v1 14 r) you use L'gil Blanks ) They can be found at the Indc- I jwviit-nf Office. Do you want the local Ifews ?' The Independent publishes all the latest items of interest -J 6 Vol. XXI. HII.LSBORO. WASHINGTON COUNTY. ORF.GON, FRIDAY," SEPTEMBER 1, 1KU3. No. 14. IK GENERAL DIRECTORY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. BTATE OFFICERS. W. . Governor . . . . hecreiary of Stale ireaaarrr 8 apt. Public Instruction Btate Print.! ... Bnpreaie Court j ... . ... JaJit Fifth District . . Attorney Fifth District . Nyl Ktr peunov.r . Un W. BlorJride Phillip Uetacben .. E. B. MoKlroy . Frank C Baker W. . Lord K b. Bean ... t. A. Moor. ...T. A. Mohrtde ...W.N. harrett B1IBSTT, L. I. ADtUI BA BRETT ADAMS, yl TORNE YS-AT-LA W, HILLS BOKO, OUEOON. Owes: Central Blook, Rootai C and 7. ' DR. ARNOLD'S WONDER SALVE count r officers. Judga ConiiniMloners J Oerk .. hhurirf . . lleoorder ... 'Ireaaunr Amrasor Hcb'Kl Bupertnlendent Wurvevor Coroner.. .. ... . B. Crsndall . D. b. Raonef T. Q. Todd U.H. Ooodia . It. P. Ford T. H. Weathered . . Wo. Poiata . 1. E. Deichiaaa J. H. Blank. y s. B. oi'stox, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. niLLSROKO, OREGON. Orrtrc I Room No . Cnloa Block. THOMAS H. TOXGUE, :.v:w. b. w5S3 ttorney-at-law, CITY OFFICERS. lUwird of Trust lUoordcr ...... Treasurer Mnrabal Justices of I'mih I J. D. Menyiuau, I'rssl i . i. tiara l N. A. Barrett I Win. Pointer I I Geo. Wilooal Jarora MeCullooh ..... Vf. Pat'erson Thos. Km rick I ... .... Wm. MetJoillsn j J. I. Knight - HILLRROKO, OREGON. Of rn'ii Morgan Blook. WILKES BKUH. JWTRACTOIW H1LL8HOBO, OHEOO.N AND .SURVEYOR.-. POST OFFICE INFORMATION. Tue mails oloaa at tba HilUboro Post Otlln.. dMllv; iilenooe, Wml Union, Bethany and Cedar Mill, at 11:) a. id. Il.iiiio Month. HJ)J a m. Going to Portland and way-offioes, 6:U a. m. and 4 D. m. For Fsrmington and Laurel. Wednesdays and Saturdays at IU:U0 a. ui. Agent for Bar Look True Writer. door north uf Postollloe. Two OKKOON CITY LAND OFFICE. J . T. Appera n Register i'eter l'unet Kooeuer C. E. klXUT, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, HOBTLAND, OHEOON. ItooM i No. a. lnrtland Havinir Bank BuildioK, Heeond aud WabinKtun htreeta. CIlfHCH AND BOC1ETY NOTICES. A. V. and A. M. rilf!AI.ITY LODOK NO, 0, A. Y. A A. al.i 1 mtieta every Halorday niKlit on or after full uiojb of each montn. Jia. A. laana, Muter. B. CaHDiLU Heo'y. k. r i'. iKrvi i.nnnic. NO. 84. K. OF I I ,,t. in I Id J Fellowa' Hall on Monday na of eaab week, nujoarnwg Dretnren i t,, i i'f iiued to lodge meetiniri. WJ FOB EST GROVE, OREGON. THOM. I). III.HPHREiS. CONVEYANCINO AND AiiMTKAirrivri in.' titi.rm. HII.LHHOHO. OUEOON. Lenl papera drawn and Loana on Beal Eatate noitiated. Baeint'aa attended to with prorujitnrna aud diapatcb. Ornct: Main Hf reet, oppoaite the Court Honae. far Nexaeheld Uae. THE BEST REMEDY . . for Duma, rul.l uunl. Surt-e, Bruie, Eruption, if. THE (aKEATEST KEUtr For all inllaiu motor? and Irriiuiinjj AKectiona of the rlrh and !kln. PRICE. OBKAtON AilCXCY : 50 CENTS. BROCK SELS. F00J AAARKS litdicktcttt rv the crowd U (utug. kU iio (he ftetlo uf ORnOON KIDNLiY TEA lotlkftte It lncrriit Puiu1rity. NO OTHER REMEDY Ru V9t g Ivrn the general iMiiUiiiott that fens heca thtttiiictl fn-in t'tc urc u tin, NATURE'S OWN CURE Fur Rack-clic. Iiialtf. funummaiUM of Kidnev or Hladdrr. K-:iMinir fain wlin t'rtnalmit. bnik I Mint dtpiiu aad Hriglil TRY IT TXT ONCe. STATE ITEMH. WUT LESH ACTl'AL CASH M SEEDED. A cumtpoudetil H'kn the New York Tribune ihU qutstlon t VS 111 Mr. Horr tileas ftululn how buslna i done with le ruuney j work by way of clearing and i-lean our atrtH'te.. The train that brines Uiaal lime aitu aounuaow " them Into the city ahould be made money amonjf me .Morion coonty M0 take thetn out again. Grant' tartuers U prvuu-ted thU Qui. pua Coorler i The Enterfrli claim the tallest Lake Stronir. a farm hand of Polk oat ror ciaeKarna couniy. i" couotv. was kldnai,ii un Auimi than It usoJ to lo. wnWi a firmer ample sutmineu measure i j nu 17th, by two men. who met him on "n unueisianu it? When a man I I Kiitu LI a a I Three woolen mllU. one at StUem, the road, selaed and eweed him. tied r,)in"' i uu ii aiimq) anu vim h aicnw, i y wuui auu iuub. uvw uiui hi j money to .ty the chet'k ? Respect in i-i nn couniy; are ruoDiuy on juu i ni.u auu v gom piece. ineyiiuiiy