H1LLSB0R0 1XDEPEXDEXT. FRIDAY, MAHCII 6. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Kir;: taken In exchange at the Bazaar. CJood hay, at a low price. E. II. Wamn. 40-41 Iraprrk-, iu all colors ami style, at rxhuliuericb & Hon'. Cull on Humphrey! for loan on good property, aL-o farm to rent and to st II. trentV furoi.-iliinjf goutl, all kinda, j :"t lrra the factory, at Scha'.rocrlch A Son'. If you are in need of a sawing ma cliins call at the Ilazaar before lurt'hamng. One bundled and fifty pound cholte clover seed for sale. V. A. Uilllon, (ilencoe. RnvVInd children's rarjs. all M vim. at Schulmerich & Son'. Just the thing to wear to school. Otfnl in all style, ladles' and mUs', at price and tyl"a to suit the limes, at Sfhulmerk'h A Son'. Wanted To rent, a farm of 80 to liaimTMiin th ahami. nr mutit bf cheap for cash. V. 8. Hyde, 11111. am-, wr. Bob Greer can sell you all kind of .- and especially field pea.i and v .' I, a cheap a you can huy theui ; rtland. 40-6 , .- e at the Christian churrh jnday niorninif "Keenon for ; ..-vinif in Foreign MMiins." l.vening "Miracles." J. N". Orall, supervisor of road district Xo. 37, has been doing Home gnl work on the highways in I. is di.-trict. The work is ditching ml Krutiliing. L' nt A plain jrold m. liujji-r rinsr, lart;e eno'ip-h. f..r a buLy, and engraved on Hit' ius-ii!. The ft m lor will tie" 'ly rwrdeil by Saving it wi") i'r C. it. Lron. :' lAfoo-i cf tltu Farmlngtou r-r !' i v j.atronixed the Seoul . ' . rin..-ry since Monday. ":i r 'niiington people let their ..i-, ip-s freeae up. The undersigned calls the attention of the iieople who left articles for r.Ti" 'th II. Unternahrer, that all such will beaold after March 15th. 10-41 L. V. B ERCK MOKM. Look out for the grand entertain ment and broom drill at the opera house. Friday, March 13th. A com pany of forty, assisted by home talent, under the auspices of the W. K. V. of Forest Orove and Hillsboro. Further announcements next week. A. S. Dudley, formerly of this county, is now established at Port land, where he has storage room for hay and grain, and is prepared to do a ifeneral commission business. He will have his mill ready in a few days tor chopping grain. For fur ther particulars, see hi advertise. Iileut. An 8-j car-old son of Mr. Lejhott, who lives four miles north of town, r:'nl complete fracture of the h it arm -l.i-lway between the elbow r.ii i r!" I..U.T. The little fellow was i-i 1 on a vagon loaded with wood, mid, his balance, fell beneath the wheels, one of which passed over the arm. Dr. Tamlesie administered chloroform and reduced the fracture on Friday, and on Tuesday the little fellow was resting well. If no com plications occur, the physician saye he will be up in three weeks. A very pleasant and enjoyable leap year purty was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Groner, of Hcholls, last Saturday evening, in honor of Miss Hettie Jack, of Farm iugton. The evening was sent in dancing and listening to vocal and instrumental music, after which was served a ntipier that is rarely equaled and never excelled. The guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Collier, Mr. aud Mrs. O. Marts, Mr. and Mrs. G Lamle, Mrs. D. H. Kuirlek and Mrs. W. Iynard. Misses Hettie and Anna Jack, Hettie Simpson, Ora Brooke, Anna Kaynard, lna Uasmer, Maude Darnell, Emma Hesse, Messrs. William, Louis and Henry Hesse, William and Calvin Jack, Jr., William and Bud Taylor, I'has. Johnson, Eddie lirooka, J. B. Wilkes aud Master Claude Jackson. The CofT. Club, auxiliary to the Hillsboro Fire Department, observed the second anniversary of Its organl .i..n iv nirtaiiiinir. last Tuesday evening, at a banquui, the depart ment, uiemtiera ot me city juin u ment and exempt firemen, together with their wives and lady friends. Firemen's hall, in the second story, u .... i,.ti.fiiiiv decorated for the occa sion. It was In this room that the club received their guests, and enter tained them with music, both instru mental and vocal, and recitations. The feature was a coffee cup drill, timed to a sprightly march, played on the pinno, ami participated In by twelve members of the club, In uni form. It was a surprise to the com pany, and In such excellent taste that .. ..i.i.... hot n,i v.iivmI commendation was heard. It Is understood that Mrs. W. K. Thorn superintendeil the platoon in its maneuvers. The ban quet hall was In the truck room be i .u, u.ii.ii hml also tteen beautifully f..p the occasion. The ladies had set plates for sixty guo-ts, i it,..