IUILSBORO 1XDEPEXDEXT . FUIDAY, Al"(llsr 1. .1 .- A ir ivi..h.i.n r,i..i ' . .jtLj.l'-iwl the rl.dd w;rk t,f . i will soon common ' ' .' - r J. A. Caiiiiilwll u iil i.r.Mu-l, . I'l.t.; ..i 1. . i-i.. . i ... v n ..itui .:.-iur.-ii uu:kb eu.Miiy j n g Ht 11 oclw.. Hutidiiy it 10 us tiiutl. i in n'rrvl coiumiltoe direct that . ' i 11,4 alleys tnuit beoiwned in Ity. Notice the conditions In 1 . . ii I . i. riU'ineiit. I iit Iri'iis' meeting at thy M. I'. ..I 'll Sunday evening win ..' - -ti.'llilg Ulld thd exercises Wf.Tl' i . i . .1 y a full houc. . t;.' curies from Portland that . ' ',;t ;r drew ten thousand from i ..it. Ti :i-l hunk and tl-ptit4 it iu ii .jhborlng Institution which . J t'iu next day. If rr : thing can, annoy wors than i ' h t it is to be stopped, Juit an a i z i'i ruts been inuUo for the cool v-h. mountain top or sa beach, . a u requint fur a "lock of your ) I. Howell, Is this week, building . ; i tile on his property in town .! limy commence his residence this t. I, though it will probably go over t i next your. . i iUe rumor r.f the stability of i. :r Jli!Ishor tK)tC were current in n 1 li'j'jriiii towns ten days ago i'i.i- tililltl depositors took their :i out and dtMiited with the I'ori'-t (irovo hank, and there it Is. J. I. Ivnlght received a copy of the "oiivemr edition of the St. Joseph ( Moj ll'-rald, the other day, and on 1 1 . j K i 1 1 over its columns was sur pi'iHed to notice the ortrait of his , brother, Jay l Knight, us business manner of the paper. l'l-liing. W. II. Wehrung, of Wchruiig A Son; bounty Itecorder athcrred, I Jan Kmeriek, of Sclioir.s Terry, arid J. K. Long an m .nihil,' up and down Wilson river in Tillamook county, throwing trout lit on the bank. A jolly crowd in. is" ! oys make. heated term of this year came in n lay and liiiKcresI with us o,-i r . loinliiy Into Tueaday. The in r Miry jnouiitod to 00" on Sunday, '.lightly on Monday and c . n ;i,; do- u to a reasonable figure uu T.icidiiy. More talk of trlp.s to ..iu coast wai indulged during tho.Mi i ,u d.iy.s tlum for a month before. . I. E. Evritt is having a rattling inn') four night) of the week. He ins lycaU'd his school of telegraphy in one of tho rooms of the city hall, v. hi i' he meets Mix pupils four times a wo.'k for two and a half hours' 1 i tii e. When they are all at work tiie iMom has the air of a large oper i. u-'.-i (illieo in a commercial center. L'. iiiard Tompkins, who had his - fractured a fortnight since wa :i: ivi d t his home north of Glen ii-.'a WVducsday evening, lie has a .it the Hilbboro Uouso since i accident where he could have tho , ..ij. I surgical attention which his . ii,ih injury di'rnalided. While he ;..it yet able Ut walk he thought i v. ; 1 st.iiid the trip home. many us Mixb-en people have liiat the thistle nourishing In ! roots, by the Hidewalk'i -dn: !! the pasture, grows In viola- u.i -ml iiou of a law. Now of a fact so no Mj.is the iNDKrENUEMT ought not t) in-asked to wpeak. When every m..:i ho wi ll know the law und his . a. v, whv can't ho execute the law : i ii hUs duty? Thistles, wilt. , ):i ihc fourth page this week Is an ; i .. io touching an incident hoppon ;,. : iii the battle of Saratoga, October, ci.iicurning which there has . i inu .ii written. As to 1.1 by our . ,.c sjiondent it Is nearer the truth . . .i p iluips has ever before been i ..:-i!icd, and acta at rest Home dis- iiii- l poiuu. It Is really the story id by one of the personal actors. The addresses of lions. Uarrctt and ; i i; t in at tho Congregational church !., i l iiday was both entertaining .nil instructive. Uoth gentlemen their eyes to oihh purpose Hinle in Chicago and they know !. . a to tell of their visit so as to Im i lly comprehended bv an andi . . The church wa nllcl by an ..; .relative congregation. Mr. Tongue, what have you done In in. i matter of cuttinif groat areas , rain? "Well, I never cut forty a -s in one day, or thirty acres after 1, i.rpu-t 10 o'clock; but I have had i i v.i lint acres, ineasured, cut and bi.mid in a ninglo day on one of in V farms, one team and one maclilne il i'ing the work. I ahould like to hear from the man who has done better.'' Sixteen were in the company that .i ,.i.i from HillslHiro to Newport u-.xliiewlnv morning. Sheriff ,,rd and wife. K. C Hughes and l onilv, Mm. John Dennis and Hister, villi the little folks. A colony will i. p'linted at onco, and have life till , l.eated term is over. The worn .re not expected home till Octo : r. The men will vibrato bctwts-n i. -ii , --s and the pleasure resort. i . porrin the Forest drove , ..! of last wwk's isMue, "that a . i ht t ok place .Sunday among lf,tt-il of llillsboro people, w;h i sou 'lit the exhileratin : ,.. .,( David's Hill." I Infill fals.'