Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 24, 1895, Image 3

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I IUI.Y, MAY 21.
Six'iul tlitniii iii tint evening, al
I'iirUor'M l.all, June 11.
J. I. Kn'iKlit isajways irftri for
til kiii'Uol notarial work, esHs-iully
Two f the Kt-ott children are yet
very i k, uiil tlit reivery of the-
M.-t, a ;irl, I tl.iul.tful.
l'n-ucliin at llio Kvanjji-liottl
tlum-li ii xt Siimliiy, at II a. m.,
nml n p. in., uml at Ix'ifK-y's srlitKil
In. list- tit :t . rn.
'I'liere will bean ico cream social at
tlie resilience of K. t'rnhilall tli is (Frl
flay)eveiiiiiKi May iltli. Kverylxxly
mviteil. Ailinisiiii, in cents.
V. K. Br.sk, druggist, has gone
i. n a tramp to I'-mlcm Oregon, and
while away will visit Baker City,
Jlt-i.i.ii'-r and Intermediate points.
The lw'o colt show of the Xorth
wiTiern .Siullion Assuciutiou, will be
held "in Forest (irove, Saturday,
June l-t. Hie t.reiniums are worth
the contest.
The! bright clear tlays are partic
ularly favorable to Rood results in
photography. Shunter ban been very
Miuceslui with all the work he ha
dune this sprintf. lie Invites visitors
In inspect work done under these
lavoralile i-iiii.lilioiix.
Oregon pa'r mills have been
taxed lo their lull capacity to furnish
stock for the ureiil San Francisco
dailies while publishing rerls of
Hie Huriint murder examination In
that city. Our mills have lieen able
to handle the orders, but they had to
be lively.
The Indian War Veterans, of
Washington county, will hold an lm
in.iiiiiil luectiiiir in llill-.ln.ro, Satur
dav. June l-l. at Z o'clock p.m. It
is undcrstiHHl that their part in the
celebration of lndeK.'iidence Ihiy Will
lie talked nf id that time.
Two new post-ollices In thin county
ure in process nf establishing, on the
load riinniiitr almost north ironi
Circeuville to Yeriionia, in Columbia
4 i ty. The tirst one to las reached
from (ireen villi) is to lie named
Uprinjf Hill. The second one, about
fix miles further on, is Mead.
A gentleman met on the train a
few day ago stated that lli fanners
f lien ton county rejHirt that they
can't rcnieinlaT w hen there has been
a better prospect for Umntiful eros
than the present year. What they
now want is to le assured that they
mill have a brisk market at some
Filler It. Ij. Nhelley Biid George 1
Rich will eommeiice a protra-(ed
meetinu' at the liristian church at
Faniiiniilon, on I-Tritluy, May 8 1st,
at II o'cWick a. in., to continue over
two Sundays, at least. Klder Iirown
and other preacbinif brethren an
expected to U present a part of the
lime and assist in the meeting.
Mr. J. L.'ArinsironiflhP Oregon
sculptor, has discovered a tine quarry
of white stone of a durable anil Ismu
tiful quality, on Mrs. Parson's home,
stead on Nciiggin iwk, eight miles
from Jiilley, Washington county, Or.
Mr. Armstrong eontcmpluh' opening
Hie quarry and commencing imniedi
ntely the cutting of ornamental tire
places, tombstones, monuments and
all manner of line stone cutting.
This stone is or a pure, live white
eol.ir, and iniix-rvious to fire or
On June 1st, the three school con
tiguous to Oreenville Greenville,
Wilkes and I toy schools, will unite
in a grand pit-nit in a grove near
tireenville. Hand music, speeches
and school exercises will lie the main
features. An attendance of two
.thousand people is expected. The
"school districts will each have their
own table, but everylaaly that at
tends is expectiil to bring a well
tilled basket. lluxter shops or
Mauds will U taxed 2 each ; swings
and merry-go-rounds' go.uirtaxed.
The finest Marshal .Veil rose tr,s?
in the state Is said to be that In the
garden of Mr. Jaeobson, at C'orvallis.
That ruse stands on the south side of
the .1 aeobson rcsidciM-c, is ni ue years
old, elghl lis t to the first limb and
l(r,s.s-s a symmetrical top. It is
trained away from the wall by a
Inline that holds it in position.
While the Jais.b-sui may be the
finest tiM in the state, it is doubted
if It can surpass Mrs. Cave's nse that
is now coming into full tlower. Mrs.
Cave's roM', too, is on the south side
of the house, but is much taller than
its Corvallis rival, being full forty
feet from the end of the furthest
branch to the root. True, Mrs. Cave
lias nut trained her 't In tree form,
but she has, instead, a great bloom,
ing surface that now ha hundreds of
blooms to attract the Is-holder. In
M.e, color and symmetry the rose
from Mrs. Cave' Marshal .Neil are
conceded by those who have seen
both, to surpass those plucked from
the lleutoii county pride.
