Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 23, 1895, Image 4

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The hUtory of the Introduction of
the Jamuard loom U a mont iwtruo
live lesson of the advantage of free
intercourse and rlvakthip between dif
ferent eourttrleu. The inventor of
that beautiful mechanLmi was origin
ally engaged In a platter quarry, af
terward working at cutlery, type
founding and weaving, having been
a, man who had never turned hit
mind to automatic mechanics, till he
had an opportunity by the peace of
Amiena, of teeing In an J-.ngiin
newspaper the offer' of a reward Dy
the Society of Arta, to any man who
would weave net by machinery
He forthwith roused bis dormant fee
ulliea, and produced a net by meet
anlnm i but not finding the means
or eiicourHgement In the state of his
country, he threw it aside for some
time and eventually gave it to i
friend as a matter of little moment,
The net, however, got by some means
Into the hands of the public authori
ties and was sent to Paris.
After a considerable period, when
Jacquard had ceased to think of his
Invention, the prefect of the depart
ment sent for him and said, " You
have directed your attention to the
maklnor of net bv machinery." He
did not Immediately recollect It, but,
the net being produced, recalled ev
erything to his mind.
On being desired by the prefect to
make the machine which had led to
th Mtilt. Jacauard asked three
weeks time for the purnom'. He then
returned with it and requited the
prefect to strike with hi foot on a
part of the machine, whereby a iiienh
was added to the net.
On its being sent to Tann, nil order
was issued for the arrest of Its con
" structor by Napoleon, In his usunl
sudden and arbitrary way. tie was
placed immediately In charge of a
gendarme, and was not allowed to go
to his house to provide himself with
necessaries for his Journey. Arrived
at the metropolis, he was placed in
the Conservatoire des Arts, and re
quired to make the machine then in
the presence of Inspectors an order
with which he accordingly complied.
On his being presented to Bona
part and Carnot, the former ad
dressed him with an air of incredul
ity in the following terms : " Are you
the man who pretend to tie a knot in
a stretched string f" He then pro.
duced the machine and exhibited Its
mode of operation.
He was afterward called upon to
examine a loom on which 80,000
francs had been expended for making
fabrics for Bonaparte's use. He un
dertook to do by simple mechanism
what had been attempted in vain by
very complicated one; and taking
for his model a machine of Vatican
son, he produced the famous Jacquard
He returned to his native town re
warded with a pension of a thousand
crowns, but experienced the utmost
difficulty to Introduce his machine
among the silk weavers, and was
three times exposed to imminent
danger of assassination. The Consul 1
des Prudhommes, who are the official
conservators of tbe trade of Lyons,
broke up his loom in the public place,
old the iron and wood for old ma
terials, and denounced him as an ob
ject of universal hatred and Igno
miny. Nor was it till the French peo
ple were beginning to feel the force of
foreign competition that they hud re
course to this admlrablo aid of their
countryman ; since which time they
have found it to be the only real pro
tection and prop of their trade,
It la In the production of the pat
terns of silk goods that the French
have a decided advantage over other
nations ; they have probably little or
none after the design is put into the
The modes In which taste is culti
vated In Lyons deserves particular
study and Imitation In this country
Among the weavers, the children and
everybody connected with devising
patterns, much attention Is devoted
to everything in any way connected
with the beautiful, either In figure or
color. Weavers may be seen In their
holiday leisure gathering flowers and
grouping them in the most engaging
combinations. They are continually
suggesting new designs to their em
plovers, and are thus the fruitful
source of elegant patterns. There is
hardly any firm of consequence in
Lyons In which there Is not a partner
who owes his place In It to hlssucre
as an artist.
The town of Lyons is so contwlou
of the value of such studies that it
largely contribute to the govern
ment establishment of the Hchool
Arts, which takes charge of every
youth who shows an aptitude for
drawing or imitative design of any
kind applicable to manufactures.
Hence all the eminent painters,
sculptors, even botanists and florists
of Lyons become eventually associa
ted with the staple trade, and devote
to it their happiest conceptions.
In the principal textile school of
Lyons, every one of the students re
ceives from the town a gratuitous ed
ucation In art for five years; com
prehending delineations In anatomy,
botany, architexture and loom pat.
tern drawing. A botanical garden i
attached to the school. The govern
ment of France also greatly assist
said textile school of Lyons with
money. The school supplies the pu
pils with everything but the materi
als, and allows them to reap the ben
efit of their works. Tbe professor of
painting Is a man of distinguished
talent, well known to connolaaeura.
The French manufacturer justly
considers that hts pattern la the prin
ciple element of hie auccea la trade ;
for the mere handiwork of weaving
Is a simple affair with the Jacquard
loom. He therefore visits tbe school
and picks out tbe boy who promises
by Utte and invention to auit his pur-
poses best. He Invites blm to hts
house and gives him a small salary
to be gradually advanced.
After three or four years, If the
young artlet's success be remarkable,
he may have hts salary raised, and
when' bis reputation Is once estab
lished, he is sure of the offer of a part
nership. Huch is the general history
of many of the school boys of Lyons.
Even the French weaver prides
himself upon his knowledge of de
sign ; he will turn over several hun
dred patterns In his possession and
discourse on their relative merits, sel
dom erring far in predicting the suc
cess of any new style. By this dl
position the minds of silk weavers in
France become elevated and refined,
Instead of being stultified in gin shops
as those of our weavers too frequently
In flower patterns the French de-.
signs are remarkably free from Incon
gruitles, being copied from nature
with scientific precision. They sup
ply taste to the whole world In the
extent of their exportation.
Iii the Lyons school, collections of
.Ilk fabrics may lie studied extend
Ing over a tierlod of four thousand
year, with explanations of the modes
in which every pattern was produced
from the rude silk of the Egyptian
mummies to figured webs of the last
year. Textile Record.
