Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, January 31, 1896, Image 3

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KjfiTt taken la exchango at the
Cull on Humphreys for loans on
K khI iiroperty, also farms to rent and
V) Ht'll.
No. 1 froh cow for nale, four years
ol.l, calf by V. A. lUlllon,
If you are In noed of a Netting ma
th ine, call at the Bazaar U-fore
Omo liundml and ftfty pounds
clioice clover need for sale. V. A.
liilllou, (ilencoc.
Hoys' and children's caps, all Htyles,
at hk-huliuprich & Sou's. Just the
thintf, to wear to school.
Wanted To rent, a farm of 80 to
10U acres on the shares, or muwt b
cheap for cash. W. 8. Hyde, Hills
dale, Or.
One thousand dollars to loan on
good real estate security; Knqulre
of Ailolph Miller, 4IHJ Kveritt St.,
I'ortland, Or.
If you want a bargain in ladies' or
children's wraps. We have a few
left on hand, at less than cost. HchuU
inerich S Son.
All watches and jewelry left by II
Vnternahrer are now ready, l'lease
call for it at L. V. Uerckmnes', In
side three weeks from date. January
10, 18'JU.
"A reduction in dress, goods, in or
der to reduce the stock now on hand
to make room for the largo stock
ordered from the factories, at HchuU
merich A Son's.
TIhwo Interested in organizing a
camp fir Sons of Veterans, O. A. 11.,
are invited tn meet in Senator Hus-
to i's otllce, Siturday, February Hth,
nt 2 o'clock p. m.
Charles W. Tarleton, a lonely
,Q, h..lnp who ho mvsteriouslv disan-
jKrtred the 10th of last May, from his
home near ueavf non, nas noi neen
been nor hoard from by his neigh
bors, siuc.
Mr. Ed Schul merich killed two
niirs a few days ago that were porky,
One weighed 6 10 pounds and the
other 4-." pounds. James lnnikin
also killed a big one a short time
before. Wheat is good for hogs.
All iersons knowing themselves
indebted to me, or having been noti
fied by nie thut I have bills against
them fr colection, will please call
and settle same before February 1,
18HG. J. S. Jackson, uleneoe, Or.
ldro-niimt Hurraing! Itariralns!
t. .r,i,.r tn rmlnoM our stock of win
ter clothing, we are ottering a fine
line or Heavy suits auu overcoats,
also ladies, misses and men's mackin
toshes at cost. We have largely in
creased our grocery stock, and will
not 1 undersold by any house this
far west of sun-up. Bryan Laldlaw
Co. Cash Store.
Taken up A bay mare, about fi
years old, white 8trie In face, white
left hind leg and white right front
leg, wore a halter and hitching rope
fastened about neck. The animal
was taken up at my place, one mile
south or Klnton postoiiiee. The
owner can recover said mare by call
gin on the undersigned and paying
charges. J. C. Anderson, Klnton,
"Property owners on Third street
have oiK-ned ditch from Baseline to
Lincoln street, that drains several
fxtmls. The work was not difficult
till Main street was reached, where a
large section of diagonal planking
had to be torn up. The criticism
made Inst Hummer, when the plank
was being laid, was realised to be
true. A few days work done in
other parts of the city would let on
much water and Improve the streets.
K. (J. Hagey was before Esquire
Knight last Saturday, charged with
the larceny of a ten-dollar piece,
which an inmate of the poor farm
said the defendant picked up In the
path leading from the poor house to
the barn. Although the pauper
swore positively his story was not
believed, for his old neighbors testi
tied that his reputation for truth and
veracity is bad, while the defendant
has a good reputation for honesty.
He was discharged.
The electric light company has
been using its arc lights about four
years, during which time they have
nut been adjusted. Notwithstanding
this long run the light furnished has
been up to the standard, but it was
noticed that it took more power at
the station to produce tho desired
result. To remedy this defect, Su
perintendent Oates has had a skilled
mechanic from the General Electric
Comp-mv at Portland out this week,
overhauling the lamps and re-adjusting
them. He found some slight
defects, which he remedied, and now
the lamps are ready for another long
At the sHclal school meeting held
last Wednesday, for voting a tax to
maintain the schools in mis uisinui
for the coming year, a resolution was
introduced to levy a 10-mlll tax to
support a nine mouths school. This
resolution was amended to lower the
levy to 8 mills and reduce the term
of school to six months. The
amended motion was then adopted.
There are now outstanding warrants
amounting to tJ,.Vi:J. The levy will,
with other sources or income, pay all
these warrants and maintain the
school for a part or next year. The
arhool term will not be cut short
now, but the session will bsone
of six months.
SiKX-ial services will be held at the
Congregational church, next Sunday
iii.fn.- '2,1 Is the lMh
anniversary of the organization of
the Y. 1. fs. c. r.., anu is wn
throughout America among Endeav
orers as Christian Endeavor Par.
