Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 24, 1893, Image 2

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.nl. r
cl in in- p.'i.rtw l Hiiiiro.iri-'iii,
ft ft lllni'.'IftV.. UlMlUT.
I iiivr.!'ni. In I'lvaniv, r jr . . fl "0
Itil K'i l"l Itl.l-HIN.J ('.. Proprietor.
M V. i l I T, r iil-ir.
otm t it. v irf.M of rut: i t 1 r
utiit.w, novi:.mi.i:u ji.
A .' thou rut: itl.lt soxu.
Kl.-vfii year ago, and h-fore,
whenever the ass s-iinnt roll was
ntudi.-d, it win found tliHt the item of
money, note?, u ti 1 uceount. m out
of all iroMrlioii with the it.ni of ex-
(lllj'ti'lll for ind.'btl'dlllss. It Wilt
plainly ms-ii that one of two thing-,
or xrtiut With, wnt tin.- troulilf,
ill. it money, iiofet mid iii-i-i u lit -Were
fraudtlh'litly eoiii'ene or tie
th'iolls inielileines i liiiint d. 'i n
relneily tills the lilnrtg.ogo tax I a A
of Wat 'iit.il. Thit w-i a er
feet remedy lit f;ir lit discovering notet
sci'ltr.'d 1 1 y fimr'.ga.!(' W itt ri ili.tTllisI,
HII'l helpe.l the rounti" wonderfully,
lint Hie i I lii r u- ei'te. evil aiis not
tom hed. I ':iliilii:. nt einilinit
continued to paralyze the ellorl of
the iii-.'s-or to r.iite the 11 - .mi'lit.
Ill m .Senator Tongue, from thit
('utility, took hold of the mutter mid
11 1 1 I hroii'.dit forward hit scheme in
ls'.'ti, which Win, to let the mortgage
tax hiw ttand, hut to prevent the
listing of fraudulent I. dins for ox-4.-U
1 1 1 i n . Hit n 1 1 tt'ix 1 1 1 ' 1 1 were
adopt, d Into the general ass.inotit
law and tin n the whole hill was de
feated. Men complained more hilti r
ly than ever. In the reformer'
iiiilied a I'erf.vt remedy. They re
iealed 1 1 1 law allowing deductions
for huh htiilness, ImiIIi siiitnllo and
fraudulent. That wat done which
the teacher did w hen lie Ahipcd all
Hie Im.vm in the school that the one
who kitted Mary Jane might lie
liroerly unithed. 1 til t the lcgsn
ture in l!J repcnlisl the good law .
.So now the money loancr go hack to
concealing their weidth. So far the
legislation on iit'tiiieut ahnes hat
tieen h sc"-sav. Ijiw makers never
have correct! hoth nhtises at niiec.
Taking the footings In this county,
reported in another column, docs any
one suppose that 1 1, I -Vnn of n.itet
and aeeotinl have Uvn discharged
within twelve motitht'.' or that that
11 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 of del it it due to non
residents and nt.tet.ted in other coun
ties of the Mate? Kallier it it not
self evident that more than half of
that class of property ha Ist'ii con
cealed to that the assessor could not
find it'.' At further evidence of
hiding, notice that on the l-t of
March, iv.i:, as up poured from the
roll, then" wat only .,,"iiU of coin in
the county.
Now, while It in prohnhly true
that no law can In patted that will
reveal to the assessor money, yet it
Is ca-y to tind written cviileiieet of
The mortgage tax law ought to lie
re-enai'titl. The deduction of Indeht
eilnoss ought to he allowed. Hut a
man w ho claims indehtcdncss ought
to lie compelled to how to w honi it J
is aw ini, so that it uiav Is' properly
listed to the oi in-r. A tnatl who
lirin's an action to recovei nioney
onuht to l nnirel to show ulllrni-1
atively in the iealiii.rs that his
claim has heen li-teil for taxation
and that he has p:ii the tax or is
IhiMcnir it.
The next lei(satiire will have the
assessment laws lie lore It, and the
old dode of putting one tip nnd
another dow n won't do. ll ith horns
of the dilcina must Is' rraspeil nt the
same lime.
The articles lo Is added to the fri e
list, is wool. Inmher, salt, i-ottoii,
ta.'i;iiiLr. Iiimlin twine, rice nnd
some other items of smaller import
ance. Tli ii- Would iI' IiiimtjIs wiili
ilrasv protii'tioii from the unskilled
innlittiide of lulsin-rs, ami let it re
main for the few opulent mnnufae
titn'r. I'nt another w ay the hiliorer,
who prepares the raw material is
compelled lo pay as much for his
suit of clot Iks nt he did under lull
protection hut with diminished re
sources, and hit liieakfasf, his noon
day liim fi and eveiiint; ine il is to i .it
into the ineiiK r (iirnlns of the la
Isin r for a tarilf i to la put on surar
to ta titty the -iiLNir cane men of the
South. .
The democratic idea it that rcpnh
lic.in protection it a fraud, upon the
lalsir iif a itrcat majority ot tin'
American jieople for the U nellt of a
few, -d. the feileral jrovernment has
no coiistitutionul swer to impose
and collect tariff ilutic except for the
purpose of revenue only. Now tin n,
if a tanif must U- colhvted, w hlcli
llie W'ltcr policy, tax articles s,, at to
intect the induttries of Anxricm
citi.i'ii or colli vt a revenue from
those artichsi w hi h will pr.eln, c the
j;reiitest sum of money.