A correspondent of the Mining and
Scientific Press, writing from Carson,
Nevada, says :
I have spent the month of June in
the Humboldt Mountains, looking
over good gold prospects. The main
claim is called the " Lost Mine." It
was oiened thirty-one years ago,
prior to the advent of the railroad,
A shaft was sunk on the vein about
2 feet, it averaging about 75 per
ton gold. At that time it would not
pay, owing to the excessive cost of
mining material and labor. During
the past four years persistant searches
were made for the mine, but each
time were abandoned, until this
spring when a cultured woman of the
new age appeared In the person or
Mrs. Ida M. Btrobridge, In company
with a young man lately employed
on her father's ranch near Humboldt
She is a most remarkably bright wo
man, and will climb a precipitous
cliff where the average man would
not dare to venture. In addition to
mining she looks after the business
of her father's cattle ranch, and is
quite a njorts woman and would carry
off the first prize in a shooting Jour
nament as she brings down her game
every time. She wears a handsome
brown denim costume, which she
dons in climbing the very steep and
rugged cliffs of the Humboldt Moun
tains. She has located five claims on
the lode, laid out a new camp ami
named it after her father, " Mea-
cham," and reorganized the district
anew as the "Humboldt;" she has
four men to work and is su(erintend
ing operations herself. She has also
located the water and springs flowiug
over the claims, which are nine miles
east of the Central Pacific Railroad,
at the Humboldt House. Such Is the
New Woman.
The Lost Mine can be traced a dis
tance of 2,200 feet along the vein from
12 to 13 Inches wide, and crops out
from 0 to 21 feet in night. It is a
white and rose colored quartz, which,
when broken, shows free gold quite
plainly, and assays range from t6.H0
to 1350 per ton ; the average is about
8S per ton gold. Mrs. Strobridge is
now engaged running a tunnel under
the shaft where the vein Is showing
up finely, and if the present appear
ance is maintained the New Woman
will In due time be r vkoned as a mil
llonairess, and all by her indomitable
will and persoverance. She is now
sacking ores for shipment.
"People in thb East somehow have
the Idea that we are all outlaws and
brigands out West, and especially in
Arizona, They seem to have an
Idea that we pat a criminal with
the exception, of course, of a cattle
thief on the hack, and call him a
Jolly gocxi fellow," said Oeorge It.
Scninmell, of I 'resent t, Arlx., at the
Wellington yesterday. "Xow I
want to say that this is an erroneous
Idea of the condition of civilization
that country. Why, only a few days
ago I attended a swell reception at
Present t, and I have attended recep
tions in New York, Paris and Im
don, and 1 want to uy thst I never
attended a more genteel affair in my
life than the one out there in Ari
sona. The people out there repre
sent the very lest of I '.astern fam
ilies, and while there are a few out
laws, as there are elsewhere, these
are .dealt with under the law and
justice meted out to them. I was on
a jury in June that sat for ten days
listening to the evidence against two
men charged with murder, and after
we went to the Jury-room we took a
ballot, and agteed to a verdict of
murder In the first degree. These
men were hanged three days ago.
We have rlvilletl laws, and our
met ho-1 of dealing with outlaws is to
enforce these laws, and let these men
who violate them know what to
"Arizona Is a rich territory, and
has a mining interest second to none
In the country. I really don't be
lieve there Is as great a gold field In
the world, and I don't except Africa,
where Paris capitalists have recently
Invested tJ3,OOu,000 In gold mines'
Stomach and bowel complaints are
beat relieved by the timely ue of
De Wltt'a Colic A Cholera Cure.
Insist on having this preparation.
Don't take any other. W. E, Brock
We quote a few paragraphs from
an artlcal in the Forum by Henry
nolt concerning remedies for social
discontent. He would begin with
the child and teach It the elementary
principles of citizenship and of econ
omics in the school. He suys :
" The fundamental ecouomie Ides
Is, of course, the Importance of Pri
vate Properly as an Institution. Cer
tainly few people of common-school
education ever hear anything more
about It than in some form of Thou
shult not steal.' As un institution
whose appearance and development
of civilization Itself an Institution,
to attack which, by either force or
philosophy, is to attack civilization at
Its root the institution on which
treat th main stimulus to energy,
prudence, forethought, Inventlveues-,
to all the virtues which produce and
conserve, as the institution upon
which all this depeLds, few people
have ever heard of Private Prosrty.
If all had heard early and persistently
social inn would tie, to any mind ol
average sanity, nothing but a laugh
ing stock.
As one oi the corollaries of privatt
property, though not of private prop
erty alone, and as sharing Its func
tions in the foundation of civilization.
next should be taught Contract
Most persons, when they think of
Contract, think either of a Llg iiitti
of paper covered with long words, or
of somebody making a great deal ol
money (generally out of the govern
ment) in some heavy kind of out
door work. As an obligation of more
importance and more legal welghi
than a promise or tin oath, and which
enn be Incurred by mere Spoken
words, or, on one sldo nt.lea-t, with
out any words at all, the notion l
Contract is to most people unknown ;.
and as probably the one feature most
effective in distinguishing the highest
communities in the world from nit re
patriarchal trilies, it Is farther out ol
common apprehension than either
stress. First of all, of course, should
be taught the idea of mutuality no
rights without duties no rights to
another man's service or property
without returning what he agrees to
accept as equivalent service or prop
erty ; also no right to withdraw from
a contract without the other side'
consent. Farther should lie given
the corollary of mutuality, that what
a man wants society to give him he
should not obstruct society's giving
others, if he wants to work he
should not, as he too often does in
strikes, interfere with society's givinp
to others. All this will seem very
matter-of-course to most of the peoplt
who read it, and yet there are not s
few, even of their grade, in whom the
sense of contract is very faint, whih
probably the W3rkingman's faint ap
preciation of it is responsible for more
wasteful strikes, and costs the lahorci
more sympathy, than all positivi
agencies put together. But in tin
upper industrial ranks, too, there 1'
need of more teaching about Contract,
and especially about its limitations
that, even in law, it must not involve
the doing anything wrong or unwar
rantably dangerous, or suicidal ; and
that In honor, while performance ii
all normal cases is the height of duty,
It is not always the whole of duty ;
moreover, on the other hand, that In
sistance on full performance Is some
times the depth of meanness. On the
first and last points, the leading cus
Is that of our old friend Sbyhx-k. On
the second point, U'tylKxly can think
of cases where a contract unexpect
edly leads one man to fortune, and
the other to' distress. In such cases,
for the lucky man to insist that doing
'alt that the contract calls for' ends
his obligation, would Is! about as
mean as Shylock. So too with em
ployers who refuse to eld their em
ployes in disaster, or begrudge them
proper working conditions and reas
onable sympathy."
