HILLSBORO IXDEPENDEXT FIUDAY, KKITEMBEK 211 Tim next mnlon of the State Horticultural Hix-lcty mwU at Cor vail is, lu (ktoU-r. Ilulie Morgan A Honors offer Hiino unap LMruliM today and to morrw at a hcial gale. IU'V. Alfred TuinMn, of Portland, will ini l) in (he M. K. church uext Sunday morning ami evening. Ivv-SlnrWr I. M. IHuiiIs Is con fined to hU room by a Htuhtiorn K;i.-.tic ami cardiac attack. The NewU'rjj fair commence Tuexday, HcteinUr 20th. A trip over there will be ft good outiug. One Ntreet lounger to another when it was rainln on Tuesday "I low lM-H tlliS head." strike you?" "On the Mi-w Jennie Arch bold leaves today fur I'ortlund where she will attend the I'ortlund High school the coining winter. Thomas F. Fairkanks, at Wood Ijtwn. I'ortland. wants to bnrtin niilurbnn property for farm lands, lie advertises to that effect. The Oregon Htate I'reMH Asuocla tinii tiKS'ts lu Portland next week. The Oregon folks will be Joined by the Washington editors. The cuhIi Is ready for 1.10 bushels oroats to be taken from the machine or barn, (iault. at the Inhkpknih y.s r ofllce, knows the particulars. Henry Ford has plans ready for a cottaife residence to be built tills full on his lots in the south part of town The contract will U let In a few lays. J. J. Moriran s aelllne lumber from the cars at a figure below what lie can all'ord arteritis brought to the van!, on Third street. Now is the time to buy. The flies are exceedingly annoying, Into one's nose they dart and then buzz. The only way to even up Is to dint the room with Insect powder which is found In bulk at Hrock & Sels'. The rain of Monday night and Tuesday put a veto on farming onerations. About one of the wettest Hhowers that has named over this btirir occurred Tuesday afternoon Three miles north of town there was bail. Ksnuire Knight, who for several months has been living across the mil mm I tmclr. toward Lafayette, haa movfxl into town. Ills mtldenoe is on Second Htreet. between Washing ton and Itasellne, nearly opposite the city hall. week S. F. Southard will next move his lime, cement and feed store from hit ttresent Quarters to the Masonic Temple brick, now occupied by Iteld A Iterdan. Mr houtliaw, will at that place put In machinery for chopping all kinds of grain. II. 11, Luce is shipping several car loads of silver prunes to Chicago through the Frl Fruit company. Every prune Is wrapped in paer. If the price Is as good when this shipment reaches Chicago as It Is now, Mr. Luce will realize a lmnd Home protlt for this crop. Mr. Johnnie Willis has been en caged to teach the winter term of school out In the Pumpkin Hldge neighborhood, and commences his arduous Inlrort next Monday. Mr. Willis Is a graduate from the Hills, boro public Hchools, and Is thoroughly competent. An action in replevin was tried in I ui re Knight's court last Tuesday, wherein Huldrt A. Wilson was plalntiir and Frank Idtfferty was defenant. The dispute was over the ..u'lioi-Miiin of a horse which IjtnVrtv held Mrs. Wilson Iviuire Mcquillan had an ex perience w 1th a Jeisey calf last Sun day. 1 le bought a cow and calf a few week ago and took them to his farm on 1 ualutin. 1 lie calf is a well bred Titter, registered In an aristocratic herd book, and felt insulted when taken from his native pasture. To wiie out this foul fctaln, be crawled through the fence, around his new home, and went back. The squire went after that calf and led him home ugaln but he didn't do It by sitting comfortably in his buggy while Jersey meekly walked behind. ot he. 1 tie procession was reverse!. lie walked when he pulled the calf after him, and ran w hen the calf was ahead, while Walter, at his ease, rode U-hind In the buggy enjoying the fun. At one time the young piece of personal prois-rty became very M'rsonal. The squire believes in petting his stock but little vicious would not allow his ear to be scratched, but resented that fondling with a lunge at his master g bread basket, striking him below the fifth rib. ISy this time how damp was the brow of the land holder, how red his face and how hot his temper, but Walter's laughter had a restrain ing influence so that the bovine was In no great danger, especially as home was in sight. It is safe to pre dict that care will be taken that the diminutive secimeu of the ox fam lly will not soon get away again. Hop nicking is looked upon by