Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, February 21, 1896, Image 3

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taken tti exchange at
Cull on Humphrey for loans on
goml pnnrty, also farm to rent and
to 811.
If you art) in nwj of a Hewing ma
rhinw, full at the Hazaar before
Taxes are now due and payable.
The olUi lal announcement In in au
other column.
One hundred and tifly pound
i-hoiee clover Heed for sale. V. A.
ljillion, Olencoe.
Hoys' and children's capa, all stylet,
at Srhul merit-It A Hon'. J tint the
thing to wear tojM-huol.
Wanted To rent, a farm of 80 to
100 acres on the sharer,, or niuwt b
cheap for cash. V. . Hyde, Hills
dale, Or.
If you want a hartrain in ladles' or
children' wraps. We nave a lew
left on hand, at less titan font. SWiul.
tmrich A Son.
A reduction in dress good, in or
tier to reduce the atock now on hand
to make room for the large Htoek
ordered from the factories, at Schul
merit h & Son'.
Lost A pair of gold-framed eye
glasses, between Methodist church
liHrsoiiaue and residence of Mrs. 8. J.
Brown. Finder will receive suitable
reward by returning the same to this
The First National Dank of Hill
i,anta ulilmvHil on Wednesiiav
" t I 1
last, time carloads of hops for the
lyiniloil marKei. Alter hub cmimKu
...-nt u IiiIikii. I hern remains in thli
wmtit v about 400 bales to be
Itev. Win. Travis will preach, th
Lord willing, at Huxton school house
on Sabbath, the 23d Inst., at 10 o'clock
in tliu intiriiinir unit at 7 1). m. Al
the morning service, reference will be
made to the receni ueam 01 iw
friend, Mr. M. Manning.
trr.fi f t-f TnntMiP irnes to Corval
Us this morning. He is advertised
to deliver a lecture before the tu
dents of the Agricultural College this
u,. Tt,a hnvi u-lll hnve some
rvruiiiKi ..v; . " 'j --
thing practical presented, as the sub-
jecl is, "ueniu anu j.-.uuuiuk.
iipnlerH In lime
ivii.ii.h i -
mwi MrtiAnr Portland, nave
issued a neat catalogue that eoutalns
information of value 10 inose usiuK
their goods, w hich is not found in so
compact form eisewnere. mere w
do doubt but the gentlemen would tn
w Ming to mall a copy toall appllcnts,
Thn .ni.iiu.f for HiAciiHsion. Iv the
4 IIV 1 1 1 . 1 J V V - - T f
pastor, at tne m. r. cnurcn, num.uj
morning, at 11 oVl.sk, is, "The Why
of Methodism." 1 ne ouiiuuy
7 an. u-ill lie verv In
teresting. The pastor will deliver a
short whlress or. me sunjei-i, - iuri-
.,.(.. ami Marrtnire ." nr "How to get
a Wife and How to Keep Her," or
l low to lift a nuhuaim anu nmi
to do With Him."
Dr. J. H. Olmstend, of Portland,
the, M. K. cliurch last
Tuesday evening, in the iuterest of
the I ni ted Artisans, a new tietieiirmi
and fraternal order that la introduc
ing into Oregon. A lodge Willi
twenty charter memlsrs was insti
tuted here this week. Both men and
women nro admitted to membership.
J)r. Ol instead is a very pieasum -
tleman, and an effective speaker.
The Jadies of the Ilelicf Corps, (J.
A. It., will meet Saturday 22d inst.,
. tlm rMiilenefl of Mrs.
i ....l. ,u,ri,urnr kiuL-onih ami Ititseline
1 H ItfllIMII , . . . ... , -
streets, to finish up some matters of
businetiS connecieti wnn ui un-""""1
..i fue,,. hetran I nut Satur
null ui i v - - et -
day. At the meeting to-morrow the
list of names will be prepared that Is
to go on the charter, and the petition
for that paper will be prepared. Thus
it w ill be seen that a full attendance
is necessary
Mr. J. Messinger and Mr. Iaren,
of 1-Hurel, are sorely afflicted by ill
u..4.it. in iIih larsen fam
J'lTi: - " .
ii.. it. 1'mluila linn three tVtthOld
fever patients, and live In the Mes
.. .. r.....ii.. Tho nttenilinir bhvsi-
fMUK-i I't'"".' - - "
cian traces this epidemic to the water
used by IkiIIi lamuies, wmiu is "
.. r.flmt.ilii. The Larsens'
tllt7 f-.H,.' ' . . .
have usi d water from a spring which
receives seepage iron, h siue-iuu "
.i.i.. i. .i.u.L- i. allowed to pasture.
