Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, December 22, 1893, Image 1

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    Po.ttxti.? f il,ifr
V CtirrfiHviiw itil'Hileil fur finhUr' -y
y flMM IMtMf 6 U LOIU lUHtnl lit U 1'U.M Jj
u-ifVi Oi a-rirVr'a o(r wiwr, wf fo V 7
f itttrrteit, itttaa mttfHce of uwm( ftitth. 1
' I'fin (Y mVrf.? 'il fi.' Jtitrnll ja.ii.'
y Wlf(IX All, r IM ll..1 ,',lO,l i f ,
4 luUml' nt. It y-H In.iU' im 't
I .Vnt'ilwir 'uf.i.-i'...n.
KteA s
No. 30.
Vol. XXI.
Hvlraator rnnor
. . Ilw. W. McHrlde
hri-retiiry of Htuta ... .
'1 ii;niir-r
Hupt. I'uldiclluatruction
btata FriuUr . .
Fuillip Mutachen
...K. B. McF.lroy
.Frank '. riaker
W.P. IA.ni
K 8. boau
r. A. Moora
T. A. MoKnda
...W.N. Harralt
Hnpreuia Court
Jn.j Fifth Putrid
Atoniv Fiftb, listri'-4
...... R. Crandxll
II. H. Itauer
r. o. ioua
It. B. Ooodin
H. V- Ford
1. H. Waatbrd
Wm. Pointer
(.'. K. Dricbinmi
.1. It. Htniitry
... J. ('. Hull
V. I. W.MHl
It. ci.nlr
'1 e-mur, r .
A -i -f - - 1 r . . . - . .
fV'll t. .lHtlll lMlV.lt
hnr,-tor .. .
( J. D
Mariyinau, I'm
. . . . 4. Ham
. . . N. A. Harrxtt
Win. I'omtar
Oo. Wiloo
Jarura MoCnllocb
U. W. Patterson
Tboa. Kiariok
..Win. MoOutllaii
J. 1. Kniylit
Jt.iarJ of Triiaa
lU-oorJi-r .
'I n.axiirer . .
JllHl ilf 4 ( I'rnov
IIih 111 n il rl.. at Ilia Hillxboro I'oat
Oltiiio, ilailtr:
(tlHiiooH. Wf.t I'uivn. Htbaiiy and Cedar
Mill, in II - I a.
(iuiiiit Suiitli, .Jta m.
O.iuiu to I'liriUnil xii. I WAy-iflloe,.t--5a n.
11. mi l 4 1. 111. .
For t Hiiuiiintiin and Lanrel. Wedtiaadaya
and Sulurd iv at I j:.H a. iu.
Rolwrt A. Millnr
I'ftnr l'HHKt....
.. Hetfiater
. . tteoaiver
A. F. and A. M.
f pi'Al.l I V I.OIKIK SO. . A. F. AA. M ,
1 luifta rverr Mitlurdty iiiKbt on or alU-r
lull 111. ill ol t-nuU 111 1' iitli.
Ju. t. (Muni, Mal.
K. ('aixni.l.. hro'y.
k. r r.
I!KKN1X I.OIM.E, NO. 84. K. OF P..
iiiiu-iH in Odd Felluwa' Hall on MomUy
fVfinir. of e'tnh waek. h.ijoaruinn bratbrim
wrlo nii.'d to loda uivotinua.
N. A. lUaarrt, C.C.
IUhmin HciiiiLM-iiii'H, K. of H. it H.
I. . . .
. t (IN I KZI MA I.OIM1E. NO. M. niwtt
V...liif.lvitiimt't H o'clock, m I II.
. F. Hall. laitora mndv wxinoni
U. It OOO.'IN. Hno.
I. M. t:. i4t'i.T, Par. Ho.
l,luchlTH 4f ItrlirkMU.
1 1 M, I. O. O. F.. mwt III Odd Fellow'
' Hull tYtv lat and ard Htiirday fvcmnii of
.ni'li iiiDiiib. Mm. I'. M. laNNta, N.O.
,M h. W. II. WaHauau. rVo'y.
.. n. t. a.
Driir Ti Ai.AiiM so. vm, A.)F.
V;..f A., nifKta rvtiry Tutdy rauliiK iu
GntiiKn Hull at a o'cliK'k.
I,. A. WBtToona, V. H.
W. W. Mi'KiNNKt, F. H.
A. O. I . V.
nll.t.HIIOlSO I.OIMIK NO. lit, A O. I'.
VV., iiicxta 1'Tt-ry avoond and (mirth
'I ui-Hilay fvi'iiinu ill tba luontb.
II. H. Fimtom. M. W.
W. K. It-oca, KHOordi.r.
ASH I sr(r(slcNC:AM FMENT Nu. 24.
y I.O. O. F.. mn-ta ou aroond ami
inn th r rntnya of vaob luontb.
h. 11. HtiMf-HaTi, I'.
I'. 11. K iiiuliiiinu, Horilw.
