Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, October 19, 1894, Image 2

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Kslvrd to Wis ptMnffln at Hill.horo,Oroo,
se woua-i
abecrtptlon, m tdftiut, per ftw
V. M C. OAl'LT, Editor.
orrtri l r.tfKU or turn art
fJeri. Howard, couitnunder of the
Atlantic, la hU annual report, reconn-
wen 1 a, 100 i-r cent Increase of the
army "until several vexatious ques
tions art) aettled." This Is a poor
reason, and U aot iat I-factory.
It waj eiDected. M a matter of
Cnurae, that Cleveland would not
work sanirnt Hill or even J?Kt to
any of his frauds to do It, but repub
licans m-wl not expert to sue crap on
lilt hat wbfu Hill W defeated this
The LktllySun'promlsed foraoiue
month, has apix-ared la Portland
Jt U being received with favor every
where. It U not yet equal to the
Oregonlan, hut exhibits evldenre of
enterprise and will, no doubt, rvcelve
the support It dt rveM.
Senator Gorman In not making any
speeches In the present campaign
but Mlmply MUndlug by one that he
made In the senate, when he exposed
the atx-rels of his party to the public
irase In a way that contributed ma
terially to the levity of nations.
Gmit Britain in about to launch
neven new battle-ships of the lartrmt
class, and all warranted not to hug
the shore during an Interview with
the enemy which, In the light of the
recent Japan-Chinese naval duel, Is
good reading for the commandew of
American crulaur.
They held a stat election In
Georgia a few days ago. The vote la
the largi-Ht ever pollcl, fully 6,000
more than In '92. Then the majority
wa 71,000. ThU time It was only
0,(HH). If 40,000 vote may be loot
to "the party" In the Houth, what
may be expected at the North?
A copy of Frye'a prlenary geogra
phy, published by Ginn A Co., Boa
ton, hat been Been. It Is a gem and
beautiful to behold. The relief mar
are far ahead of anything that ban
yet been st-en. The volume la com
petitor for a place In our schools In
compe titiou with Montelth'H, that
lias been used in the state, to the ex
clusion of all others, for more than
twenty-five years.
A daring roblery was committed
at The Dalle tnla week, when the
express box, containing 930,000 In
gold, waa taken from the U. P. ex
press oftlee. Considerable mystery
shrouded the matter, but the officials
think they have the right men in the
person of the driver, who transferred
the box from the midnight train to
the ofTLe, and two others, the trio
fjelnir the only ones having keys to
the otflee.
lilank cartridge have killed many
a mobber. It is a pernicious custom
that some of our police raptalna and
militia officers have fallen Int. when
they fire blank cartridges, or over
the heads of the mob. When those
Ohio law-breakers realised, on Wed
nesday night, that they were receiv
ing slugs of lead Instead of paper they
wittered like chart. It Is morcy and
an economy of human life to let It be
understood that powder and ball will
te used oil mobs.
Our school superintendent, in se
lecting books this fall, should cboone
thow authors or system that Lave
but few liooks from w hich to gather
the rudiments of an education. No
tice bow many writing books are in
flicted on o. On the list as now
auad up thct are no Ks thsn 37,
vis: U iponeerian copy books, 7
Tracing tipy books, 5 Shorter Course
ropy books, u Malison's written
opellers, A Piper's eat work, and &
Itond's htalT-ruled writing books.
And readers. In the serien' there
are five books the fifth and espn
aive one being superfluous. If a boy
ran read in the ftsirth reader, he can
read anything. Is it any wonder the
book fast is working to hake no
change tuade this fail?
ritventl paragraphs of General
K'tiofields report are reproduced in
another iiilumn. The opinions are
vaiuablo Uvuse they are thoxe of a
profetfeMuial, but tbey are to I read
as coming from a out-lded observer.
The general ha ali his lift been
accustomed to look oa public affairs
from a military stand-point. ILhicc
he can see bo way of adrulnlstoring
r,ivmnirnt ei lt by Kirions of
men. Usiklng at lb future through
the past, there seem little penalty
for a material Iik rea.se of the amy.
The crisis of Inst July was easily
handled by the "handful of regulars"
and we are not likely to have a
ereuter emergency, unlewa it be like
that ol 1st; I, whlch.was cared for by
evea a less regular army used as a
rtcucktis. Iff the July campaign the
eek place aas not in the number of
men or ability U officers to handle
them, but la th law permitting
them to be used at alt. The danger
from foreign foe Is maguifled. A
f(vlgn enemy must make pnara-
tioas for an attack which are quite a
important to him as our preparation
for defense. That truth i plainly
taught by that greatest of all modern
commanders, General Grant. Scho
field 1 riht in his estimate of the
Y,Km of polio? and state troop.
MEXT. The Statesman lays bare the nail
and carefully uncover IU beavi, but
never hits It once, though the fair
wood U dented all about It by tal-
wart blows. The Ktatesman quote a
picture from an exchange a picture
of the condition of a l aiuornu. con
vlct. who emerge from prison In
disgrac, without a trade excepi inr
" . a iL .
ability to run the machinery oi a juie
mill. Yet in civil life there U no jute
mill to oerate. Here U a bit of col
oring from the article:
"With tear in their eyes, young
men teg lo oe auowwu iu
tradts) or avocations that will prepare
them to aland erect and be men
among men whrn they Wave prison,
. I . - mlr .1
but with, a practlL-ai curse tha w
hurl them to enforced Idler or
ends tbem to work In a Jute mill
Why send them to work In ajute mill?