- u-..rtt all nresent. The Viands had been brought from the homes of the memoers, wnun t. nf their excellence. rui'uif 'j The entice was perfect. The spirits, too, since they Mowed from human hearts made glad by the associations. The president of the club, Mrs. J. C. Lamkin, preside.!, an d was toast ndtres. The Ladies of the Coffee Club" was responded to by Hon. 8. B. Huston. "One of the J I. Knight. "Hook and Ladder, hy John Wall. "Our Homes" by Hon. W. D. Hare. "Our City," by Hon. II. V.Gatea. "Homes That Have iwi. Hurne.1," by Mrs. W. D. Hare. No occ.wion, since a similar one a year ag. has been ao enjoyable, and there were more than one present who wished the club could have two anniversaries each year. At the ft t1 ssying it in the wronf plac,tr IsiiKPKxnKXT suggethat nm-il iuiect the property or the detmrtiwnt and see If the boyado . ie-rve aome new apparatas4l f v i. -s;ths of hose, new wheels to ne ... tie hose carts, or several tutS . . sr or oil-skin clothe A mi expended annually will it 4ncMatbeJlclBcf of IM Perhaps It la saperxtitlou to say that March came in like a lion, but really it is proper to say that the animal marched by and natlshed hi his tail this way. On Kunday last in the early morning, about a half inch snow fell, then the wind raised and soon blew the snow to tatters. The temperature then sank below freezing. The brisk breeze contiuued Monday, then began to quiet down so by Tuesday noon the weather was quite pleasant again. The small boy sought for ice, but found noue, though word come from Forest Grove, six miles away, that the skating was quite good. At that town there was three inches of snow, while at McMlnnvdle the while mantle was reported to be eight Inches deep. Not for year hia so cold a snap visited us in March. However, the temperature was only down to 20 above zero. A few water pipes have been bursted. but no other damage has resulted. The cold will injure the tender grass that was springing up everywhere though farmers report do damage to grow. Ing crops. The first meeting of the Hillsboro Republican Club, after the selection of officers, was held in the court house last Tuesday evening. Short Introductory speeches were made by Judge Cornelius and Hon. C. I. Yates. The speech of the evening, though, was that of Hon. T. II. Tongue. The auditory of the court house contained as many people as could be comfortably seated. The enthusiasm excited by Mr. Tongue was great. His address was not a argumentative as his speeches usual ly are, but he lookup the odds and ends of former campaigns and con nected them with the present time, laying a good foundation of facts for leaker who may address the club later in the campaign. The talk was just what was wanted at this time, which brings to mind that Mr. Tongue has the happy faculty of say ing the right thing at the right time. The club will hold a business meet ing two weeks hence, March 17th, at which the business Interests of the iijt will receive attention. Next Sunday, at the Congregation al church, will be held, both morning and evening, services of a special and important character. The pastor will deliver an address in the morn ing, in place of the usual sermon, on the subject, "Our Couutry; its Devel opment, Uesources and People; Who Shall Control These T" In the even ing will be given the Introductory lecture of a course planned on foreign missionary work. Ihe pastor will open the course next Sunday night, and the following lectures will be delivered, as far as practicable, by returned missionaries, men who are personally conversant with the par ticular fields described and spoken of. This aeries, it is expected, will prove Instructive and stimulating. Junior C. E. and C. E. prayer meet ing will be held at 4 p. m., and at 6 :30 p. m. A lodge of a new order assuming the name of "Patriots of America" was organized in Hillsboro on Satur day last. The lodge adopts the name or Hillsboro lyxige, o. 1, Patriots of America. It starts out with fifteen charier members. The order advocates the free and un limited coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1 and is organized to promote that idea. This lodge Is the first to he instituted In the state, though its xharter is No. 94. Within thirty days after the order was founded twenty one states and territories were oc cupied. tr. ir