Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, December 15, 1893, Image 2

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Inter, i in trip poat.fflfpat Hili.horo, Orpfon,
m atM-oud-rtaaa waiter.
aberltlon, Id advanee, par ytv $1 30
D. M C. OAl'LT. Editor.
urrictiL pa .' ur rt' rrr
In cnngre delate for the pat
utn k has lafn divld! bfts wn
Hawaiian matters and the rejx-al of
the tfilnral fhi'tion law.
Just ho. The way utid means
ommittt.'e have r'llueed thr duty on
cut diamond- from 15 per i-v-nt., u
originally flxnl, to 10 per cent. Ii
thi in the int-r-tt of the poor
lit borer"
Several deiiiiH-ratic paper have
convirtt d all the nmuj-tfler thut fiave
heretofore voted the repuhlii-an tick
et, but the democrats that handled
the HtutT are untouched till the
verdict of the Jury I.t returned.
The electric win of Kuloin inunt
lie it ruin,' in a very in-tecure manner.
Another horse wan killed in that
city on Sunday iimrniiiK hy coming
in contact with a broken wire. The
same fate awaited uny man had he
by accident touched it.
The turn affairs have taken in
Hawaii leaven l'renident Cleveland
in a verv unenviable position. Those
(lemixratii! paM-rs, who took the
American wide of the question, have
resom for feeling exi-eedinj-ly eoin
fortuhlc. Mr. Olney hays that the aim and
effect of tin Sherman anti-trust law
is not to aixillsh trusta, which probat-
ly Is a true interpretation of the act
when made hy a trust attorney.
I'ut an anti-trust official in Oluey's
place and he would tw able to come
to a different conclusion.
The Wilson tariff bill lias not yet
lieen reiwirted from the way and
means committee. There are indi
cations that the iron men of Alabama
and the sugar planters of Itulsiana
are Kolnjr to "carry war Into Af
rica." There is some very ugly
thing said ahout Washington corri
dors. The county court of Multnomah
county ought to take at least some
moral responsibility for Kelly' In
Hultlcient bondsmen. When a man
deliberately impoverishes himself on
the county assessment roll, the county
Judge ami all other bond-approving
otticers for that matter ought to take
Judicial notice of the fact. An un
reliable man In one place is very
likely to prove wanting in another,
especially where money is required to
A steel rail manufacturer at Pitts
burg was liked what he had to say
on the deep cut in the duty on steel
rails made by the Wilson bill. Ilia
reply went to the kernel of the mat
ter : "I don't care what rate they
tlx. I can make them in competi
tion with English makers but the
workmen will have to work for the
English scale of wag." The tariff
Is a que-tion of wnges, pure and
Sheriff Kelly, of Portland, who
lias Iss'ii indicted for emliezzlement
of Multnomah county funds, Is not a
republican ottlcial and democratic
pnMrs will keep the blush of Ignor
ance off their face if they ttop insert
ing the falw fact. Mr. Kelly had
lost the conlldeiKv of republicans In
1hs2, wherefore they nominated
another candidate. This angered
Kelly so thut he got in and run
indesndeut. Ills conduct in office
for the past clghtct-n months only
shows that the party linden exercised
good Judgment when they threw him
Judge Horuhlower, whose confir
mation as justice of tlu supreme
court was hung up In the eitra ses
sion, has been renominated for that
place. It is asxertcd that he is an
ii nil icrson for that place, but that
All the democrats, except crhaH
three or four, and all the republicans
will vote for him. Now, if Horn
Mower, lccuc of either moral or
intellectual blemishes, Is not quali
fied for the supreme Judicature, then
republican senators ought not t vote
for his confirmation. They tun not
afford to do so. Th purity and glory
of thy nation ought not to lie jeop
ardized, even though it lie courtesy
to their opurMat. Kepulican sen
ators must not lielp rrcsUiout Cleve
land send the country to the mw
wows. IVjring the flenv struggle In eon
irre Ut summer over the rejteal of
the sliver purchase bill, The I.mk
PKNUKsr took lava-iion to say that
Nevada and t'otirado's most profit
able Industry Is not ailver mining,
but W farming and ntivk growing.
The followiug paragraph, ilf.ed
from the San Krancisco Itutcher and
eridititl to the Nevada Courier is an
evidif(V straw siiiiting to the name
uncluiou : "The hog r!fntly
ntilps-il from the IMuglaa county
ereana-ry brotidt it) ivnts, live
weight. William ItautftMrg, who
went down vllh them, tell m that
Nevada lngs In-ing a eent per Lua
lrd more in San Krajidaen than
iemilit hcv. Nevada Uvf is also
iRivrn the preference, and apple) and
statiM rai-ss in this state command
Ihe top priv. In fact, Nevada pr
durtsof every drTiption sti-lii to lie
more than ever in d.-umnd iu Cali
fornia, where their uppr1nrlfy tun
ioiijf been ri'i;iiiil.
