HILLSCORO INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY, JUNE 19.' LOCAL AND GENERAL. Fire work at tho Ifclta. A full ami complete titoelt of i-rai'k en at tbe Delta fir work. . Hiraw lut, all kinds and latest Btyiea at ecliuiiiierit-h & bous'. Call on Hutiiplirt-ya for loans on good roH.'rty, aim laruw to rent and to sell. J. I. Knight U prepared to make wan 01 irom f.u to f I.imjo. rice him and km hU terms. Call at Patter)' furniture store for wall paper and fluor matting at greatly reduced prices. A larire awortment or wall paper and matting at l'nttennn'a Furniture Btore at a great reduction over all former price. " ' ' ' New HpriiiK inattretMeM, 'all alwa 2 with 1 Intent! , $1.75; Hcreen doors with knob and spring hinges $1 at the Bureau of Exchange. . MU Brown,-milliner, offeM lier entire stock of haU, bonnet, rlblxuia. feather, flower, etc., for aale at in voice price. 8e her aiiuomivunpnt In another columu. - r Get a flrstcla fire inurance policy backed by jt tlrst-clmw Company by calling on J. "1. Knight, for the aame price or letw than you will pay for one of a wild cat company. Itemember your late experience with the", de ceased State of Salem. ; Huhulmerich & Son have on iiand Osborne mower and rakex; can. fur nish ail kind of machinery, 'hIso ex tra for Osborne machine. No need to go elsewhere fur machluery a you can get it cheaper at Schulmerich & Hon'. ' : :- The cheap rates -ot 5 cabin and 12.50 steerage, Including meal and berth, are still In effect on the O. It. A N. Co' steamers) from Portland to Han Francisco. Steamers leave Port land evory five days. For further particular see J. I. Knight, Hills- boro. Hon. Thos. II. Tongue, cougrea. man elect, will not take his seat In congress until after March 4th, 1897, and since congress doe not meet till December following, Mr. Tongue will not sro to Washington till December 18!)7. lb-fore that time he will be found In his law office as ueual. Schulmerich & Sou are agents for Columbia Implement Co., and will carry a full line or chilled and steel plows, spring-tooth, disc and. peg harrows, and cultivators. Will also handle mower, rakes and binders, and extras for Osborne machines. Oet their prices before buying else where. Item nan? sale W have this week placed on our remnant and bargain counter a flno line of remnants at aale prices. Money. aved i money earned. Call and examine these goods.. You may find Jut what you want at cost price or It. - We have a fine line of summer good now In. Bryan-Laldlaw Co. !; ' ' The S. P.'company maintain the train between Portland aud San Francisco on which they carry pas senger at reduced sate. Including berths the ticket for Pullman stand ard sleeper are 110 and for Pullman tourists sleeper $?. A train starts every five day leaving Portland at 10 p. m. The next train leave Port land Saturday, June 13th. We are receiving, this lonn. Mtru-lr nf Htirinsr iroods. week, a We fan save you money on all lines. We buy for cash and sell for cash, on a very small margin. Itememler that we hold prices down. We have the largest and best stock of general mer chandise In Washington county for vou to select from. Come and see us. Uryan-Laidlaw Co. Cash Store. A motion for a rehearing by the supreme court of the case appealed frdia this county entitled "Hehbrlx v Willamette Real Estnt Company" ThiH last decision ...iniiiha titiu tn a large block or realty at Cornelius, ami gives Mr. Hendrix hi dues at a time of life hon Iia most need a liberal sup port. Messrs Tongue and Huston are Hendrix lawyers. On Friday last A.-II. Garrison ,..i tho n.i.fnrtnno to receive a very severe cut tnrougltthe eyeball of hi left eye, caused y apiece m t.i flying from ft wedge he was using -..i... in,, wood. The eye was frightfully lacerated as to destroy the sight and also perhaps ne?',f1t6 hp ultimate removal oi me F. A. Bailey professional atten tion to the injured man.-; Mr. Mike Wrenn of Oenterville met with quite ft serious accident on Saturday of last week, On his re turn home from the ratification he attempted to separate ft Jersey bull from some other cattle, la. the lot, when the mad animal turneti uu him knocked him down and bruised him up generally. Tho brute was dehorned or Mr, Wrenn would have been kill.nl outright. Dr. F. A. Bail ey was ca I led, who left his patient fairly comfoiatble. tua mnrninir' service in the Con- Kregatlonal church next Sunday will i .i......t.wt m the consideration of what constitute the Sablath law. The pastor will Use for his text Mark 8: 2; the proposition being that Christ I our exemplar In everything, thomfore. his method or constitutes the -..I., iur nn the sub eel to Christian. Kvenlng service will be 8 o'clock. Sabbath school, Junior and Heuior C. K.t the usual nonr-, Henry E. Vvh offers a gold -i nam.iMi with likenesM'S of var r'."r-..u. mwn In northwestern IXZ nT. i-itr nr irirl between the age of 14 and lyeaw In any unirraded country achool who shall write the best T essay on fruit culture In Mr. Dtwohe'e district comWng he oountle- of Multnomah gton Yamhill, Clatsop nt T'lamol,k. It will be remembered that Mr. lioscn Is state commissioner for the flrst horticultural district and he offers his medal with view of promot ng horticultural interest the u.h of our state. The eay i n. I...ntin over 700 worda,an.i all nanen nu-t be sent to Mr. Dosch at address and school i name, i""- v ttta .-ar,t i.... Tha iiuiirm ui hj wU. be'Dr: 3'&lJgl ii v lke and Frank le. ae he window t Ai' Feldeftbeimer. 