. . r . u',i ii i free fiiflit. and the as- io: is warranteil, that .. .. .. . ...... 1. 1 t!ie whole not be as I i. II ot lllllsooro ilium handful f ! ii.-v -in i i.oisicn'us n-- -I drove younjf ali V students. men, and w- The county court Is contemplating , ,-.!, -e in the mutter of collecting ,1 Heretofore the ta hn :l i!vied In moor. "" " . . f 1.. l..ir i is to collect ! linn. t i lie i, .ml districts will bo made . r and wilUimform to the elw i n.imts. In that event Ciere i, nt be s.i miinv hupervisors or so ,c s;vles or Improving tho hU'h . Tl e-o ihiinges ara in the t, ,a d.-iu imlnl oy puimc mi"- Ai.d better roads win no the I. n Mr. J.ihn Milne and Dr. I. it... b-y beard of the assault made m tin'' First National hank last .'ii.!:' v, they, independent of each :.. r, down and We-red assist-i-'. This fortunately, was not ,1 .1. hut the good will is none the Lppreiiuted by the inanngement. eh gcatlenien, when they txik ir h ave, gave directie ns to uw ...r names for rny amount Uiat may iillUvlI. A oiling of twerHy-oue is organ ".ing m town, hit tent a will net -W be j.it.rifU on Nitarts bay, u.uii o. it is uiUMT'tuivl that J T Miirvni.iu is to U.riiiit lin and If -',J.t,, .. W. 1 Hare Is t ' '4e,i of '"r ,h f commissary. if . of allveryPam wanU to !; now how the proprietor of the ' " 'u ' '" overdrive a tt mi and bring it In roekini' with "Went this hot weather. Won lit How list then. And the stable boy tliiiik aloud us he. walk the home Is.k and forih through the atrx:t. The thought" are not always com plimentary of the man who has driven the horso. I'astor lick will as usual be In his pulpit io the morning ut the Congre gationul church. In the evening the servic s will be under the tuauage-im-iit of the Y. 1. M. C. K., which has another musical program similar to the one presented last mouth The excellenw of the music on thut occasion rsslved very favorable comment. The committee who have arrunged the meeting for next bun day, nay that the program is pually gOOlJ. Judge It. ( Vandal) will start out far u short trip about the 14th Inst His Journey will extend as far east as Chicago, and consume some six wit'ksof time. Persons having buai ness In the probate or county court will be lntercMted in the Judge's movements, or to put It In bis own words, those who are contemplating marriage and cx)cct him to perform the ceremony, should come forward U'fore he goes, while those going to uio should put ltotr till his return. Last Wednesday Wiu. D. Zelgler I'm I gist information In Justice Knight's court charging Jas. lee, of ratton valley, of the crime of rape committed upon the erson of Caro line cigler. aired tlvteen years, lioe was arrested and brought before Ksgulre Knight late Wedneadav evening. He plead not guilty. His examination was Uxod for 10 o'clock A. M. Friday, today, and his bonds tixed at f-JoO. Not being able to find sureties ho has kept company with the sheriff. At a meeting of llillsboro lodge No. 17, I. o. ii. T., the following of ficers were elected for tho term end ing October 31. I la Lveritt C. T Alma Hownmn V. T., Itoy Hurt sec., u. snustcr chaplain, John lieau chump F. S., I'aulinu Hrown treaa. J. 1. Heckart M.. N. Hslan aent.. lvl iJowen U., lidith Wells 8. J. T. Win. licamisii has been aripolnted D. 1). for the coming year, and It. Mitchell, John Drown and II. Shu ,ter were elected trustit's for one year. The hxl'o reports tlfty menu hers in good standing. The insanity court had two cases before it this week. Drs. F. A. Itailcy und W. D. Wood were the txaiiiiiiing physicians. The rJrst case was that of John II. Hoover who Is afflicted with a form of insanity culled "dementia." Hoover is about 'Js years of age. He was committed to the asylum oi .Monday. The sec ondca.se is that ' Charlotte M. Alton aged about li4 years, who Is suffering from acute mania brought on by re Ivous excitement. She was first nt lacked several years ago in Wls conain and consigned to the asylum of that jtate. She came to Oregon with her putenU, who hoped that a change of scenes and climate would effect a complete restor-ition, but ex- ..Liii.ius i.ue ii. ii ui-vi. inaiMiu. i Sho vni fnkerir t.'i Suilum WaMincmlnv ' evening. Yifiterday Itabinson. from Yam hilk county, at.-cninpanied by his wife hired a horso and buggy at Wiley & iX'iinis' barn and procidod to liooze in the regulation style. He drove the hor.vj unmercifully till Mr. Wiley saw him and took the team into the barn. Man and woman were landed in the cooler, and a chat go of disorderly conduct was lodg.