Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, December 08, 1893, Image 2

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i hi. ,
.1 in lln- ..!.. lt!.-i
U i' Hill-, ll
nt 1 1 M i.ttoro, Or-a'ii,
uiulU r.
tt.i...-i i' ,iii, it. uiIykih-.-, r iitr . J .'a
J 1 1 1 . 1 I ! 1 1 I'l Hl.l-IIIN.i Co., l"r...ru-tor,
l. M C. il I.T, Keillor.
UttH t II. V IVt.H ' TIIH 1 IT Y
On Novi-mlur 17, Tiik Isiik-
i KMii .v r miM : 'iinfliuin hut al-
lowiil liim If to lie IuijiommJ upon,
eitlur w I!lii)!y or Itfiioruntly.
lilonnt lias not tol.l tln truth." On
the Itll iu-t.iiit u -nilliti"; vt"fl calJit
to Port Tnwri-Mii!, WWi., Kririxidir
tliittis fruiii Honolulu to Novt-mU-r
1!, four ilay hitrr than t 1j l.rou'lit
ty tin- -li-mii-liiji. Aftt r tin-uilini
of the Alaini-ila Mini-ti-r Willis tiu
tlioriiil tin- iulilicntoii of uiinivt r
Kitiou w hirli In- ha.luitli tlif litor
of tlif Kwiiintf Slur, in which on-ur
thcMi H'litciico : ' no clmiii- in the
piv-i-nt Hitnatioii will take plaf for
hi-Vi-rtil Weeks. I hrnnylit W illl II it
certain iii-tnii-liin from the I'nitcil
Slates 'overnineiit on the Hawaiian
-ilii.Cioii. Since n;y armal coiitin
)reiicies have arin, uliont which
neither the I'niteil Slates ovrn
inent iioi niy.-elf were tiwitrt' w lien
I left Wii.-liiiiloii. I have thought
it hest, In the exercise of the ili.K-ro-
tion nllowcil me, to Mihmit thes4'
matters to ahinKtoii lielore pri
! liny further to carry out my orig
inal instructions." This conlirnm
w hat was Niiil in theM-columns on
the Ktli, ami marks Willis us n man
w ho w ill not le a jmrly to the nmii
tirchial con-piracy.
The news hrouyht hy the little
hailing vessel reached Washington
city in time for despatches to he tele
Krnilu'd to San l'ranci-co and for
warded hy the revenue cutter Cor
win. 'i'he sudden ilt-piirtiirii of the
dispatch hoat leads to the helief that
the administration is hurrying to
change its policy. It is time.
On Friday evening lat republican
ehs-tors met in convention and uoiii
iitaUsH'uptain J. D. Merrynian for
mayor, J. J. Morgan, J. I'. rumiiie
ami A. M. Collins for councilmcn for
two years, und (ieorgw Wih'ox, N. A.
Uarrett and J. 1. Hicks for one year,
It. iitou Itow tnan for rts-onler and (i.
W. IVttersoii for treuurr.
SiinetimH Istwecn midnight and
S oVI'K-k Monday morning, the c.j
.itioii named its ticket "Popular."
it bore the name of J. C. Hare for
mayor. The humu name for coun
cilmcn, except A. M. Collin wim re
placed by the name of Ir. F. J. liai
ley, and J. 1. Hick by that of Dr.
J. K. Adkins. 1 1. W. Dol.hiui wax
on for recorder.
When the votes were counted at
the clo-e of the election it Was dis
covered that all on the popular tick
et had Iss n elected by u majority
ranging from '22 to fi'J. Then the
ixMtiiin went out and coiiimencsi
kicking tiieiiiselves Ikhhum' they hud
not nominated an entire ticket. The
republicans might easily have ehvt
cd their entire ticket if they had had
more voti r. The vote m ! Im I was a
light one, only Uns. Ijt-t year there
were i'T;t thrown, only a few more
than came to the polls last Mon
day, but ipiite a mi in I of almeuteen
call be counted.
i:siii: rs M kxsa i .'.
The president's message is u long
state pa-r and in many places his
excellency seems to use words to con
ceal thought, 'i'he following para
graphs touching Sandwich Islands
matters is anything but satisfactory.
It is that same system of secrecy and
evasion. It is given entire:
"It Is scarcely necccssary for me to
state that the ijuc-lion arising from
our relations with Hawaii have
caused serious embarrassment. Just
prior to the installation of the present
administration the existing govern
ment of Hawaii had been suddenly
overthrown, and a treaty of annex
ation had been uegotiatisl between
the provisional government of the
Islands and the I'nited States, and
submitted to the senate for reuctitlca
tion. This treaty J withdrew for
examination and dispatched Hon.
.lames II. lilount, of (ieorgla, to
Honolulu as a special commissioner
tn make an impartial investigation of
the circumstance attending the
change of government and of all con
ditions bearing upon tin; subject of
the treaty. After u thorough and ex
liaiistive examination, Mr. Illount
submitted to me his report, showing
.licyond all iucstiou that thecoustitu
tloual government of Hawaii had
Ims-ii subverted w ith tin! active aid
if our representative to that govern
ment an-1 through the intimidation
caused by the presence of armed
naval force of the I'nited States,
w hich was lauded for that purpose at
the instance of our minister.