The condition of thing developed
at Portland and other plan in the
state in regard to public funds, calls
loudly for some remedial action in
the matter. There la probably at
this time public funds deputed In
the banks of Portland, amounting to
not lww than $500,000, and hardly a
dollar of it available for the purpose
for which it wan appropriated, and
with not a dollar of security for the
same In the uhaje of bond. Ia all
probability there U an equal aum In
the name condition in other parts ot
the suite. It ia true that the law
agalrmt loaulog public funna, whether
to bank or Individual, bas been
violated, and persecution and con
vlctiuo may follow, but all this will
not restore the money that ha
been misappropriated, and which
has leen wrung from the taxpayer
in manv eases bv the -ale of their
home and property.
The remedy for all this Is very
simole. The legislature at Ita next
session should adopt the New York
statute In regard to public deposi
tories, which is as follows: "All offi
cials of the state of New York and
other persons receiving and disburs
ing monies belonging to the people
of said atate for public purposes, ahull
lie and are required to deHtlt and
keep all auch monies received by
them, deposited to their official cred
it in some reonsihle bank or Utnk-
in house, to lie dcsignuttsl by the
comptroller of said state, until aaid
monies shall Is paid out and dis
burse! according to law."
The statute also makes provision
for such banks to give lKnds for the
safe keeping and payment of auch
monies detxftiitcd with them, and to
be approved by the attorney general
of the state.
We have no such officer as a comp
troller, t)iit the governor could as
well make the designation. If this
law hud been in force when the
bank closM in Portland, Corvullis,
Albany nnd Eugene, and had thorn1
banks leen designated as deosi
torles for state funds, the people
would now Ih well secured by good
and sufficient IhhiiN for this money.
Hut as it now stands a large part of
this money may la entirely lost, and
the burdens of the poor taxpayer
correHjondiiig!y Increased.
Again, the law ought tola changed
in regard ta the collection of taxes,
so that all taxes should be paid di
rectly to the treasurer, and provid
ing that if not paid by a certain time
interest should be charged, and also
a penalty of 10 per cent, additional;
and at the expiration of the time
provided the treasurer, should be
required to make a settlement with
tho county court, showing the taxes
collected and the delinquents, and
the delinquent list together with a
warrant for its collection should
be delivered to the sheriff for collec
tion. This would make a great sav
ing in the costs of collection and
lessen the liability of misappropria
tion or emliezzlenient. This ia the
law in many of the states, and it Is
found to work well. The sheriff's
fee for collection of taxes In Multno
mah county for this year will amount
to over 10,mm, a greater portion of
which Is unnecessary.
At another column will la? found a
very interesting letter from atute
veterinary Surgeon Withycoiube, on
the topic of iMivine tuberculoids, g
disease that is causing soma uneasi
ness among stock growers In this
county, but txvause tluire are a few
cases there is no reason for aFstam-
pedc. Intelligent care will aoon rid
the pastures and barns of all danger.
Woidd that our sitting-rooms and
parlors could la as easily cleared of
the plague, though not the same way
of course.
TuImtcuIosis is no new disease,
having bs-n known for centuries.
(Itept. see. Agriculture ISH9, page t7.)
It is caused by, or at least is always
attended by tubercle bacilli. Dr.
Koch. It attack man and all domes
tic animal and fowls. In man It Is
commonly known as consumption.
The bacilli exectorated by man will
Infect his cow, Ills horse, his sheep,
his dog, his cat, his chicken, while
on the other hand the bacilli from
any of these animal may enter into
the human organism rs death need.
When once lodged in the aystem, be
it brute or man, there is no recovery.
There is death sooner or later.
It may attack any organ of the
tssty, even the soft, ssngy part of
the tonen are not exempt, though
the lungs and softer tissue are the
parts usually stricken.
AH authorities agree that the milk
and flwh of the herd are dangerous.
Milk that 1 death to the child is also
diUh to the pig, and the animal that
ia knoun U lie di.sea.-s: J (uigl)f us
well he killed at imv and the carcas
burned, though )r, Withyeimle
suggest burial.
As suggested by the veterinary, no
man afflicted with consumption
should care for stvk. Neither should
lit expectorate where a dog or a
chirk; pan eat the mucus ejected.
All such tti)tl la absorlssl by a
cloth which should be burned or
Weansed in boiling water.