Agreeably to this custom, the En
.i -.i.,tin i,t the Christian and
Congregational churches of Hillsboro
will conduct a union memo " -latter
church next Sunday night at
7 ::li. Efforts will be made to render
the meeting Interesting and helpful.
The topic of the pastor's sermon In
the morning will be "The Jericho
Boad ot Life," based on text, Luke.
10:37. The Sabbath school and
Junior Endeavor wletica will be
i, ui iiii usiihI hours of 10 a. m.
and 4 p. m. It ought to be men
tioned, also, IBS I ine juniors i vum
churches will participate in the union
vnl tig meeting.
A Young; Men's Itroubllcan Club
for Ileedviilo was orguuizrcx) on Wed
nesday evening last, with twenty
fife charter members. Judge It. 1.
Cornelius, L)r. W. L. Wood, H. II.
iiumptiris and lienton Itowuian
went down from HillUro to assist
In perfectliiff the organization. The
cuustitutiou and by-law recom
mended by the State League was
adopted. The delegates chosen to
the State League, that meets in Port
land next Tuesday, are C. Lystrup
and S. liuchaiiau. The club will
hold meetings on the Third Thurs
day In each month. The president
of the club Is Jcromo l'almatier,
vice-prfHiUent, Huns lUsmuHxeu; sec
retary, James Miller; treasurer, Thus.
Bramel. Kemarks were made by
Judge Cornelius, Dr. Wood and Mr.
uowuian. Much enthusiasm pre
vailed. Chris Johnson, residing about five
miles beyond (ilencoe, was severely
injured Wednesday morning, while
slashing timber. A falling tree
struck a huge log, about 4 feet
through, and forced It over Mr.
Johnson's legs. In order to release
him, It was- found necessary to dig
away the earth beneath the log, and
to split off the bark. Dr. Linklater,
who was called, found him suffering
from the severe shock and a broken
Special for a few days, a fine line of
ladies' shoes at tlM, wolth 11.25.
Men's boots at Sl.r0, worth
These are bargains worthy your at
tention. Considering our unusually
low prices on all gotsjs, you will see
that our special on these means uoi
lars saved to our customers. Bryan
Laldlaw Co. Cash Store.
"Passmoreism," or "Churchism
and Politics" is the subject for discus
sion at the M. I.. church this evening.
The subject for the sermon Sunday
morning is The Philosophy of Jesus
Christ." The topic lor discussion
Sunday evening is "The Baptism of
Jesus Christ."
Young Montgomery is to be exe-
cuted t Albany to-day, tor the mur
der of his father, mother and Mc
Kercher. Sheriff Ford, of this
county, went to Albany yesterday to
be present at the execution. Another
murderer Is to be hung at Kalama
Tlio turliou' uii-letv nf I lie (Vimretra
lioiial church will observe Lincoln's
birthday, February 12lh, by appro
priate exercises, at the Orange hall,
together with a New England sup
per. Super for adults, 2't cent;
L II I .1 .4- VIE ... . . .
cnnureii unuer i-( ii n-uis.
Brock has taken the arc light out
of his drugstore and replaced it with
two clusters of Incandescent lights,
suDDorted by tasty chandeliers. The
change Is a very pleasant one, and
his store Is brilliantly lighted.
Lost A pair of gold-framed eye
glasses, between Methodist church
parsonage and residence or Mrs. S. J.
Hr.iu.-n Kinder will receive suitable
reward by returning the same to this
Korvlcea at the Bantist church next
Uuhluith mnmlniT and evening. Sub
ject ror evening service "Why I am
a Baptist; V ith a side IjOok at nap-
tism." F. K. seoneici, pasior.
ri.o v x h c v.. of the Conirre-
rational church will give an enter
lulnment on March 6. ISiltt. The
program will be given later.
anmu cnmil tmrcraina in shoes, at
Schul merich A Son's. New stock
now In, also have some oiu sioca ai
reduced prices. .
xr.,'a lu.iiuu niul children's fur
..:.,i, i.,,. Mk nt nrices lower than
lliaii."r n , , . . ,
ever, at wcnuimericn a mm s.
liuir oils, romtiloxion and tooth
powders and other toilet articles, to
be sold at cost, at me uazaar.
Poniinn Bloom. Almond Cream
and the best race preparations, re
duced, at the Bazaar.
t T K'nlirtit is nreosred to make
loans or from f.0 to f I.ooo. nee nun
and get his terms.
a .wvi White" sewing machine
nr sale very cheap at me lw.uar.
Fancy baskets at bargain prices, at
the Bazaar.
heirs. The renort of
I fjaiaiv 1 " -
Ikn nnan an atiows IllHl at me Ulllf
I nr ti. iuu mtwirt there was a balance
on hand amounting to $2,717.90. Be-
ceived since on ai-couni oi imeresi
l nni. 4... Total receipts.
I n 1 1 i. . , . .v.