A lier.v discussion of the o.,,h
tarilf iiicsti.in w id o. im- fp i'lioti-gn-s
(hit winter and it may !
pro( r at thit lime to nt.l!e the re
publican idea. Ih'publiolllt Would
protivt all indil-lri.ti per-inil in the
I'nited States and a. lout fn- of duty
all ni'ti. lcs that cannot be prisliei'd
hen. The tnea-ure if duti.s im
iov' l shall be the dill'ereliee ill lb'
wa:es . aru.sl by American m.i b in-,
ics and lalain-rt, and those re ivnl
hy foreign lalsinTs who pro lu.v tie'
same ai ticl.-s.
Willi only Jt f C"ii In Wa-'i-'
hu'ton -county, mi th ttr-t of Man Ii.
there it no further wonder x hy tin
hanks failed. The only strain."
thing i that all didn't iis'ii..
In 17 a new constitution was
adopted f,,r the supreme law of the
Sandwich Inlands. A little later the
king, Kiilukan, died nnd Llliuokalanl
whs electttl i the throne in peru-
iuic( of the provision of this same
inii-tittitioii. Whatever right to the
throne she ever had wiu under thi
nrta. The government wat elective,
the franchise holng extend! to the
white us well io to the native
Kanakas On or ulxmt January 11th
of this year the queen announred to
her cabinet that ho would abrogate
the Its? (sinttitntion and prs laim a
new one. The new law dNfranchiscil
the whites. It wa opimsisl by her
councillors and it Is declare! that the
minister barely (ucnpsl the (mlace
with their lives. This was In the
foiviioon of that day. Finally she
wat iuitisl and made to - that her
mad jMilicy would bring ill-a-ter to
tier reign. Ijiter, however, the was
hiiud to tay : "I am balked now,
but I will tMUi have my way."
From that moment the revoluti on
dabs its origin. Men may have
dreamed and eihaps did think of
piittil,!.. changes, but all was yet
iniMy. Indent the re Is -nine reason
for ts'lieviie that Mr. Cleveland hud
even U T..rc thit time Ims-ii ap
proaehitl on the tubjivt. It may
have Us'ii this key that unlocked
flans SjieckleV barrel of sugar that
went into the campaign fund. Itut
thi' frost of January 4 1 It rieiicd the
plum so that it dropped into the
haket four days later when it was
l'rc-id nit Harrison' privilege to
carets but not po-tot. Thi an
gered ( 'levelaiid. A glory had hivn
matched -from his administration,
(ire-luuii had four years liefore show u
how small it hi spirit w hen he b
came incensed at Harrison Iss-ausc
he ilid not receive the nomination
for president ill lss. Here was an
oporlumty to even up on hi rival.
In secret he conceived the plan. In
secret lie procts'ded to execute it.
Th treaty that had ltfn sent to the
senate in diplomatic day light was
withdrawn. Then a secret agent
with secn-t instructions was as secret
ly as postjiilc sent to Honolulu to
"investigate" to tiy Minister Stev
ens, w ho was charged with the crime
of aiding anil aU'tting the overthrow
of a (orrupt, not government, but
ruler. Itlount was his name. In
secret he listened to the tale of one
side, and in a few instances reported,
verbatim, the testimony of cxparte
witnessi. 'as the provisional gov
eanmeut prsent either in erson or
by attorney when tht"e talis were
told? o. Whs the iiiecn there?
Yes, by representative. The story
of royalists was heard. The "testi
mony" of actors in the revolution
who had not received office was
w ritten down. Not a syllable from
the lips of the new government
reached the ears of Cleveland's se.
crct agent. All I'nited States of-
it....i.u it-tut im.l :lw. it-,, ri'imi.ii. ; I.. '
ll. 1, I. IIW ..l' ,-IH.t. II III. IM-.IF ' J
the new government, was removed.
Non-partisan admiral was relieved.
The lloston, itself, was ordered home
lest the very name H!i.ul.l .tHs,mrui.f j 1M Jni.lt Mit.m M4..ii..r tho iiios-t "ti especial day on which to give'er,,,,,,..,! in dealimr with the n-pre-a
spirit of n publiean fnssloni. A i ,tllIUH an, importunt conimerr ; esp ial thank for all their mercies." j scntativesiif the Hawaiian i.cnilewho
conspiracy was sitting and plotting
in Honolulu. t wa Cataline with
an mi'iitini; Cicero two tliotisatnl
miles away and no electric tele-
;ritli. Itlniint sccn'tcly resirtel hi
exparte evidence. (Jreshaui aefretly
on the lih of ( 'toher w rote his
tindiut's. Willis was sent to Hawaii
with his vii n t instructions two or
thri-e setsof them for every etner
uency. Not a hint of the "policy"
reached the (freat American Cicero
I'ulilie ( ipiuiou till Willis was out
in the I'licitlc, nnd all communica
tion I iet ween the hruve hut feelile
iiitiiotic 1 1 m ii i in us nnd their hiw
erl'ul nnd warmhearted syninlhi.crs
in America w as cut off. Then cow
ardly tircslniiii r;ive his letter of Jus-tillt-aiioii
hefore the fact, to the puh-
l;.. ....,..,l I .. 1.1 , I r
.... ...... ..u. ie,r o,
warning nils tan.ls nt llono.ulu.
