IIILLSUOKO INDEPENDENT. Fill DAY, MAKCII t. Try H. II. (Inrr'n jure Hun Dried Mountain 'l eu. A republican t lub U tu lc Organ ized Nt rurillill(;tt) MM)!!. The wIikoI dUtrli-t at Jaton r-li-.-t.-d Mr. I -tidi-rn dint-tor, and r.-clict.'J H. S. Inox -l-rlc. Mr. V. A. Itoud, prehident of the I'on-t (irovo lU-pulilican Club, at. teud'-d l!ie llill-ilxin flub Tu-day -vr-nin;. Tim (Vnitfrcu'atiuiiHl i-lmn-li, at (i.t-tnii, U boldin;; a M-rie of revivul meetings. About forty perton have in tde a profewloii of religion. J. I. Knight carrlwi eighteen of the li-t liiiurane companies In America, and vvrlu- ull kindtof insurance at the lowwt rat..-, tf. A niPftln of hor-w breeder will In- la-!d at llilUboro, on next .Satur day, lnr..b loth, at 1 o'clock p. in. It. I M brie, Pres. It 1-t nut yet fully settle that we will get to furnith the 1000 cavalry bortfs for India, though Oregon can do that little Job. Mr. (1. Mill.-r, a German farm laborer. vanU a nlai.-e on a farm to work. AddrM him nt Frd Land-i rock's -hoe shoo, Jill Wboro, Oregon. Tho ltfporter, devotel to the t-r.-tN of the A. O. L". W., under iiDiiiilgeiiient of J. II. 'Ztxuv, U bent fraternal publication In atato. the the the Tho Sr-ntlnc! H a new populist paper Just 1-aued at Vernonla, Col umbia county. Mechanically, it pn.putst a fair appearance, editorially ills the organ of Its party and pre ncnH iu wide of the (iieitiou to tho bet advantage. Mr. lorge l'reaton, of Lisbon Fa IN, Maine, h tbU week vlnltlng bN coiHiii!, Frank and Oeorge Doughty, of this place. Mr. Ir.nton Is plcited with the country, but sur prised that there are mo few factories In the Htiite. Th" linsti.'Nt anil most dlsHgreeable day of all the year waataat Monday. March oth. Snow fell to the depth of three IiicIich and then turned to alu-di. Such walking I And a temperature nt melting ice rimdo tho day thor oughly uncomfortable. The Itroad-nxe It the na:ne of the Dew populist paper published at Kugciie City, by Long A lA'Mastern. The paper propose to travel In the middle of the road. Tho same gentle men publish the Amity I'op Out), and the outside of each paper Is printed from the same forms. A republican club will be organ ized at Motinialndalc next Saturday night, March JO, ami nil Interested in disseminating tho principles of the republican party are requested to attend. Several persons from llllls boro have signified their intention of going out to the meeting. The Forest tirovo Hepubllcan Club took up active work for the campaign on Wednesday night of last wei-k. The roll of uiemliershlp when raised shows the names of upwards of a hundred. The oilier for the next two year are, president, W. A. H Hid; vice-president, Ueorge Smith; secretary, Con. Caples; treas ure, Koss II. I'ratt. Hon. Frauk Davey will address the citizen of Cornelius on the olit iciil issues of the day at the w-hool-house in Cornelius on Saturday, March loth, at 12:30 p. m. Tho re publicans of Cornelius and vicinity have organized a strong club, of which Dr. C. Smith Is president mid Mr. J. C. Duchanan secretary. Meet ings are held every two weeks. Mr. Myer, living down by Newton station, met with a loss last Tuesday that will not be eay to replace. I lis team of horses were In the pasture i id running. Tho best animal in hut career came near some logs, when lie attempted to stop, but the ground being soft, he slipped and became .entangled in the logs. Tho momen tum of the body was so great that it was carried over and a foreleg dis j( tinted at tho shoulder. The ani onal bad t ha killed. The Tualatin Mill Company has recently Itoiight n tract of timber from C. Moisted. The grove Is on the banks of the Tualatin river above ih. i.lt-t met Ion known a the "Big Drill." This will probably be re moved Mil mimmerif hlp enough c;in Ite mustered to do It. Mr. Moi sted heads the subscription .1er V illi Hi. Others of the neighbor nr.- invited to come farward and help. The drift once removed, a clear chan nel will b. mainted to the Oswego .steel nd Iron CompanyVulaui. The A-torin railroad "eins to be rtss ir.sl now. A number of railroad I pie have associated lhems. ly.-a to ut ther and incorporated the Co urn ttia Itiver lUilroad Company, with a cai.ital at. of W.000.000. lhe cimiMiiV slgniried it- lntc!)tlon , of buil.liog from Ooble down the Col umbi.i river, then. back In II mountaliK to the Xehalem coal nelds, nrovMod a nutwidy I rala.l by the tori . people. This waa .!)