I HILLSBORO INDEPEXDEXT. F1UUAY, OCTOBF.U 10, lyt.i. LOCAL AND GKNI-RAL. Rullxr nnrl water proof N-liulin.-rUh A Won. 1umh at Hoots ami hhiK-M Ht jirii-cs lower than ever Ix-fore at ttrliuliiu-rit-h A Son. Cull on Iluinplm-yi for Iohih on HnkI iroTty, also farm to ri-ut ami to sell. do to Schulmerich A Son for ril lain, all Hliatle aii'l wiiltlu. for lo"ii ht yard. J. I. Knl(lit l- pr-mri't to mttke loun) ot from $.',o to tl,0o). Se liiiu and K1'' tiix terms. M.fon fruit Jaw, I gallon at hurts., iiiurt-i at tJOrU., ami pintu at .'diets, at Itryuu-ljtUlla w Co.. ea-.li store. Twenty pouiul-i of bent granulated augur for one doll tr at Urytiu LhI.I law t'o. t'ah Store. See our tl.K) fehneri. Hood !M-eond-hnnd organ at a Idg tiarguiu If (told at once easy terms. Cull at Tualatin hotel. Ladien' eoriet, alto ladle' and children's hosiery, will lie wild at eont on Saturday at the Hillslioro lta.aar. W. I). Hare will address the citi zens of Washington county at Hills horo Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, lit the court house. (io to Schulmerich A Son If you want liargain. All wxl nerge at ll-'icts. ht yanl. All kind of dress trimming in the latest style. We invite your attention to a flue line of cape and jacket latent styles, and at surprisingly low price. Hryan-l.nldlaw Co., Cash Store. A hand of five hundred head of beef cuttle were driven through town yesterday morning. These bullock came from Tillamook county and had l'ortland for their destination. Ribbon all silk, all color, all width from il to at lik't. per yard; nmaller al.en .ict. per yanl. This I no old stock or shop. worn good, but right from the factory. Schulmerich & Sou. I am prepared to tit any one with glass1, from 2.1 ct. upward. Also have a new Hsortment of Jewelry and watches. Repairing done promptly. Hard time price on all good and work. L. V. HerkiiKHn, Hillsboro jeweler. (Jet a nrstelasrt Are insurance policy backed by a tlrst-clas Company by calling on J. I. Knight, for the same price or Jew than you will pay for one of a wild cat company. Remember your late experience with the do ceaed State of Salem. Dr. W. A. Hrown, of St. Joseph, Mo., writes hU aister, Mi Mary Itrown, that he ha choneu a wile ami that they are now In the light of their honey moon down about New Orlean. Ir. Hrown talk of visit ing HilUboro next year. lruggit K. C. Hrown returned last Saturday from hi Wit Kat ai-com-paniinl by hi bride, formerly Miss Hello Hose, whom we all know and favorably. Mr. Hrown and hi wile received a warm welcome. They have chosen the residence on second ntreet north of the Light A Water Co.' power elation for their home. The S. I'. Company ha not taken oil the flying train between Portland an J San Frem-isco, nor have the Htandard rate been established. In cluding liertlis, the ticket for Pull man standard aieepei are i: aim for Pullman tourist leepeis 110. A train atari every five days, leaving Portland at 10 p. m. The next trains leave Portland Monday, Octolier l'.ith. Hamlin's Wizard (til Company commence a aerie of high-clas con cert In the (tpera Hmise next Mon day night, Oct. HUli, ami we can a aureour reader a tlrst-clas entertain ment In every result. They carry ft ne male quartette, a good compa ny of KH-ialty artist, and a funny little man only 40 Inches high. Com bined they give a programme worth tire time the price of admission. Hringthe Utile and children Mon day night. The admission I only 13 wilt, but you get 75 wnt. worth of refined amusement. A few day ago a small ly of a neighlxir exerciid hi embryo arti tie gin by drawing the picture of a mule He placed hi pictun-d sheet In hi mother' hand for Insertion and her criticism, providing it should ta favorable. She examined it and wald- "Well. Johnnie, that i a pretty good mule, but It ha no tail." The young ho'ful natehed the drawing, which ho held at arm' length for critical examination. The boy' mind work.Ml rapidly, lor the anwer was : "Mother, there are no tile on that mule. He don't need a tail." Hon. H. V. tlate met Hon. 1. N Dunbar In Joint debate on Monday last at Dilley. Mr. iato- Mated that he stood on the St lui republican platform, while Mr. Dunbar a posi tively announced that he i a silver republican a,iiarely on the Chicago democratic platform. Mr. opened In a 4Vminute Hja-.vh. Mr. Dunbar replied. ulng !-' minute Mr. te follow.sl for 1 minute, when Mr. Dunbar closed hi side in another IS minute, leaving five min ute for Mr. Hate to float; the de bate Mr. (late debated along the lino of the--si topic: Platform in conistencie. Ho calletl attention to what a republican had to endorse who adopted the Chicago platforni hnw inconsistent he I from what he w four year ago, or at any pre vloii time In hi Hitical life. In truth, there are no n-publi.-an uP por.ing the Chicago nominee. I The are all Hryan .lemtx taU. The n.l topic win -liver -in.- wheat-1 e two had no parallel decline. he third point wa to compare the pro ductlon of silver In the I nited I Mate with the other protluct. rourtn. He told who the nilver mine owner h He I not a po(,r ,,mn- '"l1 w.ntlthy ami anile, corporation. Here tiie s,aaker calle-l attention to the fact that the Imdon llotlw;hild are fast getting a controlling int. -rest in the Anaconda mine of the most gigantic laxly of ore In the world The tlfih point wa an exam Ination of the (I .29 per ounw proptv sition. and last the quwtion, an t afford to to experiment with Imle iKneiit free coinage at a ratio of It. t I Mr. Dunlrnr di.ln't reply ' of thtw proixwltion nor make denial of any of th.tlKition taken by the rpublUan. A thi i the season when typhoid I fever is nio-t prevalent, e-ix-eiitl (urn siiould txi taken to securo puru iniiu sud drinking water, U :-au-.