"I'pon the tacts develox-d it
-seemed o me that the only honor
able cotirs for our governnn nt to
pursue was to undo the wrong that
had been done by those representing
us, und to restore, ns far as practic
nhlc, the stums existing at the time
of our forcible intervention. With a
view of atcnmpli-liiiiu this result,
within the constitutional limits of our
'Xtvutive power, and recognizing all
our obligations and responsibilities
grow inir out of any changes in the
condition brought alHiut by our un
jllstillahlc iptelerclice, our prnt
mini-lii- at lloiioluhj has nrcived
appropriate instructions to that end.
Thus tar no information of nuy nc
compr!,ineiit of fiw delinite ri-siill.
lias Imi n receive I from him. Ad
tlitioual liilvices are mi.ui cHctel.
When received, they will ls prompt
ly sent b congnsw, together w ith all
other iiiformatiou at hand, accom
panies! by a special executive mes
sage detailing the acts ntvccswiry to a
sHiiplete under-taiiiling of the cu-s',
and pre-s'iiting a history of all the
material events bailing up to the
pN"ont situation."
The part relating to tlnani-c con
tains no new thing, bid is fur t In
most part sl;lti-tii"ll.
The topic of raiiug revenu." j
an Indorsement of the Wil-on I ill
The li'tle Central American State
lias iip1 f"r tiring on rtir ting.
Informatiuii ii given of the pr'-;rcss
imide in the ndjiistnii nt of our
claims against Chili. 'J'ho incsNige I
a long one and w ill l nr otudy from
lime to unit-. t
The devil is out of her. Mrs. ii.
II. Williams has tlnishej her 40 days
fast and has commenced eating.
Now after all this nonsense how
much better is she? The human
body as far as eating is concerned is
something like a steam boiler, lleliy
fuel to the furnace and the power to
do work by the boiler is soon lost.
So with the Isnly. When one ith
stalns from food the power to labor
is soon lost. Indeed the pangs of
hunger will interrupt concentrated
thought, la the mind fixed on ma
terial or spiritual sii'Jccts. Pretend
ed messages from heaven delivered
through ii starved tenement can only
1st the disordered imaginings of a
pialragesiinal brain.
A speaker at a tax payer' meeting
in Portland, u few nights ago, ap
plied tin- term, "Cow counties," to
that portion of the state outside of
the metropolis. Now, docs this
gentleman wish to antagonize the
outside counties '.' If he does we, of
the outside, are willing. Ikies the
gentleman remember the fate of Ids
non-taxable water bonds? Portland
is in no condition at this time to be
arn gaut.
I. J. Van Allen decliui's the Ital
ian mission in a neat letter to Secre
tary of State (ire-ham, that reads
very much as though it was dictated
by the president himself. It is the
most perfii-t example of making the
Ut of a bad bargain that has yet
been given to the public. Van spent
his J. ".(i,ooo and has heart burnings
for his boot.
.Notice the kingly
Orover when he says,
ter at Honolulu."
language of
"( ur mlnis-
Special Report treat inir Acifthliort
to (be Sutlt of I'm,
M( Min.nvii.I.K, Or., Dec. !!. The
farmers of this section have conclud
ed that there is mors in iney In bal-
I.... !...(.. I . 1.1 1 I. . 1
o.Ku,e,r M, no., snipping ,i ... , t . , J,,.,,,,, J ,
.1 - ...IH . ... rfil... .1 ... 1 S '
uie Mi(er linns ill wreou i iiy inail
there is iii burning it. Some 1'imi
make her n-gular tri-wct-Wly trips.
Mrs. W. K. Martin, win) isane
time ago left her husband taking her
daughter with her, returned home
Friday evening She was met at
the train by Mr. Martin, who took
the chili and has sin. v had it ill his
M-susion. Notwithstanding the
efforts of detectives to locate her, her
whereabout nim-e leaving tlii-i city
are still a mystery.
Cohvali.is, Dec. C. On Sunday
eve, thou w ho were fortunate in at
tending evening scrvhsu at the Pres
byterian church, received quite an
agreeable hiirprise. llishop Mills,
Iowa, of the I'uited Brethren church,
delivered an excel lent sermon. This
is the bishop's first visit to the coast
and he expresses himself as Is-ing
highly pi easts 1 with what lie has
seen of Oregon, and eclally the
W-st sideHirtiou of the Willamette
Siturday night, the farm lious- ol
"Iih-" Maples, three and one-hall
mills Fast ol Corvallis, w as destroyeil
by Are, none of the contents Icing
saved. The family were away from
home and it is nuppostsl that the tire
originated from the tireplaee. Thti
illumination was plainly -sn from
this city.
Harold Woodcock, a sou of the
Corvallis Imnkcr, M. S. Woodcock,
had Ids arm broker, w hile attending
a fractious horse on Friday evening
The steamer, lloeg, arrived from
up-river Miuts last night with i
large load of freight, which wa
transferred to the train for shipment
to San Francis. -o. This morning she
left for Portland and down rivt
points with about l-"n tons of freight,
and passengers ahoai'd. On her trip
up the river she progrisscd siiti.-fai
torily to within three miles of Fu
gene, where the channel of the river
had changed so much that a pnssagt
was impossible, cnnsiipiently the
FugiMie cargo was unloaded at liar-risburg.
