n would lie 1IOII IIV lM-wm.- a little thinner but among the com mon people It would pass. The thin coin would buy silver, and the silver .i k,i new coins. Thus the endless chain turned. Shuster had five twenties In his purse when ar- . . . ii hl .eenneMl BUSIlil'lOn In Hiltsbnro and doubtless went to Kant Portland to get In a larger field tvk...rn.inlh admitted that he had been engaged n -wotIr.r. and that he precipitated the gold from the acid solution and thus obtained profit. The pedalty for the offense is one to ten yean In the penitentiary Mr. L. E. Wilkes has Junt received letters patent bearing date Jauuury I2lh, IsU7, fur record typewriter with bis machine tyjie written records can tie nimlo in bound books. Inventions had al ready been inado to do the same uui mey would not aiwaciory since either the umciuns or me book had to move, iiy Mr. Wilkes' invention ooin mo machine aud book are sta tionary and only the leaf of the book moves. Mr. Wilkes' Idea Is a valu- aoitt one ana bound to come into general use. It is thought the ma chine can be manufactured and ll for $.r,o, at whii-h figure all record ing unices can afford to buy In Joed the Iook-ke4er in merchantile nouses and iu bauks will adopt tuuun A mooting of tSie land survey urn of me siaie were neiu in the Surveyor's olllce in Multnomah countv hist Mouduy afternoon to study L. 11 Wilkes' hill reirulatincr tho duties and privileges of laud survevors. Mr. Wilkes has been ensured 1111011 such a bill for some time and has re. ceived many words of commendation rrom those surveyors who hive seen his bill, in his bill, Mr. Wilkes promises to have all laud surveyors examined and licensed the same as teachers iu the public schools now are. Then all work done bv them Is to be equal resiiect as that of the County surveyor, tmt that officer Is to nave charge of all tho records 1 stain ing to the oiliw. Altogether the leg islation asked will not only be of ad vantage to the surveyors but to ..the puoiiv genera iiy. Notices are up for a special school meeting to occur January 30lh to consider how much special tax will IM3 levied in District No. 7, Ililleboro, to run a 9 months' school. The meeting will lie held in the school house at 2 o'clock p. m. This year we have but 6 months' school. Can we afford it? Mr. J. II. Thatcher, of the Oregon Telephone Company, was in town yesterday in the interest of his com pany, which desires to install an ex change in town. The canvass had not been completed at the timenf seeing him, but it had progressed so fur that its success Is all but assured. Post Master Hchulmerich Is fifty cents short on sweated gold. A few days since he made a remittance in which there were four fives that would not tip the beam at the stand ard weight. They were stamped "Light" and he got credit for $I.50. At a meeting of the City Council held last Tuesday evening the tax levy for city purposes was fixed at 8 mills. The valuation of city proier- ty Is returned at $21)8,095.00. If all is collected tho levy will produce a rev enue of $2,384. That beautiful row of poplars on tho south side of the road through the Ladd A Reed farm Co'a property as one approaches Koedvillo has been cut down. The beauty of that I incis much marred by the cruel woodmen. Ex-Seuator Cogswell, of Lake county, was in the city yesterday visiting with his old school ixiy friend, Hon. H. V. Gates. Have you a sweet tooth? Then try Brock's candies. They are un- equaled for puriiy and sweetness. Brock has added to his trade a Hue of fine candies. Ihese goods tempt tho palate of the most fastidious. The attendance at tho Forest Grove College is ahead of what It was at this time last year. COURT HOUSE NEWS. CIIMUIT COURT. An adiourned session of the circuit court was held Jan. 18th, Judge Me- Uride on the bench. K Quaekonbush v C B Bunnell; decree for plaintiff. Forest Grove Uoor & L.umier uo v D McPherton; Judgment on a decree from the supreme court. Tontrue v McDiiiigai; a motion to allow the clerk to correct a transcript heretofore filed was denied. Good in v Mary Wells; decree lor the plaintiff. Asiunwail v i-iwier ei ai; ienion Bowman appoiuted guardian ad litem of minor heirs. Uoodscll V Buhnell; snlo of realty confirmed. Geo W Patterson v John Northrop et al; decree for plaiutiff. Matilda l Mewart v josepn u Stewart; divorce granted. Aspinwall v roster; uccrco lor plaintiff. State v Charles and Walter Ben nett; Charles sentenced to six months