Marvelous Retails.
From a letter written by ltev. J.
Gunderntan, of Dimondule, Mich,
we are permitted to make this ex
trai-t: "1 have no hesitation in roe
commending Dr. King's New lNcov
ery, as the results were almost
marvelous In the cae of my wife
While I was pastor of the Iluptist
church at 1 lives Junction she was
brought down with pneumonia UC'
peed ing la gripH. Terrible paroX'
ysms of coughing would last hours
with little Interruption and it seemed
as if she could not survive them. A
friend recommended lr. King's New
IHscovery; it was piick in its work
and highly nt!sfnctory in results."
Trial tsittlcs free at' Hillshoro phar
macy. Regular si.e, .Vic and l.
There Is one section of the new
game law which even the eonscien-
tlou aportsman will flml It hard to
obey, and that is section 8, which
limits a hunter' bag of upland birds
to twenty a day. Just imngine, re
mark, the Oregonlan, a hunter
reaching hi Un it uhen his dog has
staked a fine covey, and pheasant
are flying In all direction, lint the
law it specific. It reads as follow
'Section 8. Every person who
shall, within the Mule of Oregon, sell,
exchange or offer Tor sale or ex
change, for money or anything of
value, or shall take or kill for fate,
or have in oecsslon fur pale or vl
change, any grouse, phe;i?unt, (jtiuil.
rick-uecked or lliiua pheasant, filver
pheasant, golden lir.i-ritif, ctiper
pheasant, green J.innie plica-ant,
quail or bobwhiio or prairie chicken,
hall be guilty of a miwlctueaiior,
and upon conviction thereof, shall lie
punished as hereinafter provided;
provided, however, that it shall be
lawful to sell, or take cr kill for sale
for Infants and
jjtworld fc ww fcnowa. U I tealw.. Children Hfc It. IJ
KiT . Jth. It will out. thel 1W. Mother Wto
.M.s; which I. aAaolwtolT ,mte and prelloJly perfect "
child' waedlclwe.
CutwU da troy Worm.
Castarla twrnfa Twmltlmai Somr Curd.
CtrU ewre Plarrhcea ad Wtwd Celfq.
CaatorU roliT T thlaa; TwMea.
Tartar! w C tlti anil ntn!tiy.
Carter! a, xtewtralise otTeet of erlontajwijS!Lgi?"lj
C torto do mat eowtatxt aawphfato, egjw ,&2!.TVVH7i
CaatorU atdmOate. tho foad, . t gn7tgtoy fcj'jjgy
jiving hKT "d twtl sleep.
C-iarU Pt Im -1- pottles o-T. It U not sold ix hmXk.
Pont allaar mmr to 11 yn mmjiUns ejJLl jLT1. y,rnmU
tfctltt"Jt aj E.d,'qndwffliiwT wwr purpose,
g tact ym arat C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
Th fao-stmUc
alrnataro cf
Children Cry for Pitcher's Oastcrla.
BIG PROFITS shaETinvWients
Returning rroip rity m ilt msk many rich, but nowhere can they 1
ithln a short time as by successful Speculation lu drain, Provisions an
fti H for each Itollar lavested
tplU.OO Systematic
(riIn.ile, l y n. All sii.Tesfill speculator,
It a well. known ini-i 111111 i" rs s i"i'"" ""T .1
. . I........I. 1' ilnn.il hrtlkf!d. MIllU Iftrift IllllOllIlt
State wi:o, uy systematic '"K -
iroRcr.4 wi
. inorouK. y
.r two bun 'lied dollars up to."i0,i)o to flUO.Oooor more bythos who invest a Uwihous.ind
U i , . n fic tbst tboi i ho male lb. Iar.st prolii. 1 from comparatively .mall
nr.Vimeii-s on this 1 1 ur person, who uv a ay from Chicago and Invest lbrouKU
1 t 1 ...... I .u.tuuiatld tP'tllillsT.
.1.1... an that whether lh. mark. t r ses or
Our ih
nun (iocs nni rin mo
enormously in a short tune.
n..,i M-,1,-! ll-.., full ol monev-makina
nt r.ir r.iiiviiicinv nroois. ais ur
margin trailing fully. Highest reference In
For further Information, address
THOMAS & CO.. Banker and Brokers,
841.248 Klnlte Bullillnfr, 1TIICAUU, ILL.
any of the blrda hereinbefore enum
erated, during the period commenc
ing Octolier loth of each year, anil
ending November 1.1th of the same
year, except as hereinbefore provided
in section 0 of this act; provided,
further, that no person shall In one
lay kill or destroy a greater number
than twenty or the nereinoeiore
numerated birds provided, further,
hat It bhall be unlawful to sell or
offer for sale, or have In possession In
(xissesslon in cold storage or other
wise, any. elk, deer, trout, grouse,
.heasant, Mongolian pheasant, geese,
.luck or quail five days after the
open season for killing the same
"This section was put in to stop
hunting for market. It may be a
little har(.on the sportsman who
mly gets' out once or twice during
the season, and wants to do all the
the killing he can, but that cannot
ne helped. It is taken for granted
that twenty birds la all that one
family ought to consume in one dity,
md to kill more would be wanton
J. Uoake and his sons, Rert and
William, are the proprietors of the
Oregon City Iron Works. In thee,
tablishment Is employed a young
man named William Rowan. Mr
Roake Sr., hits .Ix'en away from the
shops for n few days, and the boys
have been experimenting in welding
different metals together. They
claimed that if he had been at home
In? would have frowned at the idea of
waiting time with such protects.
