9 TilE A(.!:T AT 1 1I K l soir. It win it witrtu July ni'irtiiii-,', Wiirm tliiit I U It a tliMli of ity fur 'ixiUi uii'l l.iuiiilrv'-ri Hi I .t ilowu in my .tli:nly v,it r-ioiu :iiil hjh ihvI my il k to l-viii my ni"riiliiif 1 1 1 . i I m-upi-I, t.ikfti my (a-n front tin-rin k mIh ii I li.-tir'l tlie click of tilt' frunt win I, Kl.niiln out, e.tuv h rt-y-h linil wiinm witli a i-lm'iiy, nil, vi lvi t l'ii uii lu-r iirui. 'An M'int," 1 .-.till, Iniiitit'tit!y, ti iny-i lf, in I unit to niKurr ln-r rin' ut the il'M.r. Mie lii l'l out a N'Mp of f il.liil fiapt-r, .ntylng ijnttiiiitc lltT-xIf. AH I tMliv It I lllltlll C V i ' t mental iiiiniiHMit: "Wor tlian nri MKi-nt a U'i".';ir. I wiiihKt Ikav tuany 1111.1111111114 -lit I1U1 liul LilUil in a mini' 'li-iuii 11ml lmv many einull ir.ltan- tlun? an- to I.- trarH IHirttil i-:i-t tD their friemli?" I!ut mi, it I'TuMil to ! 11 m-te fmin my m-llilmr in the next lilixk, a lia-ty x iK il htumI, written in her own I'liarm teriM ie fa-hiou. SI 10 sil wnyi ili n ii'lit Umiii my imat'ina- ti'HI tn ili'Vilie what -he lililitteil to ay. "I'll :i-f ilo w hat you ran for In r,'' it r.111, "froh rjfjrs or omethln. I ean't liel U-lii-vlii"; her. Ila-tily," te. ' I ti'''l'i otit-itli' anil invileil 'her" tn a x-:it on the veramla. . 1 iliil mi I k'ave her the tiM real nolii-e. She wan jMmrly ilre-eil, hut Jier cotton "mitt-." hail leen carefully ilarneil, ami her futf, though tlti-licil ami xT-iirii)r, lnoktil like that of a tfentleu iiinaii. "What can I tin for you," I akcl, "My neihlior lun not -xlaiucii your errainl," "I only wuiiU .Mo st-H"- hIh pau-cl for hreatli ami tiieil to fan lier-eil with the nil hn'. A hot wave mrmcil to cm j over me at the ij;lit it loi'ki il .-) like a llaine ii'l'riiu h liitf lier fm-c. Stcj .(.iiiy into tin hall I PK'urcii a fan anil olfereil her. "l'lea-e don't think 1 am ill' . lio continueil in short a-iix, "I'm M-rfe-tly well -only I've Imi-h in Colorado hut two weeks ami the lljrht air" "lo not hasten. Kent a few mom HiN In fore you tell you erraml." "No I mu.t W p-ttinjr 011. 1 htuycil ii long with your frit-ml there. She win kiml. Hut I've only muile tiglitt-vn cents tli morning ami it's nearly liinYlixk. I have initlleH to cll ami wiiif rurline for the hair. I think the IlivtlU-s tiro j,'kmI. Tin' point ftriii hhar. I don't know- much uUtut .such tilings. J never trieil to -m-H anything hefore." Her hrenth was coming to her again. "You we, It i- this way," she con tinueil. "My hu-I.Hiiil has coiisiim tion. He has hail it -o long that we have use up all our money ami the iliM-tor Ki.l he might get well in Col- orado. Our friends in the church at thv Kut I'ou'ht us tickets to come j ' out here, nml I have a friend w ho jjivfs us a room in her house, hut "MiV U jioor, too, ami 1 have to earn Hoinethiiitf for us to eat. I tried sell ing thex- things. I've Ui'ii out a wtt-k. und forty-ciht cents is the TToSt I ever made in one day. I have a little tfirl lxides my Nick InisliAiid, and fiMnl co-ts so much hero." "You cannot do much with these articles, I fear. There are so many r liKcnts." She tluheil H-rcri(illy, "I know it," she said, "and 110 IxMly know s how I hate to l eone. They used to annoy me so. If 1 ever have a home aain I shall feel dilferently, I think. Many ladies are kind like your nci;lilor w ho s'iit this note to you, hut some well, 1 wonder if I ever spoke to an acnt quit as they fK'ak tome, l'leasant .r words ifi fur. even w hen people do not wish to huy." "I know," 1 answered, w ith a little inward qualm, "eourte-y in-ts r.oth inr, hit you must make ullowaiice . somitimes. N On 1I0 nut know what the liusy housewife may have left liehind w hen she answers your sum mons at thedonr. Perhaps the I, read Is dunlin in the oven, or it luitton must U'sowcil on fur the hu-band W ho Is drcsMnj; tocatchthe train." Juick n-coiiitiiin lancisl from her eyes into mine. "I kmw, I do try to make allow nee. Such a curiou- tiling I1.1 h-tms I to me yeterday. Am I taking too much time? Is your hread luiru- "No, phase iro on. I have no work that cannot wait a little." Siinehow the thought of the sick hilsliAnd and the youn; child wait inn; patiently in a chs nHm fur the fio-ihle forty i nts madi me fis l like a mUlinnalrv, though only a moment np I had felt so liurdemsl hy "hard times." "Well, I called at a Imu and a little rl atiswensl my rin;. 'Caul ss your iiiammii ju.