many as a sort or picnic, ana the assortment of people found In the hop fields this season Is a surprise to many w ho go to pick, my the tin gonian. A js-rson w ho went to the tlelds near (Jaston to amuse himself and earn a few dollars, returned yes terday. He says that among the 1 10 nickers employed there was one doctor, one editor, two druggists and three printers. It is not unlikely that many others of these professions might t more profitably employe! in the hop tlelds than at their own vocution. President McClelland and family returned on the rlrst of the week from his vacation trip Host. He thinks the depression in the business world here is a little lower than In the older states. Thorn the reaction has set in and business Is better than when he tlrst reached there In June, Then money could not be obtained at all. Tourists w ho depended on drafts for traveling exis-nses were absolutely in want. They mw the form of poverty's pinched counte nance. This has Ihsmi a bad week for canines. J. W. Morgan's house dog found In his wandering a dainty morsel that concealed bitter strychnine. So he laid down to rise no more. Warrn William's house net Is missing. Deputy Iteeordej Willson Taylor's beautiful Cocker spaniel was worried to death by boys who harnessed him to their wagon Those lads ought to leeonie constant readers of "Our Dumb Animals." Mr. John liovav. of I'ortland, was In HilLsboro on Tuesday looking after business Interests. Miss Lena Waggener Is atteuding the Portland high school wnicn opened on Monday but. rmident McClelland, of Pacific University. Forwt Urove, looked in on us for a minute yesterday. ltev. D. A. Lynch will preach in the IVantist church In HilUboro next Sunday, morning and evening. J. v. Monmn offers a reward of 100 for the name of the person who willfully put out poison for nis uog. Miss Jennie Sawyer returned Tues day from Amity, amhill county, where she has been visiung ior mr past six weeks. Miss Ollie Hanley returned from Portland Wednesday morning, where she had twee visiting for a couple of weeks. Charles Wilcox, of Keedvllle, cut his foot on W ednesday, Nepiemoer 2uth. The Inlury Is so serious that ha had to call a surgeon from Hills- boro. D. O. Clark." of Reedvllle, fractured his oolar bone bv being thrown irom hots. Dr. Tamlesle placeu tne iiim in Dosltlou for growing to gether again. Next Monday Ls dissatisfied ones to equalization board the time for the meet the county The assessment Mr under an attachment. . I . A. 1 was not a party in me attachment proceedings but she did prove bv the bill of sale th.t she Is i... ovi m.r of the horse, which was given to her by tho verdict. A few nights ago some belated travelers passing the cemetary, this 4,1,1.. of tint Innir bridire. atsmt one o'clock In the night, engaged In the questionable passtlmeof dlcharging Atkuit twenty nhoU wow fired without any apis-arant cause. F.tray pellets of lead flying through the air are not agreable either to man or beast and he Is not a well disiKwed person who engages In the recreation. Washington county Is one of the .i.i.w In the state, and the records issri.mlncr In the forties are becoming ..no voluminous so that much time u freiiuentlv required to dig up matters. To make less labor Clerk ii.wiii, ixi nrocured several fine and ..-..ii ai-ranm! Indexes, which will be ...,;tt..n in, nt once. The one for county road Is especially valuable, nml will le the means or aaving ....mi. llOIIN of hunting over old reconls. Assessor iMchman has completed i.. ..f,il f.votlnirs of the asseHsmenx ...ii in iM muntv for 1 H9:l. He round prepcrty valued at .1,9H,70, r,... which must be deilucted for ex. pmption 1!XI,.W, leaving a net valu ation of .v,UM,:lii:i. From the Wl roll the same footings showed gross ,.,.i....iii 7.2ii:.l!o. from which .i.wIik tod .0.19.220, id ex emptlon IO0.4sO, leaving a net valu ation of 1,79 MW. In 192 there were 20.V1 polls; this year there ace 21:17. . i.,,r,Mlp Washburn, of the St-a-te ,ur,il OtlliMre. writes that the iil.li- mentioned last wwk the -Plumtree Catocala" (Cabicala nltroniiO. It Is not numerous enough i..i rn.rar.ioil as a Pest and the pro- r...... ii,i.a-4 it will never call for ....... .,i ..r,iii ntfurtu on the part of .i.A...i,ar.n-t As it eats the leaves i nMv u. d.xtroved by using any of the sprays that Is employed against ...i.iii.i moth, or It may be, ny nano ..i..i,.wi from the tree. The cater pillar turns to a moth later. ri. nuinrtriinment irlven by the i...i;.