Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 31, 1895, Image 3

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HI! HAY, MAY 31.
J. I. K"i-'ht rma
Ml. I I II V I'""""'
nritioy to Inen,
S.i:il lnnf in the evening,
I'iiikt -rV li : J itn lt.
.1 I. Knk'Iit iJHlwiiv prepare for
till' kin1'- "' i'"triHl work, eeHclully
(in Sii'uril iv lift wp liml conklne-
i iin. ;n- rn prain never looked
i,( iirr tlimi now.
,.r.t U )iinl"ir up ft ny iwTfrt
. .......A I ...til tt..m
IHT'i-S III" IlinrKfl, rill. I win iivuranti
t ut nn ut in H'HW. .
i v. A. Kou'i th, "f Koreht Orovp,
will imviiiv ltv. liVs pulpit, In
tin-1 nnirrt (rutionn! chumi, next Min
l;iy inoniiiin. . . J
'ii, (. I:i.liis of lh KrtHtorn Star
hui.ti r, A. r-Ynint A. M., surprised
ti,. ir l.n.thi r-t at the lust rmnmunlca
,v KcrviiiLf Htrawlnrrii-s nnrt
-:ik". - -
w. J. lloliiiiHon, of rmtjrewa, wan
' in.
i.V I'
: .-bi
corre.-poiidenl Oi-scriiHn ur ...
ilitiou of all industries. The selling
prices of product are Ik'Iow the cost
of production. . . ..i. . ;
Cliristisin Sunday wbool will give
musical concert nt their church, on
Sunday evening next. A, choice
program bus !eoit preimred, anil lis
rendition will entertain all who at
tend at that hour. , 7 J
Mr. (ieorire Hundley, once fa-
...iiiar with the alley and lanes of
Ilillsboro, but now of Tillamook,
wn in town it few day days this
week. lie reports bis father, T. B.
Ilandley, and ramily well.
The name ttxed on for the new
'ru"store in the Morgan and Bailey
block is "Pelta Drugstore." The
painter are nt work this week and
will bold the fort for some days, hut
it win not he Intnr before the ailing
may have their prescriptions: there
The little daughter of Mr. F'red
ii .,mi.i tv ho was so wrtomly burned
lust 'week, l.s Hlill alive and doing
well: still there are yet -doubt of lis
..ltiomto reeoverv. The area or 11
tie diMt roved I great, and grafting
mav have to be done, even If all other
symptoms are favorable. ...
Pr. Tamlesie has hud some Jong
rides witliintthe past text days, one
trip was twenty-tivo miles distant
toward Vernonia, wliile tlie next call
fr.,m the hills lieyond (Jaston,
mill rtnken beforiv the wearliioss Of
the first trip had been put on".
rim 11,'ur iin tlie band stand yester
day is the one that went through the
VmLIhiu liulian war of 18,1(1. It has
four bullet holes ill and Is different
from tho Hag on the court houMe, in
Mint, it show in the Mne mld but
i....,.u.-n utnrs. The banner was
loaned by Its custodian, Hon. J. W
Mr. S. Itosentlnd and M eslluiable
..ir. i. ..I u irent scare a few morn
,... 'i im haliv was silting In
his high chair at the breakfast table,
and becoming Impatient, lost his
balance and fell to tlie lloor. But, be
ing a well-developed, plump child,
iniurv. except a bruise on
.i... i, i. which the little fellow en
dures unite philosophically
In some liK-alillea the wire worm is
itrnil iim sad havoc with plant mo.
-1.01.1 In Jackson bottom ate
'alive Willi them. One ilay last week,
.. i.:i.. ..i ,l,,iL- iii his onions, ir.
nulled ut a weed with
a short stocky root, and found no less
iii.n tl.lrtv-i.even worm nangiuK ...
it. A vellow dock root had over
twenty.' Mr. Meters sowed salt lat
.. in. lament. He has done the
same airain. using 4i tmunds to the
...... .. i,nv.uii-sst. Since bis sun
iug this year there has not been mirfl-
Judire C'randall
ineiitiom d that as he commenced to
spray Iii plm and prune tres, to
rid them of aphis, ne none
i t ni iiri r InsiH-ction he found
.1.. i.M fllVI iiirina- theaiihi
the la.lv bird, a kind of a tly ami a
longer 'ii.sect, supsssl t be Hie
i.ravii.g maniis. He stopissl spray-
ut olid'. .' ii.it -- ---
found the aplti ci.-aii.si - "
tns- in perfect condition. I he In.
nets that are man's friend may lie
know n by the pla.i' they f.-e-l. N hen
thev an- found al-.ut a curh-l
they are doing good, and it Is safe to
discontinue spraying.
paragraph describing bow a
mini lost bis life by riding under an
overhanging 1""''. aps'ar.l re-,-,.ntlv
in a Soul hern Oregon raKr,
,-alls'toioindanun.ls.rof low hmlw
r of the principal traveled
road, in Hii county, tin endways
,.Ullg through thick Umber Ud.j.
