Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, September 08, 1893, Image 2

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hi li iiiKiMtrtj, Uh-'hi,
i-fm IllrflU-r.
Ir . a
Mll.lliil:'i n l.l.l-IIINii ( i
ti.U I.T, K.iiu.r.
If. ' UTHItr INK 191
ikihay, h:iti:mi;i:u k
It liH,ki I, man up
I ike i. Il l' rltri!iiltii
r x 1 1 I i ' i i tii.it tlif
Mitl'.-ri ii ' ith.
u tn-e nnr'
than over-
country l-
'1'hi- v fit
i lt.t - ri '.
r;ui I"
k'-l of all Wi-uk (hi f liT-i; i-
I'fiilt rm tin- filvT jiur
I I. ill, if tin- w intl r-.rt
It is notiii-alilf that all tin liml
nii'l riot-t m-furrinjf art- Itil ly for
i iini-. or l!iof of fori'ln mi mi".
.alio liorn Aiiirriinni don't xt-fiii
to l.c loa lf that way.
Winn tin- I :-nillintn-t wen in
ioxiT till' rtilistirit trllili'llfy of
ua'i-i w as i.iwarl, itwl tin' iir-
tllllitirs of '1 1 1 1 ill It'll t MTf httitll-
ily iuiilt!ilii-'l.
Sliollli) till' MlvtT Itl'IIHMTilt'HlIll illt'
to hrin a nit for lirrarli of pnnniv
tiny n i 1 1 1 I In- in tloiilit w ht'tlitT to
muUi' tlit ir own I' iiiIiti or the Kr
jmlilii am ili-lt-nili-nt).
Tin' ( liiiifx- wi re liischnrtHl from
the ilutttvillr, Marion county, lio
yanls on Momlay lust. A lot of
s h i ti having faiiiilit-s went into 1 1 it
liflds itml avt: tin' ( Vlcstials their
''tiini'." Tin only violent u until
was when tlii-y vvcro juislictl on
hoaril tlte exporting Imiit. Thiif
inn" was liu-illfil into the river.
In view of the clement recii
tatin' acts of vlolfiiro in muny of
our lare cities it is lint mete that
Jmltfin iresiilinj wlirrtt tiitturiili.a
tioii iriH'isM lilies are ienilin, hIiouM
lay inrticul.ir htress on this riui's.tiou
rc'iwiritl to lie r ii in Ii ' I to wit
nesses: "Is this ailiciuit for atlinis-i-i
ri to full ritieu.shii, well Iwliuvt'tl
at h man of pxiil moral character,
is he attac heil to tht; iriiu iiles of the
constitution of I'niteil States, antl is
lie well ili-iisct to the tuxl order
and liaijiiness of the sanie'.'"
In one vineyard in Culifornia the
lahor in.tlon has heeu solved hy
cniioyiii Imys from San (''runt-ism.
The wat s paid are hoard anil lodif
in' and H" per month. They ure
.-aid to do more work ami hettcr
with lc-s liothcr than the Chinese
who have hcit'tofore hcen counted
lie plus ultra. At the vineyard w here
tin; experiment was tirsl tried last
year, there are now ll'liey.sut work.
The plan is so successful that the
city threatens to lie tie populated of
that c lass of residents.
Jinle K iss, of l,os Angeles, has
cut the K'ordiait knot in the matter of
tleportiu Chinese. He holds that
Hit Chinese who refused to register
under the (ieary law, liccame coiii
inon criminals and a such may lie
deported imiw illi-taiitlin Attorney-
ieneral ( llney informs the court that
there is no money with which the
provi-ioiisoi'the law may he enforced.
Jutl'e Uus-s iinds there is money and
lias ordered a decree of deportation.
Immediately thereafter IUO com
plaints against other Chinamen were
Onthetlrst pae i an article that
is a complete answer to Mr. Luce's
paper of two wtfks aj;o. It
oulit to he a complete ami Una I
answer to every charge that 1'opulists
have made regard iu the passage of
the 1 s 7,1 ( linage act. Hut they won't
lie silenced. The oi l charge will he
reiterated ju-t the same as hefore,
ami the only need of puhlishin a
refretatini) is that the true friends
of liiiiftali-ui, whodon't at all
times have aires " to the puhlic
records, may know that there
is an iin-wer, full, complete, con
clusive and convincing, except to the
one class of cavilers.
ML l .A- t O.V'A O.V7.VA
The M'nale hits not finally VotisJ
on the silver imrrliuie rt'iMtil bill,
hut u canvass of the meliiU rs leaves
no doubt but what when the measure
follies to a Vote it Will b! adoptisl.
Th" silver debate will not, however,
be dropix-d. Aln-udy Brv the dis
putants considering coiiiprumi.sert,
Mr. Clevt laml lilniself Is tiot uliove
submittini; propositions ltklii to
the larger employment of silver.' Of
tht) M'hemeri liroliorssj none seems
fairer than the Windoiu proponition
which was brought forward when he
was secretary of the treasury In the
Harrison administration, and laid
la-lint congress iu LhiviulM-r,
This was rejected by the frit ininam1
(Msiple and the Sherman purcha.-
hill tuken instead. In Windom's
own laiifcuae it was prooctt to
"open the mints of the I' lilted States
to the free dcpit of silver, the
market value of the same (not to
exceed fl for 4 12.5 grains of standard
silver), at the timw of ileMHit, to le
pa ltl in treasury notes; said notes to
lie redis'inatile in the ipianlity of
silver which I'ould Is- purchastl by
the number of dollars ex pre- si on
the face of the notes at the time
presented for payment, or in gold, at
the option of the overnmoiit, and to
Is' receivable for customs, taxes a nil
all public dues; and when so rivcl ved
they may lie reissued; ami such
nod's when held by any national
banking association, slutll Ih counted
as part of its lawful reserve."
It was also proposal in the same
scheme that the secretary of the
treasury should have discretionary
power to HiisH'nd, for ii time, the
receipt of this silver bullion when
ever the si-cretary believed that
speculators were arbitrarily ami
artificially putting up the price of
silver. These were the thief pro
visions of the Wiudom silver scheme.