-t a moment, ditir'." I a-ktsl. She tcpHsl into a rsuii and I heard her say, 'Mamma, thcr''s a nice t;randm:i at the disir' Kray hairs always mean rindmas to the little ones. I heard the moth er say, 'O dear!' and heard theci. suns drop from her lap as she arose. I felt sorry I had come, hut it was tin late.' I told her my errand as quickly ami litcly as 1 ould. Her face irathcrcd a dark frown. 'No, I wouldn't huy any lusslies to save your life,' and the i.,r slammed in iny face. 1 felt so hurt that it re quired a ileal of resolution to enter the next h"Us, lut then- I was kindly rcsvived ami they a-keil nie to rest. When I came cut the worn-1 an wlio had Ns n so rude stuo.1 at her pte and udhil to me. sheakil me to come hack to her hmise as .she Wislusl to talk tome. At first 1 n. it as a favor a nice lunch ! ttli't I U t lit. SliO !i;nj spread t which he insisted that I -hould sU down. She U-vifsJ my pan Ion for her rudeness, and w ished to know what necessity foreisl me to canvass from house to house In Mich hot weather and for such small profit as she knew- I must make 011 my tus-dl. and curline. I told her my story. Now,' he caid, 'I will tell you mine.' "She opened Imt purs she had already taken a ease of my needim, fcr which che paid me a dollur and w ould accept no change and showed iiim its contents, a L-i fierous roll of hills. Ynu see,' he said, 'that 1 have plenty of money. When that N jfone I van have more. Every thing I need which money cun huy is mine, hut I am very unhappy. Perhaps I ought not to tell you, but I will. Myhushand is not kind to me. From the moment he enters the house until he leave it then is 1, lie continual storm of faultfinding. I can do nothing to please him no matter how hard I try. lie had Ims-ii gone hut a short time when you came to the door, and he was uiiisnii moiily had this morning. 1 was so angry and hurt at his treatment that I sinrcely knew what I did and so vented my spleen tqxill the first object that came in my way. After you had gone and I thought how cruel 1 ha I Us-n 1 could not n-t until I had begged your forgiveness, and so I set my little girl watching for you. 1 hope it w ill U a lesson to me. I do not wi-h to Is unkind to any one.' "Poor woman! f, too, had learned a le-son, and, as I went away from her house, I thought I would not exchange places with her for all her precious money, And, ns you say, I try to think what may be 'left txs. hind in the house' when M'ople are not pleasant to me. Now, if you will forgive my taking so much time and would like to sts my needles." She told mo more of her story ns she displayfil her wan, but I ikhhI not repeat it hen-. It whs the old, old story, so cruelly new, of unex-iss-ted reverse: of fortune and utter incapacity to nn-et them. It was so little I could do, only to purchase some of her wares, pick her li hand ful of flowers and send the rnsdi eggs to her sick husband, but she went on her way smiling and grateful, saying as she bade me a eourteoim fan'well : "The kind words help me us much as the money. It Is so lonely here among strangers. Sometimes I id most line heart and doubt if !m is good." I, too, learned a lesson that morn ing, or rather, rei-ommittcd a half forgotten one, and as I returned to my morning task those words of I op I Houghton's kept running In my mind : An urm of aiJ to I ho wenlt. A frinodl; timid to tbe frioudlrM, Kind words, o iliort to iHk Hut wliune echo ii Midlewi. Tlie world in wide, tliciw thiutpmre niunll Tlirjr may tsi nuitiintf. Imt tLey itr all. HKHYIIIKS. There is a manifest weakness in the I'nited States senate's physical endurance department. The ( tliio campaign is being made just as exciting us though the result was in doubt. lie who has never leen tempted has little right to luiast of his honor or his honesty. IIosh Croker evidently wants llourke Cochran to realize that it is Is'tter to Is- Ixirn humble than elo quent. The son-in-law of the late iHun Pislro by going to Brazil, shows that his ambition largely overbalance his giMsl sense. If that Jersey idea of "organizing the christian vote" should lsvome popular, some Hlitician might rind themselves hunting for a job. Tin principle reason why hazing is still practiced in eollegist, Is that the college authorities were once hoys themselves and know how it works. October Is the mouth of hunters, and in the neighborhood of our cities many things are strolling around in hunter's outfits that it would ls diffi cult to prosrly classify. Kaiser Hilly is now making faces at the Berlin low 11 council, liecause it had the nerve to refuse to provide at public e.ense, a playground for his royal "kids." The man who didn't know exactly how the yacht ras would turn out, lias yet to ls