HILLSBORO INDEPENDENT. Knlare4 la the pomffln ml H II lsnere, Orens, an sMuua-ejaae si. . IMbecrtrtloa, In a4vane, par yes t t UlLLrfbOltO rUBLlnHUKJ OO, rofsafv D. M. C. OAULT, Edits. vmtitL rArmmow rmm errr FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1M7. 'fuller . of Colorado, waa elected aenator by a great majority, but Du UuIh, of Idaho, U atuck. Thabka. How Urv bed la) required to ac commodate Bourne, the Oregoniao, Hininn, U'Ren and Belyeu? O, not a hrtrtul one aioce tbey lie very clos ely together. Thou C. Piatt of New York haa tlnfi-atnl the eminent thoate for sena tor. The unsuccessful candidate woujil grace any legislative ball whila th other in ..imply a "Me too" poli ticiitn. The Oreetinian now freely 'lulls populint comwpondence to Ha col umrw. JoHOph Ganton telta who are anar-hitln the imue of the JM InHtant. Of conrm the anarchM from his standpoint, la the republican party. Therp are some things that aeem lo point to the fact that the continental suOMidiml railroads were willing trial the refunding bill should fall. In deed it would not be suprblag that, eould tho secret hltory bo told, il woold bo made to appear that the mllrofiN connived at the deffat of the bill. ISy the state constitution the house is made the solo judge of the election and riuailflcation of Its members. If those populist obstructionists refuse to unite with tho majority and do duty as legislators let their republi can opponents come up from the several counties and Inaugurate a contest. They will be seated as they ought to be. The upper house of the legisla ture Is to be commended for it prompt organization and attention to the people's business. 8t. Helens Mist. The lower house could have been organized quite as promptly if that body had proposed to put one ol Joe Kimon's creatures In the speak er's chair. Hut because the majority objected, Joe Joins the populists in a hold-up. The Independent feels certain that the paragraph stating that Tual atin Acadomy and 1'itclfc University at Forest drove is asking or will ask for an appropriation from the state treasury Is without foundation. Whilo the college would like to have its endowment fund augmented, It does not want It to come from the state. This opinion is fixed by the fiiet that the school was offered help at an early day whon it waa needed more than now, but lt declined It. Then tho authorities declared that they did not want state help that they did not believe in the principle of state aid being ax fended to private schools. There is no intimation that a change of police In that particular has lxen adopted. Home schemer haa caused to be In. troduced In tho state, senate a bill, which if enacted Into law, would make state and county taxes payable in coin only. This legislation would restrict the use of county warrants and would remove a demand which tends to make thorn valuable. Now warrants aro receivable in part pay ment of taxes, and are hoarded by tax payors for that purpose. If tax payers cannot use this class of paper, they will Ik) loth to take it and anx ious to be rid of it. Brokers will not le slow in seizing their advantage They will shave the warraut. Y had a taste of this last summer whcD it was feared Ilryan might be elected and warrants would be paid In ail ver. A discount of ten per cent war demanded. Afterward, when It war seen that our currency was not to t disturlxd, county pcr went to the old figure. .That bill Is a bad one and should not pass. Tho republicans are not responsible for the hold-up in the house at Salem They aro in a majority but not such a majority as is required for orgs a I cation. The friends of the populist declare that If Senator Mitchell were out of the way, an orgonlxatlon could at once be. effected. This 1 probably not true, but even If were, It only emphasises the fact that Mr, Mitchell is the choice of the republi. can party lor U. S. senator, and that ho haa votes enough to elect. The assertion that he is losing strength I not true because if It were on the hypothesis above noted, the house would at once organise and defeat him. Now, If the ixWile want a representative, they ought to have their choice, and not a small cabal of selfNh arhemcrs. Nothing Is claimed for public sentiment In other counties, but In Washington county the sentiment is pronounced on two questions: first, organize the house pupllc businees can be done; and second, elect Mr. Mitchell. All re publican unite on tho first propoai