Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, August 04, 1893, Image 2

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Entered la lb pnetnfflneat Hllmboro, Oreoc,
a seeoua-eiees utiiw.
BbtMorlptum, la advaaoa, per year
D.M.C.OACLT. Editor.
orrtcuL PArmm or rum cm
ThouHand of unemployed men are
flocking into CtilcHgo There It no
work and the problem of ubslaUuct
la strlou.
" tlvlllzittloa i cruel and it rvlorit
7 fHjy mtinhe onward Ailfllllrif it
destiny. Half dvlUted 8uun
' wrapped la oriental prndor thdrjgb
It f. fold lta feather umbrella and
i gives room for French expansion.
The development of the Uwt . frvr
days xhow that all caiue of anxiety
for peaiti Itetween France and Slam
wu not . amoved when .the latter
conceded to. France her demand",
lk-KUHe there wan delay, the Uuul
ha made an additional ultimatum
The price of pork in Chicago was
ruined on Tuemlay. In forty nun
utn the decline wait from $18.75 per
' barrel to $10.60, a drop of $8.25, or
nearly '.0 tier cent. ThU alunip
broke Cudahy, the pork king, who
waM reputed to be worth $18,000,000,
The ixrk decline waa lubricated
with lard, and both dipped together.
The Oaweiro Ironworker la led to
make an exclamation of Joy and con
gretuhttion, that notwithstanding
the dull times and shut door In the
eastern art of the county, the Iron
works at Its town are miming on
f full time. The water pipe and rhm
pipe work are the only ones on the
coartt, and the product flnds'a market
at Kan Francixco, Portland, Tacoma
and other Mtiialler places.
It la aatertud and with some degree
of probability, that American dollarn
are beluir manufactured In China and
imported into the United Htatec,
The Cbinene ran do that, uajng atari
dard silver and make fifty per cent,
by the transaction. The constitution
gives the general government the
exclusive right to colu money, yet
when the value of silver in a dollar
is less than sixty cents, the premium
for counterfeiting is too great.
- i - . , ,
RuhmIu has been revising her tariff
schedule putting a protective duty
on some articles that have been
largely imported from Germany.
This angers the Teuton and he pro
poses to retaliate. A critic remark
ing ujKn the proposed line of action
thinks Germany will get the worxt
of the fight, for Russia will find
other markets, and by protection,
build and establish home factories,
while her southern neighbor having
cut off Its supply of cheap breadstufls
will burden its own subjects with
lurger subslHtence exenae -
A correspondent y ho claims to be
In a position- to know says that
Henator T John Hhwman, probably
oue of the most sk fled financiers in
the country, Is Inclined to counte
nance the use of both metals in the
money of the country but would put
the use of silver under such severe
limitations thatTie may be classed
with the gold bugs on finance.
While secretary of the treasury he
f.Tpfrihintcd with coining dollars
1 1. & . it rv . ..ft I is.
till! wen) w per ivnd Oliver ami vi
per cent.goM but found the plan
ftf-ct liable for the reason that the
gold was In too small proportion to
make those . coins distinguishable
from the standard silver dollars.
Then the expedient of putting a gold
plug in the middle of the silver disc
was tried but it too, waa found un
The prospect of reforming the tar
Iff on imports to a revenue basis
duty on sugar, on coflee, on tea, free
wool, free load, free tin, is having Its
effect, and that, too, before a section
of the old laws Is rcpreled. Thou
amis of men are out of employment
already, and the beginning Is Just at
hand. The worst of it is, the
skilled workmen taken from their
learned trades are almost helpless.
Nupioe they are thrown upon the
agricultural community, overprod
uction results aud down go prices.
Our factories thus being closed and
o)Mrators scattered, healthy competi
tion is at an end. The foreign man
ufacturer and Importer then becomes
irionoiKriitds. The rwtt of the picture
is easy to sec. If threats so efftvt in
dustries what may be expected from
the reality 1 These be the good
times promised by the Democrat".
A correspondent living in lev.1
writes a letter totheHalem Journal
fur Information regarding 1u.hIiv
prospect in Oregon, in which th
two sentences occur i "Are tii
UMny good chance to invest in wild
laud and hold for a raise with any
certainty of increase In value In the
near future. My idea was that ,xr
has I could find investment for mp
Ital which would not necessarily give
me employment," The writer gives
expression to a purpose that has
been followed by too many of our
men of small capital. It ha ber il
ls the practice of the owners of
few thousand dollars to become mon
ey loaners either as bankers or as
curtwtoiie brokers. Of course for the
economical and convenient tra'uu"
km of business we need bank, ttit a
AswUiplIcation of non-producing in
iditutkMM Is unfortunate for the
country. y are weak and fcreuk
fewntsy. A hotter hing to do would
I to t ulld up an Induitry that will
4flve employment to labor. '
- -
i ' i
n 1 .M l n-xt, Aiik.nrt'rth,
;:f. i.V4 in extn i.l"n to
consMer t vim (l1:,y tv it me to
ward relit vi V t' c c;r.;.tr, 1 ti-jrte-latlon,
tbit v o.v...( ri wtili.fl t
work, hu Mi tt.ur t i-u.v Int
erests. !
What wt l I
vv!"ni !.:)t outfit
to be don" ? i
Tha udrli4.."s'i.!i w. n: the
Shoriuim nilv-r ;.'..-ju:fei-t r-rxn'el
bat thti furty I,;. i0 not i
unit on th:tt plan by Many ctt.
The fundi, wl.i..: fbi' ti'je, un ink
ing voxy noisily,. iui k in stand
ing In with the llotky mountain
states In opposition to the North and
East. - It seeius to Uj DJtund t tl
km the North. liivUlfDtly Soutlu'ru
reprweotative-i want Tlw 10 jur cout
itate bank .tax re(v:tieJ, und. may
use that as capital with which to
trade with Cleveland tutu. Vi'Imt
the Rocky uiountaln lacn wunt U
free silver coinage.. They - pn'tc-nd
that they; fkvor-. u duubli' money
standuad but we will btvuiuo a nion
ometalist mUlou a.t turtuinly as c
adopt-free-.ci liuitKO aL'tb ) prest'ti
ratio.. In I hut event wouldn't the
gold miners bo Just as much entitled
to complain us ar the rilvor beetUs
now 7 r
Again HuaiK-lnr srO'Tiut iK.IUvt
that all our JIU are duo to tbe Shvr-
man silver purchase law. Home said
so, and the assertion was iterated
and reltoratod by tlifprchS till men
believed it, which U slsmt as bud.
