Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 30, 1895, Image 2

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CiiUirad la tha pnstmcs Hi llsburo, Oregon,
a ttfdUIMl-claae BikUKf,
fcabarrlpllon, la adTaocs, per yee .
D. M. C. OAVLT, Editor.
orrui.ii. r Arum or ruts ttri
Tho Knights of Labor, expecting
the support of all labor organization,
populists and free ailver men, will,
after September 3d, refuse io um
national bank notea In payment ol
debt due them. It would not be
un.rlinir If this determination
carritd out should force into clrcula-
tion a great volume of ailver. Thf
bank-, out of revenge, or from new
ally, will use more silver than they
have been doing.
There must have been something
radically wrong in the management
of the Portland Hospital, and Vr.
Holme must have had grounds foi
hi ooinulaints. since the board ol
trustees has made a complete change,
dlaralwtlng all regular physician,
and substituting homeopathic sur
geons and doctors. The disciple ol
that school of medicine now have
rallying place, and opportunity foi
the hospital cure of patients.
There his beeu a duubt in th
minds of aome of us younger fry
touching the soundness of our fatherV
judgment la the 60's, when the
passed Burnt river, Powder river
and (Jrande Konde, and came that
last weary 300 miles to the VYlllam
ette valley. A recent trip through
that country shows that tho old men
made no mistake. The country that
waited for them in the Willamette
valley is worth a journey through
that sage brush and greaso wood
Nothing equals the desolation of the
Snake river hills.
The Drat number of the Pacific
Empire has been received. It I
published by F. E. Uottxhall, at
Portland, and edited by Mrs. Abi
gail Scott Dunlway. Frances .
Gottshall Is a woman, unmarried a
new woman. The venture is dedi
catod to freedom, which trans
lated means woman suffrage. Well,
there Is no objection as far as heard
from. The well disputed American
citizen would as soon go to the poll
with his modest sinter or cheerful,
even tempered wife, as to go with
Jim Iiiglow, tho ward heeler, and
Ms gang.
A new train on the London and
Southwestern Railroad recently ran
from London to Aberdeen, 640 rallex,
In two minutes less than nine hours,
or at an average rate of a little over
sixty miles an hour. This beats the
record in that country for long-sustained
high speed, held by the same
road, which was M.4 miles an hour
from London to Edinburgh, 400
ml leu. But the long-dtatauce record
In the United States Is still unsur
passed, the New York Central hav
ing made the ruu from BuiFuIo to
New York, 4M.5 miles, at an average
rate of 61.66 miles an hour. The
record for the fastest single mile if
also held by that road and train,
belnnr one mile In thirty-two second,
or at the rate of 112.5 miles an hour.
New uses for old material develop
daily and maiutains the value of the
old element. Just as electricity If
about to displace petroleum, that
slick stuff slips into an engine used
to propel pleasure carriages on the
highway. Recently a purse of $7,71:0
was offered In France to the horseless
carriage conveying . four pamengers
that should win In a race from Par if
to Bordeaux, and return, a distance
of "858 miles, or 716 miles in all.
Vehicles propelled by electricity, by
eteam generated by coal, .and by
gasoline, entered the race. The
wagon run by the petroleum
product was the winner, in
24 hours, 65 minutes. A speed ol
fifteen miles per hour was at times
maintained. The electrical carriage
stuck on a hill and the steam wagons
proved too slow. On the return trip
the gasoline cart ran the whole dis
tance of 368 miles without a halt
But the rejoicing of Oregon horses at
this prospect of release from the
drudgery of transportation will be
short-lived. Tlie condition of our
roads are such that tho horseliaa car
rlage will not be eeo off the paved
streets of our town.
Frequent - paragraphs have been
written about 'the Waller ca-w,
Waller Is an American citizen who
was sentenced to twenty-five years
imprisonment by a French court'
martial, after a trial lasting twenty
five minutes, lie Is also an ex-Con
Mil appointed by the Harrison ad
ministration to Madagascar, Africa
a claimed French colony. Our state
department undertook to secure hi
relcaoe. The matter has dragged
along slowly, oh, so slowly. Cables
of red tape are bound about the raw.
To many of us simple, coiifiding cili
sens the difficulties ol diplomacy are
not understood. An exchange, better
informed, let in a flood of light a lew
days ago, Walter is a nigger, ami a
republican. He was born a slave in
Missouri, hut purchased and liber
ated before the war of the rebellion
by an Iowa sboiltlooW and by him
educated. The whole matter ol
Waller's lying iu a French dungeon
is now understood. This adminis
tration Is not doing much for the
colored rare, or for American Indus
tries, or for finance or for trade. It
Is giving strict attention to gold and
bonds, and bonds and gold.