-d against him in Recorder Mcculloch's court. He was found guilty and Uin-d five dollars. The defendant dug down in his weasel skin and brought up $3.60. This, he asserted, was his total wealth which was readily believed. The Recorder accepted it on account. The balance, if Uobinson kees his promise, will 1st paid in weekly installments of AO cents. It bus bifii and Is the policy of the Light and Water company to, at all times, bo prepared for a fight with tire. It Is to the interest of the pub lic to second the company In lhls matter, ami to that end economy In the use of water must be observed. If tho rules of the company, which aro reasonable, are observed, no emergency Is likely to arise that will find the fire department short of water, but an indiscriminate use of water through osn pipe will soon echaust a very much larger reser voir than we have. On Monday evening, 90,000 gallons of water was pumpsl in four hours. Had a tire then isvurnsl with all the pipes open the pressure would have been light. The hours for lawn sprinkling are from i to 8 o'clock a. m. liiid 5 to 0 o'clock P. M. -This ought t give ample op)ortunity for sprinkling purposes. Hereafter, as the company informs us, the rules will hj rigidly enforced. Tho breaking of banks was not alarming till the latter part of last week when the rumble and crash came to l'ortlaci. This caused a wave of nervousness to swell over thi-i neighborhood, and on Monday morning when Pres. John Shute of the First National opened his door he foiind the crowd there. S ime of the in were anti-gnld men. All wore anti-bank Just then. Credit was of no acciiuiU. Just then noth ing was safe unless nuarantwsi by a gold reserve. Mr. Shute com menced paying out as fast as the ecrtitlcntes wore surrendered. The run laste ! only about two hours when there was a lull so that the paying tell, rs had time to go to tho vault for i. i.ro "stutt"" which was oiled un In 11.? middle of the table tsck upon stack of double eagles II tnkod with silver and grooubuck. vbout this time the business men about town hi-ar.l of what was going ,vi Real 17.1112 what would be the i lf.it on trade, they to a man gath ...e l un hat was in their safes and starred to make their daily deposits n.r.. h.airs ear ur than Is tneir mint. Itv closing time tho inatitu u-.w lis well llCcii.H as Ix-fore I run und bv noon Tues day It was stronger. The particular i.. 1 1 (Vi fur fiti't alHrtit this Is that r-.tr void reserve was increased by t.ysd deposits, and not from any a- .a. ...... h. from outside sources. business men who bent know the pw sound of the nipo1an ma" Implicit coutldenoo In Its stability. tOlKT HOISE SEWS. C'lKTLIT JL KT. In the matter of the estate of L. I. W hiteomb, insolvent debtor ; condi tional order allowing final account. Ii. (). I home v. Sarau A. ltobert son et al ; deene of fortflosure. Win. H. Jackson v. N. 11. Mead etal; decree of fonvlosu re. Dorothea Peterson v. John Peter son ; divorce suit, dismissed. Anna A. Aldridge v. W. T, Aldridge; default entered and dl vorce granted. staver 4 Walker, a prlvat corpor ation, v. uai.-s i reek. Lumber Co., private corporation j continuation, of sale. Albert Holland r. Kll.aheth llel- land et hI; partition, II. P.Ford appointed refertts. A. . lenuy v. It-.isiiius Pearson demurrer to answer sustained In part. i-ic. given iu days lu which to Ule an amended answer. Julia U Ooudle v. Thoa. A. Oou ule ; divorce granted. Cephas Wsenhauer- v. John H t leming j dorrei of foretluHure. Thos. Turner v. Marlau Turner : .1. ... . a uivurve ruiuoo. In the matter of the petition of Jacob Kelbler, for escheated funds in trie state treasury ; petition allowed Jenny P. Heury v. benson It. Henry ; suit for divorce, OU-nUsed In the matter of the estate ore. A. Peterson, aa lnsolveut debtor ; mo tion to allow costs la attachinont procstidings of Wadhaus Cu. v. C, A. Peterson, disallowed. E. II. Warren v. II. Wolf et al order allowing sheriff to amend return on execetija. Peter SchreltaT administrator, v. (Jeorge und Lizzie Schrwiber, dls- UlisstHl. lirvin Hi n I sell v. J. If. Fleming et al ; decree of foreclosure. 