aition and a very Urge majority favor the second. Of these facta the repre sentatives ami senator from this county are duly appraised. Our rep resentatives are working with night and main to organise, and when the time cornea If It ever does to vote for senator, the whole delegation will cast solid vote for Mr. Mitchell an obedience to Ihe will of their constituents. I OXQAyiZATIOX EFFECTED. Thirty-two members elect of the House participated in an organiza tion of thai body yesterday after noon. Benaoa waa chosen Bpaaker. Two or three detnocrata Joined with enough republican to effect an organization. Thirty one members took the oath of office. There la absolutely no queitlon of the right of a majority of each bouse to onranltate. Art. IV section 25 of the state constitution provide that a majority of the member elected hail be required to pasa laws, and tbe Congressional law governing the election of U. 8. Senator provide that a majority of the member iu Joint convention shall be required to elect a U. a Senator. Now there 1 no question but that a republican will be returned to the U. & Senate. Tbe Idea of some, that tbe state Sen ate will not Join the house In Joint convention may be true, but the in dividual member may at noon go Into tbe Joint convention and a ma jorlty thua constituted elect IJ. 8, Senator. Suppose tbe populists re fuse to take the oath of office and enter upon the discharge of their duties, then they are not members ol the house and their Counties will not be represenated, just tm weir. which ierhaa Is WIIAT1S WANTED. What la wanted by all good citl sena of Washington county is that the house at Salem organize and go to work. A thing that is greatly noeded is a larger republican ma' jorlty and fewer populists. A a po litical scheme nothing could be ol more advantage to the re publican party than the action of the populist obstructionists, but the Independent doe not want to get party strength that way. The state needs some legislation, and It is time that U'llen and his crowd were made to know this fact. But let us notice the elemeinents that are clustering about the obstruo tlonlsta. First there is Bourne with his ten-ioom lunch house kept on the club plan, then there are those in the Interest of Mr. Corbett, who have the smell of boodle about their clothes, then there are the "interests" who, having tasted the sweets of hold over, would like to have the legisla ture adjourn without enacting any laws. To enumerate all the com missions, the secretary of sU - gov ernor, state treasurer, the district at torney, the circuit Judges, who do not want tbelr districts changed, all the railroads and the cannerymen are most anxious that the slumber of things be not disturbed, the attorney general whose office Is threatened, the sheriffs, the county clerks, the re corders, and all the gang who are in the saddle. These "Interests" are in evidence at Salem, and it is but reasonable to suppose are naturally opposed to a change of present con dition. There are exceptions, but they do not Include those who are receiving most "swag." Opposed to these are the republican members of the house, who patiently strive to honestly organize with a speaker who will appoint committees having the Interests of the people in view, Wherefore, the people are Justified in demanding that the republicans or ganize speedily. But over and above all is the de sire of the populists that no republi can senator be chosen. It is not yet certain that the republicans can have control of the next U. S. senate, and the failure to elect here in Oregon may give the demo-pops control el that body. Then no tariff legislation, no currency reform, but the same de ficiency will pile up the debt. The free silver demagogues will still have excuse for howling. Bourne Is their tool in Oregon. It is a corrupt hold up all along the line. The worst Is some individual republicans not clearly understanding the situation, are allowing themselves to be guided by corrupt leaders. THE HOLD I P. To The Kdilor: It would be dif ficult to find in the same number of words more mlsleadlug statements or unjustifiable conclusions than are contained In one of the leading edl torials of Wednesdays Oregonian, entitled "Recital of facts." The charge that candidate for the legisla ture were 'held up' to make them promise to vote for Mitchell is as des titute of truth, so fur as Mr. Mitjhell is concerned, as Ihe largest part of the insinuations to be