The merit of this plan of dealing
with the silver question, remarks an
exchange, is tnat while making u
market for all the silver of the coun
try the soundness and stability of
the circulating medium would not
lie endangered. The notes would
be just as good as gold because, as
w as pro Mined, they w ould be redeem
able cither in silver bullion at their
goltl price at the time of redemption,
or in gold coin, at the option of the
government.' Should the price of
silver go down between the time
of the issue and of the redemp
tion of the note the government
would have to pay out more silver
that it receivi-d, and should the price
go up it would have to pay out less.
In one case the government would
lose ami in the other it would gain.
Iu any wise the note holder would
be protected.
There would lie no inducement
for Kurope to send silver over here
under such a law, for the price paid
would Is) market price simply, which
would lie on the same level all over
tin? world. Our own silver is nil
that we would lie called upon to take
care of, which gives this scheme In this
particular an important superiority
over free coinage at any ratio that
could be adopted. It would be better
than tnv coinage even at the market
ratio, t'ndcr tht? scheme of free
coinage at the market ratio silver
would disappear if it should increase
in price, w hile if it should decrease
in price gold would disappear. And,
of cours", under any system
Hue tations could not lie prevented,
ruder the Windom plan fluctuations
would not affect the currency one
way or the other, for there would la'
no ii linage.
silver. Additional mints are to lie
!. ...l it I... I . .1...
eaiauiLsiieu urar uic iium-n.
"Amendment No. TJ prohibits sul
treasurers from buying gold or silvt r
or receiving jrold or silver for desjoit
ami Issuiutf substitute money there
"Amendment No. 'M divides the
national treasury into two scparaU
departments; one to receive all tie
revenue due the government und
disburse the same, and one to i-suo
and distribute money to the states
and renew mutilated bills."
Now tinkering with the financial
problem commences w hen the recal
of the silver purchase law Is alsiut to
be brought about. President Cleve
land Is out with a scheme to rend
the present bunking law ami enact
instead a kind of state system w here
w ild cat coinvrtis may buy up state
Is an Is, city bonds, road lmils, school
district bonds, ditch bonds, mining
bonds as well as Ismd bonds ami
make them the basis of circulation.
Some kind of national control is to
Is- retalntil so that the banks may he
at stated jstIisIs inssi ttsl by a gov
ernment oflicial. To get jurisdiction
for this government inspector the
;eiieral government obligates itself
to redeem the bank notes of failing
banks. This scheme don't look well
on its face. No wildcat or stunii
tailed bank of 1H57 was worse. The
noteholder might be protected but
the government would suffer. A
consolidated (iobble company would
organize, issue bonds, to be taken by
an interested promoter ami mailt! the
basis of a bank circulation. Soon
the concern fails and ttio government
rtileems the notes only to find the
security worthless piiMT. The
government cannot guarantee cir
culation except that based on its
own obligations and whenever it
goes outside of that it will be
A Populist is nothing if he can't
use extreme language. I)ignitled
verbiage Is too tame. In proof of
this the silver plank in the Iowa
state platform is cited.
lid you ever notice that the man
in iower Is very different from the
man seeking to get into power?
Captain J. (1. It. Adunis, of Massa
chusetts, has lieen elected commander-in-chief
of the U. A. It.
now do ror like it?
On Saturday last I'effer, Populist,
Introdutvd rive amendments to the
constitution embodying the peculiar
financial ideas of the Farmers
Alliami'. He would print a mt
capita circulation of I'M ami loan it
to land owners In sums of fj.ooo or
less at ;i jkt cent, interest. Put here
is a synopsis of his plan :
" The first amendment, known us
No. t, directs the secretary of the
treasury to print and Issue to the
state governments $.",iMM),fHKi for each
IOO.ihiii Inhabitants, or at the rate of
."i0 t capita. This money is to ls
distribute! in sinail denomination
legal tender bills, dcliveml to the
states free of tust or interest. States
aw prohibited from lending It in
The Chicago lnt r- Kranof August
.th shows a page illu-tration that is
tiite suggestive ju-t now. In the
upKT part of the picture is a lot of
tnin-parancies with the mottoes of
November, Is'.i-J, Mirmountiil with
the victorious roo-tcr. lieiicath is a
stru t fi iie w here a manufacturer is
met by a workman at the gate Is-ar-1 execs of an intens't charge of .1 per
ing a placard ''Closed until we know
w hat congress , goinr to do." The
dialogue is; Workman "When
will we get wink, sir?" Millowner
-"Cannot lell. -ir. Waiting for
tiiiigr.'-s to ,u t." Workman--"Wcll
we mu-t havt
going to eal '.'
eat that rooster
arouitl las November ?"
cent. The president of the I'niled
States ami the national treasurer,
w ith one senator and two memU-rs
of the house, w ill Is' a committee to
sts that each state shall choose com
missioners to give bond for the
Silver Hieeohes were plentiful
enough in the house, but a majority
of the votes wen' gold.
(Hailstone's Irish home rule mea
sure has passed the house of com
The financial policy of the admin
istration was clearly defined today.
It is that all secondary financial
legislation shall ls iostioucd till the
senate acts on the rt's'al bill. The
house committee on (tanking ami
currency, to which falls the duty to
originate legislation to follow repeal,
met this morning, but adjourned for
a week. It is learned the president
and Secretary Carlisle expresses! a
wish that nil remedial legislation lc
Mstpontsl till the recal has actually
passed the senate. There is no doubt
the committee Intends to follow the
suggestion. The object is to put
spurs on the senate by comrutrating
public attention on it. The house
will kti'p the road clear for the im
mediate consideration of rceal as
soon as it comes from the senate.