n niu an, I ( i ' Tefl, of Beaverton, have bought Judge Arcbbold's sawmill, engine and boiler, which was stored here. The new proprietors loauea ine ma- and will take It to Portland, where U will be put in complete repair, ine power and a new sawmill will then be taken to Tillamook, wnere .Messrs. DiivIm and Teft will commence the manufacture of lumber. The old Archbold sawmill will be put on me market for sale. The annual election for town of ficers was held at Beaverton last Tuesday. Two tickets were in the field the Citizens' and Reform but just what the platforms were, the correspondent did not state. Candi dates from both tickets were elected. The officers chosen are : Mayor, F. M. Robinson; Recorder, J. N. Fisher, Treasurer, Henry Ltvengood; Mar shal, Otis Kelley; Councilinen (long term), D. Purser, Henry Watts; Council men (short term), C. Llveo good, W. L. Pike. V. H. Lyda, at the new Gales Creek Saw and Shingle Mill has Jut finished puttitg a fine lot of logs in his mill pond. Hi uelghbors ques tioned the wisdom or filling the upper creek with logs in February, but Mr. Lyda worked his whole f. in thA huririnir camu and suc ceeded in booming the logs during the freshet or last week. The nielodim of Mother Goose, as presented at the Methodist church last Friday and Saturday evenings, was the best entertainment by the little folks that has been presented to the Hillsboro public Mrs. McDon ald, who traiued them, can Justly congratulate herself upon the success of the entertainment. Almoran Hill, one of the first pio neers of the county, spent Wednes day In Hillsboro. Mr. Hill, though well along In years, is enjoying ro bust health this year. The regular annual business meet ing cf the Tualatin Plains Presby terian church will be held in the church (D. V.) next Monday, March 9th, at 2 p. m. The call for the Republican County Convention appears 'In the first column of the second page. It will interest the voters of the county. Wm. Reldt spent Thursday in town looking after his real enlate interests, which are very large in this county. . One thousand dollars to loan on good real estate ecurity. Enquire of Adolph Miller, 409 EverittSt., Portland, Or. tv.;n m.mm. Almond Cream ani tha best face preparations, re- anca, if tne ltszaar. Outing flannel and shirting, all style and prices uneqnalled, at Schulmerich A Son's. J. I. Knight Is prerred to imke loans or rrorn oo to - and fct his terms. . ... t tafHMrt on'00 M0.Yd All kinds of garden seeds at Greer's. 40-6 Embroidery and edging, a tew line. Just arrived, at Schulmerich A Son's. Sweaters! Sweaters! Cotton and wool. Prires, from &j cents up, at Schulmerich k Son's. Hair oils, complexion and tooth powders and other toilet articles, to be sold at co-t, at the Bazaar. Sensationalism at the M. E. church Sunday evening. The topie for dis cussion 1 "An object of Charity Put ting on Airs." The subject for the morning sermon i "Giants." All the o:her service a usual. Notice After April 1st, the price of the New York Weekly, at the postorHce news stand, will be 10 cent per copy, seven copies for 50 cent, seventeen copies, 11, payable always in advance. I have just re ceived the flnent assortment of maga zines ever In the city. Call and see them. J. M. brow.v. Avesor Wilcox will, on Monday next, scud four deputies Into the field for the purpose of listing the property of the county far the 1396 assessment. The southeastern part of the county, including Beaverton, the Buttea, the Cedar Creeks and possibly a part of South Tualatiu, will ts assessed by S. II. Humph rey. It. I'r iuds.il will have the southwestern part of the county, In cluding Forest Grove; Wm. Pointer will take Gales Creek and the lhury Creeks white E. J. Kuratli will work iu the northeastern part of Ihe county, listing the property found In the neigh borliood of Bethany and Cedar . Mill. Mr. Wilcox, himself, will find enough office work to keep hint bu?y, or If he has time he will work in the Hillsboro precincts. Mr. and Mrs. McNelly, of Lei-y-ville, gave a calico parly to about fifty of their friends last Friday evening, the 23th or February. The guests were all dressed In calico, of every variety and and style, which gave them a very comical appear ance. The evening was very pleas autly speut lu playing games, music, vocil and instrumental. At 12 o'clock all sat down to a dainty lun cheon, after which games were again indulged in, then a vote was