yours. time with orders ahead. then blindfolded him and carried kinyox." At Rn.riiiri Uit Friday three him by watron down near Portland- B- - Horr thu- answer the In LrlsontN etie,l from the county where he made hi escape from the terogatory : I I .e i lull bv sawln oft one of the Iron cmmP nigni. lie went to mt w an example, an ban of the Jail window. nana, rexurneu oy steamboat to Uay- rumury mwnsiiip, im-iuainj a rair v-...i? ..r Tka I ton, ana walked from there to Perry-1 B,eu viiinsre. ikiore oanm are a lie f mi lauuiHii umiiafc , IHUIp resume! buMne mst Hniur- FOREST GROVE-TILLAMOOK B. MXU.t, . Tinl N. A. ntaaarr. u. u. Hkbmam HuaoLMaaicH, K. of 11. 4 H I. o. o. t. A f ONTKZnUA LODGE. NO. 80. meeta 11 1 Wedneadny ereninsa at 8 o'olook.in I.O. . r. Hall. uitoramaae waioniue- JOH. K LINEMAN, N. O. 11. II OOODIN. Hee. I. M. 0. Oai.t, fer. Beo. Daacatera ef Bebekah. I I IMjHHORO BEBEKAH I.ODGR NO. II u I it. O. V.. meeta in Odd Fellowe' 11 nil every lat and 8rd Hatorday evintiia of each month. ataa. r. i. uaaaia, n. . . Siaa. W. H. Waaauao, Heo'y. la now roakine teeth for 95.00 and 7.W ill compare with aeia eoelina t'Ji, per avt ! beat of wuterial and woikmanahip. W ill compare with aeia eoelir extraoted witbont pnin. tillinK na f 20. leetn illinua at the loweat prioea. All work warranted. OrrK'Bt three doora north of Brick a to re. Otflos bonra f rou B a. m. to 4 p. in, A. O. . ' " " lOCUT TUALATIN NO. TT4. A.O F. Vjot A., meeta every Toeaday evening In OrtuKe Hall at a o'oioaa. L. A. Warrooaa, 0. B. W. W. McKiaan. F. . A. 0. V. W. ILLBBOKO LODGE NO. CI. A. O. V. meets every A. L. STRODE, FiEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR RILL8BOBO, OREGON. Orricti with J. C. HML County Bur- veyor, at tba Oonrt Hocae. ire aeeond and fourth WM. BEN SOX, pRACTICAL MACHINIST, HILLS1IOUO. OBEOON. Toeaday evening in the month. H. II. Fbrto. M. W. W. E. Uaook. Reeorder. itr anHIN'HION ENCAMPMENT No. M. W I. O. O. F.. meeU on seoond and oiirlh Fridays of each mouth. 8. M. Hcfh.ti, C. P. I'. II. HaaKhman, ttoribe. P. ef H. 1 I ILLBBOKO ORANGE, NO. 73, meeta J 1 :'nd aud 4th Batardaysof esob month. Hbmj. Boaorisu, Master, Annis Iauais, Beo. v. p. a. v. K , F.KT8 everyBandayavenlnat7o'olook It A in tbe Christian enoren. ion ar cordially invited to attend its roeetlnua. Bsmtom Bowmam, 1'rea t. All kinda of reDairina nn Hteatn , Milt Work, Threshing Maobinea Enslnes and lioilera Mowers, Feed Cotters, Hewing Maobinea, Waahino Maohinea. Wrinuera. furapa. Boales, Boisaors ground, Oun and Locke araithiug, Baws grouuu and died; and have a large nnraber of awond-hand engines and boilers for sale. All work warrauted. H. T. Ll.MtLATEB M. B. C. M. piIYMlCIAN AND St'ROKON, IULLBIIORO, OUEOON. Orvioa: in Hillaboro Pharmacy. Baat DKMoai aaa of Uourt lloiim. imioe noora from 9 a. ro. to K p. m. at Pharmacy, when not viaitingi before and after tbat time at residence. H. D. Jones, the 1'arest Nrora liveryman. Is natr raanlar a floely-rqalpped stare llae aver the Wilson Rlrer roadte Tilla mook, leaving Forest Urere Taetday aad Friday mornlnrn, and rrarhlur Tillamook same days. This U tbe nicest ride te the ParlOe t'oatt within the reach ef thla Taller. Good ae romnodatlona, beautlfal trea erf, aad a pleasant trip every way. Fer particulars address H. D. J05ES, . Ferest Grave. 9-13 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON XaYTCe-XJrO'XI, OPEN MONDAY, HKITKM lKR IS. Just clowd the moHt prohiwou year in it history. Wldo ranjrr of Htudlea. Thorough instrui'tion. llusi neHH course added. Tuition frtH. En trance fee, tlO. Donrd anl lodging nt reasonable rates in the elegant new dormitory and boarding hall on the camptm, where students will receive pcnnnal Hupervision. John W. Joiinhon, 15 President. WASHINGTON COCSTY BOD AND Oun I'lnb meeU in Morgan Block every seoond 'ihorsdsy of esob month, at 8 r. uf J. K. LONG, J. A. H. KOCNDEY, Bee. Pres. W. I). WOOD, M. !., piIYSICIAN AND SUROEOX, i PTiar l CHt'RCH. Sunday School at 10 a. m: prayer meeting Thursday even ing at l.M. ONGREOATIONAL CIU'BCH. eorner J Main and Fifth streets, frescoing w.w MMiMth. mnrninu and toVetlinil. tmtli school at 10 o'eiook a. ra. Prayer minting Tbnrsilsy evening. I. r. H. C. r.. hnmlay at :au p. m. IIRBT Chrietlan Church, Harry Watkina, ' imator, liaaeline and Fifth. Preaohiug Seoond and Fourth Bundaya st 11a.m. and M ml n. iu. Hundav Baboo). 