11 .' 11 .a . i
IiemocraM have not lieen as happy
since November 6, 181)2, as they were
on Tuesday and Wednesday of this
week. The glorification is over the
bickering- at the republican state
convention In Pennsylvania. The
contending parties are Quay and
Antl-tjuay. (Juay in posing for re
form and good government, and
seems to have a majority of the dele
gates. The Joy of the democrats,
though, was cut short, for the war-
rinir factions compromised their
At this distance, it is somewhat
liiUcult to get a clear understanding
of the situation. Quay is charged
with being a boss, and the terms em
ployed, without saying so In direct
words, conveys the idea that he Is a
jorruit boos. He Is certainly a
leader, but a man can be that without
being corrupt. The people demand
leaders. They can do nothing with-
mt them, but they will not long tol
.rate eeltUhneas. If we may Judge
dv the resolution introduced in the
ate convention, Quay is disinterested
ind lncliiiKd to serve his common
constituents rather than the corpora
tions and inonied interests. If that
ouririiNe is true, the corporations
ould not be slow in uttering com
plaints, and they are not wantiug In
trgans that will print their stories,
This resolution Is either the product
of a pure mind, or the vaporings of a
demagogue, and the Independent
must claim that no American politi
..iau bus yet descended to the depths
indicated by the latter supposition
Quay introduced to the state conven
don this resolution, which went to
ilie committee;
Resolved. That we decry the
growing use of money in politics, and
die corporate control of legislatures,
municipalities, counties, political
primaries and elections, and favor the
enactment of legislation and the en
forceuient of laws to correct such
abuses. We earnestly Insist upon a
form of civil service which will pre
vent the enslavement of public of
ficers and employes, and the compel
ling of thiM) appointed to preserve
ihe peace, to confine themselves to
their duties, which will insure abso
lute freedom and fairness in bestow
ing the state and county, and munici
pal contracts and will punish any
form of favoritism in giauting them,
and which will forbid the grunt of
exclusive franchises to dealers in
public necessities, comforts, convey
ance and sanitary requirements, and
will insure tho recognition of ability
and fidelity in public service, keep
ing service to the couniry ever fore
most when accompanied by ability
and fitness. We demand that public
office Bhould be for the public benefit,
and that suliordiuute positions should
bring good behavior. No public em
ploye or officer should be permitted
to Influence the primaries or elec
tion", nor upon any pretense to be
assessed upou his salary, and all un
necessary positions and salaries'
should be abolished and expenditures
and taxation reduced. There should
be a uniform basis of valuation of
proerty for public purposes. Corpo
rations enjoying public privileges
should pay for them, and schools
should be divorced from politics and
kept absolutely free from political la
ttuence and control."
It bus been said that Quay is not
of sound financial views, but the
adoption of so satisfactory a resolu
tion as that in the nation platform by
convention acknowledged to be
guided by him would seem to be a
complete refutation of the charge.
ff.L - en
Home years ago, by a special act of
congress, an American company wa
permitted to buy two ocean grey
hounds and decorate theiu with the
stars and stripes, conditioned, how
ever, thut two more fast ships should
be built in American ship-yards, of
American material. The foreigners
dreamily closed one eye and blew
one side of his nose in a kind of mild
derision at the attempt of an Ameri
can designer to cheaply build a Ismt
that could fulfill the coiulitioi.n.
Well, the keels of the two canoes
were laid, and one of them, the Ht.
Iaiuis, has been completed and has
made a trip. Stiff as she comes from
the mechanics' hands, she has beaten
all former records. And has uliown
that America ran and does lead the
world in murine architecture. This
is gratifying in the extreme, since,
whereas, Kii'laml has before been the
sliiicyard of the world, foreigners
will hereafter place orders with us,
which will furnish employment for
our mcchauics, who in turn will te
ted by our farmers.
Some three weeks ago there was
sharp advance of the price of w heat
in Chicago, and sanguine holders
saw a greater figure and an active
fall trade. The l.lj:ri:MKNT could
not set the rote colors and stated
that the increase of price was the
work of the bulls, aud being due to
gamblers' teralion were deceptive,
Ilie quotations now ruling verify
the prophesy then made. The news
report uf the 2sth from Chicago, cites:
"Wheat (H-ned demoralized, and
before noon sold .fully Ijc Mow the
close yesterday. Kverything was
against the price. Cables were lower,
ami while the receipts Iu the West
were not so largess yesterday, they
were still an indication of w hat may
Is? exjsrtcd when tlie big crop gets
under full headway. There was
no disposition to give tlie market
any support, and aa it went dow n
there was free selling on stop-lose
orders and exhaustion of margins."
New York reports are to the aame
effect, brought about, apparently, by
the Liverpool advices, which recite:
'Wheat Sof, easy; demand poor;
Xo. 2 red winter, fi Id; No. 2 red
spring, 5s 3 1; No. I hurd Manitoba,
5 4d; No. 1 California, 5-t Id. Fu
tures closed steady, with K ptemlier
Id lower, others lower; August,
Septjnilr and October, ."-; N vem-
ber, 5 Jd; December, 5.4 Id; January,
5. H I."
It was only a few days since the
Liverpool prices wero 5 Cd. Tlie
Portland market sympathizes wish
the other centers. The Orcgonlan
has this paragraph -.