$3,944.41. Disbursed for taxes and
support or heirs, tM.u.o.t, u-aving a
lilnre of fcl.767.5S on hand. The
t Mnit nil. atiitroved.
Estate of Marion and Maria P
The reisirt of the
guardian shows notes on Hand, f.oo;
cash, foZ.US; loiai, .i.-.on.
L"tuu li. 1 Vnnl TltTanv et al.
minors. The report of the guardian
shows tne sum oi io.i im
I Ixilnnvinir to said estate.
Ordered that the said guardian oe ai
inn-ii tn tiau rerinin Claims mention'
Li in hi iiiililnn nut of monev be-
II V. .1. .1.. V
longing to the estate, and that the
remainder ne loaned ior use.
I i-oi..! Miner vn Khinlev. insane
Ordereil that citation Issue to Minerva
Shipley to appear and show cause
why the prayer oi tne pennon annum
not be granted.
ti, foil. miner miilitinnnl warrants
u-ok vnipd Ht the sdlourned session
of tho county court, hem lasi wees
Oeo V Patterson t 155
Insane and Inquest
VV n W'nml 5 00
Circuit court
Thos Paulsen W 20
CSchamburgh 40 40
J W Baker 3S M
I J A Hulit 4 40
P Boscow 40 40
I J WSewell l
C W Allen 41 40
C M Keep 4 w
I J S Clark 8 20
E W Haines ; 20
IVter Kindt 4 "
E I Kuratli 45 SO
Andrew Jack 44 SO
A P Luther 48 so
Thos Connell 44 40
J W Jackson 44 4"
J P Ireland 4t 40
Edward Squires '
C C Hancock -
W Hartrampf.
I VCImtno W "
Chas Bo wen
II O Davie 4S 0)
F M Kelsay
S E Kester
C Elsenbauer
S Everitt s .sk
W Boucsine 4 20
8 II Humphreys 4 20
II C Ilayuiond - s bo
Peter Evers - 45 20
C Bf.wen 2 20
K Crandall 2 20
Thos Tucker - 2 20
Joseph Mann 2 20
W II W ehrung e no
O T Ledford 2 20
DMcCamlsh 2 20
W Bender 2 20
EA Street 12 20
It B Collins 40 4D
L A Whitcomb 4 20
E F McXelley 47 20
J C Tuttle 2 20
Enos Davis 31 20
E S Gay lord 3 HO
J J Morgan 40 40
J 1 Knight 2 20
D W Dobbins 2 20
A Stewart 4 40
C W Talraage 10 00
J P Vaughn o
W m Seitzenger o oo
Louis Lundgren 0 00
Eleanor Ferguson tt 00
Mary Ferguson 00
Anton. Kluppeneggar 12 oo
Theresa Kluppeneg'ar 12 00
Jos Kluppeneggar 12 00
K K Haines
L L Whiscomb 4 20
T R Davis 45 60
A Anderson 12 00
Ernest Fresch 3 40
luis Shogren 4 60
Albert Voss 6 00
W A Mosher
W H Calkeus 6 20
F C Varner 00
J J Patton 7 2d
C M Keep, Jr 3 20
J P Wagner a m
J W Barrey 00
Paulena Precechtil o w
Wilhelmina Lursman 6 40
Geo Oalbreath 2 20
Harry Ball 4 80
S M Smith 3 20
Lizzie Smith 3 20
M Maud Johnson 3 20
O T Hollister 3 20
D B Nobles 6 20
J WTigard 6 20
J It Daniel 0 40
Abner Brlggs 3 t0
D II Uiekard 6 00
Chits Ash pole 6 00
II Starrett .
A J Hess 00
Louis Wilcox 5 20
Sherman Saxton 4 40
James Uobb 10 00
S B Huston 2 00
SO Holman 6 80
W W Annans 6 60
W II Burns 2 20
C S Tigard 6 20
B Moore 2 20
it M Donohue 6 00
J P Tamiesie 4 40
Sarah Miller 2 20
Perry lisy 2 50
J K Loeke 8
Perry Watson 2 00
A Thornburgh 2 00
H II Eyman 5 60
W W Baker 4 80
A Malone 2 60
E M Tongue 2 20
J T McNamara 2 20
Mrs E F Moore 2 20
John Moore 2 20
C W Redmond 2 20
Montie McKinuey 2 20
Richard Sandford 3 20
John H Dorland 3 20
J W G(Kxlin 8 20
S Johnson - 4 00
Anna Wier 5 20
M J Gardner 6 00
W F Hartrampr 3 20
A J Roy 3 80
Ed Roy 3 80
Walter Fowlie 8 60
Marion Black 4 20
Jas L Walker 4 0
C F Tigard 5 20
I) C Freeman 00
Dick Dennis... 2 70
J II Peterson 4 40
Chris Carstensen 4 80
Jas Hill 4 80 .
