HILLSBORO 1XDEPEXDEXT. I'M DAY, KKl'TF.M I.Kit 11. " I.OCAI, AND GKNKRAI.. (.,11 on Humphrey for loam on .xx'l ir i-rty, ulso farms to rent ami to sell. . J I Knik'lit prepared to make ,,."n from '' to 1,kmi. him ni.l t"-t 1'i-ttt run. We sell 1'i'th Mi-Klnl.-y and Ilryitil I, its at .ri-f l'lW toll eoinpctiors. Sehultiiericli A Sun. Muson fruit jars, ) Dillons Ht siu-ts., u'iirls at ',o, ls., and pints at .".nets, at lWyuil-l-tiilhiW ',. easli store. l.r a clean fhavc ami ft-hion-.,!,!,. cut f--r the hair, Miliars purl. I on s,.(i.iid street, llilMioro, U the place. uurold trieml, Prof. J. 1'. L'K.ney, will heat lS.y City, Tillamook coun ty this year in clmw of tin pul.lic school. The INKKPNKKKNT Will furnish tlic N w York Wc kly Tril.mie to polilic.il cluLstill after il.-Noveml.er election at the reduced rile ot 1 . cts. per copy. Mr I. Smith now of Nordic iV t'.il. l,u t formerly of this county arrived from his southern home l.y ln-d Sat urday's train. He is vi-itiu- wllh l,is l.rother-in-law, J. A. I inline. The Climax Mills, is oltcrinir the farmers Hiki: l.KASis". and ,f llillsbopi, i iti:i: iiai.s hu.k sroit uo new de 1,1 uiieui. I IMS s parture but is made more prominent. 1, V. lSerckmoes will K've l"i per cent' oil' for the next 1". days on all iewlery, watches, clocks, spectacles, musical Koods etc. All repaint will iM'done promptly and warranted Subscriptions to the Iniki-kxiknt and New York Weekly Tribune w II I,., receive.1 f. r the next Tour months for :J0 cents. The Tribune needs no introduction to an Amercmn public. The price is that of whito paper. For several weeks busy hands have been at work puttimt llcrr'u k Had ol IMcille university in first class order. New carpets, reparinir, varmsbin and etc., are anion the operations which are making the Hall very at tractive. Wanted "at 'once: Active iijrcnls for each county. Inclusive control and no risk. Will clear li to -' hundred dollars a year. Kudos., stamp for full particulars or t r ample. lliir K'I'i'l- Mineral Co., ltitt Hapids, Michhjan. (let a fir-tclasa fire insurance policy backed by a first-class Coi my by calling oiiJ. 1. Kniuht, for the same price or Im than you will pay for one of a wild cat company. K member your late experience with (he de mised State of Salem. The cheHp rat.-s ot $12 cabin and ft! BtceraKe, including meals and berth, are still in effect on the O. K. & X. Co' steamers, from Portland to Han Francisco. Sl.Nun. rs leave l or -land every live days l or fur her particulars we J. K Knight, Hill Imm. Itrynn-Kaidlaw Co., cash store, ex hibit this week the McKinley hat. they ore up to date in styles with he finest Hbxk of hats In Washington eounty. Their immense stock o fall, (foods will be in this month w.d prices are lower than ever known. Uive them a call and get their pne Thehoardmu' club at the Yoitf Men's Dormitory inaugurated his year is no experiment. This method nas been in successful os ration for years in many schools, I.. si and West The advantages of the plan is to furnish exc. lent board at actual cost-with provisions as low as thev are now, board ncd not cost over I. fi lcr w.s k. Mr. Divid White with his sister, Mrs Mary Kester, son and daughter of lion. John S. White, a promin ent citizen of this mty tr, years go visited Willi County Clerk .1. A. Imbrie and Mr. K. K. NM.Heonib Fridav and Saturday of last week. Mr. David While is ll resident ol Fortland and will vole for Mckin ley Mrs. K.-stcr liv's in Wasbm t.)V. Moth of these visitors Were born on the John While don. land claim In this county now owned by Mr. Freeman mar lnov post office. The .ik'h rank of the Pacific univ ersity Con-rvalory will be billy sus tained the .Milling yr. .Mrs. Waller lleed will again have charge of the vocal music and Mrs. I . 11 Kk, of Portland, has i.een engaged for the instrumental music. As .Mrs. Cook begins her work with the school this year it may not be amiss to say that she ha had exceptionally flue ' training for such a pillion. She was ri pupil of It. J. lJini. fit Itosfon, and is highly commended by Ibis noted teacher. She et.lcrs upon Iter work with the strongest testi monials as to her .ii-wss in teaching. The expenses of the department, owing to the high class of i.uin.c ? . ...:ti i.n iitneli more (ion fiirntsneo, i ; - than any possible relur.u Irom (he . ... ' . I ft .......I Itunl l,e tuitions cnargeo. . said, therefore, that tuitions must invariably be paid in advance. Hunters have an object les-on this week and it is profitable for others, to tell of it. Kst Thursday Marion Jgci. and Jos. Williams, belli old enough to know the law, went gun ning on the land of F.llen Jack-ons, three mile east of town, and com- iced idiooting. They were promptly arrested and taken before Justi.ie Smith where tt.lw; pleaded guilty. He .as bi.ed I . ind .