HU.I.SHOHO flKANOK, NO. 7:1, dicota
.'ml and Hh haliudaya of earb uionlli.
ii 1. "i'H.inri.n, Maatxr,
Axnih ltitaia, Ni'ii.
. I. M. '. K.
MEETS frry hiin.lay yi-iiIiik at 7 oVIook
111 I l.p t lirialian ulinroh. Vou are
nouiiiillv llivitnl to atu-ndita iiettiniia.
Itaanm Kowmm, J rex't.
s.IN(lltN COl'M'Y HOI) AM)
dun ('lull mrrta in MorifKU lllia-k
.1 iv wo.ind lliartday of aoli uioiitb. at C
,. M. J. E. 1AISO,
J. A. II. KOI NDEY. Her. l'a.
1M TISl flllKl'lC. Sunday Heboid at
In a. 111; irayr Bictiii 1 bnraday rvrti-
lim at ;
(lOSttUEMAITONAL CUl'llCH. oorner
J Aiin.i and Filtli alrwta. rraclnii
rvi'iy S il.lmi U. murium: and Tnin Hah,
u,t li ki-Ii l at in o'oliM'k a. 111. Pryrr
nwMim rn'nlay i limn. V. V. 8.1'. E.
hnn iiiv nl ; . y iu.
1'll.ST (TinatiHii i'buroli. Ilarrr Watkina,
llnarlllin and r Kill. I'rvMChlllK
s.von.1 and Fourth Hnndnva at II a. m. and
7 :i 1 i in. M'limny hk'biHil, Id a. 111. Fray
rr ini-ftiiiM. lliiirwlay. ( IK) t. iu. Y. I'. S
f I-!.. H:l,li.l, 711 I p. IU.
Mi;, (III IICiI. II. I. Elworthy. paator.
rriMoliniiirvKrv Halilmlb morn mil and
rvriiini:. H.ihtntlh achool rrv 1lllath at
I.I m. I.c'iunn inwliim rvary holiday at
4 p. 111. U.-inrai pravrr ruratiim rer
I'liiirx l v rveiiiim. l.aadKra' and Hl.-ward'a
in. tm llm aroond Tui'ailay vrninrfof eaob
1 V W(iKl.l( l. t'lil'KCU. N.riw
'i lt mil I .1.1 Hnndny ririiina in aarb
H1..111 it nl 1M o'olorli r. ., Kt II. I.
I'iiiM. p-iHior. Nuuilny hohool at V .111 r. M.
I'r .M-r nitft!iiii on Weduralay arrnmi( ol
I llcll Wi'ii
(ViHM.IUS ClllltlH N-rncMi ft mi
; a.ul third Sunday at 7 r M.; ooiid
an. I (oiirtli SundaT at II . M. and 7 r. M
Y, u:n( Fhii Mot'ii-t of t'hnatian Eudra
orierv Mind'iT ave nnitf at 7 oVIook. (inn
itxv a -liool nl lo 4. M. Travar ni' tnw on
T 1 nrlin fvai.inx at 7 o'clock. l'raohiii
(ill Ixik'oo mi brat and tbird Mindaj of aaob
in mill at 11 M
I. 8. WoTtir, raptor.
on. I atrrrt. in old Ma.mo Hull, la
n, I uly from t a. in. to p. in. Hundayt,
trout li in. to r i. ni
marrtcrran or
tin.l all kiniNof MurMi' Work In
iiiirtrr and i!alar in
ktelzn an. Scotck 6nnlti Mcnuments.
oyrici tin aroki
iiti iulina St., 10KTL4M), UK.
. m. anaTT,
I., li. tDtua
Y T ) ! I N K YS- A T- f . A W,
Orrica: C.ntral lllook, Kooma 6 and 7.
S. B. Ill ST0,
Orrtcn Knoin No Tnion HIiM'k.
Orrira: Moriinn Kl.xtk.
Mll.KfS HltOS.
Aifnta for llnr Look Tv Writer. Two
itoora north of 1'oaUillhv.
('. F. klMT,
I loot) i N'o. 3, I'orl land Sinii Hank
liuildlnu, H-oond and VVaxiimutoii Strla
J. W. M F.I! Ml 1. 1.,
Orrira ovr (Jrwr'a ()nary Hlori'. 011
Mini Ktrwt. 'M
LokI iaHra drawn and U.anaon Hcnl
Katal ufKottatKd. Hiiiii.h4 altnnli'd to
villi uroinptnraa and dixpalcb.
O. ru a: Main Slrit, oi.aite th Court
It. M.
-. () and S7.VI
r art : hrat of matrrml and '
Will comi.ara with wia coatinjr I
xtraotad without pin 11. 1- illiin;" t "a
lowoat prioxa. All work warranted.
Ornca! thra d.xira north of Hrtok
tor. Oitn hour from 11 a. 111. to 4 p.m.
A. I.. S! KOIIF..
-..,.. m,th .1. !. Hall. County Knr-
yor, at the t'onrt iIokw.