Mary Malone 2 60
J S Beam 4 00
F A Bailey 2 20
James Young 2 30
Ernest A Millard 2 30
UeoR Bagley.v 2 20
John Pugh 6 20 -
J C Larakin 2 20
J II Freeman 2 20 -
R E Bryan 10 20-1CI4
State cases and witnesses
W II Burns 2 20
Wm C Gray 3 CO
W W Annans 4 40
Sister Irene 6 00
F D Stewart 6 00
Sadie Garvin 00
Ollio Pugh 6 00
C W Talmage 8 00
Jack Ford 2 20
Miss E A Hell 6 00
W II Wehrung 4 40
W F Hartrampr 3 20
Walter Fowlie 3 60
A J Boy 3 80
Samuel Holman 3 60
Ed Squires 8 60
John Vanderwal 4 20
Etta Patton 5 60
Mrs J no Wilcox 5 40 ,
Rosa Lee 58 00
D D Lynch 7 20
D W Dobbins 4 20
B Birdsell 8 00
C E Kindt 8 00
J B Scoggin 8 00
Geo S Bennett 8 00
Chas UBarre 8 00
J I Knight 4 20
J E Beam 4 00
A Anderline 6 no
M Tannler 6 00
I Soloman 6 00
T Fueg 6 00
II Varwig 6 00
G Deharde 6 00
F A Bailey 2 20
W I) Wood 2 20
Wilhelmina Lursman 6 40
Paulena Precechtil 6 40
John Minster 6 00
Geo Oalbreath 6 00
H B Johnson 3 20
D M Dunbar 5 80
Cooner Branaman 6 80
Peter Gibson
John Yunker
J II Allen
Donald Martin
Thos Lott
Iiouis Wilcox
J J Patton
Wm Baxter
Harry Ball
(4 W Duncan
T R Cornelius
J J Ward
Thos Seth
6 HO
4 60
4 60
6 ft)
Elizabeth Ward S
John Pugh 7
James Churchill - 7
BcnJ F Duncan 4
W W Tatton 5
J E Robertson S
II W Scott 5
Harry Southard 8
L Shogren
M T Patton I
I Patton T
WE Moore 4
E Oribbler t
W F Robertson t
UeoDurren .... I
J D Cvrbett.. I 9$
Moses McCoy 7 40
Ed Magoon 6 40
Luther Dureu 7 00
W II Berry 7 40
James Booth 7 80
Mary Booth 7 o
Louis Grout-dyke 5 60
Henry Ko!?rts 8 00
Frank Burton 2 on
Geo W Hall 7 40
E L Parsons - 8 00
Wm Tides 7 60
L B McFarland.... 8 oo
New tun llarw r 4 20
James Harsr 4 20
lknj Harper i
Roa Leo 4 00
J F Wileox 40
J II McNamer l'
R O Stevenson 2 00
A Stewart 4 20
Mary J Stewart 4 20
Willie Walker 3 50
U Anderline 5
John Zuell 3 50
O K Townsend 2 50
Fred Townsend 2 50
Peter Clerk 2 30
iAura Townsend 2 80
Joseph Cawrse 1 "0
L K Adams 2 50
Henry Wilklns 2 30
Anna Wilkins 2 30
A W Davies 40
C S Tigard 2 40
Wm Pollard 1 20
S N Fuller 1 40
J M Burroughs 1 40
J E Young 6 50
James Anderson 11 90
Fred Cooke 1 50
Maggie E ;llall 1 0
John Hall 1
CO Relsner 1
H Starrett 1
Anna Bea vert... 1 50
Susie Roberts 1 50
EG Hagey 1 50
Mrs L A James 3 20
John Koehnke 3 20
Wm Wilklns 3 20
G F C Meyers 3 20
Iiouis Ennes 2 00
Herman Boge 2 00
Sam Ilinlon 2 00 -
Chas Brown 2 00
A M Vaughn 4 50
F Reynolds 5 20
L A Whitcomb 2 20
J P Vaughn 3 20
Ella Lousignont 30 70
Asa Corwin 2 20
J T McNamara 2 20
C W Redmond 2 20
A Woodrum 8 00
L D Hopfield 8 00
Win Pool 8 00
W Pointer 2 00
John Moore 2 20
E T Bancroft .' 2 20
Mrs E F Moore 2 20
E B Tongue 2 20
Geo R Bagley. 2 20
E M Tongue... 2 20
J Northrop 2 Oil
J B Imlay 3 00
W D Smith 13 20
J I Knight 83 90
W W Annans 14 60
W N Barrett 7 50- 796 90
Bridges and roads
Wiley A Dennis 2 00
Beam & Williams 2 00- 4 00
Glass & Prudhomme.. 18 75
Meston-Dygert B K Co 23 50
Court house and Jail account
J W Benson C 00
County court
D B Reasoner 10 00
TO Todd 13 80- 29 80
Paupers and prisoners
A Stewart 7 50
T O Todd 5 00
Mrs D E Reuter ft 00
Irvln Hutchinson 5 00
L M Bell 15 00- 37 50
License to wed were issued Janu
ary 27, 1890, to Perry Benetiel, aged
23 years, and Hornet ta Uullock, aged
17 years; January 28th, to Talliof
Miller, aged 29 years, and Mary E
RoU'rts, aged 18 years, and on Janu
ary 29th, to Arthur J Bell, aged 19
years, and Rosa BlancharJ, aged'17
The sublime mystery of life, with
its joys in childhood, Its hopes in
youth, its aspirations in early matur
ity, its ambitions in the height or Its
intellectual powers in a ripened man
hood, and in its tranquility and se
renity in declining years, in any and
all of these stages of man's existence
when we are least expecting him,
the awful majesty of Death appears,
"time is called," ami we pass over to
the thither shore.