-osts. Not ln.g h'-h u.tl money he xvrnt to Jail Mr seven an. a half days. Odgcn's plea was n. guiltv, d.inan.hsl a jury and had bis tVial set for Thuesday a-t. H.v that time he. having studied t.ie evidemv and his cas.' more car. lu found a weak point " two, with drew his first plea and int'd an of guity He was then lined and e.Hts amounting to tr, M. On in lion of the district attorney s. nten.i' was suspen.hsl ten day-during which time he may rai-e tl.enocd,, money. Several of the farmer have jb d tiotis. as a Irindly warning, though they are if. .thy law repbred bd s... Hunters are a nuisance to the -a.et. not only to stock but to the human epecics.'Hnd there Is a dispo-ition not lot rate them. K-piire Smith will do his part toward abating the nuisance. On Monday, Kept. 7th H9t, many iiniriliert of lluttu Krauze and other frieu li ami neighbors or Hor.. Tlio-t. 1'rtuU. o and wife of Garden Home a emlilisj at his tteautiful farm rei .lence and reuden-d their tribute of re-jxvt to them In the celebration of He ir silver wedding. Mr. and Mrs. I'auU. ti wero united in uiurriagu at Jacksonville, Oregon' twenty-five years ai'o and came to their present home where they have lived during the last twenty-five years. The iiK-riiln rs ot the L'rani'e (vme In ro- ee .iou nurprUinir Mr. and Mrs. l'aul sen v ith the cheers and presents which were duly presented by a -ls cli from Mr. "l II. Finlcy. Mr I l'.iul.-4'il tiieo thanked the avssembiuKe I il.'K 1.". ld.it Ulit'Apeili-d, hut ilixll- ly appreciated expression of their tfixxl will to him and his wife; this whs f.,l.,wfd by a bountiful repast, prepared by the grange, Home One iiiumc t,y .Mr. uml .Mrs. t inley, a Kood social time and with luauy con iratul.itl.iiw this happy oerasion closed. Mr. W. 1). ('line employing agent for Thompson, lellart A Glenn was in town Monday looking for men and teams that will worn on tiie Port land and Astoria railroad. The contract .rs are pushing the work ex pecting to get all the dirt work done before the rains net in. To that end they are employing every man and team that w ill go on the line. The work to he done is clearing the right of way scraping up the earth and cutting through the ridges. Com mon lalsirers receive l..riO per day, a driver and his team of two horses recieves :l..riu per day. Hoard is l.n per week. If a man and team want board and horse feed furnished the contractors will pay him 'I'i.IX) p.-r month net. When the dirt work is competed or the rain sets in, the rock work will be taken In hand, lien.-e it is seen that the Job is not a short one. The fare from Portland to H imer is a half dollar or for a team is tl.'M. However a team can be driven to Uanier as the county road from Portland down the river is good. The pastor of the Congregational church will preach next Sunday morning the first sermon in a short series on the general subject of the "Character o the Influence of Chris, tiairty on Mankind." The sub division of the subject treated next Sunday will be "Chritianify Con fronting Frivolons Skepticism," the text being taken from an Interesting episode In the life of Paul the Apos tle. In the evening the topic will he "Destroyers and Builders" :.ehariah 1:1S1. The Sabbath School at 1U a. in., Junior Christian F.mleavor at at 4 ii. in. and Christian Kndevor at ti::to p. m. complete the services of the day. Mr. V. K. Johnson who lives two miles north of Hillsboro, has liees to the number of 4 colonies. From these he has taken 1700 pounds of as nice hoii' y Hs ever went into market. Mr. Johnson is a skilled and pains faking apiarist and the honey from liis colonies Is sealed by the bees in new white-wood boxes that go to market in fine shape. During the first of the season the bees did not do well on account of the wet weather, but June and July were good honey months during which the industri ous injects hoarded their stores. The S. P. Company has not taken off the Hying train between Portland and San Francisco, nor have the standard rates beeti established. In cluding berths the tickets for Pull man standard sleepers are 19 and for Pullman tourists sleepers (It). A train starts every five days leaving Portland at It) p. in. The next train leaves Portland Monday, September, I Ith and Saturday, September, lllth., Mrs. 11. T. Flint, ofScholls, went home hist Saturday after having lieen at St. Vincent's hospital for four weeks. While not possessed of her old time health, yet she is much im psoved and now promises to bo with her friends for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Flint are more than pleased w ith the treatment received from Dr. Holmes and the nurse of St. Vincent hospital. There Is In the Delta drug store show window, a life size crayon pro trait of Congressman T. If. Tongue that is true to life, indeed one al most expects to bear spi-ccli that is so familiar to us all. The protrait is the work of our young townsman Clyde lleeves, who is a young artist of ex ceptional promise. His work is as good at any shown by eastern houses. The adverllsment of the Tremont Lodging House, Portland appears this morning for the first time and as it is a t!" room building, cen trally located for visitors to the ex position, mid perfect in all its ap pointments it is worthy of patron age. The house is kept by a former resident of Hillsboro who will be r. joiced to meet