ASTOITS SEW YACHT. John J-icab Aitor, who U inter jstl In thxtrieity, has given coo tract to Bn electric boat building company for a y'-ht ninety fet long. . The motive iwer of this boat will be e lectricity, and It Is ex pectml to mark a new era In yacht bulldlnjr. The craft, the New York World says, will be of the handsom est and iiioxt elegantly tiulpied pleasure craft In thl country. Mr. Asbir's architects have not yet finished tho plans for the yacht, but she li exported to be completed In aliout a year. The millionaire ha niadv n nuiubor of valuable diwover lixi In applying eUttrlclty a the mo tive ver on water, and has bad two smaller ImmN built within the past few year. The ikwdJ one of these b vits could n"tnmod:itf twenty-five M-ope. It -eachiHl A aimsl of twelve or thlrKfii milt an hour. Mr. Astur's hobby It HtftriWty. Ho hiw Ix-en expTiiiientlnjr for a lonjf time with u wlMsiuiiiiKsl plant at bin mimimr residence In Wiluelrfsk, on t!ie Hudson. The two Ismta be already (.losm-sn- are fb:ire( rllit at his own private dink with electricity iiiiiiiufiii'tunsl by the millionaire li'iuisi-lf. Mr. Attor Irf-llfvist the npplicution of eltH trlclty as a motive power to Ixmtt ha reached u iint where it can be utilized to ndvnntiiifi) in a jrood-sl.d yacht, hence thin order for a ninety-foot stud yacht to lie run by electric motor. The rinult of the experiment will I' awaited with great Interest amoiur electri claiH uud naval architert. (Vnnpuratively few eUvlric bouts itro in operation, und these areowned by wealthy en or promoter of electric bouts. There are many elec tric Ixmtt in line in Knirlutid, but be cause of leg-al complicatioiiH it was linMHill)le to use electricity as u motive power for boaU In this (coun try until ubout two yearn aifo. (Jrent progress is being made, though, in applying electricity as a motive power, Mth on land and sea. There is now In course of construc tion la u riiiliulelphlu locomotive works for the North Amrlcn ('on Htriictiou Company, an electric motor designed for 100-horso Hwer. The armatures will be wound for KMl volts at H-'l revolutions-equivalent to a sieed of 25 miles an hour and the total weight of tho machine will be 120,000 pounds. If this engine Is a success, and the Astor yacht re ttllzes its owner's hopes, it won't lie long before express trains and ocean liners will be run by electricity. Tbe Far Went. "it Is uniushiif," said Charles V. Wood, of Hiclimond, Va., who came in from ft western trip last night and wjient two hour in the corridor at tlie I.lndell exchanging notes with old and new friends, "how very jren eral Is the Impression that all the unsettled country is In the far West, and that east of, suy, Detroit or ('In clnnattl, the land Is fully net tied with n Hiipcmliiirxlunee of cities. The idea is as prevalent In Colorado ns In Massachusetts, but It Is dead wrong. While NK)ple are rushing into newly opened countries they are passing thousands of square miles of uudevelossl bind, und, no far as cities are concerned, Kansas is far ahead of some of the oldest states. The Hiintlower Mate is teemlug with towns ninl cities, while In West Vir ginia there are but three which have nny ( I Jim to Is'lng ut nil large. In (he latter state there are two coun ties, each with less than Anno Inhab itants, and there are twenty more which do not average "Ono. There is room for thousands of farmers, and m few Ksiple an realising the fact and emigrating Ksst, while the masNeN are Mill following Horace Ureeley's alvlee literally. That none of our grandchildren will live to see the 1'nited .states really over eroweed Is a fact which a ride from the Atlantic to the I'ncilte enipha- nud to my mind the tlrt half ( tl Journey Is more Impressive lhmi tli. last." Hssmrtss Kitilroaillac "K.iilnmding out in the Kocky Mountains Is a pretty risky business, especially in Hie cpring of the year," wild Merlon Caldwell, of IVnver, to the corridor man at tho IJmlell last night. "The roads out there run through wild, rocky canyons and V, abound in numerous sharp curves. During the warm ralus and thaws which occur every Hinting huge bowlders often become looseued from their foundations, come crashing down the mountain ami, upon strik ing the track, tear up the rails and ties for a distance of several yards. Hhould this hapsii on a curve and not be discovered by a track walker In time, a wreck is almost Inevitable. Then again the Jar of a