10 a.m. Pray it mcetinir. Tbnrsdav. 8 u0 p. m. Y. P. 8 (1 E Bunday, 7W p. sa. HII.IitBORO, OREGON. Orrira: in ChenettavUow. eorner First and Main streeta. BtfiDsara WILS01 BOW LBV. PHYSICIAN, HUROEON AND .UXDLCIIEUR, FOREST OBOVE. OREGON. Orrica : at the Drugatore. ME. CHCRCH. H. B. Elworthy, rator. Preaching every Babbath morning and evening. Babbath aohool every Habbntk at li) a. m. league meeting every Bunday at 4 p. ni. General prayer meeting every Tbura lay evening. Leadera' and Bteward't meeting the second Tuesday evening of eaoh month s. J. 1. TAMIEME, M. P. It. R. SURGEON, H ILLBBOKO, OUEOON. IVANGKLICAL CHt'BCH.- Berviees I A lat and .id rondnva in each ninnlb ai the llnptixt cburob at 8 o'clock r. at , Rev i l.it Hnndae Hchnol aft U e. M. t'otlHue prayrr meeting on Wednesday evemug ui wwu ." Y f ILLMtOKO KEAD1.NO BOOM, 1 1 ond street, in old Mason io hall, la len daily from 9 a. m. to p. as. Bundays, from li m. to 4 p. m T. R. CORNELIUS DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Hardtcarc, Lumber, Grain, &c Agenta for the DUBUQUE-NORWEGIAN PLOWS AND HARROWS The Ut In the market. Or r ics o Bssinaars I eorner Third and Main Btreeta. OfUce boura, HUM to 12 a. ni., t to A and 1 to 8 p. ro. Telephone to reaidenoa from ftrnck A nets Drugstore at all bonra. All calls promptly atteudod, aigbtor day. r. A. BWI.ST, M. P. . t. atll.ST, B B , at, D. DRH. F, A. k F. J. BAILEY. PHYSICIANS, SUIWJEONS AND A AttX)UCHEURS. HILLBBOUO. OREGON. Ovrirai in Pharmacy. Union Block. Calls attended to, night or day. Kxaideaoe, B. W. Cor. Unas Line and Beoond streets. W. II. BICKER, REAL ESTATE AGENT AND MONEY LOANER HILLHBOKO, OREGON. OFFERS TO TUB rfULIC. Lands la large or auall tracta, and will evohange lands In the eountrv for town or city prop ertvi In fact. If jroa have anything to ! ehanga, in any looalily, sea me. FIRST NATIONAL OF HILLABORO. BANK OP ALL KINDS) Taken at the Highest Market Price. Transacts a General Banking Business. i. W. 8UCTE rassiDsin BKNJ. MCtlOFIELD Vics-Pasaipssi I. D. MERRY MAN Caamaa Bella sight Eicbsnff and Telesraihlf Transfers, and i sears Letters of Credit available throughout tba tailed Btatea. Draws Bills of Eichanire on London. Liverpool, Dublin, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort. oa-tbe-MaiB, Stockholm, and all principal sitiesof Earope. Colleotiont mad ea all iaooaaaibU potnta. PscklDf bonra front t a. at. to S r. . WAGON AND WHEELWRIGHT SHOP. I hare oeneil a shop for t lie repair of CARRIAGES, BIGGIES AMD WAGONS nml all kinds uf wool work. SATISFACTION GUsRANTEFD. liop at Uanliirr'" old atnnil, half hlix'k south of Greer's store. Ha. XV. HIULSDORO ZZO-I71BX3. . ORIidOX. HAIL WA Y TIME TABLE. day, the first oue of the npended j banks In the state to resume. i The Snleni Indedentlent Is still after laivvning, Siierinteiident of i thePenitentnry,nnd Hofter Hrothers, I of the Sttlein Journal Anderson and wife, who were starving the devil out of their sinful Ixslies have sticctsled, that Is they have lived out the forty day taking only a little wine and bread. Iat Friday at Corvallla the wheat field of J. D. Johnson w as destroyed by tire. It Is thought that a spark from the west-hound Oregon Pacific freight train caused the fire. Captain N. It. Humphrey, who hist a foot in a railroad accident a few weeks since, is fust recovering and will soon be out. Ills insanity was but temporary and his mind la now as clear as of old. Alfred Gubseu, of Tillamook coun sized dale, his home. HI relative and I organized the Ki.ple in suc h a to wn- frleudN were glad to welcome him "hip must twnoict their business nnd home and to know that he was alive, W th,,,r debts entirely with cash, having concluded be was foullv ,,ue "' n,H' roiniry notis. The dealt with. great bulk of th. business would he done with some kind of money Suppose there tire in that township and villuge I.inmi families. The head of each family must do some business. I-jtch one would buy aud sell something each vs-k. We will Mtaaall 1111 llini I Ikik rutili.bi x . .