% WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK PEACE OFFER DISCLOSED Austria Srrka to Start With Exchange of Vira» of lirlliir*rrnta. WEES WIPE OUT ST. _ _ 4 DEMANDS INDUSTRIAL PEACE President |Wil»on Serves Notice on Striking Machinists. Washington, D. C.—President Wilson took the war labor situation In hand personally Saturday and applied to "lawless and faithless employes" force In keeping with drastic measures which he disclosed had been adopted with his approval In dealing with re­ calcitrant employers. Striking machinists and other war plant workmen at Bridgeport, Conn., were Informed In a letter addressed di­ rectly to them by the President that they must return to their work and abide by the decision of the War l.ulwr Board or be barred for a year from all employment over which the Govern­ ment exercises control and lose all claims for draft exemption on occupa­ tional grounds. At the same time the President an­ nounced that the plant and buslneas of the Smith A Wesson Company, of Springfield, Mass., the first employer to "flaunt" the rules of the War I