HILLSBORO 1XDEPEXDEXT. Entered In th pnatnlTle at Hlllaboro, Oregon, a aomind-cutae auaUer. THE SPAXISU RIGHT It EH I'VE THE CVBAK KEHELI.IOS. TO Nation have tbu right of self-pro- taction u well u do individual. There can be no question on thU point. When France attacked Oer many in the 704, no one thought of questioning the right of the latter power to defend hertelf. When one part of a country rebels from the lawful authority the government has the rik'lit to put down the revolt. To RFH'RLICAX STATE CWETI0S. question thU right U silly. The basic rules governing individuals ap- pliex to nations. (So when Cuban me ii.y ... the land and commenced an interne- Ai.r,l9,JU0,a. 1 o cioca m., ur due governmeu, urn yuryu-, . ' dearl v had th rlht to aiu.r.rMtf. the KnbaTlpttoD, l a4anepr yr P If II.UtBOKO PUBUMHINU CO., Proprietor. I). M C.OAULT, Editor. orrttnL rrm or the tin I FRIDAY, MARCH 6. A rrnihllran convention for the Atatft of Oregon la called to meet in for presidential electors and atate nn. I district offlees, except congress men, and of electing four delegates at lur.ro to the republican national convention, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. The conven tion will consist of 237 delegates, chonen by the several counties as follows: linker 5;Lane II lit nton 6 Linn I Ciai kamuH 12 Lincoln 3 Clatsop 7 Malheur 3 Columbia 5, Marlon.... I'J Coo ... 4 Morrow 3 Crook 3 Multnomah 4. rry Douglas Gilliam. 6 Umatilla S 2 Union 7 Wallowa 8 4 Waco 7 2 Washington II 3!Vamhill "The name being one delegate-at- large from each county and one dele revolt. Indeed, it was the duty of the government to do so. But how much force may be used? Here, again, the rule of common law die tatts. No more force Is to be em ployed than is necessary to accom plinh the end sought. It, too, must be used in a humane manner. No Individual is Justified In using cruel methods or annihilating force to eject a trespasser. That much must be said of a nation. Further, the natious recognize the rule that every member of this world's lamil y Is bound to Insure its a. roo o MUlluumnii I , , ... (jurry 2 Polk hubJecU and citizens a good govern- .9 Sherman 3 ment. If this is not done the other .8 Tillamook 8 Grant Harney.... Jackson .. JoHephine. Klamath . Ijike nations are beginning to advance the doctrine and exercise it, that they have a right to interfere and corupcl the delinquent power to insure good and staple government to its misused suljects. It is the right to enforce this rule that justifies F.ng laud and the continental powers In gate for every 200 voles ami one for lntl.rfering In the domestic affairs of every fraction over one-hair "t Turkey. England does not, by an ca-l for me repuoncan onoiuaie ior arm,.d j.xpetii,im tnforce the rule governor at the election held In this h,, the rjK,,t to do so ,s relin. state on June 4, isui. quished, but because of the great din- I he committee recommends inai ,ance of Turkey from England the primaries lie neiu on naturuay, Tru0i a naon may Krievolwy op. jviarcn zisi.anu me county coi.ven- rerj9 ,,ul)jw.u in ,he mtttter of lions on Saturday, March 28, 189(1, taxation, and neighboring powers unless otherwise ordered by the proper county committees. "All voters in favor of the republi can priuclpul of protection to Ameri can Industries and American labor, will not interfere, but when human 1'u'o is sacrificed a protest will quickly te entered, lint when a people rebel iHjcause of bad government in the mutter of orolectiou to nronertv. out the upbuilding of a home market, a jidl.M are BI)t l0 s mthi witn souua nnanciai iioncy anu a pBinouc opj)reaa,j anJ w, urget enforcement of the Monroe doctrine ! Now t , , , , h t h hlll)I)enwJ are cordially Invited to unite with , Cul)!li The Kpalll((h K0Vernment has so badly administered oppressive laws in Cuba that Its people can no longer tndure them and they have rebelled. The. United Htates, unoUI cially perhus, has urged Spain to come to an agreement with the In surgent, eivintr assurance of reforms "A republican convention for the Ln(, ,llU!j w.n)et a lastimr in-ace. first congressional district, of the This. Hi.aln r. f.isis in do. hut plain, state of Oregon, Is hereby called, to the flj,ht to crUnh ,he reyolt by f()rce meet in the city or Aioany on iues- of arins Thl,t Hhe w,r,ain,y ,ia!l lt, day, April 7, 