Iie-aue that 1 the ouly Hud oi wora
thati kiuU think of at which a
man would And It impossible to get
em olovment after leaving prison
The deliberate object of California Is
to unfit criminals for honorable self
A parallel Is found In the Oregon
penitentiary. And yet the States
man would have a beet sugar factory
built by the state and operated by
the convicts, so that the lease system
may be avoided, while prisoners have
something to do for occupation and
earn their keep.
It Is admitted that a prisoner would
learn to make sugar, that he would
tie employed, but not admitted that
he would have a trade by which he
could euro a living In civil life. He
u....t.i .4 hlolftM when he nas
serveu nis uiuw as iuo i.ihuiui. -----
vlct, who has learned to operate the
lute mill.
The system of building expensive
factories by the state that employ
ment may be furnished to convicts Is
wronir. The capital required for such
plants limits them in number, and
there are few civil corporations that
build them. The Jute mills almost
entirely are monopolised ty tne
states. It is not good policy ror me
state to seek a like monopoly of the
sugar mills.
If the state Is to train convicts to
trades by which they may become
self-supporting when returned to free.
dotn, those should be chosen requlr
Ing little capital for their operation j
rr u-hpn 'a convict nuts off his
Nirinnl clothe be has not mucn
. - - - r
money with which to Initiate expen
tdve factories. If he can posse
hammer, or an awl, be is fortunate,
And ability to use theee tools Is that
for which the California youth con
vlct weep. The policy should lie to
give them a hand training that will
enable the convict to earn wage
without the Intervention of expenslv
A neighbor, the East Oregoulan,
has thewe very pleasant words, which
go beyoud the printing office to
word of compliment to our county
hence Its reproduction : "The Hllls-
boro I.vnKr-K.voEST has not been
visitor to the East Oregoulan oflto
In the stst, but we shall ask It
Bxchanire In the future. We want
on our exchange list. It Is a four
pMire paiwr, eight columns to the
lge, all at home print, well edited,
j eatly printed,
and, all in ail, a
model country paper. It deserve a
liberal patronage from tho people of
Hillaboro and the tributary country,
and we doubt not that it receives it.
A paper of IU exoeJUAnty Is worth a
great deal to any town. t i a re
llector of the Intelligence of the peo
ple and a creditable one."
Besides being unlawful, that mob
which attacked an Ohio Jail for the
purjose of getting custody of a negro
rapist, is silly. The negro was duly
convicted and sentenced to twenty
years ia the penitentiary, which
seems to be tbo extent of the law. It
Is reasonably certain t.h,at the sentence
would be executed. f tn punish
ment I not severe enough, than let
those people sjueod the law ao that
Justice may rw done. There Is no
reason or excuse for community
acting as that one Is said to be doing.
The militia did well to shoot and to
kill. No innocent man ha been
Our neighbor, the Beburg Re
view, Is unconsciously doing the
work which the txigk trust wonld
have done, to-wit: Oppose any
changM of school books. Let the Re
view call to mind the partial change
made five yea ago. Jt did not cost
the patrons a cul. Tticy gave an
old Uajk for a new on, and the
board of education will see that the
same ft ee exchange U agaia made
some ot our books are not the best.
Some are doubtless proper texts, but
let us get rid of the poor ones,
especially when we can do so with
out cost.
Hill has discovered that th
wealthy Now York democrats are In
bad humor about the income tax,
and more Inclined to vote with the
republican titan to contribute to the
democratic campaign fund. Hill
must not forget that he, himself,
found voting with the republicans
the best sort of medicine, politically
and personally.
The committee of 100 In Portland
reports that 9$ per rent of the books
ii-shI in the public schools are those
published by the American hook
irut. The vote by whk-h thes
werei4cted wasalmtwt unanimous,
and that 11 of the ballots are almost
duplicates, a wonderful coincidence
when It I remembered that some of
these officers are hundreds of luilca
Jlstaat from each other.
XILT03 firiT USD.
Last week something was said
about the visit to Umatilla county
and what was seen at Milton was
left till this wk for recital. Two
pasMeoger coaches attached to a king
freight train held the excursionists.
Slow ly the heavy train wound around
the curves or tnefiortoou way up
Wildhone creek till the high lands
were reached. Then over the rolling
prairie past Adams, Athena, Weston
and their platforms of wheat, till a
tributary of the NJla waiia river
was struck. This furol-Jieu a cut
through the table land by which the
rail cars are let Into the alia v ana
valley. The first stop is at Milton
our station. lne station is inn.
fourths of a mile from the business
center of town. Hacks and carriage
took our women to town and aouie
of the strongest men. The visitors
were received In the meeting hall oi
the Knight of Pythias. The lodge,
from the appearance or us mm must
be a lanre one and prunperous. The
A. O. U. W. meet in Ue same room
and are nourishing. tamiliar
emblems were ail about. From the
reception hall we went to the ban
quet ball. And such a spread I That
land can have no nungry people.
The people of Milton are skilled In
advertUinir. They first foed their
truest and then show their product.
After dinner the exhibition nan was
thrown open and the wonderful fruit
display that bad btn gathered and
arramred In a day and a half w as
before us. ho would have tnougnt
that in that brown, baked, dusty
country such fruits and vegetables
could be found lor the show naiL
The water of the Walla Walla river
makes it possible. Lven through
the streets of the city flew small
stream of limpid water. The fruit
was beautiful to the eye and lurious
to the taste, but remembering Hood
luver of last year Its superiority was
not marked, or even the Willamette
valley before orchard pest had lis
tened themselves on our trees. Com
pari ug the fruit plucked from a home
pear tree, nothing at Milton was
seen that would equal it. But Mil
ton Is a great country and Its people
are vain or their possessions, ana
deservedly so.
