Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 11, 1893, Image 4

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    nit: Fin mi i, runru or xmu
ll win Mini t.y Kitnt tliut a man
mi! not xiut'r.t aiainnt hi will. V
liavt no cviilt'Di-o us to how far he
vtriilfl thi roofitiin In hit ow
Itcrton, Imt IIjh fXrhton has It
einirlntnn', fliow iiij us. that Kant
if-fuMi-il tlm will a a Mort of rt'ijula
tor if not the alu-olutP, controlling
yi r in the individual Kifo. I'roj
i-rly Hjx-ukiiiK, ho rt'i;iirlil Ixxly htxl
Hpirit m liitrrdcpcndctit lnwar
al.lt. Miml ami mutter were in hi
yts a unity in which the action ol
thtt one cnUi-l for.h the reunion ol
the other.
We have no intention of reopening
here the old nlrile U'tween material
l-ui uijiI iijetilism. The otiJt-t of our
introductory remark I simply t
Jirem'lit the sutjeet in iti hlghewt fcv
ls-t. where it nttturttllY ituirkrt'stri the
iti-tin : "By what loeatii Is thi
iliU rli'ielulelice between the hvsic-
til and tpiritunl drought thout'.'"
luritand twi.it as we inuy, we 0111
Miii;u'et no other medium! than our
iii.rve.-, tho; itiliuiui'Dihle Hgentt in
e'iuiillv!n.amir:ilile liiltor. Kvery
iiipre :jon to vhii;h our hody N f 1 1
iii-'.sl i.iihIiii v-. it loeul ,-tInitilus or
m itatloii, which is ut once tcl
urnplied lo the ceiitnU oruM of our
iititual heiug, the hruin, hy one 1
thfsc iiclive ugi'iiti. The .sensation
arKcs into roiisciousnoss, and in such
sie tliiit we are nhle to lociitc the
sent of stimulation ; the central or
gnu reacts, uiid, in the case of a jmin
fill shock, for example, inetges
to the heart, which U violeull.v
excile, thereby ilitlueuciiiu tin
whole circulation, possibly making
the kucet tremble. Now, what i
terror? O'ltiiiuiy nothing bodily
hut u tin re mental condition, mid yt
it may be sutllcient to exerci-s- tin
irioKt iKJwerful Influence over any of
our orpins, even to paralyze them.
llow this oecurs we know no inon
than we know how consciousness
originates. It present, however, a
MJtllclciit ill ustru lion of the fact that
a uisturi'Cii aiental eomlition can
ojx-rnto prejudicially to our physical
constitution. That midden joy, uu
tier certain circumstances, may
equally prostrate the physical jxtw
ers, prove only that extreme may
product like consequences.
What does this teach us? This
only, Unit the mind is a power in
our physical constitution, as great a
power, perhaps, ns even the heart or
the lungs, if not greater. Its Hjiecliil
media are our senses, which, receiv
ing impressions of stimuli, transmit
them to the central organ, when
they engender characteristic mental
conditions. How must the eye Ix
exercised in mastering all the hn
pressions that fall upon it from the
outer world ! According as they an
beautiful or ugly, they Impress our
mind pleasantly or painfully, and by
its reaction our I todies are similarly
alfectcd. J u the oun case we may b
disposed to dance, in the other wi
may be Incapable of even eating or
drinking. Similar ell'ects may Ix
produced through the organ of hear
ing. Word and tone are capable of
generating the most powerful emo
tions. .Music esjK-cially exercises an
Immeasurable influence on even the
simplest minds. Lively music Im
Iels copli; irresistably to dance.
The ower is purely spiritual, but it
reacts in the highest degree upon th
So, toil, w itli the sHikcn word. I-
It not wonderful how we are moved
to anger or sympathy, how we may
be ex.iilarated or depressed, by the
mere modulation of another's voice,
or by the narration of tales of humor,
of patho.o, or of horror? Of cour
ideas are awakened, but what swcr
is there in ideas to make the hair
stand on end, or the sweat ooze from
the jmih-s of the skin, or how can a
thought make us dizzy: It is no
satisfactory explanation to say that a
dia.iness was caused by a (low ot
blood to the head. What is it which
makes so many people giddy w hen
they stand on the edge of a precipice?
Simply the idea of falling over.
Kvery one familiar with the sensa
tion knows that it I'cclsas if his bruin
wcrMhc seal of confused emotion-,
which entirely upset his cipjitniuiity.
Hut what enures the sensution? I
have seen u mountain maid stand on
the outer i Ijje of the w itches' danc
ing place in the I lartz, arid let her
eye wander calmly down the dark
valley below, and I saw the same
girl Inter overcome with di.incs
while crossing a bridge, U-low which
the waters seethed and whirled tum
ultously. A .strong will can do
much, if not everything, to overcome
this sensation of giddiness, which, If
it arises, excludes all the more pleas
urable ideas which the scene i equal
ly capable of awakening.