found in that part of Ihe public press that is now active in Ihe conspiracy to defeat his election. If candidates for the legis lature were held up, as ex pressed by Ihe Oregonian, this holding up was done by the republican voters at the polls. The large majority of the candidates for legislative honor with the knowledge that he was the choice of a large part of their constitu ent were anxious and willing that these constituent should hold them up when the poll were opened and that they might be held up, were careful to pledge themselves during the canvas, that if elected Mr. Mit chell should have their hearty sun port. This was the general feeling throughout the state and none was more aware of that tact than the edi tor of the Oregonian. He misjudge men so pledged when he assumes that they will plead the baby act. Mr. Mitchell' ability a well a hi services In the interest of the people of Oregon were unquestioned and the only reservation made by a few doubting Thorn tse' was that he should tand on the St. Louis plat form and give a hearty support to McKinley and Hobart. It Is useless to question hi position on republi canism, and his support of the presi dential ticket is too well known by the people of this state to suffer by the calumnies of those who axe now conspiring with populist and Bryan democrats, not only to defeat bl elec tion but to defeat that remedial legis lation to which all parties In the state by tbelr platforms and the de clarations ot their candidates, In the canvass were solemnly pledged. Tbe "hold np" now going on at Salem and for which no one is more responsible than the Oregonian and which is en dorsed by those who have been rob bing the people of the talo by un Just appropriations of the people'i money In exhorbitant fees and on necessary salaries for the last two years, and which they hope by this conspiracy to retain for two year more I the highwayman's "held " which is robbing the state and aaetvsto- Ing tbe fruit of the reBukliaaa vic tory In the last election aad all gratify the vlndictiveness of these who have been heretofore hoaered and built up by the republican party but who, since they have cast theaa elves into tbe arms of It ea?aius will be honored by It no more. The charge In this recital of facts, that Mr. Mitchell stood rly to sup port Bryan, Is so lacking In every element of truth that it can be placed with the other falsehoods that are the common stock in trade of that dlsoraganizlng factionwith headquart era In Portland that has determined to rule or ruin the republican party and not only stand ready but have united with tho demo pops to secure their object. Let those republican members who are endeavoring to organize the house, refuse to be buldozed by this unnatural combination. The repub licans of Oregon will sustain them for so doing. II, WHIT IT FOBTESDS. The course being pursued by the obstructionists, In the house at Salem is an example of the worst elements that ever creeps Into governmental affairs, yet It is strenuously adhered to by the entire populist membership and populist coadjustors and those only. It is a movement of that party tactics, and, for the time being, every one giving countenance or aid be comes an attache of that party. It Is an action that Is subversive of all government, if a minority, by trickery, can successfully stop tbe work of legislation, it can then block the wheels of the state and national governmeut, and destroy the state and nation. Such an end is precisely what the rankest anarchist desires, and is work ing for, and such, in a degree, is just what every one who upholds the pro ceedingofthoseobstructlonists, gives, not only his sanction to, but active assistance in attempting to bring about. The situation Is not a pleasing one to contemplate, and one of the most un plea sent features of it, is the course pursued by Oregon's leading news paper, in directly aid and comfort to the enemies of the commonwealth whom it has heretofore fought at every turn, just through its insane desire to defeat one man. The plea that the obstruction is In the intererest of better legislation and for better manipulation of po litical affairs, is totally untenable, and is made with the full knowledge that it is so. The reason of the obstruc tion is too glaringly apparent, for any honest citizens to give a moments consideration for such a plea. The simple facts are that the defeat of Senator Mitchell can only be accom pllshed by sustaining