The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, September 19, 1918, Image 2

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Austria Srrka to Start With Exchange
of Vira» of lirlliir*rrnta.
ST. _ _
President |Wil»on Serves Notice on
Striking Machinists.
Washington, D. C.—President Wilson
took the war labor situation In hand
personally Saturday and applied to
"lawless and faithless employes" force
In keeping with drastic measures
which he disclosed had been adopted
with his approval In dealing with re­
calcitrant employers.
Striking machinists and other war
plant workmen at Bridgeport, Conn.,
were Informed In a letter addressed di­
rectly to them by the President that
they must return to their work and
abide by the decision of the War l.ulwr
Board or be barred for a year from all
employment over which the Govern­
ment exercises control and lose all
claims for draft exemption on occupa­
tional grounds.
At the same time the President an­
nounced that the plant and buslneas
of the Smith A Wesson Company, of
Springfield, Mass., the first employer
to "flaunt" the rules of the War I<abor
Board approved by Presidential proc­
lamation, baa been commandeered by
the War Department to be operated
for the period of the war.
In effect, the President gave notice
to both employes and employers that
no labor controversies would be per­
mitted to stand in the way of produc­
tion of materials needed for winning
the war.
The great majority of both employers
and workmen Is co-operating heartily
with the Government.
With the broad commandeering
powers granted by Congress the large
measure of control exercised over all
planta doing war work, the operations
of the Federal employment service and
the far-reaching work or fight order
of the Provost Marshal-General, the
President is prepared to see that the
few inclined to stand aloof do not In­
terfere with the output of the In­
dustrial army.
Amsterdam.—lu extending au Invi­
tation to all the belligerents to enter
Into non-btndiug discussions at some
neutral meeting place, the Auatro-Huu-
People Massacred In Streets of
Brief Resume Most Important gariati government stated that the ob­ Thousands of Hun Prisoners
ject of the conference would be to
Russia’s Capital.
Already Counted.
Daily News Items.
secure an exchange of views which
will show whether those prerequisites
exist which would make the speedy
inauguration of peace negotiations ap­
pear promising.
The Austrian proposal, which is an­
nounced in an official communication
Twelve Fires Burning and Much Prop-
Events of Noted People, Governments telegraphed here from Vienna, sug­ Victory Reduce* Front From 40 to 20
gests that there be no interruption of
erty Being Destroyed Conditions
Miles Tank» and Airplane» Work
|and Pacific Northwest and Other
the war, and that the ’‘discussions
Chaotic at Moscow.
Havoc With Fleeing Him*.
Thing's Worth Knowing.
wou’d go only so far as considered by
the participants to offer prospects of
Elimination of 550 styles of rubber
T h« Proposal calls for all the bel-
Washington, D. (’.--Thursday's ad
Washington, D. C.—The number of
footwear is called for under a war lif?*rents to send delegates for a con- prisoners taken by the Americans In
vices indicate that a reign of terror
time schedule of production announced fidential and unbinding discussion of flattening out the St. Mlblel sallout
recalling the days of the French revo­
by the war i n d u s t r i e s board.
| the
Principles for the conclusion now numbers 13,300, General Pershing
lution is In progress at Petrograd.
of peace, in a place in a neutral coun-
1 he Siberian government at Omsk. ^ and
a near date that would yet reported in his communique for Sat
A dispatch from the American lega­
urday. No mention was made of the
a fortified town of Asiatic Russia, has have t0 be agreed upon.”
at Christiania said reliable Infor­
declared war on Germany, and has
The proposal says the conference number of guns and other booty cap­
had reached there that Petro­
ordered the mobilization of the 191S wouid be one of “delegates who would tured.
burning in 12 different places
The enemy. General Pershing said,
and 1913 classes.
be charged to make known to one
and that there was Indiscriminate tnas-
is retiring before the steady advance
The purchase of $1.000.000 of fourth another the conception of their respec- of the Americans, and is destroying
acre of people lu the streets.
liberty loan bonds by the Modern tive governments regarding those prin-
Secretary leasing. In announcing
large quantities of materials as he
Woodmen of America is authorized by ciples and to receive analogous com- goes.
receipt of the message, said It did not
the executive council of the order, in munications, as well as to request and
indicate whether tbe massacre was
The text of the statement follows:
session at Rock Island, 111.
give immediate, frank and candid ex­
organized or merely was a result of a
"headquarters American expedition­
planations on those points which need
general state of anarchy.