1 ne jikix". . - mere will be a great meeting of utrpviueo anu nor- at the ktiir erouod July lt, 2nd, 8d and 4lh. inirty liornes are on the ground now nd by the ttrstof July there 1!1 be nunureu more. The Speed and Driving Association U nuking exteu lve preparations for this, the most Important meeting that hat ever been held in tbe county. Our C. Percy Oliver has passed his final examination and I nnvra li. cened pharmacist. Mr. 'Oliver U the urst druggist from Hillaboro to get his degree by a standing at exaniina tion. There are several very skillful pharmacist In town, but they ac quired their knowledge among the bottles themselves. Dr 8. T. Linklater. of oar town. consented this year to allow hi name to oe used for the offlea of vk r.rewl dent of the state medical society. Of course he was elected. He might have been president of the society last J ear but that he premptorily re fused to stand for the olace at election. . The society drama, "Damon and Pythias," will be performed at the opera house , next Wednesday even ing, under the management of Wm. It ismus assisted by local talent. The play I a good one and so are the players. Mr. Joh Milne has put new tim ber and a new foundation under bis mill. The structure waie built about 'JO year ago, and this is the first time he ha had to renew the sills. The expense ha been about i00. The C. W. B. M. and the Junior C. K. of Christian church will receive their friend on the lawn of the Court house yard, thlla evening where they will be entertaiued with strawberries and cream. You can get all wool "suits made from Oregon woolen mill good for the same oriee at Schulmerich t Son a you pay for shoddy at otner places J. T. Stewart, Uncle Tommy, cele brated his "7tli birthday yesterday. Mens furnishing goods are cheap at Schulmerich & Sons'. The fire work have already been received at the Delta. KOKF.ST UKOVE. About sixty ersons, mostly young people, took advantage oi tne con ductor excursion to Salem last Sun day. All reported an excellent time, Mrs. D. 11. Thomas starts today for a month visit with her parents, who live In Sherman countyKast of the Mountain. Miss Hattle Hice I visiting with Mr. and Mr. A. B. Thoina during commencement week. Many prominent alumni and edu in tor from different part of Oregon WuMhlni?ton are in attendance of the mminpnoement exercises of Pacific University. COURT HOl'SE SEWS. Iteports It. B. Ooodin, clerk, II. P. sheriff, and K. L. McCormick,- reeonler, examined ane approver. Petition or Isaac a. urown, ior in-. jurie sustained when going irom. Middleton to ianrei in me mum time he walked off a bridge that had no railing and broke his leg. The Items or the bill are surgeons btlrf $75, nurse bill, 125; loss of time, $104, an guish and pain, $500; total, $704. The court disaiioweu me ciaim. iiriHil 845. ltnortof assessor of dumairea anDroved and order made establishing the road when petition er pay $75 of damages assessed. jl)H(iatu. un pewuou ui w. . Shute.et al, change established,' con ditioned that the old rosd lie left cpen till May 1st, is7. . The IHscererjr Rared ill .life. Mr. O. Cailiouetle, druggist, Beavi ersvllle, III., says: 'To Dr. KHigs New Discovery 1 owe my urn. v as taken with la grippe and tried all the physician for miles about, but of no avail and wa given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store 1 sent for a bottle and liegan it use, ami from the first dose began to get holier, and after using three bottles urn li n and about again. It is worth- Its weight in gold. Wo won't keep. mm or house without it." Oet a free triatat the llillshoro Pharmacy ' Dead Letter list. The followinir is a list of letters re maining uncalled for in the postotMce at Hillsboro, jnr.ein, isno: Wm ltiley, Mrs. IsalnMla Kmkin. All ' letters not called for by June 27th will be sent to the .dead letter otllce. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. n llKKMAScilUMERICll, P. M. r ( are for Headache!' r A a rompdv for all forms of 4iead- ache Fleitrlc Bitter ha proved to- be the very best. 1 1 etrecH a pwraa. nent cure amr the most dreaded hubl tual sick headaches yield to Its In fluence We urgo ah who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the Deeded .tone to the bowel, and few cea long resist thi medicine. Try it once. iiftW Pont and $1 at Hillsboro- Pharmacy . Haeklen's iralra Kalre. The lat salve in the world for iit, bruises, son-s, ulcers . salt rheum, fever, sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corn and all skin eruptions, and sxitively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction r pioney refundwl. Price J5 ot nt4 per box. For sale by Hillsboro Plutrmacy. XOTICF.. IS ri'Ksl'ANl'E Vf AN ACT PASSKI? t lit ttlleeiiHi rcnr !" "f l IfgL.nllT -tni(ly ol lli.s(kol Oiwoiij untied n sol -'to rvqrnr County War. rant lo b cnr M lir icn years from lh df of l-uno-. Nolle l hmnf io H f h ' Uln namrtl rran i r not caHl for nd prnit lor tymnt itli(n tuty ay Irom the lit tiny of luly. ISiHi, tlity will b MntallfJ nd paytnvat tUertuf mil b rttUMtl. Pntt of lumtcc. T u hom imvfd. Am'l. Amuit . tsss Mf. Joha 5l- l A ss l.U M..a - I fti 1SS tiertT IVrnn I Ut iss Henry Hirri I W. 1st Wm. 'uylbe -4D) , isss Juhlt'y 4 t a isss JtMfph Martin it Sept. 4 !. S l i- Krooks ' S, Jtis NarhM'ili HnO S, Its i-torK Kirg Viw H, ls ., H. Hira -W , ISM Wm. Smv4li t on S. Itu-ben ry 00 8, l JnhnOstyy i0 ? I'm Jttjnes Mum . 2 00 March 1 1 n.il.r at t U. B. tiUODIS. 