Iieputy Asssir Pointer renrt
instances of heroism that are ertiliar
to Aiiit-ri.n-. She homesteader of
the mirth western part of the county
are exhibiting lliespiril of the Amer
ican pioneer that has (lamed out from
th.i beginning. 1 hese yeomen have
perched upon the hillside, creek bot
toms mid table lands of the moun
tains lying between Tualatin plains
and the Coliimbin river, nn are
hewing out what will I J'leasant
and happy bonu-s. lint at w hat an
expenses l' I .-1st year the fey acre
reclaimed from the 'eontinuous
woods" were planted to tatoes.
Tlie pi' cr thought that even at a
half-dollar per sack of list pounds,
tliev would U- assured of a eomie
tence, and so they would, but when
Hie market was strong and sternly
the roads were a quagmire and they
could not Is' marketed. Now, that
wh 'oning is goisl then' Is no sale at
evtai J". . its s r sack. Mr. Pointer
reports that be know of growers
having "'Oil to l.ooo bushels each that
will rot. In the meantime the fam
ily live- on bread and Hit;it.s
straight. No ugar, no tea, no cotliv,
and clothes of the most primitive
character. Are the )s..e happy?
Well, not hilarious- erhaps, but
ehisriiil b a degree. The.V are
plowing and planting again, though
Hoi on a-large a -cale as hist year.
Tl.'-e is-opio insd a larm railroad
that will furnish them a outlet at
any s.a-on of the yenr. Such
menus of trmsportation would have
i ut w.allh Into Ihow wixsls on the
head of the lalry rr.rks. There are
i.. I... In Hint sts't on
fundi, s that in tlie winter time are
-olal'sl from their fellows except In
he matter of mails
IasI Tuesday morning, about
breakfast time, hii old man, W. II.
William, aged about 2 years, w ho
ha been ait inmate of the or house
for twelve or tiltis-u years, lavaine
cray and treated a great sensation
in that otherwise monotonous boose
hold. The Inmates were in the din
ing room Just la-fore the breakfast
bell Rounded, when Williams begun
a quarrel with Mrs. Harris, another
inmate, and threw a teacup at her.
He then started to make an assault,
when a lame patient commenced t
belabor him over the head with his
cane, but the blows were feeble like
him who wielded the stick. A Mrs.
-Smith ran in Is-lween the crav man
and hi intended victim. The Smith
woman was then struck on the fore
head with an Iron poker that liefore
that time Williams had kept conceal
ed. The blow was a heavy one and
laid the flrsh open to the lione. The
keeper by thi time had been called,
and was able to reduce the mutiny,
though William was ugly. A
charge of Insanity was tiled. From
the testimony and the certificate of
the examining physician, the lod
manwa.sadluds'ed to lie of such mpntnl
condition that it Is unsafe for him to
be at large, hence he was committed
to the insane asylum. Sheriff Ford
took him to Salem the same eve
ning. A aad case is reported thi week.
It iof the family of Scott, liv
ing on the road between Hare's mill
and Farmington. The family con
sist of father, mother and six chil
dren, the eldest b years of ago.
Scott I a hard-working man and ac
cumulate by hard labor and pinch
ing economy. Some time ago sev
eral mem tiers of the family came
down with la grippe, ami, not being
proerly nursed, and the system
weakened by severe toll, developed
into typhoid pneumonia. On Mon
day six of the family were confined
to their lasls, and two more just able
to lie about. Tuesday morning two
.of the children died within ten min
utes of each other. This so shocked
the father that his mind was greatly
effected. It Is feared that others of
the household will die. No sadder
case, where absolute destitution docs
not enter ha come to light.
Ijist Tuesday morning, during the
temporary aiisencn or tier mother,
little 4-year-old I'.leanor, daughter of
Fred llaniel, got hold or mutches,
which she lighted, from the blaze,
tire wa set lo her clothing, which,
before help extinguished it, had shock
ingly burned her right leg, side and
arm. Dr. Linklater was hastily
called, and applied soothing lotions
which lessened the excruciating
pains, but the surface involved is so
large that liopu of ultimate recovery
hangs by a slender thread, though at
a late hour yesterday she was thought
to be hetU'r.
Last Monday, a Mrs. Haslcr, of
HillslHiro, and a friend were driving
down a hill in the woods on 1'iiinp
kin Kidge, the horse became fright
enitl and commenced to viciously
kick, and then to run. lioth women
were noon thrown out and bruised
badly, Mrs. Haslcr worst. She was
cut in several places about the face
and head, beside one of the face
bones was fractured. lr. I.inklater
did what art can lo assist nature.
The lady, though very sore, is
thoughtjo be out of danger.