1 . r himhiii Fii-inea
AliaillUHOl rr .nii.i.H .... -
and lloilt-ra. Mill Work. Thr-xhinK MarhineH
Mowrrx, Fwd CulU-ra, Sowinn Machine.
Waxbinn Marhinea, Wrinnt.ra, l'iunia,
Hoalwi, Kiiaaora (.round. Gun and l.ia k
..... . u ..,...,.. ...llil,t: and havr
aniiiiiuiv. nw K - .
a larua muiilMr of xwond-liund rnwinia and
lanlrra for anlu. .Ml wora warrxiii"!.
S. T. I.IMkl.A I FK, M. B. M.
. i it.nl...... IMi-rmnrv. I.Kril
Tlvw in iiiiiixn... -
.. ii..u iiiIich lioura
liaara: x ...
from ! a. iu. to 11 p. 111. at ITiaruiacy. whfii
not vi.it inn ; Iwfora and alti-r that tima at
W. I. MI0I, M. !..
IUUJOUO, okfgon.
ll.... .. iii rhn.-ttt How. UicailiKNCI:
oorurr Firat and Main alrwta.
c r. u. it. sruoKoN,
Orrtea ar Kratnrarn: corm-r Third
and Main Slraota. Otlip bonrx. I:M to I'J
- 1 ... n 7 ... M tn 'I mU'IiIiOIU to
n. in. . r
ivaidcnor from Hnx-k A Htda lmit..rf at
all bonra. All rana pronipiiT aiw-uoou.
uittht or daT.
r. A. wan, . t. r. 1. H4U.it, b. a . m. d.
BUS. r. A. V. J. BUI.F.T.
o .. i lk. t',.,..i. Ill, ink. Clllla
tfi, m. 111 .
attxnilrd to, nttiht or diiv. Kcxidriion, n. ".
("4ir. Haaa Line and n-cotui atrn is.
W. II. KM 'It Kit,
larva or ainall tracta, and will crchantn
land in the country for town or oltv prop
rtTj in fact. If yon Lava anytu n to at
obanaa, in ant looalily. ma.
I havr op,nM abop f..r
the rt'pnir ol
an.) nil kin.lsof wtxnl aork.
slt. Ji at ( iitnlm-r'a "1.1 xtaml, half !!
ax.uth of linir'n toii
" A. ol.l a
rii'ver e.ce!l
el "Tried
niiil proven "
i- the verdict
o f millions.
ln'.or i the
only Liver
and Kiduey
inodirine to
whidi you
. an pin your
taith fir i
o u r i . A
Ml i 1 d 1 1VI-
.1 II d
iiu' ilii-i-iily
c.i tlio Liver
;i I) d Kid-
ii'-v-. Ti'v it.
S..I.I l.y'uU
I'riiui.-i-i ni Li'jtiid, ni' in powder
I'll... t.tki'ii dry or r;iade intna l;t.
Tlia Kln of I Iv. r tl.-illi l.ic.
" I iiu. ii-... I .hh h, t it 1 11 11 1 t.:t r !lfi.
llll.il illl.l I'M II CllllSfl.-l I I, .1.. .h It I. til
kill, i.l :ill .Mi l' III. -!ii in.-., I coo.ill.T II a.
Illl'lllrlll.' .-H"t ill ll. -It -.(i. t, W. jAlaf
ao.N, I.1...111U, VS'-xlii:iyi,ii,
lla lllO Slitir- l .... .
Friiii Trees!
Nursery Stock
I'ltini' liw two yrnra olil, 1.00 "'r 1UJ.
Oilier Unit tri'f in iruMirtioii. (Tivrrf,
I'lniii, A 1 . 1 ill-, I'riir; otfiiT xi'mial tca k.
Two inil.'s ti.ii iln-a-it of Korfl (irovi.
The regular suhscription
price of T::k
Independent is $1.50
And the regular subscription
price of the Weekly
Oregonian is $1.50.
Any one subscribing forTnk
and paying one year in ad
vance can get both The
and Weekly
Oregonian IeWfor"2.00
All old subscrilers paying
thr-'r subsrriptiotm for one
year in advance will be en
titled to the same offer.
or tbi
Exrnicaa Tkiiii Li4Ti I'oTDan D4tt,i:
Sooth " North
ii:!5 ru I Lv I'ortland Ar I ! ?")
H ." 4 m I Ar Hun Franrtaoo L I T-OOia
Atnivo trains atop at all atationa from
I'.irtland to Aihnnv i alao at Tanovnt,
Hliril.lx. Hiilarr, Harrt-tiurg. Jnnatmn City,
IrTiru. Entrur. and all atationa from Roaa
hnrtf to Axlilnnd, inoluaiva.
x 7i.T"m I I'ortianj Ar I 4:fli)r5
.ViflPN I Ar R-xhnra Lt 7iW 4 hi
.. 4ND
Secoml-f la Met pin if 1'ar
ATrtcaan to All Tmocoa T4nn.