Yesterday they succeeded In welding
a piece of iron ami copper together in
a very neat manner.' This morning
they continued their experiments,
and succeeded In welding a piece of
rolled sheet copper one-eighth of an
Inch thick to a piece of hard steel one-
fourth of an inch thick, anj the ad
hesiou was perfect and the job neatly
done. The steel was then temiered
after the welding was completed. As
soon as the welding is done, the piece
is immersed In cold water, but the
welding process is a secret they do
not care to disclose. The piece com'
poking the two united metals was
given to Mr. I O. Gurnett, one of
the publishers of the Oregon Agricul
turist, located in The Oregonlan build
Ing. This evening the boys welded
together two more pieces of copper
and steel, and they believe, that with
proier apparatus, they can succeed In
uniting the two metals together in
any desired shape. They will con
tiniie their exrlinents.
The importation of shoddy has in
creased over 1000 per cent in the last
si'ven month. A full explanation
of what this shoddy is and what
IsHiuiies of it would be of interest to
tho American ieople. Jt was the
repuliliimn mlicy lo uliut out tho
stuff as Monging to the Peter Funk
ami chub ra microbe department of
tnide. It may be further remarked.
1 that
if 12 tho free traders ex
claimed ; "Give us free wool so man
ufacturers will not be tempted to
put ahoddy in the cloth." Like
some other theories, it does not teem
to work as it ought, or was prophesied.
they tiink so much
d BtorK.
caa be made ny our
Plan of Speculation.
openu. on a re, uinr "'"'
..V" ,..,,I
on nnv tra,,e. but covors both
tails It brings a stauy prom mat pi.e. up
... --..,
....r,,i .naeulntlon anil our
... -- -
potntors. All tree. Our .Miii.mil explain
regard to our slamllng ami success.
Molasses Pavements.
Perhaps the oddest pavement ever
laid is one Just completed at Chi no,
Cal. It Is made mostly of molasses,
and if it prove nil of tho success
claimed for it, it 1 may point b way
for the sugar planters of the South to
profitably dispose of the millions of
gallons of useless molasses which
they are said to have tin hand. The
head chemist of a sugar factory at
Chino. Mr. K. Turke, was led to
make certain experiments, of which
the new sidewalk, a thousand feet
long, from the factory to the main
street, Is the result. Tho molasses
usnd Is a refuse product, hitherto
believed to be of no value. It is
simply mixed with a certain kind of
sand to about the consistency or
asphalt and laid . liko nn asphalt
navement. The composition dries
quickly and liecomes quite hard, and
remains so. The peculiar point or it
Is that the sun only makes it drier
and harder, Instead of softening It, as
iiduht be expected. A block of the
composition, two feet long, a loot
wide, and 0110 inch thick, was sub
mitted to severe tesls and stood
them well. Iiid with an Inch or so
of its etlifcs restinir on supports, it
withstood repeated blows of a ma
chine hammer withont showing any
effects of cracking or bending.
OF hii.ihoko.
Transacts a General Hanking Iltislneas.
. Yu s-Fkxsidks
Sella siuht EieliMive and Telegraph!
Transfer, and I amies Letter of Creui
available throughout the United Htntoa.
inss mils or iLxcnance on umaon
Liveroool. Dublin. Pan. Merlin, Frankfort
on-tue-Alatn. stocanoiw, ana ail principal
oitie of r.arope.
Collection made on all aooesaibu "points
Hanking bonrs from 9 1. m. to II p. M.
Nil Kill FF !H NAI.K OX
Irrree ami orler ol aie Issueil out
ot the Circuit loitrt of the Ms
of. tlregon, lor Wi'uhii.fli.n I'ounty
in favor of Mnry A. lirvati. plrtint II, n
asninst I. A. Alnrn.viiu ni.il r.. lima Ala
nuxnl. his wile, nil I John W. Kem, ilnienil
nuts, for the sum of tlk.Vi, r uts, an
fur the further sum ol tl.TXt. 1
gnli! co n, with Interest tli.-reon al Ihe rut
of S ! r rent per annum, Ir.im tt.e the 11
ilnr 1 f Ju'v. IS'lA. on the itKlgiiieiit
plmnt If, .Mnry A. Hrysn, ami I. r tL'.V),
at ornev a f.e. slu Ihe sum or f 1,0
Willi InH et tlii-re n i t I r ol S per
rent m-r annum, :rnin the 'l I ln ! J 11
IS11V on the jiuluin' lit "I 1' nr. . Kea.,
anil I the cos iuiiIii pi ns s of sal an
nt ajil a rit.
Now, Ihe ef re, hr virt nn.l In pnr
a re o: ai l of Iilil tmrn t. ileriee anil oi-il
of sal. I will, on MomlflV, h -th (lay of
Antti-t. Isi.'i. at the ,u h ihior of th
t'nurt llnii.e. In II lnlx.ro, Wn'hlmtlr
County, ori-eon. at ih. hour ol luo'cloc
. f . f .alii il 'V. se.i at nubll-i sunt
Ihe Inchest bi-lilerJor nab, ,he folio lis
ilen L111B rral prop.rtv, Ivins; In tii
Cioi ly V sshiinrloii. u I rtsi of Ore
Knti, ! a it :
Tlimi' It.-ilf ' f the niill.et quir er or
nrli.'ii I enir-liie, ininp on, soith
tame diic leu of Ihe il rt rn i!e meri an,
ex.-i pi nu t' ' rr oil ! iie nenheaM
e n.er tm-ri,''r ticri'l'r 'iJ, t sa'i.iy
the bo.-tl ill" SWo n iiii- l s un, ami lor
til' cit snrt ei(ei.ses of snnl nlv
K 1! properly will l sol,l suhject to r
demct on as per statute of Orecnn,
itness my ham! this 2.Mh iinr of July,
ISlrt. II. P. FORD,
Sheriff of Washinctoa County, Orvftoo.
th last will and te.tauienlwf Tb uu
all lis, been duly annuel to protmte
ly th County Court of lit 81m ol Ore-
uon, lor a-inngiim Countv, nu inai in
u,!rr.nnU l un uuly hhiiiiu -lUinx
11I naid iU, mid ha lwn duly
uanu! and an lured upon 111 dia iiarga
ol brr ilu le.
An iwaona, Ibrralora, bavin claims
acaiuat said naiai an raquvsiwl ana r-
uir I lo iinwai tham, uh th proirr
oucliarm, 10 nndrrsiitiHfi, at in aw
ttll'K , Iho . it. toiauv. iu ill .stxiro,
Whinitton C'Uuty, Orrgoii, sjuhiu six
urni'iia irom lb dai barroi.