Imprisonment in county Jail. Wal ter was sent to the reform schoolTill legally discharged. Birdscll v Gray; james jmnrie, executor, made a defendant. Beeson v Beeson; delimit entered. Blank v Walker, administrator; argued and submitted. Henry Gilmore v icna uinnorc; decree of divorce allowed to the plaintiff. Wiicanucr v unm; on irmi. I lU)n AT K (WBT. Estate Thos J Reed: will of de ceased admitted to probate and Geo. W Reed appointed executor U serve without bonds. Tho appraisers are John Farber, J W Moyes and Hyrani Ray. The Inventory nieu snows personal property valued at $ I '1 and realty valued at $2152.50. Estate Jos r augnn, ueceaseo; administrator authorised to sell real estate for cash in hand. Estate Chas W Tarlton, ueceaseo; Alfred Davies appointed administra tor with bonds fixed at $225. The appraisers are Geo Baker, Geo Hugh son and David Cady. Inventory shows personal personal property valued at $19.80, realty $2(M), total $21!80. Ordered that the is rsonal property be sold at private sale. Estate Robt Imbrie, deceased: will admitted to probate. J A lmtirie appointed executor to serve without bonds. Estate It II Catching, deceased; sale of real property confirmed and the executor was ordered to execute a deed. ' Estate Wm Mauzey, deceased; in ventory filed showing an estate valued at $21,572.62. The adminis trator Is authorised to sell personal Kroner tv at private sale. Ksiate Geo Hell, deceased: rrisirt of the executor filed and approved af rr it was examined. Estate Iarling Smith, deceased: Inventory filed showing real and per sonal proierty worth $20,056.61. Estate Saral J Mull deceased: On a petition to sell real estate, ordered that citatation Issue by publication revuirlng the heirs to appear Feb 23d and show cause w hy said real estate may not be sold. MARKIAQK IKENSES. License to wed were Lssued Jan. 12 to John II Darland aged 28 years and Annie L Perry aged 23 and Jan. 15 to Henry W Huslageaged 25 years and JeW Ida Wiliams aged m years. l)ea! Utter LUU The following is a list of letters re maining uncalled for in the pobtolttce atllillshoro, Jad. It), ISD7: Mr F. M. J. Murphy. Mahlon Hall and J. E. Giesler. All letter not called for by Jan. 30th will besent to the Dead Letter Otlloe. One cent will be charged for each letter culled for. II. St'HtLMEKK'ir, P. M. JI KV Mr tOK 1SJ7, The following citizens have been draws to s?r.e as Jurors fir 1337. lteedvillc J B Iuilay Grain Merchant Hans Rasiuust'u , Andrew peirson N P Okerniau Martin Hanson 1) It Wheeler , .Farmer C II Willoughby Geo Hiighson Michael Welch ti South Forest Grove M 1) Markham Farmer M H Shinlev " JasierG Raines Blacksmith II D Breyant Mechanic Hugh Smith Farmer John Farlier S G Hughes E A Krcidcr ' " !N'orthIiifTsTMiro- Adam Young P M Jackson E II Warren P Baughman ..Electrician Farmer Farmer u 11 Sam Williams... " T R Imbrie " Peter Boscow " E J Lyon Liquor Dealer R B Goodin Capitalist II V Gates J W Shute Banker A Sicler Laborer North Forest Grove Austin T Buxton ....Farmer S T Crow W II Crosley M E Dilley Sam C Seears II F Gorden David Smith John M Gleason.... T A Router South HillulKiro C E Crocker R Crandall Joseph Mann Hen Hay Win Mcijuillau ZJ Wood, jr C E D.'ii hiiian D M O Gault II P Ford Ch.is Bo wen John Carsteus John Milne Thos D Humphries.. Dilley Precinct Abner Brigs William Gray 11 11 Farmer Merchant Editor Seculator Mechanic n ...Miller Abstracter Merchant ....Blacksmith Milkman Charles Hubbert B F Purdy A B Todd Robt Alexander...... ES Gay lord Farmer Otto Wismer Dairy Creek J C Moore .Merchant 11 ....Firmer Willis Ireland A Thornburg II C Carsten W S Spread borough. J C Hartly w W Ixiyd 7T. C Jesse A J Roy W C Sugalls Dan Baker C P Yates Went Butto D A Morris Farmer M E Diilaboy " S;m Soronsen... " W 1) Taylor " Arthur Flint " C M Johnson '" Sol Jack " Ci Hodgi-s Nels Nelson ' J M Marion Fnil Groner " John Caldwell " Buxton S Paisley Farmer Win Stephens Dan Leicey II T Buxton... 