During the meeting of the senate
committee on finance this morning,
there was a formal discussion of the
silicy to be pursued with refer
ence to the measures now before the
senate which have licen reported by
this committee. Senator Voorhti-s
announced his determination to push
the reeal bill as rapidly as possible,
ami indicated that this would be
heretofore. The large amounts j
recelV4.il ley l!iso 4.mcvr In .MUltlltt
mah and ls.sioly In two or three
other large counties ill tile state, has
Isi'ii the only argument worth con
sidering in favor of the change. 1
4,-mii but think that the fts f tirticers
in those, few counties might have
Isi'n rtiluced toarou.sonal.lt' figure
by a rtiluctioii of the same for the
various serving iK-rforuied ; as uni
formity in the fii-s in the several
imnities in the state is not required.
The principle, which iu all cases
should govern in the payment of
fee, is, that each and every rssrson,
who wants the rs'rvici-s ofanollietr,
should iy his own bilU. There is
not the shallow of equity in requir
ing the taxpayer who avoids litiga
tion, to pay taxtst, the protistls of
which are to lie applied in payment
of costs of a protmling in the result
of w hich he has no direct Interest.
A part, and it is a small part imlml,
of the I'.vpeuses incident to the organ
ization of the courts are of such a
nature that it may be iitsi'stry to
pay the same out of the county
trm-nry, and this should ls paid by
all taxpayers In proportion to what
they are worth.
1 know it is contended, by those
who favor the s-dary system, that
this law provides that the ftss shall
he iiilhvted bv thosi' salaried oitieers.
ami by them t units I into the county
treasury. Put will they do it? if
they fearlessly ami honestly perform
their duties they will. tXHcvrs in
the state of Ori'gon, however, have
not in the last lew years tieeu noted
for the strict perforiiianti' of the
lutics of their olllces, when those
luties rtiuirtil them to 4iIIect from
their constituents money in which
they have no diri t interest. Will
olliivrs iu the future ilo any U'tter'.'
Is there not some tlanger, that to
favor iH'rsonal ami polilieal friends,
they may neglti't the interests f the
iiuinty? Another objtvtiou to the
plan is that the accommodation to
the public will not Is! by it enlianetsl.
Nothing so much athls to theelUc
iency of one of thost public servants
as the knowledge that the money
value i:f the 4illlc4 to himself, tie M'inls
largely upon the rcatliness anil i-arn-estuess
with which lie performs its
The temptation to make favor with
the voters by, iu many cases, omitting
to I'harge the fn-s rtipiired by law
will tin more to ruluce the amount
paitl into the treasury than any fail
ure to pay over what is collected.
The law-makers evidently doubted
the probability of these! returns Is-ing
properly made, but the only penalty
provided for a failure on the part 4if
such otllcers to exact such fes ami
return the same to the tivasurcr is
fhe withholding of salary until the
matter is fully nvtifltil. This recti
fication depends upon exiuiiiuati mi
of the books 4if thi'sc oHlti-rs monthly
by the county court anil the time
spent in this to the neglti't of other
county business will not be the least
of the expenses incident to the en
forcement of this law, ami we can
scani'ly exsi't the i-ounty court to
make such investigations unlins
ssi'i lie changes art! made, ami these
cannot be made without a long,
tedious examination of the nvords of
the various offices by exjaTts. The
result will Ih that but few examina
tions will be maile, ami otllcers will,
in exacting ami returning those fees,
be governed alone by a conscientious
desire to comply with the law, and
not by any fear of the consequenei's
of a failure on their part to look after
the interests of the county.
It would lie dilHcult to determine
what rule was followed In fixing the
amount of these salaries. Their
accounts certainly cannot depend on
the work to be ilone by the various
olllii'rs. The amount appears to
have been determined by the whim,
ami personal fn-lings of many of
the representatives, as we find that
the population of the counties ami
the business that may lie done has
Isi'ii in a great measure ignored in
making the estimates.
Another objection to this law is
that it is not complete. Provision is
made for other fees that these sal
aried officer may rtn-ive in addition;
and in many cases the additional fees
may amount to u large sum. The
hard times under which the people
are now suffering, call for n reduc
tion in the salaries of oftlti-rs rather
than an increase. Tht! law also adds
largely to the expenses of litigation.
New I'li-s are providtil for, and fn-s
that were allowed under the old law
are, In some cases, tiouMcd, regard
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
advaiuisl towards maturity that there
is little fear of any material injury
Is-ing done by insists; should the
weather ls sufficiently warm to
assist them In Increasing.
Krult is plentiful in market.
Plums ami siirs are of excellent
qualify. Much fruit is U'ing shipped
to 4'nstern markets. Apples are
plentiful but inferior U-iug injured
by the cod I in moth. lVaehes are
plentiful in the southern anil interior
nullities. The crop in northern
inuiities suffertil from i-url-leaf, atul
ill some sections was an entire failure.
Some line sHiiiiieus of vegetables
are being shipistl to market. Vege
tables are plentiful for home con
sumption. Potatoes will average
well ; the crop has suitcred from
drought. More rain would have
matured an enormous crop. Corn
continues green, W ith good growth;
the ears are not maturing. More rain
is necessary to make an average crop
in all sections, except in the southern
count it of Josephine ami Jackson,
where the essential climatic condi
tion is warm nights.
AI M SI, istt t, AiTOIH IONUKVl.
The school fund iu the county
treasury of Washington county has
KIIi:itlKt"M hal:.
Ihs-ii apportioned among the
districts as appears lielow:
NK. tl.llllK. AKIIHKHM.
I, J A liubrif, Hillxlxiro ., .
'J. lit-ore lianoiiek, Cornelim .
a K C Miillny. LBurt'l
4. Ann ttt-veriiinu. IVnti'rvillt) .
f. H K (ford, n, Kurt-Hi Grove....
t. Clin lliukvtlnxr, (Vtlitr Mill
7. S II HiiinplirvvH. llillniuro ...
. J II Huult-v, HilUlsiro
9. J'in Coniinll, UleiiotM).
I I. E H Onvliinl, Oilier
lO.jt t M Kruw, WiUiinville
done, ut least for Hie ttresettr veilli.
out reference to other bills which the ! Ies "f t '; t that people should Is
iiunmittue hntl untler eonsidenitinn able to protect their person ami
work. What are we ' svure haiullingof the money reeeivnl
the liond t: Is' spprovnl by the
governor of the state, the money to
be loaned on lundtil mvurity of
tlouble the amount borrowed. No
s'rson shall Ixirrow more than t J.ihhi.
