HILLSKOKO INDEPENDENT Lulartd lu Ui Hln(H el HlliiHru,rc(ou e ee-uiu-cia lueiirr. ajueerlpllon, lu advance, pel year . . 1 jo Ull.tMUoKO FL'BI.IHII1N( CO., Proprietor, i. M. C. OAfLT, Kdltor. orro i o. MPt'Mvr twk rn FHIDAY, APKII. 4ti. Wheat ha come to "InmUtill attain. Dull of fle, Walla Walla, in Portland. It worth but 4t cent. vthllu Valley brlngt 49 There It a small island on the gull it of Nicaragua known at Corn Island. Tlii bit of land, well fortl fll. would command the Atlantic approach to the great canal. Enjc laud want the ihIhikJ. A iure h tl.imiht nf fur recuiiiuenie In the matter of that 75,000 "smart money." Will the United State M tnglaud entrench on that Itlund? ' M i J . , T W. Dvenoort. of Marion couuty, hat beeu appointed agent to aelei-t lieu school landi. L'oder the law ptned at the latt aeitioil of the legislature, thete lamlt cannot I old for two yeHrt. With tlie new law, for which our Senator Huttou l to be credited, and the appointment or Hon. T. W. Davenport, it Is ex perted that the corrupt school land ring will tie HinaMhed. A civil war between two nuch pei (lien at the Norwegian and Hwed would lie regretted throughout the world. Sweden It thentronger coun try lu the proportion of 3 to 2, and iu tbe matter of soldierly courage and eudurauce they ure evenly matched. The Norwegian charge, that the king ditcriminatet iu favor of Hwedeu in appointing uttlclals, eecially thote In the diplomatic service, ought to be ettled tatisfactorilly without arm.".' llev. Rml, who attempted to rob au East 1'ortland bank at the noun Lour a few months ago, hat been tried and acquitted because he was. able to tuccettfully work the insanity dodge. Thlt leads to the thought that by a provision of the statute, lusanlty should not be a defense lu courts, but In the discretion of the court an examination at to sanity might be ordered after conviction, aud, If found of unsound mind, the luad house might be substituted for the prison. Klectrical energy, developed by water power, may be transmitted for effective use by known appliance for a distance of thirty miles. How much lurther It not known, and probably will not be until the plant at Niagara it completed. The lay man It apt to add "aud proves a uccess." The promoters at'tn to feel iKiiindeut that tberw is no more iperiiiiont aliout the matter than etting a Corliss engine by a coal tank. But with present advance ment, electrical energy may In? de veloped along the rivers that put Into Tillamook buy aud sent over the hills to our flouring mills, pump lug station aud light plants wher ever they may Ut in Tualatin plain. .May we expect this in two years? BUould Itussla, France and Ger many unite to thwart the ratification of peace tietwecn Japan and China, the l'n I ted States should exert the nation's entire moral strength to as sist Japan In securing it. Indeed, it it becomes necessary to have a little rifle practice to try our new gun and the skill of our blue jackets let u not lie at all Isickward. The opportunities for trade are large for us. Fugland it not joining the rest of Kurope in the expresslont of dissatisfaction, and the reason is tiot far to seek. British Columbia look westward toward Japan and 1'blua. If F.ngland expects to reap tbe lion' share of Kuropcan trade through the Dominion of Canada, nothing should tie allowed to prevent m fiom cultivating the friendship of victorious Japan. "Ho I hem Is to be another bearing vf tbe income tax case, and as it must wait for the recovery of Justice Jack ou a dedalon may not be reached uutll alter the next holiday. The chief trouble of the jioor (ssiple -tbat while the prices of their product Mild labor have fallen, their tuxes both direct and tariff have remained the same or riseu. The ilcsign of the lucouie tax was to take off a part of the taxes of the xr and transfer them to those Individuals hetter able to pay them. The plan may be miIi Jvt to objection, but what tax falls oti all alike. If the law fails through tlx) legal machinations of the rich, the poor must pungle out of their wwu po Wets the revenue it would Lave ws,untl--somewhere U-twcen thirty and a hundred million dol lars." The above J democratic laint, wailed by the "Corvallis Tiimst." It and its party wanted change three y-ars ago. Free, trade was about the thing. Ju-t enough 4utlt fir revenue. They lowered lu lhoe arth'les sinsumsl by the rich auJ laid It mi thne things that arei food for the s. Tlw items enter- ( imu me neoc-itw,, t,,u is air 1 In to tlit oild but a moiety of the lax levied i fcy tlteWII of 1SVKI, while the wealthy -tio ussi (I, other iuiHirts paid the atwty thereon. The Times' friends Uiwerssl on the rich man's purchases, imJ l)en attemptisj to even up by an luconie lax. And a iiUsj imx thev re In. letter remove llx- tax from j The Oregonian thinks that a gov ugar, ao the Hr man may have i erimienl that pay out Ho.ihmj.ISm.i 4keand pie for himself and children, for the one item nf -ti.rii, in part aud rv-enact the McKinley si htslu'e. ' out of uioury ijJIcUsl fnin iHcome. Tb rich w 111 then pay tue tax w ilh- j can hardly t said to Is? -tm exclus Mlt resorting to the Itxiui-llorisl in-lively In lh I u Uresis of the rich