Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 07, 1896, Image 1

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2.001 tS.001 2.00l a
t.OOl t.ooi ttt.OOl
Independent and Oregonian j
Independent and Oregonitn
Vol. XXIV.
No. 11.
. Win. 1. IjotiI
tsecreiHrv ol HtHte Harrison It. Kincnid
!T , . I'hdl.i. Metsrban
(i. M. Irwin
Z.Z.1 . . . . .. W. II. I.eed-
i Cuts. K. WoWertoo
Hopren.. CH ;;
i.i..,, ffifm llistriet T. A. Mullride
Attorney Fifth Histriet 1' J-
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U.S. Gov't Report
county orncKUS.
It. V. Cornelius
l. H. Kessoiier
T. O. luIU
I. A. Inilni
'"" ...W. IV !'. ndford
K. 1. McCormioli
Treaaunr o,,celi. WiU
L.7i.;.Ti fci...i.,in.)ttit AHiin t rum
KlUiiui nnn-iin..
flora ..
Iteeorder --
I.. K. Wilkes
I'. I.. Lr(.e
Hoard f Trustees
alnrsbal.... -
Initios of I'enoej ;'
It. li. lioodin. Mayor
K. ('. Hmwu
. . . Jim. Ilowua
W. II. Wel.runi:
. J. II. Mlnuley
li. II. lire.'
J. l. TnuiiBSie
'lrtiiioii ItoAin.in
K. it. Mit'-hel
W. W. Ann m
W I. Minih
. j. r. links
The n.ails eloae Ht the Hillsbi.ro Host
"SSTn! West rnicn. Mu; and CVdar
Mill, at H:
(Join!! to Portland and wsy-ofnees, C
"KoUFHruilnKlon and Laaral. Wednesday,
and Haturdays at luilWa. ui.
1 W C7
Orrici: Morgan Hlnck.
Central ltliek, llooin. mid 7.
w t. smith.
ltooina li and 7, Morgan block,
Hobert A. Miller
Win. tiaiiow.iy
. Ktvister
V. E. kl.NHT,
UaoH ! No. X I'ort-land Knina Bank
Knildinu, Hroond and WanbuiKtuu rtrei
C Main and Fifth .tnw.
abort. brlKlit. intart'ii anl liflpim
fcryone rVASJrj, m tiuE.S. I'.ntor.
Sorviwa tlrxt
p. u.; upooiiu
. and 7 r. u.
Han Kndra-
., .vr MindayeTeuing ai 7 o oiooa. . nu ..-
da,-b.H,ltlOa. IW
liEO. It. KAIil.EV,
imidunt aKnt tor lloyal Insurance ('
Knoll: No. l.'l, Morgan Work.
.,.ivi'l.lM CIIUKCH-
I i .n,l tlord Hundny at 7
andfonrtb Kumlay at 1 1 . w.
J ' " k ,n.laTeuinR at 7 o ol
month at 1 1 A.
P. 8. WiwTai, T'liHtor.
E Fifth and Fir. Vtto todj
MBninu at H p. in.: aeoond luid fonrtb Hnn
dl al ll a.v i.i Sunday aob.K.1 at 10 a. m.;
mJv'r mretini e ry Wwlnwulay even.nc:
,S T mtin ever, Sunday evniu.
H. ij. frai raM. - :
I-'IllST Cbriatian C.buroh, K. Ij. Shelley
"-r. K,line and Third "him,
1 u i... .t 11 a. ni. and 7:.to p.
. Fray n.Wtin.
T'humday. H iK) p,
day. 7;IH) p. m
8. T. MMil.ATEK, M. B. C. M.
Orrioa: at riidKno, eart of Court
Honat., where be will. I found at all timt-a
when not vihUiiir paneiiM.
y. I". 8. C K, snu-
1 lH,r. o..r.,Vr Third and Fir. I'rrcb-
iPciU lUHI. f;. Ki'nn paatnr.
.ftmehinv every Sabbath n.o.nan.
evenrn. Sabbath aoh.H.I evy f l'lmtb at
Td A M. Iao nieetmR every "'''
.! Crtneral prayer roeotints every
S i" 'I.!- .v.mV lleaders' and Steward a
1 ' I..- AarltlllllO (If HA Oil
J. 1. TAM1ESIE, M. I.,
OmoB and KrHinKMca: corner I bird
and Mam Street. Office honra, HW to li
a. tn.. 1 to and T w p. ipbone to
reaideno. from Hr.x-k A 8ela' lruipt.r t
all honra. All Calla promptly attended,
uibt or day.
w. i). noon, M. im
Orru a: in Chenette Itow. KafiuaMca:
eorner Firat and Main atreeta.
, a. a,, M. i.
fil. A. O. V.
mid third
A. . I W
w inivia every bt
frtday -''''."V1bHM'oil"MAN. M. W.
J. I. KamitT, Ueoorder. .
llauitlilerH of Kebekh.