M. . "Why not
ymi were carrying
1 lie li'Mi-e ways and means com-1
units' s.re at work on a new tariff j Co.-porations are not allowed to lend
i. in. .Mn a.iy a I'emot rai irom an ; money. The time for
Ohio wool district has Ihmi Is fore ; monev is lent issixtivn
tiie eommittee iu advocacy of the
interests of his constituents. The
last to talk to tlie I'oinmittti' is lts.
I it of l'hil.idflphi.i, iu favor of
relainii t Hie present duty on ti'liielit,
and Newman of Caiit'ornitf, who
want- -.oli a duty imposed on ra
silk as w.ll proti-ft tlie silk worm
itidiistry wh'ih he claims can U'
profitably pursiinl in that whole licit
of country south of the Carolina
fouii the Atlantic to the Pacific
coast. When all shall have Isin
slid and tleiie, the ls'iiiocrats will
liardly be al le to formulate a iliry
superior to that of the Uepublicaus
w hu h is, i.rotet t ail indistriis that
are per-uni 1:1 l mttsl states and
admit all artu Its. ,,,. of tluty that
cannot be rail or manufactured
Jit re.
which the
years, ami
one-fourth is to lie paid every four
years. Interest will be collecttil
at the end of eat h year. No ftiw or
commissions shall ls chargtil on a
lostn. All lands ami Improvements
forfeitnl for non-iHiymeiit of principal
r interest shall go into the public J sums to nwjst the state ami the sev
This was taken to mean that what
ever truth there may lie in the
rumor that the administration has
other financial plans brewing, or
that Voorhees himself is anxious to
iKH'ure other legislation, all these
schemes will las at least temporarily
held aloof atitl the retreat bill given
undivided attention. Senator Har
ris also made an announcement in
the meeting on U-half, it is suposi-t,
of the opponents of the resiil bill, to
the effect that hereafter it was Ids
pursise to demand at all times that
there shall lie a quorum in the senate.
This announcement is supioscd to
have originated in the state of affairs
disco vcrtsl in the senate yesterday.
As the laws passed by the last leg
islature have Isi'ii prinUil for some
time and can Ik sti-urtil by the pub
lic, I have thought it would not ls
amiss to call the attention of your
readers, esieciall those who tire voters
of Washington county, to some of
them which iu my estimation have
seriously Jtiipanlietl the Interests of
those tax payer of this as well n
those, of other counties of the state of
n von
One of the law, know n as Senate
Pill and entitled "An net to
change, in part, the eoiiijiensatlon
and mode of payment thereof to the
county eliTks, recorders of convey
ami, clerks of tlie circuit courts ami
county courts in the state, and of the
sheriffs of the several counties; to
n'ieal certain provisions of Htatutes
providinir for the payment of certain
Ill's to saitl olliivrs ami of trial fti in
tiTtain cases, to provide for the pay
ment by partien to appeals, actions,
suits, and proceeding of certain
ibtiiitin. Other money, other than
the uietal now outstanding, shall lie
cxllnl into the treasury ami destroyed.
The vfvtary of the lrouury Is re
tjuirttl to j'riiit .'i,o:m),oiii ;iO.(rnt bills
and the -win numU'i of 'hvijI bills
to lt ihi by M-tnmters.
".luniiiliieiit No. 17 prohibits the
tV ".swi it M.njr public money in any
privitf t iicorsiratil bank other
tlw itu btConal trtasury or ub-
".nirteMt No. I. provides for
the f(ss' sirjo of tsith gili and
end counties in defraying e.xHiic
tiinsoqtieni uHiii the atlmiiiistnition
of justice; tu provitle for the apsiint
ment of deputies for the various
orniin above enumerated in certain
cast" and for their comsnsjitjon ;
ami for the payment to the state ami
scvend oountim of sums of money
and fn-s paid to said officer by
parties litigant," probably iieuls a
extended a notuv a any of the act
of the last legislatun'.
Thia act apsiirs to be the fruit of
a nut'liw how l that has been raisi
for several years In favor of a law to
pay the everal county officers by a
fixed alary Instead of by fts-t a
property by appeals to the courts
with the least xsible eXK'llse.
The most commendable feature iu
the law is that it docs not go into
effect until Hill, und it is to Is- hoptil
that the voters of the state upon an
examination of its defects will insist
upon its repeal, ami will make it
their business to elect legislators who
will use all honorable means to secure
that object, or at least to amend it by
res'aling its most objectionable
leatures. it tiie attention ot your
rentiers shall be called to the proba
ble cflti't of this salary law by this
communication my ohjtvt in writing
it will Is' gained, ami I shall lie sat
Nihil. T.xi'.vi:n.
A remarkable warm wave passed
over during the first part of the wti'k.
August .'list was the warmest tlav of
the year. The temicraturo reaching
ninety-six dcgni's at many plans.
The latter part i if the wti'k was
dti'itlenly cooler. The mean tems ni
tun! ningtil from fifty-eight divrts-s
at plan- on the immediate mast, to
sixty-six degree at inland plan-s.
The atmosphere was smoky, due to
numerous lorest tin's. The smoke
was particularly dense In the Wil
lamette ami Kogue river valleys.
Falling a lies lnnt me objectionable to
s'desfriaiis on the streets, in Portlaml
where the dejsisit was sufficiently
thick to attnict attention. Then'
was nlsiut the average amount of
sunshine, ami no rain occurrod.
Harvest is muring completion,
being principally inntlnetl to late
own spring w heat and oats. Parly
sown spring w heat was a g'iod crop,
more than niilizing exMi'tations,
while iale sown grain was practically
a failure. The grain failed to mature
and inanv oat cro wen' cut for hay.
