H IMPORTANT MOTICII MIAMI YOU I y The Independent wants a eorres. Item c yews tend Publication. pondent in every locality. No. Hi. Vol. XXI. HIM.SBORO, WASHINGTON' COrXTV. OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 3, tSO:i. 1 2?) L V you tnouan if in or 1 KN KHA L II HKCTt K Y. STATE Or'r'lCKIW. flovornor . bvlveater Hannover H.cr.-lary of rltat Oeo. W. MoHride lreairrr r-hillip Metchn Sni.t. I'ul.lio Intractl..n.... t. H. Mcfclroy mate rriuwr ..Frank C. Itaker ! ...W.P. IxtrJ , . K. H. Mean K. A. Moore ...T. A. MnHride W. N. Barrett Hu,reiu Court Jn J Fifth Diatiict Attorney riftb iMatrh'l COL'S TV OFFICERS. JuJt; t'oiinuiiwioner flerk hhentf Itwoorder '1 renaurt r Aeor rVluavl SuMrinlodttiit h-irvevor lroritr . . . H. C'randall I. H. Kamer r. u. it K. H. ondin H. f - Kurd 8. Weattteled Win. Pointer E. Deichuian T. J. 11. Htanley J. U. Hull W. U Wood CITY OFFICKRK. I J. V. Mvriyiuan. Pre J. (!. Hare .. ..r...... J N. A. Hnrrott woaruo. .. ..VVm. I'omur I !.. Wilool KroorJpr Treaaurer Marshal.... Jaatioe of Peace j Jam MoCullocu . . O. W. Patterson ThoM. Ktnriok ... Win. MoOuillan J. 1. Kinubt POST Or PICK INFORMATION. The maiU oloa at the llillstxiro Pot (il;.o.!'w.l I'dwd. Bethany and Cedar Mill. H Il iW " Ooiiik Month, h;W am. iUH to 1'urtlnud and way-offlue, 6:.w I I'aniiiUHUin and Laurel. Wedneaday aad Saturday at IU;3U a, ui. OIIKOON CITY LAND OFFICE. . f. Aonin rwmr l'uitit... KnuiateT . Iteoeiver CHIKCJI 'AND HOCIETY NOTICES. A. V. and A. M. . . - -.., w . kt.iv vi it A F. A A. M. 1 inovta every Saturday uiht on or after n iuo )U ol eaon luuum. J4a. A. mm, MaaUr, ft. CaANoaLL, Hoc'y. k. r r. tlfENIX LODOE, NO. 84, K. OF P.. 1 on i.'..ii....' Hall on Monday wniim f anon wiM.k. Hojourmng brethren "UBd to lod'" n",St."AK BA..rtT. 0. C. MKHMAN SflHtlLMllItH, K. of K. 4 S I. . o. . lONTE.rM A LODOK. NO. BO. mU li WiliiKSlayyeiiin" '''" "' t '. Hall. Viaitora mnd WKlonine- ' JOS K LINEMAN, N. O. R. H (lOOMN. Ho. I. M. C. Oault, fer. Bo. OauKhlera of Kebehh. HILLSIiOKO KEIIKK All I.OIHJE NO; M I. O. O. V.. m.t iu IWd rullowa Mull ev'ry lat and Hrd Sntnrday e','' of mrli nimith. Mm. . M. I)nhi, N. O. Man. W. II.Viikumi,Hy. A. O. riOPKT TL'ALATIH NO. 7174, A.OF. Ji)t A., meta every Tueaday eTenin in ttauiKM Hall at o'olock. L. A. Wbitoom, 0. H. W. W. McKimmit, V. 8. A. 0. I'. W. 5,fll.LSnOUO LODGE NO. 61. A. 0. 11. ! 1 W., mwta every around and fourth 1 iiudrfny eveniiiK in the month. H. H. l a-NTOH, M. W. W, E. IU(Ki, Heoorder. t7 rAmiM ION ENOAM fMENT No. O. F., uieeU on aeoond and ulk Fndaya vt each mouth. S. H. Iti'MHHKan, 0. F. r. K. Hauxhman. Horib. i or ii. ll.l.SKOUO (1KANOE, NO. 79, nieeta I 1 2u-i aud 4th Saturdayaof each month. Kaaj. HonortBLU, Waaler, Innaia, Ho. . p. n. V. K. KK'I'S every Sunday eveuiiiR at 7 o'olook ttt ilia chrmtmn nliuroh. You are yiMiuiinllT invited to at If lull la meetinul. IIimton Howma, 1'rea t. irAsaf)(r(N county oi and f tn Club mete in Moran Ulix-k mimi aeooud Thuraday of eaoh month, at H , mJ J. E. LONO. i. A. U. ItOLNDEY. hec. ' UITIST ClU'ltfll. Sunday School at 1H a. mi prayer mvetinii Thuraday even- itt 1-&. g tONOKKOA I ION AL Clll HCH. eorner VJ Main and Fifth etrwte. I'reaohinK mix j Sabbath, mornintf and evening. Sab, iU aohiMil at It) o'olook a. ni. I" aviwiiiiK Thuraday evrulUK. Y. I'. B.C. E. uAv at 6:M p. iu. MUST ChriatianChoreh, Harry Watkina, ' paaUir. Kaaehne and Fifth. Freaohmii waund and Fourth Sunday at 11 a. ui. and v p.m. Sunday SchtMil. 10a. m. I'ray pt mrftnitf, I'hnraday, (I0 p. m. Y. P. S . E Htiuday, 7.VJ p. ni K. CHl'KCH. H. B. Elworthy, r' ill I'reachinu every Sabbath morninii and -vvaiutf. Sabbath aohool every Sabbath at M A. at. I.rnmie nieetinK every Sunday at t . m. Onneral prayer meeting every Wu4v eveniim. leader' and Sleward'e ai-4inil the aeoond Tueaday Timing of each 4 Ik. t V ANOELICAIj CHl'KCH. 8erio Ti lat and .Hd tnndaya in eaoh month at Mie KaptiHt church at 8 o'clock r. at.. Key. Sir. I'ratt, paator. Sunday School at U . a. (iltiif prayer meeting on Wedneaday evcHiug of euoh week. Hll.t.MOUO KEtDINO K(K)M, Sec ond atreet, in old Mnaonio bnll, ia iiwu dxily from 9 a.m. to p. m. Sunday, from li ui. to ft p. ro T. R. CORNELIUS IK.AI F.ll IN Dnj Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Hardurare, Lumber, Grain, Xc. 1 r 1 1 1 t ) I ' K- X O H V F.