Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, November 17, 1893, Image 1

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Cijr,fjfmlfm uttrnifctl f'tr fuftu'tl
turn tn ut he urt omjHiHirtl m till cW J
l'r... ,,l ,nt-,r-' ' " .jr.tr.ol . ( r
C 7.niei''-.ii. ' "i
k m tin tn w i'rr fii ftjMT M'Cmr, mui ru w
r rV, bvtUM ertiirnc of jtMjl faith.
Vol. XXI.
HylToater PmnoTr
. tiett. W. McHnda
Unllin Xl.ticuen
H-t-relary of btata
'J n-onif"
Siupt. I'ulilic 'InttrtirtioQ
Htu l'rintr ,
Hupreuia Court
JuJo Fifili Xi-tri.'t
Atn.nn-y 1 iftli Instrii-l
. . . K. M. Moklroy
.frrauk O. Hnker
. . .. . W. P. I.ord
H. H. Iw-an
P. A. Moore
T. A. Moltrid
. W. N. rtarrull
Jllllgtt .
lb-nurd -r . " ...
'I r'-mr r
A'f ir . . .
Si. , ii. i HC
I'.imii.it ...
. . .K. Oandall
I), ft. K-ncr
i. i. i.nia
It. II. O.xxiin
It. P. Ford
'. H. Watueied
Wiu. Puiiitt-r
I'. I".. I leirliiimn
J. H. HihiiIi-x
. . J. I'. Hull
xv. l xv.i
I J. I. Mi-IITinail. 1'rt
I J. C. lU'r
I '" . . N. A. Hurrfll
Heard f rrnti-M
. ...XS'iu. Pointer
. Geo. Wilful
ltioorJr .
'I reniMirr r
Mirslml ...
Jilstillr of IViiim j
Jaiura M.Culloeli
. . O. V. l'ttrii
Thou. Kn'.riok
Wm. Mo;ui1hu
i. I. Kniylit
"Vim nmil- Bt lli llilUlwr-i fot
Mill, t If-"" '
O.miii! H.'Hli. " '" .,
ttuiiix k r.iriioi.i hiiU wAjf-mon,.ii:r
'''C' llrn.;. -I l-ur-l.W.JnlP
nnd S ilitrJ iv itt l '
" UitMiON l ii V LAND l
J. T. Apix-rH Jt
l'Hir l'niuit . .
'4:,Vfit"ii ani Hiw iKTV mnica
A. I. aul A. M.
flM'Xl.ll Y LIl'tIK NO . A. F. A A.M.,
I in. .).: .-vitv s.iura .y mbt m or nfur
lull ui't ii i' t'U.'li ni 'nOi.
H. Cmsiui.i., Hfo'y. .
k. or r.
I iii.-. tH i O.IU FkIkiwV Hall MumlHy
rveiiiiu of r ."ll lt. S fjuariilim l-retlin-u
wnlo.nuttd l l lii iiiKftimjs.
N. A. It A HflKTT. C I..
I. . it. .
Wriliirit.lny KVriiKiiut nt H fVlok.in !
I . K. IIhII. X litiir mml whUhmiik.
JUS K LI N I' M AS. N. .
It. II (iO.)MN, So.
I. M t'. (Iahi.t, for. Hi.
llautchii'm of Id lifkali.
M t . O. K.. i.n i iu OUt r
II ill -vi ry Ut mui H mirilHy ,',',i of
nu ll m mtli. Mm. I. M Hbnnm, N.ti.
,XU. XV. U. XX'miHimu. Kio'y.
'V tOt'UT 'tr.VLXTIS NO. A. OF.
I. if A . iiifH erli"K
l.rniij Hall tll o'oliHik.
L. A. Whithiii, C 11.
XV. XV. Mi Kinmh. V. H.
A. O. I . XV.
HILI.KHOKO LOIX1K NO. fit. A. O. f .
V., luretn every Koiinit an J fourth
'J iirwlay -vriiniK iu llm iihmiiIi.
II. II. Irmtoh, M. W.
XV. t'.. It'KM'K, lU'Conlrr.
1 f ASH I Mi ltN KNCA.XI I'MKN f No. 4
1. O. tl. K., uir-U on aroolul mill
Oilltil I' rillHV "I I'MOll moutli.
H. 11. lleMfiiaiTi, I'. I .
I'. II. II.IUtllllllHU. SlTllw.
V. ef II.
.'ml aiiU till Hnluul:iyof fBfll lUlllllU.
Ituhj. m H irim i, Mauler,
Ansik Imiihm, rti .i.
. ! . C.
MI.I I S .vt.i thiiiuliiyi-Ti-iiiiiKat 7'itlik
in tlu briittimi t'linritli. Von nrr
i-..riiliilly ilivilnl t Hltniil It iuwlniit.
ItrNTuN )kWJt. 1'rrn .
' A.-.ill.ti I'l'N tHOIV KOII aNH
dun O ill iihsIh in .Murrf'in lUirk
c.pv K.-.MH.I l harJiv f fiii'li iu.hiiIi, at K
,. J. K. LOM.
J. ,v. H. Kill NHKV, S.-f. !'"'
1Xl'IISl' l lll'lll'll Suiiilav Ki-li'iol al
hi ii. in; pnyiT lun luu 't'hurlay ven
luj at
i 1 iV.UKliX I l'N XL Clit HCII. e.irnir
V A1..IH niul tlltli atr.ria. I'lrai-hniK
j-v.TY S .liiini h. tu.irmux ami vi'inntf. hull.
