HILLSBORO IXDEPEMDEXT. El. k' red In lux pottoftlr t II Mwboro, Oregon, U4 IIIMtirr. Buberripllon, In advenee, per year , , fl SO HH.IXHoltO rCllLlMllINO CO., Proprietor. D. M C. O A U LT, K J I lor. vt f n i t l r.trKU or Tilt: irr FRIDAY, DKCKMIiKR ;I9. Tlio treasurer, 8. F. Murjihy, of Uaker City, I hhort hi hit account In the sum of Jlnno. Jo Um been arretel. Tho tlemoerata will Imve to fintl mtiiw ' way of putting more money luto tin; treasury before they can take out any for Southern warelairiH, remark the Aatoriati. Tlit Mi!nt of tiit iiiiM)rtniKv in " Heeretary Carlisle's rejiort U tho furl .thai It howi tin- affairs of the treas ii ry t Ik1 in a worn coixlltion un.h-r the rescnt administration than has been known sinre the war. Ilium, the wlf eonfessfil sinutfglt-r unci Chinese return eertitlinte forger, Iiih, hi-fi. re reeelvinir sentence, Iwt'ii jiiTiiiitttd to take a Junketing trip tot a was oiittel out some month sliiee, Stri'OSEA CIIASOK HE MADE. Tliore arc thoee in Oregon who advance the theory that taxes, atate, county and municipal, should be col lected on realty or trangible personal proju-rty, meaning horsea, cattle, wagon, implement and the like thus leaving credits of all kind-t, whether -cured or not, free from the burden of taxation. Some would chwa mon ey with live Mock while other, for the reason it lit au easily hidden, would exempt It also, Theno people berate land owners roundly, because the a sesoor U not able to exactly Judge of the correctneaa of a disputed value set on hU aenn, while at the same time his wallet It full of notes sceured by mortgages that he keep hidden In his dark pocket lest thi Hint should cause them to fade a little. IVrhapM it U the mortgage Hint he hohU which enables him to luile so unerringly of hmd valuts. liut suppose a change be made and alt taxes'beeolUvtefl on money, uotisf, and account, or In other words, exempt realty from taxation. Then.' U no i-jM-ciin of property uon which the burden would he lighter than on these and no property whone value could lx' more easily tletermed, for, Washington. With ili-mia-racy all things are possible, sometimes. Trouble will intH't the Wilson tar ilf bill lit tho senate. All interests whose products have been put on the free list under the head of raw materials are uniting for a deter mined opKMitlon to the passage of the bill through that body. The boastful words of the head ! the Knights of Ijilxir ornnljilion sound ludicrous when it it) considered that with the best management that can be exercised, some of the largest properties in the country are not able to pay running expense, and are forced into bankruptcy or Into the hands of a receiver. The employee of the Northern Pacltli; railroad have b n enjoined by the courts on the motion of the receivers, from making an Instan teuus Hlrike. The financial officers of the national labor unions have lioen enjoined from advancing mon ey for the support of North Pacific employee! during the existence of any strike on their part. Thus it seems that the ixipulist' dream of government ownership of the rail roads Is being realized sooner than has la-en exectcd. A was re marked by an exchange a few day ago, the modern system of receiver ship of private property is practic ally a governmental administration of the interests involved. credits curry the value on the fain of the evidence. There could le no Mihility of making a mistake as to the value of a 20 piece or a 1m note, unless the assessor deliberately marked It down, as Is charged to have Ix-cn done in some of the counties. f'iA''(i'.l 77.V I.Xro.VE TAX. (overnor JVunoyer wrote a Christinas letter to President Cleve land. Now what he nays to the prenident matters very little to the chief executive, but n great deal to us Oregonlans, especially when we are put In a false light. The governor is trying to pander to the basest passions of mankind that his ieronal polltliid ambition may be served. In this ho Is sellish basely selfish. It Is worse. It Is criminal. No man has a light to arouse the evil' instincts of his fellows and Mr. Pen noyeronly dm these things because j ho knows he is not amenable fo any tribunal except the opinion of good men and this ho delights to outrage. In this same role he failed hist fall, when he sought to create a demand for the iisseinMing of the legislature, and in this second attempt he will again fail, unless the temper of our citizens is not truly gauged. A Tew months ago, in answer to anapxtil from the regular demo cratic candidate fur mayor of Chicago, President Cleveland r-iondcd that lie really knew so little