Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 25, 1893, Image 2

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Entered In n.e Mtfflriiu ItihstMiro, t rr ."
it M iunJi i mailer.
MuuVjrlpllou, In advance, -r year
HIl.lJiBoItD HI Hl.lsllI.Mi r)., rroprlelor,
I). M C. II U'I.I, Editor.
or tit in i't rr.Hvr rut: mm
xt: ttlisv differ esIes.
ii-r)n of !, I'oir'Wfll of M.su-
rhusrlta, Itinxhum of l'tnn Ivmna,
Iinl y of Muiii, (iroutof Veriiiniit,
C utiuuu of Illinois.
Tlifr art; mhiid trting. that tletfrvt-
t-i h. rx tier uuK'pttixl by the geu-
i-rul puMif thun swiiis to b For lu
ntuutv the mutter of twle ImIhoiav
ttiid Ihu uit tho'l of (layuw'Ot. Th
OiUutf i Tribune is authority for tn-
tnt"ofiit that our fxyjtlt to En
land for th fi-s-ul ytttr of ls!2 wm in
rouiil iiumlit-rx, fltf I:Xmi,xh, vhil
xv f bought from that country
vnlucil at $1 jf,iXM,iKH) lt-avlnx a Ul-aiu-M
lu our favor of f Wh,inH),ihj, or
to ! mor.' -xai t, .J;17,o".7,lH). Thii
Is a tilji hulan '', the n-ult of st-llui,.'
wheat, cotton, Iss-f ami some iinnu
fiuturisl article-.
ltlaiid and his frit-mis, without eon
niileratlon, call for tfolil to mljust thi
ilift'eniiiv. Well, Kriland would
have paid In tft.ld, but tlie wfount
was settliil by nii-.uis of exchange
this way. Kng;l;in'l sliieil to South
Allieriiit immense store of tiutllll-
fitotunsl iknIs, for which the nier
cliunts then- owed. We UaiKht of
th Mouth American states sulfur, cof
fee and fruits to the value of -'s V,M'.
I MX), while we .sold to this-" Kline
countries only !7,."imi ,mh worth,'
h aving us in tlel.t $l!l,tKMI,IXH that I
liml to Im xiid in Hold ur silver or I
exchange. Now, if in cold then it Is j
weighed, If in silver then the value ;
ofhullioii is the hasis of Adjustment, I
for the stump of this government I
don't tfo in the Ijitin state. We had I
exi-lutne on Kokand, s the msiN
of Mexico, Wct Inili
Americii and Hruzil tin
our aectmnt una nil their deiits in 1 14
KiikIuihI. The remainder of the lull
unci1 owed us hy 1 '.upland is paid lu
gold. We hre ettinjf it now. John
Hull never ottered to ay us in silver
unless in a few instances we asked it
of bi in when he put the bullion in
the scales and reckoned its value at
market quotations.
Our stamp on a coin means noth
ing in a foreign country except that
it is nine parts pure metal and in
case of a double eiijHe weighs 4'ii. I
grains. In other words none of our
coins Is a legal tender outside ot
I'nititl .State. To prevent confusion
we should adopt a common measure
of values, and since the commercial
world has chosen gold, it would
Meein that we can w ith safety Join
the company instead of standing out
like a parcel of disagreeable cranks.
THE Volt K or !l'..S.V. oA'of Marphnd.O'Neilo.'MAicruwotts,
' oL'STi'. Livingstone of fi orgu, Wa-hington
of TenncMitt, It'ils-rtsoiiof I .ui.-iana.
With other iiieinU-rs of the state ! Itrookshirw of Indiana, Williuins of
t. .1..!.. r.ti.r. rw..., tiii. ! Llinois. (Voml.s of New York, ll-n-
' kl 'lUlllll 1IIU 11 k.lWWII ,' .... .
iDUiity int Ived fiovoruor I'eiiiioyr'
letter of enquiry ask I ng each for his
opinion of the advirttbilitiy of cullir.
an extra twioii for tin) purposi of
paming a -tjy law. Senator Huston
answtnsl in these words:
Hil.LsiMiu, Aug. 17, 1M.
To His Kxecllcncy, Svlvester i'en
uoyer, Salem, iregou : My i)eur Sir
In reply to your circular letter of
August 16th, I will say : I am op.
.sse to the npoition fr many
reus-ins which n Is not necccHSMry to
-tate at this time. 1 don't believe
we have reached that sjint ytt. All
creditors, so far as I know, are exer
cising a great deal of forbearance,
ami it seems to me that a step of that
kind would simply pnralyte what
little credit Is left instead of having a
tendency to re-establish it ; that the
wholesaler Would be refused credit in
the cHst, that ho in turn would lie
'impelled to refuse credit to the
local dealers, and they, for this rea
son, would be eom;elled to refuse it
to their customers, who might Is In
need of it, and that It would thus
react Usjii the sirer classes) of peo
ple instead of helping them.
if the legislature could le relied
uion to repeal some of the iiseles-
and extravagant appropriations made
nt the. regular seswioii lust winter 1
should lie in favor of a efial session
for that, but, uniess there has Us-n a
dis'idisl change in their opinions, I
xpprehand we could get no relief on
that sinre. I am yours truly, i
It II ear. iv '
Itcprescntative Cornelius dts'lines
to answer, holding that calling an
extra session Iks wholly with the
governor and that he must take the
resiKiiisihilitv for that act and not
thus attempt to share it with another
branch of the government.
Honorable Henry Button returned
this answer:
Honorable Sylvester I'ennoycr,
I inventor of ' Irejfon, Salem, t iregon.
1 (car Sir Your favor of recent date
requesting my opinion as to the
advisabilitv of calling an extra .
The Oregon I'ity l'nterjris in
discussing the propriety of culling an
extra session of the legislature, w ritL
this paragraph which, lu one form or
another, mvids to be in the minds of
many men. ''His calling mi extra
s-ion dejends not upou the que,
tion of expediency from a business
itandpoiut but upon the result which
he thinks it will have U-n the
sjlitlcs of the iute and pos.sibly the
nation from the governor's point of
view, which redui-ed to its essenc
lit the advantage which he will gain
personally from such action."
The Portland lipatch hits the
nail on the head in talking of the
state militia when it suys "It has
no objections to the holiday soldiers.