found. Those w ho lost money did It by Is'ttingagaiust their judgment. What a curious animal man is, anyway. If Senator Blackburn has the proof that the KuroHim banking house of Rothschild carried gold from the I'nited Stalls at a loss, for the pur Hvseof forcing a panic ami influents ing legislation, he should lose no time in producing it. Keep your eye skinned for the Job in that scheme lo annex the territory of lower California to the I'nited states. If we are not mistaken that allcgisl Kuulish-Amcrican syndicate which claims to have thought the property, is nien-ly a blind. The Choctaw Indians should now 1n considers) thoroughly civilized, their treaunT having "skiped," leaving a shortage of something like tloo.non. Considering the amount he had lo handle, 110 Chicago or New York pian could have made a heav ier haul. Omaha, Neb., May ., ls;. I have triisl a gnut many n-meilie I for headache, and Kraue's Head I ache Caiisu list knock it nulcker than anything I ever triisl. I. W. Mt'VKA. 1'or sale by 1 1 iII-Im n I'li-irmacv. j fn-.il, Lut l lyi,Ttl CI -S- r- t The l'otk.r)JHrt'iJJifriit Coin lllisnlon, whl.ii-Jviiting the exeeutive de Hneb y set how the aerviee ij e i.rove., 1 gathering aonnV turprt""if informa tion. It is usually eonsidenl that one mctuler out of a family is enough at the public trih. The commisfion finds 6i;i0 people with relatives draw Ing lialaries In the departments at Washington. There an; twos r sons who have no relatives with them 111 ome. This is the limit, l ive officials have eight relatives a I its -e on salaries with them. Four have seven relatives each In govern ment serv It v. Ten have six apiece; M have five apiece; !! have four apiece; 27 have three apitsv; ln:S7 have two apiece, and 4"1 have one apiece. There are 17,.i!! s rscns in the departments at Washington, and .".10, or one-third of them, have rel atives similarly fa vortsl. In thirty-seven eases both husband and .wife are drawing government sularitst. In on case, husband, wife, brother and son and one other relative are on the pay mil. In another, a husband, wife, sister and five other relatives are provided with phusst. There are ss.7 cases of brothers in serviceainl !J7 cases of sisters. One woman clerk has her husband two brothers and one si-ter, draw ing salaries with her. Two ofllcialshave four brothers apis:t in office, Niiles three other relatives each. The parents employed who have sons In oftlce number ;!!.'!. Fifteen official have Imthsoiis and daughters In office. Two have sons and daughters and other relatives. This w holesale nepotism in the de partments, the length and breadth of which nobody imagined uiitil tlie commission unearthed the facts, will be the subject of legislation of a rad ical and stringent character. There is a very strong sentiment in this country against a civil pen sion list. Yet the commission finds what amounts to the same thing pre vailing on a largo scale in the de partments. Men and women who have outlived their usefulness are Ikmiijj curried ummi the pay rolls Ik1 cuuse their sticriors an1 too sympa thetic to dismiss them. They do next to nothing. Then is one s-r-son over 1)0 on the pay roll. There are six lictw'een X! and 1M) years of acre: thirty-three U-tween SO and s."i years; sixty-six lietwccn 7 nnd so; and 1h2 lietwtsMi 7( and 7" years, The number Is'tweeu d. and 7(1 is ;sii. The iiuiiiIkt in thedeparlmcnts over (', which is thought to be the limit of efficient service, is Mil, which is nearly one-half the entire departmental fonv in Washington. The great defect In tlie government civil service is that then1 is no limit of age or service. There Is no way of getting in fresh blood. There Is much truth in the old saying, that government officials seldom die ami never resign. One jierson now in office at Wash ington has Iss'ii drawing govern ment pay for sixty years. Fleven have been on the pay roll forty years, one hundred ana nine have nfords of thirty years. Those who have htld their official Hitions twenty years or over reach the num lier of JiMi.'i, or one-eighth of the en tire force. Nearly half of the 17,.!!t officials in the deartments have had ten yars or more of the good salaris and easy duticst which make these ositions so highly coveted. Women now hold ".