( H A N I'lAlWS AND HARHOWS Tli ft In tlie nmrkft. OF ALL KNIiH Tit Vert at ttie Ilttftie-t Market Fricv. PROFESSIONAL CAKI'S. w. a. luaarrT, l. k. ibivn B IRKLTT k Aid US, ji toj;n eysi at-.av, HILLSBfJKO. OKEOON. Crnci: Central lllock, Koom 6 and 7. S. B. III STON, TTORXK Y-AT-L A V v AND NOl'AltY FFI5LIC. HILLHHOKO, OliEGON. Orrtca i Kooiu No H, Cniun lllock. THOMAS II. T0N;i"E, TTOIIX E Y- AT- LA W, HILLKBOUO, OKEGON. Orvioa: Morgan Klook. WllklS I5K0S. I MTU ACTORS AND SURVEYORS. H1LL8HOHO, OttEGON. Agent for liar Lock Type Writer. Two door north of 1'oatolUoe. c. e. ii i or. ATTORN E Y-AT-L A V, POHTLANI), OUKUON. Vrt l.,pl1ii,iil Savinoa liitllk Building, Srootid and WanhiiiKloii htrt'eta THOS. II. lU MI'IIKKlS. pM)XVKYANCIX A N 1 V- AllSTUACTlNO ()U TITL1X HILLSIIOKO, OUEUON. Laual nauer drawn and Liwna on Heal Fjitate neuotiated. IttiHiiii-aK Htlelided to with prouipttiea and di-pntcli. Orrita: Main Street, oiirxMiito the Court Houae. K. MXON, JENTIST, FOliEST OHOVE, OKEGON. I now makiug teeth for f.VOO and 7.r er att! beat of material and win Kniunauip. V'lll nminira with aeia coHtlllU A'.'rt. Teeth eitraoted withont pain. Filling at the loweat pnoe. All work warranuu. Ovrirat three d.iora north of llrick tore. Otttoa boura from U it. iu. to 4 p. ni. A. L. STRODE, - QEI'UTY COUNTY UltVFA HILLSIIOKO, OUEOON. Orrici: with J. C. Hull, County Sur veyor, at the Court llouao. WM. UENSOX, pRACTICAL MACHINIST, HILLS BO IIO, OKEGON. All 1IUU. UI finiiiuH ' " and Koilera, Mill Work, Threading MaehiueH xnowera, reeu t;aiwra, rniwuiK min'iuurn. A.ul.i.... U..l.i..u. Urin.i..ra I'lltniiM. noalea, aoiaaor grouuu, tein mm aiuithing, Saw grouna and tiled: aud have a large number of aeoond hnnd enuiuea aud boiler for aale. All work warranted. T? . i I I ....1... S. T. LISKI.ATER, M. H. ('. M. IIYSICIAN AND Sl lKiF.OX, HILLSIIOKO. OREGON. . ...... I., tl.llulwi.fi I'tinrmnnv. KKal- nimoa: eaal of Court llouae. Olhce hour . n - ... ... . ft I'll H-,iunv. wlkMIl liuiu if n. iu. o . m not vimtiug; rwfore and after that time at realdenoe. W. I. HOOD, M. !., 1IYSICIAN AND SUROEOX, HlLUinOKO. OREGON. Orrira: in Chenette Row. UaFiuanc corner Firat aud Main atreeta. Yll SON KOVH.KV, 1 JIIYSII IAN, SFIKiEOX AND ACCOUCHEUR, FOREST OKOVF, ORKGON. Orrica : at the Drugatore. J. I'. TAMIF.SIE, M. D., .' C P. U. R. SURUF.ON, o lULIlVOliO, ORlAiO.N. Orrica Ann RirainrNra : corner Third and Main Street. Othee hourx, :M to 1 a. m., 1 to A and 7 to N p. in. Telephone to reanleno from Brock A Sell' lirugxtore at all boura. All calla promptly attended night or day. r. a. BAiLtt, u. n, r. j. auLat. b. a , u. i. DRH. V. A. A I. J. IIUI.EV. PHYSICIANS, SURHEOVS AND A AIIXH'llll'I'llS. HILLSBOKl VOKEGON. Orrtoai in Pbarmacy, I'nion Hlock Calla attended to, night or day. lteleiice, S. W. Cor. ltaae Liue and Second mreet. V. II. Rl ( KIR, REAL ESTATE AO I'. NT A Ml MtiNK.V I.OAN'KR HILIJSHOKO, OREGON. OFFERS TO THE IT HUC. Land in large or sinail tract, and will erchangr land in the oonntrv for town or citv prop ertvi in fact. If yo have anthing to ei- ehange, in any locality. e me. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HII.lHt'RO. Tranaart a General H.tnking lluiiira. i. W. SHCTK 1'kiau.aM HENJ. SCiiOFIEI.l) ....Vic 'raaaiitaai J. D. MERKYM AN riwtti Sell light Fiohang and Telegrarhie Tranafera. and laane Letter of Credit available throughout the I nited State. Irw Bill of Ficbange on I-ondon, Liverpool. Dublin, 1'aria, Berlin. Frankfort on the-Main, Stockholm, and aII principal oi tie of Europe. Collection made on all cceibl 'point. Banking boor from 9 a. . to 3 r. m. I'ltrinlnj For a IJtluir StiTftitrv Murloti niniiiiN tlif criuiki ri tii.it only ulxiut l r ti'iit. of till tli intTi'iiiiilM entitle failure, vtlu-fas harillv o lT it lit of the f.triiuTi I'n i 1 . The atutitii- renlly iImivv lliut Mrii ulture U nf r than bankliiir, niHtiiifacluriiiir, or ruilroail- Injf, tnkino; nil thinir Into Hifouut. Tlit re is no farmer of gHn m-umi ami Kol hi itlih uiivwln-re in the wit, Mr. Morton tli'clari", who citnnot limke it jfnod livhijr for hitmelf and family, uii.l I hut U in well llio mil' Jorily oi men are tloiiijj in any other pursuit. 'I'he man who owns a farm ntxi .-ticks to it ia o rtaiti to irotlt Ly it in the I'u f nre. There l-i jractlcully no moil- land to be uililttl to tin' area of cultivation. Tim supply of ajfri- L'olluriti r-nltii U Int.