Our European 'creditors heard the
echo of the wail and nro alurrnetl.
They are cashing tlieir securities Isj-
fore the time, when they fear we
will go en a silver busis. We owe
Europe a great deul of money. We
felt Jablliint when we 'f(tttfd our
bonds" for railro.ul schemes, tor ir
rigating ditches, for canals, for many
rather wild scheimts that are somo-
what In the nature of un experiment.
Some of those foreign Investors have
had thtlr fingers scorched a little,
and they fuel on the tender parts the
calorific rays radiated by the Piellor-i
the Blands and the rest of those fel
lows. - It Is hut natural that they
should be tiuiid. They .reason that
since the price of silver has decline!
in all parts of the world It is idlo to
claim that by uiioting free coinage
its price can t tnaiutuiued in the
United Stati!. Thinking thus our
neighbors ae:o- thti pond aro asking
for gold, and they n'r-in position to
get it, our int Dilation lo the eon
trary. '
Rut let ns have pmtitlvo leg-
Wstlon und an - lti f tit tinkering.
Even fn-e silver cilnige aU the It) to
ratio, is prrft fuble to this doubt,
for then we could iiiiJustouotiHvi's to
the new standard and p.iy iVe' prem
ium on gold Just as we dil wheii
greenbacks" wi ro the standard.
We from trailitioa and Jnterost
favor bi-mctailstii, an.l Congress
should aathorUo t!i u-io of both gold
and silver aa.xUoUard money, with
such; TOttrli-tlai and under Och
provisions, s Vill ' st.-cure nbe
malnteniiiioo of l'ie parity of vauas
of the two metal, so that the pur
chasing and diM paying Kwei of
the dollar, wjiether of silver, gold or
paper, shall Is? at all times equal.
The thing that, in the estimation
Of the iNDEl'KMlKNT, is inont para
tyalsg . trade is tlui uncertainty
respecting what will . he done with
the tariff by the adinliiiHtmtiuti.
The party in this as In financial
matters is not a unit. The president
with his friends in tho Northeast,
favor free raw tnau rial, while Wnt
tenon and his wing of the imrty
which is not a minority favor frt e
trade absolute.
Under the uncerlainty "faetortt'S
everywhere are cloning aud thi
employee kuow not where to turn
for an oport unity to earn a dollar.
The closing, of the tunnels t the
silver mines may bo a hardship, but
Is nothing roiiiparod with the i
closing of the factory tloir,
there are more of tho iatt. r.
Factories can't conUnue
The gold limit of one huudred
imlilon his b. .hi reached again und
we lave nearly $Stf,000 surplus.
L, J. 1
rjiih Carolina' control ef the
whiskey traffic Ki not provide sui
cops. Indeed It la a dixinal f ulurc.
t. " . ,j.
Yamhill county purchad the
burUr-prf lime lock safe by
tho Sheridan lank. Tho pro pMid
was tJO-Sa bargnlu. I
T!h silver f ingress met Tuenday
at f'hi -t;o, made up of PopuIiMs,
who wsngled, passed the usial rtt
lutlous ftt.il adjourued.
Commencing soon tbyf iKtEPEXD
t.NT will present a (kly letter
from a 8eelal eorresp-f i lent at the
World's Fair. It wll' contain some
special features peculiar to the Writer,
A letter, published In the
A roniplcr rorp Is hh u'iImI to
tho fire department, as :i r-vj!t .f lb
Cold Btoruo fire. A pomii-r Nr
Is a Kifid of tlr.'iu.'.i 1 in Ktittn,
buiMius by hhtvt la!4tr-, wlii -i
Ihfy pull up aft r t'-i'tu. 't t-., .;..
incut includes latbV'rgvne tin-.', r,
an I o'.fu r ii!;'!iiiu.v. if Is .-ir.'l tluM
rn.'tiiV l.f the i"eji u Ua li. I -c i
t'.v i' -)lij.-n
Highest of all in Leaveninj Tower. .Latest U. S. Gov't Report
York Hun this week Is stirring up
te Cutlioltc church In this country.
The writer, appurt otly .-u CatboJIc,
siiests a recession i):' the Atin ricun
church from Rome,ind the.t hojlng
of t pipe forAnii'rlo.t.
. ... . . j
Let us not sell bonds in sums of
two, three or four hundred millions
or in any other sum for the purpose
(T hoiirdiug gold. We will sell
bonds for the urpxe of raising
money to pay miscellaneous debts,
and expenses, but for no other pur
pose. If the government has no
bonds outstanding no man can de
mand gold that may be In tho vaults
of the treasury.
1 . Li . J L .-
A wild rumor is published In Lon
don to tho eUcct that the court in the
Uchring sea seal fishery ease has
about made up Its decision, which Is
for Great Britain. This is probably
no iK-urer th- truth thun tho rumor
current Bwi-k, ajro, giving the ver
dict tnl'.lhc' LuJtcd States. Tbaikv
cl.don hu not b n yot roachod, and
it ii "vvr.v ituprebable that intima
tion of vli-it U will b, cau bo ob
tuinei prior y its full publication by
the couW. '
The Op-gonr'-n han done aii"fbpr
silly thing. It hU belittled r-
sonnelof the Han Vranc' '-; "'i-
sion now in the Will)' t ''to valley
beyond all reason." It ni uost .went
to the extent of calling them J.nu
dealers. ' San Francisco is ono of the
first cities In the nation, and liicn a! I
commercial towns has, same as Port
land, a Cliuinls'r of Commerce, com
posed presumably of its most digni
fied and shrewdest buhinev
men. This body sent a tlele
gation to the Willamette valley.
Tho report of their sptchcts at Al
bany don't read as those delivered
by men of mean calibre. The Ore
gon Ian ought to meet dignity with'
dignity, and overcome the etlect of
these men's coming by allowing a
better way that leads to Portland.
Every man that owes a dollur
ought within thirty days to nrrango
topuylt before he hi cramped and
thrown Into the clutckos of the curb
stone broker who wi) loan at tti
per cent, aod a bonus. If. he jh,s.(1.s
to torniw tlouT" wait to be sued
when costs will,he added. Keek a
jdatsj to get the money' during the
next sixty days. Btwause. It is
estimaU'd that the merchants and
business men of Hillslsiro are carry
ing their customers. In sums aggre
gating 40,000 or $.V),000. To do
this they havo heretofore Isn-n able
to raise short loans on demand pajer.