189G, at 3 p. in., for the r,K,lt ,0 but ,t nust effucted purine of nominating a candidate by lumano loi10ds in obedience to for congress and two delegates to the the ,aw wlning o ,w unlvenwlly national convention. The conven- aj(),,ttl,( as ab()Ve gpecifled. Hpaln tlon will consist of 122 delegates, to tmiU the n,urg(,ntll M outlaws, as be cn.iscn Dy me several counues, mbls-rs, to be shot, hung, butchered, US." UfcXJ. A. HTfcKli, Wir.MAM Kapits, Chairman. Secretary. Portland, Or., February fi, 189(1. KF.PriH.ICAN DISTRICT U)NVKNTION 1ST tXNaKKrfHIONAI. UIHTKHT. hou when It was replaced with these resolutions, reported from the foreign affairs committee: "Resolved, By the house of repre tentative (the senate concurring) that in the opinion of congress, a state of public war exists in Cuba, the parties to which are entitled to belligerent rights, and the United State should observe a strict neu trality between the belligerents. "Resolved, That congress deplores the destruction of life and property caused by the war now raging on Ue island, aud believing the only per manent solution of the contes t equally In the interest of Spain, the people of Cuba and other nations would be the establishment of a gov- taiES CREEK. Suow, mud and politics are the muni prominent feature at preseut. We had two inches of snow on Sunday, with heavy wind and hard frot, which, I tear, has damaged tne early cherries and pears. You could see the white on the cherry buds and the red on the pear tuiK Mud, yes, mud and bad road from here to Ilill.-Ujro. Something should I done to remedy the nuisance. I think the suiervlsors are not to blame. Our gravel, as well as our graded mud roads tire ruined by too heavily-loaded w.;gon. There ouI t to be a law so that heavy loads would be prohibited. Our rouds would stand a ton, but when you put forty and sixty hundred on one wagon, it is nearly lmpMble to make a road bed to stand, when the ground is full Highest of all in Leavening Power Late U. S. Gov't Report m v. m w ABSOLUTELY PURE ernment by the choice of the people of water. Oue thousaud feet of green ofCuba.it Is the sense of congress lumber will weigh two ton. Ihere ti,. ci, .,.., is often two thousand put on oue that the Lnlted States government D Such ,hi M not snoum ue its good offlce and rnenuiy Uowel. Five hundred dollars will influence to that end. not repair the damage that our road "Resolved, That Ihe United States w "rove has received from over has not Intervened In struggles be- ifJ wK,,ns tween any European governments 1 and their colonies on the continent, members. Our orecinct is determ'l nl but from the very close relations be- to have a commissioner this year. tween the people of the United States We have plenty of good material to and those of Cuba, in consequence ol ch,l from. Its proximity and extent of com- " art . . or 8 merc-e between the two ieoples, the of ,,ryi j," ,ulb4.r on haIuli present war is entailing such losses d will saw enough to till all bill. upon the people of the United States W. II. Lyda has all his los down. that conarress is of the oninlon that t'utml u cl"'4- HUtt is pre follows : Ronton 5 UkeJ 8 Coos 4 Lincoln 3 Curry 2 Linn 10 Clackamas 12 Marion 19 Josephine 4 Polk H Jackson 7 Tillamook 3 Douglas 9 'Washington II Klamath 2 Yamhill 9 Lane II ss they aro apprehended. The gov ernment refuses to be bound by the Is pared to till all bills at short notice. There has been a great quantity ol plowing done this winter, and some have sown Iheir wheat. Mr. Ileisler sowed some, also Mr. Williams. Your correspondent thinks ad the country needs to make it prosperous is republican rule. lOKNtLllS. The Fitrmingtou band gas'e a con cert and danco last Friday evening, which was well attended. John Dobbins, U. G. I anus and Wilson Taylor attended t ho dance here Friday evening. Jo Fairchild .returned Tuesday from Vancouver, where he has been on a visit. R. W. McNutt has been confined lo his room for a short time, but Is now able to be out again. Our school closed this week. We are sorry to lose the principal, Mr. Curtis, as he is one of Washington county's best educators, and our di rectors should have kept him here. At our school moetinir Moudav. J. The following Is not an official stute- R. Miller was re-elected director, aud ment, but it is kuown from careful Tom Talbott for