Miss A Idie Tiitt, a yo ing lady of
a'Miut H years of age, died in tlii
city yesterday mormug, a victim of
Arrangmeiits are making for tin
holding of an old-fashioned farmers
and mechanic's dance in this city,
about January t-'i, 'ill. It is pro
posal to have an imported orchestra
of seven pieces on hand for the occa
sion, and a good time Is anticipated.
I.NUKI'KXDKSl I'.. Iks'. ".Till
roads ill Polk county are deep w ith
mud in .some places.
Small boys are not nllowi-d on the
streets of Ihillas after s o'clock.
Charles Post, of McCoy, has made
an assignment.
I,. P. Fra.er, of McCoy, has leasts I
laud to Alderman I'.ros. fm- a Imp
Three hundred and seventy-nine
bales of hops were sold at Pallas re
cently at prices ranging from 1) to
l-r cents, as follows: (ieorge (Jarducr
7 bales, ('. (iardner '., Shephard A
Card 'A2, J. F. (Jroves 1,12, A. Sie
farth II, Kirkjmtrick A- 1 iinlop
W. D. (iilliam :I2, C. Friuk 17, J.
II u her -'2, i rant A- ( iuy 27, For i A
l'raik :is.
1 luring the rei-cnt high waters the
steaiiier Altona was water bound
here but was not idle by any means,
A quarter million feet of logs was
wived by towing to Salem, and Is
head of cattle were taken out of the
mg a most -ignt-aijie warmin I m
the lire ujriii my buck. Tlio ght
hal grown itildcr, though I w not
aware of it ut the time. The cabin
itself was in a perfect glow rvflecU-d
from the tin1, presenting a I thought
a pleasing picture witii its ever
changing lights and shades,
turmil over to take a pwp at the
fire, for I am a gr.-at admirer t-f ojx'ii
tirs, when, to my aiiia.ement, I saw
that end of the cabin w as one hlus-t of
tlaine. The hou-eiii fact w as on fire,
ami the blaze rapidly licking the
roof. I immediately arose and com
menced throwing on water with
tin cup, furnished from two buckets
luckily at hand. Making, poibly,
mole noise than was neis-ssary in the
tearing down of some boards acting
as an obstacle to my efforts, my
friend awoke, find taking ill the situ
atioii gave me his aid. It tk but a
short w bile to cru-h the invader, and
n I m n invts-tigatioii found a half days
lalsir would n comis-iise matters,
We loadisl our pipes 0ml sat dowu
for a chat, feeling in no way sleepy
enough to warrant our immediate re
tiring. My friend remarked the ex
crci.se had been Is-ucticial, in fact, he
felt hungry as a Ix-ar. Wishing to
know mv sentiments under thai
Ii -ad, I confes-s-d to being in the
same plight. Well, the long and
short of It was, we ate that turkey,
retiring a short time afterwards well
satistlitl with ourselvist and the
world at large. When we turned
out upon Thanksgiving day, there
was nothing but bones staring us in
the face w ith n faint odor of crow in
the distance. Ijitcr, bis friend ar
rival, and in due -east in we all dined
at a table upon w hich crow was by
all odds the most conspicuous object.
I ins is "why 1 ate crow upon
1 lianksgivlng.
(iKd ir nu nr.
tons of baled straw are now waiting
for the steamer. The freight to Ore
gon City is t.'2't per ton.
Fvcryone is pleased at the com
ments or the visiting newspaper
lr. John Field, of Sheridan, one
of the oldest practitioners of medi
cine in the county, died Thursday
morning, lie whs a memU-rof the
I. o. o. F. and A. O. F. W.
Friday morning It was discovered
that burglars had entered thet.tatimw
cry store of Charles (IrWscii and hail
taken several dozen gold js-ns and
enhn!ders. I). A. Smith, the jew
eler, who Is located in the same
room, lost some 2" watches, l. of
them being in his hands for repair.
The evening In-fore -on n one entered
the residence of Dr. (i. S. Wright,
while the family was away. Noth
ing has Ihs'ji miss-d. The burglar
cut his hand M.vcjvly, however,
in breaking a wii.dow Jo jjaiu an
entrance, bloody marks being
on everything touched, mid a trail
ol blood led to the road where it
ili;pj'an d. These burglaries were
in all probability crpetpitd by
some of the numerous hard looking
tramps that li.ne passed through the
city during the past wi-Hi gng
south, independence and Corvallis
should keep a Lookout fnf them.
The other day W. F. Dicbjctw!,
er, Jeweler, lolssnl si-v rial small din
uioniN worth fioni tlA to 2.1 each.
Dilig- iit search wrs made without
.avail. It wa finally concluded that
the nCjis had bis-n dropsil on the
Moor and hi siM-i-piu had U-cn
gathered up and throw n in the stove.
jAu old miner was hired and Jhe
IwlnU r :isu s wi re iiremlly panned
ut and aft ii." jewels were found.