-17 places In the departments. They numls-r one third of tlie entire pay roll. Moft of the ersons in office in Washington got in without having to iass any civil service examination. They were in U-fore the law went into ocration ten years ago, or they tscassl the formality some way. It appears from the investigation of the commission that there are only :iri7." officials now in service who have passed the civil service examination, just nne-fiflli of the entire numls r draw ing pay. According to the law there are hni'7 s rsons w ho hold po sitions subject to civil service exam ination for apMintmenl, but !?;: of them esnpd this by ls ing in IsTore the civil service law went into cisti linn nnd sticking to their places. The commissioii has gone far enough in its investigation to uncover the necessity for great nTorms in the civil service. News Report. And yet there are tho clamoring for civil scrvic reform fir the pur- ose of establishing an office-holder's aristocracy. Tlu-se mugwumps for the most part, live in New York and voted for Cleveland. General Wade Hampton, commis sioner of railroads, has recommended in his annual n-ort the appointment by the government of 11 commission having full iowcr to determine the lildel tednessof the Imnd-ai.hsl Pacific railroads to the government. Then' are many indications that the demo crats will try to get rid of this troublesome question hy the device suggested by Wade lliinpton. of course no commission is needed for the purpose indiiivtisl, for the treas ury department can furnish the amount of the inilebtislness of the various sultsidized railroads in ! time than it would take to w rite out the text of the resolution creating ttich a commission. Rut the creation of a commission w ill serve n couple of urpos admirably. First, it would take the question away from tiwgresw, for the pnxent, and it would give several good democrats fine fat sitions. It w ill be infer I etlng to wa'ch the outcome of the matter. An Ahthuma exchange, democratic, breaks out with thine words: With hogs at the pn-sent profitable jriee, and with two ears of corn to every stalk, and w ith three stalks to the hi!!, and w ith four hundred hills to the row, anil eleven nws to the acre. and foiirty aenst to evey man and boy in this county, this vocation of the calamity howler Is no longer cou.sidensl a sinecure in this com munity." lu lHnbt. "So you have got a wife," said Chaffer to a new ly married man. "I don't know don't know," replied tli man with evident hesitation. ".Smietiiiies) I think I've got her, and nometims I think she's got me. You sts-, I've only !een married a few months, aiul I can't tell Just yet how the combination Is going to turn out." Tit-bits. Wf ClOkft. . i )f course, it Is not easy to change houses already built, but I give a hint to all w ho are building to suit themselves, not to have a clonet in the house at least not without a window. Physicians condemn all dark closets as haunts of vitiatiil air. Were I building, there would not le a closet in the house unless it were large enough to have a sash window. Have a trunk room and an airy linen pre, if you please, where (he mother can sit nnd mend and sort her sheets and tablecloths in sun shine, but no dark closet. Instead, all bed-rooms should have large pine or mlar wardrobes, with double doors to ojs'ii the whole front Thest! can ln made at the time of building much cheaier than closets can ls Uiill into the walls, and they remain movable, always sweet and every way convenient. Added to this, dollies are better kept from dust and insects in them. They can be built quite as large as closets, with ti drawer for shoes, while the top Is useful as 11 shelf. Chicago Journal The Ait of Advertising. A young man of agreeable exterior and ample means del ires to form the acquaintance of a lady with the view of making her his partner for life. Reauty and wealth are not so much an object as a gixxl character and an amiable disjxisition. Young ladies w ho may fit'! inclined to cast their lot w ith him are hereby nquested to call at Herr Meyer's confectionery establishment tomorrow afternoon nt :i o'clock, ami as a means of recogni tion to eat an npple tart. A few minutes after :l the w hole stock of npple tnrts was cleans! out. Sheffield Telegraph. I losare. Lily White. Did you have many otters during the summer? PlucU. Rird. Many? Why, I had to limit the proposal speeches to five minutes. Puck. Murviuff on Kerf Tea. One of the hardest notions for the untrained nurse to give up is that liccf tea is a valuable nutriment. The recent assertion of a writer in the 'American I.ancct' that thousands of sick jiersons have Is-en starved to death on las'f ten. Is only a summing up of what physicians and exjKTt nurses have Uen trying to Impnsa Umii the minds of the laity for some time. Ihs'ftenisn stimulant, slight nnd evnnescent, but