11 ii Joseph Matod " East Butte W J Robinson Farmer J B Walker " Andrew Johnson " S A Durham " Ed Huffman " Euiil 1 1 il man " James McGowan " J M Burrows " OleOlsen u A W Davis k " South Tualatin Geo S Campliell Farmer W J Iart " C II Bnxiks " W Stephensi-n " Geo Tivyley " W C tVillier " Chas Wilcox " C L MKVirmiek " Geo Robinson. C II .McSherry. Blacksmith West Ceilar Creek B II Alber...... ..Farmer C A Cavell " JtXiuston " J E. Towne " Thos Mathison " John Pnpe " August Meibus " John Her " SOHogan - Chris Holznagel " Beaverdam Wm Butner Farmer C Hickerthele " J (J A Young " L Keene " W Graff. " John Berger Jr " John Keenl W Hildenbrand " Fst Cellar Creek E A Eddy Farmer Wm R Day " A B Mulloy I C. Hutter Sherry Ford , L ) Senser J F. Heron Jiiseph Byron J E Hedges C Seuedcr , 1 tUT Hedrlck Mountain Arthur Bseoi' T G Meacham J ( A Johnson.... II Luck E J Cratib Jolly Gillespie J W Thompson.... II C Lewis .Farmer Let's take hold hands. Mr. Grocer, and dance! We've got some beautiful business for you and with you, and for and with your customer. -Schilling's Best Is the tea. Pay every customer's money back that don't like it We'll pay you. There's money in it A artiillini A Camtmaf m rraai Washington . Richard Connell Farmer ihn Joss " W Goodin " M C Lincoln " Alfred Gerber....... " W L Bacheider " Geo Bantz lieonard Tompkins J Kuratlie II McLinn Wm Rom 11 11 I Ii lhiretv John S Jackson " Columbia A Gorden Farmer Geo Hellelre " J A Lerey. " Iiewis Powers -I . Hsj,... .,...:..... " A Tongue , " W B Wilson " NBerdan..; Richard Schiffelin " J C Beach " JG Northmp " Chaa Weeks " Ger Armentrant...;; " E P Cornelius.. W P Freeman , it ii Cornelius - TE Cornelius. Farmer John Buchanan " Ben Schofield " G N Hale James Voting " W H Lung " Geo Hancock " A Hergert " C liH'hstroli " M Cook Gales Creek ' " J F Laferty Farmer B M Collins t T Williams Stanley Philips James McClaran Taylor I lanes Friend Barrett Richard llayeraft J W II Adkins O M Godfrey Beaverton Alfred Davies Farmer Geo W Htitt Ca Hornbuekle Michael Welsh John Henry Wapato John Baxter Fanner Geo Tpmple Peter Dethle Pern Patton S Schogren., Lewis Wilcox... Willis Challaeonibe ,.. T W Sain 8 W Ralstron C W Hudson A t'aril. I To the friends who by their act of kindness and eympathy assisted dur ing the last illness of Roliert Imbrie, we hereby extend our heart .eit thanks. The Family, IT TO DATEiSER V It' I', A great many Pacific Coat people when contemplating a trip east and when bringing friends west, know very little about the interior line, and the object of this article- is to afford reliable information. In the first place for good time and service, select a route via St. Paul and Minneapolis, -because the lines that way aro continuous utulor one system without any change of cars, anu every man rrom peanut agent up, is a courteous, reliable and ex perienced officer, ready to aid and protect you in every emergency and capable of msking you feel at home and coinfortabe during the long Jour ney. M l hen sec that your ticket reads vis the Wisconsin Central Lines because that thoroughfare affords strictly first class service, and the meals on its dining cars (Always reasonable in rice) are equaled by few and excell ed by none. Geo. S. Batty. 2 16 Stark, St., Portland, Or. is General Agent or this company and will cheerfully furnish you a neat and handy calen der and full information on the sub- jeet of transportation, if addressed or called upon, and any agent will up on application, sell you a ticket over the V isconsin (Jcntral tilnes. THE LECTURE (OUIME. The first of a course of lectures ar ranged for by Prof. Stanley, of the public school, wns delivered at the court house lust Friday evening. President UimplMll, or the State Normal School, made Ihn first ad dress, followed by Pres. Chapman, of the University of Oregon. Their subjects were purely educa tional in character aud contained facts of vital Importance to every person iu our state and nation as well. Pres. Campliell dwelt- more es pecially utrfin the education of chil dren, and of the boys and giris until they are ready to enter college. He deprecates the custom of Minding young men and young women to college and universities before they are fully prepared to enter those In stitutions of learning; better to im prove ttie home schools by adding the necessary four year's course after the grammar grade is finished, then they will be ready to enter the high er schools Without doin hi nnieh preparatory work before the -nu oe gin a college course. Pres. Chapman believes that the safety of our nation lies in "eilcuation of the masses and not of the ilssse;" and gave Instances to show that much of the effective work in school of design and similar institutions is doue by the educated son and dsiu'iter of the poor man, children from the Milk and file of the common people. In substance, we must educate ur boys and girls so that they may be able to study the great problems of the day