Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, February 28, 1896, Image 3

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tukcn In excliunge at the
;.;. iar.
ioxl hay, aTii low price. K. II.
umu. 40-44
lra.irles, in all colors und style,
ut Si-tiulim-rich & Son's.
( all on Humphrey for loans on
too l iroirtytuU farm to ri'iit ami
to M il.
If yen srs in nocd of a Hewlnir inn
clnii, rail at the liaxaar U-fore
()i:o liundr.il nix) fifty pound
rhoicH clovt-r awl for Hale. V. A.
l'.illiotl, (ill'IIPOC.
Hoys' and children' chim, all ntylm,
at Nluilnrnrlh 4 Hon'. Jut the
tiling to wcnr to acliool.
Oxfords in all style, ladlV and
mi-', at tiriccs and Mtylin to auit
the times, at Hrliulmerlcli A Hon'.
Wanti-d To rent, a farm of 80 to
Inn acre on the Hliarc, or inunt b
chea for cash. V. K. Hyde, Hills
dale, Or.
liuli (ircer can m-ll you all kinds of
of"1 and eufipe!y (told J"s Hnl
i.e. -.- 'hi up ti- you trim t.j tin-Hi
n I )rln..d. I'l tj
le '.'n-'! -otd IoUhin t' l an on
" i i''M f-irtji- cimifv- J ;iiiiu .?
. , . !," J aciIu St.,
1'ortlund, Or.
lwt A plain gold band linger
ring, large enough for a baby, and
engraved on the inside. The Under
will le suitably rewarded by leaving
it with Dr. ('. U. Brown.
. 1 ' i t ITnrr. A. O. IT. V,
,. : . ini.i d in Wtiilioro last Fri
,i v !'i tl irty-pw .'barter mem
i .Irs. Jul. a .. (Jault, of Me
U (ti ini.ing olllcer.
r .( f"id-framed eye-
in n .m iKxliht enurcn
:M.d r . ''nee of Mrs. S. J.
(, , i . . I in I r will receive suitable
i .r l hy r :urniii the same to this
Any one wanting second-hand
household articles will do well to call
at the Cronkite place. Articles for
sale are Hewing-mai'ldne, beds, tables,
chairs, and a number of smaller ar
ticles, which will be sold cheap for
Christian Sunday, March 1st, II
a. m.; theme, "Life or Death," Rom.
fl:2'l. Evening, at 7-30, "The Kind
of Evidence on Which we Heceive
the New Testament." The public
are invited to attend these services,
especially the skeptical.
A new front on the building moved
on the spot from which Landroek's
old shoe-shop was taken last week
helps the apearance of that part of
the block and makes a much Utter
shop for Mr. Landrock, who can at
all times be found there, egging
. The whole cost of assessing Wash
ington county for the year 1805, In
cluding Hold and office work, was no
more than l,8.i. This is in marked
contrast with Clackamas county,
where it is understood that the cost
was $,'i,000, and with Marion, where
$7,000 was spent In seven mouths. It
Is true, Marion Is a larger county, but
It has not Imvii as economical in the
assessor's office as Washington.
Nest Sunday morning, at the Con
gregational church, will la celebrated
the Jloly Communion of the Ird'a
Supper; the theme of the sermon pre
ceding the Eucharist being "Father
Damien; A Sacramental Meditation,"
St. Matthew xvi :'.:.'- -(!. In the even
ing, at 7 :30, the pastor will preach on
"Kcadiness," taking for text Mathew
xxv:IO. The other services are Sab
bath school at 10 a. m.; Junior C. E.,
at 4 p. in., and C. E., at 0 UJ0 p. in.
Gim Kempfer, on the day of his
wife's funeral, was visited by ajpetty
thief. Mr. Kempfer had S0 in coin,
which be gave to his mother-in-law,
Mrs. Bo hart, to keep for him. She
placed it in a bureau drawer. When
she went to get it she found it gone.
Sunn other money and watches were
in the same drawer, but these were
not mole-ted. From these circum
stances, it is thought some one saw
Mrs. Bohart dcHsit the money,
vUiuit Ji. Mwsl at the tlrst
Oj.pi il I'll'M .
Tiii ' "i'' -ii'iis ri.j i r.. of the Ore
ynt. Mil I'i- f'i- n -i ll ji of Hon. T.
li. iViihU' - 1- ' in- 't that place,
last IFrnlay evening: "Hon. Thos.
II. Tongue lectured Iiefore the stud
ents of the Agricultural college last
evening upon the subject, 'Genius
and Plodding. The address was at
tentively listened to and the speaker's
eloqucnio and choice language won
f.,r h ut In r v i iplnuae. Among
,,'.. :;.i.v-, le imiJ: 'In making
M, .1-. i . i ii i r. of great men,
t:,,,,, hi i i- i llm-n'm-e as to
v im:ii-- -'mi!'..! pisar, and also
s io uicir jhisiiioiis. PiH'ts, orators
and statesmen would all have a place.
