Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 11, 1893, Image 2

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I.ut.ri.l In tin' h.!.,iI. ,. ui lliii,iri, irfoii,
I' .. iimt-t'lK4 lUUll'!.
ttubrr;itiuti. In kiIysihs, rr yeur . SI '
Hlll.slOiKo ri'lll.slN( CO.. Proprietor.
I. M C. tiAl l.T, Ktlilor.
utmiu. j . TiiKfirr.
Fill DAY, AKirST II.
Mr. riev'!nnl lint -nt it rnoI An
Rnciiil nif .-iiii' to cii)jrnn. It I an
fxtcllcnt (rroiiini ot fact aln-tuly In
tho i'ikM'-iiIoii of tlm s1p, put in
so strong array that even l'opullst
can't d.-ny them, though they are
like Oliver Goldsmith's acliooliiiastt-r.
Ills history of the Sherman rumlm-'
act I tint-, and Voorltw would do
well to iiiuVo It hit text book.
Hut whatever (rood Mr. Cleveland
may have accomplished by hi very
excellent niesstttfo on finance, and
whatever confidence It tend to
restore It destroyed by the para
graph touching Uirlff legislation.
The fume threat and uncertainty 1
left hantiiitf over the country that
hat ditchargitl thousands of oix-ra-liven
during the past lx months.
The president seems to think that a
month Is long enough to nettle the
currency question, which itiroin
pllshwl he would have work com
menced on the revenue laws. The
administration will l surprised,
when its financial legislation Is
alopted, to find that the country
will not rally. Then two to one
there will 1 more tinkering with
tho coinage laws. The rift In the
black cloud is exceedingly narrow
and far away.
THE AO 'J 'Oh' LI Si:.
The petition of the I'ortliwiil-lllll-boro
motor line will be taken up by
the county court today for final ac
tion. The x-titioners ask for a right
of way within the fiu-foot limit of
the county road. The projOKition Is
to take one side of the road and lay
down the track m as in no way to
lmKtle travel. All crossings are to
be laid so as uot to hinder the pas
sage of vehicles, and everything done
that will leave free communication
along tin; highway. Tho road bed Is
in no wise to Ik disturbed.
Of course some rights will be sur
renders! by the county, for instance
Jurisdiction over the full sixty feet,
Jjut it Mft'lllS to the ISDKFK.VDKXT
tliN't the gains to the general welfare
much more than offset the
losses. That short nt retch of
road in the canyon near Port
land lspfinted to us an instance of
the bad po'ii y of having a motor
and wagon road together, but that
Is an exceptional case, and ought not
to 1m considered lii deciding this re
quest. If the city of Portland would
improve that stretch of two hundred
yards the cable car would cease to Ik
a menace, to saVty.
The competition that this pro
posed road will make will be of very
great benefit to the whole communi
ty. Tho court, exercising usual
restrictions, may safely grant the
rflesinsl right of way.
J. H, lirant, of Colorado, who is at
the head oftlietirant Smelting Works
of Iicnvcr ami Omaha, favors as a
milmtitute for the present si Ivor pur
chase law, and if it be repealv, the
Htbllshmcnt of a ratio of alxut 2o
to 1 and the coinage of nucIi silver as
In offered, lie would give authority
to the secretary of the treasury to
issue bonds to the amount of 100,
O00.0IM) If neccesswy to maintain the
gold supply. Now ti.a 1 souths i-
est Is uot much of an authority on
flnaucial matters, but if silver has
to ls bolstered by gold we had better
let it fall. A line m li'iiin that to pay
iuterest on .loM,uoO,ori dimply to
give a metal that it off tojor a
currency value.
The "truce" that was established
by tkie act of July 11, ltf), being
tcrmiiuvtcil ly the rtNal or th.iHher
man )urvliii section, the same "ag
itation" wfJI le taken up again and
the whole iiuchincry of the lcmo
cratic party uyl to further audi
"agitation." It iNTfjns to look at if
the party will, as tin urguni.ation,
-sH)u.-s- Jits- silver.
Siime critics arc mo ill tint tired nil to
way tliat when Proa. Cleveland got to
Washington he found that his mes
flge lil not suit iul In- hiul to
work it over again. Thy y thi
it the reawiii why it was not sent to
I ion nts on Monthly.
Vayor Harrison, of Chicago. sUtes
that Uiere are lisi.otsi l.le men in
that city. He fears riots uilk-is ttiti
grcvt givet he country money. I tut
of what use It money unless we have
lro.-pcrou iieluM itt that money
can be utsl.
How would Jt do for Congres to
repeal the Chicago I V-mtXTiltw- jlat
forto of s)2 iuid Ivt all other laws
remain? Such legislation would lie
more assuring than even the repeal of
the silver purchase act.
A pfirugmpli stated a w bile ago
that John Sherman regretted that
lie didu't allow the free silver people
to have their way in tsvo. He will
probably have that opportunity yet.
The ItemocratM iu Ohio are not
harmonious, and tlx' party organiza
tion Jt in danger of being aiuanhed to
in-et on thequcstiou of tree silver
aud tariff reform.
Hiring tho rttdee of tie .live'
hoi-ties tliese ruodera days, we can
Imagine the bowl that greeted Greek
stirs w hen Iron was dumooetUed in
Laccdacmoii in tiw- long ago.
ntrMUm MKHSttir:.