openly and cordially he is receive.1
hy the exei'Utive of a democratic
irovi riiinent. The MisM"sion of a
poitoiicd d.ijrifer lllaler Willis' sniil
in speecli, is not, siispicloui d. "1
de-ire at the sunn, time to plm-e in
your hands the letter hci reditir.' me
a hit j Itlouut's) suii-e-sor. In lining
thit I am directed hy the president
to tive renewed iisturatii'es of the
friendship, Interest and hearty p mi
tt ill which our government entcr
t.iins for y mi nnd for -the people ol
this island nulm," pur't Minister
j Willis. Will he, after makin,' (hi
! friendly advance to IY.-i.h ut 1 . i
' plumre hit daircr and reseat hrown
l.il on the throne? We shall know
when the next leatncr, due at San
I'lMncisco today or tomorrow, nr
1 1 h i-
'llie day following thanktghjng
has hifii made Library Jhiy in many
of th) public t i. his of the eastern
statit. Tin plan sc in to I' for the
tiu.h'iitt lo gatlnr from .ill sou rut
.o.k, w hich their ow ners may le
willing to contribute, and deposit
them in the public -rhiml library,
l li i s it a commendable scheme, and
worthy of Imitation hen-. There are
many odd volumes in our hoiisehol.lt
which if hroiio,ht together would
make a n'spectahle and Valuable
public library.
It lliocrats sem (o risotto higher
than pariy. All pr..s-.sl legithitinn linsas City. Thi was done i...t- 'Hi."pi-tioii to Is .ht-idt d w a nont.
is diseussitl with file nferen.f not h ithtnnding the protests (.f tl in illy one nun ly 'f inoney, hut in
as to how it will iffis-t the country ! Mis-sourl dchvallon. S. ail.' of tie is, reality much more than thi lay be
but what will ! its rfT.ft on the s.pe an mad. tnath the urfa.-e of the di-ctision.
d' m.1 r.i'ic t.r'y. Ilourke C.shnin
o: t the income tax pro.it ion,
i "t luitu-eit is p. sir statesmanship
to rai-e tnoni yby that methtsl, hut
Ihhiiis' it w ill ruin the ih tinx nttii
Iirty in New York.
The great English coal Ink out,
that oeturre.1 June an la-t, ha end
ed and the miner haveijone t work
atthetdii wages, which averaged f"
li-r week, our mon'y. The mine
owner gave a two w'k notice of
an is -r cent, reduction. Thi- the
miner would not take and went out
in a body strong, l or four
and a half month ths' humble
collier battled with capital and
famine till the government came to
the rescue. Ixrd IloneU'rry.a inem
ber of tiladstone'. government, acted
a arbitrator and efTivted the t,'ttl.s.
The mine owner claimed that, at
jTesciit pric, it wasn't ible to
operate the mine except at a !.
The miner a--erted that they could
not work for less wages and live.
There was no middle gro uul. Tic
miners declared that if the present
...I.-... ..t .u...l i i in.lf the
' 1
mine owner to pay 'n shillings t
week, then the prim s of coal huM !
raistsl. Wherefore here it a ciite
where labor Is able to control the
telling iirh-e of its product.
This is pot-ilile, though, only in
those liistaucis s her' lb re is tin
colii'titioil with other sources nt
supply, in the matter of coal, l ing
land seems to control the market of
the world and lieiicc the miners
and mine owner may fix thejirice.
Hut with the Iron Imln-try in Amer
ica or indissl almo.-t any of our man
ufacturing interests such a tiling is
impossihie except In our ow n Amer
ican market when We have a pioti-c-tive
larilT. We Amy not li the
prii-e of wheat, for consumer come
hi-re to buy only when they can get
our cereal clieajsT th. in can Im-done
in India or some other country.
Here is an illustration of the truth of
maxim that if the American laborer
wishes to maintain his wages and
better mode of living, he must have
such a duty imposiil on iuiorts us
shall ep:ial the difference between
wage abroad and at home. This
strike, the most stupendous, the
most expensive, and entailing tlK
most suffering even to death by
starvation, that the world has seen,
occurred in free trade England, and
is a sufficient answer to the assertion
made In the last presidential cam
paign, that strikes an due' to n pro
tective tariff system. The cost of i
the English coal strike is estimated
at over ."n,unn1nii, an immense
CAA-I.lSf.E S .N7..V7A
The New York t'liamber of Com
merce ate its r.'.'ith annual dinner on
Wednesday, : U H gtn.ts -at about the
board. ThesHcli of theeveuing that
is of intereist tn the general public was
made by Secn'tary Carlisle of I'resi
ih'tit Clevelund's cabinet. Carlisle
said in part :
"While it would ! unfair to at
tribute the unci'ual distribution of:
of our trade with the nuttide world 1 standing all their trial and hard
to the character of their fiscal legisla- j ships, tlnste brave founder of a great
tioti, I think it may he safely asserted jand glorious nice had so much to la
this iioiintrv could not lomr maintain
clal nations which now control the
truth of the world unless we pnserve
a monetary system snhstantially, at
least, in accord w ith the monetary
system of other principal nations.