It is good amusement for the young
men nd keeps them out of mischief.
It regards the militia more as a social
organization than otherwise, pud Is of
the opinion that theexpenses.attc.7d
ing it should Ik paid the same as
those of other social or benevolent
societies by its tiiemlicrs." As well
might the Odd Fellows or A. o. l
W. have assistunce from the state.
S-nator John Sherman has written
to a friend that in his judgment the
free tviiniigo silveritieM are promising
legislation that will bring us to the
single silver standard, which means
a large contraction of the currency
and n separation from the standard
nssigni.tsl by all commercial nations.
In view of the many savings
bunk failures of the past few months
the ntssswity for a postal savings
bank is emphasiisl. At least for
small (leiM)sitors there is nothing
bank simi-
it is liossl by l:er numerous friends
and admirers tint her st iy will
not be long that -be wiil return
here p rmaie ntly.
'1 lie city council, Monday e ruing,
pa-se au onlinance for the buildii-.
of twelve hundred fts't of new side,
walk, several of the sidewalks now
in existents are in very lm I sliape
after the summer tramping of the
omniprcss'tit isiw, but proiaMy when
the stre't itimmissioiier rests iiinised
after his return from the cou-t, they
w ill receive some attention.
Since my last correspondence, Mr.
OnsT w ife of our sipnlar gnss ryman
has been very close t') dt-ath's disir,
and the hope of hrr recovery dceintNl
to ls3 In contradiction to evtry aj'-iniranci-.
Hut it Is noted "wiib
pleasure that she has mlbtsl and is
now steadily though slow ly I in pro ve
ing, and her complete restoration to
heaith Is anxiously looked lor.
J. T. Shannon, the lightning cur
enter und one belpi r, surprisisi the
natives in the way of houso building
this Week. He started a resjileuee
ilxJs twt for K. M. Ward in the
west part of town Tin
and by that evening
was ready for the rU'tic. That Is th.
Hhestof all in Leavening Power Latest U.S. Gov't Report
Ik N
n 0111 In
OpioMto the Court IIouo, Hillslwro, where they
will conduct
IYvirtoof Kti idoatiuo ImiJ cot of
th C'rouit Court of lb State uf On-
proprtv dMorihJ ' .NI1m y'tltraui, Otiv W'lltruul, Htrrf Wil
la or fsjj.ui i. ti truui, viir Wmtuut. Any Wiitr.nit na
it 'D lor Aiaiinouinn ooootr. ul to m
Jir.-vt.sJ upou jUiliiiuMit in tor of il
l.diu W aUtiaius anil i'!ust C V. Kictardi
I. A Mittbrr ni J. t. buutn, e-prt&r
M .ilu-r A buutti. eouiinaliii( ui to 1 Jt drr.
d na uue or ma rl pr
ti.i-rnn to amft tbo t)uiu
i uiil a. in Willi lutrrvst lLr n at tb mu
ol wr rs-1 I iwr annum truu tba Ulth da
sdav morning ! uf Ms. lM. anj tba furtbur aoui of f U.lo ' aum u( W
the trueture i KU'' ,ru"i ' uil for tba I ri tbrma at t
w.n snu rwuw Wl aaiu writ.
Nnur. Ihwrntuni ha .in n. .n.4 In
I.itr.t I Inil'u .1. it ll.mj a-l. I . . ... II.. .1 .1-....-.T
'-'- i. , i-.ii-"- Ml'- - muff i wio JUJIU CII 1.1 will a( III o OlOOa 4.
much liis'd.'d thev have to lie si'lit I M M iuUsy. ti. 4th ua of Hvpuiub-r,
mi in a liurrv t tha aoath iloir of tb Court
up in a nun. Hums- id H:IlshoP,, Wataiinion couou.
The re-unioll of Kcclev Cr.lduate-. pUrvuuu, all tb followioK-dvaoribaJ r-al
w ill otrur here next Wts'lnesHlay and i PrWr' 1 poblio uotiuu in tba bmbaat
ii .p. ., -' lnuiir fur ennb. rtie ami th -coat i of tba
l hurslay. Though uite a tiumU-r u.,ttb ..t ..f cn ., t. a n., r. i w. T.f
niii in- a.'pi iiHuy ny luenam urn
lTirtu of ii iH.'Ulion. ilisirra and
1 1
orjor nt aale. isurd oul vt the C irco.t I
J '.u. .I.W... .4 , . IL...I .
"whwi oni. ' " , irriruii, i ur i-iasiiiUK
ton oooutt. id fatar of Iboa. Ci i uuJ
i.a.n-t ILinirl wiltroat. J.-Lq Wiiiruut
CiMa H. I'n ju. naifiKt J. Lilit. S.nn
mrh l.ro. (n'orm- WlltMut
I ttiH W illHiuiir tui-riiitan and thv north-
still a good crowd Is t'XlHiteil and a ! ' ' aontb-t V4' of anstioo 17,1.
i leasant time The eitisi-n-i li.iv.. -'- w. ot tu Willauitt lurridiaa, all
... . . iiiii aitu.ita in WantiuiL'tnn oonitr. I iru.
very liberally provided entertain-1 hiiHt aaiU .XMtiti.ia and tba eosia and
lllelit for theill tlurulg their stav II I ri-iii-a of null-. S:n J aula will ba oiadr
an im resting iiroirra-n of ex.'n isi s ,l rrd-mptun na p,r atatot of
I I .l.i t . ... . UlLHl. 10-14
is arranged. I lie public w II In s muss mv hnnd Ibw 1st dT of Anau.t.
welcome to the afternoon and even- i Is'.'.'. H. F. KOKU,
il it tint's of Widue-ilay, which Mu "f Wasliinuuin rouu'y, Oretpiu.
will U-held in Vcrf s hall. ' I
Mr. Adolpn Auder-iu exH iieuceil Nil FFH S ILK.
some dilliculty In getting together a I Y virtue of an nwntion. dtssrao and
SHtneiellt amount of pein h plums Tor I orttt-r f shI-, lasuciiout of th ( iromi
the shiimient Kast. sooken of in m v I V"'url ot ihv 'Sln.'-' ,,! Uri-iron. fur Waabiug-
, , . , , .. .. I " c-iuiiiy, una ii inn uirisHrit, upon a
notes two Wtski ago. Itil .riliat jnlvuiMit aud .l-.r. in faror of Krvm
III regard o me tnutler was not given lliul-vil and nitnuu J. U. KlcuiiDK, L. 1
dias, Central ''.'Im' I'Vislul ure for the purpose , U(, , ,a Mu
. . . , ' of passing a law for the stay of cxe- , , ,
.k it, balans,l (i(itj)m Hju(( u for otu. yi..ir lar to that of Kngland.