-,..r thA fiinirreirational church ..'t i ho residence of Dr. F. A. llalley .... IV .I..V venlntf WHS splen I'll IH".i ..J " . it I did sui-t, Nth financially and uvl.ilv. The crowd was large, yet not was also large, but gradualy dlmln ioi,..i i iw evening wore away w ..liher arrived too late or else dcpartel too early to hear the musical ...i.i iii..nv nnrt of the programme, but presume it was enjoyed equally as well as the more Hiwwnw tf the H-rformanoe. Mr. T. E. Hrown, well known In Hillshoro, who has lieen si'lling fruit tns-s this summer for tne nrown Hrothers company, of Rochester, N. Y., has Ireen selected to take charge f the company's branch house In Portland, which duty he assumes In bout three weeks. .Mr. Hrown is a rustler and carries with him the g;ssl will of Hilislroro's best people. Senator Huston lea Wednesday evening for Astoria where he had Issmi Invited by the W. c. T. v. to deliver a lecture last night liefore that body. The suhject of his lecture was "The w orld's f air." iir. nus ton le-tured In the Congregational hureh here on this subject some time ago and It was greatly appreciated by the audience. Samuel Hafferty, of Mountaindale, was In town vt runcsaay ami nays that tho recent rains have almost topiMsl harvest operations, leaving: - - . . m At 1 urge tlelds of grain unuiresiieu, n large part of which will lie entirely iioiled. This, he says, is particular ly the caso In the vicinity or Vchi I'n ion 'and westward. will at that time be revised If found necessary In mentioning the reception at the Methodist parsonage last week we should have said It was given by the ladies of the Methodist chureh in stead of the Epworth Umgue. The farmers on the (iales creek hills huvM Uii favored this week, for whllM it has been raining on the low lands threshing has not leen In tnrrunred on the hill farms atiove Forest drove. Estrav One light-colored winy with light sorrel nune and tail, rlirht glass eye. weight about C'0 IsHinds. Finder will be rewarded bv returning the Mine to It. A. Carille, HlUsboro, Oregon. People at Forest Urove are taking advantage or the opportunity or get ting cheap lumber and are improv Ing their properties, Mrs. Sloan is building a very neat resideoce at the west side of town and surrounding It with convenient outbuildings. It is to be occupied by her son and his bride. Studies were resumed at T. A. and P. U. Wednesday. President Mc Clelland and the faculty were greatly cheered. The matriculations were quite as numerous as they were a year ago. There Is every promise of as prosperous a year as last. The school has added some features which makes Its facilities for doing good work better than ever before. t.w Lira in nave a boom iuiit, "" . - ..v.... supply of ice cream ami i- - 101STT MtlMt'lL SOCIETY. 1 Tha Washington County Medli"al Society met lu the Kid Fellows hall, Forest Grove, Tuesday, rMpieiiir 19, ls9;t, at 2 p. m. Those present were Dr. F. A. llailuy, chairman; and Drs. W. . Cole, F. J. ltailey, W. D. Wixsl, W. D. Ward, c u. Larg.-, W. P. Via. F. Craog, Charles Hines, Clark Smith, S. T. Llnklater and F. L. Taylor. Dr. Tamiesie, the se'retary, wing absent, Dr. F. U Taylor waseiecieu secretary pro-tem. AfU-r the reading oi mo ihihui of the pnsisling meeting, the com mittee on constitution and by-laws reistrted and a s-rmanent organiza tion was enectcd py me aoopuou the n'srt and the election oi me following otliecrs Tor the ensuing . . . . . t i ....i.i. ytar: rnstldellt, IT. . lara niini", of Cornelius; vice-president, lr. . U. Cole, of Fon-st Grove ; secretary tnusurer, Dr. Frank Iluiley, of Hills- lioro. . . Dr. Smith was then escorted to the chair and introduced "y lr.t. . llailev. ami in a few well chosen remarks thanked the society for the honor they had conferred on him. The iiais-rs to Is read at this meet ing were carried over and Dr. Loie was appointed by the chair to read a nener at the next meeting, and Dr. : - . . . it Frank Unl ev to lead in me uisxu- sioil. The first Tuesil iv in each montn was fixed for the ngular meetings of the society, and Hillslsiro the next place of meeting. I'. J. JS WI.KV, .H. I'., StH-retary. WKSr IM0." Hchools have nil osiusl in this vicinity. County SuisTintendeiit Stanley visited llis-k Creek