taken to see which wore the most comical costume, for which Mr. Chancey Johnson received eighteen votes. He wore a costume to represent an Indian chief. Mr. Charles Hanley came next, r-ns-iving ten votes. He was dressed in light calico bloomers and cutaway co;tt. In the"weesma hours" all departed for their res pective hmniM, voting it the pleas antest party of the season. I Ol'KI HOFSEES. PIlonATE COL'UT. Estate S. C. Richey, deceased Final settlement. Continued till April 6th. Estab) Wm. Jolly, deceased. Ex ecutor's sale ot real property confirmed. Estate Wm. Greenwood, deceased. Bond of administrator, in the sum of 11,000, with V. Cltnino, Wm. tier gens and R. T. Potts, sureties, filed and approved. Estate Erastiis Savage, deceased. Will of decea.sed admitted to probate. David Savage is appointed executor of the will, with bonds fixed at 1-1,60(1. Herman Collier, Alex. Mc Donald end Joseph, Robinson are ap pointed appraisers. Estate Johnson Whetmore, de ceased. Flual account filed, and April 6th appointed for beariug the same. Estate I Roy, deceased. Wld contest. The court, In an exhaustive review of the testimony, finds that the deceased was of sound mind at ihe time of making his last wil;; therefore, the court confirms the will in all respects. This has been a Ion contest, and has attracted much attention. ' LAW COURT. George Morphew, Nellie B. Min ogue, Gearhard Goetz and Frederick Goetx admitted to citizenship. CITY COIMIL i'BOCEEDISKS. The council met in regular month ly seNsion. Councilmen all present. The following bills were presented: H. Denis, cutting and piling wood t 2 50 C. W. Reduioud, salary 26 IK) Light A Water Co 105 65 Glass 4 Prudhomme, print'g- 19 50 S. Wilson, street work 75 Total $154 30 The bills were referred to the fi nance committee. Warrants were voted to pay bills presented at last meeting, viz : Light & Water Co $105 55 L W House. 15 60 R Cave 85 U A. Whitcomb 1 50 J. M : McKinney 1 00 C. W. Redmond 84 00 Total $15S 40 A question aroe iu regard to the right of the marshal to receive rees and a salary. The matter was refer red tothecity attorney for his report. The city attorney find this written opinion on questions w hich had be fore been submitted: IIii.i.biik, Oiu, March ;t, ISiKi. To THE HoNOKAHt.K MAYOR AND Hoard of Trustee or the CITY OF HI!.tRORO, orroox: In answer to the itiquirU-s made by the Board, I beg to submit the following: On the l:h day of July, 191, the city of Hillsboro entered itilo a contract with H. V. Gates wherein he was to construct water works and an electric light plant In the city, and to furnish water and light to the citizens and the town at specined rates. Omitting details, which are irrelevant here, the city agreed to take enough electric lights Incandescent to amount to the sum of I10O per month. It further agreed to issue to Mr. Gates the sum of $10,000 in bonds to draw S per cent Interest and to run ten years, or, at the option of the city, ror a longer time, not exceeding twenty years from date of lsue. The bonds were to be Issued to Mr. Gates as soon as the plant was completed, with the exception that a certain lank men Honed in the contract was not re qmrvd to be completed before the de- II vrr nf the bonds. ' It wa further agreed th it the said works and plant snojld be free from all liens mi materi ls used In tha construction or such works should be paid r-r. And In consideration of providing the inhabitants of said town with water and light said bonds were issued, and In consideration of Ihe execution aud delivery of said bonds It was agreed that at the expi ration of ten year or any time there after, tha taw a might purchase tha Interest of the other t-arty with all the appurtenances. It was also agreed that until the city should pur. chase the said works the said city hhould own an absolute interest in the said works to the amount of f Io.ihmj th amount of said bonds with the understanding that until such purchase of Mr. Gates' interest, he should have theexciuive Use aud control in said works without paying to the chy any renU, profits or reve nues, except that Mr. Gates or hi as sign houiJ ii ot have power 10 sen, mortgage, pledge or in any wi en cumber the Merest of Ite city in sa d works A I understand, the work were completed, and the bonds iauied and delivered to Mr. Gates The con tract was not recorded, was it ex ecuted so as to eu title it to be record ed, and if recorded, the