J. D. Murphy and A. J. Walcott and
brought to high land on this side.
The new city nfttcers of Independ
ence w ill U: A. M. Hurley, mayor;
Ueorge W. Hts'it, recorder; John
Richardson, Jr., treasurer; Andy
lupsr, marshal; councilmen, W.
W. Percival, J. D. Irvine, J. C.
Kirkland, Peter CiMik, II. C. Finch
and d. O. Strong.
One of the Indepeiideniv Sunday
scIiihiIs has had to susi-nd its mis-t-ings
bei-ause it can get no assembly
rM)in. An old schoolhou-e had Ixs-n
U-ssI, but that was taken for manu
facturing purposes, whereupon there
was nothing to do except ml.j-urn
without day,
In a pcr-sinal li t n r Raueii p,in
tells how he came to eat crow on
Thanksgiving. The Incident has
just enough of tragedy in it for spice.
Here Is the story:
I had a little experience Thanks
giving day, which, when 1 think of
tl, was ipiite amu-ing, though it
iiinld have I,cei serious, I had de
clined several kind hiv it.il iofis to
dine out, preferring to pas that day
with an old hacia-lor friend living'
rtloije In a log cabin u 'cV miles from
this xint. I arrived at his home
li.u evening U-fore, w here I received
a iiHKt In-afty welcome. He wn
esiting a friend to dinner the fol
lowing day, and had rousted a small-
Corbitt A Mucleay v. T. II. Cornel
ius and Alex Chalmers, judgment by
iieiauii ior uie piainuiis in the sum
of JbiOs, and a decn-c that the prop
erty attached by the sheriff be sold
to satisfy the judgments and costs.
11. o. Thorn v. Sarah A. Robinson
et ul, executors, sheriff! sale of real
proert v continued.
F. P.irdsoll v.J. F. Fleming et al,
sheritl's sale of realty continued.
RolH-rt imbrie v. 1,. O. Dersham,
set for trial I leci'inlx-r !, at i:10 a. in.
D. S. .McCalie v. II. F. Ford, set
for trial December 1 1, at !i:."n a. in.
T. F. Haul v. A. and 1. Allen, ar
ginsl and submitttsl and taken under
Moore, Ferguson A Co. v. T. R.
Cornelius, judgment for plalntilf for
the sum of i;o7."!) with interest at
in -r cent.
Ilritton v. Davis, argued and tak
en under advisement.
Fllen Piekard et al v. ('has. F.
Pickard, judgment for the nvovery
of the real pros-rty, and "lO daiii-ages.
Albert lU-iland v. Flizalieth liei-
laild, decreed that clerk of the court
pay di-fcnilaut t I. so taxes ftilvanced.
interest on ii.i,s, that he pay lleriianl
kindred the net interest on
$!;!!, that he pay from lirst monev
to the plaintitf the sum of l:ttl, that
he pay Otto, Robert and Mary llrini
kie, or their guardian the sum of
l:i! with Interest.
I n in White v. (itsirge White,
ili-rts' lor a divorce granted.
J. H. Taylor v. Nannie F. Tavlor,
dvr;s' for a divorce grantisl.
l.J. Armstrong v. T, R. Cornel
ius, judgment for plaintiff for '.7-1.
J. R. C. Thompson v. J. C. (irani
et al, judgment for plaintitf for
11111.71, and mortgaged premises
ordenst sold.
S. R. Huston v.Charles F. Pick
ard et al, judgment for plaintiff for
21 hi and the mortgaged premises
ordered sold.
Pat Ring v. Harney Feiisc, set for
trial Ihif-iiihcr pi.
R. I,. Sahin v. Ii. Mcpherson,
judgment against defendant by de
fault for the s.mi of 7-1-1. -in.
ti. C. Wickson v. T. R. Cornelius,
judgment for the plaintiff for the sum
! :r.ls.n.).
Vunderveldoii v. T. R. Cornelius,
judgment tor plaiutilf for $1 1 lti.70.
A. W . I.aiuUrt v. John and li.ir
hara Frohnauer judgment for plain
titf for '. v..:;n.
F. New ton v. T. i;. ltroW nct al,
judgment for plaiutilT for liNis.iiu,
and that J. J. Morgan have ju Ig
ment against defendant, Isaac Funis,
for ti'i 12, and that mortgaged prem
ises Ik' sold to satisfy said judgments.
Schiilmerich A Sm v. J. C. Ma
(iruderet nl, judgment for plaiutitl
for 772.70 against defendants, J. ('.
and Flora Magruder, and for :l7ii
against defendants, Annie and John
Alexander, and that mortgagisl
pniiiisis be sold.
W. M. Jolly and F. R. JoII-, ex-is-utors,
v. Ifidiard M. Kyle ej al.
Ihsdof Sam and Fanny Kyln net
aside, and a second lieu on described
realty for '.mil, and 2ii.sn allowisl to
Sylvester Pennoyer et nl v. Fouls!