Th bint given in surgeon Withy.,
comb's lettw ut the methods of de
tecting the dutcaft if tattle should re
e(tf the atteiUiou it luipotWQfe de
luanjs. Xulsnuliu injected into
d,eHsel bhi,' causes a high fever,
while in hetnltby tatil q effvt is
Iva th llillliri l uii)ir( wut
it p-nrnilly unilixitixal thial it it thi
ilenire of It nrty to have thi oM
soMirr urntitil nrtiu-! It?
At every ae-jsion of the legislature
there is an attempt, or pretended ef
fort, to enact laws in the luteret-t of
the poor man. But the working of
very many of these acts U almost
conclusive evidence that only Uarma
cide legislation Is Intended. A caie
In point I the Homestead exemption
law, passed at tho last legislature.
Instead of protecting the poor man It
destroys his cridit. If the man of
small means takes hi savings, say
1200, and pays on a small acreage lot,
he is left without any thing for im
provement. He can't buy a cow.
Hi credit is exhausted, iudts.nl it in
legislated away from him. The land
he bought I not paid for, but land is
alway good for the purchase price.
It U Just like setting a man on a
homestead and then robbing him of
his team and plow.
The law virtually compels a man
to live from hand to mouth, never
permitting him to U-tter his condi
tion by trade and barter. The law i
based upon a wrong assumption, that
the rich are unlversaly oppressive.
This expression of distrust leads the
well-to-do class to question the hon
esty of those seeking the protection
of the homestead exemption law.
Whenever confidence is shaken be
tween two persons, individuals or
classes, the weaker invariably has
the worst of the latrguin. The law
ought to be repealed.
Some things have la-en said since
last week which lends to the belief
thai all the facts relating to the last
city election were not given, or If
printed were not fully understood.
Wherefore an amended report is
appended :
J. C. Harr, popular. 14'.)
Merrvman, republican .
. I'M
ok cor.vcil.MKN.
J. J. MurK-au, republican ... .
J. P. Taniiraiv, rrpuhlicnit
(ieortfe Wilcox, republican
X. A. Barrett, republican .
V. J. Bailey, Hpular
J. E. Ailklns, popular , .-
M. Col in, repnblicun ..105
P. Hicks, republican, . ...llMi
V. Patlt-rnoii, republican "id
Benton B. i 111:111, republican.
I). V. iNibbins, popular
The Orcgoniau asserts that "Wash'
Ington's valuation needs examln
ation." If the state Umrd examines
our assessment with an aye to doing
justh-e to us, we Invite scrutiny, but
if it is to tie done in the sense sug
gested by our -otemporary then a
protest is entered. Ileal estate has
shrunk in value in Washington
county, since the Hit J assessment
was made, fully er cent. How
it may la in all parts of the county
is not asserted, but in Ilillslioro and
vicinity, land ami lots, if put up at
public auction, would not bring the
value put iiM)ii them by the assessor.
The same is true of horses. Our
assessment roll la short over a million
dollars in the Item of money, notes
and accounts, made so by the
trickery of tax dodger. Or if they
have not been concealed then the
non-reiident owners, citizen of
Moultnomah county, have list
ed them which In part Recounts for
that I9,000,(HHI raissl there. What
notes and accounts that have Us list-
sl in Washington county have Ims-h
valuisl at 100 cents.
Yes, Washington county is willing
to have it valuation examined, and
I w illing to assist at the ceremony.
There Is unrest among the English
farmers. At a meeting of an agricul
tural society, held recently, a resolu
tion was adopted voicing the sense of
the MH-iety that an undue prosirtion
of the revenue were taxed on the
agriculturists. It might Is well for
our state economists to lear in mind
this fact and the further one that
there are source f revenue the pay
ment of which Is easier to Is met
than levies on lands.
Sheriff Kelly, of Multnomah coun
ty, and Messrs. Markle and Sherman,
hi i relies, have las-n indicted for
emlMazliiiip-nt of public funds. )t is
doublflil if they me convicted. Yet
public opinion i so aroused in thai
county that 'hen will Is- a change,
if not in the Jury Inn, then in the
ballott (six. lint public opinion
must use great caution in choosing
Its next officials, lest It permits pas
sion to do what patriotic intelligence
and judgment should ierorni.
A Hawaiian paa-r rcceivis.1 In this
country by the bark Klickitat, Port
Townsend, make a vigorous thrust
at the Cleveland administration
which finds fault with Minister Stev
ens for landing marine la-t January.
The aer states that ex-Minister
Stevens was merely erforming and
glieying the standing order of the
state department, gfv.cn by Secn-tary
I In yard to the Amprican minister in
Honolulu. Stevtm had ccn abused
by the prcwMit American adminiutra
tion for oU-ying President Cleve
land's explicit order. If Miniater
Steven I to la blamed for his inter
(sisltlon last January, then much
more is Minister Willis to le cen
sured for threatening to punish dis.
turliersof the jieaee, which Steven
never did.
