Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, September 29, 1893, Image 2

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Kiilxml iu the t..t1l. nl II II l.boro, Oregon,
M M-IMtllU-4'lMMI mailer.
MuliM'rlt!iii, in advamw, par year . . l
IIII.I-NIKiKo ITHI.IrtlllNfj t-o., Proprietor.
I). M i'. UAL'LT, Editor.
otrn i it. or THE CITV.
The governor of illinoi says there
are not over fifty anarchists lu
America, ami he U supjajned to know
what he la talking about. Hut won't
lie iilea.se Inform a grateful public
who the other forty-nine are? As
tori a HeraM.
Truiiiuieu running exprtna traiu
out of Chlntgo are to be armed with
Winehexter reHuting hhot gun ami
revolver. The guns are to 1
ehurgel with duck shot ami uwed
Hgitiirt bnndiU w ho attack trains for
the purpose of robbery.
Ku-stern exchange note the fact
that the democrats of Ohio are quietly
u-ting ele'tione'ring materia'
New York to further the free trade
interest which Is the chief Ishuo this
fall in thut Htate. The cause that
adopts subterfuge is to be regarded
and treated with suspicion.
A Vouilkt interesting to naval
people took place 111 the outer roads
of Uuenos Ayres on Tuesday
Keveral rebel torpwlo boats attaeketl
the national Meet, and were captured.
This Is the first battle between the
new torjxilo boats and big ships.
The pigmies failed, notwithstanding
their Hupposd invincibility.
The New York Times (I)em.) cliiir
acterlws "the federal electlou law
Issue as rubblnh compared with the
nox-ssity of getting rid of the silver
purchase law." Hut the democrats
have been at work on a rubbish pile
for years. Indeed the majority of
the party voted against sound money,
but it will lie unanimous on the rub
bish law.
' A biHk has come to this office well
printed ami in the most fashionable
binding. On the advertising page
is tho announcement of "Liberty,
published weekly. Pioneer organ of
Anarchism in America." As ap
jsnrs on the title page this Is endorsed
by the Oregon Farmers Alliance, Or
egon Knights of liHbor, Oregon State
Orange and Portland Federated
Trades Assembly. No comments.
The Oregon Democrat, Salem, criti
cising the management of the State.
Fair, suggests that the premium list
te revised so that awards may be
offered stock and other exhibits that
can le competed for by exhibitors In
any part of the state Instead of those
things which serve only to interest
exhibitors about Salem. Baby shirts,
Jars of pickles, tidas, lamp mats and
the like, art of tho Interdicted list.
There is a lot of sound advlco in the
The Troy, New York, Press,
democratic paper, declares that Mc
Kinley's election would be a victory
forlprotection, whilo Neal's would
Im Interpreted as a free trade tri
umph. Undoubtedly the vote, re-
veallng the pulse of the people, will
exert an active influence upon con
gross. It will bo a significant hull
cation of tho will of tho eoplo."
Tho same view will be taken of tho
matter by the people of the states
not directly interested. Tho contest
In Ohio is iKjsitively protection
against free trade. In Ohio a similar
campaign Is on, though in the latter
state the financial questions are re
ceiving more prominence than the
tariff Issue.
Some of the gold standard KH)ple
are losing patience w ith tho dilatory
actions of the senate. Hut after all
tho silver peoplo are doing their
cause more harm than service by
their trifling. Evidently they an'
In a minority or they would consent
to allow a vote to lie taken, and
every day they Krmit to be wasted
is .only weakening their influence.
The delay Is no hardship to the
country either, for it only enables a
clearer view of tho situation to lc
taken. Hy and by when a vote Is
taken a settlement so positive will
lie made that it will not soon !
again questioned. The old proverb
"give them roi enough, etc.," is
applicable in this Instance.
A class of reformer is proposing to
change tho American method of
legislation to that of the Swiss claim
Ing a great advance toward leglsla
tlvo purity. The proisxHil plan Is
for some citizen, who has an Idea
which to him seems doslreablo t
have enacted into a law, to framo it
in legal language, file his bill w ith a
state officer, who in a proclamation
submits It to a vote of the electors,
If a majority favor its enactment It
Is law. This Is "Direct legislation
by the citi7.onsh.ip through the
Initative and referendum." In this
proKed system there wems to lie
no apsrtunity for tlclilierntion, or
amendment. A measure may have
merit but by reason of some defect
ive section it may be impracticable.