Water from tills spring is taken in an
....... .lifr.tla ul.tlKf th Miitn-hiU to Mes-
jiit-ii niiii
senger's. who use it for culinary
The S. 1. Co' safe, at the railroad
..-.i.... u-.. Down noen Wednesday
night, and riflwl of the small sum of
. fr ' . . . I I Tk.at.tinn I.
change Kepi on nmiu. " "-'
..hniit 11 II uarter of a mile from the
i filter of town and some.
.. i'... i.i..!...! thmicrh thereare many
dwellings wit'hiu a block. The peo-
pie ret-iding In that nelghborlnssi
:. ..... .li-turiuui though several
claim to have hi-ard the report of the
explosion some lime niwr u"u'H""
A watch d.g at a residence near by
was uneasy about that time of night,
.1....1.1 i.u. in hu U.-HV. u-aa trvinir
to make known the robbery then tn
riiiruiuv in the station was
effeited th.ough the west window of
i he wa ling-room, me ui
the waiting-nxim and the agent s or
i.u.k..i r lth Hnrinir-liH'k
lice v n-. - . ......
The bolt of this fastening was broken.
The sal in tbe omce is a nun
im-li hole was drill
ed Just below the knob which throws
. . .. ...1... ..t.ui..A u'M tli.n
the tMHIS. urn riimmi"
. i .. i.., I u.1 tn do its work.
it was llrtsl with commoa blasting
fuse, astul) of wnicn s i.-u. ......
. . . . i.ra.Hi ami rhistl. taken
llie ucsir. . -- -
from llcniKin' machine shop, were
. . . ..i Thnv were left on
ine iinu?i u. - . , ,
the tbor, as was also the burglar's
dark lantern, wnicn
.. ui. a .mam hole cut in
BVrilllnll hiiii."-!"' - ' .
one side. The outside shel of the
d.srwas torn from the Inside part,
which exposed the bolts and made
. . i...t am In ivln
the entrance easy mru t.
was taken and some private papers,
among which wa a oertlllcate of de
pimite issued by the First National
llankof llillsboro. The twist drill,
the other too! required, ha not been
found. Mr. 1 M. JHcon uilawd
wichatool from hi farm "hep last
Tuesday, after a.stranger had called
...,.i.i no shoo Wrdnesilay, and
....Li r... -,.fn-. Mr. Benson was
f ' i. i n.iinie.1 ta tlas hy
DUSJ , "("; r v.a k
. ii. Ira nnlv nsl the
fellow was urw - - 'iim
suit, and was suiootn-fsart. Jrn
The IlilUboro Republican Club
held a business meeting lat Tuesday
evening, which was well attended.
lieporU ot officers were read, which
showed the business Intt resU of the
club to be in excellent condition.
Dr. Wood, from the soliciting com
mittee, reiMjrted and read the names
of thirty new member who had
igned the pledge sluce the last meet
iug of the club, ia January. He
further reported that it is much
easier to get members now than it
was last year, or ever before; that no
rguments were necessary. An op
portunity - to enroll was the only
thing required. The officers elected
for the ensuing campaigns are: Pres
ident, Geo. W. Patterson; first vice-
president, C. K. Deichiuan; second,
L. K. Adams; third, it. H. Greer;
secretary, ltentou liowman. J he
chair appointed ' the standing coin
mittees, to-wit: Executive com mil-
tee, L. M. C. Gault, li. P.Cornelius,
II. K. liryan; finance committee, J
Morgan, w ho is ex-oftlcio treasurer
of the club. J. II. Stanley, w.
Wiley, John Northrup and X.
Barrett; soliciting committee, II.
P. Ford, K. J. Lyon, Geo. H. Bagley,
W. D. Wood. F. M. Kelsay; commit
tee on program, J. D. Merry man, J.
Tamlesie, V. VV. Annans, m.
Barrett and C. Jack. Jr.; committee
on music. J. II. Stanley, t rank il
llHins and Benton liowman. At tne
conclusion of the business, Hon. T.
H. Tongue was called, and responded
In a few words of encouragement and
promise to make more extended
remarks at a later meeting of the
lub. Judge Cornelius spoke of the
duties resting upon the club and its
members, individually, at this time.
Hon. V. P. Yates, of Mountaindale,
beinsr in the hall, was called. He
responded in the lougest aiieech of
the evening. He was historical, and
presented matters that were timely.
t he club showed its appreciation ny
great applause and cheers. The club
adjourned, to meet two weeks lince.
The report comes from the neigh
borhood of Laurel, that several of tiie
hop fields will bo plowed, up this
spring, w Idle others will be pastured
with sheep. Jt Is further learneo
that Mr. William Connell, just north
ol town, will plow up his hop neiu,
which was planted out last year, and
sow it to wheat. He elects to do this
rather than spend two or three thou
sand dollars this year In new build-
Inirs. which he would have to do if
he cultivated his forty acres, which
he now has in yr uug vines.