- imu lied its lim it lit the 'tillnl States, Htnl must HOW remain stationary, w hile the deniund will no on increasino; every year. 'I'd is implies a gradual nnprovement in pi i.-t ami a nteady appriH'iation of the value of farmini; lands. New n'lrl "Wli'.it does your papa like for hri'iikCa-l? " . Little Miihle "lie always likes most anvllniiir we ha-n't t;ot. Flattery Is mi eiicourueiiH'tit to a fellow to k( alu ad and make a fool of himself. DR. ARfOi.D WONDER SALVE fmr Huhld Uae. I'll E REST KEMKbH . . For Iliiins, Scalds, WoiiikIh, Sore, HiuiwB, Erupt ioik, tier. THE lilt RATES'!' RELIEF l'oi- nil i ii tl it ii t ii nit o ry nnil irritatintr nllci tioii8 of the 1 lesli mid Skin. PRICE, 50 CSNTS. RttM'K k Mtl. (IIIKUUN Ail KM V : FQ0T VARKS liilicntr the way l hp crowd ik going, bu do I he Dili's ot ORHGON KIDNEY TOA Imllcr.te Its tu-re4tng lvipulartty. NO OTHER REMEDY IIh rvrr ivrti thr qcnrntl tniiif irtiou that hu bem uhl.Aint-tl ticui the uc ul ttiU, NATURE'S OWN CURE For Hack m lu-. IMnU'tii, Iiiftmnttmtitn of KidtiiH or lil.i'Mtt. SK'ul'titik I'aiii! whrti t'nuuliiiK- Ii iek lJust dt iMJ-vit ami Uiiht DlM'KMC. TRY IT T ONC6. WAGON AND WHEELWRIGHT SHOP. I linve niientci a aliop for the repair o( t u.'inu.rs, M '(.tilt: A( a i ul u 1 1 Liiiilaof uih.d wink. SATItfFJKTIOaj tUAAaTIFt. Shop nt iitriliicr'a olil htaml, lutlf hlock aoiiili of Cireer ntoie. HILLSIIOKO .... OHKOOM. 11 A II. W'A Y Tl.Vt: TABLE. KAST AND SO IT 1 1 THE SHASTA ROUTE o tub NDUTMKRN l'AC. C(X KirHKHa 'IliMjx T.kavb Pobtdand Daili: South l'.:i: PM I.v o ! ' a m I Ar I ."vorOi l"ortlnnd Ar I M ill a as Sun Kmncisoo l,v 7KI0AM Alwive trnins atop nt all station from riiMluiiil to A!lnnv ; alao at 'I'atnr'nt. SId-iIiIh, II liter, llarrii)iirg, Jiinctkiti City, Irvii-g, I nji-iii', and all atationa front Koae hnrg to AhIiIhiiiI, incliiHive. KOSKIU liU MAIL DAILY: H:;m t m I I.v rV.'.O T M I Ar I'ortland Rimehurg Ar I 4:. Kir 7:il a M IMMMi ( WKS f 0il)R' KOI TE. PULLMAN DUFFET SLCEPE13 .. AND .. Serwittl-I Iiihs Sleeping far Amman to All Thiouob Tans. West Side Division. ItEfWKKN I'ORTLAND A CORVALLIS Mail Train Dnily (Kicept Sunday). 7:.llt M I.V I'.-rtluniJ ArTftAt r M:.itl m I.v HillalMiro I.v 4 :'.'.' r M 1:MAfm Ar ('4rvallt I.w I sm n At'AIIany and CorrMllia oounect with train of the Oregon 1'acitio Railroad. Kiprexa Train Daily, ( Kioept Sunday1. t to r M i Of M 7 :'.'. f V I.V I.V Ar Port land llillslioro MrMitinvilla Ar I.v I.v ::'.'. A 7 11 a B-.. 0 4 HI KOI (ill Tlt'KK'IS to all point in the Kaatern State, ( niiiula and K'uroie. can lo ihiaitii ,1 nt lowiat rate from J. J. Morgan, agent. IlilUlioro. K. P. ROttKHN. K. KOKHI.K.ll, Aaat. O. Y. A. I'.Ag't. Manauer. l ortland nt-t Hop Growers! Vr mill rurniah jon 1M llair-I(o Tlrkrla anil 1(H) l'nll-lto Tirkrta Tar ot 504) lor l..0. THE INDEPENDENT JOB OFFICE. OVER THE STATE. There has Ns-n tli-trihtttisl to the UM achool distriels in Linn couuty tVj.OJ'l.-'O. That county has nearly f 1S,00 tieil up In the I.lnu county stispetidisl hank. llota-rt ii. Oa hrun, airtl 04 years, a resident of Hrow nsville, Linn county, committtsl Miicide lnt week by ahootinjr himself throttjih the head. No cause except mental de pression U assigned. The nuiiilierofnamti In I'ortland' directory this year Is 'M,iil 4, against 3'VNil last year. On these figures the puhlishcrs estiiiiate the present jiouuJutl.i of I'ortland at W,7W, a gain of 2,'s.j over lust year. At alxiut ;l oVIiM k Saturday morn injjthe hlacksmilli ehop ot Jositli Hunt, at Zenu, was tlisttiveretl arlre, and despitt vigorous, ell'orts on thv part of nelghljorly hands, the struct tire was entirely consumed, entailing :t loss of f"iM). It it not known how the tire started. Observer. As an example of how farming pays, sometimes, we near in a man w ho renttsl a hundred acres of land at f") per acre. He ranod l.ouo ImhIicIs of wheat and alumt HI hushcls of oats. At present prices he would have aliout $- to pay for seed, labor, thrcshing.and inarketlnt;. Tho citizens ttf McMinnvillu are just now agitating the iiitestiixi of closing all the business houa on SarMray bv mutual ctHint of the merchiiHt.s. One lady nrgucs that If the general inemhaiulise utorcM cIosr their iVasri oti Sunday lrxjt kestx-rs slwaild 1mv tumor (MKHiyh to chwe also. Jt 1 rutnorel that the Oregon fici railrod company will tit on two Reamer Ig'twceu iviulnaand tli