Again, a craze might take possesion
of the people who would demand a
law that on due consideration would
not at all l satisfactory. Hut the
advocates assert that the system Is a
tried one and a success. It is on a
very small scale though. Some of
thedrocian states practiced it ages
ago, but what American wants to
retrograde to that time. It may be
pmisr for Switzerland, but that
country is narrow and contracted and
has no history of invention, arms,
or statesmanship.
First the w hlgsand then tho repub
licans elected a president that traitor
ously betrayed their party. Jol
Tyler was elected on the whi ticket
and served the democrats. Andrew
Johnson was elected on the irepubll
can ticket and served the democrats,
The democrats irceivcd with com
placence the advantage brought to
them. They even chuckled at the
di-s-onifiture of opponents. Hut now
that Cleveland, their own elected
candidate Is going away the sting o
humiliation is with them. Tlx
disgrace has caused tho F.xaminor,
the leading organ of the party on
the Pacific, to strike viciously at the
chief magistrate.
In the same Hue is the following
from the New York World, the lead
Ing democratic' paper In the Fast
and the one, too, that has always
most positively supported the pres
ent incumbent. The World says iu
its editorial column :
"The nomination of James O. Van
Allen as embassador to Italy is
most unfortunate one. Van Allen
is not a democrat. He is not a true
American. lie has no sympathy
with our people or our institutions,
He was educated in England and
has lived mostly iu that country
He is a sort of self-expatriated
American who regards the United
States as "not fit for a gentleman to
live in." It has been repeatedly
stated without ileniul, and Mr. Van
Allen is rejiortetl as basing his exec-
tation upon the fact, that he con
tributed a large sum of money to the
democratic national committee, and
was to secure the Italian mission In
consideration of this payment. It Is
impossible to conceive of any other
reason why this highly honorable
txirit is awarded to him. Tho eleva
tion of this obscure erson for he is
unknown outside of the summer col
ony at Newisirt and a little circle of
moneyed aristocrats In New York
to a first-class foreign mission is
lamentably like the appointment of
Wanamaker to a seat in President
Harrison's cabinet. Van Allen's
"claim" and his payment are of the
same sort. The World says of this
democratic sale for cash of a high
office, as it said of tho republican
sale, that It is corrupt In principle
and demoralizing in practice."
Considering all the things in the
party that the World has endorsed,
If this appointment can not le swal
lowed it must bo nauseating indeed.
Republicans having drank of the
Tyler and Johnson cup realize some
thing of the retching of tho brethren.
Duboise, of Idaho, on Tuesday
created a sensation in the senate by
offering the following :
"WHKkkah, Several sovereign
states are without the full reoresen
tation in the senate that -they are
entitled, be it , a
"Kksolvkd, That the eonsldera
tion of legislation relating to the
federal election laws, tariffs and fin
ancial matters materially affecting
the partially unrepresented states, le
postKned iu the senate until Mon
day, January 15, 1891, to enable the
states of Washington, Montana and
Wyoming to have tho influence and
protection In the senate guaranteed
each sovereign state by the const it u
tion of the United States".
The resolution was laid on the
table ; ayes U7, ma's HI.
Hemarklng on the above it. is
proisT to ask, whoso fault is it that
those states are not fully represented?
The legislature in each of the states
named was In session last winter
and refused to select senatorial repre
sentatives, notwithstanding they
knew then as well as they do now,
that legislation on all three of the
topics named would be considered.
Is the. business of the whole nation
to be retarded because two or three
states choose to remain unrepresented
on tho floor of congress? This Is
only secession in another form.
The Corvallis Times remarking on
the charter of a San Francisco-Liver
lKol wheat ship at thirty-five shil-
lings, states that the price Is two and
a half shillings more than has lscn,
and accounts for it on the theory of a
scarcity of tonnage, brought alsiut
by our high tariff laws. The Indi
I'KN ikjct enquirvs if thero has been
a time within the past thirty years
when the tariff has U-en lower, and
if there ever has ben a time when
wheat ships coming to Pacific orts
have been full ladened with mer
chandise. The facts are that ton
after ton of ballast have been dumped
Into the streets of Portland, brought
here by wheat ships, because the
country had no use for the manu
factured foreign products that
would have lieen necessary to load
arriving canoes, nor the money to
pay for them. Costly manufactured
imports occupy smaller space in a
ship's hull than our cheap, bulky,
raw material exports.