,,, miie all.T. Isi-ause tie
V .... : . muni, hilt Wlll'll OIH I
. .. .- . ..Z ......lino-s haiiis'iis. in
....k liml. that Is low enough to pu l
ir u i,ggy b p or wMi '" J"' ;
II would seem that it I as proier for
tl.e road sni-rvlsor to cut l-uch
braucb.-s a It i b H a hole.
t theln-t meeting of the Fourth
- . . li i.m. .lie
..i in v ri. i-orawoii a
. . I
xub-committi'- appo men .
committee, wne -
. . .i. ........ ..r .m.i.
lor lite ciiicnuiiniK-.i "
li.-rs .1 I', .'icrrj m-' '. , ,'
uu r, .i. (,nmL p.
l I riillilil l. ... "
L. Haldwin and J
iVV:-?. ",r"7.....,itt.;.n fire-wor
. llillll
i i-i.i. , ,.
I . Smith, li. n
ave who are to report to the gen
..... .1 iii.H.. forthwith, a plan for
nre-worU and probable cost; com
mi.t.v to procure sis-aket, , 1. ;
. . ii,. j 'iv ii. lonirue,
in... --- i - . w
n. iius-
.In and W.l.ll..n;;c.,mmtt.ee on
v It. Wcbrupg, I A.
L g and ...M.C.Mnlt;eomn..ttee
on music. W. II. W.-I.rtinjf ami J.
i .r.,,.. ii.i.in.lKS' on
.'I'mk"" ...
v ater,
i- J. I, von. r
. s'liger. ordered that B.
,...( II. I
' ' .!.. ...IK
n c, noli III con in" ""
tlie t (rand Army committee to pro
V. ... . .. i. ..r.l.r.sl that all sub-
,m,..ltt.Un,,t.Ml tovort t
he geiu ral comiinuee
,rnin,r. rdensl that the general
: ut. s mivt eacn rn
Jnong aV .hcomce of tote
.. '.. in the eouri noiwe,
n. i . i-rii" , ... .,,.
until after
I in M H mi HI i.
i-ommittecs T
solicitors wno nmr
subscription papi
ir are requested to
SllbsCril'llOU I'"! '11 " 1 !.
re sirt "'-'r wnioUn
puvnl commits, 1. W. Morgan.
Mr. E. Kester in buy putting hi
fruit preserving plant in order fur the
iinmnf ' PTm gmirf-ww
lions lu.il ytar re (Uiic hiici j
and h ex i,-tie-viirM
ex n.U.,... nui.i ..rKvJ
. . r... . . - i .
In twiwtiory hk'li uirlrL' ini
m. lie huH a buiMUm bvJitl ftietiOMx'On Oty. The nilwaa found.
I'loNed hIic.1, wlili-h be will roa lriin)vxd: eivunh to make at) the
ttorage puruotwx. I.n-t year be iiu4rjTiwetor goll rtapMKK man It
tiut oii t-ld.-r press; tliU yinr h lmi
two. Then he used Moves for (Milling
rliler; thU year bo ba a large fur
nace. . lie has also added a dryer
with a capacity of 1 0 l ulu l of
areen fruit per day. Lnt year, lie.
iili- the eider, lie made m arly -1,0(10
gallon of vliieyar. Of this he ha on
hand 2..VX) Ealloni, wlii.h will lie
lirime for the market next year.
K eter vineifar s unitono, each bar
rel being tested before it i net away
to ajce. In testing, If the vlneyar
doea not voiue up to the required
itandard, cider U added till it dos.
There W a g'XMj deal of m'iuiry from
farmer ami orchanlists wlri desire
to know how the fruit of tlii-i year
may be utiliziil. To theni; it i proa'r
toNtulcthat Mr. Kilter will Ui pre,
pared to dry apple, pear, or .plum,
to make cider vincjrar, apple butter
or apple Jelly. No fruit j;rovn with
in a r aHonulile distance ni til k to
I'i'i! (.!-. V:i- !.i
i ,
. I !
the money for the fine. lie was, on
his promise, let go, but it si-ems be
orgot how t' count. At any rale,
he did not show up at the expiration
of ten days, whereupon Deputy
Sheriff Bagley went alter him, and
brought him again ls-1'ore tho court.
An additional tine ot (i- tor con
tempt was- lmiosed. In default of
payment he is in jail for ten days.
On Saturday last, Itudolph Meyer,
living south of Cornelius, consulte.1
Dr. Wood for u needle-like pain In
tlie breast. The trouble had existed
for rive years, though he had ap-l
pealed to no surgeon. Dr. Wish! at I
once recognized scfrrhus carcinoma
of the breast, a very rare ailment in
men. The tumor not only in
volved the breast, but -the auxiliary
glands also. An operation was ad-.
vised, which a Her Hue iieiincraiion
Mr. Meyer conwiiteu to undergo.
Accordingly, on Monday last, Dr.
Wood, accomimniisl by Drs. Tam-
iesie and A. 11. Bailey, visited the
pal lent at his residem-e and removed
the offending tumor.