recording would be of no effect. The property, as completed, was In the came of Mr. Gates aith all the indicia of complete ownership, tne city inter est resting in the contract. In October, 1393, Mr. Gates with others incorporated the Hillsboro Electric Light 4 Water Company. Immediately aiter the incorporation, he sold and transferred by deed to said comny all the water and light plant, real estate, lines poles, etc., for the expressed consideration of $44, 636.43. The deed warranted the property against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomso ever, except the city of Hillsboro. It also states in said conveyance that it "is made subject to the right and claim of the city or HilNhoro to part ownership in said property." Shortly thereafter the said com pany executed to Helen M. Gates, the wife or Mr. Gates, a mortgage on the said plant ror some (14,000. which was recorded and Is now of record in this county. What is the effect of this mortgage on the city's interest and upon the contract containing the agreement not to incumber the said interest? 1 am or the opinion that the convey ance or the company containing, as it did, the reservation of warranty, and the express statement that it was made .subject to the city's Interest, protects the city's interest, and is a compliance with the contract. The company, in taking the con veyance and the property conveyed, took it subject to the city's right, and anyone receiving any lien or mort gage, must take such mortgage sub. ject to all the company's limitations as they appear of record. The con tract, iu this regard, has been com plied with, and the bonds must be paid. There is another feature of thl contract : Uuder the charter or 1876, incorporating the town, the liability of the town was limited to $2,000. In 1891, In order to obtain a water and light plant in the town, the charter was amended so as to permit the tow n to incur a bonded indebted ness not exceeding (10,000, for the purpose of providing the inhabitants or the town with water and light This $10,000 of bonds was in addition to the old limitation of liability to $2,000, existing before IS9I. After 1891 the most the town could incur was this $10,000 of bonds and the further liability of $2,000. How ever, when making this contract for watei (in which it was restricted to the bonds, and, at the outside, to. $2,000 additional) the town further agreed in said contract to take electric light to the amount of $100 per month for the period of said contract, which was ten years with the option of a ten -years' extension. Taking-the limit at ten years the liability thus incurred in excess of said bonds t r $10,000. was the sura or $12,000. It was therefore void, being in excess of the power of the town to create or incur. This has beeu decided iu a similar case lfore our supreme court, that or the Salem W ater Co. v City or Salem, 5th On-gon, 29th This feature of the contract bcirg void, the city can legally refuse lo take or pay for a single arc liht. This leaves the question : What Is the situation of the city as to its interest in the water and light plant? From the wording of the contract, I am led to the opinion that the city wou! I still retain its Interest if refus ing to take or pay for any arc lights. The charter and contract are to the effect that the bonds are for the fur nishing of the water and light to the town, and for the said $10,000 share of the city. If the city refuses to tske any lights, it is doubtful if the company could be compelled to furnish hy drants free perhaps none at all. The agreement by the town to take the electric lights Is a part of the contract, though it is not neces sary to such a coutract as that au thorized by the charter. If the agreement by Mr. Gates to furnish hydrants free was in consideration of the agreement by the town to take the lights, the city could not refuse to take the lights and yet get the hy drants. The company might be complying with the valid -art of the contract by dimply furnishing the town iu getierxl with light and water. It may be that in case the lights were discontinued, the city could still require the company to furnish the hydrants free as hereto fore. To pive a positive opinion as to this point and the ritrht of the city in the plant in case of lii-cotitinuing the lights, would rtqutr extended examination of the law iu similar case. If the city continues In comply with the