of politics In this city and was o loath to involve himself in factional dissensions (hat lie must positively decline t say word for democracy. lcult Carter II. Harrison was elected by a major ity of 21 ,o.S.s. A few week ago hl- cago democrats being again Involved in one oi ine "scraps" wnicli presage victory, President Cleveland wiwai iMMled to in Is hiilf of a candidate necking a nomination. He repont! ed promptly by making two ii)Mint ments for postmaster and for col. lector of internal reventie In the ill reel Interest of the candidate for whom Ids Int'-rcesioi had In-cn asked, ll-u't John P. H-ijiklu Was elected yesterday by less than IPX) majority. The next appenatuv of President Cleveland in Chicago IMilltlcs may make the city republi. can. Chicago Times. Portland apiaMrs to U proud of the work its committee of one hun dred is doing, and, indeed, there U no doubt hut that commendable ef forts are making to retrench, for the committee has in Its ranks some of me oesi men in ineciiy, tlioutMi there t is a sprinkle of ordinary repress illa tive. 11 it, If reformation i nccesiry, It might have Issn aeeompllslieil easier, or rather public alT.nrs would never have gone awry if thee men had, year ago, taken that Interest in the county admlut-tratioii hh h now engages their attention. It Is fresh In the memory of men when Mr. CorU-tt was u r giil to Nvome a mem Ikt of the county court. And w ho of the eminent lawyers that are on this committee have even siu'nirtevi a will ingness to serve ascounty jiiili? It Is sad commentary iion the Judg ment and patriotism of a community that has to organize a liody without a h'gal standing to administer the affairs of a county which has a ct of ii : ... i ..ti. , , wiiic-rs photo nun hiii 10 es'K aiuT the pllhl ic wehar. The ime hun dred ought, at once, to enter into the jxmI of xlitic and clarify It. The pr-po-s d "small tax on income deiivisl from certain corporate In vestments," a President Cleveland express if, i calculated to please the who regard all corparation a soulless agencies for the accumiila tlon of wealth in the hands of th few by the systematic and relentless oppression of (he many. Hut there ire other and Intelligent eopIe who know that con orate investments represent In large measure the sav ings and the interests of thousands upon thousands of citsens who have no part in their management. The stock of the National banks of the country, for instance, Is distributed among alxxit im),imo js-rsons. A large majority of the stockholders in railroad comcnics are not rich men, but men of moderate means who own small amounts. The money of the savings banks, which belongs mainly to the masse, is Invested principally in corporate securities; and the same thing is to be said of the funds of the life Insurance companies. All de positors In these banks ami all xl Up holders in these insurance com pa nil's would ! atfi-cted, therefore, by a tax on the income derived from such se curities. In other word, they would have to bear a share of the burden thus lmHssl. The tax would fall directly uimii them, and reduce the profits that they now receive. That is certainly not a desirable way of raising revenue, and yet that is the way proposed by Mr. Cleveland to make good the loss from the contem plated reduction of tariff duties. A tax levied iimmi personal in- cornea or over f loon or f-nMM) would prohnbly not be paid by more than Ml.iHMi person, but Mr. Cleveland's proposed corporation Income tax would reach three or four times as many, while pretending to be aimed only at the men of large fortunes. The idea of taxing the rich for the Is'iieflt of the poor is a very attrac tive one, but it will be seen that the president' plan of enforcing It would lie a snare and a mockery. It is true that his proposition is some what ambiguous, but it is safe to assume that he refer to the net earn ings of stock, which means Hie amount realized by stockholder in the form of dividends, and a tax iniHis,i then-oil would simply !