The town has a population or
1000 or 1500. several brick buildings,
a floe flouring mill and a large fruit
evaporating plant. The fruit dryer
1 what Is known as a Ferris wheel
apparatus. It has a capacity of 9,500
pounds or green mill peraay. ine
product is very fine and set is at top
tlirures In any market. None of the
fruit from Milton finds It way
Portland but Is marketed In the
Hocky Mountain towns and east
ward. Connected with the peaches
uf this town a good story Is told at
the expense of our 1 u. Williams
One of our party bought a box of
Indian peaches and directed them to
be sent home by express. These
peaches are of a dark red odor and
when they were received at the
ilillsboro express oflioe, Mr. Wll
liams by a glance between the slat
of the box thought the w hole pack
sire waa spoiled by decay. To get
rid or them as soon as posniDie ne
delivered them before the purchaser
returned home. Harry was there
and soon had the cover off and
sample In his hand. They were I
prime condition and Just the thing
for pickle. Milton U an Inoorpor
ated town, ha a water system that
cost 110,000, an electrio light system
both arc and Incandescent, run by
water power, two churches, a graded
school employing seven teachers who
Impart instruction to 850 children
The main school building 1 a four
room structure that cost $8,000.
Professor C W. Duffleld la principal
The school Is maintained by a 4-mlll
district tax.
The newspaper of the town Is the
"Eagle," a seveu-column folio that
seems to be prosperous and is ably
conducted. It has the respect and
confidence of the community, which
it richly deserves.
While here a comely matron was
met who formerly lived in thi
county and was a favorite In society,
and hailed as Miw Wilmot. Hht
Was accompanied by her husband
whose name, though spoken, was
forgotbn iu a minute afterward.
Hon. Nathan Pierce lives at Milton
and was out u) meet thi boys. He
is a Jolly farmer who seems to b
able to defy hard time.
LoatUsJ on the train again, an une
ventful run was made to Pendleton,
which temporarily was home.
A system of pipe line has been be.
gun in Milwaukee by which water
can be thrown on a burning build, ng
to the height of 120 feet. The Amer
leans will supply any amount of In
genuity and money to put out a fire,
says the Globe-Democrat, but grudge
the cost of fire-proof buildings. This
hi probably our most glaring national
(oily. It may be further remarked,
had the Kinney building been con
structed on the slow burning system
that is, without hollow waljs or
cIosaJ attics, the fire Wednesday
morning would have been extin
guished In twenty tuinuto with one
tenth the ds ma?.
rr a !
The voter in New York City will
handle about twenty separate ballot
on election day. Voters fresh from
the naturalisation mills will vote on
a new oJtutloo divided Into three
parts, on th consolidation pf New
York and Brooklyn, on lending the
credit of the city to an underground
railway company, and on a doaen
and a half other Issus. The new cit
izen will be Jtvply impressed, If not
completely rattled, with the greatueas
of hi adopted country.
It has been decided by the supreme
court of Nebraska that a man who
murdered his daughter may Inherit
her property, on the ground that in
the steoc of a law governing such
casts), the established rule of Inherit
ance must be sufbrrcd. Other courts,
however notably the New York
court of appeals hae held different
ly, for the better reason that as a
matter of public policy, a murderer
should not be allowed to Inherit the
estate of the victim.
The fact come out in the Episcopal
convention Id New Yorx that thj
game of foot-ball is seriously redo.
Ing the fund for aged and infirm
clergymen. It is incidental fact 1
due te the great foot -bail game
played In recent years on Thankaglv
Lug Day, which keep people away
(roiu the church and causa them to
forget their annual contribution u a
most wurth
be Yamhill Ricer and the
Transportation Problem.
ruLici rsoTccrio.
McMlxsrviLLE, Or., Oct. 17th.
Thi morning at 7 .30 a. rn. Bedding,
a prominent citizen of Laftyette, was
found dead In his bed at the Essex
house. He left orders to be called at
7:15, which was carried out. He
answered the call of the boy, but not
appearing was called again at 7 :30,
To thi no KNponse was given, and
the door being locked, a Ladder was
procured and tha room entered by
the window, ne was found dead in
bed, all Indication pointing toward
the fact that ha had died but a mo.
ment before the entry of his room
A doctor was called, who prououncd
the cause heart disease. Mr. Redding
has held several responsible Dotations
In the county and Is well known by
ail the old settler.
Pat Callahan, an old resident of
these parts, was stricken with brain
paralysis, at the r.ureka housfe on
Sunday last. He died Tuesday
morning, not having regained eon
sclousness since taken down. For
the past twenty year he has been
roaming up and down the West side,
doing enough work to keep himself,
and refusing to reside with his sons,
who are prominent business men of
Albany and Corvallls. In fact, has
kept bis whereabouts from them
They were telegraphed for as soon as
be was taken down, and they were
here at his death. He was burled to
day from the Catholic church.
The committee, appointed by the
cltisana, on the sugar factory is
work, and a mass meeting ha been
called for Saturday, at which the Sub
Ject will be discussed, and agreement
as to the amount of beet each farmer
will raise, will ba made.