(jl'ADftAST I.ASItS.
Juilge lielli tiger if the l.'nititl
State District court has rendered
his decision on the mutter in eontro
versury between tho railroad coin
iny and tho government touching
the title to a block of land northwest
from Forest tlrove.comonly know n as
the quadrant. The division is in
favor of the government, but the
real parties In interest are the settlers
why, by this division win their
The case is something like this:
('ongress granted tho Oregon A
lulirornta Itailroad odd mvtions of
land in a strip twenty miles on each
side of a main line of road to be
built from Portland by way of
1-orest drove to Astoria, ami alike
amount of land for a brunch from a
point at or near Forest (trove to the
- i in . ....
i Minimi river, the main line was
built to Forest drove, and a strip of
land twenty miles on inch aide of the
road earned as far as the road ex
tended. The brunch was built at a
great angle from the main line and
the twenty mile strip earned. These
Htrips eoinuicinv and end w ith a line
crossing the line of the road at right
angles. This much land the govern
ment concedes has been earned, but
the strip on the main line from
Fortst J rove to Astoria w as not
earned in the prescribed time, and
lias lieen, by act of Congrtsss for
feited. The railroad company claim-"
that the main line ami the branch are
one and the same road, and that the
twenty mile strip on the north and
west side of the road follows the
windings of the truck, and is con
tinuous. Judge liel linger divides
against them following the division
of Mr. Ijinnir when he was stvrctary
of the interior.
It Is true that the case w ill prob
ably lie reiM-ahsl. but if is lite the
i... i . ii .
naseouii conus.iM w Here the w inning
club is to play two U-t In three, and
has one game won, or as thev some
times miy, a horse on them, so in
this case the settlers have a "hor-v
on them," with great encouragement
for the next "horse."
iM'tore mo. in answer will say
that while the present financial
stringency is felt by all classes in all
the iltllerent oivupations in the state,
yet 1 do not think the stringency is
so oppressive as to justify the culling
together of the legislature and incur
ring a inshJIcsh ex"ense, without a
hope of correriHindiiig good, for i
think the law suggested would in
the end do a great dml more harm
than good.
I hand you herewith the names of
parties us they were met on the
strtvts. There are ninety nuiiics,
live of which answensi yes all the
others no, to the plain question of
"stay law or no stay law?" Taking
then these ninety names (represent
ing as they do nearly every occupa
tion in the county) as an index of the
isipular ftvling in the matter, hence
in the event of an extra session Iving
called, I would oliey the voice of my
constituents as herein expres-nsl.
1 am verp reMvtfully,
IlK.NKV lll XTtlN.
The question askisl by Mr. I lux
ton of his neighbors and constituents
"Do you favor the convening of
the Oregon legislative assembly in
extra session for the purose of pass
ing a law for the stay of extvution on
adjudgments for one year'.'"
To this question the ninety naiiKsi
were attached, live of w hom voted
yes all the others no.
(iovcrnor Wuite, of Colorado, has
attempted to Imitate (iovcrnor Pcn
uoycr but he has not met with the
sume success. Waite sent a smart
reply to Sivretary (tresham, und got
an answer in return which he does
not show.
Lieutenant Charlt It. Nelson wits
sJiot and fatally wounded in a sham
tMittle fought last Stturday Just Mow
Oregon City by opo,ing detach
menu of the Oregon National ttuard.
Nelson was a favorite and his death
is a sad ending for the ten days play
at oldiering. Just how or when
tho fatal discharge Wrts delivered is
not plain but a wad in the small of
the buck w as sufficient to i rush a
jmrt of the backbone.
Those favoring a staple currency
tituM have more resnvt for the real
of the fn-e silver advocate if the in
trinsic value of silver was nearer that
of gold. Hut tin re is selrlsh dls
lionety lurking alscit uulimitisl
is linage at li t- I that Is anything
but assuring.
Siicaker Crisp bus announei'd the
committees of the house. Some
chunges have Imvii muile and some
bitter jealousies aroused. Of course
Itepublicuns are sntislled, but the
heurt-burnings are uniong the Iomo
crats. Springer has liecu removisl
from the Ways and Means commit
tee and made chairman of llunking
ami Currency. Wilson, of West Vir
ginia takes his place. This change is
not relished by Springer, w ho says
he is familiar with tiie duti of tho
Ways and Means committts, but
knows nothing of banking and cur
rency. A local critic remarks that
with Springer at the head of that
committee the National banks will
get favors that the Republicans never
dreamed of bestowing. Ilolmnn, the
"watch dog," given place to Siyers,
of Texas, on the appropriations com
mittee. If there is significance In the
change it means more liherul appro
priations, and the chanting of the
"billion congn-ss" will N sliihsl.
The coinage coiiimithv is said to In
only mildly fns coinage and w ill
stand t to 8 for unlimited silver,
while the comniitds' on banking und
currency stands 11 to r. against silver.
The personel of the four committees,
most In men's minds, are;
Coinage, weights and 'meusurtsi--Hland
of Missouri (chairman, Tracy
ot New ork, Kilgore of Texas, Fhs
of N'irginia, Stone of Kentuekv,
Allen of Mississippi, Hhinkhead of
Alabama, liayncr ot Maryland, liar
ter of Ohio, Collin of Wyoming.
McKeighun of Nebraska, Stone of
I'ennsyl ,unia, Johnson f North
liukotit, Ihngley of Maine, Swts't of
Idaho, linger of Iowa, Aldruh ol
Illinois, K.twlins of I tali.