Statk : I he existince or an alarm
ing ami extraordinary business situ
ation involving the welfare and
prosperity of all our,ssple, hat
i-onsi rawed me to call together In
extra mswIoii the jusiple's repnenta
tives iu congress, to the end that,
through the wise and patriotic exer
cise of the legislative duty with
which they are solely charved, the
present evils may bo mitipiosl and
the dangers threatening the future
may be avoided. Our unfortunate
llnancial plight it not the result of
untoward events nor of conditions
related to our natural resources, nor
It it trait-able to any of the aillictions
which frequently clunk national
growth and prosperity. With
plenteous crop, with ubuoJatit
promise of reiuutierative production
nd manufacture, with unusual In
vitation to safe Investment and with
satisfactory assurance to business
enterprise, suddenly financial distrust
and fear have sprung up on every
side. Numerous monetary institu
tions have suspended, because abun
dant asseta were uot Immediately
available to meet the demands ol
frightened depositor. The surviv
ing corporations and Individual are
content to keep in haud money they
are usually anxloua to loan, and
those engaged in legitimate business
are surprised to find that the M-curi-ties
they offer for loans, though
heretofore satisfactory, are no longer
accepted. Value suposed to I1
tlxtsl are fast becoming conjectural,
and loss and failure have invadsd
every branch of business. I believe
these things are principally chargea
ble to congressional legislation touch
ing purchase and coinage of silver by
the general government. This legis
lation it emlMslied In tho statute
passed July 14, 18'JO, which was the
culmination of much agitation on
the subject Involved, and which may
tie considered a truce, after a long
struggle, U'tweon the ndvocntca ol
free silver coinage and those intend
ing to las more conservative. Cn
doubtodly the monthly purchases by
the government of I.MW.OOO ounce
of silver, forced under that statute,
were regarded by those interested in
silver production as a certain guar
anty of its Increase In price. The
nwult, however, has been entirely
di tl' Ten i, for, immediately follow ing
a spasmodic and slight rise, the price
of silver began to fall after tho pas
sage of the act, and lias since reached
tho lowest ilnt ever known. This
disappointing result has led to a
renewed and ersistcnt effort In the
direction of free silver coinage.
Meanwhile not only are the evil
effis ts of the present law constantly
accumulating, but the result to which
its execution must inevitably lead is
becoming palpable to all who give
the least his-d to the financial subject.
This law provides that inpayment
for l,.ri(M),(HM) ounces of sliver bullion,
wliich the aecretary of the treasury
is commanded to purchase monthly,
there shall be Issued treasury notes
redeemable on demand in gold or
silver coin, at the discretion of t lie
secretary of the tnitsury, and that
said notes may la rolssuisl. It Is,
however, declared it) the act to Is'
"the established policy of the Cnited
States to maintain the two metals
upon a parity with each other upon
the present legal ratio, or such ratio
as may be provided by law." This
ihH'laratiou so controls the action of
the aecretary of the treasury as to
prevent hit exercising the discretion
nominally vented iu him, if by such
action tho parity between gold and
silver may be disturbed. Manifestly
a refusal by t!;c secretary to pay
these treasury note i;; gold as de
manded would necessarily result iu
their discredit and depreciation as
obligations payable oniy in silver,
and would destroy the parity between
the two metals by establishing a dis
crimination In favor of gold.
HILVKtt buixiox rruriiAsKo.
Cp to July 15, ISM, theso notes
had Ihs'u Issued in payment for silver
bullion purchased, to the amount of
more than fl 17,0iX,0(M. While all
hut a very small quantity of this
bullion remains uncoined and with
out usefulness in the treasury, many
of tho uotca given In IU purchase
have been paid Iu gold- This Is Il
lustrated by the HtoteiueU that be
tween May 1, 1HV2, and July l.r,
isy:i, notes of this kind issued in
payment for silver bullion amounted
to a little more than ttl.OOo.oiM), and
that during tho same period alsrut
m,000,000 was paid by the treasury
iu gold for the redemption of such
notes. l'Lc policy lUHtstsarily adop
ted of paying tLu4 notes in gold lias
not spared the gold reserve of tlOO,
000,000 long ago set aside Uif the re
dumption of other notes, for thie
,'uud has already been subjected to
tho paymeuX of new obligation,
amounting to alssji. tlO'),ooo,ooo on
account ol" silver purcloutSj and hat,
at a consequence, for the first f line
since iu creation, lxen encroached
upon. We hav'' thus made the de
pletion of our gold easy, and have
askl other and more a(.'ons.'iHtivf
nations U) mi l it to their htock. 7-,at
the opportunity we have offered Ims
not been negltM-teiJ Js shown by the
large amounts of gold which has
been recently drawn J'rMi ow treas
ury and exported to Itirroasj' (h? tlu-
aiu laJ strength of foreign nations.
The excess of exporisof gold over
Itt Imports for the yenr ending June
:Ul, Js'.i.l, Hinoiintt to more than fs?,
VHi.oiH). lletwet-n July I, IH'J'J, and
July 10, Js!i:, the gold coin and bul
lion in our treasury diwreasisl more
than lW,woo,vwiwhlle during the
sumo period silver vuln ami bullion
in the treasury Increased more than
II 17,000,000. CnliHs government
tsinds are to lie constantly lulled and
sold to replenish our exhaustl gold,
only to Lf agiiin exhausted, it is
apparent Untf H operation of the
silver purchase lar now in forct
leads in the direction ttf the rutin'
substitution of sll visr for goW l the
government treasurj' and titat tjiis
nuuj ls followed by the payment of
all government obligations in .ierc
ciated silver. At this stage gold and
silver must pail company, and the
government must buj In" its cs.tab
lishoj s)llcy to maintain ho two
metals w) a parity with isu li utier.
Oivcii ovitj Ut au exclusive use ol
curri'iicy greatly J'pmiatisl, aoord-
tng to the Maiulard the isnnmer
cial world, we i-ould uo lNVi! r claim
a place u.uiong nations of Dm' first
class, nor vould our government
claim the Hrforojance of its obliga
tion, o tsr as sucn Mlga:ion has
been Imposed upon It, to provide for
use of the people the best and aafest
money. JLf, as many of Itt friends
claim, silver ouht to occupy a
larger place in .our currency and the
currency of the world, through great
International co-operation aiul agree
ment, It obvious the United states
will uot bo In u ltion to in a
hearing in favor of such un arrange-
ii i-f it so long as we nre willing to
continue our attempt to accomplish
the result single haudisl.
The knowledge la buinoss circles
among our (ssiple that our govern
ment cannot make its flat equivalent
to intrinsic value, nor kts-p inferior
money on a parity with superior
moiiev bv itt own indeiiondent ef
forts, bat resultisl in such a lack of
contidenco at home In the stability or
currency valmst that capital rcfusj
its uid to new enterprises, while mil
lions are actually withdrawn from
the channels of trade and commerce
to Isstime idle and unproductive in
the hands of timid owners. Foreign
Investors are equally alert. They
not only ls line to purcha-c Ameri
can aecurltieM, but make haste to sac
rltlco those which they already have.