The assault on Banker Shute has
caused considerable comment In this
city, and our people are wondering
when their turn will come. The
banks of McMlnnvllle are fortified
with time locks and the ugly musxles
of shot guns can be seen in bandy
positions. Time locks alone are suf
ficient to stop a desperado. A reao
lute night watch paces the streets
nightly, and sn attempt at wholesale
robbery will not succeed In this cliy
if care and precaution have anything
to do with stopping It,
The poor old Yamhill river will
bear upon Its bosom the knightly
form of Senator John H. Mitchell on
Friday. Our people are determined
to have an open river at all seasons of
the year and our representatives I
congress must recognise that fact at
once. The river has msde the rail
road company drop the freight rate
to seven and one-half cents per 100
pound from here to Portland. As
soon the water raises a little, regu
lar trips will be made by the boat
Nearly all the freight received in the
city 1 hauled from Dayton, the boat':
rate from Portland on all classes be
ing 19 cents per 100. The railroad'!
lowest charge is SO rent per 100.
fQ r It hast aatherlt.
Editor Ixdkpkndext: Kindly
say in your nest Issue that Prof.
Traver, now a teacher at IW vert on,
will not take charge of the Mass said
at Cedar Mill. He will not, because
he can not ao4 way not, Thiy fact
ha, or tils party responsible for the
fa Unreport which appeared In a re
cent Issue of your valuable paper,
should have known, O. M.
Dr. Price's Crwaaa Baklag Pow4ar
WsrlTs Mr Ntgwsst Mass! ssd Dlplisia
XJ agent, II
sssat. 11 Msrohaat'
Has rraaotsco, is oar aatsoriaed
Thi paper t kept oa Sis la hi
Will Sell Goods For The Follotclng Pricci
Royal Savon soap (20 bars).
F'lnawt Toilet swap a cake
Coal oil per gallon
Mens' Blveted overalls per lr
Cotton thread g spools for.........
Silk thrvaJ per spool
Ladies' Jersey ribbed vest
m m panu
Ulanklets per pair
Best grade 1
Of PriccaA CLEAR CUT al through our Una. We carry
a full line of the latest LADIES'
it Rock-Bottom Pricea for Spot Cash or
We guarantee to gice tetter calues for the money
than can te got in tny other store in Oregon,
Highest of 3 ia Laavtoiag Power. La.: t U. S. Govt Report
Adsolutely puce
T X th alitmit suun. of ih Mats of Ors-
1 soa. for tbs snaBly of W uiuagt as.,
hobsn Imbris, plaintifl.
V. i l
Qsors B. Harkls, CI MB Msrkls. IJ I I
Mtrkl HsasrBbrarn. HMuhiwt,
tbs sssbsjiii of IJ; Vs H. W- f
Lssbjsatv Maris U. ItoLaabmatt. lbs i
Otssrua NaUooal Hask of forllaod. asd I
W. W. Csiiid. rsesirsr of lb Ursituo
Nat) goal bask ot furUaiul dsfaowlasta : I
ToUwm H. Markia. Clara start ks. Ida
Starkis Haaatohracn. ani lo Hao
btnoh, to basbaad of said Ida, dsfcailaata:
la tbs bsbs of tb rials uf Orayua. yoa
ul ssch ot sob. ar ssrsb rsaoirvd to
appear la ths abora aauad auart ami aba
sal lbs ouoiplauii mad itfaioai too. is id
abovs souttad Mil. br Uocdar, lbs iniu
dar of koraoibar, i'S. a Bleb will b lbs
Ar4 daf of tba Ball rvffoiar torn of aaid '
ouort lollowuMf Iba axptrattos of tas tuua
ia tbs ordaf fur tba pablwatioa or tnia
And If oa fad so to asawar aaid arxn
slaiot, for waal ibarauf, tb plaiuliS will
applT Is eoort for lbs ralt is, aaid
oootplaiDl pnirad for. town i
lbal tba plaint is bava )aumrot SiraiDat
th dafandanta, Gaurtf B. Markia and Van
B. Dalaauntutt. for Uia auia of I JO.inX' DO in
I'nilsd otataa auld Cum. wub IBtaraal
Ibaraou aiac Jauaarv I,
S oar sanl uar aaunui,
al tba lata of
aod lbs som or
Xiuo allorner faa. aud tba saw of
idi JO a taiaa paid, wiib utlsraal lbara
sums April 1, lM, al tba rats of S par nenl
par anaain, and tb soats and diabaraa
isanu of Inia auii,
1 hat iba saurta-air aiaoutod by aaid da
faadaiiu oa lb Aral da f Mareb, ItwS,
aod raeurdad oa paw lis aod 7U of Book
"H." ot Iba rsourd of Bortaasa for Waab
lairton soant, Uratfou, to aaeora saii hs,
ba f oraclosad.
1 bat said tararal arnai b daelarad to ba
a lias, pnor and aaparior to an Iwa or
elaun of an of Iba aboa Baniad dafand
aata, ia aod to tboa sararal Iracta cl land
daaoribed ia said morta-aa, and whiab ar
lirm, baina and aiiaata witbia Waabinatos
sosBi. Urwatoa. and ar saora partiosiarl)
boandad andSaaonbad a fullowa. town :
riasT 'l'BacT Bounded b sou.nieoeina
wbar tb saat lin ot Iba dooalioa land
alalia of Osoraa U. Hoi lib and sifa oruaaaa
tb soaib lioa of aaitioa XI town 1 our lb
ran i wst WilUuati aiaridiaa. and ran
ntu inaaoa wrat oa baa lin IS.I7 ohaina.
tbaoo sooth tb.t ehains to tb sostb lin
of tba donatioa lauj claim of aaid Uaorira
U. amiib and wifa, tbaaus waal on said
a hi I a Un to tb sontb-wi surnar ot said
donation load claim, tbaoo aorih on tb
wsat lin of aaid donatio claim to tb
aorth-waat oornar tbrraof. tbaao saat to
tbs Borth-at oomal tbaraof and tbroo
oath oa tba saat lias of said claim to tba
pJaoo of bwionina. oootainiibi &M.S7 men.