Ways und means Wilson of West
irginiit (chairman, Mc.Miilin of
Tennsce, I timer of (lenniiu, Mont
gomery of Kentucky, Whiting of
Michigan, Cochran of New York,
Stevens of Massaehusetts, Itryan of
Nebraska. Hrii'keiiridg of Arkansas,
Itynuni of Indiana, Tarsiiey of Mis
souri, lbs-d of Milne, Iturrows of
Michigan, Payne of New York, Ial
Zell ot Pennsylvania, Hopkins of
Illinois, dear of Iowa.
Hanking and currency Springer
of Illinois (chairman), Sin-rry of
Conntvticut, Cox of Tcnnssiv, Cobb
of Missouri. Culber-sm of Texas.
Kills of Kentucky, Cobb of Alabama,
Warner of New York. Johnson uf
Ohio, Hlack of deorgia, Hall of Mis
souri. Walker of Massaehusetts.
Hn ius of Pennsylvania, Henderson
of Illinoia, ltimsell of Connecticut,
Haugeii of Wiseiinsin, Johnson of
Appropriations Sayers of Texas
(chairman i, Hnvkenridge of Ken
tucky, IWkery of Miouri,Compbn
The bull tucked a horn under sil
ver and raisisl it two oints on Tuesi
day, while the liear has a heavy
bandage over his left eye. Silver is
now quoted at 0.7liJ ier oimct.
Just liefore iiuigress met it sold us
low as fo.ti!) per ounce.
It is said by those who claim to
know, that the liuancial trouble in
Portland during the past two months
was broght uliout by two men. One
of these agitators is well known here,
and his name is Joe Wuldrop.
A vote on the rcixiil of the Sherman
silver purchase act will lie taken in
the House on Monday. It Is conceded
that it will puss. The senate will
then wnstle with the measure.
to the papers carlv enou;;h, so there
was not u concert of ucti.in in time.
and some of the lieur-tits hail to he
sacritlscd. This nin lie avoideil in
tlie shipment of Italian prunes,
w hich is the next enterprise of that
character. Those w ho have some of
(hat fruit they wish to semi lias)
should see or correspond with Mr.
Anderson immediately mid get all ar
rangements made in time.
Mrs M. II. I,owrey djiil at their
home, southwest of (laston, Tuesday
morning. Sv has been an invalid
from paralysis for a long time und
death has been expivled. The
family resided in Forest (trove, until
a few months ago, w hen they moved
to the farm. The funeral took place
Wednesday und burial in the Al
inoraii Hill cemetnry, Kev. J. A.
Campbell conducting short services
at the grave. Mrs. Lowrey was
alxiut lu years old, and was a good
woman in every respect, she leaves
a husband and several children, who
did all in their power to alleviate her
sufferings while alive.
It would Ih n grand thing for nil
concerned if u wholesale system of
permanent road building under the
new law could lie inaugurated. The
farmers: would nveive the greatest
and most dinrt beuelit, but 1 pre
sume they would be hard to convince
of the fact that they ought to have it
done. An average of sixty ivnts an
Klfnuni;. Kniiia, Tuo. D. HumiibivTa.
( lurk numb, Uhoik Oil morn and Mra.
Miiry hrinbiue, commanding in a to niaki
nle ef ili rrnl proprrtr described thvmin
t x.msfy the auiu of iVM So in L . 8. (old
coin t'ii;-tin'r uh iiitxrmt thvrtvo nt tbp
rt nt s orr cent. r annum from tba I'Tth
il .v of July, ls.i;i, mid the farther auiu ol
'kI.'pi in I", tt uold coin, with iulereat
tin-rmu nt I bo rate of B' nr ornt. per aunnm
tnuii Uih .MIi dny ot JuIt, IH',1.1, and for
1 1 ! I1 1, s,.Hts, ami fur the eosta and expruaea
of llna a ii and of mud writ.
Now, thtirofuro, by yirtua and in puran
aiK'u of mil judgment, disjrea and ord. r of
ml-, 1 wnl. on .Monday the lltbdayof Nep
ti'uilcr, Is.Kl, nt IO::Wo'olork in tbe forcooou
of said day, at tha aotitii door of the ('jnrt
liouse, in Hillaburo, Waabinirton oouuty,
tiriroii, ai'll tbe followiiiKdraoribed reni
pnwrtynt pnlilioauetion to the hlbeat bid
der foroisb: l)int and uviuii iu WaMuiUKton
ouniity, Oregon, and particularly desonlied
a Iota U I four, Co the, (!') aix, (7) aercn,
iS; iiclit, in nt". (I0i ten, (11) tltrru and
il?i twelve, in blork C.Wi thirty-nine. Id
S'Hilh Comt Addition to the town of Hilla
I'. -(, in aaid county nud atnte, to antisfy lb
herriubefore nnmed auiu and the eosia and
exis-nHen of aile. Maid property will be aold
Kiiiij-rt to reiiemption as per atatiMa of
W iliieHs in v linud tlii !th dny of August,
u ir. h. . toitn.
Sherillof WnaliiiiKton ooanty, Oregon.
lliiel W iltr ml. a,laiiDitrator of tbe ee
laiv of Dnuirl VVjItrout. tloce'taeJ. tor lb
a (. iid rmn. w au inter
tha rste of ten per cei l. er
aonnio, from tbe '.It? divot Jalr. svi. and
lor the t urtti. auiu of n.4 1 eosit, and tor
tbe ct4t and eiixeisea of ante and of uiJ
.Now therefore, dy virtue an 1 11 pnrso
nneeofnaid jadguient, derree and order of
tale, 1 will oil .Von 3a r, the stb day ot
kmi, is. 1, ni ine a mtn uoir of tne I ourl
llouea m- Hillslsim, W ashuicton ootinty
reion. HI the boor of 11 o'uiora. a. M ol
aaiu list, aell at nidi 10 au.-Oon to Ih hiuli
al I0.I1I-.P f.. ,u k f..ii.... ..... .1 ..,. 1
I - - " " wn.M, ' l"HU. U Uf IUfU
reti urufrty to-wit
A.I tuos piece, plrreU and trnr'.a of
I'.utl. ly itiK. belUK Mid aitunte lu tbe county
o, " asuuiv'tou. ainte 01 iMetf.iu, and known
enu oouuaetl as follows :
rnvinocnu at Hie north-west oorner of
tbedountion laud claim of h.uniiel Sliep
lienl and wife, in aertiou 7, townshiu 1
liortb ruii 4 went of tbe V, lilaiuette mer
idian, auu running ti.eiice aoiub Je..'io
cbaioa, tbenoe enst ll.iii cliaina. ttieuce
aouio lnsoobnuia, to the uorib-est corner
or laiui owuetl by Jauiea .Martin, thenoe
no.th 71 decrees, enal i't; ii ohains more or
leea to tbe eaal linn of oountv roa.l. riii,.,,i,.,
f roio Foreal (trove np (.ialea i'reek, thenoe
norm o ueree, went 11 chauin, thence north
ja aegreea west H chauis. nud north 4H d, a
reea meet, following the enst line of the
oouuty road aforeaaid, I (.An chain., more
or ie, 10 ine north oonujary line of and
uonniion laua Claim, thence West to the
place ot beginning, containing one nnnd-
rea acrea tuoie or lean, al tbe aouth half
or me jonn aid oy homestead laud claim
in aeotioa 17. towuabio 1. north rauue 4
went, aa nforeamd. nave nud exoept bfteei.