Krauset al, sheritr.s sale eontlrmisl.
i:ilen Pickard, guardian, v. Chas,
I-'. Pickard, jury trial verdict ror the
plaiiitiU" for -12-1..12, with interest at
s mt (int. from February 17, lsn2. j
lo hp lli-lil nt HiIMhiia IM'CFinlirr
13. llmiil 1-1. Isl.
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 1 (wa
I 113 011 aiit lo Imy a pirn of land In a
good location t lie underslsriuMl lias for sale
I :i(M) acres in ." and 10-acro tracts in A. II.
Johnson' First Addition, located K' mile
nortlnu'st of
Appuiiitment ( AnoigueeM.
TOTI( K in Lert-bTtiiveu that T. It. Cor
I Dt-liiK, rmiUriit of Waslniictuii
oouuiT. Or-(uii, ia umJti nu nik;uiiif nl u(
all to prum-rtT 1 1 tli.- unafmiw.-i.oU, fur tU
bvualit il all tiw creditor. u,l tliat li the
creditors of tbt (nl.l 1. rt. c'oraeliu. r
tereli? nolilir.l to irment tlivir oIhiiu
ik'tmst Iii in, umli-r ontli. to un nt the law
ertiis. o lb, II. 'Iiiiirfiie, in lilUtro,
W nilnntiin (xaiiiie, lln-iiii, witliiu three
liioiitliH It. mi theilnte hen-of.
HitlilHiro, lrfi;,iii, Ueremlier 7. ls;f
I. J MoitiiW.
n. i. ruhM-.ui s.
Afc(lKns .,f tb i-slnle cf . (. t'orneliu
in.,vt-iit. js ;u
AilmiuUtrator o otice.
N'tn iCK is liert-bv imt-n llint the nnder
iniied linn llr day lakfii out letters
of HitmmislrHll.nl mi the es'nle f Klvn
HalileaJ, derensrd. All iii-rii Iintiiil;
olmiuit Hi.'Hiimt una! ettnte will (irewnt them
tolne PI Hiv rvNldem-e nil r.Ki(i r Ill.lUIltlllll
a In a ait illinium t r on tin dnte.
I hi: MO S IK WIS.
Adiaidistr.it, ir t-soite ol Ih.i llnlnu-nd. de-f-e-oled.
N'oveinlier 1, ls.i;l.
Appointment of Assignee.
NOTU'K i hrrehy uiveii tlmt Doii-ild
Mi l'lirrsnli. n ieside,t f WaHliuik'ton
eotinty, Oregon, hiia lumle nu s.ii;iiiiieiit ol
all Illi in.HTtv to the mnlersii'iie.l. fur the
Itc-iielit of all Ii .s rrrditon nnd that all
creditors of I lie o,i lunula Mi-I'hermiti an-lierel-r
uiilitleil lo itrewtnt their cIioiiih mi
Uer mull, to me nt the h-w olllm- of Thou. II
, r ti . i I I oiiliii-, in hi tM'mro. W iiKlntiLt,,ii coimtv
Mr. J. P. Itlaie. an extensive real tire... wni,,,, ii, .n in.,., the de
estate dealer in Ihs Moines, Iowa, liereof.
narrow IV issnis-d otie ot the severest I ,,1M ii'inii, .Novemir ! lS'.cs,
Maslilujtoa County Vt-trrau AikocU
tluu. The larrit meeting of et-soldiers
and sailors ever held iu Vashlii;ton
csiunty held an all day stjssion on
Itecember tith, at Forest drove, and
lerfivtetl a county association of vet
erans with the following ortleers:
Prts , u. U. m.wns, Forest (irove;
1st i.-e prcM., J. N. Fisher, Heaver
ton; 2nd V. P., N. J. Walker, Forest
(inve; Tr'as., 1. W. Baldw in, Forct
tfrovej; Set.-., Jos. liucher, Forest
A rtssjlutioii to peDslon all survi
vors of Indian wars of the North
P.tcitV const tspial with Mexican
war survivors was unanimously
passed. Abo a resolution favoring
the early and sMssy completion of
the State ."soldiers' Home at
The various committees nece.snary
in the society were appointisl.
The next meetinjf will l held at
llillsboro, on the first Thurslay in
May, lsi, und the follow inif meet
ing the first Thursilay in Septeinbi'r,
follow ing at some placu ilesignatetl in
the future.
More w ill he heard from the soci
ety in the future.
alonu: the comity road to Ilntler's .Mill.
Oiie-liiiirinile to Station, Tostollice and
Sclioollionso. Keedvllle Is nicely located
VI miles from Portland on the S. 1 It. It.,
miles east of HIlMioro. Terms: cash;
balance in . years. All thoie lots liae 10
i'oot road in front.
Agent, Reedville, Oregon.
27 ol
attacks of pneumonia while in the
northern part of that state during a
recent blizzard, says the Saturday
Iteview. Mr. Maize had occasion to
drive several milt during the storm
and was so thoroughly chilled that
he was unable to get warm, and in
side of an hour after his return he
was threatened w ith a severe case of
pneumonia or lung fever. Mr.
