The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 19, 1918, Image 5

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Wayne Gibb« und family of mones’ Glasses.
Wilaon river are «pending ® few
T A N L A C at Littler’s Phar­
days here.
Warranty deed and mortgage
Order your winter’s supply of
blank« foraale at thin office.
coal now of t h e Forest Grove
(Jo to F A . Moore'« «tore, cor­ Planing M ill; phone 0232. 30-tf
ner Pacific Avenue and Third
Waldo Mann, the 17-year-old
street, for up-to date hair cut« son of M r. and Mra. P. M. Mann,
and «have«
Also ice cream, cold
drinka and lunchea. Phone 181 has a position on a ship and will
soon ail for Manila.
Ku.HMel Beal«, «on of Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs E. Haack recent­
Mra. William Beal«, i« working in
heard from their -on, Everett,
Pori land as booker in an automo
bile service shop. Kussell ia a who is in training for the aviation
former high -chool student, a corps near Lonook, Ark , saying
that he likes it fine there. An­
member of the 1918 cla«a.
other son, EdwaaJ, is working in
Buy your groceries, fish, veg-
etable« and second-hand house­ the shipyard at Aberdeen, Wash
George G . Hancock, real es­
hold goods of the Economy store
Doilge bldg., cor. 3d street and tate, farm loans and fire insur­
ance, new Anderson block.
Pacific avenue.
Miss Vera SchifTer has a po­
New hats, all styles and shapes,
sition as teacher in a school north at Mrs. Dixon’s Millinery Store.
of Gales City. M iss . SchifTer You can find a hat that is becom
taught the Sherwood school last ing to you, and we aie Hooveiiz
year but preferred leaching closer ing on prices.
to home this year. She is a grad­
Mrs. E B. Sapp ngton recently
uate of our local high •■chool.
received word f om her son, Evan
A dandy line of ladies’ house Ran»*«, who is now in the field
dresses and aprons at Anderso’s.
ambulance service in France. He
Restful Glasses. Dr. Semones. is a native of this city an I lived
highway here for several years with his
scenes at the Book StOie.
F N. Bellinger and wife, living
It was reported that Guy Ed-
on the base line road, dro •« to
sen was killed in action it. France,
Lebanon in their machine and
but it. is a false report. He writes
stayed several days last week.
to hi« sister, Mrs. Bellinger, that
Mr. and Mrs. N. S. W*-lls and he is alive and well, but may be
three small children, who have killed any time as he is in the
been living on a homestead near thickest of the fight. One night
Bend, will move here to live. he and other boys si -pt out all
Mrs Wells is a daughter of Mr. night and heard bullets flying all
and Mrs. H. R. Beamis.
around, and finally they had to
Money to loan— Valley Realty get into their dugouts. Mr, Ed-
Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf son’s moth r and another sister
Those little readers in the Ex­ resides in Hillsboro.
press are money-makers for the
Dr. Ward is con inuing his
and is prepared to answer
Mrs. H. F. Cramer and Grace
calls both day and night. Office
Ralston were in Portland last hours, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to
we**k for several days visiting their 4 p. m.
aunt, Mrs. C. H. Russell.
People who purchase
Bruce Roe, Harry Brodersen,
Harold Sappington and Ralph
Parker drove to Portland one day
last week and then went to Van­
couver to visit with ome of the
Forest Grove boys in training
Notice the professional card of
W. P. Dyke. He is not only an
attorney, but a writer of scads of
We deliver ice cream to any
part of the city
Tell it to phone
632. Ottice Shearer.
Go to the Erickson garage, K .
of P. building, for your auto re­
pairs, accessories, tires, gas and
Mi*. Duckworth, living on his
ranch w’est of town in the Oak
H illjection, one day last week
broke two of his ribs while work
ing in the field
Mr. Duckworth
is the father of Mrs. James An­
drus and is now quite sick at the
Andrus home on the base line
road. Mr. Duckworth is 80 years
of age.