The most powerlul influence on
our lives is iimiuostioiftthly love; but
this, too, is bastl on .stimulus-sensations
precisely as the poet says, 'Thy
ttcautiful llgure excites me" (.Mich
reit deine schone (iestalt.) It ori
ginates in the pleasurable emotions
which each in-pi res in the other; but
what fateful revolutions, spiritual
and physical, inny it not work,
whether in a joyo.is or tragical direc
tion. It is tli j most spiritual of
human scntiuiei.ts, yet w hat devast
ation may an unfortunate love in
volve! It Is easy t. say that it is the ner
vous system whose molecules vibrate
at their highest ra;io in tranquil
love, but arrested and contused in
their vibrations when the sentiment
Is disturbed. Hut how is that
brought alxiut? Is there really a
Ixiiindnry Ix-twcen the physical and
the spiritual in our being? In this
rt aim we grope in darkness, inenp
alle (if nigni.ing anything but
iilieiiomeiia, hut tin? more thorough-'
ly we study the subjts-t, the clearer
appear the evidences for the conclus
ion that bixly and soul ure one.
If we pass from lovu to hate, we
have a new writs of txvtirrences
which (icinte jxjwerfully on our
physical nature. From Jealousy to
vengeance the road U straight, and
all that lie between is blind passion.
Why do we say blind ? liecaiisc
that Is the actual eomlition which
the mental life manifests. Not that
the eye has lost the faculty of seeing,
but that Judgment, love and human
ity are over helmed by palon. As
is well known to the medical profen
siou, ituch mental excitation gener
ate physical ailments, resulting, in
some cases, even In madness. No
oni! knows so well its iln doctor for
the Insiine, how intimate Is the re
lation between insanity and physical
disease of the brain. To a doctor for
the intim- the idea tif soul and body
exi-.tmy: iitrt islniply ridiculous,
but he would probably listen resjsvt
hilly to the suggeslion that the soul
i- not one s ith the brain only, but
W ith the w hole body,
l';is-iiig now to the realm of hyp
notism, we llnd one mind iiiflui iir
ing another, uud through It the "
elated organism, by puicly physical
agencies. I tils, perhaps, aitoiiis uie
key to the tendency to yaw n, laugh
crv. etc., in sympathy with others.
We iioi-t conclude, tlnu, thai
ljxly and s ul constitute a unity, in
which the healthv activity of each is
s.sential to the liealthy aclivMy of
both. Tin) moral is that tor a
healthy enjoyment of lite it is ntves-
iry to exercise the mental powers to
normal extent, and maintain a
rigid coutrol over the passions.
Mental and physical health and vig-
r call for activity, aportioiimeiit of
tune, regularity of lile, ediicatioii ot
the w ill power for the attainable and
natural. le, and the pursuit of truth,
goodness and la-auty. lie Natur,
Lit. Digest.
Kcculiliiir a Mailed better.
I'o rtHidl a letter once mailed is
almost as dililcult a task as to take
back an assertion once uttcrud. The
sentler must appear at the postolllce
md is handed a blank to till out. In
this he must state when and where
lie mailed the letter, how !t was
Addressed, must describe the envel
ipe, state the amount of postage
prepaid and testify "that the above
mentioned letter was written by me
r by my authority and 1 desire lo
recall It for the following reason"
and then slate the reason, which Is
usually, "mailed by mistake.'' He
must then sign his name, so t lint the
handwriting may be compared with
that on tin; letter, and sign a receipt.
If the address can not be shown to
Ih in his handwriting, or is printed
r typewritten, he must describe
some x culiarities of the envelope
utilcieht to identify it. If lie is
tumble to tlo this the letter is refused
in less the postmaster knows the
applicant and is satisfied concerning
his gtNxl intentions. Ifhe Issatislied,
he asks for a statement concerning
the contents, and thenpplicant is then
bilged to open the letter and read
portions of it in the postmaster's
present e to prove that it is the one
he described.
I tn t if the letter has been sent
iway the prodta of recalling ills
till more dililcult. A similar blank
has to Ik filled out, and a minute
description telegraphed at the senil-
r's expense tt the jxstmaster nt the
olllce of of its destination. If tliscov-
rcd in time the letter is then inter
cepted and sent to the department at
Washington with a statement of the
-ase. W hy should any one want to
recall a letter so much as to take this
trouble? Well, there was one case
at the local ofHce recently where a
valuable dissl was mailed and the
nder received information that
satisfied him that the sale should not
lx made. In another case an impor
tant contract was sent, ami informa
tion received Immediately after made
It imperative that it should be
A cornsqwindent writing to the
merican lVonomisI, makes this
obervatloii : 'l'nles I am much
mistaken there is a jreat chantrc
aking place in the views of work-
inguicn on the NHincct of turill, par
ticularly i haitics. Said one to
me not long since : 'I Is'gin to ic
lieve you km w w hat you wi re talk
ing about last fall, ami were not
talking through your hat.' If I
ever vote another licmoeratic ticket
may the hand Is- paralyzed that
casts it. Said another, when asked
why he had Ixsimie a Cepulicau:
llts'iuiso it is the party of principles
ind brains.' The pa-t wint' r 1 was
in ieorgia mid talked w ith many on
the question at issue, and was sur
pristsl to learn how little the subject
is understixxl, even among the most
intelligent. Could the Kconoliiist be
circulated among the"i it would
have a splendid ell'ect. I regard it
as one of the most etTcclive weapons
we have, and am anxious to see it
irculated among the intelligent
working classes. I believe It would
lx the most Mitetit factor for gtxxl.
consume no articles of foreign man
ufacture and growth that I can find
an American substitute for, and have
not for years. I w ill not wear im
(Mined doth if I know it, ami have
not for years."