Cvrus Bacon, who lives on a
homestead at the headwater of Dairy
creek, lost his house and its entire
contents, by fire, on the night of
Mav 21st. It occurred uiioul in
o'clock, before all the inemlier. ol
the family had gone to neci, nui so
rapid were the names that nothing
but a la-d-tick and a bureau were
saved. The house was built mostly
of cedar lumla-r which was ver
and ititlammalile. 1 he loss is
..iiila kovere and will foot up to
I ............. i i
f a,0tK), or more. .nr. inicuii nan m
house well furnished, a good library
ami many pictures, hut not a rug or
a book was saved.
There will lie a rose carnival given
by Ilillsboro Hebekah Jodge, i.u.
. V., on the otn and am ot dune.
Doors 0ned at 7 o'clock on the ftth,
and 2 o'clock on the t.th. A pio-
gram on VVedneuday evening; tnurs
day evening, ice cream and straw
berries will is served, ai mo ..ihukc
hall. Admission, ill cents, children,
5 cent. All having roses and de
siring to enter Into a friendly rivalry
are invited to place the same on
Mrs. Dr. C. B. Brown, on her first
wedding anniversary, surprised her
husband and a quartette of hi friend,
who are yet bachelor. Mesr. D.
W. Dobbins, A. B. Bailey, W. Bos
cow and J. M. Brown received an In
vitation to dinner. This they ac
cepted, it is understood that they
solemnly promised that their social
condition a year heuce shall not be
what it Is now.
Martin Winch and W. J. Robin
son met at Jlalclgh a few day ago,
whether by appointment, or by acci
dent, was not stated, but from a
knowledge of the two men, anything
where land is concerned 1 not likely
to happen by chance. They sent
several hours in rambling over sev
eral tracts at and near U.ileigh.
A rumor was current in Portland
last week that work on the Portland -
Ilillsboro electric line I to is com
menced June UHh, and that the road
would lie pushed to a finish this fall.
The franchise for a rignt oi way
heretofore obtained, expire mis inn.
Mailt fctni't between Second and
Third, i down to bare knuckles this
week. Tho old planks have Iteen
taken up ami new om- will Is' put
down at once. This Is an improve
ment that has Iss n needed for sever
al months. -
The Southern Pacific Company's
wood prscrvipg plant , was taken
this week lo the Cornelius station,
where ft will lie ued for Burnetii.
hi!? tli and bridge timber for tlie
nextJi'W weeks. . ;4 .-
Mrs. SSkecl. wife, of
Ibif. W. 1..
a-l Saturday
Skeels, of Scholls, died
and was burled on Sunday. Brides
lier liuslwiid, a son and daughter.
Is.lh-grown, ate It It to mourn ... r
Dr. Bowser Is prepared to dehorn
.utile with a new and iiiitonco
tool. F'r a small turn, no
.lilons are nM-pssary, mougii
for a
large drove, .stanchion
lesson the
At a mis t iinr of the business men
and citUensof Forest ((rove, held on
M,...,lv even ntr last. It was nsnivtn
to wlehrate jmies inieiice i") "
July 4th next.
v . . t.
'n U the time to spray orchard'
The cisllin moth are around, ine
tent caterpillar sw'ins icss nunn iou
than two years ago, though there are
llulm-. Itailev. of For..t tirovc,
are paying the highe-t market price
for wool and mohair. Call and see
them ls-ron si-liing. i-
Miss (I race Powell has gone to
polk county, near .Monmouth, where
the will spend the summer with
Mrs. K. H. Warren ha gone lo
Josephine county on a visit to her
iv.ni rriwi that lldlnc?. Bailey, of
Forest tirove, will buy your wool. 1-4
Mrs. Lucy Walker i visiting this
week with her son at McMiunville.
Another slde-trai k at the station I
oing In Oils week.
P.K.Bill has but recently return-
ed from gold hunt prosecuted In
--i naoentnms, OD low nvmi
WBtt rn of the Molalla, a tributary of
. . .
A KiftrutKirlv fr to fTd V wa
huvUx n knuwu rHr vnaM.thai it-old
li to l Annul in that imjU riDornooa,
liut only recently had much attention
Ix-en ilireoted that way, eHt.ce Janu
ary iJd tlaini have len located.
The print hindrance to active mining
I the dinVulty of making road. All
Htippliea have to be packed lu on
nieu' back, for a distance of from
teu to tlfieeu miles. It U understood
that the duiii of 10,(XK) has been
pledged to build a road to a mine
called Wed Wock. Mr. Bill's find I
but five mile away. Mr. Bill will
go back again a noon a the weather
Mr. Kami I. Hirota, of Japan, now
a studuut at 1'aclrlc University, will
deliver a lecture in the First Congre
gational church of Ilillsboro, on Fri
day night of this week, at 8 o'clock,
on "Japan, its geography, history,
introduction of civilization, manners
and customs, government, christian
iw ami the Oriental war."' The le -fir.
vu!i be .'re , t"t a i ' 5 - t ' I i
t Mr
IH i
V, 1 1 I. , . -,n.-, i,v ... .. ildier of the I'nion I envy and rev
Kdilh I.. Tongue, eldest i"aughter of erence him. No matter if be may
Hon. Thos. II. Tongue, in oliedlenee not now beall his Iriends could wish,
to the beautiful ivremony, as pro- that the hardships and temptations
nounced bv Wev. II. I. Webli, placed
her hand in tlie keeping of A. K.