clerk. inquiry that It accurately represents w- McNutt will move from the administration's views of the! . Vancouver, wnere no lias While the president and members the K. of ,, bv rvini, ,luim ilh of the cabiuet personally feel the tine supper after their meeting, sympathy, common to all Americans, A Mr. Shaw, of Marlon county, with the Cubans who are contending "rpK0", was in our city luesday, for self-government, they feel that in "r " ' '"r "rugsiore. nii'in .ui.uii wrm 10 i oriianu depart from the well-settled prin- our merchants. clples which were f illowed by former Mr. McOinnls. south of town, lost residents and secretaries of state la child I ist Haturdav. It was buried durinsr orior insurrections in Cuba. Sunday. Ae did not learn the the government of the United States should prepare fo protect the legiti mate Interests of Americans by inter vention, if necessary." These resolutions were adopted by avvteor 203 to 17 and sent to Ihe senate, where they are now pending. It will be noticed that both sets of resolutions are concurrent aud not joint. A concurrent resolution does not require the signature of the pres ident, while Joint resolutions do, hence the chief executive has discre tion in the matter. The president's sentiments are outlined In part in this news report printed on the morning of March 4th : "The president and his cabiuet un doubtedly are strongly oposed to the present recognition of the bellig erency of the Cuban insurgents, and to any declaration concerning their IndeiMMidence as embodied in the recent congressional resolutions. matter: were agreeably surprised by the vUlt of a relative, whoso residence is Mil waukee, Wis. The Presbyterian congregation has purchased a tino new bell for their church, which gives general i satisfaction. Mr. P. Peterson's refusal to serve j another year as supervisor of the Port laud road, is regretted by all. For tw o years he has devoted all hi time to that Important district, and : tne improvements made during that time are gratefully acknowledged. But no man will spend all his time for a whole year f ir a remuneration of $100 per annum, while others who have not done one-fourth that amount of work, aud whose districts show it, will receive Irom three fourths or more, of that Hmouut. There must .be something wrong about the law. IS THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THS I 1 Butt of (rKon. fur WuUlniloa Among tlie very luauy illustrations made last Tuesday even ing by Hon. T. II. Tongue, was one very convincing. Speaking of the utterances of sietikers two and four years ago touching the tariff thcu in force and the one prou-ed, Mr. Tongue called attention to what was then termed theories. Now they are found to lt fic's nil I theoriz i'lif is no longer necessary. The logic of (he history of our revenue laws is irresistablw. rules of civilized warfare. This emphasized by the recall of Compos, la hutnano commander, and the ai I pointinent of Weyler, a man w ho has already, in former campaign! earned the, reputation of butcher II .. ... ..I . ..r I .. . ct i.. . .. iti. .., loio.u. ccuu.sw ui whs reiusui in Piiniu 10 large for each county, and one for fir' in8Uro government to Its each 00 votes, or fraction over one- sU"Jw,,, in Culm' uu'' " to roat half thereof, cast for the republican tho '""urgent captured in battle as governor at the election held June 4, P'""'" war, the United States 1894. "Tho committee recommends that the primaries and county conventions be held in accordance with the rec ommendation of the state central committee. THOS. H. TONOUE, Pres. J. A. Wiion, Secretary. REPl'BLICAX COl'STT CtmEV TIOS. A republican convention for the county of Washington is called to meet in the city of Illllsboro, on Thursday, the 2d day or April, 189ii, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing eleven, delegate to attend the first congressional convention, to be held In Albany, April 7, 1 896, and eleven delegates to attend the state republican convention, to be held In Portland, April 9, ISM, and to trans act such other business as may prop erly come before the convention. The convention will consist of 118 delegates, chosen by the several pre clnts, a follows: N. Forest Grove..5iWapato is taking step looking to the ree (ignition of belligerent rights for the insurgents. These rights ensure prisoners