1.. C. Hughes v. A. C.Adams et al ; confirmation of sale. K. II. Warren v. H.Wolfe et al; continuation or sale. IXlU.NTY COURT. In the matter of the examination of John H. Hoover for insanity Ordered committed to tiie asylum. In the matter of the examination of Charlotte M. Alton for insanity. union l committed to the asylum. FROBATK COtTRT. In the matter of the estate of II. W. Oardiner deed. It npiearlng to the court that 1). Gardner, heretofore appointed administrator, has failed to give the required bond, It is there fore ordered that r . A. Ualley, upon the petition of Horace Farnham, a creditor of said estate, be appointed administrator, and that letters of ad ministration Issue upon his tiling a bond in the sum of 11200. In the matter of the estate of Miles Da vies, deceased, final account tiled. September 4, 1893, set for hearing. COUNCIL PBOCEEDIXGS. At the Council meeting August 2d, the following bills were allowed : Long & Scott, for supplies for fire department, f'7.60; Thomas Finer ick, marshal's salary, $50 : W. A. McCourts, night watchman's salary, 115; llillsboro L. 4 W. Co. for light and water, TU7.73. 1 he city marshal was ordered to notify all whom It may concern, to open all streets and alleys in tho city and Its additions, which have been dedicated to the city, within ten days. The ordinance regulating wood sawing machines was amended to place the license at 13 per quarter, and the ordinance passed. .. Cuutuuinn Hnrreit wm appointed a committee of one to visit the fire company and extend the courtesies of tho city council and assure the company of tho co-oeratlon of the city government in all efforts to maintain an efficient department. The tailor shop heretofore located on second street, has been moved to Main street opposite lirock & Sols drugstore. ' U. A. Wehrung and family, with friends, have planned a trip to Tilla mook. The party is to start Satur day morning, the 5th Inst. Dr. Adklns will go to Newport to morrow for a few days communion with old ocean. He will leave his assistant in tho oftlce, who Is equal to an aching tooth. Dr. F. J. Hal ley, who has. been East for the past ten months or more, returned homo yesterday. He Is well tanned brown as a nut. On Wednesday he passed through a belt where the mercury stood at 120. The little son of Mrs. Johnston, of Roedvllle, who recently got his left thigh badly broken, Is doing nicely we find on enquiry of Dr. Linklater, the attending surgeon. Dr. S. T. Linklater received on Thursday the sad Intelligence of the death of his brother which was not entirely unexpected. The de ceases! had been a sufferer for several months. If this weather continues to get hotter for a week or two, those un righteous fellows who find It agree able to them, need not be afraid of their future emigration to bades or sheol. A gentleman of this city has brought us some very luclous peaches of an early kind. We feel grateful for his kindness, and, feeling thus, purposely omit giving his name, as lie might require to sit all night near his trees with a shot gun. It Is a big navy that can afford to lose flvteen ships and 2,332 officers and men In thirty years. That Is the loss suffered by the British gov ernment In the period stated. Mil lions of pounds have gone to the bot tom, partly, perhaps, because Eng land has been a pioneer id naval matters, and has experimented with weird craft. With the evolution of complicated and unwieldy ships like some of the Ironclads, it may be nec essary to evolute a new nee of sailors to maneuver them. Charles Hall, a son of County Sur veyor Hall, w ho went over Into the Nehaloin country In June, has my teriously dlsapieared, no wor4 hav ing boon heard from him since July 17th. Ho wa to have wodded a young lady at Mist but his disap iiearunoe has mado that Impossible. Ills betrothed mourns him as one dead, and that is protahly his estate, for no other explanation can be given for his alisence. His business was making collections for a nursery house. One remittance had been made, and ho was known to have some money on his person. A very interesting letter from his pen was published In tho Independent of july 7th, and another was promised, tut it has not been received. Hur veyor John Hall, his father, started for Vernoula and Mist this morning, hoping to get soma UtelUgenoe of bm Bitoeing boy. rORKS r (i(t')VE Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Morgan re joice in the arrival of a girl baby at their house last 1 rlday. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Jones returned from Netarts Wednesday. Hubs Johnson returned Tuusday. Hev. Mr. Sehofield, a Baptist minister of Hrewnsville, was tn the city over Sunday and Monday. J. Wheelook Marsh, editor of the Times, expects to sis-nd next week at the coast and take a well-earned rent. Attorney Langley's new resldonos has been bivuu in the west sldti of town and will be a commodious structure. Mr. and Mrs. Luck, parents of Mrs. Johu E. Hal'.iy, arrived from Michigan last Friday and will make their future residence here. Mr. Itoland Mapes, now of the Union Title Abstract Company, Salem, Is here this week visiting friends and taking a midsummer rt. Qtso. W. H. Odell, president of the trustees of Willamette University, Salem, and a prominent politician for many years, was In the city Monday night visiting friends. The Loyal Legion gavj a moon light sociable last Friday evenlug, serving Ice cream and cake and hav lng a good time generally, in Rider's grove, a beautiful spot for such a gathering. Dr. Cola and wife took a buirirv ride to Portland Saturday and It is thought the . bank troubles there caused the faithful stcod to think that the doctor had a luighty urgent sick call. The brick work Is being put Its bv Mr. Gleason under the High School building for the furnace which Is to be placed there to heat the building, instead of the old rickety stoves they have had for some time. Between Shattuck and Hertha Tuesday morning your correspon dent saw a fine old cow caught by the north-lsHind passenger train and get both hind legs broken. She was left In a pitiful plight. Mr. K. M. Ward, son of Ur. D. w. Ward, has purchased the drug and stationery stock of A. Ii. Thomas A Co., who have been building up a splendid trade. Mr. Ward will take possession In a few weeks. H. u. nays, one of the proprietors of tho Holton House, accompanied by his wife and four babies, came from Portland Friday evening and went by team to Tillamook, their old home, next day, to spend the heated term by the seaside. Frank llllams, of llillsboro, had quite a serious runaway Tuesday while going through our city. While driving along Pacific Avenue one of his horses in kicking at flies got one leg over the tongue and this scared the animal so that he kicked hard and broke the tongue and both horses became unmanageable, finally running against a post and throwing Mr. Williams out of the buggy on bis head and shoulders. lie lay unconscious for a time, but finally recovered and went home claiming not to be much injured. Those who saw the occurrence were badly frightened and thought Mr. Williams was surely killed. Our bank closed its doors last 1 rl day eveuing to open no more up to present writing. Saturday morning the usual notice appeared on the door and a slight flurry of excite ment was created, but it wtut vry generally believed that the suspen sion was only temporary, and that all liabilities would be met. C. M. Keep, the owner of the bank, has a good deal of valuable real estate In this neighborhood, and the bank Is said to have plenty of collateral, so that there Is no danger. The funds of business men generally through out the city are tied up, but there is no hardship felt yet aud with a reas onably quick settlement ait wiil be well. A meeting of depositors In consultation with Thos. S. Keep, the cashier, was held at the Keeley In stitute offices Saturday evening, at which Hon. T. II. Tongue was present, and an amicable arrange ment was reached until C. M. would arrive home. He came Tuesday and on Wednesday evening another meeting was held in the same place, and was largely attended by those Interested. Mayor Hughes was again chosen chairman, and Frank IJavey secretary. A committee con- isting of Mayor Hughes, Frank Davey, E. H. Heitzhausen, J. C. Woods and Anton Pfanner was ap pointed to examine the affairs of the bank and report conclusions and suggestions to another meeting Fri day evening. Mr. Keep gave every assurance of a willingness and deter mination to see every creditor paid as soon as possible, and that he will do all in his power to bring this about. There is i.o question but he has plenty of property to do it, and with reasonable fair play will accom plish It. $500 Rewara For any trace of antipyrine. mor phine, chloral or any o'her Injurious compound in Krause's Headache Capsules. 25 cents. For sala by llillsboro Pharmacy. The August Cosmopolitan Is at hand. It is another surprise In com pleteness and a marvel in price, being put on the market at 12 cents per number. An urchin named Campbell, re cently from Canada and a neighbor of Ueorge Campbell near Laurel, held a stick of wood on the block for his sister to split. She missed the block, of course, but not the boy's third finger w hich was cut diagon ally through the second Joint. The boy ran to his mother, the finger end hanging by a bit of skin. She had wit enough to come to a surgeon here and have the digit properiyjdreased, , There are hoiies of a speedy recovery. The following clipping Is from an article which recently appeared In the Chicago Ncws-Itooord under the heading "Hlval Fruit States: " 'It is not entirely a contest between Cal ifornia and Florida. The Pacific coast stat -a are united against the Southern peninsula, but they also keep upa lively