the holdup, and that brings those who are bent upon his defeat to its support, and the populist orglnlzed and sustain it to further party ends, not caring bow despicable the act Itself may be or what It may lead to. That they round assistance to enable them to carry out their desigus, only points to individual duplicity, and is not chargeable to the republican party or its adherents in the legislature. The interests of the state are Ian guisning, ana every indication was promising that needed legislation would have been accomplished, the orginization could have been made. There is not one single rota of grounds for 'charging that the members, who have been strenuous ly workiog for orginization, would a. lt . . nave ueiayeu, opposed or held op legislation which the people need and demand but every indcation that they would have used every endeavor to forward such legislation a fact in i'self which completly disproves all claims that the hold up is in interest ''remedial legislation." It is not, but Is in directly the op posite direction. Albany Herald. HOW DIt'P EREXTI ctenaior snerman'a . inuuence on me money question ror many years has been almost wholly bad. He sees and approves the better courses, but always follows the worse. He has steadily Juggled with greenback Ism and biatisin to the point of ex treme danger, and hi course has made Ohio, which should be among tbe soundest of sound money state one of the most uncertain ami waver ing of all the states. Oregonian. Last October the Oregonian was considered to be sound and consistant on the money question, but now that it has gone to bed with Johns than Bourre, the populist, whom only a few weeks ago it wa reviling in un measured tooes wonder la with the common reader bow Senator Sher- man can be thus criticized. OBEGOX PIPERS OS THE 11 OLD. I P One scans the editorial columns of tbe Oregonian In vain for a word in denunciation of the notorious legisla tive "hold-up" now going on at the' state capital. I it possible that Mr. Scott' brain haa lost it cunning, or his vitriolic pen any of its aarcastL) fire and vituperative venom? Ap parently tbe Orgonlan has a "nigger" in the legislative woodpile. I ode pence West Side. Nothing of much interest has trans pired In the legislature as yet, save that the house is disgracing itself In refusing to organize for work. In defteadaaae Enterprise. The ahrte Ufssfcstare began Us ses kia a galea ka) Monday. We ktqte ttaty wili eigoaiae and get to wurfa wrtttma. Way. With only a fbrty-duy a nmm eae la two years Ike kawocjM of tt state aeeda all of thai tnaa wMaatat waiting four or ve stupe a the beginning in organl satis) Ito West. Aay cvitMaaa upon the republl cao for the eMaatioa in the leglxla tuce, is oat of place now. The re puhliea Va the lower house are do ing everythlag they can, to redeem their .pledges to give Ihe people needed legislation. It is the populist contingent that is holding up legisla tion, and upon them devolves the blame and the opprobrium. The re publicans have not the necessary two thirds for a quorum to proceed with the work. Herald. The shame of Oregon is Ihe fact that such men as U'Ren and Bourne and company have been given seats in the legislature, where they are giving an exhibition of their total unfitness to occupy such positions. Their dishonest methods exhibit ust what they are, shameless evaders ol solemn obligations, for they were elected to do tbe work of the people, and neglect to do that work in a manner that is dispicabie and beyond measure, just to gain a selfish pur pose, the hope of holding office, and the prospects of individual prefer ment. Every man engaged in or giving countenance to the withhold ing of the organization of the house in Salem is an arch enemy to the state of Oregon, and should be marked with the contempt of every honest citizen, and should be remem bered in the future. Albany Herald. The legislative assembly convened Monday morning, and the indica tions are that another bitter senato rial contest is again on to take up the time and energies of the mem bers to the exclusion of other neces sary business. This is to be deplored, and it certainly can be avoided by good common sense and forbearance on the part of the members. Every republican in the legislature should go into the caucus, and whoever may be the nominee they should abide by its decision. They have a right to know Senator Mitchell's position on the money question before support ing him, and