M l O O F.. ineeta in Odd Fellow
Hal. every Satniday eve,,...,,.. N (
Ma. I Mt n i i Seo'y
' I'. of H.
Ull.l.SltOll OUANtlF. NO. 7:1. meeta
1,'ud and 4lh Saturdayjof each month.
HNJ. ScnoriBLB, -Maa'er,
Annib tmir.m. Sec.
' I. O. O.
MON I ErMA LODGE. NO. 60. ni.eta
Wednw 'ay eveninRat 8o'olook,in l.t).
F.Hall. ''-'wHr"FuN:N.O.
t. M, C. (iAtitt. tve'y.
' 1. n. '.
v..ry Sonday rveuiim at "o'clock
t. a. BAii rv. m. n. r. J. iuh.kv,
Omca: in Pbnriuacy. Union Hlock. Calla
attended to, ninht or day. Keaidetioe, 8. V .
Cor. Haw Line and Second street.
EE rs
cordially invited t.
t-, Cl.ri.itian cl.uitb. Yon
Kiithlroii Si-tler.
rt j
I n,.i -v.tv 2nd and tUi Fr ...y m etch
M. A. ll.-rnK. " r-
M. ot 1!. and t'.
k. of 1.
i.onoE. no.
:m. K. of V.
I mneta in Odd Fellow' Hall on Monday
venina of each week. HojonrniuK brethren
welcomed to lode ""'""ji p c
I.. A. I.on.1, K. of K. A S.
la now makina teeth for .-..() and 7.5o
per aet i tat of material and woiknianalup.
Will compare with aeta coating '-.
extraotinl witbont pain. Fillmaa at the
lowest price. All work warranted.
Oi-rtra: three d-ora north of Uriel,
store. OtBre ho-.ira from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
LEY, H. H. S.
IIII.I.SIIOllO. Olll.liD.'i.
lloom t and 2, M,.ran X Hailcy lllork.
Tlii Rerinhlicin oftlie Uu'lted States,
aaeinbiod by thfir renreaeiitativui iu
Aatioiml Couveutum, aiiiaim.i tor the
popular and historic -ju-ititicatiiw of
their claims to the ma'clileut acluevo-
men! of thirty yettra of H.'pubiiciiu
rule, earnest y and confidently ad Ireas
tlieiui-elves to the a waki-ne I intelligence,
ccporijuce aiidcunscit uce of their coun
trymen in the following d.-clarution of
flirts and principles :
For the fir t time since the Civil Wur
the American i euple have witnessed the
calauiitoua eonsequcnex's of full u:ul ru
stricWd Democratic control of tlu- (i,n-.
ernment. It has been a record f unpar
ulieled incapacity, dishonor and (lighter.
In adtuinit alive iiiumigrment it h.is
ruthlessly aacriliced ludispenaable reve
nue, entailed an iiicrousina delU ir, eked
out ordinary current expenses with bor
rowed inorey, piled up the public debt
by I'.'lia.OnO.uuU in lime of peace, forced
an adverse balance of trade, kept a per
petual mena1 ehantrinir over the redemp
tion rnnd. i nwned Amei ioan credit t
alien ayndicates, and reversed nil the
measures and results of ancoeasful Re
publican rule. In the broad effect of it
policy it haa precipitated panic, blighted
indutry and trade with prolonged de
pression, closed f iclones, reduced work
and wages, halted enterprise and crip
pled American production, while istiiniv
lating foreign priilut'tim for the Amer
ican market. Every consideration of
public safety and individual interest de
mands that the Government i-hall be
resotied from the hands of those who
have show n themselvts incapable to con
duct it without disahter at home and
dishonor abroad, and shall be restored
to tha party which fur thirty years ad
ministered it with Unequalled sticcesa
and prosperity.
We renew and emphasize our alle
giance to the policy of protection ns the
bulwark of an American industrial in-
depence and the foundation of Ameri
can development and pross'nty. This
true American policy taxes foreign tiro
ducts and encourages home industry.
and it puts the burden of revenue on
foreign goods; it secures the American
market lor the American producer! it
upholds the American statulaidof wages
for tha American workingman; it puts
the factory by the side of the farm, and
make tha American farmer leistleieiiil
ent on foreign demand and price; ii
diffuses general thrift, and founds the
strength of all on the strougth of each.
In iu reasonable application it is just,
fair aud impartial, equally opposed t
foreign control and domestic monopolv;
to (actional discrimination and individ
ual favoritism,
Wa denounce the present Democrat c
t .rifl as sectional, injurious to the ptilt
lio crtdit aud destructive to business en
terprise. We demand such an equital lo
tariff on foreign imports which come
Into competition with American pro
ducts as will not only furnish adequate
revenue for the nec-essary expenses of
tha 'iovernnietit, but will protect Amer
ica labor from the degradation to the
wage level or other lands. We are n .t
pledged to any particular schedules.