44 Cvaily Ciark. T. A. ASI P. V. COtfXEH'ESEST. ; ( (Xmiittut d frun & co d l'ufft. ) prehend that there Is a something es sential for hltu to be, which he will not become merely by passing from one day into another, by eating and sleeping, by growing taller aud stronger, seUlu what share he can of noisy sport, and performing ap pointed portions of work; and that if he d not become thut which ho can not become without a general and leading purpose, he will be wort lilt aud unhappy. : Duty begin with lite and end only with death. It encompasses our wholo being. It bid us to do what i right, and forbid u to do what 1 wrong.' It begins with the upbrlng ing of children. It bids us nurture them, Instruct them, and bring them, by precept and example, into the ways of well doing. . Duty accom pauie u througlt life. It goes out of our households to the help of other. We owe duty to our neigh bors, lo our country, to the state! The doing of our duty to ad in volve an immense responsibility, No ono eau lead a true life unless he feel this seiise and energetically act up to It. Example teaches bet ter than precept; enthusiasm ever was and ever must be necessary to vigorous action. Indolence sinks in to indifference; negation into des pair. The scholar' obligations to society are greaJ.. . . H ha , at his command the means both of precept and example. "My "people are des troyed for the lack of knowledge," said the old prophet. Are we doing our best to carry the education of people of our jwu time forward to such a state their education above all. in., morality aud righteousness a will, avert from us, from our own nt ry;, so terrible an omen? ; The- nml rulrrs in our world are feWj In' any. community, or under any forni of government. They are alwas dangerous when there is a low degree of . vir-tue , or Intelligence among, those wJioiu they represent. Certaln.it is that their power Is near ly absolute wJion tluy are sustained by popular; .' passion or prejudice. The representative of a fanatical con i Itueucy has .uo-continued power, unless, he perpetually, flatters thoe whom, lu hi heart, he knows to be lost to the control of reason. And his influence is greater or less, accord ing to the strength of the popular passion which he inflames, or in which, as I often the case, be shares. He la especially the great danger in TBponlie. . Democratic influence I favor the asoondaticy of demagogues, and the only "remedy lies in the enlightmeut of the people. Thus far we' have liad a degree of tiational proWerity not due to the doctrine of the reign of the majorities, but have escaped absolute shipwreck In spite int the dangerous doctrine and from fh,e Opiirafion,of other forces, aud by virtue,, ot pur peculiar location and envlrooment, and the heroism and patriotism of our people. f If .- we, are to avert Alacauiay' prophecy, tho educated classes if our I country must act constantly under a sense of their obligation to toe coun try;, must work without ceasing; must, be courageous and firm. You remember thai prophecy made by Macauhiy in a letter to Randall, author of -the well-known life of Jef ferson. .."The time will come," said he, "when New England will be as .thickly peopled as Old England. Wages will be as ; low, and will fluctuu.to n mnch with you as with us. - You will have your Manchester and Brlmlngliams, hundreds of thous and of. artisans will assuredly be .sometime out of work. Then your institutions will bo lairly brought to the test.. Distress every where makes the laborer mutluous and disconted, and Inclines him to listen with eagerness to agitators who tell him tlut it is a monstrous iniquity that one man should have a million while another can not get a full meal. In bad year there is plenty of grumb ling (iu Englaud), aud sometimes a little rioting; but it matters little, forhere the sulterer are not rulers. The supreme power is in the hands of , a clati, numerous, Indeed, but selector an educated class, of a class Which is,, aud know itself to be, deeply concerned iu the security of property and the maintenance of order. And, through such seasans tlie Viiited Sliiles will have to ns Tu' the course of the next centuary, if not In" Ibis.' How will you pas through them? The day will come wheu Iu the state of New York, a mul titude of people, none of whom has liad more than half a breakfast, or ex pect to have more than half a dinner, Will choose a legislature. 1 It pott-ible to doubt V hat sort of legislature will las chosen? On one side it is a states man preaching patience, respect for vested riahts. strict observance of public faith. On the other it is a demagogue, ranting about the tyran ny of capitalist and usurers, and asking why anybody should bo per mitted to drink champagne and ride in ft carluge, while thousand of hon. esCfolk are in want of neeessariest Which of the two candidates is likly to be preferred by the workingmau who hears his children cry for bread? I apprehend ' thatiyou will In .me such reason of adversity as 1 have described, do thing which will pre vent prosperity from returning; that you will act like people who hould in 'yeur of scarcity, devour all the eeJ corn, and thus make the next rear a -year not of xarcity, but of absolute famine. There will be, I fear, spoliation. Spoliation will in crease the distress The distress will produce fresh iili.itioo. There is tmtbiBf to stop you. Your consitu tion Is all ail and no anchor. When a society ho entered on tL!s down ward progress t ither civilization or liberty must ptri-h. Either some C'ieir or Napoleon will seize the reius of government with ft fetrong band, or your republic will be a fearfully pluudered and laid waste by barbarian iu the twentieth century as the ltoman empire wa lu the fifty, with this difference, that the Huns and Vandals who ravaged the ltoman empire came from