The co-oHTative plan of selling
fruit which has Usn adopted by the
fruit growers of Santa Clara county,
sterns to W workimr to a charm.
The iiicnilxTs of the Fruit Kxchnnge
have not contracted their cros, but
have depended on the exchange, and
as a result buyer, are becoming num
erous and offers more UIsthI. s. y.
h ron it'le.
She had few amusements, com
pansl with the manifold pleasures
and holiday that children have
nowadays. She saw the artillery
company drill on training day, when
they Wire "etlterta'ned genteelly
and gent rot. sly at .Mr. Ilandcock'a
on caku unt! wine;" die went each
w eek to the solar Thursday Iecture.
he bad one holiday which the revo
lution struck from our calendar, the
King's Coronation lay, celebrated
by beat of drums, discharge of ar
tillery and burning of fireworks.
She sometimes bad the pleasure of
attending a funeral. And w hen she
was 1-' years old she "came out"
became u "miss in her teen -and
went to a succession of little routs, or
parties, to w hich only young maids
of her own age were invited no
rouh IJoctou boys. She has left
several prim and quaint diwcriptions
of these parties, i lere is one ;
'I I'nive now the pleasure toive
you the result, viz : u very genteel,
wcll-rt'L'iiluti-d assembly which we
had at Mr. holey V last vvening, Mi-s
oley lielug mistress ol me cerc
IIIOIIV. Miss Soley tlesiretl II it to
u ist Miss 1 lannali in makiugoiita
li-t of l'ui-!s w hich I did sometime
iuce. I wrote all the invitation
aids. here was a large company
assembled in a handsome tipixr
room at the new end of the home.
We had two lid. lbs A- I had the
honor to oiion the divcisioii of the
evening in a minuet with .MissS.ilcy.
We had a very agreeable evening
from .") to in o'clock. For variety
we woo'd a wilow, hunted the
whi-tlc, threaded the needle, and
while the company was collecting,
we diverted ourselves with playing
of pawns, no rudeness, .Mamma, I
a-siire you. Aunt Iteming ileslrc
Mm would nartii ularl v observe that
the elderly part of the Company were
ssctators only, they mixed not in
either of tin above describe scenes.
"1 was dressed in my yellow coat,
black bib and apron, black feathers
on my head, my past comb A- all my
past garnet marqucsctt A Jet pins,
together with my silver plumes, my
locket, rings, black yards of blue
ribbon (black A blue is high ta-t ),
striped tucker A- ruflles (n it my best)
A my silk shoes completed my dress.
lit-t me show from her entries her
ililligence and industry, and compare
it with the work of a week of any
girl of thirteen in a corresponding
station of life nowadays:
"I have reail my ISible every day
this week, and wrote every dav save
one. I have spun thirty knots of
Hinting yarn A partly new footed a
pair of stockings for liiiciiida, read a
part of the pilgrim's progres, copied
a part of my text journal (that if 1
live a few years longer I may be
able to understand it, for Aunt said
that to her the contents as I first
marked collar round my neck, black
mitts A them are an imprenetable
secret), played some, tuck'd a great
deal, laughed enough and 1 tell
Aunt it is all human nature if it is
not human reason.
"Aunt says I have been a very
good girl today about my work,
however I think this day's work
may be called a piece meal, for in
the first place I sewetl tin the bosom
of unkle's shirt, mended twit pair of
gloves, mended for the wash two
handkerchiefs (one cambrick), sewed
on half a border of a lawn apron of
aunt's, read part of the xxist chapter
of Fxodus and a story in the Moth
er's tiift."
Tin Price of Wool.
Ftl. West, the sheep man, told an
Advertiser representative that this
season's wool crop would not pay
him for the time and trouble he must
scnd in shearing, consequently he
has nhnndoiidotietl the task. How
ever, he will let his hearders shear
his Ihx'k for what they can niakn by
It. Mr. West attributes the light
crop to tin long continued drought
The above clipping from our Free
Trade paper shows how Free-
Traders construe matters to suit
their side of the ease, instead of
things being as these clippings statt
Mr. West Is giving tin same personal
attention to shearing as heretofore,
and instead of a light crop of wo l,
his sheep will average nearly
pounds the uual average. He has
cause to regret light r.ults from the
low price of wool, not from "long
confinous drought." only that the
drotight is one cause of a smaller
increase in lambs than usual. A
cup oi wool soki ncre a lew ilavs
since lor 7 cents per pound. The
clip from the same flock sold here
last year lor : cents. A clip of
medium wool wild yesterday for 1 It j
cents, and that Irom the same (lin k
lust year sold at I'.t cent'.
So far -ales have betsn made at
from one-third to about one-half lo
ll last year. It is istimatcd by
competent judges (hat the amount of
money t niig to this town IVmii
Wool alone will be over ."ill,ooi less
than last year, of Course, flu people
of encli political parlv differ as to
wlllt lias cali-ed this decline in
wool prices ls:ng down lo a free
wool basis, and having declined more
tlein other pnxlucts, suggests (hat
anticipated free-wool and reduction
of tariff on noolcns are tin greater
Cause of the decline.