-. sen (he dividend. The variou owners of stock i-ould not lie sought out and taxed separately, but they would have the tax to pay all the same. It would hardly be por-sibh todevl.se a scheme of taxation thnt would fall upon the incomes of larger niuiilsT of people than this procd way of reipiiring the cap italists to U-nr the most of the bur den. A direct ami uniform tax upon all N-rsonul incomes over a jjven sum would have More fairness am) Justice. If the earning of the s)ph mu-t Ive taxed, it should U- done ju tlit'iously Hud impartially, and above all. without discrimination niraiiist tho-o who are deriving profits from comjHiititively small holdings of var ious corporate stocks. The country Is not to ls deceived by a prxipo-itlon Which Is so clearly Intended to l-ro- lii"-? a deferent ri-siilt from theom that is set forth as its justl;Iiitlion. An income tax of any kind is obnox ious; ami it is not likely to U madt popuL.r by the singularly tincaudid i. d inconsiderate method that Mr Royal England and Japan united with Cleveland' fierce to attack that enlightened democratic government In the Interest of black 1 .11. L .1 THE YAQl'JSA KOVTE. The people of Denton and Unn counties, With perhaps a few Inter ested persona In Ijiiic, are exceeding ly aniloui about the fate of the Ore gon Pacific railroad. This road was projected by Mr. Ilogff. ' fc4,!J tI5,iHK,0o bonds and realized about 111,1(00,000 coin. In the enterprise he could have had but one of two ob jects in view to build a road and a great commercial city at Yaipulua bay, or to build a cheap iith acros the mountain, run a few trains and then let go, retaining the bulk of the 111,000,000 in h possession, thus be coming a wealthy man. The latter he doe not ws-m to have done. The money pusslng through his haixrs has been honestly though not judiciously sent. The construction of the mud was extravagant beyond n-ason, and the management since has not U-eu economical. Hut Mr. Hogg doe no seem to have been successful -with his city. To deflect tmde fmrii It natural channels is no easy matter The Willamette and Columbia river are the industrial and com men- lal a r teries for the counties named, and the same amount of mvney and effort that has built that torturous' way aero the coast range of mountains would have made the Wiilanielt river navigable from Kugcne to Port !and during the whole year. It I: true, freights have been lowered by the Yiepiina bay route, hut they have always been carried at a loss to the tninsirtatIon company and the end must some time come. It la-gins to look as though it is now here. The business world of AlUtny, Corvailis and Kugeue will find it of advantagi to seek closer relations w ith Portland the great railroad and waterway ecu ter. The Oregon Pacific road I built and can le oKratcd, but not with the tariff now colh'cted. To thi fact the unMid employes loudly testify A crisis approaches llra.il, ami it is freely admitted that the next ten days will be productive "f gnat events there. The cause of the in surgeants must ih verging on desper ation, for all or mo-t all the revenue go to the legal government which, though, not carrying on a spirited campaign must he In much Is-ttcr condition than Mello. Adopting our (Jeneral Irani' theory, Mello and deOainamust not only be run ning low in cash, but In supplies and amunition, wherefore' victory or au abject breakdown and surrender is an inevitable. Tin mu-t he. or wh it I hinted in a news rejsirt is (rue, that tlio insurgeants are receiving material assistance from F.uniean monarchies which i a violation of the Monro.' (loeirine, ami uieni. is rcas in for wnding the rnite, state cruiser, New York, and the battleship, Miantonomah, into southern water. "The eoplo propose to keep liing- r Herman In coiigrea," exclaim the Htntesmnn. Rememlierliig what the tone of that paer was only a few short months ago, one is at something of a loss to catch the ineaninir of the quoted sentence. I la a reconciliat ion lavn brought about or Is Mr. Herman to lie put out of the way ? The McMinnvllle Reiairtor rejoice that it college has not, a yet, got the foot-hall fever. It is for a "head" education. Ol well, what Is the use of being a fellow unless one Is a 4RH I LT( II b COtJ.KiiK NOTKS. Cleveland iVmccr d. rccomiiienil. (ilolx- My th' lii:-t advices from Sand w a ll Islands it i learned that gre-.il unre-t pn'vaiis at Honolulu at the time of the stunner's sailing. A clash of arm was Imminent. The pntvisional government has l.'i-cn re in forced hy the moral supptrt from the I'nltcd St(i, and has an army of liNio men well riiipd uiih nnsli rn rifle and several plist-s if light artillery. Their opponents an the fons-s from the I'nited States war ship, sitpporttd by the heavy artillery of thos vists-l. The other nation repr--M-nt.il in the Uiy an Fnglaud and Japan, who might without much solicitation be Induced to alst the bluejackets in "mfthi. talning onler." What a humiliation The fall term of sehiKil at the Ore gon Agricultural College closed l'rl- lay, IfeceiiilHT 22. The new term will open Tuesday, January g, ls!M. The work done during the past term ha las-n generally satifactory to both student