without, while your Huns aud Vandal will have been engendered within your own couutry aud by your own In stitutions." There Is Juat one way to avert this most sombre prophecy of modern literature. We must educate the people not merely In the technical sciences, but in the experience of history and the philosophy of life. It must be obvious to every one that whether we consider the internal interest of society, it i desirable they should be in the hands of those endowed with the largest share of energy, of iudustry, of intelllectual capacity, tenacity of purpose, while they are not devoid of sympathetic humanity. This lust is indispensible. It is not great money jsiwer or great intellectual power, that I neccessary. ThK poaer of money is over estimat ed. ' Men are regenerated, not so much by national forces from with out, as by the Inspriation that conies through human goodness and sympa thy. That I the touch of nature which make the whole world be of k n. It Is recognition of the social tie growing out of common sympa thies of humanity, without regard to station or fortune. Without this sort of resect, which can only exist where the sense of the real dignity of man as a living soul, ha penetrated no greater In the conviction and in the feelings, society does not need to go in no untrue combinations can hold the country if any great strain come upon it. But do I suppose thej problem, a we view it, is hojielcss? By no mean. It 1 a problem for faith, courage and lalior. The pre valence or extent of error, even Its absurdities are not varied because of discouragements. There are times indeed when the eople do not wholly mind what the Oregonian tell them. Just now they came alarmingly near beating our friend Tongue, here, for congress, but aber rations like this are usually but tem porary. We make new adjustments and jog along. I have often consoled myself by recalling what Bacon syys that turth comes out of error more rapidly than it comes out of the con fusion of truth and error. There is wonderful truth in that saying Next to bring right iu this world the best of all things is to be clearly and definitely wrong, because then you will come out somewhere, but if you go buzzing about between right and wrong vibrating and fluctuating you came out nowhere. If however you are absolutely wrong you must some of these days have the good fortune of knocking your head against a fact, and that sets you Mraight very quickly. Human society is an infinitely com flex organism but there are no mira cle in it. It is a thing of natural growth like all other things. Its direction is due to Its own elements. Externid forces guide It but little; Inward forces create i(; it it not tend ing to any prescribed end, but de veloping a result. Tbe chief result is the-progress of the human mind forestalling Its utter ruin. It I one of the springs of nature ever recover ing it energy; it is the source of the information of the codes of nations; it causes the law and minister of the law to lie respected In Tonquin and the island of Formosa a well a in itome and Boston. In human so ciety all parts are independent; no modification of one can take place without effecting proportionate changes in the others. Institutions, law and customs are not mingled together as in a heap, through chance copriee, but connected one with the tho other through convenience or necessity. Neither prosperity uor decline, nor dt sHiti-in, nor freedom, is the cast of a die, brought on by the vicissitudes of chance, nor so many pasage of theatrical display improvised by indi!dual wills. They are conditions from which we cannot abstract ourselves. In any event, it is serviceable to know these conditions either to lietter ourselves or to take all things patiently, now' to carry out opportune reforms, now to renounce impracticable reforms, now to acquire the skill which en ables us to succeed, and now to acquire the prudence which lead-i us to abstain. A culture that cover these prin ciple Is tho essential thing. It is only the cultivated mind that has any real perception of the conditions it work in. The present lies very largely iu the past; so unless we know the pant we never rightly understand tho present. What a work for our colleges! What a work for the edu cated mind of the world! Amid so many ravages aud so much destruction we see a life of orderly growth animating the species and this recalls us to ourselves. They suggest to u our destination. Some of u have done our allotted work. Other are in the middle course, oth er are just at the beginning tf the race. This is a picture la connection, of human sxa-ietyt It is necessary that these fforts of honest inquiry should be continually re-enforced by the enthusiasm of youth or soon nothing would be done. One gener ation succeeds another in these halls (.Jut i'unttiiH'd Stjrt Witt. I Awarded richest Honor World's flMW Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. 