'The local w heat market is weak
and rather dull, yet for tho time ol
year offerings are very heavy. New-
wheat is arriving lively. lixport
values are as follows: Walla-Walla,
43c; Valley, 48u per bushej.
Tho desire, by our farmers, to re
uLzi? i u their crop, is cuurdng free
offerings, -and the market is de
pressed. Yesterday there was a drop
of one cent hen1, making the price 41
cents per bushel. The market i
hardly fixed yet, and if farmers can
bold off till the ships come in, price
will certainly stiil'tn. Oats are low
20 cents being the ruling figure here."
It has been an orthodox act of latt
years to ridicule the old-fitliloniil
housewife for hanuinir uhout the
neck of her offspring, camphor and
assafoctida sacks toward off the at
tacks of contagious diffuses, but tin
recent experiments of a l-'ivmli
specialist seem to indicate that Hit
fond mother has rcuson to guide her
as well us legend. The presei.t ac
cepted theory of disease, and es
pecially contagions, is tlni' they are
propogated by germs, anil on that
theory medical men eoinlmt the dis
orders of the human family. The
French scientist, above mentioned,
has been for many months wrestliiiK
with the secrets of scents, and es-
ecially of their Influence on hue
teria. He finds that many essential
oils and other piifunies are powerful
germ destroyers. One of bis experi
ments was to take luO bacteria ano
see how many would be destroyed in
forty-eight hours when exposed at a
temperature of 13 degrees, centigrade
to various agencies. E-seutial oil ol
bitter almonds killed ninety-nine of
the micro-organisms, and oil .ol
thyme the same numUr. Oil ol
cummin accounted for 05 per cent;
mint, 93; wallflower, 92; neroli, 9U;
lemon, 88; lavender, 70; eucalyptus,
74; rosemary, 7M; turpentine and
camphor, only (ifl. Popular oplpiou
would have placed eucalyptus, tur
pentine and camphor wry much
higher on the list; but, although the
results given are somewhat different
than might be esekd, it must Is
remembered that the experiment
were made wiih essences, and not
with their spirituous or water de
coctions the perfumes. of commerce.
But it is satisfactory to know thai
many scents which have a great
charm for the olfactory nerves ol
some people are now numbered
among the useful allies of hygiene.
Canada's representative in lien
mark reports that during the pisl
year a new Industry has been estab
lished there which promises to provi
both profitable and serviceable, and
which might be followed with equal
success on this side of the water, viz.,
the shipment of frozen milk to large
cities. A year ngo n D.mMi im r
chant experimented in this direction
by taking panlsh milk, wiiieh is pe
culiarly delicate and rich in flavor,
fre x'uig it by the u-e of Ire ami s.ilt,
and sending it in barrels by rail ami
steamer to London. On its arrival
the milk proved to be us svus-t and
well-tasting us if it had been J n -i
drawn from a cow in the mlddlo ol
Sweden. The milk was so much in
demand and proved so profitable an
article of commerce that the exsn ier
immediately took out a patent ou the
shipment of frozen miik from lVn
mark and Sweden to Loudon. II
then sold the patent to a stock com
pany with large lapital, which, on
February 1st last, bought one of tlie
largesi SwedUh creameries, convert d
it into a factory, and, having put in a
secial freezing apparatus, began, ou
May 1st, the export ol' fro.en miik in
large quantities.
When the milk is received from
the farmers it is p.t uri"d, that is,
heated to 7o C, and then immedi
ately cooled off to about JO' C, and
now the fret zing is commenced.
Half the milk Is filled into cans and
placed in a li(s.iivj; apparatus, where
it w ill be thoroughly In z u in (be
course of three hours. The fro.- n
milk is then tilled into burrels of
pine, the only kind of wood tlisit ciiii
be used. TI.e burn Is, however, are
only h-ilf filled uilb this frozen miik,
the balance U-ing li l- d u rh th
frozen miik. This way of pi . .
has proved to be the uly r:l
oi e, as part of the milk has I .
f oxen in order to keep the w hoi
cold, and part has to Is- in llouiu
S.aie in ortit-r to p-i me i-arrew e:
actly full, which is lieeess.oy in rrdi :
to avoid too much h;tkiiig up ou i
road, by which the etcnfo uonM I
turned into butter; the 11 luting iu:is
of ice at the same time prevent th
unfrozen milk sealing iu the erean
Milk which i treated in this wa
has proved to keep quite fnr-h f
twenty-six days. Every barrel h'.U
1,000 pounds of milk, and twice
week there w ill be shipptd jlfty tin
rels, making in nil about 1iM,ih
pounds of milk a wis k.