1 he question of rates is a practical ques-
iwb, to Da governed by ihe condition
f tha time and of production; the nil
lag and. uncompromising principle is
the protection "and development of
American labor and industry. The
country demands a right settlement,
auu men n wants a rest.
We believe the repeal of the reciproc
ity arrangements negotiated by the last
Republican administration was a na
tional culamity. and we demand their
renewal ana extension upon such terms
as will equalize our trade with other
nations, remove tha testr ctior.a which
now obstruct the sale of American pro
ducts in the ports of other countries,
and aeenre enlarged markets for the pro
ducts of our farms, forests aud facto
Frotecticn and reciprocity
A. F. ami A. M. .
1 meet every Saturday night on or after
full m..n of each month. y
K.Cbim Secretary.
7. F.r s.
fill A I riN CHAPTFIJ. NO..H.O K.S
1 meeis at Mnsme leiup e on behind
and 4th Turs lay o en 'i io "tl.
Mm. W. I. 1 1 A Hi-:. W. M.
(lau'K CmKifB. Serrelary.
W . t . T. I .
the C na eeailonal Ch iri h on Ihe
4 ii Kri.uy i.ieiui inoilJ nt.l oVlc k t
I Chnreh. Kepnlar preaehina. Sundava
II o'clock A. Hi snndsv son
A M.
WILKES linos.
1 1ST li AUTO Its AND
Agrn for Har I.H-k Type Writer. Two
doors of I'ostotUoe.
lsal paer drawn and Leans on Heal
F-state neaotiatcHi. Hnsinea attended to
with promptness aud dispatch.
Orrii Bt Main Streot, opposite the Oonrt
,ol. 10 o'eliiok
K. 0. T. M.
ri.i. tf.s r. N. i". k o. i. m..
meets in o,l 1 Kslloas' Hall, on str
and f,Mir:li I'h'irsd.iy evrniiu eatb
month I-. A. I.ONU.
HfSTOs om.
II. K.
' AS'llNOION FN;' A M I'M EN T No. M,
I. O. O. I'.. meets on tint and
b td Tn '-lav of each month.
l M. C. Oivi r, Seril.
tTrrirvVsoM rosr. so. , u. a. r.
MEETS IN tillWf'.K II Al l. OS THE
nrst an I third fsturday vf e.icli
month, all : uViora, I'. M.
A. M.CiI.I.IM.
R si.ii , A. M.. r. J
All kinda of repairing on Seare Ene'res
and lUnlers. Mill Work, Threrhira Mtehines
Mowers, Feed Cntter. Newina Machine
Washina Macbinea, Wrmaera. I'limp.
Scales, Scissor gronnd. (ion and Locks
smithing. Saws gronnJ and filed: and have
a lara nnraber of second-band enemes and
boiler for aale. All work warrant, d.
Dr. Prfct'a Cream tUkinf IVwttef
Award OoU Mul Mviwiaw Fan. sa FrsncaKB,
are twin
measures of Repaid can policy, and go
band in band. Democratic rule has
recklessly struck down both and both
must be re-establi-hed. Protection
for what we produce; free admis
sion for the necessaries of life which
we do not produce; reciprocal agre
men is or mutual interest which gun
open markets iu return for onr open
markets to others. Protection bui ds
Bp domestic industry aud tr.nl a and
ecn-es onr awn market for ourselves;
reciprocity build up foreign trade aud
finds an outlet for our surplus.
We condemn the present Administra
tion for not keeping faith with the sugar
producers of this country. The Repub
lican party favors such protection as
wiu lead to the production on Ameri
can soil of all the sngar which the Am
erican people use and for which they
paid other countries more than tlOil,
OOO.OOff annually.
To all cur prodncts to those of the
mine and field, i.s well as Hiom of the
a!:0p and the factory to lieuip. to
wool, the product of the great industry
ef sheep liusl andry as well as to the
finished wooIcls of the mill vre prom
ise tha most ample protection.
Wa favor restoring theearlv Ameri
can policy of discriminating duties for
the upbuilding r-f onr merchant marine
nl the protection of our shipping in-1
create in tne loreign carrying trade, so
American ship the product of Amen
can la'.Kr, employed in Am.ir. can ship
yards, failing under the Mars and
strife, and tnannod, (flic-rod and
cw-nT I'V Amriraii m v re;.in the
carrying ot our rrein commerce.
Tha Repubiicau party is unreservedly
for sound money. It caused the enact
ment of the law providing for the re
sumption of specie payment iu 187U;
aiuce then every dollar has been as god
as gold; we Rre unalterably opposed to
every measiue calculated to debase our
currency or impair tiie credit of our
country. We are, therefore, opposed t
the fr.e coinage of silver except by iu
teruationai agreeiUimt with lito leauin
commercial nations of the world, win
wa pledge ourselves to promote, an
until such agreement can i obtaiued
the exiatiug gold standard must be pre
served. All our silver and patier cur
rency must be maintained at pari:
with gold, and we favor all measures
designed to maintain inviolably tiieoit-
ligations of the United Mates and a
onr money, wtiet her coin r paer, at the
present standard, the Ktatulard of the
most enlightened nations of tiie earth.