the protection aecordiHl by civilized nations nt war with eac otlur, aud will ultimately lead to the recognition of the independence of Cuba. Jlelligcrent rights and inde pendence aro not recognized till the insurgents show by numliers and by sutxvss that they have established regular form of government whic they aro successfully maintaining, This tho Cubans have done. Of course, tho American republic will he sooner Influenced than mnnarchial EuroK. The United States, If she interferes, will do so in the name of humanity, which the powers of Kuroiie have to recognize, and not liocause of the operation of the Mon roe doctrine or Ihe desire to enforce that Idea SI'AIVH t.KIKVAMK. S. Forest Urove. ltuxton Cornelius Washington East llulte , Gales Creek Dairy Columbia.... i. Tualatin., West Butte. Dilley lieaverdam Mountain.... Rcedville.. . 7 7 ti ti 5 5 a 3 2 6 E. Cedar Crik...7 W. Cedar Creek. .7 Hcaverton 8 8. llfltsboro 8 N. llillshoro 6j The same being one delegate-at-largo from each precinct and one del gate for every twenty votes, and one for every fraction of twelve and over thereof cast tor Gov. W. P. Ird at the June election, 1694. The primaries to be held in the several precincts on Wednesday, March 23th, at 1 o'clock p. m. By order of the Central Committee. Utl March 4, IS. . W. PATTERSON, J. C. Conir, Cbairvian. (! Am ftot vnt th UnltH fKatea to ivojrvia th rllifracy f tAt (hft lAmirgwta. That ut ile U -4 of the mm aalni it mm ) IM1, mht It ncDlar4 th r fl hy tfcathf orWracy Sni i lie inciiienis that have woninleil tho high-spirited hidalgo, Is a resolution n.lopted by the United Slates senate, and the Hist'ches made hy hcnatrs on the kuIJis-I of Cutian indepefnleiice. The foreign sflairs commitlee of llio senate, of which John Sherman is chairman, reported the following concurrent resolution which was del a ted at length, aud adopted on the 23th "lb'solved. Ity the senate (the hoi.se of representatives concurring), that, in tho opinion of congress, condition of war exists lstween the government of Spain and the govern ment proclaimed and for sometime maintained by force of arms by the sople of Cu'in ; and that the United States of Aa.eric should maintain atrict neutrality I nveen the trm tending pi.uers, according to each all the rigl.. of lielligercutt In th porta and l rritory ol the Unlteil Stated." Several amendnif nfi were ofti-ntl, but tieli was riJ'Ttcd. The ffpaniah people were and are f rrdtly excited. At Barcelona, frenzied mob at tacked the American consular and With stones broke the w iodo. I he police drove the mob hack. The h government at odo di These were clearly set forth by Gen. Grant in his message of 1875, in which he dealt with the question of the recognition of Cuban independ ence and also with that of the recog nition of belligerency. 'Both Independence and belliger ency are facts, and their recognition malady. Old People. Old people who require in !!, Hon. C. P. Yates took occasion to deny, in most emphatic language, at the llillshoro Repuhlii-an Club, last Tuesday evening, (tint he had made any su h speech in Dilley as attrib. uted to him by "R. C." in the Ore gonlau of February 21st. Mr. Yates U too old a politician, aud has too long opposed populists, to besoun- thoughtful a to fall luto that way of talking. try i nit) ixu&rEsuuxT does not un derstand that Hon. C P. Yates has in any of his public utterances ad vocated the free Co in Hire of silver. and the Oreguuian Is lending itself to the circulation of error when it charge the gentlemau with that thing. X At ice of final Mettlement. t iillllCV. Johu W. 8hut, PUintiff,' . AnniB B. Mv, 1. li. itjt, J. A. K.M, n l J. P. Tuii. T Annit V. Mtyt and L. b. Mj. of lit abov nmJ iloKadauM: In ilia nau:a of th Siaia of Or iron, jrou ara haraby wiainj to appaar and anawar tlia amandiHi ai,aacr ani croaa-complatni of Ilia iKfendant, J. P. Tamlaala, Olad aaainat jrou in its abova ntitiad auil, tn Hi abova namail conn, hjr Mondar, lt tOih dnv of March, 1SS6, ld Us tsilnf Hi lirai dajr of ilia t.rni of id Court iol lowins Ilia axpiralion of th urn pr cribcd In th order for lb publication ol lb a lummoni. And If you fall to an anr, for want thereof, auld dalandanl, J. P, Tamlasta, mil i plr (o lb Court lor th rltt da- imxlv.l in aaid a:uandad anawtr and vroaa t-iHupiHoit axaln-l rnu. u-il: lliataaul J. P. Taiuia.la hav 1cr M,'H-II.I .,,1, . ...I. f .... forc-ful 'oi l3oi.ni, in U. s. ..:.! coin.'wtb inwraai tiurvon Iroiu rirulrruber z, lSyJ, at tba rsi nl g r rni pr aui:uni. fur lha aum of $Jl, aitoriiajr fe, and tba eoaw nod di.bu.