Lulu i Ii.kiI at I'l n i'l irk a. m. I''
iii-i-'ui lli'H.l iy i-vi iimn. V. I". H. . r..
hunilns l h:.kl p. m.
1MK.s I I'linilmn t'luirrli, llnrry Walkin,
' pml.ir. I'liarlum nl Kitid. I'rraoliiiiil
t, mi.I KixirtU Sim.l.na lit II a. in. mm
7 :u i in. Sm.liiy Si-li-'l. n hi. I'ray
ft in. -I'll. i-r. riinrl.iY. "' P. in. l . I". S
'. Siiml iv, 7.H l p. ui.
MK. Clirit'UI. H. It. H .riliT. p.iatnr.
fri-Ki'liini! rr r Snlilmlb inorniim and
i v. n.iu:. S i..li.iiU HOliixil rvi-rv hiililialh al
u m. l.fTijiiK iiivi-iiiit Ki-ry Siiul.iy al
4 p. in. .'iiernl r-ii-r iinflinu rfry
I ii.irn t iv hviiiiiiiii. iH'a.lma" ami Sli wurd'i
in rliiij ac.Miiit I urolny rtflimn ( raclj
II V XN.i II. K' XL i'lilUCll. .Sriviwn
't mui U hUTiil iy fvpniiik'a In "''h
in. mill in J o'l-Lirk r !( II. L
I'rai I. p ""ir. Miinlny S?luxl at !rVl r. w.
I r.ivi-r mm on XXrilurx lay -vvn.inj ol
fncli V.' I.
HILt.MlilKO IlKXHIMi KHOM, H--miil
airi'i'l. ill uUI M ifcinio Uiill. In
ti.ii il uly lr -iu il a. in.to'i p iu. Siniilnyi.
I nun I J hi. tn 6 p. Ill
Dri) Goods, Grocerres, Boots,
Sluvs, Hats, Caps',
""agricultural implements"
Hardtrarc, Lumbtr,
firain, Sec.
Agents for the
The ix-t in the market.
. :p:r,o:ditc:ei: ..
Taken at the llijjhe-t Market Trice.
W. K. ilTT, L. K. AD4MI
BAItlitTT Jc AtAM, .
Orrti l: Central Block, Koumtd ni 7.
. II. Ill ST,
Orru I : Uoom Ko 8. Tniun Muck.
" 'I IIOM.lS II. TOM.l V.,
Opkii k: Momiin HUx'k.
I I k I S It It OS.
v si uvr.Yoiis.
Ac nt f'r 1'ar Lm k Tvp XViiti-r. iw
(loom niirtli ui I'oHtotaw.
-. i:. knur,
Kimiu : No. il,' l'urllnml Savins !.ink
KuililinK, Srooud and Waaliiiipmn htrrla.
J. W. M Kit It 111.,
Y TTf 1 1 N 1 1 Y-A T-1 1 A V,
( Irriin: uver Urrfi'it Orociry Btr,
Mnin Hlroel.
I'll OS. II. Ill M I'll HKtS.
lUl.KMHJItO, tlIir.Ull.
tal paiiera drawn ami I-.nim on Iti-Bt
k'llili n..L.ntialHil KilHIlll'W a'lviulcd to
with pniiuptni'Ma and dixpa'i h.
OKrii a: Miiin Klret. upioail tli t onrt j
It. MOV,
Nuow mnkinw .--tli f.ir ."i.()0 and $7.V)
iwr ait : lat of innterinl and woikniuiixliip.
will cuuiiiara with iMa coatini! i'wtti
i-xtrnnU-d without pmn. rillinus at tun
liiweat priwa. All wurk warrnuteil.
Otrica: llire d.mra north of Itrirk
tora. OHli hours from a. in. im p. in.
Orrir: with J. C. Hull, County Knr-
rryiir, at tba Court 1 1 (;:.
All Linda nf rximirinir on Kleaiu K.nrlnM
and IVulvra, Mill Work, Thn nliin MhcIhiihh
Mower, Fsl t'nttera, ISowiiik aiaonnma.
,.ul,n,.. MuphiiiHa. VVrinurra. l'lirui.
ScHlra, SoiH)r lironnd. (lun and lKlks
ainithinu, Saw Kfmnj and tiled: and bae
a larua nnnilH-r of aronnd-hnnd vnuiiiM and
Im)U(?m for aula. All work warrniitHd.
S. T. I.IXkLATKK, M. It. V. M.
Ovrin: in HiIIhImiiii I'lmriuni'v. Kisai-
intara; rnl ot t ourt iiuna. imticw nmim
from a. m. to l p. m. ut riiariuHcy. wh-n
not viniimu; hoforo niul Hlter 1 tint, limn at
W. H. WHOP, M. !.,
(Irrira: iu t'hrnrttH Kow. UMinrKra:
corner Kimt and Minn atn-ela.
J. 1'. TAMII.SlK, M. I.
i n. it. sriiDKox,
HILLsnoiiO, OltllOON.
Ornm id llrHieiisi : corner Ttird
and Main Slrwtn. tutien bnurn, l;.l"l to vi
a. m., I to ft and 7 to n p. ni. Telephone to
rraidi-tid troin r-.K-.k A. twin iriitrKre ai
all hour. All cilia promptly attended,
inLl ii r day.
r. i. mo m, u. p. r. j. .iiLf. a. . u. n.