The O. A. K. people will decorate
with the ost at Forest Grove, next
Thursday, in the forenoon. In the
afternoon there w ill Ik exercises in
HillslHiro, at : o'clock. At that hour
the Sunday school children will form
in procession ami, led oy the inmi,
will march to the cemetery, Ora
tion will be pronounced by Hons.
Thos. II. Tongue and S. IS. Huston.
There will be recitations by the
youth, and songs by vocalists. The
instrumental music will is- periorin-
ed by the Hillslairo band.
i Xfondnv. while handliiii; milk
. ' , .. "
tiuild In ihed.iirv. Sirs. Sarah Patter
son, living a mile north of town, by
some movement, dislocated the col
... . .
lar bone Ironi the nreast none. ir.
I.inklater was called, and applied
splints that will keep the bone in
place till the nganicni can ugam
i-ome atrong and able to perform
their function.
The Ixiy at the new harness shop,
on Main street, oposiie me rirsi
.National bank, are busy these days.
They are turning out some gooit
ik-ork. A li.-avv set of harness, made
on a iMcial order and delivered this
week, was the admiration of all team
ster. Their light driving harness
not onlyatlract notice, but purchasers.
Strayed May llth, one sorrel
mare, star in forehead, had halter on,
weight, alout !MlO llis., small knot on
right hind foot. Finder will Is- re
warded bv wilding word or bringing
said animal to J. Iv. McNamara,
HillslHiro, Oregon.
nr linklater is nilttiliL' in the
shelvlng land other fixture at his
store. He will have a miniei nusi
nes house when it is completed. He
will occupy his new quarters within
the next ten days.
J. C. IJimkin has inovtd his shop
to the corner of Main and Third
street, where he is kept ismstantly
busy on "tin thing and sich." For
copper, sheet iron or tin smithing
Lamkin can satisfy any customer.
After a aoinewhal protracted ill
ness, Jack Freeman gladened his
friends by taking a little stroll about
town Thursday. Jack is quite thin
and pale yet, but be thinks he is good
for a iermaiient recovery.
Hillsboro llels kah l.odge. I. O. O.
F., will give a rose fete on June "tli
and llth. The ladi.si are bu-y with
their preparation. Il.-sid.-s the rws,
strawlrrie w ill le a feature.
Mrs. Maggie NkeeK th- chrln'ian
lady through whose efforts theul
scription to erect the church building
at Scholl'a was raised, is very In
with cancer of the stomach.
On Thursday next, 1 Mural ion
Itay, the band' wilt, at i p.m.,
play several air at the band stand,
while the siple are assembling and
the procession forming.
A bridge Is-yon.l Hare's mill, on
the read leading to I'liiniinuton, is
torn np for few day this week,
while It Is Is'ing replaced by a new
one. ' '
The Church of c., at St.holl's,
Will hold their annual church meet
ing, U-glnning Jun" sth and continu
ing over the following Mind ay.
This ha Ns'ti a busy week Tor lr.
Linklater. Ib-sid.-s his ordinary
practice he has U-cn calhsl to several
J. I. Knitrht has money to l.n,
and buy botes. tf
The Hillsloro postotnee will be
closed May W, l!i.-, between H.:W
a. in. anil .1 p. m., In respect to th
denartod soldiers of the Civil war.
Mary A. Iirown, 1. M.
Aunt Mary Wood, at the age of 8
years, allowed herself to be surprised
by her friends, w ho, armed with cake
and other delicacies, walked Into her
house last Monday, that being ber
birthday. The old lady i quite
active, and her mind is a clear a It
was fortv vear aifo. when ahe first
came to HiJIsboro.
Our tow nsman. W. K. Thorn, ae-
com. .aiiied bv II. liutterfleld. of
llutterrield Ilros., l'ortland, started
on Monday morning last for a fishing
bout on the Nehaleui. 1 he party
took a lMt from here, in w hich they
ex iected to navigate the river to
point near it mouth. From that
point they ex?eted to go by land to
Astoria, and thence home.
rr. liowser ha just received a new
dnhorniiKr tool that works to the
satisfaction of the cattle kind, as well
as to himself. The COW Is 90 Well
pleased with the gentle scratching
anD soft uressureat the root of her
horn that he gladly thrusts the horn
under the knife. With this new
device a pair of horns can be removed
in three minute. The doctor Is
now prepared to remove the horns
from all herds that require his
On Monday last lr. Bailey, as-
sisted by Dr. liailey, Jr., operated on
a patient of Dr. Crang, at Forest
drove. The little sufferer, who is a
son of Mr. Markham, ten years old,
had a fall some mouths ago, Injuring
the large bone of the leg, which, un
fortunately, resulted in what sur
geon call neerosl, or death of parts
of the bone. It wa found necessary
to remove considerable portions ol
dead and diseased lame for about
two third of the length of the shaft,
The little fellow stood the Oaration
well and i getting along nicely,
hence there is a fair prospect of
saving the limb.