1 1 doe not meet the situation to say
the apprehension in regnrd to the
future or our finances is groundless,
and there is no reason for the lack
of confidence In the purposes or
power of the government In the
premises. The very existence of
this apprehension and lack of con
fidence has caused a menace which
ought uot for a moment to
be disregardisi. Possibly if the
undertaking we have in hand Mere
the maintenance of a siecitle known
quantity of silver at a parity with
gold, our ability to do so might be
estimated and gagutsf, and perhaps,
iu view of our unparalleled growth
sod resources, might bo favorably
passed upon. Hut when our avowed
endeavor it to maintain such a
purity in regard to an amount of
silver increasing at the rate or .o,'
OOO.tHKj yearly, with no tlxtsl term!
nation to such increase, It can hardly
te said that a problem it presented
wiiose solution is frtst from doubt.
The (ssipie of the L'nittsI States are
entitled to a sound, stable currency,
ami to money rccogni.ed as such on
every exchange and In every market
of the world. Their government has
no right to Injure them by financial
exis-riments oppostsl to the ixilicy
and practice of other civilized states,
nor is Justitlisl In permitting nn ex
aggerated and unreasonable reliance
on our national strength and i.bility
to jeopardize the soundness of the
jieople s money.
The matter rises above the plant
of party oIitics. It vitally concerns
every business and calling and
enters every household In the land.
There is one Important aspect of the
subject w hich especially should never
ho overlookisl. At a time like the
prtsw-nt, when the evils of unsound
finance threatens us, the speculator
may anticipate the harvest withered
from the misfortunes of others; the
capitalist may protect himself by
hoarding or may even find a profit
in the fluctuation of values; but the
wage-4-arner, the first to be injured
by a depreciated currency and the
last to risH-ive the Is'iietlts of Its
correction, is practically dcfuusltvss,
lie relies for work upon tho ventures
of confident and coiuvnicJ capital.
This failing him, his condition is
without alleviation, for ho can
neither prey on the misfortune of
others nor hoard his lalsir. One of
the gn-atest btatosuicn our country
lias known, speaking more than M
yiiirs ago when the derangement of
currency had caused commercial
distress, said i The very man of
all others who hat the dis;'Mit
interest in sound currency ami sutlers
by mischievous legislation in mone
tary matters Is the man who earns
his daily bread by bis daily toil."
These words are as pertinent now as
on the day they wen? uttered, ami
ought to impressively remind us that
a failure in tho discharge of our
duty at this time must especially
injum those of our countrymen who
labor, and who, Issnuso of their
number and condition, ure entitled
to the most watchful care of their
It is of most importance that such
relief ns congress can afford in the
existing situation be afforded at once.
The maxim that "he gives twice
who gives quickly" is dins Wy appli
cable. It may ls true the embar
rassments from which tho business
of the country Is suffering arise as
much from evils apprehended as
from these actually existing. We
may hojai, tts), that calm counsels
will prevail, and that nei'.t.er cap!
tallsts nor wage-earners will give
way to an unreasoning panic, and
sacrifice their proiejiy or their in
tcresta under tfio influence of exag
gerated fears. Nevertheless, every
day's delay in removing oneoftlit
plain and principal causes of the
present state of things enlarges the
mischief already done and increases
tlif responsibility or the government
for its L'iMcnce. Whatever elso the
s'opo have a.liJjt to expect from
congress, they may certainly demand
that the legislation condemned by a"
ordeal of three years' disastrous ex
perk'nee shall ts removed from the
statute intuit? ps soon as ineir rcpre
scntntlvcs can )egilimtely deal w ith
it. ' '
It was my purpose to summon
congress In spiral session early in
the coming Septemls-r that we might
enter promptly upon the work of
tapir reform, which the true interest
of tUu country so clearly demand,
wMcb laivc a maioritv of the
lsiple iu shown Ly tlu-ir suffrages
titsiire itini e.i-i, aim tt uif uci-uui-
plishnicnt of which every effort of
the present administration Is plisigod.
Hut while tariff reform has lost lntli
lug of its Immediate and pe nianeut
importance, and must in the near
future engage the attention of con
gress, it lias stfined to me that the
financial condition of the country
shouU ft once and before all other
suhjoits tm ww.';lensl by your hon
orable body,
A KKI'KA I. Rr.rVMJ'..lE,
I earnestly recommend the prompt
rcsal of the act pastsi July II,
IX'M, authorizing the pun-hate of
silver Iwllou, and that other legisla
tive action wty pyt U-yondall doubt
or mistake the jfUcnticu and ability
of the government to fulfil It pe
cuniary obligations in money uni
versally rccognlnsl by all i-ivilled
(iKovEii Cleveland.
!;i legislation.
The first bill of ciy on-sent sH-ial
teshion was lutroduiVst iy' Hill, of
New York. Its title wat "to evccl
certain sections of the act of July I t,
1S0 (th Sherman law)." It was
referred, without readiug. to the
committee on tlnant. The next
two bills were Intmdueed by fc'tew
rt, of Nevada. The titles were "to
restore the right of coinage" and "to
supply the deficiency in curn-ncy."
The latter bill was read In full. It
dlrw-t th secretary Of the treasury
to Ixiiic silver (frlitlciites tsiial in
aoioutit to silver bullion in thetn-a
ury purcha-ssl under the act of July
II, lsiio, in exec of tlie umoiiut
ncci-ssury, at Its i inage value, to
nsltfio tn-nsnry notes inueil under
that act, and to uso the same to pro
viile for any iletlciency in the n-vts.
lines of the government, the surplus
of such certificates to hu used in the
purchast- of I s r cent. Isaids at their
market prits-, not exitssiing 2 er
cent, premium.
Stewart said he desinsl to call the
attention of the tinanist isimmittts
to the latter bill. Its pur-e was to
give immisli ite relief. His bill pro
vldtsl, he said, for the issuing of
loo.iMMi.iMMH.f treasury notes to pay
for Isuids to Is d)'ssitis by the
banks .it security for notes. Notes
could be afterward n-tired with bonds
that would give about lSo,ooo,ooo
of currency and would give immed
iate relief.