We ca nin it sisjihy change the situa
tion, and consequently the only prae.
tlcal iueslion 1 w liether it i helter
to etfalilisli hy law an Inferior kind
of money for use at home exclusively
and another kind for uc nhroad, or
have all our money good enough for
Use In every market where our peo
ple trade, (iol.l i the only inter
national nioney. It I useless for the
advocate of a dilt'crent system to in
sist that this ought not to he s t. It
is so, and we cannot change the fact.
"I have never lieeii nhl' to under
stand what is meant hv (Inutile stand-
,lnI nf V)lM. Ml(,
have never found
any one w ho could tell inc. To my
mind it seeui a alisunl to contend
that there -liould la tw o ditlVrenl
staialanls a it would he to ii,ti-l
upon having tw t. yardstick of diih r-
I cut hnirths or two 'gallon of different
linte.isiniit. If two stauthirs are
not i ipial in value, it it ox i.lent, no i
matti r what law might declare, there
w ill Is' in fact lint one standard. The
tiestioti of w hether the oliligatiofit
"f the I'nited Slates be paid in coin
current in all the markets of the
j world has already I en settled in my
j opinion for nil time to come. This
dees not imily that siivcr it to have moul h Colony to unite with hjm in
no plait in our monetary s -tcni. a day ol public tii.nik-i ving Isiause
What i li be the ultimate fate of: tin action of the llritish Privy Collll
that niel.il s one of the problems i eil had Iks n favorable to tho col
which time and event can sohej but Ionics, lu Miissuclitisetts l.iy Colony
for many years lliu tnatiout in its I old records how that tlays of thanks
value have Us n so rapid a to .lent- giving were appoiut.sl in ti;lj, 111:11,
titittnite the fact that it cannot Is-i b;:tT, t'.:ts and Iti i'.i, and sometimes
neiv .niueii niinoiii i imiiai ion. '
Tin political issinoniisl if he is
w ise w ill shun all iinpiisitori.il no tli
tslt of luxation. No system of in
come taxes ha ever Issn popular,
and h list of all wn the ytcm liked
bv the democrats. Some then be
yet alive who know how one Samuel
J. Tilth II sought to cvtiilc the income
tax law w h. u It
statute bkt.
lat wat upon the
St it Harrison, brother of ex-Ppsj-tlent
Li'll 11 irritin, hat Ixt'i) a p.
isiitil.tl f.i Imi siirvevor of m.t in
The Alam.sla nrrivl nt San Iran-
i i.!. yesterday morning w ith lioiio-
lulu date up to ;l p. m. NovemlsT
i;. I p to that time the inonart hv
jha.l not Isfti retonsl.
The f.Kitiug of the a.ss,nieut roll
of Washington county a it come
from the county (siualir-atioii txunl
ha Iss-n coiiipU'ttti. The items of
interest are as follow:
AttrKuiiarnl lnnJi. 3n3,lt text . . i s.'l
lunnUt iA.
In .r.AMiioiii uu IhuJs oceTi'itsJ
ly ivtiJrnu b t li" Jet
NOinirvd. lil.ti . ... Itt, .'70
Mi-riliAiitliw a m! impleu)nt. . . . :iAJ.i4
iluiu -J V.'l
Ni le t:J rc3iiti( . '"''!
hiirtrti of murk :s.u
lwui.-iJ liuuiluio, cnrnmfs. o 115 Isi
H..PW4... .'" l"ti.
I Ktllo t.fr-"l --
ua M' l 'i'7'i
swiii. V.'Ml la. 170
Othi-r wrounl iirojwrty UAJ
(iiei valno .... .TW.SH
lioutrbulil rxoiuplicn
Ni-tlue 4.41 H.S
1'or the puriHe of comimriton the
footings if the rull of I'iC is given
Ih-Iow. Thesi' figure were changisl
hy the state Issird of t(U;il i.U ii in in
some particijart.
iriu'liiirl liinJs, :il;.:tln m-rt s t ' 4.0!u
' l.i til loll
iii'i Id.
iuruM'iiiviit4 i n IkiiJh oocupirj
s rt.ij,.,t tiv tni nut vri
Hi-iiuirv-il till
.l '
..is II I
'.Ml ,itS
In I'd
hi .!
MuiirV. unit's t ncivMiiitit
tiwiitvliulil turuitari
M ir'i
I Hill" ...
Sl.ri .... .
i '4!
:i r,
Onmi vittn'iii u
Jli Kil.'.'IJ
',i.'.7.'.t .11
I r.i,."ii
Sit vHlnntiua
Vultirtt uai if iiinrt'i.(
I'.iIhI nriiisrlr tufj.... .
f l i;'i.ii-.i
l.7;7 -t
lllOMMStt UVf r NSMSMlUfUi of ?'M
It will Im seen that the s!l;l iiss,st.
nient is h-s than last yinr by :KtJ,
IMd.or taking the total valuation of
proK-rty a tlxisl by the state Uard
of ciiialiatiou at ",:! H 1,7 7 7 , the
a-te-ment of this year falls I clow
' ' "'"
that of fatt by y'.'i'ii, I It, or ill round
nllllllsTS, ,MMI,IMIO
Hut the item of particular interest
it tin diilcn'ticc in that of money
note and accounts. IjisI year there
were found in the county money
notes and accounts to the value of
n,7l.',:llo, but this year all that the
assessor was able to dig up are :'.ou,.