Uillshoio. Or. foii, August
Eiecuiris of th last ul aua IMUrarnl
01 i nomas Lvaiijr. deceased.
decree and order of sal, issued out ol
th Circuit Court of th Mtat ol Oregon,
lor Washington County, lu larorol w. a.
Uoodin, and against Lillian tjtevens, C. 1.
lln.l.l mil J. k liliossri. for th sum ol
SI2.&U. costs, and for lb further sum of
-JO. HO. I . b. KOia Coin. Wlin intern.
hereon at th rat of S per cent per an.
iijin from the IHth da of Julv. nd
for ih cost and expense of sal and ol
ml writ.
Now. therefor, bv virtu and In pursu-
m of (aid iinlKiiient, du re and order ol
l-, I will, on jlonday. th luilt uay 01
I'temlier, 1M, at Ihe south ooor ol th
n.-l House, III lli.lsboro, WithiiiSlou
untv, OreRon, at the hour ol 10 o'clock
M. of said dav. sell at public sun ion to
ha highest bidder tor rush, th following-
decribd real property. towit:
.... .r-..' . v.. , - .1 O In
1 lie norm nail 01 iuii i.u, . . ...
block Ko. 1, In noutb Park aUJuiou to th
,'itv of F.i.enl Urove, ail situate In wasn.
iiigtoit County, Orsgon. lo at aly th
hrr.iiibelore uamed sums, and for the
costs and expenses of salil sale, sain
properly will be sold subject lo redemption
s per statut 01 uregon.
Wllnrss my H4HU lUI liitn nsr oi aog
it, Hn H. V. FOKI.
bber IT of Washing on County, Or.
2-10 1W W. 1. HRAUtoao, llepuiy.
derree and order of sale, issurd out 01
th I'iri'tiit Court of th 8 aiol Oregon,
for W ashington C unty, in fav. rof Albert
r ipvrlr, ami ag.iiusi a. 11. iionu an 1
Ji-nni H ind, his wile, John C, rindley,
J 11 in. I', Mitcnelt and Kmi.y Mitchel1,
his wife, C. A, liunb-s an I I,. Hughe,
her husband, AVar 11. ll'.lm s, tiro. 11.
8111 lh and M. J. MrK , for the 111111
I I7. TO. costs, and lor the lortlier sum 01
IUI70O0. IT, 8. god coin, with interest
tnerron at th rate ol 10 iier rent per r.
11 11 111. from lb Itlth ouy ol July. Itttt, ami
$100.00, attorney's fees, tor me tusis and
xpens'S of sal anil 01 sum writ.
Now. therelore. bv vl iu an I in pursu
ance of said judgment, drcree and onler ol
sale, I will, on Monday, Ihe : t i . I day of
M'plemher, Itittt, at Ih south doof of th
Court House, in iiu.sooro. us iiiiki n
Counti, Oregon, st th hour ol 1):.10
o'clock A. M.,of said Uay, ,! nl public
auction to Ih highest bidder tor cah, th
fo lowimr described rei'l nrotierty.to.wit:
Til south 41 sere, of th sst half of lha
southwest oiitirter ol section 34. 1 'i a ol K
1 V of Will Mer, th north Un o: sanl 40
acres oe.ng parallel Willi Ih south lin of
ssiU section 31 all situ it in Washington
County. Oigon. to satlsly th liareitiue.
for numed sums, and for th coal and
expenses of said sale. Kaid property will
be solo ui')ect to re.icniinion 11s per atat
ute of Oregon.
Witness my nana Ibis 10 n nnv m Aug
ust, 18US, H. 1. FORI.
Btierin 01 asnincton wouiiiy, ur,
12-16 Hy V. U. tlnroR0, Oeputy.
I) derree and order of ante, issued out i f
Circuit Court, i f ihe State ol oreg m.
fur Washington County, in favor of Or,
on Mortgag L'ompanv, limited, plaintiff,
and ngunst Obadiiih K. Ilu. dley and Dora
Hundley, W. il. II. Meyer and th Fir
National Hunk of Hillsboro, Oregon, dr-
fentlitnt. tor lhstiui or S2o,40. rosts. and
for th lurthar sum of ll.U74.24 U. H. gold
coin, wit interest thereon at th rut ol 8
per cent per annum, from Ih 23 day ol
July, lM'Jft, and fjr lAXIsttorney's fees, rnd
for Hi tost and expen.es ol ai and ol
said writ.
Now. therefore, bv virtue and in pnrsn-
ancs of said judgment, decree and order of
sal , I win, on Monday, ins vttn any oi
August, at in soiitli door ot in
Court House. In Hillsboro. Washington
County, Or Ron, nt Ih hour of 10 o'clock
A. ai oi saiu nay. s.u at puu io auction
lo lh highest bidder for cash, th follow
ing described uroriertv. situate in Ih
County of Washington and Stat of Ore
gon, to-wlli
Commencing at i point on Ih weat In
of the John H, Com nhaver d nation land
olnim, number fortv-seven, in lo nsh p
on south rang four wst of the W
lamella mer dian, at a stn In th renter
ot Ihe County rord, nine and nine bun
tredih chain front th northwest corner
of said claim, Ih tic south ten
degrees forty minute east (variation
twenty-one degree east) wttn aid west
line ol nld claim, thirty-one and twenty'
nin hundredth chain to lh nojtU'est
coiner of Thomas W. Thompson's land;
thenc north aevenly-six degree twenty.
eight minute east thirly.llv and ninety
hundredth chains to th center of t In
road: thence north e ghleen degrees forty
bve minute wast, three and ighty-sis
hundredth chain; thenc north one
desree forty-two minute at eleven
nd ninety-four hundreiilhschainsi thenc
-north seventy-nine degree taaniy.twn
minute weat thirty-seven cha ns; thenc
west three and tojty-nin hundredths
chain to lh plac of banning, contain
ing eiglity-eeven and ixin hundredihs
acre of land more or las, to satisfy the
hereinbefore named sums, and for Ibe
cost and expense of said saie.