aud iiua Ui tsui. I to do bvtbiuf for tht poor. A IIAllMACUf: IS I F. Some of our publiu men sts-m to lie losing their heads over the currency question free and unlimited nilver on one side, ud gold moiio-metalil. on the other, llcully. it seems to some of us that currency i.t not a cause, but an effts-t. It it a tool with which to labor not the hand aud mind that guides. Of what value U a chisel or a saw it there is nothing on which they cau be u-sl' What should be done is to so shape our in dustrial policy that we may wrestle with other nations in tbe markets ol the world. The Wilson tariff bill was intendisj to do that, but instead of arming us for the struggle It has crippled us. We want to become ag gressive in our foneigu policy. The old garment labeled "Monroe doc trine" fail longer to frighten away the birds. . A few well-directed shots from our new fowling piece will In spire respect for w hat some Eurojn liowert soeiu to think is a dummy. We want the South American trade. We can get it if we do not allow a lot of boom log to be flouted across tiie mouth ol the Orinoco. We can gel the Japan trade and the Chine by oinjr alter it. We must never let Russia cripple i tie boy who whlpied China. Cur rency will probably answer the pur pose of the political demagogue who must have some kind of "stock iu trade," but the ieople the real na tion must labor Willi somethiug more real, more sulmtsntlal. They ire going to build railroads lu Japan tnd China. Wo have the steel rails, die locomotives, the, skilled median t's, auu we ure neaien hi nanil. e ihall need ships some we have and ilhers we can build. We ought to dominate this western 'oiitiueut, but we can't do it by hig rliug over "sound currency," what ever that may mean. A MOTOR 1. 1 SK. Some month ago the Inukkkn- ok nt had somewhat to say touching the building of a steam motor road i-onuectiug Jlillnboro and Fore-t J rove. The refrain I again taken ip. Not much can lie added to what wa then said about the advantages to accrue to the two cities, but now .iliout the cost of the enterprise. liecent estimate lead to the con tusion that a motor line can be con structed from here to Forest Grove for ItU.OlKt. . Steam motors can be bought for a song, we of Oregon to sing it. Within a few months the motor lilies aliout St. J'aul and .Minneapolis have been electrified. leaving their steam locomotives with- int an occupation.' They are just the machines we need here. The greatest extiuse would lie the trusse I across ihiiry Creek bottom, other wise the road could lie built, ready for the locomotive, for 1,000 per mile. it Is time manufactures iu Oregon combine, as they have just done iu I'ortland, for the purMe of promot ing home Industry by encouraging the purchase of Oregon products and manufactures. The necessity of such a step will tie sts-n when the history of the oat incsl indui-lry is told, Twenty or more year ago .Mr. John Milne, of this city, made the best out meal that was put on the market. He put it up in tun-pound in ks, and his brand was a guarantee of its purity. In this unadulterated stale he could not sell mo as lu com K'te with Fjtsteru ssiple. They shipped steel cut here. Retail deal ers boomed it till Milne's oat meal was off color. Then he got machin ery and made belief stii) cut than i:.tslern dealer could wild, itoljisj oats became the fail. Milne changed hit hcichluery and made rolled oats, lictter than any oiii rle, yet they iieat him In price. How ,Mr. Milne bought a package of the 1-ast-ern grade and soon found out. Wheat, barley. Hut he determinis! to sell oat mi-si, lu can't do it in his old-style teu pound sacks, ex cept to his ucighlxir at home, lie now puts it up iu ninety-pound bugs with his own brand on the outside. In tliise large p.ickage he meet the Kasteru miller. Hut the adultcruted iUstern product lis injured the trade. Feople who, a few yeurs ago, ste out meal ure not doing so now. The adulterated slutf' js not what I hey had been atvu(omd to. It ii heavy, clammy, doughy. For this, wheat and barley are responsible. W hat Is true o( I lie o il meal indus try is true of others, aiuj it is high lime an orgael it ion le tunned to encourage Ihe u of Oregon iiimiiu faciiinil and grown prodift-. The Jiritih were expis'tcd t-' oc cupy the port of ('oritjto, Nicaragua, yesterday, and take forcible pn-ys-ion of its custom house ami receive duties till the' JT.'i.tKSJ smart liu.ney had las-n col let ted. I n ol her W ords, Kngland has apMiintisl a riM'ivcr for Nicaragua. Corinlo is the prtneipid seaHrt of Nicaragua on the I'.icillc ide, and ihe place w here the bulk of Ihe Itnporlsif the nation ure eulertsl. It Is thought that ui trade is di ver I. si the ;.'i,ooo will be guUnjtt in thirty da. The new it.svorof Ihi.-s. I, U. , i,mugural lu-uge oi.lv Ul.ve lin.