I JO, loss of l,lll,!tJO.
t II K OKK.IN Or' Til A KSf.l V I ti.
To recall the circumstance ,,f the
first day of Thanksgiving may serve
to remind us of how much more we
have to be thankful for than had
those early pilgrims. History tells which, he expn-isl to those who
us that of the one hundred and two were In hi confidence last winter, a
emigrants that lauded on the bleak few week befon he wa relnaugu
and rK ky coast of t ape C.kI Hay in , r;,t( for it WM Mr Djj.Ki,,,,, wno
the w inter of li'.i'o, almost half died brought to thi city early in the year
iM'fore the following winter Tail ly set new which lie revealed to a few
in. lolay, in our comtortaiJle coun-
try and city homes, we cannot even
imagine the sufferings of the surviv
ors, both from destitution and the
inclement weather, which they were
not prepared either a to clothe or
habitations to brave. . The most of
the brave K'ople were not inured to
I . 11 1 .1 1 i i it Vloomr them u'liro ilell. '
....... ... ,. . .......
cutely nurtured men and women.
They staked and laid out two row
of lints for the nineteen families that
composed the colony; but w ithin the
tirt year tin y had to make seven
, time more gmves for the dead than
house for
the living. Notwilh-
thankful for that tliev had to appoint I
So, they agreed anion; iiiemseivea md overthrown the monarchy. li. k
fliat, siti.t? tl-.i ir priitlenceaiKl rore- i,( who had il.tlareil that hecould
thought liiul Ixs ti so wonderfully n,,t i. ,rcvails upon to enter the
hiessd of tiod, they would send out ' ,hinet, was himself to l e chairnmn
four men hmitimr, that they might Lf ti. ,.omiiiihioii, -ne distinxuishnl
rejoice together in a special manner democratic merchant of ew York
utter Hi' fruit of their labors had j WfH j ,M, ,.,in,H a another memU'r
heen gatheriHl. Aiinnlinjr to thef t rtd a prominent detniK'ratic
historian, larley and Indian corn
were their only cros; the "peas
were not worth gathering, for, as we
hand, they were too late sown."
This was under the good tJovcrnor
I'radl'ord. The four men w ho went
hunting brought in a much game as
served the company for a week. The
recreations of the day consisted of
the exercise of their arms, Maasoit,
the Indian chief, and ninety of his
men, coming among Hum for three
days, during which they wereenter
taineland feasted hy the colonists,
llie Indian- killing and bringing to
thi' feast the disr. This was in
IiiJI", and was the licginuiuj; of
I'haiiksjv jug Il.iy in America,
The t. est New Knglantl Thanks
giving Il.iy was in July, lil.l, which
had be n appointed us a day f fatl-
ii. 3 and prayer on account of drought.
While they wen praying rain fell
abundantly, ami the goeitior a
p.'iiilt.l it lutcttd a day of thauks
gi:lg. Ill .In tie, lH'C', tJoveljior
ii.tln op, of the Mas-acliitsctts IViy
Colony invited the govern r of I'ly-
01 more man one itav in fie laiiie
Mar. In I'lviiiouth we tlud mention
I'one hi I'i.'d and iigabi in li'.ti. In
bisii it sis'iut to have lavotue an
aiiiiiinl custom. American Agri'iil-tnri-t.
Probably the mot interesting and
imp-riant of the nrhitnitioii in
w bicii our country has Uvn involved
was that known as the t ieneva arbi
tration mj. r, U. ( ou.lerl iii Har
Mi't M.igaine. The provision
under which it was formed are eon -
tained in t lie t rent v of 'iiti.'onrl,,ii
t.real Urilain, by in r 'onditt t, duf.
in,' the nio-t trying ri.d of the
national history, had creat.sl general
irritation among the oople of the
t'nititl Star-.. She had vmi.titlii.el
nlimt oM-hly with the rehcllion,
Highest of n In Leavening Power Latest U. S. Cov't Report
and had permitted her port to le
used for building and fitting out
privateer. The commerce of the
North had U-eu ilriven from the
iis, valuable jrojerty dtstroyisl
and material encouragement offered
the statis In n U-llloti.-
The teiititiveness with which this
unfriendly action, and still mure un
friendly inaction, on the part of
tln-at Ilritniti wa r"ganlisl threat
ensi to hurt liitoojs n resentment.
The cin-unistanee were such a to
make the efforts f the eaceuiaker
eitally delicate and difficult. It Is
to the credit of 'nident (irant that,
warrior as In' w a-, he preferred thit
!lrt"r,', '"""H' ,,f M,lvlnif '"'''"'iHilitlV.,.,..,..,!-,
itioiiik o iltt.1 lout to I lit lull re i r vviii i
1 ' ' 1 """
Hi words do him great honor, audi
i i.i i i . i .. i . .i . I
sin hi. ii in' Kepi iii intimg reiiiein -
braiMV bv his isnple:
. , , ...