passing train often cause large rocks which over liang the track to lose their hold in (he ground, and these, falling against train, cau-e a wreck of he worst kind. I was in a train a conplo of years ago that was w ris ked In this manner. Just a we were pnsing through a rocky canyon bugr bowlder weighing several ton funic crushing down the mountain and truck the engine juorely between the two driving wheels, knocking it on the track and into tbe river which rail along slsiut I DO fret li. taut." Kru use's Headache IVpsules war tnnt4d. $im Ktaara for any trace ut antlpyrine, imr lhine, chloral or any other Injurious i impound In Krause's Headache 4 'apsides. Tweaty-flve eea. J- or sale by U kaafoitx sTaancif. , Oat Rtraw s Pit. You have all beard of the story of the man who tried to accustom hi horse to live on nothing and cot It down to straw a day before It wad mean enough to ssjil the exper iment by dying," said alter Way man, of New York, who kept a circle of listeners alternately laugh ing and protesting at the Undell Inst evening. 4,I don't suppose men can ever live on nothing, but when put to It they can sulwlst on very poor fore. Leaves and tree Uirk have kept men alive for weeks, and there are people la the Carollnas who actually drag out an existence on clay, the historical remark as to its being a long time Is-tweeu drinks is thus made very s rtluent, but the SHple referred to do not have a very elaborate menu to s-le; t from. It Is a very peculiar clay and not nearly so offensive to tbe tate us would Is NUpoed; and 1 imagine there is some chemical Ingredient or ore in it thut the wayfaring man cannot descrilsMir locate. The people who eat it are not very liHppy-looktng, but they have a never-failing supply of uncalled food to fall back on when hard pressed, nud they never g rmilly hungry. Home day a scientist will doiiMlex luvi-tigHtu this mys tery and enlighten the world on ceruing it." Conductor H. V. Kulsbury, who runs Is'twcen Memphis, Term., and Howling tireen, Ky., detailed In a very interesting manner to ntilobe llemocrat representative the other day, while uiukin his run, the cir cumstances under which the now la moils song " in I lie Sweet l!y and Ity" was written. It was in the fall of lM'.ii, in the little town of 11 k - horn, In Wnllm-H county, Wis., that a crowd of young men had a choir or glee club, of which Mr. Sulsbury was a member. I'rofessor J. I'. Webster was the lender of the choir, and already a music te.ieher of mime note in the little place, S. I'. Men- licit kept a drugstore, nud in his room in the back of the store tin Ixiys met to practice and often mer- ly for a social good time. Professor Webster und Mr. I Jen net t were then engaged In getting up a Sunday school song look, Mr. llennett lielug something of a iioet. On the even ing In next ion Halsbury nud Hen. uett had Is-en Jumping, anil the for mer was the proud winner of the contest. As the crowd was ubout breaking up I'rofessor Webster, who had been drinking for a few days, came up. lie was then "solsTiug up" and had n dreadful case of "the blues," which all the rallying of the boys could not shako off, but he re marked that he would Ik all right in the sweet by, and by. I'eiiuett was at once struck with the Idea, and re marked that that would be a good subject for a ftoug, nnd Ht once sat down anil wrote the words, compos ing them almost as fast as he could write. I'rofessor Webster took u his violin, picked out the chords, and taking down a score sheet, wrote the music, and In less than an hour the song was completed and in rig by the choir, with no thought by tiny of the participants that it would attain the world-wide iu lailty It afterward achieved. A Itet elul ion. He "At last we are lone, and I have and opportunity to speak. I have Iks ii sinking this op'iortiiuity for days and days, for I have some, thing to say to you." She "I Jo on, Mr. Harklns." He "I will. Ml.-s Jones, you isrhaps have not noticed Hmt at times I have Iss'ii constrained, un eiry, even awkward, in your pres ence, thai I have had something on my mind that I felt I must my to you." She (softly) "Vis." lie "That constraint, that nwk-wimlne-rt, Mi-s .buies, was due to due to-" ,She"( jo on, Mr. Ilarkius." 