The old shop on Main street, near
Third, occupied by Mr. Landrock,
for a shoe shop, was razed to the
ground yesterday, preparatory to
moving a better building to me same
if round. Workmen were tearing on
the roof, when it seemed a little
shukv. Thev descended and pushed
slightly on the walls, when the whole
structure collapsed. The building
originally stood on the spot now oc
cupied by H. Cave's hardware store,
and was built in Ii7 ny moan x
Pickett, for a bowling alley.
The themes of the sermons at the
Congregational church next Sunday
morning and evening win ie resis-c-
tively: Tho Gospel eeds .Not
Sensationalism" First Cor., 1:21; and
"An Incident Uich in Suggestions,"
Mark, 16:14. The former topic was
tn have la-en discussed a fortnight
ago, but as it was not, the pastor will
take it up again next nunuay morn
ing. Sunday school at 10 a. m.,
Junior C. K. at 4 p. m, and Christian
Kndeavor praver meeting at 6:J0
J. Wheelock Marsh, of the Times,
has been apwinted postmaster at
Forest Grove instead of Mr. Crossley,
whose term had expired. Mr. Marsh
is a native of Forest Grove, and well
qualified lor the place to which he
has been appoinieu. me appoint
ment was confirmed by the senate on
Wednesday, the 19th, instead
The Y. P. S. C. K. of the Christian
church will hold their next Sunday
eveninir meetinir at 7:30 o'clock, in
tMiil of fi:.10. the usual hour. The
exercises will be esiax-ially for tin
occasion, and will take the place of
the regular sermon or mat nour.
"Mother Goose and Her Temper
ance Family." at tne iu. r. cnun-n
. . . .a . r . l 1.
Friday evening, February 2, Itwb.
The Junior league, under the
mHiiaireiiient of Mrs. Crandall and
Mrs. McDonald, w ill give a very in
teresting. unique and amusing
The ladles' aid society of the M. E.
church will give a novelty sociable at
the parsonage on Wednesday even
ing, February 2Sth, at which time
new things will be shown to all their
friends who call on them
Mrs. Blanche Kemphfer, formerly
Blanch Morrow, died Tuesday last.
aftpr a brief illness. Khe leaves
husband and
two children. I he
children are
lth young-babies,
Mr. S. K. Cntlir has none on a bus-
. . .a . a- at... i.i..ploa tn
inoM inn inroiifcm iim vwumnra us
t ha timfr Willamette valley. He
has had enquiries from several points
relative to instituting a creamery
I.ost A Plain gold Imnd finger
rinir Inrmi mouth for a tiaoy, anu
engraved on the Inside. The Under
will be suitably rewarded oy leaving
it with Dr. C. B. Brown.
Services in Baptist church Sunday.
stniiWt for niornimr. " rial nnau i
do?' For evening, "Which Told
ti. Truth. A. .ahum or the .Man in
Prof. Tripp, who mi eloquently en
!.rt lned his audience at the M. h,
church last evening, will again lec
ture at the same plai-e to-night.
Some good bargains in shoes, at
Sehulmcrich A Son's. ew stock
nno- In. also have some old stock at
reduced pricr.
One thousand dollars to loan on
good real estate ecurity. Enquire
of Adolph Miller, 409 Kveritt ft.,
Portland, Or.
Wallace McCamant will address
the republican club at Gaston to
morrow, Saturday, at 1 o'chak p.
m. '
Men's, ladles' and children's fur
nishing goods, at prices lower than
ever, at Sehulmcrich A Son's.
Hair oil, complexion and tooth
powders and other toilet articles, to
he sold at cost, at the IViaar.
Persian Bloom, Almond Cream
t,n) the best face preparations n
4mI, ftt the Bazaar.
J. I. fcnlght Is prepared to make
TM of from $-0 to tl,000. See him
his term,
Friends and patron of the llills
boro Bazaar are invited to call on us
in our new headquarters on Second
street, one door south of poetotnce, in
jewelry store.
Mr. D. T. Phillii", of Cornelius, is
the first this year to pay his taxes.
Oa Wednesday he visited Sheriff
Ford and paid Lis assessment lor
lVj'i, amounting to I'.U.OT.
101'KT 1I01SE SEWS. x
Ftate Henry C Detnins, deceased.
Personal proerty exempt from exe
cution set off to the w idow, lo-wu:
2 cows
7 swine
1 gref gelding :
1 bay "
1 wagon
trolling harrow
1 drag barrow
1 cultivator
1 steel beam plow .....
1 mower
1 fanning mill
1 feed cutter
Household goods
100 bushels wheat
200 bushels oats
10 tons hay
Total 1T7
Final account filed, and Monday,
March 22d, set for hearing objections,
If any there be.
Estate I'eters heirs. On petition,
Sarah S Harvey was appointed guar
dian of the persou and estate of Al
vid W and Orpha E, minor heirs of
James S Peters, deceased. Bond
fixed at $100.
Estate Saml C Kichey, deceased.