The end has got to come. Tho
senate sooner or later has got to vote
on the repeal bill. If the senators
are wise they will vote soon, and
that, too, without the ordering of the
previous question.
Hank Controller Fckles recently,
at a banquet in Chicago, stated that :
The paralysis that was usm the
poop'0! yielded in a degree when the
president called congn-sa in special
sewilon to repeal the Sherman act, and
the advance has tiecn marvellous since
heroic treatment was applied In the
house of representatives." The
country would like very much If the
democratic senate would apply a
little of that "heroic treatment."
On Monday Seuator Stewart spoke
on his resolution, Introduced before.
to arraign the president for attempt
ing to coerce congress Into passing
the silver-repeal bill, thereby Impair
Ing the Independence of a co-ordinate
branch cf the government, In viola
tion of the constitution and destruct
Ive to the government.
Iu a long speech, he charged that
the president, iu disregard of his oath
of office, allowed the aecretary of the
treasury to violate the act which
made the purchase of V"00,M)ourMV
of silver per mouth mandatory, by
exercising an unlawful discretion In
purchasing a smaller amouat. stew
art declared that at no time since
Charles I, In either England or the
United States, had any king or presi
dent openly or defiantly disobeyed
statute which he himself had de
clared mandatory, or allowed his sub
ordinates to do the same thing. Was
it not time to sound an alarm? If
constitutional liberty was of any
value, all should stand up and say to
the president :
"You have overstepped the mark ;
we cannot afford to have the laws of
congress disregarded."
Stewart said the president had no
exalated opinion of the senate or
house; he seemed to regard them as
appendage to the executive. In one
of his letters the president spoke of
exiM.vtiiig soon to have the "session
of congress on his hands." Con'
tlnulug. the seuator from Nevada
said :
HVhy did the president say In a
contemptuous manner he would have
congress on his hands ? Why did
he say congressmen were obstinate
and would not let others, who knew
all about it, to establish the financial
policy of the country. Did it arise
from knowledge? In what public
document had the president ever
shown any light on the great question
of finance? If we would atop the
necessity for a revolution and pre
serve the equilibrium of the depart
ments of the government, we uinst
protest now. Tho attention of the
peoplo must bo called to the ag
gressioiis. it is the only way to
preserve the Independence of co
ordinate branches of tho govern
ment." v
Stewart then read from a Cincin
nati paier an Interview with the
president, in which he said :
"HejHul of tho silver-purchasing
act can not not lie effected this year."
There was, no newspaper reporter,
Stewart said, who would misrepre
sent tho president in the columns of
his paper. They all had too much
resiHt't for his office to do that. The
article continued :
"Tho people are with me and my
policy but I fear I shall not le able
to command action from congress,
never saw such obstinacy as exists
among the members on the silver
question. It is useless to appeal to
them now."
The assumrlan of the- president
that he knew best, said Stewart, and
that those who had studied the sub
ject all their lives, were wrong, is
remarkable. When such a sent!
ment was uttered by the chief execu
tive it became pertinent to enquire
where and when did he have
an opportunity to lamiiiarizo
himself with the wants and needs
of the American peoplo, and with
the science of money and economics?
Where a when did he study it and
at what school? Continuing,
Stewart said :
"I believe tho president is the
only gentleman who has ever pre
sided at the white house who did not
possess a liberal education, either in
some college or on the farm, where
he had communed with nature and
learned nature's laws. I believe
either a country education among the
people, or a collegiate education is
necessary. I do not believe the
education of the clerk or lawyer,
without a liberal education in col
lege, or a liberal education by study
ing books of nature, can fit a man to
preside over the destiny of this
country. The three greatest presl.
dents we ever had received that lib
eral education which nature affords
the coming in contact with the
people and taking wider views of the
laws of man and nature than can be
obtained in a law office or sheriff's
office, or in the office of mayor or
any other contracted place where tho
great book of nature is closed.