and faculty. The last week of the term was sis-nt in the regular quarterly examination. President Illo gave hi class in Political Kninomy, for their final ex amination, a scries of subjects for c. says covering the various topics i-on- .1.1 1 1 I.. - .1 . . n. si ( lent i iiiiriug ine term. I nee es say are written outside the class, the student lisiking up fnuu ail soun-es w hat can h found relating to the subject, tlc-n they are nud and iliscu-sed in the classroom. Thi i one of the mo-t important branches In the literary line that'ls found in any of the Onuon collcire courses, I or a kiiDwIeilire of the principles which liiuleriie I lie s,li(jeal system of the country is certainly a Ix-nefii if in t a neiss-ny to every one who expect to Income no intelligent voter. And In thi connection there is no method Tor more thoroughly flying the principle obtained from the text hook than that followed bv Prcsldcnt Moss. Some excellent work Intended for the midwinter fair has recently U-en pn'pan-d by professor Horner and hi classes in conios'tion and rhet oric. his w ork consi-t also of es says, written bv the student and Isaind in various style of bindings, dcvtail and constructed by the stu dent in the Household K,conomv and Mechaniiid department. There urc over fifty of these paper, and al together they make a very neat mnl attractive dlsp'ay. A short lime lwfore the clo-e of the term, representative from the two literary o ielie were chusen for the nejt (Iceronhin and Welsteriaii literary contest which i to take phut Friday, January 20. Thi (nutr'M the .fir-t one for the present lesil 1. .1.. .It.. B m . . )i-ur,u iiu linn one OI lliesir.es held It last, the Welsterian will put forth every effort to have It trans- fern-d to them again on the 20th. While the literary tide of life has received due attention, the subject of athletic has not been , neglected at the college. For the present one of tho largest rooms in the new me chanical hall has been net apart for the gymnasium. While this lacks much of being what students and friends of the school would like to have as a gymnasium, yet In equip ment and general adaptability it compared favorably with those of other schools of the state. Outdoor sports have, however, received a new impvtus during the present year. The omnipotent football made It appear a nee uixn the college campus for the first time, early In the term and cre ated quite a stir among ' the "young hayseeds," a thoe who set an islu cation through the midjuui of the Slate Agricultural college, havo.becii ilublsHl. ,-aii "hnysetsts" have, lu. turn, created no Mnall 'sensation among their near neighbors and made quite a mark for tlieiiisol ve and t lu ll college in this line. The next tliut tliey play they expect to meet a fix "more' worthy of th ir sti-cl'' tlm; any they have met as yet. THE THIEF COM-KSSH). ' . He has gout to khan the nlJiiir plattl r Infers HmiisMcd. j Fraui West Hide Trw Aiux-iHtlin.i . M( MlXNVIM.K, Ore., )ee. -2. The burgular, who got away with some twenty-five watches from Smith's Jewelry shop f.nd w ho is now in Jali, has eonress.nl the d.s-d and is willing to make amends. Jie stated that the watches were caehed on the bank of the Willamette a mile or so alwive Salem and was w ill ing to have them returned to the owner. IcxtcMuy IN'outy Hherifl Connor atarted with him for Salem to get the watches. T!;o burgular e.vssls this act to count on his sentence. The proitcrly was found a iiKlieateii, Inddun in a hallow stump, . At the competitive drill of com- pany It of thi city last night for a Highest of all In Leavening Power Latest 17. S. Gov't Report (f- ABSQUJTEiy PURE I - .... . . NOW IS THE TIME ! 0BITU1RT. Mrs. Malinda Hoover, who died at the old homestead ou tho North Plv!u, on the 17th Inst., was born in Indiana on the Nth of November 120, , She was married to- Jacob Hoover in 11.1, and along with him and her father, the Rev. James Cave, enisled the plains lu 111. It wa t lien a long, weary lournev ol u months, oneu attended with Uiill- ou I ties of various kind-;, such a oxco dying or being stanipedeil at night oy imiiau u not carefully watctiel Sometlme sU-kness and death would overtake them and the grave of loved ones would mark their path Tiiroueii the wilderness. Uy the time they arrived at their destina tion their pnivisious would utlen Ik' entln-ly exhaustul and everything gone, in such circumstances it re quired heroic men and women t face such irotiect and begin the battle of life anew, In making homes out or what wa then out a wilder no, traversed by roving band of Indians, ami trapper