Omaha, Kansas City and St. Louis i
ary forces.
to be precisely defined."
There was nothing to show what
were placed under a grain embargo |
"Section A—In the 8t. Mihiel sector
The government announces that a
the Bolshevik authorities were
Tuesday by the United States railroad j
we have achieved further success. The
note embodying Its suggestions has
in the situation.
administration because the full stor-
junction of our troops advancing from
been addressed to the various bellig­
age capacity of those markets had i
the south of the sector with those ad­
erent powers, and that the Holy See
Stockholm.—July and August were
vancing front the west has given us
been reached.-
has been apprised of the proposal in
of horror that never will be
The seventh Australian war loan a special note. The governments of
by persona who watched
campaign was inaugurated enthusias- j the neutral states also have been made points 12 miles northeast of St. Mihiel
great cities—Petrograd
and has resulted In the capture of
tically Wednesday. The first bond acqUainted with the proposal.
through the mad
sold went to the Lord Mayor of Mel-!
attempt of the Bolshevlkl to shoot or
bourne. It is hoped to raise £40,000,-1 WasMngt0n, D. C.—Germany’s latest
imprison all peraona who disagreed
*n a monl*1 a campaign.
peace feeler, advanced through Aus- the enemy is retiring and Is destroy­
with their wild efforts to control
ing large quantities of material as he
Greece now has 200,000 troops un tria, it was officially stated Sunday,
European Russia. Septem­
goes. The number of prisoners count- i
der arms and could raise an additional best finds its answer in President Wll- ed has risen to 13,300. Our line now Eugene V. Debs Found Guilty. ber will probably be worse, for the op­
100,000 if it were not handicapped by son's Baltimore speech delivered last
includes Herbeuvllle, Thillet, Hatton
Cleveland.—Eugene V. Debs, the so­ position parties are gaining strength
the lack of shipping facilities, accord April.
vllle, S t Benot-Xammes-Jaulny-Thia- cialist leader, charged with violating through desperation.
ing to a statement made by Michael
"Force, foice to the utmost, force
The Uvea of the non-Bolaheviki are
court and Vlevllle."
the espionage act, was found guilty
AcopouloS, the Greek minister of ag- without stint or limit, the righteous
and everywhere in Ruaaln self-
by a federal Jury here Saturday.
and triumphant force which shall
is forcing unwilling belliger­
With the American Army in Lor­
Debs' defense consisted ot an ad­
Socialist members of the municipal ma*e rUflit Lhe law of the world and raine.— The St. Mihiel salient has
up arma against the ruth­
dress by himself in which he explain­
council of Berlin raised th^food ques- cast every selfish dominion down in been wiped out and the enemy forces
of the so-called com­
ed that he was working for the good
of a coun­
tion in the council meeting Thursday, th® dust,
are now virtually with their back on of the whole world, but as to the
ter revolution, which shoots down the
according to the Telegraf. One speak­ That was the president’s answer the famous Wotan-Hlndenburg line charges he said:
er exclaimed, “It is time the war came then, and, it was reiterated Sunday, with the Americans and French par­ "I deny nothing; I repudiate noth­ bourgeoisie by the hundreds
Leon Trotzky, tbe Bolshevik minis­
to an end." The public gallery ap­ it is his answer now.
alleling them closely from Verdun to ing; I retract nothing.”
of war, ia evidently determined
plauded loudly.
the Moselle.