sclus.l last 'lues- day. Considerable grain Is in the Held yet and will sjs.il If the rain does not cinsc. Some buildings are In course of construction in this vicinity in spite of the hard times. Willie Quay, a H-year-old son of Mr. Quay, died last Thursday of Ini flammalion of the liowles. A mntcluHl game of buseball was played last Sunday at itcaverton between the Mountaineers and itea vertons. Tlie n-sult was twenty-nine to fifteen In favor of the Mountain eers. A return game will be played September 2Uh, near the ltock Creek school house. THE- HILLSBORO BRICK CO., n-MIV ..r.l.nf ih. Hir.I.SllOKO HKICK CO. 1 in Ilia booth pnrt of lon, and bv fur kU lb ivrj bvt of blUC hi. re l.s-aWd urar lh ltilnd bicb will b lulil at lb yard or deliwred AT REASONABLE RATES. quire at the Yard t F. n. KIll.S VV, or uf Owuer. JAS. II. SEW ELL, rroprlclor. i o) , & Ou uo . 5 00 A 0u exportition has dts ldisl to encourage and stimulate growers to send their best products by offering the follow ing prizes : For th. UrKMt flv pear. For th. larvat Ov. ai(les Fur th Imhii loo Tarittir. of applM For th. grvatmt varirt; of peara. . . For tb. U'tfvat.hanon of trmur. . , For tb erwiUKl fanrly of apples All fruit should ! U carefully labeled with the name -nd addnss of the sender and In pit "ng It on exhibition lsth at Portland and Sun Francisco, It will be identified in this way, so that due credit will be received by the producers. Fruit should be carefully packed and shipped by express Jto the Portland Industrial F.xixjsition, Portland, Oregon. There will l no express charges for the shiper to pay. F.n tries for the prizes will not Is' received later than (h tols-r 7th, but choice fruit for exhibit will he taken at any time prior to OctoU-r lith. Orehanlists are urged to give this matter the attention it deserves. NEITHER AM CROP BtLLETIH. t a sHsiai metting of the Hills- tmro lire department on luesday night Mr. T. S. W'eathernsl was lected chief engineer, vice i. lUnkln. resigned. 'I he new ctnei savs lie intends to use every effort to iithuse new life into the department and thereby make it more efficient. Won I reaches us that Grant Dlx, a former resident of Hlllstsiro and well known in this county, accl- lently had one of his hands cut off Just alswe the wrist in a sawmill at Ilocky Point, luuitnoman county last week. Iix Invs a wife and one child. The many friends of Mr. Alex Chalmers, whose contributions on agricultural matters have been often seen In thi-se columns, will regret to learn that he has of late been quite sick. At last accounts he was im proving quito satisfactorily, we are glad to note. William Llda Is sawing lumber only on onlers. He says at the present price or luinisT ne is manu facturing at a loss, but he has the logs and cannot afford to hold them. He Is cutting no logs to keep up nis stock. For the first time in many months Hillslsiro had no physician last Tues day afternoon. All the disciples Htiendisl the fortnight meeting of the County Medical Society, which was held at Forest Grove that after noon. Mr. I. C. Mosher, of Witch Harel, was thrown from his sulkey Just as he was starting in a trotting contest at the State Fair grounds on Satur day hist, and mishUned a dislocation of his shoulder. A rotten belly band was the ovus of te awldttMt. Tho Sale! Stnesaa Is aMu U get ptkssessiori of a diary written p by Duncan McDowgal, a raMitr in the-TonquIn on that memoraWle vnvairp from New York to Astoria. The reconl niches from S'ptembcr f.th, Pb to (K'tols?r .0, 113. Ml. llivsa Wilcox. Kihel Merry man. Maude PittellgiT. Lura and tonn W'airurener have Isn In lort lnl ilnrimr the past week, and In the meantime greatly enjoyed Irving n.l Tvrrv In the "Merchant of Venice." Th Oregon Cltv Woolen mills have practically shut down indeflnl tely. nly the finishing department Is running. The unsettled mnrxet is the reason for this step. Machinery will be put in motion again only on bonatlde onlers. Miss Alt Lamkin, who went to Seattle a short time ago on a visit, has decided to remain In that city during the w inter and attend college, HOPS A.10 Uur-PICKIMti. Thk Indkpksdejit's represent tive visited the hop yards of Mr, William Jolly, near Gleiicoe on last Satunlav afternoon, purely as a mat ter of curiosity, to see how hop yards are operated and examine the pro-ss or picking, drying and packing, jir, Jolly, who