., and now the road is to go. Quite num. her of tlw Union l'acifle rniployw are interested In the acluMi.e, but ... ... . knintiirnivtMl aa mean- inn musi .mi i-- - , ing thel'nlon Pacific railroad itaelf is investing lit the new mi. A giHully nuiu'ter of the ladies of the cltv inet at ttreman's hall last Saturday ft.rnon and fei tedthe ,.rg:inlatl.m of rotTe club. Mr. J. C. I.amkin ivas ch.-n pres 'Ljnt, Mrs J. L. llaroard, vlce-pn-sldent, Mrs. S. H. Huston, acrvtary; Mrs. j; I. Knight, assistant -retary and Mrs. .1. W. Morgan, t rewu-. The Indies chosen a- otlJeeM are all wives ..f active fremen eveept Mr-, mr. nard. husband Is a ' vet. The objector the club Is toturtt out at each alarm of nrea.id Kepare toff, for the ilrcmen. If the alarm Is foU J.nved by a slight blaze, the Average to bo served wlu-n the PP-,U returned to the house, but If the -oslla.'ration is a .tubl-rn .e inn ,, hour or more, eoffe is to .rvI at the scene of opra ion. Tl.eli.lie- whoso far have enrulhl. 4-. Oault. Mis. H. Cave, Mrs. M. I'itt. .. r, Mr-. T. 1 . Tongue, Mrs. I I. Knight. Mrs. J. I IWnard. Mrs Koch. Mrs. J. W. Mo.-ga n Mrs. II. V. ti-tvs. Mrs. F.. M. H. Iho'n, Mrs. J. Hare, Mrs. W V . are, Mrs. 4i. o. llogers, Mrs. Dr. Mrs. U. U. CKKKlin, Mrs. Tate, Mr. D. JJuyou. His old friends her. could not piite understaiKl why Max Cr.indall diilu't come home lust fall with eitherCaptaiti K.Crand il!, his father, or a few we-k later with hU hnther, A. H. Crandall, but this parngnipli, clipp.nl from tho Martaiusville, Indi ana, It.-publi.-nn, srf.s-tly a.rounts for his absence from Oregon this winter: "Max Crandall, of Hills boro, Oregon, and Miss Hattie lUI.-s, of this city, were Married at the home of John l-wls, it 7 o'clock last evening, Kld.r A. I.. Crim, olllciating. Among the guests were the brido's parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Hales, Mr. and Mrs. Vane Iwis, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cure. Mr. and Mrs. U-wis niado their elegant home doubly bright, ami all present sent a pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. Crandall received many tokens of friendship to carry with them to their western homo." Uut now Max njay be expected any day, because he can bring his attraction with hlin. The friend of Mrs. J. A. Iinbrie gave her a very pleasant surprise at her home on Wednesday evening, March Cth, the occasion Itelng her birthday. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Imbrie, Mr. and and Mrs. J. W. Sew-ll, Mr. and Mrs. II. McLln. Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Imbrie, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Imbrie, Mrs. Helen Jackson, Miss Eva M. Smith, Misses Anna Jackson, Mary Simpson, Maud Imbrie, Lor I no Thompson, Mary Iteynolds, Minnie, Myrtle, Agatha ami Orm-o McLln, Chissle Dow, May Imbrie, ami Clara Imbrie ami Messrs. Robert Imbrie, Ed. Jackson, J. D. Hafer, Halph Imbrie and Fred Sewell. The time was spent till the "wee sma' " hours at drive whist and progressive euchre nnd othei games. After a sumptuous repast, prepared by the surprl-ers, all went home wishing the hostess many happy returns of the day. Hon. lien). Scholtleld and wife have returned from their winter vacation Sa-nt In California and Mex ico. The midwinter fair is tllsap siintlng, possibly lK.-causo expecta tions were too great. Mr. Scholtleld thinks Oregon did well to give up the idea of an exhibit, Ix-eause of the time of the year. Oregon has a few agricultural products that are now at their la-st, while California is nt the height of her season. Oregon is still the favorite state, Itecausc of the diversified Industries, while Cali fornia is a Hx-cliilit. This Is well enough when the products can be readily sold, but In tlm-s like these It Is very different. Oregon farmers And that when they cannot sell wo ! or wheat or la-ef they yet have food to eat. Frank Schulthei. and John lloth-leslx-rger were before J. I. Knight last Wednesday on a charge .if lar ceny. John Yost wast he complain ing witness. The defendants were at the house of Yost not long ago, when the hot exhibited to his guests the contents of n trunk. Among other things shown was a $L'0coln. Soon Yost and Hothlesherger des cended to the cellar for elder leaving Schulthei. above. Afterward the coin was missed. The theft Is laid at the doors of the visitors. Tnere was no evidence against Hothles herger wherefore he was discharged. Schulthei. was held In a bond In the sum of IJ.'