contract in its terms as if It were valid in all respects, can it re quire any if the arc lights to be changid, find if not changed may it discontinue certain of them for that reason T To this I will My that I do not think it inn. They were located by i be mutual consent of the city and Mr. Gates, and he can not be com .el led to remove them. In this. as in the matter or taking these light, it U ralher a matter of good aid, accommodation and good faith, than of legal compulsion. To summarize: Mr. Gates has not violated his eon tract, nor placed any lien on the int erest of the city. 2. The bonds have been legalized and roust be paid. 3. The agreement to hike lights is v id and the city may refue to take them. 4. If it so refuses, it retains its interest in the plant (probably.) A. If It discontinues the lights it right to the free hydrants is doubtful. 6. If it recgnias the contract to take lights as valid, it can not require any lights to lie changed without consent of the company. Respectfully, L. K. Adam, City Attorney. The opinion was received, ami the council further asked the attorney to give bis opinion on two other ques tions, to-wit : 1st, If taasity refuse longer lo Awarded Klfhest Honor WorUra Fair nl4 Medal. MMwIater Fab. CREAM Mast Perfect Msde, 4a Years the Suadard. take arc lights will It lose its Interest in tne plant? 2d, If the city refuses longer to take arc lights " it lose the free hydrants? Tha council then adjourned. THE BBOW.ME. If you want to enjoy a good laugh, come to see the Brownies at Hills boro opera house, this evening, .narcn btn. ine following is tha program : Grii iUlifiou Kanluia . T. H. Hoiiuom oacauT. Tb srrtral of tha ilrowoi "Lors'i want Llrm is Lrnojc wi rirn Th Browniti st school Stlseiion is. c. s. ssows. Browalss st tt.Dg.ng tlobool , Sola bOBSISa. The lirooniet st Lesp-Frog "Zstliua" frit OBCHKKTSV PrtDira' ion fur Kit Making Kits Ms-is by R.onis Kscitstton, "ursnuius si lbs Mstqusrsa MIS VKD(ML. Brosrniss st Fooibtli.... Linnc piciurM, 'I.3okin Into lb Fuinrs," sntl -.sbtparsckst Hops" Brow rust ursna .wsren sna osil . . . "Alwsjri Jayliit" It. L. ilcCaik OK'IMTM. iVncA Sight Drill Tabl-au MTH0UI. MfETIVB. At the annual school meeting, held last Monday, School Clerk Peter Bnscow reported the financial condi tion of the district, which is shown by this recapitulation : KM EIPT. Former clerk $ 119 59 Outside tuitioi 55 15 1S94 tax 2120 34 State fund 1820 90 Total $4145 98 IUSBI US EM F.N TS. Teachers salaries and inter'st $2911 96 Janitor 229 04 Interest on bouds and notes.. 713 59 Furniture and supplies 116 19 Siwing wood 16 16 Clerk and stationery 122 64 Tnldl SlIlM .v Cash on hand $ 36 46 Amount due on tuition 50 00 Amount of county warrants outstanding 2970 50 Total nnmlier of scholars in the district, 529. The report was referred to an auditing committee, composed nf Dr. W. I). Wood, Geo. .Schulmerich and It. II. Greer. K. B. Collins was re-elected dl rector, ahd Peter IVwcow, clerk. Harklea's Araira Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores ulcers salt rheum, fever sores tetter, chapped hands chilblains corns ami all skin eruptions and jsxitively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. lriee 25 cents per box. For sale by Hillsboro Pharmacy. resolctioshT Whereas, God has seen fit to enter our Temple and remove from nur midst our beloved Sister, Blanche Kempfer, and, whereas, our Temple has met with a great loss. Therefore belt Hesolvkd, That the officers and members of Plueoecia Temple, No. 10, Order of Rathbone Sisters, do most deeply and sincerely deplore the loss of our dear Sister. And be it Resolved, That we, as a Temple, extend to the greatly bereaved bus band, children and family, our sym pathy in their sad bereavement. And, further, be it Resolved, That the Charter of our Temple be draped in mourning for thirty days and that a copy or these resolutions he presented to the hus band or the deceased; and also that they be spread upon the records or our Temple, and a py sent to tha Independent and Argus for publication. ( El iza Imiikik, Couimitrer . Lizzie Freeman, j Okpii a Carlile. Whsa Bsbf wss sfc-k, ww gs bar OssMrta Wbsa shs wss Child, sbs eric for Osstarla, Wbsa sbs bsrsaas Wm. sb staac Is OssMtta, WbssUkaaiUfWS,sUgsntbsBlCMUa Twe Mres are4. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, III., was told by her doctor she hail consumption ana mat mere was no hope for her, but two bottle of Dr. Kinir's New Discovery complete ly cured her and she says it saved her lire. .ir. inos. fcgger, i;sw Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle or lr. Kings ew inscovery and in two wtrks was cured. He ia naturally thankful. It is such re. suits, of which these are samples, that prove ihe wonderful efficacy of this medicine in roughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Hillsboo Phar. maev. Regular sia ftrtc. and $1. HILLSBORO DRAY CO. WkitrsMb k MrKiaaej, Preps. Special attention give Ia Haul Ing Frf Izht and loTlng House hold (ionds. Ourer reasonable. ... rd m Sollc Itnl ... Only Dray in the City. ILL B0K0. tUfc.1s ill 1LDES STMET, vfcrVNv POETLiSD. OK. rim x - - 34 Class and Strictly 7f Temperance Restau rant in the City. THK LOUIftVILLK WEEKLY COMMERCIAL I ladio Paper ot Kentucky. All the Dtsi and comet market reports. REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS I Sample eopie free to any address. THE COMMERCIAL, Leabvllle, . . . Esatickr. M0XEY TO LOAN 0 FARMS, ALSO 0 GOOD CITT PROPERTIES IJ AST AROLST. If Tsa SeH Maaey, Writs to m. If Tsar Xsrtgaga la Dae, and tou want to Borrow Moneys writ to me. If Year Property Is (issw. Write me in eiact description, stating location, Kind of improvements, amount of in turanca you carry, and stats the amount of mooer wanted and I will at once writs you as to the rates ot interest. LOW RATES AND LONG TIMK 1 ADDRESS) CHARLES HEXRY, Sa. M Stark St., PORTLAND, OR. THE MAN WHOSE CLOTHES PIT Seeiat l ret along in the world easier than the other fellow. In ths first place, he is more at ease at social functions. And he eenerallv finds a situs. tion quickly, when thrown out of employment. lis seems to get the best paying positions. The fact that he buys tood clothes Is in itself a recommendation. It shows that be is economical. W. HOLMES, Taller. Maia Street, . Hllltbere, Oregaa s Suits mads to order. Old garments cleaned, dyed or repaired. HIMMOSM. IS THE CIRCUIT COCRT OK THE Htats of Oregon, for Washington Cunniv : U K. P.ympton, I'lsintlfl, T. Etieei.e D. White, Emma O. Whits, Kicuard Morton, Mary A. Morton, Will am Kerron, tint National bank of Madison, Wis., V. H. Nuou, W. 9. Pdweil and J. J. Ship. Irr, psrtnsrs as Piwsll A Shipley, William P. Lord, Harrison R. Kin enid snd Piiil Msisrhan, Commis sioners for the eels of School and lnieeraitjr lauds In the Sisls of Urseon, and for ths inrratmsnt of fundi ariiinf therefrom. Itefendanta. To Richard Morton. Mary A. Morton and ths First National Dank of Msdison, Wis., defend sn is: In tbs name of the Stats of Oregon, yon are hereby reqnirsd to appear and answer ths complaint tiled againat y u, in ths above-entitled suit, by ths bri day of tbs nsxt regular term of ths ahoTe'entitled Court, following ths expiration of the time creu-rihed in the order for Ihe publi cation ot this summons, which day wilt be Monday, ths Kith day of March, l9rt, and if you fail to so appear and answsr, tor want tliersnf. plaintiff will ap y to tha Court for toe relief demanded In his 0. mplatnl. Ths relief demanded therein la for a judgment age nat tbs abore named de fendants, Kagens D. Whits and Richard Morton, ani each of them, for lbs sum of fourteen hundred snd eightr-tire (14S.S) dollars, with Interest at ths rats of S per cent per annum, from June 2a. 118: one hundred and fifty (15i dollars attorney 'a f-e, beside co.t. and disburse ments, and for a decre foreclosing a mort gage upon lots seesnty-four snd seven ty livs in Steel's addition to Ileaverton, in said County and tats, mads, siscutsd snd delivered by said last named defsnd ants and their wivee to Flora E. Merrill, on June i 181, to secure tbs payment of a promissory note for fourissn hundred ana eigoty-Dve ( ivi aousrs. psysois io her order threw years altar dale, and bear ing interest at t par cant per annum, from dais. Ths maksrs of ssid note bslng said Eugene D. Whits and Kicbard Morton, which said note and mortgage have been duly aaaignad (or Talus to ths plain tifl herein. And for a decree barring and foreclosing all of yoa tron any and all right, litis inlsrsst and equity or redemption la and fa said real property, and for gesjeral relief. This summons is nub liosl be order of Hon. Tbos. A. MrBrids. Judge of ths above entitled Court, Mads the b day or Jsnuarv. lw. Til 4YEK A MrCOY, SMI Attorneys lor Plaintiff. TAX SOTICK. rTHK TAX-PAYERS OF WASH INGTON COUNTY: You srs hereby notified that the uses levied lor tne year lj will bsdaeand payable oa and after Monday. February 24. lias, at ths MlerltTi OiBcs, Hillsboro, Oregon. n. r. iiwu, Sheriff and Ei-Ottieio Tsi-CollsMor for Washington County, Oregon. 