But hence came the jaiwer to place
them at such dazzling heights? They
Hsldid there. Nothing allured
Ihein from their chosen purpose.
The reason that such attained the
aoal while others failed was duo to
the f u t that they had capacity for
great work. Humanity can produce
nothing of value without great work,
(leuius is acquired by plodding.
Menial toil begets mental strength.
Wealth and luxury are generally
.! f i t boy's success. You can not
i nl.
ur father's latent, oiner-Mi-rage
f England would
je of Intellect. The great
!ve come from the humbler
;il"i, and been the greatest
" The Corvallis Times,
ic) ssaklng of the same
e-i i i
w .i ! t -
I Ion'''-
i I II I.
it I ..
I i .'.r'l
ys; "A large audience
I: n. T. H. T)iigue, of Hills
I uro at the O. A. C. rhajs'l
l T
t .
,.. . ening, and all preseui were
,t i. i v enlertoineil by the sqwak
I. - subject was HJenlns and
.-' ' n .-,' and the central idea in
... i i . -ss was that the result ae
,sl by what we term genius,
, i i. alily the pnnluct of patient
. i i ling work. The majority
i ni n come from the humbler
i life, the necessities of youth
, .. ii iiiiia ..f i.liklitimr that work
f r:
V "
c t -l
p .
I ,.
I I '
! :
attainment and make the
I . (tribute to him who is In
- I pnnession of great genius.
, i-wion of riches in early 'Ife
- r. bit ns nmny limes a misior
'r. Tongue Is a clear-headl
.ik r ind a pollsheil snnker, a
'. t i make his candidacy for the
n . .in mi the repubr1nn ticket
- .! neither ill-timed nor
k, ;t. , riat" s
Oily (imnuion ought to be his
name, ror his lubricant was Hufllciuit
to catch our 8. S. nox, of Oanton.
Ix-nox was on the L'. S. erand lurv
in l'ortlaml during the early winter
months, when he formed the ac
quaintance of a well-drewtetl, prepos-
sensing man or about 30 years or age.
This party was Introduced by Jacob
Andersou, formerly of this county,
and well known in llillsboro. Mr.
"Uaiiimnn" Is slick. He belong
to the Name church. They sansr to.
gfther. They well, the prayers
were probably solos. The utranger
wanted to go into business and want
ed a rtner. His mother, a widow,
had abundant means, but for imme
diate use f J00 was neled. He was
favorably impressed vSth Mr. Lcncx,
and if he would contribute I he f2W
at once the partnership could be
formed and a stock of druirs bought.
Mr. Lenox did uot close the bargain
that day, but came home, where, in a
few days, he was joined by tkis confl.
deuce man. Tlinir agreements were
concluded, and lenox hyjiothecated
a piece of paper by which he got the
use of f.'i'o. He gave fjoo to the
new friend to buy stock and fixtures,
while .he stayed behind for a short
space to sell Ids personal ctfccLs and
prepare for his new home. When he
went to Portland he missed his part
ner, and has kept missing him ever
since. He is gone. And fjno is
gone, iiut Ham has a job lot of
M;ir.' i f . ur r'-.'U't
hiTf (I.i.ii, v ill ttn,i.ini t
i-H-ltif, .) , fun! or
'. , W T.ll
r A. I.
tin. -i
ai:o. puct ed his plu-i.iraj.
t.-i.i in i
liil .luro and staged I n' -cvi-ra'
'.Vcck.-. lie VtuS a K'ssi artist, Mini
made la-tter pictun-s than have since
tsH-n sent out from the tent. Shortly
after leaving here, he gave up pho
tography and studied medicine, giv
ing particular attention to the eye
and ear. He drifted into Ea-tern
Washington, where he built up a lu
crative practice. He is now at Pa
louse, ashington, and president of
the Black fisit Consolidated Gold
Mining Company, capitalized at
$1,000,000. The company owns six
bilges that assay from $1.75 to $1UI
per ton. The ris k is free milling.
Dr. Severance was at the Spokane
Miners' Meeting, and, though he is a
millionaire, he maintains the same
modest and affable tearing as when
in his tent here at llillsboro.
A few evenings ago, Heal Estate
Agent Rucker went to his sleeping
apartments for his night's rest. He
had but touched the bed when he
heard a tapping and a grinding noise
proceeillug from the direction of the
bank vault, which Is in the adjoining
building. He could account for the
noise on no- other hypothesis than an
assault on the bank vault by hurg
lars. Hucker, lielng a carerul and a
methodic man. notified the sheriff
and his deputies of his supimsed find
The trio Investigated, and discovered
that the disturber of the quiet and
peace of the neighborhood was Bob
Greer's man, who naa louna, at cios
Imr time, that their large coal oil
tank wis leaking. The tapping and
grinding noise was the oil pump,
with which Eil was changing the oil
from the leaking tank into a sound
one. The thick, brick walls muttied
and disguised the noise, hence Mr.