HrouBD 1 acrr Haing all Ibai Iraal known
sad dsauraatad aa tba aoalb-w.at qua; r of
aaeuua 4 Iowa 1 sooib ranir X wrat Will,
ssastts meridian, ouatsinina ltsl aorsa.
Tbibo J bait booBdad Wt oomiasaoina
at a staka '&) ebain aaat ot lb aoutb-waat
sorasr of arotion a towa 1 soolb ranirs 1
waal Willamrtt m and, art and ranntng
Ibane sootb S ehaina. tbaoo l li AO
abaina tbaooa north t ohaina to saonoa lioa
and thanoa weal liV) chain to tba alao of
bavinnma, eontaining S aoraa.
Fotiara Tsot Uooudad bj oamaiaooiaa
al tbs north-wrat ootnr of aaciion S lown
abip 1 soath rang X wat Willamait mar
HiiaD, and running tbaao aat oa amotion
lius obsma to lb aal aids ot crack,
tbano aooih IS 64 ebaloa to tba Iwa of tba
O. 0. H. U-, tbano waal on said lioa lutf
ebaina to avclioo Una and ihaoos north oa
aaeiKin lioa 17.76 chain to lb plaos of
banuiniotf. sontaming 10.67 acraa.
tint Tb4CT Coiumanoiog al tha snoth
aal ournr of lb d.iuatioo land otaim uf
Uaurg H. Sinitb and wifa m aaction 4 torn
I south rautf li wet M illaiuall meridian,
aod rttuuing tbuc soottt to Iba north aaat
oornar of tba duuaiion laud claim uf 1 bran
aa Htawart and wifa. In aaid arotion 4 town
aod rang aforaaaiii. thanoa weal to tb
osia-woat sornsr of lbs dooalioa laud
lata of Aluart Htawart and Wi(. Ibauos
nurih on ths west I ma of aaid aunau. n
land Olaiqj to tba nortb-wsal ouroer tbaraof,
and tbaooa aaat to lha piaos of uaginaing,
svotsmiiig lAJ M aora.
HixiB laact Bouudrd b suaimenoing
St tb nortb-aal ouruer of lb dooauon
land alalia of I'boma htawart sod wifa in
aaotiua town 1 sooth rau i waal Will,
araati aisridian, and running ibanos aooth
f la K oa saat lins of said claim IU Mi
chain to tb ocular of tba Hillaboro and
I'vriland road, thanoa north s W along
said road 1(1.74 abaina. tbano north If IS
W parallel with lbs saat line of aaid alalia
81. .4 obain to the north line of aaction V
own and raoire aforreaid, aud the no al
on aaid section line 21.71 chain to Ibt place
of beginning, oonuining 8 75 ao.aa.
That aaid land b ordered to b sold aod
th proceed of aaoh le be applied to Iba
par merit, lo Iba plaintilf, of atld ecral
am above apacified.
That Too, and each of Toe, and each of
lb above named defendant ba debarred
from all iriieraat in aaid pramiara. icpt
i to eo,uu of radempuon ; and thai anon
sthsr and farther deore be mads a Dia
1 be eouabla.
I 1k.a MMmnw.n la nnlil i.libl aa.ln.1 vna
b ordei f th iraaii aoon of tb iai of
Ursgoo. for nunington count, mad and
entered on tha Mb da ot October, 14.
directing that this earn moo be pabliebed
againel too once a week for six aoocesai
weeks, In tb Hillssobo IgDsrispaaT. a
new pa par pobliabed veeklj a UtliauprOi
Waahington eooolf, Oroaio.
I HlVs. H. rONQl'K.
Attorue for plainiiff.
nTfrK ia fcareli aieit. that In nun.
' X sacs of aa order and deoree mad b
j th count cosrt, ot th ilal of Oregon,
, Waabingtta eonnt. oa lb Sd da of
; October, is tb nailer of th ealale of
; Jalea Vaa Damns, decsased, and to oa, th
. ondsrsignsd, as decolor of tbs last will
'Comforts per pair
1 L L Muslin 21 yds to the
i Amaskasur einghsni 110 vds tot
1 00
..1 00
Gladiator gingham ti yd for..
llarniony prlut tl yd for
Mens' suits
Boys' suits
Mens' pants ti and upwards...