Lftrtt Roatl UUtrictt.
Mr. Editor :
The coun'y court does well to con
sider any und all propositions look
ing to the Improvement of the
county roads, as good roads are ne
cessary to enable Its citizens to place
the producU of the county In market
at the least Mtsible expense. 1
think, however, tluit the advantages
of collecting the roatl tax In coin
rather than hilsr, Is, to say the least
of It, of questionable utility. It
takes labor under the direction of a
su 1st visor to make good roads, and
there is no reason to suppose that a
suiMTvisor who is so derelict in the
s-rformauce of his duties us to credit
men, who are Idling away their
time, for the time so s-nt, would do
any better wen the tax collivted In
coin, and placed iu his hands to be
paltl out to the same class of Idlers,
and in salaries to such lncomM'tcnts.
Will the county court appoint st
sons who are more competent to this
position than they have heretofore
appointed? The honesty and compe
tency of tho suiervlsors appointed
determines the elllclency of the work
done on public roads, and the quit
tion of payment in coin or labor cuts
no figure iu the case. It does iniikc
a difference, and a serious one, to the
taxpayers of the county, whether
they shall pay their road taxes In
labor on the rads in the district in
which they reside, or pay It Into the
county treasury to be eend"d at
such jsiint as may Is-determined by
a superintendent ur by a supervisor.
I understand that the county court
of Marion county, tried this e.x-rl-ment
last year, but that the dissatis
faction as to its workings was so
general that in the present year it
went back to the old plan. Thero It
uo profit in the argument of the ad
vocates of this change, that the
supervisor won't muke his neighbors
do good, honest work on the roads
when those neighbors pay their taxes
in labor. Will lie do any better If
the money it put iu his hands to
employ l(s friends to do the work?
I think not. The taxes are a heavy
burden on our citizens, anil they
should have the privilege- of paying
th'-m in as convenient a manner us
I think large road districts will be
impractihlc. The objirt would Is-,
suppose, to cut off expenses in sal
aries. This would in the summing
up make less difference than is ex
pected, and would be overbalanced
by the Inconvenience of having sup
ervisors who would not bo fully f.'?
qualnted with the wants of the hie
ions roads. The ImM plan I think is
to permit taxpayers to do their work,
If Msiii(, on tho roads in which
they tiro most interested, and under
suM'rvlsors who are well ucquaintt-d
with the location ami needs of the
roatl districts in which they may be
appointed. Helieving thus I think
tht division of tho counties Into road
districts as large as the election pn--cincts,
would a serious injury to
the public mads of tills or any other
county In the state. Taxpayer.
Haoi.kt Mill. On tbr Hth iunt. Rt tlie
bonne of th bride's imrt nts, bi I h lt-v.
(tan Rm, Hnrry T. Ritult-jr tu Miss bu
ilt. Mijler, eldest UniiKtiter n( W. It. Mil-
Card of ThMuks,
rtltsiira tottetuim lliiinks to tho flr d -piirtinmit
slid the oiliai-ni, fur their luti
twHSful eflort in MvitiK uiy irowrtr from
destruction liy Ure iu my nliNence from
borne on Halurilar Inst, but for their
prompt work I shtinld have funnd pit -of
Hslies on niy retnrn, whi rr now ) inv n me.
Ordlnnnce No. I Itt.
The City of lltlttboro ditt ordain a Jul-
Hection 1. That the 1'ortlaod and Hills
boro .Knilwa; ('ompsnjr, a corporation or
RHiiixrd Hiid eiiHting uudi-r nnii by virtue
of the Inw of the mnle of Orrxon, is here
lf HUlbori.'ed end permitted to lny s rml
v track and run curs over the name, op
erated by ateam ur eW-otrltisI poi-r, :;loi.
the following ilt-nrrilM-d atreeta In llieuuj
of Hillstsiro, towit :
Along Tenth street from Main afreet to
Washington street, and alonx Wanliini'toD
airvi fr.'iu Tenlb afreet, to the Went end
of WathiiiHtoa Mret, and arroaa Minn
atreet at or near Tt ntli aireet.
Mac, 'J. The privileutt and rwriulasinn
hereby yiveii shall teinilnate and beoome
rcid unless "Aid railway track Khali be (xm
atrnoted and r ilway operated by the Slat
da? of Ic"fniler in ISSC,.
bar. U.-- I ue fejy reaeryea the ri)it to re
reqoire aald poroiiany to tonatrnrt its traok
in anrh a manner aa to lat impeae iiubbo
trarel, and to rnn Ita ears at auob rate of
Med at not to rodahKer proul naiug auoli
I'asd the board of tmateea f his sth day
of Auu'uat, IS":). ApproTed August Sih,
J. I). .Mr.KK V.MAN.
JAMIM Xrt'l UAHAl. Mayor,
Kxern tor's Notice.
NOTICE ia hereby (jiren that the ndr
aiuntsi eteculora of the Imt will and
t-atanirntof Mile Daviea, deeeaaed. have
Died their final aroounl aa inch teonlora
with the liimtirable ( onuty Court of the
State of Oregon for Washington couutr,
ajJ said Court baa fixed Mondav, the 4th
UT ofSuvl'-er, s;i.i, Ht 10 o'clock of the
forru "ju ol ral4 t;ay for hearing ohjertiou.
if any tbers be, Ui lt 'proral of aald
llnal aouoiiut and arltlriut t.t i.f i.i I ostnte
ALHil 1) hAViV.w.
Ki-entors of .h Inst will and teatament
of Miles Paviea deoeaaeti.
Ialed. Hillalioro, Oretmn, Angnat t, S:Cl.
C. K. Kindt, Atty. forneoutora. M M
ieainee Kotle.
TUtlCE la berebr given L wb.nn it
ma ooncern. that on tba iflt dav of
June, A. 1. ls'.Kt, John L. Sruiin tuaUe a
general aaaianment of all bia irtsnv and
effects to the ondersigntsl, for the lienetti
6f fc'a emlttors. iu accordance with the
general aai'gnmeul laws of the state of
Oregon. All pert ."? having claims againal
tbe said John u. rant, wo!ftit debtor,
are berebv notified to present the aatsa to
tbe nndereigneU at Tnalaiin, Waahingtoa
cooniT, Iregon, nr at the law otHce of Mil
iM t Miller, lH7- First Htreel. rooms It
and 11. i'ortland, Oregon, ander oath, with-
an three :ii months mnt data hereof.