Bucker's mistake.
The llillsboro Republican Club
will hold its opening meeting next
Tuesday evening; that Is, the first
meeting of the campaign after the
election of its officers. It looks now
as though our favorite, Hon. T. It.
Tongue, will lie nominated for con
gress, In which event he will be so
busy that no opportunity for him to
address the club will present after the
convention. This being the condi
tion of atlairs, the club's executive
committee aked Mr. Tongue to ad
dress the meeting next Tuesday.
After some hesitation he has consent
ed to do so. On this occasion the
club will put forth on extra effort fur
a good meeting. Music, both vocal
and instrumental, is to lie a feature,
though, of course, Mr. Tongue's ad
dress will be of greatest interest. The
final arrangements will be announced
In the hand bills to be posted Mon
day aftcrnmm or Tuesday morning.
The Delta drug store now has the
side formelly occupied by the Jew
eler, shelved with fixtures, a fac
simile of the shelving on the other
side of (he store, w hich Is said to have
cost over $I,immJ. The new work Is
the product of J. G. Johnson's
mechanical skill, and is of sucrior
workmanship. The lumber is from
our Oregon mills, and finished in its
natural colors. Passers should call
and admire the work.
Rev. James McDonald, pastor of
the M. E. church, will lie in Ills pul
pit Sunday morning and evening a
usual. There will lie good music and
singing at both services, but more
iallv in the evening. The sub-
leet for discussion In the morning Is,
"No torn promise om rviis.iniii!iii:ii
anil Courage." The evening subject
Is, "Is Conscience a Safe Moral
Howard C. Tripp gave two tem
perance lecture here last wk to
fair audiences. Mr. Tripp Is a good
speaker, though of the sensational
order. He Is, t.s),amewhat Uu H"'
to egotism, which is Been in libersl
quotations from bis ow n pis ins. He
is a good talker, yet hardly equal to
Griggs, who was here aliout a year
The latest use to which photogra
phy has tss n adopted is the making
of a picture of the pureha-er upon the
back of the ticket he buys. The time
required for this is less thata min
ute. The pictuie is not put on by an
adhesive, but Is printed directly on
the cardboard and cannot lie effaced
except by a nnvhanical erasure.
The LadiiV CotTe Club, auxiliary
to the llillsboro Fire Ivpartment,
have Issued invitations for Tuesday
evening next to attend their second
anniversary. There will ls speeches
and other exercise, concluding with
Ml Van.lersal, assisted by the
Christian Endeavor of the Congrega
tional church, will give a "Brownie"
entertainment at the opera house
March 6lh. Program next week.
Hair oils, complexion and tooth
powders and other toilet articles, to
be sold at coet, at the Baxaar.
J. I. Knight is prepared to make
loans of from $.V to $I,ihm). See him
and get his terms
Sweaters! Sweater I Cotton and
wool. Prim, from cent up, at
Schulmerich Son's.
unt' furnishing good, all kinds,
lust from the factory, at Schulmerkh
A Son'.
Go . to Greer' for onion set and
seeds. 40-6
All kinds
ol garden
seeds at
Kmbroidery and edgiug, a new
line, Just arrived, at rSohulmerich A
Persian Bloom, Almond Cream
and the best face preparations, re
duced, at the Bazaar.
I'rof. Palm, w 11 known in llills
boro, has been engaged to teach in
the Portland schools.
Outing Hanm-I and xhirting, all
styles and prices, unt quailed, t
Schulmerich A Son's.
A large delegation from llillsboro
went to MeMinnville on Weduestiay
evening last, to pay a fraternal visit
to the K. P. lodge of that town.
The annual school meeting: for this
district occurs next Monday. The
otllcers to te elected are one director
and a clerk. The meeting will be
called to order at i o'clock p. m.
The undersigned calls the attention
of the people who left articles for
repairs with II. Unternahrer, that all
such will he sold after March 15th.
40-11 L. V. Uk.im KMots.
The oae of rubliers lost some time
ago by Mr. Tupper were found this
week in the stun or .Mwrs. en
rtini A Son. where they had been
.'ll' 'I:
me other cases of mer
were not for Immcdi-
: I-
inn at Forest Grove are
Fifteen candidates were
admitted on one evening this week.
The brethren from the Hillsbora
lislge were present to assist on that
The passenger rate war between
the Southern Pacific Company and
the O. R. and X. i still on, and
promises to lie more fierce than ever.
The S. P. announces a rate of $10
and $5 for the Sunset limited, which
leaviM Portland next Tuesday, the
!ld, and every five days thereafter.
On Friday evening, February 21st,
Mr. J. B. Stewart tendered a very
enjoyable party to a number of his
friends, at his residence in Farming
ton. The evening was quickly pass,
ed with music and dancing. At
midnight dainty refreshments were
served, which concluded this very
delightful occasion.