The failures in Portland Hnd care
required here in consequence, forbids
our hank longer extending this ao
miiimodiiHnn. Our mercbants mssl
their niom y and must have it. And
sinco they cannot, in heretofore, boi
row tt the bank they will havo 'i
collect of those owing them,
case of havo-to.
Our hxal business in n did well
last Monday when they i . a ' to tho
asHlftanco of our hwiut i.t..k v ith
every nhkel to ba,alhered ii.. His
true the di-inni'.- Here not needed.
hi me inor vruci was o,uite as
, .- I'na1cial a-, the. material aid. Our
because merchants won't buy ti
product with the lower price ,.
freetrade in proct. For th same
reason factories will buy i.o rtw
material. .
If we are to have freetrade let u
have it at once and end tii-t uon
oi suspense, men tho employ. s
will know that loitering about tht:
mill Is useleNS. Tney will watter
out into the country and gradually
be aworbed hy . the agricultural poj-
ulation. , If we arc to have fnsj raw
material let us know it no that
farmers ahd Iron miners may have
market at soino price. Now,
nothing can be oM. As wus inti
mated a short time since, we want
n r.pporturwty to sell.
The rii ! I : i y.vr at Homestead
ud the butV- rn r were nothing coin-
ired to what a ill Is within twelve
Months. At II iiiVMte-.id death eatno
harp and lui -k at the sjiuntons of
the riffo bullet. The angel of dtth
will next nn tir In the room of bare
walls to t taiin the children wink
iri.d hy hii'iger and chilled l y l-ck
of clothing. In vain will f;it)i"r try
to hold the lovtd ones from- Ui
clammy en.-:.ts., ti vain will
mothers aitern ( tosot.tli the cry of
agouy. tleve 1il, have you ln lrsHl
tu drw tht 'picture? Ws!tru,
!chold your w -rk.
Under the lew that was tirreptl
tiout! tH'Cuttd In 17. Portland
TiiU 1 a ster.Mtypid exproshion of
frpsi1vr rl.-ocates. The fuets are,
tlwpa'Hfu of that 1S73 coinage law
was dioeusA d Uirough two sessions
t'feougre". Itappisrs to the aver
age iniiid tri.it a matter publicly le
lfsl for to yeors.is not apt to be
surrt"t Itlously '' repenleil.
y ine-'s n.en clearly seo what wUI
b- ft of ftrting tht! bank. Its
.-.. v ,ii!lhaveto be colhvtcd
.!".. ' i ' id of the courts' would
Ihi v ' d, executions wontj I
: vit t tn-i -rcperty sacrificed; thus
ai;nutir.i Vi-iai-sH even more than
"to. Hie al wvs beneficial in an
jtlier direohi. "It buoyed up tho
tank ofiV! U v a ho, by this act, know
tiat lb(:r bnvliies associates unt
friends, i' ' Petals are toned up
to that t.iey cun more efficiently
transact bn 4new, The flurry of Mon
day has, lnsl of weakening tho
flrd Niitioiinl, strtDigthened It. It
v lu tsiitcr shape as tar as the coin
reserve Is conoerned, and the In-ip-asl
ctinfldetM-e established.
HAOsckerarri MksaU lemenbrr.
Ka'herine B. Johnson jlvos in the
AlluMiy Cultivator sonu household
hints that aro very aeasoiahie.
That tlero are few rvants so
thorough that they shouN not In
the refrigerator daiy to seo
ih.it no liquids are spilkd or fix si
u!!(. wd to spoil and cxmtatulWe the
rest. V
'l i st dishwater, which Is V ways
Impmguntcd viil more or lei voir-
i 'ao'.e matter, should nevA u,
thrown on the surface of the grxjind
at the back door.
That all tubs and basins In IVh.
rooms and kitchen sinks and ilr i
should be flushed with hot water
s.ivwl at tint Cold ritoi-j,
a corps had existtsl.
A very iisturtd (;i"sflon" fr any
one who Is als'iit to visit ine Fair l,
'How long a tiro'' "ill I miuii to
e the Fair pr'M itv'."' I'.'i. is of
course, wrrfeiy a au I it i peisonul
opinion, but it can be s.,, .y .iid that
the r air can u inn in u sa'.isiacairy
manner In seven days and two eve
nings, if the trrounds are reia lied at
9 o'clts-k in the morning und left at 0
o'clock In the evening, except the
two .nights, when a stop h miaie.fi.ir
the 'illumination.' To 'e UifFnlr
mtire leisurely terr to, twelve silays
wlU -be rtsffUired.' . If eiuii of the M)00
Wtjrks of art in the Art Ilnllery are
examined , Individually, tb . time
would have to le Inereastsl. . y
The "M.K-king Bird" is u "large
steam whistle, which has bvu plausl
on the roof of Mucliinery Hull for use
as a fire , alarm. The note of the
whistle can be altered by insensible
degrees ' over two ts'tavc, so hs to
give out a sound that Is weird uud
alarming. The whistle will l bloun
from the pumplug station, aijd at the
first blast all firemen aud tiiUtls who
are off duty will pro!tssl fo the lire
at once. - It is also iutMid)t(. to potlfy
guards on duty at tie building to
shut ail disirs aud to kcep3ho vislu
ors in until the tire Is extinguished.
There Is always u chance ofyinjiiry by
ts-ing run over in tin crowiJvJ rtns
by the engines anl uiutiiiiances,
which accounts for a ru: tltut hiirrJit
otherwise lie cullod harsh wud arui-
The auditor of tho World' Fair
has presented a very ' luteresting
statement of tho flii;iiu l;l eouditiou
of the Exposition. The cost, up to
June 30, $0,6l,lCO. The Lsiuirc
in fkvor of tho Fair, for tho mouths
of May ami June, is $I,127,-Il7. lu
port ant reductions In e.Venas Imvo
Ihsti and will be made. The ndlway
tracks In and about the gnu:vJs cost
$102,237; tho symphony orchestra
has cost $.jj,S"J s lur; the CohiMibian
Guards havo entailcU iui tspeiise tT
$o.Vi,2.'1U; the posta;.'e bid uuiotuits to
j,V.),(i'J(ij . tliu architft ts L.lvc), takel
$100,508; the statued on tlio p r,uHil
have cost $!98,8u0; tne ph.)tagriiplilc
0)riees,sion has cor,t !a,l lo,- the re-
i'i-iits for the wino liae bs-n $40,-
So.'i, So that this Important coMcision
ba.s piiitj ,i pront or ?t,"'J5. if is in-
terttiiig I) note tin; the -total re-
rCil'ts tl'''i!tfi tho coucecloiiuries
have bu ,$.t,00l5. . .' :l . .