Dated at I'ortland. Oregon, this XM dav
of June, IS'JJ.
s-11 I). C. MII.LKR, Aaalgnee.
Highest of all in Leiveninf Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
MiritiKi m NALt:.
1 V virtue of an etrcutiou iunrd out of
I the Circuit Court of the SUte uf Ore
gon lor iuuiiuoiuau ooiiuty, ana to lue
directed npon a judgment iu favor of Wil
liam WdtluaniA and against U t. Itioliard
J. A. Mather and J. E. Suiitb. eo-partara
aa mniner a nniKU, oommauuing me to
wake anle of tlie real property deaorilwd
tbereiu to BMtiafy the auiu of VkUi I , S
gold ein witb iutereat thereon at the rate
of a per oe r.t. per annum from th VTth day
of May. lstt;l. and the further auut of tl.lil
ecata aua acoruvu ooaia and for tba
oosta and eipeuaua t f aald writ.
Now. therefore, by virtue aud In pnrsu
auoe of aai I judgmeut, 1 will at IU o'clook a.
kf.ou Monday, the ttb day of Hepteiuuer,
1S-.I3, at the aouth door of the Court
Houm in Hilisbopi, Waabiugton oouuty,
Oregon, itell the followiutl-detonhed real
Croerly at publio auotiou to the bigheal
aider for onsb. 1 lie aoutb-enat i of the
north east 4 of aeo'.ion D.I, I. A u., r. 2 w. of
the Willaiuatto meridian aud the north
eaat of the south-east of aeolioti 17, t.
K , r K w. of the Willamette uiendiau, all
aituate in Washington oouuty, Oregon, to
aatiaty said eeuution and the oosia and
eUM-uaes of aale. Maid aala will be maile
utijM-t to redemption aa per atatule uf
Or-gou. 10-11
Wiinrsa my band this Ut day of Augua,
It. I. KUll).
Mu rifT of Washiiiton t-ouiity, Oregon.
It J". I' K ItKK'M H A 1. K.
N'O'f ICE ia hereby given that in puran
auce ol an unler and deoiee made and
entered bv and III the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, lor U inlnuglou county,
ou the 11. th Uav of Julv, Is'aH, hi aamt there
in pending, in w Inn u Albert IWilaud was
pliontill nud Kluabetb Reilaud, Kernard
Kindred, U W. ( arson, Otto llruuke, Rob
ert llrunke and Mary Urulike were defeud
anta, aud which decree directed me to aell
tlie premises hereinafter described aud
tiMin Ilia txrina hereinafter aut forib, 1 will
sell at publio auction to the bigheal bidder,
at the south door of the Court House, in
llillatioro, Washington oouuty, Orrgon, on
Sultirt'ny, the '.'oddity of (September IS'Xl, HI
lilo'cliK'k iu tbo foreniMiu of auid day, all
the follow uig-descriocd tract cf land, l,ing,
bring and ailunte in Washington county,
Oregon, and more particularly known and
ucHcntH-d " the aouth half of the uortlieaat
qiiurtcr of aectmu l, fr-wnhip ;i aouth
range 1 wiwt, Willniuette Meridiau, contain
ing SO acres, and lieing the homestead land
claim of Otnper ileilaiid. upou the follow
ing terms til sale, to-wit:
O. e half of the pnrchaae price to be paid
oaab iu band; the rrmaiuing one-half to be
paid in one yiir fritu the day of ale, to
draw interest at the rate of 10 er cent, per
annum, and to be aeenred by a mortgage
upon the premises sold, oonveyauoe to lie nt
the expeuse of tue liurt'huaer.
10 It H. J. roKD. Ueferee.
BY virtue of au exmntion, decree and
ord-r of sale, issued out of tbe Circuit
Court of the htate of Oregon, for Washing
ton county, and to me directed, noon a
judmeut aud decree in favor of Krvin
Kirdiell und ag liuat J. II. Fleming, Ii. 1.
Fleming, Isaac Euiiia, Tims. I). lltuupUreya.
Clark Win nil. Usirge Oilmore nnd Mrs.
Mary Hiialnne, eoiuinandiiig me to makt
aale of the real property describetl therein
toaatisfyt.be aunt of ?'. M in U. M. gold
ooin together with interest thereon at the
rate of S per cent, per Rtitinin from tbe l)7th
dav of July, IS'.U, nnd the further aum ol
t .Vin M in I', M gold coin, with Interest
thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum
from tbe '.'.IU dav of July, IS'.t.t, nnd for
$41 M, coat a, and for the oosta and expenses
oi una aaie ntiu ci ahid writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue and iu p.nran
anoe of said juilu'iiii'lit, dearea ami ord -r ol
aale, 1 will, on Monde v the iltbdayof Hep
letBLer, ISita, nl 111::. o'clock in theforeniMin
of auid tiny, at the south dou- of the Cuiirt
bonae, in HillHljoro, Washington oouuty.
Oregon, si ll the following (lnHorila-d real
property at (mblioanotion to the lughuat bid
der forcaah: lyiug and being in Washington
county. Oregon, nnd particularly di-acrilied
as lots (tl four. (l live, (tl) aix, (7) seven.
(S I eight, ('.; nine, ( lli ten, (II) eleven anil
ll'.'l twelve, in block (.la I thirty-nine, in
S.iulb Coast Addition to the Town of liilla
boro, in said county and state, to satisfy tbe
hereinbefore named sums and tbe oosta and
eipeuses ol aale. haul proerty will be sold
autijr-ct to redemption as per atatnte of
Witiii-ssmy hnud this !tth day of August,
IH'.M. U-ir, H. I. KORII.
Kheriffot Washington oouuty, Oregon.