truly has the right name, In his good-natured way, took par ticular pains to show us all about the procedure, wnicn was very interest ing. There in mldfleld were prolst bly fifty men, women and children as busy as bees picking the great liccr product at the rate of perhaps over lut) boxes, of nine bushels each, ier lay. It was really amusing as the sound would come "here's another box full," to see Mr. Jolly walk over to the person calling out and hand them M cents and at tne same time inana them for having earned another half lollar. After a box Is reisurted run a shs comes along and transports it off to the dryhouse, where the hops are carried to the loft and spread out at a depth of about twenty .six Inches. This floor is made or slats placed about a half an Inch apart and cov- red over with thin canvas, so that the heat from the furnace, which Is mmediately below, can penetrate to and through the great bulk of green hos. This house is capable or dry ing KM) boxes orUOO bushels at a time. The time required to dry each floor from twenty-one to iwenty-inree hours, after which they are dumped nto a warehouse adioimnganna part of the same building, where they are haled for shipment, in the rurnace room ls simply a heater large enough to burn four-foot wood, which sits at the center of one side and from which a large plj-e encircles the room In either direction to the center of the npi-oslte side where the two again merge Into one pipe or larger mame ter which leads directly to the main flue. A thermometer Is kept hang- Ing near the furnace so that tne tem perature may Is? kept even. The average picaerai wc?w j-arun make alout 91 per day or In other wonts pick two boxes of hop. While there Is some complaint of a shortage in the hop crop this year, Mr. Jolly says this is the nest crop ne ever raised on the place. He has this wsLson n ne acres bearing, and a few acres of young vines which will yield next year. TIUAKUTILLK. Mr. Charles Burnham fell down last Thursday evening and fractured rlb. The ball given by the social club on Saturday evening was well attend ed. .Mr. John Burroughs has started for the Fast to visit friends, relatives and the world's fair. , M. A. McMahon, our popular whoot teacher, will beg-in school in the Vaughn dlstnct the tiwt or next wonra. Mr. John 3fehma. f St. Cloud MUinesuta. was summnnftf here oa aemunt of his matter's Illness, but arrived after her ftwesd. leter Bek, our photographer, has leen doing a rushing business" among the hop pickers snd Intends starting a gallery as he has over 1100 worth of onlers now. W. P. Graham will leave for southern Oregon In a few days to look after his interest In a gold mine from which he has received eome very flattering reports. The Orange here will hold its annual fair on October llth, finish ing with a grand ball In the evening. Kverybody la Invited to come and bring whatever exhibits h may have. In my last letter I said that about 13,700 would be expended for hop pickers In this vicinity, meaning within two miles. The types made me say In the county which Is far from right. WFXThllN ORKCiON. Wkataf.ii During the past week the temsrature averaged fifty-seven degrees, which was cooler than the normal. The daily normal nilnfall for western Oregon for the past week was 0.05 of an Inch, and the daily actual averairo rainfall was 0.01 of an Inch. Tho sunshine was about the average. The wwk closed with threatening conditions, dun's-Harvesting and threshing Is practically at an end. All grain and hay crops have Usn secured. An occasional resrt Is received re counting the damage caused by the ntin which occurred during the week ending Septenilsr Llth. We learn that the damage consisted principally in blowing dow n late spring wheat or oats, and causing grain to mould or heat which had been left In the shock. Such damages occurred In widely separated localities and were not general. It is the universal opinion that the niln of the previous wwk proved a lsneut, on tne wnoie. Farmers hail witit pleasure tne con- lition of the ground to receive the plough. Preprations are being made to fallow, In fact, some have already liegun. In southern counties and coast districts where fruit had rien ed much, plums cracked slightly and some were blown from the trees. The damage was not so great as to injure their market value. Since the rain, winter apples