The 'rMpsportalion bniltfiti) Is a
wondi rfu!l. stict'esnful exumplo of
(HilyehroiiP'V ducoratioiii ttia' liuno
areiies if rie goldou doortvay in
broad, rtisnf ig plunes nru wry ef
fective. li e thin i,r Hi t building
relate, (lii-r(ly or i'mUw tiyy' to
transportktioii und the txliiba In
eludes coU . .er i. , , li.cyoeo, tri
cyc! haV. ' " v A..fc-oa-., carts,
trucks, h' .ii f s, ' .or, sli'ts t t'iirs,
evertl.t:i' Vlu . i',' to railroads,
boats. sicuiiil-J.it-i tourist 'comi'anies
etc. i'tit dioilih td i.teuiiiships ex-
hibli.sl ny Uitlr C '. i ":s or buil'lersj
attract rest allciit;.,ii, whilu the
largo K.:l!on " l 'j, 'xv.t:. S'.e.tmer -hibittd
by lire A ut: -n "tt:t Line !
never-e'elinif , s-.tir'f oT wm.der to
visitor. The t f cuiI traJisH.rbt,
tloti bn'Min.Ts de, itu to t'he.exhibi
of the TeniiM Ivf ,i -.id Vajidcrbil
sysUsn ar ii .i-, "ome t.f the
tId tick its hixI t.;1!., IjeUig Vt-rv
curious, a postal i .,;, a i , the Jeirer
son, Madison Amliu ,n Us railroad
tieing.i).-ulluiX- M. j I t.,nis that
me raurt i'i w-.t, u, ;1i,iiK i. frentieut
requests ir if es, so tli y prlntetl
the follow! riKMsu-r. The heading
reads: . M0i, j v ther' were no
passes.':. .. . tViilui.s." Then
follow sv , res u-aring upon
thesuhj t.
'Thtsu'y s,, iw.ls." Nunds-rs
xx. in.-' -
'8ti Iter 'Yai.Miitopas,s.'.' .ludah.
"Hie wtjked shall no more pass."
Nahuni , i.j v, .vr-v
t'Norio fuM ever pasH.'r-Mrtrk
xlli.aOv,. 1
"ThtHirK t,pV r(Mir vet tliev shall
not VSV Jeremiah.
t "so o paid the far and went."
I .IaciiI. I o ... . .
it is ,c rjL'. - : . .
a nam .Mine. ,(, ,
A etam mine, full Of live t tanis
and of great breadth and depth Ims
been diseowred at the mouth of, the
Delaware Bay, off the Fhwhlug Creek
shore. This, wys the True Ann ri
can, has proved a valuable tfpd, and
recently about 100 txats, c41mliiiiig
from three to five men eneh, were at
work on the mine, l he. product of
me great oeti is siupmsl daily to Chi
cago, a speculator of llut city nzr e-
ing to lake thn entire output of the
mine at aliout ;lo cents ier humlnd.
delivered at lien net t's station m the
West Jersey Bailroad. 1-iverv now
and then a discovery like lids is
made, but the present mine exceed
any previous tlnd known oitfthe At
lantiti coast. ANajt ttir5! ymr ure
retiulrett forelanis to urt,vC l'pt.rly
aud obtain -u mtirkct.ible Wm and
Uavor. This sj .,1J by experts
to bo alsiut thrvoyvr i. t)ss.d
thegreutest sliipmtfnUt l.;t!e'y:is
July fl, when over 50,hjetii; dxir
edon their Journey west' fr Hen.
tieit's Ktutitm. Tho bi irn t r iiilni
so high a to almost J.ulo tHe ;vttjun
house. i . fi' .
.BEii. Lsaii; Ta.t.sicrit.s.
UirlmrJ t'.mtslil mij wf to lluills
i.'ntKlle. I 'ts 7.S, !. tl 10 biui
noiK r.Uit tlillsbc-ra ... : $
11 J' iurd Hucritt t ift-iij BirUMll, w
t no itimJi 847
UiMi.t.'vutii.o Miltr li l'v'r Uitlor,
- 1 iMirwt whi 1 1 I I t 2 W i 1
tmily J tipurks nt Lii Karr, M
ort-s ) .to I 'i a t tl w . Itiw
tduriiii t. .imtHbi. suit t to W L
'r.r. lt .". ot fiv O ik uli-dl )
T Mturl;ii nn.l l to I'rlur tii)ilet,
,rmor(.c'.Ml iiiljw .-. . 4iH)
U L l.l.'iii vuil wf t tvtrr Jnouvt,
lot t lt A t iikiuv sdU HilUluru snuf
. W Uim mid wl to Lid t btxwnrt
4 7 itixt ei ttiot in ec J I I r 4 w . jr 1
Uobt-rt Kuiiiifjy aud w( I" K U nrnl 1-
, lit'IlllHIll ll.iL'l III 1 1 Wilt 1'' til I U
don llarlv Wl
AIhi jT & i ikunl to Juvliiiu 8tMubmk.
i'i norm f j t r 1 7 Mi
V At Vile uli.l -l lo Vt la li Jolly, 40
norm woi't'srlw KM
FM Wkd (i i..J vt to AntuaJ Fnrn
liitni loix 1. J. 7, S, r,, S !, crion.. ioO
U 1' J'urJ h'-.ntf iol M Ciodltey, 7
an sru It. 1 1 n r 4 SX
H A Uiul rt ill t V.ui IJall lot 3.4
Five Oak ;u i,;vii.u . . 1
r m w'.ui ihi'. w. i i a ii iimt-i.1
liiu S, 0 Hi u .. , i tun 1 i'OJ
fcdwurj Kiu ir mid wf t.i t 'hmlo
Kull. !." ".vit u t t it r 1 .. :I7.1
ilio II Toin uo ..na w i to U W ilun- -
y. U It -nvi rioti ....