Wll.l.l.VM .Mll.l.KKN,
State Secretary.
Trinidad, Col., June -N, s'i;.
"I I.) you believe the rain falls
alike on the just an I the unjust ?"
"Nixie! The unjust swipe the
umbrellas." F..x change.
Mrruicth and Health.
If you are not feeling strong and
healthy, try F.lec'.ric Hitters. If la
griqe has left you weak and weary,
use F.hvtric Hitters. This remedy
acts directly on liver, stomach and
kidneys, gently aiding those organs
to s rforni their functions. If you
are aillicttsl with sick heiulache, you
w ill find sptstly and permanent re
lief by taking Fleet ric Hitters. One
trial w ill conv ince you that this is
Just the remedy Jon tited. Ijirge
bottles only .Mi cents at the Pharmacy.
IClpruiVK ( ream.
Mr. John Oliver, late prin.-Ipal of
the Western Dairy Institute in Fng
land, has us-n delivering a very
interesting series of lectures on the
proper management of cream and
churning of butter, which are coin
nichttsi on In The Dairy, an F.ngli
dairy journal, home of these ideas
set forth are as follows: It is gen
rrally iiceeissury to mix the cream of
two or three days together for churn
lug. lliette creams should Ix? kept
apart until brought together for
ripening, txt-ausu the casein in those
which had leen proKrly acidified
would churn rapidly, and ethers
would not, and there would come
loss of fat In the buttermilk. There
fore it is necessary to hold the old
cream back so as to bring each day':
cream together at as equal a condition
as xissitie. After the main part of
the cream has lecn separated it I
useless to continue churning with
tin hojx of obtaining the balanet
lit ripening cream it Is necessury to
give a lower teuqxrature w hile th
e us are fetsliug on grass and succu
lent foods thau w hen feeding oa hay
grain and other dry loods. Thi
was because of the ditlcreiices of the
relative proportions of the solid auu
liquid fats. The success and econo'
my of churning depends in a great
degree on skill uud Judgment In
ripening the cream. Fvery butter
maker should make a special study
of this point.
During the fiscal years I8!n, ih;u
and ls'.lli our exports exceed our im-
xrts by an aggregate of $:tll,00n,OO(l
although the Free -Traders claim that
we haw no foreign export trade
under l'rotection. Hut for the
fiscal year of 1 K!:i our imports
actually exceeded our exports by
j!i:),ti:.:l,00(i. Is this the kind of
prosperity the people voted for in
NovciuImt, 189:2?
To Congress : The people ask for
bread ; see that they are not given
llio Sherman silver law will go
down in history as the greatest
scarecro1 v of the age.
Comptroller Fckels appears to l
rapidly hearing the time when lie
will think himself "a bigger man"
than the administration.
Some of those now engaged in
urging congress to say something
and do something will ere long do
the regret act.
The complications at the World's
Fair under its numerous commissions,
present a strong argunteut for one
man rule and strict accountability.
Numerous railroad smash-ups are
making a boom for the accident
insurance companies. Another
evidence that " ' Tis an ill wind
Hon. Sherman Hoar, the yot'g
man who introduced weepingf in
Congress, will hereafter have to' do
his weeping in court, an lie Is to be a
U. H. district attorney.
The American 1'ongresn has de
veloped a few rowtlies, but the
worst of them appear to bo refined
gentlemen when compared with the
sluggers of the Hrltish Parliament.
One of the Itothschilds proposes
starting a daily paper in Paris. If
he have any enemies now is the time
for them to rejoice with great
The trouble w ith Dr. Congress in
tht! past has been his fondness for
administrating temporary stimulents
when the patient needed a good,
strong tonic, something that would
be lasting in its good effects.
The man w ho died w hlle beating
his wife, at York, Pa., met a late
that ought to lie meted out to all
wife-beaters. The man who will
wtrike a woman, no matter how
great the provocation, Is at heart a
Her Uoyal HighntsM, tiueen
Victoria, will have to take her young
and giddy relative, the F.mKror of
Germany, across her knee and give
him a spanking for speaking disrc
spcctfully of the "(iueen'a naves."
Can it Ix possible that when
Senator Hill was enlarging upon the
dangerous encroachment that are
Ix'ing made upon personal lilxrty he
had in mind the appointment of
New York's Federal officials, which
he wis not given the liberty to
name ?
John Hopkins Fnlvcr-ity would
do well to treat its instructor in
history as hi? treated the woman he
hurried in Switzerland last year and
now refuses tr rts.tgni.e. His moral
nature unfits him for a professor
ship in any college.
This is a gixxl time for some of the
financial dix-tors tit ask themselves
in all seriousness, whether contrac
tion or ex pansson of the currency Is
what the country needs;? for twist
and turn the whole business anyway
you please that is the question that
Congress will have to answer.
The two New York girls w ho gave
up their private fortunes to pay
business debts of their father and
went to work ns scIkxiI teacher and
stenographer, resxctively, ought not
belong without husbands, and gixxl
ones, tx.
Frankfort, N. Y., Iter. 2H, 1.).