T. C. Watt, formerly sheriff of,
Columbia county, ha been appointed
L;erve the unexpired term of Ma-Me,
absi.'ondoJ.Maasie's bondsmen wanted !
the court Jo give them the appoint- j
Jng of that officer, but the court re-
b4 It) allow them t natne ihe lma I
...,.v ...r II..U1. ,
tl 1 1 1 ... . . . it. hi 1 11 3 tiv 1111 r riini v m-u. 1 111 1 M.pi... ....... ....n . . ...v. j .t
Hie U-iUinr ijoul'tlfo-dy wnntiil ,, . ' r f ' '"eiao a favorite for rheumatism ami
to .h in tt,e radwrnhrf lhr,.tt.-n.l.,nw UfRP.n.1 more ton ffi &nrjJ!
,omce to $ t) eyei up M.walr'9 ? Ir irnt. of th0 er..ni prent , cent brittle for tnlf tv HUM--.ro
. iii irur.
Poktlanp, Ore., Dec 12, 103.
Editor I.NPEI'tNPENT :
IX-ar fcir Your favor at hand, aud
I will endeavor to answer your ques
tions briefly.
Tulierculosls I well known to be
an insiduous, subtle malady. The
disease i not very prevalent among
stock In thi state, and when discov
ered the domestic animal commis
sioner adopted vlgnrou measures for
it complete extermination.
Iiovine tuberculosis among our
domestic animal 1 the most danger
ous to the human family, owing to
the use of tho milk aud butter from
cows suffering from tulerculur dls
easisi. Some breed of cuttle are more
susceptible to the disease than others.
Highly brs cattle with delicate con--titutloiis,
lulls an easy prey when
exMel lit the ilisuise, om ing to a
lack of disease resisting power.
Symptom of the disease differ
greatly in different animals, but
usually the premonitory symptoms
are u dry, harsh cough, aud a general
unthrifty apearaiice, hair dry, ami
standing erect from the body. The
onset In many case i so slow that
an exjKTieni-ed stockman's suspicion
would not be aroused. Tuls-rculosi
in muny cases 1 very hard to detect
by a physical examination, but for
tunately Koch' tulierculin ha prov
en Itself a very valuable diagnostic
agent, a ul-cutaneous injection of a
small quantity of thi lymph iu ani
mals however slightly affected, nl
most invariably produces a charac
teristic reaction in toiiieraturc.
Microscopical examinations of expec
torations and milk of affcctis! ani
mals cannot alway la relied on, as
those substances may only contain
the ssire of the bacilli, which is in
discernablo through the mlcroscoiie,
but nevertheh's.s capable of develop
ing the disease.
TulaTculowis Is not considered to
be an highly contagious disease. It
I usually transmitted by close con
tact with infected animal in towns,
and by the ingestion of the tulierch
bacilli through the consumption of
uncooked tlesh, milk and butter con
taining the bacilli.
A grave mistake is often made in
allowing animals that have died
from tuberculosis to Is devoured by
hogs, chickens, etc. All animals
that die from any disense should la1
promptly hurled, and in cases of an
thrac they should la burned.
Consumptive srsons should never
le permitted to take wire of stock, as
the dust that nris- from the dried
sputa and expectoration from such
M-rsous, contain the bacilli iu active
form, and are liable t-i contaminate
domestic animals and therefore
greatly increase Infective centres.
Thorough cixiking of meat effectual
ly destroys all tuls'ivular bacilli, and
the heating of any substance contain
ing the bacilli to a temia-rature of
212 E. for rive minute h'stroy the
I do not think the residents of this
state need have any fears regarding
tuberculosis in our domestic animals.
We have but little of it here, and we
have an excellent law to assist in its
complete extermination.
Jamks Wrriivco.MHK,
State veterinarian.
INIIKI'KXKK.VIK, 1 ec. 1 1. Bread
Is selling here at :JJ cents ja-r loaf.
Then' are L's pupils enrolled in
the State Normal school.
A I h i I y steam packet line ha
been established latween Independ
ence, 1 "oik county, anil Cortland.
The Isiat leave Indejtendenee at 6
o'clock a. 111., ttnd arrives In Portland
at 2 p. in.
Coyotes ate four of Sam Phillip'
shts'p recently, in Spring valley.
The city election will Ik held at
this place on Monday, ItecemU'r IS.
A mayor, rewvder. marshal aud four
councilmen will tm elected to serve
during the ensuing year.
Mi 'Mix.wii.i.k, Isv. It. A cold,
dry northwest wind is blowing and
everything is drying up fast.
Ijeorge Had), of Newla-rg, a young
man Just at hi majority, was ar
rested the other day for attempting
ras The examination wiv held
la-fore a justice Monday iu Ncwl rg
precinct, and he was bound over to
await the action of the grand Jury.