Wfxt Mida Division.
Mn.il Train Daily ( Fioapt Snnday).
7 :0 4 m
SO 4 M
J I ', f M
Ar i S.JW r
L I lm ru
J if At Alhanr and Conralha Mitinwt with
trairta of tba Orrtfon 1'aciAa Railroad.
Eipraaa Train Daily, (Eierpl Sunday i
1 o r m
it iir m
7 M
7:13 a
THKOt'GIt TICKETS lo allnoinUla tn
Oxter Ma'ax, Canada and Enrorx". ran r
ol.tatnad at lowpat nun Iron 1. 1. Morgan,
av'i nt, liillahoro.
n t vi rui
K. ROEHLER, At.U. f. A r. A'l
Man agar, Portland. Ha
a tv w 1 v 111
An KploJf f War Diiy iu the lljrlioi
f Hoar konr.
"During the greater rt of thf
war," suid the retired klp-r, "then
were large number of American
cUppert stalled In Hong-Kong har
lor, having order to remain ther
from their owner, who feared the
Alabama. ThD arrangement did
not at all pleae thp eoptaln and of
ficers, aa many of im were anxloua to
go home and shlj) In the navy, but
ordeM were order. We could not
leave the shlpa, jovl he frequent
vDita of the Alabtima herxelf to the
harUir, forcing herself 'into our
inlilst,' as the tiiiying go'", wi re ver
vivid reminders that neutral waters
were a pretty gmal sort of an Inven
tion. "Although we pastil the long
week ami month hs pleasantly a
we could, with all kind of arrange
ment for killing time, both on ahlp
Ixiard and on shore, there wa ol
course a continual and concerted
growl going up from our little band
of Yankee skipper, and old Holt!,
was the tar growler of u all.
"Hi ship wa the Humming Bird,
a brand new clipper hailing from
HoHtou. The trip out to Hong Kong
had been her maiden one, and it was
charing to Hoblw' not very nmooth
ttmper to have her lie idle so early
In her career. Having great faith In
the ship' speed and iu his own sett
mansliip, he wa more than anxious
to put to M-a and let Semmes catch
him if he could; but like the rest ot
us, hi order to remain were posi
tive. "Occasionally a ship would manage
to clear by sailing under Home for
eign flag, hut a It wa a complicated
process Involving fathom of red
tajie and very often fell through Just
when everything seemed favorable it
wa not resorted to very olten.
When It wa tried, however, old
Hobba would goon hi Initio end
with wrath. He would fume and
rant, easting astiorlous on the pat
riotism of the ow iter, the agents, the
otrlclals, and even the Chinexe crew.
He wa ao Intensely patriotic that to
see a good Yankee craft sail under
false color would keep him boiling
for a week.
"You can ee what his feeling
were when one day he wa ordered
to procetsl tn Sumatra under the
IJritlsh flag. He fumed, ranted and
swore and fumed, ranted and swore
over again, with a few, extra choice
nautical anathema thrown in for
emphasis. This niH-esnary ocration
over, he sent ashore to the native
sHllmaker's for a British flag the
smalh'st to lie bail. When it came
almard it was alsiut 2x4 fW't In si.e
Hobb looked at askance and or
dered it to be put out of sight until
sailing day.
"Sailing day arrived, and the
British (lag wa si-en fluttering tiuicl
ly from It proper place on the Hum
ming Bird. It attracted mighty
little attention, however, for the Al
abama was entering the harlior. She
floated "lowly along and dropixnl
anchor exceedingly close to the Hum
ming Bird. About thi time the
harbor master was seen in his boat
being rowed rapidly toward Hobbs'
ahip, and a huge bundle of bunting
about the Ue of an old shellback's
sea cheat was rapidly hauled to the
maintop of the Humming Bird.
"The harbor master pulled up
alongside the Humming Bird and
yelled for the captain. It could be
aeen that he wa angry about some.
thing. Hobb came to the rail In
his plug hat and long-tailed bottle
green coat, the customary uniform of
skipper in those days, and asked
the harbor master what he could do.
" 'I want you to take down that
flag instantly, sir,' said the harbor
"Guess not,' said Hobbs.
" 'Its a disgrace, sir, and an insult
to hoist such a flag as that!'
" 'What's the matter with the flag?'
aald Hobbs, surprised.
" 'Its all wrong, sir; the proportions
are all w rong. The field Is too long
for its width, and the rest of it Is too
wide for Its length. The crosses are
wrongly arranged, sir, and it Is a vile
caricature of an honored flag, sir!
Remove it Immediately!
"'Guess not, said Hoblis again.
'That flag was bought In a British
port ami made by a British subject.
He was a Chinaman, but that Is
neither here nor there. I do not care
If It is the flag of Patagonia, so long
as It was sold to me for that of Eng
land. Good morning!