Best brands of flour per sach....
aod taatamacl of lb a aaid Ja.i-a Van
Damns, dwwaard, aa dirvcird. w will U
at poblic auonoa. tu tba lii.fcral bidder, fur
saab is hanJ. at lbs Jw.lhct Loot ailaatvd
I apon lb miiiara baruisafu-r dsKnrad,
Skjh uiv prrnjiBT DtniDllwr awrirwa
o eiara, it jj hit i.f .Tuibr.
at tb hoar of 1 o'ciork m tba aftaroooo of
aaid da, all tboa pircra, tarvl and
tract uf land, limit. bViny and aitaats la
Haabmstuo ouodi, lrvruB. and buondad
aod dcntl a fuiluwa, wail : Haiiui in
t I nortti K S Waal WillaraatU Biaridiao,
and BMr irtiea4arl daawrtbad aa.outa
mrnamg at a point I wo rul seat of lb
avxitbraat oror uf tba bomaatead land
elaio of Juaboa W Marab la aactioa A) t 1
Ski, Ibaoraaaal lo IU- aoQlLwaal eurorr
uf (aid Bomtd claim. tboa auolb along
Iba Imaof Iba Urvry Black I) I. C to tba
.MiiLr.w Oirnar of aaid Hrarr Hlatk D L
C II ri.cw aaal lo witbia Ivo rod of Iba
arcuou Uu twtwaan aactiuua XI and SU In
aaid T I .V K 1 Weal then sortb lo lb
place of brginoiug. second parcel: Coin
menciug at a point 1 rod ra.t of tba S E
ouroer uf Iba 1 L C of S i S Heek aod
wife, iu ecitoa 21 1 1 N li 3 W of lb
Wulaiuelta lurriaiaa. tbeur aaet rs rods.
tbei.o uutth 4 rods, tneno Ml Ss rode,
tbenca ,ulli 4i roda lo Ilia plao of bagiu
Biug, tte two Iracta Cuntaming 43 acre
mora or La, Uvrtber with aU Iba ricbt,
title aud tiiu-reel o( tba aaid Jul Van
lamme at too time of bi .lea 'b or amp
aou,uiru ui lii mnu m u,l to tue aaiae.
opou tbr folioa.ug l.tii,t ol a!a :
lltie-half of p r'li. pru-e to lis paid,
caali in baud: ie-half ot and pari'haee
prise to be paid id twelve utoutba from tba
dar uf aala. Deferred pavuieul to draw
interest at lb rat of 7 per cent par annual
and to lis ercuied b s mortgage on th
promt eold. C'onveiauoe tj b at tba
expen of tb porcbaerr.
i- rtitu inKini,
Ex ecu tore of the Uat sill aud leataissol of
J ale Van Denime, deoeaard.
A 1)91 1 I ST It IT 111 X HALF.
N'O'l'ICE la Sere) gireu, lbal lo poru
aoo uf ao orlr aoJ d niada h
tba euuutT soar I of lb state of Oregua. for
Wahiiii(kD suuulT. iw lb da uf IH'fcv
ber, lHt4, lo Ibe UiatU-r i f tbe eeiaU of U.
K. Uanll. decaapl, aod lo toe. th aoder
aia'Ded, aa adminialralrit ibrreof direelad,
1 will sell al abiie eartion, lo ids bttfaeai
bidder, fur eanb lo hand, al lha south door
ot Ibe ooort bouae, iu Hillauoro. WaabiDK
toa ouoot. Orsoo. no rtaiorda. lbs third
da of November, lam, al laa Boor of 10
o'ekwk io Iba forrouus. of said da, all uf
lbal pieve, p&roel aod Iraol uf laod, Itiuk,
beio aod aituais lo Waabioirtoo euuol,
UreauU, aod boondeU aod droribi a fol
low, town Cumuieoeititf uo Iba aaal lio
nf aeiHKin Stt. lowuabip I sooth resits 1 wsat
Wiliaoiel' nieridico. at a poiol IliS ebaloa
sooih of lb Dortu-eaal eorner of aakl se
tliio, aod raoointf Ibeoo waat 'Uti chain
tlieoo aooih lli SO chain tbenoe eaat S !M
obaiu to tb eenter of t alr's f err road,
tbaoea aorih .' east alooii th reoler
ot aaid road i.d. ohaiua, tbeoe oorth SX
Su , eaat a king the oe titer of said road 7
obama. theoee Forth ( .10 . aat with th
center of aaid :oad & tl chain to aeotioo
liut aoiLtbrntM north 10.76 obain lo tba
p an, of TjiuDiriij CHiVnimav M sere of
laod, locetber With oil lb ritfhl, tula aod
tiiieraat of tb aaid IX f. (jauli at tb lim
of bi dvaib, or emc aoqaired by hlaeetat,
aod eobjret onl to th dower ritrhl of tb
widow ol aaid tl. F. OmuIi, deceased.
Coneaoc to ba al tb eiptuae of th
poreharr. AONbS UAlXT.
adniiuitrtr.i of th eaiai of l. . Uanll,
decpaapd. l-'.-S
!ni:iiin s nalr
irtoa of ail eieruii, . deem and
order uf .i, iaud uut of tba email
ooart f Ibe atate ( I irrtfoo. for W aaiiinjr
loo eouuty. in favor oi Ororoe ti. Koblueoo,
plain. id. atd aaaiual Jobu rA. Ureeubeld
aod liar rl. Uneutirld, defeodanla, for
tb taui oi $1.1 So. omia, aod for the farther
uui of fvu.oo. 1 . 8. void 4B, and fr
SiO.l", atiorne' fe, with iulereat thrs
ou at tb rata uf 10 per eeol per annum,
from lha day uf Aunuei, lnni, aud for
the ooata aod axpeoeeaof sal and of said
writ. Now. therefor, b Tina sod ia
Duressor uf aaid judgment, uerree and
order of aala, I will, on Monday, tba Utb
day of NoTsiubar. l!l. at the south door of
tbs eoort hones, io HilUburo, Waauiniitoo
eoonly, Oieyou, at ths hoar of lo o'olm h A
M. of aaid day, aall at public ar.otioo to tbs
bivbsat bidder for oaau. tbe followiog-dea-cribad
real property, to aril
Veeionititf at tbe aaction oornar on tha
north aide uf arctiouAl l 1 8 It 1 W of
Willamette meridian, running tbenxs son lb
11 6n chain to a poet, tbrace eaat 10 chain
to a pnt, tbenp soo'.o ll.Wcbaiu loth
eaoter of tba Scholl terry road, thanoa
north 'J IU , et along Ilia center uf said
road IO CS chain lo a fluke m said road,
theocs oorth cliaiui lo a pool on see-
tmolineco f orth aid oi aaid section
thence weal uo abaina to the plac ef
begivping oouiaiuing to acrea, ailuaud io
waabiugtoa eounir. Orrgoo, to srtiafylha
hereinbofore named nma, aod for tbe ooat
aodripeuat of said aala. ijaui p;upariy
will be told lubjeot lo Jenu vJ a pr
tat ol of Uregio. 'Ai-t
WitueM my hu4 t,i, IHh da nf la-as.