The veterans of the Union armies di
serve aud should receive fair treatment
aud generous recognition. Whenever
practicable they should lie given the
preference in the matter of employ
tuuul, and they are euii'h d to the en
aclinent of such laws as are best calcu
lated to secure the fiillillmeut of the
pledges made to them iu the dark day
ol the country s perm We denounce
the practice in the pension bureau,
recklessly and unjustly carried on by
the present Administration, of reducing
pensions aud arbitrarily drooping names
troin the rolls us deserving the severest
condemnation of the American people.
Our foreign policy should be at ail
times hnn, vigorous and diguttied, and
all our interests in the Western hemis
phere carefully watched aud guarded.
The Hawaiian islands should be con
trolled by the United States, and no
foreign power should be permitted to
interfere with them. The Nicaragua
canul should be built, owned and oper
ated by the United States, and by the
purchase or the Danish islands we
should secure the proper and much
needed naval station iu the West Indies,
Tha massacres iu Armenia have
aroused the deep sympathy and just in
dignation of the American people, and
we believe the United States should
exert all the influence it can properly
exert to bring these atrocities toau emL
In Turkey American residents have
been exposed to the gravest dangers and
American property uesiroyeu. mere
and everywhere American citizens and
American properly must las absolutely
protected at all hazards and at any cost.
We reassert the Monroe doctrine in
its fullest extent and we reafliriu the
right of the L'nited States to give the
doctrine effect by responding to the ap
peals of any American state for frieiidir
lutervention in case of European en
croachment. We have not interfered
and fehall not interfere with the existing
possessions of any European power in
this hemisphere, but those possessions
must not, on any pretext, be extended.
We hopefully look forward to the even
tual withdrawal of tiie European pow
ers from this hemisphere and to the
ultimate union of all English-speaking
parts of the continent by the free con
sent of its inhabitants.
From the honrof achieving their own
independence, the people of the United
States have regarded'with sympathy the
struggles of other American peoples to
free themselves from European domina
tion. We watch with deep and abiding
interest the heroic battle of the Cuban
patriots aga ist cruelty and oppression,
and onr best hopes go out for the full
stiec-as of their determined contest for
liberty. The Government of Spain hav
ing lost control of Cuba, anil being un
able to protect the property or lives cf
resident American citizens or to comply
With its treaty obligations, we believe
the Government of tha United States
shonld actively use its influence and
good offices to restore peace and give in
dependence to the island.
The peace and security of the repub
lic and the maintenance of its rightful
influence among the uations of the earth
demand a naval powr commensurate
with ita position and responsibility.
We therefore favor the continued en
largement of the navy and a complete
system of harbor and sea coast defenses.
For the protection of the quality of
our American citixeuh:ti an t the wages
wa lelleva the citlxeus of Alaska
should have representation in tha Con
gress of the United States, to tha and
that needful legislation may be Intelli
gently ttnacteo.
Wa sympathize with all wise
legitimate effort to en a&d prevent
tiie evil of iutemperanc and prouote
IU Ufa 11 JT
The Republican party la mindful ot
tha righta of women. Protection of
American Industries inoludea equal op-
iMMiuumea, equal pay lor aquai work,
and protection to the home.
We favor the admission of women to
wider spheres of usefulness, and wel
come their co-operation :n rescuing tha
country Uom itomovraliu .and Populist
wismauageineut and misrule.
Such are tha principles and policies of
tha Republican party. By these prinoi
plea wa will abide, and these policies wa
will put into execution. We aak for
them tha considerate judgment of the
American people. Confident alike In tha
history of our great party and in tha
justice of our cause, wa present our
platform and our candidates, in tha full
assurance that the election will bring
victory to the Regublicau party and
iivccisiii to iuiopt more ami mure
the teachings of international bimet
The following appearing in the I allNm
iunviiie, Ky., Com uiemal wan "l-ourth No parly will be i lccleil
written by a layman at the request to Mwer which ilit lnrs itse lf in favor
of (hat Journal: - of the single koI.I stautl.inl ami
"Urst-wliat I Ihe question at against bimetallism.
llt? "Kiflh-No party slnmhl la. electe.1
'lo determine upon a money to power which will declare itself In
standard, that la to say, the best way J favor of free coinage of nilver, or for
to tf've a fixed, unchangeable, solid nxlntr the atamlarj radio of silver to
representation of value, by the use of gold be national legislation' only.
a uieiai. i
Up to the nineteenth century. Ask 'our lhyiciriii, your druggist
ami from the earliest day of human ""'I v,ur friends about Shiloh's Cure
civilization, the world had solved ,or 1 onsuui.tim They ill rceoin
the problem by adopting the double U'J it For sale by the Delta Doig
standard, gold and silver, at a fixed
ratio between the two metals alx.ut
161 to I
"In the nineteenth century Kng-
laud adopted for her own use the
A few years ago we hail no
single gold standard. When Knglaud We are now building up a navy
toon thia step there was no depreeia- which, according to Mr. Hvles. one
tion of silver a compared with gold, of the greatest expert marine archi-
and uo anticipation of such a depre- teets that Knglaud ever hud, is ties-
prosperity to the people of the Unitad c,ali,)n in ,he fu,"ro. Tl.e motives tin ed to lie one of the llnest in the
States. of Kogland'a action must, therefore, world. It Is hilt SO Vlri' Inllir kino,.