"The harbor master had nothing
to say to this and started back, but
he had no sooner done n than the
main halliard were pulled, the bun
dle at the iieak broke out. and in a
second the star
.,,.1 .trliM em
ami strts w re
waving before the astonished eyes of
the harbor master, the Yankee t
pers and Captain Semmes of the Al
abama. Indeed, so large was Old
Glory In this particular case that it
almost brushed the Alabama's decks,
the vessels being so near together.
The huge flag had been presented to
the ship at her launching and to the
excited spectator on this occasion
teemed larger than the ship herself.
"The burin ir iiiatcr put itbou,
ingrier than before, and demanded
"'What doe that rli j mean, sir?'
aid he.
" 'That' my house Mag,' said
iiooox; 'tne t ratio rtmrK or my
owner. I do not know whether
that red rug up tnvre I hum pi nicked
and cluhfooted or not, but you can't
give me any poluts on the construct
ion r.f that article up there with the
stripe on it. I propose to fly that
flag how I please, when I please and
where 1 pleas?, whether It lie in
Hong Kong or in h . For the
sis'ond tune, gisxl inorniut;!' ami
Hobbs w'ent la-low.
"Scimnes tvits m angry over the
xtar and strle Haunting in bis fn-e
that he swore to blow the Humming
Bird out of the water if he ever
caught her outside, no matter what
Mag she sailed under. He never did
it, however, as this voyage hung lire
tts so many other did, and ax short
ly alter this the Alabama exchanged
with the Kears irge certain little civi
lities we all know aliout, hi blowing
days were over. New York Sun.
The Providence Journal thinks
that the present time, in view of the
cessation of silver purchases, and the
recommendation of the president's
message that there shall le no furth
er IcgUhttion on silver, is a gwsl one
to take a review of "our variegated
currency." It I true that there nrc
a large number of aople who do not
know how many kind we have, be
cause, as a rule, they do not handle
over four or rive. We have notes
than eight different varieties, a fol
low :
1. Gold coin, upon which rest
everything else, even Including the
standard silver dollars; anil a It I
the only part of the currency which
stand on its ow n Ixiltom, the gold
bullion in the treasury may le con
sidered a equivalent to it value In
coin in reckoning the aggregate of
our exi-ting currency. The total of
coin and laillion D aliout JtL'.ouii,.
The -tandiird silver dollar.
Of tliev there were In the treaxtirv
Vaults on the tlrt of November H-.I.-
i'niti,7.".', and in actual circulation
H I,-17,70, milking the total ol'
coined silver dollar lJI,S1,.1li'.
:l. The silver certificate. The
greater portion of the standard silver
dollars not in circulation is repre
sented bv these. On Novemla-r I,
there were t.'i," 1 7,-.'l of them iu
circulation and $7,7J7,.'172 in the
treasury, a total or :.i:i,l H.'iOt.
t. The old I'nited Statex notes,
familiarly known a "greenback."
The fixed amount of these has for
many years lieeii flbi.fisl.OKI, no
iimre, of course, being issued now
and there being a law forbidding the
retirement of any of them.
"i. The treasury notes issued
under the Sherman silver law of
lMfi. These have lieen the great
source of additions to the currency
during the last three years. Alto
gether l.i2,7."i,l0 of them have
been issued, and form part of the
0. National bank notes, Issuisl by
the various national bank of the
7. Gold certificate and the legal
j tender certificates. These are not in
general circulation, but are isaued by
the reaxury for the convenience; of
bank, on deposit of gold or of either
kind of legal tender notes green
bncks or treaurv notes. On Novem
ber 1 then' were of these HH, t tO.K'.il,
of which tl01,2ll,:)J were outside
the treasury and t215,'0 inside.
8. The sulisidary coin and frac
tional currency. These include every
thing le than a dollar which circu
lates as money. The amount of those
classes of money now In existence
can only be estimated, a the amount
lost or destroyed cannot I1 known.
Now that the purchase of silver
under the Sherman law, and the lue
of treasury notes of l!") to pay for
it, have Is-cn stopod, there will not
lc very large accessions to the
amount of money In circulation, fur
some time. The gold coinage ha
Is'en averaging alxiut 120,000,000 a
year; and there i alo, of course,
some addition to the tiliidiary coin
age each year, but thi Is of small im
portance. The only one of these
eight kinds of money which can Is
largely expanded, is the national
bank notes. The limit of expansion
In that direction I only in the w ill-
ingness of the bank to Issue note
and their ability to obtain bonds on
which to Issue thenr. Ihough the
the basis of note circulation.
Wengr,'wi,h the journal-and we
Is lieve our readt r will agree with
u-that our currency shoui.i is-aim-;
plified and unitiisl, antl provision
ma.le for it growth iu pro.rtion
to the growth of the country and or
business, while at the same time made
po.iilitv a.lin-taltln In viiliimn tn t Ii
' 1 ' . " . " .
vrv nff ns s of d in-rent t mes an-l
' ' . ti... ..- ...1.