f ahvlwlch IslnniVs. The viweh will l tif tle caxciy i4 I'nxi ttais, and will hre fle4 up to carry bMh frt4gtt M i-we)jH'rs. Thu KclrCiMr has brsn on foot ft um tinw ami, if carrfH mat, w ill mM mittiTially to Yaipiitm's protiiwn'ea.s n harbor. The rstuw old afory uf "lXdn't krtow it was liutded" cause.l tlu death of a ti-yt'ur-old loy near The Dalles last Monday. His little brothers ami himself were playing that they were hunting aud'one of them procured the shotgun In tUe house and ainu'd it at his yotingtstt brotlier. Tlie charge filtered his check and came out thrimh the tof of his head. The l-aifrci' (iuanl it to the (enint wlatl it neys, "Tin? l"it who ser hi money alror! should wurh-r thrt cnrlitiri'M'wttwnt of Hot Iwin; allowtt credit at InaiM. Some vsiple think tlie home Hiws'chaiit i simply a crtstture of conveiiietus WUvii thry want iTrtlit they teliUm it front tlw home me-rcliant ; when llwy have money they ind away fur what they want." The l'rvllis Time Mh m that v far as hird from, JeM IVpovt n h veels this year the largest crop of any farmer in tfwt region. Me threshed ,iim) l,tvhel of wUcnt ntvl 2,'5 busrwls of oats. John Whlra4er' toi of ",:0 UrielsavtsnajjtMl tWMy three liiuitel xr asre. It Is thr laxt crop rvisr risl on tlie place, and Is the reult of the eontinianl Imi'iveiueiit of tla- laevt by draiiutje and otherwise, atemlily 'riteJ ia by Mr. Whitakcr. At the leasi ca'lciiration aliait ,0il picker will find cinpioy it'iit in tWe hop yards of this county this year. Tho pickts; will earn on an average 41' for the soMson. That Hieaus 7.'),(W. circnlate. tJiriMighotit the caiaty, the greater portion of hk4i ill iiiimediately find its way into tht) (annels of liusineM of tlie priti- cipal centers of the county, ad as Indepi'tiil.'iiee is the hub of I'olk county, our merchants end citizens are even now reaping tlie benefit of tlie Increased circulating medium. West Side. Tho Kugetre Journal says: "The alitor of the K veiling Jourtutl is making an investigation to find out w hat liccome of the t4O,0O0 be longing to the State Agricultural College, which was dumped into the Hamilton-Job bank Just liefore it fiMled by the jiopulist treasurer of the college. Governor I'ennoyer and his populist p ts have so far faibvl to dig up this money and it ls-gina to look like a swindle, as it was known the bank would fail when the money was deposits! in it." iHmbtless tliere are many of the early day settlers of the Rogue river valley who rememlier thnt in 1S73 there livtil on (hills creek a man named Kiisiht Meyer. In that same year Mr. Meyer started from his home on foot for Jack sonville, through the titnU-r and alone. He failed to reach Jack sonville, a search party wag lntituted but he was never found, and the conclusion arrived at was that he had died of starvation. Itst Tues day workmen engaged in cutting logs for KlippleA Marcuson, on Oalla cn-ek, came ujon a heap of moulded and rain bleached human bonea. l'lon examination these proved to I the remain of Kaspcr Meyer. The identity was estabiised by a meervhautu pipe, tobacco box and a pair of hiKX'taile w hli lt were found near by and w hich w ere know n to be thtr property of Meyer- Mwdford Mail'. C. '. LI4, th Young'a Klvtr Qillkman, had a bad attack before daylight at hi ninth una morning luet week and became a raving madinau. He broke away from two men who were watching him and Jumped Into the river. After swim mlug about t"t several minute he returned to the house, ordered his w ife and family out and locked the door on everybody. Sheriff Smith was notified aud at once' went out there, arresting liU man after a great deal of trouble. He was brought to Astoria on the Dwyer anti lodged In the county Jail till the Telephone left, wh, in coeiipauy with two other unfortunates, he was taken up to Sah-ni by Deputy Slieri. Dell Mooer atrd Warren. Astorian. Ochoco Ileview : "The cattle raiswr of Crook county have con tracted soute 4,000 berf to be deliver ed between now and December 1st, aad if these nates p aotMH4 i ag over MUU.auo will be dhrfri'Mtteel tkroah. out the county from this sourer. The money reerived frotti these salt w 111 be put in general drcktiot ai nearly erery faruiwr Iim a rew bsitves lh will turn of, arxl Ikm4kWsi otu of the larger cwttl rIte wilt cvl tlMt (Hrotwrtk of their rxwsT aasVs luyij yojax oaltU, tkhM ffivlatf 14 ckiuhie circulation. Tksj DaJhrs ChroMeHw hs hwawJ tht lawt Wtsitrsiirty's raia wm a dissMtretM om (or the ikw grasV on Tygh hill. That H wan tho ctiter of tier sicrw, arnl ettlMiNt4Kl ia a (.