The Huxton cemetery association
was organized at Buxton last Satur
day. A lieautiful plat of three acres
of land lying a half mile south of the
iuxton itostolllce ha heen donated
lo the association by II. T. Huxton.
An ailj iimicd meeting of the associa
tion will be held on Saturday, May
25th, at H o'clis-k In Hie morning,
lasting, jterhaps, till (J o'clock in the
evening. To properly conduct the
moctinfr lb" neighbors are asked to
take to the trysliug place tool and
lunch. The brush and timber now
growing on the tract will be cleared
off, nfier w hich an accurate survey
will be made, and the lot disponed
of to purchasers.
Instate Jonathan H. lleamis, de
ceased. F. L. I team i appointed ad
ministrator with bonds fixed at $000.
Tho tiond was filed and approved,
with E. Squires, J. W. Wilcox and
John Ireland as sureties.
Estate Oodlove Lltke, deceased.
Ordered that administrator sell real
estate to highest bidder, for , cash In
hand, In one year and i in two
Estate John I. Oearhart, deceased.
Administrator on petition granted
!ermisslon to sell notes and accounts
belonging to the estate.
Estate Itobert Freeman, deceased.
Hearing of final account continued lo
Friday, June 24th, at I o'clock p. m.
Wkathkk The forepart of the
week was unusually warm, the latter
part cool and cloudy. Wednesday
night, May Iii, the minimum at
Portland was 70 degrees, the highest
night temperalure on record in this
city. The maximum temperatures
ranged alaive su degrees on i uesoay,
Wednesday and ihursilay, since
when they have been from liO to 70
degrees. The minimum tempera
tures ranged from -to to .u degree.
Thunder shower occurred in the
southwestern portion on the 11th.
few shower fell on the Ittth and
general shower on the 2nth.
I'uor -The weainer was very
favorable for all vegetation. Straw
lierrie are ripe. Cherries are show
ing color. I-all sown wheat is in
boot. Hops are to the top of the
pole. Clover is heading and will
soon be ready to cut. Spring sown
grain lias a good growth and ha
stooled and rsted well. The frosts
of April are now being shown on the
fruit. A largo amount of fruit Is
dropping, suhVieut, it is thought, to
obviate the necessity of thinning by
hand. So far, there Is no appearance
of aphis on fruit trees. The ground
is warm anil with the showers of
Monday, added growth and vigor
will lie shown in tho vegetation,
potato planting continues and those
planted in March will soon la? ready
to dig. Sheep shearing continues
and heavy Htssi-s are being secured.
Pasture are excellent and siock ron
limns, in fine condition.
Weather Clear, warm weather
prevailed up to the 19th, when a few
light showers occurred amounting to
from .nl to .10 of an Inch. The
maximum temperalure were above
70 degree all the week, reading 88
degree on tlie 10th. The minimum
tcuiMrature rangisl from -H to W
degree in the Columbia' river valley
and from a to 48 degrees to the
south of it. ' Warm northerly wind
prevailed on the K.th and loth.
CKi.ps The warm winds did no
marki d damage further than todiy
the soil' still more. The cereal crop
is reported to be in fair condition In
Wa-tvi and Sherman count les, gen
erally or in Gilliam and Morrow
count iis and fair in I'niatllla and
I uion counties. More rain In those
is. not let would be of great Is-neflt
and tend b largi ly increase the
yield. The fruit pnisjieets continue
c. -client. Herri.- of all kinks will
lie unusually proline Strawberries
are ripening rapidly and large ship
ments are Is ing made from Wasco
county. Sheep shearing continues,
and heivy, cW-an fleece are secured.
The range grass i fail ly good. The
drive n tlie mountain will begin
Theontinok for the year's crops Is
ulxiut a fait average at this date.
Tho'suei or failure of the cereal
. rop-. il. s-nds upon the rainfall and
lemis-rature during the next finir
w ci ks.
II, Al t.iuM, Mir liHh. Oaoar W
Hx ktua, aim! 1 inn and IS day.
The funeral service were cod
ducted by lWv. L. E. Pratt.
Prof. Washburn, of Corvalli Agri
cultural College, ha replied to the
enouiry touching tli3 suspected pest
at work m hops, and hi entire letter
Is here given:
May I'l. lS!r,
Dear Sue Mr. A. Hill's pack
age of gru (reported a damaging
his hop) arrived when 1 was away
from town, hence the delay in
answering. . -
They are wire worms, the larva- of
click beetles; the same st which af
fect wheat and garden vegetable.
Although thi is the tiist report
which ha reached me ;ot the wire
worm infesting hops, 1 can well im
agine that the hop, csecially the
young vine is attractive to them.