Said property will be sold subject lo
redemption, a per iiui ot uregon.
Witnes my baud ihis 25 dav of July,
iboy). n. r. lunv,
Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon
Xl In pursuance of an order of sal mad
bv th County Court of th Btat of Ores'
on, for Washington County, on th 6th
day of August, ItUM, in th matter of tb
estate of Wliiism Jolly, deceased, and to
th undersigned ss executors of lb last
will and testament of said William Jolly,
deceased, directed.
We will ell at publio auction, to th
highest bidder, at th south door of tb
Court ilous In Hillsboro. Washington
County, Oregon, on Saturday, In iKth
day of Heptemtier, IM9A, at Ih hour of 10
o'clock in th forenoon of said duy, all of
that tract of land belonging lo th estate
of William Jolly, deceased, lying, being
hnd silust within Washington county,
Oregon, and more particularly bounded
ami descriiwi a loiiows, to-wit:
Commencing on the enst line of the don
ation land claim of William Jolly and
wife, in Kec 19. T 1 N. R i W Will i
71. 82 chain south of tb N K corner of
said claim, and at a noint wher th south
lin of th land heretolore sold bv William
Joily and wile to Frank 11. Joily croeses
the east line of sntd claim, and running
thenc south 87 4V st, 1.1 chain, lo th
southesst corner of said r B. Jolly tract
ol land lliance south 12.88 chain; them
t !! chaius) thenc south along th
ssi line of said Jolly Claim -about 20
Cha ns, mora or less, to a point 5.211 chains
north of th southesst corner of said Jolly
donation Isnd claim: thence weat on Ihe
north una of the land of Keisrr and wile
ti 8 1 chain loins I'.ennett tract of land)
llienre nlofg tlieenil line of said Henneil
land to ihe nter of McKay creek ; thence
north a ard along the renter, of McKay
creek w.lh the mepiidrings thereof tn tn
southwest corner of the K U. Jul.y tract
nl l ind ; thenc south 87' 4"i' east I) chains
t the place of beginning irH rontainlng
74 nrre-, m ire or Iris, together with all ol
tne rlKiil. tit:e, Interest aiidetaiof Wil.
1 1. un joi.y at lh time of h i dcith, or that
tn sinr accrued to his stai in or lo th
same, r-i I land a I I Ire sold tnctiart to
suit pnrchaser, and will be upon lb fol
lowing term of sat: Onc-tiurd if the
pnrrhnse pr re to he pa d rash In baud.
Onr-ibird of the purchase pr.re t be paid
one ye:ir Irnm the day of sa e, and il
remaining o.-ehas pro e ti le .od two
year, fro'r. In d ly ol s .e Imp r I ray.
mentf to ilrsw ,nli rrst at the rt r o. tgsrr
Mil pr annam, payable annually, anT to
be eeurd by mortgage upon lh prein.es
old. Conveyance to be at pnrchaser'
sipens. W. B. JOLLY,
12-16 FRANK H. JoLI.Y,
txieutorsof th Irat will and I ss lament
of Wdliam Jolt, deeaal.
Notice of AnaMlatMMt
vtuTrit nr AM EXECUTION.
d.-erre ami ordr ol s.le. usue.l out id
tii Circuit C urt ol ihe biat ol urewon.
for Wa-liiugton Coumy, 10 Uor id Kl
en luiorie, ami asui ii or
Chira Aiark.e. m Aiu Kie iiu .o.
1.1 d Hi-senorUi'U,l'' I111SH.HOI in
Viii t. !el.- M u 1, Mir t. IH-l.n-i-niutt.
The tiregioi Nsi'Onai ll n k
land, am W. V. fit re V r ol lb.
Oregon Saiionai Hank ol I'lol and, n.r in
tit', cat .ami n.r 11- u im-r sum
ul JH.I.1MI. u. f. g
r mi-
11,... ..11 .1 1 m ruie ,1 8 1 er
uuin, ! 111 ibe 27m dny of April, 1(1J, end
lor lb coals aua eoss of .o and ol
siid writ.
So, therefore, hy t i ue sn I in pur-u-ui.coi
.am ju.i.iorii., ecre n I ru. ro
sa.e, 1 wi I, JU..111.. , tne 11 il..y 01
Cep emliei, IhttS. at lhs utl. U.i r ol ihe
i:..nri ll,iii. in iii..sb iio. t ashimitoii
County. Oreuun. al" tn hour ot 10:30
o'clock a. M., ol sid day, sell al public
auction to lb highest bidder for cash, th
loliowing described real property, to-wit:
All Ihos several pieces, parcels and
tracts ol land, lying, being and annate in
Washington Coiyiiy. Oregon, and luor
spenlically described as tollows, to-wit:
First tract Hounded by commencing
where th east line of tn Donation Land
Claim of Ueorg 11. Smith and wilcrosses
Ihe south lin of section i1,HNK2,
Wilt Mer. ami running tlieur wst on
base lin 1S.77 chains; thence south l. b
chains 10 lb south Im ol tn uonation
1 1'i.im nl sunt lieom II . Smith and
He; thenc west on sanl souin un 10 ,n
luthwasl corner of said Ihmalion Land
laini! .hence north on th west line 01
said Don at oil Ciuiin lu th north t cor
ner lliereo: ; Ihi-nce east lo the norinrnst
ro ner ihtreot. and thence south on in
eust line nl saul c .11111 to lha plsceot lb''n
i.iiitf innl,inin, AM H7 acre.
Brcond tract B u g all that tract known
and designated as the southwest quarter
ot section I I 1 8 1 W ill Mr, con
Tliir.i tract Hounded by commencing
at atak aoont 211 chains eaat ot the south
west c irner ol secllon , 1 1 o n a n ,
Mer. and running llieni ulilll 0 cno.n-.
lliem north ft chains 10 section line, snu
bene west 12.6 I chains to Ih plac 01 Of
a rniiii. .aiii. , 11 inj fi. acres.
Fourtu tract Boun ied by commencing
at the norm west corner of miction t S 1 !