we leel confident that Mr. Mitchell has seen the error of his past course in supporting free coinage, and he should be forgiven as a reward for the herculean labor he performed in the campaign just past in the interest of the rpublican party, It would be political suicide for him to attempt any loalltion with the free silver forces at this time, and we believe that the same has not been contemplated by him. On the other hand he can lose nothing by an nouncing himself In favor of sound money, and by so doing he can un doubtedly secure the caucus nomina tion. And this secured, It will be the duty of every loyal republican member to support him. It is true that tbe free silver wing of the party in tho legislature, by bolting the caucus nominee two years ago. caused the defeat of Dolph, and be cause the former friends of Mitchell were largely instrumental in bring- ing this about, there is a feeling of soreness and a desire for retaliation. but those who harbor 111 feeling should remember that the greater part of the element who bolted the caucus nominee of two years ago ar row eliminated from the party, and a better time for a reconciliation of tbe two wings will never come than dur ing the present session. For years past the interests of Oregon have been made to suffer on account of the enmities, animosities and am bitions of a few men. It is times new order of things went Into effect, and every patriotic republican mem ber will stand by the caucus norol nee. Tillamook Herald. tmiTHFlL 8ERTA.1TS. How long must the people submit to the outrage at Salem that is dis gracing the Mate of Oregon? It is time the people were informing them selves fully as to who are directly responsible for delay in the organi sation of the house and the defeat of that needed legislatiation for which a suffering people are looking in vain; Ibis hold-up apparently i in the interest of tbe silveritet led by Jona than Bourne, but Its only chance of success is by means of a combination with a class of republicans who bolted the regular republican ticket in the first congressional district in tho June election. Defeated in this, they have, as they dtd at the last session, determined that the present legislature shall do nothing except upon the line they propose. As they have no hope of succeeding by con trolling the majority In the legisla ture, they I ave comUned with tbe demo-pops, led by U'Ren, Berkley and Bilyeu, with the avowed pur- nose of defeating all lerislatioa dbIm 'such a may be acceptable to them-' selves. They have no intention that needed legislation In the Intrwt of economy shall be enacted. The experience of the last legisla ture, controlled by this same class of tricksters is to be the experience of this. Committee are to be so or ganised that two the most needed law shall not be parsed unit their advocates shall submit to tbelr dic tion on the senatorial question, that neither their wishes nor tbe wishes of their constituent will approve. That this oourse was taken in the last legislature ran not be questioned. Tbe chairman of an Important com mittee refused absolutely to report an important resolution investigating the school book swindle, because such Investigation would lose votes to Mr. Dolph. Not the least suspicion was attached to Mr. Dulph In con nection with thi ma ter, but the fact that such outrageous course was taken by hi friends, who through the committees of the senate prac tically held-up all legislation ren dered hi. -defeat, as the contest progressed, a matter of absolute cer tainty. It Is to be deplored that such a class of tricksters should con. trot one of the houses, but it would be absolutely ruinous to the Interescj of the republican patty as well as the peopie Kf Oregon If they should se cure control of both houses, by a combination between tbe demo pops and these republican who were elected on a ticket, a portion of which they used their tert effort to defeat. Then let the republicans who have claimed and still claim that the re publican majority has a i Ight to or ganize the house ttand fast in the position they have taken, and let tbe fuslonists with Jouathan Bourne at the head and such tricksters as Davis ai the tail do their work. The voters of the state will ueteriutne whether this hold-up is io the interest or economy and pure legislation with out regard to the opinions of the Portland dallies so freely expressed. These men and their backers are not altogether influenced by