WlU Kol( t Mild l t.l it J ,l-SlHr, lotH ,
5. li 1. 1 J W l uril Kn;Uts 100
cwjii rU'U una wl to ChIU WUit-
lin'tii. iiuciu s. , t i J4 r :) x0
l.nijori Kutimuv n a: to i i W l ordte-Y
tract in VViu ' f i.i Uon t 1 r 1 w.
tjisi tM.rdimy a i v.'! e A.ttttd Klid
M lr Uiivits, d imt i.rt i'I.ovh . 600
4 Uuuinri) mid wr tn Sia il Lswia.
I as . 7 til 4 uud lot 10 til 5 (Juixcliu 2(K0
U in JKt'y Mr ci id to Jot: ii ii iniiiuii.
trrnit ui-Mf dt Hit l o.". Mt iittm 12 Ui
J 4 oloru-in uud wr ui Andrn v Jhil
li;. W lour., li i til 7 Osirvisir add
UiiUu,'M , neo
Auiirwtv t-Li!up aud f to tliu Ukdou
HiiiB ns ithova 121
4UUR b tuuius to llori nou K Cults,
irSi notes oUom II inton d u Uirw ?0"u
Alt tlneiNANi'B PBIwrniEINO 1.1CHNS H)U
Thfl'itu of HilUburo. WiUiwiton Coun
ty, vrt'jun, Hon ortfuiM tin JdIIdum:
Biction I. The uwnor of an wood.
naiiiK mitrliine run by Mteniu or horso-
power, useu tor hhwIiiu wood for litre
witliiu the oorimrate luiiits of the city of
nunooro, nnHlilnutou ootltlty, UrtiKOU,
aluill uy a iiimrtcrlv litvuseof .1 foreuou
in If.lnun,
b:is. -J. Kiiidaum (IihII benaid in miIvmikwi
hi him rwiM-uer or mi lit out. who ahnll
tiieri'for ihhub liounsa priuiitiuK un
ui biiiu aitwiny lunnuiiie.
S;o. 3. If hi y xron almll nrrmit mi
anwiuir manliiue oarntHl or controlled Lv
uiui iii ue mni in Yioiitiiun oi tliutlrai
uniice. uu aiiaii lie Uwiuod utility of A
ims.lt ini-iinor, and aisiu oonvicitiou tlicrmif
do or the city reoordor. aliall b uuiitHlinl
uy a tine oi uoi n-ss tliau lailll ten dollars
or iiioio tliun I twunty dollar, or by
luipMHoiinirtit in tlicoity jail not uiorelhau
Uiu d'.Tu. U almll be tlie doty of (lie oity
umimiiii iii prosecute nil peraun violating
fassod by the bniird of truttet-s Auunt 2,
. . J. D. MEUKYM AN,
lleoordi r.
Issaod out of
lif Ore
gon 1 ir MultuiMiiiib oounty, aud to in
'li'M t. d tipjii a iiulijiiK-ut in favor of Wil -hum
WndliaiiiH and nuainat C, V, llichatdt
i, A . Hltier and J. K. Hinitb, oo-pnrtur
as Mi: .her tV isinitb uoiuuiHiKliiift me to
n a. n.ilu of tlie n-.il pnxrtv tlxsorilie.l
tt.eiiiij ;o anlialy the aniu of asitj.im li. H
kotd com Hb nilerrsl lbrw. u si tlie rulx
of S per limit. ptr aimuiu from Dm Z7th dav
of Uuy, is i.!. and tbi) flintier am of $11. In
ctata and aournpd costs and for thu
Costs nud exis-imcs of said writ.
Now, tlmri-iorM, by virtus und in pursij.
anoe of a.u i judgment, 1 will at HI o'uionk a.
M. on Monday, iw 4tli day of 8rituiub"r,
lsii.1, ai Oik aoutb diMr of tbe tsmrt
Hotiae in lillUtmr.l, W-nV'i vi r innty,
ItrtHoll, Mill the folluwiu -dowinlisd Ml
proK-riy at putitio auotioii In tli biubsat
bidder for onsh. J lie eouthinat j of tbe
nortli-oiiHi oi j; t il, t. S n , r. 2 w. of
the V,lliniptt- tiieridiitn and the nor'h
eaat ( of tb aimllt-xast V of aeetioti 17, t.
i , t. 'i w. or th W,llaintts tusridian, All
ituate in Washuiu'ton county, Oruim, to
atiafy aiud x emu ion and the corns and
ipt'ustsi of an l. Stid Mile will lie made
rabjput to rvdftiiption H p r a'atnte of
Orvuni. Ill-II
Uiuiess iuy Iniiid this 1st day of Aiwiut,
StS. It. r. Kt)ttl,
bheriff of W.isliiiiMn oounty. Dromon.
1 V virtue of an isouliou
I H e lirouit tkiurt of tbo Stntu
BY virtue of an esccuikm. Ueofse and
order of ante, iesurd out of Clrauil
t's.urt of Ibe .M ile of i iri-soii. for Washing
ton isinotv. lu faV'r of 1'lioe t. Toild and
smimst U-initi Wiltnstt. Joint Wiitroat.
fiatii tl. l,t.ii, liarrni J. Lilt. Nora
JtUi-r. Kir an ijr"s. Unu-Uv Willrout,
NvIIm VTiltrun'. eruv VViltroiit, llarrr Wit-
rout, Clara- WU'roiit. Atur Willrunt and
Onin. l W UKS'Ut, mtiiiiMntr itor of the tst
tattf of Utiil W il i r. .lit. dvoraatHj. toT the
sum of t- M V. 8. itold ooln, Willi intwr
est ijs"ri.i lit the rati f imi-pvr rent. irr
nuaii'i), from IneKlat ibiv of July, Sl,aiul
jrir tin fuitbvrauinof 94.40 eos. aud lor
tli- eoat and xneu-ui o "'" "' n'
wrif. .
ow therefore, by virtue und Itt nursa
aiK'eofamd indMiuent, J h'M tlJ order of
Hate, 1 will on .Mucnbi. , tue th day ot
August, l.s'.il, at the amtti do ,r ft the Court
llouw lu liillsborn, vVashmiton oounly
tin jo'l. nt the hoar of 11 u'o . m.. of
aid d'tv, aril at piiMu Hu uii'U to the hi jh
eat bidder for c.ih!i, tlie (olloiii Ueaorib.s.
reel property t-wti : ,
All tbiMo pieosM, paroelrf mid tract ot
luud, lyun,', betitK and aitnatu lu the oottcty
ui ttsiuiitou, aiuie nt tr,tiu and Known
uud bounded u folkiwa t
l.tiniiiuu at tbe north -west ixrner of
the donation Und claim of Hunmi l hueu
Uvrd aim wire, lu aeotlou li. townsliip J
lioitii (mine 4 w. at of thu Willameti innr
tdiHti. aud rutiUina tbunce aoutb 'Ju..0
cbaina. tlieniM east 1 M chains, theuoe
uuth 1 So otiuiiis, to tiia north-wi st oorner
of bind owned by Jniies Slartiu, tbnuoe
north 71 decrees, east ii. i) ubnius more or
lt to the e iki One of oouutv road, ruunini
from 1'oreat Up.ve up Gales Oreelc, Ihenoe
norm a uoiireea waat 11 COHUH. tuenoe nortb
i'5 decree west S chains, and north Wdi
re west, following tbe east lino of tbe
oounty road aforesaid, 14.AU chain, more
or Ho. a, to tbe north boundary line of ask
donation laud olaim, thetioe weal to the
place of U-nimuim, ooutaiuina one baud.