L Y virtne of an execntinu, decree and
) ordi-r of aale issued out of the circuit
Court of the State of Oregoti. for Washing
ton count V and to me directed nimn a judg
ment and decree, in favor of Nylyeuter t'eu
noyer. governor uf the atale of Oipgou,
(leorge W. Mrllride, at-oretarv nf the Htate
of Oregon, sud I'hil Metsclmn, Ire ia ir -r of
tbe htate of Oregon aud ex oltielo the It.iard
of Conimiaaionert for the snie of miliool
and universit y li-.uds and for the invoat inc ut
of funds arising then from, and against
boms Krnus, Relieocn Kraua and Joint J.
Morgan, guardian of the above-named
Louis Krnus, an insane person, command
mg me to make sale of the real projierty de
arrclied therein; tirat, to aatisfy tbe sum uf
I.Ki.'.lo coats, and for the costs and exM-uses
of sale; second, tu satisfy the sum of
1,114 00 I. M. gold coin, witb interest
i hereon from the -'-tid day of July, is'i.t, si
the rale of Sper cent, per annum; third, to
satisfy tbe sum of J.r.uil guardian ad litem
fees; fourth, to satisfy the an in of $l,Kll.tK)
in I). N cold pom, with interest thereon
from iintl day of July, I suit, at the rate of
10 per cent, per annum.
Now, therefore, by virtue and in pursu
ance of said judgment, decree and order of
sale, I will, on Moiulny, the 11th dav of Hep
ti mlter, IS'.t:!. nt 10 o'olock in the forenoon
of said dny, nt the south door of the Court
house, in lii;;,:'or(. Washin-'ton oouuty,
Oregon, still the following-ui.se, iltd real
property at publio auction to thehigheat
bidder for oiish. lying, being and situate in
Wainngton county, Oregon, and more par
ticularly bounded and dtnorihctl as f Hows,
Conime cilig at tlie jKiitit in the nenterof
the Itialatin river where the north line of
Christum Kuierick'a donation land claim
crosses tho said center of aald rivor in
township I south, range ;l west of the Will.
M'-r,, and running thence eastward nn tbe
north line of said donation land claim
li.frj chains to the northeast corner of said
clairui Ihen-e eonrhwar.) wnh the east line
of said olaim 1S.J7 ehainsi ttienea south IS
degrees ;to minute west i i chains; thenos
south S degrees went 1.7? cbnins; thence
tomb 10 degrees east J chains; thence
south 41 degree east tf.Si chains; tbenoe
iuth !' S.' chains; thence north Kl degrees
A Iniliuti-s west l!i ! chains to the center
of the f'ualntin r;vtr; tlienoe northward
down the c ute- of aad rlyer to tha ,lau uf
beginning; containing 7o acres, aiicl being
part of wet ions A. 4, U nnd 10, In township
aud range aforesaid, to satisfy the herein
before n Kiued sums, and the costs and ex
penses of sale. Itnid property will he sold
subject to redemp'.Iin, a per statqiaof
W ituesa my hand tbi tltb day of August,
1'.0. 1 1 -1 ." H, f . KOKl,
bbenlT of Washington county, Oregoti,
Adniiiiistrrttor's Xotlce.
N'OVW. is bereb given that the under,
aigutsl Uai been duly apnuinteti ad
ministrittor of the (state of H. V, Gardiner.
desased. by the County Court Of the State
of Oregon, for Washington muutv. All
persons, therefore, having claims against
aald estate nre hereby required to present
them, e till proer vouchers to me at tnv
onVe, nr at the law olli.ie of 'I bos. H.I
T'gn, In Hillslioro. Washington county,!
Ojegoa, it,iu six monihs from the date I
hereof. ' I
Hilleboto.Oieg..:, 4ugwt vl'l. ,""3. I
in m t; k. fln.y..
otlce te Cemetery lt Owner.
OT ICE I hereby given that all peraou
owning burial lota in Mason 10 Ceme
tery, Hillsboro, whether occupied or other
wise, ate req-nr-d t ) take care of and keep
said lots free from tuderbrnsb, weeds and
rubbish of every kind. I bis action is taken
on account on resolution of tbe Lodge
passed at its last regular oom amnion! ion.
11-11 K. CRANUaLL,
Secretary I oslity Ltslgs.
1Y virtue of an exrcutiou, decr.st and
order of sale, issued out of the Circuit
Court uf tbe htate of Oregon, fur Washing
ton county, in favor of Tboe. (1. Todd aud
against llanlel Wiltrout, Joiiu Miltroul.
Clara It. 1'iion, Harriet J. Lli't, Nora
Jetlera, Sarah Cnwa. Ueorge Wiltrout
Nellie Wiltrout, Cluv Wiltrout. Harrr Wil
trout. Clara Wiltrout, Amy Wiltrout and
iJaniel Wiltrout, administrator uf the ee
tate of fianiel Wiltrout, deoasMej, for tbe
sum of iO L . 8 gold oolu. with inter
est thereo u at the rate uf teu per oent. per
annum, from they 1st dav of Jnly, lsal. aud
lor Ibe furtbxrautu of tH.40 ousts, aud for
tbe ousts aud expenses of sale aud of (aid
Now therefore, by virtue and in pursu
ance of auid judgment, decree and order of
sale, 1 will on Moudav, tbe isth day ot
August, Is-1. 1, nt the south door of the Court
House iu Hillaboro, Washington oouuty,
Oregon, at the hour of 11 o clock a. m., of
aald day, aell at public aucliou to the bigh
eal bidder fur oaab, the following described
rerl property to-wit :
All tuuse pieces, parcels and tracts of
land, lying, being and situate in the county
of Wasniugtou. state of Oregon, aud kuowu
aud bounded aa follows :
beginning nt tbe north-west oomer of
tbe disunion laud olunu of Kninuel Hbep
herd and wife, lit section 17, township 1,
north range 4 west of the Willamette mer
idian, ami running thence son I It 'J0.fs
chums, thence east l-IfHi chains, theoco
south 1.1 So chains, to the north-west comer
of land owued by James Martin, theuce
north 71 degrees, eaat L'fitM chain more of
less to the east line of oouuty road, ruuuiufc
from Forest Umvs np dales Creek, theno,
nortb A degrees west 11 obaina. tbeuce north
Wi degrees west S chains, aud nortb 4S deg
rees west, following tbe eaat line of tbe
oouuty road aforesaid, It.faj obiitue, more
or less, to the north boundary line of s itd
douHtK.li land olaitu, thence weat to the
place of beginning, containing one Hund
red aorea moi e or less, also the aouth half
uf tbe Johu McCoy homestead land olaiiu
in section 17, township 1, nortb range 4
west, aa aforeaaid, save and except fifteen
acres on the aoutli end of aald claim, t"
autiafy tlie hereinbefore named aums, and
fur the ousts and expensea of aald sale,
said prowrty will be auid subject to re
demption aa pur a atute of Oregon.