-s long, but on lU same day he made a thousand r-movals. If lie filled Ui thunder in tbe index, he haiuhsl out the lightning pn-tty fnt'ly. "KlPTiTlo" "I have bunishtsl llie "peitre of aorrow And SMiui-rrd Ihe drsiou of drink. t liave toru a hlsek wreath (mm the morrow. And Med from tha Slyjiju brink." So canilled Samuel 1. Simpson, said to be the most classical w riter that ha auiiearetl since Holmes' time, after lie had taken the Keeley cure and felt the vigor of a rejuveu a ted manhood. He supposed, as many had done before lilui, that he hud "conquered the dragon," and the "spectres Plutonian had flown." Rallied iu Ihe glory of a new man hood, he snuffed the fruits of victory, ulcI gave himself up to the joys ol redemption, lietter for him had he been content a little longer to wear the meeknes of humbled manhood, for he i again the victim of the tempter and I once more treading the valley that lead to the "Oorge of Avernus." Like many of u he had not fully measured the force called "temptation." He forgot that it i as many sided a the rainbow is many lined. He forgot that it I the leading Jt'orce In every downfall. Il i the beginning of every evil aud the forerunner of every death. Il leads and never follows. Fair ot lace and sweet of voice, it Is a master In strategy and a tutor lu seductive ness. It I the originator of every evil passion, aud like a foul worm eats its way into the heart of every virtue. It I a dominant force. In it measurement, scales, and weights and graduate are useless, and humau csllmutes fall wide of the murk. It masks the face of every evil passion, palsies the hand, dim the eye, uu seats reason from her throne, and paints every hell w ith the promise ol heaven, it is at the bottom of every wine cup, on the summit of every ambition, and In llie pathway to every paradise. It Is the Nemesis ol every life. It Join us in the first morn of childhood, and deserts u at llie tomb. It is the cause of every accident, the foundation of every disease and the core of all folly. It it a magnetic force. It lead!' men, draws women ami attracts children. Adam heard the voice of the syren, reached for the hand of know ledge, and realized the ashes ot faded hos. Sampson felt it Miwer and dropped hiscurlsaud his strength into the lap of Delilah. Antony heard the sweetness of It volts?, felt the pussjon of it touch, and knell Is'fore a Cleopatra. Joan of Arc, the sweet wild flower of France, breathed its dewey incense, and her ashes sleep ii nca red for In the city ol Rouen. Rents! ict Arnold listened to il pleading anil sold hi birthright for a mess of pottage. Temptation js the special attorney of the devil, aud there Is hardly a bar iu the w Ide universe ut which he doe not plead. He forms hi owu Indictments and chooses, his jury from the imps ol 11 fides. The poor and the weak are his easiest victims. e wltlser in ihe ear of siverty mid points an easy road to wealth. Temptation the illegitimate child of desire. It la the waste of every brain, and the unclean thing of every Ileal t. Jt the shadow ou every sun, and Ihe cloud in every sky. It kneels at the altar side by ldo with virtue. Jt pleads with puasioii-)it eyes lio cause of love, aud having won a woman's heart, leaves it like the captors leave a "fortress that has been cuphired, und sacked, and abandoned and left desolate." Hi thethotn underneath the rose, jt j the bitter at the bottom of every glass, it Ij ie procures of evil and the compmioii of folly. We see the locomotive full of lite and head seeding II humau burden ncros the plain. We see it leave the valley umj enter the gorge. We har It rumble over li.e culvert, and we know that in the heart of every passenger there Is peace and security, horn iifconlldciits? iu the man at the Hirottle. Rut the man at Ihe throttle is humau. He can guard against I ret across the (rack, and land slides,1 and aiuow, but he cannot guard against the thing that ulered some man's heart and caused him to re move Ihe rail from the bridge over Ihe gulch. We hpar Uie shrill w hi.lle of alarm, the cry of affright, llie hissing of steam, the moan of Mgony, Ihe agonized shriek, and we know that husbands are wifeless, wive are hu si, und less and children! fiitlieili- and motherless, all Ihe result of some man' greed for gold. Teiiipu(i;n Is I ml a false ambiliou. Indeed, lhei is poljiijig true, noth ing lasting, nothing genuiue about it. It is as spurious a a lie and as lal.af ;is the mask of hyss-rlsy. Trui h I ils arcli enemy, and honesty the shining mark lo . Jls siison lance. It Is the silent gale thai lured ryery sail of Ihe ship of fate. H is the hfesk'r and the sunken rock in every .sea und v-ulf of !fe I It is the "Vni fa.uuV of every manner, and it luuirlis in devilish I Kht hIii ii ihe hfr-uki'r rout abuve a - i sunken ahii. It lirer did a goud ihi'il or iroiii.e. kind. word or loving; in I. I'.v el V IC' IK raliiill ought to ailllr it ita v. tnpons and light It on i. n ground and in ita owu elyleof Harfant'. must I -on our guard III the ill a II W il-V 1,1111 Ihe doslt tif night. Wc iiimI Ng-hj M hytlieirf. aide mid ariuind Ihe dinner Utile. We inii-t fight il in our ow n hrtnat ! mid ay front the henrl it ourj rhihlreii. We miiet fight it singly ml in tirjfHiiiitailiofw. Thf ; cm l Ihe rt-lHry of -fHle to p y ! fu iihii u( every uk re Un who Hilary. Now we will nil whH ! Imve rUleti lUt tiicromli merits oU how the w rvlary my if temptation. ,(ltr Vdhliirtoii money Miny t. kn.J out wa off.nil the kindly crown nU l.y ; whether hU Judicium! u to i inken rvfiimtf it enrtHil and mtrlveU lh mther