Wnize sent to the nearest drugstore
and got a I sit tie of Chamberlain's
cough remedy, of w hich he hail often
heard, anil took a uumrn-r of large
doses, JIc says the ell'ect WHS won
derful ami in a short time he was
heathiug quite easily, lie kept on
taking the mislicine ami the next
day was able to come to lKn Moines,
Mr. lllal.e regards his cure as simply
wonderful. For sale by Uillsboru
For a sore throat there Is nothing
lictter than a tin unci bandage damp
ened with Chamberlain's Pain Halm.
It will nearly always ott'irtfteure in
one night's time, tins remedy Is
also a favorite for rheumatism and
has cunsl many very severe cases.
.in cent bottles for salt-by llillsboro
Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
Wurld'a Fair Hlvnr.t Mtdal ami Diploma.
A I -a r ire ( oii-.lniiiriit of
0a . Boin. N'oveinlier to the wife of
t'liarleu ( awrne, a aoti.
AlAM Morn, Droenilier I'd., to tl:e wife of
A urn A J. huh, in llilUl.oro, a noli.
Nicohkmi Horn. lVoeinher 4. to the
wife of Nicodetniitt. a daughter.
Sciioi.riKi i t'oasatii a - At lli limine of
the hrlde'a pai-eiita in I'orneliua, Noyein
Iwr -Jit. William T. S(-liiilrlld ot Amoria,
nnd.MiiM LaVtlle Curiii'liuH, Ilia writer
The hnpt j ptir were recipients of uinn
iK-mitifiil preaeiits. Tin' He preaeut were!
It-v. Hml Mrs. Vii;Nlend, Mi. and Mm. M.
Sohollifld, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. (loodin of
Forest Glove. Mr. end Mr. J. I-'. VVnrd. Mr.
1. H. C.rui'liun of Aatoria, Sir. Willinui
Hnv and Mr. ami Mm. It II. Ooodin ol
liillnlHiro, Mcm. Jolui Alilmtl. ' f. M. Mo
Nutt, M. Tililntii. mid tin' Misws Kmton
Miller, Mvrtte Tihlnts, l.lllv linnley anil
Hut I is N-hiiltU'lil of 4 V.rneliux. Mr. and
Mrs. William tv-lioltii-ld atarted far their
home in Astoria Monday, oarrviiig with
them the best wihIim of their many (niida.
t(HV. Il.au W i,iMTii.
N. A. IIVI'.ltKI I
AMl(llM- of the enutte of Jlonald Mrl'ller
S.MI. Ii. solvent.
siu:i:ir'H .sai.k.
irlne . f tin e-lllnii l.am il onl nl ,
tin- l ,nnlv I'onrt. of l he Slut., of lira
(ion, for Waaliuiirtoii ' ontity, in favor of S.
ii. irvoiinmt aiiiimt Hi, Imr l ',n,tnMH
for the aunt of f .vi V. 8. L-oUl onia. with
iiiterext thereon at the rule of s per cent,
per son em, fr-'iu the lllh dav of Novemlier,
lsiia and tor the fiirdn-r mini of $1.1 7.".. uimt
and for the ooi and es.n-a of anli mid
of said writ. And nli l.v vimie of mi exe
ontion. mn.-d out of the Ciroiut Court, of
the State ol ( n y. ,n, f. .r W'aaliinuion loiintv,
iu favor of Oho. W. Craw and acainst lid-hard
llotiit il.le for the mini of :. 7 lip V. H
Id coin, with uiti reMl thereon at the rate
n s per oeni. i-r aiiuun.. from the tilth (Ut
of Novemlier. ls'.il, and for the further niiid
of $ :t o,HtH, and t .r the oonih and i-x-pensr-a
uf aale and of mid writ.
Now. tln-re'ow. by virtito and ill pursu
auoe uf aaul eteouliou 1 have levied uisin.
and I will, on Tn-dav, the .'nd dav ol
Jaiinarv. 1S'.4. at the aoiith diu.r of
the Ooiirthonae, In HillhiMro, Wah
illk'ton County, tlreuoti, at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M., of aald day. tu-ll all of the iu
t. rt-ts of the aatd d'-feiidant at oblir ana
Ion to the hiL'hest bidder for cih in hand,
the follnwui-deimrilH-d ie:il roirtv,
lntheaonlb lial'of K.lwrird Conalnl.le
and wife'a donation rlnim No. 71. in se. tioiiR
'.'I and township 1 north, riiiiwe L' went;
all in WmkIhiii'I,,!! ( oniiiv. tlreuoti: t oat
iafvlhe lieii-inlM-fore nained minm. and for
the eost and rxH-nsr-a of amd naUi. Slid
property will he a ild anbjeol to r.-d. inption
m ii'i oiii.ie oi t.rt-on.
Winn m my band Ihm
br. lsiia.
This sliiek of gomls M ill Im sold
Fvery day of the week. A Special Auction Sale Sat unity nfternoon
from to ;l olo k, and from 7 to !l in the evening. The stia k ts.iisists of
Woolen Fnderwear, lidies Cloaks, Heady-made Suits, Ivershirts and
Overalls, bits and Caps, Hoots and SIioch, (irocerics and Ilanlwarc.