W i;ne t my baud ibu 27tb day of July,
9 bl H. V. FORD,
(Sheriff of Washington county, Oregon.
Y virtue of an exeoution, deoren and
I J order of aale, issued out of tha Circuit
Court of the state of Oregon, for Washing
ton oouuty. and to uio directed npon a
Judgment in favor of Wtu. Daly, and
against Mary Flynu aud J. T. Flyuu, com
manding me tu make aale of tbe real prop
erty described therein, to aatisfy tbe sum
of f7?7.oO in I'. H. gold ooin, with interest
thereon smoe July 17th, ls;i;l, nt tbe rate of
teu percent, per annum, and for the farth
er sum of t-'u.rw., cost a, aud for tha oosta
nnd expenses of sale and of said writ.
Now thcre'oro. by virtue and tu pursuance
of said judgement, decree aud order of
aale, I will, ou Monday, tbe 2Stb day of
August, ts-.i.i, nt iu o alucK, in tbe forenoon
of said day, at the aouth door ot tbe Court
House, iu Hillsboro. Washington county
Oregon, aell the following described real
property at publio auotiou tu tbe highest
bidder foi' cash, all that piece, parcel aud
tract of real property situated iu Washing
ton outiutv, Oregon, and described aa fol
lows, to-wit :
Commencing at a point on the north line
of tbe donatmu land claim of Stephen A.
Holoomb nnd Amanda Holoonib, bia wife, in
township 1, nortb range V weat of the Willa
mette meridian, aaid point bring ten ohaiua
west of the north-east corner ,4 aid claim,
and running thence south 44 chains to the
center uf count y road, tbenoe uortli 7s deg.
rees, west 12,4,0 chains, ton stake ou the
north line t Ellen O'Connor's laud, thenoe
north-easterly along the eaat Hue of llelle
Wilson's land, ;MI chain tu a stake, thence
north Str.1 chain to a stake in the nortb
line of aaid donation land olaiiu, said point
lielllg the north-east oomer uf aaid Helle
Wilson' laud, thence east along the north
line of said claim lo.'.rj chains, to tbe place
of beginning containing W acres mure nr
less, reserviug the right in favor of th.
Wilson Rros. to remove their building now
on said laud, to satisfy the hereinhefure
named aums, and the ousts and exjieiiaea of
Ibis sale.
Haid property will 1st sold subject In re
demption, as per statute of Oregon,
bated Ibis :'-'d day of July. s;i;t.
!-U H. V. FORI),
sheriff of Washington ountity, Oregon.
Htate of Oiegoi), Washington county aa.
VJOI ICU ia hereby given, that by virtue
lx of au execution duly issued out of the
circuit oonrt, for tbe oouuty of Washing
ton, nud slate uf Oregon, on the 17th day of
July, laiu, upon a decree nnd Judgement of
forecloa-ie duly rendered, entered and
docketed ill and by said circuit court, ou
tbe 17th day of July, la'.M, in n suit then
pending in aaid court, in which E. U.
isbattuck was plaintiff, and Athnba Walters,
11 trry Waltera. It. Ii. Wooater, W.K. Itruck,
David Sears and Herman Heyneruan were
defendants, which Judgement was rendered
in tavor or tne piuiiitin, 1 will aell to the
highest bidder, for oash, within tbe hour
presorllied bv Inw for sheriff' sales, to-wit ;
ou August J! at, lsM, at one o'olock p. m ,
at the oonrt houte diair in Hillsboro in the
county of Washington, state of Oregon, all
the right, title and interest of the defend
ants, Athnlia Walters, Harry W.Walters,
R. 1.. Wooater. David Hears, Herman Heyne
ruan and W. E. Hrock, in aud to the 'f l
lowmg pniHrty described to-wit :
Lots one ami tune of Nhattuck'i Orchard
Homes aa platted and recorded in the coun
ty records of Ciackamaa oouuty, state ot
Oregon, and also platted nnd reoordod in
then cords of Washington oouuty, of aaid
state, said land being lituated in said
Washington rtonnlv. in tba south east quar
ter, of senium aeveii, township three, south
of raniTe one west nf the Willamette mend
inn. levied on aa the property of Athnlia
Walters and Harry W. Waltera, her hus
band, to s itisfy a judgement fur the amount
nf 1.4s with interest at the rate uf 7 per
cent up to the day of the almve decree to
gether with all ousts and disbursements
and accrued costs and taxe paid, and at
torney's fee herein, (liven under my band
and st nl this the 17lb dny of Julv, a;i.(.
X I- H. I'. FORD,
Hhcril of Washington onunty, Oregon.
k i r, i 1 1 v7H 'h a lVC
IIY lrlue of nn execution, decree and
1 order of sale, issued out of tbe Circuit
Court, of Ibe Htate nf Oregon, for Washing
ton connty, and to nie directed npon a judg
ment and d-cree in favor of Cephas Ktson
haner and against Johu H, Fleming, Manha
rieniin. 1 iura siuun. Inaao .tinis, treorge
fllliMoie. 'V. D. ilvutshreys und. John Mat
hews, cntnriiMidiiig lue to make sale of the
real jitoyrtv descrilavl therein to antisfy
tlie sum of f :'.Wi :si V. H. gold ooin, together
with interest thereon nt the rnte nf 8 per
cent, per annum from the yith lsy of Julv,
l:ul ami itiu t.nl, uu ol fo ,V, axsits,
uJaIi.iLs tJS' of and upon tbia writ
and of siiid u!p,
Mow. therefore, bv virtne and in porsn-
noe of said jndgnietit decree tnd older ot
saie, I will. Uu Mr.uday tbe ltb uay tj Mep
tember. Is-iv, nt lOJtu o'chs-k in the fore
noon of said day, nt the aouth dr nf the
Courthouse, in llillslsiro, Washington
count v, Oregon, sell the tollowing-descrilied
real iros.rty at inblio auction to the high
est bidder for rash; lying, being and situate
in Vt'ashinyton county, Htate of Oregon,
and (Mulifulaily desur.Ued at ots ons(l),
two i'Ji, thrre f.l., I.n I III), eleven 1 ll) anti
twelve i'.' 1, hi block three Cli, in the tract
of laud known as J. Ii. Fleming's lan-t In
Booth ast AJ.iittsn 10 the town of Hill
boro, 111 a.tid Washington connty, Oregon,
to aatis y the herm.lief ore named sums and
the erst and e-nes of this sale; said
i ropeity will ls sold subject to redemption
i. rr 9)As)i I f Cjree .u.