From similarity of Jobs, the party
or parties ho robbed the safe at the
llillsboro station last week, have
calh-d at N'ewherg, In Yamhill coun
ty. On Tuesday night last, a store
in that city was opened, money tills
robbed, anil work commenced on the
safe. A hole was drilled, but for
some reason, probably fright, they
fled, leaving all the t.sils on the floor.
It la'gins to be liclieved that there is
a gang of cracksmen on the West
Some days ago, Mrs. Cisly, a mar
ried woman, mysteriously disap
peared from Tacoma, Wash. At the
time, her husband was in the East,
but as soon as he had word of her
disapiarance, he came to the Pacific
and instituted a search. Insanity is
thought to lie the cause for her wan
dering. A rewnrd of $1,000 Is of
fered for Information leading to a
knowledge of her fate. A photo
graph and description of the missing
woman Is displayed in the window
of the Hillslsiro postoffice.
Deputy Fish anil Game Protector
Bagley, assisted by Deputy Sherill'
Burke Ttfngue, have made several
arrests of trout fishers I he past week.
On Monday, young Scheilfclin was
caught with trout in his possession
and fined t-0. This he paid, and
will fish no more till after April 1st,
at which dato the close season ends.
Later, Wesley (Jarrison was arrested,
charged w ith a like offense taking
trout out of season. He stood a trial
before Justice Knight and a jury.
Most of the day was consumed in
listening to testimony and the argu
ment of counsel. The case attracted
much attention. One thing is true
if the law Is a" go.nl one it ought to
be enforced; if it is not, then it
should lie repealed eitizenB ought to
olay the law as long as it is in the
code, anil not experiment to see how
near they can come to breaking it
and still get clear. It may become
necessary to adopt Dinghy's plan -kill
all the fish in the Tualatin and
its branches. In this case, the jury
promptly acquitted the defendant,
because the state could not prove
that he had trout In his possession,
lie had thrown them in the creek.
Another $-'0 of the taxpayers money
has been blown In on costs. Repeal
the law and let the fish Ik? killed.
rilOBATK (Xll'KT.
Estate Win. Greenwood, deceased.
The will of the deceased was admit
ted to probate, and George (ialbreath
appointed admiiiistrator, with the
will annexed, liontis, 1,000.
Estate S. C. Richey, deceased.
Final settlement. Continued till
Monday, March 2, Hihl. t
law tin itr.
S. A. Unwell v. John Sigenthaler.
Action for money. Judgment by
default for plaintiff.
License to wed were Issue. I Febru
ary -, Ib:w, 10 .. i'. .Mees, ageo
:W, and Gertie A. rasicy, agea 11.
February 27th, Iver Jacob Jacoiison,
aged 21 years, and Bertha S. Lillig,
agtl 17 years.
"An oldest lnhabilant,"a few days
ago, told 01 tne organization 01 me
republican party in tins county, in
lhoS. Fremont had made me race
for president in 1s."(f., and had re-
reived votes, but they were stutter
ing, and our"tir-t Inhabitant" thinks
that the first republican ticket nomi
nated in the state was tliaf of Wash-
iugton county.
In 1S"8 there was really but one
party, the democratic, dominated by
A. Bush, of Silcm. The organization
was governed and controlled hy what
was familiar to every politician in the
territory the "Salem clique." There
was opposition, to be sure, assuming
the name of national democracy, but
it was not thoroughly organ! red, and
bad no recogntee.1 leader. The
know-nothing party, In Washington
county, failed, and it wa sought to
organise active nppoaltinn to the
Salem democracy. To effect this, a
call was made fur a mass meeting of
citizen, to advise, one with the other,
coiiivrning the placing of a ticket In
the field county offi.ir. A county
denioWatlc convention, to select
itrlecate to the territorial ronven
the annie dav. In the'
lion, was held
court hou. The only other house
of a nubile character In the village!
was the district wuool house, which
.i i . .i:,i..nifUi.i,rilutr,
then stood some distance east of Peter
Boscow's residence, and to the souin
of Main street. There the opponents
of the regular democracy assemble.!
It was a mass meeting, and pniiti
dans of greater or b proiuinem-e
attended. Goshey, or liosey, aril
Bennett, from Columbia couuty,
came. Dr. McBride, w ho had s ime
aspirations for state honors, was here
from Yamhill county. More from
the county were Hon. T. K Corne.
lius, W. D. Hare, Isaac M. Evans, K
L. Whitcomb and S. Whi'diuh, hi
brother; W. II. Bennett, 11. E. Wiley,
the Cald wells and many others who-e
uamcs are not now recalled. Law
rence I lall was chairman. Hare was
then a young man. Multnomah
county had only a few months before
been set off from Washington, and
Mr. Hare was hire 'copying the
records for the archives of the new
couuty. The first thing that engaged
the convention was to sekct a name.
One iirorstsed National Democracy,
but the old Whigs could not enduie
the name, and put it from them.
There were those prtseiit who loved
the loaves ami fishes. They proposed
Citizens' or People's ticket; another
faint voice said Republican ticket.