1 ft "was due to the fact Hint 1 feared you were not aware that I am engugisl to you mother." Mare Tuckets. At the congress of women on the suhjivt of improved dress, he'd in New York the other day, one speak er, Mrs. Titeomb, asserted that the first reform should Im more Mx ket-. "It Is all vury well for us to ny that we are the ruaU of men," she a!d d, "but when men move niiaiud wbh from twelve to fourteen convenient pockets in their clothing, while w have only one, ami that so hidden away that it Is as hard to llml as a match In the d irk, yve are iut their ejiial And I hey know It." Tbe New York Suu th'isi co.i.njenls on th (lei'tioii of Calusha A. irow lu Pennsylvania t "We eeiik o' handwriting on tbe wall. The phrase I too feeble. This )s il sir ten t blazoned aTos the ky. I there any denvs rat mi bliml that be diKs not sec lit Is there any demo crat so rraxy that be Iim"s not under tjnd why It Is that in lids one state among forty-four, the rcptdilicnu plurality this year is t rtainly oii third as large, nsi.rtMy almost one half as large us the entire pljTnlity for (i rover Cleveland oil the opuliir vote In all furty-four state only iif. tn months ago'." Williamsburg, Ohio, IM. 7, lHU. Nol'.M ASf UTV M'K'll. i., U MollM-S, oMa. (lon.iioi: 1 can uitivi4y say Kraii-e's lleadaclie Cii siihsi ato the best, hcadie he cur I vcr ban died and have a ilo4n different kinds. IUsMvtfully, J. II. W.l KKR. For sale by liid-Uiro l'i anuacy. TIB THE STATE. A w hittling buoy has ,bcu an chored on the bar at Tillamook bay. republican clubs are organizing in Linn ouuntv. tbe strong bold of democracy. The new river steambort, Eegene, Intended for the upper Willamette trade, Is nearlng completion. The growers of Saleni have com menced preparations for their annual rose show this spring. A new sawmill with a capacity of 75.000 feet of lumber is to Is) built this summer on tbe fsnntiam, In Linn county. Tillamook county Is credited with the manufacture, during tho past year, of 2'5.9H).OOi feet of liiriis-r. A stock of 1 1, 990,01)0 Is on band. A water ditch to la dug at Harris- burir. Linn county. ciuses tho cltl y.eiis of that idace. to rejoice. I'ower as w ll as Irrigation will Is? furnished A wife-bentcr has turned up in Veruonla. He put his wile's face In a pan of water till life was nearly gone and then threw the burning lamp ut the hired girl. Linn county will collect taxes for all iuriMiss this year amounting to llris,Jl.K'i. The assessment of city eorsratlons within the county foots up SU7,C :l.-.'8. The Sunday Welcome has ls-en sued for lils l. The Mercury, a paer of the same class was nupprcsscd hist full. Now it Is lbe Welcome's turn. iissl. A farmer mimed Acorns living iKiir Hamascus, Cli.t-kniiuis county, was assas'iiiatfd InstMis k. A hired man who has disappcari-d Is chargisl Witt the crime. Frank Hilegschlager, who near Portland, in January, s:l, mur dered Wooldridgo for his money, and was sentenced to the sulten tiary for life, died in prison -last ws-k. The Oregon I'licMe. train yester day carried a curious piece of freight. It was a derrick en route from Salem for tin Pioneer stone quarry, and was so long that it tsvuplcd three Hat cars. The Oregon City Herald gives a list of the names of Mpulit candi dates for office. It takes up a bull column in nonpareil type, lly this list one may learn the number of sipulists In the county. TheA.O. V.W. tratcrniil Insur ance order numbers in the Jurisdic tion of Oregon, by the March report, D,-2'2 members, a gain of :07 during the month of February. This mem bership represents an insurance capi tal Of llV'itl,(MMI. The Corvallis papers report a fixht that took place in that city last Sun day between W. Hurtles und Coun-. oilman Waggoner. The cause for the disagreement Is not plainly stated, but a silitical disagreement Is sur mised. An ementeat Hie Marlon county Jail, Salem, was frustrated last week by the vlgilenee of Sheriff Knight. An outsider had furnished the in mates with a saw for cutting iron bars, but the tool was found Is-fore an opportunity for use had occurred. The Jury that tried Charles Davey, aecusisl of killing N. II. Jones at Sylvan in Multnomah county, could not ngriK' and were discharged. It Is uiiilfrstiMsl that eight were for ac quittal and four lor conviction of murder In the first degree. One J. li 'U'ld, was siiihI by a Mrs. Iiella Mul'.irland last week for def amation of character. I h i trial wa in a Justine's court, Tho verdict I for the plaintiff in the full sum prayed for, viz : J.M. The defend ant couldn't estalili-h tbe truth ol his allegation. A crowd of clgnrctte-Miioklng boys, toughed