to "live tin las f ten," which has been the shihtstlcth of many a sick-room, Is impossible. And the Lancet further counsels tl.a if it must still Is' made and used tn perform its very limited service, to remeiulsT that, like plain tea, it should never Is' Ixiilisl. High taltnrr. A lady tif no little culture and re finement upon whom we were once making an afternoon call sud denly Interrupted the conversation by addressing her little daughter thus: "Fthcl dear, get up of! that rug this minute, do!" "Why, mamma?" innocently asked the child with round-eyed wonder. "Why?" returned the mother. "lon't you see? Your dress Is lnk, and that rug is decidedly crimson, and I can not endure such a combin ation of Inn-. Get up, please." The child slowly rine, and the world moved on. Fthcl's mamma was infected with the icsthetic measles, ier. -I bistort Cour- Sow Try This. It will cost you nothing nnd will sun-ly do you good, if you have a cough, cold, or any trouble with thnkit, chest or lungs. lr. King's New Discovery for consumptl n cmjjhs nnd colds is gutranttsxl to give relief, or money will lp 1 aid back. Sufferers from la gripe found it Just the thing and under its use had aspisdynnd erfect recovery. Try a sample Isittie at our expense and learn for yourself Jim how good a thing it Is. Trial Nttles free at Hillslsiro Pharmacy. Iargt size Tide and II. Grafton, Pa. Aug. 2:1, lsi. NoliM AN LlUITV, F.sq., I list Moines, Iowa. III. in Sii! Vnnr U'r.ii, II.....I ache CnpsuliM nn good sellers and do the work every lime. ours truly, iKiiiu.K. HAitiv. For sale by IlilNhoni Pharmacy. A Sure fare Tor rihu. Itoliinrf filra arc known ij mnimar liko rspirati'n. coiiik mtrnw itrhin ocn wnrai. Ilmform a wall aa I Iliad Mwsliim or (VtrnJinit. ywliU at una t Pr. Ismanko'a l'il lmrdr, whtrlt acU dirirtlT on fmrX ffcusj, absortx tamn .Ut lU-hinu anil rdarta a frmnprnl enro. .sicta. Iirotfuisii or mail. Circular tn. lr K.nko. I'hilailrlohia, t'a. hold bf lirnt-k A SfU. 5llblM)tU jAStX James K. Weatherford, of Albany, hi in attendance on the Limetalli conventional St. Iouis, jsiurlng out Ms life blood in the iuUTcst of the fn-e and unlimited coinage of silver He is opMwts to tlie repenl of the Sherman law and then-fore wants the government to continue to pur chase four and a half million d liars worlh of silver t mouth, even at the price of busintsvi stagnation, hanl timi-s ami ruin to the rest of the country. He wants the government to Is a sort of father to the silver mines tif Colorado and Montana, with their wealthy owner and for eign laborers, who nsiort to dyna mite anil bloodshed to keep up wages, A Oregon is entirely an agricukural state, and as her general pnw'ierity depends absolutely uihiii the wel fare and pns'erity of her farmers, Mr. Weatherfonl would utand before his ueigMsirs lu a much more favor able light if he would busy himself to secure the monthly purchase by the government of four and a half million dollars worth of wheat, vegetables and other product of the farm, which, on account of the fatherly Interest showed by the government uhii the silver Industry are almost without a market. If James pniixisfs to lie charitable he should not forget that "charity be gins at home." Corvallls Times. Matter VlthuatM right. A German paper says that a cook w ho had burned a 5qound joint of veal, to avoid a scolding threw the sKilcd meat aw ay ami told her mis tress that the cat had eaten It. "In ticett," sam the lady, "we will see alsuit that," nnd she took the eat, put it on the kitchen scales and found that it weighed precisely 5 pounds. "There Katherlne," she said, "I supose that Is five )ounds of meat, but please tell me where is the (Tit? Y'outh's Companion. Only a Figaro of Speech. 'He w ill lend her to the altar" Is a favorite formula atiout ft wedding, but how seldom a bridegnioin leads his bride to the altar. He usually contrives to get there alone, or with one Isstt man, and the bride's father or somelsHly else does the leading. Roston Transcript. The rural districts of Clackamas county an to have the convenience of a telegraph connecting with On gon city and Portland. A line has been in successful osratiou for a yenr, from Cae Horn, on the Col u in liia, to Portland. It is to be ex tendisl to ncighltfirhood centers thoroughout the county. Special Castst. S. II. Clifford, New Casse!, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach wait dis ordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly nslucetl In flesh and stn'ngth. Tim bottliM of Kiev- trie Hitters cunsj him. Kdwnnl Shephanl, Harrisburg, III., had