Honds were fixed ut frfHI. The
name of the young lady I Lilly
I Met, lech, aged 1 1 year.
Saturday evening, Just before H.
J. Armstrong, grocer, usually closiw
his store, and Just as he was counting
his cah which he had iu a pajar
sack, Newt Agw and Alfred Jones
entered the store and cailed for some
cheese. After supplying their wants
he inis-ssl his sack of money and
called for help. A gee started up the
street but was caught and brought
back to the store and the door ba ked.
The marshal was called in and upon
searching the two young men the
money was foum In the nvcri-oat
sa ket of Joiuw, w ho swear he doe
not know how it got then, The
young men are of good parent and
the matter 1 a myt-ry, unlet It can
le laid to anient r-plrlt, of which
they consumed considerable during
the afternoon. They wen locked up
iu the city jail for the night and
were taken to the county Jail Sunday
morninir. Tbev wxivisl ptamliini l..n
!,, ftrv ,,,.. :, "
fioort'H T. Myers, K. W. Allen, II.
W. Mitchel, ).Hr;re . Matty and H.
r.. ..jiuiiii 1.1 1110 .niilttlnn r J-rtlr
T:'' .MU'n'!"! , ,h-
init-tlnir 1
1 1 . . ,. ...
auiM - rii'ii forstia-k in the crM,ra
inchest of all la Letvening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
1 1 vy
tion. This county was the first In
the state lo help the midwinter pro
ject along, and the visitor went
buck to Portland much more enthu
siastic over the prospect of Oregon
at San Francisco.
Bishop Morri rejort in a private
letter that McMlnnville donated a a
Thanksgiving offering to the hospit
al of Portland, rnurj than any other
town In the state. The donation
were collected through the churches
and the public schools.
The Monmouth fitbnll team
passed through here last Friday on
their way to Forest drove to play
the Pucitle university team. Their
nose were on a bias aud numerous
scabs relieved the monotony of their
faces. From the air of generul de
bility that seemed to wrap them like
a shroud, it waa easy to prophecy
their defeat. They did not make a
CokvaLMs, lKc. 12. Charley
Heed, who I the owner of a one
thousand acre tract of land in the
northern ortion of the county, was
in the city last Saturday, and gave
out the Information that he had laid
off a reservation of several acre for
the pur's of a deer park, and that
he now has within the enclosure five
la-autiful white-tail specimens. It is
his intention to Increase thi number
by the addition of alsmt ten more,
and care for them a they require,
with a view of supplying himself
and friends with plenty of sport and
"deer meat," in an lnexensive man
ner, after a proar season of propa
gation has elapsed. Thi is certainly
a meritorious plan, and should lie
emulated by more of our large land
A young man who rixvutly ar
rival from Arkansas, Adam by
name, wa seised w ith an epileptic
fit last Saturday afternoon, and In
falling was considerably bruised
alsuit the face and head. He was
taken to the fire department head
quarter, eared for In a proper man
ner aud soon again regained con
sciousness. Oil Friday night last, the lU-la-kah
branch of the I. (). O. F's of thi
city, had an enjoyable "blow-out'' at
w hich several visitor from a distance
were guests. Of I he number were
II. Hirschla-rg and M. I.. lkrri of
Indevendence, accompanied by Mrs.
and Mis (J off. Everybody hud a
good time.
Many holiday preparations are
making for holiday entertain
ments in this city, and the
most popular program announced
thus far is the grand masquerade bull
of the Hook it: Ladder company, on
Christmas night.
James Caldwell, one of Benton's
old pioneers, died iu this city on Mon
day, aged 70 years. He wa quite
well known all overt Ms surround
ing country and wns a favorite among
hi acquaintances. Judge John
Burnett delivered an impressive
address during the service ut the
Nome time since H. K. Muleohey,
suarintendcnt of the Oregon I'ui'iflc
railroad, reeeiveil by ex pre an In
fernal machine and at once efforts were
made to locate the source from
whence it came with the result that
one of the prominent under official
ha lieen removed a the supposed
guilty party. Notwithstanding the
fact that there will undoubtedly U a
few change made in the official
personnel of the Ongon Iacifle soon
following the sale, on Friday of this
week. There I now a vacancy in
the offiiw of general freight and pas
senger agent.
The eccoud game of foot-ball be-,
twi-en the normal stmen,t of Mon
mouth an) those of the agricultural
tollcgo,vill lie played on the campus
of the Oregon agricultural college
next Friday at ; p, m., and a spirit
ed contest I anticipated, a both
team have lieen undergoing hard
and through training.