old neighbors. Mat Mallard who has been on the farm with Mr. J. A. Imbrie for a year and a half went to Seattle, his home, this week. Mr. Mallard's father, Irving Mallard, was well known in this county twenty, years ago w hen he was a student at Pacific university. Tim vitiin oeot ,le of the Maptist Church will give a true representation of a Japanese w.sioing in .uitrsi, Memorial Hall at Forest Orove, rri.l iv eveliinif Sept. II. under the auspices of Pacific university. Me- served K.WS -U cents. so.,.!,,,, Airont Pence and wife started for Tillamook on their wheels la-t Friday morning. They expect to be absent about two w.rks. V hlle away me siauou is occupied by a young man from Salem. (Jrandma Mary Wood, now in her l!:t year Is confined to her room, yet her friends do not aban '.on a hope for a nstoratiou to the hea lh she Ins eijoyed for the past ten years. U ibt. Imbrie who has been visit ing at Cottage Orove, Kane comity, for a fortnight, arrived at home last Saturday evening. Twenty pound of best granulated sugar f. r onedollirai Mryan I-ai.l-law Co. Cash Store, ti our K0 shoe. i:. H. Warren, one-mile east of Hillsboro has fre-h milk cow for side. He also has fall pasturage to I let. ! Mr. Imlea, r Keedvllle, hm a half Jer-.-y Cow for sale. She Is fresh, i and a good milker, j (trccr leads, and others follow In I all lines of gr.Hs ri.-s. Just arrived, a full line of syrups I at .'h Ureer's. 10KIT t.KOVE. There i music In the air, w hen the (ireenville glee chit, is around. Mr. S. M. Haycock, of F r, was a visitor in the tirove oue day last wis. k. Theari'iual teacher's Ius'ituteoperi ed Tuesday, in a. in. with a t"ssl at tellden. e. The warm weather of the past few- days is of great value in c-urring late sown grain. The college buildings and ram pas have been put in line condition, for the opening of school. Dr. Carles F. Geigcr has rented the liowlhy property and will move into tne house tne coining ween. Knrgo quantities of wood is ls-ing hauled to town, evidently the jssiple expect a bard winter. P.. v. D. A. Walter has returned from New port. He reports plenty of rain and foggy weather, but no clams. The best yield of grain is reported from the red hills of Yamhill, forty acres, yield, 00 bushels per acre popo. erat measure. If weather permits, 'Senator Mitchell will speak in the Naylor drove, otherwise in the auditory of the University. Hon. T. K. Gecr, rep. candidate for elector, ojieiied the campaign for the republicans in this precinct on Tues. evening, Sept. sth. Prof. F. 1). Curtis, lute principal of the Cornelius seho.il, assumes charges as principal of the Sell wood school in Portland on the 1 lib. Muck Meyers is correct when he sHid that P.oy Miyau will have a formable antagonist in the "brains and coin" of the country. Many from this place have or will go hop picking. The remuneration is not so great as in ist years. Mut it gives a little cash and good times to those engaged. Mrs. J. C. Itobb, w ho has spent sometime on the lower Columbia, visiting her brother, returned home the middle of the week, and is ready to resume her work in the public school. The smiling face of justice Dols train can lx seen in his oll'nv. He is ready to loan yon money, sell you land'iu any quantity or quality, and if you are in the "toils of the law" see that justice is meted out to you. The McKinley club have made ample arrangements to give our sens ior Senator, .1. 1 1. Mitchell a muring reception on Sept. 1 I'll. Prehaps no man wields a greater influence in Oregon politics than Senator Mitchell and nil oilier should avail them selves of the opportunity to heir him. The college auditory, excelling in seating capacity any building in the county, will be id together too small to ac ommodate the crowd which will want to hear our popular Senator discuss the political quest! ins of the day. It is to be hoped that the weather clerk w ill favor us with fine weather. COT 111 IIWfSE NKW'S. '( U X J V llll'UT i. a w. Clans Christiansen and Chephas Kiscnhancr were admitted to citizen ship. Isaac Allen v Susie A J. W Morgan. Action to collect money. Complaint served. i-nouA tk .h;kt. Kstate John 1). Howell deceased Inventory of property filed- realty valued at 11 in and personal property valued at ilOii0.o(). Total, tlOl ID oil. Properly valued at ',(i7 was s.-t olf to the widow for her support. A further order was mad" allowing the administratrix to sell all personal property except money notes and accounts for cash in hand or for secured notes, due Jan 1, IV.i? drawing 8 per cent interest. Kstate Fred Schlenter, deceased. Final account filed and Monday, October 12lh set for hearing ol.Jec lion to the same, if any there be. F.state M. Mann.-ng, deceased. Administrator allowed to purchase a monument for the grave of deceased at a price not to exceed 1 ".'((. Kstate Jos. 1ihlie deceased. Final account examined and allowed and the estate closed of record. Kstate James M. 1'eris, deceased. Cecelia D. Feris, widow, appointed administratrix with bonds lived at :ou. This instrument was executed with J. 1). Merryman and J. P. Tamiesie as sureties. The npprais. ers are: .) tube Clearwater, Peter Pyle and A N. Parent. Kstate Win. Carpenf.