- lhat..hfnrhl.nU .ll. I. kl. I- " im inKO i.k .. . . t- - f-MOaycitr in snles and w-n nmi anu ura toe crop oi I nil. ... , 111 rai. I 'i iii.iim IIIUIVIT mc wt nniuutl ins own crop, inus with an Imperial mill brand on his The Oregon City urchin sorU in I the lllamette in cheap and pictur ue Istthing Milts. The small boy bgs a flour sack from his ma, cuts a hole at each eorner of the closed end for his legs, cuts two other holes near back, lie dives Into tho water the people of Portland are drinking. One day lust week the government snaglxatt stopped on the rapids Just purchases, un aggregate business In that township of .i(0,000 eaoh yeur. If there were no banks it would require In that community to do that amount of busine, say aiO.000. Of that amount of currency more than one-lmlf of it uonl.l Ik. ..t.. r-.i 1 . . . I . . . ...,.-K.u.,..iiee, ami act a uiasi held us a "nej.t-CL'!'" bv tho tami.le. Imi.k u-lll rMWv. fw.m it. teaAtaaaA I .1 t a I I " " I I ..... a v t aavass a -v . r 1 1 1. If ... . U..K ,1. ,e river, a wno always keep a little money by '""rr"","' joiuison came tin vo- them for emergencies, und tho bust ",,,u" "ana, anu wnen me ness would lie done with Iimvooo i-uaiKu rxtiu(ie(i, was aisjia aou L at the lank than ho had that morning, and the teamster has .0 more ; aud the banker had been able to loan the larger portion ofthut money. More than that, when he loans It a portion of It Is left as a deposit in the bank, and Is only a part of it used at that time. The transactions ofjbls kind which I tike place each day are very large In the aggregate. A well and hon estly managed bank is Just as bene ficial to a live community as is a grist mill or a woolen factory. The constant clamor against hunks is wicked and sensele. They are usually organized for the benefit of the community. Indetsl, they gen erally do as much for any community as the community does for them. They are the outgrowth of long years of business exerieuce. As a rule, men who rant against them are em: noes of society and know little of what they are doing. Dunks have liecomo an actuul business necessity. There would be Just as much sense in destroying tho grist mills of the country as in trying to do without banking facilities. rjicn chock arawn must Have a good account behind it at the bunk, but the bank need not keep all Its dcMmits in cash. It mssls only to keep enough to mt the ordinary balances after the checks have been conceited by offsets. As a rule the ITAUM GRIEVANCE. exchanges or doing i scaring uia IiuhIiipm). team so mey ran away. The farmer i such aco.i.um.iitve,ich i.tirchase v i va anon dou active monev which umiU lmn reel awav. a. oiece or timiter a rimt ,i. ..... r. ....... tv rt..rn.l in II... !.. f Ma rabln L. . . " .. ------- .-niuK innn nilllU to IIUIKI III ... , .... mien anu twelve reet lomr struck his I .w.....i..,i., 41 IVaU till ta aa(a aalt.t f!llt flit A hiMirt tt i ..I I K u.Vi, nft.,vRM - - "-r wtiffon WKCklnir it and Hnirlnir bin k..uia . I 1 1 1 1 . i t . ir- I m ''"iiui'v, MHiies. nn wen iui m Kuiif. iiv an luai l ii li i riff itiititiubiiiii tT xrit ino? I . I TtlSUlVl llilts Lll IN IM1II1 Ilir IIV 11111 II I I ... - . .......... General Cnnmnon. uhn hn-i thtv.ii I intr nml l.nmli tier iivni llin uniAiint . .-ii.i ...i i ti-l I , , I ............... -v irainp cni.tsi at a nous iu onieui blamed for ordering the sliam hnttle the niin l.a In Tl., at. A .1 r - A. I A A 1L . I " M " 7 . sIST! loruoaruumiunnK. iiemiuunnr tt.h.k t ULninnl 'ol.n ii ki. Uk.nl i, life, defends himself vin-omnslv. of ennds ui.nl, I t iLo imwI. uiih kin. i.i.i, nflr r iuti Th i.t r . . ...... " " . ......... j"... .....h xeisorr eot h s Uea h wound bv w t iuhMi i.nv i.u ..i.i lmu O AikA I Ul.... .1.1. ta I ' I - "J u.uo,..,, ....... dlsobevInsT orilera. Some nt tlii nrrw before bo .nl.l l...v m..r nl AHA liA svtail Iraia'irk ot'aa.t vSaftl ll I I " v., ceedlllM oftheonmner Innnost a-pis Men hnv nir h ,-.tl,. .K. The orthwst Farmer warns the onesided. The Inquiry was held would pay for them in current agriculturist aitglnst putting Jersey unknown to Compaon, tiotwlthstand- money. In such a community all bulls at the head of the heard unless ling he, was directly interested, and the business not done on credit dairying is to be the main industry Is seemingly a material witness. of the furm. Where cattle raising Is I an attendant Industry nothing takes Tilt COM MITRE'S RIM, ...a. r....... ..w.a.ap. InU-tnt 1 tKa ftall f.W t A foottlo was picked op a few day. tlie n ,,m ,ir(wnte) t0 tjlf ngo on tho iieuch ntr Tillamook Senate by Voorhees from thetVuir- that was throtvu overlmard by the mittoe on Finances cnpiain m ine jvosiyn i astie nineteen oTlmt w lnuch of B(.f m,roveii years ago. The Castlo was last in Juiv ii H9(). ontmpt An net f...4 1. .1 il.,l,.t... iLjasa fll. ft.AAl- I ' ruuiaiHi lawiaT.Pii, hib isjiue directing the purchase of silver was thrown over before the canoe k.. in,.n .n.i i.. i-...... ""' waaes) assv ".