HKYAX A OMITTED THE PANIC. Ulvl 1Z V I h 'J J."7'-7.J :.. . ' .
- i,,,,.nm.i, at, inv , ii'i'U'-OIC.III IIIIOS MS
role which she was then couimenc- well, ridiculed the idea of onr having
Ilryan declared a
at the free fi
coinage of silver at this
ul.. Hm. n I
that fhe frw fr, .ml nll,.,l..l ' . ?' v ..,......w. wu.. .. r.-,, extravagaiHV
uFi-iriil Ulbl Hnl n,,l .,.. rail .
pnaluce a panic. He made thta Tv uJiZ - "
statement in Acley, Iowa, but a short i- i . , , , ,, 7 7 e.i . 3 1
, , uuts""" Lnglund until 1870, when Germany of the nucleus of a MUvv we have and
time since, Iu answer to a que on ,rm .,, ... ' ... , .. '
I(lt to ll 11 bV H limm IlPIlt mIHhan . . . . . 1 .
" tiui U JA til 0 alnrrlU Ukli I ulaiulnail as ml I rtMaatfilli I.Iaa iia.. 1 1.. .
olth.lt lllHCf. lll.rloa- a lael, XT. w.,, dkhiimi, -.11.4 i r,iiim ,,. .. ) i oilgrese
Uryan delivered there on the sub-
ect of the free coinage of the white
metal. Mr. Pleasants asked the lec
turer this question: "Mr. Bryan,
will Ihe adoption of free coinage of I
silver at a ratio of lti to 1 cause a
What is the meaning of free coin,
ago of silver?
Ans. That the Government shall
coin free of expense all silver bullion
brought to the mints.
What is the meaning of unlimited
coinage of silver?
Ans. That tho Government shall
continue the coinage without limit
indefinitely, receiving for coinage
any and all silver from all parts of
the round world.
How many grains of ailver doe
the Government put into a silver
Ans. ;ni, grains of pure silver.
What is the value Iu gold of this
:17IJ grains of silver?
Ans. Now about M cents.
Why, then, does this cheap silver
lollnr buy ns much as the gold dol
Ans. liocause tho Government
has declared, through the much
abused Sherman law, that it would
keep the silverdollurs It coined on IU
wn account on a parity with the
gold dollar.
How can it do this?
Ans. By accepting them in pay
ment lor all debt due tho Govern
ment, aud making them a legal ten
der, It practii-ally redeems them in
Could not the Government contin
ue this Mlicy and thus keep the
heap silver dollar equal In value to
even me r.ngiisii sinning one-twen- or the increase of that navy. Wha
r . r ' vw "t 8S . . T. r . " ,,,,,U'llr l.e k1.I .l.llar la we had free
7ru,c, uuuuunwy, me ru n- me education ol lliu people wl m.ll.,,tio.l .,
... il... , " ii,npiiiiin.
in hid umwny IM IIHVV. Mini u ,
"Since 1870 nothing has been done propose to educate (lie people to tlx
, .. .. ... i .. -
iy any outer nation in the matter, necessity i a merchant marine. 1
ami wim Ihe exception of England say that there is no use in having
TlltsiirWHU flaitlMWhsIi-il an1 nnl Ska I
. , ,. , , and Germany with the single gold a navy and that a navy cannot long
:7ptn,Mr'e;irZ. ' -1 "! with tSeKle exist on the sea, mUJit has a It
, 1 ml , , "ryft" "' silver slandard, the legal slandard of chant tuarino bel.in.1 if it is a m-ces-swennl
promptly as follow.: "Ye. mtmey in .11 civilised untrlirf the -ry auxiliary , -the vv
mniyopinion it ; would have hat ,,1 remains the the double stand- It employs labor, uses provis
tendency. But if a man is sick there ,lf ,,, Bllli -Mor inn, ',, ' , ,:.'r,vs
is no use putting off giving him his m. . Z..,,. 1 ' ... . ' ' V
;,.edicn,eand ,ettinghim get wors. a, eulh ,egM ten- Z re wZ I . 7
I think it will cause a panic. But ,i , ,,. ... , , h i
, , .. .. ., the discharge of all debts, Hughes,
the country is in a deplorable comli- nll,n , . ,.,, . , , '
tion, and it will ... extreme meas- B 'j," L. .
res to restore it to a condition of
I saw this statement in an Inwa
newspaxr and wrote to a friend in
Aekley for a verification of the cor
rectness of the statement. He an
wered: "I heard the lecture every
word of it and I can vouch for the
iliHolute correctness of Ihe newspaper
statement. I also refer you to Mr.
amount, unlets otherwise seci!led in
the debt contract.