Objection to the final account filed
by W D Wood, administrator of the
estate of Esther V Gardiner, de
ceased, one of the legatees. Objec
tions sustained. J J Morgan was ap
pointed guardian ad litem of the
minor heirs of Esther V Gardiner,
deceased, and the final settlement ol
the estate is continued till Monday,
the 24th inst.
Estate Martin Manning, deceased.
Inventory filed, showing cash in
bank, 47.2K; real prorty, t-",220;
tiersonal property, "7:tO..M; total,
Estate Harriett E Garnett, de-
ceased. Order granted allowing ad
ministrator to sell real estate at pub
lic or private cale for cash in hand.
W W Williams v J E and Fannie
Beam; action for money. Testimony
taken as to proisTty in the hands of
defendants exempt from execution.
Ordered that Defendant Beam turn
over to plaintiff a certain promissory
note for $75, executed by Geo S Ben
nett, and a note for ItlH, executed by
F J Biiley, and, that defendant, Fan
nie Beam, pay to sheriff fi0 on or
la-fore lo o'clock a. m., February 14,
License to wed were issued Febru,
ary 17, 1890, to Frank W Johnson
aged 24 years, and Minnie Meier,
aged 19 years. February 19th, David
F Harlan, aged 31 years, and Uachael
A Pointer, aged 10 years.
As stated last week, forty-seven
applicants took the examination be-
lore the county board of education
required by law before the suiierin-
teiident can grant certificates. Of
the applicants, those named below
were successful. The list is kindly
furnished by Snpt. Craig
Good for three years. Have hail
six months exis-riencn and passed
with an average of 90 ier cent and
not fallen below 70 in any branch.
Saint. Hetuiener
Pearl Stewart Gaston
Lucy W. Eomasson Forest Grove
( has. E. Hall Hillsborn
Geo. A. Hall West Portland
Grace Boscow Hillsbor
Drusilla True.? Cornelius
Average age, 22 years; experience,
18 months.
Good for two years. Granted t
those who have taught three month-
and attained an average of 80 wr
cent, not falling below fit):
Mollie Miller Scholi
Florence Griebler Gaston
I (attic Moore,
Eliza Shorey
Jessie Hnodcnpyl.
O. W. Tamiesie...
Minnie Atkinson..
Alice Christian
Eva Cypher
Lizzie Young
Average age, 20
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
Cedar Mill
years; experience,
0 months.
Good for one year. No experience
required. Must average over 70 tier
cent and not fall Mow 40;
Ma Jack Farmington
Eily Barnes Beaverton
Blanche Harding Gaston
Ada J. Gordon Scholia
Ossie Brooks "
Edward M. Brook "
lfcittie Cypher Glenn?
Lincoln Laughlin Forest Grove
Nona Reynolds; Beaverton
Flora Noble Forest Grove
John Hohuiau Tigardville
Ralph Wann llillsboro
Thomas Ingram Farmington
Clarence Hartley Greenville
Ross H. Pratl Forest Grove
George Jack Farmington
Average age, 20 year.
Mr. J. T. Fletcher, of Gales Creek,
and Mrs. Maggie llaint, of Forest
Grove, who had each taught over
three years successfully, were recom
mended to the state board of exam
iner for first grade state certificates,
good for four years.
Mmm.ETriN.Oii , Feb. 18, 1890.
correspondent of the Oregonian, in
the issue of the 1 1th Inst., after refer
ring to the fact that certain parties
were asking for a return of the 20
pej cent paid on swamp lands, takes
occasion to state that the legislatures
of 1878 and ls90 made large appro
priations from the swamp land fund
for construction of wagon roads, etc.
The corresHn(ient referred to Is
either misrepresenting, or he is not
conversant with legislative history of
this state. The legislature of 17
provided for the location, segregation
and listing to the state the swamp
and overflowed land that might be
w ithin its border, which would ac
crue to the state under acts of con
gress; a thing which up to that time
had been neglected. In pursuance of
till, the legislature of 1 viO made an
appropriation of, I think, about
,ooo( to fey expenses C the locating
commission, agents to select, and at-
torney at Washington to attend to
the interests of the state in the mat
ter of swamp lands. Again, In 182,
an appropriation of about o,000 for
similar purpose. These appropria
tions were regarded a necessary to
secure to the state Urge areas of land
which, under acts of congress, would
properly belong to her, and which it
was supposed, under projier manage
ment, would be of immense value to
the state.
These appropriations were not
from the swamp land fund, but from
the general fund and in the geueral
appropriation bill. No appropria
tion were made bv either of tnose
sessions without providing some di
rect meaus of payment. A dose
study of the records of those sessions
of the legislature will convince the
most skeptical that In the line or un
necessary appropriation and exsn-
diturcs, they were very careful. MX
thousand dollars for clerk hire In
compurl.4n with 120,000 at sunse
quent sessions is a fair sample.