In the service or the Hudson isay company. To such men and women, worthily rep resented hy Mr. and Mr. Hoover, the pnscut generation are uncon scioiisly indebted for many of the blessing they now so abundantly enjoy. . Mrs. Hoover and her husband nt once settled on the donation claim, where she continually resided for al most nair a century, till she was called to take possession of a better and an abiding inhabitance. She carried out her sterling principle in every relation of life, ami wa never ashamed to express her sentiments on any subject even should they run counter t popular idea and cus toms. Kven those who flittered from her could not but admire the divided stand she took, and main tained. To her husband, who predoceasod medal Surgeant A. H. Coooer w as her 7 years almost to a day, she was adjudge, the U-st drilled member of I m!wl . ' . . 1 "H,mul " w 1. 1 ... i.. .ii ui.. ..i.i. a .i... Il.n... l.n ....... huh ill nil um emir is vt mane " " ' ' " '"" la eomforlHhle mwl hni.nv hoitw. o.l i ....I.... . , haiiin- after year of hanl toil and aelf deni The evening train of Sutunlay did ?' they had the satisfaction of n-ap- not arrive here until i o'clock a. m. "8" '"m ine.r ier- , .... . ine neuis ho inni iney nau enougn Hie passi-ngers fr this city i njoye.1 Rn,i to ,,.. Mw. i0im.r was a niige kick, sevenil pressing en- mother of mothers toher children. nigenn-nt w e re missed by the young an(' arly Instilled into their minds iruin, ami sue nan ine unspcnKaiiic iniiii, oi me i cicpnoue-iiegisn-r, happiness or seeing them all well ,'ot buiglisl up w ith the cylinder hn(l comfortably seithsl in life, and . i.. i .... i i . press last Satunlav and he is now : "' ''7s "pauu can uer oiesseii. - Her motiierly love also went out to ..... .,,,-,, tl,,K,;. llioeliildn.il of iul,rl.l,m.- II. Flohauer, who was opciateil she was always giving good advice, iifion some time uu-o and a lanre stone Mri" "If Vvm ol the many snares n t . l .... . ..!.. . i t. nun leiiipiauoiis h uh w men uiev ' A lh rr' knowini! tbeiuMlre in i drilled to tk Briuof Uuubvs. Morgsa A Kouers ar rueiled lo kdw furwurU lr ianunrv I, isyi, and rank -Ulrinnl witti out fail: for in d.-fmill of (uch roiOR uM will (mi sJ.1sJ Ontrd Ocnlirr?7. ls-.ii, 31 Htuitt;.. MOKUAN A KOUERS. i:M atriK Xotlce. N'OTICK i liornhjr u .-II lint ike a-ider-slutcd li.n l.n-ii ilultr M.i.joiowd io irtrix uf tti UhI wi.i iid) I'ltmuoul vt lm A. h tuilU. tlr-m-d. bv lb lioners l.U l.'o-iiiry Cimrt uf Wn-tlnruioa 1'unniv. re ; tlait L La iuhOinl siocli riso alrit; mi I all person iiHVia.- cUiiui anuiot aaidnsu-v arn l.rlT rrqairtd k (jnul tbt-iu. tiU prup.-r touclmra. under oth. onbin six uiou'bs fioui Ihr dnte bi rxof to iu at ui rsH)iu- nt Writ I mun. Wab lUL'tnn -untv. I ro It. I'd'..! mi Hiltsliern, (r.sin tii rts-uj. Ursa, isai, r. l i KMIItl. txn-itrix. If j on uant to buy a piece of laud in a good locution the iindeiNisrned litis Tor sale 300 acres In . ami 10-acre tracts in A. II. Johnson's First Addition, located 1-,' mile uortlnvest of REEDVILLE, alon? the county road to 1 hi tier's .Mill. . One-half mile to Station, Postollice and School house. Kcedville Is nicely located 1 miles froni Portland ou theS. 1. 11. It., . miles east of HiHsboro. Terms: 1-5 cash; balance lu 1 years. All thoie lots hare 40 foot road In front. HANS RASMUS EN. Agent. Reedville. Oregon. 27-31 Ui .in i t Larfe loa-lgaimut of KxeeutMr'M .otire. j "Ol tf'K i lu-ivliy iivii tbl ilia unilrr- I 1 sitfn-vt U miMi.,1 m 'out..r of tb laal will nod (stitiniii nt HlHl.nd . H.wiv... I diKXmsed. in hn id will, and Hint Irltera bare been iMiiisl In bim nil aui.b l.y tl.o f'onnly Court ol the Stao of Orrwon. f,r Wanbiiiv- ton entity. All -roim havinu rliiui ' aRiiinaltliai.autiia.i .ui JLiiiiid.! Huovar I ar beraliy r-qT r si to . r--,t Im ni. witb tba nii.-r v.mol.rr . wi Inn u ui.mtbs fnmi tus dnir . f tins ii .ll.-,-, to iln- liu '-r:t't)cd, o" i-iiTiir, r. . iw-llcv. MIUlK.re. t. wi-uiiiw.ii utj-iFi.y. .r.-tf n. liau-d Hv-rtiilM-r '."s. l- i;l. I'll-iM H H HiKIVKH. Kzeeit'or f IIih t w.U auj ir.lniut-nt of Maliudn II sVt-r, Uiivawd. Sl-Xt GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT TUB HTUKK OF fit Ire f NnI. (llll h Is licrrbr uivwi thill tbo under 11 niuned rci-vi.ur of !b --.sl of John BARRETT & CORNELIUS, ...SECOND 8TREIT, HILLSBORO ... Tliis htiK-k of if.Midi will hi' sold VT .TJCTIOOSr PRICES h. ntuitD. tuailr mi li!i:nr. wrl. nu 'I nr. I uiv. ainnanrv ni. in.ib At tit nitii rr ii i l. .1 .i. i ... . . o'ol.kH.m..oiilbi.r.ini.anrlnUiin. . V : '. """1 . "C" ," -i'i''i miv fiiiurr.tr !V.I. niW)ll in Waliini..u a...mtv. Oreon. aelt at pub- "". ' "J ? . l"K K' HM" lr."" " " tlif evcilillr. The nt.u k ts.u-ists ,f hi aao.iuii ra in inuutsii uiuarr lor eaim In " wn-n v iiuirwmr, uiuu-s- liiiiiks, luild V-iniKlo Sil ts Ovfrslilru un.l hand, iha uvmill lw.l..n.ti.ta mmi.l ...... II..wilt 11.... 