Mil. NollMAM Llt lfTY,
Ites Moines, Iowa
I tear Sir: Ijist summer I pro-
eunsl a Ixtx of your "headache Cap
sules" from a friend. 1 found them
splendid, but have lxen unnbie to
find them here, therefore writ" to
you asking you to send me n lox ns
sum as possible, as I do not like to tx
without ihciit Please Ix? promt. t
and oblige,
Hox (17. Mix (iRAt k IIakki.
llujluf a Little Indian.
licit' is the Unt investment I
ever made In my life," said C. tiea
tiloyorterday atternixm as he tcxik
the e.tcnds hand of a stalwart
young man ilresmd in exquisite
taste with the fentuni of the Ameri
can Indian, and introduced him as
Dr. Carlos Moiitcr.uma. "One
would not think I Ixxight the dix'tor
for 10. He was but A years of age
then. It was in the summer of ls71
I was prospecting in Arizona, taking
photographs of Indians and Aztec
ruins and gathering curiosities. One
day a band of I'imos Indians came
iuto my dcu witli this handsome
fellow here, but he was not hand
some then. ' lit was painted in
glaring colors, witu two rows of
beads around bis neck. I took a
fancy to him as a genuine live curi
osity. The PiinuH wanted f it) for
him. 1 tried to Ix-ttt them down,
but-they Insist. si uxn their prlc
auil I guve it. The little chap cried
for u day or two, thinking I was
going to kill him, ami hu laughs now
when lie explains that he took me
for the devil.
"I gave him his name," said Mr.
Cfeiltile. ".Moute.umu "Was nug
ges'ted by the ruins of that region,
ami us the Apaches spoke a little
Spanish, 1 cnlltsl him Carlos, the
punish cqiiivelaut of my fcivtn
name i iiarles." ir. .Montezuma
says his life wid Ix dedicated to the
service of the li dians, and lit? will
never be perfectly salished until llie
government properly educatis the
young of his people. Chicago
Some one remarks that President
Cleveland is a courageous man, and
w ill exercise his gill in the right
direction this time, and adds Inci
dentally that one item which that
iiro'e will cause him to accomplish
is to induce Congress) to f-ue three
hundred thousand dollars in l.hltcti
States bonds to assist in keeping up
the gold reserve and single gold
tandard. If President Cleveland
follows out that policy the truthful
historian will not chronicle him as
an extra courageous man, but sim
ply as one who yielded ttt the
Ix'hests of the money arlsttxracy,
with the idea of increasing his ex
chequer and enlarging his influence
and hold with the money bag hold
ers of the nation, without a care for
the. benefit of the people. There ia
not a single iota of a call for the
issues of any more bonds, only to
give their manipulation into the
hands of those w ho are calling so
loudly, persistently and speciously
for the adoption of the single gold
tandard. Albany Herald-Dissem
Terre Haute, Ind., Dec. 1, Hill.
Mil. LlrllTY, lies Moines, Iowa.
Fneloscd find twenty-five cents,
for which please send me one box of
Krause's Headache Capsules.4 I have
used some which 1 bought in Chi
cago,- tail can t get them in this
place. I found them quite lxnc ficial.
Please send as soon ns possible.
Yours truly,
I.IZlli M. Pl.AXKTT.
The cry is now, "(Jive us the gotxl
old llcpuhlicati times" of 1M!)l, in
stead of the goi d old IemXTatie
times of 1S.iL' to lH;.
I.a ripe.
During the prevnloce of the grippe
the past season it was a noticeable
fact that those who depended iixm
Dr. King's New I iscovery, not only
had a speedy recovery, but escaixsl
all of the troublesome after effects of
the malady. This remedy seems to
have a peculiar power in etficting
rapid cures not only in cases of la
grippe, but in all diseases of throat,
best and lungs, and has eunsl cases
of asthma and hay fever of long
standing. Try it and be convinced.
It won't disappoint. Free trial
bottles at the Pharmacy.
txinu uolHtiiifi-oonted Mid oviform in nliRix
lira emv to liikv, nut Hlleciwl by Htmuni)li-rio
oliHm.cs, nnil uro very noluuie auu enmly ui
( ptroplun; tl.c tonio Iron tlioy Aontnin) wife
Mid riko i it monthly reuulHlor. 1 In most
Miiuient phvsioiHiiM ot lUm fttfn do Dot btm-
tHle to rmotiiiiieiid llmxe null when lliev nrp
fiilviwdof tin. loniiiilrt. Ihuv tlniiKK nilulit
bn Haldol lliuir lunev Tirturs, mnuv Volun
tary trntauoiiiiils lin'ht l.e iu'.ilit'd. bat
ll.li iioertv will not be tukxn. .M all v urate-
fill 1 allien l.ave t iiI'pii as letter" without
even iii.irkuiit tlirui " conljdeutuil." W do
not nolii.it teHtnuoiiinln, nor do we care for
til. 'in. an we 0'iiitioturte tbein. li
A Hurt fur for Piles.
Itching 1'ilei urn known hy moisture
ke itempiMtioii, rmulli llitetine Itrliiim
wl.etiwar.il. I Lilt foriu well lllind
ItleediiiH or l'rotrnd:i.rf, yield nt ouoe to
I ir. hoHfiuko'e I'lle Kemedv. which let
directly on part t'lfected. nlisorh turnor
hIIkv lU't.uin ku.1 ellentu n perinxnenl enre.