"After having ascertained the act
ual position of nations in regard t
the money standard. if we an
ilyzo the matter itself, we find in it
three predominating elements; First,
one of necessity; second, one of dea-
miKMi and gives a clear and beautiful
complexion. For sale by the Delta
Drug Store.
.Many a day's work is ht bv sick
headache, caused by indigestion aud
stomach troubles. He Witt's Little
iriy itisers are the most cirectuul
Irability; third, one of difficulty to ri" for ,)ver ,ln st,l'l diillcullies.
'I It f
overcome. -
"first One of neelssity; it is thut Karl's Clover Hoot Tea Is a sure
Ans. No. Tho Government is
barely able to do so now, after having
stopied tho coinage, with about
ftiiM),(l(M,ooO of coined dollars and
bullion in circulation and in the
Treasury. When it coins for private
parties it only guarantees weight and
Itnenesn, ami not value.
What would lie the result if the
Government should be unable to
keep its frl-ecnt silver dollars upon a
parity with gold?
Ans. The moment that happened
the silver dollar would decline to
lifty-threo cents, its bullion value
just as it has done In Mexico.
I : ven in that case, would not the
vast circulation of silver increase the
price of everything and make busi
ness more pronorouh?
Ans. It would uot lucrease tho
value but would increse the price in
prortion as silver would decrease
in value, which would doubtleaa con
tinue until the silver dollar would
C. Waters, a prominent citizen of ,i "---- "-..,.- . ,v,s.i iea is a sure untie until the silver dol ar would
, - - j i . . , i , , , , , i , 1 1
oil the names of a hundred of our
most reliable citizens, who will test!-
to the same thing. Moje than
that, I can give you the names of
several of our business men who
were in favor of free coinage of silver
eves so quickly
tor sale by the Delta Drug store.
Maj. Thomiis Charm.in of Oregon
city, reiiorted to the Elitor of the
Moro, .Sherman Co., ( Hiserver. who
then published tho Oreirmi Citv
I."..,......!.... I.. . ... .
'"""l'11.i-, in io Having seen a
snake with n head on each end of it
"Third One of dillJcuitv to over. """- "ove -MiiwaiiKi, on a
" I ,l.l.. r .. ..
unvo mini i-oruuiui. I low lionnh
and unchangeable.
"Second One of desirability; that
in the opinion of the great majority
a double standard apiears safer than
one, Iu the same manner than two
staples of food are considered better
that tune we would not need a cate
chism to teach us that we had made
silver fools of ourselves.
Do Witt's Sarsaparilia is prepared
for cleansing the blood from impurit-
es and disease. It does this and
more. It builds up and strengthens
constitutions impaired by disease. It
recommends itaelf. W. E. Brock.
Consumption can l cured by the
until they heard thisstatement madeLbe to protect a from
j ir, urjsu. many nere win not tion tmn 0I10
vote lor tne free silver ticket for the
reason that they heard the head of Lome: that of ...ain.alninc ..rit lr
the ticket make this fatal admission. flxtK, Hm, um.hangeabl e. between two m g"y ,he '"r that report!
i tie answer raaue Dy wr. uryan lo , netaic standards, rrold and silver. 0 nt v, r """bled the statement l
.nr. peasants' question la character- tthich are shown t v,.fii a,UlM!W the evident sinivrity with of Khiloh's Cure. This gnt
isticorthe man. He Is very clever materially In the nasi funtv wn,n" " ws related. Now Yam- M'ough Cure Is the only known rein
... I a J '- J--'l.... I
at repartee, both by avoiding a direct thir resnective nroduetion nl "'" 'Uty comes to the front and My rr that terrible diseajsn. For
1 , j. . I ' I ...:i. . t ... . r . . I ........
nus, r nuu in uiaaiug a uireci an- ienro their respect! ve commen ial ' ' ":",y I'VKienee contlrms tin "y me lielta urug Mtore.
swer, and following it up with an value. This last point may probably rm',1; Jt eIa.HifI with the reptiles
I'lniimitjii iiihi win more innn cum-j (,nsidered as the real problem to "" r cien as ins Miipm snake.
IMMisnte for whatever frankness or L(ive ttlav. and the l.in.oiailie world u ,m a hpa'1 " ach end, and runs
directness there is In the answer. In ,0 have aiwd ,)ne w()u. either way. (),. h,-,,d is al)tit one- "Believing as we do that a return
tins instance tie was botn too iranK tlon of Uf whIch br,,.ny nourin as large as tl.e other. It is t the monetary system esclally
and loo direct for the good of hi& I fl follows . a yellowish color. It generally li,, recognized in the Constitution and
cause. Aevenneiess, ne roust De i.t'IrsU- Each nation mnsf ,l..r
given creint for his answer. He un- i faWfl, f ,Ka .t. i.