Reams, where her heart has been for
ru than r two ve-motllll. 1 lie
.wrvnwiiiv was oerrormed In the
presence of the family and relations
.. .t i i 4 1. n I
of the contracting parties, anu in uu?
same building of her birth. The
bride was tastefully arrayed In a
woolen fabric, neutral tint, trimmed
with pink, made more for wear than
for this one occasion. Jir. U'sams,
while not in his working clothes,
also exhibited taste and good Judg
ment in tlie selection ot garments
that will serve a useful purpose
mm... f..,..,..i u-nr.u lu-inir sooken
that made them husband ana wue,
.....i ii... .H.nirratiilatioii of relatives
i...i..,. i,.i..n,i urn nomnnnv. lo me
' v . . . .... I
number of about thirty, sat down to
dinner. At u tout t lie conclusion oi I
........ . . ,
ti.anw.ui uii were taken bv surprise
the HilMhoro band serenading
II, viuiiiir mid. " Tin was an Ull
expected mldilion t the festivities,
but none tlie ! appreciated. At
about i!oVlis k Mr. and Mrs. Iteains
,.nii.ri.,l their carrlaue and drove to
their future, home lu Kast Portland,
where Mr. It am had prepared their
residence and furnished It for oecu
paney at this time. Their departure
was somewhat hr.stened by a profes
sional enirairement that had to be
kent nt his office in the evening,
Mr. Ileum, nee Tongue, Is well
kuown in this city, which has been
her residence since birth, and no
new thing can be told of her sterling
worth ami accomplishments. She
is a graduate of pacific University,
being a memlier of tlie 18i': class. A
nnrt of her colleire life was spent at
the State University, but, desiring
the broader culture that comes by
vui-ietv. her last vear was at Forest
. , ........
Mr. Ileum. Is the eldest son, out
... . .
second child of Hon. Thos. (I. Iteams,
one of the substantial citizens of
t.ultson count v. Mr. Reams, the
younger, is a graduate of the literary
department of the Htate University
and of tho law department of a Vir
ginia college. He is a hard worker,
and clients, recognizing his Industry
and shrewd management, are flock
ing to his otllee,
t lie acquaintance that ripened into
love and marriage was liegun at Ku-
cene eight years ago, where they
met in the same dosses.
The well wishes or her old neign-
Isirs go with Mrs. iteams, and the
congratulations of us comparative
strangers are extended to Mr. lleams.
law roi'RT
II. Habiirhorst v. T. .Mchiison.
Judgment by default lor the ptainim.
.. .. u 1 Iflll... ut III
Judgment for the plaintiff
Alli-e Cummins v. J. I. Marlon et
al. lMsmissed on motion of plaintiff.
frank Lament v. A. F. Miller et
al. I lismissed on motion of plaintiff.
a li. Jackson v. Thos. W. Savage.
Judgment by default for plaintiff.
Amos (Iritllth v. M. 1.. Urifllth.
siierltt's sale of real estate confirmed
Williams Bros. V. W. Thatcher.
In, lament for blainliff by default.
PIUlllATK imrKT.
F.state Harriett K. Oarnet, de
ceasi'd. Bond filed with A. 4- and
A. K. Fanno, siireth'. Bonds ap-nrovi-d.
A. J. Fanno. A. K. Fanno
and W. H. Hobinson apinted ap-
. . . : . ... . .i
l..stule uoiM'ri r ni'iiinn, iinrnmi.
l-'mal acount of the administrator ex
amineil and approvisl, and vouches
f.,r ut exis-m itures having is-en nieo
it I onb nil that said estate be cioseu
of reiord, and that the bondsmen be
cxl.onorated from further llat.liity.
I'.state Johnson Freeman, deceased
Final account flail. It apia-arlng
Mint nil claim akfiilnst such estate
have iss ii si'ttled, It Is ordered that
the same Is' closed of record, and
the iM.ndsmen are exhonorated from
further liability,
1 '.state luvid Happ, deceased. Or
.lend oil ta-tltlon that the
iw-rsonal nntierty listetl in the In
ventorv ls set off to the widow
Filial account tiled, and Monday,
July lt set for hearing the same.
Kstate Sterling Willis, deceased
Final account filed, examined and
allowed, and It Is further ordered
that the title to the real estate and
IK-rsonal proierty vest In T. J. Willis,
ner the terms of the will, and that
I Ills estate he closed of record.
F.state Samuel C. Snider, deceased
Ordered that J. C. Corey, adminis
trator, with the will annexed, sell
the N. W. one-fourth of section 6 T,
i X. B. 2 W., containing K.0 acres,
Is'longlng to said estate, to the high
est bidder: one-third cash, one-third
in one year ami one-worn iu wu
years, deferred payments to bear a
1ST ivnt interest, ami secureu ny
fir-t mortgage oo the premises.
ltate . K. ix-wis, deceased, m
ventory or proHrty Died, snowing
ts-rsonal property valued at 14-23
and real property worth 1700. t r
ilensl that the personal property oe
sold at private sale.