See the Round Oak wood and
coal range, with or without gas
plate attachment, at the Gordon
Hardware Store.
Wanted— Tw o or three partly
furnished rooms for light house­
keeping. Be sie M. Cartright,
2320 Bancroft Way, Berkeley,
Mrs. Elva Atkinson, who has
been with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Baker, for a short
time, has returned to her home at
Sand Lake, Oregon.
A fine assortment of NuBone
and College Girl corsets and nov­
elty waists a t Mrs. Richards’
N ovelty Shop, Pacific avenue.
Picnic packages, paper plates,
^ aper napkins, p a p e r towels,
'hermos bottles, in fact every­
thing for your outing at Littler’s
monuments of Le.*is & Co , Hills­
boro, save the commission usually
paid to agents, as this firm deals
directly with the customers. All
monuments guaranteed satisfac
30 tf
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fruits and Vegetables in Season
South Main Street
Miss Pearl Jensen, formerly of
this city, visited the past we< k at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. S Pet­
erson. She will teach this year
near Yakima. Wash. Her brother,
Earnest, who has been in the U.
S. army stationed in th»* Philip­
pine Islands, has been honorably
discharged from the service be­
cause of a wound in the knee
which has !ert him in bad shape.
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Shipley left
Friday for Pasadena, Calif., where
they will spend the winter with a
daugh'er. Their son, Newton, is
now with Uncle Sam’s forces in
The quick action o f pure Lavoptik
eye wash is startling.
A school
boy had eye strain so badly he could
not read. A week’s use o f Lavoptik
surprised his teacher so much she
used it fo r her old mother.
W A S H showed benefit.
A small
is guaranteed
weak, strained or
inflamed eyes.
The Q U IC K result
is astonishing.
Aluminum eye cup
Littler’s Pharmacjf.
Forest Grove, Ore
is the
in our business. May we serve you?
Suits Made-to-Order $15 to $60
This scientific preparation gives increased power to
gasoline motor engines, removes carbon from the
combustion chambers and valves and prevents its
further formation, and reduces the gasoline consump­
tion more than one-fourth. It is an indispensable nec­
essity for every automobile owner. It makes three
quarts o f gasoline run your car further than a gallon
o f plain gasoline will run it. One quart o f Speedoline
costs only $1.50 and will treat about 160 gallons o f gas­
oline and make it give more mileage than 213 gallons
o f plain gasoline, thus saving you more than 53 gal­
lons of gasoline, besides removing carbon from your
motor and giving you improved service. When you
eliminate carbon from your motor you are rid o f 75
per cent o f your motor troubles, and the improved
service you will get and the smoothness with which
your motor will run will surprise you. It is worth
many times its cost for this alone, to say nothing o f
the large gasoline saving.
The same thought and attention given to business
affairs which enables you to possess a car should im­
pel you to adopt that which will reduce your gasoline
bills more than one-fourth, give your machine greater
power, prolong the life o f your engine, eliminate
three-fourths o f your motor troubles and give you
the pleasure o f having an easy-starting, silent, easy-
running motor, and one that will take the hills on high.
Kpeedoline is the only preparation o f the kind on
the market whose manufactureas stand back o f it
with a One Hundred Dollar Reward i f it doesn’ t make
good. We make this offer payable to any one who
can prove that Speedoline will not do what we claim
for it or that it will in any way injure the finest motor
or carburetor, because we know Speedoline has
all the merit we claim for it. Beware of Imitations.