.oui...s..y ioi.i mo iruin, aim ma i . .bimetallism.
i -a . . ii . a I '
nuswersi.ou.il oe maue me suiyeci .Second-ch r.allnn must limit
of furious thought by every candid her Anage of8lver ,0 her legitimate
and thinking man.
wants, according to her Kpulati m
Mr. Bryan should la- repudiated on iIld lhe v,.iUInB of hpr lnfprna ,raf!
of onr workingnien against tl.e fatal j " ad.i.issi,,,,. me opie of Aa a corollary, free coinage of all
i.: . ... l l . a i . r I - '
...is cuiiiry nave .mo enougn M ver must be abscjlutely rejected.
ttllUitlr i.itttm an.l iil,ininil mnriAaa . .
''", '"q " . "uriw 'Th rd As no eiv zrl nation
oic.ir.-aus. I he time has come for ves ,,one and ar,art frot
mimr riinciioii niei courageous IC ,,, ..itk n,. ,. iw ,..,i
I rnj Tt Itll IIIC -0 VI (lie ITUI 111 . Hlf-
tl. ... a. It.. at a . a. ml
lion, ivssureo.y ine sia.einetu 01 1 i.,. ,...i m
competition of low-price 1 labor, we de
mand that the immigration lavs b
thoroughly t nforced and so extended as
to exclude from entrance to the IT.iited
States tho.-e who cau neither read uot
The civil service law whs placed on
the statute books by the Republican
party, which has alw.ny snstainel it.
and we renew onr repealed declarations
that it shall bj thoroughly and honesCv
enforced and extended wherever practicable.
We demand that every citizen of the
United S ats shall t allowed to cast
one free and unrestricted ballot, and
that such ballot becoiit.teJ aud returned
as cast
TV nr.t.im ... l;fl..l 1 !
' - ,' w ... ,.u VU 1,I!U ,JICI H 'IIIIT'U.- ,
natio.1 of the uncivilized and Larbarous j
practice, well Known ns lynching, or
killing of human being. euncc!e I r
cnargea with crime, without process el
Mr. Brian that free and unlimited ey standard must nexeissarily have an
have this effect.
..-.I. . .!( ..I 1 . 1 a
.,......ge.iia..erou... ,rr.,uceousi- ,n,ernajonal yaIue an(J fl,,, gnd
,, ,., ,, r. ,,.,: ugni 10 ,,mply , naUonal vaIue Hlld fiix
Ity: hence that ratio must be deter
mined by international agreement
anil ran not h pfTVwt I v. If ,l,firmiti
-lioys uiii t Loys nut you can t w, 0,hprw.
..IV.. ..I t . ..a IL. . 1 I
............. w ... ,..em. ..Fourthif to determined, that
" 7l . " . " ratio would be fixed unchangeable,
having Dc lit ( ..lie an.l f'briloral
" I ni, fr. f ha nun.) nn I Inur man v
.., i ..... i r- 1, .1. " ' " ""J
V 1,1 .11 (I..U.-.-. ... ... 1M..C., I . . . .
ic..uiiir.cs wuuii. .aYiir nucn . no.U'
Catarrh cunsl, health and ,wwt the forced answer seems to be,
breath secured, bv Shiloh's Catarrh A" e,rel'1 gianov
1U .ii.sIv. Frice.-K),-. Nas.1 Inie-tor - me queauon is vieweii lorm an
I a 1 1 1 a I ..!..!
fne. For sale by the Delta Drug ei.mis.ii.., auu a b...u....m
Stitii Fftru iurf wiiiiii win ire uiti nin'L
A g.ssl (Maker story is of ,heM to our peculiar conditions and re-
- -1 . . . ...in ..... .n
viiihil' mini who came on a moon- I i-"- -
swer me wisnes 01 ine people, ine
. he awrvevs syeteaa is waaka
Ik the
Neuralgia Torture.
Every aeve H atrfwttheiwj la the ewes at It by
We favor the cieatioii of a Nationnl , liwl.t ni.rlit in siwii,Ih tho (l inker's
tween en.ninv.r. .ni - l.'.,'. i .. .i "i'' "Id gentleman's window. After
in interstate commerce. I following various others witli"IIoine
HOMESTEAD.i I Sweet Home," the old gcntlemant
We lheve in an imnie hs'e retnrn to! who was an ions to irn In sleen. camp
the free homestead joluy of the KepnU! , ... w in.low in his niffht drew, and with Kld
.'"e t .-antlv said. "Youn. man. if thee "Second-Hie nation, as a man,
,onjresa oi tw s;,ii:acIory ireemu.e-; ' "
umI nimnn .i, i, i,.. ...i. .....j h ist a lwii.it'. and a sweet home aa
. ... 1 am.la Ar.1.1 .l.n,l..l
the ilousa and is now nend.uir la the I bet- aet. why don't thee o "'"" .e....ieii,
S.'nate. I home " Would make the value of tvefythinf
TERRlTORlEi i purchasable in life, depend on one
We favor the adtn ..-sion of the re- It d.i.'t matter much whether standard, more eaisly disturlslf sT
main ng a erruor.es at tne earnest prac- nU.k .Uvhe, biliousness, Indlgea- even appropriate.! by a few, than two
interest of the Territories ,n It he Uu.ted tion and constimtion are caused by standards of value.