The iiind crp of clover was light.
The Imp crop Is demanding the
attention of the public. Preparations
are being made for picking and , -curing
large yields. From the first
propitious weather which pmlomi
natnl n-ulttsl in securing to the hop
grower an exti llent stand. Now
the vines are laden w ith burrs, of
good average si,,. an, f excellent
niality. Pit king w ill commence In
yomcjui'tions on the 7th of September.
The warm, tlry weather of the put
wis'k caiisisl the liti' to multiply,
eHi ially on bottom lands w hore the
vine an gni n. The crop is fiir
11. 8 S l,fllM, (i.lHlKIl
U, Irn E HrHUlcy, (tris-uvillt) ....
1:1. A IM'nrso-iiH, liri'tinvillti
14. J W Viiiult-rvfldim, reell ville
i:. H T Wnlker, KurfHl UruTo ...
lt." I V Wilimx, Unstiiu
17. Ctilvin JhcU sr. Fiiriuiuuton
15. Jon Hinilry, l'ri;reiM
la. J 11 Ht-Wfll, IIillHlKiro .
21. K V t'orni'litiii, Olt'ncoe
TJ. 1 K Ht-ttnuiitT, MiUJlftuu
J W TiKiirtl, 'liiinrtlville ... .
J I) lltturv, l ualtttiu
J 11 Pricket, Furrst Oruvtt . ,
Mr. Tliouitistin. UiiHtou
J li IiniHV, itl'fdvillH
It P laity, Uiiim t'ret-k
J 1) 11a urn, Huston
Julius Aalmlir, IVrntiliu
N S Wili'V, Ncwheru
J (I Kindt, Seiioll n t erry
A KiKimr, liuHnlville .,
1) Hitrvey, (rlt iins
Win Dnnsiutsir, (Jules Crtssk ...
l.'.jt S (I Mi'C uiu, Svlvau
I.t. r. 1'iivin, uifnam
Ilciitiin I 'lnlip. .M tniung ..
A C Hull, SlitrwooU
II M Mt'C'iruiirk, l.nunl
Ut-o li linker, MiiMlutoii
A M Kfiuifdy, HcHvurton ... .
'Hum J Hill, bHiirml
C 11 brooks, Kuinill'i IVr'y . . . .
II 0 llollt nlteck. MuiintiiiiiJiile
llfiiry PeHrwm, FHrininKtoii. . .
l't-ter J ho bin U. (kirnrliuii. . . .
A H I lioniits. Wt'Ht I n loll ....
AKrtsl OuprlitT, Ult-nctsj
M H liiirne, JWnverlon
i Millitr, KarniuiKttjQ .
John ls,il us, Olcntsxt
V. W HoilL't-s. lU't-tlvilIe
(uuitin '1 itnnock, lili nooe . . . .
Win A kirtit, IVdnr Mill
i 1 Nurllirup, Mouutumdiile...
J H Newell, lllll. y
M U I'miii y, lllenwootl
Wui Kertmiil, Uistoii
J A Jolmsoii, Portland
Ittirr i'rutt'liry, (ilwiouti
Jolin Hnyorafl. Kir
I, J Niulioli. Ulcnooa
lieu W McUrnw, Oreeoville.. ..
li 1 Itaiton, litixton
I C Clutter, iii'ilittin
CnDupr HaiiiiiHiiu, ltellmny . . . .
Chan K Kulli, Urieuvillu
Martin liart, Greenville
( has lto-;kntroli, Cornelius
M J (.leHdoll, llllIli'M
Jeronm I'Klinateer, Keedvillo
W W HnriiHley. Laurel
Kr.'d Herder, ( edur Mill .. .
h X Iiiirliaiu, T ::;.l:ltm.
U f'bimina, Koresl Urot.i . .
M K Hoard, lilenooe
DliiY .loliimoii, Dixie
John Martens, Hayward
II H hililiv, llnxtoii,
A I'niiiprMill, Mlierwisxl
(r N Hale, Hillsliuri
J W Multoliert. linles Crtk'k
HI. John UetLless. llilley
!!'.' jt W t? YumiK, Slierwotal....
Itl.jtd It Uristow, .!iddleUu
!M. Frank I'mili, IIchtitkiu
U... II li I'll (toll, HUatluuk
Tout.... . ...... . .f 10,7U7'4U
Sane Hubbard, Marion county,
agitators went to liuttcvillc and took
a load of hop pickers back with
them. Chinamen that had leased
Hubbard hop fields were driven out
ami an attempt made to substitute
white boys (they were under -0).
The sheriff arrested the o uttlt, nine
teen strong ami took them to Jail at
Salem. One man the ringleader, the
town marshall of Hubbard, is at
large but his arrest Is only a matter
of time. If the w hite men really
wanted to make n "killing" they
have this year an opportunity, but it
ms'Iiis their inconsiderate violence is
against them
Ill T.
f ss i
. Mil 00
. IJ7 su
. L'.V.' Ul
. 14.1 4tl
. 243 HO
111.1 Ik I
. fj SO
. iw oo
. lsl Stl
- 40
. los on
. 110 4il
los 00
. 07 '.II
. 711.1 A
. hni -jo
. 140 40
. lo4 SO
. fiA SO
u: iw
. '.'4:1 00
l!1i 31
. IH7 4n
. in.' nO
. 7.1 mi
. I'JL' 40
. Iti W
. (Hi (ill
, '.HI (Ml
. U"i On
. ION Ul
. i: oo
. 1J0 iw
. 70 '.u
f.7 ioi
lot! '."0
. ao on
. :n tm
. H '.' 40
. li I'll
asi tj
. Ml 40
SI 00
, m 40
. HI Oil
. ''.- ou
. R'J 40
II 1 4o
. K4 till
. :i oo
70 a
, 04 Ho
4 .'i on
. 7'.' on
. i (Mi
. 4 "i HO
. fc! 2ti
. Ml on
. 4S 00
. 75 (k)
itl oo
. si on
. 1M iki
si ot.