IMIS. t A. A f. J. lttll.KY.
HILLSHOHO. oui:oon.
Orn. : in I'liarmaor. I'liioii lil.H-k. Cnlta
attemled to. im:lit or d.iv. Ke.i.lence, S. XV.
(Vir. Una Line alid heoond aireeU.
XX. II. Ki t ki lt,
kai. lxr.vn: adi-'.n r
v ami mni:y I.OAXKII
OFK F.1IS TO THK IT'KI.t''. Land in
lares or aniall tracta, and will rrrbaut!
ianda in tha oonntry tor town or city prop
rtvi in f:iot. If yun hare auythuiu to ci
cbajitfi. In any locality, aec nie.
I li.ivc ofxMiisI a luii f. r
the repair e(
and nil kiivl.iol ynnl aurk.
Ki.p ttiir.lner'" nit Mand, half bl.-U
aoinli ef tins-r' t.iie.
nii.Laioiio .... criooii.
ll.KVH,AM, 1 II K KErORtfllt.
Cirfivt-r I'lfXt'laml 1 UU hIiuiii' L
It fail it the first prtUcnt xvlio has
frankly made high diplomatic j voli
tions a mrttti-r of haigaln find snip.
The rule upon whirh he nct I-t
"drop a campaign contribution in
the slot, and get a fat office, the fat-uc-s
xxlicreof .shall It; lit proportion
to tlie size of the contribution." At
uoiniiiatioiH go In, the mate of re
payment become apparent. The
Van Allen appointment showed that
a f"iO,mNi contribution takes nit fin-
bilsy. XoW colnen Mr. llixvelt,
another son-in-laxv of the Astor fim-
ily, xx luc coiitrlliiition lat fall xt its
lln.iMHi. He bus jut nii'ived the
l po-t of M-rretnry ol li"';itinll III ln-
don. y
Thus 1.4 the true measure of "re
form" lccoming npparcut to the
pisijile o' the I'nited Statis. That
angelic reformer, Drover Cleveland,
xv I ii m pompous (lictuin that "public
oltlce Is a public trust," has l-cen
mouthed by democratic orittors until
it is naueatini;ly familiar to the
American iHiiple, dotsi not practice
what he preaches. Heponsible di
lomatic pm-itions are given out to
Anglomaniac dudes, xvho have no
elaiiii on I lie score of either tltness or
e.ierlence, or ex'en long party st-vii-e,
simply lieeuiisi they are wealthy
enough lo make heavy contributions
to helji elect Mr. Cleveland last fall.
This is Indeed "reform" xvilli a ven
How do the horny-handed demo
crats on the farms, iu the ranks of
toil every xv ncre, like Cleveland's
plan of dishing out the plums to rich
men only? Wealth is the open st-
' same toollieial preferment under this
j administration. Merit don't count
and parly si-rvice cuts no tlgure. Is
, s ( (f o.f,,,.,,,-! (, ru ,U
.and llle of the democracy voted lor
sj ,(,v,.mU r. Tolislo Klad
The f.ict of mo-t politiiiil sio;niti
cance ut present is that hard times
have come xvith democratic rule
under the same laws which e.xlslisl
when repiiblieim rule iptve the coun
try reuuirkable prosja-rity.
Kecne, N. II., July, I'l, lsi.
N'oit.M.xx Lit HTV, In-s Moines, Iowa.
Jik.xk Snt : I eiiclostsl .r(l ts nts in
stamps for two boxes of Krause's
Headache Cup-nil's, same as lnt.
Work like iiuiL'ic. Send at olicc if
possible, as I am out. Respectfully,
A. A. ltlUINUsiiN.
For sale by Hillsboro riiarmacy.
Friiil Trees!
Nursery Stock
I'rtl ri Irei two year obi, $'i.(Y) per 0X
Oder fruit lieen in pmpiiitioii. Cherry,
Plum, Apple, Pear; other general tock.
To lnile inirlhea.t of l'oret f irove.
AM, HVI i' TIME TA ttl.E.
Tl I
or Tut
111 I 'l A II
Tiuni I.ey r'rnsn Dailt :
"a -jitk M
Han Franeiaco
Ar j
It I
Almve trnina atop at all atations from
Portland In Altmnv : alai at Tanir-nt.
Sliedda, Ilalaey, llai rihnrtf, Junnliun Cut.
Imi j. I-ncene. and all ataliiuia from Una.
Imru lo Aalilnad, mclnaive.
S .ill A M
fti.vi r 4
Ar I
7:( a
lUXIXIi t AHSIIX. 0.lL?t ItOt TF..
.. AMD ..
Sernd-( Uaa MerplBir Cur
Atti aao to All Thoimih TaAiri.
Went Kid Divlaion.
M ill Train Daily ( Einepl Sunday).
to A M
a:.Xtl 1 M
I2:. r
:v. r a
Hi ru
I l-iTM Albany and CorralliaeonniK)! with
tnona of tlie iVtiron 1'aoiflo Kail road.