acrea on i lie aoutii eiiil of anid claim, t
eaiisry tne bereinliefore named aiims, nnd
lor ine ooata anil eoenaea of aai.l
anid property will be aold aubjeol to re-
uempiion na per a attite 01 1 iregon.
VSnneMi iuy bind tbit i'Tili day of July
t: H. I'. KOKD,
8berif of Wnabington county, Oregon.
Il virtue of an execution, decree nnd
ortier ot aale, laeueil out of the I ircnit
Court of the aialeot Oregon, for Wnahicg
ton county, aud to iue directed upon n
judgment la fnvor of Win. Dnlv. and
against Mary Flvnn and I. T. Flvrn, ooin-
manuing me to make aula of tbe renl prop
erty described therein, to aatisfy the auiu
of f 727.AU in I!. K. gold coin with interest
thereon aiuoe July 1 7lh. InaI, nt the rnte of
ten percent, per annum, nud for the forth.
er aunfof .1V., corn . and for the costs
anl eiienaea of sale nod of anid writ.
Now luere'ore. by virtue aud in pursuance
of anid judgement, decree nnd order of
ale, 1 will, ou Monday, the Jsth day of
Angn.t, lsj;L at 111 o clock, in the forenoon
of anid dny, at tbe aoatli d.sir of the Court
House, in Hillsuoro, Washington oountv.
Oregou, aril tbe following deeiritied real
Krpertv nt public nucl ion to tbe bigheat
idder for enali, nil that piece, parcel nnd
acre, or SIX cents per acre sr year I and university Innda nnd for the inveatmeut
1Y virtue of 1111 eteotition, decree and
) order of aiile iasned out of the Circuit
Court of the Hato of Oregon, for Wnabing
ton county anu to me directed upou judg
ment Hint decree, in favor of Sylvester feu- tract of renl property aituated in Washing
inner. K"Terii,ir wi ,110 outiw 01 vnegon, iou couuiv, uregou, ana UeeuriueU aa fol
vieork'e n . aicnriue, aerretary or ine ovale Iowa, 10-wil
of l)rei.siii, and I'bil Metscbnn, treaanrer of Comuiencing nt n point en tbe north line
the Staw of Oregon nndex-ofUoio the Hoard of tbe donation land claim of Kienber. A.
( oiumissionera for the aula of aohool ! Holoouib and Amanda lioloouih, his wife, iu
(iround for the Midwinter Fair
buililiugsat San Franclsii) whs broken
yestenlay (Thursday) with ivrt'inun-
ics purticipatist in ny tne tuisiness
men generally of the Hay city.
It now begins to look us if the
chickens will this winter fivl the
effect of this Democratic adminis
tration. Their only safety will lie
on a high roost.
A iH'inocrut w ho forsakes his party
this yur Is not to he blamed. It
shows hard common sense and excel
lent business judgment.
(iovcrnor I'ennoycr w ill not cull nn
extra session of the legislature.
Public opinion opposes the contem
plated step.
Professor Lloyd, of the I'niversity
faculty, returned Monday evening
from his eastern tour.
Honorable Thos. II. Tongue and
wife passed through town Friday
on way to Notarts.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sheppurd, of
Portland, spent Sunday with relatives
ami friends here. They were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Abbott.
Ir. und Mrs. T. L. Tuylor, accom
panied by the doctor's father and
mother, are enjoying this week in
coast range, on the Wilson river.
Honorable Ihivid Smith ami wife
are exported home next wivk after
thns months among old friends in
the Mississippi valley and eastern
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas s. Ktvn
went to Netarts this week. Mrs.
Ktvp's health has not Imvii the best
lately and a term at the ocean w ill be
Mrs. Adams, w ho has lnvn visit
ing the .frivr family some months,
took the Northern Pucitlc Wislnesduy
morning for her home in Siiicrior,
Wisconsin, where her husband is a
Hoyt Brothers, nephews of Jew ler
Venen, of this city, nrt ulsiut to
embark in the watchmaking anil
jewelry trade at Monmouth. They
are excellent young men und under
stttiid their busines.
J. II. Wcsts.tt and family n tiirmsl
Monday evening from a sojourn of
some wtvks on the Wilson river.
One of the little lxiys had the
measles while there, but otherw ise
an enjoyable time was ha I.
. 1.. Savage, the popular Isxik
agent, will move his family from
Suleni here, and will occupv the
niiv new house riss'iitly ens'tisl by
Mr. Hanson, opx.ite the high si hioi.
Mr. Savage Is in Tillamook this
Proftssor Fcrin's new residence iu
the northern part of the city Is under
root and work is progresMng nicely.
It will be one of the finest inttages in
the city, very I'onveniently arrangtsl,
hamlso-nely finished, anil will cit-t
aUtut M,0oo.
Mis Miiiv, w ho has reidsi here
w ith her si-tcr, Mrs. J. T. shannon,
exis ts to go buck to Penn-vlvaniu
to her old home in a short time, but
for ten years, would put two thous
and dollars per mile 011 a road ; that
is by taking the land for thnv miles
each way to iav for it. Think of
the Ix-netlts of such improvement aud
then notice the small co.-t.