.o, to await the action of the grand Jury. This he gave and was allowed to go. The Republican club bail another rousing meeting on Tuesday evening last. SK-e-hes were made by Hon. Thomas II. Tongue, Courtney Meek, Professors J. II. Stanley ami A. T. Palm nnd E. X. Ordway. The tilis club sang two pieces of music that were well received. A resolution was adopted which is a challenge, and appears in another column. The subject for discus-.ion at the next m.s-ting of the club Is " loveriiment Ownership of Railroads." The leader in tho discussion is Hon. W. X. Barrett. The music committee is preparing several now quartettes that nro to be sung at the next meeting. Messrs. Wilk.-s Ilrothers have just completed one of tiie best midmost convenient drafting tables that has been seen. It cost about i'M) and has not a single tly spec on it. The table Is twelve feet long and about thirty inches broad, but notwithstanding its narrowness, it is constructed so that extra width of paper can he rolled up beneath It. Py this device a map or drawing 8x1 J fis t can le executed as easily as one two feet square. The drafting board Is of cedar lumtier, glued, set In a frame of polisliinl oak. The drafting board proper Is the thlcknes of drawing pajs r lower than the oak frame, so that the "T" squares work from the outside of the frame. The Ueaverton town election re sulted as detailed In the correspond-eni-e from there. A second corres pondent gives further particulars, that there were two tickets nomi nated, one "citizens' " and one 'young men's." The citizens' seems to have been the favorite, and was succssful by majorities ranging from tl to 37 votes. The number of votes polled were 6, A. E. Alexander on both tickets for treasurer. The superintendent of the State Christian Endeavor Assnclatiation, J. C. RIuhIs, is to l here Sunday eve ning, at which time he will make a public B.ldress to the Y. P. S. O. E. of Hillslsiro, id the Christian church, at 7:!10 o'clis k. Since May 'lst, ISSM, J. I. Knight has paid through his Insurance agen cy, at Hillsboro, H.Mii) losses, and 1 stiil writing more Insurance of all kinds than any :tl;er agent in the county. H-H- Mr. Sexton, who farmed the New ton place last year, Is coming hack to Washington county, lie like this section liettcr than any he has found since leaving. Treadling at the Congregation al church nett Sabbath by the pastor, at 11 a. in. Subject, "Ruth and Xa onil." All are cordially welcome. Partus going Eat or anywhere else will Ami It to their advantage to call on J. I. Kn.tflit la-fore buying tickets. 4,-tr Mr. IloL Pratt, of the Cactu. looked in tUU week, and spun several taklug stories, A fine high grade (Jersey ad Hoi stein) heifer calf for Nile hy I. M. Heldel. The bakery is uow located In new quarters npmlte tha Tualatju hotel. J. I Knight has somo money fc loan in small sums. Yoq will find the Wcbfoot Fertl IkersatR. II. Orw's. The comedy parts in "Retter Than Oold" are simply immense. Come to the oH-ra house March Pi, and ttml out i hat is U tter than gold. Joseph R lumley, of IW-averton, was doinsr buin-sM in Hillsttoro yesterday. C. True, centra! commith-enian from West Ci-dar Creek, sis-nt several lays in town this wis-k. He brings favorable res.rts from his precinct A dwelling house at Cornelius oc cupied by Mr. Widewitch, caught tire We.lu.-s.lav and was burned to the ground. The pros-rty destroyed was in-ured for a small sum. Reserved seats for "Retter Than Oold" are now on Mile at II. Weh- rung A Sons' store. This play will be largely attended, so those wishing seats will have to secure them early. The application for a license to sell liquor at Cedar Mill occupied the at tention of the county court all day yes'erday. At the hour of going to press the result was not known. The local dramatic club Is prepar ing to give the amusement-loving jHsiple f Hillsboro another treat. Oeo. M. Raker's play "Better Than Gold." will bo produced Friday, March 10, for the benefit of the baud. A