by night exsisure and bad associations attacked a lietter ili-osod companion in Tillamook recently, The little fellow was stoned till tlx aid of a surgeon was required. Win dow lights will not turn them nor yet eggs, The Headlight Mock men, who found Usf-inising more profitable than butler-making under the old way are, now that civtimcrie are establishing, find more gain in milk mid butter, and are changing their plans aeisinlingly. Irge barns art building and further prep arations for winter dairying nre ls Ing planned. The corvallis Tiiiii-s reports that llei river betAveii Corvallis and I larrhiiiiirg is in a des'rutely bad condition for navigation. The numer ous Hoods this winter have lodged so iinny snugs and other obstructions that navigation issnhl to lie danger ous. ()u her trip down last Saturday, tip' KIwishI bangeil up Jier wheel and hud In undergo repair at Ibis place. County Commissioner Schooii'iver of Columbia county, was bung in etligy and after uurd burueil at Vr uonia last link, Tin1 jarlbular ml that euraisl tie Mpulait wem to have Is en t!ie refuel on the tsrt of the coiiiinissioiii-r to consider a very l irge tition of the eitl.i us of Ver uonia for the nNiintment of road supervisor. There is a bint that the otlii hi "lost" the petition ls-fore the iinvting of the court. (I. F. Unssell, the defatil'.big ei liool ujs-rinteiideiit of Linn ciiuoly, has been orraiiigisl on two complaints, one charging biin with forging all ot hers name to un order for ))'., and tho lur'S'ijv of f I't I froui I, 'nn coiiiity. He waived evyiiii.njiii.ii mil was held itl(tlierum of iSKI) on the flml charge, and .'H i) on tliesn-ond, to await the action of the grand Jury. In default of 111 lie went to JUL U definitions, it is said, will Sf gregnte more than f inoo. The work of setting out ! 00 acre of prune trees on the Lxcel.slor prune farm, five miles uorthweat of Monroe, will soon be completed, seventy-two acres having already been set out. and the grouud Is already prepared for the balance. A large part of the tract Is fir and oak grub Und that was slushed twelve years ago, and inoet of the winter's work has been the clearing out of the stumps. From eight to fifteen meu have been en gaged on the Jot) since l)eceint-r 1st. Timcts. Tbe last of tho week the Oregon City Manufacturing company, placed in the hands of 11. Kis-rner, the sup erintendent, a new schedule of wage which is to go Into effs't UNu the s:artlug up of the mill, which was cxvtcd u'imiM have lss-n on Mon day of this week, but the boilers were not yet repaired so the new schedule is not yet in force. It is uudi r-toixl that in some debarments the cut makes a niluction ifr fully :H) M-r cent. If this Is true, it make the mill worse than a Chinese 'mili in point of wages. I'M i lor Kincnid, of the F.ugen; Journal, is nponsihle for the follow ing: "There Is a family in Fugci.c who Is-hiiig to a quis-r religious sect. They work six years and rest the seventh year. They are now on the off yiiir, nsiting the seventh year. They differ from a good many other pcopla of the class who assuioe thai "the world owe them a living," and who rest nil the time. The people seldom go out of the bouse in the daytime, and never allow anylsidy to enter their dwelling. The disirs are always kept locked, and when the man steps out, if only for a mlmue, he locks the woman in. They lake a bath thrt timi every day and three every iiight. O, Lord, what finds we mortals be ! The Oregon City Lnterprlse re jmrls that one may witness a lively timber scene by taking u ride on the Willamette Fulls Rail way company's electric line to the l!pcr, end of the track whereabout seventy-live wood choppers are engagisl In getting out cord wood upon the big contract which the Ikitdorf brothers have taken from the ehi-tric company. The merry ring of the ax us It cleave the soft tlr and the sharp clang of the sledge upon the steel wedge serves with the sound of the falling trees and human voices to impress one with the magnitude of the contract. Most of the men who are ut work on the con tract live in cabins which they have erected on the ground near the Tualatin so that they have their families with them and do no! have to depend iimui cohl lunches at mid-day. Altogether it maks quite a settlement and lias a lively appear auce, much like tho new towns which have so frequently sprung up In the West. The money which Is being earned hern will help f.ul not a little in these stringent times. Winnl hauling has not yet Inguu, but It is now thought that the cars will begin bringing down the wins) about the luth of April. The Twenty-Kim r I'resldeiits. WiirliitiKtnn first of li e prs iilrnts Minn, Xtxt I'lnmil J. ill li Attaint iiltenllon 0'iie inntnli, Turn Ji rt.