a running sore on his leg of eight years standing. I'sctl three Isittles of I Jectrlc Hitters ami seven Imixcs of Rucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound anil well. John Sjsnker, Catawha, O4 hail five large fever sores on his leg, doctors Mild he was incurable. One 'bottle Klectrle Bitters and one lsx Iiucklcn'.s Arnica. Salve curtsl him entirely. Sold by Itillshoro Pharmacy. Syracuse, X. Y., Feb. 2:1, 1S1U. My Dkaii Mk. Pitiiam, Pittsburgh, Pa, I want to ask a gnut favor of you. I want you to please send a loy down to the hotel drug store next to the cafe nnd have them send half a dozen ls)xis of Krause's Headache Calculi's. I Ismght some while I was In Pittsburgh nnd found it won derfully effectual. I tlo not know how much they w 111 cost, so would ask to have them sent V. O. D. care of the Colonade hotel, Philadelphia. Hoping that I will have an early opjsirtunlty to Mum the favor, I n inain, Very truly, Haii.fy Avf.rv, "Mcifcull." For sale by Hillsboro Pharmacy. - - THESE PILLS - bfintf Bflntiiie-ooo'ed nnd or i form in tbip. r riwT to Ink. not flo d by liwiaplit-ne eliitnuni, nnd are rtty tolubl ami dia vlTd. I RED CROSS TANSY PILLS ffl l!l AUK I'EliFtCrLY HAHMLF8H, FTKELY VEGETABLE, (ftfptin tha toni Iron thy nootain) aafa and aara aa a muntbly rnlatar. lnaaaoat riuinrnt ptiTsiomna nt thia aira Ho n kfai tata to rreoniinrud tbraa pi I la whan tbay ara ailviard of tha formula. Man? tbiaua nitiht ba mid of thair many virtoaa, rasar vnian tart tMtnnoninla mittbl bm putiliabad. bat thia lilsrtT will ot lx lakan. Maar grata fnl IndiM ba writ't-a oa lattara withoot area mnrkina thnu " eotilldenual." Wa do not aulicit ttsitimuniala, nor do wa eara for brxa, a wa ennnotnaa them. 6 Soli by Hillsboro Pharmacy. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HII.bSIIORO. Tranmrt a (irnantl Mankinit Riminma. ... .... J. W. NHl'TE rrrrin BEN J. artlDEIEM) .... Vira riaaiDT t. D. MF.KKYMAN Caaaiia Mia tight Eicbanv and Tlraptii Tranafrra. and Iwimi Ittara of Credit arailabla tbroaffboat tba I'nlUsl Htalaa. 1 1 raw Hi I la of Kichanga oa Lnadoai, LiTrojol. Dohhn. t'ana. Hrrlin. Frankfort- on-tba-Min, Hwickholm, and all pnoeipai ao Ma of to rope. Collection! made on all ocaaibU polcta. Itanking boor a frum li. a. to Ir. Dfltl'T Find fault with the cock if tht paatry dor not exactly uityou. Nor m ith your wife either perhapa abe is uot to BLADE It may he tbe lard ahe la uaing for ahorteoing. Lard i iadigeatihle you know. But if you would alwaya have V0III3 Cakea, plea, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di gestible, onler the new abort euiinj'COTTOLENE." fc youi 17IFE 1 ti 5OL0 BV ALL OROCEU. kirvit Ala. huaariTvlfc. 11 Made ouly t,r H. 1L FAIKBANK L CO ST. LOUIS n4 MicAao. New vonH. otoh. rVn4 thrwcwtitatnitaipaio"f. K. FftlrtMnk A O . 4 tihlMIO, tut taAIhl ai.iiMt'inUrlrwf'Mli rvoft . nfiuain lit; if rtniMlrvai r-rtpw, fvtrJ by Dlllt f UilllVltl SUttlurilMUlt tXH'k iimi as,Hlt' RipansTabules. Ripan Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely used by the best medi cal authorities and die pre sented in a form that is bo coming the fashion every where. Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cute dyspepsia, habitual constipa tion, otfensive breath and head ache. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will surelv and quickly remove the whole difficulty. RipansTabules may be ob tained of neat est druggist. Ripans Tabules are e:isv to take. quick to act, nnA&j$sf save many a doc-VV' tor's bill nMM.4MtM' ste TO (OXSr.Ml'TIVF.S. Tba nnderaiunej bavins leen rMtored to health by simple lurana, aftor aaffcrinii foi MTeral year a with a aevers Inns affactiiin. and that dread lindane CuiMiintjfioN, 1 anxioaa to make known to hia frllow auffer era tba menna of enre. To tboae who dt-mrr it, ba will ebaerfiillt aend (free of eharvel a Door of tba praaoription oaed, which the? will find a sureoure fur l'oiuiuiii'im, A nth- ma, Citlarth, fintnrhtti'nud all throat and Imig .Wiiiiiict. lie hoiea all anfferera will try bia remedy, aa it la invaluable. I boar deairuur tha preaoription, which will coat them nothing, and may prove s bleaeiiiK, ill please addreaii, Kav. Enwtan A. Wruxm. o7-lyr . hrouklyn, New York. FRAZER GREASE BEAT IX THE WORLD. ttawsairlBaqqallilaaara oaTOrffaaai il. artaaTV asitlaacinv two boa of anr o har brand. Not Oactoa tw beat. I ". i. T 1 1I k. ii L 1 1 ! fc. FOR ffALK PT liKAI.FRSOPNERALLT. I iff iREAT SPEAR OIIJLJW AND SAVE THE TAGS. One Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $173,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Civen