I Kipn-aa Train Daily, ( Eierpt Hnndny 1.
j rfl ru I. Portland" Ar I S::'.x"i
i:iiipn Lt 'Hi Ulsiro I. t I 7.1.1 a
l,n Ar McMinnvill L Ji:iO A n
' I
1 THKOt'OH TICKK'IS to all Dointa In lb
' Kair Ktaio. Canada and tnrop. tma tw
, oliiaini'd at lnvpat ratta (rum i. 4. Morgan,
airrni, uiiisiioro.
K. KOF.HLCR. Aaat.O. K.AX F.Ac'l
Manatfar, Portland
A fexv ev iiins before the eliflioii
In Ohio John Sherman made a fi-ech
in C'lntlunattl, in which he said tlil
of uioney :
Kut the rc-ult of that xva- that xve
finally did tiii-pend the ptirchaseof
silver bullion.
Sniietim. s it is siid wo demone
tize silver by this action. No, no,
my countrymen, I am as linn a be
liever in silver as 1 am lit gold. I
want both metals, ami phiity of both
1 do not want one to be so large in
amount that It will demonetize nnd
drive out the other. I xvant them
like txxo well-iii:i!ehil Imr-is iliw-
iny side by i-ide, rtu h shoxxim; In
step and cadi iii:iviu hi- part ol
the li4d. . It i Mlid wh".l f- refllsi
to buy ilvcr xve are tfoiii-j to p-t rid
of Mixer. Why, as 1 have said ls
fore, xve have i;T7,immi,immi silver dol
lars, cillier coimsl or iu the treasury
or in circulation, or in bullion sutll
cient to make lsii.iHHi.ooo silver dol
lars. We have I'o.iMio tons of silver
either in the treasury or in circula
tion amoiio; our people. Txvcnty
thousiiud tons! Just think of it!
Now, becuu-rf" we say xve have
enough silver, that xve ouht not to
have any more, therefore xve are
enemies of .ilvcr! It xvas the re
publican party that devised Hush'
measures by xvhicli wUl and silver
Isnuiie the staintard money. Sliver
was to In- employed to the fullest
possible extent ill the business of our
country, ami both were to be supple
mented by the he-t forms of paper
money to be i ued by the national
government, always redeemable iu
Cold and silver, and always one as
Hood as the oilier. Applause. J
Now you may ask--and I urn try
ing to (tive you xx hat little informa
tion I can, although I suppose you
know all thce things xx hat is it we
fear about silver. Il is this, a tliiuy:
that you in this rich and l MUtilnl
and productive city must know.
Silver thirty years iijjci xvas not found
in the I'nited States. No silver xv
pn s un 1 1 In re. Uuld xvas found iu
California and Nevada, but silver
xvas found nowhere, but it xvas finally
disisivered ill c''e!it ma" ' in Color
ado. We then bewail to prmluce it,
and now xve are the largest silver
pr m I u-i !; co'iutry in the xvorld. We
produce xt hat xx ill coin alsait Tu.iiimi,
uoo silver dollars in a single yi ar.
At the same time that this reat pro
duction of ours xv as oceurri nc In our
country and iu Mexico, Australia
and other countries, the Kiilonan
nations one by one demonetized sil
ver. It is not valuable enough to I
measure the productions of mankind.
lt is n depreciating commodity. As
this vast amount of silver came in
si;ht it went down in price, just like
xvlieut xx ill codoxvn xvheu there is
overproduction, or corn or theprinl-j
nets of your xx orkshops. Twenty j
years aco a silver dollar of -71 J '
grains xvas i tiial to a dollar in K"hl; I
noxv it takes iwii grains of silver to
be xxoith a dollar in cold.
The silver in the silver dollar to
day is only worth about .Moor .Vic,
and xve knexv that if xve continued to
use this silver it would finally dem
inonetie gold, and then all contracts
would lie bused upon silver alone.
Therefore, it is xvith this result mani
fest that xvlien this purchase of silver
bullion xvas stopped, xvith $;77,mmi,.
in jo on hand, there xvas a sigh of
relief all over the country.
1 do not say it xvill cure the evils
we are sutl'erin there are other
causes I xvill point out hut that it
Is a measure of relief no man can
ipiestion. The republican party, be
it tomorrow, next day and forewr,
will stand for the bimetallic money,
Cold and silver at par xvith each
other, and at par xvith xvith all other
forms of money. Wo do not xvant
any nipujr. red doc money; xve
want cuod indney, that is stamped
by the eaule of the Vnited Slates,
and that is backed ' by the xvliole
wealth of the people of the 1'nitcd
State". We want good money of the
various kinds, and plenty of it. That
is our idea.
Noxv, our dein a-rat friends t not
k noxv w hat tliey want. (.aught r.
Absolutely they are unable to aris
upon ft propo-itinn in regard to fin
ance. 1 think they xvill lie unible
to in roc.tr I to other m ttters. Th -re-fore,
I have no doubt it xvas with a sic h
of relief that the president of the I'nit
ed States finally saw the re;uiblit.ins
Jiad come to his support when for
once iu his life he xvas riht o:l th
issue he proMisi.
'1 am a fru' trader, noxv that elec- j
lion is over. I did not openly sny j
fns trade before i lection, but noxv I !
will take my onMi to it." Fancy a j
man xxho had the consummate call j
to make such a remark as this at the j
Reform Ciub dinner, N'ovemlier 1, j
lsiij, now havinc the Impertinence,
to ask the xvorkincnien of Masra-j
chiiscits to cltN-t him as their govern-1
or! Yet this is the manner of man.
that John F Itus-ell is and the Hay
state voter should to it that they
..... , ,
reh gate him to a place where there
1 xvis'tving ami gnfl'liing of teetii
American economist. They "saw-
to It" on that cold Tuesday. The
majority xvu yo.nmi.
lihrsliiXl AMI IHXVAII.