delegation of Hillsboro politi tieiaes iiw d Carleton on Monday evening he-t, w here a )olnt discussion was had. The populists organized a club of l't members all pops. Xo new names were obtained. The populists, in their "executive session" last Monday night elected twenty delegates to tho county con vention. This mmilier absorbed all the memU-rs of the club present, and one, Mr. Hare, who had not yet got there. Sheriff Ford and his deputies have been kept quite busy the past week writing tax receipts. The number of receipts written thus far is about equal lu iHimls-r to those given out last year, though not so much money has Im-cii taken in. for the reason taxes are not so high this year as they were last. Little .btseph T.ylor who had his foot amputated at the poor farm a few weeks ago, has had to submit to another painful operation. The Ixtne of his right leg about the knee-joint showed signs of disease. County Surgeon Voh1 and Dr. Tamiesie split the ti.-sucs to the diseased bone and scraped it of all nei-ros.-d tarts. The little sufferer sbssl the ordeal well, and is now making favorable progress toward rs-overy. Meager news of a destructive tiro nt Or.H-nville nre told on the streets. The store with its contents iHilonging to Dr. Parker was burned on Tuesday morning between 3 and 4 o'cliK'k. The origin of the tire was not told nor the probable loss, though at the time the priqa-rly was insured, It with the building invoiced over lono. An Insurants' of 100 on the building and (liioo on the stock was written bv one of tho companies of which J. I. Knight, of Hillsboro, Is agent. Reports from the Forest drove Re publican Club, held last Wednesday evening, are of a very satisfactory nature, (treat enthusiasm prevails. Hon. Thomas 1 1. Tongue looked In to tho club room for a moment. Bit ing sts-ii by the presiding otths-r, bus iness was at once suixniled and a speech ileniiinded. Without any iiri-iuiralion, Mr. longue responded greatly to the satisfaction ami en llghtment of political friends and opponents tilikc. The club holds weekly meetings. A sad aftermath of scarlet fever has to be chronicled this week, Iast July little Earnest Whitlow died of the dread scourge in Xorthsitle addi tion. Mrs. Whitlow, after thorough ly fumigating the houe rented it to Mr. Voorhees who moved his fam ily id to the building. In the early winter his children came down with the fever, which was comiinmictiUsI to the children of Mr. Roughman, a neighbor n block away. The dfs euso was virulent In both families, and while Mr. Voorhees, little folks recovered, Mr. Roughman lost a bright boy of 10 years on Monday. Th" funeral occurred on Tuesday in Otld Fellows' cemetery. Mr. Craig, of Farmington, met several parties interested in starting a creamery here on Wednesday last, and while nothing decisive was done, some preliminaries were considered Farmers who at present own 80 cows, pledgtsl them nnd signified a Wlllingt.ess to double or treble the numU'r if a creamery Is established. A plat of ground for tho location of the plant was offensl by Messrs. Manning and Collins at a point a mile north of town. A delegation from tlu neighborhood of Green ville was present authorized to pledge -00 cows to a creamery to tie established nt tir.s-nville. The meeting adjourned with the under standing that Mr. Craig will m.s-t those present on another oraisioir. The annual school meeting for district Xo. 7, Hillslsiro, was held Monday. The clerk's report was referred to a committee that will re sirt to the Isiard of dins-tors. The reKirt is to Is' publish.-tl. Mr. (J. W. Patterson was re-ol.s-ted dins-tor, to serve thns- years. S. II. Hum phreys and V. E. Brock were nomi nated for clerk. Mr. Humphreys dis-lined, wh.Tcupon Mr. Brock was clecttsl by iiivlamatiou. A motion was adopted instructing the principal of the school not to admit pupils from outside dbtricls till such applicant presents a ps-elpt for tuition. The board of dinvtors was authorized to adopt a pi m for steam or hot air heating of the school rooms and In clude the expense then-of ill the esti mates for school expenses for the coming year. 1 1) It KM' t.KOTK. Mr. iN'witt Smith was seen on our dns'ls Wednesday. Mr. Frank Davey left Wednesday evening for R'weburg, in the Interests of the Keeley