red acres uioie or leaa, alan the south blf
of tlie John Mot oy homestead laud olaint
lu aeutioa 17. tewnabiu I. north ranmt
weat, a uforeaiud, ave and evoept nfteea
Horn on tun aoittn end of an id otaiui, lo
ntisfy t'ue hereinbefore named auina, and
for tlie oosis and expense of aald aale,
aiiid property will be (old subject to re-
aeiuniiou .1 iMr -.ntute or ireiron.
WimeiK tuy band lhl ?7tb day of July,
n-l t U. P. KOItD.
Bherilt of Washington oounty, Oreiioa.
AGRICU Lf U tflA I ) Si PlElfl SH7S
t ; t.; .c.v.avjr:t
Oppos.te tl-c 0
u:t U.'U-v, Hitlor, whyte th-y
v:'.l "ouduct
AU( liOX
every Saturday. Fanners, or ether persons, having ci.
to sell. t':Uit.r pcrs."al of real loferty, will
!o well to call on tbvru.
It K I' I . !HA I. K.
TieR ia tierriiy Klven that in i
Nil Kit! PI"? WALE.
IY virtue of an execution, dears and
u order or ant. Issued oat or tbe Cireait
Uiurt of the stnteof Uregou, for Waahicg
ton oounty. und to lue directed opoo l
judgment in favor of Win. Daly, and
aKninat ,unry t iynn aud t. l . Flyon, eom
inaudiiia nie to luake aale of the real onitv-
orty deioribod therein, to satisfy the sum
of tl'I.OJ in V. H. Bold coin, with interest
thereon ainox July 17th, is:i:l, at the rata of
ten per oeiit per auiiuiu, and foe the furth
er auiuof $-'0 .M, oosta. aud for the ooata
ann eip 'iisi-s of aale ami of rod writ.
Mow tltrre'ore, bv virtu aud in nnrananae
of said judieiuenl, detmsi and order of
aale, 1 will, on Monday, the 2Sth day of
auium, i-iu, ai iuo ciook. in I ue rorrnoon
of aaid day, at the south door of the Court
Mouse, in rttllsboro. Wasbinutoa oonnt
Oreuon, aiU the followina desoribed real
property at pnliilo auottuu to tba biubest
oiuuer lor naau, nil mat piece, parcel and
tract of real property situated lu Waaoina
ton county, Uregou, and desoribed a fol
lows, to-wit :
toinmencino at a point an the north line
if the donation land claim of Hlankm: A.
uoiooiuo ami Anianua noicomn. ni wire, in
uiwnanip i, nortnraruje ? west of lb Willa
mette meridian, said point btinir ten otlain
west of the nortb-eaat corner of aaid elaim.
aud ruiiuiui; theuoe south 44 chain to th
eonter of oouuty Mud, theuoe north 78 dec
rees, west; 12.40 ohaiiia. to a atak on tbo
north line of Ktlen OTounor'a land, thenoe
et..lyUni. the hS liosv mi 1111.
Wilaoir land, ohaiue lo a atake. tlutnna
north H7S ohaiua to a stake in the nortb
line of said donnliou land olaim, said point
bmni: the north-oasl ooroer of said lielle
Wilson' laud, thence east nloua th nortb
line of said olaim lo.trj obainj. to the ulnae
of lis-eiuniiitf eoutainiiuf 6U aorearooreor
leas, reaetvina tbe riuut iu favor .of ths
Wilson tiros, to remove their buildina nnm
on said bind, to satisfy the bereiubefore
named r.ima, nud tbe oosta aud expenses of
this sale.'
baul property will be sold subject to re
demption, as per statute of Oreiiou..
uaieii i ma .'.-ci uay of July, is;i,t.
1. V. FORD,
Sheriff of Washlrjfltun county, Urnuoa.
Carr-ful tierviiiioii hy x)trieiiit.''l t)h;aieiana Accumta diajK-nsiiiij by hmh
petcut ami painstukioK iliurniuelr4s !
The Uillsboro I'haruioey orders lU ilmx fro-u the most relluble niamifueliir. rs
ouly, and Is thorounhlv supplied with every rt-nub-its necuawir.v lor ijromTlv ecM.ilii, t
iiiK a fit bt-cliiaw ireseription liusiness. 'ilio proprietor are ever watchful that the
liioflt-rteproTed latest remedies rs eoiuiinially being added to the stoek lis the w lentvs
of uiwJicin and pharmacy sdvuneo, lieinsr pOMessed of peeullar advaiiUKes in pur
elniaiug its supplies, owin to its business rule of tskin tnnle diarounla for i hhIi fr.nu
the bt houses, the retail prices are Hnuve.uoully lower thau thoso of most dUpnisini;
drug stores.
- All the h-a.lln arttclea of DKTJti'i ISTSl SUXPRIKS. Including the Fl X l'.ST
A larite and eiccllent aortuu-nt of SPECTACLES aul EYK-fi LASSES is
also on band.
PATENT MEDICINES of all popular kinds always la sloek.
The finest WINES and LIQUORS supplied ia eaaeaofsickneieiou prescript!. ui
. . . Hillsboro, Oregon.
Union Block,
0RE(j01I statc formal school
Monmouth. Ort-goa.
Strona DrofeaaionAl aud ncadetnio c
tioai Irainkiar of teachers. Normal, adv
meau. beautiful and hoaltiiful Uo itloo.li
Tbe Normal baa
enjoyed a atsady
growth darinRthe
past year, reaoh-
Ina aneurollment
of over 400, tba
lanesl in 1U bis-
story. New mem-
bar aav been
added to tba fao
alty. new appar
atus (applied and
tba sours of
study revised and
arsduates are In
einand to fill
(?ood positions.