The milk is shipisd to Newcastle
and from there by rail to l.irge man
nfacturing cities, wlure it Is sold In
the streets or iu retail stores. It is
Highest of a'd in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
r -ported that the patent Ins been
bought for Ireland also at a cost ot
2iiUMH, which proves how much
the stock company expects from this
new enterprise.
Tlie time may not be far away
when, the dairy farms of the New
Enirland and Western States may be
sending, not butter and milk, but
frozen milk and cream, to the large
cities of both continents. Philadel
phia Record.
Without investigating the bin
I ranees, it would seem that in this
country milk ought to be readily and
easily frozen without the Intervention
of the iee and salt mixture, by a sim
ple modification of our common ice
machine. Tlie only tiuestion then
would be can the product be sold?
Is the market large enough?
Bradley, the republican candidate,
has clearly the a Ivantage over Har
din, the deiiKHTat, In the Kentucky
contest. Hardin's chances are weak
ened by the fact that on the vital
issue of the day, the monetary ques
tion, he is fighting for a lost cause
and belongs to a beaten and dis
credited faction. He has enemies in
bis own party as well as In the re
publican camp. He can not reveal
bis own sentiments on that issue
without antagonizing the larger ele
ment of the party to which he be
longs. Consequently he will be
forced, in his speeches, as he was In
the opining one at Louisville, to
Ave most of his time to such ques
tions as carpetbaglsm and negro suf
frage, w hich ure as dead ea the alien
and sedition laws which he also ap
pears to think are somehow Involved
in tlie canvass.
Tho republican candidate, how
ever, is under no such disability.
His own party is united with him
on the questions of the day, and ou
the chief issue, that of honest money,
the stronger faction ol the aemocracy
also sides with him. He can afford
to let the politics and the passions of
18UU-80 lie in the umbo or tne past
nnd discuss the questions on which
parties divide in 1896. The talk by
bis opponent about carpethagism con
not hurt him. for. as he says, he, his
father and his grandfather were born
in Kentucky. He has always been
dentified with tho state's luterests
aud anxious to defend her good
name and to extend her prosperity,
The color line can not be drawn in
bis canvass. Negroes are against
him us well us fur him. He and
many of his supporters stand as high
socially in the community as do the
democratic candidate or any of his
It is clear that the democratic
leaders In lleve Bradley will . win.
The stories got up by the administra
tion end of the democracy of a league
between Bradley and Blackburn, the
Mlverite, who is running for re-election
to the senate, aro evidence on
this point, 'thousands of sound
money democrats in the state are
supporting Bradley, and the design
of the persons who started these re
ports is to alienate that element.
The stories will not have that effect,
however. It is easy to see that the
republicans know their chances of
gaining the senator are fully as good
as are those of w Inning the governor,
and they are not going to sacrifice
H-m. Blackburn is beating his
mnd money democratic opponents,
nhappily, but in the fight between
icse factions the republicans arc
asonably sure to render Black
burn's triumph barren. The Indica
tions all point to a clean sweep in
Kentucky for the republicans this
yea r. G lobe- l)emoerat.
Some years ago there was a good
market at 1'uget sound for the oat
meal manufactured here, but a mill
was built at Tacoma thut kept out
the Oregon product. That factory
has Recently failed, nnd there is a
proopu-t that HiilslMiro can get into
that market again. Mr. John Milne
has bad some correspondence already,
though somewhat discouraging, for
tberea-on that eastern agents have
quoted lower prices buf, seeing that
oats are so cheap here, he will make
further eftort. To that end he will,
in person, visit the sound cities next
week determined to bring back some
"If Waller were the prisoner of
any other government than that of
f ranco lu would not find a single
... ii . !
' ' !..-. io " -r"i i - t i ...
' '-.nit !l,r- 1'. r'l't: .! ' ': t,it:o
1 '. ii .a u.t-i than
nipion for Waller. That Is
a counted for, se.'lng the Tel-
is democratic and Waller Is a
13. i i -on has no (loulit nliout the
ty of i-xiriitiiig a criminal by
ity. He says aliout thirty
i ure kilk-d every year ly con
Mth a live win', and Ihey are
til hy their clothing anil low
. Mr. Te-U egpressi-i a aimi
linn eoncerningeapital punish-
iy fleet ricily.
Irluii reeenlly auld 20.O!0
mi.ds for t!02, or a premium
r tint. The paper bears 6 per
(rest. But Ilillsboro cannot
o replace f 15,000, 8 per cent
fur a like amount of 6's.
When a Spaniard wants to rail a
man greedy nnd a hard creditor, his
epithet Is "KnulUbmau." The little
diplomatic flirtation now going on
between Spain and England is In
spired by policy on both sides, and
as Spaiu Is In straits for money, it
will have future occasion to apply
the slang word more emphatically i
than At-ur
BY ViRTCE Or AN lIMiuuj,
dec re. BiU orucr ul nle. iua cui ol
lU t'lr. inl Court ul Ilie S.ikI Oregon,
for Valnuton C iinly, in I v.r of Albert
o ... i 4 II. It.iiid anil
Jeunio II .ixl. In i;e, J ii.ii C. r nilioy,
Janie t . muciu-ii n'ni r no v jii..-. .