Itcprosentutive liu.xton circulated
among his votistitucncy in this city
und neighborhood a pajier for them to
sigli expressing their "yes" or "no" in
relation to the special sssion of the
legislature suggestisl by (iovcrnor
Pennoyer's letter. So far(as 1 can learn
only a small vreontage are in favor
of the movement. Kven if u stay
law was divined wise, und expressisl
determination to pass one would
hasten lawsuits and cause n great niim
lierof forciil collivtions. ISut tht chief
cbjection to the spci ial s.s(in is the
uncertainty of what such a session
would bring forth. If all the legis
tors in the state would do as Mr.
Buxton is doing they would get some
valuable points for future use. It is
a mighty wise thing to get as close
to the people as possible. It will be
fun to siv some member, of the lust
legislative body run on their rtvord of
lust w inter. Sonic of the big steals
from the public treasury will look an
enormous size by next elivtion.
Honorable J. (i. Book, wife and
most of the family, also their visit
ing relatives from Nebraska, went to
Netarts this week. Messrs. Leslie
Unit, John T. and William Wirt
were also of the party.
Mr. Frank T. Kane, city treasurer,
returned Thursday morning from
the Siiucoc mountain region, where
he has Is en rusticnting for his health
the past five weeks. He is some
what thin but bis ths.h is solil from
Mr. Fd. Buxton and family. Mr.
land Mrs. (ieo. (i. Sloan, Mr. and
Mrs. Jake Buxton and family start
isl Thursday for the upvr Nehulcm
to svnd tt few week.
Pi-ople are gruilually letting tlieir
purse strings loose and .soon the
Usual current jf business will lie
follow ing. The scare is pa-t.
towuahip 1, north rnnge f wea'.of the Willa
mette meridian, aaid point lu 1114 ten eliniua
went of the norlli-eaal corner of anid claim,
nnd running thence south 44 chains to the
oeuter of oouuty road, thence north 7S deg
reea. weatj U',411 chains, to atake on the
north hue of Kllcu O'C.iiiuor'a laud, thenoe
north-easterly along the east line of ltelle
Wilaou'a land, SO ohaiua to atake, thence
north 97.1 chains to n stake in the north
line of anid donation land claim, aaid poiut
being the north-enst corner of anid tielle
Wilaon't land, thence east along tbe north
line of aaid claim 10 ifj chains, to tbe place
of beginning ooutniuing AO ncrea more 01
leas, reseivuig tbe right in favor of tin
Wilaon Hron. to remove their building now
on anid land, to satisfy the hereinbefore
named auuia, nod the ooeta aud expenaea of
Ibis aale.
Hnid proierty will be aold aubject tors
deniptlon, aa per atatute of Oregon.
Dated Ihia li.'d day of July ls'.M.
-ld II. V. FOKP,
Sheriff of Washington oonuty, Oregon.
Y virtue of an execution, decree nnd
) order of aale, issued out of the Circuit
Court, of the Htaleof Oregon, for Washing
ton county, and to mo directed upon a judg
ment and decree in favor of Cephna Kiaen
hanernnd auainst John II. Fleming, Martha
Fleming. Clark Huiith. Isaac K.nnia, (Irorge
Oilmore, T. I. Hatnphreya and John Mat
hews, ooiuiunndino me to make eul nl n
claim; tneiiee atiiiiuwnru wun the east line ; real property oecrild therein to antisfv
of anid chinu ls.7 chains; thenoe eonth IS j tbe sum of lIJA AO I'. H. gold coin, together
decrees ;k) uiinutea west ti obaina; thence : with interest thereon nt the rnte of X iwr
miinu veKreen west i.i vuniua) lueuce i win. ier nnunm rrom me id nay or Julv,
soniu 10 uivres east i ii cnniua; inence ism, nuu tne further aum of ;v., ooata,
sou 111 ti iiettrees enat if.sii onaina; toenoe
south 9.K5 chains: thence north M degree
4-i minutes west 1A AO cliaina to tbe oeuter
uf the 'l anlntin nvtri thenoe northward
down the center of anid river to tbe plaoe of
liefinuing: containing 7u ncrea, nnd heing
parts of seel nine .1. 4, 9 nnd 10, In townabip
and raiu'c aforesaid, lo aatisfy the herein
before named sums, nnd tbe ooata nnd ex-p-
na.'Hof sale. Kind proierty will be aold
aubject to redemption, aa per atatute of
W itness niv hand tins fllh day of Augnat,
l;u. 11 l" H. F. FOKU,
Miemlof Wnshingtou couniy, Oregon,
of funda arising therefrom, nnd ngniuat
l'Lis Krana. K.iImcca Kraut nnd John J.
M-ftiMii, guardian uf the nlKive-nnnied
Louis Krno-i, an insane praon, oommund
ing me to make aale of the real property de
scrclied therein; first, to aatisfy the aura of
f W.:." coats, and for tbe costs and eipenaef
of ante; second, to aatisfy tbe auiu of
f 1, 114 00 l:. 8. gold coin, with iulereat
thereon from the '.'-'nd day of July, IS-.U, ai
I he rale of Sier oeni. ier annum; third, to
satiiify the sum of f J-VuO guardian nd litem
feee: fourth, to satisfy the auiu of fl.SJl.Gi'
in I . S pold com. with interest thereon
from ind day of July, s'i;t, at the rate 01
111 per oent. per annum.
Now, therefore, bv virtue nnd in pursu
ance of aaid judgment, decree and order ol
sale, 1 will, on Monday, the ltlh day of Sep
tt'iuber, Is'.tt, nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, nt the aouth door of tbe Court
house, in Hillslairo, Vnt.: I;'- :i canty,
Oregou, aell the following-described real
properly nt public nuotiuu to the highest
bidder for cusb, lying, being and annate in
VVasuiugtou oouin), Oregon, and more par
ticularly bounded nnd deaotitied aa f dlows,
Comme' ring nt the point in tbe Center of
the I miliitin river where tbe north hue of
Cbrisiinn Kmerick'a donntion land olauu
crosses the aaid wnter of aaid rivor 111
township I south, range ;l west of the Will.
Mer., and rniimng thenoe enslward on the
noitli line of aaid donntion lanJ olnim
U'.MI chains to the northeast corner of anid
evtry Saturday
to Sfll,
Fanners, or other person, baring an) tbin
eitlcr personal or re.tl property, will
Jo well to call on them.