Folate Johnalhan r. iteamis, oe-
censl. Appralsmcnt ami Inventory
filed and approved.
License to wed was Issued May
Jtth to A. F Beams, aged 2-'years,l
aud With L. Tongue, aged 23 years.
Peroration rvy wtw pncra1ly oh
wved, ,bott hire ml at KortM;
Urove,u A ort Uroye, i.y ieo
r..r vui i..i .i u it. a. il. uuni
'thA hiviiAi-alluin were uiui'li mure
mrhiar Hiair nw, win inerrowu us
vmw. lanm. There the nroirrtitii lit
vluded exurclsos for both loreuoon
and afteaqoou. Here, on the tou
trary, an ' Impromptu (aiming to
gether of the neighbor at 8 o'clock,
and a proeension of young pwple,
who maruhett to the cemetery; bMiig
led. by the baud, playing fuueral
music was all that was attempted.
In the ' city ' " of the ' dead,
Comrade Oraklt read Oefleral' Or,
der 'o. ; Senator Huatoa delivered
from notes, an addrvaa. . Mcnra. A.
M. Sanders, 1. V. libbiiw, f. U.
Brown and A. T. Palm sang "The
Star Spangled Banner." Hon. T.
II. Tongue was theu introduced, wlio
said :
Veterans: Memiieiis ok iiik
Grand Army ok tiik ICi:ii bi.h :
'tm this, when lel
(ji . , v ; i . ie war for the
n j. u ; ; ( :' liom it is ul-
,, i., , . ter of sincere
-ic! 'at 1 cannot use the word
" vi i i ie." It Is a word so full of
.on . i ig recalling so forcibly com
ii.e dangers, common hardship in
-U and camp, common nacrillces,
muion triumphs and the common
eling of rejoicing over a grand
luse, nobly and heroically won.
Whenever and wherever 1 meet a
of camp and lli'ld may liave under-
mined hi manhood; that the crown
he om-e wore it.ay have slipped from
nis orow. uau never 1IH1J.-1 .uai
was once royal, that
when in Ile
Hush of youth, when
i r.. lis.. I
al! the world
seemed fair and life held out bright
hopes, then in his breast beat the
heart of a hero: mat men ne was
willing to iflve life and nil it prom
ised. that freedom miifht live, ami
the republic might become tlie glory
of the world.
I have tried to-day, as best I could,
to comprehend the circumstance
that surround you. and the feel in
that animated you when you llrst
oinea ine armies oi ireeuom
as i looneu out upon uib m-i.is,
clothed in robes of living green; the
. ..n ,.r l.....l.. r......l
irees iuii oi leniy n nriiuui, iiaimnv
flowers springing up at our feet, the
merry uirus sun ior nm nioun-ii.,
- t . ...fii .i .
out only waning -uu me ciouus rou
oy" 10 nil mo air won rapiuious
sone: the sky a few days ago a it
will ueasiiori si.uce ience ruo.aiu
with splendor, I have tried In imag
ination to go back long years to a
springtime In your early manhood,
when the distant murmur or mreat-
war came gradually nearer;
when the cry of danger to liberty
and union, from faint memories be
iran to swell till it filled your north
ern homes; when the sad voice of
one, while dead, yet living in patri
otic hearts rorever more, nr.si caiieu
the sons of the republic to save their
country from destruction and their
flag from dishonor, how strong me
ties that bound you to home and
loved ones and the scene of your
childhood, how griien the Held were
then how fragrant tho tl owers at
your reet; how sweeny me inrus
sang In their leafy bowers; how radi
ant skies and the bright sun waned,
and thrilled, and uuickeucd the
. . . .i.i.
puisesoi young nenris, no i n- ..is
I, and WOtjUS, wneryou nun iiucn iii
childhood, recalled fond memories of
early childhood Joys and youthful
loves and omnia mem annum your
hearts: when you looked into tlie
eyes of dear ones how tenderly and
lovingly,, beamed upon you wim
love, how warm their hearts; the
clasn of hands was never so loving or
so stroncr. Lire seemed so tun i.i
hone and promises of future success,
wealtn, nonor, nappiness ami repose,
And yet, when your country called,
you left all this behind. You e.-
cnaugeo. nems ramam won 'n') ,
fragrant with tlie srfume of sweet
flowers, thrilled with Joyous song,
sacred to fond memories, for one
drenched with blood alike of friend
and foe, where the smoke of buttle
clouded the sun In mercy that it
miirht not see the striteot brothers
and the shedding of fraternal blood;
where death held high carnival and
danced in hellish glee to the music
0rp,fin( gnns f dying, cri. of
ilesoair and yells ot defiance irom
friend and foe, while brothers waged
deadly conflict and fell in fraternal
war. ou turned irom me tenner
smites of loving friend to meet the
stem glance of a defiant enemy; irom
warm clasp of friendship tor me
deadly grip of a foemun worthy ot
your steel, in short, you ottered
life, Wltll all lis promise, mai nncny
might prevail, that me banner oi me
brave might continue to wave over
the home of the free the emblem of
a united country mill goveniiuein
of tlie people, by the (miple and f r
the people" migiit not srisn irom
the face of tlie carl h, that our bclovisl
republic might fulfill Its grand mis
sion, teaching lils-rty and fraternity
to all the nations.