Thus, in the zenith of his ripened
intellect and manhood, the dread
summons came, on the 4th of Janu
ary, 1890, to him who was our neigh
bor, associate, friend and brother,
Martin Manning, an honored mem
ber of Holbrook Ixslge, No. 30, or A.
F. and A. M. Alone in his chamber,
at the silent hour or midnight, amid
strangers, in a strange land, the silent
messenger called, and quietly obey
ing nature's mandate, "he wrapped
the drasry or his couch around
him," and sank tn sleep, and passed
over into the unseen. Aud earth,
that ever kind and indulgent mother,
who so generously furnished the
means for his sustenance In life, re
ceived him at last in death into her
The life and character of Martin
Manning is worthy of emulation by
the youth or our land. By his perse
vering industry he overcame obsta
cles that would have discouraged
most men. His generosity knew no
limit; be sfiiml to be happiest when
he could do anything to Rilvance the
interest and well-being or his friends.
His honesty or purrsise in advocating
what he deemed to be right endeared
him to all those who came within
the sphere of his Influence, so that
those who knew him longest loved
him most.
In the untimely death of our be
loved brother, Holbrook Lodge has
lost an honored member; the craft, a
true brother and steadfast friend; the
community, sn enterprising neightsr
and honorable man; the state, a de
voted son and worthy citisen.
To the craftsmen of Tuolumne
Lodge, No. 8, of A. F. and A. M., at
Sonora, California, we send fraternal
greetings and our grateful thanks for
their kindness in caring for and pre
paring the remains or our deciased
brother ft the return to his firmer
To our frlctd and fellow-citizen,
Mr. Anton 1'fanner, our thanks and
gratitude are du ; he, who through
hM warm hearted sympathy for his
deceased friend and his good will to
the Masonic fraternity, generously
volunteered to proceed to the scene of
death and bring the remains of our
brother to us for burial.
To our Maonlc brethren of Tuality
Lodge, No. 6, of A. F. and A. M.,
our fraternal tl.anks are due for their
kindness in aiding us in performing
the h it B4 nit f our order in coo-
righcst Honors World's Fair,
nold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
' Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
signing all that was mortal of our de
ceased brother to the tomb.
To his relatives and loving friends,
in this, the hour of their affliction,
we extend our sim-ere sympathy.
1 heir friend and ours has gone hence
to that "bourn from whence no trav
tier ever returns."
As a further nisrk of our esteem,
we a.-k tiiat the seeretarv lie author
ized to furnish each ueupa r In this
county with a copy of this memorial,
with the request to publish the same
anil also to rorward a copy to tn.
I. Manning, brother of the deceased,
at Elmira. New York. .
Ri-speetfully and fraternally sub
mitted this Janusrv 22, lsini.
Committee W. G. Cui.K,
M. E. Dii.i.ky.
When Baby lu tick, we cm her Csttorla,
Wbaa alia mum Child, ah cried for Caatoris,
When aha bacam Miaa. aha clung- to Caabvia.
Whea aba bad CtuUraa, aha gae Utem Cattoris,
, George Temple lost a vuluable cow
last week.
Patton linn, had the misfortune to
lose one of their oxen, while hauling
logs, by a log rolling on it, breaking
its leg.
Harry Southerard made a flying
trio to this place this week. He is
on his way to the Jacksonville mines,
Tho pcnpli! of this place appreciate
having their taxes lowered by the
county otliemls.
The bridge carpenters, Dailey and
Mahau, are once aain at work on
the bridge, after the many delays
caused by the capriclousness of the
The Ideal I'auucea.
James L. Francis, alderman, Chi
cago, says: "I regard Dr. King's
New Discovery as an Meal panacea
for coughs, colds and lung com
plaints, having used it 111 my family
lor the last five years, to the exclu
sion of physician's prescriptions or
other preparations." ltev. John
Uurgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes; "I
have Is-en a minister of the Metho
dist Episcopal church for Hfty years
or more, and have never found any
tiling so beneficial, or that gave me
such hpi-edy relief as Dr. Kings rsew
Discovery." Trv this ideal cough
remedy now. Trial bottl.-s free at
Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Iluuliou's Arntt-a Salve.