Whatever may have been their
shortcoming, they were certaiui
watchful of the treasury.
They lowered the state debt irom
700,000 to less than half that amount
and at the same time built the ore
gon Insane asylum and made many
other substantial improvements.
The lavi-h, and, to my mind, In
many Instances, Injudicious appropri
ations, commenced in 1884 and have
been growing from that time to the
present. You, Mr. Editor, were a
member a tsirtion of the time to
which I refer, and w ill bear me out
in saying that in the heat of one of
the hottest senatorial fights that was
. . . . ... i.
ever w aired in Oregon, amt which
lasted (luring the entire session, we
never "lost our heads" sufficiently to
do very much that we have had to
apologize for since.
Please excuse me if I have trespass
ed upon your space and patience, and
my only excuse Is that while I never
shirk responsibility, I do not like to
see blame rest where it does not
belong. nespectfully,
K. H. Tysov.
Hakhk I'iiixtkr February t'Jih, at llir
ronlonce ot D. M. C.Ouull.lu II illlwno,
bv Ilv. K. I. Huxlien. Mr. DuvfJ F.
it.irlun a H 'I Miss Kai-himl fuinlrr, all ot
W iiliinirton county.
The bride U the eldest daughter of
Mr. Theo. Pointer, one of the most
substantial citizens of the county.
Mr. Harlan is well and favorably
known in his neighborhsKl as an in
dustrious and economical young man
who is rapidly accumulating prop,
erly. His many friends congratulate
him on the step taken, and the
bride's asiociales wish her the happi
ness she so richly deserves.
r.:'tio Hsal Hut ami liiven'meiit '
to JM Itnlisun IH 4 ) 0 7 VI and I I
in hhaltuck'i Orchard H line coil
iM ncn g
8 K Craitrnmi wf to A W albiir.
It S ec III t I I r2 except 100 It
ri?ht ot av tor OJCliK ...
TIioj Tie lo-r A a f to boui-s S Tucker
lis 1 and 2 bik 2 Tucker', adit
ci:i?wiirt' add lo Hillaiioro
Daniel Krliardt to rVrdmund Klalt
10 H-re ac 1!) 1 1 n r 1 w
J no W iSirurlieii and f lo iao H
sty a 14 of of see Irt t S R I
Allrrd Hcyaooil lo -cliool diat No s9
I h.tu in' sec 2 t 2 r S w
li K liuriei and wf tu Dt-Witt : and
M iry V. Merrill 4l acres ot Ilia 1' I.
H pen car dun in ec 17 t litlw..
Alic e K mid W V llottinnn to Jolin
1 Sorihrup, a to idway .'W fwt wi la
aoiis Ibf cait end ot lb" n t ol the
n e of n w ' t sec 'is t J n r !t
Kl inbi-tn and W t) Hudson to 11 S
ilud-on, tr.ict in sec lli l 1 1 r t w . .
W W William to E.U William, !,
of d I r o' Sun ill llieilsnj rnd ( in
t,H"t 2s and Xi I 2 n r 3 , Hl .icre .
Sim' K lltiovcr to I'nrrie M Vcbbert
;i0 acre ol tlie li a ul s ' ec 7
t S.r3w
K A E tdy and wf to Oregon Iron A
S:et-1 Co, c rniitt-tion to hiitid und
maintain a dam on Tualatin river
a liteli an it now is
S A PurliHin and f to A A Kilrlx.
i ill ..3 acrei ser-a 11 and 12 t 2 r 1 m
S A Imrliatn an I wf lo A A Kurtz, 40
acres aeo 13 t 2 s r 1 w
A A Kurts to Klla ; ilurhain. 40
iji i'c 11 I 2 i r 1 w . .
A A Kurt to Kila I' Purlinm, 1.0 VI
acrea wci 11 and 12 t J i t 1
3 Ml
mi ',
III l 2
int ui tlia noli lot tecs 12 ami I.':
A A Kurtz to h a : Diirliain, 2ti
anrra tec. IH t 2 r 1 w
C M kp lo M;iry A Mcl.oo I, lot II
t.ik 14 Hcuih l'.irk add to r'oreil
lirove 1" '
TrUHtcea i'otitf church. Hood iaa-f
to Trustee t'ongcliurrh. Sncro xi
V tl and Mary A Smith, by V J
Smitn. attornev, to llinrr Mier.
l'l TS acre, iec 31 t 2 a I w . 47.