1 can not. In the short time allotted
to me to-day it will not be expected
of me to recall the countless deeds i f
noble heroism that have made you
th pride of your country and of hu
manity. Suillce it is to say they are
the heritage of our race. They hav e
elevated and ennobled all mankind.
You have proved how much human
ity can cudurei how much it can at
tain, and to what height it can at
tain when occasion iiemami grm
sacrifice and great effort.
Veterans, It Is long since the lart
bugle call sounded and the cclns'
of battle died away, but your mils
are being thinned by an enemy more
relentless than war, against which no
courage nor army can prevail. .
roll call now would reveal mat many
of these grand armies have laid aside
their battle array, ami slept me sleep
that no earthly strife can disturb.
But they have left to us a heritage of
heroic lives and grand achievements,
and It is extremely fitting that a peo
ple who has received from them m
much, should donate one day to
adorning their graves with ciiit.lem
of bauty, to cherish their memories,
ami to Imparting to tlie riling gt ikt-
ail..n Iho I.H.n their II ves -triiL'L'li
suexwe ami triumphs nave ihiikih
m wop(t
ai on nn ixvasion like this 1 have no
synialhy with that maudlin senti-
- mentality that would iu any way
jtVP tho slightest doubt upon the
rightfulness of the cause to which
- xteate men devoteil their lives. There
to n quarters a sort or fa-hion
0f 0fty m lf-righd'ousm'ss that wrsji
ijr jn lne ell-known phrase of
mii only knows who were right."
We know who was right, you know
who was right, and all the world
knows and honors the right. And
no man living more readily accords
the rightfulness of your cause than
.- I ... Awarded ' " """ '
Highest Honors World's Pair,
rioltf Medal, Midwinter Fair.
l to
' Most ferfect Maflif ' 1J Ul'
-' ' it Years the Sfn.lar.t' H'"'
.1.1-1 Jl
,1 Mil I
the brave uiejiVui wore the-itrayj
and who knew by actUaf 'lrial, th
sterling worth. tUe: tmflitieblug roifr
ago and undying - dovntienv ft$
men who wore the blue. ;,.The sen-'
timeuts are uttered only by., sickly
time-server, despised by tlie Very
men whose gmsl will they would
gain. 1 he men who wore the gray,
nul fought the cause of the coufeder
t cy to its final end, now know that
it i not so much the suiicrior cour
age of the armies of the North as the
uM-riur Justice of the ca'e in which
they fought that brought victory to
one ami defeat to the other. In say iug
this it is not necessary to cast asisr-
sion upon vast numlicrs of the rank
and hie of the armies of the confed
eracy. J.rigttdcs ot these meu
vveie sincere in their Is-licf ami had
t In; courage of their convictions, but
they were mislead, beguiled and be
trayed by leaders who knew they
were sacrificing country usn the
allar of a personal ambition. For
these leaders, who, that they might
gratify personal ambition and per
sonal vengeance, betrayed and mis
lead their people, let loose the dogs
of war, drenched the land in frater
nal blood, filled our country with
widows, orphans and maimed and
crippled heroes, an almighty and an
alwise and a Just Ood alone can ade
quately determine ami meet out their
punishment. But when I become so
abject a follower of time-serving
that I cannot say these men were
wroni; that the cause of liberty and
union, for which you fought, was
right, "may my right arm lose Its
cunning and my tongue cleave to the
roof of my mouth."
Yet, I believe I voice your sentl
ments when I say that for the rank
and file of the southern armies you
have no feeling but those of good
will, and if any of their dead sleep in
your midst you will pay them the
tribute of your tears while dropping
upon their graves those flowery em
blems of lieauty, which, in the fields
ot yourconflict,our Father In Heaven
ha caused to adorn equally the
blue and the gray.
Miss I.ucy Humphreys read one of
HI t arlton s poems, alter which
the assembly sang ''America," Iteing
led by the quartette, and was ut.
When Bahr vat tick, w far her CaatorU,
When ilte waa a ChiU, aha cried for Caatorla,
Wlwa alw became Miaa, aha clunf to Caatorla
WIhio aha luul C'hiUrea, aha gave UwniCHtGriS,
Ituckleu's Arnica Salve,
The best palve in tlie world for
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt
rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped
hands, chilblains, corns and ail skin
eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give ierfcct satisfaction or money
refunded. Price :!. cents per box.
For sale by Ilillsboro Pharmacy.
The following Is the report of
Forest Hale school, district Xo. 10,
for month beginning April : -No,
davs attendance. 701; Xo. days al
seme. i:7: Xo. times tardy, H; Xo.
boys enrolled, 1; Xo. girls, 28; whole
Xo. enroll) d, pi; average rvo. belong
ing, 4 1; average daily attendance, 88,
Tlie following named pupils were
neither absent nor tardy during the
month: 1-ttie and Dexter Sain,
Kuhv Wilcox, Arthur Byers, Jasper
Hall, llov and Ihiisy .Matterson
Hollv Butt, (iraee Temple, Sarah
and Lizzie Hammock.