The) wrt ptfpaifd lu
nud I'AV TVXFH for uun KniJeitt.
Citii lii! siiinm vision l. e i ieinisl plivsiciuns! Accurate ilieiiiiij; bv mm.
(Sli'llt nil' 1 p.uli -l.iKiu I Ii 11 Ii: n'i-lsl '.
The IlilMioro I'li.-inii u v unlers ila drugs from the moat reliable m.tniifuctiirere
onlv, and is ilioMughlv mi pliisl willievirv rrxiuiite neioaary for inlrlv im durt-
ini; 11 fit st-ci:is pre- ritioii In.-ims-. '1 he proprietor are ever watchful that the
lie s-. t -ti I ' r. . -. I l.n.'-t n mii-.Ih - arc coiitimeillv biiiig aildisl to the stork as the siii-mvs
of uii'dii iiie :m. ell iniuu'v advuiuv. being poesfssed of peculiar dvnntugCH in pur-
-hisin-t its vii iies. i.u ing to its business 1 nle uf taking trail discounts tor en-!i :...i
the 1m-s Iuiiiv k, the n-tiiil pri'i's ,nv iiui.pii.ii Iv lower than those of 11101 disM iihiug
irug stores.
All the len.lingniti.-lcs. .f kr;c;STsV srSHRIES. including the FIXEST
l'KUHMKs, Toll.Kl' AlillCl.KS, l;r.fsKS. SI-OXUES. ETC.. nr. on ili,i.lav.
A large un.l ex.vllclit assortment of SPECTACLES nJ KYE-UI.ASSES is
also nil I11111.I.
PATENT MKI'll'lNKS of nil sipuUr kinds always iu aiock.
The liiiesi I N l-'.s nml I.It jl'OK.si suppliej in cseesof nick new 011 prv ripiloii
Union Block,
Hillsboro, Oregon,
Ikfonmouth, Oregou.
Ntrong i.rofeasioiiHl nnd ncn.leinio cours.. and well oroaniaeJ n.o.11 schrw.1 t.,r
ticnl training of teachers. Normal, advanced normal, hasineaa. luusio nnd art deearl
inetita. Ilejutifnl and henllbful location. In lit stnenae.no aalonna.
1 lie .-.orinai lias
enjoyed n aleady
past year, reach
ing niieurolliiieut
of over 4ih, tbe
lart-est in its lns-
atory. New mem
bera have hern
added to the fac
ulty, new aiipnr-
nlut supplied aud
tbe course of
alndy reviaed und
grnduatea nre in
demand to fill
cxmhI poailions.
I'he diploma en
titles the holder
to tench in any
county in the
atnte without fur
ther examina
tion. '1 nil ion :
Nonnnl.f (i .1 cr
term of lo weeks;
1 t !
1. . .
Hali-Norrual. f.v
per term uf tea
weeks; llusinsse,
t'i.KA rr term.
Board at Normal
dining ball. $1. To
per week, llooiua
al eta. per week ;
furnished. fl.iH)
Hoard aud lodg
ing in private
f a 111 i Ilea, lo
ft 00 per week,
uitiou, lioard.
lodg iuga 11 d boo k a
lese thau tlfsj
per year. Con
aervatory of Mu
aic: Thorough
eoDreea are otter
ed in vocal and
tuition, t
per term of SO
from the atale
Monmonih is easily accessible from nil earla of tha alata. twelve
eapital. sutv utiles soi.o. ,,f Portland. Catalogues cheerfully aent nn annlicstiou.
Address. 1'. 1.. CAM I'Hhl.l,. President; 8 htiKDD, Secretary of Knoaltv.
A full line .r Dress boods, lut Indliifr Krondhrd'.
firms' nml Hoys t lothlng. Areuts for lireniiNtllle
ruthlmr. Ilats, t,M.ts. Shnea, etc. Alsu rirorerles,
i rot lirrr mikI (iliisswitre.
110 it
I vfn August isth, to the wife of V. H.
Taylor, a son.
r. a. nut r, w. n. r. j. a.n.rt. 11. s , m. n,
ItltS. K. A. to K.J. ItAII.KV.
1 Atxtirt iir.rns.
lllI.LiIH)ltt), OltLUOV.
tn. r: in i'hnrmncv. t'nion llhs k. Calls
attended to, night or day. liesnlenoe, H. XV.
Cur. base bine and Second slreeta.
IN the Connfy Court of tbe Hutl of Ore
Kn. for Washington Connty.
Ill the luatterof the estate of William Hell,
lo Annie Hill and Dnrolbea Camiuinga, nnd
nil pern. n. interested in aaid estate:
Von. and each of yon are herebv required
tonpp nr in the above named Court, at the
Courthouse 111 Hillsboro, county and stale
afor. s.'i.l. on Momlav, the Jnd day of Octo-
j br, s.i.;, at 10 o'clock n. m. of aaid day and
. I show cause, if any exist, why no order of
i aale should not be msde as praved for In
.itlie petition of the ndminiatrntor of anid
Alniinitrntor'w iilr.
NOTICE is hereby given Hint the nnd.r
a gurd has been dulv appointed ad
ministrator of the ect ite of II. V. (iardiner
deceased, by the Counlv Court of the Mnfe
of Oregon. f..r Vahingtnn countv. Ail
lersons. therefore, having cl.ilms nva'nst
-aid est-ite are licn-bv reipured to preseut
them, with proper vouchers to me nt mv
iraoc, or at the law olhee of 'I noa. It.
I miMie, in HillslKiro, Washingion countv.
Oregon, wilhin six months fuuu the date
HiIIsIm.m, Oregon, August HrJ, 1 :!.
t" ! V. A. HU1KV.
Assignee's Notice.
tataie which aaid petition it herein Died
and prav ng that the administrator of anid
il ir-aed, N illisui Hell, be directed to aell
all the lands bel.uig.ug to tbe anid William
Hell, deceased, to pay the claims against
said ornate, m.d for the ooata and eiuenaea
' f aiiiuiiiistraii in. Haid lands ia situate id
Washington comity, Oregon, and ia de
scrilHil as follows, to-wit: lleing the eaat
half of the northwest qnarter of aeoliou
f.mr. township one north, range fonr went,
Willamette .Nferidinn
Witness the Honorable Hodolph Crandall,
.--. Judge of the C-onnly Court of the
1 Statu of Oregon, for the Conutv
) l"t1- ( f Washington, with tbe seal of
aaid court nftited Ihia isth day
of Angust. s. l;H7
Attest; K. It. OOODIN, Clerk.