140 4a
05 40
. M oo
V." lie
:i in)
lo4 Ml
7:t m
, U7 VII
ot; no
IHJ 40
IS 00
K7 (in
:v.i on
'.'in; 40
lotl Stl
tui 11
no tki
U (M
! 00
4;i '.n
urn in
IV virtue of an vieuutlun iuaed out of
I i tli Circuit L'ourt uf Hie State of Ur
Kou inr Muiinoiuab ooiintr. ud to uie
directtsl aimd judtjiiirui in fuvur uf Wil
Itain W iiilhaiul mid at'Slnst l". 1'. Kiobard
J. A Aistber snd J t Buutu, oo pttrtuvr
as Mai Iter t Simla counuundintt lue to
UMtke salti of tint real prourrtv desuri'Msl
tlo r. iu to Hjtiufy tlie auiu of s.kIhi I
told i,ui Willi interest tuere-'u at the raw
ol s in oet.t iter hiiiiuui Irom Ilia l'7th ilni
of May. l- '.l and Hie furilur aniu of (41.10
M st and f aocrued eoitu and for lue
oosli nud eiieuk'4 ol said writ.
Nt.'W. tlierlore. by Tirt'ie nud in porta-
nee of siki I lU.Uiueiil. 1 will Hi 10 o'alock i
u. on Monday, ilie Ith day of Meuteuitier,
lNt.l, at ilie noutb door of tlie Court
House in HillnboM, Waauinutou oouutv
(Ireifoti, wll ilm followiutf-denanbeJ real
profeiiy at puuiio auction to tua hwtieal
bidder for oitnb. '1 lie aoulli-eaat 1 of Ilie
north earn of a sui .ti H.I, t a n , r. 2 v. of
Ilie v iiiHinetto lueodia" and the oortb
east of tile ao'ltli east V of aeotloo 17, t
, r. w. of Ibe WiIIniuU uiendian, all
altunte in Wasliinutoii uoiiutv, Ureuou, to
tmtihfy aaid eoution and the mu and
expt-naes of aale. Said aala will be made
aulijet't to rrdeuiptiou an pjt atatuta of
Ureoou. 10-14
Witness my baud tin Ut day of Autfuat,
i"11- 11. I . MlltO,
slier ill of WaaUinKlon county, Oregon
!tl vlrtne of an exeuolinn, deorra and
order of aale, iaauedoiit of tbe Ciruait
vsiurt of the (Hate of Ortvon, for Waabiuit
ton oomiiy, and to me dircsited, uim a
judiueiit and deoree in favor of Krvin
lllld-tell and atfitlUHt J. II. Kleminu. I.. 1.
Flenmitr, lsaao Knaia, 'fhos. 1). lluiuiihreva,
t iara sunin, Utsjrue Uilmora aud Mrs.
Mary Hrmbine. ooiumaudius ma to uik
sale of tbe rent proerty tleavribed tberem
toaatiafytbe auui of 7!Hi..'io in U. H. gold
ooin. toetlier ub interest thereon at tbe
rate of S per cent. air annum from tbe UTth
day of July, lsl, and the further auiu of
f .Vi&fio iu U. 8. Kold com, witb interest
mereon at tue rate of r oenf. per annum
from tbe '.Ttb dav of July. ls-.i:t at,,! l...
44 :I0, ooHta.aud for the ooaM aud expeoiea
iu,. hio aiiu oi aaiu writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue and iu porta
auoe of wild judgment, deoree nud ordor of
ale, i will, ou .Monday the llth dav of Seo.
teuiner, ss, at I0:;lo o'clock iu tbe forenoon
oi euu any, al the aouth door of tbe Court-
uouse, in ttillsboro. Waabinuton oouutv
(Ireiion, aell tbe following described real
property at pooiio aooilou to tbe hu'beat bid
der fur cash: lm and beintf in Waabinuton
Oounty.OreKOD, and particularly deaorlbed
as lota (4) four, (ft) Ave, (0) nix, (7) aeven.
(Ml tiht, (ll) uiue, (10) ten, (11) eleven aud
(121 twelve, in block (30 1 thirty-nine, in
Hjuth Const Addition to the Town of Hilla
boro. in aaid county and itnte, to aatiaf y tbe
uereuioerore named auiua and tbeooataand
exiwiiaea of aale. Haid property will Iw aold
uujrc'i k reuempiion a per atatuta of
lire yon.
it nes my hand tbia th day of Angoat,
in-.M. IJ-ll, tl. I. MJKIJ,
Sheriff of Washliigton oouutv, Oregon.
MlliltlFF'M SAI.K.
1 V Tirtua of an execution, deoree and
order of anle issued out of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for Washing
iou ootiniv mill to ma uireoiea opon a judg
ment and decree, in favor of Sylvester Peu
noyer, governor of the Slate of Oiegon,
(ieorge W. Mollritte, secretary of the Ktate
of Oregon, and Fhil Metsolian, treasurer of
the State of Oregon andex-ottioio the Hoard
of Commissioner for tbe aula of aobool
and tiniversit y Innda and for the iuveatmeut
of funds arising therefrom, and against
liouia Krana, llelieoca Kraoa and John J.
Morgan, guardian of the above-named
lauia kraoa, an inanne person, oomuiand
ing mo to make aale of the real property da
Be rolled therein-, llrat, to antmfy tbe aum of
f .Hi.'.t.'i costs, and for the costs and exjieuaea
of aale; aeoond, to antiafy the aum of
ft, 114 00 I,'. 8. gold com, witb intereat
thereon from tbe L'-'nd day of July, lS'.M, at
the ral of S per cent, per annum; third, to
Kiitisly the auiu of f .00 guardian ad lltom
fwa; fourth, to satisfy the aum of $ I, sal. 00
in l'. H. gold coin, with iiiterrat thereon
from 2Jud day of July, S'i:t, nt tbe rata of
10 per cent, per annum.