I.i ll". l.A. 1 1 ii Ii mi I I., im,!!!-.
..... x,t I: II . on. li.u. II.
.Hueili ni.tl .ii. J. M. K mi i., r tli "'
i.i H .,(, !, i.n.i ..r i;ie iui iiu-r urn
iirii.il 1' u .... .1 ...mi nun linen,.!
U.i-ri-on hi ilie ri' ot 1-J I'pr rein iwr in.
num. from ilie SOili liny ol Jmy, 1!5. '
fl'O.iO, ulK.rn. y It-ra, t"r tt.o tui aii.l
Xieiiii a .ii sale ntui 'i si.i ru.
V . . i.... ...... A .... mi . in., u.i . ... nllrlll.
anc ol Hid jiidtfiiimi, b it. ami order o.
i.r, 1 wiii, mi M. .ii.l. iv, tho .0 Ii duy
M.teniU'r, Iy3, ill Ilia aouili d i.ir of Ilie
Court Jlime, .11 lid m.oro, Wi.a'.lnwt n
. ' - . e i.i.i,i
l-imm , ifr.S'Hi, :i. ii- i...i.
o'clock A. !.. ol na d cy, m-.I hi piildit-
suction io 111 ieKII.' I'l :i -r r -n-n, ...
Io Iou ii k d -' r. .. .1 r.-... i.roiKTt . , l..-- I :
Tlis uo 1 1 1 4 iicre. oi tlie e t n i i ..i ini
..w.l n,. .nur ul . I..I, "I T 2 S llf R
t V ot Will -Ucr, tne i.ortli on.- o. led 40
wcrea I s in; (.nru.li'l wiih ins noiiin tinei.i
and wc:t.n i'4, e,-i-t lor n.s S W )4' i f
h & E 'i of I h S W -I see 4 ! 2 It 1
W, conta.niiiif 1 aur. . a I ami .1.- Ill Wioe
n ton ollnlv. O SK-.ll. Io .ntml, III' In r
ill before i-nuiid .tunr, .ml for til cta u i
likrol Kind MU b ii'l iroM!rly d.
t ...l -u jeci to re.;i'iii, ii.)n i pr atat-
Ulr "I vi c-u.i.
V:lne iiiv tmml tlna 29 Ii ihiv "f Auir-
lut, iota, ii. i'. hku.
bui-riff of Wmliinct n C to Iv, Or.
li 18 liy W. 1). lBAirBi, uty.
AdminiMliHirix. Xotlce.
tlio uiidi-r mit-.l In i.wii Hilly op
im ntsd ly tin C .unit- C.iur. of the StHt
f Or.von, lor W u-li iiL- on l oiin y, ml-
iinii.alr.itris ol th.- i.-t .i.. id h I j r.l t on-
rni! e. di c-ii-cl, t 1 1 . 1 lia- u 1 1 y o.utl.neJ ttfc
in li a Iminia r ur.x.
All nemoiis. tiii-r. Ion-, lo.vi.'K cls im
Aicu.iiMi mol t-atait" nrt" li -ndiv rfqneMtvd
mil r.q'i.r--d to pre-nnt IIi.mii, w.iu tlis
proper voiiclifer., to tin iini' ra,: iie. I , at
the luwotllce i f Tuna. II. T niril-, in llnla
bi.ro, WHiOiliiKlnn t'ouirv, Orciron, or at
the law ollice i t W. I). Jl.ir.'. in llillstxiro,
W nslinortoii I'oiintv, tr on, wituin an
liiontlia from the ihtu hcrt-ol.
U,l.l on , O.es..'1-i. Aukhsi '22,
13-17 EI.IZAUK'lll fUUTK.
Reports Show Royal Bak
ing Powder Superior to all
"""Ik Wilt's Colic nnd Cholera" cure
never disappoints, never fails to give
Immediate, relief. It cures Just as
sure as you take it. W. K. Jiroi-k.
Forty- Ons Dictionaries
BY S74 tlinOKM AMI
The owner of a co;iv of t lie Kunk A Vng
nall' Klnndard Du-tl.ii nry hus ii eouit.iete
li.rary of 41 jSpc-ml 11 -tniii.irii-s, each the
worlc uf 8i.eciaii.ti., tin. nodurt of neariy
nvs yenrii' lahor oi tne most profound
Sclio ar- In the Wor.U who tio ilia linn
list) laniru-i?.,
aKAKLY 60000 f Ol IEs of tliii (treat
work a -re old. r,.l hel..rt! .1 a as comp.i.ted
and within e g it weeks iiiti-r in inuiiie
tion, it w in mo in eh-hteeii dill -rem
di'iHfiiiicn;i in ilie ilMVi-rnin. nl nt Vaah
inir oii, inc uiIiiil' Hie Hiiircinv Court id
ths doled B ii'ea. BniiiliH.ini. hi In.titntr,
Department i l K.lu -iin-in. eic. nc. ; in an
depart ni .-li ti of :iie (i-v-ri.iniit ui Canuda ;
in i lie 8.:noo of New York Cnv. lirook
ivn and other l .rvo cili.--, a id in L.-adina
Covers t;e j and l oi.ei:. a ol the Couniry.