'DR. mwm ---- (J viJv Yuri tlt SUt'ilaiJ. KATIHCATI0X DAY. Last Saturday the citizen, of Washington couuty met In Hillsboro to ratify the result ot the late election, Ihere were present between three and four thousand people, all in gala tires, ine town had more the ad pearence of the national holiday, juiy-iin, man a political meeting, Mauy of the business houses had pro, fuse decoration though it is only fair to say that the populists spent no money tor bunting. A procession w as formed of dignified citizens, and of boys who were not so dignified, charlcatures of Coxey, Cyclone Davis, Vauderburg, ami the rest of them made every body laugh. Tho baud from Forest Orove lesj the first sec tion. The Bethany band headed the second section. The third section was piloted by the Farmington band while the Hillsboro band was with the rear division. At the baud stand all the musician united and made an organization of fifty instru ments. Hon. Win. N. Barrett pre sided and said the citizen had come together to do what he thought could not be done in any other county lu the district ratify the election of every republican candidate from Su preme Judge down to coroner. Sieeches were made by Hon. O. W. Marsh, B. P. Cornelius and Thos. II. Tongue each of the speakers empha sized the fact that the occasion was not the close of a campaign but the beginning of a greater struggle to take place this fall. At the close of Mr. Tongues speech that gentlemen ana ine assemnieu thousands were supprised by the appearance of a delegation of Indies from Yamhill lead by Mrs. Nicklin of McMinn ville bearing a great flower peice on a painter's easel which was presented to congressman elect Tongue by Mrs. Nicklin on behalf of the republican la-lies of Yamhill county who so heartily rejoice at his success notwith standing they had the mortification of knowing that their own county is the birth place of the bipopulTsts (arty. The floral shield red white and blue, with "gold"wrought with yellow rose buds, was set in the ovn area where it was greatly admired by all of Mr. Tongues friends. The exercises were over aud the elector departed eager fur the November fray. XOTICK. riWUS fK rlTlON WILL HE PRESENT J vil 1,1 toe honorable County Court on s.n div ol July lSWH. Application fer l.lqaor Urease. To the Honorable county court of the Ciunivot Wfihliinm-iii, W', the nmli-raluned resnM in and lrfr.il voters o! Dory pre. mot, U'aslnnaton County, Or Ron mid constituting togi-ther 111 actual majority ol sui li li-gul voters, do rcntif-inillv nray lha-. a lnvr.se to sell spirituous, ma t, and vmoiis liquors in lea -iuaiitit,es man o e gallon be KranleU 10 J. W. Coruy ol the ,r. Rinrl, county and stateaiores ml, tori he prlod of Sit month. O.itt-d al oreeiiyiitv, M u.u, t'.rju. J r Curstens, K M Hanks. A 1 onnK. J l HeiUJH, It f Wade, iJeter Oab.e, 11 N"U4ble, Jacob liable, A J Itoy. Elwurd Miicn, John Friday, S Htolia C W McConnahay, Ch is K Untie. John B eilsoe, A (1 Watson, U Hnrma;. K 1 Morgan A W it iani'. W 1) Zeigler, Jacob Zjigk-r, J F 1.0yd, S A E tsly. George llledsoe, W H linker C A Watso i, A W Wilkinson, C A Chapman, Krunk Vandoineien, John Martens, Win Helling, A l. rkver George Vaudehey, A M Vaughn, tjoiei Kirn, C I) Vaughn, Jrs-e J heard, A Kill its. John Wilder. K J H indslis W F Hiard, A Thatcher, John Collier, CA Uhondt, John Vamleraal, J A Hhepard, Cornelius Vanduhey, Martin Cune, V J Thornburgh, Aloert Hpiertng, U E Kudrr, William C Hart, Phenis Kymal, J 11 Wilaon, i ho? S Wi.kes, John Vandomelon, i C I'nr-len, Albert Hteaart, John O Watitenecker.Ueorge Herb, W H I'urdin, John Vanderaandeii, Irs Miller, Wm Hauler Jr., F A Keiizel, li Vandjhey, W 1 lln-nt. T M Keynolda, Tims iiillingher, John Caldwell, J F IVer.-nbnom. Wm Htireadboroiigh. .I.iilor Vjnderi i.len, A-lolpb Prongue, oh i 11 l.eynolits, r ueynoiu C Jee, J 11 Keynolda Jr., li J Umle, i.o.1 a liny, ; utries Ilfrb, Aitierl Friday. J il McN'nnirr, A i honibiirah, Win O Walker, liu.lo f V os , Tli o V indeliey, Henry Vogl, F ed .imiiia: man. It Strohin:ier, J W I'hil.lppi. -J Ilerh. Jo Hpiering, II ll-nnett. E Mpr idiiorottgb, Krniik Vanlo,-, prrnnr.l Overman, M Vand-iriden, V tir S: e-ing, J h , II K ode, I ra Wi son, W K Wheeler, K Mioi-kwell, A H I'hili.ps, C Jaspers. Arnold Van !onn'irii, l,-wi Cri'p-. Charle Mi II -r C E P. it keil. I.JC -V Jnc il V.'lis, J I. bmik. M ciiai'! Hvi-rey, H,ley Thomas, John Hoekr. Jr., John B.jfkr'r, C W l. i-n .-, D li Iiushy. Jolm Spleritlg. K E Stietli, A li ft.ireatPioeonsh, Win VnTi,rrs III irn, Ait'o-i Meennjseti, H U.terinsit, '1 lieo Jensen, Jav H'-vmond, Wm Kidgriy, O N Snein.'er, E.-S K,ri, Statu t r Ohio, Citt or Toi.nno 1 as. I.ri . Cot tr. F J. e H-iltT makes oith ltnl be Is the eiii.r artner of tb lirtn ol '. J. t UrstT V Co.. d -in b.isinees In ll.e City of Toledo, e'ountv ami S! eal.i'esni-1, and ileit s ii-1 hrn ! par the sum of USE ii I'SDllKIl I'OI.I. ARS lor earh and ?-T rae td Catarrh that cannot he cured bv- the ureol llAt.t.'a Cahhrh i vnr. rltANk J. CHENEY. Sworn to bef re ni and mhet rilied in my r-e-rme, this lith day of Ileemlier, A. 1. 11. i . A. W. GLEASOV Jna.1. - Notary Public. h id" Catarre I'urs is taken Inlernally and art. dufit y ui on the bio hI and mtirous snrfaces of the system. Mend for testimo nials, free. r J. CHEN EY A COl, Tole.lo, O. ('I by Itrugeis a. 74 cents. Hili's 'Family Pols ara the beet. Dr. Price's Cream Bakinf Powder AwsrosaooU Measl Matwausr law. Saw rsattsasa mm 1 the ciRcriT cornr ok the maif ol Otrfjii, fur Ilia County ol it aaamiou. Teresa Caslantiul, Plaintiff GuUto Canlantinl. Pelcntiun . nil To (iuito t'jstautini, defctiJaul in lb aiHtr ni uej iuii : In lha Nauie ot ilia Stata nf Orrpon, you ara biraby miuirtd lo apnea.' uuU tii.w-r lo Ilia complaint tiiml aitainl you in Hie ahove amuse.! ml by Mum! iv, July a);b. Is"!, tbeaama teinu'iis nr.t oay ol lli ueil lanu ol Ibia Com I Mio inu tueai iration of tlie time rnfnb,l l-r i.t lie publication of sujimon. haiil suit la com oencJ by Ibe saij Tervaa tuatautiui ajrainit you for a divorce, an, I if you. t,l to sns-ter betaean now and anttl time, lor lha want thereof, tbe plainiil! will lake juoVnianl aainat you lor a Uiroroe, and the tliolation of the tuarriaee no exist ing between you and Ilia aaid plainMt, and lor the c.tre and custody of your minor cliiij. Sylvan Laaiainuii, and lor tbeeoata and dieburseinenie ot this suit. Tbia summons is aerveed by publication in pursuance t au order ma,! by tha Honoraole Loyal 11. Steams. Ju-le of the e'ircuil Court of the ritate of Oregon, for the County of M uitnoinab, acting in the absence of e e Hoiiurali'a T. A. M : bride, from said County of Washington, and d .ted May s h. lwi. Sr-KSCEK ii MALAKKEV. 