than thm of the attorney iren-j plaudit of Iih people. Abraham eral, an 01111 provhKl eiprely to' Lintvlo nfuwij'lo buy hit owajatUU th state official of their! ptWL, aud lhat of LU oouatry. t the exa.'iis' of u principle. lirover Cleveluud refuse to la- popular at the ejia-ns' of his own convictions of right, aud we, who differ with him oil these questions of political econo my, honor him for it. The hearts of the majority of our public men ure in the right pluce, and I huve no pa tieuce with thune who msj nought but trouble aud sorrow ahead. To those who can resist temptation, everything ap-urs in it right light. They catch the silver sheen of spring and the golden light of autumn. F.very sprig and flower is pure in shape and color, and the carol of every bird, every sound of nature is full of a thousand Joyous melodies. To those who are tempted, the spring seem bright, but it i the spurious sheen of till, the autumn s-eems golden, but it I the false lustre ol bras. The carol of the birds seems sweet, but it I the song of the tame canary. Twig and bud tuke shape' aud color, but It is the sickly hue and shape of an artitk-ial flower. Temptation is the special ugeut ol the lower reglous, and it ha estab lished a brunch office iu every saloon. It 1 the drawing curd to every dunce hall, aud the magnet of every gam ing table. It seizes the heurt of the laborer easier thun Unit of the mil lionaire because it ha more to offer him. It 1 tbe director geuerul ol thieves, just i He murder and incites alt crimes. It lielouls the church, robs society, aud ruins the household. It mocks all passions a:id imitates all desires. It is sometimes so near ukiu to ambition that we mistake one for the Other, and yet they are a unlike at night and day. Trust it not ! (iird your urmor well aud give thrust for thrust and blow for blow. ' Temptation is Ihe withering frost that blight the flower of love, ll cau plead long and eloquently. Its arrow are tipped w ll all the Ih-iiu-ti fill flower of language, mid poison ed with all the distilled liuuor ol hate. It sometimes point the path to pleasure, lleware! It I a path way strewn with flower, aud Ihe air it aromatic with the rich perfume ol tropical fruits, lint It leads lo tbe grave. And then, at Irving as, 'such a grave; so frightful, so ilishoii. ored." There was nothing for mem ory to dwell on that could soothe Ihe pang of separation none of those lender, though melancholy, circum stances (hat endear the parting scene; nothing to melt the sorrow into those blessed tears, sent like the dews of lieu veu to revive the heart in the parting hour of anguish." It is I rue, in its beginning the path enters the vale of pleasure, a vulley strewn, as Mr. Simpson says, with "lilies and violets," but it leads eventually to the barreu "gorge of A vermis," where all ambitious, all hopes, mid all loves lie buried iu unknown graves. Temptation come In ull tonus nnil assumes all shaiivs. It imiv be the bright liquor in the glass the tempi, iug wares displayed iu shop w indows the voice o gain or pleasure or il may assume the gui-e of humankind, and like a Thais tempt an Alexander to burn a Persian temple. Or It may come after ull ambitions, ull desires have been grutilied and grasp auol her Byron. 1 ... , ,, , t , 1, 1 , "Vl 1 V9 01 HlwoiuliM 8.. HI, 1 Who ricliea Imd, ami (aim-, UvuhJ iloiit-: Au heir of ftutterv, tu litloa liorn. And reputation, and liixuriuiia lilt'; Yet not content tvilli anreslori jl mure. Or to be known, rx-rauee hi lutlieia aero, tie, on IhlH lieiuhl lierediluiy .lood, And, gazing liiiilier, -ni...ed jn hi" lirnrt io iaau unuiiiur aiep He lK)k the ollu r ti n. ,ut let r.il- ok tlnl-ti (he title "tireat man ! Tlie tulioln gaie.l and wondered inia-li. Aud praised ; and many culled hi evil good Wit, wrote iu f4Tur ol lm yt lckeduea ; And kiiiK, lo do Lint honor lia.k dfliiflil : Ihna, lull of lillei. Halterv. honor, fmne- rk-Voiid ilelre, heyoml alllijiholl, full- lie uieu. lie died ot Vilial" Of w hrketlneni. Drank every cup of joy, heard every Ii ump oi lame ; Drank early, deeply drank; diank draught. Thatconiliioii millions mlxlil havequriirh ed, then died of lhirt. Bavauw there Han no more lo drink. Hi. goddex, XdUire, ooed, vuihiiied, enjoyed, Kelt froiu Ida anug, abhorred ; hi. pat ion died. Died, all b"t dreary eolilarv ptide; Aud all h'l ayiupjiie iu teini( .lied." II. B HbfV-V IM-Iiverwl April li, isy, befnre lh Tt'iiieriiiiif .ltrury tH'iely. A Hireling of fnvort-il ones whs id llttl at Si.ili-m, for the UM Innl, to rea.rt m ai lidne for w t-uilulile liit iii orial for Ihe V. H. Uilleahi., "(ir etfon." Well, Ihe nmyor nf I'orlluinl vtHi there. The PorllHinl ( IihiiiImt of Commerce vtria I here, hy Krtiuk Mutter, proxy. The innynr of A toriH h there. Major Uulch, of Salem, au there. Governor lird wax there. That wa ull. Oregmi m not there. Fact I, no nolitlea tiolis or liivilulioln hul U-eu M'lil out. The lneelini: wui railed In or der three Uimrn aheaJ i;f the atlver- tietl lime. The reNirla of Ihe iHD'-iu ' "set! lime. I lie reisirl of Ihe mU'UJ i re not uniform. One has It that an aujourueu meeting is io ij held after general invitations have een ex tended to Oregon to