It ia the Mo.t C..iiipreh. i.tivi', dvlintnn
iWl.UtS Voi a u:nry terms noire than
do'lOis Ihs n u in her found In Welmter'e
llllernat oliil . It lathe ll shesl Autnerilv,
l. inn me joint i ro.ln. l ut th.i ahieit
aclioiara in in Kmr.nil)-M,.ejkini( Wor.il.
ruhiislie.l l.v . . .
THE FUXK 4 WAiX.M.l.s t'0M
N-w York, N. V.
roRTl-ANI) HU'l'LlC Si'ltoOt.8 I
Pobtlaxd. Dbeoo.v, J mu.irv 21. IS 'S (
To ins r.iiroi.!) ol the Ion hind Pno.ic
H. h.Hti - :
The un.l.-r-iif neil li iyinir purcli.i.-d and
earelnl.y e nii.m I Hie H mi lur l In. I: n
ntt of the E-'B Iii I. iiiL'tiui.'. , Mtliliahe l r.y
he Y'unk Wu-iiails Conn, my, Xew
York, cord ii. I y le,.. nm. en. I it lo ilie
pir.-lul nml tin i r.l i .in, ,: pupi in tlie
Pull le Si-ho-i-K i., in our jn itf nenl, ihe
nest llriionur)- f r .-iioo! mid lanniy use
with n ii'rli we are -i ui i, c ..I,
I. W. Pratt, Cov Sui e - ineii.li.nl ; Frank
RiH cr. Prinripa. Kg. S no.,1 ; f. n. liii.
ittr. PriiiL-ipal l-aiiiiii S.-ii.iolj O. A.
A.t.mi-, V i- cinal Ht -.hMi g-lion ; M. U
Pratt. Pruii iiiMi Wnlimii. A . 8 -hool ! C,
.1. 1,- rkwo.. i. I'.iinc i : I .Miilitioinidi
d-hoo II. K. lio'.ins in, l'. ineipid Central
Sciioo : X. K ll isim. I n ii.al li.in.e-
-.ead S h .oij i.e... A, P . l.h-n. Xorlll
S -iiool, 8 item. (Irrxoii; K. 11, An lernon.
S tie in, Ui it'll),
Pricea low. Kol.l only -by auhwrlption.
. IX A. W O I"L T II,
riilil Kbem Agent,
Nesilii-rg, . Orrenn.
M av . - -aV
jTVETiT ONR NKF.ns A nt'fllNFs EDUCATION. Many young men eee)
women can spend llt one or two years at school why not lake e course ttiet eee
be completed In thai tlim Th rollea's Ineludee a ahorl ENGLISH COURSB be
sides a Bt StNEsg end SimnTIIAND COURSE. For eataloesiee address,
Vo have for fale or tnde erverd hundiid
Weinhit f ft -in from li'1') to 1.5 '0 pound each, which we will nil st very
low pttevs,
LHXT0X, OK El. 05.
1. ,ln IK.i.ll. la.urd VUt V,'V.V;'.V.,
loun . f II.. Bo....d O.s .'",',
VV I limn H. It. M.vera. lor III '"'," J?
rosia, and lor Ihe lurllier auru ol I4JS. l.
...i. Ii.i..l liters--II ai ""
ruts ol It) pe' cell! rr annum. In.m te
!l. d .y oij ily. ISW and lr
.... ..i .i .mi ( 1 1 a rit.
N..w. tlierefor..brlr nsa.i l In
ance !.f aaio) Jii.lnmeiH. and for , '
..nllcienl is-r..nal nro-r y. i.o.