52 U Attorneys lor i'.aintill. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE State of Oregon, lor Washluutcn County. Eva Stewart, Plaintiff John H. Stewart, U fendan nt ) To John II. Stewart, tbe above named defeudam : In lha Name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear ami answer tbe complaint li.ed against you in the above entitled suit by Monday, tbe Irnh dnv of July, IStsi, which is I lie iirsl of the next regular term of aaid Court next fol lowing the expiration ol the lime for tbe publication of tins summons. And it you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plninliff wid apply til tha Court fur the relief prayed fur and deiuuilaJ lb bet com pla'ui, to-wit : mat tne marriage anu marriage con tract now existing between you and tlie plaintiff be di-tsolved. Tliat the care, cus tody and control of the minor children of nlaintitl and detendaut be awarded to this plainliif, and that site nave jiidgem nt sg iinst you for Hi cost and discitibiire- men Is ol thla suit, and that sucn other and further decree be made ss may beeuui- lame. Tins summons Is nuhlUhed against you by order ol T. A. ill Hrulc, Judge of tlie ahove nan rd court, li ade and tinted ot: the 3d day ol June. lawn. tuus. n. ltt.Ntii r., 2 Attorney for Pla,ntift BUREAU OF EXCHANGE! If vou have any iicnonul' iiropei tv yon want to sell or exchange, tiring it to tlie undersigned, who will find a inirrhnwr, or- trado same at your request. Will ... sell for you ... Household Furniture, Tools, Ntoek, aud iu Fact any kind of 1'enonal Property you may Desire to Trad or fell. ALL A KTICI.FS SOLD oa COMMISSION i i i i i i i Place of Business, Kinney liulliling, Mala St., Ilillslioro, Oregon, ... CHA3. E. HALL. Cloned on Matarday aud Sundays. 871 A LI) E It ST K LET, l'OKTLAMI, OK C. 6. RIDER, Prea. The only First- r.laaw nnrl S?trl-tlv XreV Temperance Restau rant in the City. Nl Jl VEK laOlt JIAL KCIIOOI, 'HK NORTHWESTERS SIMMER Normal School will liegill lis annuiu sesion in rooms tf the Portland ifusinena College ou June 22, 1UU, and coiitintie for five weeks, tuition lor the spsslon, i.on. hor lurther Inlorniatton concerning tne school, address c. fc. ivb f. rnne'pni, JO. l'oitlsnii, Oregon. Mllfr'ltlFF'N N.1I. OS AT- T.1CIIMKXT KXKITTHIX. By ytrlue of an uttticlinient execution t suctl out ol tho County Court ot the state ol Oregon, (or Washington County, in favor ol li. W. Morgan nml against .1 u : 1 1 1 ko'c olek for the sum tit 1i.nl, not , un,i lor the f urther sum of 75.li.", t'. S. g old coin, with interest inereon at tne rate 01 to IM-rcent, per nullum, Irom tlie'.-nu uny (it July, and for tlie costs mid expenses ot sale anu ol saiu writ. Now, therefore, by virtue and In iursu anee ol said judgment, and for want of siilflcient peroonal property, I did on the llth ilay ot June, lK'Jo, levy on ail the In terest of the wbove named defendant in the herein ilter descr.bed real property. and 1 will, on Monilnv, the II h day of Julv, lKal. at Hi. soul li ooorol ine l ourt Hous . in Hillsboro. Wasbinglon County, Oregon, at the hour of lo o'elock A. M., of aaid dav. sell at puliiic action to tlie blith est bidder for rash, the following-described real property, to-wit: I he n iA ol tlie s W K of Section I.I T 2 X li 3 W of tlie Willamette Mer dian, and containing M seres and situate in Washington County. Oregon, to aatiafy the hereinbefore named sums, and tor me costa anu expenses ot said aale. Said oroperiv will he aold sub ject to redemption as per atatute of Ore gon . Witness ray liana tins n cut oi June, IWJG. H. P. FORI), gherilr or Washington County, or. by W. D. if ra nroHD, Deput. 8. 11. Huston. Attorney for plaintiff, Z-n Mil Kill FF H MALK OX KXKCXTIOX. BY VIRTUE" OF AN KXECfTION, Issued ont nf the Circuit Court tu the State of Oregon, for Mill I noma h County, and to me tiireotel, in lavor if Thomas F. Corbett. plaintiff, ar.d against nt. Mary a Home Association, ucienuanis, for the' sum of f."4.i., costs, and for rhe further sum of 17!.77, U. S. gold coin. with interest thereon nt the rate ol a tier cent per annum, Irom the 4tu day ol .day, lata, ana lor tne cosvs anu expenses ui sa.e an I of aaid writ. Now. therefore, by yirtuo and In pursu ance of aaid Iti'lcment. and tor want ot sufficient personal nrotierty, I did on the 6th day of June. duly levy on all the interest or the Mt M iry s tlome assm iu tion in the i ereinaiter tltcrUe, retl nroperty and I will, oi Mondny, theUD h day of July, 11, at the south door ol tbe tLourt noase, in nuisuoro, tvssiiingion County, Oregon, st the hour ol Id o'clock a. m., of said day, rail at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, tlie follow ing desenbea real property, to-wit: Iteeinnitie at tlie southeast corner of thw. donation land claim of John E lioit, InV section II I I 8 K I Wol to. W dianielte Meridian tlrenre north 21east lo chains to a stake on the eatt line of sul, d nation land claim, tlienee south M ' e i-t ai7 chains to stake, thence sou in 21 a est 1L21 chains to renter of said rulroal. tiienee north HI 50' weal A.'iMclia ns to stake in canter of sxtd radrosd, thence north 104 cbaina In the placu of be ginning, containing 10 acres, 8ald property wut be sold subject lo re demption, as fer statute ol Oreiton. Witnesa my hand tbia lath day of lane, lffjfi. . II. P. FoKD. Hheriff of Washington Countv, Or. By W. D. Batnrnan, licputy. Woodward A Voodaad, Artnrnev for rinmMfT. 