have iK'gun to color, vegetables are growing more vigorously, pastures have Ux-ome green and the fais of nature Is more pleasant to look upon, lhe dairy product has increastd in quantity and quality. In some sections a third crop of ulfal fit will be cut. It has Iss-onie too cool for melons and late tomatoes, which will not ripen without the assistance of the sun and warm weather. The jKitato crop Is too far advanced to I -a Is'iicuted by mill and it is thought the crop will average well. Hop picking was first retanled by showers, Put the weather of the past ws'k was favorable and and progress has isen made, ine crop will tie large and the quality exce'leit. Tliero Is a noticeable aliseiH-e of damaging insects. The weather was tsi cool to assist lice In multiplying, consequently the pro duct will be unus nt ly clean. Wheat is being marketed slowly. KASTK.KX ORKMOM. Wk.atii Kit Heavy rains occurred on the first three days of the week which were followed on Thursday and Friday by light (ami In exposed places) killing frosts. The tempera ture Ivecame much warmer toward the decline of tho wsk, averaging fifty-six degrees. The sunshine was below the average. All forest n have ceased and the air has again tssxime pure, healthful and exhllera- ting. (.'inn's Farmers in the Columbia and Walla Walla valleys have not entirely finished their harvest, and there is considerable wheat to thresh In some localities. The heavy rains damaged standing grain, also grain hock i but the rains were much needed to assist fruit in maturing and start new growth of root crops. Vegetables and pastures are Improv ing. Stnwms have begun to now anew, and stock Is reaping the bene fits of the alme conditions and 1m proving thereby. rarmers are prepared to enter the winter season. Hav is abundant. Some farmers are fallowing and pretmring to sow the fall wheat crop. Owing to the advanced condition of farm work and maturity of crops, the weekly crop reisirt will be dis continued from this date. It will Is? resumed in the spring of ls9l. KfcTIUNV. Mr. uay and wife have the sym pathy of their many friends for the loss of their son Willie, who died on Thursday, the 1 tth. Itev. llcckly and wife were the guests at Mr. Hoffman's last Sunday. Itev. lleckley and family will make their future home at llethany. Mr. Otto Hoffman left home this wwk to attend school at University Park, Oregon. His society will Is missed by many of his friends. The ball game at lienverton was played lu nuiiilsT-ono style. At the close of the game the Mountaineer loys rejoiced on gaining tho victory F. Krager, who has lsen visiting his parents for a short time, has returned to Sixikane Falls, Wash ing ton. Oregou's Awards. Oregn has received the highest award for a comprehensive collwtion and commercial exhibit of native woods at the world's fair; also an award for spruce wood pulp of me chanical manufacture by the Young's Klver Mills of Astoria. The state also received tho highest award for the best collective exhibit of fish, clams in alcohol, mounted salmon trout, mounted seal, fish in alcohol, painting of Astoria harbor, Colum iht river fishing Unit and equipment, model of Columbia river fishing net and whwls, photographs of the salmon industry, fresh frozen salmon y J. U. Megler Jc Co., ISrookncid, Wash.; canned salmon, M. J. Kin ney. Astoria: canned salmon, j.o, Ianthorn, Astoria; canned salmon Samuel Klmore, Astoria, and canned salmon licllios, Cutting A Co., Asto- rht. The International Nickel Mining company, of Kiddies, Oregon received the highest awanl for silicate of nickel magnesia. Motice to llridge llaildcrs. 1 EALED bida will be rewired onlil ) o'clock D. m.. October 6. lSHH, for tbe buildinu of oounty briduea a follow.: One Dear the Uraaen plnoe north of Iteedville and one near Geo. 8. Campbell a pi ice in Mouth lualntm Dreoinot. 