Atihe meeting of the city jouucil,
on Monday night last, liquor license
bonds were approved a follows:
Charles Albright, Gerhard A Mackay,
Oeorge Maddux, J. (J. Wustitleld
and T. Whitchom. Corvallls now
ha eight saloon.
A go-as-yriu-plea.se walking match,
between Albany nnd Corvalli i on
the tapi of holiday sport. The
contestant are (n daily training, apvi
the indication arc that considerublc
money will change hands on the
The log that ecaed from the
Frindly Umiui, during recent high
water, amounting to several million
fis t, have been nearly all located and
will la taken down the river to
Newls-rg, where they will la sawed.
Much valuable work I being done
towards improving our struts, side
walk and ewernge system by city
author! tl.
For n unre tliroHt flier 1.4 nothinir
Ix-tfiT tlin flann-l Initnliiiff daiip-
mii1 ulth rhumlM-rliiln'ii lluliii.
It will nearly alway effi:t a cure in '
I .1. Tl.1. I "
Word couiish that tho Hipullsf are
modifying tho Omaha platform iu
what wa considered some of its
essentials, 11 ml adopting new reso
lutions, which the manager hoe
will more successfully entrap the
voter. For instance the sub-treasury
scheme i t -ing put away and flee
trade more magnithsl, while the 8
er is-nl. kurns to land bobb-rs is
found not to bring the uumls-r of
votes di-Lndilv, while I'ree silver
coinage is lo tnke its place. Only
rumor have ri-nched the public for
the icason the oraniatiou is a
secret affair, doing business behind
doors, but there ure some things that
look, j though trutli is the relator.
Koial Itukiutf l'uwilrr l.rails as t sual
hi MreiiKlli iiinl Value Ut IVr
i ent. a bote Us Nearest I oiii petit or .
The I loyal Baking I'owdi-r lias Un
enviable record of having ns-eivisl
the hitrhest award for 11 nicies of its
class greatest strength, purest In
gredients, most perfectly comhincd
whercver exhibited in coiiis-tition
With others. In the exhibits of
former ymr-, at the Centennial, at
Paris, Vienna nnd at the various
state and industrial fairs, u here it
has Ims-ii exhiliitisl, judges bave
invariably awarded the Koyal Baking
Powder tin- hlgln-st honors.
At the rc'vnt world's fair, ex tinio
atioiis for the haking Hiwder award
were made by I lie experts of Ibe
chemical division of Hie agricultural
department ut Washington. The
official report of the tests of the bak
ing jMiwders which were made by
their department for the -citic pur
pose of ascertaining which was the
liest,aiid which has lieen made public,
shows the leavening strength of the
1 loyal to be liio cubic inches of cur
lamic gas per ounce of ovder. Of
the cream of tartar baking powders
exliltuteil at the latr the next highest
in strength thus tested contained but
l.'f.'J cubic Inches of leavening gas
The other powders gave an average
or III. Hie Koyal, therefore, was
found 0 per cent, greater leavening
strength than its nearest competitor,
and 4 I cr cent. alsvo the average of
all the other tests. Its suiierioritv in
other ifspicts, however, in the qiial
ity of the food it makes as fo fine-
in, delicacy and wholcsnmeness,
could not be measured by figures.
It is these high iuabtiis, known
and appreciated by the women of the
country for so many years, that have
caused the side of the Uoyal Baking
Powder, as shown by statistic, to
exccisl the side of all other baking
powders combined.
Mr. J. P. Blaie, an extensive real
estate dealer in Ih-s Moines, Iowa,
narrowly escnpml one of the severest
attack of pneumonia while in the
northern part of that state during a
recent bli..ard, says the Saturday
Iteview. Mr. Blai.e had occasion to
drive several mile during the storm
and was so thoroughly chilled that
he was unable to get warm, and in
side of an hour after his return he
wa threatened w ith a seven case of
pneumonia or lung fever. Mr.
Blai.e sent to the nearest drugstore
and got a bottle of Chamberlain's
cough remedy, of which he had often
heard, and took a number of large
doses. He says the effect was won
derful and iu a short time he was
Is-atliing quite easily. He kept on
taking the medicine ami the next
day wa able to come to lie Moines.
Mr. lilnixe regards hi cure a simply
wonderful. Fur sale by HilUlioro
When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K.
Hal ton, of l.uray, Kussell county,
Kansas, culled at the laboratory of
Chamla-rlaln v Coniany, Im-s
Moines, to show them his six year
old Imy, whose life had Ihsmi siivisl
by Chamberlain's cough renin I v. it
having cunsl him of a very severe
attack of croup. Mr. lialton is
certain that it saved his Imiv's life and
is enthusiastic in his praise of ihe
remedy. For sale by llill-.lsiro
BY virtue i f HQ rirrnlion isantHl out of
lb I'nnnty (sirt. of tlii Slain of Or
irun, for WHulniictnn t'oanlv, in fivor of S.