- tin ir impurity is one ot the chief causes of thi dread di-ase. Ju all ca-e of doubt it !. safest to boil the water. Active disease. J, nt aways follow from drinking poluted liquids, but the vitality of Hie system is invaria bly lowered thereby, making it more ou.seeptihli) to zymudic infection. We can't with certainty say that the cow that drinks from the polluted cess pool will transmit the typhoid dis ease ct II will, the ii. ilk. but it I-safer to see that she h;is clean, fresh water in abundance. It is better not to compel her, at thi season when the natural springs are low. to drink from stagnant pools. Milk may not be in fected from the cow, but It quickly absorbs any zymotic germs thai may be pre-ent in the air. Hence milk, too, should be boiled and scaled while hot, and kept so till needed for use. Tht re w ill be somewhat of a de parture from the usual way in the nature of the topic discussed at the Congregational church next S.mday. Iu the morning the pastor will take for his subject, "The Arithmetic of Human Life" Psalm Will. .Natu ral history will be draw n upon for illustrations to emphasize the leasoiis deduced from the text. The evening serviif will w itness the opening ad drt's in a short series on great and world-known hi.sloric.il episodes, that of next Sabbath night Ix-ing ''The Destruction of the French liastilt : Some Truth that (ireat l.venl Taught the World " A cordial invi tation i extended to all to attend any or all of these services. Why suffer with coughs, colds ami la grippe w hen Laxative Rromoui nine will cure you in one day. D'w-s not produce the ringing in the head like sulphate of quinine. Put up in tablets convenient for taking, (iiiar anteed to cure or money refunded Price L'.'i cts. for sale by the Helta. Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets move the bowels gently, relieve the cough, euro the feveiis'i condition and headache, making it the Ix'st and quickest remedy for coughs, colds and la grippe. Cures iu one day. "No cure no pay." Price l!" cts. I'ors.de by the IH-Ita Drug Store. The McKinley Club titled the Court House Wednesday evening with elector intent on bearing Hon. M. C. (leorge discuss the republican side of the question of the day. The speaker was forcible, logical and elo quent. He was to answer Mr. Union the populist, and he did it. That is all that i necesary to say. Schulmerich A Son have a line line of schtxil .-hoes that can't be Itcat. Kvery pair warranted. It is going to rain soon. Provide yourself with one of Schulmerich A Son' rain umbrella. See Schulmerich A Son' kid, chamois and Haritz gloves; they are the best. If you want good health get a pair of good shx-s from Schulmerich A Son. A large number of our representa tive fanner were in town yesterday. (let some of Schulmerich A Son's tine underwear for this winter. Ill K miKY MKUfNt;. Ma). Alvord, chief of the dairy di vision of the I'. S. Department of Ag riculture, visited Hillsboro yesterday. He i on a visit to this coast to give personal investigation of the resources of this section for dairying. He met the leading dairymen of the county and many of the business men. In the forenoon he met our citizens per sonally, and made individual in quiries concerning the items con nected with his special research. In the afternoon he addressed a repre sentative assembly of our citizens in the court house auditory. The house wa well tilled and the gentle men and latlies present were intensely interested, a Maj. Alvord addressed them on the subject of foodsand feed ing. Incidentally thesuhjivt of beet sugar came up. The speaker said that a community which could com bine Iss t sugar making and dairying would be fortunate, indeed. Tin pulp of the sugar beet, after the sugar ha lx?en extracted, i almost as g od as the best root crop food for dairy cattle. The commissioner is not an oiator, a some regard that term, hut hi dis course I clear and to the point. He is practical. Hi presence here will infuse new life into the industry, ami his report w ill be bsikcd for w ith in terest. Secretary Kincaid has sent out to the county clerk the name of J. (I. Ilo hart for vice president, instead of (iar ret A. Hobart, w ho was nominated. There was some lively telegraphing Ix'tween thi city ami Salem yester dry afternoon. The matter was not j adjusted at a late hour, and Secretary Kincaid exhibit no great willingness: to correct the mistake. It i a mat ter that will probably cut no great tliure anv way. since we vole for electors ami not for president and vice president direct. County Clerk Imbrio feel that he will Ik' justiiled in making the correction for this county Without the consent of Hie secretary of state, and he will proba bly do so. Head better list. The follow ing is a list of letters re maining uncalled for In the postotllce at Hillsboro, Mober lii, WtS: H. Stephenson, Mr. T. Day, Mr-. Kd. McClure, Mis Minta Tilden and Mr. Most-. All letter not called for by Oct. 21th w ill be sent to the Dead Lettt r Ollhv. One cent w ill be charged for each letter called for. II. S III I.MKIIK ti, P. M. I l(i lliliVII I K. Mrs. Sarah A. Smith died at her home near Kinton Oct. 7 a' II m. Deceased was lsrn March I ' I'M. and wa married to Milton P. Smith in 17-. she w a the oldest daughter of Wilson and Mary Tigard. A low hand, daughter and s.ai are left to mourn the death of a devoted wile and kind mother. The remain were interred at ('resent orove cementry Oct. Mh. The Orange fair held here hist work wa the greatest ucet of any ("T vear. The exhibit, except fruit, was unusually g'X l "d the crowd in at tendatnv wa Mr in ex.vss of any pn-viou year. Sin.v these fairs have Ixvome a fixture the general public a well a granger have con tributed largely to its sticces and it i looked lorwardtoa a grand gala day. f Mr. Jacob Oeiger ha wild hi j acre tract to a slux inaker who win oin a "hop at once. The priw paid I conslderol ipxxl the'hanl time IV. cornr iioise yr.n. LAW t ill KT. Jam. s l: ibh was admitted to citl- i zen -nip i t. Hill. I'ltullATK mi k r. L-t.i'e Jacob Keiin, dco-ase.t. Final ace unit t-vamiuisl and allowed and continued for tiie tiling of ret-ipt. Kttte Will. Vincent, ihs-eased. Senii aioiii.il a--coiint tiied, exainined and Hppri'ved. Lsti.te l ied Srhluiter, ds -eased, l inui act.i 1 '.ii-d slii wing disburse ri.ctit "is'.i; balance on hand, per sonal pr.ipt rty, t'.tl't I'l; realty, -,"j00. Ibis bit', in. e is turneil over to Llizrt Schlueter, the legatee, and the estate is closed of record. I .state Oiin N. Clark, deceased adoiini-lrati r directed to pay attor ney's In- ( f i77 iu full for service. i.