- v. a l(tnui 1 nut lusl port at that date. I notes, and for other purwxes,' a.s EAST AND SOUTH . . tu THE SHASTA ROUTE Or TBB SOUTHERN PAC.lt), Eirauss Taanr Lkavb PoBTPiin Dilti Booth 6:1.'. ml Lv 10 A a aa Ar I Portland Han Francisco Ar I Lv North A:aii 7.O0SM Above trams stop at all stations from Portland to Albany s also at Tanirut, oneoda, italaey, ttarriahurg. Junction City, rvicg, r.ogene. ana nn stations from Itoee burg to Aabland, inclusive. BOBEBIBO MAIL DAILY: 8:.) a at S:i".0 r M Ar Portland Rtaieliurg Arl L 4::or m 7:00 a a V1MM1 CARS 0 OttDES ROl'TE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS .. aND M Secand-ClaM Sleeping- far Attaorbd to All l'moraa Ts.iss. West Hid Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND Jt COUVALLIS Mail Train Daily (Except Bunday). 7:30 a at Lv Portland At $M r M .0O a it Lv Hillaboro Lv 4:22 r m l:!5m Ar Corral I is Lv loom t-eYAt Albany and Co rva I Ha connect wit! trains of the Oregon Pacifle Railroad. Eipreas Trsin Daily, (Eioept Bunday . t:tOeii Lv Portland Ar ::'Si :lp at Lv Hlllalwro Lv 7:1:4 a B 7:?A si Ar MoMinnville Lv 50 a THKOl'GH TICKETS to all oolnU in the Esatern Btatea, Canada and Enrone. ean be obtained at loweat rates from i. J. Morgan, agent, Hillaboro. t. r. itmitRn, R. KOEHLER, Asst. G. F. A P. Ag't Manager. Portland. n4-t Hop Growers! W will farnlah IOO llairllx Trkets and IOO rtiil-lo Tirkeie rer i, sr SOO for fl.SO. THE UDEPEKDEIT JOB OFFICE. county, was killed on Wednesday of last week by a jiet buck sheep, which hunted the boy in the breast. Some persons at a distance saw the child but could not reach him In time to save his life. A Umatilla Indian wanted a UM for a month. The money changer gave him four twenties, poor Lo asked for the other double eagle, but was told that wasHi bonus that be longed to tho bank. Mr. SI wash scratched his pate, und then pushed the gold I sick saying he would take It for five months. Ijist week at Hardman, Morrow county, Mr. right and Abo Lule- allen forced Mrs. Wright's 14-year old daughter to marry Luieallen under threats of sending her to Jail. After the marriage she left Luleallen and commenced puoceedJngs In the circuit court to have the marriage annulled. Henry S. Iy, a bachelor who has for some time occupied a homestead on the Willumina, near Sheridan, Yamhill county, has been missing since the first of June, and It Is generally believed he has been mur dered. An Investigation revealed the fact that he left part of his clothing, a gun and some jewelry in his cabin where he disappeared. An 14-year-old son of Rev. J. R. N. Hell, of I ndciHndence, drove into the the country in a two wheeled cart with flatted bottom. He carried a gun with him, which on going through a gate slipped through the sluts and was discharged, the load taking effect in the boys side, killing him. A Wolf l'rs.-k correspondence In Grunt's Pass Courier, remarks : "It Is reported that a mining company not over 1n) mill's from here, will use Chinamen In ditching, leaving the idlo white men out in the cold. According to the feeling (Just feeling to,) being aroused, Chinamen will be treated the same dose of medicine thut the pig-tails are receiving around Fresno, California. For the past few weeka our city has been overburdened with an average of about fifteen hobos a day. This Is becoming unbearable and our city fathers should take metuares to relieve the city of this incubus. They should not be allowed to dis embark from the train. On Sunday morning of last week there issued from II. Tborton's barn some seven head of these pests, all of them stout, large, healthy animal, that might have done a consider!)