The lies! sulve in the world for
cuts, bruises, sonis, ulcers, salt
rneum, lever sores, iciier, enapeu
- , -
eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or 110 iiitv reoiiireil. It is irimranteMl
nanos. eiuinmiiis. eorns hihi hii skiu
- 1 - - 1
to give ierlect sati.slactton or money
reiumico. i-riee z.i cents jkt uox
For sale by Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Tenclier' nnrtcrly ISxamii
n 1 .
NOT UK IS, llKltlCltY tilVKN. THAT
fur Ilia iiurpnio ul iimking n turn
nintion ul all per, ins wliu may olljr
tlienuulre as canilniatc for da:herrt ol
the sclioola of this County, the County
school superintendent thereof will liohl a
publiu examination in I ho Court House nt
Hiltshoro, heionning al 1 o'clock p. in., un
February llfth, the second WedneaJay ol
the in on til . Applicants for Stat i papers
may preseut tlimnselvei on Friday, Febru
ary 14th, at In o'clock a. 111.
Dated this 30th day of Jnmiirv. 1SK
Schoil Superintendent ot Washington
Boy' mid .irls" Aid Nwriety
of Oregon.
times Kirl) tor (I ) ordinary service at
aires: t-') n"'i indenture, io i rk,at
timl Mi.hiinl ami he hroiivht lln somewhat
aa your own;! and (.'() children may be
i I i - i . . . i I I
ii ior irKi-i aiiu..i'ii. i'n-i"
tupt. Hoys' and (liris' Aid Society, I'ort
land, Oregon.
In pursuan'- ' i mi oi .J.-r of sa e made
by the Ctmn'v i'lciri ul ihe Matof Ore
gon, tor WawliiiiirT-Ki County, on the UUb
day ol 4 mu iry. I !i i, mi tin' niatiiT i'f the
estate m Wiliiam Johy, Wease l, and to
the unnersiciie l. in i e ut irs ol the last
will aim it M.niK iit ol said V illlam Jolly,
decreed, directed.
We wm i 1 at public auction, to the
highest nldder, at the south door of the
Court House, in liiilsboro, Washington
Couiitv, Orenoii, on Siturday, Ilia 1 "it h
day ot February. s:i, at thu hour ot 10
o'clock in i he forenoon of said day, ail of
thnt ir n t ul lend belongniir in the estate
of Wii.iam Johy, decea-t-d. lyinp, Le.ng
an. I aiunc i;hin V,i-!.l:i(M:i County,
Ori-piic, inl more pnrtii marly Lounded
and di s- ri'ied as it. ;o .v t-r- A if :
Coiiini-iii in at tne nurtliwe t corner of
the south nu.i of ih- .lon.iiioii land riaim
of W n Joliv tin I wile, in M-e. II T I N, 1!
it W. Vi I. M.T.. i.ml iiinun.K thence S 5
chain-, ino.o .- lu ti.e northwest
comer ot . ir.iet oi i.irnl nere:. lore con
reye I to I'. M. Ilo.rari!, tl ence eastward
on the ninth line of sa-.il Howard tract.
i!l.si chuins to the porihenet corner of
said Howard tract, th nte soiiih t f,
chains to the aijiithr-a.l corner of eau!
Howard tract, thence south i chains, more
or less. t the northwest corner of a tract
of laud no o.vnel by McNally, them-
east about 15 chain-, more i-r leas, to the
northeast corner ot the McNally trm I ot
In i d. them e south war I alomi the east line
nf the MiN.uiy land to the center nt
McKay creea, th-n e imrih w hpI aloiiif l lie
center ut snil .Mr Kuv t reek with limine,
aniterincs thtrcot. to where tho same
cros.es trie line div Idm tbe north halt
from Hie south hail' ol ' sni I W in. lol y an I
wile's donation land c aim. thence west
on si:d division line 4."i chains, more or
less, to tne place of bvirinuinit. and cnil
tatnin I r i v t4 ' acres, more or less, to
gether w ith ail i I ll.er.rht, litie, interest
andesl.iteol William Jul. y, deceased, .it
the time of his iletitli.fr that has since
accrued to his estate, in or to the earn.
S i iv, land w ill tw sold in traits to s iit
purrlii.s rs. 1 he portion east ol lbs How
ard trv t being first so rt, and will b npuii
the following terms of saie ;
One-third of the purchase p;ica to ba
pa.d, crisu in band.
One-tlu d ol the purchase price to ba
paid one year Ironi the day of a., a-.d
the remsinder ot the purr base price to '
pa:d two years from the day ut faie; n.
ferred psynients to draw interest at I
rate ol 1(1 per cnt per annum, pa.Hie
aniuaiiy. ami to lies cured by luorti! i -e
upon Hie prenus s a :d. Conveances to
ba at purchaser's pn-e.