Now, therefore, by virtue and in porao
anceof aaid judgment, decroe and order of
anle, I will, ou Monday, the U'b day of Sep.
tt'iuber, ls'.i:!. at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon
of aaid day, at the aouth door of the Court
house, in llillaboro, Waabinglon oouutv.
Oregon, sell the following-described rent
popertv at poblio auction to tbe highest
bidder for cash, lying, being and aituale in
Washington county, Oregon, and mora par
tiuularly bounded and described a follows.
(Viiiiinei ciim at the tsiiut in tbe oenterof
the I tialntin river where tbe north line of
Cbriaiinn Kuierick'a donation land olanu
crosses the anid center of aaid rivor in
towuship I south, range ;l west of tbe Will.
Mer., and running thenoo eastward on tbe
north line of aaid donation land olaim
I'.oti chains to the northeast corner of aaid
claim; thenoe southward with the east line
of anid claim 1S.J7 chains; tbenoe south IS
deuroes .k) minute west ti ll! chains; thenoe
aouth s degrees west 1.72 chains; thenoe
south 10 degree east 3 20 chains; theuos
south 41 degrees east i.Xt chains; tbenoe
south il.s.'i chains; theuoe north Kl degrees
4o minutes west IS fsl chains to tbe center
of the Tualatin rivtri tbenoe northward
down the oruter of anid river to tbe plnoe of
beginning; containing 7(1 acrea. and beins
pans of aertioua A. 4. 'J snd 10, In township
anu range aioresniu, to saiisry me Herein-
oe lore iiatntsj sums, and the ousts and ex
(.enses of tale. Said property will be sold
subject to redemption, aa per statute of
W i loess niv hand this Hth day of August
I'-". 1 1 -1 . H.KFOHI),
rht r.rTof Wnnbington county, Oregon,
Foriland's Great Industrial Imlk,
Consiructed al coat of f 10,000 and throwing thousand jets nf wntor in all tlie colors of
the rainbow will baaaiify Mosio Hall.
Containing fish of all va He lies found in Oregon waters, have lsu i-oiiMru.-t, ,1
at great expenae.
Will eontain a ool loot ion of oalniini.'S selected from tha World's Kmr. Anions th,.n,
Ellsbnrg a oelebrated iiaiuting Cl'Si'KK'S LAdT FKill I'. lo visit this gn-.tt Kis.i-
llon aud view ila wonder ill every department uf Art and Hoieiioe, will Oe in-it thing to
a visit to tbe World's r'air at Chicago.
For further iuformatiou address E, yy. ALLCN,
II Is Huprruileudeut and Ki'ielary.
Careful ii.ervikioti li ex iierieiKssl nhvaiciau! Acvurato tliMi.Misin- l.v ,-,,in.
K'lent anil pninstakiiii; i)iarmoisla !
The HilUlsiro l'liurmacy onlora lis drum fruiu ihe ihohI r. -I i,. I , I ,i,iif ,. i
only, and is tliorotiglilv eitpplieti with every requisite uettiiry for no'riv cm ,lu, .
a "'"'- 'imiiiuiin uiiaiurw. inn proprietor are -ver Hatflilul lli;il lln'
most-approved luu-nt rtinclies are oonliniiitllv I km tor ail.bsl l.i tlie .i,. k 1 1 . u
of uiediilne ami pliarmacy advitutv. Ik'ing" mssmsJ of pet tiliur ilviiiitagt-s in pin -cliasing
its stipplit-H, owing to iu busine rule 0f ukin trutle dnsnunts l,.r ;t-li imin
mo issv noiist-a, me rt'inii uuv are ixiiisttiiienllv lower llian llniw of most ilin iisin
"a ,i".
yl Ieiiilingarln.lts.of I)IL'( i i ISTS' SirXPKl KS, imlmliiii; Ilie 1 I N I VI'
KRU.MtS, TOII.KT AHT1CLKS, HKl'SMEs), IsfONliKS, K Tl'., me ou I i j In .
A large and excellent assortment ..f SI'I.'1'T 4 1 T I.' si ,,.l i vv.i:l umi'o :.
also oil littlul.
PATKXT MEDK'IN'KM of all s.silar kimlsaU sv iii alox k.
The finest WISES aud LlljUOIfS supplied in cases of ait'knt'ss mi pt i'M-
Union Block,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Sfonmouth, Oregon.
Htronff nnifeaaintial ami HnaMmin ,n Muti ....i .. ,.t .i ..i i
, : , " , . v , wiKn,n miim or praO
tioal trainiuif of teaohers. Normal, advauatd normal, business, mil no and iirl dt nitrl
nieuta. lieautiful and heulthf ul location liht a nitu 11,1 ..In,,,,.
'I'ha V... I. ' " '
enjoyed a steady
past year, reach-
inu anenrol liuent
of over 4iU, the
larveat In ita bis
story. New uieiu
bera have been
added to the fac
ulty, new appar
atus supplied and
tue oouree of
study revised and
Sraduatea are in
emaud to All
fftsal imaitions.
1 be diploma en.
titles tbe holder
to teach in any
oounty in the
state without fur
ther examina
tion. Tuition t
Normal, tti.i', wt
term of 1(1 weeks;
. .... ": a v
Hiili-Norn.fll, f:.
a-r t rni of ten
weeks; lltiMiiess,
ti.l'. ft-r tttin.
Hoard at Normal
di!iirik. hall, t l.7.r
per wts-k. liooms
M Ota. iit t elt;
furii'sht d, f I ih
lo l.l-.'i s r week.
I'ourd and Itali;
Intr in private)
flllllilll-H, I .'ji t,
Ion s-r iik.
T ti it ion , board,
less than $lsl
s'r ear. l'(u
wrvatorv of Mn
hic: '1 horotiuli
conraea nre offer
ed iu vot'ul and
nixtniini-iiliil, mu
sic; linn, ,ii, a tl
per (erin of 'M
Monmonth is eaailv accessible from all parts of tbe atata. twel va mili.ii friitii tl,.. ui.i.
oapital, sixty miles aouth of I'orllaud. C'atnloifiies vbeeriully seat on aimlu-iuiou
Addreasl. L. CAMl'HELL, President; H Mil t LU, Heurelary of Faculty.