Varley Cleaning Parlors
Phone 473
Forest Grove
Three doors north o f Poetoffice
Notice o f Sheriff’ s Sale
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
o f an execution, judgment order, de­
cree and order o f sale, issued out o f
and under the seal o f the Circuit Court
o f Washington County, Oregon, to me
directed and dated August 28, 1918,
upon a judgment rendered and entered
in said Court on August 23, 1918, in
fsvoi- o f Ottice Shearer, plaintiff, and
against John Dodge, Maggie Dodge,
Thomas H. Greene, Nellie Klum and
-----Klum, her husband, defendants,
for the sum o f $1500.00 with interest at
the rate o f 8 per cent per annum from
March 23, 1917, and the sum o f $120.00
attorney's fees and the costs and dis­
bursements herein taxed at $22.75 and
the costs o f and upon said writ, and
commanding me to make sale o f the
following described real property, to-
w it;
Beginning at a point 76.75 feet east
o f the northwest comer o f lot 2 in
block 8, in the City o f Forest Grove,
Washington County, Oregon, according
to the recorded plat thereof, and run­
ning thence east on the north boundary
o f block 8, 125 feet to the northeast
corner o f said block; thence south 50
feet; thence west ¡125 feet; thence
north 50 feet to the place o f beginning.
Also beginning at the northwest cor­
ner o f lot 2 in said block 8; running
thence east 76.75 feet; thence south
100.875 feet to the south line o f the
north half o f lot 2 in said block 8;
thence west 76.75 feet to the west line
o f lot 2; thence north 100.875 feet to
place o f beginning.
Will be sent to any address by
prepaid expressr
722 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
I will, on Saturday, September 28,
1918, at 10 o ’clock A. M. at the south
door o f the Court House in Hillsboro
Oregon, sell at public auction (subject
to redemption) to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, all the right, title
and interest which the within named
detendants, and each o f them had on
September 23, 1914, the date o f the
mortgage herein foreclosed, or since
said date had in and to the above de­
scribed real property, or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg­
ment order and decree, interest, costs
and accruing costs.
Dated this August 29, 1918.
GEO. A L E X A N D E R ,
You can still get R eal Gravely
Chewing Plug for 10c a pouch.
It gives you more solid tobacco
comfort than ordinary plug.
Tastes better— lasts longer.
Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore­
H. T. B A G LE Y ,
Attorney fo r Plaintiff.
First pub. Aug. 29; last Sept. 26.
Peyton Brand '
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
W. P. D YK E
Attorney at Law
10c a poach— and worth it
Forest Grove National Bank Building
G ra volfla ota b o m a c ft lo n g e r i t casts
no m oro to chow than ord in a ry plag
Phone 0132
P. B> G ravely Tobacco Company
Danville, V irginia
Forest Grove, Ore.
Successor to
-"[ hc Q uglc (\ ll -
Summon* *11 the force* and resources of the Republic to
the defense of Freedom
. In First National Bank Building
Residence 332
is t in g u is h e d a l s o f o b —
Its strong industrial courses for men and for women:
I n Agriculture, Commerce, Engineering. Forestry
Hom e Et >ooinict. M ining. Pharm acy, and
Vocational Education.
Its wholesome, purposeful student life.
Its democratic college spirit.
Its successful graduates.
Students enrolled last year, 3453; stars on its service flags, 12 $8,
over forty percent representing officers.
Collsg* opens September 23, 1818
I llu .tr.ted Booklet, and other information write to the Reaiatrar, CoresUit, Oresae
Office 333
D. D. & M. B. B U M P
Attorneys at Law
which the United States authorities have ranked as one of the
fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence in
military training, has responded to the call. The College is
distinguished not only for its military instruction, but
foundation o f our reputation^
Clea ning, pressing and repairing clothee
Public sale bills print'd at the
Express office.
Prune picking has been on in
full blast the past week in this
‘-ection, and nearly every orchard-
ist reports a bumper crop. With
the high price obtaining for this
delectable fruit, the one with a
few ac'es of prunes has a verita­
ble gold mine
------- 1
G. W. Wade has moved from
the Colonel Haynes place east o f
Mi#« Mary Cor I ha« returned town to a ranch near Dilley.
from her vacation at Corvallis.
Dr. Se­
Loans and Real Estate
D. D. BUM P,
Forest Grove.
Phone 444
M. B. BUM P.
Residence Hillsboro
Offices -H IL L S B O R O
Attorney At Law
Patent Office Business Solicited
Forest Grove,