J (1 Ume and wf to t" S li Kanea, nt
of tot 4 b.k 42, r'orest drove S10
Kiiziwstli A l.uiiip' t i J l.ullier.
w of lid, 21 Uirtw .... 1
Jane A Arnn'mn to J V l.titiier,tl
artrea in lol 2 .rr 2S t 2 n r It w tjo
FA liillt-v and wi to V A li ii ii us .
it I acrea w :.l l 1 s r J 840
Adoiiui Mil i-hoin and wf to lie i
Ku .Wi n li. :ot K Ik IS a id lot, 2
and A I.U ID . ounty of W ihingt in 22"
Jense 11. ili-. vi and l lo Y M H irter
.t ol iivtiiSirlt 3Xi
Jacob Krltiii.e! to Ai.n K.-iniliel, 15
ii. r in iti 9 m.l l'l i 1 1 r I w . 4 ""i
II ll K. 'nan In V .' V irn- r, w of
n a t; ' 7 t 3 r I w, 4 acre iOO
Jrniiei to H -k i r. a to "iie.l.i M Mn.er
lot 4 t'.k 4'i, L'ornclim 22."
Jaroh Vi'ii I. in nn I f to r ra-ik iterb
2o acrei in t'h ii t'onklin d 1 c sec
lit 1 n r .1 . 24 I
Jeo l'hmi; t't K imia ll Ttimir. s ot
a w 1.4 "A I Unr.t . 2nc-ie;
a i lot 5 bik ti Thorn's add to
HdNtioro 1
Nannie and lieo W Itacoti M 1, 1 )'
Ojitllr., id ot John It it! d I c,.acr- I
Frani tiras.er and lieo B.rar.lorf--r(
In i' r -9 ol M Wren d I c t I n r : 30l
W I Via and w" to Anton Planner,
part ot Ilk J K iret irov ITO
t'on-Ieiii'1 TeatlnionT,
( has. 15. Hood, broker and Manu
facturer's agent, t'olumbu, )., certi
fies that lr. King's New, 1 icovery
has no eiiial ala cough remeily. J.
I), brown, proprietor !St. James Ho
tel, Ft. Wayne, I ml., testifies that he
was cured of a cough of two years'
standing, caued by la grippe, by l)r.
King's New Iicovery. 1$. F. Mer
rill, Ilaldwinsvtlle, Mil., av thst
he ha ued and recommended it and
never knew it to fail, and would
rather have it than any doctor, be-
caue it always cure. Mrs. Hem
mlng, -222 K. 2-Mh t.f t'hlcago, al
ways kteps it at hand, and has no
fear of croup, lie-ans it instantly re
lieves. Free trial Imttlesat HillNiro
Wh Baby m sick, wa iwt ar Oaatoris,
yrttn aba was s Child, aba cried for Caatorl
Waaa ate tweam Hlaa, aba 1ub to OaaSaris,
Wkta a aa4 CkiUraa, aba fats Umsb CssMria,
Highest Honors World's Fair,
mi J Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Mont Perfect Made.
4o Years the Standard.
Uut-klen's Aruiea Salve.
The lst salve in the world for
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt
rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped
hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
eruptions, and oitivcly cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give erfcct satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 20 cents per box.
For sale by llillsboro Pharmacy.
bauw February 14ib, to tba wile of Law-
renca orowo, a son.
Rvhi B Feliruary 10 b, to tli wits of J. H
Kub c, a Uauglitar.
Dcscaji Near II illnl.oro, to the wifa of
Geo. M. Duncan, aon, e glit 11 puunua.
ilMMH Al Kotet Urova, Khrua v 1 lib.
to tba wifeol K. V. Hainei, Hul l Joae-
bine, weight. it pounds.
IreaU Utter List.
The following i a list of letters re
maining uncalled for in the postotfice
at llillsboro. February lo, 1890:
Mrs. Iiraudes, James tl. t'olson,
hi huller, II KchmeiiiHberger.
All letters not called for by Feb
ruary L'Otli, will be sent to the ueau
letter office. One cent will be charged
on each letter called for.
Mary A. Brown, V. M.
Kleetrle itltter.
Klectric Hitter is a metlicine
suited for any season, hut iierliaps
more generally neetled, when the
languid, exhausted feeling prevails,
when tlie liver is torpid and sluggish
and the need of a tonic and alterative
is felt. A prompt use of this medi
cine lias often averted long and tier-
haps fatal bilious fevers. No medi
cine will act more surely in counter
acting and freeing the- system from
the malarial poison. Headache, in
digestion, constipation, dizziness
yield 'to Kleetrle Hitter. iiOe. and
$1 per bottle at llillsboro Pharmacy.
Edwin F. L'lil, assistant secretary
of state, has boeti apMiinted ambassa
dor to Germany, to succeed Minister
itunyon, deceased, l'lil is from
Michigan, and, before taking office
tinder the present administration, was
a practicing attorney. He is a grad
uate of the Ann Arbor Htate Univer
sity, of his state. He is remirted to
be a bright man, and well qualified
for the duties of his new station. It
is understood that Mr. l'lil is intense
ly American.
The luo.u co.ctio worth of U.
bond have been awarded. Adding
the premium, these bond have
placed in the U. 8. treasury, 1111,
378,8.10.09 of gold. New York gets
the bulk of the bonds, to-wit
37,32 1 ,3.10.
