"V — B U S I N E S S D IR E C T O R Y 8AVE8 HIRED HELP’’ B.LK.MILKER M lU tj2 iiiIL 1HJLÏi?u,l-v cim n w ith Im lf tlm liilMtr. H o lvm tin » liH p p ro b lem . W r it e l o r I U nstru t«*] UeM-riptivu A ^ r a t a l o i r M o . M io M O NRO E# CR1SELL T h e ? S < i m p l e x C ir \e ” DAIRY S U P P L II « I » 3 Kr uni S i r e s « . P O H M A N U . O K M . O N DEALERS USED CAR Clearing House. HEMPHILL'S AUTO Trade Schools I sell all male«** of care. l«ow prieea: eaay term«. Liberty bond* taken. Every Car Guaranteed. Lewis EL Obye, Gen. Mgr. of Automobile Kopairini and Driving. Op- orating Gaa Tractor«. IJoctrical .Starting and Ugbling 3y«t«m «, Magneto« and Ignition System« of all kind«. Stationary and Marine Engineering. Oayaretylene Welding. O ver­ hauling and Rebuilding Storage Batteries. Grand A ve. end East Stark St. Portland's Loading Eyesight Specialist Hr* better and eaaler with my All etudentg *aklrue up the««* vouraea «pend five hour« «-»« h clay In actually repairinir au­ tomobile« of a!) make« and one hour in rlaaa work. The Educational Dept, of the U. S, PERFECT FITTING CUSSES Dr. Wheat vn require« ell «choot« to give student« four- fifth« of their lime In actually repairing au­ tomobile«. Student« may enter at any time. Morion Bids.. W u h- I in n n t llr o n ilw n y . r iV E DAYS' TR E E T R IA L on guar- nntMnJ Rebuilt ma­ chine«. W . are al- so airenU fur the For further information inquire at HEMPHILL'S AUTO Trade Schools, Inc. WOODSTOCK Writ.- for booklet. —The— 707 Hawthorne Avenue Cor. Ea*t 20th. Take Hawthorne Car at Second and Morrison. RcheJl Trsnmirt ( •„ 304 Oik Electric m . P M W Or Service Auto co.. PO R TLA N D . OR LOON M l Oak st. Bet. Park A 9th We repair and replace all make«. Starting. Lighting and Ignition System. ---- -> Write us for KRKK Trou- EXPER TS. bln Locatinir Chart. Short Stones Wanted Muke profitable uae of | 12-25 mas TRACTOR Crei SCOUTS M AKE MOTOR RECORD F ifty o f tin? Boy 84S to y • 'J i f l U M T J L t CR I Ù C O M P LE T E LIN E O P STEEL P IU N O D E V IC E S A N C SY STE M S TH E BEST E ATS IN TH E C ITY St. Nicholas Cafeteria OET W E LL ! THOUSANDS OF 8U FFK K E R 8 W H O H A V E F A IL E D to get relief In any other w ay are Invited to Investigate Chiropractic methods, v h le k 12 H P on Drawbar; 24 H P on the Belt ; '»re permanently curing hundreds every ! day. Land Wheel Drive— Self-Steering Device. T H E B E ST O F 'C H IR O P R A C T IC A perfected light Tractor for general farm u«e. D IA G N O S T IC IA N S Over 1&000 now in operation, Latetft model now will thoroughly examine you. make a com ­ In stock for immediate delivery. Write for cat­ plete dlugnosls of your case and direct alog I). • your treatments “ W ITH T H E P U LL.” W estern F arm T ractor C o ., W I T H O U T A N '. C O S T T O Y O U W HATEVER iu i. aim train PtRTuaa, ail. i $ 1.00 Wilkaal Balk räa Ä s s * J5Ä« $ 1.50 Will Balh Weekly Rates Monthly Rates NORTONIA HOTEL P O R TLA N D . ORE. • Central Location. Beautifully Furnished Excellent Cafe. 11th and Stark. DELCO-UGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Huns the washer. Turns the wring­ er. A real help for the housewife. C H IR O P R A C T IC will permanently cure 96 per cent o f all diseases, P A C IF IC C H IR O P R A C T IC C O LLE G E Com er of Park and Yamhill. Portland, Or. H O S P IT A L In connection with college W ill handle out-of-tow n patients nt a most reasonable rate. In order to show whnt Chiropractic can do. Address all communications to DR. O W. E L L IO T T , Pres. m -- »¡ru. Y~- What i§ a Branch House? , T h e Branch House is the place in the packing organization where w hat the packing plant does for you is put w here you can use