-lao.- W in li. t arpenter, deiva-xsl. Adiiiinislr itoi directed to pay certain claims niiiouutiiij to ll'i, and that the administrator post, notice of final settlement. Instate S ir ill 15. Sues, deceased. Si-mi annual reHirt tihsl, showing re - cci.ts,t,s. in; uwiiurseiiieiits, l.tate Madeline llhtsser, deceased Wnl nf dee. a-e. admitted to probate, and (ieii. lilasscr, son, appointed exe cutor to serve without bonds. Ap priis r-: W. J. R ibinsoii, L. II. Nichols and Sam'l Rice. Estate Jesse Corneliu, d(H-easisl. Semi-annual report tiled, showing re ceipts since last nport, $.!0.).40; dis-leir-mi -nts, f J17.o; t.i t:ice, i';C.Jo. The report was opproved. 1 1 r.l l sni kks t ut KT. In mad district No. li, W. S. Walk er was appointed supervisor instead of I.. S. Porter, resigned. l i; , v.. -. ....i:... ..f I.T.n-l llistlll l .1 ,llll ,111,1,1 l' J Janes Ihompsoii tor lumber ami nails, referred. Complaint of (f. M Frank touch ing obstruction in the county road at Frank' Switch. Referred to D. IS Reasuner for investigation. Report of E. L. McCormick, J. A. Iinlnie and W. D. liradl'ord exam ined and approved. Coroner's report on the death of Win. Knighton. Continued. Si-hulmerieh Hridge -The bids for building the same were? W. II. Mor ris, tir.T; C. Peters. JI7J; (ioodin A .eel;. .;s- J. A. Sheppard, f.l; T. C. Johnson, iT'.i- A. E. Mead, f71j P. J. Kaufman, 'iil. Contract awarded to P. J . Kaufman for f-'a!. lir wnson Hridgt Hid.-: W. II. Morris, ?: .-.H; M. M. Mead, 7I; Peter .urclier, is;i,.-,ii; (ioodin A Meek.fsl. Contract awarded to M. M. Mead for 7 I. Tigartlville Fill-Hids: W. II. Mor ris, Jllil; lioodiii A .Meek, i'..; C. line, jllT; A. I :. Mead, fit I; J. D. I lite, c I "'. Contract awarded to J. D. Mile fur f .".. Doi ng snii'h Hridge and Fill Rid-: V. II. .Morris, $sii; M. M. Mead, M!i; W. A.O lin, ltt.r.; M. S. I ladey, i 1 1" "o. Contract awarded to W. A. (ioodin for -".". Poor Farm The contract now ex isting between the county and A. W. Sixtoii for the care and keeping of the a 1 1 pi is on the poor farm i con tinued for the year ending, Oct. 1st, Is!l7. CLAIMS Al.l.uWl I". A-ssfssing lt, (-(lilecling -t ieo 1 1 Wilcox liridcs and roads Lewi- Powers !l oil John A Johnson '!" -0 I biles ( reek Saw and shingl Mill 12 t" W J (in gg :l oil .1(1 lare il on Wiley A I i.-nnis o on Andrews 1, umber Co :10 2'.) J P J iribe-r A Son... 1 no T ( ' Johnson s") no D H Reiisoner I oil 1' (i Todd I Oil A (' Archlmld 2 IT. ( arstens Itro '!7 tin J D llite I 00- ( 'minty Court D 15 Keasoner PI oo T ( Todd 10 Ml - County Clerk J A Inibrie ( 'ounty Treasure A 1! Cady ( ounty Judge 1! P Cornelius School Supcrtcndcnt and . ii tin Craig ( 'ounty Surveyor--I. I! ilkes t7 00 - L'.is si - 2:1 mi Hod on "ill oo I7."i on :ss'ls M I I y no Court House li R Hagley ... A C Archbolil W A Finney W J Hell si in... and Jail - I no 17 I 'St I oo Fuel, Fight and Janitor N A Harr- tt :to on llill-boro Light and Water Co "J Jl T J Humphrey :;iino IC'J ill Insane and Inquests Win Hoy 1 ,'.o Paupers and Prisoners Andrew ls n .i On It II liret r :l I I : H S ippington 17 1 A W Saxton 171 oo Hryan-1 .uidla w ( o . I mi J.iiin Northrop. loon i Rosa Frot ' oo i I larriet I .oii-inaiit . oil Mrs D E Renter ."i oo- i Recorder of Conveyaiii-e i i: I. McCormick Stationery -jy 7d 17 " 00 EL McCormick :'. no I J .VI nibric - It P Cornelius A i:, (ieo D I! irnard :. o'i Hillsboro Pub. Co . I.'i .".o W D P.radford - 00 Hatchet 1 Argu ' oo ShetilV- W I l'.radl'ord i State Cases j M irv V. IVn-low 7 no , Joht'iatli ttt Truitt . 7 oo 'liR HagVy 7 .IO j I! II sippington ... - oo AO atiehn 2 oo .III s.-tnini on .1 II Di !-triiiti ! .'.o , W D Smith lo I . I F .1 Willmms 1J no ; W D Wood 1 70 1 N A P. trrett 1 7o C R- dtiioml 1 7o I W D Smith .", li'. i-' J Willi mis 1 do I W D smith 7'i i F J Williams -2 "o ' W R Jackson I 7o i Jack l or. I -J no 1 1 . I! Hagley ' oo 70 ."i no I ( rt i in- ..k in. l W I .nriH to weil were lulled, net. th. to M (' Haker and Ida Hailey, i i p . h. 1 '. t . j ami 1 l,f loth V'.lu ir.l ..." ' . . A. liowmau and je-ie Aiiii-tpaugn, (rtJ ye-.tr II 00 It VIEW. Webster Hlatid Ri'.'g, who luis been quite ill of late, is recovering. GrandjMi Selly is gradually grow ing wor-. Mr. I'.. Todd, w ho ha been il! f r some time, was taken to Portland lust week for treatment. Mi- Lottie Itigg. who is a natural violinist, renden d a lew very i li 'i e selections on lier favoiite iiistrtimeni Saturday evening to a well tilled house at thi plaiv. Mr. Rohb ira! am hi! L'"in' to Hritiali Columbia, where he i -x peels to sjK i,d the winter. Mis Etta Si-ely wi'l siend the winter iu tiio employ ot D. Wiiiic tiiesy, ut Aurora. Miss Flora Sis ly is expected home froui Portlaud smin io speud a lew' mouth. W. W.Oraliam Id planning to start for (iermany iu the near future. Messrs. iKilph Clisell, Harry Ri-ese, Hyroii lirim and several other Imp 1 buyers were iu our mid-t Saturday, The principal hop cr.i, of tld Io- ,-. it- :,re Kiie at from li to 7 cents. j ' MH0I.1.S. Horn to the wife of Floyd I.awe rence, on the 10th inst., u daughter. Rev. Mr. Sht-els and bride have ar rived home and are stopping v il li Ids daughter, Mrs. Lawereuce. Hon. II. S'.iiati-, accompanied