It. I rvon anil acainiit Kiehnnt Conlivl.l
for lhi mini of f iy ftn r. 8. kiII ooit). Willi
inlt-rrat thirpon Hi lb ratr of 9k ,r w-nt.
porannuui. from theiltli ut Sovt-m's-r.
KKi. and lor thr f ntil,-r um of $ :t 7. tumtn.
RuJIortbf eUn.l npt-nwa ofanlcnnil
of mt. Ami h!o liy virlun of an n
mlon, iamifil out of the Circuit Court, of
tlii- bint of ( )r. yon, for Washiiujuui (Viiiniv.
in favor of (jeo. W Criw nnd nwi io-h.
anlComltlilf for tU tmu of fl iir y, ,
tfolj oi in, Wit i. nilcn-iO Umrtsm at lb rule
if H imt au. is-r Huuuni. from I lie :ti, Ua?
uf Novfmlrfr, s'.i ami f.tf Ilia rnrtle-r ura
of $'.i.l.i, coata, ami for tUa wta and ex-
prnwa of aala iu of tuiJ nt.
Now. turrutora. l.v V irttin anil in nru
anor of aalil ramnlion I bavn ll U uixni,
ami I will, on 'I urUnv, tho ihI 1mv of
aaiiiiHrv. I:i. at III a-mih dix.r of
tha C.mrllioin. M HiIUIhith, W'ash
Inu'on Coonty, ( Iravon, at tha hour of 10
o'oliM-k A. M., of aaiii Ua?. acll all of the in
loivata of the aaid di-frndnit t I nblio auc
tion to tba bivbrat In.l4.-r for raab in hand
ma KiiiowiiiH-amorilirU rani
In tb aotilil half of rMwnrd ConaiHlil
and wiff'a donation claim No. 71, in s-tioiia
if 1 and townaliin 1 north, rnnun weat
all in Waadiiitfton I'oniiir. Orni t.. aitt
af, tba hpn-inU-f.iri" nainrd aiim, Miiil for
tbaoimtaaiiJ -XH-nw, o( iiU alt. Knid
proitrtT will lip a ld UMl jPCt to redemption
Wllnpvi UtJ hud ibn tfith dny of Kurnu
U'. fui. M. r. Ft Hill
it-'M hberiS of aibiuvtoa Uubty, ir.
M Hil t is WALK,
viriuPuf au aterution,
i,ip. out of
Hlfil I I.. .
4 tli I ooiitT Court, of tba htit
H, lr NVn.h'nL.-tiii Count i
ao Hutli-r aud H,(iiiu Aar. n M I,,op mi I
.tia j aiiiinnr lha nm of fX.i s.
ff"ld OolU. Willi inleriat lh.re.ni at tba rn'p
of 10 per rent. n f miniiw, from n, y,n.
da? of K- i teiul-r. lur.. and for Ibe fiirtlipr I
niu 01 f i :i.. onata. and for tba r u and
tipia of .! nnd of aaid writ.
.Vow. tbrrvfora. l.v irtna and in pnma
aoop of .aid aieen'ioii. I lute levied noon
nu ..11. on 1 OP.U.V ihe nu Onv of Jnn-
oarv. 1-.I4. at tbpaoutli d.,r of th Con.t-
bona, in H. ll.tK.ro, W a.b.ni;t..n C.-nntv,
t)r-ori.at tb.boiirof Jo ocl.-k A. M. of
aid dy. aell at ,nMlp anct.ot, lo tl,.
hmhpat bid Jer for ra.h. all of the ii.i.mi.
( ih. u..l ,i,r i.e..- .- .
y'. TIT 1 1 ' '"""wing.
gporiltpd raal Dr.iie.riT, t.-wit: !
jn tba a. hi 1 u hall of
l.dw.rj Coti.ta.
Up and wife'a dmiation rlnim No.
aertH.na ill and
I l. LU
t.iao.iiij. I u.riu.i
ta brrriuU-loiw nauivd '
ann.a. aud U,t tl, aoat. and ...-nJ 7.7, i
,r" e- r,..-...
aaiu aat. Baio pr.ijrrtr will ha aold aab.
jw-t to rpdrrnptioB aa pr atatuta of rv..n
Wimpaa mj baud tbil r.tb dav of Novam-
-' 11. K FUhU.
I7 M HbcriS of Waabinton Oonni j, tjr.
II. von Mailt to Iniy a piece of laud in a
uooil location I lie iniilersiirneil lias Tor sale
300 acres in and 10-acre tracts in A. H.
.Ioliiisoii First Addition, located 1-2 mile
north est of
aloii"; t lie county road to Hutler's Mill.