-aoMirnia of tbia auil. I n. t lha uiorlftatf dracriofil In aald an rr niul cru--c,iiiilain t and aaaculatl b vou ba lurri-loard, and lb land lbrio dMcritid and in plaiiitilfa comp.aint, and aituatad in Waaliington CjunlT, Or nun, and dcribrd aa folio, to-lt: CoiiimmvliiK at a alak J Irat wt or tba nortiiaual rornor ol Ilia aoiilhaaat quartar ol acr.on tf, X 2 N ol KtW ol Will Alar. iin,l runmiiK ihrnca al 1S.S76 cbalna, th.'t-ie -oiiili I.V50 chain, ll.cnc a.l l37icli in-, ibriu-a north U Jl cbaim po lb p aca of bgiuiiiii)t. cuutauiinif 10 ucrri, Lh ao'd, lo .aiiaty lha aum atora- ml, and lor auch othar and furlbsr dcra aa may Ua rqinlabla, NEW BUSINESS "1 Having rented the Warehouse at Ivist etui of M.uh aon Street Rridge and Railroad Track, ICxst Portland. I. r a term of years, I am prepared to handle Flour, Giam, Mill Feed, Hay. &c. I WILL P0 A COMMISSION BUSINESS. Also Buy and Sell. Cheap Storage. Si'Wwk t.j building. 1700-toot floor space. I Load and Unload Cars. Truck to any patt of the City on short notice. I have as good a stand as there is in the City for Business. I will have a Chop mill in connection. I solicit a share of your orders. . p. s. When Farmers put their load of Cram, Feed or Hay in my hands to sell. I will keep their horses over night free of charge. No Feed Free. Thanking you for past Patronage, I Remain yours, A. S. DUDLEY, 14 lUMaora Areuue. EAST PORTUM. ORKtiON. ii PACIFIC UNIVERSITY - - - THREE COLLEGE COURSES CMSSICAIt, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY to regulate the bowels aud 1-. I will find the true rein inly In I trie Bitter. This medicine d s not stimulate and contains no wii.A-y nor other intoxicant, but acts ns "a tonic and alterative. It acts mildlv by other powers, as the term implies, on the stomach and bowels, adding is merely a formal acknowledgement htrenKtn 'ul Kvng toiirto the or- of a state of things which rightly or f?l!!y FX"', "H,",r', '"J1"' ... . , performance of the functions. Elec- wrongly has come about. The pre- trie Bitters is an excellent appetizer ... . t, a . . a. .. .... ieii.sn 01 recognizing wimi uoes noi sna aids ingestion, uid people find exist, 'is always, and Justly, reirarded 11 lusl exactly what they need NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT too underaigiitHl hav 111 U Ilia r Una! account in tti olRIe ol Johntoii W tin mora, ilsreasuil, in the (.'ouniv Court ol Ilia 3iat ol O'pkou, lor WmlniiKton County, and that n.iul Cou. t lias a.-t tli G.li day ui April, issi at 11 u'oloolt u. 111., fur l.eiiriun and iirt-.-riiiiiiitiir ilia minr, A1 iro a :ulcri'.i,i 111 su u eit: are hrrtby not,. Med lo be and niiper in a nd Cuuri, at aald iate, and inaaa olijuciioiia, 11 any, to ttia a-iiua. ff I. D M n U S W HIT M OK E. C AI.LA W 111 I'MOKK. GEO. WALL I V 111 IMOKK. Kixcutora of ilia m.i wi,i and U'a.aiiirm of Jobiiaou Wliiiuiurv, Uacejad. Ma 1, ' !'. 414.1 SI '4-.li i I r w HAI.K l AT r It U ri;T KXKClTIO. as an unfriendly act and a gratuitous demonstration of moral supiort to Ihe rebellion.' 'It is understood that the adminis tration does not think the present stage of affairs in Cuba justifies any change in the attitude of the govern ment. Its function Is to act and to express feeling. The only action now proiier is to continue to hold responsible for Injury to American Price, 00c. and (1 Hillslioro Pharmacy. per bottle at S.5 REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION. Sylvtpr Culcr and wlfa to Ada Hinas, S3 Vi n re ol a w y. ol a w U aco 7 ' 1 r I 1 1 saraii jl an,j i. iuiu Ai:tniiiiiif to Ltsi lln H inn 1 , St ni t- a nl aouili pari of C D WiI'-ok nnd wn dir. 1 IT 8 to OitCli It Oo, Ht W5S.ll acn-a in t larSw.purt In WnaiiinKtcin couii't, ri niam ler :a in luuuaook nnd Y,iniii,lt 1 oiintif.4 ialnt V 8 to O k C It H Co. M 91 a. le, ill t 3 a r 1 w nnd in t 2 11 r ii w . 