1'lana anu aiieoi- ationa can be seen at tut omce kiut tue .1th inat. TheCoauIr Court reere the riubt to reject ant and all bids. Hv order of the Court. It. It. UOOD1N. Hi-IS CountT Clerk. W aahinuton Co., Ur, (ItUlMK LETTER. At the solicitation of many person interested in the subject, the I'ortland Industrial Kxposition has undertaken to gather fruit to l used In showing the pomological products of Oregon, at the Midwinter Fair, in San Fran cisco. This fruit will be gathered anil plaissl on display at the expos) tion. in Portland, and will ts com bined with w hat may be gathered from other aoiireca for the Midwinter Fair. Although every orchanlist should exert himself to see that the interests of the fruit Industry are properly represented at all times as should every person desirous of pro moting the welfare of the state, the For Exchange. W() Lota liKHlUI feet earn at Wood atook . and a bonne and lot at Wood- Inwn. All Bh1 I'ortlund anhurhan prop erty. No Inoumbranoe. Worm will rxohaniie for a farm of abont SO aorva coed land, about 20 aorra in eultiTation, amall honae an l barn, in the vicinity of Hillborn, Will assume aouie inouiuliranfle. Nooom mixaion, no agent. AddrrM for full par tionlara, 1IUIM. f . f A nl. IS as. 1(1-JO Woodlawn, Oregon T Mot ice. HE time for eenii annual aettlement with my patrona occurs October 1st. lVlti i. 1. I AMIfc SIE, H. D. j rl mm Don't jrou hellers it, because you can be convinced that there ia a firt-cU drug atore here, by rallititf on BROOK fc SELS who carry s tine uul varied tix W of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES tHtU IHOS till! lAtTUKl. WHAT IS IT That causes hanl times? If the philosophers are to Is Is-licved, we must say It is Kxtrava gamv. Is this what STAKTLKS YOU? II it keeps you awake nights, don't be worried any more. Schulmcrich & Son have found a plan of helping you. THIS PAMC Will tench us all wisdom. It will make us look closer to the income and outgo. Ion't ac- i-ept a bargain that IS A SHAM, Hut deal with a reliable house, Scliiiliiierich ii Son. :(M lie aril For any trace of antipyrlne, mor phine, chloral or Buy other Injurious compound lu Kra use's Headache Capsules. cents. For sale by UillslMiro Pharmacy. IM PEItlAL K(JG FOOD Or!. Hfe.l For all varieties of Poultry, laying Fowls, doling Chicks, I lucks, Occse and Turkeys. WILL MAKK YOl It HENS LAY It keeps fou ls In Is-st condition, and makes poultry the most prof itable stock on the farm. No poultry yard is complete without IMPERIAL VAUi 10011. For ante by . . . S. F. SOLTIIAItD. CITY BAKERY K. M. II KID Kb, Prop; We alway oarry a Rood atook of BAKERY GOODS, CONKK.CIiONKKY. 1'UITI'H AND CIUAH8. HOMK-.tlADK TAKFKK FKKMli tVEKY DAY. Call on an when In need of anythina in our line. Cor. Third I Main, HILLSBORO, OR 17-lf Huaire's Amendmeat. In the senate on Tuesday Squire of Washington submitted an amend mout in the nature of a sulistitute for the silver repeal bill. "It provides that silver bullion may ls deposited at any mint, to be formed Into standard dollars of the present weight and fineness (to be legal tender) for the benefit of the owner, but there shall only be paid to the s-rson so depositing it such numls-r of stand ard silver dollars as shall equal the oommereial value of the silver bullion deposited. This difference, if any, between the coin value and commer cial value shall lie retained by the government as seigniorage. The oolnage shall not exceed 14,000,000 per month, and when the gnx amount reaches Jih),ooo,(oO It ls to oease, the dollars thus coined to be legal tender. "The senate today agreed to allow A. O. Heckwith $J,0(HJ, Ixe Mantle 12,500 and John II. Allen -Voo In compensation for time and expenses In prosecuting claims to seats in the senate from Wyoming, Montana and Washington resjs.'tlvely." HILLSBORO HOUSE J. MOKTIIItOP, Proprietor Corner HeoonJ . an J.. Waahington Htreeta Jkfr. Irflrke Family fotpra Whole NEWLY FIUNISIIKD AND HENOVATED VFMIST ( LASH TAIiLE, and all ao eommodationa for tb ooDTenieooe of eeta. Charges Reasonable .Idniiniafrator'a Male. N'OTICF. ia hrety eireo that tha nnder Bitined adniiniHtrntor of the en tat of H. V. (lardner. deoeaHl. will aell at pnb- llo anntion ti the blubeat bidder at Ur. Ilailer'a farm (the late reaidenee of de- oraavd I alsnit two milr nortb of Uillaboro, the followinif-deacrilMid property, on Hat ardny. Hepteinber 'I, 1S'..1, at 10 o'clock a. m., the personal prorerty of aaid estate. oonsialinii of a lot of honee, brood mare, entile, farm liiinlenifnta. wasona, drill binder, anlay rake. plow, fork, boea and other farm implement; alan about twenty Ave tnnl of ipissl timotliT hay. Term of le: All auraa of 110 or leas. nmh in hand: on all aumaover till a ered of eiubt month w ll be iiiTen on pnrrhaaer giving approved note oearing iu per oeu, interrat from date of ptiroliaae. . A. HAILET, Administrator, estate of H. W. Uardner, deceaeed. 