-iili' Ihinl on tlit itlorions wtorr, Auil Kiuim Jiuiii.y Mmliseu ciuui2"iiuils'i four. Fifth iu tl rreoiil is plain Jiinnsi M.nirc And Julia luitiny AUhuis is mixiIi. ilcii'l jr ktmw? ext Jimkwiii Hi;il Mnrtin Vuu lliiicn tiue lilut', And llmris.iii uintli, kiU'tru M 'l'i?pccnrio. Next I yliT, tlio flrsl ut lb vit lu raw, t'.,n 1'nlk ninl lln i llnr, llio M-iiiii Who dies Nxt Killiiu rp, s tiw. tskrs tin' pr sidi ni'n Jll.tVt'1 And siutill Fisiiklin I li Tec U f.i'.rtrAiilli tu tlie r.u. Fiflit iiili is IIiu li-nnti, mid (iilliiwinu loin 'I'll kicst uninr ( l.liiiolu li sk'.n I utl:irH dim. Noxt to Ji'limu'ti nir.ii Crsi.t, itii lb. lnnri-1 Hud Iihvs, And nt Kilt r (jrsut tiiru eouirs r Hiijros. Nt t (InnifM, thru Arthur, tlitu (Kt l.o.d Hie fut. Acil iliuriMtn wcirmn his krniid. inlily'K hb l, liltlc Iw. iny llnrj In III" train, it I Im-i un tin. ijit, Im-o d ( r loud i;siu' Hnni. Ill the l lilted States di.-trl t eoill'l ycierday, by direction of Atbrrney (Jeinriil Oluey, District Allornev Murphy moved for the disiiils"iil of the indictment against Mrs. F.'n C. Harris, chargisl with drawing pen- enllv to (i.., ' " sou money rn.uilui amount of f !JI as the widow of C. de Jetm, after she had been married to Mr. Harris. Mrs. l(arr, wftcii : arreslisl, clalmisl that she was not aware that she forfeited her pension on remarrying, and as stsiu as she wiis made aware of this she returned Hje money to the government. This was done I s' fore she was urrisitcd. She also paid all the eo-ts In the ctie, and the indictment op gttii.ii; was disi.,i,M,i. Kraii's 's Ilciil.tcbe are more pleas int uud lotiven', nt to tkn than poudirs. Wafers, elilrs, etc. ,, , . , ... r -nlo l.y llill-lsiro rliariiu.iy. Slri mi' h a ml IN :ih. If you nr lint fi i-!iui strmi ninl hmtltlty, try i;!t tr!i- I'.ittrrs. IT In uriif bs left ynit wink nnd wr-nry, J..lidrk- lllltits. Tbis piiii.Jy He's dins !y mi bvi r, sti.tnm h liidiifcys, t'l'iitly iiiilinjr tln-o orHiis ifsrnTm itii-ir iiiiiriiutis. irymii sn iiiljirtiil t I'll ii k linnl ii li-', yi u u i:l u:i.l is-riii'iiii nl ri . '. ' . "' ' I .ri ii.v iufciii' i.:ii'irr nnnr. f )no i, :il il i. 1 " ' ' ' x",m ' , tin-r-lliisly ymi nissl. Jirgi" LottlfS ..inly otjiruts at HiiM.oro i'burit.y. ; i m i- Itr.rCPLlfAX STATE C05TE5TIOX. A republican convention for the state of Oregon is called to meet In the city of Portland on Wednesday, tho eleventh uy of April, ls'JI, at 11 o'clis.k a. m., for the pun of nom inating caiulutuies for tlie oflloo of supreme Judge and all state and dis trict officers, except congressmvn, and to transact such other business as ni;iy prtjrly come before the convention. The convention will consist of 20S delegates, chosen by the several counties, as follows t rUtST IOSOSSXIOS4L Dursicr. Hentua .. Lids ... . I.JIB . . I inoola H Alsriuo... Felk , Tillswook. Wsshinitaa Yamhill Tot.l ... .1? U S ..Jl . T . ft 1 II "Ms CUokaotss . .. .13 B t ..10 . T .. 4 . a a Cuos Corry Doolss. . . Jackson . .. Juorptiiixt KUmalu. . Lakt SKV'USO UnauBMSIUNAL DISTSICT. Kikr u MsiUur 3 Clntsup Morrow . ... 4 Cultirub'n. . .... U Jtlal'B'tnah . rV Cr.ok ... a Slier iu so 8 Uilliaru 4 I matilU . .Ill Urant ... 5 l'uuu t- Harnrr S Wallows ...... Waseo. .. S Total ... law The same being one delegate at large from each tsmnty ami one delegate for every I.V) vots, and one for every fraction over one-half there,f cast for the rcpiililicati presidential eliM'torsat the cie tion in Xovemlier, I MIL'. The tommittce recomiucnds that the primaries U held on Wetliiesslay, March und the county eonven Hons on April I, unless otherwise ordered by the projsT ismnty com mittee. All voter in favor of the republi can principle of protection to Ameri can industries and lalsir ami theu- huildlng of tlie home market, are cordially Invited to unite with us. W. I JmHSK, K. P. MiViiXA( K, Chairman. Sttretary. KIIIHT' IXIN'IURAI'NAI IHSTHIlT. The republican convention for the First congressional district of the State of Oregon is herehy culled to meut in the city of Salem on Monday, the ninth day or April, 101, nt 2 o'clock p. m., for the purKte of nominating u candidate for eo.igrerss for the First congressional district. Tlie conven tion will consist of I IS delegates, chosen for the several counties. The apportionment is the same ns that for the state convention, and tlie numls'r of dclcguti to which each county is entitled, upars in tlie table ulxive, under the head of first district. TIIOS. 