Vlctx. l)iuiisn or mail, ('irotil.irt free.
Ir Kixxnko. PliilHdelpliia, 8.dd by
Krock k H,-l.
Tli" nml.'rnli.'iicj linvinir Ixs-n rpstorcd to
hfnlth lit m in It. nit-mis, nffi-r nafTi'ritu; (nr
TtrHl ytrs with wtcre Iiiiik uflmtiinn
imu Hint urffiti aisfits t ungu mprmn. m
iii xi. mm to iiinkc ka iwn to hi felluw niiflVr
h tbt- niKiuis of r.irc. 'i'o thixw who druin
it, ha will clitK-rfnllr "atii I frra of chnriKl
Siipr f the irsNcriitinn aspj, which tbry
will find, it mrr ourr fir i.'nntumiitntn. Ant li
mn, i'nlimh, Hrnrhtti'nd nil thront Mid
lun Mnliulirt. lie liiws all nafUrrr, will
trt his rrninly. us it is luTHlnal.lc. Thus
d-sirinif th jin-wriptLm. which will cost
tli-m DDtiiinir, mid in prove lili ssiriu,
will plrnst sjarfts,
lir. KewAiin A. Wn.sow.
o7-ljr UriB.kltn, New York.
Ttssr rtnaqttantlw.f wsnn)MSfit. aftvATY
t)i)tjulln I. bov.l of ur n brtnd, N vS
ctod k r but. iru i. r i h a. iiL CI .
ro'''LrpTiirr.rRsriryriALLT. twf
o eai are
sfHl bett&r When
tnndc vtith
fbrlhe ara
REE from Q?EI3a
AortVnrtj; and alt
Cooking fourJboe.9
anet jburer- fa a a Urd
CnuiM mid only by
Ivipan Tubules are com-
pouhded from a prescription
widely used by the best medi
cal authorities and urc pre
sented ia a form that is be
coming the fashion every
where. Ripans Tabules act gently
but promptly upon the liver,
stomach and intestines; cute
dyspepsia, habitual constipa
tion, offensive breath and head
ache. One tabule taken at the j
first symptom of indigestion, j
biliousness, dizziness, distress j
after eatinj?, or depression of :
spirits, will surely and quickly
remove the whole difficulty. !
RipansTabules mr.y bo ol- j
tained of nearest druggist. ;
Ripnn Tabule
ir (.leu 1. t'ik'e
quick to act, rp'PP I
save many a doc-'V j
tor's bilL iLtS r
Monuments. Headstones
and nil kinds of Marlile Work in
Importer mid denier in
Ameican and Scotch Granite Mcnuments.
otrica and woms
220 Sitlmon St., I'OKTI.AM), OH.
One Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In valuable Presents to be Clven Away in Return for
1,165 TFM TtTNTTWO EUirrf OOLD WATt'HES t :l,r,-,,i c
6,776 FINK IMPOKTKIt KKFN'CIf t;FKIt llLAMMKM, .VtiU'it i u l.ciDV,
HI.ACK ENAMhL, THIM.MI.VUsl, .IAUA.NTKkI A II Itu.MA I Ii '. . . ,iT.-, I
23,100 IMItiRTKI) flKRMA.N UtTKUOItN JIAMH.K, tul'K III..' '1 l
lIKKI.r KNIVM , iM li"0 '
11 5, BOO pjl'j!--0 OiD WATCH C'lIAItM liOTAUV i Kl.Vs VE V I 1 1 1
1 1 5,500 I.AIWK I'lcTt'KKH (14x28 Incb'pa) IN i:U: i'li c't'iLtiUH, for f r'liMlr..
UU UVi TtlSlllg uu I bmu
Tin tov srtiolM will be ril.trlliutcl, hr eflli. smnrtf pH: n L ) flu w hi'l'AI
Ilt-Ali I'Iuk J. to.-.o, and Mura tu u tlis H. f At.H lu. n iu. r. ri..iu.
We will ilNtrlbut'i 82H ot tliss prlcri lu Ibis rounir as f..n.c.i i:
To THK lAI!TV scn.ln ns His r.lt n.lliibcr ol Sl'KAH III: A It
iAtes Irom IHIs roasilj mm will five
lo inr H I. I'AUriF .4 ftvlitu us the nel rml tiuimIh r c.f
bl'i:.VK ItKAl 1 AOS, wv will lve toesrli, 1 ol'UlA i.LA.-s....-, .l i.il.i l.I.A
Totlic TWKNTY lHTIKM senlln us the next vrrtn: iiutiil,-r
'."'AH HKADTAUS, we will kv to wb 1 i A.KI i'
! m Jim j.'ET J;
to the OVK lirxnWF.D PARTIES s niln ns the im ci-ale-t
riuirns-r of Hl'KAIt IIKtll TAUH, wi- wl! iv t.i c u U i
UMl.l.KK iWH.it WATCH (II A KM lutIH I'll K J Kj TiXjTlI
tUwnr. IIIM'HEti fAKTtKrt sendtnit ns the nut riva-t
iiiiini-r i f MI'I l HKAIl TALK, we
lUUU I'll Tl lit. IN 1-l.tVLN CoUttlo
Tolul Xnrober f Prires
f.rTrrN.-No Taos wilt herriltred l
tMi'.y t.n l Dfc ioiil.iln.iis nnmi tm
t ...irity. fti.-, ,n 1 Nu iiiwr of In ew b
prci'sl t.