!? amount of would Is? done by bundling and counting the cash. Now conies the question of the correspondent : In what way would a bank enahlo tho iwople of that community to do more business with tho same amount of money or the same amount of business with much less money? I have rccatcdlv stated thtt Just such a thing could be done, nnd Mr. Kinyon wants to know how. Listen The moment a good Imnk Is estab lished in that township, tho people A 5-year-old son of L. II. Morgan, directs the secretttrv of the treasury who lives on lca Ilidgf'2i amhill ! to nurchase from time to time sllwr bullion to the aggregate amount of would leKisit the bulk of the Joo,tKK) 4.500.000 ounces, or so much thereof In the bank. Men would prefer to as may lie offered in each month, at have n c,v,,lt H P'"1 ,,nnk rn,h11" tho market price therefor, not ox. 'n tne money itself in their pock cecdinirllfor37I.23irrainsnurellver "ts or wallets. There would be less ind to Issue In paymeut for such pur- ri"k of lo! an'1 ,h,' m,'ht 1)0 ble chases treasury notes of the United mW smn" or interest on States, be and the annie Is Iw.n.bv M1"'1' balances. When money was repealed. And It is hereby declared tot use, n check on the hank to lie the policy of the United States would do In place of the currency to continue the use of both gold and or ,ho t,,Pol,0r "' U"e silver as standard ii.mwv. and in me currency i.y veiling the as standard money. coin lioth gold and silver Into money of equal intrinsic and exchangeable value, such equality to lie secured through International agreement or by such safeguard of legislation as will Insure the maintenance of a parity in the value of coins of the two metals and the equal power of every dollar at all times in the markets ami In the payment of debts, And it Is hereby further declared that the efforts of the government should be (steadily directed to the establishment of such a safe system of blmeta'.ism as will maintain at all times the equal power of every dollar coined or Issued by the United States in the market and In the pay mcnt of debts." est from the minority of the committee reported a substitute differ ing from the above which fixes the number of grains, puro silver, In a dollar at 464.1. This, with tho alloy, would make the silver dollar weigh 515 grains Instead of 4124. the present weight. The preference for gold as an ornamental substance proceeds from a barooric taste, and this preference may pass away with tho progress of rennement. To a proper taste, a silver pitcher, or cup, with Its chaste effect, Is more pleasing to the eye than such an article mado of the garish metal. Even in these days a profusion of gold ornaments Is con sidered vulgar. Halem Indepenent. Yet two to one the editor's seal ring Is of gold, his watch and chain are of gold or Its Imitation, spectacles are gold rimmed, and of gold are the rings and brooches worn by his wife. Some way or other the eye dosen't take to the "chaste effect" of silver worn on the person. The city counclll of Newberg has ordained that no minor under the age of H years shall wander about the streets after seven o'clock p. m. between November and April and eight o'clock the balance of the year without the permission or company of parents or guardian. The penalty Is not less than $5 or more than 150 fine, nor less than two nor more than twenty days' imprison tmint. bank In erson. Now then ! The jxsiple f thut township have little money in their pockets, but they have a credit at the tank for the same amount of money formerly used, against which they can chock at will. Supjiose, that of tho $200,000 formerly used in that community for business pur poses, 1.'k3,(MXI is deposited in the bank in a regular business way. It Is found, by actuul cxMrience, that the amount drawn out each day and the amount deposited ouch day will lie very nearly equal. Knowing thU, the bunk will use 1125,000 of that money by loaning it to Its cus tomers, and will thus add that amount to the available funds of that community. That amount more of business can be done with tho bank than could have Ixs-n done under the old system. The bank can safely loan the money, because it knows that that community will do its busings largely by checks; and that those checks will be largely paid by bal ances one against the other by sim ply transferring the amount on the books of the bunk from one account to another. cry little currency will be used. A man hits a credit at the bank. He buys a cow for 120 and gives the farmer a check for that amount. The farmer gives the check to a miller for feed. The miller gives it to another farmer for wheat. That farmer u.sos It to ny for cotton cloth, sugar, tea