"1 hough I have Isi-n trained at a j
soldier, and have participated In
many batth's, there never was a time!
u In. 11 in in v ..i.i,.!.,.. ,... ,.
lit 1 C. I ft . ft .1 .
i ," ' ' """, present uie
urawuigoi tne sworn, i kh.k for -
ward to an cioeli w hen a court,
nTognicd by all nations, will settle
international drtt'erenosi instea! of
keeping large standing armies as
they do in Kurope."
i nsx iLor.
A Washington New iamgraph
reail thus i
lMi Jiicklnson mutt la wondering
what it Is that has caused the pns.i
dent to change that enthusiastic ap
pnival of tin idea of aniieiation
,s,nn,lants. and uhieh ho '.clarcd
witli gushing tnthutiasin would,
w hen it became known to Hie public,
make Mr. Cleveland's administration
glorious upon its very thnshold. In
some way it was known to tin im
mediate circle of friends of Mr.
Cleveland as long ago a January
last that affair in 1 lawaii wen- ric
lor revolution, for deposing of the
iUvii, and that Mr. Cleveland would
U lu ottlie but a few weeks, ix-rhapH
lait a few "lays, before he would lie
called uhiii to accept I he Haw aiian
Islands in the name of the I'nited
State a an addition to American
territory. Mr. Hiikijison said thai
among the lirst nppointmenfs which
V . ., i .I.
Mr. t leveland Wiatlil make Would l e
,.iiiiii.i..l.,li..-- i.i rs.nr.ti.iii tl.it ..v.
lawyer of California as the third.
He dix'lansl that Mr. Cleveland was
overjoyed at the pnunise of audi a
brilliant ouing of his adminis
tration, and he phslgisl the few per
sons to whom he fold thi new to
alisolute scen-cy.
The democrat dread that Clove-1
la lli I. is lis lin-domocrath' Oil the tarilf
a he is on silver may turn out to lie
well irroiinded. Then Is a r'Hirt I
., . , ,-, , ,,i : . the llli d:il of IVoeiulH-r, s;i:t, hi llie aoiuh
that he say Mckinley' big majority j ,,,,. , ,, , t'nMhl,HWi , H,ii,H,r...
wa dll to "Neat's untoiintlnest on I inaton Couiuy, Orovon. at the hour of la
,, I o'cl.H'k A. M. "f oil dnv, II nl pulilic
the tarilf. j auction to Ihe hiuliest liidder for r.mti, the
1 followiiiir-dt'SrriiM'd tent iroH-rty, to-wil:
The report that til' oaltitU-t ill-, All of the 4. A. l(.-td Five (Ink MilHlivisiou '
dort's I leveliiiiil't 1 1 i w nii ill imliev recmlitl im.l plaited lu ll.e ti-iWii of
iiorsta iniann Hawaiian hiiu Wll,llU,(m ,.,,, 0, ,,, ll,., in '
how that that Issly Is nut ill touch ! union IS, 111. Vt nnd towntbip 1, Ni
... . ft . i . . tiinuc 'i wi rxeeptiiig tola Ifi. 7 and
with the country, taking demm-rat i ..,.., n beren,t..,or .. d
HII'l n'liublliHII togi'ther, an stnuilf- d for llie c .t nnd es-iitn.u wild unle.
1 .. Naid iroieriv wl l lie a.d.1 aiilij.i t id re
ly opJMestl til that Hiiy. demplionn per alattile of Oregon. Wit -
n my liNini this .'nil Jut of Nin-eiulier.
Then is no darkness hut ignor- isni. a. p. k iki,
Hint. Shak(speare.
Tho Holl-kiiown firm of J. )1. MOVKK '(). .o. I Ul Firt sirvvt, tmhiy mlvrrllsc (o c1,ko out lliolr
stock nt ot on account of riioIiitioii orciiirliiorshl. TIip coN canictl hy tills firm me well known,
and have shell satisfaction to.eory purchaser. Their stock Is complete in niry respect ami thev offer
their lines of Imported sooils at w York covt, anil their steiiliii: line of Orejiun-matlo goods nt actual
cost ormannfactnre. They offer 325 lines or men's snlts in Crepe. Clays Diaixonals, Cheviots Meltons
Kerseys and Tweeds; 100 lines or Overcoats In Kerseys, Meltons Heaters Pilot Cloth, Cheviots, Chin
chillas Serses, .Mohairs and TveetN; ;:, lines til trousers in eery coiicehahle iattern; oi) lines of Ilojs
suits In Cheviot, Serges Cnssimeres Worsteds and Tweeds; 0 lines t.f knee pants suits orall grades;
large lines of Furnishing goods, Hats, I'mlnellas and .Mackintosh. all the sltick consists of over
so,000 worth orilrst-class, mhsoiihII( goods, which will he s M at actual cost. This is an opportunity
that should not he neglected. The entire slock or clothing is placed in stacks with prices underneath
In plaiu llgnres, each stack containing goods or one price. Merchants in the Interior will find this ;
splendid chance to purchase goods at New York cost and sae freight, t.oods m,M for cash onlv.
Teacher' Meet lug.