In Judge Westenhaver’s instructions
of all the allies.
his dictatorship of the proletariat
The German resistance is stubborn, to the jury, he pointed out that the
British aviators again have bombed !
repeat the history of the for­
but prisoners continue streaming to crime charged could be committed
the railways at Metz-Sabloqs and
government and (all
only in time of war.
Mainz and docks and sidings at Karls­
"One's political belief, no more than
ruhe. Seventeen direct hits were ob­
Ex-Premier Kerensky fefused to im­
tained on the Karlsruhe objectives, ac­
pose the death penalty, and his gov­
mercy, Toul and Nancy now is open ns an excuse," said the court.
cording to the air ministry communi­
fell almost without the loss
to the entente allies.
Debs was found guilty of attempting
cation Wednesday.
but observers of the Russian
All the villages in the St. Mihiel to incite insubordination, disloyalty.
Twenty-six ships, with a deadweight
Washington. D. C. — The United salient were captured by the Amerl- etc., 11. the military and naval forces; political situation say that no such
tonnage of 147.520, were delivered to states, as was fully expected, has un- cans and the front in this sector was ; attempting to obstruct recruiting and bloodless end can come to the soviet
the shipping board by American yards conditionally rejected Germany's peace reduced from some 40 miles to a little
uttering language tending to lncfte, republic. It has given no quarter and
during the first 13 days of this month, | feeler. In doing so the government under 20 miles.
It will receive none.
provoke and encourage resistance to
the board has just announced. Dur­ has spoken for all the co-belligerents.
the United States and to promote the
ing the same period 28 steel and wood
Almost immediately after receiving
With the American Army in France. cause of the enemy.
Gasoline Shortage Near.
ships of 150,370 deadweight tons were the Austrian government’s note from —Prisoners continue to arrive In the
The count on which he was adjudged
Washington, D. C.—Fuel Adminis­
the minister from Sweden, Mr. Eken- back areas from the front. One corps not guilty charged that he opposed
trator Garfield informed the senate
Boy Scouts of America have sold gren, Secretary Lansing Tuesday is­ headquarters was choked with Ger­ the cause of the United States.
Thursday, in response to the I^odge
more than $17,000,000 worth of war sued this formal statement:
mans Friday morning, the prisoners
The maximum penalty is 20 years'
resolution of Inquiry, that unless con­
“I am authorized by the president including a major of the 419th regi­ Imprisonment and a fine of $10,000.
stamps, headquarters of the organiza­
steps are taken Immediately,
tion in New York announced Thurs­ to state that the following will be the ment, who had been captured with his
be a deficit of approxi­
day. Sales of individual scouts aver­
entire staff. His cheeks were still
Peace Near, Saya Hertling.
mately 1,000,000 barrels of gasoline at
aged $11. while 2471 “ace” medals have tro-Hungarian note proposing an un­ wet with tears, shed over his capture.
London.—Notwithstanding the dec­
been issued to boys who disposed of official conference of belligerents.
Enemy ammunition dumps are lination of Germany’s peace offer, the end of the year. At the rate of
“The government of the United known to have been blown up by the Count von Hertling, Imperial Chan­ consumption In August he estimated
$250 of these "baby bonds.”
that thero was only about one month's
States feels that there is only one artillery of one corps alone.
cellor, announced that peace Is nearer-
"Hinkey Dink” Kenna, for 40 years
reply which it can make to the sug­ The fine work done by the tanks in than Is generally supposed, according* supply ahead.
noted as the dispenser of the "largest
A shortage of gasollno In California
gestion of the imperial Austro-Hun­ the beginning of the offensive Is Illus­ to an address made by the Chancellor
and coolest” beers in Chicago to the
garian government. It ha3 repeatedly trated by the execution of one machine before the trades unionist leaders In is tliown In the report which states
motley First Ward and widely known
and with entire candor stated the In command of Sergeant Graham. This Germany, says a disaptch to the Ex­ that stocks on hand in that state Jan­
with Bathhouse John” Coughlin as
uary 1, last, were 1,502,000 barrels and
terms upon which the United States tank ran far ahead of the Infantry and change Telegraph from Copenhagen.