Stewart cited Washington, Jackson
and Lincoln as the great examples of
great presidents as the result of
liberal education, and added :
"Unfortunately tho present presi
dent was denied ttoth a collegiate edu
cation and that grand and better edu
cation that comes from communion
with the great producing classes of
the country; a communion with
the pioneers of the West; a commun
ion with those who form the bone
and sinew of the country; a commun
ion with the pure aspiration of free
meriean citizens. If the present
president had known what Washing
ton knew, if he had known the
people as Washington, as Jackson
and as Lincoln fully appreciated
them, he would not have uttered the
remarks he did. He would not
have bilked of the obstinacy of con
gress; nor would he have talked of
having congress on his hands. Ills
environments have been peculiar."
Stewart's resolution produced a
great sensation among the politicians
of the capitol.
The Toledo, Ohio, HIado thinks
that the daily hearings of manufac
turers and others, given by the house
ways and means committee, are hav
ing a secondary effect upon the re
peal of the Sherman law. Those
who come bofor the committee all
totttify that the business stagnation
now Is the result of the condition of
doubt existing among manufacturers
as to w hat congress will do about the
tariff, and not to the monetary
stringency. Several have testified
that they can obtain plenty of money
to run their establishments, but they
will not run the risk of loss on manu
factured stocks through tariff change
and hem will uot put their works
in operation until they know what
the tariff changes will be; tht
even Ifthey did not fear adverse action
by congress on the Industry In which
they are Interested, their cu-tomcrs
do, and will not lay In stock for
next spring ,and summer'e trade as
usual ; and so it effects them In this
way, and compels them to keep
their mills closed. Tho New
York Herald's Washington .cor
respondent sagely remarks that
"it Is now being said in . Wash
ington,, with a deep significance,
that Cleveland may not have been
bigger, than his party when he was
elected, but he w ill bo a good deal
bigger than it at the end of his
term." ; This will lie very satisfy lug
to republicans who rtially . had
enough of that glorification Indulged
by their opponents. The opposition
begin to find that the responsibility
of government require a different
fiber than that of fault finding,
faithfully . indulged in for the puj-t
thirty years. It Mas for that very
reason that republicans were glad
last fall when it was known nil
branches of the government were in
democratic hands.
The St. Louis, Missouri, Olobe
Democrat remarks that it Is strange
mat none oi me suverues who are
proposing comprises mention tlmt
one put forward by Secretary Wis
dom four years ago." Windom sug
gested that treasury notes lie. issued
ageinst silver bullion at tho market
price of silver when deosited, the
notes to be redeemable in an aimrtint
of silver equaling their face value at
the date of redemption. With thb
proper checks and restrictions this
would be a safe scheme. The silver
it es don't like it, however, Is-cause
under it they could get only tho fair
market price for their product,
whereas they want 100c for the
quantity which brings in tho market
only 67c. .
The rebel fleet lias again bom
barded Rio Janeiro, but the truth of
tho engagement cannot be learned.
One report , states that the city suf
fered much damage, while another
paragraph tells of the withdrawal of
the fleet in discomfiture. The bom
bardment is said to have ceasd only
when the foreign war vessels threat
ened to turn their guus upon the
rebels if the city was not spared.
Negotiations have beeji resumed
between the government and the
rebels at intervals, with apparently
ho bettor chance of a peaceful termi
nation of the atrugglo than some
weeks ago. ........ .wi.
The navy department has' been
anxious to find a cheap substitute for
steel forged projectiles for our new
guns. These steel forglngs cost fifty
cents per pound, so that tho firing of
gun when these projectiles - are
used is done at an expense of four or
five hundred dollars. At a recent
trial a cast steel shot was used that
punched a hole through 17 inches of
steel armor and two inches of
wrought Iron backing. Tho test . is
quite as satisfactory as thoso made
with the forged steel shot. The
price of the new projectile is much
less than the other.