VUKML Wkcbrm'iiiitituW vill h brIJ
I llmwrton on Sntanl.iv, llttViuhrr
1, Is'.d. Aiiioiic Itie iljeci (. r uisoiuwmii
r i (i.Ii.iwiiil': "lis (iru,J I isl i let
Srbool," "I.itiriitiiri' in Ui Coiiuiion
Srliiol," "Ifn l tniu;sOut of I'Ino ill lii
scllis'l r lll." Irnollt rs KU.l fllrUil t
e nlillv invittHl tonltt-iul.
Cel'IltT Siiorrilllt'iulfllt nf IV-lii..l.
Notice Ol Itissulll ion.
N Ollt'Kw hrrrl.v hl tliirt-
Urrthip tifretofou X'stnikf uuttr lti .
tifiu bniur ef ( nrttriis lir... A' Mrnd. rup. i
ru-tr il eif H illtliiir.i S itli A iKsirl oiu-
1NUV,H flilttlsV liUfttxIVfl liv IlllllUIlt ISill-
svnt. ill.- iiiirrrtt f Mr M M Mm J Iisviiik
tMtit aiclmtcj ly ('urttrn Itrn.. bi will
to Hit. Int. Hi iii. nr.- Iirr.-I.y r. . il.-J lu
oniiir fur tii, .nut riiili iiim.i-iI'ni tnlr -
VI. s KSS hlf IS.
M M . M K V 1 1.
i s i.;
AMliiinienl ol'
i x'oiio
H Lrrrl'V ci mii licit IVnilil
! A Mot'lirrtnii. rit .l. ni W!mlunt;tii
eniitv, ( Irrcnu. lim imiJu an iitiliiiuiMit ol ,
n bi pteriv ;. ib.- ui.,Ursi,.'i,..a. f .rtb;
b""r,i ", "' ""J "'
creditors of Itie mij 1) inula Mcl'lirrson rr ,
brrri.y iwun.-a t., iretut ih. ir i-Uunt mi-;
I UTiwin, i.. me nt in,. , olluv ..I lli.ti 11.
lornine. in ltnttlitii.1. W .-isliii.L.i.iii ftiiintv.
' t L ... .1. - . , .
i Y' " "it o,m ,i,P unif
, n,,i.i-,. it , v is h
-'4:ni N A. IIAKUKI I .
AssiUiir.' of Hie rint r Deimlil Mcl'lifr-
toll. i.ttir!tt.
l-.lerlioii tlce.
N'OTli'K i luflir iv"ii thil on M. n
iliiv. llir lili of tin ilsr. t.'..
nl tl.f I'tlv Ht'l in tbr Citv uf HilNlioro.
W nsliinuloii Ci'ieitv. Oiftriin. nn rlt'clinii
will tie liflii fur i'iIV ultiivis, nnnirlT:
A Mnyor,
I hrw I riitiis? for on .ir.
Tlirw 1 rul. for two yi'urs,
A Citv Hcwirjer.
A City I ri'i-iirf r,
Wbii'b flfctioo t hrlJ nt o'rlix'k in
Mm nioriiinu, niul will on.titiiif until li in
t be tlcriKsm of m,l Uhv.
liRl.tl tins I'.Ui ilmr ol N
JA.li: M. I t I.I.IK II.
ny Ui'isinli r.
Mil Kill I'I 'S HAI.K.
BY rirtn of hii pi--i'uIioii isu-sl out of
lb (Viunly Conrl, of tin- Slitu of lr"
lien, for S -inliiuitton t'oiuiiy, in favor of IS.
II. i rvou and Huninst llii'linnl I'opkPiI'I.'.
for tbv sum of i.j ,i t . S. u.i'il coin, wnli
intt-rest llierron nt lln- rate of h r wilt. 1
rsT Hiitiiiin, fiom itii- tiiti Jay of NoTrintM'r. j
Is'.ct niij for tho fnribrr mini of 7"i. oohiii,
mill for tlii ros'snml ex nf of h iIk nntl I
of Kllil -nl. Ami Htto tiy viriin- of nn - I
eiition, issnr-tt out of t lie (rmiil ( 4iurt. of :
Itie S:atf of ( Irfiion, for Wnstimilon County,
in fvorif (too. W. 'mm mid -iihuihi Iticb.
nrdCoiiM ible. for llif kiiii of $.1) or t . S.
tfold oelu, Willi mtfii-it llicraoii nl Hie rslx
f rr ci ul. l'-r iiimiiu . tiuni t lit- Pilli day 1
of Nov inlwr, I t'Al, mid for ti fiir'liiT sum
of ' I.i. rotil. "Bad f'T Hi eoats nud r-sn-i't
of "..If ni'il of nit J writ AIsoIit
ir.ue i f mi rxciitlili itsm .1 out of Ilia i
I'ouiiH t'uini, of ll.e Stilts of Irek'oii. for j
WntliiliU'li Ci'iiiily, ill favor of Ivino H it- I
ler mid ntmiiti Anroii Mm lone mid Murr i
Msloue. for llie sum of I n I', s. cold
ooni, wub interest Ilirri n nt the mu of in
per oeiii. -r milium from I lie I'l h du of I
Si'iiti-nilier, s'.i', mid for tile further sum of
is. !Vi. riwtt, Hiid fi-r llie i'osIh nnd e-nnt- i
of nle nml ot unul silt. :
Now. tlier. 'ore. by virine mut in iurtn-;
n.. i.i ft.i.1 in. I. mi. nt. I Aill mi T.i.. t.l...