political czar of the First Ward, will
on Aug. 1 the supply dropped to
would consider peace and can and will captured a battery of German 77’s, 17
The Chancellor declared that both
open an ice cream parlor next year,
entertain no proposal for a conference heavy machine guns, five light ma­ the German government and army 848,000 barrels.
when the country goes dry.
upon a matter concerning which it has chine guns and 75 prisoners.
leaders desired an understanding and
Greatly concerned over the ootton made its position and purpose so
Radio Station Powerful.
When the tank went Into action the peace.
strike, Premier Lloyd George Tues­ plain."
sergeant crawled to the top of the
D. C.—The new naval
Count von Hertling said the govern­
day night from his sick bed issued an
Mr. Lansing's statement was given turret and directed the operations ment and the army leaders were radio station at Annapolis, Md„ the
appeal to the strikers to return to out within half an hour after he had from there.
against all conquests.
most powerful In America, is now In
work and leave the decision in the received the Austrian proposal.
Another tank unaided took 30 pris­
As soon as he was convinced of the operation. First messages sent were
matters under dispute to the govern­
Impossibility of an agreement with the from Secretary Daniels to the First
ment after an inquiry by a special
Spanish Influenza in East.
The losses to the tanks have been upper house on the suffrage question, Lord of the British admiralty, the
tribunal, to be immediately appointed.
Washington, D. C.—Surgeon Gen­ very small. Only two of the machines the Chancellor said he would alssolve French minister of marine and the
Italian minister of marine.
Representative Albert Johnson, of eral Blue, of the public health service, have been destroyed entirely, and In the lower house.
The station, which has an operating
Washington, has been commissioned has made a telegraphic survey to de­ the tank corps the Americans have
Prince of Hesse Willing.
radius of 4000 miler was completed
as Captain in the army chemical war­ termine the extent of Spanish influ­ suffered only four casualties. Not a
enza In the United States. He has man has been killed in connection
London.—Prince Frederick Charles In ten months and cost $1,500,000.
fare service.
found there was a sharp outbreak at with the operations of the tanks.
of Hesse has declared his willingness
Presentation of the government’s
Fort Morgan, near Mobile, Ala., in
American aviators have been taking to receive the crown of Finland, says
Full Honor Given Women.
evidence against Eugene V. Debs, the
August and at about the same time a the most active* part possible In the a dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph
Atlantic City, N. J.—Women who
socialist leader, charged with violating
tramp steamer arrived at Newport present fighting, and notwithstanding company from Copenhagen.
serve as ambulance drivers and nurses
the espionage act, was completed
News with almost the entire crew the bad weather, have been flying over
The prince Is visiting Finland, ac­ on the war fronts will be admitted to
prostrated. Philadelphia reported a German territory without opposition. companied by a strong guard.
the full honors of the army and navy
Handbills calling for a general strike few cases some four weeks ago and a
There seemingly can be no more
The Finnish landtag is summoned union, according to plans mapped out
of workers, hinting at internal revolu­ few have been reported from New talk of German mastery In the air. It to meet September 26 for the election
by the national executive committee
tion and brazenly exploiting proGer- York. The Boston outbreak was re­ is asserted that German balloons have of a king.
of the organization In session here
man propaganda, have been distribu­ ported- September 11, since when the been shot down near (name deleted).
ted profusely about Salt Lake City, it epidemic has appeared at New Lon­ One daring flyer swooped low to at­
Prince Frederick Charles Is a broth­ The union has 52,000 members, com­
was announced Thursday by United don, while New Orleans has not wholly tack a retreating battery and shot one er In-law of Emperor William, having
prising men honorably discharged
States Attorney W. W. Ray.
of the officers dead from his horse.
married the emperor’s youngest sister. from the army, navy or marine corps.