by Dr. Wood, ot Hillsboro, addns-e I a fair-sized audience at Mt. Side Thurs day, and secuEcd many voter for McKinley. Mr. It imo and family, from St. IV.ul, were visiting at Mr. L. Rean's i last week. ' Mrs. Whlttemore, of Portland, was visiting her sister, Mrs. , T. Flint, last week. Tin boys are all sporting a McKin ley badge since the republican speak ing Thursday evening. Rurglars were calling at Mr. Crow der's Thursday evening, but owing to it being some biter than his usual reception hour their welcome was not as cordial a they anticipated, and their exit wa somewhat hurried. Mrs. H. T. Flint is slowly rallying from her lecent prostration. Mr. Will Hankins, of Oregon City, wa the guet of Mrs. Steel and Howell last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Emerick were in I he metropolis Wednesday. The annual conference of the 'Church of Ood" will convene id I'nity chapel, this place, cniinucur ing Fiiday, the Pith, and lasting over Sunday, with a basket dinner. 1 lied, Agnes Emel, youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Emel, Thursday, Oct. Mb, of consumption, aged :l years, 5 month and -I day. She had been a victim of that malady for a number of months. Medical aid was obtained, but the physician could give the anxious parents no eucour.igemenf. She grad ually weakened, and last Tuesday, the (Ith, she contracted lung fever and the end soon followed. Although it hud been expected it was nevertheless a terrible ardeal to have to give up one so dearly loved. She was such a bright, winsome little child, -o un-el-ti-h and bore her sutler ing so patient ly her parents idolized her. Evcr one loved her w ho saw her. Jusl one more home desolate, jusl one more flower nipped in the bud. She was a flower tx rare to bloom long out of her natural sphere. The sorrowing ones should rejoice that she has es caped the cares and sins of t his w m id, for Mis Iiiis fine toj.c.n the nliiii-N, A ut to hi-r iiuiuiir'iil (-.-;. Wnmeiucll (l i.vi-ri lituoiu Li ev Atel tho Mllilei ones !UO tle-t. Rev. Strayfellow conducted the services at the Evangelical church. The interment occurre I at Mt. Side. The bereaved one have the sympathy of all in their sorrow . l.,m: Hliul Mill-Make It out-self I made one of the People's Wind Miils which I saw recommended In your paper recently, it only cost me 'i 10 and is a splendid mill; my well is deep, but it pumps it all right and with very little wind; the neighbors all like it, and us I am a kind of a carpenter I have a g rest I to put up nine mill already, on which I can Lmake a nice profit, and there are many tuner lor w itotii i can put up mills this fall. I don't s.-e why every farmer should not have a wind mill, when they can make It themselves for lea than (Mo. Anyone can get diagram and complete directions for making the w ind mill by sending 1 two-cent stamps to pay po-tage, etc., to E. D. Wilson A Co., Allegheny, Pa., and there can be dozens of them put up in any locality by any one that has the energy to do it. A Fa km Kit. Kloitrlc Itittrrs. i;ititrU Hitters In a iiMliiritie suiteil for v.ny M'a.-on, lut icrltaps mnro jr'iierally in1 -tic I, w hen the Imiu'ht exhautetl I'eelin jtreVMiN, when the liver is 1ril itinl hIiihUIi ami the need of a totiii atnl alterative is tell. A nnipt u-e of this ineil ieine hns often HVerted hmjr ami er-h:-s fatal Iniiuus fevers. Noiuttli eine will a' t more surely i' emmter Hctiritf ami freeing the system fr.m the malarial pii-on. Headache, eon stit.ation. diz..iness yield to Kleetrir UittejM. oOf and 1 .er hottle at tin HilKhoro riiarmacy. 1 have iiied many preparations fur restoring hair to natural eolor, hut never had fatisfaetory results till 1 usd Zulu Vulier; it will restore any hair or Iward to it natural color in three weeks. If it does not they re turn your money, you Nke no rikt. People who have never tried it can tfet a sample package, wiiieh contains enough t. restore any onr- hair to natural color, hy -4endin -1 two rent stamps, to pay p-tai:e, etc., to WiNon A Co., New Concord, ( mio. The regular prict is J.."o per package. If it does not restore your hair to natural eolor, or make any color of hair darker in tlm-c wii-k-. they will return your 'tamp'. Thi proposition is so fair that thousand are u-itt it. It is harmlos, h:it never fails. Why can't hiu'tootey lie made hy sell in Zulu Vulier from hoiist to hoiiM"? The Mrul I'HiiiHca. Ja-. L. Pranci-, ahlennan, t h'u auro, -.ays "I regard Pr. King's New lis- in i.l. ol i.iinniii f( r ioiil',1'. ji'ohN and luntr eomplalnt-, hiving : 75 uh it iu my family for the lat live 'years to the exclu-ioti of phyiciat . ; precriptins or other preparation-.' " 1 Ww John Hurgus Keokuk, la.. writs; "I have iM-en a iniiii'io oi the Methodist Kpipal chnrcli for tifly years or more, and have never found anything o U-nertcial or that gave me ueh sH"edy relii f as lr Vin- pw li-eoverv.,, Try thJs i .i .. ....... ..s...t.i-.- t-jML- Triid ' '"K" b'." vt t HiUstxjro Ph Aruia' A arde J Hijhest Honors World's Fair, ilold .Medal, Midwinter Fa'r. DEI- CREAM J Moot l'crfevt MaiU. do Vrij tiie Slav. in -l ( luilicr ti Make Mouej. I rend how one of your subscriber made money wiling- diswasher; I j ordered one, and my lady friends were charmed, us they hate dish I washing. My brother and 1 com- meiiced selling them, ami have made I fl,T"' afier paving ail expense. We don't canvass any. t lur sales are all made at home, people come or send fur tin-in. Tiie Mound Citv Dish Washer is the best dish washer on j the market. ( lur business is increas j ing, and we are going to keep right on until we make ten thousand tlol , lars. We sell from live to Httet-n ma 'climes i-vtry day, ami some day j more. The di-h washer is lovely; : every housekeeper w ants one There j is iioe.cu-e to tie poor when so much money can be made selling dish washers. For particulars, address The Mound City Dish Washer Co., St. Louis, Mo. They will start you on the road to .success.