-r, deceased. Administrator's sale of real property made to N. J. Walker for 1115 (10 confirm. . I and deed to be executed on payment of that sum. MAUI-.l A.iK I ICKNsKs. Licence to wed was issued Sept Mh to Win C Ingles aged '2 2 years and I'.nda M (iarrigns aged H years Sept tyth John Mews aged -" years and Verdie Mrugger aged 2i years; and II ii Hendricks aged 7 years and Maggie Nccp aged 1 years. Mr. M. K. Haines, a few days ago, found a deposit of gold near town which he w ill prospect and develop a S.HIU as he learns his rights in the premise,. Head Letter 1.1st. The follow ing is a list of letters re maining uncalled for in the postolllee at HillsU.ro, September o, 1M)G. o. llol brook, .Mrs. .m. l errv, .Mrs. Frank Anderson, Cora Monnell, K. K. IaIo, Mrs. K. A. James, Mrs. Su-an Hunt. All letters not called f.T by Sept. l!!h will be sent to the I lead letter Ollii-e. One c. nt w ill be charged for each letter called for. 11. S( Ul I.MKIilCII, P. M. Tin- farmer who la-t week lost be tween tow n and I'.. II. Warrens farm, a curved steel hay rt.ke t.sth, can find the Mime at the M. E. parsonage, comer :!rd and Washington ilreels, Hillsboro. I ( hn nee In Make Mono) . I want to tell you of my wonderful success. Meing a poor girl and n.s-d-Ing money badly, I tried the dish wa-her buisiicss and cleared Uml every month. It is more money than I ever had before im.l 1 can't help lellii.g pon about it, for I If lleve any per-on can do as well as I have if they only try. lu-h wa-hcrs sell on sigh'; every l.uly wants one. The Mound City' Disli Wa-h.r Co. Stt. L"Uis Mo., w ill give you ad lice- essary insirii, lion, so you can bcnin work at once. The dih washer d' I splendid work; you an wa-h and! ilry the disle s in two or thr.s mill- j utes w Hhoul putting your hands in the water at all. Try this buisin-si and let us know' how you succis. F.I.IAIIKI II C ' MITCHELL WILL SPEAK AT FOREST GROVE MOXDAY St-UMtor Mil. holl will Nt-feud Hi Vol fur tbe 1'iaifley larlj and igaiukt tbe ttenate t ree Mirer bill. Senator Mitchell's engagements will allow him hut one day in Wash ington County, and that date is next !"!., Soj-. 1 ' t 2 o'd'H-k j. m. In Forest drove. Delegations and masses from all parts of the County are planning to attend and hear this speech from our eloquent and popular Seuator. No elector w hether repub lican, democrat or populist should miss this opportunity of hearing Sen ator Mitchell. The meeting of the Hillshoro Mi.Ii.t.i.'j" dub-faj 1 Ufeiday oveianjs was a verv enthusiustlc gathering. The singing of the Wheeler Mrothers and Young was all and more man had been promised. Mut the event of the evening was S. C. Spencer's speech. For logic, eloqueuce and force he is rarely equaled. The opposition bring no champions against .Mr. Sis-ncer. 1 he next sneak before the club will lie at its regular meeting Tuesday Sept. 'd. Attorney John Wall revived a fee this week that had leen cished away in an old stocking. It showed marks of the safe deposite. Mefore John dropped It with his other coins, he washed it with strong lye and other detersives. The coins have not been worn much, though the oldest peice w hs minted in Ho I, and the latest in H7K. A ;o.l HI ml Mill-Make it yourself. 1 made one of the people's wind mills which I saw recomended In your paper recently, it only cost me f'.t.li) and is a splendid mill; my well is deep, but it pumps it all right and with very little wind: the neigh bors all like it. audi am a kind of a carHnder, I have agreed to put up nine mills already, on which I cau make a nice profit, and there are many more for whom I can put up mills this fall. I don't see why every fanner don't have a wind mill when he can make It themselves for lis than 110. any one can get diagrams and complete directions for making the wind mill b semilog H two-cent plump to pay postage etc.. to K. 1). Wilson A Co., Allegh eny. Ia.. and there can be dozens of them put up in any locality by any one that has the energy to do it. A Fa km UK. I'll I KM Mi lt)E IS .1 MlNl'TK. I have tried the Lightning Churn, you recently described in your paper, and It Is certainly a wonder. I can churn In less than one minute, ami the butter Is elegant, and you get considerably more butter than w hen you use the common churn. 