W'eyler, the new captain-general
of Cuba, has arrived in Havana and
assumed the duties of his office. The
insurgents will now I crushed, even
If they have to lie massacred. But
note the old SpanUh receipt for ra-
ghout "First catch 'your hare, Ac.'
The British are mourning because
the rich gold fields of Australia, re
cently found, are not in foreign terri
tory so that they couhl steal the
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Warld'i Fair tlighait A war.
Whltronih A .MiKliinr j, Preps.
Special attention given tn Haul
ing Freight and Moving House
hold (ioods. I barges reasonable.
I rders Solicited
Only Dray in the City.
HII.I SftrllO. . ORF.bOX.
J. Milt I II it! . Proprietor
Corner Muound aoil.. Waubinaton Ntraets
4 FIllhT C'LArH TAKLK, and all so
l eouiniodatiutit for tLe eoueoieiioa of
tvCharpee Reasonable
Having iun-lirte. Mr. Anderwnt
inlereat in this line, I hereby annoitni-
tlist I am prepared to exeenteall coinmts
siona entnifteil lo me. I!-ir'ilar trip to
Portland are tiiiulc on
nsmlsTs. rt rtlnesilitr Frlilajs
Ki-ttirnina fin the ds following. Siril
attention given to thw rxsration of aniall
orders, l-ave orlera
M . tl alMB utattr,
V. . .. aa.aai w.
x - "
The only First-
Class and Strictly
Temperance Restau
rant in the City.
leading Paper of Kentucky, v
All the news and Correct
market reports.
Sample copies free to any address.
Lsiilsvuie, KcatackT.
IM for every I0 la vented ran
be made by oar aevr
Ten Doll am and mora mad daily oa
mall inveattnenta by iieraona who live
awav from Clileniio.
Ail wa ask la to inveatiirala our new and
oriinnnl nielhods. Past workilias of plan
and liiithent references furnished. Oor
Booklet " Points A Hints" how to maka
.Honey even a lien on lha wrong side ol tlie
market and other Information sent r'KEK.
CILMOai C... taakara .ad Brakara.
Open Hoard of Trade Hldir., Chicago, III,
If Vou Need Money, Write to me.
If Year Mortgage Is Dae, and you want
to Borrow Money, write to me.
If Year Property Is Good, Write mo an
exact description, stating location,
kind of Improvements, amount ot in
surance you carry, and state the
sniount of money wanted land I will
at once write you as to the rates of
Xo. &Ht Stark St.,
Seems to get along in the world
eaier than the other fellow.
In the find place, he is more at
ease at social unctions.
And he generally finds a situa
tion quickly, when thrown out of
lie seems to get the best paying
The fact that he buys food clothes
is in itaelf a recommendation,
it shows that he is economical.
W. HOLMES, Tailor.
Mala Street, . Htllsboro, Oregos
Suits made loonier. Old garments
cleaned, dyed or repaired.
mi nnoxM.
Htate of Oregon, lor Washington
John W. Hliute, rinintltr, 1
Annie II. Mays, U It. Mays, J. A. I
lieid, and J. V. Tamiesie, I
To Annie B. Mays and U H. Mays, of
the above named delendanta:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and answer
the emended answer and cross-complatnl
of the defendant, J. f. Tamiesie, tiled
against you in the above entitled suit, in
the above named court, by Monday, the
lHth dov of March, 1SH6, said day being
the rirst day of the term of said Court lol
lowing the eipiration of tha lime pre
scritied in the order tor the publicstion of
this summon,.
And if you fail tn so answer, for want
thereof, said defendant, J. V. Tamiesie,
will apply to the Court for the relief de
manded in said amended answer and cross
complaint against vou, to-wit:
That said J. I. lamteeia have decree
against you and each of you, for the sum
ol 300.CiO, in V. H. gold coin, with Interest
thereon from September 2, 1SIH, at the
rate of 8 per rent per annum, for the sum
of IV), attorney fees, and the costs ana
disbursements of thl, suit.
That the mortgage described in said an
swer and cross-complaint and eiecuted by
vou be foreclosed, and the land therein
described and in plaintiff's complaint,
and situated in Washington County, Ore
con, and doner! bed as follows, to-alt:
Commencing at s stake 20 teet west of the
northeast corner of the southeast quarter
of section ll. T 2 N ol R 8 W of Will Mer,
and runnlug thence west 19.37A chains,
thence south l.'i.VI rhsins, thence eait
19.375 chrins, thence north 15 .W chains to
the p ace of beginning, containing &)
acres, be sold, to satisfy the sums afore
said, and lor such other and further decree
as may be equitable.
This summons is published by virtue ot
an order therefor, mede and signed by
Hon, Thos. A. McHride. Judga of the
above named Court, on the 27ib day of
Jauuary, lWSi.