- A RKAIiKK. I .Hie l ttlal to a (.old Mine! Wiil some of your reader give me a good recipe for making cold starch'.' 1 inn selling s P-heiiting (bit irons ami iron a little at every house, and have to u-e some starch every place, and want to know how to make good cold starch. My husband was in debt, ami 1 being anxious to help him thought I would sell self-heating Hat irons, mid I am tiding splen didly. A cent's win th of fuel will heat the iron for three hours, so you have a perfectly even heat. Ytiu can iron in half the time ami no danger of scorching the clothes, as with the old iron, and you can get the most beautiful glass. 1 sell at nearly every house, as the iron save ho much fuel everybody wants one. I make tl .50 on cadi iron, and have not sold less lli.iu ten any day I worketl. My brother is doing well, and I think any one can make lots of money any w here selling irons. J. F. Casey A Co., St. Louis, Mo., w ill start any one in the business, as they did me, if you will address them. Mks. A. Hi sski.i.. I lie New Hunk uon t ree to All. I read iu the Christian Standard that Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A., St. Louis, Mo., would give an t lu ''aut planted hook spoon to anyone . eliding her ten 2 ct lit stamps, I sent for one and found it Useful that I showed it to my friends, ami made f I i in two hours, taking order for the spoon. It cannot slip into the dish or cooking vessel, being hehl in the place by a hook on the buck. The spoon is something that housekeepers have needed ever since spoons were llr-t inventended. Any one can get a sample spoon by send ing ten U-cent stamps lo Miss Frilz. This is a splendid way to make mon ey around home. Very truly, Jfnnkttk S. Ice (ream No a Mailt" in a Minute. I have an ice cream freezer that will tiee.' cream perfectly in one minute. As it is such a wonder a crowd will always be around, so any one can make from live to six dqllar it day selling cream, and from ten to twenty dollars a day selling freezer, as people will always buy an article when it is demonstrated that they can make money by so doing. The en-am is frozen instantly, and is smooth and free from lumps, I have done so well myself, ami have friend succeeding so well, that I felt it my duty to let others know of the oppor tunity, as 1 Lei conlideiit that liny person iu any hx-ality can make money, as any person can sell cream ami the freezer sell itself. J. F. Casey A Co., lib! St. Charles St., St. Louis. Mo., will mail you complete instructions, ami w ill employ you on -alary if you can give them your whole time. W.M. Mc of Final tovtt lenient. Noip r. is HKKKiiY ;ivi;x that t ho ur.-MTiiiMiiM has this ilar Med loi 6 )-il inv.iunt in tin i-iaio o John U :vrr it . tl.'fi'.i.'f'1', ni 1 that tht- Piili. -lay i" N ivoinler I-1!; h..a l eon kpI hy the r..iinf v (urt il tie S uto ot I Irt'iron for thf ho ir ii'-" o'i tc fr 1 1 - -it ol the iim A 11 ji -r mi ' i t" ' ' i o su l eiaie ore i-oriiu-l to I . . .-n. r .it -x-.A ilare to . ti m k( o j " i f .in. t .( ii ive to tho .too W at.i (i. i ho tun i;h II Mi ! i KA Vi'l! VT. A'I".iii -. r -' -r ! i ; i: i 1 John Itay- v .ii ;. !(. c .1 ' 1. J I - - "i i h i in i i ', 1 i. Firntor' oli-e. None;: i nr.KKv -ivks. that t i irid.'r-it.''n 1 Ii ih lu i-ti at t'Oinieii -x.cil'o:- .1 ido l,.Ht wil :in-l f e- ' i tiiPii t ol V iu i.i. ii" Pt.i"--r, I'Hti "I W i-sinniMon t 'mi : - tlcriM-i il. All r.-r-un i havitiir i.t.tiK in: iin .i ii-1 c in; uro col .to--1 to .- -Mi- th-1 H 'MIP tor ;:l.oWittn o to th uiil ihL'lirl :if inv r i-'ie; .vt li.tr-h-ll It. in.-. ,ln:.' ...i i.ii.rv, n-rm. w;tiio-i x iiioiit .s lr 'in ill.- il.i'e, and p r- 'Hi knoii'.if t h ins i ci Itt'loliicvl to s.,ti. f-t.'ie arc Iuti !.- n t IhM I niat i inno'it 'ai !' v n' t to thf iiiitierine i. i .). f r 1 l"' .K"i:'K I'..A--KI'., Kv ( ! : "I lii- o t 't t Mjtf'iiirne 1 ' ' .i 4 , .Ic.ta-d. I'l -' 1 1' i II! tl AN K X K- t 1 U ) ih.u- out o! Cm- i ir nil 'irt ot the ial.' ct Oro -on. V r W rt ittiu'luli I ointy, ,ii t r ni V. I'.. Il : r. ii i : hu J . i;nl K I ol. A M- l,f..d mnl Jnhii ;, I, i ior rho -11111 of l I '. 'o-.ti, and t r 1 (! h r uii ol ?l H.S 1', K old ( ' ..II, ( 1 1 Ii Hi!", -t t'lcc' ll :il Hi" ril' Ol , 11 r t to 'loi.'s-n. 1-"-" Hi" - Mi 'y ... i ire 1- O. -ii I lor In o'--.Ih i I ex j, 11-. ni -'i.-1 . f I wry . y, . :!i-'M "-'. "v v.rtu" n i-ti ru- ii..-. ...i j'i 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 f , ; i n 1 tor n-it ot s- fl; it t " r o;i i j r-' ri v. i .l.d. on tli 1 h .1 v o u- 1 '.. r, I:., tiu y h-vy on nil i;o u.lT"t ! l'i' :vt'.vc titiin-d ilolen- -U I'l tho litre iintKT ih-i fihe 1 T r. ; .TV. , :IM t i W 1 - , - M l.'l.lV, tht I Hill . I -mii!mt, lvi nt Tin? nr.it ti door d t III I OU' t lion-..'. Ill II ii'l' T , V t9h- 111.: m ' . aiy. w 1. nt tho h ur t. It) (, ', .1. in. ot 1 1 i ilsf, 'fii T i 'ilo it : : . ' 1 t 1 the h jlto-'t old It fr o.-ti the u :.j it d r .' .-.1 r-.il I rot c: t v. !..-. it : t 1. d:i f.l l.M t - 1,: s in "' k ! in t:t ' '.vii o Out 11, Wrtiiiini;toti f iiii-,'! ."ii. ' -.1 1 ; -1 V tho In T:nhe- , I .re ni'iiwl nu. a"i l t r the roti nil ' r x pii-' ii .' 1 -1 '" -.ii I nr.. 1 '! v I he - 1 I '' i"-1" t- I in il i j.-r i.t W fw... I ..' I. IS P S 1 . II -1ST ' I ',.-, I-.. W. i'. l'l:AI'r"KI. S ,1 ! '.V s'l I. ''I f ' I , .ll'- Of (-.-. . . . U I in.- i". y:nruj Isti tt "l THE DUDLEY MILL Tiie unJi-rigius!, Imiii,- K i,-l i'.a a term of years the w. ll-kno a t'.niir mill mi North Plaiii known a tiie 1 i !'. Mill, h.