K full Hue. of llresa Vv4, tBcl4lMf Itreatlln-inl's.
tiriita' anil Hojh' (lothlaf. Arrats Tor HroriMsillle
lotliliif. Hats, Hoots, heK. rtr. Alse t.roterii's,
(riM'kery aa: Masanare.
Vmvrnt Urmw,
('nil k-omii Anuiiat 'J', to the wife of J. H.
I balirunih a tl.toi.ti lln r. weight 10 piunda.
Hiat-T- September :id to tbe wife of John
Hiinly a son, weight It pounds, mother
and rhlld domu well.
miiHit o.
I)-mi.ii.os Isiiuam -At the residence of
I.. I . luuratu. Atiuust :n, ls'.n. William
Donaldson, of Oulifornta, and Mrs. Mary
Ingram, of tiillnlairo, Elder T. F. Ilrown
Hoitaao .Nintotsos. Seplemfsjr 7, 1WW, at
the residenre ,,f J. . Kumht, Ksq., Hills
Iniro. by Uev. Jospn Holiertf. of McMinn
ville. J. Orant Hoberg. of Linn county,
and Miss Nannie i. Nicholson, of Hills
1'oi.i.Aao Sepienib-r 5, lsiit, William I'ol
ard. of 1 iuardsville. aged T7 years.
Sir. 1'ollard was one of our best citizens
and had rrsided on bis farm near Tiirards
ville for fifteen years. At the time of his
death he was Worthy Master of Hntte
(iranife, F. of H , of which granite he had
been a faithful ntrmtier for a number of
years. Funeral at Titfardsyille, Heptember
1 hitve never Iss'ii Htl to iins'iirt
nny nitsiicint' t ti ist uiiiilil relieve nx
tif rlieunuttit' luiins like I'IihiiiImt-
lulu's I'aln llulm, I luive nlsti iistsl
it fur la nit liick, with krrent sikii-si.
It Is ttm ls-t liiiiiiieiit 1 have ever
usisl, Hinl I tuke pltiisun' Iu nsMiii
iiientliiiu' it to my frieivU. Mrs.
Kmily Thuriii', Tultsln, Witshlntoii.
Fur sale l.y llillsliiiro I'liitrnmcy.
"It Is it pleasure In sell ( liaiiils r
Iain's ('iiu'li Heinisly," siiysStlekney
.V len tier, lril.'Lri-Is, Keplililie, ( lliin.
"litsntis' a customer after omi' usimr
It, is almost certain to (nil for it
when airain in in si I of ui h a imsli
rine. Wesy ll inure of it than any
other eouifh niislieine we handle,
ami it always trives satisfaction."
I't.r iHiuhs, ciilils tint I croup, it is
without an tsuul. For sale 4hy
Hill-hop.) I'hiinnaey.
IN the Comity Coort of the Htate of Of
gon. for Waahtuuton (Vnntv.
In the matter of tbe estate of William Hell,
To Annie Hill and OarotheaCamminga, and
all araons interested in aaid estate:
You. and each of yoo are herehv required
to appear in the alsive named Court, at the
Courthouse in Hillalairo, county and state
Bioresaiu, on Jiotmay, me od day of ( Icto
her, if. I. at Id o'clts'k a. m. of aaid day and
how cause, if any enst, why an order of
sale should not ls made aa prayed for in
the iwtuioii of the administrator of aaid
t stale vrUicb aau petition it herein filed
and pruiiua that the administrator of said
ll.its used. William Hell, 1st directed to aell
an tlie lands belonging to the said William
Well, deceased, to pay tbe claims against
aaiu ssi ale, and for the costs aud expenses
f administration, ha id lands ia situate in
Washington oounty, Oregon, aud ia de
ar ri lied as follows, to-wit: Heing the east
half of the northwest quarter of eeotion
four, township one north, rauge four west,
Willamette .Meridian.
Witnesa the Honorable llodolph Orandall,
, . Judge of tbe County Court of the
) ,., I Mlate of Oregon, for tbe County
I "(of Washington, wi'h tbe seed of
- aaid court atlned this ISth day
of August. Is'.tf i.t-17
Attest: K. II. OOODIV, C'lwk.
Ailnilnlatriitor'r otire.
N'OTU'K is hereby given that the under
signed has been dtilv appointed ad
ministrator of tbe estate of H. W. Oardiner.
deceased, by the County Court of the atata
of Oregon, for WaskingVm eonutv. All
persons, therefore, having claims against
aaid estate are hereby required to present
ll cm, with pnux-r vouchers to me at my
niHoe, or nt the law oltloe of Thisi. H.
Tougne, in IlilUlairu, Washington county,
Oregon, within six montha from the date
IliiUlsiro. Oregon, Aigusl Srd, s"0
'- I'. A. BAILKY.
oflcr to leltor.
VLL persons knowing the.narlva In
deliUsI, either by note ot aeeoant. to
the It-s-k Creek Luiuliermg Co, are re
qaestej), whea the same bwsitnea due, to
come forward n or before Heptember tbe
1st and pay tbe same. The books of tbe
company are at the id W iiams plaoe, where
at'tlenH-ut will be made.
tlillaboro, Aug. lt, !".(:
M5ily toy SlalilE
Where yon will II ml the Hest Teams (lint nui ho had
(Jood Teams, (Jood Hussies ami ;hhI Drivers.
Cor. Second and Washington Sts.
I have sub-tllvltletl ihe Five Oaks Farm
into lots or 10 ami 20 acres In such
manner that each tract fronts a road.
This Sub-division Is miles east from
Hillsboro aud 12 west Ironi Portland.
Ihe land Is natural prairie, so there is
no expense for trrubblnir.
Masonic Temple,
Hillshors, Oregon.
i t)''
Are now making a First-Class
.. at their
WOR&S, near
l s