1.. t. ... . i... . . - .J . Hllti uBmWf with bV tt,tu Tnd .,: "I". ur.xrrii-.-i and I hirdttarc. anoa tbvraid bolotiiiiDtf. iooludma th N. A. IIAItltTT. leaavaf the Krnnud nu wliioh mid mill i situatrd naar Tualatin in anid ooantv and tint, mm uoiioo ii gitan and aaid asla will I) made in oooruauoa with an ordr of the Cironit Court fcr aaid oonnty, herato- iui umj ninua. HaUKl UtweiuTwr ltn. I), fl. Mil l PH Aaaign of th aitula of John L. ttmitb, in- aoivaoi aaoior. Bl-M 2C.tr ut nut of liis MtuMcr, Is now on the Sim-is, fei-linjr U'tter tluiu rvor. Y Die Mistni;isler'.s lime U out JyiJ the (leiinK ratiL- niiiiuistrdtiiiii is puy- Intr liia snl.uy, The ilomoerntlo is)irants (o the Mixitini art ircttlnir IIIXilllN. Cokvai.LIh, Ihv. i'7. Juil'e Full- Hon refuses to i-oiirlrni the nule of re.siiecte'i cue (ireiroii rat'iiic riillroml. Thisi rnun our were surruunilisl. io ine iotr mnl needy niie wiih nlWHys arlvlusr lieln, nnd mniiy ol thest) will itreutly nil-sj her. Her vhrwtitiuity. Iiko all (rut- Christianity, expressisl Itself in deitU. It wns not for Ihe Hithludh only lull for all the day of the week, mi'l for all the week of tlie year. .Mrs. Hoover who wa IovikI ami hy all, tins heeii taken midst, hut her work do net Ion on the art of the court meets follow !', and her example and Ihe hwiiiw in uer ine remain loeiuiair- A.rA All. I uf ,i.iv li.t. 1. ttw. .11-. reditorsof the road. Su M-rin ten. lent chftrff r UP ....w iM1,h .,, Mult-hoye ha re.iRnl. A motion and man; and then Ht last we shall ha been made to Holnt a, new 'u,lr ",0 hleso welcome, 'Well receiver. The attorneys for the late (,ol". Bo.m1 and faithful servant, enter iiii ,. . ., , ... ,,. thou into the lov of thy litl." .i.Ider tleelaro thnt their client. will ,,,,, , , , Jfi ;oJ. h?J X thro' have nolhlnjr more to do with the faith and ntlenco an now Inherit- lnH'rly. The -iiii(.ye have sIr- inir the promise, and fon'ver rcjofc nitlerl their readine to operate the i'!' blesstvl and kIoi Iouk IV.I .,,,111 .,,..1 nil,.) Il. """"'I WIUIT lllfIT lJ lUlllfSS III ' , 1 ioy ! lea'ire lorevermore. ty can Ikj miM, Rimraiitis-liiR (hat no additional expense shall be enfailril The On'Roii IMeillc' MteaiiilMmts upon tlie reit-ivershlp. ,;lVe been tied up nt Corvalli. The Willamette I now patrolled by the Union Pacific Umt an. two or three iinleiK-ndeiit craft, NlIKKItP MALE. Ill virtneof an Meontion, iaaaaj out of I i J oircuit court, oi tue atata of Ora Kl" iur i naauuiKion oonuty, npju juu, urni m lavoror H. U. i'atnm unu . 4. iwweu, partner a Tat mu A Ilowen, rendered Uaroh la, lw. hkh nHi en jj. noinrnvlin, fur tbe aum el Assignee of the Etute of D. McHierson, liwolvenf. IF YOU WANT TO HIRE A GOOD LIVERY TEAM GO TO THE City Liver; Stable iW.SlWpSfW.i'K w',,(4re 3 will llnd flip Host Teams that ran be bad ibe llllh dny of Macb. IC'.W, and for !! l. IIIIiLMIIUKO. liuf. r, Wasco couiiiy, corrKmn- lent, furnishen the iuns to the Ialie Chroiiiclei The imliwlrioiis fanner I plowini every day n ll Wheat broujfht (1 pf r bushel iiih! he had lo.oiiii l.u-liels, and wishing for more f.f nui h Weater, while the loafers .if Oil hurjr (of which there I a Treat iiuinrier) are wi-luny it would ntw len f.-et deep so the Mor.-kiTK-r would keep up a better lot of tire. Am orry to.av that 1 nm i-lnssiriMl with the latter lot aid am aiieuklng rrom experieiuv. liut the fctr.oli.-t are ruiiiiiiiir a rivivai ineetinu nt present and e can jruther eriouli heat nt chiirt h lo last uulil the snow doc tome. Our I'. H. -jninistr Jm untie to Mnro lo n-ni: In levin Nat that pliiir, so you ewe wiil'ktH-p warm wune way. Tnise the fird ! When on a visit to Iowa. Mr. K. IMIton, of I.nray, Russell c-unty, Kansas, called nt the laboratory ol C'hamherlaln A Ctiinpnnv. IH AlniiiM, to nhow them bl hIx year oki ooy, wnowe urn inni iieen wtved hy ( hainla-rlain coukIi remedy, it navniir eurtfi him or a very evere altaek of croup. Mr. Ihtlton certain that it wived hi hoy'a life and I enthusiastic in hi praise of the remedy. For hI by Hillsboro Pharmacy. Whea Baby waa akk, ire (are W Caatorta, Wbi abe waa a Cliild, aae erfcsl for OMforla, Whca aha became Miaa, abe eluag lo Ceatorav be bad ChiUrea, ahe fave them Caatorta, ni.imr sum oi fin..iA ooU, and for Ibi mist and expenaea f mle and of and writ. .