-u ovt-rhmiltsl it and put it in frn-t-clitsi Older for .M.Tchnlit mul Ciitnin 'rL. ?cialtv will U- iiKide oi E('IIAM;E MOUk AMI CIIOl'l'lMi ' III ( k HE IT !! Kill. j H air coustitntly on hand or nr.nin.l te I unlcr. I.. 0. EISi, ( ruten die. i.l AL0EK SI Kf'ET, POKTLAND. OK. C. 6. aioia, fre. The only First- "fa Class and Strictly Temperance Kestau rant in the City. OREGON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION 'OKI 1. 1 Ml, OKHiOV. SEPTEMBER 10 to OCTOBER 17. The t ireat Krrioutccs ni tint l'aeilic North wi-st Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Mines, Manufactures, Ma chinery, Truiissirtatiiui, Trade mid Cmn-lueri-- will lie represented inure O'lnplcie ly than t'er tn-fure. (.rand Hand Coiu t'it... Every Afternoon ami Eteiiluir. Special Attractions... Ever) Night. Lowe. Kales E-r .Made Ou all Traiisiortaliou Lines. Admission 25c, Children 10 For exhibit Rpiice. apply lo lieo. 1.. baker Superintendent, ut the building. E. ('. M ASTEN, Secretary. TOIK'K IS IIKIiKHY -1IVKN THAI I the utnttrj.iiif(J li its 1km ii jifii ai r-t uy t Nt t outnv t'uurt til WuMiinirtim t'uun t v, ( )rt'(fiii, ittlmi nii( ratr tit i lie esi.ne l AiIdh llai t ;it;'r, deceaHod, late ol s.i d t'uuiity. All persona hnvini? cla'-ni" niitiiiist mu ill esUiie are Iwrt'liy init ncd tn prt-sfiit the BiiniH to the uit.ter-siiit'tl at the latn reniilenre of mini dei-cu.'il, tur utiles northeast ut' tireenville, viitliin mix luniuhs troin the date lien'ol tor m low an - e, .in l all tiers inn k iitt w ing t Ihmusi?, v in .ltbtel to Hani estate will iiiako t.aynuMit ot the "nnif to the U'Mlc'Miunc 1 nhout AiJnuntttralur of th f?late ol Allni il ii 1 1 a 'i iftT , Jece;i-iel. lT-'Jl In thk uiu:t ir 'ui:r ok nil Sihi ot Orogo.i, lor W;ih'iii(.oii 1 ouniy. Miry M. HugliM, 1'litintill 1 v- K. HuKhe, Odicndiint ) l'u K. '. 1! ugUer, tho uhovu naiitod il.tteriilitiit : In the Name of the Sin to o Oroiron, vo.i iirt! horohy coin ttiH tided and rooutrod to ;ilpr;ir in His uhove etuaiod Court and .in1 or the ronif'Itiint li It i aniiiHt you 111 t ho iihovp nntitlod imih', ou or hoi or o Monday, the ''.' I tluv of Novoruler, the name htiin tine first dtiy ot tho lu xi rojjulur term of the uhovu entitiod t'tnirt no it tolio-A in the exoirnti in ol the tout pi jHonbo.l 111 the order tor tho p'lhlio.i-fioii ot this Miinnioii). And yon will p.r.io tiiktf notu e thut if von (nil to so a poo r mi l autMor waul coinplnint tho plniutil! will apply 10 ine 1 ourt f.ir wo rein'i therein piuyed for ami tlctii:iridod, to-wit: For u dissolution of ilo marrmo mid iu;irriitit;e cotilraot now and horotoioro v hiniit heiweenthe abovo u inn d phtintill a fill the nhove named defendant, nnd lor 11 decree uw uriting the cure, ruilody and con trol ol the minor children oi I lie pl.iintill iiid dolon lmit to the plmn.iif horoin, nnd lor a dooree of perinanont a imonv ot 1 ho -.uin of $ per nunith dur ni the minor tv of said c hild. en, und lor uch oMmt and Outlier deoroe it may m- m nu.-t with p.(Uiiy a.i'l irooil rni? rii' t. l liu Miiniiiioni is serve 1 a' uni yon hy order of H in. inomfli A. MrUn lo, .I i Uo o the above named il 0.1 rt, 111 u I ut Cnam !hti nnd l-iled thf omv ot M.MtMniior, ls: .KO. U'. HA'.hKV, 1 ; '." Aitornoy lor I'lrtOitilT. svnmrss. in thi: riittiiT it.titr 1 Slule ul OreifOil, lor V OK UK C-.il III ttOII IJ.-iinty, Hubert linbri, I' a n ill , v v Jxlin Vi for uml I fin k kellenn.vi ' lielt)iiilnris. 1 J.jliii W user, uno of Ihe ahuve iniitii il ilvtendHni. : in the Nam, of tli Stt n( Ori-K.m, you are hereby conunaitile-l and re inr'i lo appear in the above entilleil Uoiirt a it answer the complaint tite I aiMtnsi yot tit the above entitled mul on or lulore Mon day, Ihe U day of November. A. 1) , the same being the first duy ot the neii reuiur term of the above emitted Court in-1 1 lollowinK Ihe expiration of the lime prescribed in the order lor puh.ii-uiiuii ot thu iiimiiioni. and you will phase inkn notice that if you fail o to appe.ir and ans wer ,aid complaint, lor want thereof, the piuintiir will apply to the Court for the rlnf therein prayed lor and demanded, to-wit : 1 hut he hive u lirtnent ngHinit you for the uin ot 7:1".0I in I'. N. Hold coin. wit:i t mere. t thereon since the Jinh duy ot Jul.-, lM,.i4, at the rat - ot per cent per annum, and the sum ol ln0 attorney fee.. ami the sum of Mtf'taie, p.ud lor year ls:n, tnd ihe costs and lishur-temenls ol thig suit. Tnivt the nioriK-iKe made, ecuti-l and delivered by yi u to Ihe abvo n itm-d plainlitt to eoure the pivment ol the -O'lis abovn et torlli and upon the fo' lowintc ilesrriiied real property, lyinir, te. mit and situate, iu Washington Comity, ilregon, aod boundel and i!ts.-rtli-d n.i lo'. loos, to- it: Coiniiientuitt on the south line of the donation land rlnun nf Iiair llutler an I wile in section : T 1 N It 2 W W.ll. Meral u point :U.2I tli. westward Iroin tliu miuiIi east corner of ssld d nation l ind rlsim, anl running (hem- souili lu Is h-iM ' (lis- to Kbherts line; Ihenie est , His., thence north 1" 4s' west '.'.. In clu. to llutler line, and teem e east war I ".H i cba. lo the place ol beginlng, i-ontain Iwcn tj ( Ji) acres, be foreclosed and said land ne decreed to lt sold by the Micrill ol Washington county, Iregon in the man ner provided bylaw and Ihe practice of hi. Court, and that the procec Is ot such ale lie applied Io the payment ol the sum one and owing t the pia null I. en in as ul.ove set f irth, and that the defendant lie l.arrc-d aad foreclosed of ad claim interest. tight, title, lien or e.iiitv ol reueuir t on. save onlv Ihe statutory rigiu i reo-em in or lo Ihe said mortgaged premises, or any pari thereof, and for inch other ai d furth er decree as may seem ineot w ill r iuy and good conscience. This summons is published again,! von by order cl Hon. T. A. M ilri le, .In lg ol the above nauiel Court, mads at Chamuers sn I dated the sth d'V os o.