I. ; li.-"!'!:.'. II UK t morr
rllll I'-I'.lrr.; tni.rs i. II in 1 1,.- . Tf.lef. I
A trlul ill oiivlnre the rtne.1 k..i.sl of tins fai t. It is tl, . .r,... ,,,,
shsie nn'l style on neri'i, wlnrh proves tlmt h Ihm ru;h' ,ru.- .; 1 , , .
si.le. Iry It. nti.l .rtlni.iiB lu n,e .oniesi for iti.-. s, i t 1 ' ' .,
I.i ..t.l piev ( hl'tAU UKAl foil l.uy. H. nil in ir(. ,' Z r 1. t ",
qusullty. Very sin. ey, v "
ill. I".
A ll-t the people nhte.lnln these prli.
tt imme-JlttWiy Ar Krbruarj lt. Mi
This remedy is a ,ire preventative
of diseases and epidemics among
noises, cattle aiul hogs.
Will remove all troubles arit.iug
from impurities of the 1.1. sal, disor
ordensl state of the stomach, Ixiwels
and kidneys, such as stairy coat,
livv of appetite, swelled legs and
pulled Joints, and other similar
IT II iS Ml I (I II .
For nali nt . , .
A Full litiH'k nr
t'l.iiKlantlv on IikihI.
Orel era Solioltsri.
JAS. H. StWELL, Hillsboro, Oregon.
Th ahovela a correct nlntur of TH B ORK
(IONIAN S Nr V Ul'lLDIN'r, ItMjntvd at th
iHjrtier nf lxtli mud Al ir itrta ror mny
ymrt THE OKKl.oMAN hua felt H nd t
nw mul cumrntMlluiM liulltinic Hiiilirluf
nil th iiionru itnprovwiiiriitH. lilt tha lnttai
lniprovl imtfliiiirrv for tunttinf out 1110
truiMklitan iimih'P. It now luia It. timl otio flint
tti whult PmciMo ost itiftv jiitly fl proitil
of it l rr"tuiiilv tha tin at on tl.i t-oail.
No thut TMh Oft ti lSiAN ! tttlt.i In
this Hw humn It trlm ik plvliihr Its infiTiy
frlfni liiistlL It innUf ttita koai'lnl litter
to thiM who ranww tlntr aulinriotifn. or to
ihot who aubanribw prior tu oiwiuur lit.
tOMUd til
UeeHly Oreqorpiai?
illUll I N IIM
Thi hmiiig tlx dull ao.i of tli y-ar. TH?
tmU()MA Imlifve n liciient ot lliia Kltn
I I ! irrn-itl Hittit cifitp l. rlr'it aeml I
your auS''ri t io i ia nooti u osi tun. w imi
vlaltliw I'rt I.intl win nr cur.ii tily Invlt
to rail Mii'i ttiiit n trip through our nv
wuiu. Aiira
,V) t
it.. (
$I7J,2C0 0C
wlU kivc to iu.1i 1
lco hi VV.K
for Itila 4 onuly,
tore JiinimrT ll. Is'.i f.r -f
r. ji 1; I ..nt,l , . ,,
h. i, A:l .:. . ..,
qiinliM r.f -. . . . ,
lie . main-'. 1 I . . i . Sf'k
4 tt tl I. 4 II
J. m U.'. (
'Ml' .VV, Miii.i.i:.i.v, dllio
In this r,;.iU;y nu.u .,t ln toU
' ' "",u-1 ln ,BU
-. ; r,'i',li
i -n- ii ,- - i. .- . f. . i
I 0 II Jl
l l lAIII li
:i,IMMI Mi reliailts st II I l.l ke-' .ec
tacles. J,INNI nf tliclll liaildleil oilier
Spectacle ilhniit Mnst.
fsiin the rent .uiliirity .f
HAWK IX (I lasses over nil other-.
Mi-optical plant mid factory i-otie
of the most complete in tin I . s.
These filliioti- hl-es jne lilted to
the eye ut the store of
a a a mm m
Sri J mm. a a a
1 a i a a a
W fuirmlf that onvul thrM pill at m Ho, will
i-roJ ifw bitr ruti m tl uuta l H fiioin.
CoslivfUMt. Hour Ktuwauh, bd brMth ncl I ii
ntw tbau Ihmto lv ol olbt-r mk. ict tlo it
without grip tag and tokoum l'hir wiuriti
h'Hou -ukm yuu lrl lih new briutf ".
iii uaftisu Hii. tvwuv Mmi. Cw., rial . 1 .
ft-w tin v , unil vdu will I' sunlnl ut iIm- iim x
MCh tl utt' tlmt will ffwnni mr t lturtn U
pl-hflv tllHtf tlH lt'L UU"IIH'" lU tlllt-f Ul HL'I'llt
ttitit iuii bt tuuitd n !li Uct ut tlii-s i . ii th.