1 took the airencv for the churn hero and every butter maker that sets it buys one. 1 have sold three uozen an.i they give the best of satisfaction. I know I can sell KM) In this township, as they churn so quickly, make so much more butter than common churns, nnd are so cheap. Some one in every township could make two or three huntirea dollar si-inng these churns. My addressing J. F. Casey A- Co., St. liouis, you can get irculars and full information so you can make big money right at home. I have made st) In the past two weeks and I nerer sold anything before in my life. A Fa i; Mi;it. Hair Heslure.1 to Natural I'ol.ir. I have used many preparations for restoring hair to natural color, but never had satisfactory results till I u-ed Z'llu Vulier: it will restore any hair or licard to Ms natural color in three weeks. If it does not they return your money, so you take no risks. J'eople who have never tried It cau get a wtmple package which contains enough to restore anyone's hair to natural color, by sending 21 two-cent stamps to pay postage etc. to Wilson A Co., New Cencord, Ohio. The regular price Is f 2 .10 per package. If it d ie not restore your hair to natural color, or make any color .if hare darker in thre weeks they will return your stamps. This proposition is ro fair that thousands are using it. It i harmless but never fails. Why can't big money be made selling Xvlu Vnlicr from house to house. wati;i. w ril I AS A 8M AM. KAIIM OK 0 TO i0 a,to9 ..ruler riiltiviOion to rent. A'Hlr 'ss, P. O IIOX Jl. Ci'MlerYllI.e Was.,. Co., Oreton, leenlrl olice. X 'OtlfF. IS If Kit KHY lilVEX. THAT it-ltrr l.'liiiiwni,try nl this .I.itp nim the l"mtP er J tin l. Uowel IhI ol Wil.h ni?lon I'o.in'y, Oregon, .If.-eAtwd. A1! per-on:, having rluinM niiitnxt n.iiU rHtale ur tiprehy noltti.i to prrsMn' th sun, to the un.l.Tsi,?iel wi.liinmjt mot, I h from it,.. .Lite leopof. nt my resi.lenre. neur Scletl.9 K'Tiy, in f.ai.1 ( nuntv, f-r ;.,w:inre. nn.l n I MT'.i-n knowing thni-9Plv-M i:etellp I l.l Shi I m'?,! il. Mink iinuif.l Hie niiviiip-it ' the iu.llri,'he,l. ANNA UKKKdCA UOWEI.l., K tri'turix ot anl i:ttt. Auu 27, i. 1 5 p 0Tlf K OK S.ll.F. Or' RK41. PltOP KRTV HV KXMTTOR AT 1IIIVA1F. Ml I.E. itndki: AtTiiomrv OK ax ok- J iter of si!.1 rnrt l ht lh V ,unt curt of the hi ittot llm m. iel ,lnte. AiimKt M !',. ih niiil.T-mpe I lli, from rri.l ufier S itur l iv, the 17th il.iv ..I - r, i,r kimi'.iiik iirsiiii'n, rrni irMf.rriT, si I .ii in W.isl.if.cti.n t'oui'v. Htm i,t Ore? n. to-sri. : Lot X i. on. ( I) ol srrtlini tsent. -t o ( JJ) in t'.An.Int, t.o i'2i S ot It, to(J,Wr,iof Wi ldindi Mri.ifin. r.m'.Tnini Pi..4 rri.j nl-t, ser,ii Irurt; Lot o. four (4) in '.Hoi k 1 1 ) in Minor kv ill-, now Sherwo, d. Tlo I. rn" of s.tl ure otie-liHit' cs.-l" .(own, reninin'ter In one veiir Iron. .1st ol sln ?rcu el hy m ,rt,"tt?e en 'ii'l proiwj.y. Pii, iin-er m.iy nt tiis o .lion i ny ii ! rf-H Jo n t dme ul' .lle. s.i .1 F.if milt l-e "til.i' . to Ine t)iiiiriin. lion nt the II .iimI. . ...irf, rttl. will he rv.etv.st hv lie- nt s. Iioii'.. in this County. P.ite l this lo h l :i v of S-efeniher, !. . W. f-EKI.YE. Etriitor of the lt i.l of Jimes R thepley, neceas d, pi-J) The U. S. Cov'1 Rtfttt i tupwlof to II Awarded Highest Honors World' Pafek Ooli Medal, Midwinter Fair. oa mm CREAM BAEflM Most Perfect Made, do Years the SUndari A Wife Iqtiid to a (iold Mlue. Will some of your readers give me a goo.t reciie for making cold starch? I am selling self-heating flat Irons and Iron a little at every house and have to use some corn starch every place aud want ti know how to make god coi.i siaicii. My husband was in debt and I Is ing anxious to help him thought I would sell self- healing tlat irons, and I mu doing splendidly. A cent's worth of funl will heat the iron for (:i) three hours, so you have a perfectly even heat You can iron in half the time and no danger of schorching the clothes as with the old iron, and you can get the most beautiful gloss. I sell at nearly every house, as the iron saves so much fu.-l everylxxly wants one, I mako tl.Txi on each iron and have not sold less than ten tiny day I worked. My brother is doing well and I think anyone can make money anywhere selling irons. J. K. CASEY m, St. Louis, Mo., will start anyone in the buisuess, as they .nil me it you will address them. Mrs. A. Hissei.i.. MIIF.Itll-'F'N Nil,: O KXF.f'ITIOX. VIRTUE OK TWO EXECUTIONS II ti-sueit out of the Cretin Court ol Hie 8lte ot Oregon, for the County ol usiunir.ou, one in Hfor oi t. r.. Iieicn. man Rii.l uKUinit J. K. Miller tor th tuin ol tt ID coats, nml lor the further aunt ol f :;.. la U. S. troKl roin, with lntaroat tlmrion at the nee of 10 per cent per an uuni from the A ti day of February, 1 "!',, atranm r.pt ofwlnrli ju.lvment u Hied in me circuit court ol tne mute ol urevon for WushhiKton C'unty, upon ajudutneiil rt-ndered in the .lu-tite Court lor North Hillshoro Justice of the Peace and C ue st.itile l.istrict, Wushinifton C'ounty. Or .'.in, end si-cond. In luvor of William Mc- U nllan, pUintill. and atrainst J. li. Miller. defendum, lur .hy stun of coats, and lor the Inrtlier sum of t.l3 5.n U. 8. gold coin, w ith interest thereon at the rule ol 10 per cent per annum from the ft. ft diy of rehruarv, is,, a trunsrriri'a ol whi, h was tiled in tne C rcuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wn-.hinKton County, on tbe !it!i day of Kcb-uary, lSmi, upon a judg ment re ml ere. I m Hit, justice Court I r Hillshoro Justice of the Peace und Con- Htaole Uistnct, WnehiniFton County. Ore gon, and for the coats and axpensea of sai.i executions ami ol e. Now. therefore, by virtue and In per. siian' eof aaid jtidirnietila, and execution aioiesm.i, ami lor want .1 auttlcient ter s .mil property. 