Tt"s 'l a A III." 11 iiir: unni imiiiiii
In this country for the immediate fn-
ture; and in Its solution any project
ror the free coinage of silver at n
present ratio must ne-essariiy rs- ex
cluded, for It Is atxolutely certain
that for the next Win? years the
rn-siilentlal veto will prove an In-
superable lr then to.
Dr. Prk Cream Baking Powder
Most Perfect Mad.
Mr. ( letrhlUil und Hip l'iel Irut Hair
a Mltle Talk.
P. Good morning. You are
looking a little worried this morning.
You must take better care of your
self. I don't know w hat thi coun-
try would do if you should break ;
down with thi congrexs on your!
I'. I know it. It is thi deep
sense of indispentillity that some
time almost give me a tirxil feeling.
But thi Hawaiian biiincs annoys
me. If it wasn't for this confounded
congress -
P. O, well, you di:ii'l mind con-
gres, I lioieV I doll t.
('. Yet it is stirh a nuisance to
uicrvie it.
P.--I know. Servants are such a
care, (tut you mii-t try and hear it
the la-st you can.
('. Why, some of them ctuigrcsi.
men actually have the impudence to
oppose my policy.
P. What are we coming to?
C And they have the cheek to
call themselves democrat, too, the
stupid, olistiuate scoundrels !
P. Well, 1 diiniio. I sometimes
think that you and I are about the
only democrats left, old man.
t'. I'tt! I low left! Who says
w e're left? ), I see. Yes, but I
can't eixct everybody to under
stand things as w ell as I do. It is
this perpetual feeling of responsibil
ity that makes me. nervous.
P. I know just how you feel.
Soiiietim when 1 put out my bed
room candle at night, I think to
myself, great Scott, how dark the
world i now.
C. Yes, I've had the same
thought. I remember just after my
great message in lss7 I was putting
on my shirt oue morning, and, by
thunder, sir, the sun rose a sin m as
I had buttoned the top button.
P. Some of the newspaper, heh,
hell, seem to think we sort o'tos our
shirt on (his Hawaiian trouble.
('. The new --papers! Faugh! damn
the newspaper-; if it wasn't for the
newspapers and congress
P. - e could show em a policy
that would make their eye stick
('. Nuwsp i pi is or no newspapers,
emigre or no congress, when I have
taken a line of policy, I won't budge.
I am a sticker I I. now what's right.
I know w huts t'ood for the country.
P. Id like to know who does If
you dont.
('. What inn I hi re for? Im no
errand boy; Im the bo-s. See?
P. They 1 1 tii id out that what you
say g(ss Is'i'iire they get through with
There oue thing you can be a
great help to me in. If any of them
democratic kicker conic around ask
ingfor an nilice for their constitu
ents, you keep on telling them a fair
exchange is no robbery. Gentlemen,
a batch or Mr. 'leveland opinions
gis-s w ith each olllce. Take the lot
anil we take your votes. I it a
bargain ?
P. Beautiful, beautiful! And yet
they say we (invent jot any tact. I
guess we can run about as good a
diplomacy counter as any or em.
C. We do know a thing or two.
We are no Jays, if we did come from
Buffalo. But the Hawaiian (silicy
P. sh-sh. (They whisper.)
('., Keep em all agog, you see.
Nothing like mystery. 1 like to I'
mysterious. I enjoy it.
P. But congress will be howling
for the paper.
C h't cm how l. I am respon
sible to the American people, and
the American people have supreme
confidence in the rectitude of my in
tentions, and in the Integrity of my
P. Dont waste that. Put It in
thv special me-... age.
I'. An act of Justice to a si-ter o
tentate defrauded of her throne by
the has- machinations of
P. A lot of darned American.,
sons of missionarix iii tl each trash!
('. Jiang cm! I wish there wax
some way of getting rid of em. Im
afraid we shant Is-ai.le to Use the
navy at present.
P. Oh, congress wont sit forever.
And the constitution
P. The constitution is an infernal
old n u i -it ncc.
P. Im with yon then1. But,
then, can Ignore It.
('. Ye, but thetn re thought of ,
'".-its '"' '"row ;
it away, the way we did that tariff .
(., H) ,lM ,). constitution my
. .
J "untry n..l-. My l'I'l" re ,ier-
i fcctly -.tti-tled with me.
I I. Utit the way we kicked over
J . . ...... . ,. . i i. . .1
I tai Utrin pianii aim lei tun ioiimiiu-
i . . ' .. .
ition sum r, wa pn uy giKHi.
('.After you pet in at the ups r
' story window, what more do you
, wnnt f tlie hMi r
P. The jienple know you.
C. My fieople are grxsl aft r they
ifin-1 out what I want them to do.
They are aoni.tinie i little stuj-id,
but in tne etvi nicy approve my (
ciurse and gratefully recognize their,
obligations to my administration.