Institute. Coins', cake and sandwiches were the main topics for discussion at the O. A. R. meeting of the 7th Inst. The subjects were Intro luivd by the W. R. C. who urpriss their broth er o. A. It. with a visit. Music and ssss hes formed part of the program. The school meeting last Monday was well attended. The result of the election was t follows i E. Hyde, director! Aaron Wells, rlerki com mittee to give the directors adviee, Anton Pfanner, Henry Button, John Harrison, Judge Raler and Mr. I lamer. Tecvmpvy. mswn.i.K. School meeting Monday JuismsI off without a Jar or discord, some thing that has not happened Is-fore for several years. Then was a tax of ll.to vot.sl ami C. A. Hartley elec ted dim-tor and John Ilanley clerk. There an. forty caildn-u drawing school money in this district. Mrs. Lydla Morgan start.sl for California the 12th hist. She will l followed by her husband sometime during the summer, where they will inako their home in the future. Mr. Harry Fowler, of Portland, has been sjiending some weeks visit ing with Cliarles Ilanley's family. Mr. Louisa Bennett is visiting with friends in Portland. There was a social dance nt the res idence of Charles Cawrse Friday eve ning. Earley gardens got a backset this week. Mrs. Hanklns, who burled her husband here last week, Is well and favorable known in this vicinity, and she has tha sympathy of the entire community. JCBI LIST. The next term of the circuit court for Washington county, will be be gun and held on Monday, March 19th. The following is the names of Jurymen summoned to serve at that time i Prd Orenburg. East Matt Fanner i. W. rtnpjinitoti, WttpHtn " Joseph MuOovrsti, Essi Malta ... " Geo. Gitltireath, K. iVrtur CrMR . . " i A. Csinplwll, 8 HillslKS-ii Milliliter F. M. KdIsiit. H. HilUlioru Ir'nriuar K M. Uio. N. Hillsis.ro " Phillip Bnl. 8. Forrst OroT.... " 1. 0. Corey. Col'iuibis " H. CbnllMnib, H. I nslntin . . " H. H. Clark, N. Forest OroTe . Coelrsntor John Hnuli-f, N. Hillsboro Fnur Frad Ellitfson. E. Ctdnt Creek " Thuruiu Fowls. Columbia " Geortie O. HniMok, Coruvlia " John Harriaoa, H. F'orest Urovs ... " Peter Jennen. Cornelius " H. U. Jones 8. Foreat Urore . . I.irerf man K. i. Karatlt, Wmtamuton F.irtuar M. Manniiia. Dsiry .. " (). W. Marsh, Corueliua " P. it. MoMaban, Kaat Uutte " J. 1. Wiltnot, Beaerton " J. H Tamiesie, Oolumtaa " Jisisph Ifatlev, H. Foreal OroT lllnaketuitli Abner Urii, Uiller .. M-rcrmut J. T. Fletcher. Gale. Creak Farmer A. J. Fantio, Kaat H'ltte " William Irusdale. West lliltta " John Katuua. 8 To ilstin " Irs Pordin, N. Potest lirove ... .. " ItrUVERroX. Real estate agents have not lssn over-worke.1 this winter, hut may hope for busier times If the motor line comes. Davie Brothers are getting some logs ready at their mill. Collins A Munger's new store build ing is finished. Unions are Is-lng pretty well worked off, on account of an advance in tho market. Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Hockcn are twice grand-parents now. Mrs. C. W. Allen has a new daughter. Mrs. E. Kldredge, of Portland, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Klink. If as much work is done on tin- rock road this year as was done last, it can be completed through this place. Out of a total of six candidates on the young men's ticket, thns' are .Ml years old or over . There is some talk among mem bers of the republican club of having a public debate on political questions between a leading republican and a leading people's party speaker. Church and Sunday school attend ance Is Increasing. The Echo Music Club, un lor the leadership of Professor L. R. Traver, has made goixl progress in vocal music, and has Isvn well attended. NuuiU-r months taught during the year, H; tax levied, 2 mills; ex pended for school purposes f'.MIO .Ml. voted a - mill tax for 1 '.. The directors were authorized to use as much tax money as may bo necc sary to build additional school room. Mrs. O-crr Thayer was d.vlared el.vted director, but as it was Oscar Thayer who was nominated and nearly everylsnly seemed to under stand it so, ho went lHfore a notary public and qualified. S. A. Klink was'unaniinously elected clerk. An effort was made to pass resolutions condemning the board of directors for not continuing Mrs. Oscar Thayer as teacher, but failed. The annual town