their inter ests in the senatorial contest. Every party in the state, at the last election, pledged iself to reduce expenditures, to reduce In many cases the salrries of officers, to abolish commishious or reduce the salaries of commissioners; and the large majority of those who would lose by tbe reduction are hand and glove with these legislative conspira tors who are determined to defeat all such legislation. T.ie con: ml of both houses with the committees or ganized as dictated by this fusion combination will insure them the opportunity to sllll further Rorge their already bloated pockets with the money wrung Irom an over taxed and shamefully abused con stituency. The best interests of the people of the state require that this fusion combination shall not suceed, and I much mistake the republicans wiio are opposing It If It does. Republican. 80XE THOUGHTS 03 THEIIOLIKI P, The Oregonian having in the past failed to defeat Senator Mitchell by Its usual methods of slander and and abuse has thia timo adopted some new tactics to carry out the schemes of the great trio Messrs, Corbett, Scott and Simon. The whole truth of the trouble at Salem is in the simple Tact that the Oregonian and Mr. Simon got Mr. Bourne and the demo-populisui to stand in with them in preventing the organization ot the house, tlnce In a Joint ballot Senator Mitchell would have the necessary votes, this (in)famous trio concluded to have no semlon of the house, and thus prevent the election of the maa who Is the legitimate choice of the people to the United States senate. Herein is the secret of Mr. Joseph Simon's constant visits lo Mr. Jonathan Boo-ne's office, and the Independkxt has made this discovery In due : me, -while no other paper In the date seemed to have known anything about, and, in fact, would not believe it If anyone had told them of this. The Oregon ian in tbe meantime kept up howl ing about Jonathan Bourne, In order to cover up the I jcl of Its own do ing, and the eople must submit lo such manlfulaUons of Individuals who claim the prerogative of dicta ting to the republican party. This, too, these self-appointed dictators are claiming although but last June, when the regular organization of the republican party cairled un a most trying campaign, they used all pos slble means to defeat tbe republican party by running snme obscure county judge as their "sotfnd (?) money" candidate for enngress! Have the reimblican of Oregon for Sweetness and Light. Put a pill in the pulpit if you want practical preaching for the- physical man ; then put tha pill la th pillory if it does not practise what it preaches. There's a whole gospel in Ayer's Smrar Cott Pills ; a "gospel of sweetness and liht." People used to value their physic, a they did tlreir religion.-by ita bitterness. Th mora bitter the dose the better the doctor. We've got over that. We take "sugar in ours" gospel or phyeic-now-a-daya. It's possible to pleM and to purge at the same time. There may be power In a pleasant pill. That is the goepel of Ayer's Cathartic Pills Move Mil rttc1sr in aewt tree. J v. arer gotten this? By no means. But the greatest attaaction at this Corbett Simon show is represented by the demo-populist "reformers" (?). This time the "union reform" humbugs stand right in with Mr. Simou? help ing him to prevent the organization of the house. How the mighty have fallen! Where are tbelr tears for Mthe great common people" they were in the habit to shed so freely? Oh, these crocodile tears! Or will the honest populists'still continue to blindly follow the outfit that is in league with the corrupt ring which the houest republicans are endeavor ing to Wipe Out. It, would seept.j however, that the honest populists would open their eyes now when the so-called demo-populists at Salem work hand in hand with the Corbett- Scott-Simon combine. Q. Salem, January L'oth. Mil Kill VVH M ALI! OX FOHECLOMl HK. BY ViKTl'E OF AN EXECUTION deorto anl onUt ol oiu uauni out of til Circuit Court of tit int of Orniion, for W anil inmon County, in favor ol E l ward Constable ulitiiititT. mid n:uii-l W 1. lower KH0.1 Towor L 11 Uni ting mid 11 H Ed wards lii lf ndunlK, lor the auiu of '25 :V, cot, and lur the furtiirr huiii of (17s UO, V. & toil coin, ailli interest thvreon at the rate of eiKliI pur cent, per annum, fr.ini ilia 27lh day r1. Tovr Aud'.'