1 1 w nit,, 111 1 4 11 r 0 w iialll I citiaens the only government, so fur C h U Ita. hh.i w,i mjuKuua, that has, and maintains Wn, 8 . .,V V,. i . V' V- Ur"v. M0 as apesrs, authority in Cuba, until some other government succeeds, at least tem porarily, in supplanting it.' " Hpaln is trying to find a diplomatic friend in Paris. Negotiations are said to be iicndinir between the French and Spanish, whereby French capitalists are to take a block of 125,000,000 bonds to aid iu the Cuban war. The Italian populace at Home is aroused to acts of violence against Ihe government, because of reverses of the army In Abyssinia. Africa. The Iloman colonial policy don't seem to lie as strong as it was lu the tiuie of Pompey and Cassar. H lKfv. 101 I lilk 5 Sli, r,..,.l J antra M irtm an, I n.. 1,1 Uu::ial V K ley. a w a ' ji c U and lot 2 ai G S I 1 h r 4 , 81 acra Aiuvntan M Junlca (Mow ) tn 8irau troiithtr, part ol ok 17 huiiiiiona add to Huib iro Eieriitnr of a-- V ni j.uly, drr'iV, to II I' Fori, KI.4S hi,i ui ti a Win Jo.iy d I c. . . Ex. or Mate Wni Jul.v, tiet 'a, 1. K MiN.i.ly, 10 Ian .1 ir-e Win Jo! r and will- d I c 1 1 n r .1 r 1. Bpfiiri r to Mary Ann Wn ts, lni 1 H 7 1W 2i m i f i.iii 1 and IS and i 01 ,m 't in fmir a homtia,i, lOiilaiiiiint HO ui n-a li U Ijuvica and a ile I 11 i D.irira, blit -1" tit r.cnamit liuiue add to llfravf rion Win King to Gm V link-1, e i,r lots l,'i and li, ail ol lot 17 and .ha n i nl li 1 Is ,) ilir M;,lar, 4 Van ."ciniyvir trail, Waaln (rion Co., '"i in r. i K Mi M il, on to H P S oaell, u.KJ ai r a.'i 9 1 i n r 4 w BY VlUlCh u" AS Al T Ai'lt M KNT xacutioii, lsuel nui uf ibf t'irciiit Court ol too Sianul Urvieoii, for Waaiilin;. ton Co'iniy, in lavor nl Aliiiiil Hock and air.tno.1 frimcra M ilua., fur tba ..uni nl 'J 1 . c.mta. and lor 111a luriiicr auiu ol 77.14, U. H. gn I roin, witb inirrrai -.licreoii al Hi rata nl i.er tant ir an num, Irom Ilia 17. b iluy ol lVrrmbcr, 18:15, ii-i iur in .uriiirr aum 01 tv, ali'iriiey tec-, and lot til ro.u and ic inra ol j ami 01 aaiu ti.i, ,iow, ini-rt'iori', n, viriu and 111 imra aiiia nl sui t locution, and Iur aant ol su.nuKiu pirannal pr"ieriy, 1 i!i,l, on tin 11111 iiuy 01 u 100 r, lka., duly Icyy on nil 01 in 1 irrsi 01 in uuieuilaill In tl nsrciiiaui-r ui- iriKrn tf.il proptriy, and 1 wo , on .Monday, tli bin nay of Aoii 1VJ;, al tba aouth ,:o ,r ol Hi Court h,,,,.. in tliu.Doro, NValiiin;ton County, Ureiron at tin- hour el 10 o'i loi k a. "111. ol aald day u:i nt auction to tb liiflnal biddi-r Iol Hni. Hum. A. Mi Brida. Juda of tb aiioVM r.atnrd Court, on tb S7iU day ol January. ISi. II A K K K IT A ADAMS, A'tnrnrya for Dnlenclanl, i. f. Tain aal. J1":?. TXllTSi The Academy prepares for Collcflc and gices a thorough English Education, the test pre paration for teaching or business. All ex penses eery lotc. Board and rooms at the Ladies' Hall $3 to $4 per tceeh, including electric light and heat. MIWWWWWW THE COLLEGE DORMITORY SUNSET SKAS0 Or 1W&-18M. WILL RUN TWICE A WEEK Under excellent management, furnishes board and room at $2.25 per iceeh. Many students rent rooms and board themseloes at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 per tceeh. For full particulars, address PRESIDENT McCLELLAXD, Forest Groce, Oregon. WINTER TERM BEGINS JANUARY 2, 1S06. BETWEEN San Francisco and New Orleans iimiAM'. The cold snap, commencini; Edison says he will soon be able to photograph the human brain. We win iici a coon skin lr ne tries his e-puiay, was quito a surprise, lieriinent on the cranium of a popu- "H,"e ,,rm' w ar" "x'klng around list the first time, he will make a ?1W "u,',ly of hi, He may get a Jumbled in. iTJ'.TZ '.f I0.?...!" '. ...i i. .... . . j,....vv .,.-,..,.,,.,1,1- Hifis,uut uij ontiu pnoto-1 17th ult. ISi-rtrceiy a wek Idler. Mrs graph. Concluding a paragraph wherein the candidacy of Mr. Hermann Is re viewed, the McMlnnville Tteporter remarks: If about one more oppor tunity was afforded him to stum tn with the democra's and populists against republican relief measures for the tariff and treasury reserve, there Is no telling here he mikrht gd off. -X . Jl!l' If Indiana want to honor heraelf and the ettlos, the can Mil doll by lertin( Kenjamin Harrison to the I'nltfal 8tl tvnate iVr i pre- wntattvr. II it on oth brainieai ain it tb (nufiiry rid biieiiri- face In tb midenti4l chaif would i invtiabi ntof. Ho is an on of the c!tancrt men la public A and r priaawicd of jind Judg- ment which Would b fnnA valuable n the rewtoration of the country to crs were pis-irur nnct prosperity at the termination of the 'fc,hny. It li umlcr-too I Hint th toilet went