for themselves and to form correct opinions of the same without the misleading aid nf drniHt; jues. The lectures were, niont Invrvsting throughout and of a high iuteiieetual character, and the audience showed its appreciation by the close atten tion given during the entire evening. The solo of Miss Grace Pis? and the choruses by Prof. Werschkull's glee club were f-xii Dent and added not a little to tin. ili-Mure of the occasion. ATttr a vole of than Us had been proposed by S. imtor Huston, chair man, to those who had contributed to the evening's entertainment, the audiene adjourned feeling that they had i'l'Joyed a rare educational treat. The time of (he uext lecture has not Ueu deiiuittly fixed, though it will be at some, date in February. A Curd. To l!e friends a lio assisted during the lato illness of illiam Mauzey in acts of Limbics uud sympathy we hereby extend our heartfelt thanks. Mas. Martha Mai .ey ami Family. BOOTS AND SHOES .. NEW SHOP. Havim commence.! huainee in 1111- txiro, 1 aiii now prepare! to nink NkW noilk anil to gtva npi-cini atieniion to R, E PAIR IMP SATISFACTION with all order entruai- eil to ma la guarameU. All work promptly done, and at moat rennonal.le priuea. Hiiop on Hocomt Htroet, between Mala and WiMlitngtoii. next dual lo Uowu'a blucksinith.aiiov. ROBERT WAUSER, HUhboro, Oregon. CITATION. IS THE I'Ol'NTY OH'RT, OF THE Hlalo of Ofuuoll. lur WaolnliirUin Cuuiuy. In the matter nt the eitate of) (Sarah J. Mull, deoeaaeil. ( To ('liarlva Henry WiliouKhby, John V. Muter, Mary E. Lymrup, Cliria, Ly- irop, Klliubeth A. Jai'k, Calvin Jack, l.iura Hteoplea, l. P. Hieeplea, Hirali (Jurrnn, James Cumin, Tliuraton I4. .Maatvraand William Matter and 10 all tstraiiiia interebttfd in uld estale. Uieet- UK : In the name of the Slate of Oregon, yon am lit-r- by cited am! required to appear in I he Conuly Court of tlie Htata ol Ore in, for the County of Wualiin . ton, at the Courtroom tliureoi, at HiliHt-oro, in ttie County ol Waaiiiiif!ton 011 H-ilunlay the '.'S-d day of February 1117, at 10 o'clock lit Hie lore.ioou ot that duy, then and there 10 snow cauae. if any exiat, why an order of Hale of the following deacr lied real pro perty, ailuate in Waalnnicton C mntr. Ore Kon, and dorilied a follow ti-wit: tract: iiiut part of the llonation land claim o: A. J. Maktera mid. Hiirali J. Mas tarn hia wile In 1 1, a r 3 w. Will Mar boun, ded and described I htia: C inimencinn al a point n 1" SO' ohi and 4.11 chae Irom th a w corner ot tlie n ol auid don, laud clam thence n 12.12 dm thence o lo line of ruilroa l thence H1" 0' e to ttie n w corner ot tnnd nop owned by Hanst-'n in aaid claim tlirnce 1" 3l' w 9. 30 i-ln to n 1 lie ol J iiue Kamuen land in anid claim thence wualerjy on anid n lute of Jatnea It lamiiatoii luml 10 the place of beitinninn cuntainiiiK 18 acre. Second tract a part of the ol the donaiion land claim of A. J. Mnefera and Sarah J. Maater h wileintli2w Will Mer bounded by commencing at a point on tho 1. line of 1 he a of aaid claim aaid point belli- 25 SO cha w of the e line of aaid claim thence miming a 1" 30' w 8 S3 cha thence e7" IX w to the went line of said o'ain. I hence 11 on ai I w line to the n w corner of aaid aontu half of anid donation oiaim theme e on ald n line of nun! a to the place ot lieifinninff oontaininK ti.'U aorea mora or U'eheu!d not be made aa prayed for in the petition nf Tho-. lluniptiriea Eiecutor of tl.e Inst will nnd letutnt-nt ol Hnrah J. Mud deceased tilod 111 this court and cause. Wilni-M, the Hon. II. P. C rnel u. Indira oi the County C urt ol ilie Suite ol Oregon, lor the County oi Washington, with the seal of vd Court aln I 'd thia 21 Kh day of January 1H!I7, Attoiti J. A. IMBI1IK skal Clerk. 35 3 Br W. W. McKinney, D.-putT UXKCITTOII'M MALI! It K A LIT V. OF XTC-riCE 13 HKREI1Y OIVKS 111 IT Xl m pumuiiuoi ot an order ol the County Court ol the Stole of Oregon for Washington Countv made nn the 11th day ot January A. 1) 1WI7 in the matter of the estate ot Aloia liar! weig .r, dvoeaied, the unnereigned was authorized and di rected to aeii at private 1 e certain real eatiita belonging to aforesaid e-tnte and in ii-l order and heri-iimfiMr prtiruhir de crilied. I will on nnd ailer tlie III h day nl Koliraary 1MI7 oiler at private ante on the premise, ail of the 111 tore t nl aforaalo AI01 Hardweigcr, deceased, at the lime ot hia death oratnee aoiiilrt'd hy hi estate in the following described real i-aiaie to- it : Situnte in Wnaliington County Oregon and being the 8 X of the N K if and the S W of the 8 E M of aae l T 2 N R 4 W ot tn will, mer., containing HX) ncrea. Terms of Male: Gi ld Com of the ITnited .Slates, one-half nf purchnai price in hand, the balanea payable on the lit day nf He temlier. )elerrl payment to lie aecured by note and mortgage on tho premises anid. Kxoenae nf deed and mortgage to be at the expense pu-o'ianer.'