-kuKlbaes, whWn eoMplefarly UVIM09J tat sr4roi a4 carrleU with it 1imm4 lnrpe WoWter aa4 wawhesl out th grade In Mich a rMtraawsy that it wm a4MOM( Imym nnvher. Th-e gradw ia asrarly fbnr aniU ia Venfftk, ne4 IH mUwi (iteies a 1.ms on t etasavty. A lAt-w ay ayo, waike on a ptsts pactikvif Kmat In ths; Ca44e Cove are tion, Mr.. W. L. Yonajr, of Maker City, ikiseoveredi a taVpVjajt of stlena ore ry rich in jpM arxl which giva promise of ttevclofiing lato a valtwbes property. Mr. Yoang ia toNd rtMTiin to hb Mart in a few days aavil start h;veh)pHM-nt work. Tha bark Cu)om: is' at Inwiia A Paulson's mill, In I'ortliwtd, taking on a cargo of sestet and lumtier for Hotif Koiif . The spar have been cut up the river t H 1 1 an oeiW, awd are m flae a hat of sticks M anf stip owmt could wWi to . Tls Ihauton county eonri ha srrrml tKrtk through Sfwriff Chra, ujn the homkmwn of Cuwnty TreaMtrer Ilaritait that they woaikl tr held rrvfxHrsibie ft the raask loM thrxaigh th feUisre of ILwwUion, Joh V Co. J. A. KcHtHKla, ae4 2 jraara, H'iitM of YaM. rNartlnd, ksM been arresseslon four rsWe of attesxpA- in; to hW-n rtastU. II) in east on 4,0) lrl. It btt KfWiMMW. A ywr atf thsi eouatry wna tM esHeeaen4 ovar th Hnsnestrad strike, thst immetiv caamr of whl"h wa th anhmkisiew of a ansa; al sJiflhUy rettuessi sea ef wajjvs fo the con sii tcr at low of the wrknm ia th Htauawveajd worli. This year the Hmw4a4 oonnpany, as hi its ea4rrtn eex-ii year, pnrsmexd its seheeSaie and it ws awefet withont any arriosi oijen on te mmh of in worn men anxl without any auephsjmi of riot aast di4urbwnre. Wht mnkae th (4i rvVTewre ? Siatply this, that this is an off yea ia politic, tWre he4ff ao prtnitarni to tahrts), end se murk deMOcrat ie rtesu aoMes aa r4ena4i7 Ialier (Jo wit (leera It frdvinvble to incite Isjuoraat ani unthlakiuf uen to teoLj of munhnt and hkxxWwMl in orihr to iimvIm political cnpitoJ, a was done liwt yowr. It W a f iresjotie cox1umoii that tlie Honu'svfrxt troubles of luat year would have Is-ea nettled quickly and easily hul not certuki (h'RiocM4s in ech house ta4ten up the caaae ol the rioWrs aud egged them on in horn of hurting the pronpects of the republican party. It is to be noticed, too, that Cleve land's ally, the London Times, Is very silent on the labor situation In the United States this year. Last year It gave more apace to the Home stead difficulties thna t had given to anything American for years, but this year, when the labor riots are In England instead of the United States, and w hen its friend Cleveland is not running for office, it has nothing to say on the subject of labor. It cer tainly make a difference, in spite of the boasted fairness and independence of the Iindon Times, whether it has a direct and personal interest or not in a public matter of importance In this country .-Sari Francisco Chron icle. Over on the sound last Saturday the steamer Iola, with 10,oiHl salmon on deck and lS.ooO on a scow in tow, ran Into a swell, caused by a passing steamer. The Iola listed and her entire deckload slid Into the water In asaaUle bay. The flh were lost. TUE KMAXTAL 81TI ATI0X. Hums Views Fipreed by a Sew lark Ua-.Iars Xa. The good times we have In thi country is when everyUaJy is busy For a gnat number of years Kuroe ha been buyiug our securities to a very large extent, but they topJ when they saw we were drifting Into silver payments und began to unload those securities upon us the day Harrison signed the Sherman pur chase act. Theu money began to be stringent. They have been sell ing steadily ever since, and as we sold we remittal In gold. Now, ii there were nothing wrong w 1th our finances they would continue to be buyiug, but there is something wrong. What do these cost imer for other securities say is wrong? They say: "We expected when we bought the securities that they would be redeemed In gold, as we paid gold for them, but the way you are piling up silver, and the widespread fear that your obligations will te re- thtemed in silver, has caused us to stop all purchases, and we now ha- tew to sell back to the United States, so ao to get what gold we can before the gold gkts hoarded and we lutve to