Attorneys for Defendant, J. P. Tamiesie.
the f'ellewlag Redartloas
All-Wool tlathlsg.
DO Meat,' Hilts, ( kotro 97 00
100 " Cte,
400 Pair PaaU, to
Wlltaartto Vaitoy Woot Bate Mo
Root CMkiof. sfeaotator tkwrw rw
aol lAHTtlf MNt0af. Tkey ar
tat f fit IsWf AloMf atrovao-
Tlllt Woaaoa HUH at aaaat
Price, aal Saelt Uaafaaa lo RaM
qnalltyraa a BaaiM Hit la fofteaal.
TaU I llat wa Mil fMth
TECT105 for oir U.taattra.
farfat tfrote,
Club nill hold a meeting
The Club will
All are cordial.)' invited to attend. Sueeial
Invitation Is extended to Ladles.
Secretary. President.
X0TE The aboce is the text for hand bills printed
for Republican Clubs at the INDEPENDENT
office. When an order is placed, the name
of the Club, together tcith the name of the
President and Secretary should be gicen.
to Quality and Accuracy
A Fine
Hillsboro Livery.Feed ani Sales Me
Order left for HEARSE will receive prompt atteatloa.
Remember the Place.
F. J. WILLIAMS A J. W. 8EWELL . Proprietor
Cily Livery noble
Where you will find the
Good Teams, Good Buggies and Good Drivers,
Cor. Second and Washington ISta.
Are now making a First-Class
.. at their M
WORKS, near - -
A f Second St., Sear P. O.. Hillsboro.
e iSA'V A?(Sm: l JEWLERY.
brick laverandeunlraclor. llexeru
all work entrusted to bim, draw t luns
and specifications, and mass estimate.
reference in Hlilsiioro: i. n. ioiiku. r.
B. Huston or U M. C. Oault. I'or'lsod
sddrets, 5i1 Columbia Ht. !-'.
Xatlcc tm Hten-kholtlerw.
X eapual stock ol the Waihineion
Countr Speed and Irlvin A jsoi iaiion :
Yon and eacb nt ru are herehv notiiiel
that the capital stock of the Wsstiiniriun
L'oontv Hpred and driving Association lis.
been foil? subscribed, and y" r" lurtlirr
notified that a meelina; ol the sharelio drs
and subscribers ot su h slock will be nrld
at II llsboro, riron, on fatuniair, tn
J!ih day of brnry, ', at ll hour oi t
I', a. or sell car. a in. nan i r.. J.
..on., for the ourtxe of iierlerlinc the
oroon aotion of nu ll corporation, and to
elect director therefor. .sa-eU
t t.. J . I.VOJrS.
Incorporators: ' Tno. Thi bot,
I l'M. r. Nvi a
Itwttllltri' letting.
meetlns; of the Hillsboro )- , .rstlrc
Co. will be held in Orrnin Hall, nn f'rt
10f. March 27, li, at the hour of I o'clm k
p. ., tor the purpose of electm a Hoard
of Dinar tors, and for tba trsnasct on ot
tueh other buoinata as m rme before
lAOmootine. J, al rtWKl.u,
J. . ia.sia
1 Sfltt.
be addressed
in Dispensing.
Line of Toilet Articles, Patent
Medicines, School Booha, &c.
Rest Teams that can be had
plicated Watch Repalrlaf.
Treaoarer'a Ntiee.
all ouniy warrants endorsed prior
to AiiKust K.h, IWi, are now redeemable at
theolliceof the oounty treasurer, and in
terest will cease nn the same after Kebru
ary 2i. lWHj.
Iinted at HillKhom. Dr., thl. 20th day or
February, 1W.
1. W,
3! V I
Oiuntv Treasurer.
Hoys.' and ilrU' Aid Harclety
r Oregon.
tunes Kirls) for f 1) ordinary service at
?: (V) upon indenture, io wirk, at
tend . hool, and he bmusjhi up somewhat
a. your own; I and 1:) children may be
had for lear.l adoption. Aidress
Supt. Bovs' and fliris' Aid Hociety, Fort
Intid, Oregon.
Adaalalatrate r'a Xatlc.
it the undenigned has been appointed
by the I'onnly Court of the Htate of Ore
it n, for Washington County, anmlniitre
lor of the eaiate of James Mef'ornilck, de
rensed, late of Washington County,
i Iregon.
All pers-tis. thereforo. having claims
svainst said estate, are hereby requested
and required to present them, with tlsa
nmper vouchers to me, at the law ofltoe of
Tli o. H.Tongne, In llillsboro. Washing
ton County, Oregon, within slg monltta
from the date hereof.
HiLsboro, Ws.htDfton C'oanty, Oroaoej,
F.bru.ry 12, !-(.
Jaa MOKoaaj.
adminhyratoref IMot0o iaewM att
'ord wailBl to see iasi imnt