15-17 Hillaboao. Oregon, Heptembe 11, ARE YOU PREJUDICED? Many people think it uivc.viry to go to aome large city t rind a riret-claes .. DRUG STORE .. Prvacription. curtfullv i-uiupuuudel by so ex;crivijvcd clieiuidt' FINE PEHFUMES. HILLSHOHO, OHKUON TUALATIN ACADEMY pacific university; FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 20, 1893. For CATALOGUE or iurthor liifuriiiatlou. Adtlress: Prosulont Til OS. MiCliEIJjAI), 11-1U Forest Crove, Oregon ( FORK BRANCH STOCK FARM ! HOKIIKIKN AND JKIiSKY CATTLE. O Ked of diltercut Karui t'roduoU kepi ou hand. TARE AND TURNIP SEEDS A SPECIALTY. Hhepherd Dog for Hale, color, Iilaok and 1 an, or Hable. Orders Filled With Vr. A. CHALMERS. Centerville, Washlngtoi County, Or. s 1 When YOU see a good thins: CATCH IT That In what every (iOOI) hiiro-kecr and cook iloo wlu-ii alio know where to buy CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER .. soi.n iiy .. HUCHE3, MORGAN & ROGERS, f Uillaboro, Oregon, and acknorvltolKCil by all an Powder in the inurkct. 8Urrior to any Baking Try It, aud be ronvlurrd that rihat rr any la trar. HUdllKS, M01UUN & HOGEUS. HILLSBORO MEAT MARKET HKKST k THOMAS, TroprlelorM, MAIN KTRKET, 1I1I.I-SBOR0. CHOICE 1IEEF, MUTT0X, Kept (onslnnlly on EAL AM) P0KK Hand. to all KiKlicat market price pnid for Ilccvci., Mutton, Veal and iliira. Fair dealing ricane give ua a trial. CARSTENS BROS. & MEAD, Proprietors. HILLSBORO SASH AND DOOR CO. Maawlecturera and Dealere I) SASH, DOORS AND MOULDINGS A Full Ub of atandanl rvn and pattern of enh, doora niouldingi and hrackela ronatantlv in alork. Special llenlrna of builder good mmle to order on Miort notice. Limber Yard. In eonnection wit Ii the mihIi and d.r (artory a lumlrer yard will be kept constantly atocked with rough ami dreaned IiiiiiImt of all kiad. Builder ar invited "to la-e their order illi u. Oftlce at the factory, went of the railrond ktation, 1 IilWK.ro, Oregon. ) VJ A D lauitaniA PalUi IKiL. 'S" Poiruno, On ton. A. P. AuiToo, Pii.ir4.. Open all tha year. Student may enter at any time. Catalogue free. 1 A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. p-y t z j- - Hillsboro livery, Feel and Sales Stable OHUI H I OH . . HACKS, BUGGIES AM) HIDING HOUSES wvirviLt jttimii . " Mf baabaud wa AonAned to tee buue. al aot enable to walk, oa arcnunt ot aa alrer ea aia left leg. He took Hood MiaairUla aad and at oewe there were ! lerwe mmu He a ' ahle hi 4 to m aralm My eldMt torn tlrlrkfn down lth rb'U aMlte lTr. A tier uaing Hood araDanlla Hood's5 Cures tanrt Mine be ooa rwoTered kl health. A W tanaina etlwr. I lKame all run iln. Hwn rnartila did me ain-h rod " Laaaix, thlco, Butle t einfy. alHoraia. H1' Pltlaare prompt and afflcieat, j atriBMUoa. aM bj aU druuUla, C1TATIOX. Jf the Connty Conrt of the Bute at (oo. for Whinwton Conntv. In tbe matterof the estate e Willia.ni VU, riaaejouul. Te Annie Hill and IWothea CnnHnantra. all pern intreUrd m aMd entatta Ten. and eaek of yea nee heaMwr feqaiwft Pia-pent ia the nlKive ('. a h t'eartbona ia HilWee. eeimer aod ih a.rHiV w $V-v. b iwd .f ( re, l"M. l e'rh a. a. f aad dray ml ewvw. a mit am onftr at ante ewenen wmi e an panl fba in tae petitina . aeumaotaMta of eaiB (rte4aib od fMrtiaien ii beeaia Bled and pratiaa tnnt the adaiitiiatraaor of aaid dnetawd. William Hell, be directed toaell all the land brlnu.n to tbe aaid William IVII. den-nard. to vty the claim aainat aaid eatate, ar.d for the oot and eipmaea e f administration. Hnid landa M aitoaU in Waahinirton eonuty, t (Tenon, aad ia de arnbed aa follow, to-wit: He.n the eeat half of the nothwl qnaner of aesttoa f.mr. townaliip one north. four weat, Willamette Nlendian. Witneaa the H"n-ral.le Ibxlolph Crandall. Jatlce of the Cunnlv Coart of tbe i l htate of Oregon, tor tbe Coanty aiAt-. Waabineton. wuh tbe aeal of aid eoort affiled tbia l"tb day .of Ann. la 1.V17 Attett: .. K)DIN, Clerk. UVi ' IMMilt 4DtrK HQ)rja IKtf K U44MaIi tMat asekv f fltnap Ka rwniMnW I4te DitM. CtAXfl mnCM, Tfovif TUALATIN HOTEL. t. K V94UUffie tV J. W. SEWELL Proprietors. C'AI.k An MF.K Dr. W. BOWLBY, PRU(S(SIST AND B00KSLLR, FOREST CROVE, And get roar money ' worth of Irne, Medicine, Toilet Article, EByeloi and Taper, Mnaical Merchandiae, and eyerytliin ntially kept ia a Crat daaa ooontry f Ttif, Bk and Novelty Store. rreacrl tiona and formnlie carefully ei.mi'Oiinded at all honra.