.e lurtuerViiui of $75 00 with inlereal thereon at tne rule of S per cent pr annum fron the 27n day of November KH. an 1 for tbe cost and expenses ol aale mil of said writ: N-w, therefore, by virtue and in perMU anceolsaiU judgement, decrra and order of sale, I will, on Monday the lit day of March, 1!7, at the aouih door of the Court Houe, In ilillsboro, WaahinxtOD Oregon, at the hour of ten 00 lock a. in., of said day, sell at public auction to the hiuh ent bidder for cash the following uesor.bcd real pruprrtr, to-wit: l.otNo5ot the Five Onks auhdiviatnn containing l.VlrJ acre All altuuta in W ash, ingtou County Oregon to eatily the here inbefore named anina, and for the coats and ei liens a ofsaid sale. Maid property will be sold subject to re demption, a. p--r statute of Oiogon. Wllne my hund this 21 IU day of Jan uary, 1WI7. . W. I). HKADKOUD, rherift of Washington County, ritute of Oreiron. .'io 3!) By, E. H. Sapplngton, Deputy. T. H. Tongue, Atly for i'laintill. NIIKltlPF'N HA I K. BY VIRTUE OK AN EXECUTION, issued out of the Circuit Court of the Stuto ol Oregon, for Waahington County, in favor of Louis Anickar and against John Anicker for the sum of $40.50, costs, II. H. gold coin, with interest tuunou at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, from the 2o(h day ot November 1! Hi, and for the costs and ex pauses of said sale and said writ: Now, therefore, by virtue and in puru ance of said judgement and for wautol autlicient personal property I did on the 5 tii day of January 117 duly levy upon all the right title anjl Interest which the above named defendant had on the 25th day of November l.t or which he h since acuuired in or to the following des nrtbed real property, I will nn Monday the in aay ot j-ebruar ihvj, at the south door ui the Court House, in ilillsboro, Washington County. Oregon, at the honr of 10 o'cloci a ni, of said day, sell at pulillc auction to the highest uidder for cash, the luiiowing-uesorlbeu real properly tow it: Ly.ng, being and situate in Washington county, Oregon, and being more particu larly deacribed as follows towit: living a parrel of land in sections 12, 13 and 14, t.2 a r 2 w and bounded by commencing at a point In the N line of sin 1 section 14 situ ated 10 chains W Irom the n w ror of ani I sco 13 as a place of beginning and running 1 11 once t along tne N line ol sec 11 and 14, 30 cha to a stake; thence N 2-0 cos more or leas, to the 0 E cor to the donation land claim, of Thomas I) Humphreys thenoeS 5s" 45' E(ar 21 E) to a alake on the N bank of the Tnalatin river and about 1i links from a white lir tbenoe 8 5s" 4o' e to the center of the Tualatin river. tlianoe up the center of main channel of aid river to the w line ofsaid section 13 tnencea along ei-1 w line or see 13 to the i wnw sre ui nr." nun 01 saiu bee 10 mmm w lOchs and thence n 40 chs to the 1 lnoe ol beginning, containing 100 scror. more or loss aud being the same land conveyed to John Anicker and uustav ti Micrck by james u walker by oced dated June 14th l-4, and recorded on page HH book ' of the records of deeds in tho olllco of He- (order of conveyances for Waahingten Co. H'ate of Oregon to satisfy the herein before name I innii and for tbe costs and expeu sea of said sale. Kaii I property will no sold nnhje-ct to re demption as per statute of Oros'on. Witness my band thlsllih day of Jan 1J7. W. D. liUADFOKD. Hherlfl for Washington County, Htale of Oregon. C. K. Kindt, Att'r for plaintiff. 33 37 KXKCL'TOK'N XOTICK NOTICE 18 HEKKHY OIVES THAT the County Court of tho ritute ot Ore -nn for Wosntnifien county in probate on the 14th day of Janur-y Ik: 17 Is-tued 1- tters testamentary on the estate ol Thnmaa J, Heed late of Wn--lunirton County Oregon, deceased. All parsons having cluims again! aaid eetate are hereby not 1 lira to present them to me at my resi-lance in Dilly precinct Washing ton County Oregon within six months from this date lor allowance and ail per sons knowning themselves indobte-1 to aaid estate are notilied to mnke immediate- pay mint. OEOROE W. REED. Execn'or of the last Will and Testamont of 1 bomas J, Keed, deceased. 3!f It irj cleat Ilarter. Will trade Ladies bicycle for rood cow. Addrees. VEKNON JEr'FCOTT, 4"il Jellerson tit. i'ortland Or. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tssfca- Dm at r' Dr. CHA 8. E. CEICER. 