R i W. Wnl. Mer., and running uience
es.t 011 section lino ti chains 10 in easl
side of cret k : Ihcuce soiitli 18.65 chain lo
lha lin of tii O. C. H. K.l lhnce west on
said lin 6 06 chain to sertion line, and
ili.i, norm .,11 sei-iion line 17.76 chains to
th nltc ot lieginning. coulaiiiing 10.07
Fii.h tract I iiinmencing at ineaouin-
a:ia, corner , f the Ooiiaiion Ijind C ami ol
l.'eo. II. Sm. ill sin! lie III section tin
U 2 W. W.ll. Mer.. and running thenc
noiitli to the northeast corner of the Dona
lion Land C.aimif 1 nomas :-! arl nun
wile, in sa d section . townslup anu range
alorratiid: thence wst In the soulbst
corner of the Donation Land Claim of A
bnrt Stewart and : thence north on tin
west line of said Don .it ion Land I- a in to
th northwest corner i hereof, and ilunce
east to the plac of beg m l i., continuing
IM.Vi acres.
Sixth tract Houinleil t.y coiiiiiit ncing
at th northeast coiner U Hie Uotiitiioii
Land Claim of Thoimi H;rurl and wile,
in section U 119 K i . n m. Mer., anu
running thence south 2 ile grer IS minutes
esst on east lin of sa d cisiin S.'.tk) rhuit
tn center of too lit sh iro ami Pnrtliind
road; I hence norn e degree west, along
aid road 21.74 cnninn : tnencj norm 2 dc
grees 14 minutes west, p-ir.n el ith Ihe
east tins ol said cla in 8..."i rhniiis to tin
north lin of ao.ll. ii l, tosnship ami
rang aforsnid, and tlienc" i'iit on said
seotion line 21.71 chuins to the .ia e ol be
ginning, contaiuing Uil.7o acrer, to snli-ly
th hereinbefore named sums, mid for III
costs and expenses ot suid sa o.
Haul property win be aom subject to re
demption as per statute ol Oregon.
Witnas my lis id this 8th day of An
lat, II. 1'. OKU,
(Sheriff of Wnshiugton C unty, Oregon.
IMS IW W. 1. URMiroan, leputy.
F01CF.CI.OMI ;."
derree and order of sn!e, lsniied out ot
the Circuit Court of Ih. State of Oregon,
for Washington County, In favor of the
First Ititional Hunt ol llliistioro, plain-
lift, and ngauiit (ienrgo H. Markle, Clara
Maritle, 1 la .Markle ll.enirncii, anu
llcssenbrueh, lill hand of said Ida, Van
II, Del.ashmutt, Maria C. Del.ashmutt,
tbe Oregon National Hank of forlland,
and W. W. Call n, receiver of lha Oregon
National Hunk nl I'ortlnml, Ueleiidants,
for the sum of I14. rosts, and f r the fur
ther sum of fu0PO.2ft, 1), 8. gold roin, with
Interest thereon nt lh rnte ot N per rent
tier annum, from Ihe 27 day of April, lMHo,
and for the costs and expenses of sal aud
of aid writ.
Now. therefore. Iiy virtue ami In pursu
ance of said judmont, decree ami order
of sale, I will, on Monday, the 9th day of
September, 1SHJ, at tne soutn noor ot tn
Court House, in Hillshoro, Washington
t'onnty, Oregon, at th hour nt 10 o'clock
a. ., of said day, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder tor cash, th following
described renl proper.-, to-wit:
All ol mat piece, parcel anu tract oi tanu
lying, being and situate in Wsshington
County, Oregon, and more particularly
designated and described as follow.
lo-wit; commencing at in noriiiessi
corner or donation lanu claim ol
Albert Stewart and wilo In secllon
thiee (3) town, one (I) south rang (2)
went. Will. Mer., and running thenc west
on nor lh line of said claim to Ihe east line
of the doi alion land claim of O. II. Smith
and wife in section four (4), township and
rang aforesaid : thenc sou Hi lo th south
east corner of said donation land claim of
th u d u. il. bmith thenc south to the
northeait corner of donation land claim of
Thoa. Stewart and wile, in sertion four (4),
township ami range foresam ; thence east
to the southeast corner of the donation
land claim of Albert Stewart and wile, and
Ibence north to the place of beginning.
eon laming 1.16 seres, to satisfy the herein
belore pained sum-, and for the cost and
xpensee of said sa .
Bald property will l sold subject to re
demption a per sta ute of Oregon,
witnesamy snu tn tn naroi Angus,
m 11. P. roup.
hhcrifT of Washington Couuly, Oregon.
decree and order ot snle, issued out oi
Ihe Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon,
for Waahiozton County, in favor of the
Hrst Na ionai hank ot llillsho-o, Oregon,
plaintiff, and against Ih O, W. Hart, M.
M. Hart, Kdward Constable and Amanda
Sherman, defendiint. lor lh stun ol
fill 8o. cost, and or th further sum ot
$1,77220, l'. 8. gold roin, with interest
thereon at lhratr.f 10 per rent per an
num, from tb 13 h day of May, 116, and
for in coat and expense of sal and of
laid writ:
Now, therefore, by virtue and In pursu
ance of said judgment, decree and order of
sa'e, I will, nn Monday, the Win day of
September, lti93, at the south door ot th
Court House, in lll.lslmro, Washington
County, o-egon, at th hour of lu o'clock
A. m.. of said day, sell at public auction to-
tn nigne.i nniuer lor cisn, tns lolluwlng
u cru i real properly, ti -an:
AH these -vral pares, ravels and
tracts of land lying, being nd mate in
naaningion i ounty, Oregon, ami moje
pamcularly known, desegnate.l and d
crilied lollnse, town: lieing I lie
nort half of the southeast quarter of the
nnrlhe,tit quarter of sen Ion I t T I Jf 114
n, n , .ver.; aiso ins ea.t n ot th
northeast !, of lie i.ortiira.t of section
IM, toansh pand rnne a ore. hi. I. Alsoail
that t onion of Ih homestead land c'ai
oi jonn Mil y, and al ol tbst tart
oi in Donation iai.il claim of John
Hardin and wife, lying aid being
a part of the northwest Quarter of aeilioo
17, township and range alorcsiiid, rnnlnir-
Ing In all l rrs. t ) sitisfv ihe lnrlol-.
fore nameil sums, and lor Ihe c ists and ex
penses ol sanl snle, .