WM. It. JOl.LY.
4-3S IIMXK H. J"l.I.Y.
Eiernlors of the Inst w nl nd tsl.inte..t
of SV m. Johy, deceased.
?! II tlVU kTRFI'T.
sarvaB l' aaaaaa
v'f l'OKTL 1M. 0U.
SI OCa, a-raa.
TK. Anti. I?;,- N jtW.
tiass and itnetly 'f'
Temperance Restau-
rant in the City.
I'SilinK I'aper nf Kentucky.
All the newt ami correct
market reports.
Sample copies free to any address.
Till: COMMF.IitlAL,
l.uuisillle, Kentucky-
100 fur trerj $10 luvested ran
be in a ile by our new
Ten D.il lars and more made daily on
small investments by persona who live
away from Chicago.
All we ask Is lo investigate our new and
original methods. Past workings of plan
oid liUlie-t references luruiaheil. oor
Uwnklet "Points X Hints" how to make
.iionev even w hen on the wrong side nt the
uiarket and other information sent FKEK.
CILM0SI a Co., Bankera and Srokars,
Open Hoard of Trade iiidg., Chicngo, III.
( AMY AMOl'Yr.
If You Xeeil Money, Write to me.
If Your MortgHge is Due, and you wan
to llorrow .Money, write to me.
If Y'our Property is fiooil. Write me an
exact description, stating location,
kind of improvements, amount of in
aili'Hiice you carry, ami state the
amount of money wanted ;and 1 w ill
ut once w rite vuu as to the rates of
o. 2(MI Stark St., rOKTLAXll, OR.
Seem" to get along in the world
easier than the other fellow.
In the lint place, lie is more at
eime at sociul functions.
And ho generally limls a situs
tioti quickly, when thrown out of
He seems to get the Ix-et paying
The fact that ho buys ood clothes
is in itself a recommendation.
It shows that ho is economical
W. HOLMES, Tailor.
Main Street, . lllllslioro, Oregon
Ptiits made to onler. Old garments
cleaned, dyed or repaired.
1 Hi, He of Oreijon,
John W. HUa'.e,
Annie It. May, I. II. Mays,
ays, J. A. )
lefendants. j
ueiu, anu J. r. tamiesie,
To Annie II. Maya and I,. II. .Mays, of
the uhove named deiendnnts:
In the name of the Stale of Oregon, you
are beiehy required to apiar and answer
the amended answer and cross-complaint
ol tne arieuuani, J. r. tamiesie. Hied
against you in the above entitled suit, In
the above named cour , by Monday, the
I tit li day nf March, IKMi, said day being
the first day ot tha term nl said I ourt to!
lowing tha expiration ol the lime pre
scribed In the order lor the publication ol
this summons.
And il you fail to so answer, for want
there. if, said defendant, J. I. Tamiesie.
wi I apply to tha Court for the relief de
manded in said amended answer and cross
complaint ngainst vou, to-wit:
Thai said J. I'. Taniiesia have a decree
against you and each of you, tor tha sum
ol S.iuO.OO, in V- 8- gold coin, with interest
thereon from September 2, IHttt, at the
rata or H per cent per annum, lor tha sum
of $00, attorney fees, and tha costs ana
disbursements of this suit.
That the mortgage described In said an
swer aud cross-coin plaint and executed by
you be foreclosed, and the land therein
described and In plaintiff's complaint,
and situated In Washington County, Ore
gon, and described as follows, to-alt:
Commencing at a stake ) feet west of tha
northeast corner ot the southeast quarter
ol section if, 1 2 01 KBWDt win Mer,
and running Ibencs wast 111.375 chains,
thence south 15..VI cbsina, tl.enca east
W.'A'S ch -ins, thence north UW chains to
the p ace of beginning, containing 30
acres, be sold, to satisfy the sums atore
said, and lor such other and further decree
as may lie equitable.
This summons is published by virtue ol
an order therefor, made and signed by
Hon. Thos. A. Mcllride, Jtnlt-e of the
HlKive named Court, on tha day of
J mi nary, IK'l.
Attorneys for I'efendant, J. I'. Tanuetle.
t i.osi iii: of Mi-:i'irAX-
IV'S 1,1 K..
decree a -d order of sale, issu d out
ol the Circuit Court ot ths Maieot Oregon,
for Washington County, in lavor of Wm.
I.yda. nlaiiititl, and against W. rt. 1'earaon
and U. I. Huxtun, defendants, or the
sum of ll o, costs, and for the further
sum of I loil.t.0. I. H, gold coin, with inter
est thereon al the rate of S per cent par
annum, from the i'Mri day of November,
l-'.i'i, and for tha costs and expense ol
sale and of said writ.