'WILL BE IN KOKK8T GROVE after August 3d to practice his profession, and will he found at the residence of Dr. Wm. Geia-rr. Special attention paid to Milieu I and Sursical IHseaanf W nmen and Children and all Cdronic Diseases. Ayer's Cerrhook. rao Dares. Co-. Lowes if... NEW Havine rented the Warehouse at East end of Madi son SKelnd rl'Vtr a term of years, I am prepared to handle Hour, Oram, Mill Feed, Hay. &c. I WILL PO A COMMISSION BUSINESS. Also Buy aud Sell. Cheap Storage. Side-track to ' buiidiujf. 1 700-1001" floor' space." "1 iM Cars. Truck to any part of the City on short notice. I have as good a sland as there is in the City for Business I will have a Chop mill in connection. I solicit a sliare ol your orders. ... r :.. P. S. When Farmers put their load or Cram, Fel or Hay in my hands to sell. I will keep their horses over night free of charge. No Feed tree. Thanking you for past Patronage, I Remain yours, A. 814 Hawthorn area at. THE DELTA MAIN STREET, jJ Patent Medicines, 4ffj Articles, Perfumenj, QPECIAL ATTENTION to Quality and Accuracy in Dispensing. TELEPHONE FROM PACIFIC UNIVERSITY - - - THREE COLLEGE COURSES - CIiASSICRIi, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY The Academy prepares for College and gires a thorough English Education, the best pre paration for teaching or business. All ex penses rery loto. Board and rooms at the Ladies' Hall $3 to $4 per tceeh, including electric light and heat. THE COLLEGE DORMITORY Under experienced management, tcill fur nish rooms and board at cost on the club plan, not to exceed $1.50. For full particulars, address president McClelland, Forest Croce, Oregon. THE LEADING -TXXIl- HHXSBORQPHARMACY The Hilliiboro I'hsrmsrT nnltra lie rn.lv, ,d U thoronghl, wplii with inK . Drii-tinM preemption business. The proprietors sre rver wi.tr-U.T that the moet-api.roved latest reined es era mntinn.ll.Si..., ..i i-i . .. . .l ' 1 ,,,e of medicine .,! ..h.rmarv W... luin. .Ili ..7. - .. . "." .'n-f charing ita snppli,,, owing to iu bu.inee. the btwt honsea, the retail price are consequently lower than th All the leailine- artielni of nrMViflTSTa' ci-vnviro . . .. PERFUMEH, TUlliTAKTICLIM.BRUH Ai a lAmi aiMl Zrmllnt unviniant also on hand. PATENT MEDICINES of all popular kind, always in stork The finest YYIXE8 and LIQUORS applied in eaof .icknes. on pre-riptio THE HILLSBORO PHARMACY, Union Block, Aawignee Nale. f will sell at pablie auction at Gaston, llBUrt (ilh lpe.7 L Oregon, hstunlsy, Janvexr tub 1W7. ""'"P1. tne personal property of . km iieeucnanip, insolvent. T-rnisof sale: A credit of nine months with approved security will be allowed. y. n. UAKKETT, Assignee of tbeestma of w i- .-a Alice M. lieaachamp. Insolvents, n'l-M Kierntrix'ft Retire. X OIKE H IKltKBY GIVES THAT I lie last will and t.tm... i Dnrlinv Hmitb. Oereasa.1. has .... ted to t-rotisie la the County Court of the rftateof Orrgon. or Washlnrlon and tha lelleri testamentary thereon have U-en issued to Ihe underalwned exevutria thereof, and that aha hu Hm. cionl l.c-l end enu red at on the diechajce ol her unties. A I t-cieons havincrUinis as-ainst ..LI late ol lirhnir Brnlib, deceased, are herrliy rqil'ted to t resent ll.em .. j. ' " l""l"-r Ton.-ners, at tbe office ot T. II. r. n?ue. in lllMs'.ro.Oreg ,n, wltbin six iii m.bs Iruin thh Hate HA UAH HMITH. ft -rntr of the t wih mA taa aiuen; nl I) irlm Hm.th, de ee.l. Dst-d tins Tin diy of Janairr 1WT7. run WALK. OAKCKErtOr l. Ml. roUII. ALL '.? ' "" ..uiri of ilillsboro ll ecres amler euitii .,n. cree slashed rannln eater, so-.. I orchard, house, rellar ber.i. srarary.ben-h,m,e. w-wd-shed . anraj ell sn w.ier. A l-lre-s. W.ll an, H-jener entura. eutura County. CilliorBia. S7 XOTICK. 'PIIE AJiM-AL MKETISO or THE th. n""':n.a. " ' h'd at IT-OB 'z ViET! ""-iiLi-MtKicii, WlfrMWIII BUSINESS S. DUDLEY, EAST P0KTLAM, OKEUOX. DRUG STORE HILLS BOKO, OIIKUOX ... Chemicals, Fine Toilet in Great Vanettj STORE TO OFFICE. WINTER TERM BEGINS JANUARY 4, IS97. DRUG HOUSE Hn. . i- . rVuW rvr 'ZZT rl.1.' oTne " il-. rK 'ifff , . " ----- i IIIIIU of iiiot linjeiitjing ! nit uiniiiA CIIL'fTifi T. . . . . 1 ' .'nK l r " """ I-ASSKS Hillsboro, Oregon EAGLE MARBLE WORKS! MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES and all kinds of Mnrhle Work in TALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE 'rnpor er and dealer fn 4 lelcai in. Scotch Gr.Giti Ksiircatt. . Sal-., m. I'OKTI.AM), UK. THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COMMERCE leading 'ni., f K.-M.M-kv. A" the rws ,( ,rrwi market n-..rts. REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS! FaropleTopies (roe to any a. 1. 1 row,. THE COflHEKf-fiL, un Secretary. I LealsTllle, . fceatafkr a-lsa.aviY'KV 23