competition betwi-en themselves. Oregon Is In the thick of it, with pears like pumpkins and prunes almost as large as ftjotbaiL. Here are sonte of the signs ovt-r the department ' hrogon tha land of the big red apple,' 'lVnches 17$ Inches in Oregon,' ltoes bloom every month In Oregon,' 'No cyclones or bllzxards in Oregon, 'Oregon the home of the prune,' 'Two bites to a cherry la Oregon.' The visitor must not lin. ger for any time within sound of the Oregon man's vole, or be will be come convinced that all rthor states are barren deserts compared with the balmy and prolific groves of Ore-geo." ARE YOU PREJUDICED ? Many poj,le think it necessary to go to some large city to find a first-class DRUG STORE .. Don't you believe it, because you can be convinced that tu?re is a first clas. drug store here, by calling on BRCOK & SELS whj carry a fine and varied stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, STANDARD PATENT iY.EjICINES Prescriptions carefull compounded by uu experienced FINE V UILLSBOrtO, UOHV LSTISS4SKII -JoIt 9utb. to the v f uf O lutoruaiirsr. a dsaulitor. BiiMOssss. July Both, to the wifs us assuioiseo, a ditorftiter. Comm.!.. Aneast 1st. to tbs wifs f Wui, coQoall, a daiiKbtor. US10. j Jos. (Ja-ston was in town last wis '. J. W. SappillKton visited Hillshi.i u ! tills week. J. J. Fowler paid the metropolis a ! visit tins wi-ok. lnley Melood's new house i nearlng completion. Kev. Mrowu.of HillMboni, pnsiched here Sunday evening. C. W. Hudson is making an exca vation for the basement of his new cottage. Mrs. It. O. Oarrett day from llillsboro been visiting friends. Clarence Carr has returned Mon-' where she hiu erected i. fi u t- i drier after a plan of his o n. 11 ones apples in good shso In I r.s hours. Rev. Beauchaini., of HMIsVro, together with C. a. lUymond aivl wife, attended a l usker picnic up Patton Valley fiutnmy. I uudentand ti e Fsnr - m1 Alli ance pfts,sj rix'.la'i.-.s protesting agaln-.t the threatened rop ml or Uie Sherman lav HAilur hut nwting. A game of ball U t-v-x-.. tne first and tteeond alien of this r-!ce Sunday resulted n, u ,rv, ur .-, lo in in favor Of the s-v-r-l -nlno. 'the second nine werosllo ..m ..n tp.iilos to start on. E. X. Hur-i ' g will soon commence work On his new residence. The lumber 0n tl eground, and as soon as car;ntr aro able to get around to It, wcrk will lmnusliately com- nieuce. . ' V LllT.EU Hislfh Is Improving. Bli Ujptritit-a ure quite plentiful. I.!,lnKcr Hros. have started a deilve, y wagon'. trunk Pitman, barber at Lufayeitte, was u town Saturday. DiMi Hill and A. H. llcxiver left for Intern Oivg-n last rrkUy . . Horhnui Midthesof Yamhill coun ty is VlU"g with his isirents of ttiis pi. ice. ' Hev.i ivid Lynch 011 t.W ).iou!:tuill lst duu.lsy held serviees Saturday and Jos. Mattlies wont to llillsboro Tuesday u have Dentist Adklns do some work on 1.1s teeth. Mrs. H'-tford -cf Newbcrg, will i.penic at te Mt. Olive church next buudsy a( 4 v'elock p. m. Mr. Iloliort Stephenson is building a graniry f r the accommodation of bin w beat crop this year. John Matthews of llillsboro was ia town with l is colts Wednesday, to git McSh- rrv lir.js. to do some work. Job .(,-! i'v hei"t'go to get j-xmI w . 'i. tlll IS Ml ,'. Haying is altit finished In this locality. J. W. II. Miller, of Alhina, was In this neighborhood today. Mesars. Ogden A Tauch have dis solved partnership. The name of the firm Is to be Ogden A Hon. Miss Lllllo Stephens, of Amos' Chapel, who has lieen visiting at the creamery for the past month, re turned to her home today. We understand she will teach at Pur haras this fall. Mrs. Helen H. Harford, of New berg, will deliver an at'dress on temperance in tho M. K. church in this place on Saturday evening and also Sunday morning at eleven. We consider ourselves a very temperate neighborhood, hut at the same time J we should always encourage a lecture of this kind by our presence, and also by our purse if necessary, and try and build up humanity. Come out and bring all your uelgh bors. Take tioed Cars of the 1 hlldren. For summer complaint in children there Is nothing so good as Cham berlln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlnea remedy. It cures dysentery, diar rhoea, and cholera infantam, and never falls when used In time and the plain printed directions are fol lowed. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. 20 and SO cent bottles for sale by Uillsboro Pharmacy. Baskleo's arnlra Malre. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruls, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, t ever Sores, Tetter, Uiapjxsi Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin eruptions, and positively cures Illes, or no pay rsuired. It Is guar anteed to give jK-rfeot satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2't cents jsr box. Fur sale by llillsboro Phar macy, A flat car costs about $.WH, a fl.it bottora coal car $175, a gondola drop bottom 1-500, a fruit car (ventilated) $700 ami a refrigerate car o. A four-wheeled catmone costs .ViO, and an right-wheeled one 7(S. The prices given on the alove cars in clude power brakes and vertical plane couplers. A oivfoot mail and hag-; gaire car costs $3.Ml0. a second-class ; coach H.8O0, a first-class ciach 600, while a first-class Pullman car costs 115.000. Parties going east will find it to their Interest to call on J. I. Knight before buying tickets. Office in City tUU, Uillsboro, Oregon. tf UK FUMES. oRF-OON U' i it if. i J.-M-ing 1 1 1 r , 1 time of trsde has hut a it. Schulmerich Jt son were nhle to take advan 'age of Urn market. lie Walked In And told tin frightened jobber ho would pay his own price for u line of Clothing. He got thiiin quick, And lie IVnpose to More Those, goods on I lis run, at practically your prices. Come while the lot is fresh and at its best. HILLSBORO HOUSE J. NOHTHItOT, Proprietor Corurr SwmJ . imJ.. WsdiinuUin Htreeti NKWbV FUKNIUUVn AND ItENOVATED A FIUST CLASH TABLE, Mid all ao oonnnoiliitiiiin fur lh convenience of gawits. Surcharges Reasonable IMI'EHLUj K(i(i FOOD For all varieties of Poultry, laying Fowls, Young Chicks, Ducks. ioso and Turkeys. WILL MAKK V01 It HEN'S LAV it keeps fowls in best condition, and mskex poultry the most prof itable stock on the farm. No poultry yard Is complete without MPFKIU KMJ FOOD. For an is by , . . S. f . S )( THAitn. ii. . . t Xolire to Open Streets Alley. anil VLLprrwimi Living fenne or ottiarob triiotioiiH in niir HtroxtA ur alloys in Hlllshoro, ar hnrrhjr nuiilli-d to rem ore tbs sums. If aucli oli'truotiunit ara not removed wiUim ton ilny from the dsta hereof tlioy will lx re.uored by the alival ouiuiiiisHiuni'r ununr tlis dirention of lbs Streot oumuilUeu of id oitjr . f HilUhoro Gi;i). II. W1MXJX, Cbslrmnn nf Htrent Comiuittee. AU(junt i!, 1H-J:l. 10 Dead Letter Lint. lion Iltxlrick, Aniiis Jackson, All letters not calhsl f'jr by August 12th will be sent to the il-'ml letter office. One cunt charges on each htter called for. M. A. IJitoWN, I. M. i Said the dTil lo l'oll Kly, "Put do rum in ttiy tea, Ur die aa thy mother died, ae twenty tbree." But Pull made reply thnt itrnck the fisod douiti, "My iiiuthur, yon know, pnt no tea in her ruin." Iff. X. L. Saltftr A well known rlwuifn-sipber ol ll.rs 1. CaL, tsittlet: "My fans and L.xly were eorere4 wlki red blnU-bel w'.ilch dllflrirsd m and oeua- ' I e4 Biiicb aullrr.nf . Other mcllalnat txlsd VI help sty oae, but after taking iuur bottle uf Hood's Sarsaparilla I aa entlrsiy free from my blotch and aa psrfscUy weO." HOOD t CURH. Hood's Pills are puraly rg.uble carefully prepareO. ii6. Iry bo. . .-rxvvf i n te: Si! 1 1 radii Mara.t a, - 'M m When 0U see a isuod lliln as CATCH IT a. That Is what svery tSOOD house-ke4-H-r and cook does hn she krmws w hero to buy CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER .. sOl.li UY .. HUGHES, MORCAN A ROGERS, of milshoro, Oregonand acknowledgo.1 by all as superior to auy bkiu ' Powder lu the market. Try It, asil be conflaceil that what we isr I tra. HlKillES, M0HUAX & 110GEKS. HILLSBORO MEAT MARKET BURST ii 'I HUM AS, Proprietors, MAIN STREET, . . . . HILLSBORO. CHOICE BEEF. MUTT0X, YEAL AM) i'OHK Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest market price paid for lioeves, Mutton, Veal aud Hgs. Pair dealing to all. Please give us a trial. CARSTENS BROS. & MEAD, Proprietors. HILLSBORO SASH Maaufacturart asS Oaalara In SASH. DOORS AND MOULDINGS A Fall I.I u of atauilsriJ ai.os ami paltsrus uf Nanh, d.sis uionldinxs un.l brackets constantly io utix k. Hperlal Deslgss of builder' goods mails to order mi abort notice. 1. amber Yard. In rontiection with tlie aU anil door factory a lumbar jiini will le kept constantly stink is I with niuj;h ami dreawid liinibor of all kinds. Rallders aro invilivl to place their .irii.