"No! No!! No!!! People will call us
W.sily Coats, Abolitionists, Nigger
Stealers. We can't stand that," and
much more to the same tll'ect was
said. Haru had not said anything
yet. lie had sat mutt as a mouse.
But he had been reading congression
al debates, and knew something of
the aims and objects of the new
parly. The uooly coat epithet
aroused him. He got the Hi sir and
firmly and emplutticully said:
"Wooly coats, or no wooly coats, the
time has come and now is, when we
must take a stand on these matters."
From the first, he had the crowd
with him. The house was a jam, for
the democratic convention had com-
pleted its work and had gone over to
see tr.e run. lne longer ne simikc
the more enthusiasm was amused.
Joe Meek was there, and, after one
particularly telling sentence, he
jumped up and called out : "If ever
gosK'l truth was said, this is it."
Hare's speech carried the motion to
call a county convention to nominate
a republican ticket. Gosey and Ilen
nett bolted. McBridt -hook his head.
Bill Bennett and Dr. Wilcox, of this
county, stayed, but feared a mistake
had been made Theconvention was
held. Dr. Wilson Bowl by was nom
inated for the legislature, and was
elected by two or three majority. W.
D. Hare was nominated (or county
clerk, and was elected by sixty-four
or sixty-five majority. Dr. Bowlby
was, thert-rore, the first anil tor a
time the only republican In the legis
lature. From that day to this the
Republican party has always la-en in
the majority in this county, though
the opposition has occasionally got a
man by hook or by crook.
J. R. Miller and lawyer Brown
attended to bu.iiness in llillsboro last
Tom Talbot t did business in Port
land on Tuesday.
Henry Ilarl returned, Monday,
from San rrancisco, California.
Pete Vanderbrook and Pete Van-
denburgleft here last Monday, bound
for the gold regions or Alaska.
II. C. Tripp delivered a lecture at
the M. E. church, last Saturday
night, on temperance.
R. U. McNutt left here last Friday
for Vancouver, Wash., where he has
secured employment.
Vie Brown and wile, of Forest
Grove, visitwd with Mr. and Mrs. C.
S. McNutt last Sunday.
Mr. Win. Rciling, of Greenville,
was in our city last Saturday.
Wal Marsh, of Centerville, passed
through town Saturday, on his way
to Clackamas couuty on business.
Alva Ilawkinsand family left here
last Monday for Tccuinpsa, Nebraska,
where they mill make their future
Carroll McNutt made a trip to
Portland this week, after goods for
our merchants.
Miss Emma Jacquot visited over
Sunday with her parents here.
Annual n-hool meeting next
This is our last week of school.
Prof. Curtis, with his family, will
move to Nappa, Washington, where
he is engaged to teach. Mr. Curtis
gave the very best of satisfaction
here, and we are sorry to lose him.
Mr. J. M. Burnett and family will
leave Cornelius for Northern Texas
this week.
llarve Stowell, of Buxton, was
down to Cornelius last Saturday on
Dodo Thing, of Reedville, came up
on the morning train Wednesday to
visit friends in Cornelius.
pete Jacquot is suffering with neu
ralgia in his face.
Jasper Ketrcr. of Gaston, was In
our city Wednesday.
Your lloj Won't Live a Month.
So Mr. Oilman Brown, of ;!l Mill
St., South Gardner, Mass., was told
by the (list urs. His sou had lung
trouble, following typhoid malaria,
and be spent :!7j with doctors, who
finally gave him up, saying: "Your
boy won't liven month." He tried
Dr. King's New Discovery and a few
Lot t Us retoitd him to health and
enabled him to go to work a perfectly
well man. He says he owes his
present good health to u-e Dr. King's
New Discovery, and know it to be
the Is-st lu ;he world for lung
trouble. Trial tHittlc. free at llills
boio Ph-irrrevy.
Irad Lrttrr l.lt.
The following is a list of letters re
maining uncall.sl for in the postoltlce
at llill-lairo, February 2-, 1 !!:
V. D. Morris, Mrs. Mary Noake,
Fre.1 Itoblson.
All letters not culled for by
March Tth, will lie sent to the di-ad
letter olni"e. One cent will he charged
on each letter called for.
Marv A. Uitows, 1'. M.
Free I'llls.
Send your addrciM to II. I'.. Huck
len & t'o., I'hicaco, and ir-t a frco
Mtmple Ikx of lr. Kinn'n New l.ifo
PilK A trial will convince you ol
tludr merit.-.. Thfe iiills are pa-y in
action and arc particularly efTcctivei
in Hip cure of con"tiiation and aick
headuclip. r'or inal.iria and livcri
triuhli- thy have hocn proved in-j
vaiualilc-. I hey arc guarant.1.! "
Ih? iK-rfc.-tly fn-e from every dcltd.Tt
oil iuhritanif and to lie pun ly
tatile. Thy do not weaken ly tln-ir
action, hut !y (riving tone to atoin.ich
and trfiweU irrcatlv invhrorate the
ayeteo. Ucirular size, i."n! IHT ho.t.