Oa (MoUr 1 -th Sei-retary tirw
ham, fr m infoi.'nation derivej from
Ulount's r-oit, xvrote l'resld'nt
Clex'ehind that the revolution It.
Hawaii la! xx inter xvas fomented,
themie.'ii deposed and tlie provisii n
al government estahli-hisl ly tlie
connivain-e and aid of V'nlteil Si.'tes
Minister Stevens and the I'nited
States navy. Thoso bein xxroiicful
ly depoM'ii, by the Fnitisl States, It
is the duty of the coverninelit to put
the ijueen back on the throne.
Tlie nexx's reports from Washington
has this aniiunt of an interviexv
lalxveen I're-ident Cleveland and tin
old resident of I lonolula :
James I I vdc I'ratt, of Albany, Next
York, is in Wushingion. 'I Ihtc is
family relationship betxvisn 1'resl
dent Cleveland and Mr. I'ratt, Cleve
land's grandfather having Iss-n a
bi-othcr to I'ratt's mother. I'ratt had
a previous aciiuaiutance with Cleve
land, havinc often sis n him while
he xxas at Albany as governor of
New York. I'ratt also has family
relationship in the Hawaiian Islands
and feels much exercised at tlie
fiolicy toward the islands enunciated
In Secretary tiresliam's letter, lie
drove out to Woodley this Hl'tcrnoon
and had a half hour's talk xvith the
president on the subject. As the re
sult he learned that Cleveland a Im
proves thoroughly and xv dolly (Jrcs
ham's letter and all contained in it.
I'ratt has lived much in the islands,
and does not agree at all xvith (Iri's
ham's ideas or belief as to the facts
in the case. He slatinl to the presi
dent that Oresham's letter read to
him like a special plea of an advocate
for his case. His statement that the
deposition of the ipiis-n xvas accomp
lished by aliens is surlicieiit lo i!is.
credit the xx hole letter to his mini),
for he had knoxvledge that most of the
leadersot'ihe revolution xvero Hawaii
an born, and that I he parents of many
of them were Hawaiian born, though
of foreign extraction, lie urgisl also
that the lnM natives approved 1 1 1 -
present government and only thedis
ordei ly i lenient was amongst tho-e
vxho iliivd its overlhroxv. lie
stalisl to the president that it xvas his
belief that in order to re establish
(jucen l.iilioiikalui, it would be icv
cessiiry to iliNinu every x 1 1 i I -man
on the islands. lie did
not believe the- Ucctl could is
maintained on the throne a day
xxithoiit the iiillueiice of armed
forces or tin authority of the t'nite l
States. The presi-nt govcriiineiit. he
arcuisl, is iu possj.ssioii of all Un
arms and poxvers of authority, has its
forces xve! I orga'li.e I and di-c'p
lined and. is able to maintain itself
against interna! ional disturbances.
lie then ipicslionisl the accuracy
of tlie statement that Minister Stev
ens and Captain Wilt, were liMni
mental iu serving the revolutionists
and that the success of the revolution
xvas dependent upon the aid they
rendered. They did no more, he as-1
sertod. than xvas authorized by in
structions of Secretary llayard to
Minister Morrill in July, H7, for
his guidance in n similar period of
disorder. At this ioiiit the presi
dent asketl I'ratt xvhether he thought
he had its good opwrtunitios of in
formation on the snbject as the presi
dent after a furful investigation and
studv of the subject for H months.
Pratt rejoined that he thought he
had since he had Ims-ii in intimate
relation, by correspondence nnd
otherxxisc, xvith the islands for -over
.10 years. The president closed the
interviexv by saying he had absolute
faith in the accuracy of all conclus
ions drawn by Wrosham, and that
Stevens and Captain Wilt, hail com
mitted an act of usurpation and had
done xvrong to a helpless power,
which it was the duty of the I'nited
States government to undo.
ir(-t kle tlir Suf .ir K iiitr l ('lad.
Claus Sprcckles xvas interviewed in
regard te S-cretary Wresham's letter
to the president, lie said :
"I have so freiiient ly exprcssi-d
my view publicly lately that I can
not find anything further to say
other than lo express my sati-f.n tion
over the chisrl'ul new hist night.
The men who n present the so-t ailed j rr(l , ,01 resp.indingly small,
provisional government hud no more j ,(, v,.r j-oinent for the varloiw
right todcpt.se tin-iueen of .Hawaii (.(H (f (.iexving gum have lieen
and assume control of the govern-, r),,(V, t(1 ,. rt. While walk
tnent machinery than I xxould tnir(lll ,-state stns t la-t wis k I saw
demand of rre-ideid ( leveland his , . . j( iN Wliy a masterpiccn.
seat a 1 xx a-ningioii. 1 nut r u c ,
management of tin- revolutionary
I mil r II e
gtjvernuient business
iu the islaiu'i
nns iss ti nepress ohiiik loiiit-
ixx ing to uie
UUtenamiy 01 me sruaiioii irnue lias
diiiiinislied grcut'y, u the customs'
resirt w ill -hoxv, and it xxould have
continued to diiniui h so long a the
nexv governiii'-nt exi-ttsl. The pn-
visional government ha msmi fit to
change tariff and make loans unfit
ted tor the trade of the country and
the diastrou result is only what
might expected."