Anweawor'n 'tlc.
'PHK Hoard of Konalixation for Washing
I ten conicy. will tonvr ne in the Clerk'e
otlice at the Court House in Hillsboro, on
the J tu JT of Septenilier. Sa.l, and con
tinue in session one week, nr until the Moth
of September, for the pnrpoee of eqriaiuing
the tat lists of W ashington mnntv.
I.t-I.i C. K. UKICHM AN,
Ass.-s-s.rof W aldington oonuty, Oregon, j
and also the cstn of aud npon this writ
nnd of anid aale.
Now, therefore, by virtue nnd in pursu
ance of anid lodgment, decree ana order of
anle. I will, 00 Monday the 1 1th day of .Sep
tember, isit.l, at lOuki o'clock iu the fore
noon of aaid day, at tbe aouth door of the
Courthouse, iu Hillahoro, -Washington
oonuty, Oregon, aell the following liesonlied
real proHirty at pnblie auction to the high
eat bidder for onsb; Iving, being nud aitunte
in Washington countv. Slate of Oregon,
nd paiticulurlv deecntted aa lota nne(l).
two (Si, lluee (.11, ten (HI), eleven (II) and
twelve ( 12 1, iu block three (.1 1. in the tract
of land knowu aa J. It. Fleming's land in
South Coaet Addition to tbe town of Hills
boro, in aaid Washington county, Oregon,
to ant is 'y the hereinbefore named sunn and
the ooata nnd expenses of this anle; anid
property will be aold aubject to redemption
as li -l statute of Oregou.
Wituesa my hand this '.Mb Wav of Angnat,
IHC:t. II l.'i H. P. KolU.
Sheriff of Washington eonnly Oregon, j
N'tiTll L ia hereby given that in p 11 ran -sure
of an order and decree made and
entered bv nud in the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for W ashington conutv,
ou tbe Vliib day of Julv, I w.l, in a suit there
in landing, in which Albert Keiland was
pli.tntiff nnd r Inula th Heilnnd, llernnrd
Kindred, C. W. ( arson. Oito Hrunke, liob-
ert Hrunke nnd Alary Hrunke were defend
nuta, nnd which decree directed me to aell
the premisea hereinafter described nud
Upon tbe terms hereinafter net forth, 1 will
aell at public auction to tbe highest bidder,
at the eonth door of tbe Court House, iu
Hilsboru, Washington countv. Ore wen on
S-'tnrCiiv. the :wddav of Heptenilier IS'.U. at
Itin'cl.s-k in the forenoon of aaid da. all
the follow ing-descritied trait of land, lying,
htmgand situate 111 Wnahingtun oountv.
Oregon, and more particularly known and
ueacrineq as tne ecu til naif of I lie uortbeest
quarter of wclion 1;, township ,1 south
range 1 woat, Willamette Meridian, contain
ing si acres, nnd being tbe homestead laud
claim of Casper Heilaud. apon tbe follow
ing terms of snle, to wit;
I ). e half ot the purchase price to be paid
oash in baud; tbe remaining one half to le
paid iu one year frrui the dav of anle, to
draw interest at the rnte of pi per cent, per
anunm, and to lie aecared by a mortgage
upon tbe preu.ieca aold, conveyance to lie at
the expense of the p-irchaser.
Cify Livery Stable
H Iipiy on II nI 11. c Hi st Teams that can he had
in 1
li. IV
F.itM ntor'n
Kllil), Keferee.
I N tbe matter of the ntiignmetit of At. K
I tveritl, an ins.
ii.,vem uetitor. noli.-e is
herei.y given, tint 1. the undersigned, as
signee of the estate of M. K. Kveritt. an
insolvent dehbir, have tiled mv final account
sa such assictiee. in the Circnit Court, of
the staleof t Iregon for W sshitiutoo comity,
and that aaid account will be heard and
pnsaed upon at the term of anid court, be
ginning ai Hillsboro, Oregon, the focrth
Monday of Noveiulsr. is-.n.
listed at Hillstwro. Oregon, tins ?7th day
of Jnlv. lsi;. V A. HAKKEir.
' ' Assignee.
Indinti Vnr rtcrnnw
OF Washington County will meet at the
Contthnne, in Hillaluro, Satuulay,
September ;'nd at 1 o'clock p. m. to Coin-
plete orcaniniion, na per statute directed,
and for tbe transaction of other business.
1.' I i 1. K. COKNLLK S, Capt.
eood past ore
nd under
I have about H.0 sores of
annnlied with good living water, an
a g aid fence. Kalea for paatarage, (l.OOi
Per month. llorsea salttsl every week.
Will teke all reeetmable eare of animals,
but nnnvjidahle accidents at owner, riak.
lm JAMKi O. 1.1 E, O sat on Or.
N'OTICK ia herebv given that the nnd.-r-B'uned
exisjulors of the last will and
test anient of Miles Hnviea, deceased, have
filed their final account aa aucb executors
with the Honornble Comity Court of the
State of Oregon for Washington conutv,
and aaid Conn has Axed Monday, tbe 4ih
day of September, lsi.it, at 10 o'clock of tha
forenoon of aaid day for bearing objections,
if any there tie, to tbe approval of anid
final acouaut and aett lenient of aaid estate
Etacotor of the last will nnd teetament
Of Mile lavie deceased.
Dared, Hnlaboro, tregoo, Aognst I. Is-tl.
C. t. Kindt, Atty. for eteen..M. p) 4
(Jood Teams (imu UuirnieH ami (Jood Drlveisj.
Cor. Second and Washington 8t.
1 have snl-,li Iilod the l-he Ouks Farm
into lots or 10 ami so acres In such
mnnncr that each tract frontn a road.
TIiIh SiiImIIvIhIoii Is miles east from
lllllshoro and V ,cst from l'ortlaml.
I he land Is natural prairie, so there Is
no expense lor s:riilltns.
Masonic Temple, Hillsboro. rirPPnn
9 0
Are now making a Pirst-CIast
.. at their ..