5oM hy Hillshoro l'harmacy.
' Hizhet Honors World Fair,
nold Madal. Midwinter Fair.
Must Terfect Made.
40 Yean the Standard.
Uurllru't Arulra Sal re.
The best salve In the world for
uts, lirui-es, sores, ulcers, salt
rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped
1 I . . I. ; li I . i. .
iiiiiius, .-iiiiuiuiiis, corns anil an sitlu
eruptions, and isisitlvely cures idles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
lo give pcrnvt satisraction or money
reiuu.usi. j-ricp a.- cents Kr box
For sale by HilLslsiro Pharmacy.
Julianes Anil-leer mid wife lo Frt
Ai.ii kvr 11 ml int in luO acre in
i-s 12 i:i an I 14 I 2 r U w (
A s llu.lirr a U f la W il limn
n.l J YV nn J I.uiitiiln J.irkaon
121.711 m-re in c. a anil 9 t 1 a r S
. w yioo
K ami III oney to li 1) Iter Pll
J II Wuliter anil wl .Ion I 2 r 3 w
Ruth J Hr itiieyanil fauab t Anton
l'lunnerll ncrit of Win 1'ulcliing d
1 c sc ft . 1 s r :i vr (jjo
9 11 l.mriiiue ami ( la J WiiiniT
:il s.' nere, in A I.m.L's d I r sec 4
P stis-tiiei lo M c Hireile )j acre in
U Holliroi.lt J I c I 1 r
Trus Ci n rhiin U Hood View to irua
Con oli il r. h Snerwooil w W of lla I
ami 2 i. Ik !( Suioclivi.l 50
iviur l.in.1 uii.l I to L 1 Wilr.n Its
il an. I 4 blkoS I'urk a til r Grove
U Hme ami wl lo I'lim Mines n w 1
l w 'i t?c is t 1 n r 4 40 aire
M M l.ui-liini to T M Uuit-a In. 1 and
'I arc tl t 1 i) r ft w and adjoimnu
truct, in all, lij acres SOS
t. ana M Hii.Uihi to 1. niim Story
pi arc : t I a r 4 w 1
ami li 1) lliyatit to U N Miller 4.M
aires ol J Di.-ki.tm .1 I c t 1 s r 4 . 375
r. h J and 1' 1 lionuts lo J M fart-
low Ita Sand (i I.Ik 5 Forest Urova 1000
1 U L-ire to A 1 Knox i t bl 7 tor-
esi (irovo 300
Oiive M and 11 W feuou to Anna M
Uolilri.k pt K Walker and fd lo
ec :i t 1 r 4 w 140
.loim .Sclimelizer and wl to I.esla L
.Mcl.'leary w t of n U and V of
u w , ; aet! 34 t i a r 2 w X0
Henry n Kvera to Himoii 8 Mark
ham lti Hi re, ol sec 7 t I a r 4 w ....
Henry hiienweber and f to John
Krouitenihiil n , V of itU tec IS t
1 a r 3 w . M7
Sarah C mid Harry Hiisliam to W it
Miller 3ft aires see 28 I 1 a r 'i w ... t
V U Wheeler and wf to L' (lo -.akeaen
lis 17.111 Ll'imd Ti In tt'heeler'a
anb t t a r w -JS..S8 acres 1820
Mkkk 1'ah.it.-Mnrried, on the 2C:h day
ol rebruary, IS: Hi, at the houae of the
b idea parent, Mr. u. A. D. Meek and
JliiiOwlia A 1'aslec. itev. . K huiiih
i.llii-iiiliiiK, ai ol Was lington coumy,
It will be observed that the repub
lican lenders In the house miss no op
portunity to urge the policy of econ
omy, which is a gtaal thing at all
times, and a necessity under a tarilf
that is emphasized by monthly
It may lie true, as Senator Morgan
says, that the recognition of the
Cuban insurgents by our government
would bring on a war with Spain,
but a conflict of that kind would end
in the annexation of Cuba to this
country, and wo there Is no reason for
taking any particular trouble to avoid
New York couldn't get either of
the national political conventions but
is g ing to have a cat show.
When Baby waa tick, we rsre her Castor!,
When she waa a Child, aha cried for Caatoria,
When she became Mlaa, aha clung to Caatoria,
Wbea aha had Childraa, sua jare UiamOutaria,
Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
World' Fair tilt hast Award.
Whitcomb MrKinnfjr, Prop.
Special attention given to Haul
ing Freight and .Hot int; House
hold (iooils. ( It urges reasonable.
i d ers Solicited ...
Only Uratj in the City.
MILIUM 11 mi:, I'rou
1 1 : v i 1 1 u iiircliRed Mr. Anderson I
interrt in thi line, I hereby announce
that I am irenrel t execute all roinmia
Ion eiitriiMod to inc. hegtilar tri lo
l'ortlaml are made on
tlonilajs, iliieilujs k I'rltlai
r.etnrnitii fin the nv following. Sisrial
attention circn to the execution of small
ordera. Iave onlers
A Cnall llnaisi.