take ailver." Thsrse Fneoiwan creditors hold over rl.OuVMNi.KttO of AnM-ficatt seciiritivs, and they will cotitimte to i' II if we tkm't stofi the silver parvwinp atai an a coitse itMNtce our treasury will be com pletely emptied. While w continue to be a Isjerowirvg conntry, we ntuat asMpe on r foreign cmlltisr that we will pay them In goW, wn4 the only way to 4o that is to s4of Invylasr sil ver, and M us have our currency eual to tltnt nf other gtet twtHnis of the work. When that becomes assstrcd oar seeari-tWs will sell agsln, gM will exMiM kwn to pay trKtn, raw life will he lafitsed in4u aJI lines (af tssisineaaa, rnnsI'dieeKsi rtwroreal itso4 one own people, paper ctvr rsswy he(iyA ont of it kUline; aad rs4om.l to haahlne itstitutinM Mutiy to fa ort to rriioiv4le pv pie, ami so fft ia4H that enana4) of iiHlsttetry. Silver wUI no4 swee"srily hetsmie in distwe. It will be ia rrse an nihxh as evtT, in lUct ;KW,(ia,rt) la axhli tron to tlmt nlrciwly in ue ceahl be aaliV4 t the clrculivtkni, but Its regn) lender (tower should be littiitiMl to $100. Then the treasnry i4eartnH?nt of the United Stares wonl4 never atfrviti b9 depletest of its goid. A Wgal teaiter llault wonM wA prevent the general ase of silver. Kngavasl's htgnl teatlnr of silver is 1 (a littW less than $&), yet singie pay awents aggregatlu; hutaieeehi of potrmts paas from hnnsl to kml with ont any fnni4rat4on axnt the legitl Laae liiMi4 aWMsarMuai LW nui Wjsi LsbYs n' 1 11 tnw 1 V rrswi f anjvsnsF rni v'nr fiejBwfj ) ewwse getternl, ae it wmUi bn in tnr own eon a try. Fisr ordituwy bias- itvess pstrposes ererybosjy wotihl l gW tn get a41 they con Id of it. How nsnriy of onr half dollar wonht be trfwarii toitny la bussrvews, or wtrges, ytS; the legal r renter i lirMlted to lf Tnn greateit goort to the greale4 number, and by the rnjiy of the voitsM of the psple (sf this great ennntry mU they V hetwd. TWy know wh4 they want. They are trylrag to fin-rect the errors Into whirh thy have fcWm. They ac fisr the imMMSNatre asid svtcfleiithal wsyttl of the Shemsna silver purchawe act. Are they to rwiva it, or muM they be kett in tHstrem snrh a nsver ben we ha been puraJMW fia- se ver ify? IM every nwn who loves his country arge lib congresaman mmI serwtti to hnetrn the repeal so that rain by delay naty be averted. Un- condiceonnl repeal Irnt, tbnn Vulk silver. Jam sw JIau.ihay. A) ftart rnm W sJtntsV. MTaLk abont gwosss ! Tou manin't tell mo there is no such thing as atiosts. I nsed to think ao, but by all the powers of past experience I believe in ghosts now. My wife biok a notion this summer that she wanted to go up into tho mountains of Tennessee and kevp house while the stay-at-homes were being roasted. I did not take very kindly to the proposition, but as usual had to give in to the mudame's persuasions and went up into Tennessee to find a plac. I had strict orders to get well Into the country, and at last I found a very nice house near a little station in East Tennessee. It was a beautiful place, and suited me exact ly. The landlord and I cloned a trade, when says he to m "Now, Mr. Barding, it is no more than right that I tell you this place Is haunted." "Haunted!" says I. "Now, see here, Mr. Smith, do I look like a man who believes In ghosts? Have I the aspect of one whom a spook could Intrude upon ?" Poor Smith thought he had made a mistake. I saw my advantage, nnd followed It up. "IV you, sir, pre sume to tell me that I could by any possibility be fculldoeed by a spirit?" Smith weakened. He apologized and I rented the house. My wife was delighted with it. My children romped among the flowers, th birds sang In the trees arid the waters babbled In the brook, and we were a happy family. Oue day my wife aud the babies went into the little tow n to sjs'tid the day w ith some new-made friends. I wus left lu charge of the house. They bad not Iss-n gone long w hen I seuttsl my self on the veranda, and, hauling out a big bundle of home pajs-rs, pre pared to make a imst delightful tiny of it. I was all alone, even the cook, the tabby cut anil the dog Is-ing absent. In the midst of a mt learned discourse on the duties of congress to the i'ople In the lllan don Ulathersklte, someone tapied me on the shoulder and said : "There's only two of us here now." I chunked a hasty glance over my shoulder, but not a soul was there. At least If there was a