pi n d .r of Mv. lS!.leyr on aU Ihs mtsr-
1 . .. .i,.,. i..,i m ihs herein liter de
.bribed real profrtv, I wl l, Moiidae,
ths " li day ol nepisniorr. i
."utu door of Ihs Curt H;.u-. "
b .ro. Wa.lunaton County. Oregon, at Ilie
hour ol 10 o'clock A. ., i aaid day, asll at
nuhoc auction to Ihe muheai bidder lor
1-a.h.luelollowing describe! ral proper J,
"lo't'l, tha weel half of lot 3 and 14, in
block 3U, in ths Town of ureal Orovs,
Oregon, and lot 4 in block SS, In aaid town i
alto ths following described tract of lend,
to-wll : Commsnclnt at lbs southeast cor
nsr of aaid lot 1, In aaid block 39, end run
ning thanes wsat 400 feet along the aoutb
- . l . i I.. Kinlt
Una ol saw iota i inn ,
thencs south le the alle on tbs north aids
ol 8 juth Fark addition to ths aaid Town
of Forest Orovs; thencs seat on tha t-ortb
aide of said allay 4u0 fssl; tbsncs north lo
r ace of beginning; and en undivided V, ot
.tt 1 end 4, ths weal half if lot 3, In block
3'J. and lot 4, in block 38. iu ths Town nt
Fore.t Orovs. AUo ths following dr
ier i bed trect of land :
C iiiimeacing el ihs southeast corner
ol and lot 4, in aaid block US, end run
uiiih thenrs west aluiix the -onl h ai ls o
a no lot, 'M3 lesi ; Iheu.-s a uth to the north
site ol I ne airy on ihs north aids ot
fink addition, in Ilie Toau of Forest
Or. ve, Oregon, linJ thence oaal along the
north aide of aaid alley, 'AW feet; thence
north lo ths placs of beginning. Also
the northern portion of the donation land
Iniui of John T. Copen haver in T 1 8 K 3
and 4 et; bounded aa follows, to-wit:
ih giiining at e point on ths sdgs of Wan
ato oike, Usii.g the northwest corner ol the
aoutli portion of ths claim, end the south
weal corner of tbs nortu portion troni
ahicU an all, 5 Inches in diameter, bsars
N 75" E a inks, 20. Ash, 0 inchea in di
uiiieier, beats N E 7 link.; thencs
nortu 11a wsat 40.38 chains to His north
nest orner of rla in; thencs 30.10
i hiiina; thsncs IS 17 E 2o.l9che na; thsiivs
k. 3..ftU chains; thanes a 1.10 chains to ths
nortueasi corner of ths a .uih por Ion ol
ins e a. in, a poet from which en oak, 14
inchea in diameter, hears N 41 al minutes
V Vai l 19)1 K. 35 'hike to oak, 14 inches n
d.amsisr. nvars H 10 drgrsea W 6S links;
tnen.e ti 77 degrees W, Varl 81 degrstt
E, 6ol chuiusi red or, 44 inches in diame
ter, 22.U3 chains; an om tree, SO Inches in
d ame. u:, 07 70 chain to ths placs of be
Kiiining,coiiiaiiiiiiK 133. 70 acre. Ano lota 1
and U iu section 3tf, T 1 8 K 4 VV. Willam
ette Mer, cotitainiiM 14 60 acree of school
land. Lois 3. 9. end 10. lit section 36. T 1 S
li 4 W, Wi.l Mer, containing 01.14 ecrea of
.ciiool laud. lle'soI mo j( Ol
section 80, T 1 IS K 4 V Will Mer, contain,
ing eO acres; eli aiiuaied in Waobiuglon
County, Oregin, to euli fv ths hsremlx
lore named sum., and lor the costs end ex
penses of said an .
sa d property will he an d subjool to re
deiupt on es sr slatuta of O sgon.
Witness my hand tins Uth day ol August,
lS'Jj. 11. P. f OKl,
11-15 By W. I. PkADtoHti, Ueputy.
iskued out of ths County Court ot ihs
auie of Oregon, lor Washington Couutv,
in lavor of Keliey Dunns dt Co., and
against liowlby 4 tiunchcotiiue, lor the
sum of $110, costs, and for ths further
sum of floS.00, V. 8. gold coin, with Inter
est thereon, and for ths costs and sipsjises
of sals and of seid writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue end in pursu
ance of aaid judgment, and for waul uf
s.ifHcirnt personal properly, 1 did, on the
Utu day of August, IsMa, levy ou ail the
imsrsai of ths delendanta, or either ol
them, in ths lisrstnatter described real
property, 1 will, on Monday, the Kith day
of bepleiubsr, Isai, at ths south door ol
ihs Court House, in Hiiiaboro, Washing
ton County, Oregon, at ths hour of 10
o'clock A. M., ol said day, eell et public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
tol uwing-drecribed real property, to-wit:
Ad ol that portion of Ihs sail hall of ths
donation land claim of W. W. Catching
and Angelina F. Catching, aituats in
Washington County, btste ol Oregon, No
tification No. 155, Claim No. 02, Csrtihca
tiou No. S3.M, date of patent, Aiey 9, 1873,
embraced in and described by deed of con
veyance lo K. C. lialdra and wile, J. O, A.
Hornby and Wtlaon liowlby, end embrac
ing alt the east half of said laud claim,
except forty acres dssdsd by u to 8. li.