AMI A FT F.I'. M.Ml'Jtl l-T I WILL
. 1 ni-a-s oii v frp; ci-h, or us
nv , ui liir.-lp. I nis is maie acea
s.rv rt a'ttffirl t J re. 1U e eipenws t a
minimum. ' K. KKKsT.
A nli
I I will
f.ir w esiy sn MenienM
Coin lo
1 1 : it lor I iiue-i.
Patrons siill
I tlieri-l"
le nrepared to
pv for wrrk
im:ki izkis.
mllf. ,t .le ivrred
A. !
1 '
- "
oit MAI.F. Oil THAUE
HE.-ll!nI.E Ht ll.ldNO i.or, l'
teet mi, in porilsi..!, a ha f bn-k
.iisiant Iroui the electric car line. I hie
proferty is i tf -r.d at a o price l r tnh,
or for arreine property outside the city
t m'1- , i
- . -a lull fartiru sr, enquire of i.r ad.
drrss Mil. MAliY Cl.AFLlS.
. I'eavenoa, Of.
C. 6. aiDta. Proa.
The only First- NX,
Class and Strictly fy
rant in the City.
Leading Paper of Kentucky.
All the nesa and correct
market report.
Sample copies free to any atl.lreg.
Louisville, ... Keaturkr.
If You Xeed Money, Write to me.
If Voor Mortrflire U Hue, and you want
to ltorrow .Money, write to me.
If Your I'roperty Ik (jood. Write mn an
exact tteerription, stating location,
kind of improTeiuentg, amount of in
surance you carry, ami atate the
amount of money wanted and I will
at once write you a to the rate of
Xo. 2(M$ Stark St., l'ORTLAXO, OK.
Seems to net along in the world
easier than the other fellow.
In the first place, he more at
eaue at social niuctions.
And he generally finds a sitna
tiou quickly, when thrown out of
lie seems to get the heat paying
The (act that he buys food clothes
l in itself a recommendation.
It allows that he Is economical.
W. HOLMES, Tailor.
Malu Street, . Hllkboro, Oregon
. Suits made to order. Old garments
cleaned, dyed or repaired.
1 Stan, of Uregon, for Washington
Limnir :
C. F. Piympton,
Etuene IX White, Emma O. Whit.
Kicnarq Morion, Mary A. Morton,
Will am Kerron, First National
Hank of Mulison, Wis., W. H.
Nuiui, W. S. Powell ami J. J. Ship
lev, partners as Powell & Mliinlev,
William P. I. or I. H.irrison It. Kin
csiil anil Phil Meisrhan, Conimis
sionrrs for the sale of School and
University lands in the Siste of
Oreiron, and tor the investment of
fumla arising therefrom.
To Richard Morton. Marv A. Morton
ami the First Nutionul Bank of Mudiaon,
wis., neiennani :
In the name of the state of (Ireiron. von
are hereby required to apprntr and answer
mo complaint II let anaiiiDt y u, in the
ahove-enlitled suit, hy the lirst ilny of the
next rcunlar term of the slxive entitled
Court, f.illowing the expiration of the
time described in tha order tor the publi
cation ol this summons, which day will
be Monday, the lillh day of Alnrrh, 1H!M,
and if you fail to so a.Mar and answer,
for want thereof, plaintiff will anp y to
the Court for the relief demanded in his
ei mrtiaint.
Hie relief demanded therein 11 for a
judgment against the above named de
tondants, Knene I) While and Richard
Morton. anJ each of them, for the sum of
fourteen hundred and iirutr-live (1185)
dollars, with interest at the rale of
iter rent ner annum, from June J'.
IrilM; one hundred and litly ( l.VI) dollars
attorney's fre, beside cot. and disburse
ments, and for a decree foreclosinir a mort
gage upon lots seventy-four and seventy
five in Sleei'a addition to lleaverton, in
said County and State, made, executed
and delivered by said last named defend
ants and their wives t Flora K. Merrill,
on June &i, lHiil, to secure) the payment ot
a promissory note for fourteen hundred
and eighty-five (IWi) dollars, payable to
her order three yeara alter dale, and bear
ing interest at 8 per rent rer annum, from
date. The makers of said note being said
Kuxene 1). Wnils and Kicbard Morton,
which aaid note and mortgage have been
duly aasigned for value to the plaintifl
And for a decree Damns and foreclosing
all of you troru any and all right, title
interest and equity or redemption in and
to aaid real property, and for general
This summon ismibiabe l byordrrof
Hon, Tnos, A. Mcllride, Judge of the
above entitled Court.
Made the ith day of January, I").
3b-t2 Attorneys lor Plaintiff.