X. A. HAltltrTT,
Assi,;,,, ,, f the Kstate of 1. Mcliiersou, insolvent.
ith day of Kovein
II. 1'. KOUI
Shetilf of U'n-ihiiiuton Ootinty, Or.
Nllt.ltlFF'M MAI.F..
IY virtue of nn cxeaicion, Isatied out of
the Cottuty Court, of the Statu of Ore
Kon, for Wa.lnnutim County, in favor of
Isano llntbr and "Kainst Aaron M ilune and
Ma y Malonefor the mini of f I.Vi.no f. s.
j'ld ooin, with inlerra; tln-reon at the rate
of 10 per cent. s-r aunnui, from the lath
day of Hcpteiulier, Is'.n;. and for the further
ntn of $ Is ii... oonts, aud for the c.U and
i-niN-tiHes of a.ilw and of .iid writ.
.Vow. tUfr-fure, bv virtue and iu pursu
ant o mid rteoutlon. 1 have levied upon,
aud I will, on I neadnv the L'nd day of Jan
uary. ls:n, nl the anntb disir of the Court
house, in Hillalsiro, Wasliiiinton County,
Oregon, at the bour of in nV-iiK-k A. M. of
aid dav, ic-ll at pnblio auotioii to the
busiest biddi-r for eunb, all of the interest
ot the amd di-fi'tulniits. in the followinu-di-ciilw.l
real pr..pi-rty, to-wit:
lu the aoutii hull of Kdwnrd Cousin,
ble and wf-' donation claim No. 71, in
aectit-ti -1 and TJ, townihip 1 north of
rniiye 'J w est, all in Vanliinwt,.u ouuuiv
(Ireuon, to Hitisfy the bereiuueftue named
uuia. and for the mu sud niK-nsea of
aaid Rale. riq, (.ropriy will be void anb
jret to redriiipti-.il ti p r atntute of (Irruon.
W i mean uiv hand tbi i'-ih dav of Noveiu
r ls:u. a. K l-OKil.
ii-'M She riff of Wnaliinnton Ouuaiy. Or.
sCily Livery SlaMe
Where 3011 will find t!;p Host Tennis that van lie liail
Pacific University
flood Teams, .ood liufe's and (Jood Drivers.
Cor. Second and Washington Sts.
CARSTENS BROS., Proprietors.
Manufacturera and Dealera In
KriMl lle.lirna of I mi i I.K-rx tflMlH ,na,iH , or,i,.f
I Milliter lunl. In .onm.tioii willi (he km.mIi ami .IH.r fiu toiv 'a ltin,l..T
vaul Wj -j. kopt ,,,s,UIv ,k).. will, ro,.,., , ,lr,. lmilU.r ,
llulldir tire mvittil lo pla.e tli-ir or.lr with u '
timco at tlie fn.iotv, w,m ..( tl.e lailr.iH, Mution, HilUWo, Orep.it.
tl!1! i1!3 i?1' Sales Stable
tlllli:i Kill
hacks. m wiiKs am) innixj hoksks
''""'I I t lTt 'NHI It 10.
Tuesday, January 2, 1894.
For Catalogues or other information, a.Mross,
thomas McClelland,
a r ut: ok iumjiks aihiei.
OnUr lift for III:VIISK mil rerHtf nr.it.pt al Itnl Ion.
IN'tiii-iiiher lli 1'lnrp.
iiioi.tiAii itKiiNK-niv Ki'tyiiii, in.ir.M
iiek l:, 7 :Hii p. i. '
A.I.Ik-. of V.'l.imn....on. T. II. ToiiKtia
l!"l"i nnl .-nlilri'.-a on I lie Arl.iil-
lunl tolli-ut: ere. John M. HIoni
iii 41 turat'V. lii iinr nnnlili' fop .
r.-iis.m to.liii II... fII.u inrr .,,,. M"' '"""-"i vi. . of the . -..11,.
il.n tl iim-. Hint Liking tli. im-1 ' ''TMI Mlliani Kii.ii, of Tort-
f 1-iJ ni h lm.ii. li.- ,ii I litnn, na. ioii tlrtiiiiiil l-v tin luid-
Hirt.tti"ii-i of
will nthiiT tin turiir iu.-i'iiK' ly
$..iI,ih'ii,ihhi, V-II, iiw-ilily, lint
tlmt ninoiint w ill lui i' to U- mailt'
up from -..nu' nirti, t-itln r fpni un
llirt.lllt' t;l, in M liii-li f:in tin It' Mill
no ilniil't lmt who '!ty it, it ly
mi liirn-it-4-.l i in m rt ii t i ii uf i:ihhI.
If iimn nrtiiliTt nn t.roulit thru
AiiiiTii'iin wi.rknit ii will itiiiki' frw
T and of ivur-p liitvi' It work.
willtrr fair iilliln(-fci.;,l lo iiililrt-w
tin t iliuii of t liia t ily ami tl. et
fiU iiin(j. mi the U'lii tlLs t U
l ri v i- i fniiii a ..i jxt n .ri"i nt:iiiiU)
m( tin' ini.lM inlt-r fair. Tli iiiM-linp
will l.o Ih IiJ tiinirrw at t u. in., ut
tlit ituirt liii', a in I pvi-ryoni' int-r.-txtiil
in tlio nmii. -r lioul. Im tlnrr.