-ri) with im. Otlice at the fai-tory, west of ths railroad stalion, llillsboro, Oregon. PoTLiN, 0ai. A. Open all the year. Students may entef at any time. Catalogue free). I A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. r 4aM sstsa I Hilhboro Livoryjeeiani Sales Stable S-il,sS-SrtfcJ-wSir-nAM,iii-'liii,AisAA ia.asSii .. oHiitia ron HACKS, BUGGIES AXD BIDING HOBSKS rsOirii.V ATTKNUED T4. A MEW LINK OF MGGIt ADItEB. Orders left far HEARSE will recelrs arsntpt stteutlea. KeaieBiher the Plsce. MAIN STEEET, opposite TUALATIN HOTEL. F. J. WILLIAMS & J. W. 8EWELL . Proprietor. i ... ill i . til .ill .I.LISJ..1JH ( All. AXI HV.K ... Dr. W. BOWLBY, DRUIST ANP B00KSLLR, , FOREST GROVE, ' And get your money's worth of Drugs, McdiclnM, Toile Article, Envelopes and Paper, Musical Merchandise, and everything usually kept in a firxt-claxs country Drug, IJok and Novelty Store. Prescriptions and formula? carefully compounded at all hours. FRED HAMBLETON 6463 PLANTER 2518 Will stand for ssrTtre for the season of ISM at the Fair (ireosdi, Milliners. FRED II AM It L ETON A4A3. 4-year-eld Reeero), anS; g-year-eld tae rd, a:aS fwblle Trial, a:i). Is a chetnut horse, 1 S hand, wei(l)i 1075 pound. Sire Hiimbletonian Mambrino, sire nf Susie H., 2:18; Vanqiliah, 2 :1U nt 3 years old; Jane L., etc.; dam Sjrl nlit-ld Maid, dam of Van Trump, 2 ami I-nil llaiutilelon, 2:2tl, hv Lakoland AIkUIIuIi, sirecif tiiHirge O., 2:21 etc., a full brotlier to llarrold, sire of Msu.l H., 2:0H),ami fTaniUireof Kremlin, 2 :07 ; 2d. dam Ka uda, dam of Caatiamiia, 2 ;lftf b? Alet ander'a .lnliillh, aire nf GuM-nnith Maid, 2:14 e. c, and of 18 uln-s nf lL'fl 2,3(1 tmtters, inclinlinif Alnmnt, Hi-lmiuit, eto., and 27 daiiu of li-'i 2 liotuim ; it. I dam by Kriday, aire nf the dam nf (ion. Conlev, 2:17 by Imp. Trimtee; 4th dam by Imp. lb-llfoundcr, aire of Kywlvk'a li-im-bletonian. Fred IUmMeton'a reenrd waa miule uoerM.ively in the arrond and third fit-ut of a hotly conteted ra.-e on the KHlem trai k before the turns were thrown tip, and after only lo short season's soik. Soother trotter in Oregon has yet e.iialiel that performance with an short hamllmg. Hiu iilre in the only nUlllon in the North Pacific thai ha three of hi. gi t with rec ord better thao 2:20. Fred Hambleton and Van Tmnip are the only Malliona in the North I'arilic wh( duin has produced two atnllinn. with trotting record of 2:29 and better. Ilia Mud npportunitiea have leon limit ed. Put three of hi colta have been worked, l.ia, a yearling, trojl.-d a j Hur ler in 4V) second. Alia Hamlin, timed in a race, one-half mile, in 1 :lrt. Km. Ilanihli'ton won the 2 vrar old Ukt i( hit year at SHlem and S(H,kHiie t nil-, iiml ! wan then injured. I Neither I.is nor Alia lUsilIn lin.I fully recovered from sicknka during their per- j forman. I TERMS : 8lngl service, $iii; Sttison, w ith priviU-gv cf retora, MS; Insurance, ton. Mares IntruHjinl to iiiq to Ik- brcl, will receive goral rare and rastorage) at tl..r0 js-r month. For further Infuriutttiiui addn-s T. U.IDNUl t, lllllkkoro, Or. AND DOOR CO. I. AlMBTlOHU, PaiN0ir4t. PLANTER 2518. Sire ef fendere,:a:aSH. at 4 yeses. A bay linrne, 15 hands, weight ia Beth, 1 itx poiiimn. Sire PancnaM, ire Poncede Leon, t :3-. Garnet. 2:13 ; Patron, 2 :14$, ete., and the Ire Alii, 2:10 at 4 yeara;dm Lucia, dam of llay liream, 2.21 j at 4 yeara ; Marlann trial, 2:.til, and the dama of Wyatt, 2:27, ami Nydia Wilkes, 2.231, hv Hambleton ian 10, aire of 1 3H, aire of 1172 in the list, and of till ilania of M7 2 :30 trotters ; 2J dam Trinty, dam of Ieiicallon, 2 :12, aire of 9 In the liat; John Iiye, 2 2j, Scotland Maid, 2:WJ, and the dam of Kanhorn, 2:2'ij, by Sfarllmrouih, aon of Truaten, ami aire of the dam of John Croldaiailh, 2 :2-i ; 3-1 dam by Henry Lhirock. No atallinn in the north Pacific baa a better apeed inheritance than Planter. Pancnaxt, bia aire, waadiaablnd a larirw portion of hi life, yet at 15 years ol agw, nf hig-t hal records better than J:20. and & of them had remrda better than 2: 1. Sand one of his aona had aired Alia, 2 20, at 4 yean, and Pactolns, 2:13, a ahowing eoualled by no other amlllon itigordcad. Panc.wv.t a dam. atill U?la, haa Ave colta with t rot tins- record than x and ,t i.rtier anna and two o4 her danghtera have produced 2 :80 apeedk Lucia. Planter's clam, haa s 4-year els with a record of 2:21. and 1 aea and t daughter that have prod need 3 :30 speed. Truaty, hie ac-ond dnm, kaa S eolU witk record-, belter than 2 :3 and 1 ana aud 2 .liinghtcra that hare pruiliired 2:30 apeed. Hut 4 of Planter a -t hav been lraine.1. Pandora, nt 4 yeara of age had won ait race and ohlaincd a record of 22s. Puuline, aa a yearling, atartel twice, we at 8ikn 'and was second al Balero. Planet, al 3 yeara, waa aecond lo Castinsj al 2-.Vi. T. n.pli ion, at 4 years was ssc on I to Wiaider at 2 :341. No other Htallion iutiregoa cr Waahlrg tun nt li-n ve in, of tip-, had bad so lltihs npM,rtiinity and had smile so g-od a ehow. ing aa Plant, r. 1 have a nnmfer ef dri ing hore., l.r.Kxl mare with foal, land ciltaand allies by the above borseafur a.ilC at r. aiiimlile .rirea. r