Nexv York City' bank surplus
k on crowing'anil is noxv near
the figure i.r lsi, when it stissl t
the high-water mark. In Augu-t of
thirt year the surplus reached JI,-
(hminki, xx hile not it Is t.2,fHl.':fi. j
You Niy if Americans buy Austra
lian xool ii xvill lessen F.nclish sup
plies and advance Fnclish price--.
This could not take place uutll the
American clip is no longer produced.
Then if xve had enough protection
upon cloth to cover the difference
Is'txvis'ii l.'uglish and American fac-
tory wages that xve could loinpt I
xvitli l.nglisii tloth iu our oxvu
markets, we xvould buy our raxv
xvih)Is iu tlie London market as a
mutter of. course nnd tlie xvorld'.
price for xv. s.l would advance. It
might even adxaiuv lo a dt-grtsj that
xvould make xxmil in the fnv trade
market-of the xvorld as high as il
has lifcn in the t'liiltsl Slates under
prott clioii, but xx hen this takist place
the cost of the raxv material in a suit
of clothes must then Is' fully as great
under free xvool a it is today xvith
protected xvool. Adlllittitlg that
such may la- tlie case, xx dint has U-eu
acfompli-hcd? What has Us-n
gained? You have destroyed the
American xvool industry, worth to
the nation .'00,1x10,11011, and lessened
the aliility of tin- American xvihiI-
croxver to purchase clot hi ng. You
have tlestroyisl a market for 4.",(hmi,-
000 bushels of corn and l'oo.Ooo.imni
kiuiiis of hay previously (sinsunietl
by our I "1,1 mm 1,1 ion sheep. You have
lessened the value of the sheep farm;
you have paid an nxvful price for free
raw material, and at the end of ten
years, after destroying tlie American
xvool supply, wdicd is one-eighth ol
the xvorldV product, xvool liecolnes
scarce and dear, and oxving to the
advance in the xvihiI markets of the
xxorld clothing xvould be as tlear or
tlwarer than it ever xvas under tlie
McK inley laxv. Now, if clothing is
not to be p.-rmanently cheajienisl,
xx hat advantage is there in paying
such a priii' for the experiment ?
Win 11 the free trader has reali.eiT
to the rtillest extent all that he ever
hoped for from fns trade, the cost of
obtaining it xxill have Ims-ii found to
have been o great as to have i-oun-t-rlalancfd
more than liundnsls of
thousands of times over the supposed
Ire.- Ineli- ml vantages. You cannot
destroy a great industry in which at
lei-t .'1,110.1, niiii pimple directly ami
ilnlirivlly are interested xxithoiit
1 aii-iug iiiucli misery to many men,
in. i' xx iihoiit crippling to a greater or
U s tlegioe evt ry otjier man.
Tin-prospt rity of this country 1111
1I1T tin- McKiuley laxv has Ihs-ii the
greatt-st in its history. Why should
xve, therefore, repeal that law under
w hich the American nation has been
not only (he most prosperous nation
of the xxorld, but during that time,
the only pro-pen us nation of the
xx oild? Thtsidore Justice in Kcono-
Oregon ( lljr 1 41 ml 0111 t-e.
The amount of business transacttHl
at the 1 iregon City land olllce is con
tinually increasing. A long as two
years ago thoollU-c ranked second,
jtlltrfvl by receipts, in the I'nited
States, the one at Sent tie alone mak
ing a belter slioxxing. F.ven the
recent financial deprsion has not
affected the amount of business, and
Colonel Miller, says there is got d
prospect of an iinusal year' business,
and the indications are that this will
lie the liest office in tlie country for
the fiscal year. The report for ( K-to-lior
make a gratifying showing.
1 Hiring the month 47 cash entries
xvere made, including .11 claims.
There xvere 4 homestead filings, 17
pre-emption and 21 final pnaifs
made. The cash receipts of tlie office
xvere f I0,ss,()7, 13'...I0 of which
xvas made up by fci-s and testimony
accounted for by other rei-ciptH and
tlie balance i a-ii paid to tlie govern
ment for land.
Kate Fit Id's Wasliington 1 in
clined to the opinion that if gum
chew ing statistic were taken
throughout the United States, Chica
go xvould come out well in tlie lead.
This is not a ca-ual conclusion but
the result of observation extending
over a pt riod of several years. The
perts ntage of Cliicagoans addicted to
this wearying and profitless imita
tion of iiia-tication is very large.
The proportion of those who alistuin
s,..lt(., j rt t. unyn chariot was a
. ,M,ig wuiian w ith conspie-
H()l,.y .lispiayttl abundant red locks.
.j, novel-looking turnout wa
(ira,v by txxo white hor , ami as
m. . m.1(,j provetl the subject 1
,,f n,M.,i ,,f laugliing comment. The '
,,,,. :i ..,,,,,,, W:1 of course busily !
chewing a she drove h'T team
through the crovtthsl thoroughfare.