election passed off quietly Tuesday with the follow ing result: Mayor, J. S. Huntington; recorder, H. P. tjuivey ; treasurer, A. E. Alexander; marshal, II. T. Baseomb; eouncilmen, J. A. Wilson and T. C. Kelley. The Multnomah county jiortion of the motor line subsidy is still short, so the outlook is not so encouraging as it might lie. Mr. H. I). Benham has lieen quite sick, but is getting better. FHOM ANOTHER TF.X. The onion men are looking for the beavenlams to dry up so they can plant their onions. The motor Is a sure thing. Fare, 10 cents to Portland. Who wouldn't live In Ueaverton? The weddings lsls will soon be heard in Ueaverton, O then ! O then! There will l a Sunday school social held at Mr. Cody's residence Thursday evening. The McKinley club Is gaining new members every m.s-ting, ami we think that onions, horseradish ami hay will vote the republican ticket the fall of lsj.", as well as the sheep fn eastern Oregon. IUIKT CREEK ITEM'S. School meeting was held yester day at the time appointed. Mr. J. C. Hartley was elected director to fill the place of Mr. Jacob M.uiss. Mr. A. C. Cantens whs re-elected clerk. Mr. Lu Myers and wife are In this vicinity from Nehalem, en route to Forest Grove. Mr. Hartley had the misfortune to cut his foot severely last Saturday week, while making pickets for Mr. B. Klllin on his Park farm, five miles north of (Jnvnville. Mr. C. Klllin Is moving on Mr. It KlUin's place. The Union Point cluting and literary society met, as usual, Inst Friday evening. The question for debate was resolved, "That the American Indian has more room to complain at the hands of the whites than the whites at the hands of the Indians." A numher of young people of this community met at the residence of Calib Williams on the evening of Washington's birthday, and danced away the night. s .vow Max. f EIH It MILL. Revival services have been held at Wesley chas f,,r the last two weeks by Revs. Brown and Udridgv of Beaverton, u-vUt.-d by Rev. Alon so Dix. tjnite a nuuiU-r professed conversion, mid thns- nninsl with the M. K. church. The ordinance of baptism will Is-;elniM:i-t( red to the converts some time nevt month. At tho close of the ne-eiing a young people's meeting was organized with a inenilxr-ii'p of twenty. This meeting w ill Is-held e cry Sunday evening at 7 oYlo k. A. L. Young and wife of Portland were visit! a relatives Ht this place a few days last week. Mr. Young has entirely recovered from the accident at the sawmill sonic time ago. Scarcely a scar remains to ti ll of his narrow escape. William Owens, who lately sold his furm Dear Bethany, I ns moved Into our vicinity. He has not yet decided where he will settle, as he wants a little time to look around. Mrs. Samuel Walters, who lost her husband some time since, Is lying very low with a complica tion of diseases. Her daughter, Mr. Henry Thomas, of West Union, is with h.-r. Mrs. Retsey Millar, who has been sick for a long time, is slowly im proving. Dave Saunders has moved on th O. II. Reeves farm. Mr. Saunders wishes togt't the benefit of the church and school for bis family. Mr. Wilson and family, of Dako ta, have moved into oar neighbor hood. Mr. Wilcox has taken a con tract of grubbing for A. L. Young, of Portland, for which he will re ceive ." an acre. Mr. Young In tends to plant an orchard on his place here. John Small, of Portland, will soon erect a neat residence on his place near here and move thereon. Mr. Small Is an old friend and neighbor, ami we shall be .e;t-ed to have hliu among us again. The dance at the boxing house, a few steps from the saloon at this place, was well attended last Satur day llight, ami siieeeetli-d beyond all exKs-tations. Near o'clock Sunday mornii.g the lire-water began to take etr.vt and a few of the attendants: stopped duneing long enough to in dulge In a free tlyjht. The principals in the tight were David Ziy ami Charles Alderman, ay got Abler man down and pounded him severe ly. The women pn-scut were not slow in leaving the lloor, which was soon well spattered with bltsiil. The antagonists were with dilllculty t last separated, when Z.iy, the victor, undressed to the waist, anil walked up and down the pugilist's house, challenging any man in Cedar Mill to combat, but our former champions seemed subdued by what they had already witnessed. (Juitc a number of the people here have insisted that a saloon would Immiiii the place, and that Cedar Mill would soon be a su burb of Portland. The lew business men here all favor the saloon, but it is very evident that their business has not improved to any irreat ex tent during the short time it bus ex Isbsl. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder WorM'a I'alr Highest AwatJ. "The people of this vicinity insist on having Chainls ilaiu's Coiiyh Relinsly and do not want any other," says John Y. 1 1 i 1 1 . j , of Portland Mills, Ind. That is right. They know It to lie superior to any other for colds, and as a preventive and cure for croup, and why should they not insist on having it'.' Fifty-cent bottles for sale by lhe Hillsboro Pharmacy. It must be a good article that will indui-e a man to go forty miles to get it. .Mr. V.. R. Swetuam, of Fairfax Station, 'a., says: A tarty came forty miles to his store for Chamber lain's Cough Remedy nnd bought a dozen bottles. "The Remedy is a I great favorite in this vicinity," he says, "and has performed some won 'derful cures here." It if Intended pceially for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. For sale by the Hillsboro Pharmacy. Three days is a very short time lu which to cure a bad ease of rheuma tism; but it can be done if the proper treatment is adopted, us will Im sen hy the following from James Ijim bert, of New Brunswick, Ills.: "I was badly nftlietcd with rheumatism in the hips anil legs, when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It cured mn in thns- days. I am all right today and would Insist on everyone who is nfllictcd with that terrible disease to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm and get well at once." Filty-tvnt bottles on sale by the Hillslsiro Pharmacy. HucLlpn's Arnfra Malr. The Is-st salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sons, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, cbnps-d hands, chilblains, corns ami all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay nspiinsl. It is guaranteed to give s-rf.s-t satisfaction or money refunded. Price i!." cents cr box. For sale by Hillsboro Pharuuicv, lem Letter list. of letters not Following is a !i-t called for in the HilNboro Mistofllcet Delia A. Burns, J. D. Conway, Al Johnson, Charles James, Mrs. M. H. M itt, Mrs. J. B. McN.'w, Mr. K. Mitchell. All letters not called for by March 17ih will be sent to the dead letter otllce. One cent will be charged on each letter call.il for. Mauy A. Bitowx, P. M. Whole Family Helped "MjbuibauiJ cmiCiicil lit IU liuiea, al fnoM uttalila U wais, tu ai-. otmi .! iu ul area M left let. tie Wok 1U i . :-s..n:la oit anil at nti.e thrra "r ! ml lart (. Ilea o..n r. e ei ( lo r main. My oldest ton it it tr!-;;.:t irw:t with rha maUa terrr. At tr tjke f ll .irwaiu: Hood's5;'''1" Cures lh Tt 1411 lie .""a ..T'.'tl III. lirVl'i- At- tantt.i otbT. t l-' a'lia All run tlown. ll"oi1 traranil ant tva nm h rl Mm-. S. S. aaaiv. Oi.n, Dw.u .o ni'y. alitntuu. Mood' Pills are rmtwt at.d rffli-ie .t, ftt sjj la acUoa. Said tj a;i dn.nts. Jfr. J.flrUt Anaril-l Highest Honors World's 'Fair. mm 1 V -la. V CtlEAM MOST PERFECT MADE. k purt Crap Cream of Tartar Pow Jr. Fre. from Ammonii, Alum Of any other aJulterinl 4" YEARS THB STANDARD. C0CRT H0CSE EVVS. C0V!CTY COURT. John P. Apllu and D nald Martin, formerly subjects of the queen i t England, admitted to citiziiiiiij. E. Charlson plaintiff, Julia 1 Ooudle et al, defendants, sale of real roerty touflrineU. PKOUATK COCUT. In the matter of the estate of J. II Walker, deceased, tinul account al lowed and approved. In the matter of the estate of ( 'ha-s. Johnson, deceased, final account lll.il and Monday, April Sd, s-t for con sidering the same. MAKIUAUK MlKV.si:. License to wed was Issmsl on Feb ruary 21st, to William T. Shearer and M. Elizabeth Fry. SCHOOL REI'OKI. The following Is the report fur Flint achool, district No. :i!l, fi.r month endin? March 2d. No. of days taught, 20; No. of days at tend ance, oS2j No. of days absence, 17: No. of boys enroll.il, 2'; No of girl enroll.Hl, II; average daily attend ance, 2!). The pupils having merited the roll of honor are Iouis. 