IHI profit on S3 M worth of Imimiik i.
twnii rti-ilv ami UtHiornbiy nmili lv mul nJ to
llllinirfttH of IllfU, wiMIICII, Jm, U. I (11 ! HI ttuf
finpUtv. Vou titu nmke mutivv ft 1i r til X Ur
U tllUII VOU tlUV UIIV lti-M Of. I llf btl-MH"" I" (!
ftv u Imru. tnl intrtK'lHu u iMipIr mil liiin,
Unit all luefrtil from tlir lrt ili.tt- w Im t.iku
hoitj of flu- bulu-t rttp tli mivHiitiiki' Hint
HriB front tti uiiiii rt-jiuiHtiou ot on- ft ilit
ii.let, incut iuH'fwiul ami lii'ft uMi-liliij(
Iioum-4 in A imith a. Hft'iirr tor vur-.-ll tin- rtti i
thut tlir iHUlurn o ifattiiy mini liaini.iiH lv v ilt-.
All iM-ginncr sucrrtl rutitlh. mid inon tlntit
rnilixf thrir prrt-ntf-tt t-KM('tM!itii. )i- who
ir il It ttt i xmilvn w iili tlictii. Itirn-1 til v
of' nwmi fur ! utorv wtirktT, ml w itrtft
IImmd to iN'ifiu ttt ninT. If vtio ir' fclrtM.1v m
tlovt, but lutvt li'W iiioinciii , utnl wt-li
tu u tht'iii to itiivatiiMy, tlii'it w ill i l oih-i
(for tni i vour ifrainl opxtituultv , uml rtct'ivt
full T'irtit-ular lv rfturti niMil. Atltlrc-,
Ittl I-. & , IIdi o. 4NI, AuKiihtu, Mif
Tni: iicrw claim roni'iff,
Ail.tfixaa Ifltrr HP tirifstkl rinl 1t
wantqinfl Attorn.
Attn, for Hnldtcrf) snt) Astlnrs rllwiMfft In th Hrirtnf
dntf in tha resrMlsar A mi top Nhvt tlnrr th wr,
fiurvlviirs of tlit ludian wars of Iktj in H4 J, sni
tin-IP wiilowauw futltlcd. Old sua Ptitt-ctcl r-lnliua
i?t4liy. I iK'usstnds rntltlrtl tu nlfrlier rntt-s.
fipn. for new laws. iu Ciir4 lot ftdvlct. INolos)
BttUI SUCCteSklUl.
Scientmo American
Agency for
for Informal mo nit free HncllKMk wrileto
MI NN l l llHilll.H At, Nkw VnitK.
Oltltel tiurHU for siK'urliitf trite In Aiimti.'S.
Kvf y pettMit tMknn out t.y uu In liroiif.lu l..nro
tlis puUiu tiy suutioe glvoa free ol ol.ro lu the
mutific mmrau
I'ArtMit fimildtloti of wt artnntlrli4 pnptr In t tin
w or lil. ripltfiKlitlljr tlluiitrtHl. So 1 1 ir 1 it-oiiC
nmn sriouiil i wit Iful, it. Wwkly. te.J.oo t
ytr 91..'-) mi month.. AMnH MI N N A t'U
Caveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Coprfghts,
lad all Patent buatnpu rondactcd fur
Information snd sdrlce glveo to liivculon without
Ctorgt. Aiitlreu
Maaa(ln( Attornry,
P.O. Box 463. Wasiiimhtox. rt.C.
KrThls Company Is msnsffH by s eomhinstloB nf
Uie Isrirat U4 nioat Isfluentlsl newipaprn In the
I'nltrd Htatra. for thi eiprras purpfiss of airoteel.
"Mr saerlsera aralnat sn run.ilous
na Inromprtrnt falrat Ipili, an4 earh paper
prtntlnc ibis a4rrrtiarmrnt roorhei for t ho rni.n.l.
blllt and LinU stand lug of tlis freas ClaUua Coaipaa.
( areao, and 'I mflc-M.rlu obtained, and all I'at. J
snt business conducted lor Moocearc rrrs. e
JOus) or net is Oeeos.rt o. . sitiht Orr.cr
Jand we ran ae. ins .aient in lc l.u.o llian Uiuk
e rsmuts from A aslnnffton.
t Send model, drawing or photo., with itesrrip.
'Hon. He siivite, If p.leoiuhle or not. lr- ol '
ei.hare. Our Ise not due till peiet.t la Herured. e
J A faateHirr, "How toOinain I'aic nt., ' withe
rcost ol aaiue in the U.S. snd foreign cuumnrs J
aeut lies. Addre, ,
OM, "aTCKT Orncr. Wm.noton. D C.
RIUIJ()'S AM) . . .
. . . CA,m) PAI'EK
y&f DR. GUNN'S
FtiO rnur.u
lw . COLDS
!3 " f fseillr nt Ulna rhlldren. m, only r.m.
li ,'i .J, P""i ''oWs S..-I CTo.,u ... n ;,7.
Ihoon Srr,,p (, iaetr.a.lrpr.oeHlanrt i .2
H "rfv. I W
to IAS ata. 9utS at ao uaata a tKtt.ta,
001 T URO INT TICS BEfwRr. .'iliUlM I. Mi.