-toi-er. A. I. is-... f.KO. H. IIA'.I.F.V. 2D ji;. Attorney lor l'i iintifl. liarltlrn' Arulr nlt-. Tin- lt -wive in th wnrlil far i-iiti. Iiruisst. -xirt-si. iil.ss-rs, sxlt rht'Utll, fi-Vtr rVirtf, tctt.T, -lliiiii-l hrtmls. t-hillilHins, ,rn, ami ..II -kin t-niitio!is, ami K.tlv.-ly run-. il--.. nf nl IWV r-iuins. It is irilltriilit.sisl to irivt -rfsft tifitfti'in ir iii'm.jr firillliltsl. Iris? 'S fllLl pi lei 4.1 tvr ntle by llil-jre 'tiii i HAVE YOU USED BUTTER PARCHMENT? A'l gilt-edged butter put on the ni.ii ki t by creaiuciic is wrapped in j .ija-r. "the product of the private daily would reach it market in much bcttei c-ik!i-. '.!! i!" wrapped i:i lluttor r.-iclniiciil than it does when wrapped in cloth. Parchment i not on!v be'ter then A th, but cheaper. Cloth sells at 0 cents per yard, from which 27 sheets can be cut 27 Parch ment wrappeis exist 3 '4 cents. 500 Sheets, 8x11, 500 Sheets. 8x13, The staud.iul ?!e i'oi pound roiis is Sxtl inches; ."-pound blocks ate wrapped in the Sxi.tj sie. One icasoii why paper has nut been generally used heretofore, funnels could not s;et it at the general store. It is now kept at the Independent of fice cut to anv size wanted. liuUUulUUtUtUiUUtUuiUUlUUiUUS Dr. CHAS. E. CEICER, ....WIM, HK IN KOliKS. .OV K lit- a 1 wnl I Itniiil .it 1 1 v iv- i' 1 is.i. ' Win. t.eitu-i-r. S(h ci.i1 iiifetiv.tin t il t M-'tin'.il an.i S iruicnl llscrtrt'- ut W.unen tiii'l CliiUlrt n un.l nii t'hrtmc Um'ttM--. SIPHONS. i;. v . I. mi. h. rw.int.ll w. I'pl li. I . M. l'l'I'-ritn, ( l.ti K I.. J. in 1'ii.int I'urti'M ntiil Jt?. M tnti, liltit-. j M. rt'M r-son, IcinlmitH : 1 t )t'irun, ru L' J. V. I'l'tcrhoii mi 1 V . tVtO (t t!l' IlliOVf HUTPll (Il In the Nuii.e ol III-; M;ii tind oath ol voti mi hii o by iotiurod antl o, mi to a 'i.l od in 11 open r in 1 hu tibovt on o:lod Court aid uinwor tho roiiioianit ti it'll ut!-iiii-t you in iho ut-ivf entitled Miit, on or he ore M omhi v, 1 ho .'t 1 day ol .Noventhor. l'.ti, tho s.imo hein the l.ri day ot the uexi regular tt mi ot tho ahow oniilU'tl t'l.iirl noil lollowin theexpir.i-:i-m ol the nine proscribed m th.i order d pul-lu ation ol this uniinoii-s. Vuii ft. II ploaio take notice lliat if von fail to !o appear and answer -..tid coin plaint tilaint ll vv .11 apply to tho t'ourt tor thu reliet therein piayed 1 r and demand ed to- it : 1 hat tli.it certain tnor ; k----'1' mnde, ex e 'Utod an 1 h'hvorel v v. u and eaeh ol VOi to the above 11: ino 1 puillitilt on tho fcJ 1 day ol Apt. I, I-.f.i, to .-eon re tl.i pay ment ol tho hum ol t.i-0 I . i;'ld coin, with intoivM thereon at the rale ot Hpr cent per annum troni said I day ol Air:l, iVi.'i. and men I ho follow 1 iitf don -nii. d re.t property, iy nit', boiiitf and i'ualo in Va.-hiinf ton Conn y, refon, to-wit : liie -south hall of ttio west half of tho n. 1 1 iie.iMt .marter ol s rimii T . K I j W Wish Mtr., no r lormed, and iniu thi I locript ott liien iti he lelormed t con I t Tin to the hoid owned bv ttie said .1. V . lVt-To,i on the d.iv o fprp, lo hi.; l.v in, I'eiii.; nnd sit a ilo in ' i'h tnton i' juntv. O eron, to-wit: The "otiih halt ot the t,ul halt ot the hoiiI -ft!-t .'uarter id p-oction ;.!, 1' ."t N It 4 W Wit!- AUt.. an t that lahi tnoru'airo bo a'-j'pln-' 1 and tie reed to lo a lieu upon Mai I prioiii-oi last above letcrinod. Thai tho 1 laint lf li'ive jud 'iiieut uirftin. 1 ..u and ea h ot you for itie Mini -.it $4'' ) I . . if old o.iin, h it Ii nit oi o-t t herooii ti ni April JJ, ls..". nt the rite ol 10 per 101 t nor milium anil the 111111 id -f hi at torne v iee, and th.it rail t 11 in and the w ho e thereoj he adjudge. I Jind decree 1 to he a luoiinairo lion upon the premise I ;i -1 ; uLitivn le4(Tibod, an I lor a derree thai 1 i iid mortirare ito f ororloied, and a ml ' I pro mi mm he fob J h iho Mionll ot S'a-h I inton ( ouiitv, O i'L'nii, in tho iniiiitit-i ipro-til ed bv law, and thrt prtieood- i l . Milch :ilo he appli' d to t';o payment ol tho I tiom uid of tho piaooill ain.ve i-et for' ami (or w liich ju h'inon 1 in praved toi ' mi I :or u h other and turth'T n-liel ui ma . 1 1 iiieet it 1 e.jiii y and food ton 1 tic, summons is p'll'li-hcd n-iiinsf vio. 1- order of lion. llion:is A. Mrllrid'. .Iu Il-c ol the aiiovf-miuicil t ourt. made it l h. til. hers ;nd d.UC'l tin- Jsrh dav ol sei -tciiih.--, c . T : . li. U A i . I . I: V . l:-:.i Aiiorni-y lor I'lamiitl Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder VV'iM-ld'a Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. RIBBONS AM) . . . CARBON PAPER H H TYPEWRITERS AT INDEPENDENT OFFICE EAGLE MARBLE WORKS! t. g. icx-Kii-isre MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES and all kinds ot Marl.lo Work in TALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. Iinpurtrr nnJ tU-ftlcr in A meiciii and Scotch Granite V. Mints. Ji t, VhIidai fkt. I'OIULAD. OK. HKSi NA110NAL HANK F if :f.in'FLi. T aj sa.-l i rtu llm k.n! H uin-. J. W. HH L I K. ... . HFNI. f('IIIH.HEI.t ... farstuaul A'ii k raasmts) CiSITIU I J l. M Mill I'M A !f Ml siuhl E"-hni- and I 1 irrspliic Tranf-rs. and tsu- Utters ot I r-dit j .M- "r.lH'i'id.in ; iVu"i,,.. I an. i--. -ri.n. Krai kf .rt- I .tijMam, Storkuolin, and all i.rmoiia eitit-sof Knr-ajn. Collfottorn ma c n.l r.cccsailnV pints fsvw lvw I r- t a. m. to n r. 55 cts 60 cts sin noH. I N i!IK t ill' l r k ol'HT ok THK 1 Snitu u( Orf;;tn, iur Vu-U iugtou t utility. l iii l'un-lie Mu.:ir iil Trust I I iivi'ttiittnt iuniirt.iy, l.iiniiptl, r.u.imtl , K: h.nd W Iham- uml dUarii J. y WitlianiH, Van It. Ii hnsitiniuit ' ami M in i'. lh l a-.hn.uit and j oeoru Puiion uml - Pullcii, , l'fteudatltn. I t) lieoru'e Pollen, deloiulanl : Iu the Name ol the Male ot O; e.in, you ari hioehy ri iiiirod toappi iiraud answer the coinpiibutL iiifd a!.iiiiHt you in th above entitled u:t hy 1 lie It rt day ot the next term of Court utter the expiration of the publication ot Hi n iiniimiiiiH, t--w it : I V M niidny, November t, lv, ami if you tail to ao ttlltwer, tor want thereof, ill ' plainlitt will apply t 1 the Omit I t the r-In t deiiian.lt , m u,, complaint, M-wit: 1 hat i: he decreed that there ih due ami owiio; to the plaint t! upon the promissory note iltMorilH'd in the tomp. 