-. Ihereiore, by virtue and lu piiraninu. of raid exPonion, 1 bnve levied upon uu win, on aiommy. me kji. any or Jiuunrv. Iie.it. t tbe KetiiU il.Hir of the court bouse, n Hillsboro, Hnibiuuton oonnty, UrcK.m nttkebonrof M o'clock a. lu , of anid dav. " nuiwi in. uiKneat Diuj-r, !ria.i, allot Ibe inlerma of Iheasddo- ..lionnt, r.m l,. BOJllrai-llll, the f.Ul 11. la d. aonbed real uruiMrlv. t win r nuuenoinK at the auuth-enat ooriir of tlie donation laud olium of Uavid Alaurw, ...u .uf win a. inw oi ni wile (Uws-as 'd, I Helmy Mnnrue, lieiuu utilioation No. l.M, uinuu jo. 1 1, auu part of at-otion I A and l n wwuhuiu ,d. oue, .North rui.tfe No. Vi. rnnninif tnent-e Wpat on the 8mth line of stud douation olnim forty-eitfbl v..n.t.. ouu i-'iij-iwu uiiaa, to I lie Mouth net oorner of a traot of land Bold liv -m.l Uavid Munro to one, K. I'onierov, tbeiic u.wiu kiuuk toe r.a.i line or laid fonicroy , ;.' r" ' Buaina. tuenre west n.i ue .Minn line oi aaia ruu..rn. r... tbiiina nnd twenly-flre link to Vnxti ' "iruce up aaid iTrwk Hnd wnb be meauderinRa I hereof, to. Ibe Month line . I the Uicbnrd Arthur land clnira, tbenoe taat Iq ll)s H-mih enst oornrt of lb at.id n.iuur riuuu. luenoe florin r..M w nhn.... Ibente East atvenlti n e aina and .....,... Iiiika, to tue, North wrat corner of the amd Jlouioe uliiini. thence I nut on the North enm cinitu eiwuty enaiut and fitt Bre link, to Ihe Norm-rast oorner of wi olalin. tbenoe Hooth y jlo , Wtat thirty. u. auu nine lil.Ka, inence Bou:b - . lorty lour ebmiia and ei.bu link lu the place of beiimin(,', ooiiIkiiiii.u b.) aorta, more or leas, all lu WaahiiiHiou oouuty, Onson, toenmitv tba btr Inls-lur uau.ru aunw, uuj lor tlio r.s,ia and m uri.araoi aaid ima, Aaid property will be ra..rv, iu iv-ut'iuiniJi., aa WI v " - If - S I. WltlM EVERYTHING FIRST- (iootl Teams, (.'ood IinsirioM and CLASS. Good Drivers. Cor. Second and Washington 8ts. CARSTENS BROS., Proprietors. HILLSBORO SASH AND DOOR CO. Manufacturer 1.4 Dealers In SASH, DOORS AND MOULDINGS puttem uf rush, loorn nioiil.liiin and rllll 1.1)1 Ol kl.ll.lflr.t aina ....1 hracki-ta ronslimilv in st.nk. it!Ti",-,T,i,,B ?f hu,IA'r, H""" "' to order on short notice. I.Hmlier lard. Ill rmimxllm. alt). I.. ... I. i , . . A.m. . J'"""1 ,u r'w oieir "rii-r wlih u. Wnlce nt the fn.i..ry, west of ihe railroad aintlon, HllWioro, Oretron. r alwlute " " . -,1 . The sttuin chopper i running nt Cull blast most of the time RrindiiiK the Miilt wheat of thUcountry. It make very hhI horse feed; if not too Uully sHllcd. t hvin to the recent rain it ha U-en imjMs.sihle for tho farmer to jjet voo. fn.ni the tiniUr, nixl that makes, good busline for our city wnI yards. . .ir. iii.llmin. ol IjiiM'eotintv, i ha in. urr.-d the enmity of hoiup of hi nehflili'ir who (fi t even on him by killing hi cattle, faist week hi Inst row Wil shot ilouu Milhiil n piarti r of a mile of Ida iu. Mr. (2. Ik'timao, of i:ni-i;, ha Just enniplctisl hi. eleventh year of -Tli a f-rntary of Ihe laiLt-ne t h; I !. r, .No. ., U. a. M. The Hawaiian complication ha ieveloas the existence of sterling Aiiifiicaiiisin, but it r jr.illinif lo our praleln know thai it ua ttewtoprif Mr. J. V. Blaiw, an extensive real estate denier In l)es Molne. Iowa. nnrmwij- eciteu one or me aeveret attack of pneumonia while In the northern part of that state during a recent hli.zard, say the Saturday lleview. Mr. Maize had oeeasion to drive several mile during the storm ami wa o thoroughly chilled that he was unable to get warm, and in side of an hour after hi return he wa threatened w ith a.evere ea.fe of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. lllaixe nent to the ncan-wt druirstore and got a bottle of ChamUrlainV cough remedy, of which he had often heard, and look a number of large dose, lie wya the etri-ct was won derful ami in a short time he wa hea thing o,ulte ea-ily, lie kept on taking Ihe medicine and the next day wa able to come to IH- Moine. Mr. Illalze n gard bis cure a simply woiub-rful. Tor sale by Illllsborii I'harinncy. XVunlrd! IAEri;iniiNof a few ams inw-taof r land, with price and terwai tnnet he cheap. Nnnu. nte. t. W. It A ('It AK I'. I U'vii I ', Hamilton Haildioi. Ponhtid, lrr...n. ai. and promise to he ii very iMtere-tlug ' ln """'u'u Instead of Vas,iiigi(,n. olio. Thus far Hie ml.d ha U-en; held one term by e-.n h of t'io two . ' it would he for u Americaiui If.clelie, and a ihe Cii-eronians ' -I'd. ( hpadi-le. Or. Price's Cream Daklng Pom it r VerM's Fair Mlfkesit Medal mm4 Dlpfoaia. Iltf Xellrr. 