S. A. Clark ha -cn Mt. Hood J
pmoking thns-times, the last occa-ion ,
being la-t wis k. Strange th.it none
but Mr. Clark see the phenomena, pa.ss.sl hims eongrw met will Ui
and strange too that the Are ra,'e particularly damaging t the demo-j
but a jmrt of the day. Men have cntt. ilole Iiemts-rat, Noveml r
said that tin-) smoke cloud are"i." Two day later tlie prophecy;
nothing but wind storms drifting the j was emphasized by giving the n-j
snow over the aumnilf . I publican ticket 30,00 majority.
Chairman Wilson, of the commit
tee of w ays und means, la-ing xx holly
unable to find any plausible
reason tor the removal of the duty
usjii winI, had to resort for an il
lustration to a comparison xvith con
dition.) in i'u. He stated that wool
. In 1s"j7 xxas put on the fns trade list,
an I that at that time xve were pros
perous. Noxv, xx hat xvas then the
exMing condition? Iu July, l"-7,
XX Ohio wool xvas xvortli Oil cents,
and xvoot xvas then put on the fnv
list; then, a now, the democrats had
control of all branches of the govcru
mcnt. Jaim-s Ituchaiiau xvas pii-i-dent
and Isith brauchi-s i f i-niigres
Were Ii -li H x ro t it-. What followed?
A financial panic spread ad over tin
country, and by the end of that yeai
XX Ohio xvi Mil had fallen from '
is.-nts to 30 cent., a tits-line of in per
cent, in six months. Chairman
Wilson points to this condition as a
happy Mate of affairs, and invites Un
American ja-ople toa new trial of the
same exjierieniv. Ilcsiilc, in s"i7,
tlie conditions of the xtorld's supply
wer' very unlike those of s;i;. Aus
tralia then produced only .tn.nim.iMMi
Miunds of scounsl xvihiI as against
J.'iO.ihmi inhi Miunds in l'.t.'!, an in
crease of over 700 Ja-r cent.; tin
Kivr I'latteprialucedonly li,not,nno
N-iiinds of scounsl xvool, and In si;!
that country pnalucetl 1 lO.iMiu.uiKI
K)iinls of scounsl xvihiI, an incn-a-s
of 1.IMI0 M-r cent. The Cape of Wood
lloH-in I s.17 produced only lo.nnn,
I m id Miiinds of scoured wool, xxhile iu
18!):l that country product! .MI.inmi,
ihmi Miunds of sisnirtsl xvool, an in
crease of 4'MI jh'T cent. Thus t lit
xvorld s supply ol xvool in iv.i.i i
drawn from the southern hemisphere,
where, by reason of perennial pasture!'
ta tter in xx inter than in summt r, xvool
can Ih- produced ut from in to 1
is-nts ja-r pound la-loxv its cost iu the
rigorous xx inter climate of the Fuited
States, while in ls.'J the bulk of tin
world' supply i-ame from the north
ern hemisphere, xvhere, oxving t
xxinter ftssling. xvihiI growing i
alxxays more cintly than in Australia.
New and extensive fields for xvool
i( rowing have Ihsmi opencl in tht
southern teiiiH-rate .one that xxen
idle in H.-.7. In March, ls'.W, XX
Ohio protiH-ted xvihiI xvas worth over
lid cents scoured, and in free trade
Uindon the same quality xvas xvortli
;tu wnts. If it xvero known that the
McKinly laxv xvouldnot lu-disturbcd,
XX Ohio -xvool in the tleece would
again lie xxorth i!0 cents M-ourtsI (its
value on the day that I 'resident Har
rison left the White House), but
with free xvool tlie price of X X liiio
wool xx on Id lie the Ioudon price ol
;io cents scounsl. Theo. Justits-.
( levrlantl Did It.
The San Franciso K.xaminer though
an ardent supporter of Cleveland in
ls'.ij, is not noxv an admin-r of that
exponent of democracy. It xvas only
a few xveeks ago that several attack
ing editorials were published, and
noxv viewing the disaster that has
overtaken the party that leading
journal ha these further words :
"Mr. Cleveland understands now
how the American masses viexv his
insolent attempt to play tlie role ol
a dictator xxho would make both
congres and tlie supreme court creat
ures of his will. Fight months of
Caesnrisni have done their work.
Mr. Cleveland has wns-ketl his party.
Congress has Iss-n taught that it is
a lietter jxilicy to follow the demo
cratic platform than to olx-y the or
ders of a gentlemen W dose egotism
closi-s Ids eye to facts und Ids ears to
advice. For that platform he sub
stituted his own pleasure and made
the mistake of supposing that the
press of Nexv York and the initg
xtumpsof the Atlantic strip consti
tuted the press and the iicople of the
United State. Presidential cont-it
ami obstinacy and congressional mi
pi nc nt -ks hax-c brought uhout the ca
tastrophe. ICt congress tell the
president to mind his oxvn business,
which i to execute laws, and w ith
out the loss of 11 day, and, xx lien it
reassembles, to pna-nsl to carry into
effect the promises of the Chicago
platform." The conclusion of this
arraignment was the follow ing, Mali
cistsl :
"Itefomi the tariff and smash the
trusts; restore silver to its constitu
tional place in the currency."
Oregon is not a small pumpkin
after all when she carries away
twenty award at the world' fair to
California twelve, and Washington
In every state in tlie Noith in
xx hich canvas" are under way the
length of tlie contest over repeal in
. ' . ... .
the demra-ratic congft-n will hurt
that party. Iu Massachusetts, e
ecially, w here the finance ues(ion
has figunsl prominently in the cam-1
paign, the failure to bring aUnit n--j
ieal until nearly thr-e month had
imi: TDK maii:.