I'. Mi. t'levelaud, I think you
are the trreatest stateriuan in the'
t'. Mr. President, allow me to The surplus recrvt or 7u,ish),0ihj
congratulate you ' on giving the now held by the New York associate
country the finest administration It bank n-pn-sent money that ha con
has ever seen, with the osiblo ex-! gested In that financial center Isaum'
ccpt ion of your first. Will you kind-
ly ring for Thurls-r? I want to get
I. Tin to te the I'nitisl Press that I
am going to .-have. .New ork sun.
The eighth annual rejiort of the country. The loans are comparative
state Ismrd of live stia'k eomini. jly light everyw here, not on account
sinner of Illinois bus Ih-cii published:"!' the refusal of the bank to meet
covering observations and study for,
1 SO.t, to OctolH-r ill. It s:tys thnt the 'l Hie l.n ( licit very little accoiiKxIa.
principal c-tltlo ill-east- ilcnlt with. 'ion of that kind is being solicitisl.
by the I ma id were anthrax and This change from t he situation ol two
iictinoniycoisix. The history of the month ngo jx striking and suggie
outbrake of anthrax in Wayne, lay. live. Then there was unprecedeiital
Edwards, White ami Hamilton ' j-trlngency of currency, and the bank
counties is of unusual Interest. The, had to re-i rl to the extraordinary
statistic of mortality extending from so ices of clearing-house certificate
June 1") to OcIoIht l'i, shows that loo in order to carry on their business,
horses and muli- valued at "itleach, It was practically impossible to get
tioo cattle valmsl at f.'O inch, 2-'i0 money enough for ti e ordinary re
hogs valued at etch and 20 shin p ipiironientx ( f commerce. There
valued at 2 each, died of thix had never been anything like it la
iliseuse, entailing a los of over ! lore, ami the etVect was injuriously
2i,(Mm). ; lelt from one cud of the laud to the
The state veterinarian, Dr. Trim-' other. We were a-unl by those
bower, in his rert to the board, ! having the best right to siieak upon
says that thix disease is infection, ' 'he subject th:.t the source of trouble
not communicable from animal to1 was the Sherman law; ami so the
animal, but having a common origin j Sherman . was repealed. But now
due to the peculiar nature of tla 'here seem to be -oiiiething else the
germ which causes it. It i caued , matter. The present condition I a
by a certain form of bacterial life, had in it way a wa the preceding
known a bacillus anthraci. This ! one, ami it is very char that repeal
bacillus i rod-shaped, one live-thou-! ' proven to be a ili-appoiiitment.
siimlth of an inch in length, and one
twenty-Ii ve-thousandth of an Inch
in diameter. I'mler favorable con
ditions of tempereture, such as the
blood of n living animal present,
these rod break into segments.
finally Into spore-bearing filament. ! perhaps not even the principal cause
Within the living animals these j 'f h"t Mimmer's unfortunate ex
bacilli, ar rod, take up oxygen from I'erlcnce. The conclusion Is hardly
the blood and yield ap carbonic acid
gas. This account for certain con- afl,'r wa the menace of tarltr re
dition of blood found in the acutely j ductlon on free trade line. No other
affis'ted animal, that I blackness, view'i coitslstaut with the obvious
Impcrrcct Cong illation, and rapid de-rm t "'at the passage of the vopeal
composition. The bacillus ha a ''ill ha fitih d to bring that promised
peculiar life history. The rod are revival of "business. The Sherman
believed to produce some jsiison i-u!-j ,rtw "" ""' way, the silver
stance, which causes the sickness in Purchasing policy has been discon
the animal, but they may din within ; tiuued, all of our iNrrcncy has "ait
the lifetime of the affected animal; ', nsurel vali f lone to the dollar,
then the animal has only to survive ""d still our former prosperity doe
the bad emi ts of the germ w hile it ! return. It is true that the banks
ha bi-en iu existence, and thus re- i lliv(' 'l"'' suspending, ami that
cover. If, however, the growth f' money is no longer made scarce by
thi bacillus is very rapid, the an- i hoarding, bt it I true that the coni
imal succumbs In a short time, pos-l- j mercial paralysis continued and that
bly a few hours. This hacilhis dl forms of enterprise are timid and
grows a spore s-d almost like pea hesitating. This undoubtedly implies
in a pod. These spores survive the 1 " prevailing apprehension of mischief
life of the bacillus outside or the an-!,ro,n h'1 llli"" ,, "'-' democratic
imtil hotly ami very rarely grow : '"ongross on tariff (pie-tion. There Is
during tlie life of the ntllicted an-,"" ,h,,r apparent or conceivable
iiiial. The bacillus will not grow j reasen for the existing condition of
sMircs within the animal, neither ! Hong. The accumulation of money
will it survive putrefaction of the
animal body, but If the bacillus is ex-K)s-d
In the atmosphere, spores
rapidly form anil these actually con
stitule the seeds of the future pro
pagation of the disease. By burying
the animals the spores are simply
preserved. The disease is usually seriously cunaiicu. I lie Wilson bin
(IcxcrilM-d under the forms aiophs tle, i' formal notice to that effect; and
acute and sub-acute. ""' prolonged stagnation that the re-
Tho diea-e existed in Clay county ; I"'"1 WlH designed to removo 1
to a limited extent for the past seven l,M,l'ly due to thi anticipated as
year, in Wayne county tlms- year """N "I"" R ".vh'H that I closely re
am! in Ed want county one yr. j h'''l to all lmslmss interests und clr
Dcad auimals were left on the top of culation. f ilols-jvmocrat.