11. TOXd L'K, C. A. Skiii.iikkdk, Chairman. Secretary. WIIKltlKKM HXl.K. BY virtus nf nu rxmintioi, di-orort nnd or 4vr of wil, issntsl out tim ttimuil oourt, ut Ihx stnto tit Orptsin, for Wmloim ton oonntv, ou Ilia lltli d.iy of IVIir'inrr, SI4, iu f nvi.r of j. (1. i'.inwn, hiiiI HUHiimt li. O. Wxidrwitacli. Jimpn Allison. J. li, (Virnvliii. lifnry Ki.'r. lliuyninu, lie lliirl V. Hoinpsiiv, a prifitto oorpuratiiiii. fur thitaiimof s:l7.i(J(l I'. H. Bold eiu, with mtxrtwl tlicrni Ht llicrsitof IU n'r Ofiil. prr niiniini. from ili SiMli d. of jmin-irv, I SIM, and lor tti fnrtlior 'suni ur fliMC. (UMla, Hud for tin- nest nud ;k'1ih- ol mIo unit of Nsid ivrn. Now. tle.iri fortt. I,y viitun and lit p'intn aiiou of fc;d judi.'liii'iit. dim't' mid older of Hitlf. 1 will, on MoiiiIhv. itin If it ll dliy of Miireh, 1111, nt Hie south d r of tlia o irt hoimi', in llillslioro, Vmli.nut.ii ooniity, Urruou. nt Ids hour of H) o'clock A. M ol Stiid diiv, at-II nt 1'iililin Hiii'tion to tli liiili est biddxr for cumli, ilu- foil iinu (Ixs.iriu d rest (iropi rtv, lnwii i Itointinll id lot No. A, inliloek N.. '.fl intli. town of C iniKli'is, unuiilr of Wnsliifiutoii andaisUiof tlicijiti, tu nutUfy llm Imr. irt tHifor imnicj minis, and frr ttit (lost nml Xliit"S ol snidml, Hu'd propvrtv wi I ! sold mil ji ot to r"i!itnptioa as s-r ulaiats t f llrruuii. M itiii'M my timid this '.'1st dny of Fiibra nry, istii. ::.i-:l Jl P. F.Mill, Mieriff o( Witnliinut in aoniitT, llw. "MlKltirF'M NAl.F." I)Y vlitusof an urciti ion, Ueorcr nnd oi' Uer of i!n i i(il out of tlix uiinuil court, of th Htntrf of Ori-irni. for Wnliliiu lim o.iiiniy. in fnvorof Willinm II. Jsokson, md n,!iiinit N II. Mi itd, A. 11. Mxinl. II. V Mi'nd nud KllnM.- i l for .!- men of fiilS.lHi I). S. uol I (mill, wi'll inuTHit tn.-r.siii nt til rut r of I r ifid. yr nntinni rrcni it ' d.iv of Jiiiv. Isaa, nnd lor thr loiiiisr muu of U..V iiohi x. uud for the omts and x- tioiiws pf s.ili- and of a'titi writ. Now, lli.'tvf'in', y rum ami in fnrnn- iiiiop, of sniil jiiilk'inf i". aporo- and urdxr or nli. I will, on Monday, tho l'.'lU diiy I Mnrcli, s:t. at lh sonlU door of tin- Court Lorn, iu lldlsliom, Wasliiiitfton noniilv. Urriron. at tha lionr of III o'clock A. M.. of antd dnv, suit at inlilio n not ion to i In- hit In hi I'lilJir, for cssli, tbe loUowiu In nud lli Wrtl h'llf of tut 11. in 1'N'k 7, and lots 4, a nnd II, iu block 14. iu K,ii,neiin nilditioll to lbs luwu Of Hills ti'iro. Wi hlmit ton county. rvKon, to nntia- IT Ho" lit-ri inU fiirp iiniot'd mi's, and for tl:r roU. nnd rtiipnao of nnid auto. Haiil lroirrly will I"' sold nnbjort to redemption m ' r nlHluK-nr irririm. wn mvis my m this 7ili liny of rVdrmiry, l'Hl :I7 41 H. I. FOHr. Nn-rtf of WniliiniJliiu connt, Ors. ilin)ldinit'M Wnle. nv,. virtniof a lici'tow lbrffor, orntitrd lir the poiuity court of Wnnbinirton (1'iiiiitr. t irpi'o". 1. Hi" ntd' rlinnd. ennr ch n of l:i' x I'urrnn. a enuor. will, on Mon- Jny. II I .Mli dnv of Msnh. lM. nt tbf I'ouriiioiiM door in l!il!horo. Urnoil, nt ili hour of ton o Vl'stk A. l , sell nt nolilic nn.Mim to llin bivhrnt luddir, utrii-ot lo m i.Ii tu iimn It wild conn, tbn followiuii mil ir. h rty of md iniiior, towit : IS-tfiu limw nt the omh fn-t sotiifr of ll:n (loon lloa IhiiJ tiiniii. of t 'all li W ii kins and Mr.r lou illitos. his wtfi, nilunls-d ill towusbip oii' 1 1 1 li. n t li i t rnii!c y rt ur illniiiutt nirriootu in mhi.ihi:,ou oouniT, srrfon, lliMii l nm I i Til livurre wnsl ohmus, tliriii'c li' " ill nnd C'lrillt l wiih tha rant Imp of iaiu t'ln'ui m li n disiiuip iu a point tl.nt it lino riniiiiiiu ilirrrfr nu. a uh !tde U'mi rttut 11 :!." rltxiiil to, and uis-tuir aaid Nut iH iimliiiy iin ixniiUut nt r b troiu tin- liL''niiliic polt't nld ii,'l'ap jut Irn nprps. wbii'li If n hpips llin cnoiosnl by antd f mr b mnibiry iini s is llin Irnvl lictrin ad. j vprt' for s-id1. '!' rm of ndp, oiia ball '"nali in Imnd, bntnnno mrnred by nioritfnui. O'l mid Innd. In ot )pi.i I Mm u.iU of anlr, Willi nvilffp of llirhit r I'StillU lull mogul neon renlirrtnitiuii of ssir. Untpd I Ui sth dny of r'cbrunrr, S"4, 1. H. ADAMM, 37- II (luardinn of I..i t'urrnu, a u iuor. A urp tare b.r I'ilrs. Ilnbiiiif 1'id-s nrp known by tnoistor lika pprKftiratiiiTi. csninff tnlpnan ilrbiutf lirn warm. Ibis form n well aa Itliud lppdinn rr Proiruditn;. yields at onoa to !r. Kia.iuku'a 1'iln ltitM-d', whjrli acta JlMll. nM Mrf. S'.fA.I .lu.,l nllnys itrliiutf and Plfppts a ppmanptil entw. Jlr'V'l'.TV.!: iriinlnrs trrm. I'r ll.iSiriko. 