i t Both are the natural result o f grow th and development in the living thing they belong to. Swift & Company Branch Houses are located in distributing centers all over the country. T h e y are fitted out w ith refrigerating equipment to keep meat cool, sw eet and fresh. Each one is in personal charge of a man w ho believes in what Swift & Company is doing for people and wants to help do it. T h ey are directed by men w ho have spent years learning how to get better meat cheaper to the places where it is needed. M eat is shipped to the branch houses direct from the packing plants in S w ift & Com pany’s refrigerator cars, in such quantities that it can be disposed o f w hile fresh and sweet. Your meat dealer comes here to buy your meat for you — unless some­ one else can treat him better then w e can. So you need the branch house in order to live well; and the branch house and the packing plant need each other,in order to be useful to you. 125 Siath S tr««t. Portland. Oraton. He* what you want and pay for what youVet. THE BIG BULL TRACTOR m M V ery* Swift & Company, U. S. A. Scouts Know All the Forms o f Respect to the Flag and Teach Others to Apply It. O B JE C T S OF BOY SCOUTS. The Boy Scouts o f America form part o f the world brotherhood of scouts several million strong. A Q A T E C U T T E R S A MFQ. J E W E L E R S G r a n u la t e d E y e lid s , On July 25, 1018. there were 965,605 W 6 « i l ■ Eves inriameJ hv expo- Jewelry nnd watch repairing. M iller's, scouts properly registered In 15,748 tare to San, Dust am! Wind 856 Wash. St.. M ajestic Theater Bldg. troops, with 88,061 men. council mem­ juickly relieved by Murine 3“ i A U T O A C C E S S O R IE S bers and troop commltteemeu nnd Eye Remedy. No Smarting, ty Motors, gears, beatings, wheels, axles, scoutmasters. just F.ye Comfort. At and trailers. W e wreck all makes of cars The organization Is growing at the Your Druggists or by mail 60c per Bottle. and sell their parts at half price. David > For Book oi the Eye free write hi» rate o f 1,200 registrations n day. The Modes Co., N. Broadway ana Flanders. M urine E ye R em edy Co., Chicago. Motor Parts M fg Co., 125 Burnside St. idenls o* the movement nre efficient N e e d H e lp t o P a s s th e C risis Safe* j Parts for all cars nt half price. citizenship, service and character !* no more necessary l y — P r o o f t h a t L y d ia E . P in k - than S m a l l p o x , Army building. LO N G A S IL V A —462 Hawthorne Ave experience has demorxtralcd h a m ’s V e g e ta b le C o m p o u n d Auto W reckers. W e wreck cars nnd sell “ The Boy Scouts o f America,” the the almoat miraculous effi­ good parts >4 list price. See us for En­ cacy. and harmlessnws, of Antityphoid Vaccination. name under which the movement tn C a n b e R e lie d U p o n . gines, Magnetos, Carburetors, etc. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and your family. It Is more vital than bouse insurance. CHIROPRACTOR— DRUOLESS T R E A T . the United States was incorporated on Ask your physician, druggist, or send for “ Hava I M ENT February 8, 1010, has as Its honorary Urbana.HI.— “ During Change o f Life, you had Typhoid?” telling of T y p b o i d Vaccine, president Woodrow Wilson and ns hon­ in addition to its annoying symptoms. I results from us , and dang*/ from Typhoid Cartiers. DR. RAYMOND F-. WATTERS Aceute and Chronic Cases. Chi­ orary vice presidents William II. Tn ft thc a r m lammatoty . bm m ley , cal had an attack of ropractic is the most Scies tide moduciss vaccine a saauaa ueon u. s. aov. uclsst grippe which lasfc f f method of treating disease. 