Anna Batks, Teacher,
Tlie most pleasant little pills for
regulating the bowels are lie Witt's
Little Larlv Itisers. Cures sick head
ache an I con-tlpation. Small pills,
small .loses. W. K. Brock.
Sick and Nervous
You maf b sasUy and quickly eura.
Ayer'S Pills
" I have ipeen a victim of terri
ble headaches, ami liaa lioer
found iin tiling to relieve them
so qiiii klv us Aver's Pill. Since
1 In uan taking this medicine, the
attacks hae become less and
t-. frequent, until, at present
ilis have missed Since I
have had one."-t . F. Xt-WMAX, JJ
iniU .Jiur, ii.
"Having fird Aert Pills with 3
great ' illness tiirlM'psia, irom
which 1 sutlered for years, I n- g
w.lvtsl never to l without tnetn 0
in i. iv household. They are In- o
. .-ft.....;....'. lm KlOIC O
(leeu . Ill-el I.e. -v,-" Cl
ll'OI..... vi I'lllLb TV
.mii;i.i, ii - f
delphiii, Pa. '
"I a!v.ss use Aver's PI1K and o
think them excellent." Mrs. ti.
P. Vatiioi Jaikson, Ha.
a a a
Received MighMt Awards oj
aaa as taiaai
io i
v.t. n i
to tl UjU
riVj a i Jwf ti 'wod v?
n v..d i-,U ,-rr
i:j y.
. I.,
tl!lf? Ifft 'lV.-
! , fil
ii H i
jjt to l.iTr rWPray h -peopkl
of Hilfcffoord ?c4 abol1, 1
hAX.t.i. L'JL.tf.kX, tu
It is a lii-0MSo-"au
Ju lai Yts ,4.baoeb tla: uti'.ii-b
ftiit'ktg otnVPstvlen'a
on ,if.j'
inlr1iH.il tins
!). v.l
. '-t
all classes for street
It stands the test of
II1LI.SH0K0, . - OKCtiUX.
I'. S. Laad OIHee Bnslaess a Surclalty.
Forest Urore, .
I will aell or trade one of tha beat
paying bninea lilooka in Hillaboro
worth ii.7U0- tbat pava in ci
n-uta tS6U per year. Will take Kixxi
farm Innda to tlie amount of f3,:iA),
and uive time on remainder.
Also will aell 110 acres; 814 aorsa
clear, a ffood bouae and larue baro
It ia flue Taller land and well i 00a ted
and ia free from pink, frioe, W
per aore.
Also I mi aorea ; 8u aorea olear. witb
Douse and barn, tor f ja pet acre.
Wo have niirchaaed Mr. C. R. Mead'a
interest iu this line and are row prepared
to execute all commission entrusted to
us. Kegular trips to Portland are made on
Monday, WrdaeKdays A Fridays
Returning on tl.e dav following. Special
attention ifivcn to lite execution of auiall
orders. ltuve orders
OornerHeooad . and..
WaabinKtoa Btreela
oommodaliona for Ilia aoDeanienM
("Charges Beaaonable
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair tllfheat Awara.
faT All Order. Irft ulth St'Ht'L
.UKRH II A MOM, will Rerelre Frempt
I for W.hinirton County.
Alii Norton, plaiatlfl, I
Otorgc Raoa Norton, defendant. I
To Genri, Raoa Norton, the ho named
defendant t .
la tha nama of tha Htata of Orrvon. Ton
are beret. rronired to appear and anawar
tba eoniplaint Bled anainat yoo in the abora
entitle.1 court and aui wnbin ten daya from
tba dala of tba aemoe of tbia aammone
nnon too if aerred within thia county, or it
nrw.n no within any otbet aonntT w
i... Mate, then within twanty daya after
the date of aald aenrioa. hut if thia aom
mona ia aerd ! J hy pnblioation.
..... lyunired to appear and an-
awer aaid omoplaint on tba flrat day of tba
neit term of aaid oonrt, after m wceka pub
lication of aaid aomm(a. to-wit I tin
MnadnT. the l.ab day of July. 1WVI, and if
yoa fail ao to appear and anawar aaid com
plaint for want thereof the plaintit will
apply to the wart for tbe rebel demanded
in aaid complaint, twits roe a decree
diaaolrins the bonda of matrimony now c-
iatina between I tie piainun una
ant and for tba ooata and diabonemenM of
thia anit. and for aooh other and further ra
Itef aa ahaii aem aaeat to thia Honorable
Court, and atfieeauJe to the principle of
AnJ yoo are farther hereby otinaa that
tb aomroona in thia anit ia aerred npon roe
by pobhoation thereof in the Htt-taaoao l
paraaneiiT. a newapapsr pnbliabed at Hilla
boro. in waahington ooo;t, ."-K"--jr;
. t. the nr.Ur of the Honorable T. A
MoHrtdc. iodiic of tb aaid oonrt, made the
rtfe day of May. A. I 1. O
11 Attorney for f laiatlC
1 x -x.
S ... I .1
Main Street, BetJ
i l'oi-' (Ui c.H'
sll .I.iurrI Ii
.l.....'.:f,, . I .