Away in Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1,168 S.776 3.100 116,600 Tr-M WIKDIVO tUilS GOLD WATCHES Hl,r0 C FINK 1MPORTFD KrtFSf'lt OI'KR A (IL.tKJ, MortiXfo IHHiV, HLACK LNAMLL TKIMMINU.S UL AKAXIKKl) At II ItoM A I Ii . . i75 ti IMPORTED OFRMAN BITKHOR.M IIAMtLK. lilt K ULAIiKI) Jot KKT KSIVW 21UK ROI.t.F.D CMJLD WATCH CHARM RuTAKY TKLKx Ol'K, Tc TII Hiks, o:,:iot t. A Hi IK rtTfRFS(ltX2n.:hea) IN ELfcVtN C0LOItM,'or franil:i(, bo advertiaiuj oa tbem ,.H- 6 PIZC. AMOUNTING TO $173,250 61 116,600 8S1.030 The above articled will he dlntrlbuted. kv HEAD I'lua Tobacco, and return to ua tba a I Wa will dlatiibuta ta of theaa prtxea lo To The PARTY e-n1in oa tha treateat number of ePEAK HEAD IAIW fruineilila mmmf wa will five. T tbe FIVF PA.RTIFS aendlnc ua the neit kU't-AH lla.AU JAWS wa will give lo aacb, 1 oi'tltA bLAvi. To tba TWENTY PARTIES aendtnf na tha OT 'I f Alt 11E.AU lAUt, Wa Will RIVO KSIKE To tbe ONF HfNPRKD PVRTIFH aendlnf liuiiioer or I'r.Ait nr.Ai i we win give u eacu 1 KoLLEl iH)LU WAli II HARM TOOTH I'll K I tba ONE Hl'NPnFn PARTI ITS aendlnf tunioer or pit. in nr..i iah, we win Civa TO eiM'D. I AhuK rJCrLKE IN fcLEVEN t)LolW Tatal Saaiker of Priaea CArTTV. Sn Taca will be rwelved lxfore Iinunrv lt. I1!, nrr r.Urr IW4. Karh parkaare rniitalninc tara moat he l-onn'r, Htate, and Nuiuber of Taga lo eavcU prv(aii'i. RKAt. PFAR HEAP pnaarana more riialltiea rf li,lr:n.ir vhIu- tlir.n anr oi' ptiif tol-aoro produced. II la the aweeteat, I ha loiivlieat, the r l. I- -I. M't. A M II V. It atjeotutely, poaitivelv and 4tlaetlel v ,tirierenl lu flavor frwea aur other i-iih A trial will oonvlrx-a tha lllt akeoliral of 1 1. 'a faot. II la Mil- ltn i - ir of a:. ...n.i. ha eaid atrle on eart li, whirh provaa I hut II people, iry iv au i l anii-ipaia in ina enieai ror inrt. f lli:,l a T a, t tu l on . i la rant ptcca uf fci k.AU XiLAl) v..u bur. Mend la (ha m--, no in.m. r !,,. tn quantity. Very ain ere iv, a ii e r. . r" ,ii" "iiir.i.i 1 1 .ii i iri.r .owr, I iftlr A Hat of the penpla nhtalnlnc theaa nrlzea In Una roiintr will li i,-.i,iki..i in iku aapar liuutaiUataii aflr KtL-ruary ut, ikh. 001 T UNO ANT T16S EAGLE MARBLE WORKS! t. a-. i-iLiiciisrs, mm iiiTviit or Monuments.Headstones ami nil kin. N of Marble Work in ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. IiupuMrr and iti-Kr in Ameicaa and Scotch Granite Monuments. orru a mu woaia 22tf Salmon St., 1MTKTLAM, OK. rtr Y I h Is i f A SPECIAL OFFER! Tha above L a eorrant nleturaof THBoaB OONIAN S NaW HL'll.tllMt. lueated al Ilia orner of Mith auJ Al 'r alreeta. for mmuy reara 1 HE IlKh.l.oMAN hsa felt the uaai ut a new and ummuittou. bulliilnf ainbraoluc all Ilia uiutleru improveineuU. oltkttaa lawal Improved ntarliliierv for luriilnar out a ma Iropolltan tapr. It wow baa It. mni one that the a hole Pacine t ou.l mar Jntir falroiid of aa 11 la rertalnlv the ttn at ua the coaat. Now that IHh nk O XIAM la aettli In thia new home it feela like iclvlns ita man. Irleiiila a bene tit. It mukra tula atrial onar to thuae who reuaw their aubanrlption, or to iho who aubaoriba prior lo saptaiaoer ial to eeud tha Ueek;ly Oreonia TMa beliif tha Hull aeann of tha rear. TH ' Oltt-liilMAN l.aliee. a bene tit of thia klu al I be reatlr airec:ntoJ. I'leaan aanit I roitr Biinrl -tion ua.oon a (MMaibla. H lie viallliitf I'ortlaml von are eor.ltjliy Invtt -lo rail ami take a trlj thruuab our na koaaa. Addraaa CKlGONAl PUBLSHXG CO, I'DKILASU I K 1'asturHKf. I bava alMiut HiK) acrea of good tiaatort npilied witb good Iiviiik wnter, and nude H-xid fence. Itntea for pnalnraite, iier month. Iloraea aaltfd every week Will take all remwinohla care of animala but unavoidable aocidnita at owner a riak am .AMKS U. I.EE. (laalon. Or. NORTH PACIFIC . CLAY WORKS . 1. ..-v- a. A Poll Itock of DRAIN TILE Cnnatantly on band. Orders Solloltaad. JAS. H. SEWELL, Hillsboro, Oregoi. HEAD CONTEST eoemtlea. amnnc nartlea who chew l i:Al TAM takro tUrn-froui. thia eawany aa followi: I GOLD WATCH ...5 01EUA .20 PtX'KET K.VIVL: lOTOUIU 1'Kk areateat number of next treateat numl-'r IO t U I lVH.Kt.r ua the nnt greatest ua tba neit greatest ...Mil I'lCTVUE for ibla Cmmty, 2-M. niarkt plainly wiiii Natn- ( . n t pw kaga. Ail rUarf-1 uii .m.'..ir n-t haa ranalit tee ,nir i Tr,. i. !,.- t. 18 Months for 2.0C ItfOftE JlkUlM I. liU 5 --r-x -ia i Ul'V NOM.lll TTIIKtiliM INK :t,(HHi Mi rcliuiii II I l.tw kt -' -t--Uu-lf. 