'PAKES ap at rar reaidene on Cooper X moqulJiin. one do deev. tame and wrtoa baiter wbea takea ap, trvner ill eall and pro prpeny and pat ei. penae. AlAi N. Klxi(R. inv h ud ibia I'm. .l..w ..i i oeuiber, lja, WJ 11. P. fOHU. blK'i.g of W a.l.lngtou ouuty, llii'ii-ai. !l Kill Vt'H MAI.:. Hi vinneirnn eteonlion ixaued out f the f Wtonty (Vnrt. of Ihe 8tnle of Ore gon, for Waliinifton fount v. in favor of 8. i. irronaoa auainai llicbard Tonstalde for Ibe nm of tij ii V. H. jjold euin. with intereat thereon at tbe rate of N per cent per aim nm, from the t;th day of November IM13. and f-ir the further anni of t ;l T.-,, e.mte anui-irme eoa.a anu exprnwa of a ile and of anid writ. And also hy virtu of an eie eution, humeri out of tlie Ciranit Conrt.of tbe Ktat of ( rein, for Waahinuion Connty, in favor of jko. W. One- and nuninsl Hich ardCoiutdjIe for tbe aura of $.. on t'. 8. if. Id 0- in, witb intereat thereon at the rate' f H per e-nt. ier annnm, from the l:ltu dav hf November, t!rt. and for the fnrtberaiim uifj.i.hww ami f.r tue mu aud FX penaea of aale and of anid writ. Now. therefore, by virtue and in pqmn anre of anid eieontion I hv. l.i,.i and I will, on 'l'ur.div, th Veil dav of Janmiry. t ,,ntn uol,r l( Ihe Uotirthoua, n Hillalioro, Wnb ii.R'on tiinnty, Orci'oo. at the twMIP tt 111 ."cl.-k A. M., of anid dav. aril all of tha in. I. rests of the aaid dt-fendnnt at ml.l.. .nn. Ii n to Ihe tui-lic-st bidder for ean in band tho follnwiiiL'-drsorilx-J lo-wil: r-r-.-j, lulhoaonih Lnl.' of K.lanr.l P.n.inl.u and wile'a donation el dm No. 71. i w. ...... 21 and i".', lownshiii I north, ranee 2 weat; I n nnuiliku.n I OUIIIV. IfTftfnU; t. aat- ! iafytbe here n.Uf.m nninrd amna. and for the eosts and extwtiw-a of fii.t.ni. u...il proierly will Im a ild anl.jeel ti redenmlion I aa sr stntnte of tlntniu. I W inn a n.y h Hid Ibia J.p.tli due nf M..MU. hr. I"'-1.'. M. V. rXIHI l-;U bheiift of Wml.liiBton ConLly.Or. MIKItlrFM HM.K. nT virtneof an e.tut ion, iaaned mil of ll-.e f 'onntv Caurt. of th wt.,Ui ,.f tirr. f -n. f-.r Wa.hint'ui Cwmtr. ill favor nf lsaa lintkr and ruiinsl Anr-m kWI,la an I Ma y JUl Mief-ir the anni of ai.'wi.iii IT. u IP Id ooill. with iiitcrrat thereon at tha of III pi-r eent. per aniitini, from the l!Hh lay of H.-utenilM.-r. s'. and for Ibi. Inni... mm of $l:i.. rxmt'. aud for Hie mt and neneea of a.le and of aaid writ. Now. the-fore, hr virtue and in nn-an. roe of Mild rucn'iou. I have li vicd iiikio. una 1 win on I iiead iv Ihe :'nd day ofJnn narv, Is'.'l. at tbe annll. H.w.r of the f'rairt- noaae, in iuii'r.. w s.i.ii.v.ki ( i.nntr, rrecon. M tbe bonr of Id oYlock , j. ,',f aid dsr, a. l at rnllic aneiion to the bin heat l.i.ldi r for rah. all of the Interesta of tbe aaid d. frndnnta, in the follow m. df-crilied red proirty, t--wit: In tbe aonib half of rUiwa d Conata ble and wife'a donation claim No. 71, in eetkifia 1 and r. township I n.irtb nf rnnne 1 weat, all in Waahtnctoti (sximy Oreaon, to aitmlv tbe hereinbefore naiue'd pnrra. and for the eoete and eipensea f aidanle. Hnid property will be aold ob ject to redemption ll per etatnte of Oreyon. W lines my band tliie 3Tth dav of Novenj. beMs. H. P. FtiRU. ii-Sl bberiS of WaahiAtrtoa Ootiniy, Ur. Hilhboro Livery. .. OHIIIRk OH .. HACKS, IU'((JIKS AXD HIDING HOUSES mourn. v attkudkd n. A SEW I.K OF IlKfUIFM AUIiKD. Order, left rr IIEAKSE lll rerelve area.pt attfatloa. Keinemher the Place. MAIN STREET, oppoalto TUALATIN HOTEL r. J. WILLIAMS & J. W. 8CWELL Proprietor. THE WINTER TERM OF Pacific University UM I I ma. V WILL BEGIN Tuesday, January 2, 1894. Tor Catalogues or other information. n.l.Jresa, thomas McClelland. reaojiciesnt. Fr fl or F.xrlianCr. AtliMlnlatrwfra Vol Ire. rjVKpondnk lltoek in llit.toe,.lwo haTken1 VtT' t alormhi.jh. re:na for Tii i.. ... " .7. ' ""T. leltera m .nth. for a .la or trade for fnrni-t.j l,..l' l I IfaUieaVl . " ,"n ' l . Al . . . " " V -'Tev-viwv-u, Mil wasMBo.., eomilT: alo 1U0 arr-a of oo.l elnlma n.,sin, asid ealati w I rTr!"JI.ni .T,'"" nnlwr land in Malinon ah noor lv within et tnv reaidn .. i" p nl ,h"m "S3-, !-"'''-i,i,r.r,s. i "-"a-'-a .'.I'ia ,. p-r.na having ItilUlM.ro. in-yon. Mmleil Iti.la. iaei. Ntiveinlmr 1H, M'Kt. i ftlfx-LhAlfter, .Ytertlnc. , i. ; ""frs n,.n,i ril.lli l'.Nin.l,.ril.Al:...f ir... - ... i.r...T.ii , , iiiHiHir.i in- ' am t.M.t .... ... ... - ... . . ' - I vile aealed pr..i.r. f.,t furiiiahiim nil K.rat K.ii.Vn.i ii.i. . .T. ""'''" nt lumts,, u. be n-d l-y th. ri.v for the en,n- j w II be blld at iaidUnk iu year. Hi la will I a.dre-d t the li. JanoVfv n il T. " ,U x,rd Jaf e..rde and filed w.lb h.m l.v no -n of tm.iiHMfri''m 'l-ctin, oary f. H, order of lhe( n0l. , rWwiio .f Li, !? i!"r ""1 ,of tn