1 lenrv. ami Ktnmii l'eM Sninniv l.oni- I T - , . . and Bertie Ijiuren.s', Kitiy Bryan. Francis Jactpiot, Mattie Prosser, Myrtle, Mattie and Albert Trt.s.-ll. Et.I.A LlCMTV, Teacher. MaltlllK n. Heaanaiao Ittaaoasaw. On th !!Ut inst . at the realiti-nae uf Mr. limn iU'iiinstmi nek- Heedrilla, tliia foiuiiy, Mr.. A . Koaenbern of Portland. Or , tu ftlvw (.'ari.e 8 KHamuaacn, of Keetlvillu, Or., KfV. .1. M. Diok. offloiatiDK. Miss Kasmussen i.s the daughter of Mr. Hans Itasuitisen, and one of 1 teed vi He's most estimable belies. The bride waa made the recipient of soinu hamlsome and useful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Itosenlx-rg will take up their abode In Portland. Mis-. Matilda Pearson of Vancouver, Wash., and Mr. Andrew Pearson of Reedville, acted as bridesmaid nnd groomsman. BUT The truth of il 1 tlmt 1 1 . .- j MikK rsclitilmorlcl) A rnu, c l.iiil fa ia lurvrc mill t le v nn? .lisrxiHe of it ut ''hunt line .-" prices. IT'S KAT1IEK HAND To a.-c (fiKsls nt Hiu li iiric. i and oxie toil pi olits rut Mow n i ero, Tlic pernliiiriiiis uf the season nru lint pleni-niit iliiN.- to take OX AX EMPTY STOMACH Rut take them we must ami en Ibe knife if used mill the cry i : STILL THEY MUST GO. This mcsiM biiMnmv Sfliulnierlch k Son. TAILOR ! Suits Made To Order. LOW PRICES. ( lot lira leauetl ami Itepiii r.-d at HOLMES' IN CHEINETTE'S ROW, ! CITY BAKERY 1 HtlDH,. rrn,t. We nlwaya carry a g'xxl atr ck of DrtlALni OUULO, COSFKCIt. INKUV. FIiriTS AND OIOAKS. HOMK-MADF TAFF.K IKKMt fcVEUY PAY. Call on oa when lo n- ad uf KQTiliin iu oar In e. Mali St., Opp. Tiilatis Kctel, Hiiisturo. vr-tf Mlel lll.N. N'otiae II hereby given that acnlett l.i ! will be reeaiefid at Ibe C.iuntr C'lerH'a ottiaa. la iiillabnru, antil St-ir.lnv. t'ie 24ih d of March, al 1 o'rl. rk I'. M , fur the oonetrnolinn ant hml.lmif of two bridff. one in hoati L)i'riol No. .A and' nr ID Hoad Dietrlrt No. ft. riim.n I p-c,tii--I'one eaa be aeen al Count C lerk'e o(ll'. Hy order of Coontr rVwrd IMJDOLJ-H CKANDALb. 41-ti Cwiily Judge. V? sift m i ! W. A. Laidlaw trotxls of tin THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR Than can bo obtained at anv ;ther lionso j., (rrt.;1t Statt? of u 1 -il,tl -tl' jjust wJiat we say, and truth, eome in and GET CASH PRICES. We are here to do business, and we are hero to stay. All we ask is for you to give us a chance to prove our statement of low pi ices. We have an overstock of the varied iines of (11 NT'S CLOTH I.i, LA I) IKS' DItKSS HOODS, LA OIKS' AND UK. NT'S S1I0KS, which we will sell for cash at wholesale prices. Vou are invited to look over our goods and get prices, oven if vou do not wish lo buv. Xo trouble to show iroods. W. A. LAIDLAW, vSlKVCfKll' til Huillll S, Molld tN A liiKil'IIS.) (unicr SpcoimI a ml 3Jnln Streets, llillsljoro. 1 JJS THE HILLSBORO STOCK BRICK CO. Are now making a First-Class e?rix e am r mbm ei m at WORKS, near HILLSBORO BLACKSMITH AND REPAIR All kinds of repairing in Wood and Iron done in a workman like manner and on short notice. . . . CARPENTER SHOP IN CONNECTION . . . --Horses .Shod promptly. The repair of all kinds of FARM AND MILL MACHINERY- Made a specialty. Shop on Washington between Second and Thiid streets, Hillslioro, Oregon GEO. CLIFFORD, Prop'r. Wlit ii Y0I' sco a koimI tiling .. CATCH IT .. That is u li.it every (iOOI) hiaie-ke.-per and cook does when she Incurs w hi-re to buy CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER .. wit.n uv .. HUGHES, MO.tCAN & ROGERS. 'f ii'lb "ii'ifin, and in-kium ledirc-l by all as !;sriin- to any Rakiag I'iider in tli- market. Try It, ami he ron v iiice.1 that wind r sut Is trie. HI (JIIES, M0IUJAX k KOflERS. 1 1 MAm Liffera. Pfifiil Mil Sains Kklilal " "illj 1H Main KH PPINMIV . a OH If II Oft . t HACKS, I.CCJfJIES AM) HIOINCJ HOUSES rHiinrii t viti:ii t. A SEW I.I S K OK 111 (.(ills Alllltl). Or.l. ra left for IIKtltsK l rcrc-lTii proM.pt attentloa. It em em her the I'larr. MAIN STREET, opposite TUALATIN HOTEL. F. J. WILLIAMS & J. W. SEWELL . Proprietor. I IF Ynil WANT m HIRE GOTO LiiBpy Wlinc you will find tho Tennis (lint ran he hud IN HILLMiOKO. EVERYTHING FIRST - CLASS. (iood Teams, (,'ouil Rubies and (lood Driver. Cor. 6A mmi Washington Sts. will sell vou moro same valut' for 0 IV 'Oil Wo 1110011 WtCll. Ml. 1111 .Hi to convince you of its their NORTH SIOE ADDITION h nnnn I IUC0V tcm THE