Lenox, also ths fractional west half ol the
northeast quarter ot section 14, being ths
northwest quarter of tbs norihsaat quar
ter, and lot got said section 14, the I r ac
tional nortuweat quarter of section 14,
oving the north hall of the northwest
quarisr, the southwest quartsr of tbs
north w est quarter, end lot 3 of aaid asction
14, and the fractional north hail ol the
aouihweat quarter, being the ' northwest
quarter of the south .vest quartsr, end lot 4
ul aaid aeclio.1 11, all in 1 18 of K 8 IV In
me District ol Lands eubjeet to sale el
Oregon City. Oregon, containing three
uuuursd and three an rea end thirty-ssvsn
Hundredths of en acre. A ao the sast X
ol tha a s ! of section It, and the N E
of the X tk, end lot No. 1 of section 14,
X 1 S of H 3 W In the P atriot of Lenus
subject to sals at Oregon City, Oregon,
containing 143 40 acres, according to ot
uciui piat ol tus survey oi said lands on
lie iu Hie land oltk-e at Oregon Cly, Oreg
on. Aiao part ol lot 1 Iu Oiock 2, .ot S iu
oioce 4, Furssl Orove; iois 1, 'J, 3 In block
1, Nuyior's addinon io ths city of Forest
Oruvc; lots 7, , 9. 10, 11 aud li in block ,
.sou h Fare addition io ms city ol Fors.t
drove, ail aituats in Washiugton County,
Oregon, to saiiify the bersinbefore naiui-d
aums, and lor the costs and expenses ol
said sale, 8ld propsrty will be so d sub
ject t'j rsdsuipnou ea per statute ol
W itnest my hand this 15th day of Aug
u.t, lai, H. P. FOKU,
Suer. ff of Washington Couutv, Or,
12-10 Br W. D. LaAbroiD, Deputy.
Xtlce of AtanlBiU(rtr.
letters of ailniiniatratlon, with Ihe
will annexed, upnn the estate of Albert
Peiers, mis ot Washington County, de
ceased, ths day have been granted lo Ihe
U'ldersia-ned, by ths County Court of ths
dials of Oregon for W ashington County,
All persons having claims ageinst aaid
estate are hereby notified to present ths
Mini for allowance to the undersigned, at
my residence, two miles north of Forest
Orovs, sad all persons knowing thsin.
se.ves to be indebted to said estsls. sre
hsrsby notified to make immediate pay
ment 10 tbe undersigned.
Administratrix ol the esiale of Albert
Peters, deenssd,
Juiy , Irtli. 10-14
Or. Prlce'g Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal mag Dipiossa.
or will trade.
Next Door Brn-LIllw Slore, Mln Street, HilMioro, Oregon.
Careful supervision bt ei rwrienfeil
petent end painstaking pharniaciNti I
The HHlnboro rharmacv orders Its
only, and is thoroughly eupplied with every requisite necessary fr properly cor. duet.
Ing a nret-ciase prescription otiNiueaa. itie iniprietura arc an nun uuu uis
masMiiiimn.il latest rmed in art) eontinilftllv hi'itiir addil to the i-liH-k a. the ii tnet
of medicine and pharmacy advance, lleing poswiwed of pc uliar u.lvittitin;i a in pur
chasing its supplies, owing to its busineae rule of taking trade iIimi.iiiiIs lor ca-li fmni
the beat houses, the retail pricea are cotmetpienlly lower than those of must di-ieiisiug
drug stores. .....
All the lending articles or DKluiilSB rcAl'isir-f, iiiciiiniiig me ri.ir.M
A lam and excellent easortmeut
also on hand.
PATENT MEDICINES of all popular kinds always in stock.
Tbe finest WINES end LIQUORS supplied io eases of nick nose ou prexcriptioo
Union Block, .... Hillsboro, Oregon.
Mone fyas C9ins
And will fly
advertise ho it
Ca5 an Direct
So it will never paw your door, but
will always stop. We make this offer
ADD in. 23
The Academy prepares forCollefleand qioes
a morougn tngnsn Education, the best pre
paration for teaching or business. All ex
penses eery loto. Board and rooms ut the
Ladies' Hall $3 to $4 per tceeh, including
electric light and heat.
Under excellent management, furnishes
board and room at 52.23 per tcceh. Many
students rent rooms and board themsclres
at a total cost not to exceed $1.50 periteek.
For full particulars, address
Forest Croce, Oregon.
ee O o
phvak-ionsl Accurate dipeiiiiig l.y inuj.
drugs from tha uioi t reliable tnumifai-tiirers
of SPECTACLES and fc E-OLA!i.S ia
towards you, If you will
knows where you are at.
1 Tralulnsr Sclioul for Tracliprs.
CemplUte Eljrht l.ratle Tralnlnt; it,
partment and Wrong- Proresaloiial and
Academic roaracs.
THE DIPLOMA or tbe School Ens
titles one to Trarh In any ( oputy la
theSUteM ithont Further Examination
Hoard and Lodging, Hooks aud Tu
ition, 9150 per year.
Beautiful and Healthful Location-.
So Haloons.
There Is a Good Demand for Wi ll.
Trained Teachers, there Is aa Over.
Snpplr of Untrained Teachers.
Catalogue sent on application.
- v. If
IS, 1S95.