the ground to de-ay. Some were, I ack nf F.cxrrelsp.
thrown into gullies, from which thej js nno of the prime causes' of head
rain washed them into the stream ... ho iu the winter. Persons aceus
latcr on. The disease was thus car- t(ni, t t1(, iur(. fr,.w, jr during
ri.-ddown the Little Wabash river, ,1,,, ,, -.nnt month are suhj.-et to
and it extended along It tributaries t,N terrible annoyance at thi time
for miles, infecting a strip of country r (m, v,,r A j,,,,,,, offered In
about fifty miles long and thirty Krniisc'x Headache Capule, which
miles whle. is guaranteed to cure any kind of a
The plan adopt! by the l-oard to -,, . matter what the cause,
fight thi disease proved succcrul. j l,,,dache ciui-ed by overindulgence.
They caused local board of health in fiKnl or 'drink late at night, ciin lie
to be organ iu nil the comities in prevent! by taking one capsule ls
whlch the tlisease appear !. Calling r,,r retiring and one in the morning,
to their aid Dr. J. W.Scott, secretary Twentv-tive cent a box.
pf the state board of health, strict
rules were adopted providing for the
cremation of the bodies or nil an
imais dying r thi disease, and the
prompt disinfection of all infected
premise. The Isslii-t of dead an
imals were drugged out of the creeks,
ravine ami wthhIx and burned. All l'"ninTs in me iru-n ngnung. nav
that died were immediately en mat- in weapons, they dismounted,
ed. Funeral fire blaw, ,d ,)Vi r the Hl"'. ""'"ring rs-k, charged on tho
country. Within throe weekx' time I varmints. The animal quit their
the nlcHgtie was virtually staved, 'family quaml ami chargi! on the
although th-re was no great t hnnge
th- condition of. the weatlar. mount their horxex and flv, thepan
.ard of health should inaintain - llUr,uing for some di-tance.
e .. , .K. '." "
, I'" u "-r
i . I.. ..ru..i i... o. .ii.........
- - : .
i s i imi-i niesi.Ti
llV thi (lseixe,
Drsfrtlng Tralxe.
We desire to say to our citi' iix. '
that for year we have Issn selling;
IVH'K .-VV, CIS...,,., Hi,
sumption. Dr. King's New Life I 'i 1 1
Buck h-n's Arnica Nilve and Electric
BittT", and have never handlist
remedie that s-ll a well, or that
have given such universal satisfac
tion. We do not hesitate to guaran
tee theni every time, and we stand
ready to refund the purchase pritv,
if satisfactory result do not follow
their use. These r'mxli' have won
(,ir ' t .K(rm.irity lUr,.lv
their merit
For sale by IIill-lro'
I'retrnt Hnn
limes Not
ArTrclail by
there is no demand for It In the active
operation of trade and Industry; and
j it is by no means the full amount of
capital iruu win lie iincnipioym.
T here is an ubundance of money iu
the bank throughout the whole
the wants of borrower, but by reason
There is manifest reason to Is'lleve,
as the case now stands, that the
Sherman law, with all of its faults,
was not so terribly dangerous and
detrimental as was supposed; or at
least, that was not the whole cause
to lie resisted that the main dillleulty,
in tin) hank vaults is attributable to
this liosetting fear of closed factories
red u cis. I wages ami other inevitable
accompaniments of tariff-smashing.
It is evident that heavy reductions
are to he made in the duties ami that
the Is-uetits of protection are to bo
For sale by Ilill-boro Pharmacy.
John Cns.k ami Jerry Collins came
up the Curry county beach road last
Sunday on horseback. When n few
miles below Gold bench, near Frank
Daniels ranch, they noticed two
intruder, who wcrj coiiiK-ll(l to
. ... ,. , . ,:
...l . . ? V o V '"T J '
"ie j i'i"i s fv nuitsi ciL'niceu notrs
which he left banging in the abattoir
during the night. Next morning he
loaded -vent''-n in his wagon for the
market but the eighteenth, excepting;
. , u-!l l-lilll. TI... I.r,,..
' s
pounder w a gone.
The laiuyliix county circuit court
has crinvict! C. Judy of murder Irt
th- second (h gr. e. The defense ha
moved for a m-w tri.il. Judy shot
and killed Charles Kendig September
2:th Ja-t, iu Loon Lake valley, it
v.i!e In the con-t range motmf.tin.
The I fen. n t upagre.it .rov(xa-
1 tlon and self defence.