1 d .1 on the Htli day of S '(iteinner, IS-.W., .I'lly levy on all the liereluiiticr .Icscrieeii reni prope iv, and I will, on Monday, th 12 h day of O.'lot.er. A 1. P-'KI, at tin-soiill, door of ll, e Court H ,uae, in II , 1 ' a t oro, W ahinBt in I'ountv, Oreffon, at t ie hour ol 10 o'clock a. ni. of sitid d:ty, wmII nt pu' lie au.Hion, to the highest niieler, (or cash, in linud ttie following desaril,ed roil property, to-w,t: Lring. heing and situate within Wa n iugton C tintv, Oregon, mid described aa lot six (U) in block sixteen (Hi) ot Hie town ot Conicloi. asliiugion County, Oregon to Niiti.sly the lierein before named auma, and for the cist nil expense of sad snie. Said property will be o I subject to re. dpntption. hs i e atattite ol Oreirou. Witness my han't he-etoset this fl.h day orsep-eniber, A. U. IS'in. W. 1. HRADKOK". Sherifl of Wa.hington County, Oreiron. Hv E. It. Sapi-inotos, Deputy. Cieo. I!. Ilagli-v, Pi jo Atty tor 1'iaintilV, 4 BLOCKS MOM 1 GAS AN0 CLICTRIC UNION DEPOT. T StKVICi. TREMONT HOUSE Seventh k Everett SU., 1'wrtUiid, Or. New House, Xewlv Furnish. !, liiMiins 'Joe, rs-r Night and l.i. REASONABLE RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Transients a Specialty. S. W. UK KI.INfi. 1'rourletor. OREGON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION roSSS SEPTEMBER 10 to OCTOBER 17. The firral Kesotnoes ol the Pacitic Northwest Agririill lire, Horticulture, Fisheries, Minos, Manufactures, Ma chinery, Trairsporliition, Trade and Cim- mercewill he rcii''-ntpi more complete ly than ever Is-for.-. (Jrantl Itiiiitl (OiictTt Kvery Arternoon an. I tvenlnir, Sperinl Alt met Ions Kvery lht. IiOwosI Hiilos Ever Maile tin all Transportation I.l lien. Admission 26", Children lOr l or exhibit apuce, a(,v to Den. I., linker, Superintendent, at llio building. K. r. M VSTKX, Secretary. THE SISTERS OF WERCY .. CEDAR MILL .. Are now prepared to receive Hon r iter either hy the ieek or per Srdon. Terms Moderate " Location Healthful ttftm itiieu in luslr and I'lilntlnr. Hoj t the aWf or 10 yeara will he taken aa Krdera. te ligl. a no Ulrstarlp. Apply to the Sisters, For I'artlralar, at ( IJ) H M 1 1. 1., CJanted-An Idea ot mm utiLM thlikat In MtfBtr rnr thr mf brag witk. WMblnfbin, D. C, t r tblr $l.u pnm o8r POM The uuJeraigutsl, haviiij; lease 1 fur a term of year the well-known rlour mill on North I'lain known the Ifudlcy Mill, haa overhauled it and ut it In first cIum cider for Merchant aud Custom work. A a)iecialty will he made of EXitmtiK hokk xo tHorriso Bl'CkHHElT AM) KE. Flour const Dilv on band or ground to order. E. 0. F.IVM)X, t uterville. 271 ALUtK SIKttl, F0BTLAND, UK. C. 8. IOia, Pro. The only First Class and Strictly Temperance Restau rant in the City. RIBBONS AND . . . . . . CARBON PAPER FOK TYPEWRITERS 1 : i AT INDEPENDENT OFFICE Adnilniatrntrix Xotlce. JOTICE 13 HEKfcHY GIVEN. THAT 1 th undersigned has been duly up pointed, by th County Court of tne Stale of Ureiton", fur Washington County, ai mlnistratrii of th astute of William ('. Downing, deceased, and that aha hue duly qualified and entered upon the diacharire ol her dutiea aa autti adnnoiatratrix. AH persona, therefor, haviufi claima affainsi said estat ar hrby required to prssent them with th propar vuuehera to me at the law oltte of 1'bos. II. Tongue, in Hills, boro, Waati.nirton Cjunty, Oreiron. within aiz montha Irom the .late hereof. ANSA C. DOWXIXO. Adminislratrii of the estate ol Willo.ui C. Downina;, deoeaked. H In Dated August 27, lxsi. Aiwenaior'a) Xotire. f r I Ington County. Oregon : Notice hereby gircn that the Hoard of K,iialitt tion for Washington County. Oregon, will convene In th Coucty Clerk' oltlie at the Court House, in Hillsboro, on the 21at day of Heptember, lN9i, and continue in ses sion on week, or until the ith d:iy of September, inclusive, for t'i purpose of publicly equalizing and correcting the tug list ol Washington County, Oregon, lor the yearlsmi. OEO. H- WILCOX, Aasesaor of Waahington County, Oregon . 14-ltl NIIKKIKI'H HAl.V. OX FOKtilXONritK. BY VIRTf'E OK AN EXE.TTTON, decree and order of sale isauc.l out ol the Circuit Court of th Stato ot Oregon, lor Washington County, in fnvor of V. Schoei. and against Henre Hogrele r.n.1 T. H Miller for the aiun of f 1.1, oosts, ami tor the lurther sum of .ii0, U.M. cold coin, with interest thereon at the rale ot H per cent tier annum from tne Kit ti d:.y of Miy, lHlai, and tor $7 attorueya fees, and lor the costa and expeneea of aale and of aaul writ. Now. therefore, by virtu t ani in pursu anc of said judgment, decree aud order of aale, I will, on Monday, the 21st day of Sepieinler, l&ffj, at the south door of th Court House, In HillHlioro, Wash ington County, Oregon, at the hour ot 11 o'clock a. rn. of said day, sell at liublio auction, to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property. to-wil : Lot No. H in block No. 15 in Hi town ol Cnrielius, Waahington County, Oregon, sa ahown by th recorded pint there.it, to Batiste tli hereinbefore named sums, and for th cot and eptoiaea ut said sale. Said proiierty will l aol.t subject to re