. JOSEl'H J1AKDWKIORR. ' EXECHTOIt. A nn I K ISTK ATOIt'M MA I.K. NOTICE 13 HEllEriV GIVEN THAT in piinra.i-ice nf nn order of tlie Count, Court ol the State nf Oregon, for n asuinguin wounty, nm.lj 01 the 11th day of I inn rv Is 17. in the milter of ton estate nf J P Vaughn deeeised, and to me as adminiatrator thereof derected. I will, on Hxturdnr the 'JU:h dav nl February mi, at the south door of tlie Court 1 louse, 10 Hillsboro. Washington Conntv. Oregon, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of aaid day. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the followla dcerribed real property, to-wit: All 01 lota nutuberrd even (1) andelghl (S) nf nnd in h'k no. thr-e (H) of and In xiu:h P.irk ald to the town of Forest Ui-ove, and alsi tiie tindivided one-third ntinand to 1 i id 1 us uunitiere I one (1) two (2) lhr.-c(;i) un l lo r ( ol and in lilk nuinliered nineCI)au-l a 1 I fraetional blk no ten (III) in tlie town .it lulley Wash- ington IJuiimy, Oregon. J. C. CI. AUK. Auniinistralor ot Ilia eaiai ol J. V. Vaughn dereaaed, 3Ti 3J KXtX'l TOK'.H KOTIC't N'OTICK 18 HEREBY C.IVEN THAT llio will ol Uibe.t lin loir, de ceases!, Inte o Washlngto 1 County, Ore gon, and anisiinttng the undersigned ex ecutor thereol, hiia Issjn duly a iuiittetj lo probate In the t onnty t ourt ot the rtnte of Oregon, for Wnslilng on county, and letters toslameomrr ihereon isaneil 10 the undersigned, and ihnt I have did qnnlili- ed and entered upon ttie discharge i-f m -duties. Alt person 1 therelore having olaima against said e-tat ot Kobt. Imi-rie, deceasest are hereby requested aud n q iired to present them, with tlie prnper voucner. In ma at tlie i-tlice ol th I ouiny Cierk in It Msbjro, W.-tabingion County, Oregon, within ail month from Hie uat' herein. JAMKS A. IV ilKIK, Executo- of the la-l will md I'i-s la ment ot It-ibert Imbrie, decea ed. Puled at HtllsHnro Oregon, this '!th. day of January 1S.'7. :i 4-1. KXF.Cl TOH'.H XOTIt'K. TOOTICK IS 1IKKEHY GIVEN THAT 1 the wlllolWm. Man r, desessed, late ot Washing on eonnty. Oregon, and appointing the undersigned executor thereof, baa been duly adm Ited to probate tn the (! mnty Conn of tlie Stale of Oregon. for Washington ottntty, and letter testa mentary there issued to the undrrsiffned and that 1 bare duly unaliiied and entered arxm the discharge of my duties. AU person thenifore having claim asainat th c title of Wm. Mautev, iiesl., ar hereby riaeste.l and reqmrei to 1 re sent them, with proper vom Hers to me at th olllce of theConnty fl erk in Hit ' rn Waahington C"0nty. Oregon, within ail month from th date h reof. J A M Ed A. IMBRIE, Executor of the last Will and Testament f Wm. Maoaey, decetaed. ltdiaboro Oregon. Janu u-y 21 litlT. 40 The U. S. Qov't Reports thow Royml Biking Powdtr i superior to tit otbert. MUEBIFt"M NAI.K OX t'OKLCLOSl HE. BV VIRTUE OF AS EXECUTION', decree and order of !, issue.! out ot tn Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lor Washington County, in favor ol Mary M Beal, I'la nt:n" and agaiust Janus Harper and Mary f. 11 iriw.-, delend ante, fur the sum of Ili Vt. cti, nnd (or the turtber sutu of f-ttU fill, V. H. gold coin with interest thereon al the rate ol 10 per cent, per annum, from tue 30th day of December. 1MM. and for the coela aud x pencea of sale and ol said writ. now, therelore, by virtue ami in pur suance of aaid judgment, decree and order ot s ile, 1 will on Monday IL, 1st day if March, ISt7, at the soutu do .r 01 the Co.irt House, in UVlibt.ro. Washibgtoii County, Oregjn at the hour of leu o ciocg a. ni. , of said day.aeil al public auction to the highest bidder for cash, I he folio wing described real property, 10-wit: Lotaaumbered three aud four lj the southeast t of th aouiheest ' end thu eout'tweal ' of the eoulheast A of sectinn thirty-one .ill in toenship one II njrta ol rang four 4 wsl of the Wil Mdr con taining HM acie. All aituat iu W h inglon County. Oregon to a. tialy th hereinbefore names! eutne. and for the eoai aud expense oi aaid sale. Haid properly will be sold aubject to redemption aa tier ataltite ol Oregon. Willie ray band mi iist day 01 Jan uary, 1KU7. W. I. BRADFORD. Hheritr of Washington County, hiate of Orenon. By E. n. KapDington. Depot r. Tnoe. H. Touguo, Ally lor I'.aintitT. 