They are always a difficult pest to
combat, eiecially w hen infesting a
large acreage. Potash salts (es-ial-ly
kainite of potash) have beet found
effective, and might be useful in this
case if the injury is sufficiently great
to endanger the crop. A small
amount of salt (not too much) put
about each hill, though not allowed
to come in contact with the vine. It
Is also said to be good when broad
casted (about 200 lb to an acre.)
Your correspondent does not state
how bad the pest is; of course, the ex
tent to which he would be justified
In going in applying remedies wou'd
depend entirely on the danger
Examining hills, removing and
killing worms could iie resorted to.
and would lie effective, though
Another excellent remedy, when
not too many plants are Involved, Is
to cut potatoes into piece aliout three
inches square, impale each piece on
a small stick, and bury about three
inches below surface, close to plants
in danger of attack, leaving the stick
projecting. Examine every two or
three days and kill worms found in
It is possible that the hop yard of
your correspondent is on ground re.
cently In soil. Such laud is always
likely to he
pest should
badly infcsti-d. If theHynd .Mis Cinwie Howell visited
be very bad, Indeed, I relatives In the valley last Sunday.
there this year, it would not be ad-
vantageous to have the hops there
next season; at least, they would lie
destructive and cull for very vigorous
efforts on the part of the grower.
I-. L. WASlllirHN.
Wbsa Bob? ni ilck, f her Cantoris,
WkB lb u Child, th cried for Cutorla,
Wk fb bom MIm, ibe elua lo Cutorla,
Wfesa bad OUMrw, ph vara iJuam Caatorla,
Miss Nina McClure Is about to
leave us for good.
There will bo a grand picnic at
Hock Creek on the 80: h. given by
the Bethany Cornet Band.
The new German M. E- church is
under headway, and will soon be
completed under the general good
management or Mr. I has. Hauman,
and the willing help of all the
Mr. O. Wlsmer, of Dilley, w as In
this place on business, yesterday.
The Rock creek saw mill was laid
up for repairs yesterday, . .
Fishing parties are quite Ircquent.
niLE5i W0Ulr "
Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, of Yam
hill county, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. R. N. 'arley the past week.
I. H. Hogan has returned home
from Portland, where he has been
visiting his brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Scorleld made a Hy
ing trip to Fxrest Grove last Monday.
John Carlton and family have
moved back to their home on tiic
Mis Nellie Snell, or Fir, is visit
ing flss Minnie Luster,
Thos. Johnson has gone to Marion
county to bring some or his tine stock
to his farm near tilenwnod. He ex-
ects to go into the dairy business.
ISil jitter ln.
The following is a list of letter re
maining uncalhsl for in the postoffice
at Ilillslairo, May is, ISH'i:
Miss Gracie Frazier, Mis Maud
Jefferson, Mrs. Grant Moses, Miss
Liny ttharman, avid Smith, Mrs.
Etta Strong.
All letters not called Tor by
June 1st will lie sent to the dead
letter office. One cent will le charged
on each letter called for.
Mary A. Browx, P. M.
Hour !. Mar 'JOtb, to the wife ui . 11
HauipbreT. a ambtr.
Cared by Ving
Sra4 al CwSrt t All he Suiter tnm
"For VMr. I was a martyr f
Indigestion, and had alsmt i veil
VP all nons 01 ever iinuiiiirmiri.
a tne cnmpiaini oniy set-uir-ii iu
TOW nuiw i.iirni 01 ts7,ii,
under crdir.drr treatment. At
last, 1 was induced to try Ay r's
isarsaparilla, and I hereby teMity
that after using onlv tliree bot.
ties, I wascured. lean, therefore,
eOTHoVntly recommend this mrst
Ictne to all similarly afflictr.l."
FRAKtt.y Bkck, Avora. 1.
' "I im Tjersonsllv arqaauitf-d
T& Mr l?ek gn.l belies any
jtatement b tnav uiakf to I
true." V. i. Ma'xwh.l, Inns
gtst and Pharmacist, Avoca, Ij.
"I have used Aver' arsapa
rill for general liability and. as
a blood-purilW, find it d.ies ex
actly as is claimed rr It." i. i.
ADAMS, tzzell, Tra.
AaHltt4 tor Xahibltiea
f aoaaaoooooooopo
Highest Honors World's Fair,
.Sold Msdal, Midwinter Fair.
11 " S. J
3Jot Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
The laurel Ridge school is making
preparations for the coming picnic,
June nth. A good time is anticl
Lovely weather" !
Crois are looking tine.
Kstrella Emerick returned home
Sunday, after spending a few weeks
with relatives in Portland.
I'erd fironer has a new bicycle.
Mr. Sutherland is visiting her
daughter, Mr. Anna Nelson, near
J. 1. Howell had the misfortune to
come in contact with some poison
oak last week, and has been suffering
the consequences since.