On t-li;i 1 1 in i 1" to Station, I'ostofllce and
Schoolliouse. Keedville Is nicely located
VI miles iroiu Portland on t lie S. 1. K. II. ,
miles east oC HilMjoro. Terms: 1-J cash;
balance iu : .ears. AH those lots have 40
foot road in front.
V Lill'tfr t
- AT I tiK
This tock of
Kvery day of ilu week. A Spii i.d Auction Sale Satur.la v afternoon
Irom 1 fo;loclKk, ami from 7 toll iu Ihe evening. The stock consists f
Woolen I nderwear, Ijulies' Cloaks, Keady-inade Suits, Oveishirts and
Overalls, Hats and Caps, (tools and Shoes, t iroceries and Hardware.
Assigns of
Cily im Stable
Where you will lind the
IX 111
flood Teams, (,'ood Huir-;ies and flood Drivers.
Cor. Second and Washington Sts.
CARSTENS BROS., Proprietors.
Manufaclurar n4 Ocalar In
A lull I. Imp of t.i , hi ,1
nriickclH i-oiiNhmtlv in nk.
SprHitl Ili-slirna of lmil,lr,V k,kh
Ill III III-r lanl. In aim n.- lion uiil.
vi.i Uin i. l i
i I. 1 ..on. -i'Mii nun
i.uuurra art- iiivni-ii lo pi:nr iln'lr
' r nl 'ii'-'orv, iv.-t tl,e
Hfctarj,Wd Sales Slallel
.. miiil k
fitonri i i vi riMii ii T.
Y. WW. (IK :H.(ilKS AIIEI.
OnlcM li-fl for IIElKsi: rpr,.,T. Bromnt ...
Itrmi-inbcr tlir Mure.
Pacific University
It; I I l r iav.
Tuesday, January 2, 1894.
I-'or C it.ilo-ui or otli.-r
For or FrliimSp.
,K e-S Hn. lt IIIim-i,
Hil!lM.r'.. two
' aloriea bik-ll. rp il, f ,r ."u
t' o ner
nmntn. lor a .le or trad- f..r f .n,,,.,., i.i
Waal iiitftot. eon.,tv: nl-,. i.ii a,.r, f z".
m.lr laml in .M.ilth.,,, ,,1, pih tv w.ih?.
onp - ball mile of (..at I,,,,,,,,,,,. Wll" T
for farm pr..,rt ,n A h,(, .,., XXmI
Addra. CjiIiMIV . w .lJ . . .
. ... "'""ir.11.
- ... 111 .
ri. t rek.n.
fenlrtl Itl.l,,
C..lei of Ilie t'.l. .9 II 11 1 .
I r.t. .1. ..'ll-IK.ri. t.
I.T...! - . ....1 ",r '"'"i-l.nirf all
IIIK Tear.
Ml I. a. II I- . I i '
oorder and filed llh him I.t n.V.i, Ju
or, i, H, order ,., J. lnU'
Hin i r. """HIN. HecordPr.
HilUbo.-o, l. 1.', l-y.(.
Agent, Rcedvillo, Oregon.
on - luiiu - ut ut
sroKE OK
l'ooiIs will . ,old -
x. a. ha it it rr r.
the Msiate of I). Mcpherson, insolvenf.
Uest Teams that can he lia.t
pattern, ..f sh-I,, u.,r iii..i,,,li,:K;, Hlu
milr t fir.,.r .. Bi,(lM .-.
il.- ..-I. ...i i , . ' .
,, ,r y iii-iin-r
ronii Hint tint
iwl Imiiln-r of nil kind-.
or.lcra with u.
n,in.l Million, IlillsU.ro
iiifonnnf inn
Ailininlaf ri,or n x,,!!,.
ii.ne, baalbiadav takpn out letter.
H,.l.....i .1 . "I t.l
miiiKiii.tration on tin.
.... 11... . ...
---o All Trin. havit.u
wiilun . i. ' " r iiMMintaiu
HIV in H. i It A VIS.
. r-'Ti.
ttna i .1.
Adiindmtr ,t,,r patate of
Klva lliiltead. 1p-
..v-...i - - l
"(M-klioltlrr .Trtliitr.
,V)I ICF. ia I.Pret,T lrrn ,tl tllp
no-ptititfof tlix Stoekh .1 lep. ,,f i,
tiral National lUnk of llill.m.r... 1.,,,,,
Ill l held at anid Lank on Hi- .-t,. ,i,, ,,,
Nnnarv. Ii.. f, t,a pur,... . , elr n,
director, for tb. .n.nun vaar. anif.th,
trananction of aneb othpr hiiainiaia a, u.i
porna l.efi.ra .aid meeting
W-33 J. U. MUilU JHN, a,.,,,