to Portland on businewt. Itefurning home In the evening, the wngon was uiM-t and rolled down the canyon, liriver and horses es caped unharmed, but Mrs. Collet sus tained a broken arm aud other severe injuries. She is still in a eriiiotl con dition. On this, her double affliction, the kind-hearted old lady has the sympathy of her many friends, who wish her a s?edy recovery. Some peculiar exhibitions of horse manship have lieen noticed here lately, which may ttnd to put a stop lo in reckless, use of the noble animal. Mr, F. Toelle lis found a situation In Portland, leaving the twnd with out a leader. Mr. A. Fur-gy, for avcnl years With Mr. F. Dysie, now conducts a Diacuwmth shop by himself. Taking one of these shop for a center, there are now four of tnem within a radius of aUut one in ile. Mtny liitelliiieiit appearing atran- nim ring for cam, li. .u .owin (luatribtd rval proi Liiik-, iM-imc and ailuatrd in Washing luu V.UUHI;. , uri'Kou, auu nior mrtn.'U a it nni riiH-o ny ot jjiniiliiK at llif ii ,,rl ot lO ni r nl ariuin 1 1 1 s it 1 W o n.a .u fr, ami rumen llirnca aoul i i n. una; inane eaat 20 rloi.n ilii'iico norm aj iba; lliaiu tt )cuto ,uc oi oc .miuih-, roionii.in 4) m, u 1; l, uriliK a ,ait ol tne D L Col lubn C. iiuruea ami wiiv. .Ali iihni oilier purl o mmiM u u I, uuiiiiai'tJ uv i.i-i 1 1 11 , i . 0 ,,t H oaj 1 aoulll Aasl cirni-r of aa d afi-Lim, II running tbciu-e asl iiootr. i. lia,na and 1 HUBS lo 1110 aouilieaat toru.r .1,1 I,... a u claim i,iiiu j nor. 11 ao ui VI io cli. i,. t cciii r in, 01 a couniv road paaaln kiiiouirn a t ii i-:iun - iiitfiirtl Kliinir ,.! ai trul ,inu - a. din. Jtt mi l. arat 7 n i.. lUem-f roiitinu.iii; a'oin- aid r.a,l N fri Ut'S. 10 1111 U. Rt l ntl'JUt 21 L:ill,a n,.r I. "oiniiaui aal.l liiliil claim : , lieuce m-t alu,n I ba cm lo l lie imriliaaai corner ot a trac ol laud conveyed t Auiaiida B imra t, K I.l eth !3lia tielliinl l,v . ,.. al .ae lil!t,. I bn.a -V"ol record. ol ,o.l. ol sai,i n ,i.si,iii(fi, hi I omity ; ttiencv auulh aiioui 21 cha lo a aout it b ,iiml i... I of kind 1) I, I : tnenr tt 70 dep :ti inn, I a ouir a.d boundary lin about M.ob to a n.riier at an iiiner or re-eiitrnut aitfrl uu tiir tx.niidnrir In id aanl claim; tlianr a 1 deir A t nilti W aimiii u Fw,-l,. irt .. i w l Uliu ol aai, ciailli : llit-tue li. m,init no i.k. lo Ilie 1'iucu nt li.-tf in ii iii I I,. I..-. .1 - U 1 .rr.l .l r:l, t I nil Outline himiIi: UI rrm a,l b n tract i cicl,y o:vey,i coutaininir Aim a url ol m I I. C of John C. II me and ale in .t-t 2 and 31 1 S U 1 ii oi i in .ner ii, part neieiiv convi'v,! oing bi'iiiiovil i,y legiiimiiK at llietj corner in ine .n r. ol -aid ."-eu a and run nil, a; u.enco iiiunu' a . bi,I in, ot a:nd oiiiiiii a .out :a "l.a to In iriiir.il line ol in couniv roi l Ji cue I in an., I claim iben"e aioim a od cvnii ai line 6) drg r, mm E 2-' ami .1 ilea-3.1 mm K .bom 7 cba lo in E -t ie in, ol and t.airn; tbence a, on i aaid t I. no to a i,oint at cna a of tne line , i and Sec V; ilit-nr W to tb tt one 01 a i,i rec i a 'oil I Jil , l a! llieiica s a nr ii.il V line lib nit 2'i li to tii nitir of b,;ii.iiiiig, conta'iiwiff anotit bl acrea of land. Aito a fart of th t I. C nf 1 !m r. Hirnei and ii in T 1 S It 1 W of Wiil Mer, th part hrehy cnnreipl hins : oun ir-l In- ies:tm:ns at ll.c W rifur of tha N W V ol Seriof a d I .wnahin. and runiniiK o.cnre N Idi.- thenc K Jh cha; Ihfnr ti Lout SScn and K4 linkaln ill central lino ot cnuntr rial aaaing thro inn aaid clnlni ; ,.pn -e ahmif th aaid re itrsl line IS a den ni n W "1 eha a..ri 3) li and N .ft d-c lo mm W i2 . na tna N I . lie ui m I and c, mill : tildes K ;,tMitiv 2J.-h.aid 71 111 lollif inrrnf heirin n i, ir, aair.n. rxi'.init and reaervnio; tjini tna uper tiun lie rei.f a terpetua. rilit ol wnv, To lent in wi.lt. i, upon and i on tb? fc -nle ot the land more de arr hd, and a Ijo nmir the K iin lh rpif ad the di-iame .roin i.'ie N K enrner to 1 1 S K cor-ier mer ot, L.cb nt.it ol way li t npn riv l.l t-iiti -, l-.l lr I ...i .1 .... I h.ir. an I a u-n . l i i;i-ly ih !iri!ilt- BOSTON I ir liiiiu-J autn , an I lor th list and for OVSR THE GREAT SUNSET ROUTE LEAVING SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAYS & SATURDAYS From Tuesday, Xoreiubcr t, 1905. The moat complete, modern, elegantly equipped and perfectly arranged Verti- buled Transcontinental Train to America. New Equipment, especially deaigned aad built for this aerrlce. S Y?