The earentcrs are busily at work
on Seely's new barn.
Mrs. J. W. Ilaker was giveua very
agreeable surprise last Thursday, in
honor of her sixty-second birthday.
All of her children were present, also
a number or relatives and friends,
among which was a brother from
Mr. and Mrs. Schmeltaer and fain-
IheKIdd villa club are going to
give a dance at the club hall Friday,
.May 21th. A good time is anticipated.
We noticed Deputy Sheriff Brad
ford pass through here Saturday.
Miss (Jraee Sutherland, of Mc
Minnville, is visiting her grand
parents, at this place.
Mr. K. Cook, of Tualatin, and the
superintendent of Pulp mills, at Ore
gon City, were up through here last
week, engaging white fir for said
Miss Grace Wallan visited Mrs.
Horenson, of Heedvllle, last Sunday.
Frank Howell attended the basket
social at Farmington, Friday night.
Mrs. Schmeltzer was in the city a
few days last week.
J. II. Peck commenced logging for
S. Seely, Monday.
J. D. Howell and son, Frank, vis
ited the metropolis, Wednesday.
Carrie Miller visited friends over
the river, Sunday.
Mrs. E. E. Schmeltzer and Mrs. J.
I). Howell, visited Mr. W. I
Skccls, Monday.
E. Oroat preached a very Interest
ing sermon at Amity chapel, on
Sunday last.
Ruckleu's Arnica Hair.
The Is -si salve In the world for
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers,, salt
rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped
hands, chilblains, cortis and all skin
eruptions, and iiositively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give K-rfect satisfaction or money
reiuniieii. rnee z cents per box
For sale by Hillsboro Pharmacy.
M ANXIXU si Hfjoi..
I he following I the report of
the Manning school for the month
ending May H: No. of day taught,
.0; -o. pupiiu enrolled, l.t ; .o. days
attendance, i:i; So. day absence,
in; -o. times tardy, 1; average dany
attendant.', 1-'. The fnlluwing
named pupils were neither absent
nor tartly during the month i Laura
Mills, Fred Stephens, Wuy Wilson
and Christopher Yates.
Mrr t'A Jamk, Teacher.
Hniutu A Iaby to John Leahy gft
acres of ec ST. t t n r 1 w
Carl t'eteruo to Pe(r jaoobeon B W
!, of e of kmj H t t n r ft w . 2-Vin
t-nnme 1 Neep to A S Hendriok et al
It :i bl W (Virnelin. ITS
HI' rord Inberini to Anton r fanner
n e I, of n w W i of a i of a e
of see 14 t i n r 4 w snd of
a of m.'I t i n r 4 w 4'.H
Jhoim I, Marioti at al to Annual Oem-
ballit et n ttUniiroaof d I e of John
Urilhth Itnii 5m)
Koiueo H Hnllook et oi to Marion II
f rt-alon iM aorea ofaee3t2nr4w 1
i U VoKlror et nx to Margaret Kelly
--i acrra oi arc tllini
Mnmnn-t Kelly to Wro H Orosa trart
in s) 4 I I r 1 1
Wm It Newton et n. to Harah 4
tirsliel s H of w of arc 14 t 1 a
r 4 w l?r
Wm H Nrtrton et ni to MiuerTa New
ton lota I 4 h nud t! in hi Hamph
rer ml J Hilliibcro. 40u
Jnif O m lo Klia I. ee 111.71 a ore
ol e -) . and Hit t 1 a r'a 4 and 5 . . 1
Frank II Iniicrs-.ll to Ferdinand and
Geo K Oroner fl ttl iinre ol aee I I I 1
arlw 1
Kerdiiinnd Gn.ner et al to Slelobior
Mi-rrt r 1. 1 aum of aen :l I 1 a r 1 3W
Murt K Sq'iire to Hnmaritan IsJse
No I I ( t) V n w '.j of n w of aee
auiijt . .. SB,
flora K Hinilli and bnah to Fraukllll
I batcl.er part of d I e rf llnriDon
Tbnt. lur m 1 1 and ll I 1 n r 4" 3ht)
Fmnk U Iiiv-rsoll to I, add & heed
Fiirip I 'o It '.to a-re of t-ee lit I 1 r
It t
Frrdii.ti d (ironrr et al ta l.edd A
llwj l- irn. t o A.tKI aere of aee t'l t
Itrl I
June Smill, to Forest Orove Canning
Co . 77 aerr of d I e of A T hmilh t
I a r :l w fHi
(' A Sl'ut.l el nx t Joat-uh Moraree 4
aTt of I. A Sparka d f e t I n r I w 2U0
.tiliiilnialmtor'a .atle
I I In oiaa J. Wilha. adn.lmalrator of
tiietata'e nf Sterl.na V4 Illi. dreeaaed. ha
ihi ilav tlletl l.ia bnalaeeo.ini in aaid ea
tnie. and tl.at Mmi lav, May '-'7th. 1 .'". has
been ai t l l liratiiid the aame. AH psranh
iiitrrrxv-.l in mlnte are beehy notined
lo -i-.r at mt.l tiuie, in aaitt aonrt. and
mike ..l--ett-.fi, if ni.y tbev have, te the
hlltW:VH- ..r !it ttnat account.