805-6 and Theodore Roosevelt. The active all winter and left Swetlnnd Rtdg., Corner 5th nnd president Is Colin II. Livingstone; the Washington streets. f A ™ u . me in a weakened national scout commissioner, Daniel Veal, Pork, Beef. k Nfl BN condition. 1 fe lt at Poultry, Butter, E^gs C. Beard; the treasurer, George D. DOQ A N D CAT H OSPITAL times that I would and Farm Produce, Dr. G. II. Huthman, Veterinarian Hos­ P r a tt; the chief scout executive, never be well again. to the Old Reliable Everdinsr house with a pital. 416 East 7th St. Phone East 1847, James E. West. I read o f Lydia E- record of 45 years of Square Dealings, and H-1962. be assured of T O P M A R K E T PRICES. Pinkham’s V e g e ­ DRUG LESS PH YSICIAN _____________ SCOUTS AID A IR P L A N E MAIL. F. M. CRONK.HITE, t a b l e Compound Rheumatism, Constipation, N erve and 45-47 Front Street, Portland, Oregon and what it did for Stomach trouble. Dr. Elna Sorenson, women p a s s i n g 6118 Panama Bldg. ______________ When the airplane mall service start­ through the Change ed, the Washington post office needed E L E C T R IC -T H E R A P Y o f Life, so I told my a large number of additional messen­ Dr«. MacPherson & Williams. No. 122»4 doctor I would try Grand Ave. Acute and chronic diseases, gers to deliver the mall brought by the it. I soon began to rheumatism, goiter and fem ale troubles, first aero mall carrier. trented by electricity. M OTOR C AR REPAIRING gain in s t r e n g t h Finding that nowhere near the re­ and the annoying F I N A N C IA L — MORTGAGE LOANS MACHINE WORK quired number could be employed on s ym pt o ms dis­ For M ortgage Loans see OREGON I N ­ short notice, the officials asked the appeared and your Vegetable Compound M AGNETO SERVICE S T A T IO N V E S T M E N T A M O RTG AG E CO., Stock Exchange Bldg., Third and Yamhill Washington acout headquarters fc r as­ has made me a well, strong woman so ALL KINDS OF I do all my own housework. I cannot Streets, Portland, Oregon. sistance. recommend Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege­ FOOT TR O U B L E S In an Incredibly short time 200 table Compound too highly to women Dr. O. O. Fletcher, 612 Morgan Bldg. scouts on bicycles were mobilized, and passing through the Change o f L ife .’ ’ CYLINDER GRINDING Corn«, Bunion«, Ingrow ing toenalla, and In .15 minutes every piece o f mall was — Mrs. F r a n k H e n s o n , 131t»S. Orchade arch «peclnllat. PRO M PT A TTE N TIO N delivered. They took the messages for S t , Urbana, 111. TO ALL ORDERS OPTOMETRIST A N D OPTIC IAN the president, members o f his cabinet Women who suffer from nervousness, Broadwayat Flanders, Portland,Or. "T lL A 8 8 E 8 A T a T l \ v T nc T ~ ~ “ heat Hashes,’ ’ backache, headaches Pntronage «ollclted on haala nnd other government officials. and “ the blues” should try this famous o f capable service and reason­ The fee. eight em ts per delivery, able charge«. Thousands of sat­ root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink- j isfied patron«. A trial will convince. Chaa. , was refused In every case. ham's Vegetable Compound. P. N. U. No. 37, 1918 W. Goodman, optometrist, 209 Morrison. WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE TYPHOID SH IP EL1T- MODERN APPLIANCE CO., Seattle. Wn. Tkgfri a dealer in rear territory. Pleas* write us. Are You In Trouble? The Problem» of Life: Fear, Worries, Sorrows, Love. Domes­ tic and Business Affairs, SOLVED; Nervous, Mental and Psychical Dis­ eases, TR E A T E D ; and Your Natural "P la ce” — Vocation— on Earth, FOUND by the PE R S O N A L TR O U B LE S P E C IA LIS T DR. ALZA M O N IRA LUCAS, Psycho-Analyst and Vocational Director. 53A-9 Morgan Building. Write your troubles or wants. Kncione 8 rent Address P. O. box 567. Portland. Oregon. stamp. FRED DUNDEE WELDING