1'liilnd. IpliU, V. N.ld by I l:ev k A ri -ls. ' " " , , rUiin-' and oviform In abipp. snpay lo t.ik.liot itHn-ud by ainHMphrne ahnnrf. and arn very aoiubla niidpaaiiy dia- 'aiv - l. ? REO CROSS TANSY PILLS I AliE ri.ttt l.rtl.Y HAKMLKPS), ITiiKI-Y yiEIAULE, lTvi'Hn lb Ionia trintby aonlain) aafa anil anra na a niontnly r gnlalor. '1 ba anooi rpnnvcl pbysicmns n( this njr rin not heai Inir to rrsyiinmiid tlis pills hn luy art a.lriwu ot in rr.rtunia. .tisuy ibinK loluut liasnidof tlifir li;r.ny yiUm. n-iis yoiuu- m.i''.''il .t-''' li'iMuhad. hnl Una liiwrtj am not im taaan. Alany .;.! ful lailira bas wril'va aa (Mtart '" matkins tbara ooAuVntial. ant atSiril testimonials, aor tia llum, aa saaao saa thara. told by Hlllaboro Phsrmso i. V a 1 do not Eat Pastry: How often you beur thu rxrtresion. noil ths v. si planation that iiiually Si . follows: "I am troubled . uilli tftfrwrui i ' The K 5 ....jj.. .... ... explanation not far ti J l seek. In the past Lard jJ 1 has. been used ns tlie pnn- rmil t:ir,rtAiiiin- t:i n pastry, tlie result ilys- "sJ pepsia. The dyspeptic ljj x ueed no longer be troubled, providing GOTTGLENE W is aubfitituted for lard in ; thepreiaratioti of all footl. f it is composed mricuy ot vj (( J highly rctincvl vegetable i oil and beef suet. When 5 t 'J used as a sliortctiing. it JK3 proauces wmuesome unti healthful pastry. I'liysi ciana nnd exiarrt cooUs indorse it. BefuM inrutitite. snl tlin rtnu hi uai.ips to N K. dtrtisakA Ct.,i-hu-c,l..r I1- "'l,omtf Lntltilens i'uuk ImhS.. immiiiiiii, kis huiMlrr.l riipa. jtvirJ b lour ctui- UrUI feUllKWIIMI MI liMklll. i.'ullolcu i t-v jll ti.'ffi. siWisA.'' W rWtlo unly bv AIIJBANlv i 4 K. FAIIiBANlv & CO., v3 ST. LOUIS and V2 . it mmt 1 1 jmt ' ?'.SH -m Don't Pf. A vr l it t TIM ih.. tu, . iiii.i li... hi Lu ii inoa Kpppi '! n Hlll mr I "to v, 111 J Kv yi'll llialiy vaiuiti.i.. iiiiiib , hImmiI h umi oi mrit'iiiiii mm u.j nilM II. II IMMIHIII llllurlll. .tli'li iiiIm. ItMi tnati no hi iic.-c , auun-.. Krpp la all.. .D.M.rTj.Co.. Petrsit, Kick.. tsgsmmjffigfiesgiiig V" I TV kuV.wv-iv'x.vxC'.iij;. for Infants 1 71 V THIRTY y pars' obwnratfou of CantoHa, srltli tia JsiMnaija of atiUlnns of peranns, psrtnlt as ti npaak of:'! wliUont miaeniai;. H Is anqopntl-iwaMy tk bant mmody f trlxifautw ktiiI Cbiblraa tkt world BMivr Itnown. It in li'umVia, Children JjiKoJtH SjivajHtom baalth. It will iy 4hotr iivc. To it Motbcfa kara omnttitno; which in abol-tly aafo and apallry",P,; na chlliTa aiadlolito. ortns. Caatort allay FovoribkaoLa. Caytorln jiravauta Tniuif in(JSonr Cnru. fvKktorla mm . TJInrrhrriy amlv inl Cnlto. Caatoria rtiliorea Toethinu Tronblon. Cattnrta enraa Conntloa'toa nail i'lntuToiry. Cisatoria itatitraliaaa tho 8irts of rtplion'o ai I p;ns or j,Miorin a'.s. Caatorta Jooa wot ooula'a ninrpliloa, oplnat. nv oltiar naronllo prr-yrty. Catrtaasatmi1ataa lm fond, troltas tho atoruaoh anit bowoli, P!lTtit(tliilthjr and uatnral btaor. ''".',r''J"P,,J,,PJ,'n""'", ',0'i ""'y I ttrt aoTit in tiulk. Dua't allow anr on to aall ytt nnytbitvr f ia plan errrojuUj, tkat lttaj.jnt aa good " ami it ill anssrnf vry porpoao." Poo ttat yon m A-B-T-O-H-I-A. Tka faoaUrtlta) lnnaturorf Children Cry for SWEETEST I TOUGHEST! RICHEST! PLUG TOBACCO! It is absolutely, positively and distinctively differ ent in FLAVOR from any other Plug Tobacco now on the market. A trial will convince the most skeptical of this fact. The largest seller of any similar shape and style on earth, which proves that It has caught tho pop ular taste, and pleases the It possesses more qualities of intrinsic value thaa any other Pluj Tobacco produced. DO NOT FAIL TO GIVE IT A TRIAL, WE KNOW YOU WILL LIKE IT. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. The P. J. Sorg Company! MIDDLETOWN, OHIO." . j RipansTabules.. R'pans Tabutes are ecn pouiJcJ from a prcccriptio;t wiJwly use.l by the best nn-Ji-ca! aitthoritics anJ Ji"e prc sent.'J in a fonu that is be coming the tiihion ever)-whtre. - ns Ripans Tabules ait penily but promptly upon tho litf, stonuch unJ intestines; ci::o ilyspepsia, constip.i t;on, oilcnsive ba .it!i .uti! Iu.i.'