A.rl .1. !.. B. Y. I SIHS F.I.I ra
ta-V. Coty 4i0t.
i Ct rtter Heod
and.. Wnl..'jiti ante
V FIRST rt.AMt TAHI.R. sad alls
oaiaa-Hlatnms for Ine eoa.enteaae of
That is the way the ople
of Hillsboro feel alsiut
It is a long-wearing
easy-feeling shoe.
There are otbttr styles and
prices In Schulmerlch A Son's
big stock, but
all classes for street
It stands the test nf
llll.LSBOKO, . OKEttOX.
I'. S, Unil Olflcs Hnsluess a Specialty.
.. IXfiLl.S BI.Of'K
r'orft IJreve, .
ANOTHEH RALE laat nutht on the
inatHiinient plan, at 7 percent inter
eat. 1 will aril UMIaores foor and one
half niilea from town, all cultivated
Ilea well, ia of tine quality, haa a Rood
Dunning aue, tor flO per aere, in
clndins srowiua emu
AIo a home iu Hillaliora for $3o0, on
installment plan, at per oent inier
I will a)ao aell tint and second grade
luuiuer at reaueeu nguree.
For information about this land.
11 eltle, Clrcalars and Price
Lists. .Vailed I'rec t any Address.
tl Breadwsy, . . V Verk, X. V.
We have i).ircliasi Mr. ('. R. Mead's
interest ill this line and are now prepared
to execute all eoitiiiiiaaions entrusted to
a. Regular trip to Portland are made on
Msadays, Weiiaeadays A Fridays
Returning on tlie dsva following. Special
attention given to the execution of small
orders. Iave order
eree and order nf aale. iaaned oat of the
Clreait Court of the State of Oregon for
Wnabinutnn' Coonty, in favor of the All i
anoe Troal Company, limited, plaintiff, and
asamat David A. Clomnirer, Heaaie It.
yioouuier, laaae leiay, tleury Lieiay, V. A.
Billion, 'and William F. Hartrampf and
Charles Hartrampf, partners a Hartrampf
Hroa'e., defendanta, to aatierv tb snra of
f:iNU.tiu, with intereet on tb unra of
IwiSi.tSS from (be :itb day of Mareh,
i-Hj, at tbe rate of S per oent per annum:
and Intereet anon 00, from tbe th
day of Marob, lssfV, at the rate of 10 per
oent per "nnnm. and the farther anm of
ir)0 0O, attorney'a fee, and the farther
am of I ".'.10, ul. and for the eoata and
exnanae of ante and of said writ.
Now, therefore, by virtoe and in pnr in
ane of said jodiuent, deeree and order of
aale, I will, on Monday, tbe 27tb day of
May, I at the aoatii d.wr of tbe Court
Houee, ia Hilhlwro, Waahiogton Connty,
Ureaon, at tbe hour of lOo'eloek A. M., ef
aaid dav. aell at putilie auction to the high
eat bidder for oaab. tbe follow um-oerribed
real property, to-wit ;
That eertain paroel of real prowrty. aita
ate in the Cnantv of VYaabinaton, and Htat
of Oreuop, and deanribed a tollowv te-w.t:
A part of tbe donation land elaua of
Jacob Wuolev. and Klaaaor Wooiey, hia
wife, in towmfein. 1, north of rain & weat
of tbe Willamette meridian, deaoribed a
follows :
Commencing at tbe nortbweat enruer of
tbe land told by Jacob Woniey and wife, to
laaae Leiav. rounlnK tbenoe weat to tbe
eaat line of tbe land sold by Edward Wooiey
to htrpben Hoa. tbenoe mtb to tbe aouth
lineuf tbe donation land claim of Jaooi
Woolev and wife, thence eaat to ta aouth
wet eorner of laaae l ev land, theme
north to tbe place at W -.uninn, containing
ninetv acres
Al besiimln at an old atake on tb
autitfe line of tb donation land elaim ol
Jacob W.mley. and Kleanu veooley, bia
wi(. in e.-ti.m J. in townabip north of
range 4 weat of tae Willamett metidukk,
?i ebain weat from the auatbat auraer of
lb ue. tbenoe north la turn etc, eaat
lebain to a (takeou, ta aonth line of a
I nglit nf waj twrlve feet wide, deeded by
laaae liv to Jonn i. nnent. tneno
loilkxr m m is .-bains and 40 links oa
tb mm'h tin of aaid right of way te a
take on the eaat line of land formerly
owned by tb aaid Jobu 1. v ntrbt. theno
mtb te ' weat ejusa tbe eaat line of aatd
lands C obam. and a linka to an old stake.
aia vriIUk laou on tvw vm.B oi ibw
aaid Jaeob Woolev donattua land elaim.
iben.esoath mVi M IS cfaatna and SO
linka to ibe bite of beiiinnios eontaininc
W.;J sere, to aaltafy tb bereinbefor I
named am, and for tb eoata and a
prnwa of aaid eale.