It Is said that tho tariff agitation is
hurting sugar stocks. An exchange
remarks that the way the democrat
are likely to attack the trust, how
ever, Is by putting a duty on raw
sugar without advancing that on tho
refined product. This would narrow!
the trust's margin of profit. Tho
way the republicans would attack
the trust, though, if they were In
power, is by removing tho duty on
the refined product, making sugar of
all sort free1. This would not only
cut off the present exorbitant profits
of the trust, but would at the same
time reduee prices to the consumer.-
To meet the objections of
cities of the anti Chinese laws u
plicable for tho most part to Pacitlci
coast states Representative Ocnry has
introduced a law prohibiting the
immigration of alien laborers of ail
nationalities for a period oft fVve
years. This bill will not tie popular
with tho democrats, and will not rx
reported by tho commltte. It will
bo as unpopular as the law deporting
In all of those countries where
silver Is so used it will buy as much
now on the products of labor, except
gold bullion, as at any time since it
was at a premium of 3 per cent, over
gold In America." San Francisco
Chronicle. Good I Then any Ameri
can can. In any of those countries.
with his gr.IJ, buy of the products of
labor a third more than with sixten
times Its weight in silver.
A San Francisco paper reports
that many Chinamen are going East
in the hope that the sentimentalists
there will not enforce the deportation
laws. Glad they are going, and the
more the better. Actual contact will
do more to educate our eastern
brothers and sisters than reams of
of paper covered with written evi
donee and logic.
The Astorian already shows im
provement since the advent of W.
II. I). Jones, formerly of tho Tilla
mook Headlight, as editor. The
paper Is aUnit to don a new dro.
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov t Report
The price of w heat is going to be
better shortly. Every authority
says so. Rradstm-t says so; Orange
Judd Farmer says so; the New York
Sun says so. Whereupon the Ialh-s
Chronicle remarks, "to be sure It
w ill go up there Is no place lower
for. It toga"
'The Dalles Chronicle tells of two
local Mihtlclaiw who have always
had a secret deire to stab each other,
though outwardly the best of friends,
but have adjusted their political dif
ferences, and now Damon and Pyth
ias are nowhere. One is a Cleveland
democrat and the other Is a republic
an, a distinction, without a differ
v. good deal has been said lately
about a compromise between the
fr silver ndvieates and the senators
who favor the res-al of the Sherman
purchase, law, but w hen the proposi
tions are examined they are found to
be unlimited coinage pure and sim
ple. Indeed tho silver jiooplo will
listen to nothing else. ,
: In a speech delivered at Edinburg
on Wednesday, on the Irish question,
Gladstone touched the "titled gents"
in this manner: "If ontheoneslde
thero is n determined nation, the
latter will not bo battled by a phalanx
of r((M) peers. We cannot give away
to tho lordsf although they bear
high-sounding titles and sit in a
glided chamber."
Has any one noticed a disposition
on the part of the republican minor
ity to shun a vote on the rej)eal bill?
Tho democratic majority are bossing
tho job, ami if they by sloth and dil
atory ways let harm como to the
country they alone are resonsible.
Tho licet sugar Industry Is growing
In tho United States dally, and the
tinio Is not for distant w hen there
w ill be none imported. Onoday last
week the great factories of southern
California situated at Chlco turned
out 2:St:,000 pounds.
A tillMAMEVH Tlll'MR.
Heputy Sheriff J. K. Mount lias
an entirely original scheme ror
cheching the dishonesty of tiL'key
Chinamen. Mr. Mount has been
engaged for some time In collecting
poll tax from the celestials, and it
had, frequently happened that a receipt-given
to ono would be passed
around to others, and produced
when the officer demanded payment,
the holder declaring that he had al
ready satisfied the claim.
"Tho ball of no two thumbs are
alike," Mr. Mount said yesterday,
"anil to checkmate these Chinamen
I procured a pad such as are used
for rublier stanns. Now when I
give out a receipt for poll tax I re
quire tho recipient to press his
thumb first upon the pr.d and then
upon tho back of the receipt, thus
smiring an Impression of the ball
of tho thumb, and I have not had
one of these receipts, out of several
hundred, fmdulefttly presented.
The Chinamen is nothing if not dis
honest, but ho lias not yet discovered
a method by which ho can beat this
The idea Is a new and novel one.
And It seems to work admirably.
In order to reduce our Immense stock of goods we
will offer the following bargains
-- SEPTEMBER 23 Mil 30.
Neckwear, Discount l't Per Cent. 3
Underwear, Discount 15 Per Cent. '
Hosiery, Discount 15 Per Ont.ZS
Jewelry at Cost; Summer Goods, all kinds, at Cost.