00 Xt MHr.UIFVN HALF. OX FOltFCLO I IIK. By virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale, isaued out of the Circuit Court of the btate ol Orego 1, lor Washing ton County, In fa-ror of Cimon !'.arhn;an end against Oeo. 1'. ldlor.l an 1 Mary Led: or d for the sum of lin.tsi costs, ami lor the further sum of 757.-'l U H gold eotn with intereat thereon at the rat 01 s ner eent tier annum from tbe 24 day ol July 1S!M, and the further sum of U7.0U U H gold coin witn interest tnereon at ine rata of 8 Der eent per annum Iroin the M day ol Martin INHtt and lor the cosla and expense of sale and of said writ. Now, thsref re, by virtue and in per suanee of said judgement decree and or der of sale, 1 will on Monday the 2Mh day of January 1MM0, at ibe aouth door ul til Court House 111 Hiilslioro, Wash ington C unty, Oregon, at tre hour ot 10 o'clock a m, of auid day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder lor rash, tlie following described real property, ti-wit: Lola four (4) ne (.ri) and tlx (C) In bk numbered eiabt (til in and of rjminions addition to th town of Hillsboro, Wath- Inxton County, Oregon. Ail situate In Waahington County, Oregon, to aatlsty the hereinbefore named aiimr, and lor the costs and expense of said sale. Haiti property will be aold aubject to re demption aa per atatule of Oregon. Witness my Band tuis zttu aay 01 iwc- ember 18U6. W. D. UKAUrOHD. Sheriff of Waahington County, Oregon. By E. B. tiappington, Deputy. Rauer & Greene, Atty. for Plaintitf. Rl-tf MIl-HIFf'S MA1F By virtue of an execution, decree nnd order of aaie. issued out of the Clr-ult Court of th Htate of Oregon, for Waahing ton Cnntv. in favor of (Jeorir YV. falter- son and against F. 8. McLeod, Martha McLeod and Anton Vfanner for the sum of $17.80, cots, and tor tlie further uiii of e4iJb.0u U o gold coin, Willi interest tnereon nt the rate ol 10 ner cent per annum from the 2Hrd dav of November lNifti. and tlie further sum of $U0 cost and the further sum ofSlliS.il U 8 iiold ooin it interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 231 day of November 18(1) and tbe further sum of $44.00 U b gold coin with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per oent per annum Irom tue zod uny oi November lSUd and for the o usts aud expense ol al and ol aaid writ: Nav. the ainra. bv virtue and in perstl ance of aaid judgement decree nnd order if sale t arill nn Mondav the 261 h day id January 1SD7, at the outh door of the Court House In Hdlst oro, Washington Couuly, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o clock a m of aaid d.ty, tell at pirblio auction to the highest bidder foro tab Ibe following described real property, to-wit The xouth half of the northwest and the north 4 of the southwest W section 22 towm 1 south range 6 west Will Mer containing HA acre. All situate in Washington Co., Oregon to satisfy the horelnbelor named sums, and lor ibe cosla and expenses ol .ulil shIm. Hnid property will be sold subject to re demption aa per statute of Oregon. W tues my band thi 21 day nf Dec ember, lln. w. u. nitAi'ruiiLf, Hhenlfof Washington County, Oregon. i'.f K II. Bappiugton, Deputy. Thos. If. Tongue, Ally for plaintiff. 31 35 NHKBIFF'N WALK ON FOKHI.ONl UK. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, decree and order of sale, issued out of the Circuit Conn of the Htale nf Oregon for Waahington County, in favor of Oeorge itobinaon, plaintilt, and against W. N. Fowler, J. H, Fowler, O-'orria M. Knight, J. I. Knight, E. B. Fuller. K. I. Fuller and Harrv W. Hitton. defendants, lor the sum ol $2. costs, and for tlie lurther sum of 7M.M, V. 8. gold coin, with inteinst thereon at the rate or eight percent per annum from th 23d day of Noveinlier, lK'Jrt, and for the coats and expense ol sale and of said writ, Now. therefore, bv virtue nnd In pursu ance ot said judgment, decree and order of aaie, I will, on Monday, the lMth dav of January, 17, at the sotuli door of the Court House, In Hitl-osoro, Washington County, Oregon, at tbe hoar of 10 o'clock a m, of aaid dy, sell at public auction lo th highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described real property, lowit: Lots No seven (7) nnd eight (H) of and In Block forty-two (42) of and in Houtli Const addition to the town of Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, Lying, be ne and situate within Waanlnrton county Oregon to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums, and for the costs and e 1 pen so of said sal. Held property will be sold ub ject to redemption as per attttit of Ore gon. Witness my nana tin l.in any 01 December, lMUn. V, . u. nrtAi'rtiti Hheriff of Washington Co. Htale of Ore gon. Uy E. B. Bapplnglon Deputy. Thos. Ii. Tongue Attorney for Flalntitt Notice f AMMisnmenl. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN. THAT i W. E. Ueauchamp and Alloa M. Ileanchamn of Waahina-ton Countv. Ore gon, bave made an alignment to me of nil tneir property .real and personal for the henetlt 01 an mew creuitor in proportion to the amount of their respective eiaima. That I bave tiled auch assignment In th Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Waahino-ton County, and tiav duly qual ified add entered upon tbediacharge of my dulie as auch aaaigne. All persona, therelore, having claim against th aaid W. K. Beauchamp and Alice Buaurbamp, or either of them, ar hereby notihed 10 present atich claims under oatb, tn m at the law office of Oeo. R. Hagley, in Hillsboro, Oregon, or at my office within three months ol th date herein. Dated at Hillsboro thi l'-Hb day of Decem ber, 1W. n . is. oinn&i j, Assignee of W. E. Beauchamp and Al re M. Beauchamp. Treaaarrr'ti Xotle. VOTICK 19 HEREBY GIVEN. THAT ll ail Countv warrant endorsed prior lo March 7. IfT). are now reoeemable at I ... n III. I'nnnl. IM..KM. In I h. III. VUlta u, mw " ' - . ... . i, 11.11 .t.M n.i,mi nf Ws.shins.fnn. I i 1 , ill nM I 1. um. iflsr this dale. Il.ts-d at Hillsboro. Oregon, this 23 1 day of Kabrnary, liH. A. 11. V A HY. 337 von .ty iitmsim. Tim In .f tea. Dkottce I hereby given that on the 1Mb day of Octener IHHn.w gave our minor an. Robert J. Tompkin hia time. Vt will therefore, make neioiairn for hi er vice, nor be re pond lie for hi contract from and alter that date. SI J5 (HB3.)r. J. TOMI KISS. WM. TUMI KISS. Dated at Hillsboro, Or., Dec. 21, ILOOK G A ud rend this- earefully if you want to keep Jcmclry.'Storej.in your' City, art 1 rail atten tion again of ,'tho, people 'ol HiUtro and vicinity lor the'.laet time) to call and ami my New Holiday liooda, also to Buy Watches, Cloeka or rlilverware. I have line of King, Chains, S-art and Breant Pine, Sleeve an J Collar liulton, bilk Watch t.anla anj Vest I liaiua, all line of Optical LiooJ, r.ra.sclcla, 1'jsjra Glajwoa, tiilverWare, etc. SI VI $$VI VI IN WILL UXDERSELL PORTLAND KingH uial) to orJer if ordered inlttiuio. All Wutcluss aud Repairing. lvft.'over three niontha nuiMt be railed for iwlore December 26th or will b aold for the) charges. Ke nieiuber (your, irieuda with Cbrutuia rreaentii. Youni Truly, V $$vt VI mmfmitWrnimmmiiiaa IF YOU WANT TO HIRE A GOOD LIVERY TEAM GO TO THIS Cily Ltvery SlalilB Where you will lintl the Itest Teams that can be hail IN IULLSBOUO. ' EVERYTHING FIRST - CLASS. lit (.00,1 Teams, (.ood Uur?ies and Good Drivers. Second and Washington St. B HAVE YOU USED 3 BUTTER PARCHMENT? . All gilt-edged butter put on the mar ket by creameiies is wrapped in paper. The product of the private daily would reach its market in much bettei condi- . tion if Wrapped iu Butter Parchment than it does when wrapped in cloth. : Parchment is not only better than cloth, but cheaper. . Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard, from which 27 sheets can be cut- 27 Parch ment wrappers cost 3 cents. 500 500 Sheets, 8x11, Sheets. 8x13, The standard .'ize for 2-pouud rolls is 8xii inches; 2-pound .blocks are wrapped in the 8x13 size. One reason why paper has not been generally used heretofore, farmers could not get it at the general store. It is now kept at the Independent of fice cut to any size wanted. directly and tixlirvctTi', by people who cannot do their own figuring, write their own lettora,or keep their own books; and who do not know when business and legal piiHr which they must handle every day are n,aile out correctly, t W All ihese things, and much more, we tf-ai-ti thimtuyhly. Hundred of our graduate are In (.'" I position, and there will be opening for hundreds more when times Improve. JVoir Is the time to prepare for them. Itealdea, a business education ia worth ail it rusts, -.i- nr'( uicn tue. Mend fur our catalogue, U learn w hot and hine wo teach. Mulled