'J.iaHidf ilit-ni IiiiiiiI! il ilitr SiHvtat-lfH witlmiit Mirti. slinxt inj.' tin- irrc;it 'i' ul.irity i f IIAWKIX ilai nr nil i tlnii. lUs tiptiiltl (limit inn! fiirlnry I-clit of liua-t IMIilJ'lt tf in tin- 1'. S. KVKUV l-Alli W'AKIi IM 1 I'. Tllt-V fMIIHUJ .-l:i"- lirt' tittnl t' tht? fye lit tlie "tnii' uf ROCK & SCLS DR. GUNN S . latlHCVali OLIVER PILLS OHL Y OSE rORADOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUR, Street), bawl or HmJ aviunti Una t-f ihM ' pli r. Iivm JittirM lu tbt iiumti h anil t-i.n-a ! .i.i- iir OH rU ft nitthl fitr k T r Mr us Ilieitunai h a I ti iiPlllM th tratlh . '1 ha- 1 ti u I 1 ' il e u II, rui.te lb bula tud ui out ( i .1. 1 4V-t prompt It. fl Hiiltllv. Hi ut !'.. 01 m. (ten piuAgjisie or mU. kleu.aa MJ I'g , I t 1.4 . BROCK &SEL3. WORK FOR US frw -U. and wn '' -t .ut I . -I at t, ut-.-x. Hint w ill r :tri( 11ur t tlort! t MII1 IV hr Ihr I'M-t lUalll h of' I illl .L'-nt tli.it tu Iw f'Himl "ii Hr t;i l 'In . ..till. S).A .Ml irilU on H- W orth "I lMiiiira. 1- brtiip raailv ami luMttiratd y tiirnit ( .ml J " iJ to huillli-l of llirll, HtHiif II, tint vain. k-u.. Hi itU rmpltiy. Vou cau limits nmm- l;i-i-r :i! Ur U tliaii vm havr ativ hl- of. I'm- lniirv-- 1. mo rttety to It-aru, an) miru Hmi m un ,1 miu. ( i nn. thai all ucifcJ from tliv tart. 1 !.- uiio i:ik tioltl ol til blMlllf- rt-lt) thr !' till Mi i- cat ariM- irom ;litf ouul r--iitai.oii ot t-n- ulltl, llil ic-rtnl. ttliti Urt -1 1 h1 ia!iii,2 htu- in AlUtTK'ti. !! 1 r lor otn-t-ll Ui- .milt ha( tht tuiti r'aliU ant hHtii--no U v I' M. AH leritititit-r- ui-!t. irrHli4U . ail iM-r- V in reiixt tht-ir fra-ft flnl ion l.i.-r I10 trv 11 Itml .. IU a ! Il ll.t-i... I tn rt-1 lthtv of rtHiin tor tt (- noire Huik-r, Mint ur.f tiiv'iii to iM-kTiu ai out'. It you H'- 11 n-i..v fin p!oHl, but har a tw -ar iuoitirt,( , :itil vili ! 1 u ihm to a4 itut.itff. Hint rii- u- at once (for llila i vour erau.l tHrtuinlv . unl rrcvi full prtirulari tv rvluru inuil A'lln-, TKl t A 1 1 ltu Ni. 4iM, AuKiuta, M IT T0U WNT INFORMAT.OM IB OUT Ad'lr. a Iflt' r r .. -tl rf t THK Ikfwi l.ai wa uartvT, JOHN wtOOEfibUKN, Mananinq Altornry, t.O. Out. WA'Hliil".'i,U.U rwnioNa r-Kucnau rn SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. a Ian, fnr Rol.liira ami allora .'iili-. in thr Una of duty la tba rearalar Annp-r v alneet-i- wr. aurvlTra of tr, Indian i.m uf 1-4IJ l- lt'i, an t tUrir wldowa, aiaar rDtitleil. tii.l atnl re;- --t' -l rlanua a anerialtT. I nouaan-la i-ntlllr-l l r -jiM:r r.o-a. Ini-l rrn.vlaa &l cUaru t1 advU-C hitiA BBUlaUGCcaatul. CAVEAT. TRADE a). OIICN aiATENTS. COPVIIICHTS. Vor Information and free HaniNMfe wr.ieto Ml N N I I U., . I IlK.i Al. A . Sl I.HIK. Olileat bureau for Hoinim lii-nt In Ain-r -4. Kvary ralenl (emn out lr u. ia l.r-M.ulil 1m-i no tua imJUta Lrauouoa givao frvaol cuiuHiiu tbd attttific American I.rft wnilatlon of any artimtlflo parw In tlm world. r?(iltii1tUir lllimtrataj,!. No n, rin.'aiit. aian ahouta bj wlthut it. Wot-uiv ..ou Vtwt fl-'-'-i nmiitlia A itlrowei M( a. h), Vt iaiftuaii. bnMauir.Nw .urn (.11 jr. Caieatt, Tridu-iMrki, Design Patents, Copjri.hti, Aad all Pa'.rst biiaiaeaa euaJariri fur MODERATE FEES. Information and advlcaglrea to larruiora wltbout OtaV(a. AiMreaa PRESS CLAIMS CO., alOHN WEDOERBURN, klaaagoi Altomry, P.O. Bos 4e. Wasuimjtiin. Tt.C. aVTala Cenpaay kt maaaiel by a eomnlnaiioa -f tba lararet and moat loOomiial ara.cair In liw tailed atatea, for Uw eipreaa purfue of pirwte-et. laiaT tkelr awaaeriaera aain-t aaarrnpninn. aad Ineomprtrnt Falmt Aifnta. ant earn paper annting tnia adrertlarmt-at Ton-hraf-'r th r-.--nai. BUltr aa4 bitk auaiXUia o( tb lraaa C lauua C 1 i aTMtrandTrr1o-Mrirorv(atnel.anIall I at nt buM0ecoctlactci tur MoorMaTf frt 0 JOuaj orncc t Ooa T U. 9 Pf-T o-"er J jrnl w tan ?. ti (.ttirni m let. UluC iuu Uim. $ rem ot from V an,nf inn. m J hftftil mcKial, (Irkiwu, or rhnto., with d- rip Jtion. H a'lriff, if 'atnaut or iml. ir-e : J tfctiarff. Our tc not due till tait:U is . urc'l. 0 A aaiwMLrr, "Ho 1'iOMnn v'atcm. w th JU ol aaibc m tha L',S. aad IoTciku cvunw.es J tmM tr. AJtlreaa, 0 IC.A.SNOW&CO.j Oee. wavrar Orncc, waaMiaaroN 0 C. jt RIBBON'S AD ... . . . CARIJ0X l'APKR t'Olt TYPEWRITERS AT INDEPfNDENT OFFICE Off. GUHN'S jSv ONION SYRUP l FOR COUGHS, COLDS A M0 CROUP... A REMEDY FOR CHILDREN. WHaaai a t.il4 at Iwm, mihr mai m tm aaoonf'.l of otooa trrnpat n f'.tha (! m ,r - , . . anr no'iah aa) ana. Tr (-. p tt n. r.(ni. M thi,itrn 1 i. nfwnrt m vif I r u " -1 . i "T"ip whioa Im alrrlv tt Xfri Mt y t w-4 il-llMtMiMlltt i au,iy m -A to t Mil Jt Sclfntifio American W-X'TafiSe' CAVtATB. I M THAOt fM AWiCS. I i. Li OlaMCN fATENTS. I toJ BROCK & SCLS.