States, All the federal . fleers as- neglect or by unavoidable (Ircum- "Third While blmetallist, the
pointed for the T-mtoriea should I tanra; DeWit's Little Early Risers nation Is, at heart, for sound money,
following conclusions seem to arise
from all late cventc:
"First The nation is opMMsl, in
Ita immence majority, to giving up
silver as a standard of money jointly
has tn insurmountable dread of the
Isfcsusr il
elected from bona fi le residents thereof, i
aad the right of self-gorerumeut shoal.
will sfs-dily core U.em ail. W E. 1 and therefore must paaa furthur and
as) lataaaa-ialisBkla. a ,Airo, lu
. 'SB " voiintituiiou mill
in a l.a.p, nnd is frequently observed completely provide.! for by law from
running In apparent stupi Med condi- 17
tion on a rock or lug.
Poison Ivy, insect bite, bruises,
scams, i.urns, are .jinckly cured by
leltts Witch Ilawl Salve, the
great pile cure. W. E. Brock.
"My baby liui croup and wa
saved by Shiloh's Cure," writes .Mrs
J. B. .Martin, of Hunl-viHe, Ala
For sale by the Delta Drug Store.
Tiie Aiili'irp L.k-1. Mii,
Tho Atibtirn lo.tk .--top is tho, most
suggentivu of old time prison life,
aiicu as tho books talk about, of any
ill the state, it is said. It is a little
different from sumo of tin. lock steps.
Ilio men stand as snugly toguther
as they could bo packed if tlmy were
in lino waiting for tickets. Tho man
who heads tho procession throws Lis
shoulders well back, clusjis bis hands
in front of him, mid tho man behind
him locks into both Ins arms, unless
it bo at night cr in tho morning,
when ono nrm is tn--i .nry to cairy
buckets, nnd tle-n im . ks with only
ono arm. 1 ;i y i-uine in ciiinpanies
of from 40 to t;t. Tho man who
beads tho procession kc i.s tin) time
with bis left foot, stamping rt bit as
he comes down tho stono walk. Ev
ery other man in tho lino follows
1702 to 173 affords the only ground
f hotaj for the betterment of al the
classes except lliose who live by the
increment' that money loaned gives
to those who loan it, we appeal to
ill classes to rally to Ihe support of
the only candidates win we success in-
licates any hope of relief."
This extract from the bolting re
publicans' address telling ailverites to
support Bryan, contains three dis
tinct misrepresentations, either di
rectly or by implication that gold
and silver are "esa?clally recogni.isj
by the Constitution;" thut gold and
diver circulated together from 1 712
lo HT:!; that "the condition of all
classes" was better from 1792 to 1 87:1
than it has been since. The Consti
tution says that "no state shall
make anything but gold and silver
coin a tender for payment of debts,"
but the Constitution nowhere says
that Congress shall make nothing
but these a tender, or shall coin both
f them or either. Theoretically the
loul.le standard from 17l' lo ls,7:t,
but under the . to 1 ratio from 17H2
lo s:l, gold was worth more as
country had free coinage and a
bullion than us coin and was ex).ort-
with tho stamp. They keep abso- el as fast as it was coined, and silver
lutely perfect time, as even in their
step as tho best drilled company of
the crack regiment in the New York
national gunnl. Their kn.s-s bend
at precisely tho same instant; they
are pricked ao closely togoth.-r that
this is necessary or th.-v could not
march at all. They take short stops.
They turn n itln-r to tbo right nor
lo the left. No soldier on tho march
or college oar.-ni.iu it.r kept his
'eyes In the boat" with greater .lis-
cipline. Now York Times.
1S9J the manufacture of ir'm
rails bkd almost ceased, while near
ly 1,(00,000 steel rails were mlo.
The cost cf Weet foantftit
'jrthifl tiwaf mratla WtsMS t complete is abo.t 6v
was the standard. From 18.11, when
the ratio was changed lo 15 to 1, to
l7.1, when the silver dollar was "de
monetized," ail ver was worth more
as bullion than as coin, It kept away
from the mints, and gold was the
standard, except that from 1802
neither gold nor silver was In circu
latino; but otily paper. Since 1871),
nth. a the country's currency was
lifted lo the gold level, the laborer
has as everybody knows, received
more dollars for his work than ho
did in the old free coinage days, and
also as everybody knows each dollar
raiyn more ia omm.sliti.ti thaui It
4 to.