A it it h it senate has Iss-n orgiiuiisl
at Oregon t 'ity, xx hen embryo slates.
Illi-ll xx ill exercise their jsxver.
A car has l-n put ou the Willa
mette Falls railway, extending .from
Oregon City to the mouth of the
Tualatin river.
The mayor of Tlie Hal Us ha n--ct'ivtsl
a Idler thrcatiilng death un
less work is given to the x filer
xx ithln thns- day.
Tlie C.i 1 M- Horn, (Columbia llivt ri,
1'eli-graph company have completed
their line to Cnrriusvillu, Clackama
county, and i-Xss't to retted Oregon
j t 'ity by January.
I Ilie largest single Nile of hops was
etiii-ttsi iy ir. Ii.ivi, at llarrishurg,
xvhosiilil I s bales, or la-t wis-n 7",0ihI
ami so.ooo poumls, at III trnt, net
ting tl l.ooo.
High xx atcr has, for the sei-ond
lime this fall, driven I ho xvorkmell
out of tlie canal ut Oregon City head
works of the FIcctrie Improvement
A prosper! ing party Is out in the
Cascade mountains, near the bound
ary line hdwi-cn Multnomah ami
Clackamas counties, looking for a
oiiart. ledge that is iiid to exist. It
is rich in gold.
A xxt'll J.'T fis't dis'p has lnn
Imittl twelve miles north of l'clldlc
ton that fiirnishts gocsl water and a
ipiantily sutlicent for irrigation pur
hiscs. It js is puiiistl to t he siii factx
liy a txvelve foot xv imi mill.
What kind of sermons xxilltlioso
lie w hirh the ."iiio ( 'al 1 for 11 In preachers)
have agreed to preach on the suljis-t,
"purity of the prtsv?" How xvould
it tlo for I Ih-iii to furnish pun mate
rial for press comments?
The St. Helens Mist thinks that
city ought to In-come a gn-at tradtx
center. That's right, brother; but
la-fore any great th-gnst of prosa-rity
will be enjoyed liioss-hnckism must
depreciate greatly. Itut in the mean
time tin not lo-e sight of the fact that
the more progressive Industrial
class are relegating mn-hackism
to the rear and in spite of all the
kalamity shr'n-kers I he country Is
pushing steadily ahead.
It apicars that the republicans
wanted the cannon to colehrate with
this time, ami if it xvas iu Salem they
would make a strong attempt to get
it. Itut (lie governor has decith-d
that that piece of brass Is ttxi sacred
to lie us-tl for any but populist victor
ies, and accordingly has sent it to
the iir.-imry at Portland. It was
ili-signaled on (lie hill of lading ns
the "I'ennoyer Cannon," and hence
forth it xx ill Im-mi- that name. iH-mo-crat.
A caron the Southern Pacific was
taken possession of by Home sixty
" Tourists," nnd when tho train
reached Salem tht conductor asketl
tlie city olllcials for their arrest. So as
to have a gootl cause, the city mar
shal asked (lie conductor to order
them out of the cars, xvhicli xxas dona
ami tlie order olieyed. The "gang"
tumbled out ran lor ward and en
tered a si -cond car. The railroad
olllcials (hen let them ride ami Fort-
land's population Is Increased by
si xty some.
U. I). Allen, of the Waldo Hills,
ussl to lie an admirer of Ilcnny
pheasants. This season he is a firm
believer that they are a iet. Mr.
Allen lias a vineyard, hut no grajiea.
The ) icnny pheasants have no vine
yard, t .tit they had many graast. An
fast as the gras ripened, the Den
ny's ute them. Mr. Allen utood.
guard xxitli a gun, so the pheasant
stayed out during the tlay and got
in double xvork during the night.
Salt-til Independent.
A good story is told upon a Wash
ington woman who now makes her
home in Colorado. With evidently
no thought as to the curious sound
of the combination if siokf n quickly,
she has called her oldest child Helen
Virginia. Not long ago upon a visit
to this city slie proudly brought her
young daughter in, to see an old
friend. "What have you called your
daughter" iiioricd the visitor. -"Helen
Virginia" whs the complacent
reply. "Ah, ami w hat do you call
her in Colorado," was the uncxjicct
tl but very natural r-ponse. Kate
I toy, the IJ-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs; Frank J. Ileatty, of Clietn
awn, xvas found dead in the wood
hcd nuar the residence on Tuesday
last, w ith a bullet hole in his head.
The discovery was made aliout 2 p.
m. ami from the np-arance of the
b'sly it is pre-iimed that death came
in-tantly. The revolver was a Smith
A Wcs-oii, of thirty-eight caliber,
Hiid a five--hiMiti r. The ball entered
the left -ide of the fats' below the
temple, coming out at tlie top of the
head. The wt axili belongtsl to Ms
mother ami was uptiocd to havn
Us 11 bill under the led, ami just
when the I my found it cannot he con
jcctunl. (toy was subjis-t to epilep
tic fit and naturally rtuinl great
can- und attention which made him
the pet of the Iteatty home, ami the
shok Is a seve re one to the family.
Suleni IsrlOisrilt.