We will also continue the sale with the discount
y the same (25 and 20 per cent. ) on S
Remember our price on Oroeeries and Hoots and Shoes;
are as low as the lowest, and wc give an additional Discount -of
5 per cent, on those. '
The Inflexibility of President
Cleveland on the subject of the un
conditional rciieul of the Sherman
law Is giving the democratic repre
sentatives mid senators a vast deal o:
trouble. They desire some sort of
compromise some verbal Jugyierv
w hich, while looming nothing, wi
serve to trick and deceive the mor1
Ignorant, and hence more easily pre-
Juieed tins.- of democratic vote
They go to the White House, to ar
range aiid plead with tho preshlcn
They tell hun that he will "ruin th
party," and try to convert him to the
idea which they npioar to entertain
to quote the New i ork lleraUJ
Washington correspondent, that thi
matter is to Isj considered "in the
same liirht as they view a river an
harbor bill a sort f log-rolling
scheme, In w hich each and all can le
comfortably provided lor by conces
slons particularly pleasing to tnei
respective constituencies." And they
are wrathod and on tho verge
panic b cause the president w ill not
join them.
The democratic representative
tried this plan, but failed. Iu slice
desperation, and In order to get a
chance for their constituents at the
official pio counter which Mr. Cleve
land kept closetl until the repeal inn
went through the house they passed
tho Wilson bill, ami sent it over to
the senate with its burdens of trouble.
Then the senators began to besiege
tho White House in the same way
the representatives had done. Hut
even the awful halo of senatorial
dignity did not shake Mr. Cleveland
According to tho Herald correspond
ent, ho says to the senators : "It i
your business to settle the question
1 have not changed my views.
shall not change them. Give the
country unconditional rejwal. Who
serves tho ct untry lstt serves the
party I est."
The result has licen to put matters
between the democrat president am
the democratic senators to severe
tension; and the relation of the two
are becoming more strained every
day. So serious has the condition
become that there are many who are
looking for a grand explosion an
an open rupture. And If it comis, it
will moan a split in the democratic
tanks from one end of the country to
the other. Meanwhile, tho republi
cans sit on tho fence and view tht
ruction with serene satisfaction.
Toledo Made.
Eleven pugilists stand convicted in
Portland, and are to go to Jail till
they pay 11.0(H) fine each or are
pardoned by the governor.
M AH Kll-'. D.
ALixtNPiBRaowN. Married, on tbe 27th
of Mt'pteiuber, lH!i:t, at (lie faou of tbe
bride h pnreuln, Mr. Itoburt H. Alexander
and Mina Laura A. Hrown, both of Wanh
iimlou eoouty, Oregon, W. K. Biuith, i lli
.100 Howard
For any trace of antipyrlne, mor
phine, chloral or any other Injiirioti
comiHiuml In Krause's Headache
Capsules. 25 cents. For sale by
Hillsboro Pharmacy.
Stockholder's Meeting.
Tba annual meeting of tbe stockholder
of tbe Mswmio Hrjildm? Aaaooiation, will
be beld in Masonio Hall. Hillalmro, Oregon
Saturday. Ootolier 2S, lMim, at 2 o'clock
m.. It tbe election of oflioere and tbe
transaction of mioh other bunineaa ai may
be brought before it.
For Exrhitnge.
rrWO Lots liK)z(Kl feet each, at Wood
X atook, and a bonne and lot at Wood-
lawn. Al RXiu l ortland anliurhan prop
erty. Ho luoaiiiuranoe. worm win
exchanse for a farm of about so aorea coed
land, abont 'M acres in oultiTation, aniall
h-nine an t barn. In the vioimty or Hilmlioro.
Will annum aome iucniiibrance. Nooora
miaaion, no amenta. Addreaa for full par-
tioniara, 111UM. f . aikhainkm,
10-20 Woodlawn, Oregon.
'pilE yardn of the HIM.SIHlKO llltU'K CO. are loraWj near the limlr.-itd
1 in he tuth mrt of lowu, and bave for eale llie vory best of HUH h,
wuicu will be fold at the yard or dulivervd
Inquire at (he Yard ot F. 31. KKIMV, or of Oancr.
JAS. II. NEWELL, Proprietor.