Hud properly wtl te soil su jrt lore
deiupt on as per statu, e of O-exon. -
Witne-s my band llils H h l iv of An
!. II. I. KOKIl,
Wheritl of Washincton Counir, Oregon
II It I (It I.AVIX..
lirii k la er ami I
nirio'lor. II eieni
ail WJrk entrusteil to him, draw i Una
ml rciticat'ons, and in i estimates.
neie-ence in iin snoro: t. u, longue. H,
It. Huston or l l. r. linun, 1'orilnnd
address, oifl Columbia Hi, 9.9,
Several (rrlpin-f pnlng of Ihe s(om
arh and bowels instantly and effectu
ally atopped by De Wltt'a Cbllc and
Cholera Cur. V. E. Brock.
0. R..& H. GO;
f. C. MCNEILL, Recoil'.
.. TO ..
ffl? EAS I
Tn TK ,smhmiw:stiL
Pacific Uij.
Kansas City.
Northern Rij.
St. Paul
.. FO" ...
For full UHgll, rail u
J. I. KMUIIT, IlltUlMire, Or.
Or Address, W. II. HUH I.Kl IIT,
lieu'l run. A (rent.
Portland, Orrfvi.
frAM ff flRTa Iff A PATKSJT For a
prompt answer and an honeat oiiimrin, write to
HUsHai CO., who have linil nearlT tllij rears'
xpertenee In tho iteiit bu.inpfui. Coinmunica
tlons strietlr eonflflentlsl,
A llundlienk (if lu.
taia tbem sent free. Alw caisloguaot meehais.
ical and sdenttno tionks sent free.
Pstents taken Ibrouifh Munn ft Co. raeelea
pselal notleelnth sirlrnflrle Amerlrna. snd
thus ara brousht wlileir buloretlie pul-.Mo with,
oat east to the Inventor. 1'hls sntendid psler.
xoraiauuo coooennug
I'atema snd how to ob.
Htuea weesiv, efuesntlx lllusTmten. uoh bv rar tn
iniest clreulstloD of snr seleiitilte work In the
Bunding BiHtloo, rouiitlilT. f-'oa rear. Hingle
enples, 11,1 eents. Kvery puiiiImt eoiitains beau
Wurio. all rw. BHinpie conn's sent iree.
s vnsi
tiful plates. Id ooktrs, and iitintnerMiihs of new
bouses, with plans, ensbling builders to shnw the
MUMN I CU. dkw Youk, iilil BuuAuwa
Csvests, and Trsrts-M srks obtained, and all i'at
nt business conducted lor moomstc rci. '
Ooa omct I Oeeorrr u. . Pstcht orr.ee
sad w csn serur patent lu leu Uiu liiau Uioss
remote from V. s-.hington.
Send moUel, drswmg or photo., with descrip
tion. W sarins, if pstentsble or not. Ire ol
chirr. Our le not due till pstent Is secured.
A PteMLtT, "How to Ontsin Pstents,'' with
cost ol saw In th V. S. and loreigu countries
sent be. Address,
. BiTriir Orrir.r aVilMiNuTON. D. C.
'irt)-1's,Jt'l mtm r"i" waB
or Tni
Expaca Tbsinr Lutva I'ortdin d Dim 1
South I
I North
Ar I 8:10
i.v fliOOAM
8.50 m l'Lv
1'ort land
Han Frniioinco
10:45 in I Ar
Abov trains stop ut K it I'ortlnnd, Or
egon City, oodbtirn, fiilein, i timer.
Marion, Jefferion, Albnny, Aihnny Juno
tion. Tangent, Snedd.i. Ilnl-ev. Harris.
burg. Junction I ity, Irvinnr, Kii-rene,
Drain, and all ntnt ons trom Kosel.iirg to
Ashliuid, inclusive.
8:,10 a M
Arl 4:4(1 rat
Lv Ur!) a
Halrra Passenger Daily:
4:00 r M
:! r M
10:1.-. A M
8:00 A at
.. AMD m
8rriid.riasf Sleipln; tars
Attaciiid to All Tniooog Tbaini,
Weat Hide Diviaion.
Mail Train Daily (Except Sandny).
7:80 a M
12:15 PM
t"-rAt Albnny and Corvallls connect
With trains of th Oregon Ccnirni Knt.
em Rv.
Eiprea Train Daily, (Except Hnnday)
1:15 P M
Ar I H-.'Jfi a at
I v 7:13 a
I.vJ 5:50 A
6 0S M
7:25 r a
THROUGH TICKETS to all point in th
Kaatera Htntoa. (lanada and Knmna. enn
obtained at lowest rate from A. S. I'enc.
agant, Hillsboro.
K. KOETTLER, Ait. O. If, 4 V. KaX
Warjatrer. Portland nil
Given Away
Every Month
to the person nhmHtlng the
mt wieritnrlnas invewtloa
during tho promling month.
OroK INVF.NTOItrl, ami th
object of this offer Is to en
courage persona of an Invent.
Ive turn of mind. At lbs
same time we wlnh to impress
tb fact that a a :,
It's the Simple,
Trivial Inventions
That Yield Fortunes
-atirh as He Long's Hook
Mo, "Hon that Hump,".
M.':'Jf pln " "l''K lu Uo
yr.' Alr llrnke," clo.
Almrnt every ono eonrelre
O bright i.lea at smho i,,mo or
r.i.l'' W.k'.'1"1 P"' ' In pi se
Jlflal use? Yot lt tmenls msy
li In thl direction. Mu
make your fortun. 1, ,,t
, tr' " is :t :t ;i
writ for furihrr Information and
mention this pspi-r.
. JL"0 W" 0i. Mar..
618 F Street, Northwest, !
miriTon, d. c. '
IJ1' 'T"!''' "IJI' r of Ihis company '
a?o7ks t-.Tk1.1'7 Ih '
?,VTIL . h7 "oi.e thousand 1
CauKa'Sti'iii " '' "
ii7aii mm
"iiiiiiiini iiiiinm