Maid property will b aold ab)t lo re
demptHMi aa per tatat of regr).
Witne my band tki 'tb dy of April
lWs H. P. rOKD.
fbrifl o 'aahinton Coaaty .Oregon.
Dr. Prks's Crsasa Baktag Pvw4f
Wrtr ratr nifkeet Awsr.
Main Street, Bet. Second and Third.
Drugs, Patent Medicines
Mr stock la this Kits la aa eonu.lrte
at can ba Aaind outside tli city of l'urt-
awl. i niaae a efs-iaiir iu init nus ami
i-arry the very freshest goods.
Soaps, Toilet Articles.
Ia tale Ha fa will fiud uuipleie
and sattad itawt to slct from,
whew fm sawrnie with the auurauce
that tht goods you get are fresh.
W. E. BROOK, Prop'r.,
Are now making a First-Class
.. at
WORKS, near
Orders left far HEABSE "111 receive prompt attention.
Remember the Place.
F. J. WILLIAMS A J. W. 8EWELL Proprietors
City Livery Stable
Where you will find the llest Tennis Unit cun lie lmil
Mood Teams, flood Ilnggies nnd (Jood Drivers.
Cor. Second and Washington 8ts.
With its Associated Preparatory School,
Is one of the oldest and best-equipped schools of the
State. Its work is characterized by breadth and
thoroughness. Besides (he regular College
courses, which are equal in extent to those or the
better class of Eastern Colleges, it offers superior
advantages for pursuing select studies. To
those desiring to perfect themselves in the -common
English branches, the Academy presents
every opportunity. Expenses are very mode rale.
The Spring term began March 3, 1S05. . "
For catalogues and specific information, address
Forest (Jrove, Oregon.
a flrat-t'law saitof dottiea niwle t
at livingf.rii-e call on
Main opi. Citv Drug Stor,
Hflfaboro, Or.
All work guaranteed.
ri if.
meecm n
VfVX r.'l'rS rrS ' annually.
dlfVCtly lnle-l ly. tf pruplfi who vnvmA do their own fff irmif. writ lb-i
IsMtCf. krrm ihHr o rwsnk: Bud who imH knf.w mh i t.u-ii,.-, tml W ja
whu.h thy " handle every dav ar mmvh.
aucb aore, we tea-h rSarimffkle.
Hundred of our trad.iatea ar In ufmSS.na. anS thre will oi t.lnH f..r
kusdreda more wheo tlrur le.pnne. .Vow Iv the time to ftrr-mr. for td.n. II.
bualaea du-atlo la worth all It roata. f"r tmt ira nd f.- inn .-...vo.. .
Inn v-fce) aad hum we taw-h. Mailed lire lo any a.ldn-v.
Portland Business College,
a. r Sriaalraria, rrm Portland. OregOfl. 4. mk
School Supplies. Etc.
Your arhool niipplie can Is" procure!
here, such aa l-ks, )"'ii, '-i .ls, ink,
anting tablets, lana, and iu l':.ct .piitu
every ll. ing coming under this In a. I.
Perfumery, Prescript UjW
A to perfumeries, our st.sk is first
class and ciaiir-lrte. We make this line a
specialty. We will coiniound pfi-rip.
tion at any hour of the day or nix lit .
JM andSaIesJiable
W. L. Douclas
is THt ersT.
riT ron a kino.
rsrxca a uwuun clt.
3AOP0LICE.3 sous.
mvr: W-
-.5 r-KOCKTOti'JISS.
OverOfM Mlllloa Peopl wrartha
V. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes ara equally satlafactory
Thee elve the bt value lor th money.
Tkv equal cuatom hor In ttyla and fit.
Tk-fr aorlnf eualltlx are a.urpa.aed.
The erlcra are ynllor m.-.tmpd en aolc.
from ti to SjeaveS ever ether mekra.
11 .ti. dralrr canuut tuly yju e uui. bokl by
liealrn1. whiw name will l.nrtlv app-ar
bere. Aveuln wai.trd. A..l al on-e.
am lot
.Hit r..rr-.
ll. Ilii.tir..
v sax
r criun rno eATi ecitr