Ibe diploma en
titles tbe bolder
to teaob in any
eouuty in tba
talat. without fur
ther - examina
tion, 'luition t
Normal, utfi per
term of 1U Weeks;
fttonmoatb la muilt aoceasilOs ir-iii. .:'
oapital, aixtr milea soinh of l'oi-uu ;. .. i
anarse T.l. tiAfLrrcLi., rmunmji-
, ai d will onaaimd modal aohuol for ,00
11 1.1 iiotium, iii.smesa. rnoaio ana nr. u 1 srt-
i ei;)iono, no xnloona.
.Snb-Siiiini 1, 5
.. 1 term td t. n
esltaj liii..Hi.s,
!S.a.i per tonu.
ilomil at Normal
diuini' IihII. if i.To
per wet-l:. Itocmu
M ete. rev n l;
furteah J. fl Ihi
Koard hi d K 1-
II... In niiwi.i..
fal'illles, ij1 to
lyj in r K.
Tuition, bn.tid,
less U ni. fluil
per Je.ir. . 11
sul nlt i v of ii
hio: riior' ii' Ii
onnrM'S nr t )?. r
ed in v cm. 11 1 and
c; tun Km, ajf 1
per icnu oi I'')
, leaaoril.
ris ot t ei snno, tw.ilve utile from tho e'uV
iov'i"i eliwriiilif atiten applio in m.
silil), aWretiiry of t'aouity. ,
capry a LAacc linc of
nuce ol fin ur.ier and di-rtf made and
entered braid 1.1 the t irouit Conrtof the
SMtt'of lr""i, for V i.sinuiitoii ronntr,
ou the i' U en of Julv, l"'J.I, lu a suit there
la pen. lie,!, -u wtiicii Alls rt Keilnud w.u
klAintiff i,n i K'l.i:l uth lictlmid, lternard
indred, (' V t arson. Htto llrunke. llol..
rt JiruuKo iiii'i Jil'ii y UrunK.i wers defend
aula, and whiuh u.vr.-e ilirroti d me to sell
the pr' iuise.s lien iiiulier described ami
upou t!ie lruis her.-iti ditir a--t lorih, I will
aeii at etinno i.uotiou to H e i,i Jheat bidder
at the aoulli no .r of tliu tViurt House, in
IlilUlMiro, WaHliiiii toii comity, Oregon, uu
riiitiiri'av. the -'i.do.iy ol Uepuiul er ljj. at
lUo'cl, skin the fureiioon of aaid day, ail
me loiiowiuu-oesnriii'. u tniotoriaud, l.lnw,
bring and situate lu Wnsbmutou oounty,
trretfou. ana more pnitiouisrly kuiiwm ana
ueet-rilu'd as the soui.i linit oi ihe uorthesst
quaiier ol aeotioti li, tu-snsuin a south
raliK 1 VieHl, WiliiuiiDile Vorulmu, coulMln-
ini(Ki) ar-r.-s, and lie-u? the hoiueatead laud
olsiu of Liispur li. Uaud. Uiu the follow
uiu terms 01 anie, to ,t:
U half ol the pur b'i si prieo to be paid
eaett iu hnhd; the ri iiueiiiK iueiu,t to be
piiid in one eur tr: iu thu duv ol sala, to
Uimw luUireat at the raie of Pi per ien per
entui. hi.i1 to be aj- i.ri.d b. a 'niortrjsif
Opw tl: j pruiiiisea sold, oouveyauce t J ue at
oe ijp.-ue ot lue purchaser.
'M II. roKO. tteforeo,
Tho negro a-raln W is f.dr .t b tho
enti-o or serinus troutihi l.i , l. tusm,
and the old pri-flu, 'hleedin-,'' niuy
aenln ho t.etinerly urrIi "1 to the
"One of yottlioyi has Ins -tr steal innr
rnlslim njf;tin ; I havo round themsds
on tho tiiMir. hieh ont of vmi
was It?" Tommy It wasn't ilio 1 1
.wallowod tho H.isl In mine.
Secretary Morton aut-itrs to lx
dolno; hla level l et to exhaust this
yenr'n aupply of red-hot wetitltr
ta-forf eonifnses meets, und when a
man doe his best ht should le iriven
credit for it. - V
everv wis'klv WHahlnir ilnv.
That aulphata of rrort (inpiK r.isl not sell Uiem
ami cnioride or lime, mo or tint lott . . t
dLslnfii'tanta. on but ten cents a.
N)unu, anti pieninui use of citner
in Miika and on drain during the
summer and autumn may prevent
that dreaded dNea.se, typhoid fever.
That no hamper or other recep
tacle of iill clothing, no matter
how handsomely decorated, should
be kept in a slcr-pinir apartment.
That powdered borax, plentifully
used, will eiterrolaate cockrowhtsj
and water biij. . ,
Now Is the time for that col.t-w nee
company to wt down to huiiness;
In a few mouths the nutrket wid he
ovcrst'icke'l Willi cold wnws tin !
even voting coupons at'.iu.hcd will
sepirt a little trati'T! th.tt every
Juie a wealthy man l ehnr,"';t tt ith
Yronu'inir a pa.r jrlrl (hr try of
txiokinail anould be r.t ied, mnl
"tinjrer that It shoo Id heeip'tier
aiy accepted.
l'ertitor'a ntlcc.'
JUTIf 'K is hereby Riven that tli nnder
. """sl ete iutor of tbe last will aud
tt-stanii-iitof Mile ttavies, deceased, have
Bled their fltiRl account as anch executors
with the HouoraMe Comity Court of the
Stale of Oregon for Waahintrton eonntv,
sad said Court has fixeil Mundav, tbe 4th
d.ivof hofiiamlier, IS'J.1, nt 10 o'olock of th
loreu'am of said dav for bearinu objections,
Jf eny there be, to tbe approval or said
buiil kcc iimt nd i ttlemeut of Said esttte
A. N. lAVlt8,
I ieetitors"tt4((,Ustwill and itatament
of Milin Hnvie exenepj.
Iaied. Hillsbrir.., tttntt, Auat t. lJU.
L. 1.. Kindt, Atty. for esveeator. 1(1-1 4
Slate of Oregon. WaahiuiMon roqnly a.
VOl'ICK is hereby Riven, thai by vtrto
11 of an execution duly issued out of the
circuit conrt. for the ooiintvof Washing
ton, and aiate of Oreon, on the 1 7th day of
July, lUtfil, upon a deoree and Judgement of
forenliwre duly rendered, entered and
docketed in and bv said oiromt aonrt, on
tho 17th day of July, l;i.t, u, a suit then
enditi in said eourt, in whioh I'.. 1).
Hhiitte.-h w is plaintiff, and Athnlia Walters.