Wiluesa biv l.aiid tin uth stay nf Ang.JtL.
IWi. 1 1 1 A H. F. rORU,
Hlieriff of Washington aounty Oregon.
I have about H00 acre of pood pastor
supplied witb Rood living water, and under
Bond fenoe. Hates for pasturage, (1.00
per month. Horse salted every week.
W ill tak all reasonable ear of animals,
bat onevoidsbl aoeident at owner risk.
;lu JAMES. Ii Lkt, Oaeton, Or.
OlHaxsite tlie Court House. Hillslioro, where they
will cond tct
every Saturday. Farmers, or other persons, having anything
to sell, either personal or real property, will
do well to call on them.
They are
nn.l IVVV TAXE for 04n-lliltliil.
t'ltreftil supcrvi-ion bv cxM'i-ii'iitol ti ynii-Iaiut ! Acvurate disetis!ii)j by mm
iK'tent umt puitiHUtklii pliMi initcUta !
Tlie Uilllsru l'li:uinurv unli-rs It drugs from tlie tiioet rt-lialilt' nianuf.n'lurt-ia
only, and is tlioiouglilv Hii'ilitsl with every rttquisite nrsjeeaary for properly rontlin-l-lug
Ii rHt-s-lttsa prt-M-ripliKii liiwiness. Thei proprietor aro ttver wiitfhl'iil tluit llu
most-flppi-oveil lutc-it rt'iiii'ilit-s nit- isintitiiiiilly Is'lng aildtst to the sba-k as the si-ictircs
ol tiiislii ine ami pliiiriniii'y itdvuiu-i'. llt-iug ihjswsomsI of peculiar advantages in ur-clia-ing
its Ktipplics, owing to its business rule uf taking trade discounts for chIi Iroiu
tint ln-st liuiist-s, the rt-titil piii't's arc itin-s-iiiciil ly lower than those of uiut ilisjicusiiig
drug attire.
All tlit It-mlMig nttl.lcstif li:L' i ISTH' SUMRIKS, iiulinling the FIXKST
rF.KFr.MKS, Toll-liT AK l'K'I.FS, KKL SIIKS, SI'ONt iKH, FTC, arc on displuy.
A largo uml eieelletit assortment of SI'FCTACI.KS a ml KYF.-O I.ASSFS is
also on I111111I.
PATENT MFl'ICINKS of all popular kinds always in stutk.
Tin- finest W'INI.si timl I.HjUOKM suppliej In cases of sit-kntsM uu prr-scriptluu
Union Block, .... Hillsboro, Oregon.
Monmouth, Oregon.
Ntrnnu professional and acadeittio ooiirses, and well organized model acbtail for prHO
tical trinin of teachers. Normal, advanced nornial, business, music and ail dt -part-
menia. ieauiirui ntiu ui-aiiniui itM'aitoii.uunt expense, no saloon.
I be .Normal nas
enjoyed a steady
paat year, reach
ing aneiirolliiieut
of over 41X1, the
larg est in its Ins
story. New mem
ber have been
added to the fac
ulty, new appar
atus aupplied and
the course of
study revised and
araduatea are in
eiuand to nil
trood positions.
The diploma en
titles the bolder
to teach in any
oouuty in the
state. without fur
ther examina
tion. Tuition ;
Normal. ft'ii'i per
term of tu weeks;
ll '
Mouuiutith ia easily accessible from all part nf the atate, twelve tulles from the state
oapital, atxtv tuilt-s south of Port land. Catalogues eiieerfnlly sent on application.
Address I', I,, CAM I'KKl.l., I'resideut; H HtiKDD, Keoretary of Faculty.
A full line r Urea (ioods, lurlutllua; Hroitdheud's.
tJenta' Hiul Itoya' (lot 111 11;. Afrftit for llrovmstllle
t'lotliliiK. Hats, limits. Shoos. tr. Also tirorerles,
t iM kt-ry and. (ilaaanarr.
Foi'4'Ht (rove,
'M.ily Livery Stable
W'liore yon will find Hie e;ii Teams that can le linit
(Jood Teams, (,'mm1 Uncles and (iood IlrlvrrN.
Cor. Second and Washington 8ts.
I have KiiiMllvldod tho Fhe Oaks Farm
lut lots ol' 10 and acres In snrli
maimer that eiuh traet Iroiits a roatl
This SiiImIIvMoii Is ." nillcs east from
lllllshoro and Pi nest from Portland
The land U natural prairie, so there Is
no exjieiise for s;rulitlnsr.
J. A.
Masonjc Temple. :
'V'lt'' '
Are now malting a Kirst.-Clajs
at their ..
prepar-! la
Hub-Nornntl, f:.
per term if teu
weeks; llusinesa,
f'ti.M ftft tenu.
loard at Normitl
dining hull, fl.;;,
per week. Idxiuis
M cts. per week;
furnished, if I 1 HI
to f l.afi s r vtoek.
Hoard and Itsl".
ititf in private
families, l.;I.M) to
t4 lK mt week,
uitiou, board .
less than floO
per year. t!on
aervatorv of Mn
aic: Thoroiik-U
courses are offers
ed in vocal nnd
sic; tuition, $10
iier term of It)
, Hillsboro, Oregon