the '.Villi dnv of I'eceuils r, It'll, nl the south I
JJur"' V"" r""r1'""1'' , li'Hsih.r,., 'e ;
lUtflou ( Oimly, (liivon. t tb hour of i
'..,Kik A . It., of .nd day. M il nil f the in- ' ,
t. relH of Hie wid defendant at iitilin nun
li jii lo ttie blft.ti.'Ht tiid.lei' tor rash in hind,
.be folUiwiug-deiiprilw J lui I ros riv,
to wit:
In the south hnl' of Kdwsnl Cnitnlle
nnd wife' dounlion cl iiin No. 71 , in section
VIhiiiI '-', lonnhii I noith. rmic S went;
nil in WHshitn'ton Cvmilv. (reioi.i t.. unt
isfy Hie tun mix f .re limned aiiuK. mid for 1
t be cost and e nn. of a id isle. Said
po s rtr will lie mid il jeot to redemption '
no is'r statute of ( ieu'n. ',
W ilni i my band ibis '.' Id day of Novi'in
ler. Is'H tt. I''. rOUt.
Jl:ni Mietiif of aliinttun Coui.ty.dr.
It V virtue of toeecjtion itsnetl oul of
tba Coiinlx Court, of ll.e Stnle of Ore
iron, for Wattnnnt.ni ('.unity, one in favor !
orj (' lull mid aimfiitt l. A. Kent, for the .
tun of I VI in, f s cold roin, witli inter-
rat thereon at i be rale ot III per cent tier
nntium, from the .Mb day of tlotilier, s:i:l,i
and for the further aniu of f 11 !.': and one
Inffirorof I). W.lollin and nuninai J. A. j
Iteid. for the aii.n r fist :U, f. K tfoid coin
Willi intvri'-l tireon Ht tba rate ot I'l er
rllt s-r hiiii'ihi, from the Atb day of I leio- '
tr. It'.Lt.niul for the furtli.r anni cf ill a...
ma'., mid f r tlie o i-t and eienses of ale
and of a nd writ.
Now. therefore, lor tirtno and in iniinl
ance of said executions, I will, on Monday.
: (herin or wntlunuton couiuy, (l eiron.
1 t-Ji I
1IO Vlmi Street,
Public Auction Sale
At t lie
Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1893
Tlic follow inir will o suU to tlic lii-rlit ( lu'ddcr:
LIVE STIM'K i Shlro Stnllloiis s )wrs old; ."
Ilrotnl Mart's, (i to s .years old: - .-oiir-oM Mart s; I
tJ-yoar-oltl Colts; I Yearling Colts; Sucking Colls;
Work Horst.
IKMJS 1 FulMiltMMl
llerkslilrt' Sows.
FARM I Ml'I.UM i:TS-l lunpite Mower; 1 Suikv
:.w mnr. a was.,,. aimot
neSs; ".arts; cts ol .Single Hiriliss: J H.ltlOWS; 1 1 lows;
1 1 rr. .... . t c.r. 1 It..- I'.,,!,... i.' . Xfi' 1 i' ' .
I l.ill'Ml , A...l.ll'll, ,l.l v IHII I I l 1 ...... VI'. .
other ihinns t'Si iiiiiik ii.'i- to nu nt:oii.
TIKMS Ol" S.M.i: -liT under. Casli: n loi; m
be given on appuuid scemitx .
E. K.
l.nrgc I
a r nil-'
'III it stock of gomlt will be sold -
Kverv lav of the we'k
from 1 to :1 o'clock, and from
iioleii I'nderw car, laaliet'
I Iveralls, Hatt and ( apt. Hoot
Cily livery Stable
Whore .you will liud (lie lltM Tnuiis Hint can ho lial
IN mi.l.Mtoiio.
(JimmI Ton 111, (hmmI llimirh's mid
Cor. Second and
I lime suli-dh itlctl Hie Five Oaks rami
into lots of 10 and 20 acres in sncli
inaniitT that each tract fronts a roatl.
This Siih-ilivision is miles cast from
llillshoro ami I'l vtcst from Port la ml.
The IiiimI is natural prairie, so there is
no expense for irriihhiii::.
J. A.
Masonic Temple,
Bilbo Livery, Fcsd and Sales Stalls
.. IIHI.I II I OH ..
lltltl I I trTI XIII II TO.
A M MM'. l' III IdiliS AltllKII.
Ilrtler l.ft for lll tllsK will rerelyp rmit nttrntlun.'
I.'eiiiemlier thi l'larp.
J. WILLIAMS & J. W. 3EWELL Proprietor-..
SS v
roillmul, Oi -,,.
la nn of
Hull, lull l.looil Durham; :
I'oar; (jratlctl
KaUe. 1 O--
eW: i i-horse ,ts n.,r.
1 Cutaway
es-,, ...i 1
eiitiraiiient f
roKK ok
A Special Auction Sale
aturdav afternoon
in the evening. The stock con-ists of
Cloaks, Heady-made Suits, (kvershirt and
and Shu-, (iroccrie and llardwan.
.. a. itAitierrr.
ssKiiii of the Kslateof J). Mi I'ln-rton, insolvent.
(iootl Drivers.
Washington Sts.
Hillsboro, Oregon.