3m 41 JUST TO MAKE THINGS LIVELY. wreftwBwMBwawawMwMwawawRsewaTe W Maka tha rallawiag Martians la AU-Wswl riwthlnf. lis) Meat Salts, Chair Hl KM laata, M too Pair Ism Paats, t 0 WUlaaiMta Taller Wewl Make tha Rest CTatfelaf. Reaieaiwar taesw art nat IIUIII SM0DDT. They ara t TEST REST albaay a aw Rrawa. till Waalea Sills fake at akaat Half Prtt, aad lack Ixstkaa ths ftaa Qaalltf ra ha ttaackt fr la Partisan, This Is what wa call HOME PRO TECT109 fat aar Castas ar. CAPLBS A, THOMAS. TURX1XG OUT THE BEST SORT OF PR1XTIXG Q I WS LUlltlig DENT a big and increasing ayrmpauuy miki sou nqjiu , u. -ly1 and small charge you are assured ot ii wa h a cnanoe at vour wore. ID. iwt. THE DELTA . Mil STREET, H QPEC1AL ATTEXT10X to Quality and Accuracy in Dispensing. AT LOWEST PRICES. A Fine iro Livery. Feed and Sales Stable a OKM IIACKS, BUGGIES raowrTLt A XEW USE Or BltteiU ADDED. Orders left far HEARSE will raealTa araatat atUatlna. Keateaitter tka Place). MAIN STREET, opposite TUALATIN HOTEL. P. J. WILLIAMS A J. W. SEWELL Proprietors IF YOU WANT TO HIRE OO TO Gily Livery Where you will find the Vest Teams that can be had IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST - CLASS. Good Teams, Good Buggies and Good Drlrers. Cor. Second and Washington ISta. THE HILLSBORO Are now making a First-Claas QTOCK AND COMMON ORIOK M at their M WORKS, near It. Y. BERCKMOES, WATCHMAKER H.4rkhalaiV Mee?tlK. rpHE A5SCAL UTOCKBOLIlEUS' X meeting of lbs Hiileboro ( o-opersilye l,v will be bslJ in Urants Hall, on Fri day, March 27. lie, at ths hoar of lo'clork r. w . lur tlis purpose ol eiertioa a board of Uirectors, and lor tlie transact.nn of such stber bueineee a may mme Iwlore the meet.ne. J. H. ."EWtl.l.. J. A. Iweait, Fre.id.i t. kerreisry. 31 tUym" mud f.lrla' AM atexlrtj BOYS MAT BE HAD (AND SOME tlnws iris) for ID ordinary aerriis st ssees; ('iopoa indenture, 10 wrrk.al land sckool, and bs bmncht upsnm.ehal as roar own;! sod 3 children may be baa for leesi aJoptiow. Address i e 1 D 1 1 V F D topi. Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, fir laaa. urf on. A4aalalatratara Xatlr. T0TICR IS HEREBY OIVEV. THAT the ssderined bs been at doi tiled by th Connie Court of the Sistewf t a, far Wssbiafton County, enmtnl-tra-tor of the estate of James MeCormirk. de ceased, lata of Washington County, Orwsron. All persons, tbcrsfnra. haeiae; claims asamst said .state, are hereby rerpieeted and repaired la present them, with th proper eouebere to me, at the law ottlce of Thos. H. Ton roe, in Hillsboro. Wsshien toa Coastf, Oresan, within all month from tha date hereof. HiUsbom, VashiafWn County, Oreeon, Fsbrnsr 12, t9A, sui llatl MORI AH. AdSAiaiatfaMr ot th sststs of arnaa Cermiea, dse.assd CALL A5D ET PRICES WRES XEED1XG PRIST'S! 1UI ISaW aaew - trade, f Work typo i have C. GTJXr, Editor aa4 Maaartr. DRUG STORE. ILL BOKO, OKEttO ... Line of Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, School Books, &c. Rl iVR AXD RIDIXU HORSES attkmdeb Tea. A GOOD LIVERY TEAM THS STOCK BRICK CO. NORTH SIDI ADDITION Srraatl St., Xcar P. O.. Hllltwera. .. WATCHES. CLOCKS .. JEWLERY. SPECTACLES. ETC. Fine aa4 Caaialicatew Watck ReaaJrlar. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED HRICK LAVIXU. JOItS RIKO. THR WELL-KKOMfX brick later and contraotor. w llsieeuis all work entrusted to him, drsw (lsas snd specinrattone, and mill esllaiatae. r.f.-.nce in Hillsboro: T. H. Tontus, H. It. Huston or l M. C. Oanli, fori lead eddrsea, 516 Columbia1 St. A Caah FYapeMltlaa. F'ROM THIS FIRST OF THE AIOXTH 1 will aak for weekly settlements In coin for laundered tinea. Patron will therefore he prepared to Tay for work when it isdsUyered. A. SFKEIIZEK. a5 FOR NALR OB TRAD P. 4 DESIRABLE BriLMSO LOT. tdO i A tewt square, in fort land, a aeif block ; distsnt from the electris car Una. This ' pror-erly Is offered at a low pries foe sash, i or for acreage property outsids th efty , iirniia. , For fall rsrticnlers. onqqlrs of t ad dress alK... MAKY CLAFLIX. j Psayerton, Or. A Caafe twaala. OX A5D AFTER MARCH AT. t WILL sell meat wnly for a Dot j.h, or It jeqalealent la trad. This 1 mads n.c.s ssry ia aae!T.rt 10 rsdar eipsnees lo a nlalraam. I. t BE RUT. &