'iiit the miia d t'i,t Willi intrreM thereon trim Junn 1 U. I !!, Ht the raie ot lo p. r rent per un num, all in 1 oiled miiIm K''t com, anil th.it plaintit! have ami recover iti cost ami di.ihiintement ; that plaint li s mort 1 t :ii'.ti ite.irnbfU in the complaint, anil riven to soi'ine said note h do. red to he the hri-t lien upon tho mortai'd promisa-i ait ii ate in Washington Cointy, Siatn of Oregon, and tloici ibfd ui tollwi, to-wit: Comnittncintr at the Miiitheait corner of the doiiatoii land claim lo Patrick Keily, a. id be. 11 if in ei'i loni loiirieoti til) ami titteeri (li) fowtiMlnp one North Kan04 1 ur wtMl ot the Wiiimneite meridian, aul runniiiK' thomu north ulon the east line id sud donation laud claim twenty (-0) chain", theme, west twenty cimina, ami r:inmn thence north twenly (-'") Wiuiu to the north hue of the Kelly e.aun, thence west nlon' H.tid ilaim line t wenty u'') chum, tbenee south lorty t1) 1 hams uioiiir th.- wont line ol said claim, 1 ilii'iiro easi lorlyto rhaini to the piac.j jot hekfin 1 in, coniainin IJO acre; alio ' tho north hail ol a cerium donation land ' claim Mtn ite 111 tteclioii totirieeit (14), t hlteoii (loK twenty two i'SJ) and twenty- three (t.i) lownnhip onu (I) north mtirftt 1 loir () wvsl ot the Willamette mer.diaik tnd known 10 the donation land cntnii of tt-.Tio I t eo:iff, t ho m;i me Lenin Not ihcalion No. THMsi Huid uorih lia 1 incliitliuu; lot two (-) ol NHotiuM tilteoti 1I1) lota inreu (,, I lour (1) and live (-O ot M'tiimi fur teen ( 1 1 j. hii I a Ktnp oil l ha north Hide of t lie southc i.it 1 uarter I ol soul tie.iHt i) uarter id section li I teen I (!-') and coiibiweit .planer ot outh-o-.t ijnartor ot seetion fourteen (11) all in said township and rane; and that sawt mortiak' he torec oed and naul property ne sold in the m inner iirovuloj hy law to Dit ml y the atorosaid xuuii due the plam , t il, and that you and ml permmi claimina; 1 under you he barred ami loredoied ol all j nirht, c.nun or evi:ty ot redemption in the hi I ' M s. -- iitnl tvrrv l-.irt thcn-ol, mul lur mm' 'i i 1 1 1 1 r Ht, -1 1 utlur icih-I to tu l ho (.'it.iii iiKiy stTiii nnvt .ni l O'l'liltlil. I Iii piilihf.il i. u ii in nit liy oriicri'l lion. I . v : 1 1 H. ?-i'Mrii-, pnl-i'M ol t he irunit C ourt I the iitH .it Oienoii, lor tUv Kuurlli .1 il I u;i it 1 1 1 ii-' . ui in t Ihi t.li'-f m:t troni Wailniitio i ti t t v ol Mon. T. A. Mi tiit'lu, .In-Ir ut tin- 4 1 1 on i f ourt nt th Mute ol 0.f!in, lur tlio (' unty ol WhmIi ntloii, Mittl s.t i onler win m.iile on O. l o:.i i o.Ji, lHiNAri.H, MoAKTUI'i:. V h N H)S A JiK'fN Al i.ll, .f'. A loru.-v t 'i Piiiinlitl. A DM I IN I It TOIt HA OT II K A I. PltOI'FKTV. N Tori K is iii:i;i;itv (.IVKN, THAT uiHilo lv th' t uiitity ( ourt ol tho Siitt ut' ri u'un, lor ii-lniiffoii r.Minly, on lh 7 th il h y uf .lull, lh., hiuI a nuipenm)t ry ornr iuii iv "ttt-l Court mi the LM.tii iltiy tif S!.i inhrr, l'wi, in th-s in;atT ol i lit i?Hits oi J"-e ui ntilufj, tliTi'iiMi'd, nnd to 1 liufi, I , Cur ih'1iu-, Mil:iiiLi-trHtor ut tend eftiito, o.ri-i ifl, 1 nl Wl nt puhklo auction, Iu Hit- h Ik-he-.! hitilrr, at ilia utli Muor of i.'usin H.Mi-p, in iluls- Uoro, iiiiiuurr u' u: il;iy , I lie .; ; he hour 1 l'l lt Hill'i 1 (V, III .1 - uriic: n- to Hit! hull iiih-'i, reul rocrlv - U'liiTmit cl !i-i I -ol Ji"-' ('urn' Wiii. M.r. mi" lllllU r.illiliH Ml: it tlx ilunniiM oiint y, h txiiti, on y ol u. cut i r, at tt ti l Cut tt ol tha tori-noon of llf'ilH 1 ot i.ltl -it ill I? of il-r--.i.i , all ot thu fol-tf-i!L'iinfii hiuI (tftscrihiMl uii'i-K lo h ml e.-ttt'' hiuI n. a i-.ii t ol ih - l. 1.. C. tu in I I N It .1 Wt of li-- 1 1 hi d ph lic jinninK 1 1 ut the northiMist ruriHT 1:111-1 flat HI ol J - 'or !t I'l n one tiurtti, ruiiirrt liel 1 11 in Mi'i'i ton thre w-it ut tii w nluiiift ti niril mn mul run run if thinrn muiith milv -nitir ilftn-es ..nil Uc.vi' iiiiimie-i wet champ, t ihe fluiitlH-a-t ruriiiT ut thu trm t ol htnti fonvpyfl tu ( Imi. Wainhi-ttM hy Jif tJornrlu-, lin me io itli tvtrlv cl.no -int lori vM!ht minuti' wtit 7.47 rliairin, I hence nori h huij-hihh de-rei i and twoive niinnU') hami, "t hrn north "Vi'ii tl-rc.-i uii1 thirty ni.niit' e-t4.tv rhaini, Ih- iKt nurlh Mixty-miia t-vr--'i VI rn i ri tit i fawt H rhiuiii io rnt line-ot sfti'l "lor fcttmn tiaini, lhn. e n rth -tfht ilpgreei Hill Ii I T y -onu lit i li il h-n, i'-it 1 . 7(1 fhfi ni tu i "I hckfiniiiuK, an I con taintfitt; I a- rc. ri i't lan I nl ho mil. I ut"'fi thf follow in ti rriiH ut rn l- t Im- imlf ot I lie iiir ( li-isn pri f to If f i-l in i ,i i li at ttm lima ut j h. ha lam e i n two vmii ; oV (erred pavnii'tit to iH-ar infpri"t at thn rule of --iht p'-r c-n i pr Hi.n im, -.yahu Biiriiii'.l lv.nri'1 to h" "ipcurc.1 l,y mortK'iifl upon ; hu prnin i- jM . ( ' n vy n ii to hu at the eiiiann- oi 'l'i-1. r. I U K. C'i:.N Kl.l I Atltiiini'.tratur of the csial'j ot .1 -n-e 'ur- lici illi, 'If fjtril. liM). K. H ' 1 1 . K Y , 't 22 Attorney lor K tale. BOOTS AND SHOES .. NIW SHOP. 1 1 1 1. i 'ii -ri, I am li' i il: K nn I to e-irc I t 'i .i :n i l.ffj jie I to (f.ve psj.-! lal s l i IlitH-innki- M-.W att- nti'.n tu .. REP AIRINQ .. - TI-KA' TI')S i'-i :i ordrrs r-ntrtml-d to in" is imnran'"!. Ail or pr tntlf d'ine, and at niol resoiistile pi t . ssi r . i. on -s -in I Mr.e'. i.tw-eti Nfatn and nstiiiit'iii . nt-zt djor 'o lloan'ffj h.a k-linlli sli'i. liOIILK I M K.M It, Hill-tM.ro, ... Orrrnn. Wanted-An Idea is Whsrt ui thtntr tni iifii thlDC Iu stTitf f-fv--t yotir Mi"- tT mf hnug . wt?.ii-, VrKf JOH -.UlT.Ht'H!t ' O PUn AtV a. Wftiiimrt.n, D. ' , t t tktr $.m prm uira aba aiuk-ir.! lb"-mttw&a WMit0.