Ilili WHtt-r in tht WitlMin.t t- Ima
Uimlt; it iniilil fT Hit' Tulrtlo .
... ... .
iiij:. in- pasM-.i me I'veiiin very
pl.-a-Hiitly, mi'l tiN'ii rriirino-, l
rolliil mj-N-lf up In h pnlr i f l-litn-kcN,
ul nv: a lonix l. iicli iliawn up
mur tin1 llri'pl.nt f-.r a l.i-il. Tlio
ojt-ii tlri' in my frii-ml' nil. in i
tnt lit iijf iu..,v of Ii-.- tli. in pnrt uf Hie
t1iHtrlnr rt'inoviil In ihio t'.iriK r, n n I
a lire limit li"ii tin-L'pniinl. Tin-
aijinko, in li. u of a i liiinm-y, lin.linj;
Vt'lit tl.h.nK!i tl)" fri'vi.tx in I ho
li;ke roof. A itu.Io iii.tir, it i-. tin.',
t'tit wry iMin."nr!:ililt I uuri' yi.u,
ill KpittMlf M po-Ml.lt' ll'Ull.f to tlio
oititrary. Tin1 ni'lit wa miM, lliu
nu nil-ill irht tiro iiii unm ii ary,
it wh li ft ti -tii.ml.li r at .1 t xl oii-t
iln-lf. A fi v lii'iim n! jivi-ii to
ll.nujftit, Hiiil I U:l x.uti.lly l.itinrliril
into ilrinmliui l. llnw Imc I ro-
liirtill.il tliiTP I il.t m4. know. i.nit.!'"ln,-
. . . . I I l'l""
itl.ly two lioiir, w In n I uwokf f.t 1-1 1,,,..
1!. Lu.-
Tiimnv, i';"o . m.
' l'i miii- ( 'ultiin-" I (on. 1
"I nl! i nt imt uf s null Fruit."
. 1'rof. t uiiruf 1'o.itp
iiii KMiiv, I ::!u V. M.
"I i'iiiiii' ri.iut an I lli. t,"
- - tli-T Clialmrra
' K.la inl Sliiiln,,.rili
ini -nxi.t), 7 ::in i. m.
I'laiH li..-aw" Prof. M.. (.iia
l;.. ..I iiiii:.'!!". .. iw. .1. n. l et, i,er
i .a iiii, y ..i i,.
' 1 1" I uiiiir.-''
"luimioiio In-ivt.". .'r..r 1. I.. ':.ilniri
I LHiu, I .:, i: ,
' ,r ' r. .1 .lui M. r.i.
"I'i-iii-.i." Iitnt.-. . Spt-
-r.-iioni u 4j. lii-.l I,, ih,. Knrtn"..
Ttoi. II. T. Kntitli
i t..u v. 7 :.'ln c. m.
I'-T M- -:.r:,, , .f ,
imt i ii-!:inii- ,i i ion,..
I 1 1". Mirir.ll S11..II
i. - ii.i,iii n mi i.,h..w -:. t
ni.'ii nill roll., .. h mr. A,J
.iil-.aill l. -r..i hn h aill !l
mil tit 1:0 h -.iuii. Mij,. nn. f.j.
The well-known llrm of J. M. 3I0VEH & CO., .No. 1 10 Frs( sUrvlt loday ndvorliso to Hoso out Wwlv
stock at cost on account of dissolution of coiMrtnnsliip. Tlio sjoods carried hy tills firm im yyc
and have slvon satisfaction to nery purcl.asor. Their stock is comply i 0V01T rvsm. nlMl nil ""IJ.",!
their lines of Imported soods at ew York cost, and their Merlin? line orore-on-ma mU at act.. .1
cost or manufacture. They offer 323 lines or men's suits in Crepe, ( la.Vs Diagonals, tlielo. Melton
Kerseys aud Tweeds; 100 lino or Overcoats lu Kerseys, Meltons, Heaier. Pilot (loth Cheviot n
chillas, Series, Mohairs and Tweeds; lines ortniusers in eery concehahle pattern ;' 30 li,,,s of n!
suits in ClMMiot, SerRe Casslmeres, Worsteds and Tweeds; (Klines of knee pants suits of all
lanre lines or Kurnishini: uoods, Hats, Umbrellas aud Mackii.loshes. In all the slock consi .
,MMM worth orilrst-class, seast.uahle uoods, which will he s .Id at actual cost. This U 1?"
that should not he ..elected. The entire stock or clothing is placed in Macks with prices u ZlZ
in plain litres, each stack containing soods or one price. Merchants In Ihe Inferior wllMI. l i
vIlllMllllll I'lllllW'O lit Illll'r'llllO triimlti ill Vim .... .....4 .....I HHII 1IIS i
Mww. ittia iiim jinn mic ri';Ii, lioods ()( ftl
lr cash only.
.i a
nilrr.i-r'. fii.tn tin,, (o
140 FlrMt Street, loitlaiul, OnKn.