demption, aa pel atutut of Oregon. witn-ss my oan.i tnia lion iav of auk uat, lSUti. W. I). Hit ADKOIU). Slier.fT of Washington County, Oregon. Sin th A How man. Altya lor 1'iaintiff. l. Pi HltKri,ON'lti:. I)Y VIHTUK OK AS EXEI TTION Ij deer and order of aale. lesued out ot th Circuit Court of the Mnleot Oregon, lor Washington County. In favor of A. W. Lambert and against David r. Hulstea.l and Henry It. Travis, admimatrator ot the estate of Eva Ualslead, deceased, for the sum of $ '). costs, and for th further sum of tHi.'JU. 1. M. cold coin, with Inter est thereon at the rat of 8 per cent per annum irom in Tt any ol July, istaj, and for IVJ attorneys fees, and for the coats ond axpnaes of sal and of said writ. ow, llirrelore, Dy virtue and In pursu ance ol said Judgment, decree and order ol sal. I will, on Monday, th 21st dny ol September, lWai, at th south dour of the Court House, in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, at th hoor of lno'cloik a. m., of said day, sell at public auction lo th highest bidder lor can th lollowing lacribed real property, to-wit: N 4 of H W U of Hi N K U of section 2.r, T 1 H K 2 W ol Hie Will. Mer.. containing 2" acres, mora or lass, all situate in Washing ton County, Oregon, to satisfy th here inbefore named sums, and tor the coats and evpenaes of aaid sal. Maid properly will be sold subject to ro demrtion, as per statute of Oregon. witness my nann tnis izin nay ol Aug ust. I ami. W. D. UK A 111- OK II, S li e r i II of Washington County. Oregon. A. T. Lewis, Ally for riaiqtitj, lMtl NIIKRIFF'N HXl.V. 0 f O K EC UiS I It K. HY VrtlTfR OF AN EXECUTION, decree and order of sale, duly Issued out ol the Circuit Conrt of the Mate of Oregon, tor Waahington County, in lavor of Peter Wikander and against Tho.naa Hansen and C. A. Kuhr for th sum of ;.'.Vi, roa. a, and for th further sum of ll's.7.1".. in U. rl. gold coin, with interest thereon at the rat of tl per cent per annum from th 2.th day of July, lui. and for th coats and agpenses of sal and of aaid writ. Now, therefor, by virtu and In pursu ance of said judgm.nl, decree and order of sale. I will, on Monday, the 21st day of Sep tember, I'tti, at th south door of the Court House, in Hillsboro, Waabington County. Oregon, at th hour of lu o'clock a. ni., of aaid day, sell at public auction to tne high est bidder tor rash, th following described real property, to.wilt 1 na N K H ot th SE' sert on y. T I M RjWol th Willamette Meridian, all sit uate in Washington County, Oregon, to sa isty In hereinbefore named sums, and for the costs and expenses of said sale. aaid t roperty will be sold subject to re demption aa per statute ol Oregon. W tness my hand this l.'th rtsv of Aug ust, laei W. 1). HKADKOKD. SherilT of Washington County, Oregon. Thres. H. Tongue, Attv for Plaintiff. u -li Dr. Price's Cream Baklaj pow4m WerU a Pair Nlrkeet Meaal ana Dtoatr, At mmmmmmmmmmmwtiimm p HAVE YOU USED E BUTTER PARCHMENT? 3 . All gilt elided butter put on the mar ket liy creaiuciies is wrappeJ ii p?per. The product of the private dait;' wjuM reach its market in much bettei ccudi- . tiou if wrapped in Butter Parchment than it does when wrapped in cloth. Parchment is not only better than cloth, but cheaper. . Cloth sells at 6 cents per yard, fiotu which 27 sheets can be cut 27 Parch ment wrappers cost 3 '4 cents. E 500 Sheets, 8x11, H 509 Sheets. 8x13, The standard size for 2-potuid rolls is Sxu inches; 2-pound Mocks are wrapped in the 8x13 sie. One reason why paper has not been generally used heretofore, farmers could not get it at the general store. It is now kept at the Independent of fice cut to any size wanted. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL ..MONMOUTH. ORECON.. Itewure or Oinf incuts for (utarrali 1 laaa. (onfiiiu M.-ri-iirv. Aa mercury will surely destroy the sense ol smelt and completely derange I lie w hole system when entering 11 li, rough the mucous mitl'.icos. roich article should never be used except on prescriptions from reptltiihle physicians, as the dnln ngea lliey will do is ten told to the good you cull possibly derive from tliem. lluli' Catarrh Cure, niHiiulu.-i tired l,y f. J. Cheney , Co., Toledo, Ohio, contuins no mercury, and is liiken intcriially, actiiig directly upon the liiooj and iniicous sur tace, of the system. In buying llull'e Caturrh Cure be sure you get t he genuine. 1 1 ia titken internally, and iiui.lc in Toledo, Ohio, by K. J. Chcnney oi Co. Tesliinon lals Iree. old by druggists, price T.",c per bottle, H ul s raiuily I'll I si are the best. Xollre of Filial Hvti lenient. N OTICK IS II KKKHY OIVKV. THAT t the est ate ierv.in S. Williams, de cenied, have lileJ my linul ucroiiiii hh al miinatrattrr ol nuid estnte and 1 hat lite County Court ot Wuliinton t'ounlv. OreKim, hai lixrtl Mundnv, tin 5th dny ol (frtobtr, at the hour of It) o'rlork h. in, ai the tiini', anl tha ( ourt lloutf, ni MilUboro, Oregon, m the place tor henr i n li utijfMtionn to ail linal account and the stetileiuoiit ot ni rHtuN, Tlios 11. WILLIAMS, A'lminiMtrutor ot thn eitate of (ijrvni M WlllllUIIS, ill'Of'MTil. M Datei Aufruil 27, IM'. Dr. CHAS, Ei CEICER. ....WILL liKl.V KOHKST ilOVK at cr AiigtiHl Hd to practice hit protnifMi, anti wnl he ft hi nil at the rciitiice nl )r. Wm. "ieijfcr. Hpeciul atrentuMi pa'd t Medical and hurictil Iif'afi' ol Women and Children and ail Chronic Di Hoaxes. It I'.FI'.lt I'.I'.'