tr. oy4 11. Y. r UKD.
bbenf of Waahiogton. euaoty. Or.
IN ill circuit eoort, of th atat of Urs
goo. for V aaliiUMlon soooty.
Sam it. Varoora, plaintif , . 8. D. Ver
onal, defendant) lo 8. I. Varnom, th
aboT named defendant :
la the name ot tbe atate uf Oregon. oo
ars hereby re)nird lo appear sud suawer
the eooiplaint hied sgainat yos. in ths aloe
milled ait, si lb oocrt hone lu Waab
ingloo conn I. Oregon, b Monde, the Jt.ih
da of Noenibar, lret. wbMh will be u
oral da of th next regular terra of uid
ooort I ollowiug tb eipiration o( th lime
eo beer i bed In tb order for puolioalioo of
aammon la tbi ou. aad u to fail so to
anawer. fuf iui thereof, the plaiotiS will
ajrrily to Iba eoort fur the relief prayed for
Ul laid Sosj plaint, town:
That tha marriage aad uamags eootrapt
a rw eittung between tba plaint, 1 and h
defendant herein b diaeiTt4 and ssuUled
aad ruderJ ij f,m lb date of ooh
deer, '(uat til plaiptif, hs judgtseol
agaiotl yoa for lb eoat asd diaburaemeoia
ol this "Bit and that suuh o'r asd fart bar
decree be mads aa may be eqniiable.
thiaiommuo 1 pobliabed againat yos
in parasepo of au order of ih sIm
aamed eonrt. maJa and dated on tba Bib
day of October, lsn 'Jb
. A Homey fur plaintiff.
Urlsss Ts,0HHJ rsart ward ..J
rhrsart tkaa say star r Dlrtlea.
sry la tse EaflUk Laafsare.
Tb beat and moat complete er leaned
la lbs anglieb-vpeakius: raoe. lbs moat
learned men of tbia co-inir and hngland
ba endorard it. and lo Ibeir aerdicl la
added thai of letding AmerioaQ collegea.
I ia Joat lbs thing f r e ear one in want uf a
good, eutsprebenvirs sad reliable dl.-liooar
lbal ia abratat of moorro arholarahip. ll
is deatmed to hold preeminence for luaur
esar some. Henoforaard onr old
frtede Welter and Worosaler nin.l take
a bask srai.
Prof. A. M. Wheeler. rt Yale Cnirit,
saa: "It w a nvt eicellcnl work, apeHal
1 well adapted fr-r oea in a acwapaper of&o.
I tear, ponriae, c.-nrle. mmprebenei, al
ones scholarly and p"relr, admirabl ar
ranged, boiifall printed, of eoneniil
siseaud abap asd therefore saay toeorjenlt"
It Is tks Dr-tt Mctloasry fr
ths !chsl Ksani, ths Tamil
Uarary ar the Rstlacas laa's
W Br jft PablUkra'.
Pries low. olJ ooly L uU.ripbun.
PablUkrrs' iff at,
.wkerf, . . Urti-sa,
Call in and get our prices on
Clothing & Furnishing Goods.
And convince yourselves that
we sell for
We are here to stay. The
Auction Sales will be discontinued.
Look out for our new stock
in a few days.
1? xx an
Careful supervision b .iperi.Deexi payalcUo! Accural. Ji.paueiuj by eora
petsnt and pairutaking pharmacist I
Th Hillaboro Pharuiarr orders Its drugs from tbs most reliable nianafacturers
only, and ia thoroughl supplied with rr rwquieit. aevosar (or prHrl ii ln, i
inf a ftrst-lae. pm-ription buainesa. Tl proprietor ars Ver aaU-hful' tliat tliw
moat-approved latest muiedut ar continually beiuf sddxl to tbs etovk si the science
uf UiCvlu-iiM sikI pharuisr silantw. Boiug poeauai cd of penuliar adrautagf iu )r
rlisMng its supplies, owing to iu buainee. ml of Ukiuf tnul. duxxamta for cali Irviu
tha beat house, tb mail pricv ar conseutrillj lower llias tboa uf niuet diieiiaiii;
drug ttorv.
All th. K-sJIng articiea of DRUGOISTS SUXDRIKS, iuduJlii iL FIXtT
rERFL'Mia, TOILtT AKTlCLtii, BKL'SHES. SfOXUKS, tTC. ar on Ji.plsy.
A larsw and .icsllvnt aaaortutsnt of bPECTACLKS and EYK-OI-ASSK.S is
also on kaad.
PATENT MEDICINE of aU popular kind always ia stovk.