and coffee at the store. The merchant dcosits It in the bank to meet a check he has given for hauling goods. The merchant's check has been deposited for the credit of the teamster. At night the banker charges the first check to the account of the man who purchased the cow, gives tho merchant credit for it, but charges him with his own check given the teamster, and gives the teamster credit for the merchant's check. Here has been business done to the amount of 1100 and no money has been used. Tlio man making Just aliout as much currency each day as it pays out over Its counter, I his enables the bank to loan vast sums, which would otherwise be kept in tho iockets of the jieople. This Is more emphatically true of savings bunks than of commercial banks, Money put In savings banks Is tin very money which used to be hoard ed In stockings and hid away for safety. Tho owners get a little interest for It and the bankers loan it to business men ; and money dors several times the amount of business which can be done w here there are no banking facilities. It Italy has a genuine cose of com plaint against France arlsiug from the recent assault upon the Italian laborers m Algue Mortes, and if she acts with as much promptness and determination as she did in tho New lirlrtins affair, In which this country was concerned, France will have to make ample reparation or flcht. The Aigues Mortes affair is much more serious In every respect than was tho New Orleans trouble. At Aigues Mortes the sole cause of the attack was the deslro of the French luborcrs to dislodge Iulian workmen who were employed In the salt works in order to make room for French workmen, while in New Orleans the uprising was one against what was Mievcd to U an organisa tion of assassins, dangerous to the IKnco ami safety of the entire com munity. There was no question of rats?, no lulxtr trouble Involved, but only un illegal act founded on the doctrine of self-defense. There is so little excuse or amlogy for the Aigues Mortes attack that it Is Mievcd that Franco will not at tempt to uphold or defend It in any way. The only attitude of tho German Euqiorer, who seems to have Interested himself In tho affair very promptly, and to bo ready to back Italy in her demands on France for reparation. It Is possible that this oAWious read i nes to espouse the causo of Italy may urouso the i.miwrnr tho French and lead to ill-feeling aud complications which will hinder If not prevent an amicable settlement but even this Is not prolstble. Germany Is certainly very anxious to stand up to her part of tho triple- I llenee. compact. The emperor sent to the German embassies In Rome and Paris for full details of the affair I an.l I ....4 ....A.. r I a Star . a a thus this "isirucHtt i4uni .Munster, ins embassador at Purls, to send to Berlin as soon as possible the attitude of France toward Italy's J does not seem to me that there can "nn,i ,or reparation. As we have be any chance for dlsputo ns to the ai1 "plianoe with tho demands proposition, nor can I understand , n,oro thon I'foonWe, but in the iev risu alio strainoi conditions or things on tho continent of Europe .. ..i . . . . .... . n single iiiise siep -mignt letta to ft how any one can fall to see it. FREE TRADE IX THE WEST. breaking off of the negotiations, and would inevitably bo followed by ft war, in which the triple-alliance would l on one side, aud French with Russia as a probable ally, on tho The results of the election last November have been very disastrous to tho lead and eIiic mining indus tries of southwest Missouri. In what Is known as the JopUn district, which I, eiiHiraces some or tne riciiest lend nnd zinc mines in tho country, one year A Sydney. Australia, letter of Julv ago the weekly sab's of ores amount- 10, published in tho Chlcmm llnsln ed to over 1 0(1,000. Now It Is below Itgister, stabs, thut wool sells for two f w.ooo, aud prices have fallen and n half dollars per bale more than . r . I " tweniy-nve per cent, or more. it did last year. Iluvlmr Is mueh In tho Aurora field the output a more liberal than before; especially year ago was 12,000 to $15,000 i this true for tho French and Oer- weekiy. ."Now, pearly every mine I man market, where idl.Usi hat t a as . . .... . . I ' iscioseu, ami in smaller fields all went to, SI,(mkMo Ixmdon and 500 to .rtteiAo 1 I aan . a i . t I .... . ......r a nimimoufu hiki miwi wim iTUteti Htutes. In the corrcspond- n r. neru mi year ru was me ence this slirnlheaiit nurairrnnh nn. i .....i...... i. ui. . ., .... ...... m.iiuj now is line uesoiuiion. Kars: "it is hosl that trade will The cause Is plain. The prices of ho much more lanrelv dovelone.1 ores have fallen Mow the cot of with the United State when existing production. tariff burriers are removed, as we an. Muyerswiii not pay lor aud pile tlclpnte they will In- by the result of up stocks in the face of the threat of of the presidential election." Thus "tariff reform," coupled with the It Is aeon thut while price improve power to carry the threat Into execu- abroad, Iu our own country, by re- uon; ami as tne mining industries son of a change of policy, the wool .il t . A a t e oi tins pan oi .Missouri come witnin Industry is completely paralysed. me cautioge oi wenaior est "pro- And the increased buying by Cler- tected industries," they are to be many and France will account for "fought to the tlHth," but it Is diffl- the Idleness of so many of our opera. cult to discover any real Jacksouian lives. Increased consumption of raw nomocracy in tins kind of folly. material means a large market some. A large furniture dealer here states where for thollnlshed product. Free unit juiysniesiius year are nity per trade in America promises that cent, below the sales in the same bazaar. 1 f foreigners make our goods monin msi year, ami mat lie has not then our own is-oide have idleness IA.ft-IS .a a.. I t nougiu a diiioi new goons in two and rags and hunger for their lot. months. A large stove and tinware Great is the change, douler reports his sales running so tow mat ne ha discharged most of " mingry in ew York are his help and I running his store '0"'"lf for bread. It was not thus with less than half the hands he when Republicans were In power and employed lust year. giving protection to American Indus. Yesterday the only savings bank tr,M' Ihittd may have Isn high in the city closed Its doors, making ,ll,'" "'"I "' '' pail may have been the second lnk fusluro In nil the purehasisl at an increased cost, but years of this city's history. The laUirer hud something with leople of Missouri have lost more in which to buy, and a little left for his the values of their proiKrty since I family. These Is? the good times last election than they have raid In that w-ere promised. tariff taxes since 18(h), and still their education does not seem to lt com plete. Hut they are now having facts burned Into them which they will not forget three yturs hence. L. T. Hunt, correspondent. Springfield, Mo., August 1, I !:. A proof, in case any further proof were tussled, that- tho industrial depression is due solely to anticipated tariff dHtrulstuces that will upset all manufacturing enterprises, it is ilumn In the Ifer.ild that at such point. In the South as are hide-bound A mtnl. t..m lh. .......I.. f ...1 1 I. r . . ....- inn ... mmxiiiu) lrcc-tradc, wnere mere aro no material desk, charts, glols, etc. manufactures nnd no large number haunted directors alsiut a year ago. of laborers employed, the conditions Many orders were taken nnd the remain unchanged. supplies put In, warrants bts-n drawn and accepted In stymeut. Verity, the agent of the American One firm states that it ha between B'hle Society nt Shanghai, China, thirty and forty thousand dollars writes home that "silver has never worth of these securities. Now they I been so low as yesterday." Yet are due and the districts won't pay "liver In Chinn Is the basis, and free because they can't. Just w hat to do ' unlimited coinage of thew hito the supply company is at a lo-. mcfal Is the law. Ily all the areu- The aid of the law if it has a remedy. will be called iu fcnienta of the silver Us tles tho metal there ought to lie high. The San Francisco Chronicle thinks that the administration will not do It Is safe t., M tmt the Oregon sheep will vol- early and often at Hawaii, because the project I not looked upon with favor by the sugar trust, which Is very Influential Iu tbe flrt 'purchase has a credit of 20 high circle. a . m. ... . 1 mucn to rorwarri mo annexation or the next fhvtlon. The sheen Indna. try, with the wool pulled over its eye, will shoot "Il.ih!" to the tariff tinkering ldt that Is killing It.-. Klamath Star. e