-r., f ' , s are lost tSrSMSCedLS annually. dlrMtly and Indlro.-lly, by peolo ho ca-inot do their own Ouurinit, wrlla tlielrna u latter, or keep their own lj.ajk; uml who dn not know when biislnoaa and loiral impels Wblch tbey raujt bandle every day uro madn out correc-tly. ar.tll thnse tliiinrs. aad KUCb more, we teaidi UuHoHtfhly. Hundred, of our graduaics nrn in on noalilona, and there will booponinirs for llodreda more when times improvi-. Awn s tho I lino to prapare for thoni. tb-sidea u buatoea education t worth all It. nnu. fr one a oirii tuw. Send for our cutaluauu te MWP wkat and Sow we tnaclt. .Mailed tn-j- to iniy uddroaa. Portland Business College, a. f. rin. Portland, Oregon, j. A. w.Mi nmanttr THE LEADING DRUG HOUSE TUB. NHW DIKECT COXXECTIO" IX OKt.EAXS K0R ALL EASTER rOITTS. qi'ICK TIME. The Ilillahom IMiarm.... o. i , only, and i. thomnai.l. "n,K ,r.!" ," '"" reliable tiiauiif,,, !,,, i M . , n... . . ,.rt. i in i mi at oioat-i of me chaain the beat I urug aiOre. ' - an iniar ui nioat (ll-pcliMii All the ten, lino .a:.,U ..r I, i Jao oo hand. " " c '-i Ai.i.hs Hml rvery renuisiin nrmmiTl,,. .i i.. . urai-riaaa tirew-rmtinn m. i..., n-i ... . . . - t"'Tr"y hi- ipproved latest re n.lic. .; :;;. ' V..''rJ,-,':r.s ?r0 atrl,f..l ll.at Hie . dicine and pharmacy ad7an,-e lb i. " a. l ""M'k th ltu"' m ita Him.lL. nTi.?Z T.' .? '""r l-uliar a.lvantttaea in ...,r- NORTHERN PACIFIC 1 PATEST MEDICINES of .11 nr,.. Tba aoeet WINES and LIQUORS ai hiK-ULASSKS ar kinila alwaya in itork. applied in c-eaofeiuknc. on pre riptiu R U N G Pullman Union Block, THE HILLSBORO PHARMACY, Hillaboro, Oregon ExcfBtar'i .otl N0TtC IS HEREBY tb underaifned bat County Court of Waahin GIVES. THAT Count. n.m"iL"u"" "T.n- "r the OB. lnnnini.1 . .7". "mnlr. Ur- Sleeping Cars WJIfAftS I ss - I - "" ti ar berebv .. n ...i Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. PAl'L iiVmjtm jFARMr VHAI FOHIi IKOOKXTO. fftlVltfH Mltlk and iHlTIK r.nt Ih.m t,. ml "T.:1'""'' """d to at th law olUce of H it u V" ou' DEATH TO ritl'rr Vi.STs. maka the Orchard n. Brtwa'a laaert Extermi-... broCigb Vr:t. It.r r..." ,,r'"lr". dt-mocratic adainbtrMion. A (f gteilM Ukfimnmmlot the tvuvavd the act n4yned trgti !u MiMHtniit i!itotded Valtni fUtttw. IHtrm it to In our fovtMsr. I'lHlMhllMML TIi- fMdi.Ul Mt U 'UMtttUM. "ic 'iin.-;iiu uir vttiinu I nools. Tnis rtiuuty is, at l-a-l lor Ihepn-s-ant, Well luiuilied Willi tilack-inltli atiout atid teachers. Tba fulfill r ilr. Javl VUu.r autn .ant lor th ea:a aid lii'fnti of aaid m i. (till f ropi-ny iii b ani I aul ;,- to rr de'ili mi .-r at i u ol 4J-. n. W.mtn n y l a i i thin 5:n iiav i f Mrch, Uf l!. P KiRD. s .er.if of W .h nc: ni I iu uv, O e.o -. 1 1 in it II i i. 41 A A o.ri.i f rl'ami.ff. rinrjti.o WAHIt.TO jlllMliEI.PHU SEW YORK ai ail POtSTT Et4T ASP XirTB Tickets... rr;u" '"w. ndorted b the -TO Ihera of the H indi.i.1,,-1 mem- llnrtlcm tveof r.iif.:." """ t of ton. U.Md b.,"! WMln vrrcnardim. .mi..." ! ,"""1 "d om-.ion tbat will . ....r wann ta m I mmA I t . - m nn I. Illaai oi tb- .,JT '"V ' T n I , 1 1 a I l.fl" I .. ieatroyrr n n,. ' "i-'-cia eiceiil ll-V IU.I .1,.. . Bop ta;. ;;jr: ia Tarnn- The U. S. (Jov't Reports tbow Royml Biking Powdf L. smpmior to m1 otiiin. m e and Nirt-i.rn facine Mt... .an Ani.H,... n... nt A Aislstaat Gen M X0RR1905 faiieS.. Wr . .. aajca mat inf.'. Biantai Ibeinati.. ntinneiped n.rt,.. . J " "'na l-'WW pf. ii rw .. ; . D. CHARLTON, KIT .1 . rw. urn, hrthnc. --v-'tt -' ' IF. U.l, ..-7 b "!r.,-.J'"'ir It i..., T.. COR. TtttB.. ?'Of1.f. Br,.2T: Knto- VICK'S Sweet Mixed Varieties Lb- Peas . Half IS. 93n. Quarter lb. loo. . .'I ho ( F,ly DOUBLE SWEFT PEA Bride of Niagara, Tltfl-J nr NAME 'A Packet 2ci. Half pack ft inc. Wond .rl'ui KAMDLER ROSE CRIKSON Ooly 15 c.ints. The J'ion,-, !- .Vv -.,,,, FLORAL Vi.. I mulile bwert V, I died with a -'d and nrw. I H-'wert, Vrjn ,l I nut., ei. linn an. prtnr. rereij.1 of f i c -r- ..:'v n slila.w'. 1 nrh C'ir.lair, hi . Hoa. f in l.-i I -a-'.rrTn "' li,i..k-1, I. I of I. Sn-.all iei; i,M m r. r . .. , i j VI o n Ai I II. IE J I Bj-.ELr.ii. . . f' I In.S.i,, l . . j I f ill n htrry. M t, 1" h I t-a.r T. n.n, 14 I' " l!onl teVrtriri it tft ,4; GUIDE r ohter M. v. JIKES VICKS sons: ' MaUoa ihx -oiruia. r-r-c. , 0