IXUION cul.NIY: You are hereby
noli lied that the taxea levied for the year
1HV) will be doe and pavab e on and after
Monday. erebruary 2. iw. at the hherin s
OlHce, llillsboro, Oregon.
ti. r. rtiitu.
Sheriff and Ei-OAIolo Tax-Colle:tor for
Washington County, Orea-on. ,Dl1
We Make the Following Redaction
la A II -Wool Clothing.
150 Mean' Halls, Choice . $7 00
too Coata, . 40
4NI Pair Mean' Pant, . J SO
Willamette Valley Weol Make the
Best Clothier. Remember these are
aot FASTER SHODDY. Thy are
the VERT REST Albany ant Hrowas
Title Weolea Mills Make at about Half
Prlre, and Mark Lessthaa the Same
qualitjeaa he Hoaght for l Portland.
This Is what we rail HOME PRO
TECTI0X for ear easterner.
rest Vrere, Orerea.
i i
Club Mill hold a medium
The Club will bt atltlressctl
All are cordially Invited to attend. Special
invitation is extended to Ladies.
Secretary. President.
XOTEThe abocc is the text for hand bills printed
for Republican Clubs at the INDEPENDENT
office. When an order is placed, the name
of the Club, together tcith the name of the
President and Secretary should be gicen.
Qualittj and Accuracy in Dispensing.
A Fine
.. OKIIfrll IOH ..
Order left for HEARSE will rerelre prompt attention.
Remember the Plare.
F. J. WILLIAMS A J. W. 8EWELL . Proprietors
Cily Liuery Stable
Where you w ill find the
Good Teams. Good Buggies and Good Drivers.
Cor. Second and Washington ISts.
Are now making a First-Class
.. at their ..
WORKS, near - -
hrirk later and cunirantnr. sr II eseru e
all work entrusted to Uini, rlraar Inn.
and speciHcations, an'l tnase eslimiite..
referenca in llillsboro: i. n. lonann, r.
B. Huston or I). M. C. liault. 1'onUnd
address, 616 t'olnmhia Hi. !-'.
tlre to fHtMllnller.
rpi) Til K Hi:HCr.IHKKH or I HE
J. capital stock ol Hie Wailiinirtun
Couotr Mrieed and Iriina Associatlun :
You and eecb of jrou are hereh politic I
that tbe capital stork of the Wsstnnirlon
Coonty Wpeed and driTirg Association ties
been luliy subacririeu. anu you mrr ninnrr
notiQed that meeting of the sharelio.dTS
and subscribers of sucb stork will be lie 111
at n llsboro, Oregon, on Nuurdar, tli
J!tth day of Kehrusry, at tlie hour o! ?
f. M. Ol sai'l oar, mi me nnn in r.. j.
I. cons, lor the Duri.oi. of perlfrtina the
orcanisatlon of snrh corporation, and lo
elect directors therefor. .iM-Ki
1 K. J. I.V'.XS.
Incorporators: JjHim Taisot.
I C has. M. NTl. B
4l4khlder' .Tleftln.
1. meeting of the llillsboro o-iperntWe
to.ill be held in Orsnre Hall, on r rt
day, March 27, l'l, at the bourol lo'chn k
r. w , lor tha purpose of electing a li sr l
of Directors, and for tha transsctuin ol
such other business as mj come before
tha meeting. 1. H. r'FWFl.l.,
J. A. Iwssn, rrosidO'it
.. Secreiarf. 1
Line of Toilet Articles, Patent
Medicines, School Boohs, Xc.
Best Teams that can be had
s, ootid St., Sear P. O.. llillsboro.
line ami Cniilicated Watch Repairing.
Treaanrr'a Xotlre.
all ( ouncy warrants endorsed prior
to A li n list t:h, lHTtY. are now redeemahle at
iheotliceof tha county treasurer, and In
itrrsi will cease on the aume after Kebru
arr Zl, lwsl.
llaied at llillsboro. Or., this 20th day of
February, J,', i. W. MA I'fl N'lTON,
.'1 el (Jniinty Treasurer.
and irn' Aid MoHety
of Orf gon.
times ft i rle for (I ) ordinary service at
waves: Coupon indenture, to work, at
tend school, and he brought up somewhat
as rnur own;) and (.1) children may bo
ha( for legel adoption. Address
riupt. Ilors' and Girls' Aid Hociety, Port
land, Oregon.
A dm I Hi trntr' Xctirf.
the undersigned has teen appointed
by the County Court of tha hi ate of Ore
g n, for Washington County, snmlni.tra
tor of the estate of James McCornnck, de
ceased, lata of Washington County,
All pers ns, therefor, having claims
sgamst said rstate, are hereby requested
snd required to present them, with lb
? roper vouchers lo me, at the law oftloa or
hos. H. Tongue, In llillsboro. Waabign
tun County, Oregon, within ail month
from th data hereof.
Hilisboro, Washington County, Oregon.
Vehrnary 14, lam
Administrator of th eelot uff JaMoa Mde
CoraiioB, uscssmoI