4 " las))ryBSBlck.lserse(oTa Whew. ahewaeaCSil l.tastrisd forCaatorlty WhewatatbeceeMHssvatseeluMseCwetorla, WsastwkstadresaUgawetheaQSalOTia, A v T pfiiffiimimmHffliumtmtmmmi! HAVE YOU USED BUTTER PARCHMENT? . All gilt edged butter put on the mar ket by creanieiies ia wrapped in paper. Tbe product of the private daiijr would reach its market in much bettei condi- . tion if wrapped in Butter Parchment than it does when wrapped in cloth. Parchment is not only better than c'.cth, but cheaper. . Cloth selU at 6 cents per yard, from which 27 sheets can be cut 27 Parch ment wrappers cost 3 ceaU. 500 Sheets, 8x11, 500 Sheets. 8x13, The standard rize for 2-pouud rolls is 8xii iucbes; 2-pound block are wrapped in the 8x13 size. One reason why paper has not been generally used heretofore, farmers could not get it at the general store. It is now kept at the Independent of fice cut to any size wanted. tUUitUUUUiUlUUUUiUiUUUIUIUUl IIKM'K l,AYlXa. JOHN RING. THE WELL-KNOWN brick laverand contractor, w II exet ii all work entrusted lo bun, draw I lam and spedliciitions, and muse estimate, role eine 111 Uil aiioro: T. II. Tongue, N. 11. Huston or D M. C. Gault. Portland address. 61H Colombia Si. ' t-. IS THE CIRCUIT lOl RT OF THE Stale of Oregon, lor Washington County. George N. Driver, Plain tiff v. I.orlnda Harris and Charles Harris, Defeiidan To Lorinda Harris, one of the above named defendants: in the Name of the .State of Oregon, you are hereby ceiiiiiianded and required to uptiear and answer the complaint tiled against you in auove eninioo t on" m toe ahove entitled suit, on nr la-lore Monday, the 20ih day oi Julv. IMiSi, tlie same I ems on the iirsl dav of tlie next n gular term ol said Court, rext following tlie expiration ol I lie tune prescribed in the order ol puu licntiou of tiiis summons, and It' oil tail so to ft' pear nnd answer said complaint, the pltiiiitilf will appiy to the Court lor the re icl tlicre n prayed lor and demand ed, to-wit: That thi plaint, If have judgment againa' the oelendtints above mimed, and em h of I lm in lor the sum of One Thousand liKiJ Dollars with intereot threon since tlietili day of March, 1KI3, al the rule of ten per cent per milium and I lie sum of One Hundred tltsll Dollars attorney's lee and the sum ol Three an I i.!l.'l Dollars taxes paid on the property hereinafter described and for the costs and disburse ments ol tins suit and tor a tlecree that tbe mortgage descr bed in suttl com nlaint be foreclosed and the property there in descr.bed, tn-a it : Lot No. Hof Section 17 Township 1 North llunge 1 West of Will. Mer. in Washington County, Oregon, lu tlie district til lands subject to aale nt Oretrmi City. Oregon, be e Id, by the sheriff of Washington County, Oregon, and tlie proceeds of such aale be npplieii to the payment of the demands of plaintiff ahovj aet forth, and tlie costs and dis bursements of this suit, and ior such other and further roll' 1 as duiil eecin mete with eiiiity and good conscience. Thin summons Is published uiteinst you bv order ol II m. 1 ho?. A. Mt 11,-nle, Judire of the above entitle I court, made ai Chambers and dated the lit day of May, lS.Si. GEO. R. IIAGLKY, MM Attorney or Plaintill'. , A. B. II A I LET, l. II. H. JJEN'TIST, HILLSBORO, OKEUO.V, Rooms 1 and 2, Morgan A It.itley Block FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HILLSBORO. Transacts a General Ranking Business. J. W. HHCTR ..raiuni BENJ. 8CHOLFIELD Vtra-Psns V. HEKRYMAN Canitia Hell aiirbt Eiebange and Telegraphic Tranafera, and iaanea Letters of (irtxiii availalile thronghoot the l uited Ktatea. Draw mils of r.xcnanpe on Lotioon Liverpool, Dublin, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort-1 on-tbe-Main, Ktockhulm, and all pnncipa eitiea of fcurope. Colleotiona made on all acoessihlt poiiita Banking boars from 1 1. h, lt r. si. RIBBOXS AND CARBOX PAPER FOH TYPEWRITERS AT INDEPENDENT OFFICE tr" cot EAGLE MARBLE W0RKS1' T. Or. Ii.r6K:iIsti3 kuircr.cTuase ow MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES and all kinds of Marble Work in TALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. Importer and dealer in A ndcia and Scotck Granlti Mosaseals. orytnt n woks 22ft. ftnliwaa St. PORTLAND. OR. riwAi. AttorxT. VfrriCEIS HEREBY GIVES IHATjty, Ore.on, to ..u.fy ti hEZZEZ 11 Anna i'e-ers. Adin iil.trairix ot the ! mention! sums in favor r ih. ..,.1 Estat of Albert e'ters. dfcaed, with- he wil'-innexed, lis. this dsy tiled her Fmnl Account in fnid Estate, sml I tint lb 6th day of J l y, l-!)i, at 10 o . k, A. M., te et for the hearing and determina tion of the same. A l persons interested in said eilatO sre not.fled lo he and appear in sal I court, at said oat , and make ob jections. If any tliey have, M tse eliow snce ol F,nal Account. Hited June 4ih, I-ii. 21 kAt -TER-i. Ailminislr -trt of lb .ial) of Albert ir, Vcea.i, an (rtLe-aki-aaaexod. 55 cts 60 cts AdsalsilatraUr's) Xetlee. N OTICE is hereby given that Ibe un deralgnad has been duly appointed bv tne County Court of Washington Co,, Oregou, administrator of Ibe aetata of lilden Reaucbamp, deceased, and baa ijualilied as such. All persons baying claims against aaid estate are hereby re quired to preeenl the aame, with tbe pro lie r vouchers, to me, at tbe law office of W. I). Hare, al Hillsboro, Washing ton County, Oregon, within als nioutba Irom the date hereof. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, tbia I lib. day of June, istfti. BENJ. 8CHOFI ELD, Admin'alrator of the estate of Tilden llusucbauip, deceased. i-t CITATION. IN THE COUNTV COURT OF THE Htato of Oregoa, lor Wahlngiou County. In the matter of Ibe estate of I Jease Cornelius, deceased. ) To Willard Blanchard. Jesse Blanchard, Ray Bianchard, Myrtle Blanchard and Hauls Cornelius, bei"-al-law of Jease Cornelius, deceased, and all persons un known claiming an Interest la said estate, greeting: In the Name of the State f Oregon, you and each of you ara hereby cited and r. HUired to be and appear in tbe County Court of the Htale of Oregon, for lb County of Weahiugton, al this Court room thereof, at Hillsboro, tn the County of Washington, nn Monday, the 27th day of July, A. D. 1WW, at IU o'clock in the lore noon of aaid day, then aad Ihere to show cause if any exlat, why an order of sale should not be made by the above entitled Court, as prayed for lo the petition of Thos. E. Cornelius, administrator of tbe estate of Jease Ciroelios, deceased, and which pei I tion la herein filed, aulhorii ng and directing laid T. E. Cornelius, sa such adtulnlstiator, to aell all of the fo lowing described real property, lying, be ing and situate in Washington County, Oregon, and more particularly bounded designated and described aa follows, to wit: Commencing nine chains south of the northeast corner of the donation land claim of Jesse Cornelius in see It township 1 North Range three West, of the Willamette Meridian, and running thence southward al nig tlie eaat line of aai I donation land claim lo the southeast comer thereof; i bene westward along the eouto line of aid Jese Cornelias donation land claim, to the north weal corner of tbe donation land c'ulin of J Sims Buraton and w.le, ia vet Ion 22, of aaid township and range, thence north eleven degree and forty-five minutes east along tbe center of the public road, 24.01 chains more or lest to a post, said poet bel-.g the south west e ir ner of the tract of land heretofore con veyed by Jesse Cjrnelius to Cnas. W'ambeks, thence north sixty-six degrees and thirty-five minute eatt 47.19 chain to the plae of beginning, containing lRUT acres, belonging to said estate of Jesae Cornelius, deceased, to satisfy tho unpaid claiina against aaid estate, and the costa and expenses of administration. Witness, the lion. B, P. Cornelius, Judee of the Count Court of the Htata of Ores-oil, lor the County of Washington, with the aval of aaid Court affiled, thla h day of June, A. D. If!, Attest: tl. u. uuudiis, Geo. R. Bagley, Clerk. Attorney lor Administrator. 3-7 NIIKRirf'S WALK ON FOBEVLOMtTKK. Y VIRTUE OK AN EXECUTION. A) dvcreo and order ot aale, duly issued nut of tha Circuit Court of the Mtata nf Oregon, for Washington County, on tbe Mil day of June. 18tJ, la favor of Thomaa Tiirktr, plaintiff, and against J. Kertrand I Jonea, Kliae C. Jonees,Van B. Dslsshmott, I Anna 1 Kotermund, Edwin K. Kearney, Caroline M. Cowglll, W. C. Cowgill, H.r l bert Hpenrer and The Security Having and Trust Company, of Portland. Orreon. and J. M. Huhcr, defendants for the aum of i:ilii.3 In U. H. goil coin, witb Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per an num from the IZM day of April, lNtej. and for the sum of 130.00, tv sts, and for tli further sura of $2713.74 In U. M. gold coin, with Interest thereon from April 1Mb, 11M, at the rate of 9 per cent per an nun in favor of the defendant, The Sfcurilv Having and Trust Companv, of Portlatitl, Oregon, and for the sum df $A.0f) coats, and against the defendant anove named, end for the cost and expenses of sale and of ss d writ. Now, therefore, by vlrtut and In pursu ance of said execution, decree and order oi sale, I will, on Monday, the l.llb day of Ju.y, 16, at the south door of the Court House; in Hillsboro, Washington County. rugonrai 'ine nour iu o ciooa a. m. or id day. in accordance witb tbe terms and commands of aaid decree and order of ale, sell at public, auction, to the highest bidder fcr cash in hand, seperately, and In tbe order hereinafter mentioned, the several tract nt the following described real property, lying, being and aituate In Washington County, Oregoo, and more particularly described and designated a follows: First tract Block No. four (4) and tract lettered "H"and "O" In J. B. Jonea' ad dition to Beaverton, Washington County, Oregon. hrcond and separately All of block a Nn. one ( 1 1, two (2). three 13). five (ft), eix (el se re n (7), eight (k nine !i), ten ( 10), eleven" (III, twelve (12), thirteen (IS), foarleett 114). fifteen (Li), elxleen (10), ser.ntees (17), eighteen (lk nineteen (ID), twenty (JO), twenty-ne (21 K twenty-two (22 f, twenty-three twenty-four 2t), twenty five l2o, and tract lettered "I" and "C" and tlie north bad of tract lettered "D" of and tn the said 1. B. Jonee addition to Beaverton, Waahlngtoa County, Oregon. Third tract All of block No. m, 27, 2S and 2ft in tne said J. B. Jonee additi . to I lieav.rton, Washington County, Oregon, and Fourth tract All of tho north half of I tract lettered "E" and the south half of I tract lettered "D ' or the ssid J. B. J one I a , ,1 1 1 1 n tr, U-...,ln- 1. 1 . ., Thotna Tucker and tho said Security laving and Trust Company, of Portland, Oregon, and for tbe costs and expenses of said sal. r Said property will be (old subject to re demption aa per statute ot Oregon. W tn my band this 10th day nf June. If. H. P FORD, Hheriff of Washington County, Oregon, H-7 Dr. Price's CraM Bakiag Powder WertrirHlftjMtJ I sr