participate in the selection of a memorial. Anoth rr ,y is that a niiiiuiiltie was ap 7 niiicd from Ihe cities represented tho- were I'ortland, Astoria, Halem and tlit) Chamls-r of Commerce, by Frank Mu'ier, proxy. The duties of this com in r i e are not clearly de nned, but well, let's wait till we get lis circular a-king for mnlribu- .... Itallnaid ' oiiiiiii.in,F Lddy has duties aud right. Highest of all ia Leavening mm Absolutely, pure Niir.itit t" Mti.F. KOHM I.OMI ItK. o. 1 VIKIT K OK AS KXKCl I II IN. DK ) cr suit otdt-r uf mile, immuvu out uf Ihs Circuit l ourt of Ibe Slate of IImx.ii i..r Waabiuutou eouutr. lu favor of 1 rmton M J-kd.,u. ulaiiiiiif an.l .j.iii.t .ini, i' Hall, aud N. Ii. Hall, f 'barles E. liall. ad' uiiuiatrator of tbe aetata of John C. Hall. deeeuaed; Cbarlea K. Hall, (Ksirue A. Hall, Herry C. Hail, aud L.ittie O. Hall tubau- tuted as de'endant in place of John C Hall. drevSMKl, defeudituM, fur ths suui ( IT costs, hik'. tor llis further sum of , t.'4'l..'U, L. S. Bold coin, with iutercut itierson si i'is rats of lu per orut prr an I nuui, from tL lutU die? of April. 1K, nntl j fur iliocoau si.il tiiuwi u! sals suit of : SiiiU writ. Now. tlirrvfors. br virtue and in pursu ant- of Mt:d ju euirut, oVcrrs and order of 1 will, mi Jrtondxy. lbs ?7tti day of May. IBM, at lbs aouib dour of tba Court ll.'usu. in llillsboro, Waabinuton I'ouuly, Urrtiou. at Iba bi.ur of 10 o'clock, A. M., of aid daf. srll at piiblio aucilou to ins bik'b ast Lidd r lor I'aab, lbs followinK-dehcrtLed rtsil pn prrly, lo-wit: All ol tbat piece, parcel aud tract of laud lytnir. briuu and aituate in Waaiuirtuu t'ouutv.lireuoii, and bounded and described as folt.iwa, to-wit : IVviiiuiiiu at a au u iu tbe oouuly road Ji) chftiiia etiMi Irem llie eoutbsest ourutr of rciixii M. iokii I no.-tb, mutt" 1 west Wit laiuetie ui-iidiHu. and ruuuiuir ibenoe uoiib i;l -7 i-bauia to a poai on Ibe iirlb line of Ibe doiiaiiou laud elaiui of JiMiah Hull, Ibt-iioe weal oil tbe uortb hue of aid l-Iumu uliniua to a atone in tbe oouut road, Ibeitoe aouibvaaierly alout: the oouuly road to Ibe plm e of U Kliiuinu, coiitmuiiiti .11 acres, to kuliHlv the bemiibelure nailed auiua, and for Ibe costs aud exis-uses ol aid m e Said ropvrty will be sold aub jft't to rrdruiption as per statute of Oregon. Wuueaa uiy baud this i jib day of April, IH'.hi. H. V. KOKD Sheriff of Washington County, Oreou. SHERIFF'S SALE ON FORECLOSURE. V VIlllLK Or' AN HXKOiTION, lt 1) cree and older of anle, issued out o( the Uircuil Court of Ihe Stale uf UrcK.ni, for Waabluuton (oiiuty, ju fayor of .l il Watia, ilaiutitf. and against Diinul Wiltrout, Clara Dixon Matt rbaille, il K. Lilly, and K. W. Haima and J. W. limley. d friidaula, for the autn of f;lt. c-in, aud for Ibe farther auui uf fii.te.Mi:. L. h. Kohl uuiu, with uiieret thereon at the rate uf 10 -r cent per auuuui, from tbe loth day of April. IS'.i, uj for tbe ooate aud enunses of ante aud of aaid writ. .Now, therefore, by virtue and in iiarau anoe uf en id juiIkukui, decree and urder ot axle, 1 will, on Monday, tbe L'.'th day ol .Vlav. I"', at tbe soul h door of ibe Court Hue, iu liillb.ro, Waahiux'ou I 'oui.lv, llievou. at Ihe hour of lo 3 i u'oluc-k A. il., of aald day, sell at publiu auulloli lo ibe hitibeal bit-der for cash, tbe followin-dre-crilied leal proia-nv, ti-wit: Lj um. Iieiuij and situate iu Wanhiuotou uouuiy, Oiexou, aud Ueao ihed aa all ot tbe S W S, of the N W aud ibe N W of the W 4 of sec-lion 3'i, 1 1 N It W ihe Willamette uierldiau, aud the 81)1, of ihe N K and N t of tbe 8 K ',, of h c n on W. 1 1 N U ;"i W of Wiiaiueit nielid Ian, coutuiuiliu ijv eurrs, lo aaliafy the hereinbefore named aquis, aud for Ihe coal a und epelHes of aald mile. Sv d urufeny will In- a.ld subject to re deiuuiiou aa per aiatuia uf Urenon. W itiie my baud this With day of Aunt, 11. V. H) UU. Sheriff of WaahinLtou ('ouniy, Ore'ou. 4S-W hltl FF'S H i.K. BY VI KIT K OK AS KXECUTION. deciee and order of anle. Issued out of the ircuit t oirl of the Sjtate of Oiriion, , for Habinyton Uouuiy, U favpr ol Jl I,. li'ive, and acuinsl M. Ii. liuruhv, II. K. llur . fly. J. A held, 1 riiirn IteiJ, A. J. Webb mi ul Si A. Willi, for tlw siiiu uf '."0, cmt. I Hint for the further miiiu of $1 O-I'.MM, ',. S. I nd cuiii. with intert theremi fit therm ! f l'l ier oeiil lift aniiuiu. from the 2 "ah dav of Aliirrh, fr th uuiu vt $h, ttr eH hen. with inteiettt therou Hi tbe rute uf H ri citt x r Hfiuum fr uu Muri-h, tnii I'T tltt) al ttiiU t-jieiiM of uitle niul of unid wnt Nuw, theiefuie, bv vjuo and in puran iue of mtitl jiuu u t nt, di rte mid order of vile, 1 will, on MoihIhv, the 'JOtti Uhv ot Mmv. lH:'.r),Mt ihe Houtli di Mir of the Court Moude, in Hillnboiti, WHrbii'ub(il lkuiitv, Oregon, hi the boor i f 10 o'clock, a. m.. of uuiu uhv. rii iu iiunuo Hncilou 10 lie I. lu ll - lHuaer for phhIi , (lie following detiiTllwil rei proeriy. to-wit : l yinj;. hem anj .iiuale in Wa.liiuvum Comity, lliepoD. ni.il de'eri(jed aa followa. to wit: All ..f Ibe W ,,f the H W I.; and 1 lie f V, ol 1 L. H VV l4 of ai-ntiou .1 1, towu hip ? M ll V rat of ike Willamette mend iaii, eonliiiuinv l.i aerea. uioie or leaa. to linlHlv tlie liereuilielore Lamed auuiH, and lor the o ala and eiinea v1 aald aale. Maid property will be Hold aulijeot to re deniiilKin at per alatui. of Oreou. Miiieaaiy baud tliia lih dav of April, l:-'. H.KrOKU, r Hherit7 of aHiiinuton I'ouulv, Ureiiou. Mlir.ltll-'F'N H.il.K. .1.1" VIKIIEOF AN KXECCTIOV. 