- ache. Oiiet.iluilet.ilun.-t tn: ; first symptom of Indigestion, j biliousness, dizziness, diNtiv.'s t after eating, or depression of ' spirits, will sitiilv and quiJi..)' remove the "wlwlo d:il::ul'.y. i INpnriM inhuK's r.i.r't'e i twined ot'no.ii i t Jrite-'i- t. ::rj l i.v t.i I-;'.:', t; .!:.! I ) n!. . !! s:i! r.v.v'.':' a di.e ! r s bi!l. ' ';P NATIONAL HANK OK llll.llioiio. Tninsai'ta a (U'liprul llHiikiiiK llusiupna. J. W. HIIITK MKN.I. - UOr'IKM) J. I. MintHYMAN ... . . . .. .. raaaiuain ... v li i-l'asn. kt CAsniM Spla aiijlit Kiohnnirp ami 'I'el.'tf rithi I rniiHliTM. ninl ixMica Li-ttprs of Untie svitiliililii tliroiinlioul tbp t niti'd Htittpa. Draws Hills of hxnbiitit: on Imndon. I.ivoriXMil.liuliliu. I'uriH. liorlin. Kratikl.irt on-ttip-Maiu, Mookboliu, and all prmoieal mop or r.uroNi. ' Collitotiona niadu un all avaeasibli Niiiita Hunk ma honrs from H l. M. t' !lr J VI . A f'W ' El KX r-ii I I A'A D W 3 t7 A iV w mz M m ty .1 V M'.i tiA U f Utf f SM and Children. isoaT.rr 44 Pitcher's Castoria. n Emm people. i i i i i V f'r: tk Z-''" Vs BUY NUN i: BIT HI U I I ' E 8.IMHI Men bunt s II llawktss' Shh tiit liss. 2,vam of tin-in b;ii tllnl tib r SiHVtaele W itlmut Mitts t-.-. HkiwIiit tlu Rrtnt pf.pulnrity -f IIAWKJJS' tihisMS tntr ll ntl'trs. His pptUal plitut ninl tiii tur) Is m of tho liii Mt e.:jltte iu tbo 1'. tVr.KV I'AtU WA.iltAN XI 1. Tbfo famous pla-'M" nrt fitted to the rvent the slure 'f CROCK & SCLS NORTH PAC.FIC .CLAY WORKS. a' xuz Ail; i - ' LL T . ... V w-V"' " 4-Mr-n-rtJ r.sirflw.,- I f - . ' JV'I.' ,r, n i. : . .. . s ' '. ; ; ' '-) 1 cir 1--:S ' A r-tock of DRAIItS TILH Coustimtlv I'U b'llid. - Ordsrti Solioltocl. JAS. H. SEWELL, Hillstcrs, C;."rcn. C)s!-U WEEK FOR WILLING WORKERS ol altlW-r , any a, in auy part of the douctrr. at Um injiloyownt wlikb furninh. V.mi u. i-it sol br away from horuaovf r uU;hl. Vuu cun Ira ynurwhotaliiiifloUidWork.oronlir your pare uio tni nu. Asriiiial Itnolmiulrvtl you run anri.k. V iiif ly yoa wild all Hint l ncmli J. ll will eiMt yoa uollilng to try Ilia biuinem. Any nn ran ln Ibv wurk. Il-nlnni rs niakr aioiicy front thr lrt. Kallura Is unknown whli our aroikrrs.V hriry lionr you Inbur youranrnilly umkfa dillnr. No unt alio ay wllliii to work full" tomski- muia tnony ait-ry day than can bv nisdr lu thif r ,sri at aiiyiS'dluaryiniiloyiniut. Hnd for Irisi bu.ik aoutalulug llw IuIIkkI liiforiiiullun. H. HALLETT & CO,a Box 680, PORTLANO, MAI NET, IF YOU WANT riHFlWION AVOUT Ton rein iLAliis nisriVT, I0HN wtuOI.HBUKN, . . Mitnaqinq Attnmna. P.O. Uol S4. TraHlUSu'lON.ii. C. prrsioss rtiocnu.'n mn SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN. PARENTS. All's for aokiirmanilTlsllnni il1.ip.l In llin llnnof Suty In Ilia rtvular Arinynr Ksv alnrtiiii war, hur.ivurs of lim iudlmi wirn t I t t'tl'J, mi't Ulrlr willows, now rntltlrU. OMariilrcjiTtrilcliiilwa a cirUIIV. 1'itMigiiMl, rittlllril to lil"lior 1-iWh. sii furai-viam. a ckiM lur nlvico. tlotua, SfilU succvssf lU. A'f.lrr.i i. irttf. or no.tul rrl I i llin r MEUV I .V" CQPYRIRHTC iiL luni uni w. i iniuk. innim urf TAJI OUT A IN A PATKHTf An. Ml IS SI At f 0..whohlv.j nwi i .,;; HUMOUR In tl.B lulnnt bu.i,.. , ,mill,. llMMMrliSlyiirliilMi. a llaiiM,,,nt ,5 to kl mill Klnullila l,nkm . I'atmtu tiji,.n ilm.ii ii nu Kinullila l Mil. Knl fi. .- Mmii.1 notUHnnttie lntlilu AinVi;,MT.,Vi ..TLw..'?'M!.h'"na IS'ioa ft Civ mwm law.tor. 'I hit ..Ii.'.hii.i Hulkliiia K m m.ituiT. Msja rZr 'Ti'iwla ffWiV ""." .'" ""nil" isovris b?Ji," llfiil plains, in w.h.r., n. piii.irai.h"of m-w f'.'"'."l "I" ""al'lnif l", "trilsVw tiZ MUSS "fX'i """r." i. a.m" l" ",!r"?;J.a.y"'. sin.i, t'.ioi,.,.,,, Caiialj.TraoVniarU, Oefri Palanii, Cr;rllilj, AaS aa rataal fcostnnw ftwiiaiitiHl fur MODERATE FEES. lafonnatlnn aad adirleaclrea libin.ouh.M Urga. AdUnaa PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHNWEODERBURrf, tlaaalb Atlonwy, P.ft Do M3. fiuivnt,.. n n aThU CemnuiT la martaaaVa S.aa . m...m. , "" bra ,ui n.l,,, In thm aa Iwoiiips totmt A t... and tv-h n.n... 0 i nt buMTM.. eon.lurtew tor Mooras rr ., t ilohn""lH:r."i,.',i"w'"" ' f!,u- f"P-J amrt, "Ho., i., ),.,., 'rw. L it,, ic.A.sissovv&co.i RIBW)NS AXI) CAR1J0X PAPER Foil JTPEWmTERS I . I AT no n p en o NT ofticc 3 ttxul Mill vcAVEAto. nAUt MARks3f Hill S'li n nun Mm dnElk &Mg&S (9 i .