soul there the body was iu aonu'txxly's graveyanl. I thought of what Smith had said about the haunted house. Not t be routed at the first tire I resumed my readiug. I'retty soon something tapjHsl mo on the shoulder again said : "There's only two of us lu re now." "Yes, by Jingo! " I replied, "and tho first tnlng you know there will only le one of us" ami with that I bolted. I covered half the distamt to M ville In Nancy Hanks time ami paused for Isreath. I was ex- hvMMted, Isit hapsy in the thought of being rid of the ghot. As I caught my l-cath, sitting on a log on the siik of the rood, 1 thought. "Now-, was that really a ghost ? when something tvst us on the slioubivr, saying, " That was it pretty hard rain you gave me, old fellow." "Yes," says I, "aal if you monkey around here I will give yon a Mother one," and I lit out fi town, and if 1 lid iv at beat tlwi. ghost to M ville, Im never snid ao. We reft those dtgtfiog, you liet, but (bm't ever teil rHr my frirsvi, tSiro Is nn sia. Ii a thiasraaaghoat." II. X. C. raurrot ietsjfcsut. A Man anated (us Carlson, white wtwrking with a wabwitg aiaeliitte at Fifth and Ankeny streets, in I'oit laisd last Friibty, met with a fearful iHH'itb-nt. In placing a big stick of wood on the Hutchim he slipped in some way aa4 11 agHiast tlie saw, which cut a gash from the middle of his hack around uinKf his arm and across his lreaMt. Tho lower point of lib tthoulih-r biatb) was cut iiT, two ribs sawed through, and it gitsli cut in his lsMs. He was taken to Wood Samaritan ho'ltal, where Irs. Hand atnl WlMh-r itresMe his wounds. He smkI the operuthsu very well. CarlstHi is about o0 years of age and is a bneheh. It is not thought that lie will recover. rishkt tssiuaaiw. A yrssng man named ltilly Deal was tsaiwn to fniAfnicnts tiy giant owtVrr lrt Thursday morning on (Irave creek. He, in comistny with Vs llllam Sherhoti'ly and J. Cluipin, had orcuphsl a tent mljiicent to their work on the Madison ditch, which tlwy were retiring, and had used tlve sase uiMrerneath their hunk in the tent :m a migaitie for n box of giant pownVr and lot of caps. On tho niismlng of the accident, Deal as in the act of stooping henctrth tho Ix-d to obtain some ammunition awl had a lighted cigarette in his month. The other young men were ontaiJe the teiit when bang! went about 1--1 sticks of giant powder, cttrrlng Dent's remains toshrivlets and rh rowing the other two off their fet. Sherbondy's Ixsly was blown full f gravel, but ho is now at the I'alsxsj htstel doing very well consid ering. Cliapin was not very badly hurt. Tire tent and contents were scat tered Into the tops of the tall trts-s nearby and not enough of Iienl's' body was found to identify him by. I The accident occurred aUut fifbs-n 1 mile lielow IiCland, on what is known as the Harris Flat placer. MiMlison, the owuer of the mine, Is a I'ortland man and was canissl about half a mile from the Isiys w hen th explosion happened. (intnt's I'asH1 Courier. . I On tho essential 5)int, the repeal of the purchasi clause of the Sherman law, the Wilson and Voorhees bills are similar in scope and ptirsse. In the declaration of design and policy , there Is a difference Is'tween the two to this extent the V llson bill pro-1 viles mat the legal-tender ipiality of. the silver dollars already coimsl shall not ls Impairetl, ami that gold and silver coin shall bo malntains at a parity with each other, while the Voorhees bill provide that It is the purMse of the country to continue the use of both metals as money. The di.Terenee Is in phrns-ology chiefly. Practically sinking, the policy and Intention are the same In iKith. No matter which bill pasws, the legal-tender ipiality of silver will tie maintained, silver will be held up to a rity with gold, and both metals will lie continued in the circulating medium. When the-Umatilla county court opened bids for a bridge Wednesday one firm otfensl to do the work for II2.V2J cash or '10.:i0 scrip ; that is 20 jsrr cent, more if they took county warrants. li:Ult.K TO THE HKKAtll. tJovernor Sylvester I'ennoyer, of Oregon, w ho has distinguished him self by rlagruut and gratuitous dis courtesy to two separate presidents of the United States, has Mpis'itred as the champion of financial and coin mercial sts-cssion. He wants to seo the young and rogresnive west cut loose from the effete east and form an