1K ree and order of aale, iaaued out of h Mrrutt Court of Uie hlale nf Oregon, for aaliiuutou Couuly. m luvor of h. H llim Ion. plmm ifi, and auaiuat John K.David im 11 ai d W. K. Hidlenbeek, Uefrudaul'), for iLe aiuu of t.'S M). roata, and for the further auiu of fii:i ro, L'. h. void 00111. with inter jiat Ihertount Ihe rale of lo per cent imt annum. Iroui the td day uf April, lMi.'i. an J for the co.u and nrii) of tale and uf uid writ. Now, therefore, by virtue and In porau auoe of aaid judfmriit, d cree and order of anle. 1 will n Monday, the Hitu day of I w.y. u ., n. iMf, Hjjiii uinir oi rue ouri lloiie, in Itillalairo, Wa.Uiuvton fouuiy, Oii-tf -n. at Ihe honr ot II o'clock A. 11., of aaid da., aell at public auotioii lo the hiuli tai Inddrr forrab. the following decriled ral property, t-wit : lleiuii the aoullieaat (iiiaiter of the norlh. eaal quarter of aecllou twenty, I il i It a V of the W lUnmetle meridian, iu Wnhtii(ion County. Male of Oregon, to aatify Ihe bereinlN fuie named aju.a, and for the coata and eoeuea ot aaid anle. Hnid property will hd auhiecl to re demption aa per ataiuie of Oifgon. w itne niy hand tuin Zi'.iu day of April, H"I) H I". I'DKU, Mierit of W aaliinuloa Connly, Orr((ou. -) THE STANDARD DICTIONARY Oeliue. TS.tNMI mure riarrla aud I'brases I haa any other IMi'tlon. ary ia the Knglioh Ijingnage. I - Jbe t.eat and iul complete eer Tbe t.eat and m.xt complete eer iwaned fc.Jft, Abnndtn have endorsed it. and Ui their ytnliet u nd!-J ibnl of Induig Auit-rtuAD 011-. It in juflt tlif thlittf ft vrTn io nnt of a iromj. jiTiiprin-niT nnj riHt Jit'tloimrT iLnl 14 hirrftftt of nHnitrii rhnlMrnhip. . Il IU Jrtlllffd to tliJ J'ft-IlltU-lM fr IUMlT tMM io come. Hf nf-fnrnrd onf rit frirtiaJv Wpltttfr ami .rceiie-r uuit lake a tck Prof. A. M. Whaler. 1 Jul I invrnilv, Ht: "It hi a ru't nofllriit wrb. (hmimi It Wr II mlnpti-U U t u in a tM.ripvr t-f1ic. I'lfAr. cottome, hoourAU. (Ntuiiirt hfnaiv. nl mini Arhnltrlf ahJ opulAr. AJmirAllv ar riowtsd, ttfiultfnllf jrr'rtiel, of eutivt-utwit ind liAw Alid tbert for chat tooouanlt" It U (Hp ltrt IMttlaaarf for Ika Hthw KfMiin, the raralt Mhrary r tka HoIiiNa HamN tfttre jet rahlUheil. PablMirrV ifeat, Xmfctrf, l)rffa rower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Powder AriminiatrMlnr'a Notice. THK IDINTY roritT OK THK I si Stste if Ort-oii for Wiialiuihftou County in rrnltate. In the mato-r tf tbe estate ud lat will of Jaiur liarker, deceased Allrua are hereby notitiisj that tbe nnderaiened baa been duly aeooiuleJ ad I tuiuislrnior. with the will anneied. of ' Values llnrker, droeaad, aud all persona I "vl"8 clairua against the tatate of aaia I deceased, are required tr present the aiue, I P'-'perlv verified. ti the uudersiirned, at the uflice of Jn.k'e I. ll. Hmupbreys, in tb town of liill-U.ro. in said county, within IX moiiU.s from tlie tate nf this notio. March 2.1, 1 .',. 1U A O. SH 1 'TUCK. 44-4 Administrator, eto. SIIKItlFFS SAl.K US Y VIUITE OF AN KXKCLTION, deort e and nrter f shI, iued out of thet'ircuit Comt of the Htata of (Uvion. for Ml.mnt.n ('I'lintv. iti ftivorof Fbillip (i. !.rtMlt, h rS'utir of thtt Umt will and tmtHiuiiit of J. II. lift!! r. de-awvd, aud rtk'Mihot -1 . H. AdHum nud Martha Adauia, Kd. ('. Oiltiier. Miuerva Newton, aa aduiio im rut i ix of the eMtnte of h litta Nwwtou. da-oa--d, hi id .inn NVimhI aud W. H. ehruutf, for the Hum of fit sV, ooHtM. nud for tha fur ther muiu of 7.i, I . S. Lold cHiiu, with iu- ten-nt tiicit.n nl ttxe rnte of H prr Oelit per aniiuiu, trm the 'iiU da of Mhv, M, aud for the f i.rtlii r muiu of -.', with ibtanxtl therettii Ht 1 1 rutw nt H ptf oeiit ir niiuuut. friio the l th d.iv ot AutfUiit, liM, aud for the eo-itrt and tirfnsta uf tlii aud ot na id writ N.A. thert-fore, t v.rtu and iu purau Hiire of nnid jLUk.'iu-lit . det-ree hihI order of Httle, I will. ni M.mdftv, tbe 3HU day of Ihv. ',., at tht auiith dour of the Court ilitUHe, iu llillsboio, WiMbnitfti.ii ('ouutv, Oreuuti, Ht the hour of lo .fo oVbick a, m., ol HHid dav, nail nt public uuullun to tha bmh- ent bidder tr cK-tti. tha following daaorihad real pro-itv. In wit r IjotH X and '' in l.look in HuujuUraya ad ditioit to Hit Town uf HilUboro, in the SlHte of t)rii;'H. t iuutv of WaMhu utou, to Maitihfv the b riMiiht bue named miiui, aud tor tht cost and cxpeiiae of aid Mala. Said propi'i I y will In ttold aiibiei't tu rt'dt iupii' n an prr Ht tltite nf Orfiiou. Witiii-KH iuv band Uim lih dnv of April IKi... H lJ. Hlt!. HbeiiU of V.tsliinuton t'ouniy, Oret(ou, SIHIKKS SAIsK Iv VlUil K OF AN EXECUTION. def.rea and tilth-r t'f aale, iaaiied out of theCin-i.it i mrt of the State of Oretfon. for WaHhihL'tou Count v, in favor of 11. WfhrmiL'. W. 11. Wehruuu aud O. A. Weh riuii, pai tuera aa W eh rung aft Hoiih, and Hiani4t .Itilia li. I'eiiuiH John leuuia, Esther 1miiiiU, lteii Jnuia. Oaiay lenina. Hudianl Dfiiniri, Earl UfiniiH, Vent a Uen iiim. Murv