Tb. nnsst WIN Ks and UgL'OBd supplied ia osaaof sickness on prescription
Union Block, .... Hilliboro, Oregon.
CARSTEHS BROS., Proprietors.
Haaafartarer sad assises as
A fall Lias of tUndard aias and patlaru of aaah, d.rs mouldiiigs aud
brackets conruntlr iu atork.
e,sl Delgas of builders' rood mad to ord oa short ra.lii's.
Laaibrr lard. In connsision with tbe saah aad dour factor a lumber
yard will bs kept constantly stocked with rotif k and dressed Isnibor of all kind..
Rallden arw invited to plac their order with u.
Ofllcs at th. rWtorr, was of Ui. railroad sution, HUhdxvo, Oreyoo.
Reports Show Royal Bak
ing Powder Superior to all
BY irtsof asierati,B issued oolcf lbs
Oonnl tVsrt sf lbs biaieof Orect-n
for WaahUurtoa Coantv, in favnr of Uso. YV.
" of 9'3 00 I . H. si ld eoin. with inlersal
iw raw ui I't mr real sr S' 9
f,r tbs fortber asm of eoat a and 'or
... m. riaiiaa oi aa ia ana oi aaiS
s V at... m k. , ,
- ., uj vino sna in pars,
anos of said judgment, for waul of aolbcHMit
han,n m I u. u I . , .
, i . . t-i-"". leTiea spow ana
will oa Monda. the liib d sf .Voeewibsr.
1HIm .1 Ih. Ja... .1 . . . . .
,, ,7 . . u. loin nooas
- : 1 m ,n,ii,r, 'nwifl,
st ths konrot lao'olueh s. at of ssid d,
.mnm w IH DlllDMI UMlOer
foe oak. tb fuilowins daanril.1 1
art to-wii i Y
tkHumsneitui si tbs sootbaaat eorner sf
nestma tn Townahip I Month Hasars 1
Weat of 11. Vlll...r VI I " "
ttisnos north on lb esat Imaof said seeSioa
1!0 rods lo a point ; Ihenes west ',, rods a
point theuos auuih ljO rods as ths soath
ia ewmi ineses east along said
lineV tuJ.ieik. !.. k..
talaing la) sores, mors or leas, to aatiafe o.
hereuitefors aswad rani sod for lbs eoata !
aod eipenae. of aaid aala. Hld propsrtf
will as sold ab)e to rsdewptton a per I
la tula of Uregoo. .
. J!""-" ,BI ,hu ,7,D Oi-tobsr,
tS H.KK11HU.
tihanff of Wsabingtoo Coont. Orarun.
.1 So B W. 13. Huunia la.uul.
. r -
!a tbs Circuit ftontt al hs asst. of Oragea
o waahiaVoo Ceauij.
Vdia a iisrrstt, plaisliff, . Ckarlsa L.
klsrrsll, dsfsadsat. ,
ToCkarle L. barret t, tb. abovs aaaisd
1 Oregon, yos ar ber.br rsqairsd to sp
pear la tha above named soorl. ia tbs
sbors entitled sail and a a .war ths eoca
plaint therein Al d agaiaar yoa. n Moo
da, th Jbih day of Nooibsr, ISSa, whish
I Ih Aral day of ths Beit refolar Ursa sf
aid soort. f ji lowing the eapiraliea uf ths
time prsseribsd for lb pa hi met ion of this
sainiona And If you fail ao to anawer,
for want thereof, ths plaintif will apply to
ths IViart for lbs relief demanded ia aaui
complaint, to-wit: lbal tha uaiaugs and
marriage contract now ittiai between
yoa and lbs pHintifl Us disaold, that
plainlilT ba and raws of sod from to
ber ooal sqJ dabo s.nenia in thia soli,
sod thai aaoh other aod farther dee re b
a.da a saa be equitable.
1 bis sua moo la pobliabed acaioat yarn
b lrta of aa order made and dated tu.
lith da of Beptroiber, lrx. by U-. 1 boat
a A. McHrtd. Jodt; uf tb aboT named
W. D Hsira.
1. ?1 Attorney for llaiatif.
X)tle f th rabllrv.
tkU .at I will Mil at
r mui
fr cak.
1 sark srsa qaaaUtr brat Bsar, &0cts
railed aat . . ti
rrakaat Bsar )
M bsrkwheat Isar mm
bra a . . , . 14
aksrts .
Tlkeat, ajtts tad tk.a r, kt
aallti at lwt artm far ruk.
r.aisOaet Tana lilt
tsars tralj,
.50. falUl.
Wnt's the Matter!
N'othlaa; very aerlrswa h th
matter with rkhu-Wrkh A
Hon, eicpt that ks In rushing
Uatlw by niaklu; priit low.
A Woman at tho
Bottom of It.
Perha pa there U. TTioy ay
"Truth is at th bottom of a
well," and If tUfa so, you can
count oa It tkat
Schulmerich & Son
aro Helping.
I? flQd, h A'! trrarr...
Th real fk U, Sfhulnn-rlch dt
8o umI this basmtlful iUu
trallon locnll yoor attention to
thei a atot k of gdi.
iaa.aareai.au ft tke fall iradw
f naw Bjja.
i Lssre .f irMl . ttw
U itasrted Cakes . jo
1 Pis, aar kind . . io
Caffs, wH.Satdnirkes,
Daifsaau ar Csfr,-
Ll'SCIlE. Far Plrale Partleai.d
Hiat-ra Pat l Praraptlj.
A Lad Will k la Attsadaai
ts H.n I'atUu.r.