free !:i any address. , ' Portland Business College, A. P. Armstrong, Prin. Portland, OregTOn. J. a. W.ce. Secretary. NIIF.ItlFF'.S HALE OX FOKfX'LOMI UK. By virtu of nn Riecuttnn, decree anil order of sale, is jed out of the Circuit Court of the Htale of Oregon, lor Washing County. In favor of William f. Lord Oov- ernor ol Ihe Htnte of Oregon. U.K. Kin- caid Hecretary of Htate of the Btate of Oregon and 1'lnl lielsrhan Htate Treas urer of the btate of Oregon, and together constituting ex-otllcea the board oi Com missioner for Ihe ante of school and uni versity land and for the investment of funds arising tlien lrom, nnd awnst H. 11. llendriz. .Int. la J Itenilna. Milisuoro Co-operative Co., 11. Hamilton, the New Inn Wagon Co. a corporation, A. J. Wllke William t oruitt, Llonald Mncleay and Robert l.ivinasion Administrator of th estate ol Kenneth Marl nay deceased, David ttarwooil. Laura A. tlarwoofl, in first National Hunk of Hillsboro Oregon and Homer f. Hendriv tor the aura of $22 50, costs, and tor I lie further sum of I11UI.0O U B gold coin, with Intereat thereon at Ihe rut of 8 per cent, per annum, from the lit dav of December lH'JIi, ami th further sum of $ian0, costs, ami lor th further sum of li'&UO li 8 gold coin, with intereat thereon at the rate ot 10 per cent, per annum, from the 1st day of December lMfti, and the further stun of tN 00 eost. with Interea. Ihereon since said date at the mte of 8 per ccn. per annum, and for the further sum fa.snOOC B gold coin, wttn Interest thereon at tlie rate of 10 per cent, per annum Irom the7ibday of November, ima and for the cost and expenses ol aaie and of aaid writ. Now. Iherefore. bv virtu and In t (nu ance nf aaid Judgement, decree and i rder nl sale, I will, on Monday the 2S day of Januarv, imrj, at the soutn door of th Court House, in iiiiisooro, n aanmgion C junty, Oregon, at tbo honr o. ID o'clock a. m of said uay, anil at ptiDiic auction to th big est bidder tor cash, the luiiowlng described rent property, towit: Commencing at a post on tne norm una and II.H7 chains east of the northwest cor ner of the donation landjrlaim of If. H. Hendrlx and wile in sec S.1, township 1 north range 3 west Will Mer. and running thence east on said north line 141 ehs, thence sonth !iM ch thence east It .Violis to the w corner ot land on AprilAIH.9 owned by K. Pomeroy theni-e north til 4.V east 7.07 cha thence east t.'Jti ch thence north I 20 ch to a post on north lin of said Hendrii donation claim thence east on said north line Sl.iW ch todiviaton lin between husband and wife' halt of atd Hendrix donation claim; thence south I a.. vi eh to the south lin of said Hendrix donat on c'eirtl thence aeet on aaid (nutb line fln.islcb to a post thence north VIM chs to tlie place of beginning containing !.07 acre. All situatt in Washington Connly Htate of Oregon to satisfy the hereinlssfore namenV suwis, and for th cos is and expense ri( a - IP. Maid property will he aold aubject lo re demption as per statute nf Oregon. Witnea ai band tin 'Jfl dav of Decem ber. IHIH. W. D. H ItADrOKI). Hlier.ff of Wshintn Count, Oregon. r!y Ik. B. nappington. Deputy Thoaf. Tongue, Atty for Plaintiff. 31 15 XJ T ! VI Vl VI L. V. BKRCKMOKS. 55 cts 60 cts are lost unnuallv. HEAFMIMH t'AJINOT HE CL'REU ii. i..i . ii... i j. .. .(ui-niiun,, mm msj cannot reaob the diaeaeed portion of Ihe ear. There i l. ' cure aeaines, anil Mm mj wnnuiaiiunsi remeillee. lleal nna t caused by an inllamrd oondltnin 1,1 tllA mil.ui. Ilnl... ... V . l. ;:- .. , u, r.uaincnian 1 nbe. When thia lube get Inttamed, you have a rumbling a.iund or Imperfeot hear ing, and when It leeiitirety closed deafness - -..- mMwwwmw tn iniiammBllon cun be taken nut and thia tub restored lo iieMring win ue un- troyed forever; i-Ine rase out of ten are neusjul l, ..l.ipli i. -W ........ . . . , w,.,vll ,1,1,11 1 1, Utll an in named oondilion the mucous ur lacee. . W will give One Hundred Dollars fnr any case of Doafnee (caused by Catarrh) that cannot b rnred by Hall1 Calarih I'll P. Haml . .. . . j. t,nit.n.T l CO., Toledo, O. 8 dd by Druggists, 7ftc Hall Kamily I'llls are tba beat. RIBBONS ARID ... . . . CARBON PAPER TYPEWRITERS . i . AT INDEPENDINT OFFICE ran nalk. AttASCHOK) ACIIKH, ALL FENrKIl and all slashed, part In cultivation with hone and barn, yonng orrhsrd and two springs, can b bought at ls than ball value If applied (or soon. Ail dree of sail e I)R. C. SMITH. Ooraeiin, Oregon. ana a 1 10,000 uuv.