A. Wtllman. C. V. Welliuan. and Julia 1.. leiitiirt, adiuinHtrator of tha eatnte of I. M. lenma. dweasuni, for tha atiu of f.M m'i. oosia. and for the further atiiu of Mi, U.S. sold coin, with in tare, there on at the rate of 10 per cent iter auuuiu, from the lirth dav of ,a.roht l'Jj, aud for tbe ooata aud epciivDH of aalv and of aaid vrit. ov. therefore, by virtue and in purn.i ant'e of Haiti jndyinent, decree and order of Hale. 1 will.ou Monday, the day ut Apnl, 1 V'.'i, at (he aoitth door of tha Court Hotue, la HilU.Hiro, Witshuiton Couuty, i treyon, at the hour of in o'clock A. M .of aaid dav. m il Ht publiu auction to the Lih eat bidder for ranh, the followiut(-deoribed real property, to-wit i hot five (.) and mix it) in block twenty. '$i)of and in the ri;iual town of Hilla boro, Washington oounty, 4 re4m, to aalia'y the hereinbefore named mitus, and for the ootta and expe n a of a;tid tie. Said property wili be a dd Htibjeot to re dt inption nx per ntatnte of ttretttu. Witneot in y baud UiU '.'MtU day of Marod, 1H!IA, 11. I'. FOUI, SherttT of Watbiiiut(in County. Oregon. 44 Itv W. l. Hkai.H)U, iVpnty. SHI IC IKK H MA l-H. ) Y VI It IT E OK A EXECUTION Stale of Ori'tion, fi,r Wietliiiiutoii oountv, iu fitvoruf .lolili Muumdii, ami aL'Hiuat 11. H. I'attou. for tlie aniu f frj.'iil, ooNta, aud for tbe furllti r hiioi ol $M .r', 11. S k.jIJ ooiu, witli iuiereHt lliereon nt tue rate uf 10 ier et-nt ar auuuiu, from the 'Jith duy of Jauuirv. l'i'i, and for tLe ooata aud exiH-nwa of anle Hiid of eanl wiit. Now, ttit'r'foro, tiy virtue aud iu piiraa- anee of xnid jiultrnit nl, nud for want of 1 Hiitlioieiit per-onHl proerty, I did, on the '-Hih dry of Mitrrh, It-vy upon the hereiiibe. fore tlPKerllieil reul property, and I will, on Mondiiy, the n'.itli day of April. ia:i.-,, at the laouih iloor of the (nrt ItouHe, in llilla ! lairo, Wa-hinutoii Cou:ily. Oregon, at the i honr of In o el.wk A. M , of aaid day. aeli a) . pnl.lio nui-tloii to the liiulic-it bidder for cna'i, nil the iuteretl of tue defeiulnut in lha follouim.' ,li .tiI.h,1 real nronert. j to-wil: ('omiueucinu at the Quarter aeelion oorner ou tbe enil aide of aectmn Kl, '1' 1 M ll I W of the Willamette meridian, ruutiiuj tbenoe west utniclmina to a p t ( yariatiou, ill" U, K from wlin Ii nr. to inchea In diameter, Iteara M Jtu 30' W:i;'liuka a white Ur :W iin'liea in diameter. N 7I, W 'JfJ linka theuoe north -Hmhi ehaiua to tbe section line, rut crna8 in log :io inehea in diameter, from whu-b a fir M inrhea in diameter tiear lu nh 41 W U'.' linka, a fir 4H iiu-hae iu diamelei leara H fw K. 2 buka, tbeuoe east "Jil liij I'baina to the northeast oorner of aeelion 1:1, tht-iire aouib llMhicbaina to the plaite of hekinunig, roiilaiuing a; acre, more or ).: rt-t-pt A arree aoll to A. L. Hunter, end lu acrea hold toll 0. Hunter, and also 1" acres aohl to llury K. fattou. to aatiafy the bi-reiDta-fore named uid. and for the costs and eXensta of aaid aale. Maid properly will lie sold aiihject to re deuipiioii as per statute of llrgou. Witness my baud tills leth day of llan'b, Sheriff is-.,-,, 11 r. KOKI, I WasUinjton C-iuuty. Oregon ii )h Hy W I). IfHAuroHu, Ueputv. tOItt 41 01 ItK. 1V VIII It K lK AN' KXKrtTHlX. dfcrt Atul order uf nle. Hmiti out uf the 'irfi,t Court ot the ritntt of Oregon, for WnMuiitf ton I'ouulv. in fnvor of Fhlllip I,owtnL"rt. I'lHititirT, And yniut AtriAtidf-r Km., nud IflmtiiiR Ktinz, deffiidttitA. for lUt- Klin of f 1 .f", rottM, and for tti further : ura of l.7u i, I . U, irold coin, with ifitereAt turrftiii ut tin nitti of ift pfut per annum, frotu Hie .id day of JHjmurv. 1 , hi id for i the uottb nud tnns-s) of ahIa and uf Mid ! writ. Sow. tlieriTnrr. bv virtue Atiil in iarnu : Anoe of to id juik'iiitiiit. iji-cffp ATid ordur of mIo. I Will, nil Mi.li(l:tv tim 'Hth iIn. ,. ! Mav, At tb. k.. nil) t.-fr of the iUtort i Houiie. in Hi-n,i,i. V laijiinitoit County, ' Orison. Ht th hour "f i" o'cloc k . u.. of '- Jill id dltV. A-ll Ht piitilll1 ftlliMloll to til UltfU- mt Inddrr fnr oiihIi. ttif following decribd rl )rriertv. to v it I he pnifel nf Irtlitl "lflVttJ in WANhllivtoU fount , httte of Orvii. ilrri ted aa a p.irt of diviMn.it one or the Aoiith hAlf of the , l doiiAti m Und cltnnj nf J 1) laithiirdM.ii in I motion town-hip I nnutti of ruiib I WAt of the illHiueite inendiAii nnd more par ! ticulnrlT d K(-ntfd ha ooinuienrimf nt tht i northwent corner if ihe Antfj hAlf of the am id J. I. hiftiHnlti d'Minti .ii Imid cIaiuj. in j Aection .. Urmhp 1 Hnth of rnnuff went nf tl'A lllriinet' lui mllHtl, tieiu;v iUlh j 1" l cliAtnA Io a ofnke 1 '' Iminn fiurth uf ! the muttien! vortier ( the don At ton Und I 1 clAim of June I 'h v t lienor Aouth ti de Br- t n.in rte nut 14 rhninA t- a xtnke on 'bf f-t line of divi-noi 1 of ihe alli b tif i-f Atd t hi I ii : Mi t re north ou the ent line of Mid divi-i, ii 1 of am id clMiin :r ii'triA tl tlie fi'trMie.'iMt Criier of HAtlie. t) tw w.-t 1. 1 .'