Miiriy Walteia. K. I.. Wooser, W.K. Jlrock,
i"i.iuiw.,.uu iirin;in iieyneinan worw
defendiinta, whioh ,(udi-nient waa rendi n d
in favor of the planui.t, 1 will a.ll to the
hichest bidder, for eiish, within tha hours
prcsenoeanv law for snerin s asles, to-wit
on Auunat 2nt. INUi. at , n'.,l,u.k . u
at Ihe ooitrt hoota diKir In Hiltahoro in tho
come y of Waahinirtoii.atata of Oregon, all
mi riu'o. "ie ami interest ol tho defend,
lima. AttmllH Welfare. IUvm W ui.i
K. ii. titter, U ivid hears, Herman Hevne-
r,. an. ' L' II. ..L I 1 . ' .
...wvn. in UU) i me in
lowinu nrriiierty described to-wit
tiott oun and ulueof Hlinttnok'a Orchard
rioine as pi iitea and recorded In tbe ooun
ty reoorus or uiacaainaa oounty, atata of
ireion, una njn platted aud recorded in
tho n cords of Washington oounty, of aaid
roii., u laru oeiuir niiuated la aaid
Wasbiitctuti e iuuty, in the south east qnar-
vwi, vi nvi-iioii aeven, Hm risuip tnree), aootb
of ran re one west of th Willamette merid-
isu, I v.cd on as tbe iiroiiufy of Atbalia
Wuli.rs und Harry W.U alters, ber bus
band, hi s itisfy a judtjeuMul for tbe amount
f .f.'lt.irt witu interest at ths rata of 1 per
etit up to tli day ot tbe above decree to
Kuthcr Willi ull ousts and disbursement
mm nconHiu ooata ami taxes paid, and at
torn f'a fee. herein, fliven under roy hand
mm win mrs iuu iiinuay nt July, is' 1.1.
a,"', . U.V.FOHD,
a lerul of Waahinttton oounty, Oregon.
k fall line of Ureas tJoods, larladthir Rroadhead'a.,
Weata and. Bora aotlilntr. A feat for MraaiiHillle
tiatblnir. Hats, Itotds. Mioe. etc. Ala Wrwcerles,
frwokfrf and (dassnarr. : '
Aicuee IS.tlr.
XJUriCG is hereby given to whom it
11 nta concern, that on tha in.
June, A. It. John li. Huith made a
c uernl assi,ment of all hia property and
effects to the underslffued. for tba benettt
oi uis oremtors, lu accordance with the
Kftieml a-stiKiinionl laws of tha stats of
t t'lK iu. Ml isirscns baviiur claims airslast
t:,e John Ik Hraith. insolvent dahtnr.
me w e'rij niiiu-ii io present th same to
tlie under-Uned at Tualatin, Washington
eoamv, lireon. or nt the law oflioe af Mil
ler filler, to7 l-irst Htreet, rones 11
aim i.i, r '.-iiaf d, t.i;on, nnder oath, witb
tin t:eis I.I) tn.intha Iritni data ham.
Doled nt I'ortland, Oregon, tbi Wd dav
of Juue, ts'jj.
1'J D. V. MILLKILAsslimaaL
se ireutlemen who arc fturinr
on wist a (nod thinp: it Is to have a
lot oWnanufactones Hhut down for it
cki or iimnth seem to forget
the poy devil kft without employ,
went j isn't K(Hi thina for thtiu.
Admiiilstrator'a Hire.
VJOTICE U hereby oiven that theusj. .
XI STUed haa been dolv aiiint.iil m.K.1
unneiirMiii. ..r IIi.mi.i...iU it' 1A...1:. -
........ w. . .. . . ....... ... ... . Trii iiuinr,
deceased, by th I.Vintv tourt of the Su.u
of Orearm, for Wsshinatou eonntv. All
person, therefore, havin claims avaihst
raid festal are herebv reniiin-d t.. nmani
llirnr, wub nrnoer vonchera lo tna at n.
ofttev, or at I lit law olbce of 'lbo. M.
T-mene, in Hiilsls.ro, Wastnni!ti ootiutv,
urea m, w:bia si months from th date
Hillalairn, UreKon, AuK-n. Sr , ls;i,l.
tl-rare'i 5otlre.
IN tbe
TeMrlitfro' F.mantinntloa.
I EXAMINATION or teaober for certifl
A ealea, state diploma and rife diplomas
will beheld at tbe t'oort House in Hiilnh.
bemnmi i; at tl o'clock . m. ob Wednesday,
AoKuatit, ISicl.
Dated July !, 1DJ.T.
J. M. 81 ANI.ET.
Supl. of Itohool.
e nmtier ..f th aasiunraent of at . C
nr. an inanlvant n.hi. ......
bsny i:men, that 1. tha nnder'aigned, aa-
- , roiie in n. r Kvaritt, an
iiiaolv.ej, ilt(r, ),.. Uj , nnB soaoBI
a aucb a.jH,, ,n tu. Cn-mt Court, of
tti aluteuf iTs,,,, for Wslilrur,n eoonlv.
and thiit said "Hnnt will be beard arid
passed npon at the ,, said aoart, he
iiiuniriK i t lli lsbom, SKi ci-i. tbe fonrth
iliuid.iy of Noveiuuer. 1' O,-.
Ihited nt Hill-lK.ro. I lr.soil. wjis ?7th dav
of July, ISJ.J. , M. A. BAIIKET I,
,1-t Aaignea.
, Pattarare,
I bave about ano acre of ood paster
anptilied witH pond ivin water, and ander
a cood feno. hates ur paatora, $1.00
per month. Horse salted every week.
Will take alt reasonable ear of animals,
but nnsvoidnble aoeidenta at owner risk,
tfia JAMEM fj. LE, Oaatoa, Or. ,
Forest Oro-r,
ao TO THE !
Where you mill Und the Uest Teniim that can be had
Good TeamH, (Jood Unifies and ood Drivers.
Cor. Second ant! Washington 8tt.
I hare Hub-dhided Five OuLn Farm
into lots or 10 nnJ Jjriu roH in siit h
manner that well tract I'ronta a loud.
This 8ub-divisl.in I . uxIU-h vasI tVom
llillnboro and V ucvf mni l'oilland.
The land Is natural prairie, s-t tlioro In
no expclisc fir gnibbinir.
J. A. B.EIB,
i.lascnic Temple,
" " Hiilsbcio, Crecsn.
Are now making a First-Class
at their
WORKS, near