Drugs. Patent Medicines
: ' t.T. u ei .'i.
.. -M stock la this lis to ss eMrrlftd
ucuU 4jo4ouumU tba 9iy oiA tvui
land. I make aisHiialtr in ttus Lue ud
carry tea rcry freshest goods.
,: i an n iin i il )n.;sl li
-" 1m IV L. Ma aar - a-DI Kr,,t ''is,fni,1..f
sd, saslad aiiiiiiiil t vslsut a,
bar raa aaa chociaa with Ui aMimin1
IL( tb good you get, arj (trt. .ri..H
.ut tall1.i -K Jl .t."3TS flf
. Bn.-i..k."iJieo.-liJ'l a M t."-.-i
r . . . . .-!.
III ' "'
y.n -.:1T
iH-st-tU '
- MiU.-,llUll-
.jail -iuii! B Vil -r.W JtniJfejl,(
It ..Jl-ll IHI'I . Jl '" ".I
Aff nowMJiaVipg a First-Class
, i -.i( " -.' I : : ci I .'I'll
I h .t;ti- l
in -i ..i
utt'i! a iifv
tt th
umin il.iiuil
WORKS, near
iiThi ill 1 ... .
Hilhboro Livery, Feed and Sales Stamerj
Orders left fer HEARSE will receive prompt attention.
Remeuiber the Place.
City Livery Slable 1
Where you will find the Hest Tennis that ran he hail
Good Teams, Good Huggles and (Jood Drivers.
Cor. Second and Washington Sts.
With Its Associated Preparatory School,
Is one of the oldest and best-equipped schools of the
State. Its work is characterized by breadth and
thoroughness. Besides the regular College
courses, which are equal in extent to those of the
better class of Eastern Colleges, It offers superior
- advantages for pursuing select studies. To
those desiring to perfect themselves iu (he com
mon English branches, the Academy presents
every opportunity. Expenses are very moderate.
The Spring term began March il, S)'t.
For catalogues and specific information, address
thomas McClelland,
10-22 Forest Grove, Oregon.
flnt-elaaa luitof clutl.ea mailt) lo order
at living prlivs rail om
Main 8t, epp. City Dm Store,
Hillaboro, Or.
All work ftuaranteed.
dltartll and Indleertly. by people who canwrf do their own fliriirii.L', erlte tin
letter, or keep their owa book.; and who do not know wh-a Imi-Im. nr'l leva!
which they amet handle every day are
muck more, we tearh taortioi.
Rundrada of our fraduatra are In ond poti..r. and thrre elll e opi-mr. f.,r
kaadreda mora when tlmea Improve. .V.. I tlie time to prrnaro tr tl m. IV .h -
aJutloe I worth all It n mt t ntrn Send f-.r our ratal'Vit.-. I.
nam wArtl aad mum wa teach. Malle.1 free to any addrxw.
A. .
o l.li l I.. 3
-. I '.M'i
I...!- -.f;
i. ,: ( i , h
i r : .i 1 1 ; i n
School, Supplies,: Etc;
'Your aeliOol iiit'i a ea t j.-mi-A j
her, tucfc v-lSAks, - nr,' TsfncW,"l?k,
riling tablet, alsios, ajij iu net iiuils
vrjrtuiii cviuiu4 ui.dvr iU.s buid,
IV riuine ry , T r est' i iplloiis
! Ull it
i , ..As to. pcrfunu';-s..iir,,exj t l ij
clafS and i.l'ni'l. l- ie 111 J..' tljl-nue a
Sjieelidtj"? 'StV (S,in1.i trfnf riifl-
tat jv iiiTtnt i t iv ili '.'-itA
-f ti'l -ftt I.I k,T S,ilV hr.-llilUl
vllil1' i'J
j .1 1.1 ..I J l'i in.
imvi, J?v,u f".is lllUW--,Wf
t --t UL.t
i.ni.V -.;!. l" m'
vnilti'l III
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i.iii-wi 1'. V4'
ut (il i.'l.i"
111 li -li) (J'lllJ
- . i
mi ! It-I 1 'I I 14
irl r(H1H
l.ll tUVJit" llf11
"lilntLU ml
r.lij III -l('lu-. !
SEWELL . Proprietors
W. L. Douclas
a e 1 I- isTMEPtST.
pJOnUL riT rou A KINS.
j, c ore uuv rx,
r rkirrnrATAtnfiUC
HOCK T(JU.fAhi. ,
OvcrOn WIMIm Pept
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our ehoee are equally eatUfattory
Te tl be Ht value lor Iht ""infy.
Ther equal ciMtont thoca In rt le and lit. I
h-lr wrarln u.mia are unurpa.J.
The pHcea are anirm.-lmfl fin aole.
frnm . t 1 aver other jtiakca.
II nur dealer auimH !uwly yo nan. fcokl by
lealer. wlin" name will kliorllv upp'nr
here. Ar'Hla wanleil. A ''ly Bl .mi-.-.
are lost
rile liif-ir owrt
Second end Third.'
niane out ri.rre.nr. ' "
theee tl.inv. aii'l
Business College,