alliance, offensive and defensive with the south, ami the effect of which would le to cause the w harves of New York to crumble away with dry rot and the grass to grow in the streets of the now inelromlis of Ameriin. It dss not thus fur npeur tlat anylxHly is opposing tl scheiis fathered by I'cnnofer nswt ra-crpeeat in its entirety by (Joverntws Sie iT Missouri anl LewHissj esf blannai. (iovernor Mcflraw of Washington din's not favor it in fact, he de nounces it as n new variety of seces sion and other western governisrs are not nt all enthusiastic over it, bat that w ill not set 1'cnnoyeT Isati ia the least, for he has a very chnir anl well defined iss'ion that attybr who contnvlHS) him k an bibs! isn-4 a ttonlvcy. (iovermsr IVnmiys bis hf a4 sf his scbisise tsf iwst tmm fhebar, ami that is that the bsHtlaesa wMn tsf Oregon, or of any is her state, are n4 iu the lmbit of gis'ng to the execu tive for advice as to how they snail conduct their IsiiiMr. They buy what they inert! In thrir business w here they can gt the Isrst bargtlMi, aiwl IIhis Is no sentiment alswt that matter at all. If Oalvett can a tlemll New Yorfc, tln-y will buy In Cialveston; if not, they wlK stick b their old liiatrj of travb". We tlo not Usik for ( tevernwr IVa ooyvr to take Oregisa ont tsf th Un ion, fis there Is mi secessbss smtll Nwmt Iwhitxl him. He, personally, iiwy ke a UintHilotiLst of Ihe flrt water, but no one nam, even though he lie Sylvester I'ennoyer, can venture to Md ofen defhrnee be the FcthTal government, nor, on tho other haiul, caa he snccessfavrty dk-fy tho estahlislM'd laws of trail) an4 cotiimerce, New York and Chlgn titiil rhihrih'lphht and 1 tin ton may be cormorants seeking to devoH at em gulp the great and flonrlsblng starve of Oregon, but tho defense, of the state is to be sought In the sentiment and disposition of the people, not In the bombastic prtMiurtcirimentee of (Joverinc rentroyrr. Swn Francscrt Chronicle. The San Francisco Chronicle sttsa long enough to remark : "Now that the revenues of the government am declining, and a real or apparent necessity for retrenchment exists, it i worth noting that no suggestion of tiding over tho depression by a resort to economy comes from tho demo crats. They talk freely and favor ably of issuing Isinds and of profiting by coining the silver bullion lying in the treasury, but no one lifts his voice In ndvia-ncy of pruning. There will bo no dlmimitlorrof tho number of officials or reduction in their i-alaries. Economics of that kind are only talked of when repub licans are in Kwcr. Uiv-br those circumstances the democrats are always strong for rt-trcuckut, but w hen it is a question f rrtrrndiii themselves they bark very low. Trash's tntua Foley. Work on the new wing sf t4V Is'iuitiful MuttitU Life Insueanve building, in New York City bts (snstsl. The builiiirgr whteh is b) be fourteen stories high Imm been rrsvl up ten stories, and the ekcvrie w iring is going imi in it. So far t be wire men have cut hoV 6 them selves, eight iia' leinT constantly employisl in the buibling for thnt purKse. It s-ems, however, thnt some bricklayers, who were oat of work, saw them, or heard of them, and apsithsl to their union to get tlie wire men out and themselves put in. A deputation of bricklayers accordingly waited upon the superin tendent of the building and detnaad ed that the work of cutting holes in the walls should Is) given to them. They Informed the superintendent that if this modest request was not complied with, all the bricklayers In the building would strike. While the superintendent was considering tho matter, the walking delegates of the Klcctrie Wire Men's Union ap-js-ansl on the wene, and gave notice that If bricklayers were employed to do the cutting, all the wire men in th? building would strike. As the building could not go on without toth kinds uf workman, the superin tendent concluded to do nothing, but let the two unions settle the dispute for themselves; and the bricklayers in the building, forty-eight in num 1st, accordingly dropjied their tools and ilepartisl. A young lady wants to know how to make "not enough" out of the word "enough." That is 'easy. Take the third, si-cond and first let t rs of the word "enough" for tho first word, and the sixth, fourth and fifth fir the second word, and you have something that Is "not enough for any young lady."