.H MA I.l'. or ih:ai ritoi'i.itTs. N'OTICK IS HKKK11V (i.VKN, THAT by virtue an.i in pursuance ot a de cree of the Circuit Court ol the nt .te ot Oregon, for Wastiingtan County, made on th :tlsi dny of August, l-.i, in a strt eherein Minerva Newton was tdntntitf and etarnh .1. lir.il.el, Juser OralM-l and Oi;vr Newton s.to .leteuiliiuis, and re iniring me to sell lliepropertv her. lu des cribed and described m sanl der...... N"W, tner.'lore, ! cotitortn tv vvith tii. directions ul shi.1 decree iili.rc.iid, I w l on .Monday, the f.lh day ol u.-to'irr. lll-l, nt the aontli dno - of tin' Court Mouse, in Miilsiinro, Washington County, Oegon, at the hour ot 1" o' .k k a. in. ot said l.y, sell at public mi. t. on to the lowliest bid der for casli m iiand, all of tho l.iliuwin ; deacriled property, Wing, being and ailunt in Wn-liiiifttnn .'.auty, Oregon, and more particularly dcr rihe I as tollowa t'.-wii : Lots .1, I, .'i uml of and In block No. 2, of and in Humphrey's addition to the town ol Miilslioro, Orecon, and th south tn.lf ot the aonthw-t .planer of1 section 14 Town 1 notitn H inge 4 West, ' ...... ....... ... ..n- . IIIIIII,, V.l.-- gin, that I will ofter said tracts Hvparate. ly or in any m. inner to suit purchaser. lines my Iiand this I dny ol Sep tember, V. II. HflAHFoKD. Kef, rce In ilie anove entitled suit. Thr New Hook Spoou Iree to All. I niul in the ClirUtinn Slnnilrirt that Mi A. M. Krilz, Statiuti A., St. I.iii, Mo., woul.l (flvo an He trnt plutit. il h.Hik t-p.Hiii to miytin.' -niliiof Ikt ten 2-ctit Mtnin.s. I wiit fur onp hii.I f.iun.I it tso iwful that I kIiow.iI it to my frii'inN, ami nmdo :i in two hour, fnkinir or.l. M for tho smkiii. It cannot Klip Into the .liah or rookiiijr vhwi-I, ln-inx h. l.l in the phic' l.y a hook di the hack. The spoon is iiii tlilni; that housckHdaTu have tnsili il -ver nv senilis were firt invent.-n.l.'.l. Any one ran (ret a ainple f-mm l.y en.l- inif fr-n 2-cnt xtrtinps to Miss Iritr.. Thii is; a aplen.li.l wnv to make mon ey h rnuii. I hoiiic. Very truly, Jf.XXKTTf. S. Hurklen'a Arnica Salve. The l"t salve in the worhl for ruta, hrui-ass, a.ip"s, ulfrs, wilt rheum, fever or", tetter, chupaN hull. N, chilliliiiii-t, cHirnn an.i all fkin eniptioiiH, ami pfwilively cur' pil.ai, or no pay rtiirel. It is ifuarant.ssl to (five p.-rfx't satisfaction or money reiunmsl. l-rioe i-i fi'iiisj 'r iix. For sale hy Ilillslioro Vhaiwai f. 55 cts 3 60 cts 3 . A training school for teachers. S.-nlor ver wholly f.roteasional. Twenty weeks ol I'sy. hology and lleneral and Special Methods; wenty weeks of teaching lu 1 raining Department. I ruining selioul of nine ersdea with X1 children. Kegular Norm il ('ours ol t rea veiira, The Normal Diploma is recogn z.d l.y law aa a 8 alo Lile (Vrttlicsle lo teach. 1. grit expenaea. Hoard at Normal Dining IImH tl 1 ...... ,L L will, light and lire, 7.V lo $l w per week. Hoard and lodging in private fami lies 10 ,1 M per week. Tuition: Sub-Normal. per term of 10 weeks. Normal, fii 2.- per term of lo weeks. Orioles from repu tnl.lo schools accepted. Catalogue cheer "ily sent on appli. a'iou. Address.... p. I.. CAM I'ltKI.I., or W. A, Wish, l'reaidenl. Sec. of r acuity. t. , rt r .1, 0 i.iv.i rooms HILLSBORO HOUSE J. NO It TIIK OP, . I'roprlrlor Corner Heoond and.. Washington Htreet V WI.Y R'HNIHUED KKNOVAIKD KIUST ri.AIsS TAHLK, AND Al l. aci'ouiodaiioiis for the convenience ol gueata. ? Charges Reasonable II ILLS IIOKO- I'OUTLA l EXPRESS! MM.MAH Ti ri KK, Prop Having pnrcliaae.1 Mr. Anderson inlereat in tliia line, I herelij announce that I am prepared to execute all cniiimia ions entrusted! lo imp. Kejrnlar trips to Portland are made on Momlav, WednesdaTa k Krl.lajr Returning on the rlnva following, special attention ?iven to llol exisr-ution of small orders, lfava order THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL I I ,ca.ling l'aor ol Kentucky. All the new and correct market reports. REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS! rumple copies fiee to any a.MrcHN. TIIK niMMHH 111., Louisville, kentiicdy. FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF HILIiJHORO. Transacts a Oeneral Ranking Rusineu. J. W. HHUTK.... ..raaamawt HKNJ. HCriOLKlKLI) Vica I'aaan.sa i. V. MKKKYMAN Caajiiu Holla sight Kiohanie and Telecrraphia Transfers, and inane letters of Credit available thronghont the I'nlted Htatea. Iirawa Hills of Kichange on London Liverpool, Dablin, Paris, Iterlin, Frankfort-on-tbe-Main, Htoekbolm, nnd ail prinoip eitiea of Knrope. Collections made on all aoeeaaibl. point. Hank inn bonra from B a. m. to 3 r. u. EAGLE MARBLE WORKS I T. O. HARKINS Air erf ssr 1tl0RUnITS.MCA0ST0RCS and til l ali of Mnrhl V'k ia MLUM M0 AERCM AMLC. ImpaMef and dMlar i A ariai ni Sotit ifiiiti f Mitwifi. till. rvituaa. c VtU