..i-- fliH'ti to the plAce of (m iiiiiit.t'. i (i.tiuitniLf HreA of Inud, ' n"'''' 't ' 1 ' "tid eTfept mi five AcreA oj Und iii Mi- tti h'tU of the Joimtiou im .1 cMiut if J. i huhttrdwon, in a-jion "it. towiml.ip 1 onih of rniiue 1 Wf-tt of VV i. Ii.uiettr ii.t! nil in. And more Artiriilrlv dArittd a Iwrfiini'tirf at a A!le m tbe nm 1 I rii!iu tit rtU t the MHitUeAot or ni r ol Mie J . tint, mi I nd cl um of Jatuea I) .i, in futid m-ruort towntliip 1 south rniT I ti' of M,e Willrtiin-tte luendiAD; theuAe Aouth '', dwr' oiliintr t.tM i n cl ntiM to a ntiike in Mie nAd; thetioe oortb J h in tm'eA entt l I'. rtiHiriA t.t a thk on th I r.(.r h Itneof Mi .nili hnlf of M.e J. D, hu liardt-n dotiit ion Und cIaiiu; the do w- t '.',;, rl hilt to i.ie northweet corner of I fi.e aeitie. iit-i-c r . inimiteA 1 A t Ch:n to the pltipe tk',Uitl.tf. AAllAff J the b-reihla ,ire ti nned iiiia Hitd for tb '.1'litJHliv (if IMttdlkilC. 5; ld T' pertf will fe ld Anhject to r dt it yhn n jw-r st!tit- of 4r-hrori. U naeAA niy band thi lth div of Anrll, ! I'M, H r. HKU. hbAr'.lf of a mLiq t. n uunty, Uraott. 1 THE LEADING Tl HILLSBORO Careful auparvlaion bt aipariuucwJ phvaiaiw! Accurate dienaing by petent and patufttakintf liarnnictta ! Tha HiillHro Fburuiary order Iu ilrug frow lh tuoat rvliahU niannf.u tun , only, aud ia tlnmtiKn.y iiuipliaJ with yerr reqmaito neifviary for properly ita .bu t liit-daiw prvnption Ixiaiua-, Tbe pnrietor are ever wutrhhiJ that tby uioatH'roved Uttsl muexlitare cotitiutmlly being atidtxl to the leak a the -iiilv of uieditine nJ phaniiacv aJvuiK. iJei(t poa-erd of peculiar edvantuK hi pu rhtiiug ita huppli.e, owiui to ita huaiueaa rule of Ukmjf trade di.vunt loi .a-di ir .in Uie ott liotura, lha retail prii-ee re eonaemielilly ioer ttiati thoaa ol mind diipeneii drug lo,J1 ijof UKUl0IT.S, 6L'M)KIKS, iueluditig the HNEVi' PKRKUMKH, TUlLfcT ARnC-tS, BRUSHES, MANGES, KTC, era on di-.U . A Urn mJ eicvlteiit naorUueut of SFECTACXES aud EVK-OKASSE l9 aleo oo oa ad. PATM MEDICINES of eil popuW kUiJe eiwayt ia tuk. The tlDMt WINES and LIQUORS supplied ia ceaeeof tickneaa ou preauriptiUQ THE HILLSBORO PHARMACY, Union Block, USE THESE PRICES TO SUI r THE TIMES. PLANTER AND 88- DUKE OF PORTLAND Will make tke Season jjf 1895 at the Fair (.rounds, Hillsboro, upon the following term : Single Service, .... $10.00 Season, with privilege or return, . 20.00 Insurance, . . . . . 25.00 PLANTER Sire of I'aodora. If ;i7. i'auliue (3) -i (.od Hotting action, and ia a brother in queen, Alii, 203 f. Hi, ,(, Fauist. tu ia llie ulre of trotter. w.aKLU1,',ie d.""i WTe'' ta 'f" d"' t.,D"y U"w'"' (4 :lfl. "' NwivfikSiVE m f Wj,"m muu viM- 1 ..hJrUy ,l,B,,t,1 ' fUular, h --'it -ot" :jb, auu IL DUKE OF la a remarkably handsoiua hora iK.ii.ids. and ia. hair 'i.roii... ami io an old .iilky. H,a Ir., William I, ia one of the greateat .ire. of race hone iu Amerini. Ilia Urst dam ia by Mainbrhiu Slar, 2 Mis aecoud daiu by Volenteur. ....i ....... ,ii ,, , "".1:.. .. . .V,LII;AV0." y""' 1IUU W bat few coll. he haa, am large, UILUHHOHO, WISUIMUIUX tOL'ITf, it. j. aculT I If. W. SCOTT & CO. . REAL ESTATE . HOMESTEAD AND . . . . . . R. R. LANDS LOCATED TIMBIU U!0ilHT iU SVUl I'. S. Laud um- Balac a Mptvlalt;, .. ISULU BLOCK lrt r?e. . ai tv J I Orra. j A CRCAT DAR6AIH HLNlSKtSM 14 STIKhlNO ' but at low BtfurM. a. ia alway. tb. ' oaa. after tuoti a paalii aa ara JuM I ,,;.or.;:-js lit an timui, 1 m1 bar n. 4ii ' la coltiralKiD and ia walarad by (.'alb ' erto. Omi Tbla laud liaa lu tb.' inimrdiata vicinity of tb. r.miiua .VKltn Kaoch, tbal ounaiaia of 4 .mm aera of tb. flurat land io lb. ooouly Jbf prio. of tbia HA aora. baa wutl. Imu dropped from tU.uuo to it I t tsvi eaa mi for tbra. to Dr. yaara nt 8 par wut itit.rrat, aud . ill taka i oO in ood Urm land in tbia .obbi. Tbu aay proy. a inal i boon lo an au.nr.ti. uau who l.aa tb. proper foTMlabt. and tha i.lu.k ...a ' nr.y tbal lead, ou tu .1.1,,.. ... auifbaut. 1 bi. traot nf land oan ha di.itt i..... two parcel, and .uber aoid or trad.J BP. W H. RUCKS, 1'or inforioatiuQ aK.ot tb. farm. THE U. 8. GOVERNMENT Reports Show Royal Bak ing Powder Superior to all Other. Dr. Prtca'a Cream BaJklag K.r WerM'a Fair rl if keel MeeM aad ai Our artroii will ,nd Im, iVltf Little lMTy Hl-ria aaff arid rlUbl rtoitly for conatlpaUoo, dyLilal aaJ liver t-oupIaluU. W. L. fcrotk. DRUG HOUSE PHARMACY Hillsboro, Oregon, COLUMNS For Crutches; you tcill be surpri tha Strides Lame Business tc ill tube. n i' i i Hi ... FOR SALE AT ... INDEPENDENT OFFICE. in.. t..U,,i .i..i i... blood to hatrunaire. the air. ..I ii.- '. ,l tun u . . lVl..P ri...,, ... i lb dam ol Uucaliou, f.Z!, Scotland Maid giaudauv-of Iav Ui. imam, i huJ PORTLAND lie Mfutlild flltl let 1. 1 L I 1 . ..r.Ti " '. ru """ ru in z:iz at tinea year old full brother to Uuy Wilkca, ior anJ has had hut Will liaudOU4e aud good gaited. fee farther laferuiatlwa, iddrea THUS. II. T0XUE, UKElilll, QUITE SURPRISING t Yfct very lea.luK Ii ti, ,lew offer made hy 8C11ULMEH it'ii A SON lu Summer bresa 0(xk1i; auJ their LINE OF SHOES Jut wl.at avery ptrmm nwdi and at ucli prices j u ont) liml. K, In ahabhy cloth,-, or poor foot wwir nh-n you can IfH im h bargain. Th..r new ybrclla anj j'araiola an ttot W dull( atV.J jl 9t'yl- or price. ' ' SCHULMERICH & SON, CENERAJ. MERCHANDISE HILLSgORO, ORCCON. HILLSBORO HOUSE i. XOHTH Kor, . I'raarlet.r Cra.rbe.ou4 aud.. Wiualoa Mtmt aNU rtt.NoV I A "T CLAHM TAHIB. .ud . w.ai lot lea httaj,