Portland's Great Industrial Exposition,
Cooalruotetl at a coat of f J.((00 and throwing a thonaand Jt of wati-r in nil Ilia ooUra of
tue rainbow will beautify Muaiu Hall.
Containing Hub of all variptiea found in Oregon waters, bave been oonatruntcd
at ureat eipeuae.
Will contain a collwtioii of pain'inm aelnotod from the World's Fair. Among them
Ellaburg a olcbraWd painting I'UHT MI'S LAST F1UHT. To viait thin irrat Kxoom
tiou and viuw ita womlxra iu every department of Art and Hoienoe, will tie next thinn to
a Tiait to tbe World's fair at Cbicuo.
For further information address a yya ALLEN,
II 1H HuoeriuU-ndeut and henretary.
t ii an
direful miiiervision liv experienced pUyaielaiM I A tf urn to iliMiciiMnx l.v njin-
pelent anil imiiistukiiig 1ihi niaciMs !
The HUMioro l'liarinaey orders Its
only, and ia thoroughly HUlied with every requinite nw-fiwary for pioin-rly comluet
in( 11 lirHt-claHM ireM-iiition business. The proprietors are ever wutehful that tlie
nioHt-mroved latest remedies aru continually beinif added to the Htuek na the sciences
of medicine and pharmacy advance, lieinif poatiHMd of peculiar advantages in pur
ciiaxitifr its supplies, owing to ita husiiKus rule of taking trade ilincouut tor ca-h from
tho best houses, the retail prices are conseipiurilly lower than those of nioM dispensing
drug stores.
All the leading article or PKUUiilSTS SLXDiUKS, Including the I IM-.ST
PKRrTMKS, TOll.KT AKTIC1.KS, BRUSHES, SI'ONliKS, ETC., are on display.
A large ami excellent asaoitnient of SPECTACLES and EYE-4J LASSES is
also on hand.
PATENT MEDICINES of all popular kinds always in stock.
The finest WINES and LI()UOKS supplied in ciim-s of sickness on prescription
Union Block, .... Hillsboro, Oregon.
A full line of Dress (Jootls, Int ludlnir Broadlieiid.
Gents' anil Roys' Clothing, a (rents for Brownsville
Clnthlnpr. lints, Roots, Sliors, etc. Also Groceries,
Crockery and (ilaasnarc.
ForeHt iJrovk,
City Livery Slable
Where you will find the
Good Teams, flood Hueele and (Jood Drivers.
Cor. Second and Washington St:,
I have sub-divided the Five Oaks Farm
lulo lots or 10 and 20 aeres in such
manner that eath tract fronts a road.
This Sub-division is miles east from
Hillsboro and 12 west from Portland.
The land is natural prairie, so there is
no expense for srubblmr.
J. A.
Masonic Temple,
Are now making a First-Class
.. at their .,
WORKS, near
Satire to I'lirmm,
f ANTKD To bnf for eaili. stock hows,
? fnll-lilnofird Chwrtsr White. Irn ..r
twelva full-grown sows, twenty or thlrt.
hosts ni breed, also mm fnll ammn
hoar all (nil-Mood, to 1 dliTrd
Willamette below or at Portland. Anvon.
havina tb aliore pleaan answer this nniin.
stata pnea and their address so I can call
na km in. hwci. aiicires. to
l-tf JOHN O. I! FVRT17T
hlrd and Waahinirtou streets, old oonnnil
Donning, rooms :r.f ana Vt, 1'ortiand, Or.
limit from the most rt-liuhle iiinnufiietiirera
Dost Teams (lint 0111 he had
Hillsboro, Oregon.
NORTH fiinp innirmu
Xntlr to Itrhixc liiiihlem.
CKAI.M) , will I xi Kce t.-d nntd 3
. bnlld.iiM ..f o,,a,,tT hrldm as follows: i ine
l near tha I'rniwr flaca f orth of Kwd villa.
lin.' .rr "!"Y H- ''""M-h-irs plana in
IHonth Innlatm ptecmot, -ns and aix-H.
! 5r". " . aft.r I ha
..thinst. lhs(oni,(v r it r.-rv.s U,
i iJct any ai d all bids, liv ord. r
' ',. !" ("r- It. H UOOIHV,
1Mb Count? Tiers, Vahlnt.,ii Co., On