Now, tlreref re, by virtue and In pursu
ance nl said judgment, decree and order
of sale, I will, on Monday, the 17th day of
Fehrnsry. -li, at ths south door uf tha
Court House, in Hillsboro, Wa-hir.g on
I ounty, Oregon, at the hour of pto cock
A. M.. uf said day, sell al public auction
10 the highest bidder for cash, tha fo lowing-
lescnbed real property, to-wit :
. mate In Wasbinctnn County, Oragon,
and descrilied as follows, to-wit: A strip
of six acres from tha south side of the
farm owned an I in possession of W. T.
Huston and wile, in aaction sixteen and
seventeen, town una north of rang four
west, ba ng a strip full length of said
farm, said six acres being in the possession
of W. f. I'earson. f aid aal la to satisfy
ihe heremb-fore named sums, and fur the
costs and sxiienses of said sal. Hald
property will be sold subjact to redemp
tion as par statute of Oregon.
W.fese my band tbis 16th da' of Janu
ary, l-l. H. P. OKI,
.-heritfof Washington County. Or.
Tho. II. Tongue, Attorney for Fi)ntirt,l
as 3
- AT THE -
IVndun lihHiiii
Aliuoutl I'reuru
Elite I'ouiulexiou t'reant
Athens Face Powder
Persian .
Imperial ..
t l KL!o ( KF.VMS IttV KI M, HtlK
T T 11 T1T1 I T 1T
Hh WILL lib UYUbHl
Hillsboro Livery v
Oltltt.H t'OH ..
PltortlP'l l.t
Orders left for HE A USE will receive prompt attention.
lteiiiriuher the Place.
F. J. WILLIAMS & J. W. SEWELL . Proprietors
Are now making a First-Class
WORKS, near
Makes Cider,
Makes Vinegar.
Makes Jelly,
Makes Apple Butter,
Dries Fruit,
Dries Corn.
I am prapnrnt lo liamlle all lha fruit that la likalr to ba dslivarsil.
.My dryxr lias a enparuv nl l."sl bushels of Rraao fruit par day.
Mjr firrssra have a capn'iir "f bushels r day.
My vats have a capacity of 110 srallons per day.
.My boiler will nook and prepars for market 100 gallons of appls
hutirr per dav.
I have sweet cider in atook that is 11 months old.
I have viliejj.ir mat was mmle last year.
t'atrona cancel boxes at lha drier for packing green or dried fruit.
Cider will be put up either raw or boiled.
Work done either for a share of fruit or cash, as the patron
may desire.
For drying1, permit the mution to he given, that fruit must not ba
too rife, especially is this true of prach plume and prunes.
Ovor-ripe fruit Is not as saleable as alien dried sooner.
Terms more, rensonstile thnn have belore been ollered.
Factory: Corner Fuurili and Jackson Streets, Hillsboro, Oregon.
S. E. KESTER, Prop.
directly and indirectly, by people who cniin.it do their own flguring, write their own
letters, or keep their own Imokx: and ho do not know when hiilriea and legal papers
which they miut handle, every day an- marie out rorrectly. TAII these things, aarl
niucb more, we teach thuntwjhlu. m
Hundreds of our gniduutea arc In iror.l prmiiiona, and there will be openings for
hundreds more when times Improve. .Voir u the tlmn to prepare for them, llesldes. a
business education Is worth all it roM. for rmr'i men irr. Send for our catalosrue. w
learn vhnl and hoir we lewh. Msilerl free to any address.
Portland Business College,
A. P. Armstrong, lrln. Portland, OfegOn. J. A. Wesco, Secretary.
City Livery liable
Where jou will find the
flood Teams, flood ItuIes and flood Drlrers.
Cor. Second and Washington ISts.
- mm !)
Xetlre f Fit.! Wittlfmf t.
the underslgued baa tiles! in b U
mil Court of Ih Stat of Oregon, for
Washington Counly, bia final accounts
assignee of lb aetata uf Donald Mclnr
son, insolvent, and that said court ha ap
pointed th lourt Moitae, at Hlllabiro,
Washington County, Ongon. aa lb flacs),
and Monday, th hi h day of March, .
at ID o'clock' in th torenoon of said day, aa
th tun at which said linal ai-count will
DpMaupon. s A EARBKTX
Assign of th estai VI Uonald Mo
1'lirrs.in, msolvi:l. 33-37
Xotire f Final Wettlement.
Ellxabeth Kilcher, xcutri of tha
last will and testament tf "arnu! t.
Ultchey, deceased, has thia day lild h
linal account in said taie, and that tn
Ith day of February, lwi, al lb hour or
10 o'clock A. M is set lor hearing and
determining objections, if a y. l lha
same. JJ. F. COK.N El.U S.
S.Vtti Counly Judga.
Decembsr 31,
THE SPACE on the Second Page, which
teas offered the past ttco weeks.
t TT111'P
With Plenty of liusiness, and thereby
learn the use of Printers Inh in any
and all of his undertakings. Do you
tcant to talk to 1200 people about
business? These columns can do it.
Feed and Sales Stable
are lost
Ucst TeaniH tliat van be had